How best to calibrate MMP in Dota. How to calibrate the battery on "Android": Step-by-step instructions and reviews. Set the starting line

MMR, Ware, Calibration. Professional players, commentators and ordinary users share results, complain and praise. If you do not understand what is around happening and is it worth going to enter, explain how the selection of a new rating is going and what has changed per night.

What is going on?

Valve introduced a seasonal rating in the fall of 2017. Players and cyberportsmen have long argued that this is necessary development. After trying to realize recalibration in Battle Pass, the developers did the same in the main client. However, everything went wrong smoothly.

Attentive and restless users of the Reddit Forum were calculated that "Calibration" was only as in words. In fact, the rating was simply squeezed, and for players with average indicators it was all the same plus / minus 25 MMR per match. Unless the numbers disappeared and pictures appeared. Complaints began that all this is meaningless. They wanted to be in the "deserved" ranking for 10 games, and then such a stand.

In the new season, Valve tried to fix two mistakes at once. First, the cost of calibration matches has increased to please those who complained about the meaninglessness of the seasonal rating. Secondly, the system began to take into account only victories and defeats, without taking the calculation of the indicators like KDA and GPM. Thus, developers wanted to reduce the number of disputes for the crosses in the game.

And again something went wrong.

What is wrong with new calibration?

Experimed by REDDIT users and professional players have calculated that one victory or defeat on average can cost a player from 200 to 700 MMR (in rare cases). For 10 calibration matches, it was possible to rush up to 2000 up or down from its previous rating. It came to absurd cases when players with the initial 7000+ MMR wins 8-9 matches and turned out to be 1000 below.

Professional players passed peculiar swings. Jackie Eternalenvy Mao calibrated two accounts. Mainly with statistics 6-4 received an additional 450 MMR and scored more than 8000. She finished on the reserve with a result of 7-3 and lost 100 MMR.

Muhammad Inyourdream Risk played its calibration matches with statistics 6-4. And at the same time received the transcendental figure of 8,973 points. Of course, the starting MMR has been high enough, but even the player himself it seemed that there was something wrong.

But the example of Ivan Vanskor Spear showed that everything, in general, is not so scary. Played with equal statistics - earned the same result.

In any case, the results turned out to be stunning. Especially after the first calibration, which practically nothing was worth players.

And what is really important?

After a short survey, the remedies described the calibration process. In the first match, the player pick up rivals according to its current rating. With each victory, the average MMR allies and opponents increase, and with each lesion - decreases. Moreover, the gap can be quite tangible. The final MMR system dismissed the average of the final match of calibration.

First, the result of the first card. According to Vertoxity1, it is the starting match that provides the most influence on the subsequent rating of rivals and teamages. He literally discarded or raises you upward or lower. There are results that confirm that MMR can be lost even with the first defeat and 9 subsequent victories.

We worked on a new calibration method in the upcoming season in Dota 2. Now the victory / defeat factor in qualifying matches is now important. The balance of the team and the potential scatter of your rank will also be taken into account.

Everything is simple and understandable here: if the user threw back, and he won the match at a lower ranking, then it will give him a small increase. If he wins on a high rank, then he shines a little more additional points. Thus, once losing to weak opponents, "work out" this defeat will have a couple of victories on the same ranking.

Thirdly, this is a selection system. There is nothing to do anything except to wait for the prime time and play when the network is more rivals of different levels. Some users have suffered from the fact that they are too much discarded back. But it's not about defeats, but that the system, trying to find opponents weaker, too expanded the search range in the sense of time. As a result, one lost card on Ancient 4 could lead to a search in one pool with Legend 3.

Finally, good luck factor. Since only victories and lesions are influenced by calibration, no one is insured against the fact that the game shrins him with something not satisfied the guy. So you have to drag, as they say, for yourself and for Sasha. But the likelihood of getting the same character in the opposite team is also great if only you have no problems with the rating of behavior.

As a result, the calibration was reduced to the fact that you need to win the first match, it is advisable to finish the victories on the striking and believe that Gaben will be on your side.

You won - get MMR. What then is wrong?

Basically, after the survey it turned out that rewardors and pro-players concern exceptionally big "cost" of each game.

"I was Divine 5 (5,4K), lost 6 cards, won 4 (lost 700 mmr). Got ancient 4 (4.7K). I will play in one bracket with the same Divine 5 players who have lost too many matches, and real Ancients who played 5-5 on calibration. And even with Legend, who won more than 6 games. This is even more disabelan! "," Wrote a reddit user under Nick Scatmandota.

Troils Synderen Nielsen also addressed the same problem in his blog. He noted that it would create odd matches in the ranking, and too much time will be required on their natural balance.

"Yes, what's the difference, all over time will return to its places." Yes, of course. The problem is just that the quality of the games will now rapidly fall for all players: And for A, and for B. So it will be if nothing else is not It will change because many players got too distorted ranks, "Nielsen wrote.

For example, a difference of 1600 MMR, which during calibration could be obtained for 3-4 games, during the season I would have to restore 64 cards (provided 100% of the WINE).

In addition, such a high "cost" of calibration matches has activated boosters. For them, this is a wonderful way to quickly earn on the players, which were unhappy with the results of the last season.

And what else scared so much?

Here it is worth saying thanks to Reddit and Toropagam with posts, which were shared by their results, without explaining the context. Let's start with the most common option. Here is a player who has an old Divine 5 medal, and new - herald 2.

In fact, it is worth keeping in the mind that the profile shows the highest medal for the season. Perhaps this guy forced to Divine 5 or part of the ranking he raised with the help of team games. After his Solo-MMR descended, but the medal did not displays it. And according to the results of calibration, all his "feats" came to the light. Such investigations conducted practically for each frightening screenshot. Most of their authors used the services of boosts.

A separate category of people frightened the community by not taking into account how a group rating is influenced by a medal. Users, the whole season held matches with the company and raised ranks at the expense of the team ranking, played 10 matches in solo and got the wrong result. Do not worry, the command players will go on as soon as you return to the usual mode.

Finally, players have forgotten that Valve removed one star from each rank. Now the countdown begins with a unit, and not from scratch. Together with the standard rating deflation, this can lead to significant changes in the medal, but the almost unchanged number in the profile. So do not be afraid if suddenly stayed without a beautiful picture.

At the very beginning of calibration, the forum user led the preliminary results of MMR compliance with new medals.

How did Valve solve this problem?

On the night of June 8, June 9, the developers have published a short blog, which was reported that the calibration system was torn and added too much points. Now the results are automatically recalculated according to the new formula. It is not necessary to replay anything, you just need to go into the profile and check how much you returned or taken away.

According to the preliminary calculations of the players, now the cost of the game has decreased to about 50 MMR on average. At the same time, this number is also varied depending on the strength of rivals.

For example, a guy from the first post, with 9 victories lost 1000 MMR, rose to 7.6K. But the commentator Alexei Bafik Bafadarov was fortunate less.

Player Team Empire Andrei Chostic Kadyku, apparently, too.

Now what's wrong?

Unhappy will always be. Let's start with those who have lost his glasses with recalculation or returned not so much as I would like. From here posts of disappointment, sadness and requirements of justice. Satisfied rarely boasts that they managed to receive extra 200 mmr.

Another group of people is dissatisfied with the fact that the recalibration again turned into a useless event. They are 40-50 MMR for the game a little. It is not too different from ordinary matchmaking. And, accordingly, the result they will get the same thing that makes the process with meaningless entertainment.

Well, finally, almost everyone agrees that 10 cards are not enough to determine the rating.

"Roll back all calibration and make it anew with a greater sample to reduce the accident factor. Perhaps players must spend 25 matches? Or even change their number depending on how the indicative was the same or another game. Result 15-10 (60% Wareh) is much more reliable than 6-4 (60% WINRIT), "said Troels Synderen Nielsen.

But even if the next time Valve finds a suitable amount of points that you need to give and take away the victory, the ideal number of the necessary matches will be removed and the boosters will be punished, they will still be unhappy. Because if you lost MMR, the system is to blame, and not you.

Battery malfunctions are one of the biggest problems with which users of mobile devices can meet. If you notice that the battery life of your smartphone or tablet has declined sharply, it is better not to postpone the case in a long box and take it in calibration.

So, in today's article, we consider how to calibrate the battery on Android.

Signs that the battery is not in order

First of all, it is necessary to find out why the performance of the akummulator has deteriorated: the case in the battery itself or in the calibration system. After all, in case of physical damage, no software setting will help no longer help. Getting to the tablet battery is quite difficult. So better not attempt, if you do not know how it is done correctly. With phones, everything is much easier.

There are cases when a tablet is needed. How to make it, will be described below.

Remove the back cover of the phone and remove the battery. Well inspect it for the presence of bulbs. Some smartphone models are equipped with non-removable battery (non-Removable Battery), which are inserted into the device, or the same type covers. Then inspect the rear panel, whether it is repeated. If your phone no longer lies flat on the table, then this may also be a sign of bulging in the battery. If you have the battery, your smartphone should be attributed to the service center. Otherwise, to independently read how to calibrate the battery on Android.

Do not forget that there are many other causes of bad performance of the acumulator. For example, if the smartphone stopped charging, most likely, the problem with the port for the charger.

What is the calibration of the battery?

How to calibrate the battery on "android"? What is this process?

In each device based on Android or iOS there is a special controller that collects statistics on the battery energy consumption. It defines the true amount of energy in the battery at the current time. Sometimes problems happen to this controller. It ceases to display real numbers, from which the phone can, for example, turn off ahead of time (that is, before the charge level reaches zero).

Calibration is needed to reset standard settings. It sets the level of charge, according to the current technical condition of the battery.

How to calibrate the battery on "android" without root rights?

Immediately, it is necessary to make a reservation that calibration will not increase the battery capacity, but only make the controller displays the correct information. Which is also very important. The easiest way to calibrate the battery on "Android" is a complete charge and discharge, but this method may not affect the battery life. However, if the battery gives you too much inconvenience, it makes sense to risk.

  1. For a start, let your device fully discharge until it turns off.
  2. Connect the charger to the phone or tablet and, not including the device, hold it on charging for several hours. It must be charged completely.
  3. Disconnect the charging cable.
  4. Turn on your mobile device. Most likely, the indicator will report that the battery is not charged one hundred percent. Put the device for charging again, but now do not turn it off. It is necessary that the indicator shown a hundred percent.
  5. Repeat these steps until the indicator starts to show the correct information.
  6. After that, once again allow the device to fully discharge and turn off, and then charge it again.

Android Battery Calibration: Customize charge controller via root

It should be reminded that it is not recommended to use the above method too often. Even when the battery is discharged to such an extent that the phone does not turn on, it retains a small charge that allows you to avoid system errors. But it is better not to experience fate and calibrate the battery manually no more often than once every three months. Simple words, the full discharge or overload of the battery is extremely bad on it affects it.

The following method is even more effective (and no less risky), but it is necessary to get root rights. So, how to calibrate the battery on "android" using root:

  1. Repeat the steps described above.
  2. Install the Battery Calibration application. Before installing, make sure that the charge indicator shows a hundred percent. Restart the device.
  3. Immediately run the application. Battery calibration it will do it yourself.

Here, in fact, all. We hope that the question of how to calibrate the battery on Android, is now resolved.

Want to know what it is like to configure Vive? It is quite simple, because in the process, a cute assistant has tremendous assistance. Its call is carried out through the Steam VR application by selecting the Room Setup ("Configure Room").

We liberate space

Before engaged in self-calibration, it is necessary to prepare a place: the more, the better. HTC Indicates the minimum size of the room 2x1 m, however, the recommended values \u200b\u200bare 3x3 m. Tip: Try to place a computer out of reach of other people or large pets. This will significantly reduce the risk of falling the device. In addition, if cables of base stations are prevented under their feet, it is better to spend them along the wall to the nearest outlet.

Synchronizing monitor

After connecting the controllers and the helmet, they must be placed in well-visible for base stations place - for example, on a computer chair. The next step will be synchronization with the monitor. To do this, you just need to get up in the center of the liberated space and the right hand with the VR controller to point to the monitor. It remains to click on the trigger, wait a bit until the status strips are filled on the screen - and voila!

Set the starting line

For proper system, it needs to be understood where the floor is located. Unfortunately, the base station is not capable of independently measure the space. However, you quickly cope with the task: you just need to put both controllers to the floor and follow the instructions on the screen - ready.

Measuring space

The fourth stage of calibration is to assess the space itself. You also inform the system, in which place you can easily move. And a smart assistant will come to the rescue. Your actions: Raise the controller on the elongated hand, holding the hook, and calmly bypass the space available for action on the edge.

Calibration check

Calibration results will be displayed in the next window. To optimize or run the process again, it is enough to click on the "Edit" button ("Edit").

Welcome to the era of virtual reality!

Congratulations! You are ready to start! It is better for checking whether everything in your virtual universe works like a clock, contact your Lab mini-games available for free on Stream. Well, then - everything is in your hands. The fascinating world of VR is open to everyone, and only depends on you, whether you will remain in it forever or return to reality.

Batteries of modern smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system have sufficient capacity so that the mobile device has worked without recharging more than a day at an average load. Over time, of course, the ability to hold the charge weakens and the gadget has to be charged more often. The first serious problems in the work of the battery usually begin after 500 cycles of complete discharge / charging, but in some cases a significant reduction in battery life can be observed after 100-200 cycles, and if you take in time after a few months.

The first thing that usually comes to the mid-fiber user in such a situation is the battery replacement. However, this is an extreme measure and resort to it only when the battery has physically developed. In any case, it is better not to rush and to start to perform such a procedure as the android battery calibration.

What is calibration and what it is needed

Calibration is the creation of any device, in this case, the battery, to the optimal state, in a word, optimization. It is running in cases where problems arise in the device that are not due to the physical wear of the components of its components.

The reason for the calibration can be stopped by stopping the charge progress at a level that does not reach 100 percent, the fast discharge that has not served its battery life, turn off the device from autonomous power when the level of 50 (or less) percent is reached, as well as shutdown immediately after the battery was Fully charged. In this article, we give a few examples of how to correctly calibrate the battery on android. The main ways to calibrate two are hardware and software. Let's start with the first.

Manual hardware calibration battery

Working your smartphone Connect to the power source and wait until the charging indicator becomes 100 percent or the maximum value. After that, turn off the device completely and re-connect it to the power grid. When the signal appears on the screen, that the battery is fully charged, turn on the gadget and deactivate the backlight auto-help function in the screen settings, that is, sleep mode.

Bring the charge level to the limit again, and leave the device to discharge with the display turned on. After the battery is spent the entire stock of energy and the device will completely turn off, again put it for charging (not including) and bring the charge level to 100 percent. Calibration is made, do not forget to turn the sleep mode again.

Calibration software with root access

The second method involves the use of third-party software and the availability of superuser rights. First of all download and install the program from the market Battery Calibration from superthomaslab. After that charge the device to the limit. Then run the application, provide him with root-rights and see what level of charge it shows.

If the battery is not all right, most likely, the values \u200b\u200bof the standard indicator on the screen and the parameter in the program will differ. Continue charging until the level does not reach the maximum, and then press the "Calibration" button and restart the smartphone.

Software calibration without root rights

You can calibrate the battery android by the software method and without the superuser rights. The application intended for these purposes can also be found in the Google store. The most popular of them is Battery Calibration, Only this time from the developer of NEMA. Battery reset with its help is carried out by the same principle as in the epiminal application from Superthomaslab.

Calibration through recovery mode

There is another working way to perform a smartphone battery calibration. This time, third-party programs will not be needed at all. Turn off the device, and then simultaneously pressing the volume button, turn on and "home", boot into the recovery mode.

Go to the "Advanced" section, find the "Wipe Battery Stats" option and reset the battery setting.

Retreating from text. Cleaning using "Wipe Battery Stats" deletes a system file batteryStats.bin.containing battery usage records and data on previously produced calibrations. The same program like Battery Calibration. Everything seemed to be correctly, only the point in disputes about the effectiveness of this method was not set so far.

Some Google Engineers, in particular, Diana Hakbourne, argue that the calibration of the BatteryStats.bin file to delete the BatteryStats.bin file is nothing like a myth. According to their authoritative statements, the specified file serves solely to collect information about the use of the battery by processes and in no way affects the autonomous time. However, many users assure that it is cleaning that BatteryStats.bin allowed them to increase battery efficiency on their device.

Engineering menu or Hard Reset

In fact, this calibration method involves a complete reset of the device to factory settings, as a result of which all data, including the use of the battery, will be deleted. The method is considered radical, as all programs, licenses and user information will be deleted in this case. Before discharge, it is recommended to fully discharge and charge the battery five times. After that, login is in or directly downloading in recovery mode and the device is complete.

So, we learned how to make battery calibration on Android. As far as it is effective, it depends primarily on the physical state of the battery. If its age is more than 3-5 years or the number of full-digit / charging cycles has reached the limit values \u200b\u200baccording to its specification, then you need to think no longer about calibration, but about the full replacement of the battery.

- These are not perfect systems. They may have different lengths, imperfect geometric shape, disorders in the composition of internal electrolyte, etc. All this affects their characteristics and, at the same time, it is quite normal, since certain tolerances exist in any production. Therefore, everyone needs a calibration that helps the instrument to establish the ratio between the signal from the electrode and the pH value in the solution.

Calibration is a very responsible moment! We must be aware of the impossibility of measuring the pH with accuracy greater than the standards used. For example, if you want to work with an accuracy of 0.01РН, then it is necessary to perform the following conditions: the total error of the pH meter and the electrode should not exceed 0.005 pH and it should be calibrated with special attention on special high-precision buffer solutions. It is impossible to buy such solutions because they are not stored. They will have to be prepared independently, using specially trained reagents and water.

If you do not have the ability to prepare a buffer with an accuracy of +/- 0.005 pH, you will have to be content with branded buffer solutions, the accuracy of which is provided at +/- 0.02РН. When calibrating according to such standards, the total error will not exceed 0.04 - 0.03 pH, provided that the error of the device is in damage 0.01 pH. This is the most common practice, and you will not find any methodology or GOST, where the maintenance of pH would be required with an accuracy higher than 0.05 pH. The exception is only some pharmaceutical and specialized production.

Modern pH electrodes are usually combined, i.e. In one case there are a pH electrode, and an electrode comparison. In addition to easy access, it provides a faster response and reduces the total error.

The isoelectric point for such electrodes is pH \u003d 7 (0 mV). Therefore, first of all, the instrument should be calibrated on a neutral pH buffer (for example, 6.86 or 7.01). The second point should be chosen at a distance of about 3 pH units, i.e. pH \u003d 4 or 10. If the device is calibrated by two buffers, the choice of the second point depends on the range in which you are mostly working. If these are alkaline solutions, then use the buffer with pH \u003d 10, if acidic - with pH \u003d 4. This is associated with a certain difference in the tilt of the calibration lines in the acidic and alkaline area. There will be no problems if your device can be calibrated for three and more points. In this case, the order of calibration is not important, since the pH meter tracks it on its own.

On inexpensive pH-meter models (Hi8314, Piccolo, Checker), two screws are provided for calibration: one to adjust the isoelectric (reference) point (pH7), another to adjust the inclination (pH4 / 10). Very often, when used, they are confused, and the situation occurs when the mutual position of the screws does not allow calibration. In this case, before carrying out the calibration, you should set both screws to the average position (1/2 turn for Piccolo and 15-16 revolutions for other models from the extreme position).

The most advanced pH models have so-called. GLP support, which in addition to the date of the last calibration makes it possible to estimate the state of the electrode based on data on the attitude of the tilt of the calibration curve to theoretical value (59.16 at 25 ox) in%. If the device has no GLP support, but there is a measurement mode of the MV, then the tilt can be calculated on its own, measuring the MV value in the pH buffer \u003d 7 and pH \u003d 4.

For example:

ph7 \u003d -10 mV
pp4 \u003d +150 mV

Tilt \u003d 150 - (-10) /59.2x3 \u003d 90.1%

95 - 102% - electrode in working condition,

92 - 95% - the electrode needs cleaning,

Less than 92% - it is necessary to change the electrolyte or replace the electrode.

The problem of thermocomptation, automatic thermocomption

The problem of compensation of temperature changes is one of the most important and most difficult solved in pH metry. Measurement error occurs in three reasons: the temperature of Nernst is the temperature; The equilibrium concentrations of hydrogen ions in buffer and samples are changed depending on temperature; The characteristics of the pH electrode depend on temperature. 1. According to the Nernst equation, the theoretical slope of the calibration curve varies with the temperature. If the device does not take into account this change, then an error is added to the measurement error, an average of 0.003рн per degree Celsius and each unit of pH from the isopotential point.

For example: the device is calibrated along the pH \u003d 7 buffer at a temperature of 25c.
Sample with pH \u003d 5 at 20c, error \u003d 0.003 x 5 x 2 \u003d 0.03
Sample with pH \u003d 2.5 at 2c, error \u003d 0.003 x 23 x 4.5 \u003d 0.31

Sample with pH \u003d 12 at 80c, error \u003d 0.003 x 55 x 5 \u003d 0.82

Compensate the change in the tilt of the calibration straight is very simple, so it makes almost any modern pH meter, with the exception of the simplest. This is what in advertising prospects and specifications is called "automatic thermocomption" (auto-metrocomigation, PBX, ATC). But none of the instruments make it possible to take into account the following two components of the error.2. A much more complex task is to compensate for changes in equilibrium concentrations of hydrogen ions in samples with a change in temperature. The problem is that it is impossible to predict the nature of these changes to the exact chemical composition of the sample. There is only a general pattern that pH of neutral and alkaline solutions is stronger dependent on the temperature change than the pH of acidic solutions. When a temperature change by 25-30 degrees, the pH may change by 0.5 - 1 units. Ordinary overall rhm meters do not take into account this factor, and it is impossible to take into account, as solutions are very different. Exceptions do not constitute and buffer solutions:



What you need to know about thermocompensation

1. Under automatic thermocomption in the pH-metry, only taking into account the temperature included in the Nernst equation is meant.

2. If you want to know the exact pH value of the sample at 25c, the only real output is to measure it at 25c.

3. In addition to the above reasons, the temperature affects the electrode housing itself and the electrolyte in it. All this markedly affects the pH value. Almost none of the manufacturers do not take into account this. The exception is ORION, which has developed LOGR technology. Its essence lies in the fact that the resistance (R) of the sensitive part of the pH electrode is inversely proportional to the temperature:LogR \u003d 1 / T In addition to accounting by the temperature of the electrode varied with the temperature, it makes it possible in principle to abandon parallel temperature measurement, replacing the temperature in the non-resistance equation with the reverse logarithm of the electrode resistance. Unfortunately, due to the low temperature measurement accuracy, this technology was not widespread.