What is the name of the National Russian. Peoples of Russia. Punch in the rope

Vladimir Lebedev

31.01.2012 - 16:27

Russia is a country of 100 nationalities. Someone here is not: both Tatars, Ukrainians, and Azerbaijanis, and Chechens, and Mordva. And all the nations - the honor of honor is responsible for the question: "Who? What?". That is, are nouns. And only one nation of Russia - Russians - answers the question "What? What kind?". That is, are an adjective - part of speech, which describes signs of the subject or its belonging.

Most likely, the word "Russian" is a truncated form of a wider expression "Russian people" or "Russian people." That is, people living in Russia (and, accordingly belonging to Russia). That is, it is built exactly according to the same rule as the expression "Soviet people", from which the concept of "Soviet", similar to the concept of "Russian", has already become formed.

In other words, the "Russian" is as far from the concept of nationality, as well as Soviet, based on which everyone knows, is the word "advice". Moreover, the Council as a body of political power. In this sense of Soviet people, it is possible to call the "parliamentary people" or "by the Majlissian People" with the same success, meaning only the form of their state political structure.

What was the political device in ancient Russia? Veva. So why did the Russian people called "the elder", and called "Russian"? Yes, because the adjective "Russian" refers our people on the fact of belonging not by the evening, but to Russia, which was not the name of the state authority, and the state themselves. More precisely: a species of the state, which actually amounted to the sign of the distinction, according to which our people received the name "Russian".

What is this state and where it was? And it was called this state, more precisely, the type of state - "Rus", and was ... And where, by the way, was the state named Russia?

You will be surprised, but historians are still arguing about where Russia was located: from the Far North of Europe (Rus Normanskaya) to the extreme south of Europe (Russia Khazarskaya). Moreover, in the same case, historians do not know exactly what the name "Rus" happened, for which they come up with a variety of toponymic explanations, which usually reduce the fact that the river was called, near which Russian people lived.

Here we are "cheap lidks", which, unlike other peoples, proudly referred to themselves Chechens or Avars or even Bashkirs - they took and called named some kind of river, which almost every year dries up, leaving the great and mighty Russian people without turning toponymic ridge.

Does it seem convincing such an explanation for the name of the Russian people? We are not. Moreover, we are firmly confident that the Russian people are at all our national name, just as the name of the Soviet people have never been the name of any people who are part of the USSR, former, as well as the world empire. And the empires is such a huge formation that, as needed, they are always divided into administrative puts. Type of satrapy in the Persian Empire or Uluses in the Tatar-Mongolian Horde.

So our ancient empire was divided into "Rus" or "Reich": Great Rus, Malaya Rus, Kievskaya Rus, Lithuanian Rus. Rate the latest name: Lithuania + Rus. Could the word "Russia" with an obvious national definite "Lithuanian" mean nationality? Not.

And what can she? Mean the state form of division: type of republic in the USSR. Do you know when the empire has become called the republic? The Roman Empire (and the speech is only about it) became called the republic after the empire, as a result of the mass relocation of rural barbarians in the city, the city turned into policies - the city-state, which primarily indicates that one The Empire, controlled by a single emperor collapsed into parts, that is, to the policies. On the very policies, from which such words were formed as "uluses" (P + Olis \u003d P + Uluses), and "Pruses" and "Rus".

You ask what the word "policy" means?
Yes, the same as the word "ulus" or "Rus" - namely: thread or cut or Ryazan (here's another Russia - Ryazan), which in modern language sounds usually as "cut" (who has a cottage knows that It is), although in Russian historical literature they are usually called feudal "put on" (this is such a large land plot with the city at the chapter, which is spent in possession of the prince). That's the word "policy" (from which all the names of the slices or inclined in the world, including the German Reich, which is Russian "Root") means just a cut, or as they used to say - climbed (remember that the word "thread "Previously, it began with the letter" L ", and the example of" blades "instead of" Saviar "is the best confirmation of that).

As a result, we see that the word "Russia", from which the name of our people occurred does not mean anything else, except the name of the policy or ulus, or the cut, to which we were attributed after the embarrassment of the empire, who collapsed under the blows of the barbarians Steppe - the same Tatar-Mongols or Persians, which actually shared our unified Roman Egyptian empire for their uluses or satrapy.

We will now not delve into the details of this process, but will limit ourselves to the question: what nationality were Russians? Kiev (if I keep in mind that our national history begins with Kievan Rus)? Great (if I keep in mind, what exactly was the name of the Great Rus, within which the Velikorsosa lived - the current Russians)? Moscow (if I keep in mind that Moscow has become a political center, around which all parts of the broken imperial people moved from the Mediterranean to the north of Europe as a result of the outcome of Slavs). There are no such nationalities and have never been (with the exception of the offensive national nicknames of the Moskal type).

What remains in the rest?

Only one name: Slavs, which appeared in Europe (including in Northern Europe), when subjected to the invasion of Varvarov, the last Bastion of the Empire - Byzantium. It is at this time - and we are talking about 5-6 centuries. Our era - in Europe, where neither take, there is a huge migrating column of Slavyan - mysterious ants, consisting of 12 tribal unions, namely, Sloven, Curvic (by the way, that's how us, Russians, are still called Balts), Northerners, Drevlyan , Polyan, Dregovich, Ploie, Volynan, Radmich, Dlebov, Vyatichi, Croat.

Asks: who were these mysterious antines? And the antines are no one like guys or Ventes or Venenyov known in the history of the fact that they were coming from Rome (where they built Venice and all other Roman cities), and even earlier - from Troy, which after taking her barbarian Danaires they left under the leadership of Eney. And three - how it is now reliably known - this is a city in Egypt, which was in the first Memphis number under the name of the tours (with the etymology of Troy - with + Troy - I regain or ST + ROU, that in Egyptian sounds like a "place from a dull mountain" The roe of the earth was built - and in this form it's about the pyramid of Heops).

In other words, speaking of the nationality of the Russians, we, above all, should proceed from the fact that the Russians ... these are the Egyptians.

Second: Russians are Romans (more precisely: the indigenous population of the Roman Empire, part of which was Egypt)

Third: Russians - this is not just the main population of the Empire, but also his native ethnic group, which was subjected to assimilation by Varvars steppes as a result of the so-called Sinakism, the result of which actually became the degradation and the fall in the empire, which turned into the Plabeian Republic, followed by the division of its policies or Ulsi or Rus.

Fourth: Russians are consistently expelled from the Empire the original ethnic groups, which did not want to mix with the barbarians steppes and preferred the outcome from each new place of residence if barbarians became the predominant population.

So there was a formula of three Ryov: the first Rome is a three of them, which Russians left when Turks-Arabs prevailed.

The second Rome became Rome, who left the Russians when the Roman Empire won the barbarians-Turks to the Persians.

The third Rome became Moscow, which became the last Rome for the Russians, because it was nowhere to retreat for Moscow.

According to the materials of the journal "Opponent"

The Russian people since ancient times were famous for not only a unique and extremely interesting culture, but also fascinating games for both children and adults. However, time, warriors and the influence of European neighbors gradually overshadowed old Russian games. Now they begin to revive and do not cease to admire their liveliness, original ideas and tasks filled with noisy fun.

Having learned the hard rules of Russian national games, you can immerse yourself not only in the exciting world of childhood, but also to understand how our ancestors lived and rested.

Russian folk games and their rules


This game is known since ancient times, however, its rules are now known very few. The meaning is that it takes from 60 to 100 sticks with a length of 10 cm. They are put into the bag, and then poured onto a flat surface. The sticks, pouring, falling randomly and the challenge of the game is that everyone takes turns on one bitching, trying not to disturb those that are near. The one who, who, after the dismissal of the whole heap, has the most collected "trophies". To make the game even more interesting, you can make wands in the form of a blade, spear or spoons. For such flavors, more points are accrued.

Golden Gate

This game is highly dynamic and is designed not so much on the agility of its participants as they are on their luck. The rules of the Golden Gate are as follows: two players become opposite each other and connect their hands in such a way that the gate come out. The remaining participants are taken by the hands and take turns through them. Players, the components of the gate come back:

Golden Gate
For the first time says
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
Do not miss you!

After the song ends, they give up the hand, and those players who fell also become a gate. Thus, the chain of participants gradually decreases. The game ends at the moment when everyone becomes a "gate."

Catch fish

To defeat this game you need to have a good reaction and speed. The meaning of this fun is that the participants form a circle, in the center of which is "water" with a rope and rotates it along the floor around its axis. The task of the participants is to bounce over the rope. That game that clings to her leaves the game.

Hot place

This fun is perfect for those who love to play the catchy. Its meaning is that in the center of the site is indicated by the place, which will be called hot. "Water" should try to catch the participants seeking to get into this place. The one who catch is helps "water." If a player manages to achieve a "hot place", he can rest there as much as he wishes, however, going beyond its limits, it will have to run away from "water" again. The game lasts up to those time until all players caught.


This game allows you to check the power and endurance, so the boys like it most. The meaning is that the participants are divided into two equal teams. After that, one of them will be an "elephant", and the other will jump on it. The participant of the first team comes up to the wall and bends, resting in her hands. The next comes from behind and wars his waist with his hands, tilting his head. The remaining players also make. It turns out an "elephant". The first participant of another team runs up and tries to jump on the "elephant" so that there is a place for other team members. After the whole team was on the back of the "Elephant" to win, it should hold out for 10 seconds. After that, the teams can swap.


This is a very mobile and cheerful game. According to its rules, you need to choose two participants: "Monk" and "Seller". Other players become in the rank, and the seller tells them whispering any color. After that, the following dialog happens:

The monk enters the store of paints and says the seller:

I am a monk in the blue pants, came for paint. - What?

The monk calls colors (for example, red). In case this color is not, the seller answers:

No one! Jumps on the red carpet, on one leg, you will find boots, pony, yes ago I bring!

At the same time, the monk is given a task: to go checker or jump on one leg. If, there is such a color, the seller answers:

There is such a thing! - How much is? - Five rubles

After that, the monk slaps the seller's palm five times). As soon as the last cotton sounded, the "paint" participant jumps up and runs around the rank. If the monk catchhes out, he becomes "paint" himself, and the one who caught becoming in his place.

Swan geese

This fun for those who love active games. Its meaning is that two wolves and one leader are selected from all participants. All others become geese. The leader needs to be on one side of the site, and swans to another. Wolves stand gone "in ambush." The leader pronounces the following words:

Gus-swans, home!

Run, fly home, stand wolves behind the mountain!

Why do we need wolves?

Gray geese pinch Yes bones Glotch!

When the song ends, geese should reach the leader and try not to be caught wolves. Those who caught, come out of the game, and the rest are returned back. The game ends when the last goose is caught.


The name of this game happened from the ancient Russian fairy tale "Pink", so its meaning is somewhat similar to this work. It is perfect for the development of the reaction and coordination of movements.

The rules of the game are as follows: All participants become in a circle and begin to drive a dance. In his center there is a child - "repka", and behind the circle "Mouse". All players during the dance are kicked by such a song:

"Grow re-pon-ka!
Grow Crea Pon!
Neither small nor great
To mouse tail! "

While the song sounds, the repka is gradually "grows", that is, rises. After the end of the song, the mouse should try to penetrate into the circle and catch a rep. The rest of the participants can either interfere with it or help. After the mouse caught a repka, new players are selected.

There is another variation of this game.

Players become each other and wrapped around the waist of the previous participant. The first of the players must hold onto the tree trunk. The game begins when "grandfather" is trying to push the extreme member from the rest of the team and so while "repka" will not be completely "elongated."


This is one of the common variations of a mobile and physically developing game. Its participant diverges on the court, closing their eyes, and their hands are held behind his back. The presenter puts one of the players in the hand subject to the "times, two, three" account all open their eyes. The hands of the participants remain behind their backs. Then the player who has a subject says: "I am Salka." The rest of the participants should escape from him, jumping on one leg. The one who touched the "Salka" himself becomes "water". An important condition is that the "Salka" should also jump on one leg.

Punch in the rope

This simple game will help develop the reaction rate and have a good fun. Its meaning is that a dense rope is taken, which binds to the ring. All players get outside and take him with one hand. In the center of the ring stands "water". He must have time to "plant" one of the players, which then becomes in his place.


This old Russian fun, the rules of which our parents, grandmothers and grandparents know. Its meaning is that all participants are divided into two "Cossacks" and "Robbers" teams. Cossacks choose their place in which they will equip the "dungeon" and choose the guard. The robbers at this time are running out and hiding, leaving the arrow and other tips on their way. Cossacks should find every robber and lead to the dungeon. With each caught player, the watchman remains, however, other robbers can help the team's partner and, grabbing the guard, free the captive. The game ends when all the robbers are caught.

Rogues so that they could not find them as long as possible, they are completely run away together, and then divided.

According to one of the versions of this game, the robbers make a secret password, and the Cossacks should learn it. Therefore, the game lasts even after catching all the robbers until the password is recognized.

"You go quiet"

This noisy and cheerful game requires not only skill, but also resourcefulness. Before starting, you must draw two lines on Earth at a distance of 5 meters from each other. Before one of the lines is "water", before the other - the rest of the players. The task of participants will reach "water." Who will do it first becomes in his place. The difficulty lies in the fact that "water" periodically says: "You go quiet - you will go further. Zamri! ". After this phrase, all players must measure, and the goal of the lead - to try to make each of the participants, without touching it. You can build grimaces, look closely to the eyes, telling funny stories. If someone from the players laughed or smiled, it returns back to the line.


This is a very mobile and cheerful game. First you need to draw two circles on Earth. One of them will be "Berg" with a "bearish", and to another - a house for other participants. Players come out of the "house" and sing: "Mushrooms, berries take. And the bear does not sleep and root on us. " After they are experiencing, bear fruit runs away from their burgroles and tries to catch up with the rest of the players. The one who will catch himself becomes a bear.


This game was very popular in the old days. It is perfectly developing attention and speed. Its meaning is that the players in the amount of 11 people choose water, and then divided into pairs and form a column. "Water" becomes back to the participants and does not look back. In front of him in twenty meters the line draws.

Participants feed the following song:

"Gori-Gori is clear
So as not to go out.
Look at the sky:
Birds fly away
The bells are ringing!"

After her end, the last pair disconnects the hands and runs on different sides of the column to "water". Having grew up with him, they scream: "Once, two, not rave, run, like fire!". After that, the "water" begins to chase this pair and should "plant" one of them, before they trust up to the line and take hands. If he succeeded, he becomes a couple with the remaining member, and the one who caught up with the duties of "water." If you can't catch up, the pair becomes the head of the column, and the "water" continues to "burn".

This game is distinguished by the fact that it can be played for a very long time until the participants get tired.

Vintage Russian games People came up with care for their children, with thoughts that they would not only have fun and vigorously time, but also learned to communicate with each other, recognized the price of friendship and knew what honesty and mutual execution. There is nothing better than fun in the fresh air, which help not only get out of the familiar stuff of closed rooms, but also find faithful friends, see the world in all his fascinating paints, as well as give freedom of their own imagination.

Modern children consider old and games, in which we played up with pleasure - modern adults, in their childhood. This "ring", "the sea is worried", "bounced", "classics", "rubberry" and others.

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