Klondike City Missing Expedition Last updated. Tips and secrets Klondike - Missing Expedition. So for what I love Klondike

Successful passage "Klondike" You will provide knowledge of secrets, tricks and many nuances that will significantly simplify the gameplay, because you have been delivered to you to find a missing expedition. In our database, the most basic words are collected. We hope that using them, you will be able to find your father along with his colleagues.

First of all, it is worth noting that the entire gameplay is simply saturated with various secrets, from which the game becomes even more interesting.


Extract such a resource as coal is best manually using only energy, so you get not only the necessary resource, but also an additional experience, and maybe you will be lucky and you will find some of the elements of the collection.

Regarding Kamenotesov, it is necessary to apply them to break down large stones on crushed stone. When the opportunity to break large boulders will be the main character, then it is worth using Kamenotes. The same can be attributed to the woodcutters, during the deforestation of the forest with the help of woodcutters, the chances of finding something useful are much reduced.

If you want to hire a job in a sawmill or a quarry of your friends, then you should hire those who have completely few friends and attend the game quite rarely. For you it will be only a plus. Hire for each of them you can three people.

The game also provides assistants, helping which will be completely disinterested. Such assistants are Eskimos who will meet you immediately upon arrival at the station. Everyone else has to pay.

When hiring workers, it is worth remembering that they need housing. Therefore, take care of the additional construction of housing buildings you need immediately. The better the housing conditions from the employee, the better works and agrees to fulfill its work for less salary.


During the passage of tasks, it is necessary to collect with animals as many products as possible. Each of the animals have their own limit of life, after which dies, turning into a gold statue, to open which only its owner can. Elements of the collection and many other useful things can fall out of these statues. Also during the cleaning of the territory from weeds, do not hurry to remove all the grass, because your animals need to leave somewhere otherwise you will have to acquire hay.

Limits on animal resources, on the exhaustion of which animals dying:

  • for sheep wool in an amount of 25 units;
  • for birds 25 nests;
  • for cow milk in the amount of 50 units;
  • for the pioneer cow milk in the amount of 200 units;
  • for breeding sheep wool in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a rabbit grass in the amount of a maximum of 26 units.


The passage of this game project will be much more interesting in conjunction with friends and not only. The joint passage will be much productive. Add new friends to yourself, send gifts to them, perhaps you will get a retaliatory useful things.


Having found the golden core, you should not relax. In this game project, she changes its place weekly. Therefore, you are constantly in search of golden veins. Each time you dig under the new construction, because the golden lived will bring you useful things in large quantities.

It is also worth remembering that a larger amount of gold falls out during the last blow to the energy for such a resource as pyrite. The resulting gold can be sold to purchase useful things or other resources. If you put in the process of this process, it can only get the usual stone.

Excessive will not be unnecessary if you dig next to the new building of your friend, because it is so much easier to find a golden core. Digging in a new place where no one has digging earlier very helpful. Sometimes, in this case, quite interesting things fall out in the form of a treasure from a heap of gold and experience.

Weekly on each site in any of the places there are twenty lives. At the same time, the veins can be found anywhere and buildings, stones, grass with scenery is not an exception. The more items you will focus in one place, the more likely to find a golden core. It is worth noting that the search for gold lived quite advantageous lesson, allowing to enrich.


In order to earn money in the game, you should not sell products from a warehouse, it is still useful for you in the future. If you still need to make money quickly, it is worth selling in small batches, because you do not know which resource, and at what point you may need.


It is difficult to find any element from the collection, so before exchanging or selling a collection is good to think about whether it is really necessary. At any time you may need some of the collections. It is worth noting that the most interesting collections can be obtained from gold monuments of animals.

Important moment

When you send your assistants to the Eskimos, you can do other things yourself - to produce and develop other natural resources: ore, clay, coal and pyrite. Get minerals, you get energy, experience and money. But the last unit of the resource should be mined independently, thanks to this, you will increase your experience. Sometimes it will bring gold and parts of the collection.

One of the secrets

Daily in the game you are given 100 shovel for free. They are necessary to take advantage of the neighbors and friends. With the help of a shovel, you can pick up even eggs from the nest from the neighbor, provided that the egg is covered with some plant.

To get eggs, you must first click the mouse on the things that the laying of the eggs are covered, and then already along the nest itself.


During the gameplay, you need to control and take care of increasing energy levels. The energy of the hero is growing enough. First, its level is equal to 15. In the process of passing, its level is gradually increasing. Having reached the 20th level, you will receive twenty energy.

There is also the possibility of improving the limit, but for this a short time is reserved. When the energy level falls and is approaching more and more to zero, try to break the stones, cut trees and some other resources, the more, the better. Energy caches are under all these resources. Also, energy can be found in bread, various baking, rabbits and gold monuments.

  • Tips on the game from Klondike.
  • Workers.
  • Resources.
  • Animals.
  • Shovels.
  • Golden veins.
  • Friends-neighbors.
  • Coins.
  • Collections.
  • Energy.
  • Adventures.
  • Questions on animals.
  • Issues in energy, emeralds, coins.
  • Questions about friends-neighbors.
  • Questions on materials and collections.
  • General issues.

Video reviews for the passage of the game "Klondike"

Where to find a golden vein

How to earn a million

Since 2012, thanks to the Belarusian company "VIZOR INTERACTIVE", lovers of browser games can spend time with an online strategy "Klondike: Missing Expedition."

The game has become a real "boom" among users "VK", "Odnoklassniki", "Male.ru" and the Polish site "NK.PL". At the same time, the developers continue to conquer other countries: it is planned to issue versions available to a number of world-famous social networks.

"Klondike: Missing Expedition" is available for users of 4 years, and the number of players grows and grows.

The reason for this is the features of the game. When registering, you opens your personal small world, which requires constant participation. You must control everything, performing different tasks. At the same time, each time their complexity grows, and the time for their passage increases.

"Klondike" - for real fans of games about farm

The game, like most of the like, does not require constant investment of funds, however, for faster development, it is necessary to buy crystals that occurs for your money.

Game "Klondike: Missing Expedition" - plot

Once you receive a letter from your parents. They report that they went to search for gold, and you should deal with their affairs. However, it takes time, and you are all alone. And here the new news: the expedition with the parents disappeared! Your goal: find it.

Now you live like a real colonist - mining treasures, means for existence, gradually drawing up the place of its temporary refuge.

Food takes place at the expense of animals that you will grown. These are geese, chickens, turkey and cows.

In the game of the game, such tasks will occur in front of you:

  • Collecting materials and resources in those buildings you will do.
  • Collection of seeds, vegetables, fruits and care for them.
  • Mining treasures that need to be sought.
  • Buying and selling items.
  • Visits to friendly territories.
  • Attracting new helpers who will help watch the cleanliness and keep everything under control. If you suddenly need anything, but it will not be possible to grow, you have a store with various goods sorted by sections. You can purchase seeds to plant them, buy everything to improve your buildings, feed for animals and their ourselves. You also have a list of mercenaries that will be ready to help you. There are clothing so that you are not frozley and went in pure.

Game "Klondike" - advantages and disadvantages

Pluses of the game:

  • Interesting story;
  • Not bad drawing and design;
  • The presence of tips.


  • Only one hero is available, which is not possible to change;
  • Your hero is not voiced - he has no voice.

Successful passage of the game "Klondike" implies the right actions and tactics. If you know them, you can easily develop and achieve success.

  • Your hero can produce many actions in turn - just specify them.
  • For cancellation, click on the red cross.
  • You will be provided with a card as a reward for one of the tasks performed, you can conquer new territories with it.
  • You can mark the desired items like those you want to place them in a special section.
  • Found treasures need to be taken immediately until others stole them.

The game has many buildings that you have to open:

  • Steel factory, in which you will make a lot of items at the same time.
  • In the house where fisherman lives, you will produce things for successful fishing;
  • In the building of trees processing, you will produce wooden materials;
  • At the dairy factory you will have to process milk into various milk products.
  • Metal objects you can also produce at a special factory.

Also available buildings for glass processing, lighthouse to look for treasures,

sawmills to cut the trees available in the game. In the forge you can make chains, fire and other items. And this is not all. The rest of the buildings will open the game "Klondike"

Some buildings are sold in the store in a complete form, and some need to spend a considerable amount of resources.

One of the features of the game is an extended map. There is a lot of locations, where you have to travel. To achieve them, you must use different additional devices.

On the map of the game Klondike available 19 settlements. All of them are created to perform various tasks, as a result of which you get rewards.

In the game you can become a collector, collecting materials and other things. Then you can make an exchange with friends or even get crystal resources. Two collections are available: for Vikings and hunters. The first can be replenished, dust under the statues of gold animals and forest trees. The main source for the second are rabbits.

In general, the game "Klondike: Missing Expedition" will delight all lovers of economic strategies!

Imagine that one day you get a note from your parents in which they write that they leave with an expedition to the East, leaving you granted yourself. That is how it begins klondike game gamein contact, in which the chief hero will go to search for the missing expedition.

You will live the life of brave travelers, equip the places of your temporary existence, getting food and look for treasures!

You will eat, as it should be in such games, only healthy food. The main food suppliers will be various living creatures chickens, turkeys, geese and cows.

In the game you will have many different cases, so it will not be bored. If you try to generalize everything, your day will consist of approximately these classes:

  • collection of products - Collect materials and resources on buildings throughout the territory;
  • harvesting- Screw, water, seit and collect harvests on the beds;
  • search Treasure- Under each tree and stone on the territory there are real treasures that you have to find and collect;
  • trade- Buy and sell things;
  • friends - go to visit friends and find treasures on their territory;
  • hiring workers - Eskimos will help you clean the territory.

Nature will provide you with everything you need for life, and the fact that it will not provide - you can buy in Store. The game shop is a bench in which there are the following sections:

  • seeds;
  • scenery;
  • the buildings;
  • animals;
  • greenhouses;
  • energy;
  • workers;
  • extensions;
  • clothes.

In fact, the game Klondike is the same farm, but with the ability to travel, which gives it uniqueness.

Pluses of the game:

  • the presence of an interesting story;
  • good graphics;
  • brief and understandable training.

Cons Games:

  • there is no possibility to choose the floor of the character;
  • there is no voice voice.

Secrets of the game Klondike

The game Klondike is still quite new and not so many players managed to switch to senior levels. Therefore, you have a real opportunity to become the discoverer not only in the plot of the game, but also according to the real state of affairs! In the meantime, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our tips for passing the game Klondike. Well, if you have already managed to find loopholes in the application - share with other players in the comments to the article!

  • You can immediately ask several actions to your character - it will perform them in a given order.
  • If you asked a character too much actions and want to cancel them - click on the red cross in the right corner of the application.
  • To get the opportunity to travel, you need to find a map in one of the tasks.
  • If for a long time you can not find the element of the collection or the very necessary thing to pass the quest - add it to the "Wishlist" in the game, and then your friends may very soon give it to you.
  • Finding caches, know that other players have the opportunity to pick up treasures before you.

Download (Install) The game Klondike in contact is free by reference

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend reading.

The story tells about how the father of one boy went to the expedition to a distant country in search of treasures. It happened so that he did not return. The son grew up, and did not lose confidence for the day that his father is alive. Finally, he himself decided to organize an expedition in the footsteps of his father and try to find it.

You are in beautiful places with richest nature. Here is a real klondike in everything: the freshest air, the purest water, and most importantly, the sea treasure everywhere. Of course, the Earth does not give his riches just so, and to get them, you will have to work hard.

Country here: Build a house, get homemade cattle, grow agricultural crops, develop dating with locals and, who knows, can you manage to find traces of missing expedition.

Can download game Klondike: Missing Expedition On your computer, it does not take a lot of space, but think about whether it makes sense to do, because it is always available here, you just just open this page.

Make a break and play in online Gameswhich develop logic and imagination, allow you to relax pleasantly. Relax and distracted from affairs!

Full screen

The game In the categories of strategy, quests, casual games are available is free, around the clock I. without registering With a description in Russian on Min2Win. If the features of the electronic desktop allow you to deploy the plot of Klondike: the missing expedition to the full screen and strengthen the effect from the passage of scripts. Many things really make sense to consider more detailed.

Have you ever dreamed of finding a real gold deposit? Then Klondike: The missing expedition will help you to fulfill the dream! There are many advantages here.

  • First, it is a browser, so you can play it without installing any customers.
  • Secondly, it is made very high quality: good graphics, atmospheric musical accompaniment, thematic heroes.
  • Thirdly, there is a plot in the project, not inferior to most client games.

It seems that this should be enough so that you want to start playing the game Klondike? As soon as you install the application, you will start to lose a few hours a day (so if you have a session or grandilage now, we advise you to postpone get acquainted with the game until better times).

Klondike is a game that is suitable for gambling. During the gameplay, new tasks regularly appear regularly, so you will constantly need to strive for something. Particularly interesting is the thematic tasks that the project prepares for holidays. It is commonly "festive" tasks are temporary, so they need to be performed first, otherwise it will not work the original and useful gift.

Surely, you thought that in Klondike: Missing Expedition Gold is the basis of the plot. But, having come to disappoint you (or to delight, decide for yourself!): In addition, you have to find the gold deposit, you (and it first) will need to find traces of your father. According to the plot, the main character is a boy, the dad whom a long time ago went to the expedition to the north. He regularly wrote the letters to his wife and son, but once the letters stopped coming. Everyone considers the father of the chief hero of those who died, but the boy does not believe in his death. Now, when the boy grew up, he is ready to repeat the path of his dad and learn about all secrets.

Klondike to play, where the quests for the main character begin with the place that the latter was described in the letters of the disappeared father. Here you with your ward meets a cute northernineal name of a dumb shadow. He will become your guide and assistant. Major shadow will give you Kirk Father and tell you where to look for hidden inheritance. The receipt of "transmission" from the Father, the hero will be able to start his journey. Communication with local residents will replace the training mode. A mute shadow will explain that it will be necessary to do, and pop-up tips will demonstrate how. Since the search for gold is a long-lasting process, you will have to set up near the mine.

Klondike: Missing Expedition will show you along the game, how to care for small garden and pets, improve your character and raise levels. Each of the next level opens the gamer the way to new tasks and artifacts. The project is interactive, that is, you can play with your friends. Walk to visit to each other, help the neighbors - it can bring additional prizes bonuses, sometimes virtue even allows you to get the most expensive currency - stones.

Klondike: Missing Expedition - game exactly for you, if you like adventures covered with mystery!