Legion: Priest artifacts. Extermination - Paired Blades of the Tempeaker

Disassembled guide how to get a hidden appearance of the artifact in the Legion for each class and specialization World of Warcraft. In addition to the secret appears, we will also tell about the secret effects of artifacts.

Note: This guide is devoted only to the opening of one of the 24 artifact formation (for all 36 WOW specializations). Information about obtaining other options for the appearance of artifact weapons, as well as all the other information about this aspect of the game, see here:

Exterior of artifact weapons

Each artifact in WoW Legion has one secret appearance (appearance). The source of obtaining the hidden appearance is different for almost all artifacts, for example:

  • Mining with monsters and bosses
  • Purchase for reputation with fractions
  • Passage of special scenarios
  • Building special buildings while pumping a class of class

After you open access to the secret appearance of the artifact, you will have another 3 additional colors. To obtain these colors, you need to perform various actions, with an equipped artifact and active hidden appearance:

  • Complete 100 dungeons
  • Run 200 local tasks
  • Kill 1000 players of the opposite fraction

In addition to secret appearance, some artifacts have secret features - they can work when the artifact will be on the character. In this guide, it is also described about the features, and about the appearance of artifacts.

For obtaining a hidden appearance of the artifact, the achievement of hidden potential is provided.

Hidden appearance of the appearance of artifacts

For convenience, the guide is divided into sections in classes and specializations. For each branch, the additional effect of artifact weapons is first indicated, and then information on the opening of the secret type of artifact.

Death Knight

Blood - Damned Eater

  • To open this quest, you must finish the main chain of tasks in Suramar (up to the task of the collection of troops) and have 400 ancient mana with you (read how to get an ancient mana).
  • In this scenario, you earn points for the number of mounted monsters. The more points, the more you get plates with the secret magic of Falaanaar (reputation with vague) and more objects from the final chest.
  • There are many tips and tricks for this scenario - for example, start with a large number of troops and simultaneously open small chests for items like a traveler's bank chest and a bowl of ancient mana. More tips (in English), as well as the video can be found in the website of the Woven.
  • In the section about getting the appearance for DD Monk there are videos with tips on the passage of the scenario in Russian.

Video of appearance:

Death Knight ice - blades of the fallen prince

How to get a:

The runes fall from the world boss, the dispensers of the shower Mevra provided that you have 4+ level of artifact knowledge.

Death Knight Unchecity - Apocalypse

  • Requires the level of artifact 6.


  1. When Ancholi DK uses the ability of the artifact, an orc with a book may appear nearby. DC cereals will shock something in chat, and after their disappearance on Earth, the initiator of the region will remain - the Merzocide Journal. It must be chosen (you can not read).
  2. After that, in the Citadel Knights of Death I could see the disguised door next to the Merzocide processor.
  3. We go into this door, we kill the roguese, the secret appearance of the artifact for Ancholi DK falls from it.

Demon hunter

Extermination - Paired Blades of the Tempeaker

The hidden effect of the artifact of DH DD is not yet known.

  1. You need to knock out Amulet Candrael, which may fall during the execution of local tasks in Suramar.
  2. Take the amulet to Cantrael Double shadow on the hill to the west of the fortress of the default soul.
  3. The NPS will throw you up to the low-speed. Debuff is hanging on it, creating winds - they allow you to fight in the air.
  4. Fight with a minor, staying in the winds (in order not to fall to the ground) and using planning when it throws back.
  5. When the boss is killed, you can get the lyrine of the Herald of death with him.

Revenge demons hunter - Aldrachian combat martial blades

The hidden effect is still unknown.

The secret appearance of the artifact: opens by the anger of anger of the Iron Guard.

  • At 2 levels of the development of the class of the class, select Circle Empty and then use the portal that appears.
  • From the killed demons in the portal, anger of the Iron Guard may fall. The chance of loss is still unknown.


Balance - Spit Elune

  • Sunfire seed sells Sylvia deer horn in Val'share. To purchase, you will need an exception with the fraction of weaving dreams.
  • To get a clean drop of the Joodsex juice, you will also need an exception of weaves of dreams, as well as at least 5 level of artifact knowledge. In compliance with these conditions, the drop will fall out of the first boss of the thicket of the dark heart, the Supreme Druid of Gladalis.

Faer Druid - Plotshkoy Fangs

  • This item can be obtained for the call of conversion.
  • In the emerald path of dreams you can see in the chat of emotions associated with certain portals (internal land, Feralas, Twilight Forest). Go through this portal, find the nearest lunar stone and touch it.
  • Repeat it a few days until the ancient spirit of the Moon (Koshosov) does not seem and will not give you the pen of the spirit of the moon.

Druid Guardian - Cogs Ursok

  • The subject falls from Ursok in the raid Emerald nightmare.

How to open the secret Druid Tank Difference:

Healing - Hanir, initial tree

  • At 2 levels of the development of the class of the class, select the option evergreen and then create evergreen soil to grow acorn of eternity.


Lord of animals - Titanium power

Hidden appearance of the artifact: access opens with the object of the great architect.

  • The subject is sold in Dalaran at the Hobart Trader Drek for 8000 gold.
  • Note: this appearance of the artifact changes the rifle on the bow!

Hunter Shooting - Tasdore, the legacy of windy

  • The subject is sold at the NPS Veridy Fallon in Azsun for 1700 gold. Requires respect with the Farondes courtyard faction.

Hunter survival - predatory claw

  • The subject is mined from Ursok in the emerald nightmare.


Mystery Magic - Alunet

How to get a:

  1. Use the transformation spell on the following opponents:
    • Rock hypogrif in azsun
    • High-mountain goat in Krutogorye
    • Calf flat rhine in stormheme
    • Forest deer in Suramar
    • Wild Sangered in Val'share
  2. Reach 6 level of artifact knowledge.
  3. In the lance of the keeper with some probability an unstable sheep may appear - it is necessary to press it several times right-click, after which it will explode. There is also information that this sheep may appear at the time of use of the transformation in the first stage of obtaining the hidden appearance of the artifact.
  4. Now look for an extremely unstable sheep in the Rune Forest of Stormham. Like the previous sheep, it needs to be blown up. In search of a sheep you can help the macro / tar unstable sheep and / tar is extremely unstable sheep.
  5. Go to the Azora Tower, which is located in the Elvinn Forest and go through a small event, at the end of which you will get spine fate.

Magician Fire - Felo'Melorn

Hidden Effect: Talk to the elven blacksmith in Dalaran, and at the end of the dialogue, get the strength of the artifact. And the corpses of the dead enemies will look black and charred.

Secret appearance: opens through star fishing.

  • According to the players, the star fishing falls the locations of the Suramar and - both from the ranniks and from ordinary monsters (for example, from the ranki frames).

Video about the secret appearance of artifact Made Fire:

Magician ice - Polar Night

  • Outside after pumping the talent teleportation of Nexus at 2 levels of development of the class.
  • 5 portals will appear in the class mallet. Every day, through them with a small chance, it will be possible to get into the ridge of the ice fire, and there - to get the everlasting crystal.
  • You will learn about the portal in Chlo, through a special emotion in the chat, when you run around the stairs in class malication.


Khmelevar - Fu Tsan

The effect of artifact weapons is not yet known.

Hidden appearance of the artifact: access opens through the legend of the monkeys king.

  • At the second level of the development of the class of the class, select Talent Brewer.
  • The subject can fall out of the circles in this brewery (once a day).

Monk Weaver Tumanov - Shey-Moon

Hidden effect is not known.

Secret appearance: opens the breath of the immortal snake.

  • The subject falls with the Dragons of Nightmare (Isondra, Emeriss, Leton, Tairr) in the raid Emerald nightmare. The probability of falling is not yet known.

Monk dancing with wind - fists heaven

  • To get the task, complete the main chain of suramar (before the assignment of the troops) and get 400 ancient mana.
  • In the course of the script, you earn points depending on the number of mounted monsters. The more points - the more items you get from the last chest (where it may be the necessary item).

Video with tips for passing the scenario Training of witty in Suramar:


Light - Silver Lant

  • Random Drop from demons in Faronaire (Location Azsuna)

Video - How to open the appearance of the artifact for the Holi Paladin in Wow Legion:

Paladin Protection - Guard of Truth

  • Falls from the last chest in scenarios, training witty in Suramar

Paladin Radiation - Agel

How to get a:

To get this hidden appearance, you have to go through a sufficiently long task chain. In addition, you will need 6 levels of artifact.

1. Get two books of Nata Pagogo:

  • "Advanced fishing" nat on Pagogan, to serve which you can with the bodies of players in the Alterak Valley.
  • The read copy of the "advanced fishing" Nata Pugla, which is located in the dusty folio in the forgotten city.

Do not run the task that starts from the head of the Nefarian, otherwise you will lose this item. In the case of a secret appearance, you are important for the presence of a head in inventory.

  1. Make sure you have reached 6 level of knowledge of the artifact.
  2. Talk to my sister Elda with both parts of the Nata Pagogan book in the inventory - she will give you a full copy of the "advanced fishing" of Nata Pug.
  3. Talk to the prince of Tortejdrin in the western wing of the forgotten city with a new book and Nafarian's head in the inventory.

Do not touch anyone in the forgotten city, especially bosses.

  1. Talk to Alexia Iron knife in the groove wind camp in Western Plague Lands (Alliance) or Barda faithful eye in the bastion in the Tirisfal Forests (Horde).
  2. Read the magazine of the Great Inquisitor of Ishillain in the Dolo Foam, which is in Western places.
  3. Next, a complex part - you need to destroy a large evil mucus, the resopene time of which can reach 30 hours (it is believed that it is 16 hours). This time depends on the phase and server, so it is impossible to predict the appearance of the mucus.
  4. From the mucus, the subject of Timolean Talisman will fall out, using which you will see, in fact, the thymoleon himself is damned. Talk to him and go to the next stage.
  5. 10. Time to catch the shard of darkness in the Tondraril River. You can catch it anywhere in the river, no improvements in fishing skill do not affect the chance of catching. Some received a cherished fragment after 100 rods, others took several thousand - it all depends on luck.
  6. 11. Talk to Lord Maxwell Tyross and start the task Walking in Shadows. At the end of this task you will receive the cherished heart of the damage and the new appearance of the artifact.


Obedience - rage of light

  • You need to collect 12 volumes from different parts of Azeroth to combine them in the annals of light and darkness. You can read in detail in English comments on the website of the Wovenware or watch the video below.

Video - Where to find all the volumes for the hidden appearance of the priest branches obedience:

Priest Light - Tuera, Svetok Naaru

Additional effect is not known.

  • The subject can be obtained by combining the crown of the refinery (Drop with Hirii) and the rod of the reborn (bought in the internant of the Valaryar fraction when reputation is exceeded).

Priest Darkness - Dark Empire Blade

The only known effect is the staff sometimes whisper something to your owner.

Hidden version of the appearance: opens the subject of the claw N'Zota.

  • Claw N'Zota falls with Boss Il'ginot in Emerald Nightmare


Liquidation - killers of kings

Secret appearance: Access opens through a cipher of broken bone, which falls from rarities in Cloque Dalaran.

  • Usually bosses in Cloake appear quite quickly, sometimes literally at each other.
  • An example of rarits (this is not the entire list):

Video receipt of a secret appearance for the elimination of liquidation:

Rogue thug - horror blades

  • The exact source of receipt is not yet known.

Rogue Host - Flaws Eater

The effect has not yet been observed.

  • In the repository (part of the class unfold, you can get through the voucher of the repository) you can take a bag with keys - it hangs on the post. The bag has the key from the Palace Lei Shen.
  • Talk to Taosha at the lower level of the class unfathroom to start the scenario of the Citadel Lord of Thunder. For each attempt, 1 key is needed from Lei Shen Palace.
  • At the end of the script (when it goes or when it is over time), open the chests and collect as many keys as possible from the burial treasury.
  • How can you get the key from the burial treasury:
    • Golden treasure chest (big) - a chance of 20%
    • Treasure chest can (small) - 12% chance
    • Drop S.

Another class of the staff is the priest. It must be said that the crops turned out to be quite good, but Schhaudou-Prosts can be immediately recognized on the daggers and agricultural foliants. Well, what, they are like warlocks, finally treating not too light forces in their affairs.

Details on how to gain access to one or another appearance of the artifact can be found. About the mechanics and how they are pumping out.

Obedience (Discipline)

Classic View - Light's Wrath / Rage of Light

Source view

Superior View - Crest Of The Redeemed

Explore the history of the artifact

Valiant View - Chalice Of Light

Kill 8 world bosses

Weathered View - Eternal Vigil

Hidden View - Tomekeeper's Spire

See spoiler below

Other species

View of the first

View of the second

View of Third

Fourth view

How to get a hidden type of artifact for SPECA Discipline

The Writings of The End, which opens this species, is associated with the collection of 12 volumes, which are scattered through Azero. Collecting them you will create an item that precedes you to get if you collect 12 volumes and create the Annals of Light and Shadow from them, the item that precedes Writings of the End. It is still all that is known.

Tom can be detected in the following places: Dalaran / class stronghold of priests

  • Class stronghold of priests, behind Meridelle Lightspark (headwell trader), at the bottom of the box, near the hanging shelves.
  • Class stronghold of priests. Talk to Archivist Inkforge, and select the average option from the suggested answers.
  • Dragonfather, NEW HearthGlen location (use the portal in the Dragonseanian Temple in the Keeper Hall). Enter the temple in New Hearthglen (72.2, 73.5), turn left after you enter and go to the second room - the subject on one of the bookshelves.

Eastern kingdoms

  • Embossed, go to the Ice Heart Instructor's room, kill trash, book on the sixth shelf.
  • Scarlet monastery, enter the cagler flame factor, kill him. On the left side of the canolabre room. Tom on the bench between the table and the bookshelf.
  • Karazhan (use the portal in the Keeper Hall). Kill the curator and go to the keeper library. Instead of going left up, jump right and go to Alcove, which is located here. There will be 3 bookshelves - look for a book there.

Light (Holy)

Classic View - T'uure, Beacon Of The Naaru / T'owura, Svetok Naaru

These artifact weapon styles open for quests related to class stronghold

Source view

Perform one of the quests associated with the pillars of creation


Performance of the first stage of the company class unfathroom

Superior View - Banner Of Purity

These artifact weapons styles open for quests related to the class stronghold, archeology and the opening of the archefact traits

Completion of the Campaign Class Oclo

Open all the traits of artifact weapons

Find 8 rare archaeological items

Explore the history of the artifact

Valiant View - Keeper of Light

These artifact weapons styles open for different PVE activities.

Complete Chain Balance Power Quests

Kill 8 world bosses

Pass the dungeon in test mode using the level of the 15th level

Metage "Glory Hero Legion"

Weedined View - Embrace Of The Void

These artifact weapons styles open for PVP ranks (prestige levels)

Get the 1st prestige

Get the 5th prestige

Get the 9th prestige

Get the 13th level of prestige

Hidden View - Crest Of The Lightborn

The preparation path varies for various specs

See spoiler below

Complete 100 instances with hidden species artifact

Perform 200 world assignments with hidden type artifact

1000 Honored Murdes Perfect with Hidden View Artifact

Other species

These skins were found by datamyiners, but for what successes and achievements in the game they are not allowed.

View of the first

View of the second

View of Third

Fourth view

How to get a hidden type of artifact for SPECA HOLY

Darkness (Shadow)

Classic View - Blade of The Black Empire / Xal'Atat, Dark Empire Blade

These artifact weapon styles open for quests related to class stronghold

Source view

Perform one of the quests associated with the pillars of creation


Performance of the first stage of the company class unfathroom

Superior View - Embrace Of The Old Gods

These artifact weapons styles open for quests related to the class stronghold, archeology and the opening of the archefact traits

Completion of the Campaign Class Oclo

Open all the traits of artifact weapons

Explore the history of the artifact

Find 8 rare archaeological items

Valiant View - The Fallen Blade

These artifact weapons styles open for different PVE activities.

Complete Chain Balance Power Quests

Kill 8 world bosses

Pass the dungeon in test mode using the level of the 15th level

A lot of people climbed into diverse mantle gathered in a huge summer room. Or maybe dislike? However, it does not matter. They all sat in complete silence, waiting for the whose whose whims were used here. The girl was late, and the figure sitting at the head of the table irritably tapped his fingers knuckles. Finally, when the patience of waiting has already come to an end, the doorway doors swallowed sharply, and a slim brunette flew in Furia in Purea-black clothes.

MELL! You made us wait! - the accusing tone said the chief. - I hope you have a good reason to convene advice in full!

Your Eminence, she spoke nervously. - Before me just reached the information about the heirs of the elements and ...

Again these your heirs! - Some woman sitting down, sitting on his right hand from the main thing. - We seem to have already told you that we do not have the right to interfere in the fate of this world, however, as in the fate of other worlds.

Yes, but ... - The beginning of MELL.

Moreover! - Hard interrupted the same woman. - You already intervened in the course of the history of the earth, wasn't you a little lesson?!

Yes, listen, you finally !!! - Rose Mel's voice. - Four heirs of elements suffered a defeat! Now on the planet "Earth" only salaries fight! One he will not cope, this is a fact. If their world will lose their strength of the world, Gordos simply will capture him! Where is the guarantee that then he does not switch to other worlds?

Of the five heirs, only the light remained?! - Massed the main one.

Yes! - Mellel nodded. - I understand that we should not interfere, but the case is special. The course of history begins to change and comes out from under our control. Most of the prophecies swear like card houses!

I do not think that everything is so serious, - gently objected the main one. - Prophecies, for the refutation of which there is no reason, have never been mistaken. But now you are right. Salary should help. How do you intend to intervene?

I'll take my subordinates and go to Sinodules, "Mel's shoulders shrugged.

I forgot to say about one small detail, "Mellel smiled trickly and turned to the main thing: - Your Hispanity, I found what you were asked about. It is on the planet "Earth" the artifact is stored. But it will be destroyed if the forces of light and darkness will overturn. That is why I want to personally attend the battlefield and fight with Angelica.

Hmm ... In your words there is a reason, - that nodded. - Well, if most of the council does not mind, I will let you act at your own discretion. So, who agrees with the Melissa Plan de Antark von Vider?

Well, as you can see most of the members of the Council decided to support you. Please do not make them regret later about your decision. You can go!

Thank you, your Eminence, "the girl bowed slightly and almost running the hall with a slightly.

And yet, I would not allow her so much liberty, "the woman was bored, which was against this campaign originally. - She is too young and inexperienced!

I do not think that something terrible will happen if the girl will be happy a little, "the main one smiled. - You all know everything perfectly, what fate awaits her. I believe that a small tour of Earth does not hurt. In any case, the case has already been done, we will not push the water in a step. The meeting is completed, all are free!

Silently moved away from a huge table chairs, and all those present quickly began to scatter on the numerous doors leading from the audience. Soon there was no one left, only the caring candles also said that the fate of the whole planet was revealed here ...

* * *

Sinodules has long been dissolved in a dazzling-white light of light, which is the endless stream beat from the body of zarryna. Gordos and his minions unsuccessfully tried to hit Rinat at rain, but with closed eyes it turned out almost impossible. Those few have tried to look at the guy, have long been trees. The undead, trying to hide from the elements that fell on it, almost pecked. Only the most lively remained. Vampires, for example, madly wondered that the light was able to leave only ashes from them. In the end, the vampire is the highest undead, and the fact that the sunlight is destroyed for them - just a prejudice of non-magic beings. But now even the vampires began to believe these prejudices.

The strangest thing was that after the explosion of the medallion, the light had to escape and dispel, but this did not happen. On the contrary, the rinat glow everything brighter and brighter, and even did not even think about energy. As it turned out, the guy was in a shock. He did not even see and did not hear what was happening around, the battle was boiling inside him ...

Rozhnya stood in the middle of a blank gray room opposite ... Himself. He did not understand that all this means and stubbornly refused to talk to himself, convincing himself that he had not yet shoved to such an extent. However, the clone was extremely submitted.

Kill Gordos! And at the same time and all his password, "the clone said. - You're not worth it now! One blow - and everyone will perish.

Zarryan was silent.

Think, they killed your friends, and how many people were they destroyed in all the time of existence? If you do not finish with it, then who?


Do you want to kill? - Undoubtedly grunted the clone. - Well, the point, of course, is yours, but ... you found someone sorry! Gordos! A killer who ruined thousands of souls!

If I hit, I will kill and teachers with students, "still could not stand and filed the voice of Rinat. - Do you think they also deserve death?

Nothing forever, - shrugged clone. "We've ever dying, someone earlier, someone later ... Yes, they will die." But from two evils it is necessary to choose a smaller one. It doesn't seem to you that the death of a few hundred people is better than the death of a whole world? They will remain heroes in the hearts of survivors. And you will provide a happy future!

In someone else's misfortune, you will not build happiness, "Roman objected. - There must be another way out!

Well, look, - clone grinned. - In the meantime you will search, Markel will kill you ...

So far, in the head of the zarryna there was any dimension, the situation on the main square began to change. The light coming from the guy was no longer so bright, he was pale, slowly repainting in gray tones. Gordos and his magicians could already see, and now they tried to understand how to punch the barrier of Rinat.

Rector, what is happening? - Worded Ornell. - Didn't the light have to destroy Markela? While I see only the defeated undead - out, how much ash.

Now the worst thing happens, which could happen to Rinat, - frowned Amadeus. - The fact is that the light has two sides. One - all of us perfectly known. This is the creative force designed to protect. The other is the damned side. The light that is destroyed for the whole world. It is because of this duality that the power of light is unusually rare. Not every magician can make the right choice, and therefore most often dies, destroying his planet. This happened already with the eight planets of our solar system ...

What happens after choice? - Stakeholders interested.

Well, if you choose true light, then become the usual owners of the elements, naturally more capable than owners of low-level elements. And if you choose the damned light ... As long as there was only one case in the measurement history, when the dark side of the light survived ... Many years ago, this magic was Gordos ...

Who?! - Viterias surprised.

Far relative Markela, "answered the firian. "Then the true power of the world went to Double - Gordosu and Merlin. Merlin was able to awaken the element earlier, after which he stopped the destruction began due to the wrong choice of Gordeos. The only way to stop the damned light is to destroy its carrier. And to destroy such a magician, you need someone equal to strength. Our planet was lucky - Merlin turned out to be stronger.

And if the rinat cannot make the right choice, - Nodella said quietly, - who will be able to stop him?

I'm afraid that no one, she shook his head rector. - The damned light is much superior to the usual due to the uncontrollability of the elements. Rinat simply uses all the power affordable to him, but we have no counterweight - it draws energy straight from the sun.

And ... we can't help him?

No, - I mumbled a little heard Amadeus. - This is his battle. We can only believe ...

And Rinat still continued to argue with his clone, as always changing the topic of conversation.

Well, let's say, I agree to your offer, "the guy bent the fingers," I just can not understand one thing: who are you? And why do you need all this?

I? - the clone was immensely surprised. - Actually, I am you. Your second entity. Inner voice if you want. And all I need is to survive. So I'm trying to enjoy you and direct the true way.

What do you say? - silently gone sled. - Do you take a lot of you take a voice? Something before you did not advise me to kill someone!

Well, it ... The situation has changed ...

Yes? - Intrun the eyebrow rinat. - And in what place?

And you yourself do not understand?! - He began to be angry. - Sinodules is very famous, firrianist can do nothing ...

Sinodules did not really suffer! And firmarian just waiting for a convenient moment!

And how many people died?! And for what? Everyone died only for you to kill Markela !!! Your friends, by the way, too ...

They are still alive! - He came down. - I feel it ... And the rest died not to kill Gordos. They tried to protect me ...

What's the difference? - I was amazed.

Don't you see you yourself? ..

Lord, how is it difficult with you! None of the heir of the light was not so inconceive and dubbed! Let's already choose the light, in the end, ... oh, - the clone stuck.

What you said? - Runya asked quietly, he was already angry. - Other heirs? Choice? You are clearly not my inner voice! - Made a conclusion guy.

Okay, I fell away, "he went to the opponent, slowly, however, take his real form if he had, of course.

And now I want to hear the truth!

Yes, nothing to say something, - just said the clone. - You must choose the essence of light. Their two are strong and weak!

What a stupidity! - snorted Rozhnya. - Power - she is power. She has its drawbacks and dignity. So I take both sides and deal with the end!

So it does not happen, - there was a sideways. - Two interdepending lights will not be able to get along together - it will just kill you! In short, I'm tired of persuading you - you have a minute for reflection! Choose!

Salnaya was silent and made a stupid face, trying to understand what he was still offered to choose from. In the head, as it was called, no little thoughts climbed.

Suddenly, from somewhere deep out of consciousness began to emerge various scraps of phrases:

"Please protect the world ... stop proudness ... You are hoping ... You can do it, do it ... if you give him strength, I will kill you myself .... Поаккуртней с этим вашим Фыркелом… от тебя многое зависит…я верю в тебя…».

Numerous voices and memories of the whirlpool swore around the salaries. The guy heard and saw a lot of things important and unimportant. Faces of friends and relatives flooded, the events of the past days were swept, re-forcing the past ... everything was cut off and suddenly, as it began. Zarryan turned to the clone, listening to his cries in surprise.

Well, let's go away! There is nothing to knock him down with his instructions! Let him choose, without any personalities there! And where did you mean so much?! - As it turned out, memories and voices were quite material. And nomouder - after all, everything happened in the head of Rinat.

Not Ori, "Roman said calmly. - I made a choice.

Well? "The clone looked improving, already assuming that he would not like the answer, however, he had not yet guess how much.

Light - protective force. All who ever came across, hoped that I could protect them. They believed in me, and I can't not justify their hopes.

So, after all, this light, "the clone stretched diswrong, - well, it is a pity that not damned. Very sorry…

I have not finished yet, "Zarrynan himself strongly. - Protection and faith - this is certainly good, but do not forget that without combat magic will not leave. Therefore, another, the destroying side of the world is also needed. So, I choose both strength, and this is my final decision!

What?! The clone choked. - But this is unreal! So you will not achieve anything! Forces will contradict each other within you and will kill in the end!

They will not kill, - shook his head guy. - You know me too bad if you think that I will allow me to destroy me!

As if she would ask you!

Have to! I will not rush from one side of the world to another. I'll just use the right strength at the right time in the right place.

Ha! - the clone shouted victiously. - As you can see, you are still inside yourself, and therefore strength against your decision!

That's how? - mockingly bent the eyebrow rinat. - In this case, I went from here. And I don't care about my strength or not. Since I settled in me, be good to observe subordination.

All this was dropped out, the salaries simply focused on the main square of Siniodus and with the stone expressions of the face firmly gathered to return to his legitimate body.

The first few seconds did not happen, and then the frightened clone is to melt, not understanding how this could happen. Soon he disappeared at all, and pleased the ruining could not understand that he was still so impossible ...

Rinat again examined the strongly spoken army of Gordeos, already fully controlling his body. The guy decided to immediately test his capabilities without postponing in a long box.

First, the protective ... - He tagged, touching the barrier already having a very cracked barrier. From one touch, he immediately updated and again shone with sunlight. "Perfect, and now fighting ..." The guy spawned his hand, and the hot beam of the world immediately burned the impressive fool in the leg of one of the magicians of Gordos, who immediately overwhelmed from pain. "Now let's see how creating my element is," the slicer squinted slyly.

His eyes again shook the blinding light, in a moment the surrounding neighborhood. Nobody really understood what Rinat was doing, they only noticed that the light would not harm the light, only temporarily paralyzes opponents.

I don't believe our eyes, "firrian woman admired. - He managed to connect two lights into one! There was no such story yet! So, prophecies did not rotate, the current owners of the Force will really change the world ...

But ... how ... they are dead ... - I did not understand Professor Ruodyski.

I do not think, "Firrian smiled. - Yes, they are unconscious, yes, they remained to live quite a little bit, but they are still alive ...

Why are you clone?

The magic of light has an incredible in its power of the doctrine. Now Rinat cures deadly wounds of friends. Of course, they will not soon be able to fully recover, but there will be no threat to life! If, of course, there is an energy transmitter. Mages such a high level can not be cured simply energy of light. By itself, the healing force can save only ordinary wizards. You did everything right, right, Ornell?

Yes ... I spoke with Olga ...

Perfectly, - groanly rubbing the rector. - So, now, each of the heirs have an object once transmitted by Rinat. The subject is charged by the power of light, it means that the energy transmitter works in full speed!

In this case, I propose to enter into battle with the remnants of the army of Gordos! - Challenged with glazes Professor Parton.

They are still too much for us, "said Anna Ruodyski.

It seems that the situation is changing ... - Envelope the firgean. - Someone still managed to call Operagov !!

And indeed, about hundreds of operas rapidly approached the Siniodus. True, they went pretty slowly, a little dumbfounded so bright light. After all, no one warned that the salaries awakened the power, and they did not know, it is dangerous or not.

Meanwhile, Rinat stopped treated wounded and with a brutal smile turned to Gordos.

But now you will answer me for everything, - he said quietly and entered into battle.

The guy removed the barrier, and created two light spheres, which immediately flew in Gordos. That barely managed to bounce when both balls hit the ground and exploded, as if they were not sunlight, but grenades. I did not have time Markel will come to my senses, as it was already flying with a dozen flame rays, from which the owner covered faithful subjects.

Operagi! - Russed Markel. - Hold them! Only those who flew with Angelica will remain with me! We will figure it out with Zarnitsa. Follow!

About two hundred Mages immediately rushed by operagam, however, they unexpectedly blocked senior studs and teachers led by firmine. Understanding that the situation becomes hopeless, Gordos ordered her best magicians to cover him from Zarnitsa, and he himself began to call the highest demons with Angelica - not in vain he spent so many years in the library of his castle.

Zarryan methodically derived from the game of the best magazine Gordeos, without killing, but simply exhausting to the loss of consciousness. He also brought the most resistant to white casing with his statements mixed with the selected obscene. Around the guy everything was shone and blurred, not allowing enemy spells to achieve the goal, but his attacks were rarely unsuccessful. When Mages remained only four, the demons unexpectedly appeared on all sides, which easily destroyed the barrier of the Savory and flew on the amazed guy. However, dexterity does not occupy. Referring from several attacks, Rozhnya noticed that he was just a little thoughted shoulder. "A, scratching ..." he thought windy.

But at the very entrance to the castle, the battle was boiling in might and. What spells did not fly there! The whole territory practically consisted of a small grid of multi-colored lines and the energy of mass lesion. All this was accompanied by separate shouts, and was covered with a thick layer of dust and ash, so it was impossible to see who and with whom it was already fighting.

Rinat was worse and worse. The demons were 14, and each of them was a strong opponent. There is no longer ordinary barriers here, it was necessary to urgently come up with something original, but in the head as I called nothing climbed. "Now, if I knew how to fight with a sword," the guy thought with regret, "well, or we would have five ..."

Angelica with some strange gaze watched the fight, and then suddenly she was tired, and she came forward. The commanding movement of the hand, she called on the remaining three dragons and sneaked them into Rinat. That only at the last moment managed to notice the lizards steaming over him, aiming the pontagned liquid flame. Fast clock with fingers - and now the flame spreads through the light barrier. "Damn, also dragons," said Sannory, "now I am exactly Khan! But the side of the submarine came from there, "the guy with a fraction of jealousy looked at the mountains.

Unexpectedly the top of the central mountain, that when the power of the Earth's force awakened the slices, began to slightly tap. No, she did not explode, it seemed to cut it with a knife - Roveless so, neatly. And another moment of a moment of the resulting crater, a huge bird appeared, having a white luminous flame. It was the legendary white phoenix with a huge force. The same animal, about which the guys somehow read on the card. Rare, considered extinct, superior to the power of the dragons.

Phoenix has overcome a giant distance for a moment and, without thinking, rushed on black dragons. A bright outbreak of fire, and now one of the black lizards is arranged with a negascique flame, and in his belly stuffed, as a razor, claws, breaking out almost half distillation.

"How long did I wait for you ..." - there was a groaning voice in the head of the Zarryna.

"Why did you decide to help me?" - asked the guy already accustomed to mental conversations.

"Because you awakened the true light! The one that connects two sides in itself, and not one. Now you are my owner. I made my choice. "

"It turns out that white phoenixes do not exist? - I did not understand Rinat. "After all, before me, no one united two sides."

"We are not so much, this is a fact," confirmed the feathered friend, "however, we rarely choose the owners." This is the prerogative only the strongest and hardy. Nowadays there are two people left - one of them I ".

"Where is the second?".

"Do you have little? Phoenix asked offended. "The second sleeps, probably, waiting for his owner to be born. And enough to tremble, closed the topic! So you will soon lie to the demons! "

While Rozhnya spoke with a new pet, he really attacked the demons. While the guy did not think about the fact that he was attacked, the body was mechanically dodged from shocks, but it was worth it to focus, as he immediately got a heel in the jaw, and then the sharp claws felt his chest. However, scratches were only superficial, but sadly terribly. Yes, and the shirt was hopelessly spoiled - I had to rag quickly with myself, while staying on the belt naked, though, in a raincoat - he covered only his back, therefore did not break.

Meanwhile, Phoenix has already defeated the second dragon, only the last remained, the one who flew in Angelica. The Rozhnya tried unsuccessfully to cope with the demons, all the time retreating back. Finally, there was no place to go. Demons surrounded the guy with a dense ring. In addition to these terrible horned creatures, it was still fired by three powerful sorcerers, headed by Gordos, but then at least a barrier saved ...

Angelica and Markel were already buried in anticipation of the ambulance, as a third party appeared on the battlefield of the battlefield. Fourteen people in black and white mantles synchronously emerged from somewhere because of the corner of the castle and rushed to the circle of demons. Those, oriented, immediately started fighting with the new opponent, the benefit of the demons was also 14. Three mages came forward, covering their owner. They thought they were attacking the rinat, but right next to him suddenly a beautiful girl appeared in Iscin-black and caringly smiled. Feeling the power of a stranger, Markel frightened. Angelica, however, I also had a few stuck, but still did not experience fear.

Father, sit down on the last dragon and go, "the girl whispered," I delay it. " All the same, I can not be so easy to kill.

You do not understand, she ... - began Markel.

Do not worry for me, - repeated Angelica. "I will even be interested in fighting with her."

But ... How will you leave if I pick up the last dragon?

I will find a way, "the daughter wink. - And you need to go as soon as possible. Your strength is already at the limit. If the salaries get to you, you can suffer a defeat ... And if this girl attacks ... In general, my father, I ask you, go!

For a couple more moments, Gordos hesitated, and then nodded and, at the last moment, defending the dragon from the death fedder of Phoenix, saddled the lizard and swam in the sky.

You do not leave !!! - Growing rinat, not noticing the MELL who stands at all. - I will not release you alive from here! Well, except in antimagic shackles! For you, goat, prison is crying, and lifelong!

Phoenix understood the owner from half a preview. The bird dropped sharply to the ground and substituted the wing, along which the Rozhoy quickly climbed onto the back of the burning phoenix. The guy was immensely surprised, realizing that the fire does not burn at all, but on the contrary, it's genthes like that.

"It's just for you, I did not hotly, - warning questions, said Phoenix," you are my owner, you can. " In general, I am proud of the bird, who did not take out! "

"Okay, the bird is proud, - messed up the salaries, - turn off the propeller, you need to catch up with an asshole! Yes, by the way, what is your name? "

"I don't have a name! - Prenka drew, gaining momentum and falling after marked, - and do not need me. Call me just with Phoenix. "

"No! - Rinat was indignant. - Since you do not have a name - come up! So, I will call you Zigadllah! Yes exactly! I like! Your new name - Zigadlla! Reduce - Zig! "

"Are you crazy? Fenya choked. - I will not respond to such a terrible nickname! "

"Yes, where are you going to go," the guy waved his hand. - Do not be outraged, Zig! Here you will see, the week will take place, you will definitely like your name. "

"Lord, and why did you reward me in such a nightmarish owner?" He sighed Phoenix and, stopping all sorts of talk, fully focused on the pursuit. While this couple chatted, Markel managed to tear off well and went to the mountains.

* * *

Meanwhile, Angelica, noticing that Rinat chased her father, decided not to contact Mel and moved to the side. She began to read the spell of appeal to the element. It was this magic that took advantage of Tokotarkov, becoming a tornado. True, Olga did not use spells, but simply merged with the elements, sacrificing her essence. Angelica knew the spell, allowing to do everything the same, but without the slightest risk and without losing the essence.

Stop, bitch, I will kill! - melted MELL, seeing what Angelica conceived.

The girl took a step towards the opponent, but the three remaining magicians immediately blocked the path. The demons still continued to fight incomprehensible people who are clearly superhuman opportunities. The forces were approximately equal, it remained only to wait, who gets faster.

From the road! - Meller snapped, but the magicians did not even move.

I had to kill. An already familiar movement, a girl materialized a strange attracting eyes in his hands, which constantly changed his shape outwardly. But in general, remained beautifully honed by martial weapons. One movement - and now the first magician falls in a cold, struck by an accurate blow to the heart. Two others hurry begin to create some kind of complex spell, but MELL only put forward the palm, and frightening eco-black energy is a powerful post affect both opponents. Emptiness is a terrible element. From people there is nothing left - neither body, nor soul, nor history ...

The battle lasted some 20-30 seconds, but Angelica still managed to create a spell and, turning into a black hurricane, rushed after slanting. MELL was already going to run after her, but one of her warriors shouted:

Mrs. you can't go now! We must first finish the fight here! Please do not leave us! If we manage to manage to quickly, we will be able to build you teleport!

Sighing hard, the girl lowered the sword, and he immediately disappeared. She carefully examined the demons and, realizing, from where they called, began to read the reverse spell. When the last words flew from the lips of the girl, the demons, morning arm, began to evaporate slowly, until finally, finally disappeared.

Melle unfolded to the dusty cloud, where the rest were still fought and, sighing, rushed with her fingers. Dust immediately asslaved, and the spells were blocked and evaporated. Magi was awaned by their hands, trying to call at least some chairs. Only owners of their own elements continued to mutate opponents with their strength. However, it soon ceased. As soon as Mall people rushed into the thick battle. A few minutes of all the surviving Mages Gordos firmly firmly fastened with antimagic jackets and planted under the barrier near the fragments of the fountain destroyed in the last battle. Only after that, Melissa took off the magic blocking.

Thanks for the help, - thanked Firrian. - Can I find out what your name is?

Melissa de Antark von Vider - that it was cold.

Very nice, - a man beat a little, vaguely guessing who stands in front of him. - And my name is ...

I know, "the girl interrupted. - Instead of breeding empty conversations, it would be better to help the Zarryan!

And where he? Is he alive? - he was heard from somewhere from under the wreckage, an excited voice, and before the people appeared the tilted head of the Tokotarkovka.

My God, what is the insuranceive! - broke out for MELL.

And you, you might think, straight a beauty, "there was a disgusting voice, and the students translated a stunned look at Riona, leaning on the castle's wall. As it should be expected, she was still awesome beautiful, not looking at the fact that cosmetics had long been washed away.

Miss Felinger, please do not get everyone in a row, - Her Ornella won.

Professor Viterias, and what is she in Olga exit?! - There was a perturbed voice of a hectrian, smiling at all 32 teeth.

Ferramian, if you do not shut up your maidens now ... - Becoming Mel.

Why starting it should he hold them?! - he was heard a male voice, and from somewhere from under the mountain of the ash climb nickname.

Under skeptical silence, MELL All four heirs docked to the firrianistra and looked at the girl expectantly.

Something is wrong? - cautiously asked that.

Well, tell me, who is! - Touching, cried Olga.

That only slightly squinted his eyes, and Olga immediately put his forehead about the Earth.

You can do this again, and you will deal with me, "Riona threatened.

Who am I, you have to know optional, - Melted Mel. - Much more importantly, your friend is now alone fighting with Marquel. Moreover, the Angelica will soon be there. And I, instead of helping him, listen to your claims!

So we sit? Nick's head grabbed his head.

We must urgently go and save the romp! - picked up Hitrov.

You will not go anywhere! - Cheking every word, answered MELL. - You are too weak now to fight. Moreover, you can not overcome such a long distance for such a short time. Savory is now in the mountains, near the crater just formed volcano. Students and teachers are also unlikely to help - not the level. Is that a firrianist ... although not, he lost too much forces.

But we can not sit back! Need to do something! - exclaimed Riona.

You - nothing, - Melissa shook her head. "I will leave my people with you to help the detainees, and I myself go to the volcano." I promise that I will do everything in my power to save him. The main thing is to have time in time.

The main thing is not that, - Riona objected. - Not all depends on you. You do not know Rinat.

But right! - Sveta said. - He can throw out such a guide that he myself will threaten. Of course, we cannot demand the impossible, but you will try to keep track, okay?

It complicates the case, the girl thoughtfully crumpled. - Well, if nothing really serious will throw out, then I will lay down.

Well, since I decided everything, let's go, - hurried her nickname.

That's about, and it stands here, the language scratches! - grumbled Olga.

Melle looked at the Tokotarka displeased, but I didn't have to koldize - the crawler was already Riona, and the Riona and Svetka, and now puzzled on the girlfriends, I sincerely disagree.

The subordinates of MELL, meanwhile, stood in a semicircle and raised their hands to the sky. The clouds immediately shot seven black and seven white rays that, after a few moments, melissa fell on the head. Having absorbed the energy, the girl quickly spinning around in itself and instantly turned into a black and white threshing strength, rushing to the volcano and leaving the trail of the SIP smoke. When the cluster disappeared from sight, people in the mantles headed for prisoners.

RUNKA After all on the volcano! - Svetka exclaimed, mean, I can help him!

No, you can not, Miss Hitrov, - shook the head of amatem. - First, you, unlike Miss Felinger, have not yet awakened the element of the lava, so you can't manage it. And secondly, you just don't have enough strength. Rinat you practically pulled out of the world! There will be no less than a day for recovery. Well, at least fractures and other damage we must be curable in a few days. Our healer will put on his feet!

He is right, light, "recognized Riona. - We can not help the rune now.

I just wonder how he managed to resurrect us?! - thoughtfully pensively in Olga's nose and, having realized that she was noticed, sweating, wiping his hand on the ground.

Do not resurrect, but heal, - corrected Amadeus. - No one can resurrect. It's impossible. I have already spoken, but for you I will repeat: Rinat once gave you its thing that had the power of the world. It was through her that he daded his own energy in you, allowing your body with the help of the healing force of the world to heal the deadly wounds.

And why fractures and scratches did not heal? - Olya was somewhat offended.

Still lacked! - Riona crunged. - Her almost from the world pulled out, and she is also unhappy, such a pig! It would be silent! Scratch her, you see, did not cure!

All-all, silent-silent, - Tokotarkova frightened.

Tell me better, what did Rinat give you? - Felinger asked more peacefully.

Brookh, - Olga sneaked and showed a string.

And we, I understand, survived thanks to the rings, "Nick noticed.

Yes, probably, Riona blushed, remembering the last conversation, and it was embarrassed.

What kind of rings? - Glamoring through my eyes, Svetka became interested.

It doesn't matter - Felinger stuck, - better tell me what he gave you?

Nothing, "the girl shrugged.

That is, as? - I did not understand Amadeus.

Like this. I did not give anything to me.

But he somehow drove into you energy! - exclaimed firian.

He daded her even earlier, "Hitrov explained. - When we were in Moscow, he handed me his strength so that I could use high-level fire for a long time. Apparently, his energy did not have time to leave me, so she worked as a conductor of healing power. In addition, before that, I passed so much energy from the birch that I had two in my eyes! Apparently it saved me when he struck the fatal spell in the back.

Squint saved? - Echdly asked Riona.

No, the wedding ring, - in the tone she answered the light.

Riona immediately blushing, silent, muttered something like: "I still remember it to you, you will be in three crocodile streams to pour."

Look, on the grief something sparkles and spin! - exclaimed nickname.

That whites, it draws, - Olga frowned.

And so the mountain has already cracked the black sphere, and then she sharply splashed in different directions and ... time suddenly stopped, and all living creatures in the world froze, except for two mythical animals and four magicians ...

* * *

Phoenix flew so quickly that Zarnitsa the wind whistled in the ears. Dragon Gordeos easily maneuvered in the air and looped, like a hare, then waking up, then sharply leaving down. The chase lasted only ten minutes, no more, but Rinat seemed to have passed the whole eternity. The guy himself was surprised, why still did not fall from his bird, which brilliantly repeated all the draws of the dragon, constantly turning over in the air.

When Markel realized that he would not leave the chase, he began to shoot various spells, trying to get into Rinat, but he put the barriers from the light in time. Phoenix constantly extended all new and new jets of white flame, seeking to fake a dragon, but at the last moment managed to dodge or reflect the attack on the counter fire. But now the next fiery volley - and the dragon, who did not manage to navigate in time, loses its balance and falls down. His wings were paralyzed strange magic, which was kept in Phoenix fire, and, without having to take off, the dragon fell straight into the crater of the volcano.

Markel managed to jump from his pet at the last moment and land on a solid surface. It was not half a minute, as a skeleton with a sword was treated nearby. His Phoenix flew nearby.

Do you even know how to handle your toy? - Gordos grinned, materializing his own strange, shrouded with a greenish fog sword.

Especially for you learned, - Rinat answered him.

Do you really think you can overcome me?

Do I have a choice? - Intrun the eyebrow guy.

The choice is always! We could agree, - bowed my head on the side of a man.

Oh really? - Poisoned by the man. - After all your outlets? No, dear, will not come out! We will fight, and let the salaries defeat!

Ham! - Markel cried in displeasure and first went to the attack.

As then, in the dungeon, Excalibur again directed the actions of the rinat. Two swords crossed, and immediately the explosion rang out, who dropped opponents in different directions.

What is it? What kind of garbage? - I did not understand Gordos.

What's the difference?! - exclaimed the contented Savory. - Think, letters! But the battle will be honest - who the first will fail after the explosion and breaks the neck, he will be a fool! And, of course, I will not be me.

Cattle! - marked Markel. - What did you do with my weapon?!

Oh, yes, I need your piece of iron, like Shankok Tarakan, "the guy snorted. - Enough here to squeeze, defend better!

Ruja crackled and, waving an excliburist, like a woodcutter, ran toward Gordos. However, at the last moment, the sword again made the guy's right position and put an accurate blow. Gordos defended him in time, and the explosion rang out again. Fighting again cried in different directions. Having hit his back about the rock, Markel dropped the sword, and he flew somewhere in the abyss. His sword kept his sword firmly, although he also had a good rody.

Suddenly, the lava somewhere in the depths of the crater she clings, and from there flew a little rummed, but alive, black dragon. He enravedly converted around the volcano and rushed to the Phoenix with a formidable roar. Zig was not confused and instantly clung to the enemy.

UU, living lizard! - Rinat's eyebrows moved. - Do not touch my phoenix! He head offache!

Your opponent is not a dragon, and I! - Gordos reminded himself, knocking a sword from the spell from the hands.

Eccalibur made an almost perfect arc and stuck in the ground far from Rinat. The guy immediately jumped on his feet and put the light barrier, reflecting the next opponent spell.

Now you will not help the magic of a sword, "the man was gloatingly. - Your magical skill against mine! Let's see whose will take!

My naturally, I snorted the salaries, sending a light sphere in Gorda. She missed a little, exploding in a meter from Gordos.

More Markel did not intend to respond to provocations and again, like then with Nick, called on the whisk of magical energy, which flew to the sideways to the sidelines. The Rozhnya put his hands sharply, in which the rays of sunlight were having fun, becoming brighter and brighter with every second. Finally, the energy of Rinat reached his peak, and towards the Magic of Gordos rushed a shining flow of light.

Two strength collided, and around everything already shook from the oversupply of magical energy. Both enemies fought not for life, but to death, calling more and more strength. The light was stirred with fog, burning the already naked rocky land. It seemed to burn on the volcano, however, all over the perimeter of the top of the volcano was the high wall of the flame. Now the outcome of the battle depended not from the skill of the wizards, but on the number of power affordable. The fight continued only a few minutes, and Markel already felt that his energy comes to an end. He also spent too much strength on the battle with other heirs, and now there was almost no chance of victory. Especially if we take into account that the energy of the salaries is almost infinite, because it is fueled at the expense of any light source. As Gordos expected, the light covered an increasing space, gradually reducing no already a weakly pulsating fog. Soon Markel was undersonated by his hands, and a bright flow of light rushed into it, almost smeared a man on a rock.

Gordos slowly moved to the ground, feeling how inside everything turned into one powerful romoc of pain. The damned light penetrated into the body, which was used by Rinat, slowly killed the sorcerer from the inside. No hurry to no longer rushing to the defeated enemy.

I said that the victory would be behind me, he said calmly, looking at Markela.

Kill me, I breathe hard, Gordos Cooked. - I know that your light will finish me from the inside, causing unbearable pain, but this will happen not earlier than in a day.

Do you want to suffer? - the man understoodly grinned. "I'm sorry, but here I can't help you." I am not a killer. I achieved my goal - you're defeated, your army is crushed, and your death is just a matter of time.

It is cruel, a man hoarse, poking on earth from pain. - Even I did not torment my enemies without need, I just cut their lives.

Yah? - raised the eyebrow guy. - Do you think they are grateful for it? In any case, it is on your conscience. And I strongly doubt that you did not torture anyone.

My people are yes, but not me, "the one replied. - Many of them do not know at all what pity, and the cries of the crusts from the pain of people give them pleasure.

I don't delve your flour to me, "Rinat shrugged. - But I repeat once again: I will not kill you, I am not a killer!

Well, be in yours, "Gordos commended. - But I mean: my daughter will revenge for me. Even you can not withstand her strength, for her energy is as infinite as yours.

I don't care, "Runya smiled. "And I can only offer you one thing: kill myself, if you can, of course." After all, you have a rich fantasy - you will find a way to commit suicide.

Markel answered nothing, only basically hoarsely, choking his own blood, which slowly flowed from his mouth. Zarryan thought, he was still sorry for Gordos. Maybe it cost him right? On the other hand, it deserved that death ...

Father! - interrupted the meditation of Rinat an excited melodious voice, and at the next second the guy realized that she flies somewhere.

As it turned out, Angelica of the Energy Wave sent a rune in a distant journey, straight to the forget of all the Eccaribur.

Father, what did he do with you?! - The girl was nervous, planting next to the markel.

My girl, "he smiled, - I'm glad you're near ...

Can I heal you? - interrupted his Angelica.

No ... - Gordos's head slowly swung. - Cursed light can not be removed from the affected organism. I have left for no more than a day.

But how? - The girl was confused. - Zarryan just awakened, he could not have so much strength to overcome you!

It you have a chance of winning, and I'm just a hub of the elements, and I do not own the true forces ...

In this case, I will destroy him, - Angelica said decisively and rose to his feet. - And then take you home. Maybe I still have time to find a way to heal.

Too late, go away, - Markel said quietly. - Ferramian will not just wait so much. Soon there will be all the rest and ....

I wish nothing to listen! - Girl screamed. - At first I wonder with sore! And then I will take you home, "she repeated stubbornly and quickly went towards Rinat.

Going down from his father to a safe distance, Angelica sharply threw a hand and launched a branching lightning in the rhinat, from which he had time to jump.

Wrong! - Ruju jerked, - and I really thought I can't wait!

You ... - The girl was stuck. - How did you dare to touch my father?!

Just as he dared to touch my friends, "the guy answered calmly. - Or did you think I will leave it unpunished? - Angelica was silent. - For everything in this life you have to pay, and the equivalent fee. On the account of your father a lot of ruined lives - it's time to pay the bills. Say, I'm wrong?

Maybe right, - the girl answered quietly. - I did not want to kill you. From the very beginning, as soon as I saw, I do not know why, but I did not want.

Yah? Why suddenly such an honor?

Dad said that it happens ... "Angelica unexpectedly embarrassed. - It seems like I have not seen a young guys or something like that ...

So enough, - interrupted her guy and beat: - That's just that I was missing.

But now it all does not matter, - finished the maiden. - You killed my father, and now I will destroy you.

And cope?

I will try, "she answered seriously and called on the sword.

The girl was surprised to follow how her weapon emerges from somewhere from the subsoil of the volcano and falls into her hands. Zarrynan immediately set himself an Eccalibur.

I'm not a sword, "Angelica smiled charmingly," therefore I use weapons not the way my father did.

With these words, the girl waved his sword, and she wrapped out the energy of darkness, gradually becoming more and more. The rinat of each skin particle felt the danger emanating from someone else's strength. The choice was left and he, too, lifting the sword, called on the light.

This time, the forces did not encounter each other, on the contrary, the beginning began to occur with something inexplicable. Swords in the hands of the guys began to vibrate, with each second, gaining momentum and seeking to closer in the duel. To both opponents cost considerable effort to keep their weapons in their hands. The light and darkness mixed in the air threatened the third element - the power of the shadows. Around the guys already gathered many bizarre monsters, constantly increasing their number at the expense of new images - each new shadow, discarded by one or another item, gave rise to another monster ...

The distance between Angelica and Rinat quickly decreased. The guys already from the last forces were constrained from the hands of the weapon, absolutely not noticing what was going on around them. And now, finally, swords closed ...

There was a bright surge of the world, immediately replaced by a light dark haze. Swords with a ringing fell to the ground, and the guys were awesome looking at the sphere that was filled with light and darkness. Here her shell burst with quiet cotton, and the energy began to take out the outlines of some kind. After a few moments, the guys looked incomprehensibly on the Golden Cup soaring in front of them, encrusted with precious stones. It was empty, but Rinat with Angelica felt some inexplicable power melting inside the subject. Cup as if hypnotized ...

The first came to Angelica. Burning inapprage, the girl frowned, remembering one of the ancient folites, which she had a chance to read. It seems that something mentioned there about such an item ... Finally, the girl remembered and, without waiting for the rinat, the first grabbed the Cup.

The mountain shook. Angelica raised an artifact over his head, and a powerful pillar of Magic of Darkness struck from it, rushing in heaven. Black Swelling Fog began to quickly envelop the surrounding area, destroying everything in its path.

I woke up, finally, Zarryan looked amazedly around, without understanding what was happening around. Seeing the absorbing world of darkness, the guy tried to attack Angelica with light, but in vain. The light was simply dissolved yet. The man called on more and more energy of the world, trying to stop the girl, but all attempts were useless.

When the darkness of the Black Sphere dropped to the mountain, she unexpectedly splashed in different directions with millions of rays that had to create the same spheres again. And then time stopped, and something steel cut into the hands of Angelica, causing to let go of the Cup, which immediately fell to the ground and rolled somewhere.

What do you do, Gaddy?! - a mooring voice rang out, and Mellel appeared from the fog.

You!!! - Evil stuck Angelica.

You?! - I looked surprised at the newly arrived rinat.

Have you expected to see someone else? - a steel voice said a girl. - I was right. Holy Grail was really on this planet!

Grail? - Surprised Savory. - Yes, you drive! This is the myth. He was invented by the Templars, it seems, I just do not know why.

What stupidity! - I snorted MELL. - Holy Grail is a weapon of mass lesion, created by the origin of the universe. It is intended to destroy non-annual or unnecessary worlds. Subtill or destroy this artifact is impossible.

Do you want to say that Angelica has now tried to destroy the planet? - Rassed the mouth of Zarryn. - But why?!

Because I wanted so much! - Ta answered arrogantly and looked immediately, - Actually, I just wanted to kill Rinat ...

It's good that you prevented her, "Runya giggled nervously, looking at MELL.

I just stopped time, I shrugged the TA, "but soon it goes on, and the earth will disappear. The process has already gone, stop it is almost impossible.

You said "almost," - immediately clung to the words of Zarnaya. - what do you mean?

Yes, yes, I am also interested, "Angelica squinted," my plans have not yet been destroying the planet!

Now I will explain, - Mellel sighed heavily. - The principle of action of Holy Grail is based on the positive and negative qualities of the person who used the artifact. Only one who is endowed with true power is capable of activating the power of the graveyla. If the personality has more negative qualities, the apocalypse begins, and the world is dying. At the moment it happened. If the personality has more positive qualities, the world is completely cleaned from evil ... which also leads to the apocalypse. In any measurement should be maintained. If one of the sides begins to outweigh, the world is dying. And now the most important thing is: to stop the already beginning apocalypse can be only one way - to destroy the one who used the Grail. In the entire history of the universe, there was never, because the one who called on the Apocalypse was one, and it was simply a certain one.

That is, should I die?! - Angelica grinned. - Well, I do not! I promised my father that I will take it home, and I will do it! Even the price of the entire planet's life!

And you think I will let you? - Mellel asked.

Stand! - Exclaimed Rozhnya. - And if I use the power of the world to start the reverse process? After all, the Grail, as I understand it, chose instant destruction because of the strength of Darkness, which Angelica owns, right?

Not quite, - Melle's head shook, - Rather, the power of darkness became a decisive factor. But in general, you are right. I think I don't have this element, the apocalypse could be different ...

Here! - cried out the salaries. - And I have the power of light! So I can turn everything back?

No you can not! - irritably shrugged Melissa. - You will call the same apocalypse, only he will occur a little longer! And then then I have to kill you.

And I, in contrast to Angelica, and I will not resist, - Rinat smiled.

I said no! - Repeated tone repeated MELL. "I don't want to kill you, because I like you." It seems that I have already spoken it. Moreover, Angelica deserved death, and I promised you to save!

In this case, I do not believe that there is no other way to stop the apocalypse! - issued Zarryan. - Probably, you just don't know something!

There is, - the girl agreed easily, - to convey the Grail in the hands of the person with the absolute internal balance. Then the Cup will not be able to choose the type of destruction and will remain at rest. And I can just be able to dispel the early apocalypse, because he will not have an additional source that gives him strength.

And you will not go for a person with an absolute internal balance? - immediately asked Ruja.

No, - she shook her head, - I, like Angelica, call the end of the world. Pretty conversations, it's time to destroy the cause of the apocalypse.

The girl slightly squinted her eyes and waved his hand sharply, sending another wave of energy in Angelica. Contrary to expectations, the power of Melissa did not destroy the girl, only pushed her a few meters, without causing special harm.

It becomes interesting, "Mellem grinned.

In her hands, the very, ever-changing sword appeared. Nothing thinking, Angelica also called on his blade, and next second, the girl felt like her stomach and, bent in half, coughed. Mellem movements were unusually fast, Angelica did not even have time to blink, and Melissa was already near the opponent and put another blow. As a strange sword, MELL has not yet struck her, the girl did not understand. She just had time to notice that her own blade miraculously manage to reflect the fatal blow.

Understanding that with the usual fight there is no chance of chance, Angelica called on the power of darkness and tried to attack Melissa magic. That immediately sent the flow of his unknown energy to meet, reflecting the blow. Nevertheless, Angelica felt that he would fight with the help of magic would be much easier and, focusing, took the battle.

Zarryan stupidly looked at the battle of girls, trying to figure out how to stop the apocalypse without the victims. He himself did not understand why he needed it. Angelica is an enemy. Her death will finally complete the history of Gordos, and the world of magicians will finally sigh calfly, realizing that the long-term war with marked will be over. And yet something did not give the guy of rest ...

"Her unexpected recognition? - Rinat reflected, - no, hardly. The fact that she did not want to destroy the world does not justify it. It seems that I like me, maybe, so I want to save her life? Also not that. In the end, I simply do not have the right to put my personal experiences above the wishes of the whole world. Maybe I just regret it? She lost her father, and before that was locked on the island. She just wanted to see the world ... No, keep the life of the enemy purely out of pity, then to get a blow to the back - this is also not a reason. But what then? ... "

Suddenly, the guy understood everything. He wanted to save the life of a girl, because she is different from his father. The fact that she carries his surname does not mean that she will go to his footsteps and will try to capture the world. Perhaps, if you talk to her and go towards it, it will use their strength for good. By the upbringing of Angelica, no one except Markela did, and therefore she sees the world as his father outlined him. If she finds out about the real state of things, its worldview will change. After the death of the Father, the girl would have no need to continue his case - it simply will not make sense. And yet - the death of Angelica will violate the balance of the forces ...

"It remains to understand how to stop the apocalypse without sacrifice," the man thought sadly.

Girls in the meantime fiercely fought. Angelica clearly inferior MELLS on all fronts, but stubbornly did not want to give up without a fight. Getting another blow, the girl got up again and went into the attack. Yes ... The power of Darkness really has almost a limit stock.

Once again, two opposing magic faced and, exploding, slightly lit the surroundings. Rinat suddenly saw a strange gleam somewhere nearby from battle. Looking around, he realized that there was a holy grail.

The decision came instantly, and the guy carefully, along the wall, moved towards the artifact.

"What are you doing?" - he rang out the excited voice of Ziga, who still fought with the Dragon Angelica, superior to the strength of his own relatives.

"I go to the graveyard!" - Rinat answered calmly, gently moving towards his goal.

"Do you want to live?! - Rarrarkal Phoenix. - Mellem clearly gave you to understand that you only change the view of the Apocalypse, then you will have to kill you! Stop, idiot! ".

"I don't change anything! - Runya dismissed. - Melle said that you need absolute internal balance! I was able to choose two lights at once, it means that I am half an evil, half good. I just have to be equal balance! "

"You have the power of light !!! - Zig shouted in despair. "Even if you yourself are balanced, your power will become a defining factor!".

"And yet I have to try," said Zarryan stubbornly. - Stop talk about this!".

No longer listening to the bait of pet, the guy with one jerk overcame the distance to the cup. In vain. Melle noticed him.

Do not dare!!! - shouted the girl, sending a wave of magic to the salaries.

The guy quickly sent the oncoming wave of light, reflecting the blow and, no longer hesitating the second, took the artifact.

A dazzling outbreak of light, and now the new energy has flown out of the church of the graveyard in heaven, gradually eating darkness. Like Angelica, the salaries temporarily disconnected from what is happening. He no longer heard how Mally screamed in rage, as a rather giggled Angelica, realizing that now her death would not solve anything, as Phoenix rummates, not understanding where his opponent disappeared (Angelica drew him to himself and, until Mall sees , dragged on the back of the pet Markela). The light began to slowly pour the neighborhood and ... unexpectedly stopped.

"My challenge is to protect the world," the man told himself. "You're damn a cup, you will not destroy it and know!" I just won't let you! Let's stop all this catavasiya immediately and return everything to your place! You do not know me worse that the time of this planet has not yet expired! What? How do I know? Yes, because I'm still alive, and therefore the world can not disappear! Oh, this is I HAM? Look at yourself! The unfinished piece of iron, and everything is there, will shift! In short, if you immediately do not stop your tricks, then before dying, I swear, I will turn you into a crooked curve, so that the next time it was not possible to destroy everything you did not like !!! ".

It turned out that the Holy Grail is not just a magic artifact, but also a reasonable object. At first, the rinat did not understand where the head in the head is an incomprehensible voice, and when I realized ... In general, there were few minutes, and the Grail did not stand the conversation with Zarryan and agreed to postpone the apocalypse for a while.

When Rinat's view again became meaningful, MELL was surprised to find that the Holy Grail is no longer glow, but calmly lies in the hands of Zarryna, as if the usual Cup. Finally, time went on, but only the rays remained from the recent black sphere, which still flew in different directions. Not for long. Mel is spoken around his axis, and her strength of a circular wave scattered around the district, absorbing hazardous rays, and did not have time to become new spheres. Then the girl was angry with her eyes toward Rinat.

You ... You ... - That blush, then pale, she squeezed.

What? - He asked the man, making the dying eyes.

With you, I will talk later! - the girl turned away, remembering the rival.

However, Angelica was already sat on the dragon on the dragon and managed to find a weight clot of darkness, to which several death spells mixed.

MELL, carefully, "Rinat shouted.

Dark clutch with hiss fell away from the hands of Angelica and flew towards Melissa. That quickly created a wave of splitting energy and sent to meet. Contrary to its expectations, the throat of darkness absorbed the whole wave, becoming even stronger. Zarryan quickly put the light shield around MELL, which stupidly looked at the death flying into it. At the very last moment, when Rinat was already sure that everything would cost, the bunch had sharply changed the direction and, accelerating, rushed to Zarryna.

Excalibur broke out brightly, which arrived unknown from where to protect the owner. Zig also rushed to Rinat, covering it with all the body. And then there was an explosion. A bright flash of light and a loud sound for a few seconds disoriented MELLENT. When she was able to see again, Angelica was already quite far away - flew toward the ocean.

At the place where Zarryan stood, a giant crack was visible, leading to the crater of the volcano. MELL, slowly rearing the legs, went to the edge and looked into the latter mountain. Lava was not. At the bottom of the saint Grail lonely. Neither zarnorny, nor ancalibour, no phoenix.

* * *

When the time went on, everyone who was on the main square of Siniodus, saw a bright outbreak of light, and then all the subsided. A few minutes of intense silence, and then a deafening roar rang out, and something exploded on the grief. In the distance it seemed some kind of black point, and again silence.

What is happening there?! - Sung Olga.

I have a bad premonition, "Riona said gloomily.

It seems that everything has already ended, - slowly spoke firmanist, - that's just ...

What? Nick asked concern.

I no longer feel the energy of light ...

What? But ... how so, the rector? - Talled Ornell. - It means that Rinat ...

He is dead, "Amadeus said quietly.

As if overall on the head. The teachers were worried, students hung up, Riona hid the face in his palms, nickname to pain squeezed fists, Tokotarkova and rushed to faint ... and only Khitrov sat her back to everyone, not even stamping ...

Maybe you made a mistake? - After a couple of minutes I squeezed Riona.

Mellegiate promised to save him! - Nick whispered one lips.

In her hands flickering a small sphere, inside which was a flower. Tagged.

Liarais! - Anna Ruodyski exclaimed amazed. - But where?

When we flew with the hand to the seal, we met some Mountain Humik. These flowers grew there. We found a paired flower. One was with him, the second is. Humrik said that if the flower buys, then his owner is dead. I doubt that Humrick was blown.

Did not lie, "said Firirian. "If you really found a pair liarais, then the mistakes cannot be - Rinat is dead."

But this we had to die, "Riona said. "If he didn't heal us then, he would destroy Markela and Angelica." He saved us at the cost of his life ...

We could not protect the light, the nickname. - could not do what they had!

It was not necessary to listen to this woman, "the wokeering Olga dressed. - It was necessary to go to the volcano and do something!

Hitrov got up and silently headed towards the castle. She did not want to listen to anything. Anyway, you can not change anything. The girl of Irsos looked at the mountain and saw MELL, slowly walking toward the Siniodus with some cup.

BUT! Wrong! - Screamed Olga. - You promised to save him!

You already know? - Melissa smiled sadly.

Why? "I barely restrain, so as not to rush to the girl with the fists led Riona." - Why were you not able? Answer, I ask you!

He tried to defend me, but the Angelica replayed everything at the last moment, and even this holy Grail spoiled everything ... - Mellel said bitchily. - I'll tell you everything tomorrow. Now I need to report before the bosses.

One question, "Hitrov suddenly said. - Markel is dead?

Almost, - the girl replied. - Rinat struck him with damned light, after that they do not survive. Gordosu left a maximum of day. Angelica, unfortunately, was saved.

Clearly, - just as quietly spoke light. - You can go, tomorrow we will talk more.

Melle Already distorted from the imperative tone of the hectare, but she said nothing. Silently turned, a sign showed her people to follow her, and soon disappeared.

Olga, Riona and Nick, went after Sveta in a partially destroyed castle. Opermagues created a portal through which the prisoners who were stunned by the news about the death of the owner. The teachers sent students to their rooms, and themselves began to assist wounded undergraduates and searches for those killed. Soon the night, the Nature rested from a difficult evening at Sinodules. Silence. The castle plunged into darkness. Only in one window burns light. On the windowsill with his feet sat Hitrov and just looked at the moon, illuminating the surroundings with pale silver light. "Cold ... Not like Rinat ..." - Svetka suddenly thought. In his hands, she kept the sphere with faded liarais. Tears flowed on the cheeks.

Penetrated into the ordinary orders, broke the ceremony. A terrifying magic explosion damaged staff, and since then it has been almost impossible to control his vast force. Although several bravery tried to use the rage of light, it was the cause of destruction. Kirin-Tor decided to hide the artifact to avoid the catastrophe, and transferred it to storage in the blue dragons, which put the staff in the Nexus repository.

When the new invasion of the flaming legion began through the split islands, the priests became interested in artifact. The hero, directed by Alunice Falat, decided to take possession of the staff and curb his strength. It snuck into the Nexus repository with the help of dragons, despite the air, which captured this place and used for their own purposes. The hero was able to hold back the huge forces of the light of the world, and he became the new owner of the staff. The artifact was used by the priests of the Conclave to clear the abyss of Naaru in the temple of the light of emptiness.


Source of information in this section - Supplement Legion. To World of Warcraft.

After listening to the Offers Aloncia FAOOL, the future head of the Order of the Priests decided that his key artifact would be the rage of the world, once created by the scarlet Order and hidden by the magicians of Kirin-Torah. Fool warned that the staff encloses the great strength, which can become a destruction for the owner, but the hero was confident. Since it was known that Kirin-Tor handed the staff to the blue dragons, Faol offered to seek help to Keelek, one of the Council of Six in Dalaran. The hero went to Amethyst Citadel and spoke with Keelek.

The Supreme Mag was surprised to learn about the search for rage of light, but still said that the blue dragons put the staff to the only place where his unbridled power would not break out to the will, - the Nexus repository. Capelex has long been there. After the blue dragons practically destroyed, the nexus was abandoned. It was difficult to say whether the Nexus repository survived and with which the hero could face in the nexus itself.

Capelek warned that the hero should be well prepared if he was going to visit Nexus. There were strange things in the chearra, and should have been found all before moving on. When Kaleequen was the last time in a dragon graveyard, he felt unusual energetic oscillations emanating from the lazurite dragon sanctuate. This place was directly connected with the plans of Maligos during the Nexus war, and what was happening there now, could be the cause of the current state of Nexus. Capelex could not go there, but gave a hero a special crystal, through which it was possible to keep a connection.

Lazurite sanctuary

The hero took advantage of the Dalaran portal, who had moved him to the Temple of Dragonian Peace, from where it was possible to quickly reach the Lazurite Sanctuary. Arriving there, the hero discovered the angry generations of the abyss, which were raised next to energy flows in the center of the sanctuary. There were also many corpses belonging to the magicians and the hero, inspected them, drew attention to a special blade. The projection of Keleport, designed by the crystal, reported that this weapon charged the energy of inclusions of emptiness. It seems his former owner wanted to curb the power of the abyss.

A strange portal was also found in the sanctuary, and Kaleequen commented that he was similar to the portals of Etirials in the Waiter. They may have been associated with what is happening. A conductor of the abyss energy conductor was attached to the middle of the powerful lines of the sanctuary, which was fed by the energy of the abyss of the power lines of Azeroth, directed by the Maligos into a tag of emptiness. This technology also belonged to Etheria.

By continuing the investigation, the hero found the negotiating device of Etheria, which finally confirmed their presence. Kaleequel offered to use the device. The hero, inspected the device, was convinced that he was still full of energy and was left relatively recently. Nearby there was a switch, the activation of which made the illusion of the airline over the negotiation device appear. It was the prince of Bilaal, who belonged to the Brotherhood Etieth, and Kalelek realized that it was this group of Ethericians who captured Nexus. They intended to expand the window into the cheer of emptiness, which was a serious threat to all Azeroth. Capelex asked the hero not only to find lost weapons, but also to upset the plans of the brotherhood.


The hero went to Histarra and approached the Nexus spider, following the instructions of the Cape. The Supreme Magician, who remained in touch, did not know that Etiered was conceived, but it was obvious that there was a lot of energy of the abyss. For this, the waters of Maligos were used, and Kaleequen asked to examine one of them. Next to the nearest Wristol, the hero collided with Etheric and, when he attacked, destroyed it. Keilek, checking the state of Volnolov, confirmed that the fraternity of Etherium adapted these devices for drawing the energy of the abyss. The same energy was powered by a barrier around the Nexus, and the Supreme Magus asked to inspect the base. When the hero approached the entrance to Nexus, Keilek said that the repository was weakened. The energy of the staff rushed out, and this could be used.

According to the Mage plan, it was necessary to doubt the unstable energy of light and be directed into the waters to cause a rapid reaction. The hero imagined a large amount of light energy, defeating the lighting of light or absorbing it from energy faults at the base of Nexus. Now, using energy, it was possible to destroy the waters through the filling of their strength of light rage. The stormy reaction between the two types of energy really allowed the hero to destroy the Western, oriental and northern waters. Although Etheirs tried to prevent him from him, the hero won the victory over them.

I breaking the latter of the waves, the hero heard the voice, arguing that the shadows no longer. Capelex explained that Azerürhos, who returned to the nexus behind artifacts was released from the etherial traps. The captive of Azuregos meant that the brotherhood Etherumer was much stronger than Keilek thought. Despite the disagreements between the two dragons, Keilek asked to find Azergenic and make sure that he was free. After the destruction of the wavewings, the shield, enclosing nexus, was dissipated, and the hero was able to enter there. Kaleequen warned that she would no longer be able to use a crystal for communication, because unstable energy prevented his work. He wished good luck and clarified that the entrance to the Nexus repository is at the lowest level.


When the hero entered Nexus, he saw in the next hall of the deprived of the forces of Azerought, who was sought by the energy of the abyss. The dragon was surprised that the usual mortal was able to hack the protection of Etheria. When the hero destroyed the etherials, guarding the dragon, Azergenios realized that they were on the same side. The hero healed him using his abilities, and the dragon rose to his feet. Having learned that you need to penetrate the repository, Azuregos promised that it would be a way if the hero helps him get to the library. He took the appearance of the blood elf, which was more convenient for moving by Nexus corridors.

While they made their way to the library, Azuregos noticed that the rage of the world rushes free. It was a powerful and unpredictable artifact that could hit them at the most inopportune moment. In the rest of the rest, even the floor was reddished hot, and around the birth of light, destroying Etheirials. Finally, they entered the library where the runes flicker in the air. Azuregov, having studied them, said that the entrance to the repository was destroyed during the Nexus war. But there was still possible to get, once the energy of the repository was still felt. Azuregos suddenly felt a huge surge of magic of light, and in front of him and the hero appeared another earning, the fascinating justice flame. The hero was subordinate to the elemental, using his skills, and forced him to repay himself.

The energy of the artifact continued to rage and could destroy the entire nexus, if not to pacify it. Azuregos and hero were hurried to a different way, which remained the only way to the repository. Etheirs blocked the path, but the priest and the dragon were painted with them. In fault, it was discovered that the bridge that allowed to move here was destroyed. The hero heard the crure of Prince Bilyala, who announced that the brotherhood was not stopped, despite the destruction of the waters. The strength of the light of light allowed to expand the break in the sword.

Azuregos turned into a dragon and suffered a hero to the group of Efirials, which conducted a ritual over the prince. The ritual was completed on time, and Bilial turned into a monstrous amount of the abyss. Azuregos lost too much strength, so all the severity of the battle lay on the hero's shoulders. Although Bilyal urged the magic of the abyss and screamed the power of faults, the hero was able to destroy it. Announced Azuregos again accepted the appearance of Elf and said that he could open the portal and support the portal in the repository.

Entering the repository, the hero saw that the pedestal, on which the staff was located, flames fire. He had to apply his skills to subjugate the staff his will and curb the flame energies of light. When the priest finally took the rage of light, Azuregos announced that the energy of the repository stabilized. Dragon was impressed: he had not yet met priests who could curb this artifact. He thanked the hero for freedom and promised that he would devote himself to the protection of Nexus so that the power over the magic fortress would no longer fall into bad hands. Azuregos created to the portal who was supposed to transfer the hero to Kalesgos, and asked him to give him hello. Once in Dalaran, the Owner of the Egg talked with Kelex and listened to his gratitude. It's time to come back to other priests to make creating

Only the most experienced heroes of Azeroth under the power of the invasion of the flaming legion, armed with the legendary artifacts. The power of this magnificent weapon grows along with yours. You yourself determine its properties, appearance, sounds and behavior in battle. Turn your artifact in the perfect weapon of war and lead your fraction in these difficult times!

Becoming one of the greatest priests of Azeroth, you have deserved the right to have a weapon that is endowed not only by power, but also with your own name.

Between light and darkness

For priests, three specializations: "obedience", "light" and "darkness". The uniqueness of each of them is reflected in the choice of artifact weapons.

  • Priests with a specialization "obedience" stand on the fine border between light and darkness and masterfully control them. They need to carefully support this balance so that they can apply and control the strength of the staff Rage of lightin battle.
  • Priests with a specialization "Light" personify Divine power and use real light weapons: T "Uuura, Svetok Naaru. Weapons of such origin can be used both for the healing of the allies and for the crushing of those who dare become enemies.
  • Adepts Darkness will undoubtedly want to add Xal "Atat, blade of a black empire, to your arsenal. Priests with a specialization of "Darkness", who have this honed abyssful blade, will be able to instill horror in the hearts of their enemies and subordinate their mind to their will.

Each artifact is the embodiment of the power of the priest. In the names of hidden power - remember them, because this legendary weapon will become your faithful assistant in the battle with the enemy, whose more dangerous you have not met.

Obedience - rage of light

In an effort to cleanse the Azeroth from the undead, the scarlet Order tried to create a second earpiece in the form of a staff. But the lord of horror, penetrating the orders in the ranks, prevented him, causing a terrifying magic explosion. Since then, the force of damaged prosty is almost impossible to control. Several brands tried to use it, but provoked new destruction, and Kirin Tora's magicians decided to hide it to avoid the catastrophe.

Light - T "Uure, Svetok Naaru

Creation of clean light, generous Naaru saved Dreseyev from their home world, when most of them turned into the ceremonies of the flaming legion. The demons almost destroyed the last fugitives, but Naaru protected them with this crystal-lighthouse. T "Uure radiates a healing radiance of light, which heals the terrible wounds and returns to life. At some point, the crystal got into the hands of the legion in the wage covered. Since then, he has not seen it.

Darkness - Ksen "Atat, Dark Empire Blade

A long time ago, this terrifying dagger was created from the clawing of the ancient God, and the priests used it for ritual sacrifices during the heyday of the Black Empire. After the overthrow of the ancient gods, the cults of the cult hid xal "Atat. For centuries, he appeared in terrible rites or disasters from time to time. The blade has its own will: with the help of the energy of the abyss and exposure to the mind of people, it maliciously distorts everything around.