Harry Casparov's personal life. Casparov for many years hid a family secret of Harry Kasparov with his wife

About the novel of young Kasparov with a wonderful actress Marina Neelovashipped all theatrical Moscow. When they met, Marina was 37 years old, and Garica - 21.

In 1984, Kasparov got acquainted with the actress Marina Neelan. He was 21 years old, and he was the youngest contender for the title of world champion in the history of Chess.

"Our close communication with Marina Nelaova continued for more than two years. She was older than me for 16 years, like all my mom's moms. Partly because I matured very quickly. But much more due to the fact that the peerets, as a rule, sought to get married quickly. About this, of course, I could not and threaten, as it was preparing for my first match for the world championship. All - my health, my training, my aspirations - was subordinate to this goal. On the other hand, I was a normal young man with conventional needs and desires. Not a monk.

We had a lot of mutual friends among the writers and artists. She is a very extraordinary woman. It is possible that our Union relied on the feeling of our exclusivity. " (From the book of Harry Kasparov "Child Change"

He then lived in Baku and in Moscow was only the departures. Neelova took a young lover in his apartment on pure ponds. But in the light, they have repeatedly appeared together. When in the 84th Kasparov for the first time met in the match for the world title with Anatoly KarpovNelova sat in the hall next to the Mom of the chess player.

The actress supported Kasparov in difficult time for him. In the match for the title of world champion with Anatoly Karpov, he first lost. Yes, even with a score of 0: 5! Harry even nicknamed the long-player player. At the matches Nelova sat next to the Chargen Clara. "Two moms," they talked about them.

"At the end of January 1985, with a score 5: 2, we were even driven out of the column hall of the unions with Karpov. Because Karpov, despite its assurances, which is about, they say, I will wait for me, I could not win in any way, and here the members of the Politburo mumbled one after another, and for the farewell ceremonies it was necessary to free the territory. Then Karpov passed the third party, and the question is not even that he was physically exhausted and could not continue to play ... he became uncomfortable psychologically - he was just scared, and most importantly, they pulled those who were behind him. "

But it was Clara Shagenovna and separated them.

At first she told her son:
"You need to focus on chess." And if you want to marry the actress, it is better to marry at all the factory dormitory at all. She will infect you a bad disease!
When Neelan became pregnant, Clara Shagenovna inspired her son that an extramarital child could negatively affect his sports career. The ambitious Harry, who already won the world title, did not object. His mother stated in the press: "This is not our child." As if hinting for the fact that Neelova was in parallel with another man. Proud actress did not tend a word then. But the daughter of Nick, whom she gave birth, turned out to be two drops of water similar to Kasparov. Colleagues Nevoy on the theater "Contemporary" were outraged by the act of grandmaster, and Valentin Gaft. Publicly stated:
- Kasparov is not fit to be taken in a decent house.

"I almost ceased to see Marina. Parting became inevitable. Therefore, I was completely sure that the child she wore could not be mine. Each of us has already had a separate personal life. I tried to throw it out of my head and focused on chess. " (From the book of Harry Kasparov "Child Change")

In 1987, Marina Neelan was born Nick's daughter, like two drops of water similar to Harry Kasparov.

Now Nick has 28 years old. In the first class, she went to Paris. Father she replaced the current husband Neelanova - Russian diplomat Kirill Gevorgyan.. It was thanks to Schoham Nick, at school, visited different countries and learned several foreign languages. Neelan's daughter, burning brunette, looks very attractive, although he says that he never considered himself beautiful.

Nika studied at the courses of the main artist of the Moscow Theater "Lenk" Oleg Shaincis. In 2008 she graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts in the Hague. He studied abroad, or rather in the Netherlands, where her father, Kirill Gevorkyan, a few years ago was appointed by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation.

It is known that she is not a lover of public life and is distinguished by incredible abilities in learning foreign languages. In the Netherlands, she graduated from the Academy, the second education, artistic, received already in London, at the design school.

In 2010, he graduated from the Art School at the University College of London. Participated in several collective exhibitions, mainly in the Netherlands. In 2010, Nick with the installation of the principles of obedience became the winner of the new sensation contest held by the London Gallery of Saati. According to the conditions of this prestigious competition, all graduates of the country universities are allowed to it. But from numerous applicants at its first stage, the 20 best, whose works are set at the Art Fair in London. And only four winners are a grant for the creation of new projects. After the victory, she received many interesting proposals, she had a personal exhibition in London.

Everyone knows that Harry Kimovich Kasparov (52) Always appreciated the beautiful floor. Legends walked about his love adventures. Now the brilliant chess player has been cooled, acquired an apartment in Manhattan, in which he lives with his young wife Darya Tarasova9-year-old daughter Aido. and very little son Nicholas.who was born on July 6th of this year.

The champion always knew a lot in female beauty. There are rumors that he could not resist the Darya, who is younger for the whole 20 years, while in lawful marriage with Julia Vovk (37) who gave him a son Vadima (19).

The most scandalous can be considered Roman Harry Kimovich with the actress Marina Neelova (68). When they met, the artist was 37, and the grandmaster - 21. The difference in 16 years did not embarrass a couple. But separated them Clara Schagenovna, Mom Kasparov, believing that Harry Kimovich needs to focus on chess, and not on a woman. When Neelan became pregnant, Clara inspired her son that the ridiculous child would negatively affect his career and stated in the press: "This is not our child." Marina Neelova did not get involved in these scandals in the media and did not comment. However, daughter Nikawhich she gave birth was very similar to Kasparov. Now Nick has been 28 years old. Her father replaced her husband Neelan - Russian diplomat Kirill Gevorgyan.. They prefer not to talk about chess player.

Royal generosity

In 1989, Kasparov met in one of the semifinals in Paris in the tournament on quick checkers on a knockout system. Both main parties ended peacefully, and on the situation there was a third party in Blitz, and in it white needed a victory, and the black arranged a draw. Black got a revolt, he achieved the desired result and went to the final. But here the Judge Gisssen, who was interested in finding Kasparov in the final, in violation of the rules, forced partners again to sit behind the board, actually defended Harry. This time Kasparov won, got into the final, where he took the top of the short. Of course, the judge was blamed, the judge was guilty, but Harry felt awkward and found a way out of a conflict situation. When prizes were awarded at the closure of the tournament, he spent 16 thousand dollars in cash without unnecessary words - so much Viktor Lvovich would be guaranteed in the final ...

All world champions love money, but only Kasparov so generously breaks up with them ...

Magic sweater

In 1981, a team championship of the world among young people took place in Austria. After the victory of the Soviet national team of Kasparov, her leader, acquired a dozen red and white sweaters with large numbers "85" on the chest - for gifts to everyone who intends to help him in the struggle for the champion title. "What a strange number? - His coach Alexander Nikitin asked, putting on a sweater. "If you expect to play a fight for the crown, then the nearest will take place only in three years, in 1984, and the next one and three years later, and the President of FIDE Campomanes is unlikely to break the calendar." "" Wait and see, "Harry smiled mysteriously. - In the meantime, we will assume that I took these sweaters due to the amount of numbers, 8 + 5 \u003d 13. " Indeed, the drawback of a dozen is a happy number for Kasparov, born on April 13 and subsequently proclaimed by the 13th world champion. But, it can be seen, Harry Lucinal - Already then he had a gift of providence ... And in fact, the chess king of Kasparov became in the second, an extraordinary match with Karpov in 1985!

Women's duel

In 1984, even before Marathon with Karpov, Kasparov began a novel with a popular actress "Contemporary" theater Marina Neelan. They met visiting the famous married couple - Pianist Vladimir Krodyev and the coach in figure skating Tatiana Tarasova. Although Harry was sixteen years old, he managed to conquer the heart of Marina and fell in love for a joke. Their connection lasted for about two years, but the question of marriage, apparently, did not arise. Harry lived in Baku with his mother, and turning out in Moscow, unlikely visited Marina. She was given the role of the second, Moscow Mom: Chess talent needed female care. Neelova was a domide, and Kasparov loved to sparkle in society, especially with such a beautiful lady, and the famous actress to make him pleasant, went towards.

It is not known how much these relationships would continue, but Clara Schagenovna, Mother Harry, was tired of sharing their son with another woman, and she convinced him that for the sake of the career should be broken with Neelan. Of the two mature and experienced competitors, the mother won ...

Second attempt

In 1986, Kasparov got acquainted with the graduate of the Romano-German branch of Philfak MSU Maria Arapova, who worked as a guide-translator in "Intourist". A pretty blonde with pleasant manners, good education and prestigious work - all with a "plus" sign. They met for three years and finally entered into marriage. In 1992, his wife gave birth to Harry's daughter Polina, and childbirth was touched in Finland, where at the time the parents of Mary were on a business trip. Alas, after five years of cloudless happiness "The family boat crashed on life." There is a version that spouses thwarted the "apartment question". When it was time to buy new housing in the center of Moscow, Masha made an unforgivable promament, offering her husband to acquire a separate apartment in the house next door to Clara. There is a loving mother who always lived with her son under one roof and could not be otherwise who could not. The marriage process proceeded long and hard. Maria did not suit the generous content, which Kasparov appointed her and Polina. The wife stated that it was disappointed in the chess player who struggles with her per square meters, as with Karpov for the 64-cell board. Honeying experienced lawyers, she presented Harry's claims for each point of revenue, demanded the division of all the property, "accumulated with a joint life." It seems that the main reason for the divorce was in the desire of the spouse to leave abroad, while retaining the high material level at the expense of Harry. In the end, Maria went with his daughter and parents to America, where Harry acquired them a very comfortable house in New Jersey. Daughters are already twenty years old, she is a student of Columbia University, but Kasparov still supports Polina and her mother.

Latvian mark

For several years Kasparov walked a bachelor and was one of the most enviable grooms. The beauty of Julia was lucky, a high, long-legged girl, with which Harry met in 1995 in Riga at the Memorial Tal: she was nineteen, he was thirty-two. And a year later, a wedding took place (though, the official marriage registration was not followed). Soon the young spouse gave her husband to Vadim's son. "Are you going to leave chess?" - The matter asked Harry. "Not earlier than the Son will see my victory on stage! He followed the answer, "he must realize who his father."

In 2000, Kasparov lost to Kramnik, for several years all his attempts to play the match-revenge were in vain, and in 2005, disappointed by the situation, Harry made a sensational statement that leaves large chess, refuses to fight for the return of the crown and switches to policies . However, parting with dubine chess, Harry managed to please the Son - in late 2004 he won the "missing" title of champion of Russia. Vadim was present in the hall and, as Kasparov conceived, was convinced of his own eyes what his outstanding father he had. Moreover, it was the son of a gold medal - a valuable toy! But time flies quickly, Vadim is already eighteen, it is a high guy, a giant, almost two-meter growth.

It is important here to notice that Julia is a native of Riga, has Latvian citizenship, and Vadim has a residence permit, and he often happens in Riga. In 2013, these circumstances played an important role in the fact that Kasparov and himself asked to provide him with Latvian citizenship (of course, retaining Russian)! Thus, if the Latvian Sejm took a positive decision, then a chess king appeared in Riga again (Mikhail Tal was the first). However, in 2014, Casparov received Croatia's citizenship, became a full-fledged European, and the question of Riga registration fell away by itself ...

(to be continued)

Saturday heroine has become a reason for the request of Latvian citizenship by the thirteenth world champion in chess

Who is not with Kasparov, that ... with the Kremlin?

Last week, the well-known Russian chess player and opposition politician Harry Kasparov sent letters in Latvian to almost all the factions of the Seima (except the "Center of Conception") with a request to provide him with Latvian citizenship for special merits.

"As a citizen of Latvia, I will receive an opportunity without restrictions to engage in political activities in the name of democracy, peace and justice, both in Russia and in other countries of the world, where the human rights violate and trampled democratic norms," \u200b\u200bexplained his aspiration of Kasparov.

Harry Kimovich pointed out that his life was closely connected with Latvia in his youth. Here in the 1970s he won the chess victory. The mother of his son Vadima is a citizen of Latvia. And the son has a residence permit in Latvia, and he regularly visits Riga.

Kasparov proposed that as a citizen of Latvia he could contribute to the education of schoolchildren and students as part of the Casparov Chess Foundation programs. And in the future it could also be run from Latvia to the post of new president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE). From Russia now, the current head - Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, with whom Kasparov decided to compete for this post.

In conclusion, Kasparov threatened that the refusal to him in citizenship "would prove that many politicians look towards Russia in Latvia." The chess player promised to arrive from the United States in December (where he settled since June of this year) in Riga to speak again all the details.

It is curious that in 2010, the 12th world champion in Chess Anatoly Karpov was expelled for the post of FIDE FIDE with Ilyumzhinov. And in August of this year, Kirsan has already come to Riga to personally open the largest international chess festival in the Baltic countries - RTU Open. But for some reason not stuttered about the citizenship for such merit to Latvia.

Perfect husband and imperfect husband

Kasparov's Riga wife Julia Vovk was one of the heroines of the Publications "Saturday". Her mother hope won in our competition "Perfect Husband."

Our readers sent stories about their husbands, in which they argued why they consider them the best.

The most touching story was told by Nadezhda Vovk - about his husband Vladimir and two daughters.

Without any doubt, we gave the family of VKV. The main prize is a tourist journey to Cyprus. And the younger daughter Kate gave her children's dream - a huge elegant house for Barbie. At that time, the eldest daughter, Julia, was only 17 years old - she just entered the university, and several months later, she met Harry with Harry's correspondents - during the closure of the Chess Tournament Mikhail Tal Memorial, in which Kasparov won. Julia came to the tournament with a classmate, and left the event with Harry.

It is curious that at that time Kasparov adhered to several other views on democracy. In 1993, he split a chess world - based on a counterweight not the best times of FIDE his professional chess association (PCA), where attracting about five million dollars of investment infusion. At that time, many leading grandmasters of the world accused Kasparov in dictatorial savages. Instead of the response, Harry Kimovich developed the Ethical Code of the Organization, providing for cash fines for Volnodims.

Soon, Ryzhanka married a chess king. In the same year their son appeared. In childbirth, Mom Harry Clara Shagenovna was present in childbirth, and his father himself saw the baby only after her. Vadim's name was given only a few days after childbirth as a result of complex numerological calculations: the sum of the sequence numbers of letters in the alphabet gave the number 13 - the lucky number of Harry (he is the thirteenth world champion). Riga grandchildren with grandfather presented her grandson with a carriage with self-seeming. Then they shared with the Saturday with their dream - about granddaughter. Julia really wanted a girl.

The perfect husband from Harry Kimovich did not work. Nine years later, the marriage collapsed. My daughter gave birth to another wife - Daria Tarasova, younger than it for 20 years.

Strength - there!

Curiously developed the fate of the Riga and the only son of Kasparov Vadim, whose sports passion is very different from the father: he is a rod.

16-year-old Vadim Kasparov (weight - 120.65 kg) is trained in Riga and participates in the Riga without Drugs. This summer, he became the winner of the Championship of Broja in the Open category, which was held in Kekave. Russian-Latvian project of the movement "For Sport Society!" Having posted a video with the participation of Kasparov-Jr. under the motto "First ignore you, then you laugh at you, then fight you, then you win!".

Vadim designated three weights of the bar, which intends to take next year, - 200, 250, 300 kg ... By the way, unlike his mother, the Kasparov junior citizen of our country is not. Perhaps he has something to think about.

Donzhuan List Harry

Marina Neoulova. Sat down until she wanted to marry

The first strong sense of Kasparov survived in 1984 - he fell in love with the theater "Contemporary", the star of the Soviet cinema Marina Neelan, from whom he met at a well-known couple - Pianist Vladimir Krothev and the coach in figure skating Tatiana Tarasova. The actress was older Kasparov for 16 years. The novel summoned a mass of curvotors in the acting part. Kasparov himself later responded so: "Marina theme and satisfied me that he did not want to marry. She understood the true nature of my struggle (the title of the world champion with Anatoly Karpov. - Approx. Ed.) And provided me with all sorts of support. " Two years later, the Union collapsed. And soon after this, Marina gave birth to a daughter to Nick, which Kasparov did not recognize.

Maria Arapova. Competition with baby

Soon after the gap with Neelan Kasparov began to meet with a 22-year-old Muscovite Maria Arapova, who worked as a translator at the news agency "News" and a guide in "Intourist". It was married only three years later - in 1989. A couple had a son who died a few days after birth.

In April 1992, Maria gave birth to Polina daughter in Finland. And a year later, the marriage collapsed. "I used to give Harry's whole soul," Mary's break explained. - But a little man appeared, who also demanded a lot. Harry was far from these worries. He did not even take us to London on a match with a short, which lasted as many as three months. And on arrival stated that it was morally ripe for a divorce. "

As the Western press wrote, during the London match of Kasparov, the young French chess player Virginia Mora and began to visit the girl regularly. However, this novel did not lead to serious consequences.

Catarina Witt. Mom was opposed

After the divorce of Kasparov, the legendary German figure skater of Katharina Witt. I was going to even marry, but here the mother of the figure skater (she is the coach), which forbid her daughter to even think about Kasparov.

Julia Vovk. Slightly caught

In 1995, 32-year-old Harry met a 18-year-old student Julia Vovk.

Soon they got married. And in the same year, Kasparov with a young wife almost drowned. While resting on a red island in the Adriatic Sea Harry took a pregnant wife in a 5-kilometer swimming on a kayak in the open sea. On the way back, Bayakka scored so much water that turned over. Fortunately, the "wreck" happened not far from the small island - the spouses managed to quickly swim to the ground. Not far from the spot of disaster was the chef pilot of the President of Russia and the commander of the government 235th squad Alexander Larin, who led spouses from the island.

Two months after a happy return in the Kasparov family, son Vadim was born.

In one of the interviews, Harry said: "I want to play another five years, while Vadim is growing. The son must realize who his father. " Marriage lasted nine years.

Daria Tarasova. 20 years of the difference of love is not a hindrance

When Kasparov plunged into active political activities, it became increasingly more likely to notice in the society of the Economic Faculty of the Economic Faculty of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions Dasha Tarasova. In humans, the girl was safely represented by the wife of the chess player.

Grandmaster bought a beloved apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, and his wife is in the Gagarinist Lane of Moscow. Soon he was divorced with Yulia, to immediately make marriage with Darya. In 2006, they had a daughter of Aida. The girl was named in honor of the mother of the chess player. According to the passport of Clara Shagenovna - Aida, and I called it the late husband and loved ones.

Now most of the time of Kasparov is carried out in the apartment in Manhattan, purchased for 3.4 million. In New York, Harry gives master classes on chess, heads the chess fund of his name in Montville, New Jersey. It is curious that his ex-wife Maria Arapova and the daughter of Polina live in this state.

The daughter of the Chess King and Marina Neylanova fascinated the director of the London Gallery

The 13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov recently born her son. Probably, it was not by chance that the boy was named American manner - Nicholas. Three years ago, Harry Kimovich, finally disappointed in the Putin rule, left Russia and settled in the United States.

Kasparov bought an apartment of three bedrooms with an area of \u200b\u200b160 square member in New York on Manhattan. m. For this, a family nest, where his young wife Daria Tarasova lives, their 9-year-old daughter Aida and the chess player himself, he laid out $ 3.4 million. Now you have to rebound a little - there are four of them.
The 52-year-old ex-world champion knows a lot about women's beauty. Daria is younger than it for 20 years, and some Americans seeing them together, mistakenly think that she is his daughter. When Roman Kasparova and Tarasova, student students of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, was in full swing, Dasha somehow asked who she had a great chess player. Spectacular brunette without blinking the eye, replied: "I am his wife." Although Kasparov at that time was married completely with another young lady - Yulia Vovk! But Tarasova has achieved his own. In 2006, she really married chess genius.
As a student, Daria practiced in Washington on the program that the US government supported. She opened his own store in St. Petersburg, and Valery Leontyev even dedicated her one of her songs. In general, this lady also knew the price.

Harry Kimovich and Daria together for 10 years with a tail, and, I must say, this is a great achievement for the spouse. After all, the winner of all sorts of chess tournaments has always had a weakness to the beautiful floor.
About the novel of the young Kasparov with a wonderful actress by Marina Neelan, all theatrical Moscow. When they met, Marina was 37 years old, and Garica - 21. He then lived in Baku and in Moscow was only the departures. Neelova took a young lover in his apartment on pure ponds. But in the light, they have repeatedly appeared together. When in the 84th Kasparov for the first time met in the match for the title of world champion with Anatoly Karpov, Nelova sat in the hall next to Mom's chess player. But it was Clara Shagenovna and separated them. At first she told her son:
"You need to focus on chess." And if you want to marry the actress, it is better to marry at all the factory dormitory at all. She will infect you a bad disease!
When Neelan became pregnant, Clara Shagenovna inspired her son that an extramarital child could negatively affect his sports career. The ambitious Harry, who already won the world title, did not object. His mother stated in the press: "This is not our child." As if hinting for the fact that Neelova was in parallel with another man. Proud actress did not tend a word then. But the daughter of Nick, whom she gave birth, turned out to be two drops of water similar to Kasparov. Colleagues Nevoy on the theater "Contemporary" were outraged by the act of grandmaster, and Valentin Gaft stated publicly:
- Kasparov is not fit to be taken in a decent house.
Now Nick has 28 years old. In the first class, she went to Paris. When he grown, became a sculptor, graduating from the Royal Academy of Arts in the Netherlands. Later, Nick continued his studies in England, and in 2010 it became the winner of the competition "New Sensations", which was held by the London Gallery of Catchee. Her father replaced the current husband Neelan - Russian diplomat Kirill Gevorgyan. It was thanks to Schoham Nick, at school, visited different countries and learned several foreign languages. Neelan's daughter, burning brunette, looks very attractive, although he says that he never considered himself beautiful.

I have a young man, we live together in London, - recognized Nick a few years ago. - He is Italian, also works here. Not an artist and not sculptor. Maybe it is for the better - we are not boring together.

However, to submit to the public of the very Italian Nick never decided. Later he went to his homeland, and the couple was broken. Meanwhile, Nelova Junior literally fascinated the director of the London Gallery "Charlie Smith" Zaiter of Ellis. First, he, using extensive connections, helped to show his work in the capital of England, then in Berlin, Amsterdam and other cities of Europe. Outwardly, everything looked quite ordinary: the patron of art helps young giving to climb the road to success. But when at the exhibition in the London Somerset House, where the works of leading artists and sculptors of Britain were shown, suddenly the creation of Niki Nelaova - the only one from the foreigners, many had a question: why would it be? Talent She, undoubtedly, is, but without a high patronage in the cohort of the chosen, they won't get so quickly. This venice, by the way, oversaw the recruitment.

Everything understood the former Favorite of Ellis - Tessa Farmer. The woman arranged an ex-boyfriend scandal:
- What is this in this Russian? Her works are completely ordinary. You are moving personal sympathy.
Tessa persistently asked the Zadaner for the use of the case to forget about the Russian sculptor. But he did not listen and still began to lose his head from the new favorite. Now they see the director of the gallery not only at exhibitions and museums. Ellis takes her on trips, they dine together in restaurants, walk around the city.
According to our data, Nika Nelova was offered to work in Moscow at one time - she did not want. Mom called a daughter to Paris, where he lives in recent years, and gained polite refusal. And when Nick asks for something, Ellis (or vice versa), there is no failure.
About Kasparov Nick prefers not to speak. She, like mom, crossed it out of his life.

Led the girl at short

In the 86th, friends introduced Harry with the Miloid Blonde Maria Arapova. The graduate of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University worked as a translator in "Intourist". It is curious that her dad was well acquainted with Karpov - the 12th world champion and a sworn Kasparov's opponent, but Clara Schagenovna learned about it too late. Otherwise, perhaps she would not give blessings to marriage. Three years after the wedding, Mary gave her husband to her daughter, which was called Polina. Arapov decided to give birth in Finland, where her parents lived at that time. And Kasparov remained in Moscow, with Mom. They say Clara Shagenovna seriously offended by the daughter-in-law. When Harry was going to buy new housing for a family in the center of Moscow, Masha cautiously offered to detect the mother-in-room - buy her apartment in the house next door. Such a cunning of the Vlace Clara of Shagenovna, accustomed to live with his son under one roof, could not worry.

Casparov's wife, together with his daughter, spent several months in Finland, but Harry visited them very rarely. And then he went to London at the match for the chess crown with an Englishman Nigel Short. The duel lasted as many as two months, but Maria in London did not appear. It became clear that the spouses cooled to each other. And soon it turned out that Kasparov struck a double blow to a short hit: he won his match and helped Niphel a girl - Chess player Virginia Mor. Communication with this young Frenchwoman lasted two years.
Maria Arapova was not silent. In one of the interviews she said:
- Probably, Harry has something changed in a personal plan. Returning from London, he stated that it was ripe for a divorce. I tried to talk to him, but he does not want to go back ... pressure is put on me. If I do not agree to his conditions, I will deprive the credit card. He is fighting with us, as with his chess players or political opponents. But it's just about a woman with your child. I was disappointed in Harry. God is a judge to him.

It reached the point that the spouses began to communicate only through lawyers. The divorce and section of the property stretched for a year and a half. As a result, Maria and daughter left for permanent residence in the USA - Kasparov bought them an apartment in New Jersey. By the court decision, he received the right to take the child to himself for two months annually. But the former wife did not let go of Polina to his father. However, when the passions lay down and the girl has grown up, normal communication has improved. Polina did not inherit from the Father Love for Chess, but several years engaged in sports gymnastics. Now that Harry Kimovich lives in New York, he has the opportunity to see his daughter much more often.
Kasparova and Arapova had a family mystery, which they hid it for a long time. The fact is that at first Mary gave birth to her son's son. But the boy was barely saved, and after a few days he still died. Harry perceived it as a bad sign. Already then, he slowly began to move away from Mary.

In the 95th on Mikhail Memorial, Tal in Riga Kasparov drew attention to the slim and sexy beauty of Julia Vovk. A classmate was invited to the banquet on the occasion of closing the tournament, and as it turned out, the girl came there not in vain. Between the 32-year-old "king of Chess" and a 18-year-old student immediately broke out a novel. Many Kasparov colleagues believed that this connection would last five to six months. Well, as a last resort year. And made a mistake. Julia managed to like not only Harry, but also, most importantly, his mother. Clara Shagenovna gave a good wedding.

When Julia was in the seventh month of pregnancy, there was a very unpleasant case. Harry with a young wife sailed on a kayak in the Adriatic Sea. Suddenly, the wind blew, a lot of water got into the kayak, and she turned over. All this happened not far from the small island - stunned spouses managed to swim before him. Fortunately, Boris Yeltsin's Chef was not far from the spot of disaster and the commander of the 235th government squad Alexander Larin. He leaned with a married couple from that island.
Despite the shock, Julia gave birth to a healthy child. Note that Clara Shagenovna was present at birth, and Harry was not there. But his son Vadim Kasparov, of course, loves. For example, when the boy turned five years old, Dad, as promised, took him to Paris, in Evroodineland. Vadik was on the seventh heaven from happiness. In 2004, becoming a champion of Russia, Kasparov, after the award, took off the gold medal and hung her on the neck of the eight-year-old son. For the famous chess player it was very important that the son was proud of them.

Alas, a year later, the second marriage of Kasparov collapsed. His ex-wife Julia still lives in Riga, and Vadim has already been dried in two meters in growth and weighs 120 kilograms. To the disappointment of the father, the son is absolutely indifferent to chess, but with pleasure I am gladly. Vadim became a rod and participated in the championship of Latvia on becoming. When in 2007 his father was arrested in Moscow (Kasparov participated in unauthorized march for free elections), the guy was shocked. Yes, and Harry Kimovich himself believed that he would be put in prison.
"I was given five days, although they could and 15 ride," the chess player told the enemy of Putin's power. - Decided to teach. I was placed in the chamber on three: three beds screwed to the floor, the passage between them was literally meter. But there were also surning. For example, I could walk, but I wanted, but only in a cage about three meters five, on the top floor. The light at six in the morning did not turn on. I managed to take a tile of chocolate and a bottle of water with me (I was put into the camera with it!). I assimilated how much such stock I was enough - I refused the prison balanter. However, five days without meals can be kept.
Apparently, after this case, Kasparov and conceived to relieve west. He tried to receive Latvia's citizenship, but received a refusal. But the Croats went to meet. But Harry Kimovich prefers to live in the United States. He somehow admitted that he sometimes plays chess on the Internet under the pseudonym. And he has great pleasure when virtual rivals are amazed by the quality of his games. In general, America likes the faiths much more than Russia, and the work for the benefit of the United States is paid very generously. According to his own words, Kasparov now publishes books, reads lectures in different cities of America and abroad, earning very decent - almost as much as it was during the athletic career times. But he does not serve as a country that brought him up and glorified on the whole world. With Russia, Kasparov was not on the way.

And there was a case
* Harry Kasparov really liked the famous German figure skater Katharina Witt. Once he managed to meet her in Germany, and mutual sympathy was already between young people. However, the mother of the Olympic champion, seeing the guy with Caucasian appearance, categorically declared her daughter: "We are not needed!" Harry was visible and offended.