Dead rally. Perfect. Wild lands Corkari

Scene Quests

It is on this territory that you need to go to gain access to the gnome city of Orsammar, where you have to persuade the gnomes to give you to help in the battle of darkness. A group of head hunters, which will be the magician, will attack you on the way, if you came to this card for the first time, but they are unlikely to introduce danger to you.

In fact, you don't have anything to do to admission to Ozammmar - go to the goal, listen to the deposit of the guard with the Messenger of Logaine to the city, declare your desire to enter the city, then either kill the imper, or drive it away - and the guard will let you in Ozammar .

Navalny Quests

At the entrance to Ozarovamar not far from the merchants walks by one of the students of the magician who you need to give a letter to dismissal.

In the frosty mountains there is one of the caches that you need to visit on the line of quests of Derulema "Services to interested persons."


Scene Quests

Having passed across the hall of the heroes and entering the residential part of the city, you will immediately witness not too multiple scene between Belen and Harroumont (with which you can already be familiar already familiar if you are playing noble dwarf). Speaking with the head of the Guard after everyone scattering in different directions, you find out that you got to the gnomes at a not very right moment - after the death of King, the endlin, the Assembly cannot decide who should inherit the throne, and without the presence of the king no submorts from Dwarves do not have to wait, for no one will take responsibility to send an army to the surface when it is almost a little civil war.

You do not need to be a genius to conclude - you need to take everything possible that one of the applicants for the throne becomes the legal ruler of Ozammar. What exactly - to solve you, is not a big difference (although if you play noble dwarf, you may have personal accounts with one of the applicants).

ATTENTION: You can talk to the representatives of both applicants and get the initial tasks from both, but fulfill only one of them - that the applicant you decide to support. If you fulfill them all, both representatives will decide that you took the side of the opposite party and will not talk to you anymore.

Regardless of whose side you decided to accept, first you will be offered to prove your loyalty (and the fact that you are not the spy of the opposite group) by performing a small order.

If you decide to take the side of Lord Harroumont, then you should talk to Dulin. It can be found in the Harroumont mansion in a diamond area or in a local tavern. If you decide to go to the Assembly before talking to the representatives of both applicants, then Duline will capture you at the exit of it. To verify your loyalty, you will be offered to take part in the competitions on the Tests arena as Chairroumont Champion. Several of his fighters unexpectedly refused to participate in the competition, so that it would be quite good for you to find out what the cause of such behavior (although it is not necessary to complete the task).

Go to the arena. Bayzil, one of the fighters of Harroumont, will share with you with your problems, if you have a skill of conviction. As he admits you, he is in love with a married lady, and representatives of Belen, somehow having a letter of in love with a couple of love, threaten to make them the property of the public. Letters are in the chest in the locked room of Myagaly - one of the fighters of Belen - immediately, in the arena, and you can either simply open the castle if you have an appropriate skill, or steal the key at the Myagaly itself and thus open the door. If you give the bayzile letters, he will agree to fight for Harroumont.

The second fighter of Harroumont, Guiddon, informed that Harroumont decided to pass the position and give way to Bellen, the competition is held only in order to allow him to "save face". You can persuade him to take part in competitions, convincing (with the presence of the appropriate skill) that Harroumont is not going to give up.

After you finish all the cases, go to the Arena manager and declare that you are ready for a fight. You have a series of fighting, and the first three you need to fight alone. In the fourth you will be allowed to choose a partner of one of your associates. In the last battle, if you convinced Bayzila and Guiddon to perform on the side of Harroumont, they can join you if you want - or you can take your usual group.

When you finish all the battles and will be announced by the champion, you can finally meet with Lord Harroumont face to face. Unfortunately, victory in the arena is not enough to convince the Assembly in the right of Harroumont to the throne, so you still have to work hard.

If you decide to support Prince Belen, then his representative of Vartaga you can find either in the palace or in the assembly chamber. As a confirmation of your loyalty, you will be asked to deliver two letters, from which it follows that Lord Harroumont promised support for the support of the same reward to two different persons. It is these persons - Lord Helmi and Lady Dace - you have to take the letters. Lord Helmi is located in a local tavern, and all you need is to give him a letter. Lady Dais, although she will be very upset by the news, nevertheless does not have the right to make such solutions herself, and therefore after a conversation with it you will find her father, Lord Dace, which is on the deep paths. Lady Dace will give you a card so that you can get to the right Tag, namely Tag Edukan.

Lord Dais is located in the southwestern part of Taga. To get to him, you have to make your way through a significant amount of rally of darkness, deep pursuers (small animals with very sharp teeth who love to throw out from the ambush into the indecent amounts) and other inhabitants of the dungeons. When you get to Lord Dace and help him deal with the attackers on his group of monsters, you will finally give him a letter and get assurances that from now on he will support Belen.

After that, return to Vartaga and you will receive an audience from a prince in the palace. Unfortunately, your efforts only won two supporters for Belen - which is not enough for the belief of the whole Assembly, and therefore you should take a few more steps to provide him with the throne ...

Regardless of whether you took the side of Belen or Harroumont, your following tasks will be absolutely the same, and the first of them will deal with the head of the local mafia named Jarvia, from which there is absolutely no living - especially in a dusty city.

Go to the dusty city. If this is your first visit to this remarkable place, it will be marked by the attack of local gangsters. If you are playing a dwarf-versatina, you can meet here your old friend Leske, but he will not tell you anything useful. To obtain the necessary information, talk with a bench name by Nadezhda, the local merchant Alimar or Gnome named Radek. (Perhaps, it is most profitable to speak with hope, since she does not need to pay - except that you yourself want to award it - neither to apply special persuasion.)

Who would not have chosen, you will find out that the Dzharvian lair can be penetrated with the help of special talismans that are worn by Assistants Jarvia. Go to the house in the southernmost part of the district (you could even go there earlier and not find anything interesting). However, this time you will wait there a whole gang of bandits. When you remove almost all the lives of the leader, he will plead about mercy. You can kill it or let go, but in any case you will receive a bone finger mascot, which is a kind of key to Jarvia's lair. Now go to the "suspicious door" north of the house with gangsters, and when you examine it, you will get the applied mascot option and now you can safely go inside.

Dzharviya's lair is sisite with gangsters of all possible varieties, in some places - spiders, as well as, as well as a respected gangster attachment, it has numerous traps, so it is extremely recommended to go there with a robber. Jarvia itself is in the eastern room, and whatever the options of the dialogue you have not chosen with it, as a result you will have to fight it. Beware of traps - there are quite a few of them in this room, although in fact all of them are concentrated in the second half of the room (you can notice them by numerous barrels placed around).

If you are playing a dwarf-simpar, you will find a fishing line along with Jarvia. If you play someone else, then the fishing line will sit in a chamber in one of the previous rooms, and you can free it if you want.

Having understood with Jarvia, disarming the traps and finishing the inspection of the room, go to the corridor in the northeast corner - through it you can go to a dinner area through the shopping shop, without returning through the entire junk and dusty city.

When you report to Harroumont / Belen about the success of your mission, you immediately will be introduced to another task - to go to the deep trails and find a paragon there (perfect) Brranka, which you could already hear from local residents. Branca to this moment is the only living paragon of Orzammar, and its support will surely provide the candidate to the election. (In the event that Brranka met the sad end on the deep path, you need to find at least her remains.)

At the exit from the city you will hean some Ozen, with whom you may have already met earlier - and perhaps that there is no, but no role is playing. Branca is his wife, and therefore he will decide to join your group. You absolutely optionally take it with you now, even if you agree with his proposal, but at a certain stage it will still automatically join your group. (Ogren - Warrior, specializing in two-handed weapons.)

Navalny Quests

According to the Ozammar, information about the city is scattered - collect her, and you will open the location of the treasure in the Assembly Chamber. Each area of \u200b\u200bthe city contains a part of the information you need, that is, you need to visit: Heroes Hall (close to the entrance to Orsammar), Tests arena (in the south room), dusty city (near Alimar's shop), Diamond region above the entrance) and a dormant area (a document on the bridge leading to the arena). After that, go to the Assembly and in Niche next to Vartag you will find a chest with a reward - a ring adding 2 to all characteristics.

This quest gives you an ort in archives in a diamond area. You need to go to deep trails and find evidence there that her family belongs to a noctive race. The evidence you can find in the chest in Tayig ortan in front of the bridges, near the observed perfume and golems. (It will be there even if you did not receive the quest.) As a reward, you will receive 5 gold from Onts, when visit it in the Assembly Chamber. If you refuse the award and return to it later (you need to leave Orsammar and frosty mountains), then get 10 gold from it.

This quest is available only if your GG is the gnome noble origin of the male and if he spent the night with Mardi in the Prologue. Now she has a son (yours), but since you have declared an exile and you have lost your caste, then her child is also an extracephal. You can ask the Belen or Harroumont (depending on whom you supported) take your son in their family. Do it before leaveing \u200b\u200bthe Ozammammar after the election of the king (the best way to talk to him immediately after coronation), otherwise the child will remain extraordian.

You will receive this quest from Ragek in a dusty city. He will instruct you to deliver smuggling Lirium Godwin in the tower of magicians (if you have already passed the tower, you can remember him - this is a frightened gentleman who hid in the closet on the second floor). To obtain Lyrima, you must pay the Ragen 50 gold (40 with a high conviction) and money should be in stock. If you talk to Rogeck, without having the right amount, it will remove away, and the quest will be lost. Also, if you have already completed the quest on the tower of magicians and took the side of the temples, you, of course, cannot deliver the smuggling to the addressee.

If you delivered Lirium a year, then you can get about it from 50 to 65 gold plus a dagger depending on how high your belief is. Report the Rogek on the execution of the task, and you will receive a reward from 10 to 25 gold.
If you cannot complete the quest (for example, if Godwin is dead), you can sell Lyrium to merchants (although it will not compensate your losses completely).

You can also kill Rodek. If you say that you can not deliver the goods on purpose, because the magicians in the tower are simply not left, he will decide that you are going to inflate it and will attack you. He will also attack if you become threatened to give it to the authorities for smuggling. (Rode can be killed and immediately, without bothering with the quest, but in this case you will receive only 20 gold from his corpse.)
If you feel a moral obligation to stop the smuggling of Lirima, another way to do this is to report to Gregor in the tower of magicians (and this can be done after you received money from Godwin.)

In the archives, one of the keepers Mildrart will complain to you that they have stolen the book. Go to the dusty city and talk to Cherebeat. He will attack you. You will not find the book, but you will find on his body a receipt, from which it can be concluded that he has already spoiled the product to someone in the Test arena. Go to the arena and talk to Gredit. He will attack you. Having received a book back from his corpse, you can either return it to Miltrartu, or to sell the personalities named Jerrin immediately, in the arena, for a couple of gold.

This quest gives you the catcher of Naga Bo -ermore in a low area. After you get it, Nagi will appear around the city - the grace of rats and pigs. You need to deliver them to boaermore. The quest will be considered completed after the delivery of the very first Naga, but you will be given money for each subsequent, and if you find all ten, you will get an additional reward.

In the dusty city of Nurse, by the name of the Grainy, will tell you his sad story, and if you want, you can help her. You can advise her to try happiness on the surface or talk to her father, which is located in the local tavern, and convince him to accept her daughter and grandson back. If you have finished the Berkel's brother's quest and a branch of the Church opened in Ozamarra, you can send it there (or talk to Berkel's brother yourself and ask for help for the Lorus). You can also convince her to throw a child on the deep paths, as its family requires.

This quest gives you Dagna in a low area. She dreams of learning in the tower of magicians, but for some reason all her letters with requests for acceptance remain unanswered. Go to the tower. If you have already completed the quest "Torn Circle" and took the side of the temples, Gregor will refuse Dagna in her request. If you took the side of the magicians, Irving will agree to accept it in the disciples, and all you have to tell Dagna news. Another option - you can persuade Dagna to stay in Ozammar, as her father wishes. If you help Dagna go to study in the tower, her father, the owner of the weapon shop, will be so upset that refuses to sell you their products.

You can get this quest before or later depending on whether you took the side of Belen or Harroumont. If you decide to support Belen, then you can go to the right part of the palace immediately after the first conversation with him, and if you supported Harroumont, then you can do it only after its coronation.

In one of the bedrooms in the western part of the Royal Palace, you will find a sick woman, and a nearby doctor will explain that she is poisoned and only a very strong antidote can save her life. He will give you a recipe antidote (for which you need the highest level of potion). All you need to do is prepare an antidote and give it a patient. You will not get any awards other than the recipe for an antidote (which can cure from paralysis and sleep).

You will get this quest from Berkel's Brother in a more dumb area. Brother Berkel dreams of opening the church of the Creator in Ozammar, which is somewhat difficult, since conservative gnomes honor the ancestors-perfect and not too inspired by a prospectus of some new religion. If you decide to help your brother Berkel, then talk to the chief keeper in the archives and convince him to resolve Berkel to open a branch of the Church in Ozammar. (You can also refuse to help your brother Berkel, stating that he should not interfere in the religious affairs of the gnomes.)

This quest gives you Field in a small area. For several years, her son went with an expedition to deep trails and disappeared there. It can be found in Tayig Othan, but over the past years and the tests of the poor hand changed it so much that he does not want to be rented back. You can lie to Field that it is dead (this option is available only if you talked with the hand about his mother and he asked you to lie to her) or tell the truth. If Field finds out that the hands are alive, he will decide to go to the depth trails, but in any case the quest will be completed on it. You can also kill your hand if you want. If you leave him alive, it will perform a merchant function for you.

You will receive this quest in Jarvia's lair. Almost at the very beginning of the map you will find a jammer diary from which to find out that he hid the treasure here. Three chests are scattered over the dungeon, and from everyone you need to take one - the cheapest is the item (iron knife for opening envelopes, a silver ring, a grenade bauble). If you take the wrong object, then get injured. When you in the presence of all three subjects, you can open a chest with a treasure in the northern part of the map.

If you talk to boaarmore with Leliana in a group, she will notice that His Nagi does not like it. Talk to her after that - she will say that she would like to have their own Naga. If after that you talk with a celebrating dwarf in a dusty city, he will catch you for a few silver coins of "Cute Naga", which you can present Leliana as a special gift. After that, the nag will be found in your camp.

In the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace you can resolve a small riddle. Stand in two satellites on the tiles in the form of arrows in the southwestern corner and put the third to the central tile in the previous hall, then activate the Through Throne (be prepared for the battle). Separate with a monster that appears, and you will get a two-handed sword as a reward. This quest must be allowed to coronate any of the applicants.

In the royal palace in one of the eastern rooms you will find a black bottle. This is one of the vnental bottles if you disarm it.

In the Royal Palace in the northeastern part, when you enter there for the first time, a group of robber gnomes appeared before you, which appeared in this corridor by mistake. You will not have any other option except to kill them, because they immediately attack you.

In the Test arena, you can take part in informal competitions (in contrast to the competition for honor of Harramont, here you will fight not alone, but the whole group). If you win all four, then get the ring for the magician of the blood as a reward.

If you activate the memory wall in the archives and then you will find and activate the three business plates scattered over the Orzammar and the deep trails, then when you return to the memory wall and activate it again, you will get experience as a reward. (Rounic plates - next to the head of miners at the exit from Orzammar to the deep trails, in the southeastern cave at the Caridine crossroads and in the Western Central Hall in the Dead Rips.)

After you choose the side of Belen or Harramont, you are attacked by the supporters of the opposite party several times.

After you are shaped with Jarvia, if you come back to the dusty city, the supporters of Jarvia are attacked.

In the chest in one of the rooms of the Royal Palace, you will find a love letter, which you need to complete the quest "Intercepted correspondence".

Depth trails

Scene Quests

In order to find a brunch, you need to go through a whole series of tags and dungeons. For a start, go to the Crididine crossroads, which should appear on your card after a conversation with Harrojondt / Belen. You will go on it at the very northern point, and your goal is to reach the exit on the southernmost. The straight path is blocked by the dust, so you can bypass it either through Western caves or through the eastern. Western caves are filled with disassembly of darkness, and the eastern - mostly deep pursuers.

Through through numerous opponents and being south output, now that you go to the map of the depth trail, you will open a new place - Tag Ortan.

Tag Othan is put down in the disasses of darkness and spiders, as well as spirits, golems and other than unfriendly inhabitants of local dungeons. Your goal is to get through to the northeast of Taga, where the Branki Diary is located. Be careful - when you achieve a place with a diary, you have a battle with the boss - the queen spiders. I recommend to run away away after its appearance, because in this case it will follow you and you can avoid simultaneous battle with other spiders that will appear later. The queen will disappear several times when you remove a certain percentage of her health, but it will soon return to the battlefield. Having understood with her and the rest of the spiders, read the Branca Diary. Now that you go to the map of the dead trail, you will open a new location - dead rs.

And enjoying the view of the army of the dissection of darkness at the entrance to the dead Rips, you will rather quickly scroll into the Legion of Death, reflecting the attack of the speculation. Since you still need to go through the bridge and attacking enemies to continue your mission, you can help the gnomes in the battle or even run along the bridge forward and take the entire opponent on yourself (in this case I recommend going cautiously and with a loaf, because the group of coming oscillage Darkness is very numerous and tie the battle with everyone can immediately be not very reasonable - although everything in any case depends on your group and your level.)

If you clear the bridge and territory behind it, the Legion of Death will follow you to keep the defense on the new line, but then they will not advance, so you have to rely on your own strength. Go on the map, knocking back from the Horde of the Ratings of Darkness - in some places you will wait almost a whole army - for example, in the South-central part you will meet an orange boss - Master of the Forge - along with an elite alpha Harlock and numerous "white" opponents. It is best to first explorate your robber - traps here too.

Overcoming all the obstacles, you will be hung on Hespit - Captain Branca. At first she will simply appear ahead of you from time to time, insigning in the inwilth-free poems, and then you can talk to her personally. From the conversation with Hespit, you will be able to find out that Branca, apparently, is still alive, and that with the accompanying dwarves (especially with women) something solely terrible happened - but, in general, they will not achieve particularly intelligible information .

Having passed through the cave with Hespit, you will go to a fairly spacious room, where you will wait for a few odds. Clearing the hall from the enemy, you will find that one of the doors is locked and requires the key. Go to the southern door, where you will see several brands of legionnaires, and take the key of legionnaires from the altar at the end of the corridor. Perfume after that will become hostile, so be prepared for the battle.

Now you have a key to open the "sinister door". Go through it and the corridor and pretty soon you will hide on a huge and extremely frozo look of the boss of this area. So, now you know how the uterus looks like the Darkness, producing them on the light.

The uterus cannot move away, but her tentacles (each - elite) can disappear and appear where they want, and besides, she can spit in a large distance in almost any place in the cave. If you look around, then notice two corridors on both sides of the uterus - you can translate your group there so that it does not get you too much powerful splashes. If you confuse at the very end, you will not directly attack and tentacles that for some reason may appear only at the very beginning of the corridor. Several times for the battle of the uterus will call on the help of the disassembly of darkness - fortunately, ordinary, not elite.

When you are parted with her tentacles (and they have a habit of disappearing when you bring them a certain damage and appear a little later, so it may take some time), then the uterus itself will not be so dangerous opponent. You can finish it from the distance, you can do it in the near battle (ku de gra - the blow of mercy - the melee weapon looks very impressive), just keep in mind that, like fires, she can grab the enemy and start rigging him on Pieces right in the air.

Crashing with the uterus, go to the oriental corridor. If you need to stock potions or sell prey to free the place in the backpack, go back now - after you cross the border of the next territory, return when you want you can no longer.

After you go to the track a trail, you will open a new location - the forge of emptiness. When you enter it, the OGRN will automatically join your group (if it was not in it before) and you will get the opportunity to change the rest of it, if you want.

In the cousin, you will finally meet Brank and get information from it, which happened to her and her dwarves. After a conversation with the Branka, you will have to fight back from several attacks of the Darkness. Having understood with them, go along the corridor to the room with the Golemas. It is filled with poisonous gas and to turn off, you need to turn four levers in the center of the room. The golems will come to know when you approach them too much, so it makes sense to retreat from the room at once, as the first golem is activated, to divide with it, repeat the procedure until the room will not be cleaned from the enemy completely, and then turn off the gas and proceed further.

And then you will meet another room and again with the Golemas - which, for a variety, will be activated by couples (although in this case not all the golems will come to life, some will remain statues). Also on the floor in this room there are traps.

Go further, and you will pull up a rather strange device that resembles a giant head, surrounded by four altars, near each of which is the spirit. When you are shaking with the Spirit, you need to activate its altar. You need to repeat this procedure four times, after that four somewhat stronger spirit will appear, but the principle will remain the same - after the death of each of them, activate its altar. When you figure out the second four, the device will finally fail and you can proceed on.

In the final cave you will meet the Caridine itself. He will explain how he was able to create golems at one time and why now regrets it. At the end of your conversation a broke will appear and you have to make a decision: take the side of the Caridine or Branca. If you take the side of the Branca and in your group is Sheil, he will go to the side of the Caridine and you will have to fight him. If you accept the side of the caridine, then - as expected - lose a fairly large number of approval points with Ogren (although nevertheless it will remain on your side in the battle).

Regardless of whether you accepted the side of Branca or Caridine, pay attention to the Lirima divergent around the residential. It is warmly recommended to use them as often as possible - first, it is a free increase in your mana and health, and, secondly, if you do not, they can take advantage of your opponents. Also, if you have difficulties with the battle, I can recommend some way to temporarily immobilize the main boss (for example, by the power field) and first of all deal with the Golemas. Do not forget that the golems are usually very sensitive to magic, and the gnomes are the opposite.

After the battle, Branca / Caridin creates a crown for you, which you can give the contender to the throne. If you accepted the side of the Caridine, then after that he will ask you to destroy the anvil of emptiness and rush to Lava, thus completing its centuries-old existence. As an option, if you fell on the side of the Branki, you can convince her in the wrongness of her actions - in this case, she, giving you the crown, rushes to Lava, pre-destroying the anvil of emptiness. Now you can go back and hand the crown Harroumont or Belen. If you give the Crown Belen, he immediately orders to execute Harroumont. If you give the crown Harroumont, Belen and his minions will raise the uprising right in the ward of the Assembly and you - with the help of supporters of the new king - you will have to kill them all. You do not need to give the crown to that challenger whose quests you were performed - if you please, you can betray it and hand it with the crown of his opponent.

In any case, after that, the new king promises you support in the war on the surface, and your quest will be completed on it.

Note: If you have chosen the side of the Branki and she remained alive, then in the final battle of your army will also join the detachment of the golems.

After you have chosen the king, at the exit from the Assembly, you will welcome the Cardol - the commander of the Dead Legion. If you are able to convince it to help you on the surface, then it will appear during your battle with the archdoor, along with Eamon and others.

Navalny Quests

Find three bags with the pieces of the demon body on the deep path and collect it together. The first bag is located in Tayig Edukan in a small cave with darkness of darkness in about the center of the map, two others - at the caridine crossroad - in southeast and in the northeast caves. When you collect all three bags, go to Tag Otarta and activate the altar in its southern part before the bridge with spirits and golems. The demon who appeared can be killed, and you can let go with the world, having finished bribe into 25 gold from it. If you kill it, then there is a possibility that he will drop the magic sword or armor, but in most cases you will not get anything other than moral satisfaction.

Four parts of the Armor of the Dead Legion are scattered over the dead Ravam. If you collect them all, you will find the location of the sarcophagus, from which you can get the seal of the Dead Legion and attribute it to the archive. If you do it, the dead legion will be recognized as a separate caist. Three parts of Armpeople are in sarcophagas in the central and northern part of the dead RVs, and the last part is on the altar in the room with ghosts. Print You will find in the sarcophage in the corridor for the ominous door.

Survey the four bugs of stones at the caridine crossroad to find the hidden treasure. The bugs you need are: near the western entrance, southwest from the bridge with Alpha Harlock, in the central part, east of the cave with deep pursuers. When you examine all four, you will appear on the map with the designation of the place of the place in the southern part of the map. When you take the treasure, this will complete this quest.

In the anvil of emptiness in the cave with a caridin, you will find the wall with the names of the gnomes, voluntarily agreeing to sacrifice themselves and become Golemas. If you remove the copy from this list, you can give it to the main custodian in the archives to perpetuate the memory of valiant dwarfs.

Collect together the mandon sword. To do this, you need to find all three parts of it. One is located in the Emissar of Herlokov in the southern part of the crossroads of Caridine. One can be found in a vase in a cave hand in Tayig Ortan. The latter falls from the ancient waste of darkness in the South-central part of the dead connections (it appears there only if you already have two other parts. Sometimes it is not always - for his appearance, you also need to first visit the grave of the warrior in the southeastern point Taga Othan ). When you get all three, go to the grave in Tayig Ortan, which is designated on your map, and when you activate it, you will get a collected sword (a very good one-handed sword with three slots).

If one of the members of your group will be dressed in the armor of the Dead Legion (all four parts), when you activate the relic of the Dead Legion in the room with ghosts and altar, a monster will be painted on you.

Task in the game Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" is for many players impassable test. Some do not know what to do in the course of the adventure, others pass by this mission, and the third suffer because of the error. In this article, you can find comprehensive information on this quest with a description of all problems and mysteries.

How to take a task

Initially, it should be noted that the task in Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" often passes by players, because it can only be taken on hidden location in the deep paths. This territory is called dead rs and notable in that it does not open immediately. The entrance to it becomes available for the player only after an ortan will be able to find the Branki diary. This item can be considered a key to the task, because without it will not be able to even try to pass the mission. The reward for execution will be the full Armor of the Legion of the Dead C, which gives good defense. It can be put on the main character or give to someone from the comrades.

Start of task

The mission in Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" is activated automatically after finding a diary. The player should be prepared for execution, because the hidden location is in itself a huge number of opponents. To complete the task, the user will have to look for four parts of the Dead Legion Armor, which will later become a reward. It should be noted that the award is quite symbolic, because the warriors of this detachment still fight with the raising of darkness in the fortress of Bonammar. The first item for searching will be shoes. To receive them will have to help the Legion in the battle with enemies at the entrance to the former stronghold of the gnomes. Then go through the tunnel from the gate. Immediately at the exit you can see a large sarcophagus, and inside it will be the first detail of the armor. In the fortress it is recommended to be extremely attentive and not forget to constantly use the function of the saving. In the task "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins, the passage of different unpleasant surprises.

Continued search

After receiving the boot, the player has to find three more subjects to complete the task "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins. Gloves Player will be able to find in the room where there is a gnome statue, but it is recommended to move carefully. The statue breathes with fire if you step on the slab with the activation of the trap. The flame relieves a lot of health, and therefore it is best to send the strongest associate. Chest armor is also hidden in the sarcophagus, but in another location. Skeletons guard her, and commander of the Garlock Emissar. There should be no problems with the locking location, because the player before this task will face many times with the sealing of darkness. The last item will be a helmet that finding the easiest. The player is enough to go to the Sanctuary of the Legion, approach the altar and pick up the desired thing. Nobody protects her, but on this difficulty on the task does not end. Four subjects will open access to the new location, which will be indicated in the Personal Code.

Fight with boss

Hyde for the passage "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins should prepare the user to the main test. All four parts of the armor were collected in order to open the way to closed location in the former fortress of the gnomes. Players just get to the center of the tunnel, which leads to the uterus - the main enemy in Bonammar, after which it is to pick up the last element of the Legion Armor of the Dead. It is the emblem of the caste, you can just pick up, deploy and leave. If you want to test yourself for strength, you can fight the boss, but you must first go for the key. He unlocks the gate to the territory where the creature is located. There is a necessary subject in the southern room, not far from the Legionnair altar. The battle should not be too complicated if all his associates are used correctly. For the victory, you can get good items and a small amount of gold, which in the game never happens.

Completion of the task

A complete set of Legion of the Dead Dead in Quest "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins is needed to complete the task. The player will have to go again dressed in new things in the room where the user has previously found a helmet. The altar will have a relic that can be activated only in armor. The action will lead to the appearance of a mysterious shadow with which it will have to fight. Prizes for victory will not be, but the action is necessary to complete the task. The Code will appear the corresponding victory record. After that, you can go to the diamond halls. Pre-player should not forget to give the emblem the caste of the dead custodians. Further, the right wing of the diamond halls will be a memory book to which you want to click. Only after this task will be completed and will become marked in the journal as performed. The path will have to go a little, but the award is worth it, plus a journey through the fortress Bonammar will open up new pages of the history of the gnomes.

Possible mistakes

The problem with the quest "Dead Castle" is far from news for players, many users have come across it. The error lies in the fact that the last sarcophagus, where the emblem of the caste of the dead is hidden, after collecting four parts of the armor is not active. If you do not collect a complete set, then the tasks will not be passed. Unfortunately, the optimal solution of this problem does not exist. As mentioned above, the players in the location of the dead rs are better to preserve. Return to earlier files can help in this situation. Initially, you should try to exit location, preserve and close the game. The next time you can find that the error has evaporated, and you can interact with the sarcophag. This method is the most effective, but if nothing happens, you should not be upset. The complete set of the Dead Legion can be obtained in the awekenging add-on.

During the study of the dead RVs on the deep paths, it will be possible to find evidence that once in the ranks consisted and the last representative of the famous house of Fradd was killed with honor. Each part of the Legion Armor will update the Caste Code page of the Caste. Having gathered four parts, a new task "Dead Castle" will appear in the journal, and on the map - a marker pointing to the burial place of Darius Ferad. Sarcophag is in the corridor along the path to the uterus. As a proof of it, we take the emblem of the caste of the dead. On arrival in Ozammar, we go to the custodian to the diamond halls and leave an entry in memoirs. Due to the noble origin and the great sacrifice of the last representative of the house, Frald, the connection of this house and the Legion of the Dead recognize the chronicles worthy study. If the continuity line turns out to be holistic and sufficient, relatives of the Legion of the Dead can be recognized as a younger one, although with restrictions. And then the entire younger house will have to go through the process of entering the chronicles.

Location of parts of the Legion Arms in the Dead Rips in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Legion Boots - Sarcophagus in the first northern room.
  • Legion gloves - Sarcophagus in the first southern corridor to the bridge.
  • Legion Armor - Sarcophagus in a large northern room after the bridge.
  • Helmet Legion - On the altar of legionnaires in the temple of the legionnaires in the eastern part after the bridge.

Legion Armor Characteristics in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Helmet Legion - Power: 38; Armor: 3.13.
  • Legion Armor - Power: 42; Armor: 21.88; +3 to the power of will.
  • Legion gloves - Power: 42; Armor: 3,13; +4 to the attack.
  • Legion Boots - Power: 42; Armor: 3.75.

BUT? - Ogren responded, without holding away from curious and also looked in the ditch.

Tell me ... Have you ever thought about committing suicide life?

Opening, the red warrior opened his mouth and immediately slammed him, not knowing what to answer.

So I did not think ... - my brother over his nose. - But it is better ... what it is!

Shooting black housing wings, out of the abyss, with a strong thread of the wind, pushing us back and writing to the ground, the dark, covered with scales of the body broke out. After describing the eight in the air, the creature, pursing the clawed paws, was drilled on a wide curved bridge, which is a little further and connecting two shores, on the far of which, the wall of the huge metal gate, the facade of a lonely, long captured gnome fortress. The elongated Dragon Morda, with sticking out of the mouth and slightly bent to the chin with sharp fangs, swayed a little, carefully studying their minions, endlessly dark red stripped downstairs at the bottom of the crack. I had a feeling ... As if it was already. As if, I had already seen this somewhere. Brightly, clearly, up to the fingers of the wind, the harsh of my, collected in a loose tail, hair.

Ryk. A loud, frightening scrakes of the wall of the cave, and breaking darkness proudly and sneakily responded, echoing their voices on the walls of stone tags. A flurry-blue flame flourishing his gaze of his unnatural palette, broke out of the mouth of a majestic lizard, and melted, having lost his grateful warriors on the head of his grateful soldiers, crowding down. Soon, and the monster chemged up, barely not hooking the stone icicles, which decorated the cave arch, and cutting the streams of the air, it was impurled in the distance, where the dungeon, expanding his borders, was lost in the embroidery, the volcano jerle.

As soon as the dragon disappeared from the field of view, as in the bridge, from the gate, the wave poured the squad of two-legged creatures. Riding swords and skillfully using crossbows, caused the amount of gnomes-warriors in durable black armor. It seemed that fearlessly bearded legionnaires were not coming.

It is necessary to help them, - helping me to climb and snatching the sword from the scabbard, said Owen.

Metal sang. Again. So familiar and so frightening. A whistle ripped out someone else's skin, with splashes, pulling out of the bleeding black thick wounds, crumpled bones, rubbing on the hands of unpleasant caskets. The sharp tip of the enemy arrows with a snaps crashed into my shoulder, just above the elbow. The muscles tightened, having fallen, and from the numbed fingers with a ringing knife fell, lost somewhere under his feet. The rebound, one more, as long as I crashed back into the bridge. Grimas pain and discontent on face. Eyes in the excitement run from side to side, looking for a way out. I touches the arrow hand and clogged, with a strength of spraying my teeth. Everything will not shine from pain. The send of the seduction and the edge falls out of the hole, and the wound slowly, literally on the eyes, is delayed, leaving only a torn hole in the armor's skin. The dispersed view captures the edge of blue mania, which slipped past, and the cap of red hair. Naskovo picking up with someone else's granite, slightly heavier than I would like, a short sword, I, again full strength, rushing into the thick battle.

Darkness did not expect this essor. Their crossbows with a crash broke, and the skull with a crunch was cracking, riding the ones handled by crimson-black blood, the bridge. We helped to defend the frontier, so coming to the profits in time, and the gnomes were grateful for it.

The Legion of the Dead is the famous military unit subordinate to a direct king. They are angry and they are afraid. Rough skin of their individuals is painted with gloomy tattoos, and the only possible outcome of their life is the valiant death on the deep paths under the exciting grinding of steel swords and the whisper of death, which wanders behind his back, knocking on the poisoned blade between the blades.

Gray Guard? "Stretching his brother, one of the legionnaires asked. By how everyone was watched on him, he was no doubt the commander. - Cardol.

We will be familiar. How long have you been here?

Always, the guard, - grinned by the gnome. - Such is the service. But to the fortress they came up only from a week ago, when the hordes were smelled. New Mor?

I wondered my brother in a surprised-perplexed glance and hand pointed towards the gnomomy. In his eyes, everything was also read a mute question. Having a look at the stove, which was once stood, I realized that the object of my searches would disappear without a trace, as if dissolved.

Managed to clear the move. But ... Cardola we did not find ... - said the younger, carefully touched his hand to my chin and peering into the eyes. - What's wrong? Are you okay?

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Main plot
As soon as we approach the goal in Ozammar on the pass, we will immediately witness, as the whims of Tairna Logyne are trying to persuade the gatekeeper to let them into the city. The most ridiculous thing is that the gatekeeper, barely hearing that we are a gray guard, will immediately miss us inside. Ambassador Logain will not like it and he will climb into a fight, you can kill him, for which you get oral gratitude from the gatekeeper.
Inside Orzammar life is even more fun. We only crossed the threshold of their city, and the representatives of the two structures fighting for the power have already managed to arrange a bloody slaughter right in our eyes. Asking the first gnome's first thing about what was happening, we get a good advice, learn everything from the Bandendor's senior in the boardroom.

Searches for the foreman of Bandelor
Sitting with the benefit of the case through communal halls (part of the city, where the commoner live) We go to the quarter for the nobility (diamond halls) directly to the board building. There we will witness the short debates of Deshira (the gnomes of the nobility), after which it will be possible to talk to the elderly galador.
He will tell that the gnomes are not up to Mora now, because The king of Orzammar died recently, and only the ruler of the Gnome Kingdom can fulfill the contracts of the Gray Guardians. It is necessary to claim this warm place: Prince Belen, the younger son of the late King, and Lord Harroumont, the cousin of the latter.
You can support any of them, because it is important for us only that the new chosen king will give troops to confront with the sea.

Quests for Belena
Vartag Gavorn
This is a representative of Prince Belen. He will meet you in the hallway of the Board of the Council immediately after a conversation with the galador and say that in order to obtain an audience of Belen, we need to prove your loyalty to him. Agree.

Respect Prince: First task
We need to deliver two notes: one Lord Helmi (in the tavern "at the Kabatchikov" in communal halls), another Lady Dais (on the street in the diamond halls). The essence of the case is to put Harroumonta Rogulik (he allegedly promised one mansion at once two nobles). Go to Helmi, after reading the note, it will immediately refuse to support Harroumont. With Lady Dais will be a little more complicated. She will say that her father is engaged in such affairs, but now he is on the deep paths in Tayge Edukan. We go there, find an old man and help him get off from the invasion of the deep hunters. After the battle, give Dais paper and return to Gavornu in the boardroom. Now we can meet with Belen.

Quests for Harroumonta
Dulin Foringer
This is the representative of Lord Harroumont. He will meet you on the street immediately after conversation with the galador and say that in order to obtain an audience at Harroumont, we need to prove your loyalty to him. Agree.

Lord Trust. First task.
We need to speak on the Tests arena as a fight Harroumont. Also at the same time, it is necessary to find out why the best fighters of Lord refused from the speech: Bayzil and Guidon. We go to the arena and for the beginning, we talk with Bayzil. He will tell us one short love story, in the final of which it turns out that it is blackmailing with some letters. For blackmail there is a gladiator of Miuda with his twin Lucian brother (they can be found here in the workout rooms of fighters). Open the chest of Miuda with Leliana and the campus of the letter, after which we give them bayzil. Now he will fight in the arena.
Go to Gwidon. The situation is easier: From the conversation it turns out that it was disinforced that allegedly Lord Harroumont after the tests on the arena will refuse his claims to the throne. And if so, then Guidon does not need to pour his or someone else's blood. We convince him that he was infused and forced to return to the system. Now you can go to the manager and start participating in battles. By woning in all of them, go back to Dulina Foringer (in the tavern "at the Kabatchiki") with a report on the test passed.

Lord Trust. Second task or respect Prince: Second task. Dzharvia lair
We received the right to audience at Harroumont (Belena). Lord (Prince) will say that I agree to fulfill the terms of contracts of gray guards if we give it to the throne. We have no way out therefore we take the second task. We have to deal with a gang of some Jarvia, controlling the dusty city and regularly attackers on citizens of community halls. We go to the dusty city and for donation asking about Jarvia Nishchenka hope. She will tell us about the original keys opening the door to the lair gang. Unfortunately, she will not have the key. Not trouble, we go to the abandoned house, standing near, and deal with a handful of gangsters. The leader is taking the key. Now in the dusty city there was another door. Opening it with the key and go to search for Jarvia. She will be in the depths of the caves. Stepped with her, return to Harroumont (Belen). He will have the last task for you.

Betrayal from the inside
Additional quest. You can get it in the event that you fought in the arena for Harroumont, and then returned to Gavorno and again offered our services, under the pretext that Harroumont now trusts you and you can spy free to him freely. Having learned that Harroumont sent you to kill Jarvia, Gavorn will give you papers testifying to the connection of one of Lord's relatives with Charter. These papers will need to put in the chest of Jarvia in her shelter, after entering it the most. As soon as you can hand over the quests like Harroumont, and Gavorn. In addition, both challengers on the throne will be given a job in search of a broke (read below).

Perfect, perfection itself and Anvil void
We have to go to the deep trails in search of perfect broke to convince her to vote on the Council for Harroumont (for Belen). 2 years ago, she took the whole clan and went into search of the legendary anvil of emptiness. According to legend, she invented another perfect - Blacksmith Caridin, and with its help could be created by the golems. We go to search.
At the very entrance to the depth trails to us will join the Ogren - Branca's husband. And although he is a drunkard, which is constantly staring at the beauty of Morrigan, in search of his wife can help, as the deep trails know well and perfectly owns two-handed weapons. To begin with, we have to find Tag Ortan. There we will find a Branki diary (for him you will have to fight the queen of spiders), from which we learn that she went into the dead Riva - the area that is the border between the kingdom of the gnomes and the refuge of the species of darkness. In this area, only the most desperate gnomes from the Dead Legion are fighting. By the end of the passage of this location, it turns out that many gnomes died and began to generate darkness, and one of them is the uterus (creature that takes into light all this abomination). Killing the uterus, after which we open the way to the last location of the deep trail - an anvil of emptiness. As soon as we get into it, Brranka goes towards us. She is alive and healthy, but ... finally saddled. Bulking the entrance so that we do not run away back, she wants to avoid traps in the corridors leading to the anvil. There is no choice, so agree. There will be three dangerous rooms. In the first one, it will be necessary to turn off the gas, pulling for 4 levers on the walls, as well as kill gradually commercially coming golems. In the second one will need to neutralize 2 floor traps with blades (Lelian copes with this) and get rid of several golems. In the third room, the test will be more serious. A strange installation will generate the souls of the gnomes (very unslab, by the way). It will continue forever if you do not do the following. As soon as you kill one of the souls, immediately press the anvil (they are only 4), which begins to glow. Then the fireball will shoot it, causing damage to the installation itself. Pieces 6-7 such shots and battle will be won. Now we go to the anvil hall. There we will meet the Caridine itself in the guise of iron golem. He will tell us about the second side of the medal to create an army of the golems on the anvil. It turns out to breathe life into stone needs to take away life from a living being. Many gnomes at one time were killed to replenish the army of the golems to protect Orzammar. Caridin will ask us to destroy the anvil and free it from a thousand-year liability shipment. At this moment, a small brewer will come running, which will offer us not to destroy the anvil, they say this is the key to victory over the sealing of darkness. Choosing for us. Personally, I chose as a result of the caridine and killed Brrank. After the battle, Caridin snaps for the future king of Orzamar the crown and end.
Note: if you select the side of the bench, the battle will be a bit more complicated, because Caridin is almost not susceptible to magic, and it hits much more pains. The crown for the king of Orsammar in this case reuses a branca, and in the final battle for you will fight the golem, and not ordinary gnomes.

Returning to Orsammar, at the re-meeting of the Council, we ourselves call the future king and give him the crown, forged perfect. If you select Lord Harroumont, then Belen will arrange a fight right in the boardroom. We send it to a meeting with a stone, after which we speak with Harroumont. He rewards you with the staff, fulfills the promise and begins to collect troops to combat the sea.
Note: if you are coronting Belen, then he is the first to execute Harroumont, then give you a hammer of his brother and send troops to fight the sea.
In any case, the support of ORZAMMAR will be obtained.

Secondary quests
Hope of Mother
Filter, a woman from community halls, asked to find her son's hand, missing 5 years ago in deep paths. And even though it is almost incredible, but the guy stayed alive. You will find it in Teig Ortan in the plot of the game. To tell Fil Down The truth about the fate hand or not - your business, on the fulfillment of the quest and the award it will not affect.

Song on the deep trails
You need to lay down the word for Brother Berkem in front of the chronicler chronicle. The gnome priest wants to open the Church of Andrasta in Ozammar, but this is contrary to the 2000-year-old canons of a gnome religion. So, we go to the diamond halls in the House of Keepers. With a soldered belief skill to 3, it can be persuaded that the opening of the Church will benefit untouchables, providing those medicines and work. Also the great chronicler can simply scare that they will soon come the army of people and forcibly paying all the gnomes into their faith. Anyway, he will give a resolution of Brother Berkem to the opening of the Church.

Unprecedented scientist
In the community halls you will meet Dagna girl, daughter of Janar gunsman. She is very interested in magic and although it does not have any abilities to it wants to still study the theory in the tower on Lake Calenhad. We agree to help her. We go to the tower of magicians and speak with Irving (naturally after saving a circle from obsessed). He will be very happy to such a desire for magic from a gnome child and will give Owl consent. Further to solve you. You can persuade Dagna to stay to help parents in the forge, and you can give her the words of Irving, after which she will leave Ozammar. Anyway, the quest closes.

Precious metals
Banjug Rogek in a dusty city will offer you a deal. You can certainly sneak to him and kill him, but if you have a conviction of up to 3, and even better level 4, then the deal is still more likely to turn. So, we buy a Lyrium for 40 gold (do not be afraid of losing such huge money, you get 1.5 times more in the end). By the way, the liberation is originally sold for 50 gold, but we can convince.
Now we go to the tower of magicians to Godwin (this is the eccentric, which during the invasion of obsessed sitting in the closet on the second floor). We sell him Lyrium. He offers 50 gold, naturally we do not agree to this and again apply eloquence. If you have a skill of belief level 3, then you will receive 60 gold for the lyrics, if 4, then 75. After the transaction, do not be lazy to ask Godwin about the details, why he needs so much Laryum. Epa up very interesting details on the topic of the relationship of magicians and temples. Blackmaid Godwin, threatening to tell all the main temple of Gregor, as a result of which we get a ransom for silence in 8 gold. Now we return to Ozammar to the Rogek and get money for the work by the mediator. Initially, you agreed about 20 gold, but the gnome wants to deceive you and offer only 10. Turn on the belief or intimidation and get the promised money. Total: -40 + 60 (75) + 8 + 20 \u003d 48 (63) gold in plus.
Note: the quest will be taken only if there are 50 gold in your wallet.

Mount Grassing
The poor man from the dusty city of the Grainy after donation in 5 Serebryakov will tell you your story. Her child - the untouchable and parents put her condition: either she gets rid of the child, and then she was left in the caste, or she was expelled with his son. She chose the second option and is now forced to eat the caustment. We agree to help. You can try to convince her father, who drinks in the tavern "at the zabatchiki" (this will require the skill of conviction 3), and you can tell the grain of life on the surface. In the first case, she will return with the child home, in the second - will leave with him to the surface. Anyway, the quest will be passed.

Lost records
In the archives of the chronicles we will meet a girl named Orta, she is looking for records about the birthplace of their ancestors - Teig Ortan. We agree to help, especially since we still have to find this teig on the plot of the game. Documents will be in the chest in the middle of the desired location. Returning to Orsammar, pass their ORT, then follow the board with her to receive award.

Assistant chronicler will complain to you that the bold thief from untouchables stole one an ancient book. We agree to help. We go to the dusty city and a little further from Roghek will stand a gnome similar to the description, which we gave us an assistant to the chronicler (bald with a tattoo on the whole face). I am interrogative, plowing his belly and find ... No, not stolen book, and the evidence that will lead to it - a receipt from the arena. We go to the Tests arena. Gnome you need will be in the left wing. I do not remember him, but on the mark on the map you will understand that it is he who is. After a brief conversation, the buyer is stolen as a fight. In vain. Take a book from his corpse. Now you have 2 options: you can sell the book by the Groorrina yourself, standing next to the dead man, and you can honestly return to the chronicles. For the return of the book by chroniclers, you will not get anything other than gratitude, get a few gold from the gnome.

Lost Nag.
Near the diamond halls will stand a header of Nag. Talk to him, he will tell you that all his animals ran away and his business covered. To return to him again, you need to catch at least one Naga. The nearest animal is two steps away from the direction. We catch and give him. Now he will buy from us all caught NGA for a small amount of silver.

Nice landmark
Traveling on the depth trails, you will find parts of the broken ancient elf sword:
Ephesus - at the Caridine Cross
screwed - in Tayig Ortan
Blade - in the dead Rips
By collecting all three parts, you will open the place of restoring the owner of this sword. It is in the caves Taga Ortan. You may have been there in advance. It's nothing terrible, just return to the sarcopaga and put all three pieces of the sword in it. Weapons will again become whole and will serve you in the fight against enemies. The blade is very powerful, with three sockets, so I strongly recommend performing this quest.

In pieces!
Exploring the Caridine Crossroad Caves, you will get out 3 bags with some creature remains. Having gathered all the bags, go to the location of Taga Othan. See the altar there. Reunite all the remains. The creature will come to life. Further you have two options: to kill it again or demand award for her salvation. The second option is preferable, because Firstly, the creature is very strong and it is not so easy to kill her, and secondly, for the murder except experience you, alas do not get anything (the body of the demon cannot be seen). So take 25 gold as a reward and get drunk in the nearest zabak.

Clay Skaltsev
Traveling through the depth trails, you will find records about some sick. Having collected all the records, you will recognize the place where the treasure lies. Just find it on a label appeared on the caridine crossing.

Dead castle
Traveling on the location of dead Rips, you will find parts of the Legion of the Dead Legion. Having gathered all parts, you will learn the location of the nameless grave. Just find it on the label appeared on the map. In the grave you will find the emblem of the Dead Casta, with which the Legion of the Dead can give a notable position (for this, simply read the desired book in the Keepers House).

Entries Golelets.
How it becomes known from the plot, the Golemas became either gnomes-volunteers, or criminals or untouchables. So in the main hall of the location of the anvil emptiness you will find a stone slab with a list of the names of all these unfortunate gnomes. Copy it on a sheet of paper and take the chroniclers to Orsammar. The chief chronicler as a reward will ask us the artifact.
Note: i had a bug here, the artifact did not give me. However, the quest in any case will be executed.

Key from the city
Another task that becomes active only after you collect all the necessary records. In the city, look for information about the internal places and customs of Ozammar. When they all be with you, a record appears in the diary that now you know the location of the cache of the Council members. We go to the boardroom, in the left wing there will be a giant box, search it and pick it up with a key in the form of a key with very very strong parameters.

In the royal palace you will find a sick woman-gnome. If you ask the hell (he stands next to her bed), can we help with something, then he will give a recipe and asks us to hurry. The recipe appears from that of your companion, who knows the art of herbalist (for example, Morrigan):
You will need 4 elven roots, 2 concentration reagent, 2 stones of life and one flask. We make the potion and give it the patient. That's the whole quest.
Note: to fulfill the quest, you need the maximum level of art of the herbalist.

Cache jummer
Traveling by Jarvia's lair, you will find 3 chests (Kanka, peak and jammer himself), in which it seems like valuable items (rings, amulets, etc.). But when you try to pick them up, you will get damage, and the shares themselves will not appear in your inventory. In order not to get damage and injuries from traps, take the cheapest thing from each chest. As soon as you open the last chest, the place of the present class of Jammer will be on the map. Go there and get an award for the works.

Prisoner in stone
He takes after reading the inscriptions on the throne of Ozammar in the palace (diamond halls). You need to switch to a single mode and place the satellites correctly: one is removed from the hall and put on a square before entering the throne room. Two more should be put on such small arrows in the hall itself (they are on the left of the floor at the wall with the window, followed by the lava). The latter comes to the throne and clicks "Glazik". Dragon resorts. We bring together a batch and kill it, after which we take a good two-handed sword from the corpse.
Note: This quest can be performed only before the choice of the king of the dwarves, after the throne stops highlighted and the task cannot be taken.