Mikhail Tal ChessPro. Chess King Mikhail Tal Mikhail Tal Party

Good day, dear friend!

In 1957-1961, the chess world was raised from headlong. On a chess scene, the first violin played a talented and inimitable actor - Mikhail Tal. He in his chess work opened the new facets of an ancient game.

His triumph was so rapid that he initially unwittingly caused a skeptical attitude. Some even tried to explain his success by the fact that he "hypnotized" rivals.

Formation of mastery

Tal was born in the city of Riga in 1936. He learned his father to play chess, who was a doctor and was fond of an ancient game. Then Mikhail Tal fastened the basics of Chess at the Poland of Pioneers.

A big role in the development of Mikhail Tal, as a chess player, was played by Master of Sports Alexander Koblenz, who was his coach for many years.

Thanks to its outstanding abilities chess Career Riganin developed with space speed.

The first serious success of Misha achieved in the Latvian championship in 1953, a year later, the Master's norm was fulfilled.

In the 1957 Union Championship, 20-year-old Mikhail Tal, being just a master, bypassed all grandmaster and took the first place.

Form style

Then it was especially surprised by the contemporaries of his uncompromising and mostly a risky style of play: Riganin sought puzzling complications for the board, without having a clear idea of \u200b\u200btheir consequences.

But at the expense of his ingenious abilities, he replaced his opponents who were lost in complex positions.

"I have become increasingly more successful in solving parties. Perhaps because I realized a simple thing: not only I defeated me fear, but also my opponent, "said Tal.

Take off on the pedestal

Since 1957, the four-year-old Tal began. The Riganin wins the country's championship again, then she takes "Silver", he also wins interzoneal competitions.

Then Tal wins the candidate tournament for the right to challenge the championship in the match with. In 1960, he defeats the Patriarch of Chess and and at 23rd, becomes the 8th World Champion.

True, a year later, Botvinnik returned the title of champion in the match-revenge, but the name of Mikhail Tal was already forever entered the chess chronicle.

EX-champion of the world

About 7 years old, Tal's successes were very high. He continued to delight the chess world with his bright parties. Its combination gift allowed such possibilities for the board, the rest of the strong chess players passed.

The natural gifold of Tal was struck by contemporaries. In particular, Mikhail possessed phenomenal memory . He could easily reproduce the party played several years ago from sessions of simultaneous game and lightning tournaments.

Mikhail could dictate notes to 5-year-old vestibilities without a board and without recording parties. Somehow his coaches in a joke asked the question:

"You do not remember, by chance, what option was played by white ceres in the queens of the first round of the USSR in the third round xx?"

Tal replied: "Throw me to play! Boleslavsky played with Keres not in the third round, but in nineteenth. And White played Boleslavsky, and it was not a queen Gazbit, but the Spanish party! ".

Unfortunately, after 1969, Mikhail Tal's successes began to fade. Even in tournaments with a not very strong composition, he begins to show low results. In many ways, the cause of failures was its unimportant health. There were cases when he left the tournament and had forced to go to the hospital.

In the 70s, a kidney removal operation was held. In this regard, the magazine "Chess in the USSR" even wrote a necrologist just in case.

Someone in the editorial office did not think to show the text itself. What Mikhail Nehemevich responded with his sense of humor with his characteristic sense of humor. He said that it was necessary to change something in the text and put the signature " Fixed believing. M. Tal ยป.

Mikhail Tal aggravated his unimportant health. He smoked a lot. The cigarette practically did not come out of his mouth. But another Botvinnik said that smoking chess players will not be able to achieve long-term success in chess. He was right.

Among the modern grandmasters that are part of the elite of world chess, you will not meet almost a single smoking chess player!

Second wind

In the late 70s, Mikhail Tal shows excellent results. In 1978, he wins the USSR Championship in the 6th time. Better indicator only at Botvinnik. Riganine at this time occupies prizes in a number of other major tournaments.

In 1988, despite the honorable age and bad health, Mikhail Tal was surprised again. He becomes the first informal world championship in Blitz.

Mikhail Tal got used to be the first not only in chess. He was enrolled in the 3rd grade at once, and in 15 years he was already a student of the University of Latvia. Lovely abilities Mikhail Nehhemeyvich showed a journalist on the field. He had to work as a teacher at school, where he taught literature.

The scale of the personality of Thale will still be surprising chess lovers.

Your attention is offered a position from the Party of Tal-Averkin (1973). White.

Find a two-way winning combination of Mikhail Tal.

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Tal possessed a brilliant gift with incredible speed of hacking outwardly impregnable fortresses. How? Of course, with the help of the victim!

Mikhail Tal - Layos Portish

To the position of black do not approach. If you enable them to cast, you will have to maneuver for a long time. But it is not in the spirit of Tal. After all, he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
15.C4! (Rough positioning weakening - would say commentators, if black won) 15 ... NB4 16.RXE6 +! After this victim, the rooks are white in the variant with the strongest moves on both sides they must ... make a draw! That's just Portist did not know about it.
16 ... FXE6 17.QXE6 + KF8 (Reliable 17 ... kd8!) 18.BF4 RD8 19.C5 NXD3! (For the time being, Lyosh plays exactly; to MATU led 19 ... Qa5 20.re1!) 20.CXB6 NXF4 21.QG4 ND5 22.BXA7. And again one of the pawns of Thale breaks through the transformation fields! Therefore, the material reest of black for now does not matter.
22 ... Ke7? (Later found 22 ... G6! With good chances of black) 23.B4 !! Well, tell me how can a man in the right mind foresee such demonic moves?

23 ... RA8? (23 ... NC7!) 24.RE1 + KD6 25.B5! RXA7 (25 ... RHD8 26.B6! NXB6 27.QF4 + KD7 28.RB1 +/-) 26.re6 + KC7 27.RXF6! Black surrendered.


And again, so as not to allow the opponent to lead the king from the center, the todya has to give the material. This time a whole queen!

Mikhail Tal - Hans Joachim Heht
Varna, Olympics 1962

18.E5 B5 19.exf6! (the predecessor of the Thale in this combination - Liliental, which in 1934th it looks like a capplana) 19 ... BXA4. Stronger 19 ... 0-0!, But who could foresee the enchanting 21st stroke of white? It was higher human strength.
20.FXG7 RG8 21.BF5 !! Congatory! In the variants, black on the moment it turns out a pure extraordinary queen, but they inevitably lose. To save the king, you have to give too much.
21 ... NXH4. The beautiful final led 21 ... QXC4 22.RFE1 + QE6 23.RXE6 +! FXE6 24.BXG6 + KD7 25.RD1 + KC7 26.BG3 + KB6 27.RB1 + KA6 28.BD3 + KA5 29.BC7 #! A 21 ... QXF5 - just for the worst end: 22.nd6 + kd7 23.nxf5 nxh4 24.nxh4, etc.
22.BXE6 BA6 23.ND6 + KE7 24.bc4! RXG7 25.g3 KXD6 26.BXA6 NF5 27.RAB1. It turned out the endgame, in which the white elephant is clearly stronger than a black horse. Soon Tal brought the party to victory.


"Delivered" from the eighth champion and seventh! Vasily Vasilyevich considered the options better than his predecessor, but still not as good as the young heir of the championship title.

Vasily meaning - Mikhail Tal
Olympics of the peoples of the USSR 1964

24 ... QE2! (Queen's victim for ... Best Endshpil!) 25.Rxe2 RXE2 26.QXE2. "The Thale is better to play bad endgame than a good Mittelspil!" - dismantuously solved the virtuoso of the endgame and was not right. After 26.QC1 RG2 + 27.KF1 RXH2 28.NE1 BD5, an irrational position arose, in which it is difficult to introduce its own figures into battle. And their king in danger ...
26 ... BXE2 27.NB2 GXF5 28.re1 BH5 29.NC4 NXC4 30.BXC4 RE8 31.KF2 RXE1 32.kxe1. Now is the time to recall the "glorified technique" of Tal! Pay attention to how elegantly he beat the sense himself on his field.
32 ... kf8 33.kd2 Ke7 34.ne1 A6 35.A4 (otherwise black will break through B6-B5) 35 ... A5 36.kc2 BE8 37.kb3 BC6 38.KA3 KF6 39.KB3 KG6 40.KA3 KH5 41.H3. In order not to put into your own ownership of the Black King, you have to create a new weakness.
41 ... kg6 42.kb3 kg7 43.ka3 kf6 44.kb3. It seems white built an impregnable fortress. But they bring the code! After the opponent's move, you must certainly do your own. Even if he loses ...

44 ... BE8! (Forward on the D1 field; for whites I want ... bounce on the spot and take the clock button, but alas!) 45.NG2. Another Zugpswang occurs after 45.NF3 BH5 46.NE5 BD1 + 47.KA3 KE6 48.NC6 BC2 49.NE5 H6 50.G4 BD1!
45 ... BH5 46.KC2 BE2 47.NE1 BF1 48.NF3 (after 48.h4 black returned elephant on C6 and then lead the king on the G4) 48 ... bxh3 49.ng5 bg2 50.nxh7 + kg7 51.ng5 kg6 52.kd2 bc6 53.kc1 bg2 54.kd2 KH5 55.NE6 KG4. The breakthrough of the king of black completes the struggle.
56.Nc7 BC6 57.ND5 KXG3 58.NE7 BD7 59.ND5 BXA4 60.NXB6 BE8 61.ND5 KF3 62.NC7 BC6 63.NE6 A4 64.NXC5 A3 65.NB3 A2 66.KC1 KXF4 67.KB2 KE3 68. NA5 BE8 69.C5 F4 70.C6 BXC6 71.NXC6 F3 72.NE5 F2. White surrendered.


Tal "came up with" a number of attacking maneuvers, which after it began to be applied everywhere. First of all, we are talking about Sicilian protection.

Mikhail Tal - Bent Larsen
Bled, match of applicants 1965

16.ND5! After the tale, such "canopies" in Sicilian became a standard component of chess education. By the way, in this situation, this victim is extremely controversial. Not the fact that it is objectively correct. However, I will not repeat ...
16 ... Exd5 17.exd5 (White elephants are terribly aimed at the position of the Black King; the lasker combination is already a real threat) 17 ... F5?! Of course, Larsen saw her, for example, in the case of 17 ... NC5 followed 18.BXH7 +! KXH7 19.QH5 + KG8 20.BXG7! KXG7 21.QH6 + KG8 22.G6 FXG6 23.QH6 + KH8 24.QH6 + KG8 25.RHG1 + KF7 26.QG6 #, however, I chose not the best way to protect. After 17 ... G6! Analysts could not be found for the White path not only to win, but also to draw.
18.Rde1 RF7? After the right 18 ... BD8! The combination of 19.bxg7 kxg7 20.QH5 does not wins in view of 20 ... RG8! The Tal was about to play 19.QH5 NC5 and only here sacrifice an elephant on the G7. Analysis - as always, calm and after the party - shows that in this case, black successfully disappeared.

19.H4! (Openers of the royal flank black can not be avoided; Further for the Tale is already easy) 19 ... BB7 20.BXF5 RXF5 21.RXE7 NE5 22.QE4 QF8 23.FXE5 RF4 24.QE3 RF3 25.Qe2 QXE7 26.QXF3 DXE5 27.re1 RD8 28.RXE5 QD6 29.QF4 RF8 30.QE4 B3 31 .AXB3 RF1 + 32.KD2 QB4 + 33.C3 QD6 34.BC5! Another joke of a genius combination.
34 ... QxC5 35.re8 + RF8 36.Qe6 + KH8 37.QF7! Black surrendered.
Mikhail Nehemevich Tal.

Chess player

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Date of death:
Place of death:

Tal, Mikhail Nehemievich (1936, Riga, - 1992, Moscow; buried in Riga) - chess player, the eighth world champion in chess (1960-61).

Born in the family doctor. During the war, the family was in evacuation.

Tal showed great abilities aged 6-7 years. Chess began to study at the age of 7 years under the leadership of the Father, a decisive role in his life played a meeting with the chess trainer A. Koblenz (1916-1993).

Monument to Mikhail Taly in Riga (Verper Park)

At 21, Tal first became the Champion of the USSR (1957), then won the USSR Championship six times. Honored Master of Sports (1960).

Then I won a series of zonal and interzal tournaments. Repeatedly won in international tournaments (international grandmaster - in 1957), won the tournament of applicants in Yugoslavia in 1959

In 1960, became the youngest in the history of Chess Champion of the World, this was the title at M. Botvinnik (6 victories, 2 loss and 13 draws), but in 1961 he lost in the match-revenge. Before these episodes, the Tal has been hard for the year.

In 1965, Tal won the matches against the Hungarian chess player Layosa Portish and Bengta Larsen from Denmark in a new type of contendent tournament, but suffered from Boris Spassky in the final. In 1968, he again received the right to participate in the challenger tournament match.

Tal won the international chess tournament in Tallinn five times (1971, 1973, 1977, 1981, 1983) and divided the first place in the city of Montreal in 1979 with Karpov. In 1988 he won the World Cup in Canada.

In the history of Chess Tal entered as a virtuoso combination game. Tal was an unsurpassed master of chess attack (together with Y. Damsky wrote the book "In the Fire Attack", M., 1978) and possessed a unique gaming intuition. The Tale game is characterized by the remarkable use of balances and imbalances. It used imbalance repeatedly in extremely combinational attacks of a long-range radius. As a result, his chess games continued the traditions of Emanuel Lasker and Alekhina, and no more patient styles of Capablanca and Botvinnik.

Chess articles of Tal in the Soviet press contain in-depth analyzes of open variations and endspile positions.

In the early 1990s Tal participated in regional competitions of foreign teams (in Germany and France).

In the late 1960s, Tal rejected the request of the Zionist Group from Riga to sign an open letter with the requirement of freedom for the Jews to emigrate to Israel. Do not show much interest in the Jewish tradition, Tal was committed to Idish and Jewish songs. Externally in tournaments in Poland, invariably demonstratively laid wreaths to the monument to participants

He perfectly approached the stereotypes of the genius: a burning look, negligence in the appearance, a complete concentration on the most important and inattention to the trifles of life. Mikhail Tal occupied the world throne a very short time, but still considered a real genius of chess, the personification of the highest meaning of their meaning as a game based on both Azart, improvisation, insight and on the methodical error of the options.

The mainly of his human achievement was the fact that he fully maintained optimism and goodwill to others, despite the suffering and ailments, accompanying him all the short life.

Not like everyone

The originality accompanied him from birth - the right hand was a three-pall, which friends jokingly called evidence of alien origin of Tal. More practical biographers see the reason for such an abnormality in the fact that his parents were blood relatives - cousins \u200b\u200band sister, which is fraught with genetic failures.

Mikhail Tal was born on November 9, 1936 in Riga, in the family of doctors. As he said later: "I played black figures with fate." Her first move was dangerous: six months after birth, the boy fell ill with infection, similar to meningitis. Parents, like doctors, understood the memority of chances for survival, and they also knew that such inflammation affects the brain in an unexpected way, sometimes reinforcing the effectiveness of its work with a successful outcome of the disease. The child survived.

Shortened childhood

By five years, he could multiply in the mind three-digits, and read from three years. War Family Taly spent in evacuation, in the Perm region. The boy was accepted immediately into the third class, and the University of Riga, Mikhail Tal, was enrolled in the form of exception, from 15 years.

The memory of the Tal was phenomenal. The guy listedly reproduced the texts of the book, which seemed to be surrounding, he looked through for a minute. The information he considered particularly valuable remained in his memory forever.

At the same time, Mikhail did not consider himself in advance. His boyish interests did not differ from the hobbies of peers - he loved to play football and spent a lot of time, running with the ball, despite the early pathology in the work of the kidneys. But gradually the main meaning of chess appeared in his life.

The beginning of the way

At 6 years old, Mikhail Tal, whose biography will now be connected forever with this ancient game, first saw the board with figures. It happened when the child was at work at his father and waited in the reception of his medical office. Patients spent time for playing chess, waiting for the reception. Father showed him how the figures walk, and introduced to the basic rules. At first, the boy took the game calmly. The excitement, which was then distinguished by a future chess champion, boiled in it, when at 9 years he received from the "Children's Mat" cousin.

From 10 years he began to go to the chess circle at the Riga Poland of Pioneers. At the age of 12, he received the 2nd category, at the first 14th, at the age of 17 he became a master. The first chess teacher Talo - Janis Cruzkops - himself was a supporter of a combination, active game. In the case of Mikhail, it was imposed on outstanding abilities and fiery temperament. Tal chess player has never been afraid of risky continuations complicating the position. The legendary "incorrect" victims of Talo is also in many ways from his "pioneer" childhood.

Literature teacher

Interesting for the study of literature and history, obviously, it originated from Mikhail under the influence of the mother - Ida Grigorievna, in his youth, who had acquaintance with Erenburg, Picasso, other humanities. The topic of the thesis, after which the young teacher Mikhail Tal was released from the university, was "satire and humor in the works of Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov." Obviously, the brilliant sense of humor, inherent in the todya, celebrated by all - and long-known people, and barely familiar - had a solid foundation.

After receiving a diploma, he worked for some time at school, but by that time chess became the main profession. Philological preparation was very helpful in his classes by journalism, in particular, when he edited the Chess Magazine published in Riga, highly appreciated worldwide.


In his game, he always was looking for a fingerprint of the influence of supernatural, demonic forces - too bright, extraordinary, complete risk, limitless fantasy and unpredictable intuitive insights was the style of Mikhail Tal. The losers were looking for an explanation of their failures in the hypnotic look of the Master, in its extrasensory abilities. For those who knew Mikhail closer, these attempts caused a smile - the case was in the other.

Just the Tal chess player was the generation of his general attitude to life. The desire to seek to succeed, to know all the completeness of sensations, incontinence in desires and means for their incarnation was accompanied by his whole life.

When there was a preparation for the most important fight with Botvinnik, who decided to the fate of the world champion of the world, he conducted a whole operation to conquer the heart of the Riga Beauty Sullamife Landau. Both goals were achieved: Sally became his wife, and he is the champion of the world.

Path to Olympus

The rapid climb of Tal to the chess vertex, as well as the quick opportunities of the World Championship console, - Legendary Pages in the world in 1957, the young Riganin becomes the champion of the USSR in Chess, ahead of the Mastydnaya David Bronstein and Paul Kerez - contenders for the world crown. In the future, he won the All-Union Chess Championship for another 5 times.

The following stages of the path to Chess Olympus were international tournaments. Victory followed in the interzorone tournament of applicants in the portor, in Slovenia (1958) and on the 13th Chess Olympiad in Munich (1958). Tal won the International Chess Tournament in Zurich (1959) and held in the same year in Yugoslavia the tournament of applicants, among which were all the then stars in this sport: meanings, Glygaric, Petrosyan, F. Olafson, Cerez and Fifteen-year

The match for the title of world champion took place from March 15 to May 7, 1960 and ended in the early victory of the 24-year-old Tal, which won 6 parties, loser 2 and the first one who had reached 12 and a half points.

The youngest world champion

The young and charismatic, witty and intelligent, who had unprecedentedly bold and energetic style of the game Tal became a cumier of chess lovers around the world. When professional masters have passed surprise from the unexpected appearance of "attracting" when they learned a closer champion, a sense of sympathy for him was widespread and universal. Even famous among grandmothers and chess public Misanthrop and Sociopath easily spent the whole day alone with a thale, playing blitz.

In Riga, Tal met a huge crowd, carrying a car with a young champion from the station on his hands. He willingly met with lovers of chess of different ages in Riga and around the Union. Soon, few people left in the USSR, who would have a surname of Tal. Mikhail Nehememievich earned respect for the fact that he did not change the place of residence even in the most severe times, never allowed himself to look cloudy, where he was born, although the courage of his statements abroad was constant interest in him by state structures - at the same time he was non-rigid.

Subsequent life

In the spring of 1961, the aggravation of the renal problems of Tal intervened in the spring of 1961 with Botvinnik in the spring of 1961. He was also offered to even ask for the transfer of the match, but he agreed from respect to the opponent to all the conditions of Botvinnik. As a result, the Tal was not ready for a new struggle for the title and lost.

Subsequently, he repeatedly entered the struggle for the global chess crown, but unsuccessfully. He participated in the team A. Karpova when preparing it for matches with a revortion and Fisher, making a significant contribution to the acquisition of the championship title.

Despite the increasing health problems, he did not want to reduce the pace of life. After the birth of the son, divorce from Sally, the second and third marriage, the birth of her daughter, he remained an expensive person for everyone, who met in a life path, behaving with women in good and easy. He did not want to lose sight of simple and natural pleasures - delicious, but harmful food, good alcohol, smoked a lot ... True, sometimes it was explained to the need to drown a constant pain. To relieve pain, I had to resort to strong drugs.

Gone undefeated

In 1988, M. Tal wins the World Chess Championship with the shortened regulations and becomes the first world world champion. In his creative biography in 1970-80, there were periods when the win-win series in various tournaments numbered 90 parties in a row, which is an impressive achievement for any master.

The last official party in tournaments on classic chess Tal also won, this happened on May 5, 1992 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhis opponent was Vladimir Hakobyan. And shortly before death, he literally escaped from the hospital to participate in the Moscow Championship in Blitz, where he won from the then world champion of Harry Kasparov. It was his last chess tournament. He left his life on July 28, 1992.

Mikhail Nehhemevich Tal remained in history not only by a brilliant chess player, one of the last romantics of this ancient game, but also an outstanding person in his personal qualities, about whom the good memory is a lot of people with us and abroad.

Mikhail Tal's name was always surrounded by a halo of mysticism, he was called a demon, Paganini Chess, hinting for the similarity of appearance and the devilish skill to play "on one string", that is, to create such positions on the board, the fate of which depended on one course.

Genius attacks and combinations, he always acted according to the postulate of another chess philosopher Tartakover - "Dismoli, not to become a victim!" His philosophical attitude towards victory has harmonized in it with a philosophical attitude towards defeats. The Tal was a man deprived of any practical vein, but terribly loved the company, hit everyone with his wit and erudition.

Perhaps the nontriviality of this person should be sought in his birth and in the illness that the baby suffered. Mom - Ida Grigorievna - in the young years he had a stormy novel with her cousin Nehamem Thalem. Then the fate separated them: she went to Berlin to learn at artistic courses, and Nechemia - in Leningrad to the Medical Institute. She later fell into Paris, where a young educated and attractive woman joined the elite Parisian society, was friends with Ilya Ehrenburg, Louis Aragon, Pablo Picasso. At the beginning of the 30s of the last century, Ida returns to Riga, where he marries Nechemia, who has already become a famous doctor, and gives rise to Son Yakov. But then Dr. Tal suffers a serious illness that caused him a male tragedy - he became an impotent. And here Robert appears, an old familiar Ida from Paris, who begins to live in the family Taly. It was Robert and became the father of Mikhail, the future of the famous chess player, although in all documents his father calls Nehemia.

Mikhail was born a painful child, he did not have two fingers on the right handle. When mom showed a baby, she lost consciousness, milk lost, and the son did not know the taste of maternal milk. At six months, Mikhail suffered severe infection with high temperature, convulsions and bright meningial phenomena. The doctor said that the child would hardly live, but, if it was cleared, the great people grow after such diseases ...

In three years, Mikhasik began to read, in five skillfully multiply three-digit numbers, and seven - went immediately into the third class. Fifteen became a university student, and twenty defended a diploma on the topic of humor and satire in the works of Favorite writers Ilf and Petrov.

Chess Tal "infected" at seven years and from that time did not imagine the day without a chessboard. Chess for him became a holiday, and the strength of the Spirit of this physically weak with constant diseases of her husband defeated grief. The chess swings of Talle passed with adventures, however, like his family life. With all its disadvantages and sores, there was always a favorite of women. Officially had three women, but in marriage was not a monochombus. With his first wife - the pop singer Sally - he peacefully lived 12 years old, she gave him the son of Gera (German), but they diverged enough quickly when they saw that both were not able or could not observe the wedding loyalty. In the 60s, Tal had a ardent novel with the famous actress by Larisa Sobolevskoy, who was seven years older. She was known for roles in the films "Big Family", "Oleko Dundic", "Return Fauwly" and others. Already much later, it became known that the beautiful actress Larisa Kronberg (Sobolevskaya) was an agent of the KGB, which was seduced by the French ambassador in Moscow Maurice Dezhana, through which several years needed the work of influence on French politics. Dejan was a close friend of France President Charles de Gaulle. Of course, the Tal of this did not know this, was captured by the popularity of his lady, who was friends with the Moscow filmmaker - Nonaya Mordyukova, Alla Larionova and Nikolai Rybnikov, who adored Mikhail and fought it to play a party with him. Colleagues-grandmasters who left the Thale abroad to international tournaments, said that he had a huge list of things that Larisa's wife ordered. And he walked in the old jacket and ripped shoes ... when he lacked money, called Riga and asked Robert to send the right amount. Robert, who was "shishkoy" in the Latvian trade, did not refuse the biological son. Therefore, we still needed money for medicines, because kidney pains became so strong that Tal practically became a drug addict.

When Sobolevskoy was tired of care and treat her man, they divorced at the beginning of the 70s. Mom, knowing that Mikhail needs a woman, launched him with the Georgian Prince, to which he moved to Tbilisi. But moderate family life did not succeed in this romance, and he ran away to his mother. And there, unexpectedly, melted on the gel, which worked in the Riga chess club. She became his next wife. Angelina devoted himself to family duties, she accompanied her husband to all competitions, cared for him as a child, gave him daughter to Jeanne. All three were in Lviv in June 1981 at the international tournament in which Mikhail Tal and won.

For a while, Angelina managed to keep the unpredictable husband "in his hands." But the ex-champion of the world could not sit in the four walls of the family comfort and sleep in the same bed. What to do, the Tal was not created for family life!

In the end, Angelina, along with Jeanne, went to Germany, where the daughter received a musical education. Tal visited them more than once, supported the family materially.

In recent years, Mikhail Tal has received a happy minute, when they began to engage in a young woman from Leningrad Marina. The last tragic months of 1992, she behaved extremely devotion to himself, shouted and saved the patient and took the duties to be close to him. After the death of his beloved person, she married her son, who called Mikhail, and immediately sorted up with her husband. She was no longer needed anymore, because now she had her Mihasik, in which her life focused.

Mikhail Tal died on June 28 at the Moscow Hospital, and with it in this last minutes of the genius of Chess was Marina. Of the same day, Sally flew from the Netherlands. In Riga, where he was buried, the coffin met the first and third women who loved him most, - Sally and Angelin.

Sally, who was already a widow of the Dutch jeweler, after six years, put a monument at the Riga cemetery in the Riga cemetery and published a book of memories - "Eliya Mikhail Tal".

Mikhail Nehemevich Tal.(November 9, 1936, Riga - June 28, 1992, Moscow) - Soviet and Latvian chess player, grandmaster (1957), the eighth world champion in Chess (1960-1961), the eight-time winner of the World Chess Olympiads and Six Color European Champion in the USSR national team, first World Champion in Blitz (1988).