Card names. Bank cards: types of bank cards, design, appointment, features and functionality. Watch what is a "deck of playing cards" in other dictionaries

September 23rd, 2010

It happens often with a player:
Having sat rich in the poor man.
Who took the card, pretty progress,
That is not to know the games happy.
Gambling Game:
She is not God's God, -
Satan came up with her!

Sebastian Brand. 1494

Have you ever asked yourself a question: what do playing cards mean? Where did the names come from - currency, ace, trefy, peaks, cherries, etc. If - yes! Then this is an article for you. Especially impressionable request not to read)

A few words about the history of the question:

There are 3 versions of the origin of the cards:

1. First - chineseAlthough many still do not want to believe in it. Chinese and Japanese cards are too unusual for us and in appearance, and by the nature of the game, which is more like Domino. However, it is undoubted that already in the VIII century in China, the first sticks were used in China, and then the strips of paper with the designations of various symbols. These distant ancestors of cards were also used instead of money, so they had three masters: a coin, two coins and a lot of coins. And in India, on the playing cards, the figure of a four-row shiva was depicted, which kept the cup, sword, coin and rod. Some believe that these symbols of the four Indian classes and gave rise to modern card masters.

2. Egyptian The version of the origin of cards converted by the latest occultists. They argued that in ancient times, Egyptian priests recorded all the wisdom of the world on 78 gold signs, which were also pictured in the symbolic form of cards. 56 Of these, "younger arcans" - became ordinary playful cards, and the remaining 22 "senior arkan" were part of the mysterious tarot deck used for fortunes. This version was first published in 1785 by the French Occultist of Ettela, and its successors of the French Elimas Levi and Dr. Paul and the British Mates and Crowley created their own interpretation systems of Tarot. The name is allegedly comes from the Egyptian "Ta Roche" ("path of the kings"), and the cards themselves were listed in Europe or Arabami, whether the gypsies, who were often considered to come from Egypt. True, no evidence of such an early existence of the Tarotie scholar deer found.

3. European version. (Let us dwell on it more - it is considered the main one). Conventional cards appeared on the European continent no later than the XIV century. Back in 1367, in the city of Bern, the card game was banned, and ten years later, the shocked Papal Messenger watched with horror, as the monks enthusiastically cut into cards at the walls of her abode. In 1392, Jacken Gringonner, a jester of the showerful French king Karl VI, drew a card deck for entertaining his master. The then deck differed from the current one detail: it only 32 cards were in it. Not enough four ladies, whose presence seemed to be superfluous. Only next century, Italian artists began to depict Madonn not only in the paintings, but also on the maps.

4. Occulta. According to the writer S.S. Narovchatova, with Ivan the Terrible appeared in Moscow someone Cherchelli. Cherchelli, in Italy was called French, in France - Hermann, in Germany - Pole, and in Poland - became Russian. He brought to Moscow, a chest coached in a shawl, black with red divorces, which as it were to match the masters - black and red. Cards began to be in demand. At first, it was tolerated for classes with the maps of power, but then they began to persecute for them, because the intervention of unclean strength was seeing. From the legislative monuments about the maps for the first time mentions the Code of 1649, which prescribes with the players to act "as written about Tatya" (thieves), i.e. Be a little, cut off your fingers and hands. Decree 1696 It was introduced to search all those suspected in the desire to play cards "and someone will be removed, beat the whip." In 1717 The game is prohibited at the threat of money fine. In 1733 For recidivists, prison is defined, or baute.

So what do the masters and the values \u200b\u200bof the cards mean?

The structure of the card decks everyone is known: Ace, the king, lady, the currency is even lower than dozens, nines, and so before the sixth or to the twos in the full deel - a typical hierarchical staircase from higher to the lower:

Joker - a frivolous figure in the Triko, the Schutskaya Cap, the Bubakers ... And in the hands - the Scepter with a head of a man-held on him, who is now humane artists replaced with musical "plates". In pre-revolutionary stage values, a similar character was called Fradyavolo. "Joker" above all, it does not have a suit and in the game is considered the strongest. Thus, at the top of the pyramid is not the king, but Daus ...

Ace - the word of Polish origin from German Daus. The German-Russian dictionary indicates the meaning of the word: Daus - Devil. It is possible that DAUS is a variant of the distortion of the Greek "DOLBOS" - the scatter slander.

King. Interestingly, all card images had real or legendary prototypes. For example, four kings are the greatest monarchs of antiquity: Karl Great (worms), Biblical king David (peaks), Julius Caesar (Bubnes) and Alexander Macedonian (Trephi).

In relation to the ladies of such unanimity was not - for example, the lady of the worms were judith, then Elena Troyanskaya, then Didona. The lady peak was traditionally depicted as the Goddess of War - Athena, Minerva and even Jeanne d'Ark. In the role of ladies, peak after long disputes began to portray the biblical Rachel: she perfectly approached the role of the "Queen of Money", because he robbed his own father. Finally, the lady Tref, in the early Italian maps speaking as a virtuous Lucretia, turned into argin - the allegory of bustle and vanity.

Valet (FR. Valet, "servant", "Laki", egoologically dimming from "Vassal"; the old Russian name "Holop", "Klap") - a playing card with a picture of a young man. All the real prototypes of the currencies (according to the European version) - the French knight of La Gir on the nicknamed Satan (Chervi), as well as the heroes of the epic of the bearer of the Dane (peaks), Roland (tambourines) and Lancelot Lake (Trephi).

The "trump" cards, their very name, have their own special purpose. "Kosher" i.e. "Pure" called Talmudists ritual sacrifices ... What, as you understand, connected with Kabbalah.

Now suit:

In the French version, swords turned into "peaks", the Cups in "Chervi", denary - in the "Bubnes", and "Wands" - in the "Crosses", or "Treft" (the last word in French means "clover leaf") . In different languages, these names are now sounded differently; For example, in England and Germany, this "shovels", "hearts", "diamonds" and "clubs", and in Italy - "Spears", "Hearts", "Squares" and "Flowers". In German maps, you can still meet the old names of the masters: "Justice", "Hearts", "Bells" and "Leaves".

What are the category of cards in different countries?

  1. French:
    le Pique - Peaks
    le Carreau - Bubnes
    le TR # 232; FLE - TREFA
    le C # 339; ur - worms
    The English sequence is the same:
    spades, Diamonds, Clubs (Cards), Hearts
  2. From the history:
    Conventional cards appeared on the European continent no later than the XIV century. Back in 1367, in the city of Bern, the card game was banned, and ten years later, the shocked Papal Messenger watched with horror, as the monks enthusiastically cut into cards at the walls of her abode. In 1392, Jacken Gringonner, a jester of the showerful French king Karl VI, drew a card deck for entertaining his master. The then deck differed from the current one detail: there were only 52 cards in it. Not enough four ladies, whose presence seemed to be superfluous. Only next century, Italian artists began to depict Madonn not only in the paintings, but also on the maps.

    In these Arab maps, only the wrong eye guards king worms and the top five.
    There was no uniformity and in cardas
    In the early Italian decks, they wore the names of "swords", "Cups", "Denaris" (coins) and "wands". It seems like in India, it was associated with the estates: nobility, clergy and trading class, while the rod symbolized the royal power standing over them. In the French version, swords turned into "peaks", the Cups in "Chervi", denary - in the "Bubnes", and "Wands" - in the "Crosses", or "Treft" (the last word in French means "clover leaf") . In different languages, these names are now sounded differently; For example, in England and Germany, this "shovels", "hearts", "diamonds" and "clubs", and in Italy - "Spears", "Hearts", "Squares" and "Flowers". In German maps, you can still meet the old names of the masters: "Justice", "Hearts", "Bells" and "Leaves". As for the Russian word "worms", it happened from the word "Chervoy" ("Red"): It is clear that the "hearts" originally treated red suit.

    Indian cards have been round.

    The names of the strings (literary is only the first specified):
    # 9824; Peaks (guilt, vini)
    * # 9827; Trephs (cross, crosses, acorns)
    * # 9829; worms (cherry, fats)
    * # 9830; Bubnes (Bubni, Bubi, Calls).
    Peak cards and prefinal suit are called black, and worm and bubnic red.
    In other languages

    English names of cards and masters
    * Treft Clubs.
    * Diamonds tambourines
    * Hearts Cherries
    * Peaks spades.
    * B \u003d J Jack
    * D \u003d Q Queen
    * K \u003d K King
    * T \u003d A ACE
    Maps under dozens are called numerical designation (Three, Four .. Ten). The exception is the deuce deuce.
    French card names and masters
    * TRIFES TR # 232; FLES
    * Carreaux tambourines
    * Cells Coeurs.
    * Peaks piques
    * B \u003d V Valet
    * D Dame
    * K \u003d R ROI
    * T \u003d a as
    Polish card names and masters
    * Trephs Trefl, Zoledz Trefl, Zhovage
    * Bubnes Karo, Dzwonek Caro, Dzonek
    * Cerves Czerwo, Kier Cervo, Cyer
    * Piki Pik, Wino Peak, Wine
    * B \u003d J Jopek Pack
    * D \u003d Q Dama lady
    * K \u003d K Krol Crunel
    * T \u003d A AS AS

    German 19th century cards with images of actors

Each of us knows what playing cards and many played in them. But someone thought, how did the first cards and the masters depicted on them appeared?

One option for the origin of cards and masters is the assumption that the first cards appeared in Asia, from where they were already distributed by Arabs in Europe.

Foreign merchants, delivering goods and traveling along various lands, traded cards with four masters, who called Pentacles, Sources, Cups and Swords.

The origin of cardas is not known for certain, but there are several quite probable theories

For other assumptions, they appeared in Europe during the reign of Karl Fourth - they came up with the royal merchant for fun of the Lorsk family.

In the old world, the cards for gambling are first described about the same period of time. Of the variety of decks, their quantitative and qualitative composition, you can allocate certain commonality:

  • all decks had 4 masters (as well as special cards, called jokers);
  • each suit contained several representatives that differ in the picture or informational sign;
  • the map combined in itself and hierarchical place.

Modern deck is a French version of the combination of a map of the card and her seniority, which appeared in the 15th century. The popularity and prevalence of this particular instance is explained by the low cost of manufacturing. In French maps, low rank was designated by Arabic symbols, which excluded the difficulty in the drawing.

On how visual images of suit were formed, there are the following opinions:

  • equipment knights (peaks - spears, worms - shields, Bubi - banners, cross-swords);
  • four social groups of feudal society (army - peaks, church - worms, merchants - Bubi, peasantry - to cross);
  • objects related to the death of Jesus Christ (Peaks - Spear, Chervi - Sponge, Bubi - Hats Nails, Captive - Cross).

The last of these explanations is caused by the well-established condemnation by the church of gambling, including cards, which are considered to be the generation of the devil. Many European countries have rooted a rather interesting name of the masters. For example, in Germany, the worms are called hearts, peaks - leaves, bubes - buberets, and the cross is acorn.

Names of card masters

In the Spanish set of masty masts, also referred to as peculiar words. Residents of France are called otherwise: peaks (spears), squares, hearts, clover. The most common and familiar in Russia were the terms that came from France, or derivatives similar to them.

Thus, the Bubi originate from the "Bubares", Trephists are uttered on the Russian word "Trefle", worms - derived from "Chervoy", the peaks speak for themselves.

Hierarchy of card masters

In all the variety of card games, there was no universal seniority as masters, so many games have their own scale: for example, in Bridge or poker there is a hierarchy - peaks, worms, bubes, baptism. For this reason, such an order is organized in the games, which would regulate the location and, so to speak, the strength of the masters.

Trumps and special suit

In the "bribe" games, such a suit is always present, which throughout the game is more powerful compared to others. In some games, a specific value may have one or more masters. In the game "Peaks", by the way, a concrete suit is set, which is the trump card during Kona.

Another example of using special texts is the game "Worms", where the presence of cards with hearts introduces you to a losing situation.


Bright and lush terrain with plenty of forests and villages located in different parts of the map. Large damaged aqueduct crosses the eastern part of the valley. Numerous mountain ranges are an excellent place for ambush, but wide fields make moving between positions dangerous.

Border of the Empire

The first Asian card in the game after updating 1.0. Its distinctive feature is the Great Wall, separating location into two parts. Different areas of the map are suitable for different classes and game styles.


Swamps, rocks and stony cliffs divide the map into three main operating destinations. The lack of buildings and a small number of rock shelters favor artillery actions. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the forces of attacking on one of the directions in distracting actions or rigid restraint of the enemy in other sectors.


Isolated mountain valley on one flank and urban quarters on the other allow you to get to the enemy at the distance of the final throw. The open lake in the center of the field allows to provide fire support to its allies at a sufficiently large distance.

Siegfried line

A successful combination of open spaces and urban quarters is a feature of this card. Winding streets allow you to penetrate the enemy rear, and numerous dots can be used as shelters.


The initial positions of the teams are separated by a smooth, well-skilled field. This card in the WORLD OF TANK is convenient for defense and destruction of the enemy by artillery. Deep traverses using shelters - armor, folds of terrain and village houses can solve the outcome of the battle. A well-coordinated attack through a field at high speed, with support for artillery can also bring success, but rather risky.


Is a mixed type card. Two zones with a dense urban building, separated by the open section of the Swisle River embankment. The main collision occurs on opposite sides of the prospectus. Attempts to quickly break through the defense in this place are extremely risky. Just achieving success in the flank, you can count on victory.


In the center of the map there are a large monastery and the city. Three roads allow you to drive from north to south. The courtyard of the monastery is a profitable firing position. The long hill in the west and winding ravine in the east is perfectly protected from artillery fire.


Picturesque terrain with a mixed landscape, divided into 3 main zones: an old castle in the center of the map, a small city and height with guard towers in the northern part, hilly plains in the southern part.


The map transmitting an atmosphere of the landing of the Allied troops in the seaside part of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Interesting not only by the historical component, but also by its design. This is a whole exhibition hall of samples of German fortification from the entire Atlantic Shaft.

Orlovsky ledge

Atmospheric map from Belgorod 1943. The map is intended for the general battle. There are several zones: factory in the center of the map, dense forests in both teams, the church over the plain, a small bridge and a destroyed aircraft.


It can be safely argued that Paris is not only a city of fashion and beauty, love and romance, but also excellent game location for virtual tank battles. Features of the card opens up opportunities for a variety of dynamic fighting. Three gaming zones provide freedom of action to all classes of technology. The place is for everyone, the main thing is to determine our own desires.


This card is distinguished by the mountainous area for which the crossed relief is characteristic. Numerous rocks and stones protect against the enemy's fire, various hills are excellent places for ambushes, and winding roads allow the opponent's database.


The hills located along the edges of this card are built up with numerous houses. Winding streets will allow to apply unexpected strikes. The latter lied between the hills is the shortest path to the enemy base.


Open hilly terrain separated by rail in bulk. Groups of trees give excellent shelter for anti-tank sau. Attacking, follow the flanks. Defending, attack the flanks of the opponent. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids of high-speed light forces.


Game location is a countryside in Britain. In the center of the map there is a small town. Fields smoothly passing into the hills are an excellent place for decisive attacks. The river in the middle of the card does not interfere with the movement of the technique and serves as a good guideline.


High hill in the center of the map is a key point of the map. Despite the difficulties in her lesson, dramatically improves the position of the team. The village is northeast-east than a hill and island of it, despite a number of advantages, remain vulnerable to fire from the center.


The concentric system of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow you to produce hidden maneuvers and promptly transfer reserves. Artillery's actions in the urban part are greatly difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows its allies to be effective support.

Fisherman bay

This card is a successful combination of open space and crossed terrain. The narrow winding streets of the port city, located on the flank, will help suddenly gain an advantage. Playing hills with numerous bushes will allow to use the ambush tactics widely.


Open plain terrain. From the shelters only large stones, the folds of the terrain and the railway on the mound in the north. Both bases connect the road, covered in lowland from what is happening on the flanks.


Studyanka Village for a whole week was the venue of the fierce battles of the units of the Red Army (including the 1st Tank Brigade of Polish Troops) with German invaders. In memory of these events, ended with great success for the allies forces, in 1969, the village was renamed Studzianki Pancerne (Tank Studsyanka).

Silent shore

The land area is limited at the edges of the mountain ranges and the water space occupying a third of the card. Through the entire territory from the north to the south, the railway passes. Hilly terrain with thick vegetation on the Western flank will be the perfect place to quickly attack. The straight road between the databases passes through a small town where you can conduct protracted battles. Bases are protected by hills from direct invasion, but we are vulnerable from flanks.


Mountain in the East gives a serious combat advantage, while control over the central part of the card is a tactful advantage. Swamp in the West can be used for exploration and attack from the rear.


The map is a Western European city. It was not by chance that the working title of the map was "Munich". Factory Quarters, Destroyed Houses, Commodity Formations are features of this location. Mound with the railway, separating the map in half, allows you to concentrate forces for impact.


The databases are divided by rocks and cliffs. The presence of a set of shelters allows to concentrate forces in the desired direction. The map center has some advantage, but flanks are disregarded by defeat.


Huge mountains and narrow valleys allow you to take a variety of tactical solutions. You can guide fire duel through the bay or battle on the pistol distance in the coastal city, and you can choose a deep bypass with the capture of the enemy base.


A diverse landscape of this card gives it a kind of charm and makes it possible to use various tactics. Open spaces are good for wide flank strikes, and urban quarters suggest intensive neighboring battle. Dorselism map name - "Kansas"


Labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank SAU, but ideal for fast breakthroughs and bulk and medium tanks. Cooperating paths - through the dominant area of \u200b\u200bthe hill with the castle and along the routes of the train station - will help you get out of the resulting implication.


Labyrinth of urban quarters and an even field of suburbs are separated by narrow passages between the station paths. Concentrating force, take into account the strengths and weaknesses of combat vehicles on each of their directions: artillery can disrupt the jerk along the open field, but almost helpless against the enemy buildings hiding behind the walls.

Winter maps


Situation - North America. Spots in the north of the card is a variety of corridors, buildings and narrow travel. The island in the south is an extensive open area, covered with lonely buildings and dilapidated wooden shacks of diggers and mines. In the central part of the card or the river coast connects the bridge. The map is translated into improved quality and returned to the game in Update 1.0.2

Mannerheim Line

Snow-covered and rocky terrain with many different obstacles and shelters. Winding roads leading around mountain ranges and along the banks of the river, allow you to unexpectedly be in the rear at the upcoming opponent, and also create plenty of comfortable places for ambushes. Former name - "Polar".


City buildings in the center of the map is the most important strategic area. On the map, two more directions are highlighted: the city square, which can be used in distant distances, and a plot of an urban feature, which can best have a male technician.


The map in the middle of the snowy mountains of Scandinavia in the atmosphere of the endless winter. Pierced by fierce winds The central part of the card gives space for bold reconnaissance maneuvers. The cemetery of ships in the frozen bay is suitable for the positional struggle. Roads along the mountains will serve for breakthroughs to the opponent's base, and fishing villages will become a place of mortal ambushes to reflect attacks.


The split river in half, the map has three probable attack lines. The central bridge is located among the ruins of a small town. The locality near the North and South Bridges has a small number of shelters. As a fighter position, you can use the castle and the hills line on the opposite part of the map.

Desert maps


The map is a British military airfield with surrounding surroundings. Situation - North Africa. The databases of the commands are located in two small port villages. In the center between them there is a rocky elevation, which allows you to control the surrounding spaces and access to the bases. Location is replete with convenient places for ambushes and numerous ways for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map, it is located directly by the airfield with two large aircraft hangars and a runway. The developers paid great attention to Ancturing: on this game location you can find various techniques (aircraft, fuel trucks, sanitary cars), a radar station, a dining room and a shower for personnel, a mosque with a minaret, ancient ruins, fishing boats and more.

Sand river

At first glance, this card seems very open, but it is not. Despite the fact that clay houses in the villages are easily destroyed, and success can be used as protection. The flanks are nicely covered with scaling arrays and high dunes, which allows you to step from unexpected directions.

Lost city

Mixed mixed card with carefully verified balance, created with the participation of leading players. Restrained color palette and soft day lighting are designed to provide maximum comfort when playing. One of the cards on which battles occurred in the framework of the Gaming Mode "Excellence".

El Halluluth

In the center of the map there is a spacious valley filled with stones and shallow vegetation. High mountains on both sides of the valley provide plenty of firing positions. Regardless of the route, the attackers will face difficult approach to the enemy camp.

Special cards


So Kharkov looks like in the world of destroyed technology in the power of Leviafan. The card was created for the game event at Halloween (October-November 2017).

Removed from the game card


The map highlights two main directions on the flanks and the support direction through the center. Hot fighting for dominance in the city will take place on two bridges connecting a small plant with a central square. The team, who managed to break through the crossing, will receive more opportunities to bypass the enemy and tactical maneuvers. Go to the rear of the enemy and to support the allies, destroying enemy artillery, you can through the north-west direction at the foot of the mountain. Many shelters and small height differences throughout the route will fully realize the potential of fast, maneuverable technology. The central diagonal is the shortest route to the enemy base, it provides an opportunity to quickly transfer strength and support allies on the flanks.


The map is completely identical to the well-known Rinberg, differing from him only the time of the year. The circular area in the western part of the city serves as a place of protracted positional battle. Concentric urban streets are suitable for gradually hacking by enemy defense by the forces of severe technique, and a long radial street will allow you to lead the digger fire on the enemy. The eastern area of \u200b\u200bthe map is quite open and quite suitable for middle tank maneuvers, but only if they control a small settlement in the middle of this zone.

Pearl river

The rugway landscape opens up huge opportunities to use various battle tactics - ambushes, sudden traverses, collisions in small areas. Movement along the river bed allows you to quickly reach the opponent's base and enter into battle. Remember that on this map you can not forget about your rear.

Winter Himmelsdorf.

The card is a complete copy of the original Hymmelsdorf, only the exception that this is a winter type map. Labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank SAU, but ideal for fast breakthroughs and bulk and medium tanks. Cooperating paths - through the dominant area of \u200b\u200bthe hill with the castle and along the routes of the train station - will help you get out of the resulting implication.


Game location is two areas of low-lying wetlands. They are divided by the river, which you can cross in three bridges. In the center of the map there is a small elevation with abundant vegetation and several buildings. Players call her "island", although it is formally a peninsula adjacent to the northern shore. Bases are located in the West and East, but the teams begin the fight in the north and south.


Starting positions on rocky slopes do not provide any cover, so the best tactics will be a successful occupation of urban streets. On both sides of the city cathedral is artillery - a breakthrough to this area will become a significant contribution to the victory.

Fire arc

The "Fire Arque" map is a copy of the "Prokhorovka" card, but the lighting, landscape, sound and visual accompaniment changed on this location during the battle to transmit greater atmospheric at the battle. "Fiery arc" is a reference to the events of the Great Patriotic War on a Kursk ledge, when the tank battle between Germany and the USSR was held in July 1943. Open hilly terrain separated by rail in bulk. Groups of trees give excellent shelter for anti-tank sau. Attacking, follow the flanks. Defending, attack the flanks of the opponent. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids of high-speed light forces.

Ruinberg in fire

The map is a complete copy of the Ruinberg card with a changed lighting and design. The concentric system of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow you to produce hidden maneuvers and promptly transfer reserves. Artillery's actions in the urban part are greatly difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows its allies to be effective support.

Sacred Valley

Most of the terrain occupies a hollow lost in the mountains. The presence of numerous villages, high rocks, trees and bushes allows you to choose optimal battle tactics.


Visually, the landscape and nature of the card resemble the North American region with characteristic vegetation and mountain arrays in an early autumn atmosphere. The map is replete with buildings, slides, stony shelters. The buildings are mostly non-destructive, there are quite good positions for heavy machinery and space for lighting. At the same time there are good positions for the work of SAU, as well as paths and loopholes for medium and light tanks. The card is rather balanced for all types of equipment and does not have a pronounced imbalance, because has a diagonal symmetry.


The map is added to the update 0.8.7, the working name was "Belogorsk 19". Snow-covered Soviet factory town, separated by a stubborn robust in ice, can be captured from a wide variety of areas, but it is excellent with the surrounding hills offering numerous shelters, firing positions and routes. Released from the game in updating 0.9.5.

Hidden village

The most covered is the direction at the foot of the mountain, which is perfect for heavy equipment. Fast and maneuverable machines can be used during the village storm, but it is necessary to fear the opponent's hill. Height control gives a tangible tactical advantage.


Dense urban building in the center of the map allows you to use different tactics. The open embankment is well suitable for quick battles and maneuverable technology.

It is believed that the cards from China, but also countries that gave the world of the map, it is safe to consider Poland, Germany and France with confidence, because their peoples have card games were no less common than in China.

The composition of the deck

The standard card deck consists of 36 cards, but this is considered to be an already modern option, however, initially cards in the deck were 54 pieces: 36 basic and 18 auxiliary. Each card is "repeated" 4 times - one in each of the four masters.

Interest cause names and depicted on playing cards. Many have accustomed to see the half and mirror-reflected figures of kings and ladies, but this is the trend of new time, and in the old days the figures of the cards were drawn in full growth.

All cards in the deck are divided into four masters, which are customary:
- Cherry;
- Bubnes;
- Trephs;
- Peaks.

Card designations

Treft and peak cards are taken in black, and the tambourines and peaks are red. Cards are numerical designation and image in the form of drawings. The numeric cards include the smallest cards, and to the "drawings" more significant, such as ace, king, lady, currency. Ace is the most significant card, in many translations it is as "deputy head" or "Deputy King". The word "TUZ" in translation from the Greek means "sower slander", and from German almost the devil. Anyway, this card is a cunning and gives a lot of power.

The position of the king cards and ladies in the deck is obvious, and the name speaks for itself. What can not be said about the map of the currency. Translated from French "Valts" is a servant, on the map he is depicted as a young man in the way of a squire.


Very interesting to the names of the masters. Previously, instead of the usual peak or worms, the following notation was:
- Cups;
- swords;
- Wands;
- Denaria.

Cups, which were awarded winners, turned over time in a cinder, reminiscent of the Form of the Cup and heart appreciation, and the rods in the trephies or crosses. Denaria turned into a tambourine, and swords became sharp peaks, in fact, denoting weapons.

In some decks there is another card called. On the map, Joker is depicted by a jester in a color version or black and white, he rarely plays, but his move is always designed to confuse the plans (cards) of rivals.