Easy brain-kneading questions. Exercise for the brain: the most addicting puzzles. What is a puzzle and what is its principle of operation

2. You want to get out of the maze and come across three doors. The door on the left leads into hell teeming with devils. A door in the center leads to a ruthless assassin. The door on the right leads to a lion that hasn't eaten in three months. Which door will you choose?

3. There are five bags of gold that appear to be the same, each containing ten gold coins. One of the five bags contains fake gold. Real coins and counterfeit coins look exactly the same, except that counterfeit coins weigh 1.1 grams each, and real gold coins weigh 1 gram each. You have an absolutely accurate digital scale that you can use only once. How do you tell which bag the fake gold is in?

4. The old man dies, leaving two sons. According to his will, the sons must arrange races and thus decide who will get the inheritance. The will says that the inheritance will be received by the one whose horse will run slower. The sons got on their horses and galloped, but since they both held back their horses, they never figured out whose horse was riding slower. Then they went to the sage for advice. After meeting the sage, the brothers got back on their horses and galloped off - this time at full speed. What did the wise man say to them?

5. If you put me on my side, I will turn into infinity. If you cut me in half and I am nothing. What am I?

6. The farmer needs to transport the fox, chicken and sack of grain across the river by boat. But the boat is small and the farmer cannot carry all of them at once, he can only take them into the boat one at a time. If a farmer puts a fox in a boat, then, being left unattended on this bank or on that one, the chicken will eat the grain. And, of course, the fox will eat the chicken if the farmer carries a bag of grain. So how should a farmer act in such a situation?

7. If you have a 7-minute hourglass and an 11-minute hourglass, how do you boil an egg in exactly 15 minutes?

8. You walk along the road and come to a fork. One path leads to mortal danger; the other - to eternal happiness. You don't know which one leads exactly where. Then two brothers come up to you, who know where each path will lead you. One brother always tells the truth and the other always lies. You can only ask them one question. How do you figure out which path to take?

9. Which number continues this sequence of numbers: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, ______?

10. Four people come to a narrow bridge over the river, on which only two can be at the same time. It's dark and they only have one lantern to light their way across the bridge. Person A can cross the bridge in 1 minute, B in 2 minutes, C in 5 minutes, and D in 8 minutes. When two people walk across a bridge together, they must move at the speed of the slower. Will they all be able to cross the bridge in 15 minutes or less?

11. During the census, a man told a census worker that he had three children. When she asked him about the age of the children, he replied: “If you multiply the numbers of their ages, you get 72 years. And the sum of the numbers of their ages is the same as the number of my apartment. " The woman went to the front door and looked at the apartment number. “I still can't tell how old your children are,” she complained. The man replied, "Oh, of course you can't, because I forgot to tell you that the oldest of them loves chocolate pudding." After these words, the woman quickly wrote down the ages of the three children. So how old are they?

12. You are in a dark room with a candle, fireplace and gas lamp. You only have one match, so what will you light first?


2. Door on the right
Explanation: If a lion hasn't eaten for three months, then he is probably dead.

3. Take one gold coin from the first bag, two from the second bag, three from the third bag, four from the fourth bag, and five from the fifth bag. Weigh all these coins and see what the result is displayed on the scale. If the number on the scale ends in 1, then the counterfeit gold is in the first bag. If the number ends in 2, then the counterfeit coins in the second bag, if the result ends in 3, then ... You probably get the idea.

4. Swap horses
Explanation: After they change horses, the winner of the race will inherit the inheritance because he is, in fact, the owner of the losing horse (which runs slower).)

5. Number 8
Explanation: On the side, 8 looks like an infinity symbol, cut in half, 8 turns into two zeros).

6. The farmer should do everything as follows:

First move the chicken across the river.

Make sure to take time to exercise your brain every day.
Often we don’t think about the fact that the brain also needs to be trained; it’s not about straining after a hard day at work. These 15 tasks for mindfulness and logic.

1. Find 7 differences

Mindfulness task.

2. Find the outlines of the face

To find out which celebrity is in the picture, squint your eyes to the bridge of the nose.

3. Anna was born on December 28, but her birthday always falls in the summer. How can this be?

A challenge for quick wits.
Answer Anna lives in the southern hemisphere.

4. How many matches do you see in the photo?

Math task.
Answer: Seven and a half

5. Find an empty flask

Warm-up for concentration

6. If in a running race you overtake the person who is running second, where will you be?

Sports - mathematical task
Answer You will be in second place. After all, you overtook the one who ran second, not first.

Warm up for the mind.

8. What number should be used instead of a question mark?

Development of ingenuity
The answer is the product of six and three, that is, the number 18.

9. Johnny's mom has three children. One is called April, the other is May. What is the name of the third child?

Mindfulness problem.
Answer Johnny.

10. Find a heart

Training for the eyes.

11. Decide: A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh?

Well, did you decide everything correctly? Check it out.
Answer2 kg.

12. Which well is the key suitable for?

Found the right key?

13. Before the discovery of Mount Everest, which mountain was the tallest in the world?

Thinking challenge
The answer is Everest. They just didn't know about it yet.

14. Read the text correctly

15. Name the color of each word

Warm up, awakening the brain and its activity.

- How is your brain doing?

Just like at twenty! I do not notice any difference either in the sense of susceptibility to delusion, or in terms of its capacity. Tomorrow, for example, I am flying to a medical congress.

- However, there must be some genetic limit of the brain's capabilities?

No. My brain will soon be one hundred years old, but senility is not familiar to it. My body shrinks - it cannot be avoided. But the brain is not!

- How do you do it?

The human brain has tremendous neuroplasticity. While some neurons die, others reorganize and perform their functions. But for this they need to be stimulated.

- But how?!

Keep your brain engaged and active, keep it functioning, and it never degrades.

Excerpt from an interview with Rita Levi-Montalcini, an Italian neuroscientist and Nobel Prize laureate in medicine, a few months before she turned 100.

How to use the book

Our reader should realize the enormous importance of training memory and cognitive abilities. This book is a guide for those who wish to discover the weaknesses of their memory and learn strategies and techniques to improve its performance.

The author did not try to write a scientific paper on memory and does not offer a specific exercise program. Memorization techniques are presented in a playful way, because, according to the author, this is the most effective and natural way to train memory. Play, challenge, competition - that's what motivates us at any age. It is important to understand: a person learns only what seems important, interesting and motivating to him, and forgets everything else.

Difficulty levels

The exercises are divided into levels: easy, medium, hard and very hard. Although it is not an easy task to create a classification, the reader should bear in mind that it is only a personal opinion.

In addition, do not forget that intelligence is characterized from different sides and there are different types of intelligence. In other words, what may be easy for one person will be very difficult for another.

Operating procedure

The difficulty level indicated in each exercise will allow the reader to create their own memory training plan. You can do the exercises in the order suggested, or move from simpler to more difficult. Any sequence will be correct. The main thing is not to quit classes. Progress and improvement come for everyone in due time, since they depend on the inner rhythm of a person.


Most of the exercises contain advice referring to techniques or memorization techniques to make it easier for the reader to solve a problem. In addition, they will allow you to better assimilate the memorization strategies from the theoretical part of the book, since they can be applied in everyday life.

Memory notebook

It is better not to write anything or make notes in the book. It is recommended that you have a notebook, which, if you wish, call it a "memory notebook". In it, you can record the results of the exercises and monitor your progress, or you can keep records of the mnemonic methods used in each exercise, and make notes about what type of memory you think was turned on when you did it. Evaluate work based on the following questions:

Have you spent more or less than the recommended time on the exercise?

How many objects have you memorized and how many of them have you memorized correctly?

What difficulties did you encounter while doing the exercise?

How many repetitions did it take to memorize?

Consider also any other criteria you see fit.

Answers to exercises

You will find answers to most of the exercises at the end of the book. However, some need to be checked immediately after the solution, by re-reading the assignment or referring to the picture. It is not recommended to look at the answers at the first doubt.

Do not give up! Perseverance, tenacity, patience and willpower are the four most important qualities that stimulate our brain. The solution to the problem is extremely satisfying. While performing a seemingly incomprehensible game or exercise for the development of intelligence, you will find that the task in a compressed form contains a huge amount of information that will be revealed to you immediately after the solution. At this very moment, you will feel free from limitations, feel uplifted and in an instant you will move from the awareness of your own awkwardness to the virtuoso mastery of mastering mental techniques. This feeling, besides being very pleasant, is extremely stimulating to the brain.

  • Read the assignment carefully, carefully concentrating on all the details.
  • Take your time to start the assignment. Make sure you understand what needs to be done.
  • If you understand the assignment, try to find similar experiences among past events in your life that will help you solve the problem.
  • Each exercise is a challenge, so your mental attitude is very important.
  • If at first you don't succeed, do not lose your presence of mind. Don't quit the exercise. Perseverance, perseverance and patience are very useful qualities for solving any problem. The effort made will reveal your strengths and make you believe in your abilities, including your ability to work long and productively.
  • Think of difficulty as a great opportunity to learn something. Remember: the huge path taken to achieve the result is much more important than the result itself.
  • At the end of the book you will find the answers to the exercises. Check with them after completing the assignment.

Forward! Throw away doubts and put your memory to work!


The task of thinking outside the box

The famous Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate Lev Landau suggested that students should solve this problem during their postgraduate examinations, but he himself believed that either a genius or an idiot could cope with it.
Before you are the first letters of the count (One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven ...). It turns out that the next letter will be B (Eight).

Find a cool theme and get going. You can work with children, parents, friends, or you. If, after finishing work, you regret the created picture, you have nothing to bother saving for your children. Just slide the puzzle into the cardboard box and frame it. Then you bake two roasts on the same fire - you will have fun, and your home will receive a decorative element. If you do this with puzzles your child has made, it makes a wonderful souvenir.

The human mind has two separate parts or spots called the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which are responsible for different functions. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for emotions and performs tasks in a holistic manner, while the functions of the left hemisphere are performed in a linear manner. When you can use both parts of your brain, you will find that the power of your mind is best used and improved. Jigsaw puzzles help you practice both parts of your brain.

Puzzle for Chinese students

In Hong Kong, when entering first grade, children are given 20 seconds to complete this task.
Find out if you could go to a Chinese school? Try to give the correct answer in this short amount of time.

Parking space number 87. Turn the picture 180 degrees and you will see that all the numbers are listed in ascending order: 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91.

The left side of the brain thinks logically and follows sequences, while the right side of the brain is creative, intuitive, and emotional. When you try to make a puzzle, you are using both brain powers. Working on the solution to the puzzle, it was proven that there is a continuous mental activity involving all cells and parts of the brain. This intense activity affects the brain cells and thus activates them, which increases their efficiency and ability.

There are several studies, such as the MacArthur study, which showed that people who were puzzled as well as crossword puzzles and were fully active formed towards longer lives and reduced the likelihood of falling prey to Alzheimer's, memory loss, dementia, eyelids.

A puzzle for kids that adults can't handle

In some schools, children are asked to solve this task before entering the first grade.
It is noteworthy that preschool children mostly cope with this task, but 90% of adults still cannot solve it.

In place of the question mark, there should be number 1. To get the correct answer, you need to count the number of circles in numbers to the left of the line and write the result to the right.

The brain produces a chemical known as dopamine, which is primarily responsible for learning and memory. The production of these chemicals is on the rise at a time when the brain is involved in solving puzzles. Solving puzzles gives us many useful benefits. First of all, it allows us to stay focused, increase our concentration, develop our creativity. On the other hand, constantly looking at images helps us practice visualization, which again helps good physical activity that follows mental activity.

All kinds of games for children and adults are created not only for entertainment: in addition, they should contribute to physical and mental development. There is a large amount of entertainment, but the most popular and useful are various types of puzzles. They not only help to have fun and exciting time, but also provide an opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Likewise, puzzles also indirectly affect our physical health by decreasing our breathing rate, decreasing our heart rate, as well as blood pressure. Working on solving a puzzle and focusing on the same image for a longer period of time can be like meditation and induce calmness and some silence in the mind. The mind will now focus exclusively on rendering the image and focus on it, excluding everything around. Hence, this state is similar to meditation and a peaceful state of mind, when no other thoughts disturb its peace.

What is a puzzle and what is its principle of operation

A puzzle is called a difficult task, for the solution of which it is not necessary to have high-level special knowledge. To solve it, you need to apply ingenuity and logic.

The puzzle did not get its name by accident. The principle of most of these riddles is to direct a person along the wrong path through stereotyped thinking. Based on stereotypes, people first choose a pseudo path that initially appears to be correct. In this case, the expression "to break your head" means "to break the stereotype of thinking." To solve the puzzle, you need to abandon the path that seems to be the only right one and reflect on the correct answer.

You will reap huge and lasting benefits from everyday puzzle solving. Puzzle, not only to sharpen memory, improve brain function, but also mental clarity. This kind of thinking helps to clear up the clutter and confusion that has accumulated over the years. Then you begin to see things around you in a new light, which helps you better appreciate your life. You not only begin to find solutions to your problems, but you also begin to look forward to each new day in your life.

Most people use a standard way of thinking, and this makes it difficult to find solutions other than the obvious. Those who have developed lateral thinking can come up with more creative suggestions. Here are some riddles that will test your thinking.

To solve puzzle games, the types of which are varied and countless, you must use all your skills and abilities. You need to collect information and be able to properly analyze it. It is important to understand what data is really needed in the decision, and which should be discarded. With all this, it is important to find the missing information that can lead to victory.

The person lives on the 10th floor of the building. Every day he takes the elevator to get to the first floor to go to work or shop. When he returns, take the elevator to the 7th floor and then take the stairs up 3 floors to your apartment.

Answer: The person suffers from nanism and can only reach button 7 of the elevator. A man enters a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. The bartender starts looking for something under the bar. Suddenly he takes the gun and turns it towards the man. He says "Thank you" and leaves.

Answer: The man hiccups, and the bartender decided to scare him, not give him water. Next to him is an unopened package and no other creature. Hint: The man knew he would die when he got close to the surface of the earth. Answer: The man jumped out of the plane, but his parachute did not open. This explains the closed packaging next to him.

Thanks to logic puzzles, the brain remembers what causal relationships are, turns on fantasy, while a person learns to look for the necessary clues, correctly pose questions, make assumptions and check them.

Types of puzzles

There is no generally accepted classification of puzzles, but they are conventionally divided into several groups:

Antony and Cleopatra were found dead on the floor of a villa in Egypt. There are pieces of broken glass nearby. They were not poisoned and there are no signs on their bodies. Answer: Anthony and Cleopatra were two goldfish that were broken by a dog. The woman gave birth to two sons at the same time, on the same day and in the same year, but they are not twins.

Answer: The woman did not have twins, but triplets. It stops in front of the hotel, and even at this moment it is destroyed. Answer: Man plays a monopoly. A person dies and goes to heaven. There are thousands of other people, all naked. He looks around and sees if he recognizes someone. He sees a couple and immediately realizes that these two are Adam and Eve.

  • Mechanical puzzles- they are presented in the form of mechanisms with moving parts and fasteners.
  • Jigsaw puzzles- their essence lies in collecting images from flat figures. There are also volumetric puzzles.
  • Rope Puzzles similar to confusion. The meaning of the games is in untangling the strings and releasing individual parts.
  • Educational puzzles- such toys contain various missions and tasks that must be completed using creative thinking.
  • Graphic and text assignments.

Children's puzzles

Such games for children are the most exciting and useful. Solving problems can take their attention for a long time. All sorts of types require attention, curiosity, and perseverance. It often happens that children solve such problems faster than adults, since their thinking is not yet limited by stereotypes. Sometimes children come up with solutions that adults cannot even think of.

Answer: Adam and Eve were the only people without a belly. Five people are heading somewhere. It's starting to rain. The fifth does not try to get away from the rain and remains dry. Hint - not everyone went. Answer: Four men carried the coffin, in which he was the fifth. Carbon, carrots and a hat.

Five pieces of coal, a carrot and a hat are lying in the meadow in the garden. Nobody put these things there, but there is a perfectly logical reason for them. Answer: These are the remains of a snowman that has melted. Jigsaw puzzles and riddles are a great way to train your brain while another is to see the world from a different perspective.

Here are some of the most addictive puzzles. You find me at sea and on land, but do not walk or swim. No matter where they are, they are never far from home. # 4 A woman is sitting in her hotel room and there is a beating in the doorway. He opens up and sees a person he has never seen before. Then he went into the hall and entered the elevator. The woman returned to her room and called the Securitate.

It is best for the smallest to pick up simple tasks for It can be puzzles, riddles, labyrinths. It is very important to choose a puzzle so that the kid can solve it. If the task is difficult and the child finds it difficult, then he may simply lose interest in him. The same will happen if the puzzle is too easy. When choosing the right puzzle, it is best to proceed from the individual characteristics and age of the baby.

What made the woman so suspicious? # 5 The king has no sons, no daughters, no queen. Therefore, he must decide who will follow him to the throne after his death. To do this, he decides to give all the children of the kingdom one seed. The child who has the largest and most beautiful plant will win the throne. At the end of the competition, all children come to the palace with beautiful plants. After looking at everything, the royal decides that the little girl with an empty pot is the next queen. Why did she choose this little girl over another child with a beautiful plant?

Famous puzzles

Since 1975 and to this day, the most famous puzzle in the world is the Rubik's cube. It will take a long time to assemble it correctly. This puzzle is considered the best selling toy around the world. The peak of popularity of this toy fell on 1980, at that time every fifth inhabitant of the Earth played it.

# 6 A man wants to enter an exclusive club, but he does not know the password. Another man goes to the door and the goalkeeper says 12, the man says 6 and lets him in. Another person comes in, the goalkeeper says 6, the person says 3 and is allowed to enter. Thinking that he heard well enough, the first man comes to the door, the goalkeeper says that he is 10 years old, says 5, but he is not allowed to enter.

# 7 You will always find me in the past. # 8 Two people are born at the same time but don't have the same birthday. Arrows are signs of comparison, triangles are equal, and a square is a plus. No one knocks on the door of their own hotel room, and this person did it.

No less fascinating is the puzzle in the form of a ball - it is not difficult to disassemble it, but to assemble this structure, you will have to work hard. Both the cube and the ball are the most interesting puzzles for children and adults. To solve such problems with logic, you need to show considerable ingenuity and patience.

The king gave all the false seeds, and the little girl was the only sincere child who did not change seeds. He had to say how many letters I had in the room, which he said. They are born in different time zones. Observation is an important feature, although it may not be very appreciated. It helps you understand as much as possible about the world around you and even detect potential dangers. Here are some illustrations that will test your attention and observation spirit. There is something wrong with each of these images.

How soon can you figure out what it is? Here are some tips to help improve your attention to detail. Lists are very useful to know what to do and when. You will no longer lose a lot of things if you keep the list. If every day is chaos, try creating a routine. For example, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

The benefits of puzzles for children

First of all, solving various types of puzzles, the child becomes more diligent. Secondly, analyzing such tasks, the kid acquires and quickly develops the skills of solving problems that he will need not only in school, but also in adult life.

Moreover, when solving puzzles, children develop such a quality as perseverance, because the tasks are so difficult that they have to be solved again several times. This is how the child comes to understand that not everything is simple in life and that in order to achieve success, you need to make a lot of efforts. An obvious advantage of such exercises is the improvement of fine motor skills, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain.

They can be varied - someone in the family, a friend, an annoying work colleague, the Internet, even hunger. Read other games that will keep your mind learning. To keep your mind sharp and focus on your children, take a break. Not only kids love challenging puzzles and riddles! They are perfect for training our brains to find the most creative solutions.

Here are awesome riddles to get your mind to work. Three doctors said Robert was their brother. Robert said he had no brothers. There were ten fish in the closed aquarium. 2 sank, 4 swam and 3 died. How many fish are there now? They played 5 games and each won 3 times.

The benefits of puzzles for adults

Many experts never tire of insisting that a person should train his brain. Over time, brain cells age, they simply need anti-aging treatments.

These types of games help stimulate the thinking processes, this is a kind of brain trainer. Puzzles are also incredibly useful in improving memory. With age, the head does not manage to store such a volume of information as in youth. To keep a healthy memory as long as possible, it needs to be trained. By solving puzzles gradually but systematically, you can keep your mind sharp.

What goes through the plains and cities, but never moves? Try calling 5 days in a row without using your weekly names or numbers. What goes up and down but never moves? What should you do when you see a green person?

What happens once a minute, twice a second, and never in a thousand years? How can you put a pen on the floor so no one can jump over it? What month of the year do people sleep the least? What language do people speak without speaking a word? What cannot be added to the pot?

Updated: 15.08.2018

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