New allies. Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for "Valika Vampires New Allies Skyrim

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Various characters and creatures can be your allies and satellites during the game. These satellites will fight on your side, some can also carry equipment and perform different orders. Satellites are divided into permanent, following your death, and temporary.

Permanent satellites Usually become available after performing some quests. For most players, the first companion will be Lydia, which they will meet after the completion of the plot quest "Dragon in the sky", but the world is full of other satellites. In addition, you can communicate in the cities of mercenaries and tame some dogs. At the same time, you can take with you one permanent satellite and one dog.

Some characters will travel with you temporarily During the quest. If you leave the quest and go to some other place, they will follow you. Most of these characters are immortal, and you can simultaneously behave into battle up to several such satellites. With their help, you can defeat complex opponents when performing different quests.

You can interact with your satellites through communication (outside the battle). You can exchange things with them or give commands depending on their abilities:

  • Attack another character or creature;
  • Wait in the selected location;
  • Use the object, for example, lever or stool;
  • Take advantage of the shrine to obtain a blessing;
  • Open locked door or container;
  • Choose things;
  • Sleep in bed (useful for vampires);
  • Part (and return to a certain place).

Most of these commands cannot be given to temporary satellites.

Holding the activation button, you will enter the command mode, with which you are able to order a satellite to do something or go somewhere.

If you ask the satellite to make a criminal action, all the wines for a crime will fall on you and the reward will grow for your head. If you are in stealth mode, most of the criminal actions committed by your companion will remain unnoticed.

If the satellite is waiting for you too long, then you will see a message that the satellite is tired of waiting and went back to his initial location.

With some of your companions, you can exchange things to dress them in better equipment or simply allow you to carry unnecessary items. Sometimes the satellite can refuse to wear things issued to him. To fix it, steal the things you want to replace. Some merchants may refuse to sell you things dressed on them, you can get the right things with theft, but for this it will take appropriate peppers that allow you to steal dressed weapons and armor.

Give your mortal companion my own enchanted weapon or shield and allow him to die, then take the lout from the corpse, this is the only way to remove the shock from things. This method works only with weapons and shields involved by you personally. This method will not remove the enchantment, for example, from the nightingale blade.

Characteristics of satellites

Satellite characteristics depend on the player level on which he or she first entered the location where the satellite was located. Once generated, the characteristics of the satellite are not growing in the future. For example, Lydia is most often the first satellite encountered by the player, and most of the players meet it at a low level, therefore the entire further game of Lydia remains low characteristics.

If you are attached to a satellite and do not want to part with it, you can improve its characteristics, for this you have to part with it, open the console, click on the satellite, write in the "Disable" console, and then "enable" without quotes, and Ask satellite to join again. The inventory of the satellite will not be affected, but its characteristics will correspond to the current level of the player.

Death of satellites

Temporary satellites are largely similar to immortal characters, however, they still can die. If the enemy attack or trap is completely deprived of the health satellite, it will be in a non-visible state for some time and starts to restore health, like an immortal character, and the enemy will stop attacking him. But if during this state the satellite will again lose all health, he will die. So do not allow a random hit by an arrow or spell beating over the area. Also, the satellite can die from a strong poison, damaging health faster than the satellite restores it. The power attack of the enemy can also kill the satellite.

Attack neatly, being near the weakened companion. You can accidentally kill him and it will be counted for the murder.

Many of the temporary satellites are immortal, it is impossible to kill them, just bring out of battle.

To speed up the recovery of satellites, put them in the inventory of healing and food inventory. Then, if the satellite is injured, it will instantly cure and return to battle. If the satellite has no medical objects, you need to clean the location from the enemies before the satellite will cure himself.

Trainers satellites

Trainer satellites store money received for training in inventory. So you can look into their inventory and pick up money back. Satellites Training Skills:

  • Eil Hunger (shooting up to 75)
  • FENDAL (shooting up to 50)
  • Farcas (Heavy Armor)
  • Nyad Stone Hand (Blocking up to 75)
  • Vilkas (two-handed weapons)
  • Atis (one-handed weapon to 75).

Upon completion of the task for it, Annek Climbing becomes a satellite and gives you one level of the skill of light armor.

Temporary satellites


Mercenaries can usually be found in the tavern, for 500 gold they will agree to accompany you. They will accompany you until you give up their services, after which they will return to their initial location, you will have to pay again to bring them back, unless you parted with them recently or did not like them. Mercenaries can use weapons and armor that you will give them.

Name Description Marriage Entry into the blades
Belland. Nord-magic blade, you can find it in solitude. It turns well with one-handed weapon and light armor, trained magic destruction and recovery. + +
Eric Grozny killer Nord-Barbarian, located in Rorixted. After completing the task, it can be hired in the tavern. It is not bad with two-handed weapons, wearing light armor, disassembled in shooting and blocking. + +
Genassa Danmer Scout, resting inside a drunk hunter in Waitran. If you are an elf, then you need to pay her only once, in the future it will join for free. She is good in shooting and has some criminal talents. + +
Marcurio Imperial and magician located in Rophien's tavern. It understands the magic of destruction, restoration, change and witchcraft. It also has some settings in the hitch skill. + +
Stenmarket Nord-warrior from Windhelm. It is a typical knight, trained in the handling of two-handed weapons, heavy armor, versed in blocking and shooting. + +

Nord-warrior from Marcard. He owns one-handed weapon and onions, can block shocks and handle heavy armor.

+ +


Huskarls are the bodyguards of the nobles. Upon completion of the task of the Yarla in each Holde, the Yarl will proclaim you on its lands and give you a personal Huskarla. All Huskarls are well addressed to one-handed weapons, onions, heavy armor and perfectly know how to block shocks.

Satellites from catriers

They can be found in Yorvaskre - headquarters of comrades in Waitran. You need to join the colleagues and fulfill their quests to take them into satellites.

Name Description Marriage Entry into the blades
Eil Huntry Nord Scout, skillful in shooting, secrecy, one-handed weapon, light armor, eloquence. In addition, she trains shooting skill to the expert level. + +
Atis. Danmer warrior, versed in blocking, one-armed weapon, light arm. He also trains the skill of one-handed weapons to the expert level. + +
Farkas Nord-warrior, versed in one-armed weapon and heavy armor. Trains heavy armor skill to the wizard level. + +
Nyad Stone Hand Nord-warrior, skillful in blocking and handling of one-handed weapon. Trains the skill blocking to the expert level. + +
Ria Imperial warrior, dismantling in one-handed weapons, shooting, blocking and heavy armor. + +
Torvar Nord-warrior, skillful in one-handed weapon, heavy armor, blocking. + +
Vilkas Nord-knight, skillful in two-handed weapons and heavy armor. Trains the skill of two-handed weapons to the level of the wizard. + +

Satellites from Winterhold College

Having become a member of the Winterhold Board, you can take our students on satellites, but for this you need to fulfill their personal quests. Talk to them and they will tell you what to do.

Dark Brotherhood Satellites

Complete all the quests of the Dark Brotherhood to take brothers in satellites.

Satellites from dungeons

You will have to complete quests related to each of the satellites to take them to the command.

Name Description Marriage Entry into the blades
Erandur Danmer-priest from Danstara. Agree to deliver the city from nightmares and help him clean the temple. If he survives, he will join you. He is trained witchcraft and recovery magic. - +
Holdird Nord-warrior, located in Hilgrund Tomb. Help him defeat the Cologge of Vale Vera and be able to take it to the command to get out of the dungeon. Holder specializes in one-armed weapon and heavy armor. And also trained shooting and blocking. - +
Illya Imperial magician from the Tower of Svetla. Explore the dungeon with her and if it survives, then join you. Illy skill in the magic of destruction, recovery, witchcraft and change. You can take it with you only once. If she leaves you for any reason, you can no longer be returned without using the console. - +

Other satellites

To take them to the command, you need to perform their small quests.

Name Description Marriage Entry into the blades
Adelaise Vendiccha Imperial warrior, becomes available at the end of the quest "Sun goes back in the East" for the Eastern Imperial Company in Windhelm. - +
Atar Redgard-warrior, which can be found in the dungeon of the gloomy castle, on the street, in the tavern. Atar asks you to kill the leader of the robbers and indicate the place where you should go. Go there, kill the gangsters, go back to the Atar and take it with you. Atar understands two-handed weapons and heavy armor. - +
Annek climb Nord-scout from black fodder. Upon completion of her quest, she will join you. Skill in shooting, blocking, handling of one-handed weapons and light armor. - +
Aranya Ienite Danmer Witch, located at the temple of Azura. Upon completion of the quest "Black Star" she will join you. Trained magic destruction, recovery, change and witchcraft. - +
Benorn Nord-warrior from Mortala. Win him in a fistboard and he will join you. Good in handling two-handed weapons and heavy armor. + +
Borgak Steel Heart Ork-warrior from Make Kazrag. Pay her or convince you to join you. She is a warrior and professionally handles heavy armor, onions and one-handed weapons. + +
Kosnov Breton warrior from Marcage. He crares out to call you to the duel, show your power and complete it to your side. Or you can sing it. He is a warrior trained with heavy armor, one-handed weapons and blocking. + +
Derkitus Argonian-scout, caught by Falmers in black pass. Help him escape and come back to the Black Brod. He will wait for you there and gladly join your wanders. He is trained by wearing easy armor and handling one-handed weapons. + +
Eol. Nord-sorcerer from the Marcart Hall of the Dead. After completing the quest "Taste of Death" and getting the ring Namira will follow you. It can handle one-handed weapon, light armor, owns witchcraft. - +
Fandal Scout Bosmer from Riverwood. Fendal is one of the participants in the love triangle, along with Sven and Camilla Valerius. Complete the quest in favor of Fenthal and it will become your companion. Fandals - archer and can train firing skill. Fendal will refuse to commit a crime and will attack you if it finds a crime. In addition, Fandals will attack the player at any manifestation of aggression on his part, even if it is aimed at bandits or other evil characters. - +
Gorbash Iron Hand ORK-scout from drying-yal. Talk to him, fulfill his order and he will join you. Gorbash is good in shooting and handling light armor. + +
Carjo Caddle-warrior, it is possible to find it in the Kadhti carvan, traveling between cities. After completing his quest and return to him the lunar amulet, he gladly joins you. He deftly owns one-handed weapon, wears heavy armor, good in shooting, blocking and secrecy. - +
Miol Lyrics Nord-warrior from Riates. Talk to her, she will ask you to return her sword from the d'eror ruins. Do it and she joins you. She owns two-handed weapons, onions, disassembled in blocking and heavy armor. In addition, it perfectly handles the one-handed weapon, although the skill of two-handed it is still stronger. + +
Ogol. Ork-warrior from Lagrasbura. He will join at the completion of the Quest of the Malacate "Damned Tribe". - -
Roggi beard node Nord Warrior, located in the Kine Grove. After returning the shield, his ancestors will join you. + +
Sven Nord-Bard from Riverwood. Sven is an excellent blacksmith, alchemist, engineering and archer. Sven and Fandals - participants of the love triangle. Complete the quest in favor of Change and it will become your companion. - +
Utgong is not worn Nord-warrior, it is possible to find it in the tavern "Garzing Mare" in Weitran. It is skillful in blocking and shooting, skillfully drawn with one-handed weapon and heavy armor. To hire it, accept her call. If you can defeat it, she will join you. Utgong owns a house in Waitran. If you take it, you can find the key from the house in her inventory. + +


In addition to ordinary characters, the player can take a dog with him.

Quest satellites

Some characters will follow you during the quest. You will not have access to the inventory of quest satellites.

Name Related Quest Note Immortality
Hadvar Liberation +
Ralof Liberation Join if you choose its side during the initial events in Helgen. +
ESBERN Rat drunk in the corner, wall of Aduin +
Dolphin Wall of Aduin +
Barbas Daendra's best friend Barbas is the only temporary dog-companion in the game, he constantly barks, complains and pushes, if you do not fulfill his quest, however, he is invisible and will follow you anywhere. +
Avulstain gray mane Missing Having lost all health in the battle, it is sitting on a knee, like ordinary satellites. +
Thorald gray mane Missing If he dies, the quest will be failed. In addition, Avulstaine, Heirlund and Vidrialde will cease to follow you. -
Heirlund Missing -
Vidrald Missing He will meet you when meeting with an Avulstoy gray mane near the North Watchtower (if you agree to his help). -
Sinding Cov Moon You follow you during the quest, if you spare it, staying in the form of a Werewolf, throws on hunters, like a player-washing, however, his attacks are not meant. -
Tonnir Eternal peace +

Comment OT ManBot.

Halduron Brightwing Is In The Small Tower In The North Of Trueshot Lodge (at the location marked on the map). HE IS SLIGHTLY HIDDEN AND SOME (LIKE ME) MAY HAVE DIFFICULTY LOCATING HIM.

Comment OT tooltip.

Vereesa Windrunner Says: If The Plan Is To Set A Trap For the Houndmaster, We "LL Need to Place It in a Secure Location.


Yeah, I "M Sure Third Time" S The Charm.

Comment OT cTM989.

Hello, Below Is the Sequence of Quest Events for the Hunter "S 3RD Artifact Relic. As You Can See Below, This Quest IS A Part of the Series. This Series Was Completed on A LVL 110 Hunter with Highmountain, Stormhelm, Zone Questing Story Complete and Others AT ~ 50%. Reading Through The Comments for Each Quest Can Provide Clarification on Some of the Prerequisites If You are Having Trouble Getting the Quest.

1.1.1 Lending A Hand
1.1.2 Rising Troubles.
1.2.1 Assassin Entrapment
2.1.1 Urgent Summons
3.1.1 Recruiting Rexxar
3.1.2 Survival Skills.
3.1.4 Champion Rexxar
3.2.1 Calling Hilaire Home
3.2.2 Bite of the Beast
3.2.4 Homecoming
4.1.1 Signaling Trouble
5.1.1 Unseen Protection (5missions)
5.2.1 Aiding Our Allies (Big Gamy Ribs or Highmountain Salmon or Silkweave Bandages)
5.3.1 Recruiting More Troops
5.4.1 Rating Razik
5.4.2 An Offering Of AMMO
5.4.3 Note Eating Goats
5.4.5 Scout IT OUT
5.4.6 Champion Hemet.
5.4.7 Champion Addie Fizzlebog
6.1.1 Baron and The Huntsmen
6.1.2 Awakening The Senses
6.1.3 Champion: Huntsman Blake
8.1.1 Missing Mages.
9.1.1 The Scent Of Magic
9.1.2 Assisting the Archmage
9.1.3 Knowing Our Enemy
9.3.2 CURSED TO Wither
9.3.3 Hungers End.
10.1.2 to Tame The Beast
10.1.3 The Nature of the Beast
11.1.1 Requesting Reinforcements (5missions)
12.1.1 Informing OUR Allies
13.1.1 Darkheart Thicket: Nightmare Oak
13.2.1 The Missing Vessel (4missions)
13.5.1 Collecting Reagents.
14.1.1 Leading by Example
14.2.1 Azure Weapon
14.2.2 Meeting in Moonclaw
14.2.3 Delicate Enchantment.
14.2.4 Same Day Delivery
15.1.1 in Defense of Dalaraan

After Completing in Defense of Dalaraan A Quest Will Show U by Your Artifact Altar to Empower Your Weapon With A 3rd Relic. Hope This Answers People "s Questions Regarding The Hunter" S Campaign for the 3rd Relic.

Note: If There Any Mistakes, Please Highlight and Comment to Help It from Causing Any Grief for Future People Following This As A Event Sequence.


Hello everyone. With you MChammer. I decided to put the passage of side quests for vampires. But it would be better not to start, because, turning into a vampire, my beautiful imperial has become similar to the old woman. The tasks, as well as the custody of the dawn, issue members of the vampire hierarchy. Only all tasks will be held in random locations, and sometimes repeated.

Protection of pedigree.

This task issues a fius bloody mouth. She will ask for a cave with a vampire who is gaining an army. Location will be random, but most often it is a cave. The locations will be vampires, bandits, Trella Vampires, and they will in every way will be impeded to the murder of their leader. Come into the cave, clean it and return to the award for Fiore. As a reward for the completed task, you will get 3 blood elixirs that restore 100 health units.

Ancient power.

This task issues Faran Sadri. Feran will ask to bring the brushes of an ancient vampire. Location will be random, I got cave. In the cave were magicians, sorcerers, bandits, even the highest vampires fell, such things, yes. After their murder, I climbed into the chest and pulled out an ancient vampire brush from there to enhance the hematite bowl. Also, in the cave I came across a village Nery, shrouded in the web. I crawled my web, she thanked me and left the ravoisi, and I thought that she would join our family. Believe the brush of an ancient vampire Feran Sadri and get a reward. Now you can drink from hematite bowl and get a passive bonus for this: "blood ancestors." When using spells from Lord - Vampire, you take off the enemy of 100% magic for 3 days.

New allies.

This task issues Wingalmo. He will tell that the family needs replenishment, and asks us to draw a person who is suitable. This person can be in any settlement. I needed to turn Cairo from Marcard. We find it, we put the spell "Vampire seduction" and eat, so we infect her blood and after a while she will turn into a vampire.

Taming the beast.

This task issues the war marti. He will ask to kill the vampire and his whip. Go to the cave of Heimar. Vampires, wolf vampires and their servants are waiting for us in the cave. We kill the servants and the main vampire, too, you can clean the entire cave. After that, we go to the Garan for the award. In a reward we get hoop change.

Rings of blood magic and night power amulets.

This task issues Faran Sadri. He will ask to find blood magic rings. One ring is in the Plut's Lair, another in the cave Lunar Bor. Vampires are sitting in the Plut cave, and vampires are sitting in the Moon Bor Cave with their master. Also, you can attack the guards of dawn. Ring the ring, return to Feran Sadri. Ring of the beast (100 units of health, 200 units of damage claws in the form of a vampire - Lord); Ring Erudite (100 units of magic and an increase in the speed of its recovery). In a reward for completed task, you can leave rings.

Cheating crowd.

This task issues Faran Sadri. We need to substitute the guards of dawn, and Faran knows how to do it. He will give us a kits for the responsiveness of the Guardians of Dawn and asks to kill a person in a crowded place or the city. He will also ask to kill a person who occupies a high position in society. Trader, Bard, and then throw a note in the pocket of a pocket, which commetes the custody of dawn. We arrive in any city, we dress in the guard of dawn and kill the merchant. After that, we turn into the Lord - a vampire, we scatter a zooak and remove from the city to Feran Sadri for a reward.
This task issues a fius bloody mouth. She will ask to kill the Agent of Dawn Guardians, who pretended to be a simple citizen of Skyrima, but it is necessary to do it silently. The Guardian of Dawn is usually dressed as a beggar or, like a pilgrim, you will immediately notice it. You can kill it silently in the following way. Speak with him, and in conversation or convince that there is a monster next to, or intimidate, after that he goes for you. Get it in an empty house or in your own home and kill right in the hallway. After that, return to the castle to the fusion.