Practice report: Study of the development of role-playing games in older preschoolers. Scheme of analysis of game activity Analysis of role-playing games in dow

Natalia Yushkina
Analysis of the role-playing game "Kindergarten", in the senior group.

Idea games" Kindergarten" arose after a daytime sleep, when the children saw new dolls on the shelf. While washing, the children remembered what professions people work in kindergarten, planned where in group can accommodate kitchen, laundry room, dining room, bedroom and playground. After an afternoon snack, the attributes were laid out to game: bed linen, dishes, clothespins, ropes, irons, tables were moved to the group had more space. Children independently chose their roles, united by service (kitchen, laundry room, bedroom, dining room, playground) and started doing things in sequence. Each service prepared its own workplace. "Educators" built cribs for children, covered them with bed linen, "cooks" equipped the kitchen, built tables for dishes and cutting food, stoves for cooking dinner, "washerwomen" built a washing machine, ironing tables, tied ropes for drying clothes; nannies built tables, chairs, washbasins for the dining room. When the building was finished Kindergarten is open and the children began to take care of the dolls. Game actions were performed with love, they told fairy tales to children, sang lullabies, persuaded dolls to eat a cutlet. In the first part plot- the role-playing game was interconnected with the construction game. During games children preferred relationships with each other. Some children, having put the dolls to bed, decided to build them playground, and after finishing it, they took their dolls for a walk. There is a new plot" Building playground"And" Walk". In total, 12 people participated in the game, the children united in services for 2-3 people. The game lasted 40 minutes.

Seeing that the children were losing interest in the game, I announced that the parents had come for the children and Kindergarten is closed. Taking on the role of parents, I asked the "educators" how the "daughter" behaved, did she cry, did she eat everything during lunch. I asked the "cooks" what they had prepared for dinner, whether the dish turned out tasty, I asked the "washerwomen" what they washed, so that the linen was clean, it smelled good.

After the children removed all the attributes, they continued the discussion games. The cooks told what a delicious soup they had cooked, the builders told what a beautiful car they built on playground. Children enjoyed sharing their impressions of the game with their parents in the locker room. Telling who they were children's garden and what kind of work they did.

During games I watched the children, occasionally giving a little advice - remarks along the way games. for instance: so that the laundry does not fall off the rope, what needs to be done (pin it with clothespins so that the laundry smells good, what to put in the washing machine ("Leenor", if the children heard my remarks, then they used them in the game.

The game is age appropriate. In the course of the game, the children "got used" to the role of adults, skillfully played the roles they took on, were friendly, helped each other, shared toys, used objects as substitutes, easily finding them in group.

The children's vocabulary was replenished, while communicating, the children used dialogic and monologue speech, they were emotional.

In the future, I plan to continue the development of gaming activities. Pay special attention to talking with children about the future course games, the possible actions of children in a particular role, assisting children in creating a playful image. Individual conversations, tasks and assignments help to create game images. A crucial moment in the management of the game is summing up its results. When summarizing games it is necessary to draw the attention of children to their successes, even if they were insignificant for someone. Participating in children's games, sometimes I take on the main roles, sometimes I play the role of an ordinary participant, but in any case I direct the initiative and creativity of children.

Forming the relationship of children in the game, trying create situations that encourage the child to enter into relationships with others, make attributes with children, watch other children play, conduct observations, excursions, talks, read fiction, look at illustrations. I think that much attention should be paid to the ability of children to act together in game situations, to coordinate their actions with the actions of their peers. For this I use in my work games- dramatizations based on fairy tales in the content of which there are dialogues between characters ("Zayushkina's hut", "Spikelet", "Teremok", "Cat, rooster and fox", etc.)

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Modern transformations in society, new strategic guidelines in the development of the economy, the openness of society, its rapid informatization and dynamism have radically changed the requirements for education. The education systems of most of the leading countries of the world responded to these challenges by basing the goals, content and technologies of education on the expected results. The main goal of education is not a simple set of knowledge, skills and abilities, but professional competence based on them - the ability to independently obtain, analyze and effectively use information, the ability to rationally live and work in a rapidly changing world.

In the light of all the above, the theme of the development of a role-playing game does not lose its relevance today, since the game is the leading activity of preschool children.

The game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the outside world. The game clearly manifests the features of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication.

An outstanding researcher in the field of psychology L.S. Vygotsky emphasized the unique specificity of preschool play. It lies in the fact that the freedom and independence of the players is combined with strict, unconditional obedience to the rules of the game. Such voluntary obedience to the rules occurs when they are not imposed from outside, but arise from the content of the game, its tasks, when their fulfillment is its main charm.

Characteristic of games, especially plot-role-playing ones, is the presence of two types of relations between children: imaginary, corresponding to the plot, role, and real relations of participants in a joint game.

In early childhood, the child has the greatest opportunity, namely in the game, and not in any other activity, to be independent, communicate with peers at his own discretion, choose toys and use different objects, overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game, her rules.

The older the children get, the higher the level of their general development, the more valuable the game (especially pedagogically directed) for the development of amateur forms of behavior: children have the opportunity to outline the plot themselves or organize games with rules (didactic, mobile), find partners, set goals and choose means to achieve their goals. Amateur play requires the child to be able to establish relationships with comrades. In these informal children's associations, different character traits of the child, his habits, interests, ideas about the environment, various skills are manifested, for example, the ability to independently find a way out of problem situations that arise in the game, guided by known norms and rules of behavior, or the ability to independently organize a real (and not imaginary) labor activity for solving game problems.

Object of study is a purposeful pedagogical process.

Subject of study is a role-playing game for preschoolers.

Purpose of the study: to study the features and peculiarities of the development of the role-playing game of a preschooler.

Research objectives:

· Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Studying the structure of the role-playing game.

1. Role-playing game as a means of comprehensive development of the child

Role-playing creative games are games that children themselves come up with. The games reflect the knowledge, impressions, ideas of the child about the world around him, social relations are recreated. Each such game is characterized by: theme, game plan, plot, content and role.

In games, the creative imagination of a child is manifested, who learns to operate with objects and toys as symbols of the phenomenon of life around him, comes up with various combinations of transformation, through the role he takes on, leaves the circle of familiar everyday life and feels active.

In games, the child not only reflects the surrounding life, but also rebuilds it, creates a desired future. As L.S. wrote Vygotsky in his works, "a child's play is not a simple recollection of the experienced, but the creative processing of the experienced impressions, combining them and building from them a new reality that meets the needs and inclinations of the child himself."

In the game, all aspects of the child's personality are formed in unity and interaction.

The game occupies a large place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of preschool children.

The game is of great educational importance, it is closely related to learning in the classroom, with observations of everyday life.

In creative games, an important and complex process of mastering knowledge takes place, which mobilizes the mental abilities of the child, his imagination, attention, memory. Playing roles, depicting certain events, children reflect on them, establish a connection between various phenomena. They learn to independently solve game problems, find the best way to implement their plans, use their knowledge, express it in words.

Often, the game serves as an occasion to communicate new knowledge to preschoolers, to expand their horizons. With the development of interest in the work of adults, in social life, in the heroic deeds of people, children have their first dreams of a future profession, the desire to imitate their favorite heroes. All this makes the game an important means of creating the orientation of the child's personality, which begins to take shape in preschool childhood.

Creative play cannot be subordinated to narrow didactic goals; with its help, the main educational tasks are solved.

An interesting game increases the mental activity of the child, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in class. But this does not mean that classes should be conducted only in the form of a game. Teaching requires the use of a variety of methods. The game is one of them, and it gives good results only in combination with other methods: observation, conversation, reading, etc.

While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, to use them in different conditions. In creative games, a wide scope for invention and experimentation opens up. Games with rules require the mobilization of knowledge, an independent choice of solving the problem.

The game is an independent activity in which children enter into communication with their peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common experiences. Game experiences leave a deep imprint in the mind of the child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, and skills of collective life. The task of the educator is to make each child an active member of the play team, to create relationships between children based on friendship, justice, and responsibility to comrades.

The game brings up interest and respect for the work of adults: children portray people of different professions and at the same time imitate not only their actions, but also their attitude to work, to people. Often the game serves as an incentive to work: the manufacture of the necessary attributes, design.

The game is an important means of aesthetic education of preschoolers, since this activity manifests and develops creative imagination, the ability to plan, the rhythm and beauty of movements develop. A deliberate selection of toys helps to form an artistic taste.

Thus, in preschool childhood, the game is the most important independent activity of the child and is of great importance for his physical and mental development, the formation of individuality and the formation of a children's team.

2. Structure, content and types of role-playing game

The relationship of the image, the game action and the word is the core of the game activity, serves as a means of reflecting reality.

The main structural elements of the game are: game concept, plot or its content; game actions; roles; rules that are dictated by the game itself and are created by children or suggested by adults. These elements are closely related.

game plan is a general definition of what and how children will play.

It is formulated in speech, reflected in the game actions themselves, formed in the game content and is the core of the game. According to the game design of the game, the following groups can be divided: reflecting everyday phenomena (games in the “family”, in the “kindergarten”, in the “polyclinic”, etc.). Reflecting creative work (construction of the subway, construction of houses). Reflecting social events, traditions (holidays, meeting guests, traveling, etc.). Such a division of them, of course, is arbitrary, since the game can include a reflection of various life phenomena.

The structural feature and center of the game is the role that the child performs. According to the value that belongs to the role in the process of playing, many of the games are called role-playing or role-playing. A role is always related to a person or animal; his imaginary deeds, actions, attitudes. The child, entering into their image, plays a certain role. But the preschooler does not just play this role, he lives in the image and believes in its veracity. Depicting, for example, a captain on a ship, he does not reflect all of his activities, but only those features that are necessary during the game: the captain gives commands, looks through binoculars, takes care of passengers and sailors. In the process of playing, the children themselves (and in some games, adults) establish rules that determine and regulate the behavior and relationships of the players. They give the games organization, stability, fix their content and determine the further development, the complication of relations and relationships.

All these building blocks of the game are more or less typical, but they have different meanings and are related differently in different types of games.

Role-playing games: differ in content (reflection of everyday life, work of adults, events of social life); by organization, number of participants (individual, group, collective). By type (games, the plot of which is invented by the children themselves, dramatization games - playing out fairy tales and stories; construction).

3. Management of the role-playing game

The necessary elements that provide interesting play activities, the development of cognitive interests and moral qualities of the child are knowledge - action - communication. A special role in this belongs to the educator. It is on the personality of the teacher, his knowledge, skills, professional skills and ability to creatively organize the management of children's play activities that their use for the purposes of the comprehensive development of the child's personality depends.

The process of directing a plot-role-playing creative game should be built in such a way that the development of playing skills and abilities is organically combined with training and education, including labor education. Based on this principle, 3 groups of methods can be distinguished.

The first group of methods is associated with enriching children with knowledge, impressions, ideas about the life around them. These include observations; excursions (primary, repeated, final); meetings with people of different professions; emotional and expressive reading of fiction; conversation. A conversation-story using illustrative material about the work of adults and their relationships in the process of it; the teacher's story, accompanied by a demonstration of specially selected photographs, paintings, reproductions of events taking place in the country. Drawing up stories by children on certain topics related to observations of the surrounding life; individual conversations with children, clarifying knowledge, ideas of preschoolers about the phenomena of social life, about moral categories. Dramatization of literary works using toys, puppet theater characters; ethical conversations.

The second group is methods that contribute to the formation and development of gaming activities. Among them, an important place is occupied by the direct participation of the educator in the creative game: playing with one child, playing a leading or secondary role. In addition, the teacher makes extensive use of helping children to implement the knowledge gained in the classroom through suggestions, reminders, advice, selection of game material, conversations about the idea of ​​the game, development of its content, and summing up.

The teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of the child, if he is confident in himself, it is important to teach him to critically evaluate his answers. If you are shy and indecisive, you need to support any initiative.

In order to educate children in the skills and abilities of independent organization of the game, assignments are also used; tasks (on the selection of game material, on the manufacture of homemade toys, etc.); conversations; encouragement, clarification, questions aimed at suggesting to children the possible implementation of the plan, the definition of game actions.

Such skills necessary for the child, such as defining a role for themselves and bringing it to the end of the game, are formed through advice, individual tasks, assignments; attracting illustrative material, reading excerpts from literary works that characterize a particular character; individual conversations about the role; making together with the child elements of the costume for his role.

An important task is to educate children in the ability to independently distribute roles, taking into account the capabilities, interests and desires of each. Therefore, the teacher should study well the characters, inclinations and habits of his pupils and constantly help the children to get to know each other better, drawing their attention to the positive aspects of the personality of each child. To solve this problem, you can use such a technique as holding competitions for the best inventing elements of a costume, for interesting proposals regarding role-playing actions, for the expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, and gestures.

The third group of methods is associated with teaching children how to design from building materials and play with buildings, making toys. This group includes such methods and techniques as the joint implementation of buildings by the educator and children; examining the model of the educator, showing design techniques; use of photographs of children's buildings, diagrams, tables; the use of thematic tasks such as "Let's build a street in our city", "Let's build a metro", etc.; selection of material for beating buildings.

An important role is played by teaching children the ability to make paper toys by folding (boats, steamers, animals, cameras, benches, glasses, etc.), from thin cardboard according to patterns; production of toys from natural and additional materials (coils, cardboard boxes of various shapes and sizes, etc.); the use of thematic tasks: to make beautiful furniture for newcomers, carousels and other equipment for the playground (the game "City Building"), etc. An important role for the development of the game is played by the ability of children to use objects - substitutes (a brick instead of soap, etc. ), the more substitute items the children bring in, the more interesting and meaningful the game is.

The use of the methods and techniques described above depends on the age characteristics of children on the level of development of their playing skills and abilities.

4. Role-playing games of senior preschool age

In a child of older preschool age, interest in the labor affairs of adults, in the results of their work, deepens, there is a feeling of admiration for the selfless deeds of people, a desire to imitate them. The games of children of this age are characterized by games with a heroic plot.

Children of the 6th year of life tend to want to fulfill their role with more imagination, ingenuity, interest in details. They are attracted by beautiful material, graceful designs, unusual elements of decoration of buildings. To develop the content of the game, children successfully use their technical skills, for example, to create the necessary toy from a designer (metal, plastic). They more amicably agree on the theme of the game, without conflicts, distribute roles among themselves, taking into account which of them will better cope with this or that role, create a vivid image.

At this age stage, more complex games appear, both in content, the use of real life display tools, and in organization. These are already role-playing games that last a week, two, a month, etc., with a gradual development and complication of content; games that deeply affect the feelings and interests of children. Their themes are mainly connected with modern life ("Cosmonauts", "Journey to the North Pole", "Journey to Antarctica", etc.) or with fairy tales and stories most beloved by children. In these games, the content is constantly evolving and becoming more complex as children acquire new knowledge about the life around them, with the development of skills to apply this knowledge, with the improvement of constructive skills.

Long plot-role-playing creative games are of particular importance for the integrated solution of the problems of mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education of children.

In a long game, the child develops the skills and habits of collective life faster, and independence grows. As a result, this kind of game becomes the most effective form of organizing the interesting life of children in a preschool institution. Children get used to the role so much that they often feel in it even when they are no longer playing. In such cases, it is easier to influence the child through his favorite image.

In such a game, the child shows more independence, imagination, creativity in the choice of actions, in the distribution of roles, and the use of auxiliary materials. The teacher needs to use this factor to educate children in the ability to coordinate their interests with the interests of the team, to help each other in the implementation of the plan, in the performance of a certain role.

A long-term creative role-playing game is fraught with tremendous opportunities for the development of a child's thinking.

The child's actions with objects are transformative. In the game, he is a tireless researcher: he learns the properties and qualities of real objects, ways of working with them, and, depending on the plan, on the development of the plot, he melts life material, replaces some objects with others, combines knowledge, intertwining reality with fiction, fantasy. In the development of the plot of the game on a certain topic, a logical sequence of actions, a set of interconnected and interdependent events and phenomena of the real world can be traced.

This experience, knowledge and ideas are creatively refracted by the child in play activities. Enriching the child's mind with a variety of ideas, a system of knowledge means giving abundant food for the development of his imagination, for creating images, situations that can be realized in the game. It is possible to conduct a series of construction and manual labor classes related to a common theme (manufacturing of large trucks, cranes, wagons, electric and diesel locomotives, railway stations from matchboxes, cardboard, etc.).

The emergence of the long-term game "Traveling for animals to hot countries" may be associated with the trip of children to the zoo. To satisfy the child's curiosity, the educator specially reads excerpts from books on this topic; organizes modeling of animals from plasticine, etc. As the ideas of preschoolers are enriched, the content of the game develops and becomes more complicated. Children show more initiative, creativity and mental independence in solving practical problems. If the teacher cares about expanding the ideas of children, the group will develop games on a variety of subjects: "Journey to Antarctica", "Journey to hot countries", etc. The work of the imagination helps the child to clearly and distinctly imagine the seas, oceans, ships sailing on them, icebergs , the work of distant polar stations, flights of spacecraft, etc.

The child creates game images creatively, consciously. He not only reproduces life, blindly copies it. In the depiction of certain situations, heroes, children bring many elements of creativity, freely combining the impressions of life with the content of fairy tales, stories, adding their own fiction, which indicates the activity of the imagination. A fascinating, complex in content game, satisfying the desire of the child to participate in the events experienced by the country, gives him joy.

Leading such games, the educator should not rush to prompt the children to solve certain problems that arise before them. Watching games, it is necessary to establish what children should pay attention to during classes (especially in classes to familiarize themselves with various phenomena of the surrounding life, with the flora and fauna). The teacher should strive to direct the attention of pupils to the essential aspects of a particular social phenomenon, to help understand the simplest connections and dependencies between them. It is also necessary to think over methods and techniques that contribute to the further development of a particular game (selection of pictures, board-printed games; instructions for children: watch television programs), outline a number of classes for making homemade toys, constructing from building material, provide children with free use of plasticine, clay, scissors, glue, cardboard.

A prerequisite for a long story-role-playing creative game is that children have the ability to play in large groups, consult together and help each other, and jointly achieve their goals.

It is also necessary that children love to play, so that they have the skills to outline a topic, select means for displaying and developing an idea, distribute roles taking into account the capabilities and desires of each participant in the game, establish rules and clearly follow them.

To guide long-term creative games, excursions (primary, repeated, final) can be used as the main methods. The main methods of managing a long-term creative game can also include conversations, stories, conversations with children using illustrative material when getting acquainted with the events of modern life. The active participation of children in the distribution of roles contributes to the education of collectivist feelings. Children learn to reckon with the opinion of their comrades, to take into account both the possibilities and desires of each other.

The role of the educator in a long-term creative game is ambiguous. At first, the teacher can take on a leading, leading role, if the children have insufficiently developed organizational skills, there is no proper experience. At the same time, the leadership of the teacher must be careful not to suppress the initiative and creativity of children, but in every possible way to contribute to their development. The teacher is an older friend of the children, a partner in the game, gradually helping them to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom in the performance of individual tasks and assignments, encouraging mutual understanding, sensitivity, justice, and mutual assistance.

At the subsequent stages, tips, reminders, suggestions, targeted selection of game material, tasks aimed at developing the content of the game, forming children's cognitive interests, organizational skills are used. During the year, you can spend about 6 long-term creative games with the intention of consistently improving children's self-organization skills.

The following methods and techniques contribute to the development of a long game, the education of children's mental activity, moral feelings and self-organization skills: conversations about its progress before the start of the game, summing up the results of the game and planning its further development together with the children; reminders, advice, instructions, assignments, assignments. The teacher teaches pupils to independently use building materials and constructors in games, make homemade toys, use skills in drawing, modeling, dancing, singing.

Individual conversations, looking at pictures, illustrations, photographs, reading excerpts from works of fiction help the child to reveal the game image.

Older children play with natural materials. The teacher, by showing photographs, pictures, reminders, advice, directs preschoolers to independent actions with sand, so that when building buildings they show initiative, invention, ingenuity. You can invite children to build buildings on the theme "What people ride." One group of children is building an airfield, another a railway station, a third a river port, and if you give them sand combined with clay, then small builders can make a navigable river, dig canals, install locks, etc.

Playing with sand and clay requires different additional material - wood trimmings, pegs, cords, plywood figurines of people, animals, trees, various cars, etc. Some of the toys preschoolers can make themselves, for example, boats, planes, railroad cars, etc.

Buildings made of snow can be large and small - on tables. Large buildings can be united by the common theme "North Pole" or "Zoo", "Stadium", etc.

The teacher teaches pupils to make bricks from snow and build the walls of houses from them, compact the snow, make ice paths for sliding, shafts; sculpt figures of animals; make colored ice to decorate buildings, for windows of houses, etc. For large buildings from snow, a base is required. For it, you can use boards, boxes, plywood panels, thick cardboard, wooden slats, etc.

In winter, when constructing buildings on the site, it should be possible to provide for the possibility of such games as "Journey to Antarctica (to the North Pole)", "White Olympics", "Russian Winter Festival", as well as games based on the fairy tales "Hare hut", "Wintering of animals", "Morozko", etc.

Like younger children, older preschoolers love theatrical games based on literary works. The main thing in the management of dramatization games is the choice of a literary work, work with children on the expressiveness of text transmission, the creation of scenery and costumes.

Literary works for games of preschoolers must meet the following requirements: ideological orientation, dynamism of the plot, the presence of dialogues. If during the initial acquaintance with the work the children became interested in it, when reading it again, one should most expressively highlight the speech of the characters, help to correctly assess their actions, and establish the sequence of events. In order to make it easier for children to memorize the text, to emphasize the dynamics of events, in some cases the educator, when re-reading, excludes episodes of a descriptive nature.

Children of senior preschool age can already assign roles themselves.

The teacher provides the pupils with the opportunity to independently create game images, if necessary, suggests how best to fulfill the role, gives photographs, illustrations in order to get more detailed acquaintance with the appearance of a particular character, organizes listening to recordings.

Fun games in the senior and preparatory groups for school can be in the nature of fun relay races, competitions, attractions with the participation of 2 or more teams: "Sled relay race". "Turtles" - a fun sledding competition; "Air football" (children with a purposeful stream of air try to quickly drive a paper ball into the opponent's goal, and the opponent, blowing on a light paper ball, tries to seize the initiative; as soon as the ball is in the goal, the score opens). Showing clockwork toys by the teacher on the themes “Circus”, “Children in a Cage”, etc., may contribute to the desire of children to prepare a circus performance themselves. The possibility of its preparation and implementation is determined by the degree of physical development of preschoolers; the presence of such physical qualities as dexterity, flexibility, accuracy of movements, endurance. In addition, the child should have a sense of humor. The content of preparation for this fun game should include: drawing up a circus program; the distribution of children to the roles of artists, as well as artists and decorators and the distribution of responsibilities (who will make what elements of costumes, scenery, who will issue invitation cards and how, etc.).

These theatrical games are prepared and held with the active participation of the educator.

The game is a natural companion of a child’s life, which has great educational power, a way of knowing the world around us in this regard, folk games are of great importance - they develop ingenuity in children, introduce them to the life and life of the people, traditions. Folk games are a traditional means of pedagogy, they clearly reflect the way of life of people, their way of life, work.


role-playing creative game preschool

The game streamlines not only the behavior of the child, but also his inner life, helps to understand himself, his attitude to the world. This is practically the only area where he can take the initiative and creative activity. And at the same time, it is in the game that the child learns to control and evaluate himself, to understand what he is doing and learns to act correctly. It is the independent regulation of actions that turns the child into a conscious subject of life, makes his behavior conscious and arbitrary.

Childhood is not only the happiest and most carefree time of a person's life. This is the period of the most intensive formation of personality, something that did not work out in childhood can no longer be made up for by an adult.

Plot - role-playing games in combination with other educational means are the basis for the formation of a harmoniously developed active personality, able to find a way out of a critical situation, make a decision, take the initiative, i.e. acquire those qualities that are necessary in the future life.

List of sources used

1. Mendzhritskaya D.V. Educator about children's play - M .: Education, 1982.

2. Preschool pedagogy / ed. IN AND. Yadeshko. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978.

3. Venger L.A., Mukhina V.S. Psychology - M.: Education, 1988.

4. The game of a preschooler / ed. S.L. Novosyolova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

5. Management of the games of children in preschool institutions / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

6. Shcherbakova E.I. Formation of the relationship of children at 3-5 years old in the game. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984.

8. Korotkova N.A. Role-playing game for older preschoolers.// A child in kindergarten. - 2006. - No. 2.

9. Korotkova N. A. Role-playing game for older preschoolers.// Child in kindergarten. - 2006. - No. 3.

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    Theoretical foundations of the role-playing game as a means of the comprehensive development of the child. Structure, content and types of role-playing game, game management. Features and development of the role-playing game in different periods of preschool and school childhood.

    term paper, added 01/17/2010

    Characteristics of the features of the role-playing game of older preschoolers. Conditions for organizing the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution for conducting role-playing games for older preschoolers. The study of the formation of gaming skills in children of this age.

    thesis, added 06/21/2014

    The value of play activities in the intellectual and physical development of the child. Features and means of forming the speech of preschool children. The main tasks and types of role-playing games, guidelines for their use in kindergarten.

    term paper, added 09/17/2012

    Psychological and pedagogical problem of organizing a role-playing game, its characteristics, the main directions of development in children of senior preschool age. Improving the pedagogical skills of educators, identifying the level of development, organizing work.

    thesis, added 11/16/2009

    Determination of indicators of the formation of game interaction of older preschoolers. Formation of relationships between children through role-playing games. The effectiveness of the influence of role-playing games on the social and moral development of preschoolers.


1. Scientific and theoretical foundations for the development of role-playing games for older preschoolers

1.3 Pedagogical principles for organizing a story game

2. Experimental study on the development of role-playing games for children in the preparatory group for school





The game as the main activity of preschool children is the leading means of their education.

Outstanding teacher N.K. Krupskaya noted: “The game is the need of a growing organism. In the game, the physical strength of the child develops, the hand becomes stronger, the body is more flexible, or rather the eye, quick wit, resourcefulness, and initiative develop. In the game, the guys develop organizational skills, develop endurance, the ability to weigh circumstances.

In the game, children gain experience in social behavior among peers, practically learn moral norms and rules, join the lives of adults around them, have the opportunity to show greater activity and independence than in any other activity. A special place is occupied by role-playing games. In these games, preschoolers reproduce everything that they see around them.

The leading motive of the game in the senior preschool age is cognitive interest, manifested in the desire to know the surrounding reality. The formation of sustainable cognitive interests is possible only by expanding children's ideas about the surrounding life, about the work of adults, which children imitate in their games.

Acquaintance of the child with the outside world begins from the first moments of life. Children always and everywhere in one form or another come into contact with objects and phenomena of the world around them. Everything attracts the attention of the child, surprises him, provides rich food for child development. An adult becomes a guide to the world of things, objects, phenomena and events.

Familiarization of preschoolers with the outside world is a means of educating in their minds realistic knowledge about the world based on sensory experience and cultivating the right attitude towards it. Acquaintance with the surrounding world is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime.

As practice shows, educators of older groups mainly learn with children the ready-made plots of the game provided for by the Program. Educators strive to cover the whole group with a game according to a given plot. Children do not want to play "learned" games on their own, but at the suggestion of the teacher, they reproduce them. This is due to the lack of interest in children in the plots of games.

All this gives grounds for a deeper study of this problem in theoretical terms and leads to the need to define the problem, object, subject of research, setting goals and objectives, as well as putting forward a hypothesis.

Problem: what are the ways and methods of enriching ideas about the world around in the process of developing role-playing games for children in the preparatory group for school.

object research is the pedagogical process of enriching ideas about the world around, as a condition for the development of role-playing games for children in the group preparatory to school.

Subject This study is to enrich ideas about the world around us as a condition for the development of role-playing games for children in the group preparatory to school.

Target works: development of a set of measures to enrich the ideas of children in the preparatory school group about the world around them and experimentally substantiate their effectiveness for the development of role-playing games for children.

In accordance with the problem, object, subject and goal, the following tasks were defined:

· to study works and scientific researches on the given problem of scientists-theorists, psychologists, teachers;

To identify the features of the development of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age;

· to develop and test a set of measures to enrich ideas about the world around, as a condition for the development of role-playing games for children in the group preparatory to school.

Research hypothesis : the development of role-playing games for preschoolers of the group preparatory to school will be more successful under the following conditions:

If the educator will actively use a variety of forms and methods of work to enrich children's ideas about the world around them;

If the educator enriches the knowledge that the children have about the world around them;

If the educator will teach children to apply the knowledge that children have about the world around them in the process of a role-playing game.

The specifics of the object and subject of the study determined the need to use a variety of research methods :

Theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological literature related to the range of problems identified by the objectives of the study;

Observation of the process of the role-playing game of preschoolers of the preparatory group for school;

Psychological and pedagogical experiment (stating, forming, control);

The use of various pedagogical technologies to enrich children's ideas about the world around them

The novelty of the study lies in the fact that a set of activities has been compiled and tested, which is aimed at developing role-playing games for children in the group preparatory to school.


1.1 The problem of the development of gaming activity in the studies of domestic and foreign psychologists and teachers

The game is a special activity that flourishes in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of play has attracted and continues to attract the attention of researchers, not only educators and psychologists, but also philosophers, sociologists, ethnographers, art critics, and biologists.

Most modern scientists explain the game as a special kind of activity that has developed at a certain stage in the development of society. At the beginning of the 20th century, researchers did not have unanimity in resolving the issue of what is primary in the history of mankind: work or play. It has been suggested that play arose before labor. For the first time, the opposite statement that “play is the child of labor” was made by the German philosopher and psychologist W. Wundt, and later this point of view was developed by the Russian philosopher G.V. Plekhanov, Letters Without an Address. He came to the conclusion that the game has a long history and originated in primitive society along with various types of art. According to G.V. Plekhanov, in the history of society, work preceded the game, determined its content. The scientist drew attention to the fact that the game is social in its content, since children reflect what they see around, including the work of adults.

Thoughts G.V. Plekhanov were developed in the works of new generations of scientists, primarily psychologists and teachers, who were worried about the question: did play activity always exist, anticipating subsequent labor activity in a child’s life?

In psychology, in the study of play, as well as in the analysis of other types of activity and consciousness in general, the functional-analytic approach dominated. At the same time, the game was considered as a manifestation of an already matured mental ability. Some researchers (K.D. Ushinsky - in Russia, J. Selley, K. Buller, V. Stern - abroad) considered the game as a manifestation of the imagination or fantasy set in motion by various affective tendencies; others (A.I. Sikorsky - in Russia, J. Dewey - abroad) associated the game with the development of thinking.

Almost all researchers involved in the description of the games of preschool children repeated in various forms the idea of ​​J. Selley that the essence of children's play lies in the performance of a role.

The question of what exactly in the reality surrounding the child influences the role play is one of the most significant questions. Its solution may lead to a clarification of the actual nature of role-playing, to a solution of the question of the content of the roles that children take on in the game.

D.B. Elkonin believed that the reality in which the child lives and encounters can be conditionally divided into two mutually related, but at the same time different spheres. The first is the sphere of objects (things) both natural and created by human hands; the second is the sphere of people's activity, the sphere of labor and relations between people into which they enter and in which they are in the process of activity.

Research by psychologist N.V. Koroleva convinces that the role-playing game is especially sensitive to the sphere of people's activity and relations between them, that its content is precisely this sphere of reality.

As mentioned above, the game has a social basis. Children's games both of previous years and of today's life convince us that they are connected with the world of adults. One of the first to prove this proposition, equipping it with scientific and psychological data, was K.D. Ushinsky. In the work "Man as a subject of education" K.D. Ushinsky defined play as a way for a child to enter into the full complexity of the adult world around him. Children's games reflect the surrounding social environment, which provides "...material, much more diverse and real than that offered by a toy store."

The reality surrounding the child is extremely diverse, and therefore only certain aspects of it are reflected in the game, namely: the sphere of human activity, labor, relations between people. Research by A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonina, R.I. Zhukovskaya show that the development of the game during the preschool age is in the direction from the subject game, recreating the actions of adults, to the role-playing game, recreating relationships between people.

N.K. Krupskaya in many articles spoke about the importance of the game for the knowledge of the world, for the moral education of children. She believed that amateur imitative play, which helps to master the impressions received, is of great importance, much more than anything else. The same idea was expressed by A.M. Gorky: "The game is the way of children to the knowledge of the world in which they live and which they are called to change."

The game is a reflection of life. In the setting of the game, which is created by the child's imagination, there is a lot of real: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings, experiences are genuine, sincere.

Thus, having considered the problem of the development of game activity in the studies of domestic and foreign psychologists and teachers, we can conclude that the game is the main activity of preschool children, during which the spiritual and physical forces of the child develop: his attention, memory, imagination , discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a peculiar way of assimilation of social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

1.2 Characteristics of the role-playing game of older preschool children

Throughout preschool childhood, while the child grows and develops, acquires new knowledge and skills, the role-playing game remains the most characteristic type of his activity. Features of the role-playing game are revealed in the works of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets and teachers R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.P. Usovoi, N.Ya. Mikhailenko. The basis of the plot-role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him. For example, playing at school, depicts a teacher leading a lesson with students (peers) in the classroom (on the carpet).

The independence of children in the role-playing game is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves choose the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will reveal the roles, where the game will be deployed, etc. Each child is free to choose the means to embody the image.

The most important thing is that in the game the child embodies his idea, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is playing.

Game activity at the senior preschool age is even more complicated. Children at this age should develop the ability to unite in a game, agree on a sequence of joint actions, and display the characteristic features of a game image. The content of children's games is not only regime moments, but also various holidays, excursions, work of adults. Interest in games with a social theme is especially growing.

The content of the game enables the child to realize the motives and goals of the work of adults, to reproduce their relationships, which are perceived through the role and through the rules of the game. Therefore, at older preschool age, it is necessary to promote the expansion of the themes of children's games, the development of their content on the basis of deepening the knowledge of older preschoolers about the life of Soviet people.

The content of play activity, conditioned by the knowledge of the surrounding life, is also the most important condition for educating a child in play. Naturally, not every game can morally develop a child. Only a “good” game can perform such a function. There are a number of criteria that characterize it. The main criteria for such a game in senior preschool age is the enthusiasm for games, the content of which reflects characteristic social phenomena (long stay in roles, compliance of behavior with the role taken by an adult); the content of the objectives of the game; a variety of plots and roles (the desire to fulfill the role of an adult in any profession); manifestation of moral feelings (empathy, joy from communication, from the results achieved).

The level of children's play is directly dependent on the guidance of play activities by the educator, who passes on his moral experience to children and introduces them to the social life of adults.

The main component of the role-playing game is the plot, without it there is no role-playing game itself.

The plots of the games are varied. Conventionally, they are divided into household, industrial, public.

D.B. Elkonin notes that the content of the game is what is reproduced by the child as a central and characteristic element of activity and relations between adults in household, labor, and social activities.

A child of senior preschool age must deliberately choose the plot of the game, outline its plan, an approximate sequence of actions, that is, the child must present the events depicted in general terms. Children at this age should assign roles, although even here the help of a teacher is required.

At this age stage, new plots appear that are inspired by impressions gleaned outside the preschool institution: based on animated series, books read at home, stories of parents, etc. Currently, travel games, including space games, have expanded: the scope of displaying the work of adults has expanded (servicing work in a bank, transport, security and law enforcement service, etc.)

At the senior preschool age, the generalization of game situations continues; in addition to conditional and symbolic actions, children actively use verbal comments. These verbal comments are a verbal substitution of any events. Children resort to them so as not to violate the logic of the development of the content of the game.

The diverse content of role-playing games is determined by the children's knowledge of those aspects of reality that are depicted in the game, the consonance of this knowledge with the interests, feelings of the child, his personal experience. Finally, the development of the content of games depends on the child's ability to identify characteristic features in the activities and relationships of adults.

Throughout preschool childhood, the development and complication of the content of the game is carried out in the following areas:

Strengthening the purposefulness, and hence the sequence, the connectedness of the depicted;

A gradual transition from an expanded game situation to a collapsed one, generalization of what is depicted in the game (use of conditional and symbolic actions, verbal substitutions).

Each role contains its own rules of conduct, taken from the surrounding life, borrowed from relationships in the adult world.

A role is a model of how to act. Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own.

During preschool childhood, the development of a role in a plot-role-playing game proceeds from the performance of role-playing actions to roles - images.

In older preschool age, the meaning of the game lies in the typical relationship of the person whose role the child performs with other persons, the roles that other children take on. In games, role-playing dialogues appear, with the help of which relations between characters are expressed, game interaction is established. For the quality of the performance of the role, the relationship of the child to it is important. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that older preschoolers are reluctant to perform roles that, in their opinion, do not correspond to their gender. So, the boys refuse to play the role of an educator, head of the preschool educational institution, in the game of school they agree to be only a physical education teacher. In fulfilling the role, the child takes into account not so much the external logic, the sequence of actions, as the meaning of social relations.

At the older preschool age, conspiracy to play does not cause any particular difficulties, because children unite in it on the basis of commonality and interests, personal sympathies, therefore, they understand each other better and are more compliant towards partners.

During the preparatory period of the game, the teacher tactfully directs the relationship of children in such a way that each child finds "his own niche" in which his abilities will be more fully manifested: someone comes up with how to make the game more interesting, what new roles can be introduced, others focus their attention on it. equipment.

In recent years, due to the fact that there is an insufficiently high level of formation of play activity in preschool children, scientists N.Ya. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, propose to consider the management of a role-playing game as a process of gradually transferring increasingly complex ways of building a game to preschoolers. The transfer of methods is carried out in the joint game of an adult and children.

A sequence of object-game actions with the help of which children imitate a real object action using appropriate objects, toys;

Role-playing behavior, with the help of which the child imitates the actions characteristic of the character, using speech, objects;

Plot composition, through which the child builds individual elements of the plot into a coherent event.

Children (sooner or later) master the first way of building a game - object-playing actions - in joint activities with adults. The other two methods (role-playing behavior, plot formation) can form incompletely, at a primitive level, with the spontaneous development of the game.

So, during preschool childhood there is a development and complication of role-playing games.

1.3 Pedagogical principles of organizing a story game

The story game is the most attractive activity for preschool children. This is explained by the fact that in the game the child experiences an inner feeling of freedom, subservience to him of things, actions, relationships - all that is given with difficulty in practical productive activity. This state of inner freedom is associated with the specifics of the plot game - action in an imaginary, conditional situation. The plot game does not require a real, tangible product from the child, everything in it is “as if”, “pretend”.

Psychologists and teachers have established that, first of all, the ability to imagine, imaginative thinking develops in the game.

The game is of great importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler. The game also has a great influence on the development of children's ability to interact with other people.

However, the game fulfills its developmental functions to the fullest if it becomes more and more complicated with the age of the child. And not only in terms of content. By itself, the thematic content is not a criterion for the level of development of the game. A story game, regardless of the theme, in its simplest form can be built as a chain of conditional actions with objects, in a more complex form - as a chain of specific role-playing interactions, in an even more complex form - as a sequence of various events.

Modern psychological and pedagogical research shows that the plot game, like any other activity, does not arise spontaneously by itself, but is transmitted by people who already own it - “know how to play”.

The teacher should help children master the game skills. To do this, the teacher must comply with the principles of organizing a story game in kindergarten.

The first principle is that in order for children to master playing skills, the teacher must play with them.

An extremely important point, which largely determines the success of "pulling" children into the game, is the very nature of the adult's behavior. The educator, communicating with children in the classroom, at various regime moments, takes the position of a teacher, i.e. demands, sets, evaluates and even punishes. Probably, such a position is necessary for the implementation of the educational process. In a joint game with children, the teacher should change it to the position of a “playing partner”, with whom the child would feel free and equal in the possibility of joining the game and leaving it, he would feel beyond assessment.

From this follows the second principle of organizing a plot game: the teacher must play with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each age stage develop the game in a special way, so that a new, more complex way of constructing it immediately “opens up” and assimilates.

The third principle of organizing a story game: starting from an early age and further at each stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary, when developing game skills, to simultaneously orient the child both to the implementation of the game action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or a peer.

However, these principles will “hang in the air” if the real support is not determined, on which the educator can rely in the formation of playing skills in children.

So, at each age stage, the pedagogical process of organizing the game should include the moments of the formation of game skills in the joint game of the educator with children and the creation of conditions for independent play of preschoolers.

With the age of children, the form of joint play with an adult should change and the proportion of independent play should increase within the time allotted by the regime.

Conclusion. The theory and practice of the game includes a diverse set of various problems and issues. The main way of education in the game is to influence its content, i.e. on the choice of topic, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles and the implementation of game images.

The theme of the game is the phenomenon of life that will be depicted. The same theme includes different episodes depending on the interests of the children and the development of fantasy. The choice of the game is determined by the strength of the child's experiences. He feels the need to reflect in the game and everyday impressions associated with the feelings that he has for loved ones, and unusual events that attract him with their novelty.

The task of the educator is to help the child choose the brightest from the mass of life impressions, those that can serve as the plot of a good game.


According to the theory of a prominent Russian psychologist D.B. Elkonin, it is within the role-playing game that the most intensive development of the cognitive and personal sphere of the child takes place.

Preschoolers with developed gaming skills in accordance with their age have an adequate level of development of voluntary attention, logical thinking, speech, imagination, i.e., an adequate level of cognitive development, which is an important prerequisite for school readiness.

The experimental study was carried out on the basis of preschool educational institution No. 1 in Syzran, Samara region.

The experimental study was carried out in three stages:




The experiment involved 14 children, aged 6-7 years, who make up the control and experimental groups of the study.

2.1 Identification of the level of formation of gaming skills

Purpose: to determine the level of formation of gaming skills in children of the preparatory group for school.

1. Select the required material to be diagnosed.

2. To diagnose the level of formation of gaming skills in children of the preparatory group.

3. Analyze the results.

To determine the level of formation of gaming skills in preschoolers, a technique developed by Kalinina R.R. was used. The basis of this technique was the scheme of observing the game of children. It includes the main parameters that determine the development of a role-playing game, in accordance with the concept of D.B. Elkonin. The proposed scheme will make it possible to carry out both a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the level of formation of gaming skills among preschoolers.

To study the level of formation of gaming skills in preschoolers, a role-playing game was organized in a group of 7 preschoolers of the same age. The theme of the game was set by the experimenter, who, together with the educator, carried out diagnostic observation. The adult did not interfere in the process of the game, providing minimal assistance if necessary. The theme of the game "Journey" was chosen. This topic was chosen so that it has enough roles for all children; so that it does not have a clearly defined situation and allows you to include different roles in the plot of the game. For example, while traveling, one of the children may get sick and need to see a doctor. Or you need to build a bridge to cross the river.

The experimenter suggested to the children: “Guys, let's play with you on a trip. Which of you will say what it is and how it usually goes? (children's answers). And now we start the game." If necessary, an adult provided minimal assistance in organizing the game process.

Also, observations were made and the game that arose spontaneously, on the own initiative of the children.

Analysis of gaming activity is carried out according to 7 criteria:

1. Distribution of roles;

2. The main content of the game;

3. Role behavior;

4. Game actions;

5. Use of paraphernalia and substitute items;

6. Use of role-playing speech;

7. Compliance with the rules.

Each criterion was evaluated on 4 levels.

1 level - low,

Level 2 - below average,

Level 3 - Intermediate,

Level 4 - high.

Despite the fact that there is no strict relationship between age and the level of development of gaming activity, it seems appropriate to establish the following age limits for each level:

Level 1 - from 2.0 to 3.5 years,

Level 2 - from 3.5 to 4.5 years,

Level 3 - from 4.5 to 5.5 years,

Level 4 - over 5.5 years old.

1) Distribution of roles

Level 1 - no distribution of roles; the role is played by the one who "captured" the key attribute (putting on a white coat - a doctor, taking a ladle - a cook).

Level 2 - the distribution of roles under the guidance of an adult who asks leading questions: “What roles are there in the game? Who will play the role of Squirrel? Who wants to be Foxy?" etc.

Level 3 - independent distribution of roles in the absence of conflict situations (for example, when 2 or more people want to play the same role). In the presence of a conflict, the play group either breaks up, or the children turn to the teacher for help.

Level 4 - independent distribution of roles, conflict resolution.

2) The main content of the game

Level 1 - an action with a certain object, aimed at another ("mother" feeds her daughter-doll, no matter how and what).

Level 2 - action with the subject in accordance with reality.

Level 3 - performing actions determined by the role (if the child plays the role of a cook, then he will not feed anyone).

Level 4 - performing actions related to attitudes towards other people. It is important here, for example, not what the “mother” feeds the child, but whether she is “kind” or “strict”.

3) Role behavior

Level 1 - the role is determined by game actions, not called.

Level 2 - the role is called, the performance of the role is reduced to the implementation of actions.

Level 3 - roles are clearly identified before the start of the game, the role determines and directs the child's behavior.

Level 4 - role-playing behavior is observed throughout the game.

4) Game actions

Level 1 - the game consists in a monotonous repetition of the 1st game action (for example, feeding).

Level 2 - expansion of the range of game actions (cooking, feeding, putting to bed), game actions are rigidly fixed.

Level 3 - game actions are diverse, logical.

Level 4 - game actions have a clear sequence, varied, dynamic depending on the plot.

5) Use of paraphernalia and substitute items

Level 1 - the use of paraphernalia at the prompt of an adult.

Level 2 - independent direct use of paraphernalia (toy dishes, food models, medicine bottles, etc.).

Level 3 - widespread use of attributive objects, including as substitutes (a toy plate as a trailer for a truck, cubes as products, etc.); The subject design of the game takes a significant part of the time.

Level 4 - the use of multifunctional items (scraps, paper, sticks, etc.) and, if necessary, the manufacture of a small number of key attributive items. The subject design of the game takes minimal time (if, for example, there are no dishes, sheets of paper, palms, or simply its designation with a gesture can be used).

6) Use of role-playing speech

Level 1 - lack of role-playing speech, addressing the players by name.

Level 2 - the presence of a role-playing address: an appeal to those who play by the name of the role (“daughter”, “sick”, etc.). If you ask a playing child: “Who are you?”, He will call his name.

Level 3 - the presence of role-playing speech, a periodic transition to direct appeal.

Level 4 - detailed role-playing speech throughout the game. If you ask a playing child: “Who are you?”, He will name his role.

7) Compliance with the rules

Level 1 - no rules.

Level 2 - the rules are not explicitly highlighted, but in conflict situations the rules win.

Level 3 - the rules are highlighted, observed, but may be violated in an emotional situation.

Level 4 - compliance with predetermined rules throughout the game.

The results of the observation were recorded in a summary table. (Table 1).

The level of play skills for each criterion that he demonstrates in play activity was noted against the surname of each child. At the same time, if the level of gaming skills according to one or another criterion corresponds to the age norm, the cell was painted over in green, if it lags behind - not significantly (level 3) in blue, if it lags behind significantly (1-2 levels) in red. The age norm of the children of our study corresponds to the 4th level of the formation of gaming skills.

As can be seen from the table, the majority of children have an average level of formation of gaming skills. The gaming skills of these children correspond to the age category of 4.5-5.5 years. These children are characterized by the acceptance and consistent change in the game role, which they realize through actions with objects and role-playing speech. Children with an average level of development of gaming skills freely enter into role-playing interaction with a peer partner. Children's games did not differ in the creative development of the plot. The game organized by the experimenter did not cause excitement in the children and therefore its duration was short.

In the course of observing the games of children that arose spontaneously, it is worth noting the fact that among the repertoire of games among boys, such games as “to war”, with cars, according to the plots of cartoons: spider-man, transformers, etc., prevailed among girls: daughters-mothers, hospital, shop.

Sometimes the plot of the games was based on children's knowledge and ideas about people's relationships, obtained from the books they read, the cartoons they watched, the radio broadcasts they listened to, etc. As a rule, such an experience was realized in the game with various, sometimes quite significant deviations from the original - fairy tales, story, cartoon.

In the boy's game, the content of two cartoons was combined - "About a hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations" and "Flying Ship". The plot was not thought out in advance and developed associatively: either it is connected with a toy that caught your eye (a green car), then with memories of a character from a fairy tale (a merman), etc. Bright figurative representations replacing each other made it possible to arise such a complex game. The associative dynamics of the plot was a typical feature of the preschooler's individual play.

Surname, name of the child Average level
Distribution of roles Main content of the game Role behavior

Game actions

Use of role-playing speech Execution of the rules
1 Anya S. 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 3
2 Kolya M. 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2
3 Denis P. 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3
4 Anton R. 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3
5 Julia L. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
6 Lisa T. 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
7 Vika P. 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3
8 Danila K. 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
9 Masha R. 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
10 Vanya K. 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3
11 Lena P. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
12 Masha S. 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3
13 Vova H. 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
14 Series M. 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3

Table 1. The level of formation of gaming skills at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

Often, the games of children (especially boys) were reduced to poorly ordered motor activity and objective actions that were only formally connected with the plot (for example, playing war). The fewer opportunities for plot development, the more repetitions in the game, the more often the same episode was played. Children sometimes became so accustomed to standard games with standard toys that they unanimously rejected any attempt to change or redefine the plot in a new way ("You're playing wrong!", "That's not how you should play!").

For example, Anya arranges toys (dolls and animals) on the carpet around four small boxes-tables: these are children in kindergarten. A large doll acts as a teacher: “Vova! Don't move your feet! Lena, why did you crumble bread on the floor? Pick up and no more litter! - Anya says sternly, "voicing" the role of the educator. - And now everyone has gathered and lined up. The attendants wipe the tables. Let's all go to the forest."

“Oh, Mishka hid! - the girl continues in her own voice. - He does not want to go to the forest! They wanted to pick him up earlier today.” “Mishka, we will help you! - said the gnomes (Alina squeaks in a thin “kind” voice for the gnomes). “We will hide you!”

The game continued: the gnomes bring a magic wand. The bear becomes very small and hides in a mouse hole. All the children and the teacher go to the forest, and Mishka remains in the kindergarten. Mice and gnomes show him an underground passage, he crawls through it and meets his mother. Together with their mother, they go to the sea, collect shells, meet a goldfish and make wishes...

All in all, the game lasted over an hour.

This example showed how in the girl's game, everyday scenes familiar to her and fabulous, fantastic events were intricately intertwined. There was a role-playing speech (for various heroes) and a narrative one that performs an organizing function. The game included toy animals, dolls, imaginary mice. Anya herself did not take on any specific role, but alternately acted as all the characters.

Observations have shown that the director's game is typical for children who have limited contacts with their peers: they are often ill or do not attend kindergarten at all. They are forced to play alone - because they do not have a partner.

Some subjects played alone because of difficulties in communication: these are children with severe speech defects, inactive, withdrawn, poorly adapting to the conditions of a preschool institution. They are retiring, reluctant to answer the question of what they are playing, stop playing and hide toys when they are approached by peers or caregivers. The speech of such children included in the game is very quiet, whispered.

The repertoire of games did not differ in variety. The initiative to organize the game mainly belonged to the same children.

The division of children in games took place according to the gender principle: boys played with boys, girls with girls. There were no joint games involving both boys and girls.

Worth noting is the fact that four of the children tested are below average. These children are characterized by the implementation of conditional actions with toys and substitute objects, lining them up in the simplest semantic chain. These children entered into short-term interaction with their peers. By nature, children with a level below the average are very closed, uncommunicative. The guys prefer a single game to a joint game, i.e. game with yourself.

The qualitative result of the ascertaining experiment is shown in fig. one

Fig. 2 Distribution of children by levels of formation of gaming skills at the ascertaining stage of the experiment (in %)

After analyzing the obtained data of the ascertaining stage, we came to the conclusion:

1. The role-playing games of children are characterized by an average level of development: they are poor in content and themes. In independent games, repeated repetition of plots is observed, without introducing new plot lines by children;

2. Game theme is monotonous. Role behavior is characterized by a lack of novelty, variability. Children solve game problems in the usual ways;

3. The issue of enrichment and organization of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age in the preschool educational institution is not given much time.

4. The poverty and primitiveness of the game are also reflected in the communicative development of children. Preschoolers who do not know how to play are not able to meaningfully communicate, engage in joint activities, and are not able to productively resolve conflicts that arise. As a result, manifestations of aggressiveness, alienation, hostility towards peers are growing.

2.2 Organization of work to enrich children's ideas about the world around them, as a condition for the development of role-playing games

Purpose: development and approbation of a set of measures to enrich ideas about the world around, as a condition for the development of role-playing games for children in the group preparatory to school.

1. Develop a set of activities to enrich children's ideas about the world around them;

To organize a formative experiment, the group of children was divided into two: experimental and control. The contingent of subjects in both groups is the same both in terms of gender and in terms of the levels of formation of gaming skills.

Further work was carried out with the children of the experimental group.

The necessary elements that provide interesting play activities, the development of cognitive interests and moral qualities of the child are knowledge-action-communication.

The first condition of the game as an exciting activity is that the child has knowledge about the objects around him (their properties, qualities, purpose), about the events and phenomena of the real world. In order to implement the game plan, children must have reliable information about the real actions of adults with objects, about their relationship.

We started our work by having a conversation with the children to identify children's interest in the game. (Annex 1)

The next stage of our work was connected with the enrichment of children with knowledge, impressions, ideas about the life around them, which corresponds to the topic of our study. We used the following main methods of enriching children's knowledge about the world around us:


Meetings with people of different professions;

Emotionally expressive reading of fiction;

Conversations-stories using illustrative material;

The teacher's story using specially selected photographs, paintings, reproductions of events taking place in our country;

Compilation of stories by children on certain topics related to the observation of life around them;

Individual conversations with children, clarifying knowledge, ideas of preschoolers about the phenomena of social life, about moral categories;

Dramatization of literary works using toys, puppet theater characters;

ethical conversations.

A scheme was developed for preparing children for games. (Appendix 2) This scheme reflected the preparation for games such as "Family", "Kindergarten", "School", "Hospital". As the ascertaining experiment showed, it is these games that arouse the greatest interest in children, but the plots of these games are monotonous. Also, the scheme included such games as "Cosmonauts", "Journey to the Arctic", "Builders".

During the development of the plot, the teacher gave advice aimed at developing the game: he advised the “mother” to go with the “daughter” to the “holiday”, to remind the “sailors” that it was possible to transport goods, and not just people. Such advice enriched the content of the game. In some cases, the teacher was also a participant in the game and played a leading role. In games, playing a leading role made it possible to direct the imagination of children, influence the development of the plot, encourage children to communicate, and guide their behavior in a playful way.

The gaming interests of older preschoolers were characterized by a significant passion for games with cognitive content, including public ones: “bank”, “factory”, “polyclinic”, “railway”, “construction”.

The following description of a long game in "kindergarten" reflects the work and relationships of adults in kindergarten.

“... Anya did exercises with the dolls, then sat them down for breakfast: “Let's have a quick meal, otherwise we need to go to the doctor for an examination.”

After breakfast, the "doctor" and "nurse" carefully examined the children.

Julia: "Alena has wheezing, put her to bed and call her grandmother."

Anya, the “teacher,” went to make a phone call: “Your daughter is sick, she needs to be picked up from kindergarten.”

After the medical examination, the "children" went to a "musical lesson". After a while, Anton came up to the players and asked the “teacher”: “Can I play kindergarten with you?”

Anya: "You will be Uncle Misha, go fix the taps, because water flows all the time."

Anton went to the opposite wall of the room and, taking a cube, began to “repair” the crane.

The children showed great interest in the games "Journey along the river (lake, sea)". It is known that the work of people on the river is typical for many cities in our country. Therefore, familiarizing children with the river makes it possible to show the connection between the work of rivermen of their native land and the work of people of different professions, both in our city and throughout the country. The accessibility of observing this labor enables children to imagine both the labor process itself and the relationships of adults in it.

The role of the educator is to systematically and systematically communicate to children information about the activities and relationships of rivermen.

There was an excursion to the port. During the excursion, the teacher told the children that the port is a special place for mooring ships. The port area is large. Its facilities are located both on the shore and on the water. Children watched the arrival and departure from the berths of cargo and passenger ships.

During the excursion, in order to enrich the children's ideas about the work of adults in the river port, the children observed the work of the cashier, buffet sellers, and the station attendant. At the same time, the teacher led the children to the idea of ​​the importance of the work of people of different professions.

Conducting excursions contributed to the enrichment of children's knowledge, aroused their curiosity.

Subsequent acquaintance with the port took place using illustrations and photographs. A film about the workers of the port was shown. During the viewing, the children watched the passenger ship. They studied and then repeated the name of the individual parts of the ship (side, bow, bridge, gangway, mast). The children also saw the work of the sailors (the sailor cleans and delivers the ladder, cleans up the deck, explains to the passengers how to get off at the pier). When getting acquainted with the work of the sailors, the educator drew the children's attention to the coherence of their actions, mutual assistance, the precise execution of all the captain's commands, and caring attitude towards the passengers.

However, for a deeper understanding of the work of rivermen, their relationship, excursions, a video film, illustrations and photographs are not enough. A special place is occupied by fiction, which allows giving the child reliable knowledge, through the prism of which he is aware of the phenomena observed in life.

Let us give an example of a lesson during which excerpts from the books of M. Markov “About the Topka-sailor”, F. Lev “We ​​are sailing on a self-propelled gun” were used.

The most important person on the ship is the captain. All members of the team are subordinate to him. He stands on the captain's bridge, which is called the navigation: from here they control the course of the ship. Here the steering wheel is turned, and here are all the instruments by which you can determine where the ship is when the coast is not visible.

The captain sees signal lights ahead - white and green. He knows that this is a self-propelled gun with oil coming towards him. And if he sees only a white light, it means that a passenger ship is coming.

The captain sees a green light flashing in the distance. He knows it's a lighthouse on the shore. A captain must know a lot.

After reading, looking at the illustrations, the children answer the questions: Who is in charge on the ship? Who is under the command of the captain? What does the captain see from the navigation bridge? How does he know which ships are coming towards him?

Educator. Here you are, Anton, captain, you see: a ship is coming towards you, and a white light is on the mast. What is this ship?

Anton. This is a passenger ship.

Educator. Right. Kolya, what if there were white and green lights on the mast?

Kolya. It would be self-propelled. She carries oil products.

When looking at illustrations depicting various ships, the children were asked the following questions: What are the types of cargo ships? What are they transporting?

To enrich the game actions, conversations and stories of children about games were used. In the process of storytelling, children's ideas were updated, the work of the imagination intensified, creative game ideas arose, and the speech of children improved. Establishing a connection between classes, where children talked about their games, with play creativity, mutually enriched the play and cognitive activities of preschoolers. Children, for example, were asked to tell how they would play with toys (the set includes boats, ships, cars).

The teacher's questions addressed to the children during the game also contributed to its enrichment and development. So, a port, a barge was built. The question “Where is the barge towed to? What will she carry? made the children remember what they know about the movement along the Volga. An effective technique for managing a children's game was the use of a map-scheme of the Volga. Together with the teacher, the children cut out and pasted the contours of the location of the region and the city. Near the cities known to them, an image of what is made in them, what the region is rich in, was pasted. So, near the city of Togliatti, cars are shown on the map-scheme, near our city - fish, an oil storage facility.

One of the characteristic games of children in the preparatory group can be considered the game of "factory", which should contribute to the formation in children of a positive attitude towards ordinary everyday professions.

For this purpose, the children were introduced to the plant. The plant is the golden hands of the city. Children learned that machine tools, cars, rockets, airplanes, turbines, televisions, toys are made in factories. There are many factories in the city, and one of the largest is the Tyazhmash plant.

In order to form the initial concepts about the production itself, the teacher invites the children to think and tell what a workshop is, what it is, who works in it.

The acquaintance of preschoolers with the production process was limited to the assembly shop, since both the process itself and the result of the work of many people are more clearly presented here. The acquired knowledge was consolidated in the design classes.

Reading an excerpt from V. Mayakovsky's book "Who to be?" helped the children to imagine the work in the assembly shop. The idea “What we won’t do alone, we’ll do together” is expressed in the following passage:

“I make nuts, and you

for nut

making bolts

everyone's work

straight to the assembly shop.

In order for the children to realize the professional role of the worker, they were asked to look at the illustrations for this book (artist Yu. Korovin) and tell what the worker does, what machine he works on, what he works for.

After repeated reading, independent examination of the illustrations, the children were asked to imagine how they would act if they were workers. Knowledge, mental images became a stimulus for children, encouraging creative play. Putting the child in the position - you are a worker (albeit in the intended situation) was one of the methods for forming his interest in the labor of a worker.

The next step in the development of cognitive interest was to pose the question to the children: What is made of what? The children learned that many objects, including "turbines" and "machines", are made of metal. The question “Where do they get this metal, from what and how is it obtained?” stimulated children's cognitive activity.

In order to form ideas about some stages of the metal manufacturing process (first, miners extract ore, from which steel is then smelted, and machines are made from it), the children were asked to consider illustrations for V. Sokolov's book "Steelworker".

Reading works of art about steelmakers, explanations from adults help children to comprehend the role of metallurgists in the labor process, to understand that one of the most honorable professions on earth is steelworkers who do a very important job - they cook steel.

With the development of role-playing games of the "factory" type, children had a need to manufacture items needed for the dispatcher, steelworkers; make pipes, passes, goggles. Children prepared these attributes from paper, coils. The description of the game "Construction of a blast furnace" is given in the appendix

In the course of the game, the children were given the task of further enriching its plot, applying the knowledge that they acquired when they got acquainted with the work of people in the port and on the river. The children were asked to sculpt cars and think about which cities in our and other regions they could take Tyazhmash products to. The game of "factory" was united not only with the game of "motor ship". Next to the "factory" the children built a hospital where workers were treated, a canteen, a shop, a library. Thus, knowledge of labor and adult relationships served as an example of joint actions in the game.

The game as an activity in which imaginary situations are played out gives the child the opportunity to act not only in the conditions of the present, but also in the past. The performance of the attractive roles of hero-warriors in games helps to familiarize children with the events of the heroic past, the upbringing of patriotic feelings.

However, the games of “war” that exist in practice often end in fights and, naturally, cruelty and rudeness are brought up in such games. They are filled with aimless actions, children brandish sticks, shout, and all, as one, imitate each other. Empty games in the "military" do not carry certain pedagogical functions, do not contribute to the moral education of the child. Therefore, adults often seek to divert the attention of children from military topics, resorting to the prohibition of these games.

Raising patriotic feelings in children, first of all, we formed in preschoolers specific ideas about the hero-warrior, the moral essence of his feat in the name of his Motherland.

We introduced the children to the monuments that immortalized the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. These are obelisks, monuments, monuments erected in our city.

Excursions to monuments, looking at paintings, reading fiction, talking with children about soldiers, meeting with veterans - contributed to instilling in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland, and admiration for the heroism of people.

A special place was given to the selection of fiction. Fiction made it possible to give the child reliable knowledge, through the prism of which he was aware of the phenomena that he observed in life. Therefore, the discussion of excerpts from works, the content of which contributed to the emergence of sympathy and empathy in children, is one of the methods of awakening the interest of preschoolers in the heroic (for example, such works as V. Nikolsky's "Soldier's School", L. Kassil's "Your Defenders", etc.) .

Under the influence of stories about warriors, children's games arose. At first, the teacher organized military sports games in which children reflected the peaceful service of infantry soldiers, tankmen, and rocketmen. The children were asked to do what soldiers can do: shoot at a target, quickly crawl from bush to bush, run. These exercises were performed in the kindergarten area. The “commander” (at first the teacher takes on this role) monitored the correct execution of movements: throwing sandbags, crawling, jumping, etc. The best performance of the role was noted, the achievements of indecisive children were encouraged. The repetition of exercises in order to achieve the desired result contributed to the formation of purposefulness and perseverance in children.

The performance of the roles of "soldiers" required from children both certain actions and the manifestation of certain qualities. So, the "commander" needs to outline a task in the game and follow how it is being carried out, the "soldiers" - to perfectly complete the task: throw far, quickly run across, deftly jump over. "Nurses" must also act quickly, be able to complete the task.

Before each game, a conversation-discussion was held with the children: who takes on what role, how he acts, whose orders he carries out. Since not only the children of the experimental group took part in such games, it was important to coordinate the actions of the children. The guidance of an adult who passed on his moral experience to children, introducing adults to the social life, played a special role in these games. Communication with an adult in the game helped the children to better understand the moral qualities of the warriors whose roles they played. To give the game a purposeful character, a map-scheme was developed. The teacher made it with the children, outlined where the sentries should stand, where the first-aid post was located, etc. And then the children already planned their routes on their own, discussed them together with the “commander”, and drew a map-plan. On the map - the headquarters, the hospital. The objects that need to be overcome are also highlighted - a narrow bridge (log), a minefield (jump over an obstacle), a wire fence (ladder).

The game used those basic movements that are provided by the program. For example, in the game "Crossing the Bridge" - walking with a side step on the bench; in the game "Tankers" - riding a two-wheeled bicycle in a straight line, turning right and left; in the game "What soldiers can do" - long jumps from a place - 60-70 cm.

In such interrelation of plot-role-playing and sports games, there are opportunities for improving the movements of the child, as well as increasing motor activity, which is especially important at the present time. The very factor of physical training in role-playing games contributes to the manifestation of volitional qualities: independence, determination, perseverance.

New games among preschoolers were such as "Beauty Salon", "Bakery", "School", "Supermarket", etc. In order to teach children to establish relationships and actions in the process of these games, to develop the plot, schemes for constructing role-playing dialogue were developed. (Annex 4)

In order to maintain the state of pleasure and joy in children, improve their psycho-emotional well-being and emancipation, the versatile development of children in play activities, a game was held based on the beloved children's cartoon "Spider-Man". (Appendix 5).

We did not leave without attention the work with parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

In order to develop a system for the formation of a role-playing game in preschool age, a business game was held with preschool teachers on the topic “Role-playing a role-playing game in the system of educating preschool children”. (Appendix 6). A survey of educators was conducted. (Annex 7)

The participation of parents in the pedagogical process of familiarizing children with the environment ensured the continuity of this process, and to a greater extent formed the experience of the child's emotional attitude to the world due to the proximity of communication between adults and children.

In order to improve the level of pedagogical culture of parents, a parent meeting "Game is not fun" was held. Questioning of parents was used to identify the play interests and preferences of the child at home.

So, the work done on the formative experiment made it possible to draw the following conclusion: the expansion and deepening of children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them increased the interest of children in joint games, created a fertile ground for the development of the plot of games.

2.3 Determining the dynamics of the formation of gaming skills

To determine the effectiveness of the work done by us at the formative stage of the experiment, a control experiment was conducted. At this stage, the same diagnostic technique was used as at the ascertaining stage of the experiment. Control diagnostics was carried out with children, both experimental and control groups.

The diagnostic results are shown in tables 2 and 3.

Table 2. The level of formation of gaming skills in children of the experimental group at the control stage of the experiment

Surname, name of the child Criteria for the formation of gaming skills Average level
Distribution of roles Main content of the game Role behavior Game actions Use of paraphernalia and substitute items Use of role-playing speech Execution of the rules
1 Anya S. 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3
2 Kolya M. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 Denis P. 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4
4 Anton R. 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4
5 Julia L. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
6 Lena P. 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
7 Series M. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Table 3. The level of formation of gaming skills in children of the control group at the control stage of the experiment

Surname, name of the child Criteria for the formation of gaming skills Average level
Distribution of roles Main content of the game Role behavior Game actions Use of paraphernalia and substitute items Use of role-playing speech Execution of the rules
1 Lisa T. 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3
2 Vika P. 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4
3 Danila K. 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
4 Masha R. 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
5 Vanya K. 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3
6 Masha S. 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3
7 Vova H. 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2

Analyzing the observation of the game of children, it is worth noting the fact that one of the most favorite games continues to be the game of the "family". Relationships between family members become the subject of children's feelings. For example, one of the children's favorite games is "As if mom is not at home."

Sergei. I am a grandfather. I went to work. We are building nurseries there.

Vova. Let's take Alyonka to the nursery.

Anton. Who will be there with her?

Sergei. Educator. (He takes the doll Alenka and hands it to the teacher, and after a while he takes the doll).

Sergei. Already evening. Mom will be home from work soon.

Vova. Did you bring Alenka? Let's have dinner now.

Anton. I have everything ready, let's have dinner for Alenka (puts a plate of food on the table).

Everyone ate, thanked grandfather: “Thank you, grandfather!”

Sergei. I'll go to the store, I'll buy something for Alenka.

Anton. I'm going to buy a TV. (He took a cube, attaches “details” from the TV to it). Ready!

Vova. Turn off the TV, it's time for your daughter to sleep.

The most popular among the children of both groups, as before, turned out to be traditional household plots: feeding, putting to bed, walking, bathing the daughter, etc. This also included such game options as “Mothers and Daughters” and the modern version of this game “Barbie Doll Family” . For boys, stories related to defense and attack were more often played: “Policemen and thieves”, “Bandits and ours”, “Ghostbusters”. In games, children used both real toys and their substitutes.

Many children in the control group named roles and tried to perform exactly those actions that are characteristic of their chosen role (daughter or mother). 20% of the children singled out the rule according to which one should act, however, most of them could not adhere to the rules limiting spontaneous activity, i.e., they did what they could not do according to their role. It is interesting that not all children were able to use role-playing speech, to carry out role-playing dialogue. The game is the same. These are, as a rule, repetitions of the same operations, which is typical for the procedural play of young children. Observations have shown that children in the control group cannot simply develop the plot, are not able to get used to the accepted role and build their relationships with others based on the role position.

The children of the experimental group often used plots from television films in their games and played the roles of exotic television heroes (spider-man, ghosts, etc.).

The analysis showed that the children of the experimental group are quite able to cope with the tasks of the game that they face. Passion for the game of children of this group caused a new attitude of children to classes and to different types of labor. Their special diligence became noticeable, their desire not to lag behind their comrades in anything, to carefully carry out these instructions.

Children in the process of playing together developed rules of conduct, learned to boldly express their opinions, listened to the opinions of others.

The individual dynamics of the formation of gaming skills is reflected in Figures 2 and 3.

Rice. 2 Individual dynamics of the formation of gaming skills in children of the experimental group

Rice. 3 Individual dynamics of the formation of gaming skills in children of the control group

As can be seen from the histograms, in the experimental group there were changes in the levels of formation of gaming skills. Namely, two children, Denis and Anton, improved their results to a high level of formation. Two children went from below average to average. Three children still remained at the same levels of formation.

In the control group, changes in the level occurred, only in one child. The rest of the children showed a positive trend towards mastering game skills.

Thus, we can conclude about the effectiveness of our work at the formative stage of the experiment.


In the life of a preschool child, the game occupies one of the leading places. The game for him is the main activity, a form of organizing the life of children, a means of comprehensive development.

The game is a form of active creative reflection by the child of the surrounding reality, its objects and phenomena. But this is not a simple copying of what the child sees. A preschooler introduces fiction and fantasies into the game, so reality and fiction are intertwined in the game.

In this research work, the issue of enriching ideas about the world around was considered as a condition for the development of role-playing games for children in the group preparatory to school.

In the first part of the study, we examined the scientific and theoretical foundations for the development of role-playing games for older preschoolers.

In the second, practical part of the study, we organized and carried out experimental work. At the beginning of this work, we identified the levels of formation of skills in play activities in 14 children of the preparatory group. The results showed that most of the children were at the average level. According to the ascertaining diagnostics, a formative experiment was organized and carried out. In the course of the formative experiment, we developed a set of measures to enrich the children of the experimental group with ideas about the life around them.

To determine the effectiveness of work at the formative stage of the experiment, a control experiment was conducted. The data of the control experiment showed that in the children of the experimental group there were changes in the increase in the level of formation of gaming skills, but these changes were not significant. This fact suggests that the research work took place in too short a time frame.

So, the development of story games based on initial interests in the environment is the basis for the formation of large playing teams.

The emergence and development of games in preschool children is directly dependent on their assimilation of specific knowledge about the phenomena of life around them.

In order for the information received to become a source of the content of the game and influence the mental and moral development of the child, it is necessary to constantly, purposefully guide the educator to play activities, his personal interest in games, and the desire to support and develop the children's playing interests.

Our experimental and pedagogical work once again confirmed the conclusions about the need to establish natural connections between the various activities of children in the pedagogical process, about the use of episodic thematic planning of program cognitive material, about conducting games-classes in one developing plot. Such an organization of the pedagogical process contributes to the effective assimilation of knowledge in the classroom, the development of story games and the formation of positive relationships between children.

Thus, the hypothesis that the development of role-playing games for preschoolers in the preschool group will be more successful under certain conditions has been confirmed.


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28. Usova A.P. The role of play in the upbringing of children / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets. - M., 1976-327.

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30. Elkonin D.B. The psychology of the game. - 2nd ed. - M: Enlightenment, 1999-300s.

Christina Baeva
Analysis of the role-playing game "Let's ride dolls in a car"

Story - role-playing game that I spent is called « Ride puppets in a car» . This games are: to teach children to unite for independent games; continue to develop the ability to transfer familiar actions with building material to new game situations, perform actions in accordance with the role (driver, passenger). For this I needed the following materials and equipment:

Building material set (cubes, plates, bricks);

Steering wheels (2 pieces, in this case I used toys- deputies: a ring from a pyramid;

In the building corner was pre-built car;

To organize role-playing game, it was necessary to carry out preliminary work with children. These are the walks we've watched machines. In the course of observations, the attention of children was drawn to the diversity machines, for what is being transported cars, etc. After the walk, in conversation with the children, they were asked the following questions on consolidation: What kind cars they saw on the street? What was being carried cars? What is the name of the profession of a person who manages machine? Also, the preliminary work consisted in the construction cars from small building material in the design classes.

For games I chose a simple plot with four characters and action elements - "chauffeur" governs car and luck"passengers", in the role of which mothers act with their daughters.

The game is a way of knowing the world around, a reflection of the world of adults by the child. V plot- role-playing game children play the role of an adult. In this case, the boys were the drivers, and the girls, in the role of mothers with their daughters, were passengers. Both of them transmit in the game not only individual actions: the actions of the driver and the actions of the passenger, but also the elements of the behavior of those persons who performed these actions in life. Appears "role in action" eg girls holding their dolls, clearly imitate their mothers, and the boys, holding the steering wheel and driving machine imitate dads. question "Ilyusha, do you want to be a driver?" and affirmative proposal “Maxim, you will also be a driver” I gave them a clear setting for them to play the role of a driver in the game.

During games children perform several interconnected play action: Ilyusha is rolling the doll. I AM prompting: “Look, Ilyusha, more mothers have come to you. They also want ride your daughters”, I gradually fix the attention of girls to the similarity of their actions with the actions of adults. So I form in children the initial skills of role-playing behavior, the ability to associate a series of actions with the name of the role and the attributes necessary for this roles: puppets and rudders.

V role-playing game« Ride puppets in a car» i included the element integration: doll play, play with machine and playing with building materials.

The doll occupies a particularly important place among all toys. The child picks up the doll and at the same time "growing up": performs actions seriously, solidly, thoroughly. This, in turn, educates him. Games with dolls are always socially motivated, they contribute to the education of good feelings in children (tenderness, kindness, pity, sympathy, affection).

Games with machines most children of the third year of life are fond of it. However, the level of content of these games does not ensure the further development of children. car games occur several times a day. As a rule, these are individual games, and joint ones are short-lived and poor in content. Usually children ride primitively cars, sometimes they carry something in them. All this makes it possible to develop new stories.

new plot in this plot-role play is the construction of the second cars from building material. Children apply the developed design skills here cars. In order not to drag out time, we built car together.

Successful implementation of gaming activities is possible with the skillful guidance of a teacher who is able to plot role-playing game is an exciting process during which the full development of a preschool child takes place. In this game, I myself take the position of a child and participate in game activities on an equal footing with the participants. games. I think that this brought me closer to the children as an educator, and allowed me to achieve my goals.

To enrich the content of the nursery games, to arouse children's interest in her, the desire to play, I used the following tricks we: the direct participation of the educator in the game, questions aimed at suggesting to the children the possible implementation of the plan, the joint implementation of buildings with the children, show design techniques, singing a song about a driver.

In general, the psychological climate role-playing game positive. The children were active and emotional.

I think that both the children and I, as an educator, coped with the set goals and objectives.

Help on the results of operational control. "Analysis of the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment for the development of a role-playing game"

Order No. 17 dated February 12, 2016
Author of the work: Vdovenko Svetlana Petrovna, senior educator, kindergarten No. 2 "Smile", working settlement Ekaterinovka
Target: analyze the work of the teaching staff on the assimilation of innovative areas in the content and practice of managing children's play activities and improving the developing environment in groups.
Age groups: all age groups of kindergarten
Control content selection:
Observation and analysis of the organization of the role-playing game in each age group, the activities of the educator in the process of organizing the game.
Planning role-playing games in each age group.
Analysis of the state of the game developing subject-spatial environment.
Terms of control: February 15 – 17, 2016
Basis for control: fulfillment of the task of the annual plan for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Composition of the commission:
head of preschool educational institution - Tarasova T.N.
senior educator - Vdovenko S.P.
Methods: analysis, observation, conclusions.
Operational control was carried out in accordance with the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution in order to use new approaches for educators to organize a role-playing game. The activities of teachers were based on the recommendations of the exemplary general education program "From birth to school" and the methodological manual "Development of gaming activity" by N.F. Gubanova. The manual reveals the general strategy of the teacher's behavior in organizing the game and the specific tactics of his interaction with children in the game at different stages of preschool childhood.
During the control, the following results were revealed:
The role-playing game is organized in each age group, by each educator, as a separate joint game activity of children and adults and as part of the learning activity.
In the course of observing the plot game, a system was noted in the work of educators in organizing games with children, the ability of children to organize a game on their own, take on a role, implement role-playing actions, change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, lead role-playing dialogue with a partner in the game. At the same time, the educator also changes his position in the game: first he plays the main role, then auxiliary roles, then becomes an observer of the children's game, at any time able to come to the rescue in case of a difficult situation in the plot.
So, for example, in the second group of early age, the teacher Ermakova S.V. organized both the individual "Let's Dress the Doll Lyuba" and the joint "Margarita's Birthday" role-playing game. The leading role during the game belonged to the educator, she created problematic game situations so that the children performed the task in the game.
The educator of the younger group Budynkova M.G., organizing the game "Hospital", designated herself in the role of a doctor, gradually the educator involved children in the game, offering them the roles of patients. Then the teacher suggested that the child take the main role of the doctor, as a result, the children played the role of both the doctor and the patient. Thus, the teacher taught the children to accept and designate different playing roles, to develop role-playing interaction, an elementary role-playing dialogue with a peer partner. As a result, the children successfully continued to play "Hospital" on their own, using attributes and toys. At the same time, the teacher activated the children, she was nearby.
Watching the game in the middle group, it is necessary to note the complication of the goals set, the role relationships between partners, the inclusion of more roles in the game. Efremova E.N. set a goal for more complex role-playing behavior in the game "Hospital". Having offered the main role of the doctor to the child, the educator indicated her additional role of the patient, then she suggested that the "doctor" be his nurse and help him to see the patients. Demonstrated examples of role-playing dialogues and role-playing interactions in the game, involved children in the game. Gradually, a big game unfolded, in which all the children participated. At the same time, the teacher also continued to change her playing role and designate a new one for the partners in the game, showing the children examples of different role-playing behavior in accordance with different roles. These were the roles of a pharmacy that opened, where you can buy medicines prescribed by a doctor; there was a need to bring these medicines to the pharmacy, so the role of a car driver appeared.
Educator of the mixed-age group Tsarenko E.V. continued to develop in children the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners in the Supermarket game. The main role is also indicated by the child, and the educator performed additional roles. Here, after some paired role-playing interaction "seller - buyer", the need arose for the emergence of new game roles. New events developed. At the same time, the teacher, as it were, agreed with the children about the upcoming change in the plot and the emergence of new roles. As a result, the children continued to play on their own. The teacher was included in the game only when it was necessary.
Educator Anikina I.G. organized the game "Bus", where the children of the whole group were gradually involved in the game: the driver, the cashier, the passengers, the controller. Gradually, the game continued, the passengers got hungry, and the teacher suggested playing the game "Cafe". The game used various attributes.
In the senior and preparatory groups for school, educators strive to teach children to combine various events in the game, to coordinate individual ideas in a common plot.
So, the teacher of the senior group Yakovleva Yu.V. invited the children to go to the "City of Masters". The game combined the events taking place in the hairdresser, shop, construction site, hospital. Children independently determined for themselves partners in the game and roles, deployed role-playing interactions and dialogues. The educator outlined her role, the role of a journalist who visits all the places in the city of masters. Various role-playing dialogues unfolded. They developed children's speech, stimulated to activity, helped to carry out role-playing interactions. The game continued for a long time, stopped when the parents began to take the children.
The teacher of the group preparatory to school Lisina E.M. together with the children organized a game - the laboratory "Young Researchers". The theme of the game, the main events were discussed verbally; role-playing interaction was carried out, actions characteristic of the characters were discussed. The educator took on the role of a scientific consultant (watched the game, coordinated as necessary), children - the role of young scientists. The children had the initiative in the game (explored objects of wildlife), at the end of the game they decided to continue the next day to explore inanimate nature. Substitute items were used in the game.
As a result of the analysis of the organization of the role-playing game, the interest of each educator, his desire to teach children to play and learn to use new approaches to the organization of the role-playing game is noted. All educators used the artistic word in the game, various attributes, but preliminary work was carried out only in a group of different ages.
Role-playing games are planned in the calendar plan of educational work on a daily basis. The theme of the games is varied, the planning takes into account the interest of children and the emergence of new concepts in the surrounding life.
In each group, a developing subject-spatial environment has been created for organizing free play activities for children. Educators systematically update the attributes for the game, using both ready-made items bought in the store and those made with their own hands from waste material (especially in the age group).
In the course of control, in none of the age groups, a system of work with parents on the organization of the game was noted.
The plot-role-playing game in kindergarten is organized, children have the skills of the game.
Educators in the system plan game activities, replenish the developing subject-spatial environment, study methodological literature on the organization of the game.
1. Educators plan role-playing games in accordance with the age of the children, supervise the formulation of the goal of the game activity for the senior teacher, and, if necessary, organize consultations for educators on the organization of the role-playing game.
2. Carry out preliminary work before teaching children how to play. With older preschoolers, plan the preparation and repair of game attributes.
3. Educators to bring to parents information about the importance of the role-playing game in the life of the child, to involve parents in the organization of children's play activities, the creation of attributes for the game.