Full energy guide and energy points. Hide on fast pumping skill "Collection" in Black Desert (BDO) Increased FPS by lowering the graphics settings in the Black Desert game

After creating an account during the first right of the game, you will be offered to come up with a unique last name for your family (all characters on the account whose property is general). The surname should be completely from Latin or Cyrillic, the simultaneous use of two different layouts is not allowed. Surname, as well as the name of the character, are visible to everyone without exception to the players (except when the character of the entou or a desert kit is dressed on the character). The character data is displayed in this order: which it is a party, the title (if selected), surname, name.

2. Configure your character in detail

The character editor in the game is really revolutionary.

You can configure any body parameters: proportions of limbs and torso, the degree of muscularity, the presence of tattoos and much more. The face is a separate conversation: thanks to a variety of variable zones, spending a few evenings, you can create your own double or some celebrity. If you do not wait to start the adventure in the world of Black Desert, but I want the type of character to be different from the standard, you can download and install the appearance you like. It should be placed in the C: \\ Users \\ user \\ Documents \\ Black Desert \\ Customization.

3. Correctly update the game

Updates of the game, with rare exceptions, are set once a week - usually on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, the GameNet launcher, without which the Black Desert cannot be launched at all, does not always work correctly, overlapping the network connection (noted from subscribers of some ADSL providers). For your convenience, you can download updates using any torrent bootloader. The file with the name 30000000000 is located in the Black Desert folder in the Live directory. This should also download all updates. After checking the files by the Launcher, it will launch the game (provided that those work has already ended).

4. Configure the interface

By default, the game interface contains many unnecessary elements that do not help in any way, but only occupy space on the screen. You can disable them by pressing the ESC button and in the window that appears by selecting the "Interface". The visibility of the elements is turned off by click on the eye icon.

Settings will need to save. The appearance of notifications about the beginning of the wars between the guilds, enhancing the equipment by other players, the appearance of an expensive item at auction and a lot of other turns off in the settings menu in the game tab. Please note: checkbox must be installed if you want notifications not to be displayed.

5. Copy energy

The maximum amount of energy (and you will need it) common to all characters on the account. It is also generated when the character is offline. Create as many characters at once as free account cells allow. Having passed a short introductory quest, the character falls on the global card and begins to produce energy.

6. Learn your class

Learn all about the strengths and weaknesses, effective skills and combo, pick up suitable equipment. It is better to know how to play a class that you like what is mediocre - "Imba", which theoretically might win any opponent.

7. Do not chase the increase in Levels

Do not hurry, breaking your head, destroy the mobs around the clock to appease the 50th level. Learn game world, get knowledge that will help increase the maximum amount of energy. Get involved that you like: This will help to find an additional source of income, except Grinda.

8. Join the guild

This will allow daily salary depending on your gaming activity and will give additional bums (if the guild is pumped and has already activated the skills you need). In addition, in a serious guild, you can find experienced participants who explain the incomprehensible aspects of the game or support weapons in the event of difficulties.

9. Mobs

Faster to swing on mobs, the level of which is higher than yours. Their names are isolated pink, red or purple. If you have so far weak armor, it is worthwhile to stock up sufficient jokes to restore health.

10. Tasks for bosses

Upon reaching the 50th level, the Black Spirit will give a quest for (1 to account). At first, to get a scroll of the call, you will need to destroy various monsters - depending on what boss you are going to call. When you get knowledge about the boss, the scroll will be issued immediately, without the need to exterminate mobs. It is more profitable not to kill the boss on the same day, but to collect at least 5 scrolls (they are valid for a week) and join the group for Pharma. At the same time, each member of the group receives lout not only with its own bosses, but also from bosses of other participants - for example, black stones or a print of the hunter.

11. How to save on equipment

At the initial stage of the game, while your character is not very rich, you can use equipment simpler: to get and enhance the boss set to the desired level costs expensive. At the same time it is more profitable not to strengthen the equipment yourself, but to buy ready-made at auction: except for silver, so you will save a lot of time that you can spend on more interesting classes.

12. Where it is more profitable to take armor and weapons

Krable and weapons are more profitable than buying - in the amount of the ingredients are cheaper. To become a successful crafter, it is necessary to pump not only the manufacture, but also such crafts as a collection and alchemy. Keep in mind that collecting resources and crafting some equipment longer than to serve it from Moba at the time. Any entry-level equipment crafting, except for the Rochar and Armor's weapons, Roshava: They can be chopped up with mobs in Valencia.

13. Peta - our all

Any interaction in the game, including the collection of a lute, is performed by pressing the R button. When, pumping around, you will kill Mobov Masso, manually collecting more time than the process of extermination itself. In order to automate actions, a pet will be required, and even better - 5 (the maximum possible number of pets that can be called at the same time). You can buy a dog, a cat, fox, penguin and other fauna representatives at auction (extremely unlikely, given the number of people who want) or in a games store. Another useful function of pets - various bons, which depend on its type and rank.

14. Quests who help

As the professions develop, the Black Spirit will offer you the so-called quest quests (you can find them in the Black Spirit menu in the "Help" tab). In addition to increasing the skill of crafts, you will receive a remuneration for the task - symbolic for beginner and more worthy as professionalism grows.

15. Twink for the farm of world bosses

If you spend a lot of time in the game, it will not be superfluous to pump the twink until the level of level 50 and equip it with green weapons and armor, reinforced at least +15. Such a character along with a speed horse should be left in Hide. This will allow, changing the character if you play another, quickly reach the place when the world's ward bosses appear, carranda, dirt, giant ancient, a red nose and a cowardly Bhheg, when killing which we can get valuable items.

16. Twink for "point reset"

Twinks with negative karma is required to everyone who is seriously engaged in - so that, by killing the guard in the city, reduce the sharpening of the armor with +15 to +14 with the unsuccessful set of proc. One of the effective methods is to create a twink of the same class as your main character. Having received the 30th level and taking the equipment to the main character (and at this point it will be quite good), you can go on the search for players you will pchat.

17. What is better to spend miles

Every day, each account receives 100 miles - the currency that can be spent in a play store in a special section. Before receiving the 50th level, the mile is better not to spend, but to buy tears of Ellian for this currency. When death from the hands of mobs, unlike other players or draft bosses, the character loses the experience gained. The size of the fine depends on the karma, but is at least 2%. At the 50th level, it is not possible to obtain such a number of experience, but already starting from 55th 2% - already tangible loss. Using the same tears Ellian allows you to resurrect the character without a fine.

18. Luck is so important

Luck the character affects the quality of the drop during the Grinda or pharmacy of resources, harvesting and fishing, but not a chance of a successful enhancement of equipment. To further increase the chance of obtaining rare valuable items on the node, it is recommended to make a route from it to the nearest city. In addition, it is worth pumping the node, investing energy into it. To do this, locate the Node on the global map, click on it and click the "Invest in the Node" button. The maximum level of the node 10. It also makes sense to pump the settlement if you are engaged in its territory or fish fishing in AFC mode.

19. What is the characteristics of the character

The tone is a parameter that affects the number of cheerfulness consumed during running or swimming. The number of tone rises when the character moves on foot. Since it will have to walk a lot, specifically download this skill is not necessary. Character health affects the number of additional HP. It increases when eating. So that the character was viable, he must eat well. Eat food stands, even if there is no need for the baffs that it gives. Increase strength that affects portable weight, you can with the help of sea cabbage. In huge quantities, this product is growing in the water area of \u200b\u200bEphery.

20. Sell or not?

Recently, the developers constantly start the events, thanks to which rare or unique items can be obtained for a daily entrance - for example, a part of the boss-set or necklace. It is not recommended to sell them. You can earn silver in different ways, except the auction, but for the second time you get a unique equipment can be much more difficult.

21. Do not forget about the "adventures of the Black Spirit"

This mini-game can be found by pressing the ESC key and selecting the appropriate menu item. "Adventures", like events, are also regularly launched by developers (usually in honor of any holidays), and throw a cube every hour three times a day. The Great Koroisky Randa is influenced by the prize: you can win as a useless BAF at the current moment (for example, if you went on and narray the "adventures" to increase the chance of a critical strike). But there are also valuable prizes that can be left or selling at auction.

Of course, these are not all the nuances that would need to know a newcomer, which only began to explore the huge world of Black Desert. But, adhering to the outlined recommendations, you can significantly simplify the game, making a pumping faster, Farm of silver is more profitable, and the enhancement of equipment is easier.

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In Black Desert there are several different options for increasing the chance of a drop from mobs. In this guide, we will tell detail about each of these ways.

If you clearly decided that you are going for a long time and stubborn, then the first thing is to start - this is pumping the corresponding node, near which the farm will be carried out.

In total, each node has 10 levels. For pumping, refer to the control unit and pump the level of the node. Each level of the node level will cost you 10 energy.

Pumping assembly by 1 level increases the chance of falling out valuable items by 5%. Accordingly, the maximum level of the node will increase your chance to successful grind.

2. Obtaining knowledge

The level of knowledge of this or that monster is the following factor that affects the chance of falling out of items from it. There are only several knowledge ranks about Mobs and the most important and valuable - this rank s. You can affect the chance of getting knowledge (not on the rank of the knowledge gained, namely, the chance of receiving knowledge), having bought the appropriate jewelry in the game store.

Rank Knowledge Monster is given when murder. Moreover, it is given completely randomly and you can't influence this. In addition to increasing the chance of a drop, high knowledge of knowledge reduces the damage applied by this mob according to you and increase your damage on it. The resulting rank of knowledge about a particular mob does not improve! In order to get more valuable knowledge of knowledge, you need to reset the existing rank. This can be done by the Annaliza librarian in the calf.

There is one convenient and cunning way to faster getting the desired rank, which can save you a bunch of time. Create a twink on your account and leave it near the librarian. The main character you will receive knowledge, and twink to reset unnecessary. Thereby save time traveling to Calpheon and back.

Each rank reset will cost you 10 energies. Let me remind you that the maximum energy supply is distributed to all the characters on one account, and the amount of available energy has its own.

So, with nodes and knowledge figured out and go to the last item - good luck.

Maximum good luck level - 5. To see your good luck level, go to the character window by pressing P.

The higher the luck, the greater the chance of loss of valuable things. Increased luck in Black Desert in several ways:

  • Titles
  • Fianit: Good luck
  • Potion Golden Hand
  • Purchase Pearl
  • Seth on luck

3.1. Titles

Below is a table that shows what the number of your titles is affected. Earning 150 titles, you can raise the level of good luck at +3.

Number of titles Energy Experience Endurance
50 1
70 2 1
80 2 2
90 2 3
100 2 3 3%
150 3 3 3%
200 3 4 3%
300 3 4 6% 50 endurance
400 3 5 6% 50 endurance
500 3 5 9% 50 endurance
600 3 5 9% 100 endurance
700 3 6 9% 100 endurance
800 3 6 9% 150 endurance
900 3 6 12% 150 endurance
1000 3 7 12% 150 endurance
1500 3 8 12% 150 endurance
2000 3 8 12% 200 endurance

3.2. Fianit: Good luck

The potion of the golden hand can be bought at the auction or do with. It improves good luck on +2, though only 5 minutes. The price and time of this potion makes it not too profitable.

3.4. Purchase Pearl

When buying pearls in the game store, you can get BAU on +1 to luck. The time of such a baff is very small. For example, for the purchase of 500 pearls, you will receive the BAU for 1 hour.

3.5. Seth on luck

Two parts of the Fity Settlement will increase your luck by +2. Cons of this method:

The meaningless sharpening of such things.

Wearing such a set will reduce your fighting characteristics, which can say at the speed and complexity of the farm.

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Very often, in many games, jerks occur during the gameplay. This is due to the fact that when you play, especially in moments, saturated with battles, you fall the number of frames per second (FPS). The reason for this is that the video card does not cope with the processing and display of the received information. Fix it, that is, increase the number of FPS, you can in two ways: configure the video card for greater performance and reduce some game settings.

Increase FPS video cards NVIDIA

Increased FPS video cards Radeon

  1. We update the drivers for your video card to the latest, stable version.
  2. Install the value of the paging file for a comfortable game.
  3. Increase the performance of the video card. To do this, go to the AMD Catalyst Control Center to the "Games" tab and select the "3D Application Settings" item. Click on the Add button and find Black Desert.
  4. Configure the quality of filtering to performance, turn off the triple buffering. After all settings, click the Save button.

Video about setting the Radeon video card:

Increasing the FPS by lowering the graphics settings in the Black Desert game

  • Disconnect smoothing. This parameter is needed that the picture is not so sharp, without speed and selection of textures. The parameter itself is not very noticeable, but the growth of frames per second can be felt.

  • SSAO. - The parameter that is responsible for the additional volume. He adds some shadows that makes our textures more voluminous. It affects the FPS very strongly, so it should be turned off if you lack frames per second. In addition, for general quality graphics, the SSAO shutdown will not be tangible.

  • Tessellation - Drawing distant objects. There is practically no difference between the option included parameter and turned off, but you can add a pair of FPS.

  • Disconnection filter It will not give you a great increase in FPS, but if you do not want long objects to be blurred, you can turn it off.

  • Maximum settings - The most FPS addicted configuration that must be disabled if you lack additional frames per second. It greatly loads the system, and at the same time it does not greatly affect the picture.

  • Texture and graphics - Some of the most coordinated settings that can raise the FPS. Moreover, the graph parameter affects the textures, and when it is reduced, some other graphic functions are automatically disconnected and becomes unavailable.

  • The change screen resolution Also is a powerful tool to raise frames per second, only with a decrease in its picture becomes less pleasant for the eye and can stretch in width or height.
These are not all graphic settings that can be manipulated to increase the FPS, but they are the most basic and ensure the greatest effect.

Video Hyde By setting up graphics in Black Desert:

The developers of free online games are constantly going to all sorts of tricks to limit the actions of the players. Various limits are introduced, which stretch the time spent by the player to study the world and passing all kinds of tasks.

Not retreated from this principle and Pearl ABYSS - the function of the limiter in the game is performed by energy points. If you played, then surely compare energy points with glasses of work and make hasty conclusions. On some sid, these systems are really similar, but they differ greatly.

What do I need energy points

  • Collection and manufacture of resources, cooking and alchemy.Mining ore, collection of berries and herbs, cooking food and all kinds of potions - Energy glasses are required for all this.
  • Communication with NIP, greetings and theft.Changing relations with NIP also requires energy points. For communication with NIP, you need 2 points of energy. In more detail, the communication process will be described in guide about knowledge. For each greeting, you spend 3 points of energy, and in return get 3 friendship points with NIP data. You can also try to steal any item from NIP. This action costs 3 energy points. In case of good luck, you will receive a valuable subject: for example, some decoration for the house. But if you are notified, then the relationship of the NPC will deteriorate sharply (-100 friendship points), and your karma will decrease a little.
  • Bargaining and price exploration in other nodes.If you want to sell a product for more expensive or find out the prices of the selected product in other nodes, then you will have to spend energy. All these actions are performed only at the NPC "Merchant".
  • Getting some knowledge.Some knowledge is unique and to get it necessary to give some number of energy points.
  • Global chat. Each message in the chat "world" consumes one point of energy.
  • Training skills.If you are studying the skills not at the coach, but for each study you will have to give 3 points of energy.
  • Choosing a random worker.You can get a random worker in the NPC "Manager", but for each new worker it is necessary to spend 5 energy points.
  • Fishing. If you want to increase the chance of falling out more expensive fish, then you can throw the fishing rod "more accurate" or, it's easier to spend some amount of energy points on this process.

Above lists only the basic steps that you will have energy points. The game has a lot of diverse events that it is worth spending the energy of the character and free time.

Restoration of energy points

There are several ways to restore energy:

  • Passive. Your character restores one point of energy once every 3 minutes for being in the game. If you came out of the game, your character will restore 1 point of energy per hour.
  • With the bed. If you put a bed at home and lie on it, the process of reducing energy points will accelerate 2 times, i.e. You will receive 2 energy points for every 3 minutes.
  • For performing tasks.Performing some tasks (usually daily and craft), you can get energy points as a reward for successful task.

Increase the stock of energy points

When you create your first character, then automatically get a stock of 10 energy points (0/10). At the same time, each new character has no available energy points when creating.

It is possible to expand your energy points in energy when gaining knowledge about the world. All the knowledge that your characters received on the account are in the "Knowledge" window (HOT KEY H). From this we can conclude that the limit of energy points is assigned to the account, not the character.

Upon receipt of a new knowledge at the top of the screen displays alert.

As soon as you accumulate the required number of knowledge in any area, you will receive an alert of increasing energy.

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Weight limit in Black Desert is a very important characteristic characteristic that affects how much cargo you can transfer in inventory. Let me remind you that in Black Desert everything has its own weight, even money. You can increase the weight limit in various ways, we will tell you about all of them in this guide.

1. Belt to raise weight limit

The best belts are the rutam belt and the elite belt of Ratam. Each of them increases the base limit of 60LT weight. When sharpening the limit increases by 10LT per level. When sharpening other belts, the weight limit does not increase.

2. Armor.

In the game there is a set of Hercules, which for 2 things adds +150 weight limit, and the third thing adds another +50.

3. Pearl store

In the pearl store you can buy objects that increase weight limit by 50, 100 or 150LT. Each of them can be purchased only once for one character. To view products from a pearl store, press F3.

4. Shopping Paks and Power Power

To increase weight limit, you can use trading packs. This method takes a lot of time, but it is very effective and practically does not require investments. First of all, it is necessary to buy objects for trading from a merchant. Go to it, press the R key and select Trade.

You need to be purchased so that the weight of your nosha exceeds the existing limit. To do this, it is recommended to fill in the inventory with heavy objects. If you have not had time to ride the skill of trading, you can buy such items in Velia, Olvia or Haide. After that you will get the opportunity to pump the power parameter when running.

In one level of force, you can increase the limit of weight on 2LT per level. Thus, pumping force, you can increase weight limit on 60 lt.

Answheet (AFK-pumping)

The ability to create cyclic routes of auto budding was added to Korean servers with the last patch. If the reception does not work on your server, refer to the old method described below. In our example there is a horse, however, you can use any transport or move on foot. Open an interactive map (m), press the ALT key and mark the starting point with the right mouse button. Holding alt, mark additional paths. In order to loosen the route, hover over the starting point. When the marks are painted in green, press Alt + PCM. Close the map (m) and click T.

If you use this method for pumping transport, remember that the horse can automatically eat carrots to fill the reserves. To do this, put a tick under the health and endurance horse.

Old way (maybe no longer working)

Some guides advise to buy a horse and ride it into the wall, but after the update, this reception does not work anymore. We found another way to pump strength, but for this you will need to change the assignment of hot keys. Change forward on Num8, left on Num4, and acceleration - on Num7 (see Screenshot). Click Apply and OK.

After that, go to your own home or friend's house. Click P to open the profile in advance, because Character will stop if you do it on the run.

Make sure that the numeric keypad works, and then turn it off, while holding the NUM8 key at the same time. Turn on the keyboard again, and then turn it off, while holding the NUM7 key at the same time. Repeat the same for the num4 key.

Remember that this method is not legal, and use it at your own risk.


If you paved the route outside the city, beware of the gangsters, which can wait for you on the roads. Bandits are indicated on the map of the following icon:

On the way from Hidel in Calfon, you can meet as many as two gangs, so we recommend missing AFC routes in secure regions.

Of course, all this takes a lot of time, but other ways to increase weight limit in the game are missing. Having finished pumping, remove objects from the inventory or sell another merchant to increase your trading skill. Remember that the maximum indicators of the strength and skill of trading are equal to 30.

5. Food for raising weight limit

In the game there are several types of food to increase weight limit, which can be created using cooking:

  • Seafood salad with mushrooms (+ 20LT for 30 min)
    Recipe: 1 Seafood + 2 Season + 2 Mushrooms
  • Pasta with meat (+ 40LT for 60 min)
    Recipe: 5 Meat + 2 Garlic + 3 Black Pepper + 4 Dough + 1 White Sauce
  • Honey cookies (+ 50lt, fishing speed +1 by 90 minutes)
    Recipe: 6 Wild Beehive + 4 Dough + 2 Eggs + 4 Milk

6. Premium Account

If you buy and activate the Premium Account, you will get a passive increase in portable weight