Passage of game Fahrenheit Prophecy Indigo. Fahrenheit: Walkthrough. Character control and gameplay

Finally got around, and damn, how could I then ignore her ?! It's amazingly fun to play even now, but for the mid-2000s it was just a breakthrough. For a long time I have not had such a vexation that I got acquainted with the game after so many years since its release.

And when I played - on ios in 15-16 - it was extremely boring, just Over. I just went through the game 3 before this time and already knowing everything, the game was just incredibly painful to play. Of course, I recently wrote that I am sad that Fahrenheit was cut out from iOS and not updated, but in fact I have already gone through this. Completed stage. It makes no sense. And in general, with these games of Cage, it's always like this - I don't want to go through it again

I still can't show Harl to the end: we reach the office with the spiders and interest disappears. And remembering a couple of levels, I just want to howl.

But nevertheless, yes - for the mid-2000s, when I got acquainted, it was just mega-cool. Like the first Max Payne.

I was also delighted with the action sequences, especially the escape from the police and the fight with the Oracle. I don't know if Cage or another person was responsible for them, but this is the aerobatics of the production. Now I don't understand at all why, instead of developing strengths (direction, atmosphere, suspense), all the following games are focused on weak ones (weak plot, dialogues, relationships between people). Heavy Rhine I have not really gone to PS3 yet, I only liked the mechanics, which, as I now know, are simply taken from Fahrenheit. Beyond is just utterly dull. Daytroit hasn't played yet, but as far as I know, it's about cheap philosophy and again drama. It would be better if they made a cool action / thriller, such as Mission: Impossible

Because what fascinated you (the fight with the Oracle) was attributed to drug addiction, the desire to imitate the Matrix and the merged plot (and in general the second half of the game as a whole). Probably listened. By the way, the first fight with the Oracle also came to me. Especially Mouzon - it's really epic!

Detroit liked more Beyond, but less Heavy Rain. But I cannot judge objectively, because at one time I liked Fahrenheit so much that I directly fished out any information about their next project. And I took the PS3 on the same day as Heavy Rain. And he was also delighted!

There is also a pure anime / zhrpg: it starts with an ordinary guy who got into trouble, and ends with the salvation of the world: D Quite a crazy plot, mb Cage wrote the second half there under acid. But I liked it, really: first there was an intrigue, a twisting of the plot, then mysticism grew, and then it drifted into fiction. It was interesting and entertaining, in contrast to the same person you are faggotry about there - here she is a dull stamping from beginning to end.

I am a phage of both ^ _ ^ Person 5, in my opinion, is a mega-stylish game, and style often decides. Music, costumes, dungeon design, themes, the appearance of enemies outside the battlefield, the battle menu (which has already become a meme) and much more - it's all so cool and unusual that I was fascinated by it. Even taking into account familiarity with previous games. It was this approach that attracted me to the network of the FF VIII genre, which was also cool and unusual against the background of other PS1 games. On a par with Yakuza, Persona 5 is a decent attempt at being a tour guide in Japan. And taking into account that they give to play for a schoolboy-criminal and the attitude (and bans) to him are appropriate, then this becomes an interesting sales for the inhabitants of Japan. A real role-playing game in terms of acting out the role of the subject, which in the IRL you God forbid you will not be.

In Fahrenheit, I remember that I was always interested in those one and a half or two months that passed after the meeting of neo-Lucas (how did I turn it around, huh?) And Karla. They didn’t make good friends.

Well, there is something like "the ice is melting, everything is returning to its place, I am sitting on a stump and I do not know what to do with my strength." And between them there is nothing interesting, it seems to me. Relationships as relationships.

The style in n5 is definitely very cool. But it's not about him. I'm talking about incredibly formulaic everything: heroes without any individuality (Character. They are drawn cool, but the authors themselves admitted that the creation of the whole game began with Anne's sketch), ridiculous caricature villains, the most miserable dialogues, and the whole plot in In general, it is 100 percent standard - not a single interesting twist and move, only the very theme of thieves and rogue.

Here you can not do without spoilers, perhaps

Who would turn out to be a "rat" was obvious even at the development stage: Goro Akechi was the only hero who seemed to be shoved onto a poster (and into additional costumes), but for a long time they could not really tell if he was fighting or not. Until release. And in most of the screensavers it was not.

But, in principle, the very beginning of the action (the capture of the Joker) and how the narration was regularly interrupted for interrogation (it was especially cool with the opening of new Arcanum, ala: “You definitely couldn’t have done so many crimes without having a personal doctor at hand. Who was it ? ") I really liked it. I almost applauded.

And how they ended up doing a multi-move with the Joker's rescue was not entirely predictable. I personally did not guess. And in general, this whole plot is in the spirit of: "We knew who the traitor" with the disclosure of all the details + the Joker's imprisonment at home - everything is very cool. In general, the last month of the game is very impressive to me. As well as the ending itself, where they leave by car. Lampovo somehow worked out.

From Anne's sketch, you say? Mmm, that's the design, she came to me the most. I have read other data though. Perhaps invented later, because in fact it is impossible to confirm them.

Here he is an ideal example of an unobtrusive discussion, which begins with one subject, then smoothly the conversation flows into adjacent ones, and then memories / impressions begin.

You can't just talk about it under one game. Man is not a robot


The game is controlled using the keyboard and mouse. Arrows up, down, left, right perform standard character movements. If you hold down the "Shift" button with a forward direction, the character will run. Press the Spacebar to look ahead. An alternative way to move the character forward is to hold down the left and right mouse buttons at the same time, plus the character turns by moving it. Absolutely all actions in “Fahrenheit” are performed in a specific way. For example, to open a door, you need to approach it, an icon should light up at the top of the screen, showing the repeating movements of the ball, which you must perform with the mouse, after holding down the left mouse button (for example, up and down). With the “Ctrl” key you can open your PDA. On the first page, it displays: date and time (according to the plot), the name of the character you are playing for, the mental state of the character, the total time of the game, the level of health, the number of bonus points, the number of open bonuses in percentage terms, and by what percentage passed the game. Press the "Enter" key and the second page of the PDA will open. On it you can see the general task of this episode. There is no inventory in the game.

The game has episodes in which you need to control two characters. If possible, a small icon will light up in the upper right corner of the screen, in the form of a portrait of the game's hero, which can also be controlled. To switch, press the "Enter" key.

In “Fahrenheit” all physical actions are performed using mini-games. I'll tell you about them in order, depending on their frequency of appearance in the game.

Mini-game number 1

Two symmetrical figures appear on the screen, consisting of 4 panels of different colors, as shown in the picture on the right.

The panels in the left figure represent keyboard actions - up, down, left, right; panels on the right figure show mouse actions.

Let's dwell on the right circle. Actions shown

on this figure, are performed using the movements of the mouse while holding down its left button. For example, if the following panels lit up, shown in the picture on the left, it is necessary to simultaneously hold down the “left arrow” on the keyboard and move the mouse (after holding down the left mouse button) also to the left.

Mini-game number 2

This game looks like this: a scale appears at the bottom of the screen, on the sides of which there are left and right arrows. We need to alternately, as quickly as possible, click on these arrows until the scale is full. If you delay with this case, then the task will fail. Watch picture on the right.

Mini-game number 3

This mini-game is somewhat similar to mini-game # 2. The same scale at the bottom, it is also necessary to use the left and right keys. But here's the difference. This game appears at a time when Carla may panic. With the help of the mini-game, we breathe evenly, thus keeping Carla calm. It is necessary that the moving stick remains in the blue zone (as shown in the picture on the left). We can only move it from right to left by alternately pressing the arrows to the left and then to the right. Moreover, if you quickly press these buttons, Karla will panic, but if you do nothing, the outcome will be the same.

Mini-game number 4

Occurs once in the game ( picture on the right), at the moment when Lucas needs to move to another platform to Tiffany's (on a roller coaster). For me, this was perhaps the most difficult moment in the game. Here you need to hold the cursor in the center of the scale using the same keys - left and right. The most optimal option: press 2 times in one direction and 2 times in the other, but for this you need to choose the right time intervals.

Important! In the game, the character has a health scale and a psychological state scale. Depending on your actions, the scale of the psychological state either goes down or goes up. The health scale is used only in those cases when the life of the hero depends on your actions (such situations happen only with Lucas).

I want to warn you right away. The choice of actions in the game can be varied. Starting from the choice on what to hide from the crime scene (by taxi, or via the subway) and ending with the choice that will affect how exactly you get to the final battle. I describe the actions I chose when I played the game for the first time. Hope my advice will help you.

Brutal Murder (Lucas)

In the opening video, we witness a brutal murder. Lucas Kane, the main character of the game, at the mercy of a mysterious sorcerer in a cloak, stabs a man with a knife in the restroom of one of the diners. The game begins. We need to get out of the crime scene before they spot us - but first, we'll clean up after ourselves. We approach the body and drag it into one of the toilet cubicles. We take a mop and wash the floor with it. Next, we go to the sink, open the tap and Lucas will wash off the blood from himself. We go to the place where the corpse of an innocent person used to lie, and we pick up a knife. The character's condition after these actions will slightly improve. If you look at the window, then our character will be upset that it will not be possible to get out through this window, since there is a lattice on it. Thus, we will lose 5 points from the scale of the psyche. We leave the restroom and go to the exit, because the policeman sitting at the counter is about to find a corpse. As soon as we left the door of the diner, we go to the right - then at the corner of the diner we turn right again. We run forward and on the left side of the street we notice a descent into the subway - we go down.

Crime scene (Karla and Tyler)

Other heroes of our game come to the scene of the crime and we have to control them - these are Karla and Tyler. We enter Karla inside the diner, talk with the policeman who found the body. We approach Karla to the waitress, sitting at one of the tables on the left, and start a dialogue. After the end of the conversation, Martin will take the waitress home (it is funny, of course, it looks like a waitress in a short-sleeved dress goes outside in a 30-degree frost). We approach the next table, at which the killer was already sitting. We carry out the action shown at the top of the screen (the image of the circle). Karla will note that ordering soda and coffee looks ridiculous. And there is no coffee bill on the bill at all. We select a book under the table called "The Tempest" (Shakespeare). We go to the end of the corridor and click on the phone. Karla will ask you to check all the calls made from him for the whole evening. We enter the restroom and examine the body. We look at the mop, smeared with blood (why would the killer wash the floor?), And then at the traces of blood on the floor of the booth where Lucas was sitting. After these actions, Karla's mental state will increase slightly. Switch to Tyler and approach the trash can to the left of the window. We perform the action at the top of the screen, as a result of which Tyler will find the murder weapon. We leave the restroom and ask Garrett to do some more tests. We switch to Karla, talk to Tyler and offer to leave. We leave the diner, look at the ground, where Karla will find blood. We get into the car.

Sometimes they say - "he was born at the wrong time" - and this, as a rule, implies a tragedy. But if “not then” and “not there” turns out to be an unusual person - anything can happen! Did Lucas think that by going to have a bite to eat in an ordinary cafe, he would become a killer - and then get involved in a crazy race where the fate of all mankind would be at stake? Starting the investigation, Karla could not even imagine that she would find out what would change her life forever.

A long journey begins with a small step. From a very small step across snowy New York. An ordinary cafeteria. An unusual visitor. The wheels of fate turn inaudibly. His Majesty Chance begins the game ...

Character control and gameplay

Attention is immediately drawn to an unusual system of interaction with objects and people. When you approach an object, an icon with an image of the object appears at the top of the screen, indicating where you need to move the mouse to use it. For example - if you go to the bed, the bed symbol and a circle with an arrow down will appear. Hold down the button and move the mouse down - see? - the character obediently settled down to sleep.

It's the same in conversation. Only here the time for choosing an answer is limited, so you will have to think quickly so as not to freeze stupidity. By the way, phrases are not written in full: only keywords are displayed. This sometimes creates confusion, as in some cases it is difficult to know what exactly your character will blurt out.

Mini-games. They are everywhere. Evade a flying chair. Find out what the character thinks. Knock down the door. And much more. Without a gamepad, they can become a nightmare. Let me explain why. There are two types of mini-games in total.

« Dance circle". Two circles will appear, each of which is divided into four sectors corresponding to the keys. Red - up, blue - left, yellow - right, green - down. The movement keys are for the left circle. Numbers - 2, 4, 6, 8 on the numeric keypad - for the right one. After the inscription "Get Ready", the divisions of one of the circles (and sometimes both at once) will begin to light up. You need to press the keys that correspond to the highlighted sector. If you have typed the correct combination, the inscription will appear - "Great", if it did not work out - "Failed".

Now imagine - you place eight fingers on the keyboard and desperately hit the keys. Because sectors light up and go out quickly. Often this technique helps - you stop watching the sectors and, with the persistence of a highly skilled woodpecker, hammer on all the keys at once. It sounds crazy, but it helps in most cases - especially in the case of complex combinations.

« Drag". A blue bar appears with a slider. You need to press the keys in turn and > to move the slider. At the same time, you have to bang on the keyboard frantically - otherwise you will "blow through" the mini-game or simply will not move the slider further than a certain place.

There is another variation on this mini-game. In it, you need, on the contrary, to hold the slider in the middle of the strip and make sure that it does not slide to the edge. What can help? Reduce the monitor resolution to 640x480 and set the minimum graphic settings - it works. Checked.

There are three main characters in the game. In another chapter, you have to manage two at once. To switch between them, press the Enter key. It is not uncommon to also be given a choice of which chapter to play first. This does not affect the passage of the game. A breath of freedom - that's all.

Each of your heroes has a certain level of mental health. If at the end, for example, of the first chapter, the character did not feel well, he will start the second in the same state. If it drops to zero, the character will go insane or commit suicide. Mental health decreases if the character, you understand, is upset by something: for example, they were rude at work or remembered an ex-girlfriend.

You can improve your mood by successfully doing something good for yourself, such as having a snack, drinking milk, or sleeping. At the same time, the needs of the hero are highly dependent on the situation, so in the passage I will mention actions that lower and increase mental health. The health value ranges from 0 to 100 points. Depending on your actions, it increases or decreases by 5, 10, 20 or 30 points. During the game, you can always press Right Ctrl and see the current state of the character.

Besides mental health, our friend Lucas also has physical health. It is represented by white circles at the top of the screen. If, say, you fail a mini-game that threatens your health, you will lose one space. When the values ​​of the circles are completely zero, the character will die. Health can be replenished by collecting crucifixes.

And the last thing. Not advice. Just a wish. Do not try to squeeze everything out of the game at all costs. Enjoy the gameplay. Imagine watching a movie - an immersive interactive thriller. Unique and unrepeatable.


The murder

Three stabs in the chest. Murder in the toilet. So your story has begun. You need to leave the cafeteria before the police visit the toilet. Otherwise, you will be captured - and the game will end there. But first, you need to hide the evidence and raise Lucas's mental health.

As soon as the video ends, grab the body and drag it to the toilet. One less piece of evidence. Now take a mop and rub the blood stain. At the same time, it will not be possible to completely get rid of marks on the floor, but you will improve the mental health of the character.

What else? Knife. Pick up the murder weapon from the floor and have Lucas hide it. Wash your hands in the sink to remove any traces of blood. Try using a condom vending machine. It's broken. Tap it a couple of times with your hand and you will get a coin. So, here we have done everything. Exit to the cafeteria.

Sit down at a table without talking to your visitors. Eat, drink, pay the bill. Look at the coffee mug. It's weird because Lucas never drinks it. So someone was with him? It's time to get out of here. Once you reach the door, turn on the jukebox to cheer you up.

Once outside, take the subway or catch a taxi to get home.

For fun, you can try: go to the cafeteria with bloody hands, wait for the policeman in the toilet, talk to visitors, call the phone, try to leave without paying the bill, wait for the police to arrive on the street. True, nothing good will come of it.

The Investigation

Here are two more main characters. Karla and Tyler are cops without fear or reproach. After getting out of the car, think about the murder (the corresponding action will appear) and examine the bloody trail in the snow. Then go inside.

Have Karla talk to the police officer and then walk over to the waitress. It doesn't make much difference what questions you ask her, the main thing in working with people is communication. When the girl gets nervous, calm her down. After the conversation, the policeman will take her home. Now examine the table at which the killer was sitting. Notice the bill, the book under the table, and the blood on the seat.

Switch to Tyler. Examine the table Lucas was sitting at. After that, talk to two police officers and drink coffee at the counter to boost mental health (coffee won't hurt Carla either). To calm Tyler down, call his girlfriend.

Go to the toilet. Switch to Karla. Examine the body of the murdered man, examine the mop, the blood in the booth where Lucas was sitting, and open the door to the right booth. Let Tyler inspect the body too, check the sink, dig in the trash can and inspect the drain tank in the right booth (they should find a knife there).

Now let Karla go out into the street through the emergency exit (do not try to go back, otherwise you will lose 10 mental health points) and talk to the bum. He will give some information. Return through the main entrance to the cafeteria. Let Tyler talk to the police again, and then invite Carla to go home. You get into the car and ... this is the end of the chapter.

Returning through the back door has a negative effect on the psyche of both police officers (not otherwise, because the omen is bad), and for Tyler, in addition, the urge to relieve himself of the toilet, turn on the jukebox and talk to the homeless person.

The day after

Lucas woke up and realized that yesterday's incident was not a dream. Soon a policeman will come to the apartment, so you need to destroy the evidence. Take some medicine to relieve your headache (don't drink alcohol afterwards) and make your bed.

Exit to the living room. The phone will ring. Talk to your brother - and then listen to the answering machine. So what else? Pick up a shirt off the floor and throw it into the washing machine in the bathroom. That's it, there is no more evidence left. Open the shelf above the sink and bandage your hands with a bandage. In this case, an unpleasant incident will occur. Wash yourself. You can relieve yourself at the same time - a good way to improve your mental health.

Go to the bedroom and get dressed, then go back to the room. Drink milk from the refrigerator and listen to music. This will calm you down. A policeman will come right here. Take the key from the table and open the door. He will ask you to inspect the apartment. There is no more evidence, so agree. When the policeman leaves, go outside.

What you can do wrong: Drink alcohol after your medication, watch TV, read a newspaper, and look at a photograph. Better abstain.


Follow the path to the square, where Marcus is waiting. When talking to your brother, select the "Convince" option. When he offers to take the crucifix, agree - it will give you extra life. When Lucas goes back, he will see the child fall through the ice. And then, as luck would have it, there is a policeman who was in the cafeteria. There is absolutely no need to draw his attention - but what to do? Okay, let's hope for luck.

Throw yourself into the water and drag your child to the surface. Damn it, his heart isn't beating. Start doing heart massage. When Lucas says three, press. When the child wakes up, get up and leave the park. The policeman recognized you ... but why didn't he detain you?

Police work

Meanwhile, the police are on the alert. Our brave detectives have begun an investigation. Talk to the guard at the entrance and head up the stairs. Go to the side door to enter the office. In it, by the way, you can drink coffee to replenish mental health. The office is in the far corner. On the way, Carla will be intercepted by Detective Garrett and remind him that Tyler owes him money. And he will also say that he has some information on the murder.

Come into the office. Drink water and play yo-yo to boost your mental health. Then call Tyler and tell him to show up for work. Now switch to it.

Get out of bed (or you can lie, which will make Karla very angry), take a shower, relieve a small need (for reasons of mental health concerns). Return to the room and get dressed, and then go to the hall and have a coffee. Then talk to the girl. In the dialog select "Tender" and "Convincing" to calm her down. Kiss her on the lips, put on your jacket and leave the apartment.

Go up to the office and go to the office. The detective will remind you to repay the debt. The choice of the response phrase does not matter: the result will be the same. Go to the office, talk to Karla. After drink some water, hang up your jacket and go out to the office.

Go to Garrett's table and listen to what he has to say to Carla. The choice of phrases does not matter. Then let Karla go back to the office, sit down at the computer and read the mail and news. Pay special attention to the letter with the subject: "Kirsten".

Alternate reality

Lucas, despite the incident, decided to go to work. Exit the closet and use the sink to wash your face. Leave the restroom and go to the office (it is indicated by a red dot). You can have coffee on the way. Sit down at the table - and attention - a mini-game. If you do it right, you will know what the colleague is thinking - but you will lose a few points of mental health.

Open the drawer to get an extra life. Use a computer. True, this will lower mental health, but there is no other way. But soon the phone will ring. Pick up the phone and talk to Tiffany - this will lift your spirits again.

Sit down at the computer - there is another mini-game in front of you. If it works, you will see how the coffee mug fell. Damn it, it seemed. Use your computer again. Soon the phone will ring and the mug will actually fall. After talking, Lucas will go to repair the broken equipment.

As soon as he starts repairing, the beetle attack will begin - and here it all depends on sleight of hand. The faster you click on the buttons, the more chances you have to dodge attackers. When the inscription "Move" appears, run into the booth. And again - mini-games.

Your mental health will be reduced by not answering your phone calls, saying no to Tiffany, or going into the left drawer of your desk to look at a photograph.


The pathologist will examine the body and talk about the characteristic lesions. In order for Karla to get as much information as possible, you need to win the mini-game. For each failure, she will receive minus ten points of mental health. If you fail everything, you can go crazy. After the autopsy is complete, talk to your doctor. Whatever answer you choose, he will eventually mention the Kirsten case.

Tyler & kate

Meanwhile, a waitress came to Tyler to compose a composite of the killer. Despite the girl's assurances that she supposedly remembers the killer, she will not say anything sensible. You will have to do all the work yourself. In fact, it makes no difference how the portrait comes out - albeit not at all similar. This will not affect the game in the future.

Lost love

Until Tiffany arrives, you can do your daily business. Namely - the restoration of mental health. To do this, you need to do the following: play the guitar (first turn on the speaker), practice with a punching bag, listen to music, go to the toilet, drink milk, take medicine or alcohol (do not mix together). You can watch TV. This will not add (nor will it diminish) anything to your mood - but you will get the latest news.

Then go to bed. Lucas will wake up when the doorbell rings. Let Tiffany into the apartment. First select "New" in the dialog - and then "Glass". She will agree to have a drink. Go to the kitchen and get the bottle. Pour the gin into glasses and return to the girl with a drink.

She will ask you to bring boxes - why not? One lies near the phone, the other to the left of the computer. Then in the conversation choose: "Sincere", "Sentimental" and "Alone". Tiffany will ask you to play the guitar. If you do it without mistakes, you will receive a passionate kiss and something else in gratitude.

The second time Lucas wakes up in the middle of the night. If you do not want to lose 20 points of mental health, then immediately go to sleep again. You will keep strong nerves, but skip the interesting scene (I suggest: see what happens, and then replay). So, have you decided to take a look? Then go to the hall and turn off the TV, and then go out into the corridor. A strange girl is standing there. Who is she?

The brainchild of one of the most specific French studios, Quantic Dream, was released in 2005. It should be said that at that time such games were perceived in a special way, because interactive cinema and many options for getting out of the situation to some extent expanded the idea of ​​the game process. Therefore, Fahrenheit, the passage of which is exciting from the very beginning, received the highest marks from critics and consumers. At the moment, Quantic Dream has released a couple of similar, intriguing projects: Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. All of these games are outright sensations with a unique atmosphere and gameplay.

Where and how?

The main character of Fahrenheit, the passage of which is built in the form of an investigation, is a certain Lucas Kane, an ordinary employee of an ordinary bank. He lives an ordinary life without any special adventures and worries: he goes to work, reads newspapers and books, has his own goals and dreams. Probably, everything would have remained in place if Lucas had not come to that ill-fated eatery on a winter evening in 2009 ...

Further events occur that radically change his life. In a trance, Kane kills an unknown man. Waking up in the lavatory on a mutilated corpse, he realizes that he is seriously in trouble. An unintentional murder forces him to flee the scene of the crime. Further, the main character begins to suffer from various visions showing him the events of the near future. With the help of them, Lucas manages to avoid suspicion in a timely manner. But that is not all. The passage of the game Fahrenheit will be shown from several angles, or rather from the side of several characters. This means that the user will have to control two more characters: detectives Tyler Miles and Carla Valenti. This approach to game mechanics allows you to fully feel and understand the current situation. Another interesting and important point - during the game Fahrenheit, the passage of which will reveal the secret of unexplained events, the temperature around the world will rapidly drop down to -76 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hurricane of events

Now let's take a look at some of the specific aspects of the Fahrenheit game. The passage of the entire story will be accompanied by small cut-scenes in the form of in-game videos, in which the user will need to press the appropriate keys as quickly as possible in order to avoid pain and despair. Such a zest does not allow you to relax even for a second (after watching one such video, the rest will be perceived with increased attention). The second very important point - in this interactive world, events never stop! After the first, the second will necessarily follow, then the third, and after the fourth. Detective elements are successfully intertwined with mystical, making the plot of the game unpredictable and mesmerizing. The main characters are depicted as truthfully as possible in the sense that everyone has an individual character, behavior, emotions and thinking. This allows you to get used to the skin of the protagonist, while being in the thick of things. In a word, the game turned out to be extremely unique and indescribable! The only pity is that there will be no Fahrenheit-2 - the developers themselves reported this.

Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy

In the passage, only those actions are indicated that bring positive points and contribute to the successful passage of the game. When two circles appear on the screen, you will need to press those keys that will be highlighted. The left circle corresponds to the arrow keys. The right circle corresponds to the arrow keys on the numeric keypad (numpad).

Murder (Lucas)
Get rid of a lot of evidence that you left in the toilet after the murder. Drag the corpse to the central booth by quickly fiddling with the left and right arrow keys. Use a mop to remove the blood on the floor by wiggling the mouse up and down. Pick up the knife lying near the urinal from the floor and get rid of it (Lucas will hide it himself). Then wash yourself. Go to the machine near the exit from the toilet. Examine it to notice that it is broken, then tap on it. Take a coin. Exit the toilet. Come to your table and sit down. Eat, drink, then look at your bill and pay. Use a coin on the jukebox to listen to music. Then leave the cafe and onto the street. Using the subway or taxi, leave the area enclosing the crime scene.

Investigation (Police)
Let Karla talk to the police officer who found the body. Then talk to the two guys at the counter and Kate the waitress. Be kind to her to get the most out of her. Go behind the counter, pour yourself some coffee and drink it. Do the same for the second cop, Tylor. While controlling him, study the table at which the suspect was sitting and talk to the guys at the counter. Then examine Karla's desk, she will find more evidence than Tylor. Go to the toilet. Karloi look at the corpse, the mop, the booth where Lucas was sitting. Find a knife whose location is random. It can be hidden in a niche in the booth where Lucas sat, or in the window frame, or in the cistern in the booth closer to the urinals. Tylor also examine the corpse and the shell.

Speak again with the experts at the counter, then talk to Karla. Tell her it's time to leave and get into the car you drove here.

A Day Later (Lucas)
You wake up and realize that what happened the day before is not a dream at all, but a real reality. The bed is covered in blood, and my hands are scratched. Stand up and take the pills from the table. Throw a blanket over your bed to hide the bloody footprints. Go to the living room. Answer your brother's phone call and make an appointment with him. Then grab the shirt off the floor and put it in the washing machine in the bathroom. Take a shower, use the toilet. Take a bandage from the medicine cabinet above the sink and wrap your hands with it. Return to your room. Take your clothes out of the closet and put them on. In the living room, in one of the kitchen cabinets, find a bonus, another one on the balcony. Drink milk from the refrigerator and wait for the arrival of the policeman. Pick up the key from the table and unlock the front door. Let the policeman into the apartment and tell him that you cut yourself. He will leave soon enough after he has looked around the apartment. Then you leave and you will meet your brother.

Confession (Lucas)
In the park, go forward to find Brother Marcos. Explain to him what happened. Convince him without aggression that you did not commit the murder. At the end of the conversation, he will offer you to take the cross. Please accept this gift as it is an extra life. Marcos will go home, and you will be visited by a vision in which a child falls into the water. Later he will really fall, the vision did not disappoint. Jump into the water after him and rescue by fiddling with the arrow keys. When the child is on the ground, give him ventilation. By doing so, you will save him. One of the police officers who patrolled the park will recognize you, but will not arrest you. Today is clearly your day.

Police work (Police officers)
Controlling Karla, go up the stairs and go through the double door. Take a walk to your office, which is located in the upper right corner. Call Tylor from your phone, then switch control to him. Go to the bathroom where you find the bonus. Take a shower and use the toilet. Take some clothes from the closet in the room. In the living room, have coffee and talk to a friend. She is not happy that you go to such a dangerous job every day, so encourage her. Put on your jacket, kiss her and drive to work. Go to Karla's office. Before you enter, the guy will ask you to repay the debt. Make him an offer he can't refuse. If he wins basketball, then you will return him twice as much, if not, then the debt is forgiven. Now go to the office. Hang the jacket on the hanger, then catch up with Karla. Listen to Garrett's report, then, controlling Karla, go to the office, where you check your email.

Reality Shift (Lucas)
Despite the fact that Lucas committed the murder, he decides to forget about it and return to normal life. Find a bonus in the toilet, wash your hands and go to your office (marked on the map with a red dot). Take a workplace. Remove the cross from the drawer on the right. You can see the visions by pressing the illuminated keys. Answer the call from Tiffany and let her come to your house in the evening. Dig into your computer. After your partner is informed about the malfunction of one unit, move to the place of the breakdown. Next, you will find a mini-game where you will need to click on the highlighted buttons.

Reconstruction (Karla)
Hear the coroner's autopsy report and press the correct buttons to try to restore the picture of the murder.

Tylor and Kate (Tylor)
Tylor, with the help of the waitress Keith, must create a composite of the killer.

Lost Love (Lucas)
Play your guitar before turning on the amp. Turn on the music center, go to the toilet. Find the bonus in the cupboard in the kitchen. Go to the room where you take the pills. Finally, go to bed before Tiffany arrives. All of these actions will help you achieve your well-being. When Tiffany comes, let her in. Ask her about the news, offer to drink. The drink is in a niche in the counter. Bring her two boxes with her things, one from the room, the other from the living room. Then speak sincerely, then sentimentally. Ask a question if she is alone now. Play her guitar, then kiss. And finally, have sex with her.

Hide and Seek (Lucas)
Go to the grave of Lucas's mother, where you will have a talk with Markus. Place flowers on your grave. At this moment, Lucas will be transported into the past, into his childhood. Marcus will call Lucas to play in an abandoned hangar, but he will refuse. Later, Lucas sees a vision of a fire in a hangar, where Marcus and friends went to play. He decides to save them. Go to the northeastern part of the map (we will count the red cross on the map as north). Climb over the fence, then go forward to the trench. Move along it to the west until you notice a hole in the fence. Make your way through it. Hide behind the boxes and wait for the truck to go. Next, walk parallel to the truck, thereby hiding from the guards, and then quickly slip to the place marked in red on the map. Enter the hangar. Inside, Lucas will tell Marcus to leave, and he will go to look for the rest of the guys. There are three of them. One is at the top, the other is on the plane down the stairs (he still has to be convinced), the third is in the opposite part of the hangar from the plane.

Friendly fight (Police)
It's time to get some rest and discharge. Let Carla drink water from a bottle, then work out on two apparatus. Do the same for Tylor. Enter the ring and fight. You will fight by controlling Karla. Make sure you win and then you can either continue or stop.

Questioning (Karla)
Talk to your boss. Report to him about the progress in the murder mystery case in the cafe. When control passes to Karla, find the bonus in front of you and then go to the gate. Turn on the light first and only then go on. It is worth mentioning here that Karla is claustrophobic and therefore you must control her condition. Keep the mark on the strip at the bottom of the screen centered using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard. If the mark touches the edge of the strip, you will have to start over this level. Do not be afraid, everything you do does not have to be redone. So, go straight ahead. There will be large racks in front of you. With the help of a valve, you can move them. Find the computer that turns off. To your left, behind the shelves, there will be a switch. If you move it to another position, then the computer will work. Now go to another part of the room. Open the path to the left side, turn the valve at the end, and then follow the right side towards the 1990-2000 archive rack. Take a film from the rack and watch it on your computer.

Questioning (Tylor)
Tylor was brought into the bookstore in order to get at least some information about the book found at the crime scene. Go downstairs and go under the stairs. Look at Shakespeare's book with a magnifying glass. On one of the pages, in the upper left corner, you will find a barely noticeable inscription. When you pick up the book, a piece of paper with some numbers will fall out of it. Talk to an old man who looks like a Chinese. He will not help you in any way if you do not help him at first (this will happen when you are about to leave the store). He will give you a book and ask you to find a similar one. First, look at the book under a magnifying glass. You will see the inscription "De Gruttola". Climb up the stairs and look at the book there. You learn that "De Gruttola" is numbered 1796. Now look at the book behind the old man. Book number 1796 is on the third floor in the white area. Go there and take the book from the shelf. Give it to the old man. After the conversation, get a bonus and exit the store.

Agatha (Lucas)
Find Agatha's house, which is dumb in front on the left. Ring the bell, and then go inside. Go forward to the living room, from there to the bedroom where Agatha will be.