Pastations New mods for 0.9 19.0 2. Fashion from the Pasta. Info Panel Information Panel

As well as exclusive solutions. For example, you can choose mod "like Yushi". Thus, you will have settings selected by the author. You can also manually select dozens of parameters - management of the sight and brake, put the skin, voice or launcher - just put or remove a tick. In this case, you can activate fashion directly from the hangar - there is no need to restart the game.

The main difference between the extended version of the Modpak Pro Tanki from the basic version is an integrated XVM mod, or as experienced testanists - "Olenemer". In the Modkey Settings window you can see an additional section where you can specify which type of rating to display during the battle (the default rating of WN8 is selected). Four options will be available here: XVM, WN6, WN8 and WG-rating. You can also select the display type: both double-digit and four-digit number. Updated 0.9.8 is also implemented a new feature of the display of efficiency on each tank. It will help to appreciate the skill player on a specific unit of technology or find out what machine you should play to "raise" yourself in general statistics.


  • selection of various mod combinations;
  • visual viewing of each fashion;
  • display statistics;
  • high FPS support;

Principle of operation:

before installing the Fashion, we recommend removing all old fashion - for this, make cleaning in the game folder. Next, you can install the ready-made profile immediately or select individual mods. The latter, the word is rewritten by the Totaton team from scratch, because bugs, glitches and conflicts are excluded.


  • the greatest number of useful modes in one installer
  • russian-language menu;
  • update alerts;
  • prevent failures in the client when using WOT TWEAKER;
  • download Fashion Pastations An extended version is free of charge.


  • small flaws associated with the display of some panels and strips.


  • basic version from the Pasta (without statistics);
  • multipact from Model Job.

An extended version of the multipacle about tanks provides a unique opportunity to use complex modes and configure statistics display in such a way that it will be especially convenient and pleasant to play. The developers have provided everything so that the frequency of frames per second does not fall even on weak computers, and the 25-fold zoom, the XVM Olemer and the carriage of the crew will increase the chances of winning.

Pastats are a whole team from World of Tanks players, developers and testers. YouTube Pasta is not only entertainment video, but also training materials - guides and reviews, as well as feedback from users and discussion of mods. All together allows to offer players one of the strongest modes - under the proud name Protanki.

A distinctive feature of the modes of mods from the PC is a specially designed models of the Modpac. The developer team responsibly went to the case, thanks to which the installer can not only put an assembly, but also to clean the client of the game from garbage, raise the FPS in battle, save old settings, download missing modes through torrents, etc. The modes for installation can be chosen to your taste, or take a familiar to many videos with YouTube Pastalls configuration of modes "like Yusha", or set the config without reducing FPS.

Also, the original find is the "Model Center" in the WORLD OF TANKS hangar through which most mods can be configured from the assembly, without having to leave the game and restart the client.

For details on the installer's interface and the basic version of the Modpaka - in the video from the author assembly:

Extended version of the Modpaka Pasta:

New mods in assembly from Pasta

In the hangar added mod on the auto installation of removable equipment - a camping network, a stereotrub, a drawer with tools.

The mod works as follows - after the initial one-time installation of the equipment manually, the tank configuration is automatically saved and, when you retain the combat vehicle in the carousel tanks, the removable equipment returns to its place from another tank or from the warehouse.

Colored icons from SLON1973

Replaces standard images of tanks in newspapers and boot screens in battle on bright colored icons: green - LT, yellow - medium tanks, gray - heavy tanks, blue - PT-SAU, pink artillery.

Command strength points in the account panel

In the fusion from the PP of the commands in the account panel, not only the indicator of total strength, but also the number of damage applied, the number of shots with a breakdown and the conditions for obtaining the medal "Main caliber" in the current battle is shown.

Original Nata Damage Counter

This very useful for heavy fusion tanks in the modopka from the PTARTA is redo alterated and contains not only the total amount of damage from the armor, but also the indicators of the conditions for the "steel wall". The mod is configured through the "Modov Center".

Mod achievements in battle

Shows over the projectile panel What awards you will receive on the basis of battle. For example, "braid of death", "steel wall", "impenetrable", etc.

"Estette skins"

Not new, but also an important mod, which is worth mentioning separately. "Estethek's skins" Modpaka from the Pastang - these are the textures of the breakdowns that become visible in battle only when he attacked the ally or enemy tank.

Expanded assembly from the point

This assembly version is distinguished by the presence of extended statistics based on XVM, which is configured through the "Fashion Center" from the Pastor. Also, in an extended assembly, the statistics of the effectiveness itself, which relates to "undesirable" modes and therefore is prohibited for distribution and download through the official websites of Vargeimamy.

In addition to XVM statistics, the WN8 counter can be installed from the extended assembly in battle that shows your current score and the indicator of how much better than the average player you fight.

The composition of the assembly

The assembly is so voluminous that the selection of modes for installation is divided into 8 steps, not counting the stages of optimization and cleaning the client of the game.


All popular sights have been added to the assembly from the specter:

  • Standard Sight Recharge Timer
  • "Choice of Job" - Overcross.
  • "Deceptode selection" based on Overcross.
  • "Mull Choice" - J1MB0 sight.
  • Korean Sight Deegie Sight.
  • "MELTYMAP's Mathmod."
  • "Flash selection" from Atotik.
  • "Sword of Damocles".
  • Taipan is presented in two versions.
  • "Protanki selection" - Minimalistic Sights.
  • "Historical sight" Hardscope.
  • Marsoff sight.
  • Warplanes sight.
  • Sight "Hammer Torah" -Myƶlnir.
  • Sight "Harpoon".
  • Strict Sight from Andre___v
  • Valuhov sight
  • Oscel Octagon Mod.

Install any of them for your taste.

Circles information

The circle is information or simply "reduction" is a graphical indicator of the stabilization of the tank gun when aiming. The larger more - the worse the accuracy of the shot at the moment and the greater the likelihood of misachering or hitting the necessary section of the opponent's armor. The informativeness of this element of the game interface is very important, because in the multipale from the Pastor you can choose to install one of the 14 information from different sights. Each option is equipped with a screenshot of this information in battle.

Additional Artillery Sights and Circles Information for Art Sau

Despite the fact that on the sight "" The topic of selection of sights for artillery can be closed, the authors of the multipacle from the Pastor and in this case follow the principle of "the more - the better." In addition to the damoclov sword, 13 more art sights and 10 variants of the circle are included in the assembly. We recommend immediately putting the sword damocles with the circles of the archery of the moving goal and do not score yourself.

Comprehensive P-MOD mod

A rare representative of the category of complex modes, the P-MOD allows you to make many changes at once and make a thin setting of the game. All the functions of this fashion in the assembly installer from the Pasta are supplied with explanations and screenshots, where possible. We recommend paying attention to the disconnection of the "dynamic effects" of the camera (shaking when shot, redness when you hit your tank, etc.) and on post-care statistics that can be shown both in the "Notification Center" in the hangar and in directly in battle - in chat.

Comprehensive XVM mod

"Useful combat mods"

This section fell mods that are difficult to attribute to other categories. These are various small and not very improvements, for example - Safeshot modes or antispam in battle chat. Special attention in this section we advise you to turn to the indicator of the nearest enemy - an extremely useful thing, literally "eyes on the back of the head".

Battle interface

The combat interface modifications section contains modes that have a serious impact on the success of the player in combat in general. These are markers directions of the shelling of your tank, damage panels with damage log, the direction of opponents of the opponents on Minikard, etc. Mandatory to install from this section - the angles of the horizontal filler and the DAMAG panel from Gambiter with the log of the resulting damage.

"Convenience of perception"

Here fashion assembled, which make visual changes to objects on combat locations and in gaming objects - penetration skins, white wagons, colored chips, etc.

Angry fashion

Various not too useful modifications of a general nature, on the likeness of the vertical tree development of tanks in the Tabs Studies of Engineering of various nations. One thing is definitely useful from this section, you can only be called the matching modes matching on the 3WOT website completely similar to what is in.

Sound mods

Various options for speeching crews and sound mods for individual events in the game are collected in this section. The mod, which is undoubtedly worth installing - "Crete's bell" when critical damage to the inner module of the enemy tank or contusion of its crew member.

Fashion hangar

This section cannot be confused with "hangar modes" - there are various replaces of standard basic or premium hangar WORLD OF TANKS for something more interesting or useful. "Minimalistic hangar" will save you a significant part of the playing computer system resources and raise FPS in battle. Festive or thematic hangars can be installed for a variety, instead of usual.

Fashion is such a familiar word for each tanker, because without these small, but very important additions, our favorite game looks completely different. Designed specifically for World of Tanks, these minor improvements strongly affect the gameplay, simplifying it, making more pleasant and convenient for the player.

Download modes for World of Tanks 1.6.1 from Pasta Official site

Now we are not talking about all modifications in general, we are talking about the official modes of Pasta 1.6.1, perhaps the most worked, balanced and popular modopac at the moment. The charm consists of simplicity of its installation, the extensions of the available inside understandable for each mini-program of modifications, as well as that you can download all the necessary mods for free for the World of Tanks game with just one mouse click.

It is also worth saying that the assembly is presented in two types - it is a basic and extended version, but in both cases you get the following some of the advantages:
1. As already mentioned, after downloading at your disposal, there is not one modification, but a whole set affecting a variety of aspects of the game and allows you to set up everything as it is convenient for you.
2. The models about the tanks are constantly being finalized, so that everything is maximally optimized, it works 100%, it does not cause lags or problems with the work of the game client. In addition, every fashion assembly is officially approved by Wargaming, you may not worry because of their use.
3. All decorated in a very clear installer program, thanks to which you only need to download the modopac from the Pasta 1.6.1 in one file, after which the installation will take just a few minutes, everything is intuitive at each stage.
4. How do you know that with the release of the next patch, the old fashion "flies". You do not have to wait or search for everything separately, a new assembly exit for a few hours after updating the game (first basic, then extended), that is, you can plunge into the usual gameplay as quickly as possible.

Updated Modpak Pastard 1.6.1 Last version of the official website

Of course, in the above list of advantages, only the most important and general components are described. But in order to understand everything fully and understand why it is worth choosing for themselves the specter for yourself, you need to figure out what exactly there is in this assembly.

So, the modpac from the Pasta for the latest version of the WORLD OF TANKS 1.6.1 patch has absorbed a number of the following modifications:
An extensive list of arcade and sniper sights with a built-in armoform calculator, as well as artillery sights, among which everyone will find an option to use or who will like more.
The fashion tanks are offered to establish a modified damage panel for every taste and color, besides, with the possibility of removing a detailed log of a damage to understand who shoots you and what type of shells.
Fashion Pastallock Extended version 1.6.1 assumes the presence of the most popular XVM addition, which players are more often called the "Olemener" or "Statomer". This script allows you to withdraw the effectiveness of players in battle, display various types of statistics.
There are also mods that clean the darkening in sniper mode, which increases the nerves of the zoom, distance the camera over the battlefield, the running time of the "light bulbs", activating the spam filter in the chat, skins with breakdown zones, and many other little things with which the gameplay becomes at times More pleasant.
Modpak absorbs not only those scripts that affect the gameplay. Fashion from the PTARTA also allow you to change the appearance of the hangar and make some changes in this part of the client, for example, add watches, statistics of victories on the icon of some techniques, etc.
It is impossible not to mention that the extended version of the fashion program includes several author's supplements, for example, a unique opportunity to consider the Coligen model of any technique right in the hangar, which will help you better understand a certain tank.
Last, I wanted to say - WOT TWEAKER. This is a special mod in the Protanki assembly, which allows you to disconnect certain graphic effects in the game. Such manipulations will enhance the FPS in battle, which is especially necessary to the owners of weak computers.

You must understand that this is not the entire list of available modifications, because both the basic and extended version of the assembly, have absorbed much more. On the listing of all the existing time will take a lot of time, and it is better to see everything once with your own eyes than to hear a hundred times.

Fashion Pastations for 1.6.1 Extended version Official site Download

Now that you have received an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the official version of the assembly from Protanki, it's time to talk about the installer download methods.

Speaking frankly, nothing is difficult here, but several ways still list. First of all, download Advanced Mode Pastard FREE you can directly on this page. To do this, just need to brush the page to the beginning or at the end of the article and select one of the proposed buttons, as shown in the screenshot above. Such a method of Pastallock 1.6.1 Extended version download the easiest way.

Immediately after clicking on one of the proposed options, the download will begin, which will take no more than a minute (depends on the speed of your Internet). After that, you only need to go to the "Downloads" folder and start the installation.

There is an alternative opportunity - you can download the expanded version of the site of the official site. Here, on the start page, you will also be offered two versions of the assembly, but the download method is somewhat different.

By selecting the most likely option, you will be transferred to the next page, where the download options will be provided .. Next, click again download the modopac from the Pastor, after which you are transferred to the selected source and the operation is repeated.

As you can see, it is really very simple and fast. Moreover, our site presents exactly the official extended version in which there are only original protanki mods. That is, you can absolutely not be afraid of all kinds of viruses and other garbage.

How to install modest versions of version 1.6.1 WOT

Previously, it was repeatedly said that the modopak point to the patch is presented in the form of a special program, it is it that you download it to your computer and run for the subsequent installation.

So that you have no questions about how to install mods from Protanki 1.6.1 for WOT, we will briefly describe this process.

Initially, everything as usual - you will need to start the installer, select the Russian language, then the path to the folder with the game and click the "Next" button.

After that, you will be waiting for several stages in which you will choose your favoris and necessary fashion from about tanks, in order to configure the client of the game for yourself and make a stay on the battlefield more efficient, as well as convenient. Here, if you do not know what this or that modification does, it is enough just to bring the cursor to its name and you will show you a pop-up tip in the left lower part of the installer.

Further, as soon as every mod is selected by you, the alignment of the ticks will follow in the built-in "tweaker", where you will have the opportunity to turn off any graphic effects, thereby enhancing your FPS. And in the same stage you need to confirm your actions by pressing the "Install" button. After that, the program must independently download modes for World of Tanks from the Pasta official website and install them, you only need a little patience.

Summing up the whole of the above, I wanted to say only one thing - despite the fact that the creators of the World of Tanks began to actively make changes to the game and embed various modifications to the tank client, we used to use, they are much larger, and therefore the possibilities are much wider. As for this assembly, it remains one of the best today, the modopacker cannon can be downloaded in just a couple of minutes, while everything is free, safe and convenient.


The best assembly of mods from Protanki for WOT ver. 17008 dated 10/20/2019, in it all the best mods are collected ....

The best assembly of Protanki mods for World of Tanks, in it all are collected all the best mods at the moment, which are optimized for a new version of the game! A whole team of famous modulated models led by Yusha is working on the mod. This is the only multipact one of its kind, which can install and customize your game so that it will fly, even on the weakest computers and, of course, will deliver the maximum convenience and pleasure).

download Pro Tanki | Last version 17008 dated 12/20/2019| mOD Protanki Official version Verified! Without viruses!

  • The following changes occurred in this version:
  • Updated Most mods from Pottatock: Fixed minor errors
  • Added voice acting to the capture of his or neutral base - went out from here!
  • Updated voice acting from the commentator WOT (Viktor Uposhev): The number of phrases is enlarged twice.

Fashion from the Pasta (Modpak about Tanks | Pro Tanki) for WOT are among the best mods for our favorite game with you. More precisely, not fashion, but a modpac from about tanks. The team of modulated, in the glove with Yushi, under each new patch from WG puts us the updated version of their children. And they do it quite and very high quality, not for nothing. This assembly of mods is very famous and fights for the title of best with fashion from Job, Wot Speak, Wot Fun and Fashion from Piranha.

All necessary mods are present in the foam: sights, skins, sounds, damages panels, hangars, Mihikart fashion and much more, installing which you can not be afraid that the game will fly out or buggy! not! This happens extremely rare, and if it still happens, the modes are repaired and updated. This pack is embedded notification of the release of the new version - therefore you will always be aware of fresh mods, which, of course find on the hiring site.

This modpac is friendly with FPS, and therefore, if you do not have a strong iron or iron murderer, which pulls the Witcher 3 on ultra, then fashion for you. All mods are carefully optimized and with each patch are becoming better and less demanding to the resources of your computer.

Fashion from the PCTARTA there are three versions:

  1. Base - the basic version of the multipacle without the possibility of including statistics.
  2. Full - advanced modes about tanks with the ability to enable statistics.
  3. Ultra - a multipaca version in which all mods are already packed in the installer and you will not need to download them from the Internet. (Added due to the fact that the servers do not cope with the download. I think many of you have encountered the problem of long modes of modes from the network during installation.)

Protection against client damage when using Earlier WOT TWEAKER;
- Creating a backup (backup) of your mods;
- Customer Customer from old mods;
- Comfortable graphic preview of mods, detailed description of mods.
-Audio previews for sound mods;
-Ommatic amount of modes to choose from;
-Exclusive convenient mods;
- Multipacle: "Maximum FPS";
- "heavy" mods from the network right during the installation of mods;
-Graphic settings of the client of the game;
-Launcher - optimizer for tracking new versions of mods and increase FPS in the game.

A little about Pro Tanki

Let's talk about the Channel Pro Tanki and his author Yusha. Yusha in real life works by civil servants and in connection with this can not fully and openly spread about their identity, but something we still know about it. The name of his Yuri, about 1984 born, has 2 higher education (Academy of State Fire Service of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, MSU named after Lomonosov), is engaged in science in the field of security and rescue people (safety of people in housing, cities' security). In addition to tanks, it has other hobbies, such as a snowboard, and he is a commander of the paintball team. How did he ever get into the world of tanks? He fell into the game completely by chance, somewhere in 2010, clicking on the link from some fan resource. The first clan experience he gained in the "Mitsubishi Lancer Club" (in which everyone came from the Lancer club, in it just and consisted at that time Yusha), then there was a top clan "psihy-by". The glory of the waterway came to him thanks to the clan of the aces, then they learned about the channel Pro Tanki. At first, his video was laid out on their channel, and then with a delay on the Pro Tanki channel. Tuys's subscribers who were interested in the creativity of the author "Yusha" Sonya began to subscribe to his channel Pro Tanki, first 1000, then 2000, 3000 and when the figure of 10,000 subscribers came a turning point, their number began to increase in geometric progression. There was a sharp jump to 30 thousand, then the jump to 60 thousand and eventually exceeded for 100 thousand. As the car says it was dispersed and she has already gone. The channel structure is quite simple, there are several columns, but the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe canal to teach people to play tanks and to help them as much as possible. The bulk of the channel subscribers people in 20 years, and the vast majority of them are thirty. Having achieved the popularity of "Pro Tanki" helps to develop new talented vehicles (for example Annetnova, commentator here), laying out their video in your VKontakte group. How was one of the highest quality assemblies of mods? Nothing unusual! To release our own assembly of mods appeared when her subscribers began to ask, at first there was nothing special in it and it was simply an archive with mods. Then users began to ask what would be well changed that, change there and then Pro Tanki understood that it would be good that the user would choose. The first work in principle did not differ from the modpackers of other authors. You can even say that at first he was focused on the template like Job. However, then users began to ask some chips to make the picture displayed when you guide to the mod to have a text description. After that, the Pro Tanki multipacle began to be improved, acquired uniqueness and became one of the most popular and high-quality models in the game.