Split shore. Children's shore in WoW Legion Split Coast Intelligence 7 2


It seemed to be thrown away the strength of the Legion with a split islands. The glow of the flame was badly dull, the demons began to be crowned, but before the final victory far. The split bank is still sisite creatures from inclusive voids, thirsting to devour our world! To arms, Heroes of Azeroth! It's time to donate with the enemy times and forever!

War with the Legion

Upon arrival at the split bank, you will have to fight with hordes of demons and, gradually moving deep into the territory, entrenched and organize an externalpost. In order to do this, you need to have a level 110 character that Cadgar will give a task to pass a single scenario.

Further, continuing the invasion of the split shore, you have to fight Mephystrot, a powerful lord of horror, located on the Helega's aircraft. Most likely, you defeat it, but ... This is the lords of horror, who knows, in what kind of guy will he return back?

After the scenario is completed, you will fall on top of the deliverance. From now on, this is your base on the split shore, from where the combined forces of the Ollotov will make ribs and large-scale attacks on the occupiers. There is also a new faction, the army of the death of the Legion.

Top of deliverance and continuation of the slaughterhouse

Everything around is impregnated with bad. Earth, water, air. The fragments of the former elven civilization, the ruins of growing on the split bank, were the inadequate of dark creatures and non-adhesive spirits. The army of the flaming legion, which should be less, only increases.

In the new location you can perform new local tasks. Awards for them will be ordinary, kind of resources, gold, artifact forces. But not only! You will also receive the seizures of the army of the death of the Legion, as well as a reputation with this fraction. In addition to LANs for these purposes, rare monsters are available, as well as other ways. The supplies will be needed in order to build certain buildings on the split bank.

No step back!

After performing the script, the initial chains and having broken with the supplies, you will be able to start building the buildings necessary to combat the enemy. Three buildings will be available to the selection. Each of which gives certain bonuses and unique tasks. In the construction of buildings not fractions and not even servers, but regions! Yes, one buildings on the whole region. But the contribution of each hero will be valuable and necessary, so think is pretty, before passing the supplies.

After the building is built, players will be able to use his bonuses and benefits for three days. After that, the shock forces of the blazing legion will destroy the building, and the detuning will have to begin again. However, there should be a day between the destruction and the new construction.

And now more about the available buildings:

Tower Made

  • The building gives the effect of "Treasures of the Spruce". It allows you to pass the tests of artifacts, find treasures on the split bank, as well as using portals in the city.
  • One of the effects of the building is "aware". Thanks to this effect, players will be able to find an additional force of the artifact in the dungeons and raids. Not bad!

Command rate

  • The building gives the effect of "Order forces". It allows you to make unique local tasks in the instach, to cause the Fresh Legion forces to fight, as well as perform complex and heavy quests.
  • One of the effects of the building is a "military campaign". Thanks to this effect, players will be able to find additional. Prips for a new fraction.
  • At the rate it is possible to use a strategic map from the squat, sending to the tasks of comrades.

Destroyer emptiness

  • The building gives the effect of "Epic Hunter". It allows you to call for strong bosses, fight them and receive certain awards.
  • One of the effects of the building is "fortified reins." Players will be able to use various objects and items, without transporting transport.

We continue the company

On the split bank, you can continue the company's company and improve your artifact. Those players who managed to reach 25 levels of knowledge will be able to raise knowledge further. Those who have not yet had time to do is be able to pass accelerated training in Dalaran and get 25 levels.

Those players who opened all the talents of the artifact, will be able to get a new task, after which will be able to continue to improve their weapons due to the fact that 4 additional talent will open. And players who did not have time to reach 35 levels of artifacts and open all talents, will be able to perform a special task, which allows you to swing the artifact further.

The campaign of the unfold on the split bank is part of the main plot. After a few weeks you can get a new companion, as well as unique LANs for your class! With this, to perform some of them you will need to interact with other classes.

Flying ship

The awesome ship of the Legion, Czeberex, hangs in heaven over the split islands. By destroying the troops sent from the ship, you can get an item that opens portals to Czeberex. Of these, even stronger creatures will appear. And with them you will receive an item that will call the demons more powerful than previous! In the end, a huge demon will appear on the call, equal to the raid boss.

All this is necessary in order to farm the fragments of the void, the unique currency of the split coast. Among other things available to buy on shards, there are tops on high-level things that will help you start in updating 7.2. And buying a token and making it an object from it, with the help of fragments you can improve it! These are the manapirogs.

Cathedral of eternal night

When starting tasks on the shore are completed, players will have the opportunity to get to the eternal night cathedral. It is not mandatory, but to see a new dungeon, get things, and also to kill meals again - it is worth it! What do you think the ugly demon will soon appear again, eh?

So, gradually and methodically fighting all new and new opponents, the heroes will move up to the tomb of Sargeras, will turn the guard and enter inside. There they are waiting for monstrous creatures whose power does not know borders. But you and the heroes, to fight with such evil spirits, right?

It must be said that with this near Nobody Nastro not for many years. Experiments on this soil have not yet led to any sustainable success. The first location of this kind is the island of Kel'talas, who came out in the first addition, The Burning Crusade. In the same spirit, the ristar from Wotlk and the fiery advanced in Cataclysm are made. The format that can be called "Surk Day". That you mean, took Daleliki, fulfilled, passed, receiving buns and that's it. And so in the course ... In short, until you get bored. It must be said that all this is so imposed in the teeth that there were several zones in Mists of Pandaria in which the quests were very small and there was no everyday obligation. I'm about the island of giants and the timest island. As far as it was interesting? Opinions were divided, especially in relation to the timeless island. One is a person from the fact that it is not necessary to make quests, but you can rush around the island and beat everything that comes on hand. Others wrinkled and remembered the "line" with her merciless grondom. Then there were the Tanan jungle, in which an attempt was made to return to the origins (Kel'talas-Ristashal-Orthodox) with some cosmetic changes.

And here comes a new location, in which the developers promise, the jungle and a timeless island will be combined. And so, what will be on the split bank

Ranniki. What would be where without them? It is quite expected that all nishtyaki will fall from them - the military supplies of the Legion died, the resources of the garrison, and the fragments of the void. Ceake Out The Head is connected with rarits ... which is part of the Breaching The Tomb methachive.

New local tasks. In the database, there are now about 80 new LANs for the split shore.

Building. Collecting a certain number Military supplies died of legion Players will be able to open buildings that in turn give bonuses. The number of resources that can be given per day per building is limited by a number of 100. Then you need to contact the specially trained inappropriate and it activates the building. While it is activated, you can develop other buildings. Then the active building destroy the Demons of the Legion and it must be "built" again. That is, again, farm special resources. What bonuses will give different buildings?

  • Tower Made Opens the Bonus "Treasures of Sprussa". Players will have access to the tests of artifacts for which you can get new looks of artifacts. In addition, the sidewasters will appear on the split bank, which will be all sorts of valuable things, including military supplies and fragments of emptiness. Last - portals in other locations of split islands will be opened in the towers.
  • Command Center Opens the Bonus "Power of the Okloota". This bonus gives access to LANs in the new 5PPL - the Cathedral of the Eternal Night, help in battles against demons in the form of friendly NPCs and the possibility of passing your champions of the whole missions with steep awards.
  • Destroyer emptiness - Bonus "Epic Hunter", which means access to the four global bosses of the split coast (890+ body kit). Unstable portals will also occur, which can be closed by calling for a strong elite. And krafters will be able to receive thank on the creators of armor, which can be changed to the materials necessary for the manufacture of new legens.

New fraction - The army of the death of Legion Complete with a trading point where all kinds of useful and not very objects will sell.

How new location will look like - watch the video below.

If in general then everything. What are the previews? While everything looks rather standard and fresh and again in green-poisonous with black tones. Bay Mobov, get "Currency", buy the desired and not necessary. After a pretty innovative start, I expected something more original than the farm zone in the spirit of the Tanan jungle. Although here I will do PTR, I will look-feeling what there was in kind. Maybe everything is bad.

Patch 7.2.5 On the PTP servers received a release bild. This means that the update is basically ready for the exit. Kuvaldych believes that next week we will see him.

Players need time to get comfortable with class changes and full courage rush to Sargeras's tomb!

By the way, in this Builde added awards for achieving "Glory to the hero of the tomb of Sargeras" - the title is a dropper of the tombs and a toy Micronaks (a miniature ship with a model model of Cerersex).

In the meantime, this week also has something interesting. If you continued to study the artifact from the output of the patch 7.2, this week you will receive 40 rank of artifact knowledge and you can forget about pumping!

Your altitudes can immediately get the 35 rank after studying the corresponding book.

The army campaign of the Legion continues ... and ends: the last chapter "destroy everyone" demands to kill 100 demons on the split bank. The award is 5k of the fragments of emptiness, 1.5k and the ability to start working on a class mount.

How to quickly kill 100 demons?
In the northwestern part of the split shore there is a spider location. We run around the eggs, spawn spiders, pour oo, quickly complete the quest.

The world boss updated and now it is Kalamir, elemental with a bad temper in Azsun. Lut from him so-so, there is no special drill, but why not kill the salmon of the elements?

Moreover, Kalamir is tied to a local quest, and now the Event on local tasks. 20 LAN for 5K resources - suddenly be useful!


  • Titan's blood should now be taken into account in the quest campaign "Defenders of our common cause".
  • To achieve "Loading Grab" you need to find 5 caches instead of 10.
  • Keilek remains visible in the class malicious magicians, even when the player sends it to the mission.
  • Fixed a bug with the appearance of exodar and lunch labels for the quest on the class Mount.

Rulers Mephistot
Gul "Dan (earlier) Belonging
leftyFlaming Legion Location
falseSouth-east of chopped islands Sources: World of Warcraft: Legion

Septy shore, also known as Tal "Dranat - The territory, which was once part of Suramar and is located with the southeastern side of the archipelago of split islands. Unlike other islands, the split bank for ten thousand years is located at the bottom of the ocean, while the hum "Dan during the second war did not raise this island for the sake of access to the tomb of Sargeras.

Several years have passed before the Gul "Dan from Alternative Draenor got to the tomb and opened a huge portal inside it, through which the new invasion of the flaming legion began on Azeroth. The first large-scale battle between demons and mortal people happened. Among the defenders of Azeroth were the Alliance , Horde and Silver Avangard, who underestimated Legion and were crushed.


In ancient times, this land was part of Suramar, and there was a huge temple of Elune, in which priestesses served as its lunar goddess. With the onset of war of the ancient Demons of the Burning Legion, they tried to open the portal inside the temple to encourage reinforcement to Azeroth. Although they managed to develop a complex magic scheme, highborn from Suramar, headed by Alisanda, have created a portal with the help of a pillar of creation and left five strong seals that would not allow demons to re-open it.

When the war of the ancients ended with a great split, the Temple of Eluna and the territory around it found themselves at the seabed, where they held the next thousand years. However, the pressing of highborns was still active and attracted the attention of Egovin, the custodian of the Tiris Fale. She just searched for a place where the remains of Avatar Sargeras can be buried, which won in Nordskol. Egowin decided that the press would be able to neutralize evil, which remained in a dead body, and burned it inside the temple. Since then, this place was called the tomb of Sargeras. When the Guards of the Tiris Fale began hunting for her, Egwin created his refuge here, in which he spent several hundred years.

Second War

The Broken Shore During The Second War.

In the second war, Gul "Dan, who learned about the existence of a tomb, took advantage of the magic to raise the former temple and surrounding areas from the ocean bottom. In the following years, a detachment of the Horde with Draenor, who arrived behind Sargeras's Scepter, Illidan's Skill and Maev Song of Shadows With allies. And Kirin-Tor, and Guardians have learned about the existence of this place and tried to take care that it could not be a threat. Around the tomb set a lot of cunning magic locks and faiths, which forever closed the entrance for thieves, seekers adventure and envoys evil.

Third War

Battle on the split shore

Cadgar warned the leaders of the Alliance and Horde about the beginning of the invasion, and the deaths of Azeroth immediately sent a huge army right on the split bank to deal with the demons, until it was too late. They underestimated the power of the flaming legion and were amazed, seeing a huge number of demons and their advanced technologies. It was not the same Legion at all, with whom they had to fight before.

The army consisted of three large divisions - alliance, hordes and silver avant-garde. Probably, the strength of the silver avant-garde arrived on the split bank was the first and were defeated right during the landing. Few survivors, including the Supreme Lord Tyrion Fordring, were captured. Flying ships of the alliance and hordes, on which the Rinn and Silvana Voshroklay were located were shot down with the help of infernals and magnetic pests. When they collapsed into the ocean, the leaders of the factions were able to escape and fought against demons shoulder to shoulder.

The picture has changed a little by the time how the decontamination of the alliance and hordes arrived on the split coast. Visibility of Rynn and Vol, "Jean, accompanied by allies, held back demons at various points of the island. Reinforcements of the Alliance landed from the southwestern side of the split coast, and hordes - from the southeast. Fighting with demons on the shore and gathering portals, they made their way deep into the island, Where they united with groups that were headed by the probation of the Gin.

Both factions began searching for the hum. "Dana and the destruction of demons in the Black City. Here prisoners from a silver avant-garde were discovered here, who told about defeating and that Tyrion Fordring was captured by the Legion. The Alliance and Horde began to make their way further and came to the place from different sides. Where the Gul "Dan with the help of magic kept Tyrion over the lake of the badge. Grinning over the threats of the leaders of both factions, Gul "Dan allowed the CROS's desired to be called Tyrion Fordring Folding Flame. The Supreme Lord, who tried to call the Light to the rescue, fell into the dark magic lake, feeling how his flesh burns. Although Tyrion has since considered him Dead, avant-garde residues soon found out that he was still alive and tried to free it.

The Alliance and Horde fought with a cross and other demons that came out of the lake of Svesta. Finally, they continued the pursuit of the hum. "Dan, who by that time had already returned to the tomb of Sargeras. Silvanana Vetrostery told Variana Rinna that together with the Horde would take a high ridge over the plateau at the tomb to cover another fraction. Alliance with the Rinn version came out right At the plateau and appeared before the hum. "Dan, who called for his help a huge number of powerful demons. The Horde managed to take the specified ridge, and the archers of Silvana defended the Alliance from the attacks of the foul rotary from heaven. But the horde suddenly discovered that the demons had made a new portal with one side of the ridge and called for reinforcements. Concept Art Tomb Sargeras

In the rank of battle, Rynn decided to call another flying ship of the Alliance for reinforcement and instructed Genn Sedogriva to inform Silvana that her archers should cover the ship with their arrows. The Alliance did not see that the Horde fights with a lot of demon right on the ridge. The will "Jin was mortally wounded with a poisoned spear, and other leaders continued the battle with difficulty. Silvanana Voshroktaya raised the will" Gina on his horse, and he asked her to ensure that the Horde would not die on this day finally. Silvana had to take a difficult decision when she listened to the will "Gina and watched new detachments of demons. Finally she looked into her horn and called on the Val" Cyrus, who began to move the wounded in a safe place, and then gave an order to retreat.

The ridge, left the Horde, was instantly busy with demons, and Rynn, who did not know what happened on top, considered that the Horde threw them on the battlefield. Without the support of the alliance, there was no longer a chance of battle against the Legion, and ordered the troops to retreat through the flying ship. Although King Rinn managed to cling to the rope staircase, he saw the Gul "Dan with a smirk called with the heavens of a huge burrow, who grabbed the ship with his hand and forced many alliance soldiers to fall down. Options understood that without destroying his fracture will be destroyed, and decided To sacrifice the sake of her salvation. Quickly rising upstairs, he handed him a letter to Henn to Anguin, prepared in advance, after which jumped down.

His clint chalamyin pierced the head of the sorrow and achieved the fact that the alliance ship was released from capturing. The king fell down and turned out to be a face to face with a hum "Dan, defended by the demons. Options, dividing Chalanyne for two swords, tried to break through to the warlock and destroy it. He struck several demons before his chest pierced by the blades. Globracy" Dan came up To the dying variano, and stated that he would remember him as the king, who gave his life was wasted. Rynn looked at the challenge directly in the eyes of the Gul "Dana and said his last words:" For the Alliance! ". The warlock filled the body of a problem with a huge number of badges, which made him die in the flour and caused a magic outbreak, seen from flying ships and Gennic Sedogry, and Silvane vengeryl.

After the first battle, the heroes of Azeroth have repeatedly visited the shore, to try to save someone or get the artifacts necessary for victory over the burning legion. For example, Paladin, which will later become the head of the Knights of the Silver Dlann, went here to find Tyrion Fordring, captured by the demons and lost aiower. The famous sword managed to find and use in the battle with Balnazar, although they had a swiss and managed to escape. But Tyrion suffered too much and soon died, before his death, announcing the hero, who saved him, the new owner of the agel.

The history of Walaryarov is connected with the shore, the future leader of which went here along with the famous warrior from his faction, which Voiks Saurfang and Danat Trolleba. Here the hero met with a squad of the Vurekulov, fought with the demons, and almost died in battle. But Val "Kira, sent Odin, did not give him to die and brought to the drawings of valor.

A hunter for demons was soon on the split bank, headed by the awakened Illidari during the lack of Illidan. The hero was to fight with a traitor named Kariya the default soul to take possession of the Aldrachian battle blades. Verisa Vetroktaya, who wanted to find his breathable sister allery, began searching from a split coast, from where it was possible to get into Niscu - the world belonging to the Legion, where the allery was captured by rumors. Although she could not find her sister, with Niscars, her bow, Tas "Dora was delivered. The Knights of the Black Blade were headed in this world to take possession of the damned eater - a huge torrent that was in the hands of one of the local demons named Gorteiks.

Gul "Dan, together with the Council of Share, attempted to open an even more portal for the Legion with the help of a ritual, in which Sargeras Scepter was used, the book of Mediva and Oko Dalaran. Directly at the entrance to the tomb there are many demons and servants of the Legion, who defended the process of conducting the ritual. But the Warlock from the Council of the Gloomy harvest was able to assure an ally, to penetrate the rows of the Council of Shadows and threw the ritual when the Gul "was given to him to use the Scepter, because he had supported the creation of portals from Argus himself. With the help of a Scepter, the hero destroyed many demons and participants of the Council of Shadows before escaped from the split coast.


Maps and subzones

Map of split bank

In Game

Message paths

Camp Aalgen Top deliverance Top of ignition

Priest regions


Prominent figures

Main article: Calm Coast Nip


Main article: Children's Task Children


A source Thing Skill profession
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The Legion finally added a new patch 7.2, and players from all over the world received the long-awaited opportunity to be diluted with a burning legion for the past defeat. Now the demons will not be able to hide from hundreds and thousands of those who want to pofarmit a new currency - the fragments of emptiness, as well as those who want to simply perform quests or get to new dungeons. This guide will help you understand all the novelties related to the arrangement of the base on the split bank, as well as the implementation of local tasks and pharmacies of the new currency.

How to get on the split bank, where to start?

First of all, you need the character of the maximum 110 level. Going through such a character to the game after the release of the patch 7.2, you will soon receive a message from Kadgar and with him the quest sending you to a split bank. Quest does not represent difficulties - you just need to complete the script by beating the legion a piece of a split shore for the construction of the base. After the base is built, you will open all the new local tasks, hunting for mini bosses, as well as events with a pharmaceutical empty fragments that are needed to buy equipment or toys of the new fraction.

On your database on a split bank, you will also get a few simple disposable tasks, with which you will open new flight points in the new location and get some pieces of emptiness or supplies to build buildings based on the basis.

Among others, there will be a quest " Separate shore: intelligence", the essence of which comes down with knocking out the subject of the mysterious covered crochet. This scroll can fall from any inhabitant of a split coast.

Rare Mobs Hunt

From time to time on the map you will notice badges in the form of green skulls - these are rare mobs that bear with them exactly what you need - resources, currency, and sometimes even accidental equipment. Alone, you can hardly manage to cope with one such mini-boss, so it makes sense to hunt several friends or just wait when other players seemble. Sometimes the mini bosses hunt whole groups of players - you can also simply follow them and help in battle.

Rare mobs are also necessary to perform the achievement of "penetration into the tomb", and one of them named Lord Hel'nurat even pulls one of the coloring options for the Class Mount of Warlocks (you can read more in our guide dedicated to Class Mounts).

Also, after the emptiness destroyer is built on the basis, new world bosses will be available, which may well fall the level of the 890+ level equipment.

Local tasks on the split bank

The essence of local tasks has not changed from the fact that now they are on the split bank - you also get certain useful items and a reputation with the local fraction. Also, the fragments of the emptiness and the supplies of the army of the sentence of the Legion are also added to the usual resources of the Otlota, the strength of the artifacts, gold and random items of the Element. For experienced pettles, pets also slipped something - there are three new opponents with powerful pets on the split bank.

All available local tasks are displayed on the location map and now it is the only means for pumping reputation with a new fraction, except for some disposable quests.

Farm fragments of emptiness

As soon as you visit two new merchants on your base on a split bank, as you immediately understand that the first thing you need exactly the fragments of emptiness. The fact is that for this currency, new toys and a whole chamber of various objects of equipment are sold, including epic and legendary quality. Rare Blue Equipment can be bought for only 400 fragments of emptiness, but usually can only be calculated on the subject with random characteristics of the 860 level. If you want to get something really powerful, you will have to lay out 5,000 empty fragments at once, but there is a chance that such an object will become legendary. However, you yourself can make an epic equipment legendary, although it is already 8,000 fragments. Answering a reasonable question "Where to take such a mountain of fragments?" He is farm.

So, fragments alive only with ordinary demons, which are full of flocks from low-level portals. At this stage, you may have difficulty in the form of other players of the opposite faction, from which the demons stop bringing you at least some benefits. To avoid such situations, you can simply choose a couple of portals, next to whom there is no one, as well as collect a group on Farm of fragments and already detect mobs from representatives of the enemy faction. Classes with powerful oo - warlocks, warriors, monks, etc., as well as tanks that must keep everything will appear from the portals, can be the greatest benefit.

After you are pofarmatized fragments at every point of the appearance of "Cerersex", you will be asked for the achievement of "loyal lights."

If you do not have time and desire to farm the fragments of emptiness, you can delegate this work to us. You can order a farm of fragments of emptiness on this page.

Bads of split shore

Along the split bank, various items that can help you with the farm of fragments and the fulfillment of local tasks are scattered, the main thing is to know what to look for.

First, you can find the elven sanctors - if you apply the luminous sphere in one of them, you will receive for 1 hour the BAU, which can increase the damage applied, reduce the resulting damage, as well as increase all major or additional characteristics.

Secondly, desecrated flowers and books can also strengthen your abilities, but they increase the resulting damage or reduce the maximum health amount during their actions - think if there are such bumba.

Thirdly, if you meet a single green kernel lying on Earth, let's grab, without thinking - with it, you can apply a huge damage to any opponent in a small area, but only once, after which you will need to find a new core.

Also, do not forget to write off the caches scattered throughout the location - you can find gray items with a good value in gold, the resources of the whole, the fragments of the emptiness or the seizures of the army of the Legion.

Farm of reputation with the army of the death of the Legion

The reputation with the new fraction is pumped as slowly, as well as reputation with nightburn, but it is necessary to do this if you want to get the opportunity to fly by split islands and the opportunity to buy new toys.

Pumping out the reputation is very simple - with the help of local tasks on the split bank, however, there are some more ways to do it. The first way is to perform disposable quests that are associated with the main plot location, and which open up gradually until the opening of the new raid is the tombs of Sargeras. The second method is associated with your class stronghold, but it depends solely on a random probability - the quests with a reward in the form of reputation may appear among the quests for comrades in the slip, and sometimes it is a reputation with a new fraction.

Try to regularly visit the split bank in order to quickly open the flights on the split islands.

Arrangement of the base on the split bank

As soon as you appear on your base on the split bank, you will be able to invest the seats of the army of the Legion in the construction of one of the special buildings - the tower of the magicians, the command of the command or the destroyer of the emptiness. Each building will allow you to move into the plot of a split shore and approach the flights on the split islands.

Deciding which building will be first built, proposed to all players of your gaming world, so if everyone decided to invest the supplies in the tower of magicians, it is she will be the first. You can get supplies using local tasks or from the caches - you will need 100 units. In order to invest in construction. In addition to the progress of one of the buildings, you will get a chest with a random object of equipment and a reputation with a local fraction, so save the supplies - useful.

As soon as the building is built, you will get significant bonuses that will be discussed below, but the demons try to destroy the building. If the building is destroyed, you will have to repair it, which also requires the infusion of supplies, but the bonuses are worth it.

1) magician tower

Mages tower - useful thing. It can provide you with portals in all locations of split islands, as well as in Dalaran. Also, the tower of magicians will allow you to undergo single tests, the award in which are new looks for artifact weapons. And as a small bonus, you can find more caches with resources on the territory of the split shore.

If the tower is already built, talk to the Cheyimbers commander nearby to get one of the boughs that the allotted time act or until the tower will destroy the demons:

1. Awritten - you get more artifacts in the raids and dungeons of split islands.

2. Overflowing power - you get more artifacts for the execution of local tasks.

3. Decent respect - you get 30% more reputation with the army of the Legion died whenever it is accrued.

4. Like Pufflinka - you get the opportunity to ride water if you are on the Mount.

2) command bid

The command rate is also a good help for heroes, providing the Bonus "Order Forces". This bonus will open for you additional local tasks in the dungeons on the split bank, as well as during the battle outside the dungeons on the split bank you will be helped with ordinary NPS representatives of your class. Additional tasks for comrades with good awards will also open in the class opt.

Just as in the case of the magician tower, building a command bid, you can choose one of the additional plays:

1. Military campaign - you get more supplies of the army of the death of the Legion, which will allow them to invest in construction more often.

2. Decent defenders - Quests for comrades in malt can bring you a legendary equipment for comrades.

3. Powerful strengthening - performing local tasks on the split shore, you with some probability will get the Runa of amplification, which will come in handy in the heroic and epochal raids.

4. Full readiness - all your characteristics increase by 10% while you are on the territory of the split bank.

3) Empty Destroyer

Competition two other buildings is the destroyer of emptiness - the magical focus, which in the plot perfectly copes with the demons, and the gameplay is a source of good bonuses. First, the destroyer causes 4 new world bosses on the split bank, from each of which you can knock out an 890+ level equipment. Secondly, portals appear on the split bank, of which mini bosses may appear, with them a lot of resources. Thirdly, players with a pumped profession allowing making equipment will be able to get a letter of Bronnik, necessary for the manufacture of legendary equipment.

The rebuilt destroyer of emptiness will also give you the opportunity to choose one of several additional bonuses:

1. Detected their fate - once a day you can get an additional seal of broken fate, which is used to obtain additional items in the raids. You will receive the seal provided that the building was not destroyed by demons.

2. Fate smiles to you - when using printing in the raid, you can return it back, if instead of the subject you fell out the power of artifacts.

3. Frequency - whenever you get the fragments of emptiness, there is a possibility that you will receive additional fragments.

4. The fortified reins - allows you to interact with objects and collect resources while riding a mount.

The magic tower is necessary for the early development of the content of Patch 7.2, and it is also useful if you need more artifacts. The command rate will significantly simplify your daily visits to the split shore and provide additional strengthening of comrades. The destroyer of emptiness is necessary, first of all, to obtain additional and improved equipment, helping the fastest to wear its character.

On this guide about the split shore comes to an end, but in the future he can get an update. We hope that our guide turned out to be useful for you.