Top best MMO games. Top MMORPG for all platforms. Video games Life Is Feudal: MMO

  • 10 - Sea of \u200b\u200bThieves
  • 9 - Revelation.
  • 7 - Kingdom Under Fire 2
  • 6 - Conqueror's Blade
  • 5 - Icarus.
  • 4 - LOST ARK
  • 3 - Blade and Soul
  • 2 - Lineage 2
  • 1 - World of Warcraft

The modern gaming market is so overshadowed that it is almost impossible to find something unusual and standing. But still there are masterpieces of the industry, which is worth paying attention to.

Our top presents the best MMORPG 2019, among which you will meet both classic projects in the usual setting and new names with large ambitions and a good start. Therefore, we will miss a long joining and go immediately to the point.

6.4 Evaluation

At the tenth place, a pirate simulator at open aquatic expanses, which has become an exclusive product from Microsoft. The game has every chance to become interesting:

  • Unusual setting about Corsaars and Yo-Ho-ho;
  • System of cooperative boardages;
  • Not bad graphics;
  • Detailed study of quests and element of Deadline (8 hours for the task, which is almost nothing unknown).
  • Clockwork and not particularly documencing music.

But there is only one drawback, which spoils all the advantages of SOT - the banal lack of content. Most quests annoyed after a couple of days of gameplay, because You already imagine what is where it is and who needs it at all.

Gold, with difficulty produced in the process of avautting between the islands, it is necessary only to buy skins on weapons and a ship.

The latter also has no value. Shot during Abordaja? Get new completely free. Therefore, the interest is slowly, but confidently goes out in a week.

Then why was the game turned out to be in the tenth place? She is fully prospect. If the developers take into account the wishes of the community, they will simplify the pumping, they will add content and make contractions more intense (now they are only time to take), then Sea of \u200b\u200bThieves has every chance to break through into local tops by Europe and the CIS. Given that Microsoft is now actively developing game activities, the chances of meeting the requirements of players are very high.

7.8 Evaluation

  • An impressive menu of creating and customization of the character
  • Very comfortable quest system (everything you need is near the hero)
  • Spells are pumped as they use
  • No restrictions on flights
  • Extensive selection of combat and peaceful processions
  • Mass PVP battles
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Publisher in Russia - Mail.Ru
  • Bruep with various "membrane" attributes (panda caps, Doge and Kim Chen Ira)
  • Outbupping Donata.
  • High Online Requirements

The line above is the Chinese MMORPG, in which the national color is massively prevailing, and the content is based on its single and massive PVP battles. If you previously stayed in the Olympics in Lineage 2, then you will probably rate it.

There are practically no questions to the scene part of the game, because with the help of the main tree of quests to swing you will be cheerfully and without a special look for Gund.

The goal of the project is to save the players from the tedious and long-term cursing of monsters, killing precious mice and keyboards at the next ridiculous death.

Everything is much simpler: you "from the diaper" teach to be a tricky skillful fighter, simultaneously demonstrating the features of the gameplay and key mechanics of the universe. Even on the walls jump allowed and flying where it swings, just faster to the key location to get.

But there is one huge disadvantage in Revelation - Russian localizers in the face of Mail.Ru, who took a great setting with an unusual combat system and the coolest PVP mode, created a kind of misunderstanding and set all the donatas.

If it were not for him - everything would be different, because The audience project really went. But fighting those who bought the "Kill All" button does not particularly pull.

8.0 Evaluation

  • Classical MMORPG without jewelry, simplifications and whistle
  • The deepest atmosphere of the world and locations
  • Detailed history of each character and an interesting research system
  • Developed social component
  • Talented development team
  • Very high threshold of entering the plot and gameplay
  • Angular animations of battles
  • Outdated engine and middle picture

The MMORPG rating continues an ambitious product from the creator of the cult Ultima Online Lord British. At one time, this is the most honored among the old-timers, Gamer invented the concept of "multiplayer role-playing game" itself, and also invented a few more game player postulates, but we will not go into history.

What awaits us in Sota? Yes, almost all the same, for which "hardcores" adore games in the spirit of Dark Souls, the Witcher and Dragon Age (without the Inquisition):

  1. System of dialogs and quests Magic
  2. Each in-game NPC is caused by delight
  3. The complexity is simply colossal: the plot is so deep and tangled that only all your free time goes in search of suitable characters.

But why only 8th place? And because the complexity of cosmic: quests are not highlighted, the locations are not highlighted, the monsters are hit very pain, and the combat system does not shine casual. The game is interesting to Gicks and lovers to study the parties of light on MCU on the trees, but the rest of the audience in 2019 requires something more easily, and therefore the British spent remained just not noticed.

But if you are a fan from RPG with the deepest plot and stunning dialogues - do not miss.

8.6 Evaluation

  • Unusual gaming mechanics combining several styles
  • Stunning graphics
  • Excellent optimization for mid-system
  • Epic mass battles
  • Kraft items are really interesting and places needed.
  • Huge selection of rolling groups
  • Complex combat system for thoughtful learning
  • Slow pumping
  • At the moment, not the best location
  • Lack of autly system

From the complexity of the role-playing to the complexity of the setting. If you are tired of one-grade MMORPG of varying degrees of popularity, but the hands are instinctively looking for how to take themselves, try a mad Hybrid RPG and RTS from the Korean Studio BlueSide. If you think that you will be given to you to manage the army and grinding monsters, then you think correctly. It is for this that KUF2 is aimed, if not to take into account the siege. And they are epic to madness.

It's all cool gameplay: and you can run away myself, and the detachments of support in the bushes can be attached to shoot out onions or siege machines. Another thing is that the troops in the game is a huge amount, and everyone needs to be pumped. Ideally, up to 30 levels inclusive and 5 stars, respectively.

Lesson is long, resource-intensive and nervous, and therefore many are broken and focusing almost on the starting army.

But all your wounds will be justified as soon as we manage to participate in the first global PVP battle at least 4 by 4. Here are our own strength and the ability to dispose of squads, and incistent, and there is nothing to do with voice chats and combine the forces Because the troops should be unique for each member of the group, otherwise you will simply damn it). Here Kuf2 reveals himself in all its glory.

9.4 Evaluation

  • Unusual and interesting mixture of RPG and RTS
  • Unusual feeding plot and laura characters
  • Huge amount of siege technology
  • Ability to manage your own army using any tactics and strategy
  • Large-scale modes 15x15 players and mass siege
  • High threshold entry into the game (very hardcore gameplay)
  • Applying system requirements
  • Publisher in Russia - Mail.Ru

Another example of the fusion of the genres of the strategy and RPG, which is located on the 6th place Top 10 client MMORPG. If in Kingdom Under Fire 2, the stop walked to the fighting, then the policies arrive here at the head. And where she, there and intrigue, betrayal, espionage, poverty games, dragging the blanket, and that's all. And all this nodes from China, which is already invoking, because Local studios have long been learned to make a quality product.

In essence, you are not even MMORPG and MMOWG (War Game), where the main role is assigned to the commander.

The commander-in-chief required to pump and develop that his ability to safely affect the troops. It is necessary to parallel to develop 3 skill branches, namely the attack, protection and following. Yes, and the wards you can build in battle as you consider it necessary, which automatically increases your tactical skills and gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba strategy and a successful moment for the attack.

An additional feature has become fashionable now the Non-target system, which is rather demanding of the accuracy:

  • Missed by requested - minus charge.
  • I decided to get on a moving goal - take into account the protection.

Lovers of such games will be delighted. Yes, and each character is registered as a person with his idios, character and weaknesses.

8.8 Evaluation

  • A huge number of mounts
  • Stunning graphics
  • Thoughtful combat system
  • Cool PVE content for every taste
  • Universal classes and lack of weak characters
  • Very slow pumping
  • High system requirements
  • Sad-well-known localizer in Russia

The second top five of the best MMO opens a project rather famous in the CIS, which as soon as they did not call: and the bus, and Dracar, and Grindilus. But the toy from this did not lose in relevance or in beauty. That's just what you see on your monitors is the second iteration of the project, because The debut with a crash fell back in Korea, without coming to local and western markets.

Despite the familiar mechanics, it is interesting in the game, and each class is universal and practically does not depend on the team. Those. Party pumping is present, but a heale can without any particular problems to join the monsters, and the tank does not chop out health glasses on the grains, causing a harsh damage with a weapon.

The main feature of ICARUS - Mountains.

The game provides for several NPCs that will teach you to call the winged and four-legged pets at first. Each animal has its own characteristics and requires pumping. You can wear particularly interesting animals with time, jump and seal into your own armor, adding several bonuses to the already available stats. And now imagine that someone got a pair of luxury dragons and wants to insert them into armor. From this you need to stay away.

The game is a little annoying only slow narration. The developers direct text say that the player does not hurry, enjoying the beauties of Midlas and recognized something new. But periodically I want to speed up the pace ... But it doesn't work without donata.

9.4 Evaluation

  • Stylistics as in Diablo 3
  • Thoughtful system of classes and archetypes
  • Abundance of content on earth and water
  • Cool dungeons and quests
  • Cool dungeons and quests
  • No restrictions in PVP, which will pound a low-level audience
  • The system of automatic selection of the command for the application works mediocre
  • The game is still in the ZBT on the Korean servers (the localization is appropriate)

We move to the 4th place to top the best MMORPG on a PC and see here an interesting project that is equally similar to both Diablo 3 and on the flyage Eternal in the summer. The game is highlighted by an interesting plot and steep cat-scenes, which fully reveal all the ideas of the main characters, villains and all the other approximations. Yes, and the quests here did not pumped up, because Most of them are not similar to each other, and the tasks in the spirit of "kill 10 kabanov" are practically not found.

Classes are not so much. Rather, basic archetypes with pumping mechanics as in Lineage 2. From the tenth level, you take one of the 3 classes, and then gradually bring it to that condition that meets all the requirements and style of the game. From the skills also depends "Utalt". Some of the heroes, it is only one and inexpressible, while others have 3 super-admission with a storage effect.

If you shoot a full charge, then there will be little opponent. The main thing is to accumulate this charge.

There are practically no complaints to PVP and PVE-content in Lost Ark. Just fighting at low levels in the arena is useless, because No restrictions on equipment, classes and pumping there are not provided there. Who is stronger is right.

The "Ark" has only one drawback - status. The project is still in Bethe, and Korean. Before the CIS, the project will officially get only next year. But if the desire is huge - master the VPN and local language.

8.4 Evaluation

  • Steep characters editor and the ability to save presets
  • A large number of races and classes of characters
  • Really interesting plot that wants to follow
  • No standard classes like a tank, heale and dd
  • Cool graphics and optimization
  • Mad speaker similar to the fights
  • A huge number of types of currency (and, accordingly, trading NPC)
  • Morphying items - a very tedious process
  • The game is demanding on the free time to explore your character.
  • No skills and coordinated action in the dungeon to do nothing

Honorary Bronze gets a collection of Korean color, in which almost all attributes and clichés of modern MMORPG managed to place. Here and men with breasting muscles and a three-meter sword in advance, and ladies with legs from ears and even seams are available, who call on their cats. In general, the damn itself will be broken, but this does not interfere at all.

Chip of the game (and the most controversial part) - a combat system. She is insanely dynamic, almost like in Bayonetta, but at the same time complicated. Each class has 8 starting skills, which chaotically change depending on the situation:

  • You have risen - the set has been updated;
  • A couple of new blows from absent again were shot down.

As a result, it is possible to file such a combo, as at the time of Mortal Kombat on the PlayStation (and how did it work out at all?).

The game is almost perfect in all aspects, if you do not take into account the rather boring system of craft and morph items. But this is more than paying off a stunning plot campaign and a huge amount of quests that help better reveal ENT BNS. When NCSoft is taken for business, very suitable products are obtained.

8.4 Evaluation

  • Giant seamless world
  • Huge number of locations for single and group pumping
  • Regular raids, events and instances
  • Each race has a unique set of skills and buffs.
  • Thousands of armor items, weapons and jewelry
  • One of the best clan systems among MMO
  • Beautiful and realistic graphics
  • Class dependence
  • Kill anyone else and at any time
  • Requires a lot of time to master
  • Most quests are primitive

And since we started talking about NCSOFT, then allow you to introduce you to another representative of a masterpiece studio, which is located at the honorable second place to top the best MMORPG online games. It would seem that the people seek the outgoing year and meets the next, but all new multiplayer games are mercilessly leaving the old man from 2003. And all because the studio managed to raise the bar as high as possible.

15 years for MMO - an archive period, and therefore had to listen to players and make the appropriate conclusions. As a result of Lineage split into 2 completely different games:

  1. Classic is focused on nostalgic hardcores who love to sit on sideways and "grinding" mobs.
  2. Additionally, the oil in the fire poured the fresh update of the Battle for azeroth, which further extended the plot effect already not the most boring game.

    The emergence of new races and characters, new plot quests, locations like Kul-Tiras, regular intrigues, alliances and decorations on the battlefield, because the alliance and the horde are still sworn enemies that are able to unite only at the sight of a critically dangerous enemy like Sargeras.

    Actually, the last and became the culprit of BOA, Ranniv Titan, from which the Azerite began to be frozen.

    The fleeting of the player will learn at least a week of real-time. What will happen if you want to know more about your race? Risk to lose touch with reality is very long. Traditionally for the game, the main focus is made on PVE-content, and therefore do not refuse himself in the development of nearby territories. And let the graphic leaves much to be desired, but the spirit of adventure and many familiar characters with more than compensate for the outdated picture.


    MMORPG genre is an unpacious field for developers in which you can create anything, but for some reason no first year they use tracing with L2 and WOW, demonstrating, with rare exception, the same. Although recently an unusual branch appeared like cooperatives (Sea of \u200b\u200bThieves), or RPG and RTS hybrids (Kingdom Under Fire 2). It is they who will ask the trends soon, because the player - a man capricious and wants to play only into an exclusive product.

    In our top of free and paid MMORPG 2019, there are a dozen proven by time and gamers of projects in which you want to stay for a long time. Why did not include such popular games like Tes Online, Albion and others? Probably, they are not good enough: somewhere they do not reach, somewhere bend, although they have all the chances of "shoot" in perspective due to the setting and mechanics.

    Comparison of characteristics

06/16/2019 at 10:00 · VeraschegoLeva. · 200

10 most popular MMORPG in the whole history of the genre

Many computer fans are in the so-called "Astral", not wanting to return from the world of fantasies into reality. Still, modern toys have achieved this quality of graphics and islage of the gameplay that ordinary life may seem at first glance too simple and gray.

And in this regard, a genre that allows the player to be someone else and anywhere, to do what it considers it is necessary.

You can create a character that most reflects your inner world or alter ego and pump it on the principles and parameters that only wish.

Today we give the 10 most popular toys in the MMORPG genre, which will stay for a long time by pets from fans.

10. Tera.

Tera. - Gorgeous colorful "Maid in Korea", which critics attributed a qualitatively new supply of the genre of MMORPG.

Of course, not all the developers expectations were justified, but high quality graphics, a fabulous atmosphere and thoughtful characters allow the project to keep popularity to this day.

In addition, the game demonstrates complete Russian-speaking localization than many other games can not boast.

It is noteworthy that Tera was one of the discoverers of the battle system by Non-Target. But now, with the release of updates, the game pleases with cruel and saturated fights between the players, the rules for which at one time thought out the old good Lineage 2.

Here you and the siege, and the development of places for massaches, and the walkers of the guilds at each other. And all this is against the background of a specific Asian filing game with a slope on appetizing female characters.


Of course, Russian fans of the genre have little heard about the game RUNE SCAPEBut the world she walks enough confidently for how many years.

A successful hybrid works well as a separate client and a browser game. The brainchild of Jagex Studio managed to even get on the pages.

Distinctive properties The classic game in the genre of MMORPG practically does not demonstrate, if only because at the time of its announcement, the developers were pioneers. That is, the player receives the most standard set of crafts, pumping, lute, as well as those who have loved battle systems, such as PVP and PVE.

Despite the monotony of the game, it still exists, updated and finds his fans.

8. Neverwinter.

Like game fans Neverwinter. They complained about the quality, but the idea itself and the plot simply could not but glorify it.

Developers from the Chinese company PERFECT WORLD invested in the brainchild with all persistence. And the unique universe was dedicated to everyone who was loved by all D & D.

Setting fans with pleasure ascend to the toy with friends, gathering in the guild and pumping the character on the complex system of skills. And the dynamic battle system on a familiar type Non-target can not leave indifferent: you can epic wave a sword, shoot with fiery balls and apply another diverse weapon.

The key feature of Neverwinter online is the ability to pass session together with friends, enjoying sharp plot turns.

7. Aion.

Project Aion. It appeared as a result of encroachment to the market, conquered by such MMORPG such as World of Warcraft.

The developers of Aion, Asians from the NCSoft Corporation, decided to develop a loved style game, offering players 2 factions with a stop at the dungeon and passing plot quests.

Completely "nyashny" Korean gameplay combines the opportunity to have a house, make flights to long-term distances, pump the hero on the class system.

The world Aion is represented in the form of a split pressure of the planet. The hero can create a beautiful character in a unique editor, which also contributes to the moderate system requirements of the game.

6. Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn

Cut about the cult Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn There is even no sense - to each lover of MMORPG one name of the saga helps to feel the most pleasant nostalgic emotions.

Of course, many players from the post-Soviet space are perplexed why their overseas colleagues so furiously defend the leadership of each "Finalki" update. Nevertheless, the version of A Realm Reborn did not leave even a Russian person indifferent.

The developers tried to fame, restarting and reworing the existing world. So, the planet from the past parts was attacked by a meteorite, after which the characters were found in a significantly better and beautiful world with an interesting class system in the best Asian style.

5. Black Desert.

Korean MMORPG beat all records in our ranking, and Black Desert. (Black desert) did not exception. Players were ready to "" and make pre-orders, just to enjoy all the buns promised from developers.

Of course, not everything turned out perfectly - in the world the release of the game can be considered a deplorable, which you can not say about the post-Soviet space. Russians enjoy the breathtaking graphics, complete freedom of PvP Drak and, of course, a huge open space.

The battle system on the Non-Target type has reached again, so that it can be envied in detail worked out single slanes.

4. Blade & Soul

For the rich game Blade & Soul. Fans are ready not only to modify computers, but also to Korean to learn. The developers of the game from NCSOFT were visible visible by the idea of \u200b\u200bnationalism, as the multiplayer did not prepare for a long time.

Of course, now MMORPG masterpiece is available in English and even Russian. Many fans believe that the coolest combat system is implemented in Blade & Soul.

Also interesting and the style of the game, which is a rattle combination of Kung Fu art, anime and manga. And, of course, they have not disappeared anywhere to all the dungeons and PVP mode.


The game Guild Wars 2. "Western Type" from Arena Net is a shot of interesting and non-trivial ideas that have provided her success over the years. Most of the quests are available in the open world, that is, you do not need to take the first tasks for "Kacha" from NPC.

The combat system is represented by an interesting mixture of Non-Target and Target. And then the character's skills will depend not only from the chosen class, but also from the pumped weapon.

True, a significant disadvantage of the game is the lack of localization.


The cult series "Scroves" became the primary pressure on the genre - hundreds of thousands of fans around the world remember her with nostalgia.

It is not surprising that the developers have released an online version of TES with an open world, where fans can board the expanses of Morrowind and Skyrima on their favorite characters created in the editor.

Gameplay game THE ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE Something resembles a mixture of the Skyrim himself with WoW. It was not without the epic main plot and side quests for a cooperative.

There are also terrible bosses, and the struggle of the guilds behind the capital of the Empire, and the system of dungeons with Skoton. Lovers worked and Russified TES, for which they thank you some.


Ends our rating one of the most famous MMORPG games World of Warcraft.which is always included in the tops of the ratings around the world.

Despite the fact that the schedule is a little outdated, there is no normal subscription system, and the game balance is tired of changing, the fans are still ready to break into the quests and dungeons from Blizzard.

Beautiful music, colorful and beautifully drawn world, fabulousness and a full-fledged system of skill-races makes the game, do not happen, legendary.

At the moment, MMORPG is characterized by an open and dynamic playing world, so the time for pumping perks leaves less and less.

As a result, competition increases in the indicated genre, which leads to annual updating of the rating of the most popular games.

And yet there remain unchanged leaders who collect hundreds of thousands of fans from around the world, forcing them to spend precious hours of life on virtual battles.

Choosing readers:

Why do some games indulge in oblivion, and others are visible from afar after dozens of years? Most likely, the answer to this will have its own. Some will argue about the quality of the product, the second will tell about the lack of advertising or its execution, but the third will simply turn into the third that the games have long been rid. But, despite the helpful unsuccessfulness of many new ones, there are many games that remain in demand to this day.


Unsurpressed in terms of popularity, great and terrible World of Warcraft is still on top of any MMORPG game genre. Neither obsolete graphics, nor a full-fledged subscription system, nor constant restructuring of the gaming balance.


The appearance of "scrolls" in the form of online games was only a matter of time. And relatively recently long-awaited phenomenon still happened. This allowed the fans of the famous universe together to trample the favorite trails of Skyrim and Morrowind, biting a sweet roll. Let The Elder Scrolls Online did not become the most popular MMORPG in the world, but it can be said with confidence that among the classical representatives of the genre this game occupies second place today.

To speak briefly, the game itself is the Skyrim and World of Warcraft hybrid. There is both a full-fledged epic history history of the main series, and many activities for a joint game. "Danza", world bosses, behind the capital of the Empire and much more.

But the game is valuable not only by all of these and the quality of your performance. It is especially valuable that many locations from the Elder Scrolls Universe are first appear here (not counting Daggerfall). And they make it, sparkling with all the beauties of modern graphics. The Elder Scrolls Online officially did not reach, but thanks to the amateur translation, many can plunge into this world in their native language.


Guild Wars 2 is one of the most successful attempts to encroach on the World of Warcraft throne. And even though the throne remained in its place, this MMORPG "Western" type has won considerable popularity. Developers from Arenanet managed to dilute the usual fresh ideas, which allows the game to be successful for a long time.

For example, most quests in the game do not even need to start at the usual NPC. Instead, players, exploring, simply help each other, connecting to the already started tasks. It also represents an interesting Target hybrid and, and the skills depend not only from the class, but also from weapons. In general, Guild Wars 2 is a very strong project, overshadow acquaintance with which only the absence of localization can. And both in fact and the plans.

4. Blade & Soul

5. Black Desert.

Black Desert has covered the boiling point of the Renaissance. After and, this game suffered the title of the last hope of the genre. In our areas, people updated computers and offset the sets of early access, just to see everything promised by the developers. Of course, the game came out not so ideal what she was waiting for her.

Throughout the world, Black Desert occupies a deplorable position, but in the CIS is the flagship of the newest MMORPG. Such popularity game helps to keep the smart picture for the genre, the long-awaited free PVP and the open world. Cherry on the cake is one of the best non-target combat systems, which even single can envy. All this makes Black Desert one of the perfect options for those who are not familiar with this genre, but I would like to know him. The main thing is to be sure that PC is capable of this.

6. Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn

Talk about the popularity of Final Fantasy is like talking about what is "Nokia" or "Mercedes". And let most of the players from the CIS scratch the back of the head, not understanding why the whole world is going crazy from every "final", the very world does not interfere. Therefore, Final Fantasy 14: A Realm, which is MMORPG, is well-deserved in the rays of glory. That's just it turned out to achieve success, not immediately.

Initially released Final Fantasy 14 was such a quality that was far from corresponding to the eminent series. As a result, the authors of the game restarted it by ascribing to the name of the subtitle A REALM Reborn. And the existence of the old world ceased rather epic manner, dropping a meteorite on him. Now the game is pleased with the players with a unique colorful world, a class system that does not force to produce characters, and the atmosphere of an Asian fairy tale.

7. Aion.

8. Neverwinter.

Whatever the quality would not be, it was simply destined to become popular. And the point here is not only in huge financial injections from the Chinese from Perfect World, but also that the MMORPG D & D Universe is dedicated. Fortunately, the fans of the setting did not have to go through the tears to force themselves to play, because the game turned out to be quite high quality. Confirms this and the interest of gamers, which remains so far.

In addition to the famous world, Neverwinter offers a high-quality and dynamic Non-target combat system. The level of its execution either did not give up, and in connection with which he to beat the swords and poisoned by Fireballs here is surprisingly nice. The core of the gameplay was not built on the study of the open world, but on the passage of session quests. Often they are accompanied by interesting storyteys, watching which pleasure with friends.

9. Runescape.

The name Runescape little says most domestic players. However, in the world, this hybrid MMORPG, working both in the browser and as a client, is quite popular. Confirms this fact that this creation of JAGEX studio was lucky enough to visit the Guinness Book of Records. Agree, not every game is able to boast similar.

Describe any differences from Runescape from modern games is very difficult. And all because at the time of the release of the first versions of the authors had to be almost pioneers in the genre of MMORPG. Therefore, in fact, the game is a standard set of pumping, craft, and PvP. However, it does not prevent this world to exist to this day, pleaseing the players.

10. Tera.

Tera Online was another Korean game, which was propheted by the rehabilitation of the MMORPG genre. And even though not all expectations were justified, the high quality of execution makes this project quite popular until now. Well, in our realities, the full Russian-speaking localization contributes to this.

And although Tera was one of the first MMORPG with the Non-Target combat system, today it is valuable. Here come for truly fierce PVP, working according to the rules and stood in the spirit of the old. Guilds, siege and disassembly for the place of Kach. Enjoying all this can prevent only the insane Asian style of the world game and the bias of content towards female characters.


Following the Koreans attempts to intercept records for the releases of MMORPG, the Chinese never cease to take. And if most of these games remain popular in their homeland, the Revelation Online got to our edges, remaining heat perceived by domestic gamers.

A typical Asian nurse with wings, riding kittens and whales here intersect with many cruel things. The most significant difference between the games from others is the sieges in which up to 5,000 people can take part. Supplement the picture of the popularity of modern graphics, inclusion and interesting classes, among which there is even a fighter with firearms.

12. The Division.

Little thoroughbred MMORPG depart from the classic setting fantasy. It is possible, both, and the fact that The Division is made at the AAA level, contributes to its popularity. The world of the game is presented as closed on quarantine due to the global distribution of death.

The selected temporary and genre frames naturally have to use "fireplanes" of various calibers. To receive on the ears from the special work agents will be a variety of, runaway criminals and other harsh individuals. The shoot of the same in the most familiar activities for MMORPG such as missions, randomly generated by the "dance" in the subway and of course PVP-oriented "dark zone", famous for advertising trailers.

13. Archeage.

The long-awaited, lined and the dreams of her waiting for an unsurpassed Archeage. The game of this scale has become popular, but what did this Korean MMORPG deserve such attention? To begin with - this is a picture, at the time of the exit, the imaginable imagination. Engine 3.0 perfectly coped with both aquatic spaces and lush forests with animals running around them.

The second point is a variety and multi-faceted gameplay. The authors of Archeage seem to remember everything that should be in MMORPG, and tried to make it in their game. Here you can find farming, animal husbandry, war guilds, world bosses, sea battles and much more. Therefore, the above-described together with the famous system of "free" classes is quite significant reasons for the continuing popularity of the game.

14. Allods online

Domestic allods online were clearly created with a loan at the World of Warcraft, which did not prevent them from becoming quite popular in our edges. This MMORPG has been stylistically with a gameplay for many years. The world of the game combines fantasy, ancient Russian myths, stamps about and much more. All this variety is strongly remembered and, holding the shaky balance, creates a unique picture.

The game process was not far from his progenitor. There are two fractions of "red" and "blue", and pumping quests, and the omnipresent "battles". But present in this project and the difference, which is "Astral". In the game world, the guild moves on their own, which even participate in collisions with each other. All this makes "Allods" rather interesting alternative to World of Warcraft, seasoned with native spirit and recognizable things.

15. Albion Online

Closes our selection of a game similar to which was waiting for a very long time. Albion Online offers a lot of what is lacking modern representatives of the genre. Therefore, the developed guild system and the lack of marks on everything that moves and what you need to move is only the vertex of iceberg.

Pover's hardcore cloth economy controlled by players. Within its framework, all resources and items are mined and created by users themselves, without generating them from shops. The popularity of the game adds a class of classes, within which the skills used are tied to armor and weapons, and not the choice of development paths.

All this is associated with the developed Guild PvP for the production zone, the construction of fortifications and fierce battles makes Albion Onlne quite famous in the circles of players. This MMORPG allows you to experience everything that today is shown only by a few developers.

Special: Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is out of the main list of popular MMORPG. It happened because even unlike the Division, the charter part here prevails more. Nevertheless, in this list, the place for it is also well deserved. The project of this level is naturally doomed to become noticeable and attractive for a plurality of gamers. Whether he will test the time, we still find out, but while the game shines brightly and noticeably.

Destiny 2, as the first part, is a mixer and MMORPG mixture. There are also raids, and classes, and even the epic plot, continuing the development of early history. In addition, in comparison with its predecessor, both combat and role-playing systems have become deeper and more interesting. And shooting turned out almost masterpiece. In general, the game confirms the reputation as Bungie and the famous series, finally, and to PC.

Of course the list is not complete, because MMORPG has a lot on the market. Intrusion can be remembered: Lineage 2, Eve Online, Runes of Magic, etc, etc. But the focus is that all these games are more famous than popular. While our list is quite relevant today. You can be confident that in these games you do not bother with loneliness.

Find your perfect world in which you can get stuck for a couple of hundred hours.

Want to find a decent MMORPG that will help fall out of reality? A lot of options. In fact, in our time, PC gamers choose just huge. Home computers are focused on the focus of the game industry.

Why are we confident about this? Because we take into account the rule of Steam in the game market, the desire of many publishers to produce games only on PC and active promotion from Microsoft Windows 10 as the main game system.

Many of the best exclusives are available on PCs, and some of them are MMO projects. And although the demand for World of Warcraft has already slept a little, the MMO market is still alive than all living things and can offer a lot of interesting games that will be delayed from the first seconds.

And although a large number of players can participate in these games, it nevertheless it is worth noting that these MMORPG are amazing, exciting and well thought out. You can easily get lost when you look for a suitable game. But you only need to know where to look. Fortunately, we have prepared for you a selection of excellent MMORPG for playing on a computer and console. We selected for you 30 best, so get ready for new adventure.

Retired from the main list

Available by: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PC

I was delighted when I learned that Uncharted Waters, one of my favorite games of the 16-bit era, acquired a MMO-continuation, where the players met a large-scale and open maritime world. All distinguishing features of games about pirates and marine simulators are successfully connected to Uncharted Waters Online, which work perfectly in the online game.

The combat system, both on the sea and on land, is fascinating, but the main feature of UWO is its depth. Agra will avoid traditional monotonous Grinda in favor of multifaceted trade systems, banking, research and adventure. UWO is able to take you for a few weeks for which you will not open the inclined potential even on a quarter.

But the game is replenished with new content and to this day; For example, new ships, costumes and weapons for crew members have appeared in the game in the game.

Available by: PC

Among others, ELSWORD Online is allocated to the recognizable Side scrolling style. Graphics in the game, which, as if painted with pencils manually, is beautiful. Catscenes and character design send us to the manga eponymous, which served as the basis for this game. Instead of the usual set of ELSWORD classes, offers a player to choose characters from the original source and develop them so that they fit under the preferred style of the game.

In addition to standard professions (fighter, the magician, Ranger) in Elsword there is a number of more exotic options, like Yves, Queen of the Log, which can call on assistant robots on the Bola of Battle. The combination of memorable graphics and intuitive battles make ELSWORD a very original project with a bright author's handwriting.

Available by: PC, Mac

As you know, Marvel and Disney have long been firmly settled in the entertainment industry, and therefore the appearance of MMO from these studios was only a matter of time. It is amazing that the resulting game (given the recent updates) is not a cheap snience, but a high-quality product in which it is stupid to get lost for a couple of months.

Conditionally free game makes it possible to feel yourself in the skin of your favorite superheroes and combines the classic Diablo receptions with the MMO tested time with the mechanics (add a familiar flavor of the MARVEL universe here). Of course, 30 captains of America running around the map can embarrass the uninitiated, however, you will soon notice that it is really interesting to play for your favorite comic hero, and only for this this MMO can forgive all the small flaws.

Available by: PC

The idea of \u200b\u200bcombining concepts is near and diablo and creating on their basis MMO-game is not at all nov and this game is one of those where this idea managed to implement.

The game "Legend MJ", the successor "MJ online", successful and innovative South Korean MMO-game, is characterized by chaotic movements, impressive effects of damage and fantastic heroes, which fans of Eastern MMO games immediately recognize.

Despite the fact that the game "Legend of the MJ" was not created in order to arrange a revolution in the world of action-RPG-Games, nevertheless, she is very entertaining, there are quite a lot of content in it, and it can be played for a very long time, without breaking away from Screen.

Available by: PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC

At the moment, the game "Osiris: New Dawn" is one of the most affordable. Although it still needs to be improved, as there is little weapons in this game (a gun with a limited number of cartridges and a rifle) and rarely fight. But there is one big plus - the atmosphere of this game is unforgettable. The caves in which are full of mysterious skeletons, but to get to them, will be waiting for you to get to them, you will need to wade through sandy storms and meteorite rains.

And how will you get to them? Of course, with the help of vehicles and space ships that you can create yourself. The starting platform in the game is a satellite Proteus 2, where you will build your own home in the form of high-tech equipment. Resources include meteors that fall to the ground during a thunderstorm, natural gas that you produce with the help of barrels, as well as various metals. Judging by the first reviews, it can be said that the game "Osiris: New Dawn" is definitely worth paying attention to her.

Available by: PC

For MMO, released in 2014, in Wildstar, there is indecently a lot of outdated mechanic. Uncomfortable raids settings? On the spot. The daily chains of quests appearing at random time, which greatly make it difficult to have a set of experience? Also in place.
Tied in infinite Greenget Quest system? We put a tick and here. But the fact is that it does not particularly upset, because the combat system, built on a spectacular action, takes over all sins. Take, for example, one of the skills that marks the land plot before the character special markup.

While the enemy is within this marking, all your blows will be accounted for exactly in the target. And this emphasizes the need for active deviations and competent use of skills - as a result, the battle is almost never boring.
In addition, each class in the game has flexible characteristics, and can play at least 2 roles from 3 standard for any raid (chieler, tank and DEMEJ dealer).

Currently, the project is experiencing small financial difficulties as a result of canceled promotion in the Chinese market, but this did not affect the players from Europe and North America. It's time to try the game.

Choose your second life.

Available by: PC, Android, iOS

The game is in the final stage of beta testing, but still deserves places in this list due to its unique visual stylistry, excellent PVP mode and fresh look at the Craft and Professions familiar to MMO.

In those moments when you do not fight with other players for new territories and prestige or explore the dungeons, destroying monsters and collecting rare resources, Albion Online offers to be equipped on quiet islets, where players can build their farms and breed animals, and customize their homes .

Albion Online is still at the very beginning of a long journey, but the game already looks serious competitor to the more famous Taitles, and if the development continues at the same impressive pace, then soon we will see the game that, it is likely to stay in our hearts at least for a decade.

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    The user falls into the majestic, ancient city, which amazes imagination with dimensions. Elegant architecture, touching feeling comfort - all this can be found in Neverwinter Online. Not so long ago, the city destroyed the volcano, but it was restored. Now this paradise is a danger again.

    Aion is an interesting game in the MMORPG genre, which was developed, at one time a well-known company NCSOFT, the gameplay will occur in a fantasy world, in which the player will have to fight PVP and PVE modes.

    Black Deserts is a novelty among online games, which has become very popular among players. In the novelty there will be many different monsters with whom you have to fight, various battles and battles and all this will be accompanied by high-quality graphics.

    The size of this game world is amazing imagination. In stock Scenic landscapes, richest fauna. The player goes on the journey, it is expected to expect cold passes of mountains, browning swamps, arid deserts. There are in the Universe of Lineage II and densely populated cities.

    Tera Online is the game MMORPG with magnificent graphics and plot in fantasy style. This game has become one of the most popular among the games of this genre. This is due to the use of high-quality engine, thanks to which the developers have achieved the creation of an indescribable gaming atmosphere.

    A rather high-quality project created by domestic developers. Fresh idea really fell to the taste of the gaming public. All team militants, famous so far, offered, mostly, only mass shootouts, not many differences from each other. In the game Panzar is different.

    Titan Siege is a massive multiplayer game in which you can take part in the conflict between titans and humanity. Create a unique character, explore the expanses of the Great Game World, fight dangerous enemies and defeat!

    The history of this gaming universe began with Dios God. Once he found the planet, called her Eyra. Then I called other gods, they settled the planet with different creatures. The history of the fabulous world began, everyone can join him.

    In this game, Gamer must reincarnate in the mythical hero who does not experience fear. Only so you can become the winner of the dark forces that seized the world of Asmara. There will have to perform different tasks, fight in battles - mass and guilds.

    After the original Everquest passed five hundred years. The gods began to produce robbery, they also allow more shameful things. Throughout the territory of Norrat, there was a break - the map because of this began to change. Many cities were destroyed, forests, mountains, rivers were also injured.

    Project Genom is a domestic MMORPG released on the basis of the Unreal Engine engine 4. The game is already projected far from the first year and includes a large number of interesting ideas, most of which developers have already managed to implement anyway.

    Cube World - multiplayer RPG, the events of which occur in the cubic magic world in which the mythical creatures roam. Users can not only carry out various missions and kill the leaders, but also to build their own buildings.

    Legend of Souls is a brutal, but interesting multiplayer role-playing game. You are waiting for a unique system of combo, deep character editor, a big open world, the system of guilds and bloody battles between the armies of living players!