Assassins Creed 3 Passage 8 part. Story line. With his opinion

Part 1.


After listening to the story from the face of Dezmond Father, what is climbing the culmination of the notorious date 21.12.12, we leave the van and go to the cave. The main character uses Eden Apple and opens the passage. We continue to move deep into the cave until we will be in the training field of the animus.

Repetition studied.

Updating an animus firmware is a reason for training. From the time of the previous parts, it has practically not changed, but it has become an order easier to climb. Now for this you do not need to clamp an additional buttons. It is still recommended to use the controller, together traditional for the PC bundle mouse + keyboard. Accelerated running forward and climbing the ledge. We kill two enemies in the air and get to exit.

Deadly room.

Playing for the ancestor of Hathema Kenuei, follow. We pass through the door and render on the ball. We go to the hall of the Opera House and occupy your place on the left. After talking with the ally, activate the eagle vision and detect the target on the balcony to the right at the far end. We are moving left, we go into a small room and boil upstairs. On the ledge we move to the right (occasionally up). We turn out to be on the bed, which is opposite the goal. We go beyond the scenes, pre-hacking the lock on the door. Rotate each of the bars to the characteristic click and quickly press the corresponding button to complete the hacking. Jump up on unstable scenery that are constantly falling down. But it does not prevent us from achieving the right place and deal with the enemy. We take it to the amulet and leave the building, pulling the panic crowd.

Travel to new light.

Additional orders:

Lapped Health Limit: 10% (with the first fight with sailors)
- Save James for the specified time (after mast collapse)

On the ship "Providence" we go to the far mainland - America, namely to the city of Boston, where we will find like-minded people for our big deal. Walk to the upper deck and meet aggressively tuned sailors. It would be necessary to teach them. To do this, hold the counterattack button and steam the opponent's blows three times. We carry out a series of fast shocks. With the following opponent, quickly press the counterattack button and also quickly the shock button. This will allow you to knock out the enemy. Once again, repeat this action to finish the previous tall. The sailor pulled the knife as soon as he was going to kick, press the counterattack button, and then the buttons specified on the screen. This is the most we disarm the opponent. Proceed for the captain that appears. He will ask for a favor: find out what is happening on the ship. We return to the cabin and interact with the table.

Captain reports that it is time to act. Let's talk with a sailor that sends us to Cocca and Dr.. Coc in turn will send us to James. Raise to the steering wheel. Someone drops from the board with food. Go down to the bottom deck and go to the green area on the mini card. Activate the eagle vision to see the tip on the barrel. Return to the cabin.

Let's talk with the captain, and then we will be sent to the bottom deck in connection with the onset of the enemy ship. At the bottom of Mills reports that this he arranged all this foolishness in order to dwell with us for what we did in the theater. Counterattack and apply quick strikes to deal with the enemy. We climb upstairs, fix tackle in the points specified by the marker. We boil on the mast and lower the sails. Next, help James; Getting to it will not be difficult.

Climb upstairs and communicate with the captain. After 72 days, we successfully moored to the shore of America! Screw to the highest mast.

Part 2.

Boston, 1755 year.

Welcome to Boston.

We are celebrating Charle Lee, after which proceed to him. He wishes us to train it. Get to a shop with mixed goods. Near the entrance we encounter Benjamin Franklin, who asks for help (it is his physiognomy is depicted on hundredth bills). We pass inside, buy a saber and a gun at the merchant. We go outside where we are already waiting for the horses. Speakeling the one that is intended for us, and go to the "Green Dragon".

Arriving in place, we hurry and enter the building. We follow the top of the Charles and we meet with William Johnson - the connoisseur of local lands. He is one of the future of our like-minded people. William reports that his records were stolen by robber.

Johnson's instruction.

Additional orders:

Shoot 10 mercenaries
- Do not allow Hikki and whether to lose more than half of health

Let's leave the building, communicate with the assistant William - Thomas Khiki. He already found the kidnappers, it remains only to help him pick up what belongs to Johnson. We produce a shot on a sentiment. We scroll into his position, help the allies to deal with enemies at the entrance to the camp. To achieve one hundred percent synchronization, you need to shoot more nine enemies. Clearing the item, few enemies are hiding behind the goal. Aimicious shots destroy the powder barrel and go inside. We take the box, we are painting opponents.

It's time to leave the camp. All the ways are accompanied by hiki, it is impossible to reduce its health by more than fifty percent. Search bodies after killing to get yourself bullets and some money. Enemies on the roofs are shot by sighting fire. It is advisable to get closer to them, otherwise the firepower of the gun is not enough to kill them from one shot.

We demonstrate William Amulet.


Additional orders:

Stay unnoticed
- to overhear the conversation of patrol (and not just local residents)
- to overhear all the conversations, without letting yourself notice

We communicate with Charles and together we decide to free the slaves. We leave out, come to the house of Chercha. No one opened on the knock on the door, so more brave charles knocks the door. Inside no one turns out, so we cut off the part of the canvas and get to the orange marker. Being in a fenced zone, listening to the conversation of the neighbors. We will notice, then quickly merge with the crowd and avoid exposure. Next, we get to the green area where we will find many orange goals - gossip and similarly listening to their conversations. Meanwhile, the green area will narrow. On the roofs, we get to the forbidden zone and try to enter the barn. A key that can steal from any of the captains marked with an orange marker will be required. The easiest way to do it for those who do not always have the guards. We enter the barn and watch the conversation. Then removing the three enemies, sneaking towards them with a hidden blade, and I liberate Chercha.


Additional orders:

Do not exceed the limit of detection time (the easiest way to hide behind buildings)
- Make three consecutive multi-tech (a hidden blade is ideal for this)
- Do not give to the reinforcements to call the reinforcement (follow the mini-card to trace the outstanding enemy)

Follow Charles to Pitcaern. An attempt to free it from the lapse of General Braddock was not crowned with success. We are moving behind a group of soldiers, trying not to fall on their eyes at all. Whether he will distract them with a bold act, catch up with it. We are growing with the nine guards and free Pitcairn, which will "play" in our team.

Penetration into Southgate.

Additional orders:

Find and kill General
- make three consecutive secret murders from around the corner
- Do not get damage from the rifle chain

We go on the execution of an uncomplicated plan for penetration into the fort. Right from the roof they attack the traffic and destroy thirteen guards. Dressing around, heading to the fort. On the way, the Guardians will appear suspicions, promptly neutralize them, giving orders to the allies. Arriving in place, we liberate a prisoner.

We go ahead to the intersection, then turn right. Let's go to the end and discover the general. I hide in a cart with hay and, when it comes to us, press the shock button. To commit three murders from around the corner, you need to cuddle to the corner of the tent or other high items and a secretive blade to destroy suitable close enemies. You can use a whistle for lubrication.

We liberate prisoners in three places. But in front of it we are painting with vigilant officers when they remain alone. Or simply waiting for their care.

We grab the enemy and save from four shots. We are separated with the enemies, get to Sairus. Similarly, we destroy all.

Part 3.

Boston, 1755 year.

After talking with Charles, we go to the frontier and get to Lexington.

In its opinion.

Additional orders:

The limit of lost health is 50% (when battle with wolves, you need to press the first two buttons in time)
- Use the destroyable items in battle (in the tavern we get up so that there are tables behind our back and then after the counterattack of the enemies, interior items broke out)

Together with Charles, we go in search of a mysterious woman, which we freed earlier. We follow the ride for whether we find a very recently extinct bonfire. Moving up the thick continuous trace. Charles kills the striker wolf, running for a woman. It's time to face the beast face to face. Quickly press the corresponding buttons to deal with bloodthirsty wolves on the fly. Activate eagle vision to discover a woman (it is on a wooden platform at the top). We continue to pursue and when the stranger goes down to the ground, we can overtake it. Woman's name is Gadzidzio, demonstrate to her amulet. She does not want to talk about the signs shown on it, but asks to climb the hill.

We observe the camp on top in which Bulldog commands (Braddock). To deal with him, you need to find it first. We dive into the stack of the village below and, coming to the tavern, we enter inside. Let's go right and squeeze to the counter. Having overheard the first conversation, go to the left. Get up by the window, listening to the second conversation. We return to the counter and listen to the conversation. We go to the exit, but oxane guards will not let us go away. In hand-to-hand fighting with eight opponents.

Execution is all.

Additional orders:

Do not kill the guards (after listening to the conversation, use only a hand-to-hand fight)
- spoil two guns

We meet with Dzio not far from the camp. Get inside is imperceptibly easier on the wagon, which just drives to the left of us. Penetrating the camp, soon the wagon will stop. Let's leave it and go to the right on the grass down. We are out of order the first gun, without falling on the eyes of enemies. We return to the wagon and go on the left side. We go to the white area on the mini card and start listening to the conversation. When the enemies are almost distinguished, it is best to immediately climb on the roof. And jump on the other side on the grass. Before you get to the tent, stunning the guard from behind without using weapons. We take the map, we are out of order the second gun. From here we descend down, we leave the camp through the side passage and get to Gadzidze.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional orders:

Kill two militias not attracting attention
- destroy carts with gunpowder (cartridges get in advance!)

Together with like-minded people, we go to the north, where we will meet with Dzio and its tribe. Let's go right and enter the red zone. I hide in a haystack and deal with the enemy. A little further there is another stack. During the grass, you will get to and simultaneously deal with the guard. Now we can kill everyone else.

We change clothes and get to the horse to Braddock. He decided to escape from us, taking advantage of the French attack. We rush into pursuit, along the way we shoot on the powder barrels on the carts. Having overtook the general, he runs away again. We choose the blade, catch up with the goal and spread with it.

Not finding anything interesting in the cave, we return to the allies. We carry out a swirl oath for Charles. From now on he is the Templar.

Part 4.

Ganadazedon, 1760.


Additional orders:

Find all the children without making a single mistake
- Find all children in four minutes

We play for Radunhaghedu (the main character, later Connor). Follow the forest for other children. We will play hide and seek. Pull the short wand and, respectively, we drive. After counting to a hundred, proceed to the search. We study the tip right in front of us. There are three green areas on the mini card. With each studied prompt, the diameter of these circle decreases. Tips are highlighted long before they approached them, so there will be no difficulty finding all children. Basically, they are hiding in stacks.

We return to the tree and again spend the draw. Choose any of the available places where we can hide. Enemies are attacked on us, one of which is Charles Lee. They are asked to transfer the message to our tribe. Get to the village, which was covered by the flame. Through the barn, we get to the hut, where our mother is (Gadzidzio). Let's go around on the right side. An attempt to save her will not be crowned with success.

Feathers and trees.

Additional orders:

Do not touch the earth and water
- Find three pen (they are all marked on the map, you only need to wander around the forest)

The genus asked to collect feathers. Boil into a thin tree and from there on the branch in the neighboring. Close up is quite easy to climb. The main thing to look at the desired side and hold the running button. On the branches, we get to the river and at the same time follow the partner. He almost takes off the river, you will need to help him. On the rocks we climb up to the bird nest. Having obtained the pen, we move down, but we successfully land in a stack. The map shows the locations of three more feathers, climb on the trees with small pegs.

Hunting lessons.

Additional orders:

Get three animals of different types (hare, fox, deer)
- put a trap with the bait to catch the beast (the place where we installed the trap, it is desirable to be abundantly filled with bait)
- kill two animals in the air (you need to attack, being on the hill (wood, cobblestone))

Get to the green area, shoot a hare from onions and refreshing his body. Near the tree we study the hint and, choosing a trap from arsenal, install it. We go to the next larger green area. We study the tip (bush with red berries). Hiding in the grass, we get to the deer as close as possible. In arsenal, choose the bait. Deer honors the smell and comes to us. We attack him, kill and refreshet. We could also kill his arrow, but in this case, instead of the skins we will get meat. We return to traps and check them for prey.

It is necessary to get meat of five animals. As soon as the counter is full, we will no longer be able to continue hunting and, accordingly, not fulfilled additional orders will be failed. We return to Ganadogon, who runs away from the bear in fear. Press the appropriate buttons to evade the beast. Let's go to the village. During the battle with the bear, we lost all the prey, but our capable student was able to provide a satisfying dinner for us.

There will be something to remember.

Additional orders:

Avoid air collisions

We go to the tent for the birth. We get an apple to Eden and move to Nexus. I am embodied in the body of the bird and fly forward, avoiding clashes with various obstacles. You can change the flight to the left-right, upstairs.

Part 5.

Frontier, 1769 year.

Radunhagead left the village to get answers to questions. Get to the estate Davenport. Through the global card to the point you can move instantly.


Additional orders:

Lapped health limit no more than 50%

I aggressively knocking on the door, we finally open, but refuse to help. It began to rain, so I will get to the stables nearby and we will approve there.

In the next morning we will try again to ask for help, this time, Assassin does not open the door at all. Let's go to the back door, the owner of the estate is supervised from the window and asks to leave his possessions again. We climb on the balcony and get a refusal of rough form. Return to the stable.

At night, we find unknowns trying to disturb the old man. We are growing with the enemies, and then Achilles appears and helps us break out of the head of the leader. By saving respect, we go to the estate and communicate with the old man. After listening to the story, follow him in a secret basement.

Order of Achilles.

Additional orders:


I jerle in the carriage and together with the mentor we go to the city. Follow the Achilles and then go to the bench of funny goods. From now on, our name is Connor. "Pulling" the coins of the merchant and ask to deliver the tools to the van near the Town Hall. Return to Achilles. I find out what is happening. Among the crowd notice the Father - Hatem. Proceed in the lane for his accomplice. We do not fit close, but we try not to miss for a long time. When he hurts to the roof, you need to stay closer, because for limited time we have to deal with the enemy before it works out. Hide from the guards, coming out first from red, then from orange areas on the mini card.

Particularly dangerous.

Additional orders:

Fame should not be higher than level 3

The level of wanricity has noticeably gone and now, at every meeting of the guards, they will immediately want to kill us. We get to Samyel, who will help us get rid of this "bad reputation." On his advice run around the city and tear posters. The couples are quite enough for the first time, then return to Sam. He introduces us with Silas - local herald, who for a reasonable fee will convince the crowd into anything. Accompany Samyel to the system of tunnels through the alleys to once again not collaborate with the guards.

Fill at the bottom.

We are chosen out on the other side. The path is pretty predictable if you look at the mini-card, and Sam comments and running rats will prompt the right direction. We wake the castle as we have already done earlier. Rotating alternately two bars to the characteristic click and, without releasing the fixed position, we produce sharp movements.

Fighting seal.

Another way to get rid of "bad reputation" is to visit the printer. He will do everything in the best form. Follow Sam to the pier. We communicate with the captain (anchor sign on the mini-card) and on a global map, choose the estate of Davenport.

Return of the prodigal son.

Returning to Achilles, Connor expresses him his discontent. But nevertheless, we receive the assassin set from the teacher.

Salvation on the river.

Additional orders:

Saving Terry, do not touch water (when the camera is raised, it is not necessary to jump into the water, but on a log)

An unknown window is knocking on the window, we go out and learn about what happened. Follow the Godfrey, who did not really explain anything. Reaching the river, we see a person on a log, which takes place. Jump on stones, branches and soda trees. Terry and Godfrey conceived to equip the sawmill nearby, their work will be very useful for the repair of the estate.

Start date.

Get to the hut on the shore, as I asked for our teacher. Here we get acquainted with Robert Falkner, who will help us in the repair of the Akvila ship. First you need to get materials. Return to Achilles. He gives us Grossbuch (accounting book), in which we can distribute materials and direct them to the desired buildings. Perform actions shown on the screen. We study the section "Reserves", "Craft" and "Trade".

We are not looking for easy ways.

Additional orders:

The ship should not get damage (use only half sails, so as not to face reefs)
- withstand three attacks (evade the frigate shots by pressing the appropriate button when we see the red flow of light in us)
- shoot two enemy ship out of falconeta

We meet with Robert at the solar ship and go to Martas Vinyard, where we can buy guns and hire gunners. We come to the helm to start driving the ship. We raise half of the sails, and then all sails. The more they are raised, the faster the ship is moving and the less manage it. When the storm is enhanced, then, of course, we leave only half of the sails to keep the ship in the right direction.

Moored to the pier. A small meal arises in the tavern due to the fact that Connor is trying to find out from the Templars about the location of Charles Lee. We buy guns, hire the acquaintances of Canonirov and go back to the ship. Let's floate to the destroyed ship for training. We look at the side where we want to shoot. Thus, we destroy two ships by different parties from us. Then we produce aimed shot on the barrels with gunpowder. We return to Achilles, and along the way the enemy vessel attackers shoots us. First there will be three small, then one frigate. I do not rush to attack it, first decline from the cannon shots.

Part 6.


Sean reports that he found the source of energy in Penthouse in Manhattan. We are thrown into the neighboring building, from where we start climbing up to the upper point of the crane. Then pull down from there, quickly press any button and reveal the parachute. We land on the helipad. We take the source of energy, and the former assassin immediately appears, from now on, working on the Templars. Neutralize it and return to animus.

Davenport estate, 1773.

Train Johnson.

Additional orders:

Not exceed the second level of fame
- Do not exceed six shots during the destruction of smuggling in the port

Ganadogan arrives at the estate and reports that all residents of the village ask to leave their homes, as these lands were redeemed by the Confederation. We also learn the name of the one who is behind all this is William Johnson. We go to Boston on the ship and we meet with Samuel. Follow him, along the way, come across another injustice. We help the resident to deal with the guards who distort the peace of conscientious payers. We catch up with Sam.

After the meeting we go to the port. In the forbidden zones, we find smuggling and throwing porch barrels nearby nearby. We shoot on them to destroy. A gun and ammunition to it can be taken from the bodies of dead enemies. Next, we are growing up with three groups of tax collectors of sins in the city.

Cook in anger.

Additional orders:

Do not participate in collisions longer than 15 seconds
- Limiting of Lost Shafo Health: 30%
- make five imperceptible killings

Ground Stephen goes to search for robbers. Accompany him all the way. It is advisable to go ahead of him to manage to imperceptibly neutralize the guards. We actively use firearms to straighten up with a group of enemies quickly and efficiently. At the end, we use the canonir so that he destroyed the captain of the Guardians.

Tea drinking.

Additional orders:

Reset ten boxes with tea in water
- Reset three British soldiers into water (we try to counterattack when they stand back to board)
- Make one murder of a musket in the air (Muskets can be mined from enemies, jump on them directly from the side and attack in the air)

I find out the plan for further action at Samyel. We arrive at the port where we are painting with fifteen guards. We proceed to unload tea into the water. Our task is to hold out until all the discharge of tea happens. Actively help allies to fight back from enemies. First of all, we relieve ten boxes. We do not forget that the forces of the Allies can exhausted and then will have to defend Shafo and Sam. If this is not done, the task will be failed.

Aggressive negotiations.

Additional orders:

Prevent murder more than one Indian
- imperceptibly getting close to Johnson (from the roof it is easier to attack the goal)
- diving with a swallow and get away from the chase (dealt with Johnson, run down the meadow and dive into the water)

We return to the estate of Davenport and communicate with Achilles. Soon, Ganadogan arrives in the house and reports that Johnson is trying to redeem the land on which the village is. Get to the frontier and meet with Ganadogan. Jump down on the right side, finding a lower place to lose as less health as possible. From here it is much easier to get to Johnson on the hill. We avoid guards, picking up a route through a mini card. We climb on the roof and by choosing the blade, in the jump we are painting with the enemy. Hide from guard.

Part 7.

Davenport estate, 1775 year.

Midnight jump.

Additional orders:

Not to enter into an open collision
- get to Prescotta in two minutes

We go to Boston to meet with the edge of the revolution and his colleagues. We go to the frontier together. Moving from one green area to another until I find the home of the militia. Also, if confused, you can always ask to specify the right path from the partner. Arriving in the third house, we were almost caught. Let's leave the danger zone and get to Prescotta. Then visit Hancock and Adams and also warn them about the impending British army.

Lexington and Concord.

Additional orders:

Destroy each of the seven groups of soldiers with one order
- Save the hostages (follow the mini-card along the path to the farm, to start the inhabitants in need of the inhabitants)

The Army Pitcaern began offensive. They exceed us in quantity and therefore our fighters retreated together. Get to Farm Barrett and proceed to the command of the troops. Total three groups: in the center in front of the bridge, on the right and, accordingly, on the left. Watch the mini-card and run to the other side, from where the enemies come faster than everything. We give an order for shooting only when enemy troops came up with a sufficient distance. It should also be considered that there are no losses in our ranks, and if they are, we are waiting for replenishment. It is rather relevant to fulfill additional instructions. Having finished the fight, we communicate with James Barrett.

War is coming.

Additional orders:

Get around Charlestown without receiving damage (it is best to run without stops)
- Kill the Grenader from the air (the Grenader is in the left ship)
- stay unnoticed on ships

We go to Banker Hill, where we will meet with Israel Patnam. But the scout leads us to Bridss. Here it takes a fierce fight. The general intends to leave the battlefield. We run to the ships to stop the shelling from the sea. First we swim to the left ship. Call best on the back side. Immediately neutralize the guard in the back of the ship. Then we climb on the mast and in the jump destroy the Grenader. Gilt the powder barrel, quickly jump into the water. Similarly, we do with the second ship. It remains only to replace the flags on the tops of the mast.

Battle for bankrupt Hill.

Additional orders:

Unnoticed to kill Pitcairn in the air
- Scatter through the battlefield without receiving damage
- Do not kill more than four English soldiers without need

Swimming to the shore, sit down in the saddle and follow the patriot. We run from shelter to shelter, picking up the moment. Follow the enemy troops as soon as the flash passed - you can run! On the rock climb upstairs and follow the thick grass on the left. We try not to break away from it, as the guards constantly patrol here. Reaching tents, we will pass to the end and take the long tree. You jump over the next tree on the right. Screw up even higher and go through a long branch. You jump over the flag holder and from here it is easy to jump on the head of Pitcairn.

Part 8.

Davenport estate, 1776 year.


Additional orders:

No one to push and not shoot down from the legs (go a step when we see the crowd)
- successfully overhear the conversation, standing still
- successfully overhear the conversation on the go (you can't climb on the roof)

In the house of Achilles, we communicate with his friend. We go to the frontier, and already from there we will get to New York. Smeasided the horse and proceed for the agent to the market. We witness an attempt to acquire a product for fake money. Proily proceed for the counterfeit. Keep at a distance so that in the case of what time to hide around the corner. We listen to the conversation while in the appropriate zone. We continue the persecution, the next conversation is erupting, moving along the alley. Fakes will stop exactly two times: for the first time we are easily accuracy among people, and for the second time literally in a meter from them for the shelter to the right, so do not fall behind! They will turn right and turn out to be in their lair.

Running inside, finding Thomas Hiki. So, we begin the persecution, we turn in the alley on the left. Now we run for Thomas, but straight! Thus, we can cut it and quickly overtake.

Brydwell prison.

Additional orders:

Do not kill more than one guard
- Kill Khiki in two minutes

We are caught and, stunning, placed in the chamber. We approach the wall to overhear the conversation of prisoners. Going to bed.

The next day we descend for a walk accompanied by a security guard. Turn on the eagle vision and find the yellow goal. Mason sits behind a playing table. Unlock chips and at the same time we learn useful information. We rise to the top and steal the key at Finch. Return to the camera. I try to open the camera door at night, but in fact the key is not at all under this castle. In the morning I find out with Mason that the key is intended for replacement to the original, which can be taken in the ward. Attack of prisoners, and then deal with everyone. We act only one bunch of counteridar + to break through the protection. Also apply a lot of short blows to make unfinics faster.

We run out of imprisonment and, avoiding the guards, go upstairs, where Mason is waiting for us. It opens access to more spacious cameras. As soon as we go into a large room, immediately turn right. We will rise on the stairs to the very top and when the guards will go, enter the chamber.

Public execution.

Additional orders:

Washington's bodyguards must survive (as soon as possible catch the hikie and push it)
- kill enemy militia

We are conducted on execution. Without trial, we will be hanged. Through the crowd, make your way to the gallows. After the short speech of Charles, the loop firmly starts to squeeze the neck. Quickly give the signal to the allies to be released. In slowing down, catching up Hiki and push him to make attention to us. Parify his attacks and just repel. We paint with two guards and finish Hick.

Follow the Achilles and after the conversation, we go to the hall.

Part 9.


Found the second source of energy - in Brazil. We rise higher to establish a connection with Rebecca. The stadium is so easy not to pass - you need a ticket. On the right there is an open door leading to the courtyard. Through the grass we are moving behind the guard and then stamped through the nearest door inside. We are moving along the corridor, we continue to bypass protection on the right side (toilets, small utility rooms). Rising upstream due to acrobatic abilities, follow the guard. We can stun him from behind and go to bed. By metal design, we will move on the opposite direction. If you activate eagle vision, it is easy to notice a red target for a huge glass in the VIP zone. Let's get there and encounter an unknown killer, set up a bloody massacre and trying to escape with the artifact. Thinking in time, and the chase will end in the courtyard. We are afraid of guard and with the killer. Attack him in such a way as we have previously attacked prisoners in prison - Conitary + Punch protection. We take the source of energy and on all pairs rush in the subway.

Davenport estate, 1777 year.

Missing cargo.

Additional orders:

Catch the cat in thirty seconds
- Do not hide in Seine, following the caravan
- kill three patrol remaining unnoticed

Let's leave the estate and go to Vali-Ford for independent accomplishment of justice. The commander reports about treason, which is accompanied by theft of goods. Get to the abandoned church. Entering inside on us attacks Hathem. Surely, if he wanted to kill us, then would do it. After talking to him, together begin to search for Benjamin Chercha.

We leave from the church and study the first tip - broken boxes with the provincial. We go further along the path, we choose on the road. Here patrols the enemy squad. Ignore them or deal with them - the case of taste. Looking around the tracks from the wagon on the road. In the last small area without finding the wagon and cat. We catch up with a fugitive and rolle on the ground. Hathemus kills the cat and gives us new orders.

We catch up a caravan and follow him. We move to the left, then on the right, so as not to get on the eyes of the guards. Moreover, it is impossible to leave the overheard zone. Once in the Seine, we wait until the guard is suitable for us, and then we will deal with him. Similarly, we destroy two more, which will meet on the way. Mercenaries grabbed Hatehema, help him and separated with thirteen opponents.

Father and son.

Additional orders:

Steal mercenary clothes and can't get caught

We meet with Hathemom in New York. Follow him on the roofs to the place where Benjamin Cherh is hidden. Since the guard at the gate changed, we will not be able to go inside. Get to the mercenary and imperceptibly kill him when he is near the boxes. Quickly change clothes into his uniform and, returning to the Father, we pass together to Chercha's lair.

Foam and flame.

Additional orders:

Don't get damage from fire
- Limited Health Lost Health: 50%

We fall into the harvested trap and spread with the enemies. As soon as we see that the health of the father is rapidly falling - help him. Mercenaries shot at an explosive substance, and therefore brewery covered fire. We are climbing upstairs, the beams are still moving on the other side. We continue to rise more and higher. We help Hatime and teach together to exit.

Gorky outcome.

Additional orders:

The limit of the surrounding damage: 20%
- Distance to schooner should not exceed more than 500

We meet with my father on the pier and go to the chase for Cherch. Nastigigat the ship "Greeting", but there is no one on board. In the meantime, on the other hand, linear escort starts to fill. Pursuing him, trying not to lag behind more than 500. Maneuvering among the cliffs of half sails. Further, in the open battle, we destroy five small ships, linear escort - not attack. Already when they deal with the ships, choose a knapfield in the list of equipment and shoot the chief enemy.

We go to the boarding. The first thing I will kill in a row of three sailors (their lighter than everything). Then marked goals on the mini-card. Go down to the lower deck and finish Chercha.

Part 10.

Estate Davenport, 1778 year.

Alternative methods.

Additional orders:

Use twice guards like live shields
- throw on target from above

Go to New York to meet with Hathem. Together we go to search for commanders-loyalists. Follow my father and climb to the very top. Jump your enemies on the heads. We get closer to the arrows (yellow goals) to provoke them. As soon as they prepare for a shot, grab the nearest guards and use it as a live shield. By destroying everyone, grab the shooters in captivity. One of them manage to escape. Run as rushing. It is not necessary to follow the fugitive on the heels. You can not coach in the alley, podkraulil it to pre-climb to height and attack. Accompany prisoner to the interrogation room. Periodically push it, otherwise it will not move from the spot.

Devoted trust.

Additional orders:

Do not touch the earth (moving around and attack, exclusively in the saddle)
- intercept all the deaths of patriots in three minutes
- Neutralize Ganiagha bloodless methods

Having learned the contents of Washington's notes, rushing towards the village. We follow the green zone on the mini card and pass the marked enemies in the mini card. It is best to use firearms. Having finished with him, go around the numerous troops and get to the village. We inform the elder that enemies are coming to them. The kind in turn is interested in why we are not with Charles Lee.

We leave the limits of the village, and begins the hunt for warriors Ganiagha. We try to sneak into them from behind and attack without the use of weapons. Then we get to Ganadogan. Charles enveloped his mind in lies, and now he thinks we're going to destroy the village. Press the appropriate button and make what you should do.

Battle with monmute.

Additional orders:

Neutralize each of the eight plates of soldiers with one cannon core
- Kill two platforms of soldiers in one core (shoot strictly between two platforms)
- Prevent three executions of patriot leaders

We meet with the commander-in-chief and are accepted for retention. We have one single gun at our disposal. We destroy the selected enemies - right, left and centered. Enemy forces are superior to our, so you have to retreat. We are moving into a safe place from one control point to another. Along the way, stop the execution by running and starting to attack.

Part 11.


"Abstergo" captured our father. Instead, the Templars require, of course, an apple. We go to their laboratory, where everyone is already aware of our arrival. We go straight, then join the fight with the guard. By interrupting all, we will rise on the elevator upstairs, but I will not have time to achieve the right floor. The elevator shaft is climbing on the fourth floor and spread with enemies. We continue to follow the corridors and bridges. Let's get through the door to the room on the left and meet with a cross. When his "crossbind", rushing in the chase. Out and kill the blade.

Climb the elevator to the fifth floor. Going to the office of Vicker. On the way, shoot numerous protection from the pistol. Then the doors will open, and we can go to the office. Using an apple, manipulate the guards and make them kill themselves and see them. We liberate your father, taking the third artifact and return to the shelter, passing the energy of the apple.

Davenport estate, 1781.

Chesapeake battle.

Additional orders:

Destroy three ships with one onboard volley
- Skill two frigates, hitting them into powder trim
- kill five enemies by counterattack

Last meeting with Achilles, the last instruction from our teacher ... We go to the Chesapeake Bay on the ship. Under the command of the admiral enter the battle. Earlier, we have already fought at sea, nothing has changed from those. Strike enemies onboard fire. A couple of frigates will destroy from a falconeta, shooting in powder on their sides. In the final battle, we expect a huge linear escort. But I will not measure the guns, but we will face directly and take on the board.

We paint with the sailors, the five kill in the counterattack. The main goal is the captain, marked on the mini-card. Shot along the powder barrels and quickly jump from the ship. Admiral was pleased with our outstanding abilities. He kept the promise and therefore will fulfill what we were asked about.

Last battle Lee.

Additional orders:

Get to the signal tower in three minutes
- Stay unnoticed on the road to the warning fire
- Lapped Health Limit: 50%

Attract the guard to the well. The tower is best to get along the roofs. But here it is worth the fear of alone, but very vigilant guards. Apply the signal to the admiral, and the shelling begins. How nevertheless we do not turn out to be in the center of events. After the explosion, the connotus covers contusion. Get to Heathema and proceed to battle. We are standing back to grain items, such as barrels, wooden tables. We carry out several pariroving strikes. We finish your father, wondering the hidden blade in his head when he starts choking us.

Part 12.

New York, 1782 year.

Rest in peace.

Additional orders:

Do not kill more fifteen english soldiers
- get out of the ship without entering the battle
- Kill Captain "Jersey"

We get to Charles Lee. After the conversation, we break out of the paws of the guards. Do not abuse murders. We destroy only those mercenaries that are marked on the mini card. From the rest, it is desirable to escape. I figure out the latter about the location of Charles. We go to the ferry, climbing to "Jersey". Rope clock upstairs. We are shifted to the left, we climb above, then right and thus climb on board. Join the soldier to the marked point. Close to the window to overhear the captain's conversation. Let's go right to Captain's cabin. Having heard the conversation, you will need to kill it. To begin with, deal with witnesses, and then with the very purpose. Jump into the water and automatically find yourself on the pier.

In pursuit of whether.

Additional orders:

Do not delete from more than 50
- Do not push anyone during chase
- Do not get damage from fire

Go to Boston to the Green Dragon Tavern. I figure out the mercenary about the location of Charles. Get to the harbor in the green area. Climbing higher to increase the review. Activate orly vision and track yellow target. Now the chase will begin, which is forced to sweat. At least, I managed to pass it with all the additional orders only with the ninth attempt. So, we run forward, stop in front of the barrels. We continue to run after the explosion. Go around the first guards to the right. The second rifle chain - jumping on the left. Get to the burning layout of the ship. Skip down, then climb on the right on the wall. Jump on hanging ropes on the left. Through the window we choose out. Jump more and further and turn out to be below. Slist, on the mechanism climb upstairs. The opponent flew over the corner. We will wait a little while the mechanism returns to us, and we do a similar action. We catch up with Charles, but we are no longer able to fight with him. Finally, we manage to shoot, after which he is hiding.

Slowly moving towards the pier. Then we get to the tavern slowly, where we wrap with Charles Lee.


The riddle is solved! Now Dismond knows where the key is. Collinate him and return to the shelter. We will go to the left and pass to the room with multi-level devices. Metal beams are booined upstairs and install the first source of energy. To the right of the animus opened a passage. We will pass along it and climb upstairs on the climbing stairs. On the opposite side, we will see the place where we follow the source of energy. Let's go parallel to that side, then turn right and pull down. Let's turn to the right and then once again to get through the passage to the room. We scroll through the walls and install the artifact. Return to the animus. Let's go a little further and turn right. We will rise up, climbing on the pillars to the aisle in the corner. From there we jump into the horizons and, being on the other side, we move again on the columns and install the last artifact. Let's go back to animus and, finally, come to the transparent wall. It is time to make a choice. We look at the final roller.

Part 1.

After listening to the story from the face of Dezmond Father, what is climbing the culmination of the notorious date 21.12.12, we leave the van and go to the cave. The main character uses Eden Apple and opens the passage. We continue to move deep into the cave until we will be in the training field of the animus.

Repetition studied.

Updating an animus firmware is a reason for training. From the time of the previous parts, it has practically not changed, but it has become an order easier to climb. Now for this you do not need to clamp an additional buttons. It is still recommended to use the controller, together traditional for the PC bundle mouse + keyboard. Accelerated running forward and climbing the ledge. We kill two enemies in the air and get to exit.

Deadly room.

Playing for the ancestor of Hathema Kenuei, follow. We pass through the door and render on the ball. We go to the hall of the Opera House and occupy your place on the left. After talking with the ally, activate the eagle vision and detect the target on the balcony to the right at the far end. We are moving left, we go into a small room and boil upstairs. On the ledge we move to the right (occasionally up). We turn out to be on the bed, which is opposite the goal. We go beyond the scenes, pre-hacking the lock on the door. Rotate each of the bars to the characteristic click and quickly press the corresponding button to complete the hacking. Jump up on unstable scenery that are constantly falling down. But it does not prevent us from achieving the right place and deal with the enemy. We take it to the amulet and leave the building, pulling the panic crowd.

Travel to new light.

Additional orders:
Lapped Health Limit: 10% (with the first fight with sailors)
Save James for the predetermined time (after mast collapse)

On the ship "Providence" we go to the far mainland - America, namely to the city of Boston, where we will find like-minded people for our big deal. Walk to the upper deck and meet aggressively tuned sailors. It would be necessary to teach them. To do this, hold the counterattack button and steam the opponent's blows three times. We carry out a series of fast shocks. With the following opponent, quickly press the counterattack button and also quickly the shock button. This will allow you to knock out the enemy. Once again, repeat this action to finish the previous tall. The sailor pulled the knife as soon as he was going to kick, press the counterattack button, and then the buttons specified on the screen. This is the most we disarm the opponent. Proceed for the captain that appears. He will ask for a favor: find out what is happening on the ship. We return to the cabin and interact with the table.

Captain reports that it is time to act. Let's talk with a sailor that sends us to Cocca and Dr.. Coc in turn will send us to James. Raise to the steering wheel. Someone drops from the board with food. Go down to the bottom deck and go to the green area on the mini card. Activate the eagle vision to see the tip on the barrel. Return to the cabin.

Let's talk with the captain, and then we will be sent to the bottom deck in connection with the onset of the enemy ship. At the bottom of Mills reports that this he arranged all this foolishness in order to dwell with us for what we did in the theater. Counterattack and apply quick strikes to deal with the enemy. We climb upstairs, fix tackle in the points specified by the marker. We boil on the mast and lower the sails. Next, help James; Getting to it will not be difficult.

Climb upstairs and communicate with the captain. After 72 days, we successfully moored to the shore of America! Screw to the highest mast.

Part 2.
Boston, 1755 year.

Welcome to Boston.
We are celebrating Charle Lee, after which proceed to him. He wishes us to train it. Get to a shop with mixed goods. Near the entrance we encounter Benjamin Franklin, who asks for help (it is his physiognomy is depicted on hundredth bills). We pass inside, buy a saber and a gun at the merchant. We go outside where we are already waiting for the horses. Speakeling the one that is intended for us, and go to the "Green Dragon".
Arriving in place, we hurry and enter the building. We follow the top of the Charles and we meet with William Johnson - the connoisseur of local lands. He is one of the future of our like-minded people. William reports that his records were stolen by robber.

Johnson's instruction.

Additional orders:
Shoot 10 mercenaries
Do not allow Hikki and whether to lose more than half of health

Let's leave the building, communicate with the assistant William - Thomas Khiki. He already found the kidnappers, it remains only to help him pick up what belongs to Johnson. We produce a shot on a sentiment. We scroll into his position, help the allies to deal with enemies at the entrance to the camp. To achieve one hundred percent synchronization, you need to shoot more nine enemies. Clearing the item, few enemies are hiding behind the goal. Aimicious shots destroy the powder barrel and go inside. We take the box, we are painting opponents.

It's time to leave the camp. All the ways are accompanied by hiki, it is impossible to reduce its health by more than fifty percent. Search bodies after killing to get yourself bullets and some money. Enemies on the roofs are shot by sighting fire. It is advisable to get closer to them, otherwise the firepower of the gun is not enough to kill them from one shot.
We demonstrate William Amulet.

Additional orders:
Stay unnoticed
Overhear the conversation of patrol (and not just local residents)
Overhear all the conversations without letting yourself notice

We communicate with Charles and together we decide to free the slaves. We leave out, come to the house of Chercha. No one opened on the knock on the door, so more brave charles knocks the door. Inside no one turns out, so we cut off the part of the canvas and get to the orange marker. Being in a fenced zone, listening to the conversation of the neighbors. We will notice, then quickly merge with the crowd and avoid exposure. Next, we get to the green area where we will find many orange goals - gossip and similarly listening to their conversations. Meanwhile, the green area will narrow. On the roofs, we get to the forbidden zone and try to enter the barn. A key that can steal from any of the captains marked with an orange marker will be required. The easiest way to do it for those who do not always have the guards. We enter the barn and watch the conversation. Then removing the three enemies, sneaking towards them with a hidden blade, and I liberate Chercha.

Additional orders:
Do not exceed the limit of detection time (the easiest way to hide behind buildings)
Make three consecutive multi-escapes (a hidden blade is ideal for this)
Do not give to the reinforcements to call the reinforcement (follow the mini-card to trace the distant enemy)

Follow Charles to Pitcaern. An attempt to free it from the lapse of General Braddock was not crowned with success. We are moving behind a group of soldiers, trying not to fall on their eyes at all. Whether he will distract them with a bold act, catch up with it. We are growing with the nine guards and free Pitcairn, which will "play" in our team.

Penetration into Southgate.

Additional orders:
Find and kill General
Make three consecutive secret murders due to the corner
Not get damage from rifle chain

We go on the execution of an uncomplicated plan for penetration into the fort. Right from the roof they attack the traffic and destroy thirteen guards. Dressing around, heading to the fort. On the way, the Guardians will appear suspicions, promptly neutralize them, giving orders to the allies. Arriving in place, we liberate a prisoner.

We go ahead to the intersection, then turn right. Let's go to the end and discover the general. I hide in a cart with hay and, when it comes to us, press the shock button. To commit three murders from around the corner, you need to cuddle to the corner of the tent or other high items and a secretive blade to destroy suitable close enemies. You can use a whistle for lubrication.

We liberate prisoners in three places. But in front of it we are painting with vigilant officers when they remain alone. Or simply waiting for their care.

We grab the enemy and save from four shots. We are separated with the enemies, get to Sairus. Similarly, we destroy all.

Part 3.
Boston, 1755 year.

After talking with Charles, we go to the frontier and get to Lexington.

In its opinion.

Additional orders:
The limit of lost health is 50% (when battle with wolves, you need to press the first two buttons in time)
Use the destroyable items in battle (in the tavern we get up so that there are tables behind our back and then after the counterattack of the enemies, the interior items broke out)

Together with Charles, we go in search of a mysterious woman, which we freed earlier. We follow the ride for whether we find a very recently extinct bonfire. Moving up the thick continuous trace. Charles kills the striker wolf, running for a woman. It's time to face the beast face to face. Quickly press the corresponding buttons to deal with bloodthirsty wolves on the fly. Activate eagle vision to discover a woman (it is on a wooden platform at the top). We continue to pursue and when the stranger goes down to the ground, we can overtake it. Woman's name is Gadzidzio, demonstrate to her amulet. She does not want to talk about the signs shown on it, but asks to climb the hill.

We observe the camp on top in which Bulldog commands (Braddock). To deal with him, you need to find it first. We dive into the stack of the village below and, coming to the tavern, we enter inside. Let's go right and squeeze to the counter. Having overheard the first conversation, go to the left. Get up by the window, listening to the second conversation. We return to the counter and listen to the conversation. We go to the exit, but oxane guards will not let us go away. In hand-to-hand fighting with eight opponents.

Execution is all.

Additional orders:
Do not kill the guards (after listening to the conversation, use only a hand-to-hand fight)
Spoit two guns

We meet with Dzio not far from the camp. Get inside is imperceptibly easier on the wagon, which just drives to the left of us. Penetrating the camp, soon the wagon will stop. Let's leave it and go to the right on the grass down. We are out of order the first gun, without falling on the eyes of enemies. We return to the wagon and go on the left side. We go to the white area on the mini card and start listening to the conversation. When the enemies are almost distinguished, it is best to immediately climb on the roof. And jump on the other side on the grass. Before you get to the tent, stunning the guard from behind without using weapons. We take the map, we are out of order the second gun. From here we descend down, we leave the camp through the side passage and get to Gadzidze.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional orders:
Kill two militias not attracting attention
Destroy cartridges with gunpowder (cartridges get in advance!)

Together with like-minded people, we go to the north, where we will meet with Dzio and its tribe. Let's go right and enter the red zone. I hide in a haystack and deal with the enemy. A little further there is another stack. During the grass, you will get to and simultaneously deal with the guard. Now we can kill everyone else.

We change clothes and get to the horse to Braddock. He decided to escape from us, taking advantage of the French attack. We rush into pursuit, along the way we shoot on the powder barrels on the carts. Having overtook the general, he runs away again. We choose the blade, catch up with the goal and spread with it.

Not finding anything interesting in the cave, we return to the allies. We carry out a swirl oath for Charles. From now on he is the Templar.

Part 4.
Ganadazedon, 1760.

Additional orders:
Find all the children without making a single mistake
Find all children in four minutes

We play for Radunhaghedu (the main character, later Connor). Follow the forest for other children. We will play hide and seek. Pull the short wand and, respectively, we drive. After counting to a hundred, proceed to the search. We study the tip right in front of us. There are three green areas on the mini card. With each studied prompt, the diameter of these circle decreases. Tips are highlighted long before they approached them, so there will be no difficulty finding all children. Basically, they are hiding in stacks.

We return to the tree and again spend the draw. Choose any of the available places where we can hide. Enemies are attacked on us, one of which is Charles Lee. They are asked to transfer the message to our tribe. Get to the village, which was covered by the flame. Through the barn, we get to the hut, where our mother is (Gadzidzio). Let's go around on the right side. An attempt to save her will not be crowned with success.

Feathers and trees.
Additional orders:

Do not touch the earth and water
Find three pen (all of them are marked on the map, you just need to wander around the forest)
The genus asked to collect feathers. Boil into a thin tree and from there on the branch in the neighboring. Close up is quite easy to climb. The main thing to look at the desired side and hold the running button. On the branches, we get to the river and at the same time follow the partner. He almost takes off the river, you will need to help him. On the rocks we climb up to the bird nest. Having obtained the pen, we move down, but we successfully land in a stack. The map shows the locations of three more feathers, climb on the trees with small pegs.

Hunting lessons.

Additional orders:
Get three animals of different types (hare, fox, deer)
Put a trap with bait to catch the beast (the place where we installed the trap are desirable to be abundantly filled with bait)
Kill two animals in the air (you need to attack, being on the hill (tree, cobblestone))

Get to the green area, shoot a hare from onions and refreshing his body. Near the tree we study the hint and, choosing a trap from arsenal, install it. We go to the next larger green area. We study the tip (bush with red berries). Hiding in the grass, we get to the deer as close as possible. In arsenal, choose the bait. Deer honors the smell and comes to us. We attack him, kill and refreshet. We could also kill his arrow, but in this case, instead of the skins we will get meat. We return to traps and check them for prey.
It is necessary to get meat of five animals. As soon as the counter is full, we will no longer be able to continue hunting and, accordingly, not fulfilled additional orders will be failed. We return to Ganadogon, who runs away from the bear in fear. Press the appropriate buttons to evade the beast. Let's go to the village. During the battle with the bear, we lost all the prey, but our capable student was able to provide a satisfying dinner for us.

There will be something to remember.

Additional orders:
Avoid air collisions
We go to the tent for the birth. We get an apple to Eden and move to Nexus. I am embodied in the body of the bird and fly forward, avoiding clashes with various obstacles. You can change the flight to the left-right, upstairs.

Part 5.
Frontier, 1769 year.

Radunhagead left the village to get answers to questions. Get to the estate Davenport. Through the global card to the point you can move instantly.


Additional orders:
Lapped health limit no more than 50%
I aggressively knocking on the door, we finally open, but refuse to help. It began to rain, so I will get to the stables nearby and we will approve there.

In the next morning we will try again to ask for help, this time, Assassin does not open the door at all. Let's go to the back door, the owner of the estate is supervised from the window and asks to leave his possessions again. We climb on the balcony and get a refusal of rough form. Return to the stable.

At night, we find unknowns trying to disturb the old man. We are growing with the enemies, and then Achilles appears and helps us break out of the head of the leader. By saving respect, we go to the estate and communicate with the old man. After listening to the story, follow him in a secret basement.

Order of Achilles.

Additional orders:
I jerle in the carriage and together with the mentor we go to the city. Follow the Achilles and then go to the bench of funny goods. From now on, our name is Connor. "Pulling" the coins of the merchant and ask to deliver the tools to the van near the Town Hall. Return to Achilles. I find out what is happening. Among the crowd notice the Father - Hatem. Proceed in the lane for his accomplice. We do not fit close, but we try not to miss for a long time. When he hurts to the roof, you need to stay closer, because for limited time we have to deal with the enemy before it works out. Hide from the guards, coming out first from red, then from orange areas on the mini card.

Particularly dangerous.

Additional orders:
Fame should not be higher than level 3

The level of wanricity has noticeably gone and now, at every meeting of the guards, they will immediately want to kill us. We get to Samyel, who will help us get rid of this "bad reputation." On his advice run around the city and tear posters. The couples are quite enough for the first time, then return to Sam. He introduces us with Silas - local herald, who for a reasonable fee will convince the crowd into anything. Accompany Samyel to the system of tunnels through the alleys to once again not collaborate with the guards.

Fill at the bottom.

We are chosen out on the other side. The path is pretty predictable if you look at the mini-card, and Sam comments and running rats will prompt the right direction. We wake the castle as we have already done earlier. Rotating alternately two bars to the characteristic click and, without releasing the fixed position, we produce sharp movements.

Fighting seal.

Another way to get rid of "bad reputation" is to visit the printer. He will do everything in the best form. Follow Sam to the pier. We communicate with the captain (anchor sign on the mini-card) and on a global map, choose the estate of Davenport.

Return of the prodigal son.

Returning to Achilles, Connor expresses him his discontent. But nevertheless, we receive the assassin set from the teacher.
Salvation on the river.
Additional orders:
Saving Terry, do not touch water (when the camera is raised, it is not necessary to jump into the water, but on a log)

An unknown window is knocking on the window, we go out and learn about what happened. Follow the Godfrey, who did not really explain anything. Reaching the river, we see a person on a log, which takes place. Jump on stones, branches and soda trees. Terry and Godfrey conceived to equip the sawmill nearby, their work will be very useful for the repair of the estate.

Start date.

Get to the hut on the shore, as I asked for our teacher. Here we get acquainted with Robert Falkner, who will help us in the repair of the Akvila ship. First you need to get materials. Return to Achilles. He gives us Grossbuch (accounting book), in which we can distribute materials and direct them to the desired buildings. Perform actions shown on the screen. We study the section "Reserves", "Craft" and "Trade".

We are not looking for easy ways.

Additional orders:
The ship should not get damage (use only half sails, so as not to face reefs)
To withstand three attacks (evade the shots of the frigate by pressing the corresponding button when we see the red flow of light directed in us)
Shoot two enemy ship out of falconeta

We meet with Robert at the solar ship and go to Martas Vinyard, where we can buy guns and hire gunners. We come to the helm to start driving the ship. We raise half of the sails, and then all sails. The more they are raised, the faster the ship is moving and the less manage it. When the storm is enhanced, then, of course, we leave only half of the sails to keep the ship in the right direction.

Moored to the pier. A small meal arises in the tavern due to the fact that Connor is trying to find out from the Templars about the location of Charles Lee. We buy guns, hire the acquaintances of Canonirov and go back to the ship. Let's floate to the destroyed ship for training. We look at the side where we want to shoot. Thus, we destroy two ships by different parties from us. Then we produce aimed shot on the barrels with gunpowder. We return to Achilles, and along the way the enemy vessel attackers shoots us. First there will be three small, then one frigate. I do not rush to attack it, first decline from the cannon shots.

Part 6.

Sean reports that he found the source of energy in Penthouse in Manhattan. We are thrown into the neighboring building, from where we start climbing up to the upper point of the crane. Then pull down from there, quickly press any button and reveal the parachute. We land on the helipad. We take the source of energy, and the former assassin immediately appears, from now on, working on the Templars. Neutralize it and return to animus.

Davenport estate, 1773.
Train Johnson.

Additional orders:
Not exceed the second level of fame
Do not exceed six shots during the destruction of smuggling in the port

Ganadogan arrives at the estate and reports that all residents of the village ask to leave their homes, as these lands were redeemed by the Confederation. We also learn the name of the one who is behind all this is William Johnson. We go to Boston on the ship and we meet with Samuel. Follow him, along the way, come across another injustice. We help the resident to deal with the guards who distort the peace of conscientious payers. We catch up with Sam.

After the meeting we go to the port. In the forbidden zones, we find smuggling and throwing porch barrels nearby nearby. We shoot on them to destroy. A gun and ammunition to it can be taken from the bodies of dead enemies. Next, we are growing up with three groups of tax collectors of sins in the city.

Cook in anger.

Additional orders:
Do not participate in collisions longer than 15 seconds
Limited Shafo Health Limit: 30%
Make five imperceptible murders

Ground Stephen goes to search for robbers. Accompany him all the way. It is advisable to go ahead of him to manage to imperceptibly neutralize the guards. We actively use firearms to straighten up with a group of enemies quickly and efficiently. At the end, we use the canonir so that he destroyed the captain of the Guardians.

Tea drinking.

Additional orders:
Reset ten boxes with tea in water
Reset three British soldiers in water (try to counterattack when they stand back to board)
Make one murder from the Musket in the air (Muskets can be mined from enemies, jump on them directly from the side and attack in the air)

I find out the plan for further action at Samyel. We arrive at the port where we are painting with fifteen guards. We proceed to unload tea into the water. Our task is to hold out until all the discharge of tea happens. Actively help allies to fight back from enemies. First of all, we relieve ten boxes. We do not forget that the forces of the Allies can exhausted and then will have to defend Shafo and Sam. If this is not done, the task will be failed.

Aggressive negotiations.

Additional orders:
Prevent murder more than one Indian
It is imperceptible to get to Johnson (from the roof it is easier to attack the goal)
Duck with a swallow and get away from the chase (dealt with Johnson, run down the meadow and dive into the water)

We return to the estate of Davenport and communicate with Achilles. Soon, Ganadogan arrives in the house and reports that Johnson is trying to redeem the land on which the village is. Get to the frontier and meet with Ganadogan. Jump down on the right side, finding a lower place to lose as less health as possible. From here it is much easier to get to Johnson on the hill. We avoid guards, picking up a route through a mini card. We climb on the roof and by choosing the blade, in the jump we are painting with the enemy. Hide from guard.

Part 7.
Davenport estate, 1775 year.
Midnight jump.

Additional orders:
Not to enter into an open collision
Get to Prescott in two minutes
We go to Boston to meet with the edge of the revolution and his colleagues. We go to the frontier together. Moving from one green area to another until I find the home of the militia. Also, if confused, you can always ask to specify the right path from the partner. Arriving in the third house, we were almost caught. Let's leave the danger zone and get to Prescotta. Then visit Hancock and Adams and also warn them about the impending British army.

Lexington and Concord.

Additional orders:
Destroy each of the seven groups of soldiers with one order
Saving hostages (follow the mini-card on the path to the farm to notice the inhabitants in need of the inhabitants)

The Army Pitcaern began offensive. They exceed us in quantity and therefore our fighters retreated together. Get to Farm Barrett and proceed to the command of the troops. Total three groups: in the center in front of the bridge, on the right and, accordingly, on the left. Watch the mini-card and run to the other side, from where the enemies come faster than everything. We give an order for shooting only when enemy troops came up with a sufficient distance. It should also be considered that there are no losses in our ranks, and if they are, we are waiting for replenishment. It is rather relevant to fulfill additional instructions. Having finished the fight, we communicate with James Barrett.

War is coming.

Additional orders:
Get around Charlestown without receiving damage (it is best to run without stops)
Kill the Grenader from the air (the Grenader is in the left ship)

We go to Banker Hill, where we will meet with Israel Patnam. But the scout leads us to Bridss. Here it takes a fierce fight. The general intends to leave the battlefield. We run to the ships to stop the shelling from the sea. First we swim to the left ship. Call best on the back side. Immediately neutralize the guard in the back of the ship. Then we climb on the mast and in the jump destroy the Grenader. Gilt the powder barrel, quickly jump into the water. Similarly, we do with the second ship. It remains only to replace the flags on the tops of the mast.

Battle for bankrupt Hill.

Additional orders:
Unnoticed to kill Pitcairn in the air
Get across the battlefield without receiving damage
Do not kill more than four English soldiers without need

Swimming to the shore, sit down in the saddle and follow the patriot. We run from shelter to shelter, picking up the moment. Follow the enemy troops as soon as the flash passed - you can run! On the rock climb upstairs and follow the thick grass on the left. We try not to break away from it, as the guards constantly patrol here. Reaching tents, we will pass to the end and take the long tree. You jump over the next tree on the right. Screw up even higher and go through a long branch. You jump over the flag holder and from here it is easy to jump on the head of Pitcairn.

Part 8.
Davenport estate, 1776 year.

Additional orders:
No one to push and not shoot down from the legs (go a step when we see the crowd)
Successfully overhear the conversation, standing still
Successfully overheard the conversation on the go (you can't climb on the roof)

In the house of Achilles, we communicate with his friend. We go to the frontier, and already from there we will get to New York. Smeasided the horse and proceed for the agent to the market. We witness an attempt to acquire a product for fake money. Proily proceed for the counterfeit. Keep at a distance so that in the case of what time to hide around the corner. We listen to the conversation while in the appropriate zone. We continue the persecution, the next conversation is erupting, moving along the alley. Fakes will stop exactly two times: for the first time we are easily accuracy among people, and for the second time literally in a meter from them for the shelter to the right, so do not fall behind! They will turn right and turn out to be in their lair.

Running inside, finding Thomas Hiki. So, we begin the persecution, we turn in the alley on the left. Now we run for Thomas, but straight! Thus, we can cut it and quickly overtake.

Brydwell prison.

Additional orders:
Do not kill more than one guard
Kill Khiki for two minutes
We are caught and, stunning, placed in the chamber. We approach the wall to overhear the conversation of prisoners. Going to bed.
The next day we descend for a walk accompanied by a security guard. Turn on the eagle vision and find the yellow goal. Mason sits behind a playing table. Unlock chips and at the same time we learn useful information. We rise to the top and steal the key at Finch. Return to the camera. I try to open the camera door at night, but in fact the key is not at all under this castle. In the morning I find out with Mason that the key is intended for replacement to the original, which can be taken in the ward. Attack of prisoners, and then deal with everyone. We act only one bunch of counteridar + to break through the protection. Also apply a lot of short blows to make unfinics faster.

We run out of imprisonment and, avoiding the guards, go upstairs, where Mason is waiting for us. It opens access to more spacious cameras. As soon as we go into a large room, immediately turn right. We will rise on the stairs to the very top and when the guards will go, enter the chamber.

Public execution.

Additional orders:
Washington's bodyguards must survive (as soon as possible catch the hikie and push it)
Kill enemy militias

We are conducted on execution. Without trial, we will be hanged. Through the crowd, make your way to the gallows. After the short speech of Charles, the loop firmly starts to squeeze the neck. Quickly give the signal to the allies to be released. In slowing down, catching up Hiki and push him to make attention to us. Parify his attacks and just repel. We paint with two guards and finish Hick.
Follow the Achilles and after the conversation, we go to the hall.

Part 9.

Found the second source of energy - in Brazil. We rise higher to establish a connection with Rebecca. The stadium is so easy not to pass - you need a ticket. On the right there is an open door leading to the courtyard. Through the grass we are moving behind the guard and then stamped through the nearest door inside. We are moving along the corridor, we continue to bypass protection on the right side (toilets, small utility rooms). Rising upstream due to acrobatic abilities, follow the guard. We can stun him from behind and go to bed. By metal design, we will move on the opposite direction. If you activate eagle vision, it is easy to notice a red target for a huge glass in the VIP zone. Let's get there and encounter an unknown killer, set up a bloody massacre and trying to escape with the artifact. Thinking in time, and the chase will end in the courtyard. We are afraid of guard and with the killer. Attack him in such a way as we have previously attacked prisoners in prison - Conitary + Punch protection. We take the source of energy and on all pairs rush in the subway.

Davenport estate, 1777 year.

Missing cargo.
Additional orders:
Catch the cat in thirty seconds
Do not hide in the Seine, following the caravan
Kill three patrol remaining unnoticed
Let's leave the estate and go to Vali-Ford for independent accomplishment of justice. The commander reports about treason, which is accompanied by theft of goods. Get to the abandoned church. Entering inside on us attacks Hathem. Surely, if he wanted to kill us, then would do it. After talking to him, together begin to search for Benjamin Chercha.

We leave from the church and study the first tip - broken boxes with the provincial. We go further along the path, we choose on the road. Here patrols the enemy squad. Ignore them or deal with them - the case of taste. Looking around the tracks from the wagon on the road. In the last small area without finding the wagon and cat. We catch up with a fugitive and rolle on the ground. Hathemus kills the cat and gives us new orders.

We catch up a caravan and follow him. We move to the left, then on the right, so as not to get on the eyes of the guards. Moreover, it is impossible to leave the overheard zone. Once in the Seine, we wait until the guard is suitable for us, and then we will deal with him. Similarly, we destroy two more, which will meet on the way. Mercenaries grabbed Hatehema, help him and separated with thirteen opponents.

Father and son.

Additional orders:
Steal mercenary clothes and can't get caught
We meet with Hathemom in New York. Follow him on the roofs to the place where Benjamin Cherh is hidden. Since the guard at the gate changed, we will not be able to go inside. Get to the mercenary and imperceptibly kill him when he is near the boxes. Quickly change clothes into his uniform and, returning to the Father, we pass together to Chercha's lair.

Foam and flame.

Additional orders:
Don't get damage from fire
Lapped Health Lost Health: 50%
We fall into the harvested trap and spread with the enemies. As soon as we see that the health of the father is rapidly falling - help him. Mercenaries shot at an explosive substance, and therefore brewery covered fire. We are climbing upstairs, the beams are still moving on the other side. We continue to rise more and higher. We help Hatime and teach together to exit.

Gorky outcome.

Additional orders:
The limit of the surrounding damage: 20%
The distance to schooner should not exceed more than 500

We meet with my father on the pier and go to the chase for Cherch. Nastigigat the ship "Greeting", but there is no one on board. In the meantime, on the other hand, linear escort starts to fill. Pursuing him, trying not to lag behind more than 500. Maneuvering among the cliffs of half sails. Further, in the open battle, we destroy five small ships, linear escort - not attack. Already when they deal with the ships, choose a knapfield in the list of equipment and shoot the chief enemy.

We go to the boarding. The first thing I will kill in a row of three sailors (their lighter than everything). Then marked goals on the mini-card. Go down to the lower deck and finish Chercha.

Part 10.
Estate Davenport, 1778 year.

Alternative methods.
Additional orders:
Use twice guards like live shields
Throw on the target
Go to New York to meet with Hathem. Together we go to search for commanders-loyalists. Follow my father and climb to the very top. Jump your enemies on the heads. We get closer to the arrows (yellow goals) to provoke them. As soon as they prepare for a shot, grab the nearest guards and use it as a live shield. By destroying everyone, grab the shooters in captivity. One of them manage to escape. Run as rushing. It is not necessary to follow the fugitive on the heels. You can not coach in the alley, podkraulil it to pre-climb to height and attack. Accompany prisoner to the interrogation room. Periodically push it, otherwise it will not move from the spot.

Devoted trust.

Additional orders:
Do not touch the earth (moving around and attack, exclusively in the saddle)
Capture all the races of patriots in three minutes
Neutralize Ganiaghah bloodless methods

Having learned the contents of Washington's notes, rushing towards the village. We follow the green zone on the mini card and pass the marked enemies in the mini card. It is best to use firearms. Having finished with him, go around the numerous troops and get to the village. We inform the elder that enemies are coming to them. The kind in turn is interested in why we are not with Charles Lee.

We leave the limits of the village, and begins the hunt for warriors Ganiagha. We try to sneak into them from behind and attack without the use of weapons. Then we get to Ganadogan. Charles enveloped his mind in lies, and now he thinks we're going to destroy the village. Press the appropriate button and make what you should do.

Battle with monmute.

Additional orders:
Neutralize each of the eight plates of soldiers with one cannon core
Kill two platforms of soldiers in one core (shoot strictly between two platforms)
Prevent three executions of patriot leaders

We meet with the commander-in-chief and are accepted for retention. We have one single gun at our disposal. We destroy the selected enemies - right, left and centered. Enemy forces are superior to our, so you have to retreat. We are moving into a safe place from one control point to another. Along the way, stop the execution by running and starting to attack.

Part 11.

"Abstergo" captured our father. Instead, the Templars require, of course, an apple. We go to their laboratory, where everyone is already aware of our arrival. We go straight, then join the fight with the guard. By interrupting all, we will rise on the elevator upstairs, but I will not have time to achieve the right floor. The elevator shaft is climbing on the fourth floor and spread with enemies. We continue to follow the corridors and bridges. Let's get through the door to the room on the left and meet with a cross. When his "crossbind", rushing in the chase. Out and kill the blade.

Climb the elevator to the fifth floor. Going to the office of Vicker. On the way, shoot numerous protection from the pistol. Then the doors will open, and we can go to the office. Using an apple, manipulate the guards and make them kill themselves and see them. We liberate your father, taking the third artifact and return to the shelter, passing the energy of the apple.

Davenport estate, 1781.

Chesapeake battle.
Additional orders:
Destroy three ships with one onboard volley
Slow up two frigates, hitting them into powder trims
Kill five enemies by counterattack

Last meeting with Achilles, the last instruction from our teacher ... We go to the Chesapeake Bay on the ship. Under the command of the admiral enter the battle. Earlier, we have already fought at sea, nothing has changed from those. Strike enemies onboard fire. A couple of frigates will destroy from a falconeta, shooting in powder on their sides. In the final battle, we expect a huge linear escort. But I will not measure the guns, but we will face directly and take on the board.

We paint with the sailors, the five kill in the counterattack. The main goal is the captain, marked on the mini-card. Shot along the powder barrels and quickly jump from the ship. Admiral was pleased with our outstanding abilities. He kept the promise and therefore will fulfill what we were asked about.

Last battle Lee.

Additional orders:
Get to the signal tower in three minutes
Stay unnoticed on the road to the warning fire
Lapped Health Limit: 50%

Attract the guard to the well. The tower is best to get along the roofs. But here it is worth the fear of alone, but very vigilant guards. Apply the signal to the admiral, and the shelling begins. How nevertheless we do not turn out to be in the center of events. After the explosion, the connotus covers contusion. Get to Heathema and proceed to battle. We are standing back to grain items, such as barrels, wooden tables. We carry out several pariroving strikes. We finish your father, wondering the hidden blade in his head when he starts choking us.

Part 12.
New York, 1782 year.
Rest in peace.

Additional orders:
Do not kill more fifteen english soldiers
Get out of the ship without entering the battle
Kill Captain "Jersey"

We get to Charles Lee. After the conversation, we break out of the paws of the guards. Do not abuse murders. We destroy only those mercenaries that are marked on the mini card. From the rest, it is desirable to escape. I figure out the latter about the location of Charles. We go to the ferry, climbing to "Jersey". Rope clock upstairs. We are shifted to the left, we climb above, then right and thus climb on board. Join the soldier to the marked point. Close to the window to overhear the captain's conversation. Let's go right to Captain's cabin. Having heard the conversation, you will need to kill it. To begin with, deal with witnesses, and then with the very purpose. Jump into the water and automatically find yourself on the pier.

In pursuit of whether.

Additional orders:
Do not delete from more than 50
Do not push anyone during chase
Not get damage from fire

Go to Boston to the Green Dragon Tavern. I figure out the mercenary about the location of Charles. Get to the harbor in the green area. Climbing higher to increase the review. Activate orly vision and track yellow target. Now the chase will begin, which is forced to sweat. At least, I managed to pass it with all the additional orders only with the ninth attempt. So, we run forward, stop in front of the barrels. We continue to run after the explosion. Go around the first guards to the right. The second rifle chain - jumping on the left. Get to the burning layout of the ship. Skip down, then climb on the right on the wall. Jump on hanging ropes on the left. Through the window we choose out. Jump more and further and turn out to be below. Slist, on the mechanism climb upstairs. The opponent flew over the corner. We will wait a little while the mechanism returns to us, and we do a similar action. We catch up with Charles, but we are no longer able to fight with him. Finally, we manage to shoot, after which he is hiding.

Slowly moving towards the pier. Then we get to the tavern slowly, where we wrap with Charles Lee.


The riddle is solved! Now Dismond knows where the key is. Collinate him and return to the shelter. We will go to the left and pass to the room with multi-level devices. Metal beams are booined upstairs and install the first source of energy. To the right of the animus opened a passage. We will pass along it and climb upstairs on the climbing stairs. On the opposite side, we will see the place where we follow the source of energy. Let's go parallel to that side, then turn right and pull down. Let's turn to the right and then once again to get through the passage to the room. We scroll through the walls and install the artifact. Return to the animus. Let's go a little further and turn right. We will rise up, climbing on the pillars to the aisle in the corner. From there we jump into the horizons and, being on the other side, we move again on the columns and install the last artifact. Let's go back to animus and, finally, come to the transparent wall. It is time to make a choice. We look at the final roller.

To pass the Assassin "S CREED3 game, Desmond was sent to Brazil to perform the following task. The stadium it turns out to be coming out of the subway. You need to think about something, since it has no entrance ticket. The right is the open door. We try not to get on the eyes guard . We can get around it through the entrance to the toilet. We find the door leading to the street, we climb back, using the window, boil the stairs. We see the fight at the stadium - we are gualed. You need to catch up with a hired person, not paying attention to the guards. But it is necessary To be attentive, they lead the shooting. We beat them and take the artifact of mercenary. We return to the subway.

To pass the Assassin "S CREED3 game now you need to turn on the source. Since no one is still included, the desired hole is located in the ruins behind the stairs, not far from Animus. It will open the entrance on the opposite side, where you can arrange another source. Then we go back to animus.

Missing cargo

Connor was going to uncover Washington secret negotia, but the general is more concerned about the attacks on the call. We go to a given church and find our ally. There is a cart near the cart, it needs to be applied and press the LKM to stop it. So we recognize the location of Chercha. Then we find a caravan, loaded with hay. We cannot hide there, but you need to get closer to listening to conversations. We go on the side of the road and still fall into the hay. We drag one enemy in the hay and go for those who are talking. We go to the ruins of the house and find a second guard there. Tespim and wait until the talking people go to a safe distance. Then I publish a whistle and eliminate the guard. Not far from the boxes is the third guard. I will catch up "friends" and see that someone already turned out to be caught. His salvation forces us to kill 13 enemies.

Father and son

Connor returned to New York again. To pass the Assassin "S Creed 3 game, we go for the Hathemom. To do this, we climb on the roof of the houses. When you reach the right place, we change clothes on the uniform, we climb the cart and taking care of the mercenary.

Foam and flames

Connor and Hageti were in Chercha's brewery. Then they should get to meet him. It turns out that this is just a mercenary similar to Chercha and who used a wig. We are fighting with opponents. Heathema's health level 50%, we go to protect it. Then leave the flaming brewery, following the Hathemom on the beams.

Bitter outcome

In the sea continues chase at the Hathem. To pass the Assassin "S Creed 3 game, we first make raising sails in the random, as we need to go through between the dangerous rocks. The maximum permissible damage is 20. In the bay we find the ship" Greeting "ship, which turns out to be empty. Little and dangerous schooner goes on Full sails. We start moving, we do not have to gather more than 500. We are preparing for the fact that the squalls will often be pursued. We turn out to be in the Western. Increasing the drumming of the ships. At first we destroy five shhun, then, using a bookpel, break masts On a linear ship. We must fulfill at least 3 liquidations in a row. For the passage of Assassin "S Creed 3 remains only to eliminate three enemy officers on the deck of the ship. Then the Connor is heading in the bag, Chercha and Halemia is going on there. Click LKM for its final elimination.

Chapter 10. Alternative Methods

Quickly follow the Hathemom to the area, affected by fire. We climb on the top of the church, where we take a jump on top of the soldier. I eliminate all enemies of red. It is forbidden to kill everyone labeled with an orange tint. There is a condition - two enemies need to use both alive shields. We remember that it is necessary to wait until the preparation for the pallet starts. We approach the soldier and press the space. We forgot to tie one enemy, so now it will have to catch up and delay. This can be done, jumping on top of it. First we find the route a fugitive, then we are looking for a suitable shelter and catch a soldier. Then, throw it into the fort, pressing the space.


Washington and Kenway did not exercise hopes. At the moment, the messengers are in a hurry to convey the order about the beginning of the siege on his village. We move the riding, we must do everything for three minutes. To pass the Assassin "S Creed 3 game, it is forbidden to touch the ground. You need to shoot the first enemy, and you can destroy the second team, jumping from one horse to another, on the LKM, and eliminating riders. Hurry up in the village, bypassing the camp away. Here you need to find the elder Villages. It turns out that whether it removed from the village of the best hunters and plans to push them with militia. To pass the game Assassin "S Creed 3, going from the rear and hiding weapons, you can stun six enemies right away.

Battle with monmute

We carry the sight, do a shot. Sight exhibit a bit before the platoon. The shot will not be able to immediately. Fixed goals kill it easier - just bring focus on them and spend a volley ..
- Here you need to eliminate 2 platforms, using just one shot. For the passage of Assassin "S Creed 3, the next mission is to provide assistance in the departure. We make a raid for teams in red uniforms that are making prepare for the execution of officers through the execution. Thus, one more task will be executed.

Chapter 11. Our time

It is necessary to provide protection to the Father. We hit the elevator shaft. It is necessary to cling to fasteners for glass and destroy three guards. They will be upstairs. We go further and eliminate guards as soon as they appear. Then one armed enemy grabbing glitch and tries to escape, but our task is to destroy it. We go to the Vidicker, which keeps the father in the office. Click LKM for a shot. The following will require a combination - space, e, LKM R or Q. Then you can attack the enemies using clicking on the specified keys.

If we go up the stairs where the second source was turned on, you can connect the third one. Now we need the last area - this is a staircase to the right of the "central tract". We observe the hologram. However, we can't get there. It turns out this is not required. Our path will go below, where there is something like a room, from where you can continue our journey. To pass the game Assassin "S Creed 3 you need to get the final fragment - the key of the Hathema.

Chesapeake Battle

You must talk with a folker, then put the goal - the mission "Chesapeake Battle". Again the battle on the sea! I liquidate three small ships with one shot. We are moving in such a way that all three ships get in the area to be hit right away, make a volley. To pass the Assassin "S Creed 3 game, you need to drown two frigates using a shot in the trummers with gunpowder. After the first five vessels are drowning, we see new three frigates. The first visible holds with gunpowder. But the rest can deliver trouble. To begin , It is necessary to make tricks with powder open, shoot in the nose of the frigate, but only then open fire from falconets. All the allied vessels are drowning. "Aquila" remained alone to fight with a linear ship. In mind the absence of guns, you need to brag enemy ship. To pass the Assassin "S Creed 3 With the help of counterattacks we kill five opponents. We remind you that it is necessary not to miss the moment of the strike by the enemy. We will see it with a rhombic of red. Here you need to click e, then the LKM. It remains only to complete the elimination of the captain of the vessel and leave the place of collision before the ship will explode.

Last battle Lie

The crusade, directed against Charles Lee, is undergoing. You need to go to the dungeon of New York, and then to the fort. To begin with, we inform the admiral about the beginning of the siege. We throw the guard to the well and come out. We climb on the roof, the first of two guards need to be eliminated to facilitate the continued path. Without reaching the lighthouse, we see the guard again. Kill it too. We climb into the wagon with the hay and begin attempting to eliminate the guard on the right side. We climb the lighthouse and act! To pass the game Assassin "S Creed 3 at the very beginning of an enemy attack, you need to reflect it, standing back to wooden subjects. Thus, the enemy will be easier to win.

Chapter 12. Rest with the world

Lee pronounces speech during the funeral of Hathema. Enemies catch a connore, do not need to try to help him. After it began to beat, press E and break. I liquidate five enemies, we go back to the church and destroy the remaining opponents. Moving to the pier, sailing to the ship. The maximum number of killed enemies - 2. Climb on board the ship and hold the window at the bottom of the window to overhear the conversation of the captain in the cabin. We go to the deck, then to the window and eliminate the skipper "Jersey". You need to kill the guard hindering the cautious door. We are waiting for the captain and destroy it. We dive into the water.

In pursuit of whether

Moving in the harbor and there we press V - we see the target painted in the gold color. It turns out our goal is disguisedly. Do not leave it further than 50 meters. Avoid clashes. First we pass the first obstacle - these are the ramps to the region. The opponents will be afraid along the right edge of the perimeter. Do not go to the next ambush, we make a leap left. Begins the chase of us in a flaming ship. We jump down, following Charles, we climb on the wall to the right and moving jumps further. After the wall collapses, we see a free passage on the site, go to it. We barely run, due to the weakness. Connor finally sailed over, now our last task is to enter the tavern and watching video messages.


To pass the Assassin "S CREED 3 game, if we still have not connected all sources, it's time to perform this task. Repeat, the first place is the left of the" central tract "near the protective barrier. This is above the staircase and ruins. We look A couple of visions, then we connect the source from above. We see the beginning of the next way, behind the animus. If you connect there source, the new staircase will be open. It is hidden between crystals to the right of the "central tract". There is only one place that can cause difficulties. We look through Hologram, which shows the location you need. But we can not get there. It turns out that it is not necessary to do this, due to the fact that the path goes on and below. Next we see a room in which there is no ceiling. There you can boil and continue the path. Then Very simply make a complex of jumps. Thus, the passage of the game Assassin "S Creed 3 is finished.

Sequence 12.
rest in peace

New York 1782 year. Replenish all weapons in front of it. Secondary task: do not kill more than 15 English soldiers without need . Those who need to kill marked KM On the mini card - only 13 soldiers will be. On the second, fights not to spend their strength and not to increase the kill counter, call your recruits to help. Thus, after this fight, I could still kill 8 people, which is enough for the eyes. After finding out where Charles Lee is sent to PM, complete your last thing ...

To imperceptibly approach the ship - go over the red zone from either side and swim to our goal. Click on the speakers on the log on up and take the right. The top deck will concilize one soldier, you can drag it into the water or try to get around. The stairs below will wander the second, you can fully ignore it and when it turns out to run past on PM.

Eave the conversation and move on. On the right there will be one soldier who will see you when you climb the stairs to the cabin - I advise him to kill him hidden blades. When two patrols will disperse, run around the stairs to the cabin cabin and hide behind the drawers so that no one notice you. As soon as the conversation end, two more will appear secondary tasks: Get out of the ship without entering the battle. Kill Captain "Jersey" . The easiest way to kill the captain is imperceptible - this is a poisoned dart. As soon as it comes out of the cabin, take the roof and touch the dart. When all the attention of the nearest soldiers switches to the captain's agony, you are imperceptibly leaving the ship. Or you can try to kill a hidden blade by fading your actions under his movement route. But it will be somewhat more complicated.

In pursuit of whether

It's time to die Charles Lee. We return to Boston into a good-friendly tavern "Green Dragon" and learn the current deployment of General Lee. We go to the Pier in the Green area. Eagle vision we find a golden goal and ... three will appear secondary tasks: do not delete more than 50 meters from more than 50 meters. Do not push anyone during the chase. Do not let yourself shoot yourself . Tasks at first glance are complex, but quite fulfilled, people on the pier will not be so much. Soldiers will not lead a sighting shooting and you will not be hurt if you are constantly moving, and not stand still. At the very beginning, in order not to lose precious time and do not miss more than 50 meters, take a little left to avoid an explosion from the powder barrels. Dealer all the time run in direct and from time to time, leave the boxes and the ledge from the attack of the British. When it turns left on the pier, cut the distance and roll a little earlier - to avoid the shot ahead of the soldiers standing and slightly reduce the distance. In the burning ship, continue the chase, but you can relax a little - no additional conditions will be.

Part 1.


We look at the roller in which the events in the previous parts are described. We leave the car and go to the cave. We use the apple Eden to open closed areas. We are equipped in the new shelter and begin training.

Repetition studied.

Additional task:

. Murder

Animus firmware updated. For us, like players, management has become nicer. There is much fewer buttons when moving. We move forward, overcoming obstacles. We jump, climb on the walls and everything in such a spirit. We destroy two opponents in the jump and complete the training.

Deadly room.

Looking ahead I want to say that the hero, for which we play about a quarter of the plot, is the father of Assasina Connor. His name is Hathem Kennay and he is the Templar. We go inside and sit in the hall, in a special place for us. We speak with a supporter who advises finding a goal. We include eagle vision and look at the right far end. Get up and move left. From a small room we climb on the wall and shift to the right. Also, sometimes screamed higher. Penetrate into the most extreme balcony and take the scene from here. We wake the door with two bars. You turn each of them until I got a click. We jump around the scenery and thereby move on the opposite direction. We pass in the right goal and, killing it, remove the amulet. We choose out and complete the task.

Travel to new light.

Additional tasks:

. Do not lose more than 10% of health during contamination with sailors
. Save James for a predetermined time when mast collapses

In order to hide from the enemies who suspect us in murder, keep the way to America. We are chosen on the upper deck and communicate with the sailors. They are aggressive, therefore, after the verbal crossing, we turn to business. We look in the direction of those enemies that are going to attack us, and hold the button of the counterattack. After three successful parirs, go to the attack. Then, not just parry, but also take a blow after protection. To do this, hold the counterattack button and quickly press the shock button. Next, disarming the enemy with a knife. Cut the counterattack and press the corresponding button. Seveled with the rebellion, we communicate with the captain who arrived to the noise and go after him in his cabin. At his request, we carry out the disclosure of the conspiracy of the prepared against the captain. Let's go back to your cabin.

In turn we communicate with a sailor, Kok and James. The latter will tell more or less specific information. From the steering wheel, we observe discharged barrels from the lower deck. Let's go down there and go to the selected area. Eagle vision will help to see the jacket on the barrel. Return to the cabin.

We communicate with the captain and go down to the bottom deck. Mills reports that our murder in the theater has not passed unnoticed. We are racing the enemy of the counterattack and simple blows. Having won, return to the upper deck and kpripim tackle in marked places. We climb on the mast and clean the sail. On the collaborated mast, we get to James and help him.

We speak with the captain on the upper deck. We arrived in America, we climb on the top of the mast.

Part 2.

Boston, 1755 year.

Welcome to Boston.

Our new helper will be Charles Lee. In his accompaniment, we are moving towards the bench where we buy a saber and small arms. We go to the street, sit on the horse and go to the tavern "Green Dragon".

Here we will get acquainted with William Johnson, who tells about his problem.

Johnson's instruction.

Additional tasks:

. Shoot 10 mercenaries
. Do not let the hiking and whether to lose more than 50% of health

Selecting outwards, communicate with Thomas Khiki. We kill the guard from the gun, rising to its location. Finding from behind, destroy the enemies from the passage so that the allies can enter the camp. We run to the gate and destroy them, having first aiming the gun on the barrel. We go further and select a casket.

We kill a few enemies and it remains only to hide from enemies. We cover the hikie and help Charles destroy enemies. Do not forget to search the bodies from which you can find money and bullets. The second resource is the most important, because many opponents sat down on the roofs. Aimicious shots are painted with them.


Additional tasks:

. Stay unnoticed
. Overhear the conversation of patrol guards
. Overhear all the conversations without letting yourself notice

After talking with Charles, we go to the street and knock on the door of the house of Chercha. The partner shakes the door. Entering inside, we take the cloth and go to the marked point. We listen to the conversation without leaving the specified zone on the mini card. Mixed with the crowd to avoid detection. We go to the next zone and finding out orange points. Similarly, listen to other conversations. Finally, the search zone will be reduced to a minimum size, and we will be able to find the required area. We run on the roofs to the barn, which turns out to be locked. The key can be mined from one of the captains. We are looking forward to the care of the guard and, by submitting from the back, search the captain. Inside the barn we find Chercha. Kill enemies one after another using a secretive blade.


Additional tasks:

. Do not exceed the limit of the detection time
. Make three consecutive multi-ester (use a secretive blade)
. Do not give the appointments to call reinforcements (as soon as we see a distinguished target - catch up and kill)

Moving for Charles. After communicating with the general, proceed to his soldiers. When whether to start distract, catch it up and kill the nine guards. Freeing Pitcair, go back to the tavern.

Penetration into Southgate.

Additional tasks:

. Find and kill General
. Make three consecutive secret murders due to the corner
. Not get damage from rifle chain

A little waiting, jump from the roof on the heads of enemies and kill them all. We change clothes to the uniform of the guards and in the cart moving towards the fort. Along the way, we give orders to Assassinam neutralize suspicious guards.

Arriving in the fort, we get to the intersection and turn to the right. At the very end we see the general. I hurt in a cart with a hay to the left and wait for a goal here to kill her. Another three ordinary guards need to kill, hiding behind various shelters. Whether it is a tent or tree. To suggest them, we use whistle.

We help the prisoners to free yourself, waiting for patrol care. Or we kill them, putting the back when they remain alone. When we are killed in us, the camera changes a little angle, and a label appears above the heads of the shooters. At this point, you need to press the jump button to capture the nearest enemy and use it as a live shield. On the way to Sairus, we kill the rest of the guards.

Part 3.

Boston, 1755 year.

We speak with Charles and get to the frontier, from where it will be traveled to Lexington.

In its opinion.

Additional tasks:

. The limit of lost health is no more than 50% (quickly press the buttons shown on the screen during the battle with wolves)
. Use the destroyable items in battle (we are located during the battle in such a way that there are tables behind our back and then after a counterattack of enemies, interior items broke out)

A horses are moving for Charles and stumble on the rogue bonfire. Weiently focus on a wide track in the snow and pursue a woman. Faced with enemies, click the buttons displayed on the screen to kill them. After that, we turn on the eagle vision and track the woman on the tree. We catch up with her and find out the name. Show Gadzidzio our amulet.

Get to the hill where you follow the camp. Jump down, in the hay and get to the tavern. Entering inside, turn to the right and hide behind the welcome. Listening to the conversation, let's go left. We stay near the window and listen to another conversation. Repearly listen to the first conversation, after which we go to the exit. We are separated with drunk visitors.

Execution is all.

Additional tasks:

. Do not kill the guards (after listening to the conversation, use only a hand-to-hand fight)
. Spoit two guns

See you with Gadzidzio near the camp. Let's go left and get on the road. Quickly jump into the wagon. Having stopped inside, jump and go on the right side, hiding inside the grass. We select a convenient moment to slip into the cannon. Withdrawing it out of order, back to the wagon. Now we are moving on the left side until we will be near two talking guards. When they leave, we climb on the roof, but we try not to leave the specified area on the map. Jump on the other hand and move on the grass. Next to the tent will be a guard, neutralizing him from behind, without using weapons. Inside the tent is a map, taking it and come to the second cannon. Watch the guard on the tower on the left, it is impossible to notice us. We go down the small slope and go out of the camp through the side arch. We return to Gadzidzio.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional tasks:

. Kill two militias not attracting attention
. Destroy cartridges with gunpowder (cartridges get in advance!)

We go to the meeting with Gadzidzio and its supporters. Let's get right and go to the enemy territory. Hide in Seine and imperceptibly eliminating the approach of the enemy. Similarly, we will proceed with another enemy, but for this we will move to the next stack. We clean the territory from the remaining guards.

Dressing around, riding to Braddok. He will not wait when we kill it, and therefore will run away. Pursuing the general, simultaneously shooting into powder barrels for clearing the path. Outstanding the goal and deal with it with the help of a blade.

After looking at the cave, back to friends and spend the ritual to circulate Charles in the Templator.

Part 4.

Ganadazedon, 1760.


Additional tasks:

. Find all the children without making a single mistake
. Find all children in four minutes

From now on, we start playing for the conn. We run into the forest along with friends. We play hide and seek. This time we drive, the rest are hiding. We consider to a hundred and accordingly we go to look. And find children very simple. We pass into each of the dedicated areas and study the tips striking. Most kids love to hide in Seine, so first you search these places.

The second time drives the other, so we need to hide in any highlighted place. Faced with the Templar, in particular with Charles. After the shock, we return to the village. Everything saves on fire, you get to our house as soon as possible. We are trying to help your mother, but it will not be possible to do this.

Feathers and trees.

Additional tasks:

. Do not touch the earth and water
. Find three pen (they are marked on the map to find them, go through the forest)

At the request of the childbirth go to the forest to collect a few feathers. We climb on the branch, and then jump over the tree. We jump from the tree to the tree, then coming to the watercourse, help the partner, who almost fell into it. Boil around the cliff to the very top. From the bird's nest we manage to grab the pen, after which we fall down. Collect the required number of feathers, climbing other trees.

Hunting lessons.

Additional tasks:

. Get three animals of different types (hare, fox, deer)
. Put a trap with a bait to catch the beast (install the trap, and sprinkle the bait)
. Kill two animals in the air (you need to attack, being on the hill, be it tree or cobblestone)

We go into the green area and kill the hare, shooting out of the bow. Refresh production and inspect the hint next to the tree. Choose from the inventory trap and fix it. Walk until the next zone, where we also view traces on the shrub. Touching the deer, hiding in thick grass. Without leaving her, raw the bait and waiting for the approach of the animal. We are racing with a secretive blade and refreshet. Check the previously installed trap. Stay in the forest and kill the desired number of animals required to perform an additional task.

We will meet with Ganadogan, who is trying to escape in a panic from the largest forest representative. As in the fight with wolves, quickly press the buttons displayed on the screen. It will not be able to kill it from the first time. But we can escape! Return home.

There will be something to remember.

Additional task:

. Avoid air collisions

Follow the birth to the tent. Using an apple Eden is transferred to nexus. Manage the bird and fly straight, occasionally maneuvering between emerging obstacles.

Part 5.

Frontier, 1769 year.

Let's leave the village and go to the estate Davenport. We use a global card for quick movement.


Additional task:

. Lapped health limit no more than 50%

Knock on the door, Assassin retired refuses to help us. Since the shower began, we spend in the stable. The next morning re-please help. We go to the black go, we climb on the loggia and, failing in the negotiations, we again go to the stable. The chance to conquer confidence in us appears at night when unknowns are trying to attack the estate. We are separated with them and enter the house. After talking with Achilles, go down to the basement.

Order of Achilles.

Additional task:

. Hide

Accompanied by the teacher, we get to the city, where in the shopping the tools that will be needed for the restoration of the estate. We go to the square, watch the demonstration. Proily proceed to the lane for Halema's assistant. Of course, we do not allow him to notice us. Once the goal rises to the roof, we can get closer. Kill the enemy while he is aiming. Leaving the danger zone to hide from the guards.

Particularly dangerous.

Additional task:

. Fame should not be higher than level 3

To get rid of bad reputation, let's talk with Samuel. He will teach us how to reduce the search level. We will tear off several posters and return to the ally. Together we will go to Silas, herald, who will hold a real show for money. With Samuel, we get to the system of underground tunnels, following the alleys.

Fill at the bottom.

We pass through the tunnel, focusing on the exclamations of a partner and running towards the exit of rats. We open the lock on the door, turning two locks until I got a click, and go out to open air.

Fighting seal.

We get to the printer who will help "be treated" from the icyness. Next, walk to the pier and talk with the captain (anchor on the map). He can deliver us to the estate Davenport.

Return of the prodigal son.

We communicate with Achilles, after which we accept a gift from Him in the form of Assassin weapons.

Salvation on the river.

Additional task:

. Saving Terry, do not touch water (when the camera will change the angle, jump on the log, and not into the water)

The knock out out and in the rapid pace proceed for Godfrey. Arriving to the river, we see a person who is trying to escape by all means. To get to it, jump on cobblestones, branches and tree trunks. At the last moment, we take a jump on a log, having passed on any of the branches on the left. New acquaintances share their plans for the future.

Start date.

We go to the hut near the coast. Communicate with Robert Falkner. He will contribute to the repair of a huge ship "Akvilla". We get humanbump, through which we can control all aspects of trade. We carry out the instructions indicated on the screen and thereby read in detail with the sections of the "stocks", "Craft" and "Trade".

We are not looking for easy ways.

Additional tasks:

. The ship should not get damage (we use half sails to avoid collisions with reefs)
. To withstand three attacks (evade the frigate shots by pressing the appropriate button, removing the massive red light guide in us)
. Shoot two enemy ship out of falconeta

We speak with Robert, then keep the journey in Martas Vinyard on a fixed ship. We go to the steering wheel and take the management of the ship on yourself. Raising more sails, the speed will respectively increase. But but the ship becomes less maneuverable. For an ideal retardation between obstacles, we only raise half sails.

Conditioning, we go to the tavern and conduct all the necessary actions. We sail and go to the damaged vessel. Practice on it, producing shots from various types of guns. Falcons are designed for point penetration. For example, sometimes vulnerable areas occur on enemy ships, in the form of powder barrels. Shooting on them, send the enemy to the bottom. It is time for a real battle. We destroy three small vessels and at the end one large. Do not forget, use evasion from shots to perform an additional task.

Part 6.


We get to the building where the source of energy was discovered. We climb on the very top and jump down with the subsequent disclosure of the parachute. Landing, stealing artifact, after which we are growing up with the Templar of modernity and leave the territory.

Davenport estate, 1773.

Train Johnson.

Additional tasks:

. Not exceed the second level of fame
. Do not exceed six shots during the destruction of smuggling in the port

Ganadogan warns us about the intentions of the Confederation to redeem the land on which the village is located. This is the work of William Johnson. Get to Boston, looking for Samyel and communicate with him. Let's go after it to the port. Our task is to find illegal goods. We throw the powder barrels to them, undermine them from firearms. Constantly searching the bodies of the defeated guards to get some ammunition. We return to the city and pacify the greedy tax collectors.

Cook in anger.

Additional tasks:

. Do not participate in collisions longer than 15 seconds
. Limited Shafo Health Limit: 30%
. Make five imperceptible murders

We go to the city on the riot together with Stephen. We are moving on a dozen meters ahead and quickly straighten with the enemies. We do it imperceptibly to perform an additional task. We also do not forget to use the gun to destroy entire groups of guards as quickly as possible. At the end of the task, we use the help of assassin, which you need to call and then will unnoticate the captain.

Tea drinking.

Additional tasks:

. Reset ten boxes with tea in water
. Reset three British soldiers in water (counterattack when they stand back to board)
. Make one murder of a musket in the air (Muskets produce from enemies, jump on them straight from the side and attack in the air)

After talking with Samuel, we get to the port and destroy a certain number of enemies. Unload counterfeit tea directly into the water. All the time we are directly on the ships and in every way we are covering allies from enemies that are selected on both sides.

Aggressive negotiations.

Additional tasks:

. Prevent murder more than one Indian
. It is imperimed to get to Johnson (it is advisable to attack from the roof)
. Duck with a swallow and get away from the chase (dealt with Johnson, run down the meadow and dive into the water)

Returning to the estate, talking to the teacher. Again the bad news from Ganadogan - the enemies are trying again to take the lands from the people. We go to the frontier where we communicate with the other. Turn the right and gently go down. We run to the hill mainly on the left side, evading the guide route. Boil into the roof, from where you attack the secret clinch at Johnson. We run down the slope and jump into the water.

Part 7.

Davenport estate, 1775 year.

Midnight jump.

Additional tasks:

. Not to enter into an open collision
. Get to Prescott in two minutes

We arrive in Boston, we meet with the floor of River and his friends. Let's go to the frontier where we move on green areas marked on the mini card. We search for the dwellings of the militia, looking at the last one, find ourselves in a trap. We run away from enemies and go to Prescott. Also walk to Hancock and Adams, I will inform them about the approach of the British troops.

Lexington and Concord.

Additional tasks:

. Destroy each of the seven groups of soldiers with one order
. Saving hostages (follow the mini-card on the path to the farm to notice the inhabitants in need)

Pitkern, together with his troops, began an offensive. Allies are forced to retreat backwards. We will command these small groups. A mini-card is the main assistant in this difficult business. We watch her and spread with the enemies in time that closest to us. Refrain from attacks only in two cases: when the enemies are not approaching enough and when there are no more than half of the fighters in the group. Having won a little victory, according to Barrett about their successes.

War is coming.

Additional tasks:

. Going around Charlestown without receiving damage (run accelerated without stopping)
. Kill the Grenader from the air (the Grenader is in the left ship)
. Ships

We will get to Banker Hill and meet with an Israel Patnam. Scout accompanies us to Bridx. We observe the battle and general collecting off the battlefield. Get to the ships, float to the left. Boil on board from behind. Silently straighten with the guards in the stern of the ship. We climb on the mast, jumping on the head of the Grenader (he is in the skirt). It remains to set fire to the barrel with gunpowder and hastily leave the ship. In the same way, we destroy the neighboring vessel, after which we climb on the mast of any of the ships to change the flags.

Battle for bankrupt Hill.

Additional tasks:

. Unnoticed to kill Pitcairn in the air
. Get across the battlefield without receiving damage
. Do not kill more than four English soldiers without need

I swim to the shore and then on the horse's horse behind the ally. We mix themselves on the shelters, watching flashes at the far end, after which we have literally a couple of seconds to have time to reach a safe place. Get to the mountain and climb upstairs. We are moving through the grass on the left side, while we find yourself near the tents. We climb on the tree trunk, jump over the tree on the left side. We rise to the top and go on the branch to the flagpole. From here you attack Pitcairn and we kill it accordingly.

Part 8.

Davenport estate, 1776 year.


Additional tasks:

. No one to push and not shoot down from the legs (slowly pass through the citizens, who greedily rushed to the ground)
. Successfully overhear the conversation, standing still
. Successfully overhear the conversation on the go (do not climb on the roof!)

We talk with a familiar teacher. Through the frontier, we get to New York. At the horse we go to the market where we find a fake. You need to trace him, without falling across the eyes to him and his accomplices. It is also necessary to listen to periodic conversations to find out about the location of the Logov. Once in the alley, we act very carefully. It will not be possible to hide here anywhere, except that there is a wooden structure on the right literally in a pair of meters from enemies. Right around the corner, there is a lair for fakes.

We tear inside and meet with Thomas Khiki. Pursuing the fugitive, first turning into the left alley, and then continuing running in a straight line to trim the Thomas and grab it.

Brydwell prison.

Additional tasks:

. Do not kill more than one guard
. Kill Khiki for two minutes

Once captured and placed in prison, press the wall in the chamber and listen to the conversation of the neighbors. Then we can go to bed.
The next morning, we leave the camera and proceed down. With the help of eagle vision, we find a person at a table that is highlighted in yellow. His name is Mason and he should help us with escape. After the game, we go upstairs and imperceptibly grab the Finch key. Return to the camera. Waking up at night, try to open the grille. The next morning I am interested in Mason, why didn't the key approached. In fact, this is part of the plan: the original of the warder, and this copy is designed to replace. We begin to beat prisoners to attract attention. For a start, we make protection, and then we will apply shocks.

This time nothing hurts to escape. Shipping the route enemies and run upstairs. Having met the ally, we go further and, seeing the guard, we will turn right. Climb up to the desired chamber.

Public execution.

Additional tasks:
. Washington's bodyguards must survive (as soon as possible catch the hikie and push it)
. Kill enemy militias

We get to the gallows slow step. As soon as we drop down, we immediately press any button. Out of hikie and run right on it to push. During the contractions, we also use jog, otherwise we will not have time to kill the guards. Only as the last thing I will achieve Hikki.
Let's go for Achilles and, talking, go to the hall.

Part 9.


Arriving in Brazil, we are chosen from the subway and communicate with Rebecca. To the right of the control is a door that will bypass posts. We got into the courtyard, cope on the grass. We enter the building, do not forget the golden rule - always go through the premises on the right. Screw up upstairs, stunning a security guard and go to the VIP tribune. Through the central design, we will pass on the other side. Let's go into the corridor and get into another VIP zone. We catch up by an unknown killer, kill him and his guard. We select the artifact, go back to the subway.

Davenport estate, 1777 year.

Missing cargo.

Additional tasks:

. Catch the cat in thirty seconds
. Do not hide in the Seine, following the caravan
. Kill three patrol remaining unnoticed

Get to Valley-Fortj, then after communicating with the commander, we will go to a deserted church. Inside, we are faced with the father of Hathemom, with whom we have one goal - Benjamin Cherge.

Going out, we look at the mark on the snow next to the boxes on the right. We continue to move along the trail, the road. We destroy or ignore those who met the guards. Find tracks on the carts near the road and we will see the wagon and the venge. We rush into pursuit of the loose and, catching, asking.

Out cautious and proceed to him. Moving from one side to another to avoid detection. Having overlapping the conversation, we will be in the Seine, without leaving the neutralizing opponent. Also kill two more enemies, after which I liberate Hathema from the panel of guardians, interrupting a total of thirteen people.

Father and son.

Additional task:

. Steal mercenary clothes and can't get caught

We go to New York to the meeting with Hathem. Proceed after him through the roofs to Benjamin Chercha. To go further, you need to get a special uniform. We will get to the guard and deal with him, while others do not see. Dressing around, we can go to hell.

Foam and flame.

Additional tasks:

. Don't get damage from fire
. Lapped Health Lost Health: 50%

We were in the ambush and with a bunch of enemies in the same room. Actively help Hatime, so as not to allow him to die. Next, a shot will happen, which will break the powder barrel. Climbing up, on not covered by fires. Go to the opposite side, we climb on the very top and, freeing the Hateema, we break out.

Gorky outcome.

Additional tasks:

. The limit of the surrounding damage: 20%
. The distance to schooner should not exceed more than 500

Together with Heathem, we rush after Cherch. We catch up the ship "Greeting", on board which no one turns out. There is no smaller ship. We go to the chase after him, maneuvering through reefs. We use only half the speed to be movable on sharp turns. First of all, attacking small vessels, then a huge escort. To do this, we use Knippers, choose which can be in inventory.

We enter the board of the enemy ship and destroy the enemies. Looking for Cherchah in the bottom deck and also be afraid of it.

Part 10.

Estate Davenport, 1778 year.

Alternative methods.

Additional tasks:

. Use twice guards like live shields
. Throw on the target

In New York we meet with Hathem. Let's go in search of commanders. Proceed for a partner and climb up. Jump from here right on the opponents. Taking the attention of the arrow located on the back row. We use other guards as shields. Crashing with everyone, take the shooters' shooters. One of them runs away, so we go into pursuit. In the alley, it is advisable not to run, but to go in a straight street and, cutting off the fugitive, grab it. Jump the enemy for interrogation.

Devoted trust.

Additional tasks:

. Do not touch the earth (moving around and attack, exclusively in the saddle)
. Capture all the races of patriots in three minutes
. Neutralize Ganiaghah bloodless methods

We go to the village, along the way, exterminating marked enemies. We communicate with a birth that is surprised by our arrival. We leave from the village and find the warriors of Ganiagha, who need to be neutralized. It is advisable to do this by bloodless methods, that is, without the use of any weapon. In the end we are growing up with Ganadogan, since he, unfortunately, believed in the sweet lie of Charles.

Battle with monmute.

Additional tasks:

. Neutralize each of the eight plates of soldiers with one cannon core
. Kill two platforms of soldiers in one core (shoot between two platforms)
. Prevent three executions of patriot leaders

Having met with the commander, begin to keep defense. We destroy the selected plates by shooting from the most powerful gun. In the end, we will have to move away, since incredibly a large number of enemies will not be able to keep infinitely.

Part 11.


We arrive in the Laboratory "Abstergo". We rase with guards from the reception. Climb upstairs on the lift, which is stuck along the way. We will have to climb into the mine, from where they spoil on the desired floor. We continue to destroy persistent enemies. We are moving through corridors and various bridges. Let's go through the door to the left and squeezing of the cross. On our happiness, he fails, and then begin to pursue him. It will run for a long time, so you need to overtake as soon as possible and kill accordingly.

On the lift we go on the floor above. We go to the Vidica, passing the enemies from the pistol. Let's go to the latest room, we use an apple Eden to control the minds of the guards. The Vidic is dead, and together numerous employees. We help your father, remove the artifact and go to the shelter, on the way more than once using an apple.

Davenport estate, 1781.

Chesapeake battle.

Additional tasks:

. Destroy three ships with one onboard volley
. Slow up two frigates, hitting them into powder trims
. Kill five enemies by counterattack

We get to the Chesapeake Bay and begin the attack on the enemy ships. Their number will constantly increase. We try not to come across on the onboard fire, and if it happened, we use evasion, removing the red stream of light. The last long escort take the board.

We kill enemies, then get to the captain and shoot in a barrel with gunpowder. Leaving the ship, hastily jumping into the water.

Last battle Lee.

Additional tasks:

. Get to the signal tower in three minutes
. Stay unnoticed on the road to the warning fire
. Lapped Health Limit: 50%

We discard the enemy down and go to the tower through the roofs. I warn the admiral so that he began to attack. We find ourselves under the assault fire, which causes our contusion. Pursuing Hathema and coming to battle with him. We sit in such a way that there were interior items behind us. Parify the enemy attacks, after which we spread with him by holding a decisive blow to the head.

Part 12.

New York, 1782 year.

Rest in peace.

Additional tasks:

Do not kill more fifteen english soldiers
. Get out of the ship without entering the battle
. Kill Captain "Jersey"

Outping Charles Lee and talking, we are freed from enemies. We kill them and get to the ferry. Let's float to "Jersey", we climb on board and, avoiding enemies, we get to the zone, where we can overhear the conversation. Next, will shift to the right and continue to listen to the conversation already near the captain cabin window. After him, destroy the guards and the captain itself. We return to the pier.

In pursuit of whether.

Additional tasks:

. Do not delete from more than 50
. Do not push anyone during chase
. Not get damage from fire

In the tavern "Green Dragon" is based on the local about Charles. We go to the harbor, we climb on the roof and track the goal with the help of orlion vision. We rush after the enemies. A little delayed in front of the powder barrels. After the explosion, we can continue running, wage the guards to the right, and the next shooters - on the left, cutting the angle. Defending the ship, sliding from below, we climb upstairs on the wall on the right side. Turn left and jump over the other side. You jump over through the window, coming out the outward, we will rush to the left. We continue to jump in the design, being at the bottom, slip under the obstacle. Jump up the rope, waiting for the return of a special device, for which you can go over the angle.

Having overtooking Charles, do not have time to deal with it, but can safely be able to get in a tavern, where he will not even be able to resist.


Remove the key from the place where our ancestor hid it. Returning to the shelter, turn to the left and get to the room with complex mechanisms. We climb on the top of the iron rod and install the artifact. We will be shown that the new premises opened, get to him.

For a start, let's go up the stairs. Reinforcing the artifact connector on the other side, turn left and go to the end, then we will turn down twice and eat down. Two two more times, and finally, for the last time to get into the central room. From here you will take over and get to the very place where you need to install the artifact.

Let's go forward from the animus towards the transparent wall and turn to the right. We climb up, jump over the columns to the available place. Boldly jump on the horizontal pipes and move on them to the other side. Again the columns that will bring us to the place where the artifact needs to be installed. We return to animus, pass to the wall. We look at the final video.