Badminton Rules game briefly for children. Badminton. Description, history and rules of badminton. Strings and their stretch

National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. PF Lesgfta

Department of theory and sports game techniques

theme "Badbinton Development History, Rules of Game, Classification of Technology Games"

Performed: Student 2 courses

pedagogical faculty

Gamulinsky Vladislav.

Group: 224.

St. Petersburg, 2013


1. The history of the development of Badbinton

2. Rules of the game

3. Game technology

4. Classification of basic technical techniques of Badbinton

List of used literature


The most popular and popular sports in the world are considered

football, hockey, basketball, volleyball ... about badminton it is customary to say that in

it is played either children in the yard, or vacationers on the beach. But it is far

Like any other sport, badminton is a healthy image.

life, active leisure. Availability, ease of the game, simple

rules allow even a newcomer to achieve high results in


reset extra kilograms or just lose calories and for this

engaged in shaping, aerobics, run cross, etc. These classes

enough tedious and rapidly bored. And in general, to force yourself regularly

it is very difficult to run. But badminton is a very gambling and interesting game, in

which should be moving a lot. In the process of hobby, you don't

feel fatigue and what lose extra kilograms. It is important here

notice that all the difficulties associated with exercise,

postpone into the second plan psychological emotions and

the experiences caused by the game itself.

Badminton is a very democratic sport. They can be engaged in

any age. Of course, with serious success in professional

sport does not achieve, but it is possible to significantly raise the level of the game, since

the development of technical elements is available to everyone.

Badminton is one of the most popular games. It is unlikely to find a family in

which would not be rackets and swans. Almost every person when

or touched these sports shells. This is publicly available I.

useful game.

Badminton - a very compact sport that does not require large

financial costs for the acquisition of gaming equipment. Playground for

games can be equipped in any, even the smallest hall, playground

yard or in the park. The game bribes with its simplicity. Already after the first

classes student practically seizes the basics of the game and can

self lead it. However, the more you play, the clearer it becomes

the need for improving the game. And it attracts.

It should not be noted that in badminton there was a kind

medical direction, the game in the Volan is applied to therapeutic purposes. So,

in the Kislovodsk resort, badminton is widely used to treat people with

cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and nervous diseases

systems. The advantages of this game is that it is very easy to gradually

increase exercise - from minimal to more solid.

The game does not make patients, delivers joy. Probably the one who invented

this game was a good psychologist. Physiologists argue that classes

sports games helps to grow up. The game in Volan is a beautiful

means from fatigue. Perfectly removes tension. Tracking

a fluttering waist - useful gymnastics for the eyes. After the game (especially somewhere in the forest glade) it is easier to breathe, it works better.

1. The history of the development of badminton.

The emergence of badminton. Badminton is one of the oldest games of our planet. There are many versions about its origin. Some well-defined facts suggest that modern badminton developed from an ancient game in Wait. Two years ago, adults and children in ancient Greece, China, Japan, India, African countries played back to Volan. In Japan, a game called "Oban" was distributed. She concluded in the echoing by wooden rackets "Vlara" made of several feathers and bones of dried cherry. In France, such a game was called the name "same de Pom" (a game with an apple). English medieval engravings on the tree depict the peasants throwing each other by Volan. They played such a game and in Russia. This is evidenced by engravings of the XVIII century.

In 1650, the Queen of Sweden Christina for playing in the "feathers" built a court near the Royal Palace (Royal Palace) in Stockholm, where she played with their courtiers and guests from other countries. Cort still exists in the capital of Sweden and is now

Property of the Church.

In England of the XIX century, a special popularity game has acquired a special popularity in the family of the duke of Beaufort. The duke was the patron sieve of the Badminton Association, the owner of the front of the hall, where and now is a wonderful collection of antique rackets and swans.

The English officers who served in India were fond of this game and, returning to their homeland, formed in 1875 the Folksstone officer. The first president of the Badminton Association was the Colonel Dolby, who actively participate in the creation of new rules, the basis of which the rules of the game "Roopa" were based. Some of their points are preserved to the present. New clubs appeared in England. The game has become popular and in the vicinity of London. And its center became a place of badminton, from which the game with a waist and received a new name.

In March 1898, the first official Badminton tournament took place, and on April 4, 1899 in London - the first all-year championship. In the future, the championships became very popular in England. The number of clubs from 1901 to 1911 increased ten times. Badminton began to spread throughout England and beyond.

Development of international badminton. On July 5, 1934, the International Fusion of Badminton (IPF) was established. Now the IBF includes more than 70 countries. The Federation organizes various competitions, the main of which is the Thomas Cup (by the name of the former IPF President). It is played out from 1948 among national male teams. This tournament is held every three years. Participant teams are divided into zones. Winners of zonal competitions are found among themselves, and the winner of this tournament in the final match is found with the winner of the prize.

A similar tournament among women's teams, referred to as the Cup Uber in honor of the famous EPF activity, is held since 1956.

Since 1968, a personal championship has been held, and since 1972, the European Command Championship. Meetings of national team teams usually consist of single, paired and mixed games. In addition, the International Festival of Badminton is constantly organizing and conducting official personal tournaments that are included in the international calendar.

In 1977, the first official world championship took place in the Swedish city of Malmo. Currently, badminton is recognized as an Olympic sport. In 1992, his Olympic debut took place.

In recent years, China, Korea, Denmark, Indonesia are the strongest players of the world.

Development of Soviet badminton. The World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow (1957) gave the beginning of the development of the Soviet badminton. The festival held the first international meetings of our athletes.

The first championship of Moscow was held in 1959. Then in 1961, a long-distance tournament took place with the participation of Badmintonists of Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Lviv. And in 1962 the national teams of the republics (USSR, BSSR, RSFSR, AZSSR, KAZSSR, TJSR), as well as Moscow and Leningrad were already met. The winner of this tournament was the national team of Moscow, for which L. Zolkina, T. Kilakova, V. DEMIN, N. Sokolov, I.Sakov, Y. Klimov.

Since 1962, the RSFSR, Ukraine, Leningrad, as well as the DOC and departments began to play regularly. In 1963, the first USSR Championship was held, at which gold medals won M. Zarbbo (Zhukovsky) and N. Sokolov (Moscow).

A good school of skill for leading players of the USSR N. SinoTina, N. Peshekhonov, K.Vavivova, N. Uhersova, N. Sokolov, Y. Climova became joint training with Indonesian students who studied at the university of friendship of peoples.

Gradually, this game has gained great popularity in different regions of our country. The federation of badminton of the USSR began working.

In the early 60s, under the direction of the engineer B.V.Glebovich in the city of Krasnoarmeysk, one of the first in our country, the Badminton School, which was playing a famous role in the development of sports badminton in the USSR. Badmintonists of Krasnoarmeysk have repeatedly overwhelmed at all-union competitions. B.V.Glessich The first among Badminton coaches was awarded the title of Honored Trainer of the RSFSR.

In 1974, the Federation of Badminton of the USSR became a member of the IPF, and our athletes were able to play official international competitions.

In 1984, our athletes for the first time took part in the zonal competitions for the Thomas Cup, and in 1986 the women's national team of the USSR became a participant of the competition for the Uber Cup.

In 1988, the Badminton Federation of the USSR organized the European Champions Cup draw.

Badminton (English. Badminton) is a sport in which players are located on the opposite sides of the site, separated by the grid, and the racket blows over the waist, trying to do not fall on the field. Included in the Summer Olympic Games Program in 1992. It is single (1 to 1) and a steam game (2 to 2).

After reading this article, you will understand that badminton himself, the rules of the game and his story have quite deep roots. So let's find out how they play badminton, as well as where and when he originated.

The story of badminton begins in India. The English officers who served in the distant regions were learned and became very interested in the ancient Indian game called "Pune". Returning to the homeland, the officers brought her with them.

But in England, the initial name and tradition was not entrenched behind the game. The rules that have come down to this day and, in fact, its very name originated in the Badminton House estate, the owner of which was a Count Beaufort. An honorable place in history got a count for the development and promotion of the game as a separate sport. In 1873, it was this man who was the first to build a badminton platform. And already in 1893, the English Association of Game published the official rules of the game in badminton.

After many years, she did not lose their popularity. By 1934, the World Foundation of Badminton was established, and since 1947, the Tomas Cup was launched - the largest team male competition. Starting from 1955, women began to play in badminton - they also become participants in these competitions.


The overall inventory for the game consists of several basic elements.


From the very beginning, the racket for badminton was made of wood, modern produced from a wide variety of materials. It can be aluminum and carbon fiber, titanium and steel. From the materials from which the base is made depends on the exposure from the string stretch and the intensity of the strikes. Professional badminton rackets are performed from composite materials, the foundation of which is carbon fiber. Rackets for beginners can be distinguished from professional one visible signs - T-shaped corner in the place where the handle and rod rod are connected. The choice according to these characteristics directly depends on the style of the athlete game. The most popular among beginners and athletes are rackets for Badminton Yonex. They have already managed to gain tremendous popularity due to their indicators. On average, the total mass of this type of inventory may vary from 70 to 100 grams.


Initially, the strings were made from materials of natural origin, but now manufacturers are preferred by synthetic materials. Each string consists of the core, novels and shells. String tense level directly depends on the level of the game (professional or amateur).


No less important element of sports equipment for this game. Badminton flutes consist of a cork or synthetic head to which a plastic "skirt" is attached. Waolas are the following types:

  • Feather. Consist of natural materials. Most often, this type of volanov is used by professional athletes. In addition to the above components, the skirt of these volanses is covered with goose feathers. The weight of such a volana is approximately 50 grams.
  • Plastic. Used for amateur game or for training.


Marking and sizes for playing Badminton are shown in the following picture:

Rules of the game

Badminton rules are not too complex. It is worth dealing with them, and you yourself will not notice how you will play according to the rules and notice the shortcomings in the game of others.

The game begins with filing. It can be made from any half of the field depending on the current account. The point is accrued in the event that the feeder was won the draw. If he lost it, then the right of filing moves to another player. Each team has the right to 2 filing. If both feeds have been played, they go to rivals. The player feeds from the appropriate feed field (can be even something else), according to the total number of glasses from the athlete that gives. If the meeting is a steam room, then the first player who is selected before the game produces the same submission as in a single game, and the second - on the contrary.

In the drawing, the waist is reflected in the feed and receiving consistently. In a paired game, after reflection of the filing by the host, the waist can be reflected by any player of the feed side from any position at its half of the site, and then any player of the host and so on.

The winning draw is determined by the following cases:

  1. Foul rival;
  2. The opponent beat off the Volan beyond the field;
  3. Blow of a wave about the rival site;
  4. The opponent touched the body or mesh racket.

The game lasts until one of the players will type 15 points (men) or 11 (women). In the event that it was played in a draw, then the player who first scored the right amount of points, chooses how much the game will be done.

Up to 21 points play in modern badminton. In the event that the score 20:20, then the party lasts until any of the players drop more than 2 points than his opponent.

There is also a "beach" option. All of his essence is that they are playing two, and their goal is to keep the waist in the air as long as possible.

Choose a racket

It's time to tell about how to choose a badminton racket. Before you start choosing a racket, you need to decide exactly how you will use it. It is necessary to decide whether you seriously want to do badminton or just occasionally play. If you are going to do this professionally, it is important to decide with your style of the game, since the technical characteristics of the racket selected directly depend on the style. When choosing, consider the following aspects:

  1. Weight racket. It is selected depending on the degree of increase. Classification of racket by weight:
    • Amateur and basic (90-94);
    • Professional (85-89);
    • Extra-lung (75-79).
  2. Pen diameter. There are several types: from G2 (the largest) to G5. It all depends on the style too. If he is an attacker - the handle is wider (a large grip area). If the rate is made on accuracy and accuracy, then a thin handle is selected.
  3. Stiffness and balance. Hard rackets - for power attacks, and for more technical game - flexible rackets.
  4. String stretch. This parameter for each individual.

Indications and contraindications

How is badminton useful for our health? Many play badminton just because it is fun. But, in addition to fascination, is obvious benefication of badminton for health, namely:

  • Muscle strengthening;
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • Burning excess weight;
  • Improvement of the reaction;
  • Strengthening eye muscles;
  • Oxygen saturation of the organism;
  • Breathing training.

This game also has some contraindications:

  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Various kinds of injury;
  • Problems with cardiovascular system;
  • Renal diseases;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Chronic diseases in the aggravation stage.

Who at least once in his life tried to play badminton? Everyone loves: both adults and children. Of course, many play badminton at the amateur level. For this, they do not need a specially defined platform, a grid like volleyball, judges and strict rules. Just players try not to drop the Volan, so as not to interrupt the cheerful match. However, Badminton is also a sports discipline included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. Naturally, everything is much more serious here: there are arbitrators, and a special charter, and professional marking, and a form, etc. In addition, amateur equipment is slightly different from professional. For example, the Volan in the first case is made of plastic, and in the second - from natural feathers. By the way, Badminton is one of the most ancient games that are considered today to be Olympic. And the question immediately arises: "What country is the homeland badminton? Who is her founder? " You can find out about this and many other things by reading this article.

What country is the homeland badminton?

In recent years, the Chinese and Koreans are most often becoming the champions in the competition in this sport. They are better than other athletes, it is possible to keep feeding, and the speed of the reaction in this game is an important component. In view of this, many believe that the Motherland of Badminton is China or Korea. However, this is absolutely not true. There are several versions regarding the origin of this sport. So, for example, in ancient Greece, there was a game that was like badminton, only in her Volan threw each other not a racket, but their hands and legs. However, today, it is unlikely that anyone believes that the Motherland of badminton is Greece, and Japan, too, although there were still in the 14th century, youth to play "Obane", which had a lot of common features with modern badminton. The Volan was made of sakura bone, in which holes were drilled and the feathers were stuck, and the rackets were wooden. But the French game "same-de-Pom" is more like tennis, because a small ball performed the main "acting person". Nevertheless, in many sports blogs to the question: "What country is the homeland badminton?" - One single answer is given: "India". Is it so? Does this information mean reality? We suggest you with us to figure it out.

How did badminton come in Europe?

As mentioned above, the country of homeland badminton is India. What are the facts confirming this? Well, for example, "Pune" originated here - the smallest game is the closest to badminton. India from the 17th century became a British colony, and the British began to "host" in its territory. Sailors learned from the Hindus this game and, returning to their country, joined her compatriots to her. At first, it was fond of just over coat, but later it was loved by the notable gentlemen who were just looking for, what would take themselves. She especially liked Duchoga Beaufort - the owner of the Badminton House Castle. In the 70s of the 19th century, he brought plenty of rackets and swans from Ost-India and organized a peculiar sports school in his estate, where everyone could study the game, which henceforth called as the estate, "Badminton". They were also invented new rules of the game, and the rackets and the waisers were improved. Every day the number of badminton fans grew, and after twenty years later the Badminton Player Association was created. In 1899, a championship for this game was held in England.

Here you know which country is home to badminton, or rather, there are two of them: India and England. In one she originated, and in the second reinnovation.

Federation and championships

It passed another 35 years, for which badminton spread throughout the world. And here, in 1934, the International Badminton Federation was created in the same England, and since 1947, the World Championships began to be held in this sport - Thomas Cup. Only men participated in them. Since 1955, a championship for women - Webera Cup was organized. In short, England contributed not only to the emergence of this game in Europe, but also its distribution and recognition as a separate sport. Now you probably have no doubt about which country is homeland badminton in a modern understanding. This is definitely England.


By the way, Badminton was included in the Olympic program only in 1992, although in the 1972th, at the Olympics in Munich, this game was presented as an indicative discipline. Every year, interest in it not only does not fade, but, on the contrary, it increases.

It is possible to say with full confidence that this game has passed a fairly interesting and meaningful path of its progressive development from the usual entertainment to professional sports. At the same time, badminton is deservedly considered one of the most ancient sports. A certain semblance of a modern game existed a few more millennia ago. With this popularity, it used in a number of countries in various parts of our planet, ranging from ancient Greece, ending with Japan and India.

In competitions with the use of the Vacan, it was permissible to beat his hands and even legs. This revolution can be called the development of the first rackets in about the XIV century. Time and badminton began to gain popularity in medieval Europe. This game began to play in Sweden, France, England and other British countries. It is important to emphasize that badminton was entertainment in most cases for privileged layers.

Modern stage of badminton development

It is believed that the current appearance and basic rules of badminton received in the UK in 1872. The notorious Duke Beaufort brought the set required for a full-fledged game to its estate. It is noteworthy that a badminton was called this place. After fifteen years later, in 1887, the first Badminton lovers club was officially created, and a few years later the world's first association of this sport. In 1905, it is also possible to name one of the most significant in the development of badminton. First, the Association adopted a set of rules of the game, and, secondly, the beginning of the British Championship in badminton regularly began to play regularly. Competitions took place on the legendary fields of Wimbledon.

In the summer of 1934, the International Badminton Federation was registered - International Badminton Fedation (IBF). Representatives of nine states: England, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, as well as Canada and New Zealand, France, Wales and Scotland acted as its creators. It is worth saying that at the moment there are already about 150 countries in the IPF and their number is only increasing. In the process of its activity, it was renamed and today is called the World Foundation Badminton (BWF, Badminton World Federation).

Badminton - a game of millions!

One of the most vivid confirmations of the popularity of this sport can be considered the inclusion of badminton in the 1992 Olympic Games Program. Initially 4 sets of awards for men, women and paired competitions were provided. However, in the next Olympics, a mixed discharge was additionally introduced. It is noteworthy that the leaders in this sport are deservedly considered Chinese and representatives of other Asian countries, which won most of the medals. However, at the same time, the level of European badminton also continues to rapidly develop and athletes from the Old World are already more consistent with serious competition.

It should be emphasized that the secret of the success of this game is extremely simple. It will be able to play it almost every, regardless of age and physical form on a wide variety of areas from ordinary sparkles to professional courts. Moreover, in the most simplified form for the game you can have enough just two rackets and a tag. Elementary rules provide the ability to concentrate on the game, and not on their study.

Each second child and adult knows how to play badminton. The essence of this sport is in the cake of a special volana through the grid by blowing racket. Since 1992, Badminton has entered the Extended Olympic Games Program. Number of party participants in professional form - 2 or 4.

History of appearance

At the beginning of the XIX century, the British officers who were in the service in India borrowed from local residents an ancient Arab game called "Pune". Today it can be rightfully considered a badminton prototype. After years, the British brought the game with them to their homeland, and in Britain she instantly gained popularity.

As for the history and traditions of modern badminton, they originate since 1873. At that time, the famous and durable Duke Beaufort built the first amateur court in his estate. Also, on his initiative, 20 years later, a full-fledged set of game rules was published in England, according to which all official competitions were to be held.

In 1934, a special committee was organized, which subsequently became the World Badminton Federation (BWF). The first international team championship in this sport has passed only 13 years. The tournament received the name of the Thomas Cup and for a long time became an example for imitating the organization's plan. A similar female championship (Uber Cup) started in 1955.

Today, badminton is included in the Mandatory Program

Inventory and court

Badminton racket can be made of carbon fiber, aluminum and even titanium. In amateur types of preferences are given to wood, as they are noticeably easier than others. The main thing is that the rackets are made of durable material capable of withstanding a permanent load from shocks and string voltage. When choosing it is worth paying attention to the mass. A pair of rackets should weigh no more than 200 g, otherwise the hand will quickly get tired. It is also important that the center of gravity is not shifted. The thickness of the handle depends on the size of the brush hand. It should be tight and comfortable to lay down to the palm.

Strings are intertwined synthetic microfiber attached to the racket frame. Professional badminton, the rules of the game in which the cast of a wave is on the relatively long distances, requires the strength of the fishing line to 160 N. in amateur form, this indicator may vary up to 100 N. On average, one racket is needed about 10 m of a thickness of 0.7 mm. .

Waolas are two types: feathers and plastic. The first are used in official competitions, as their weight is much smaller, and the flight path is more accurate. They are made only from goose feathers on special standards. As for plastic flutes, they are distinguished by durability and distance radiance.

Courts are rectangular sites in a length of 13.4 m. The field width for single competitions is 5.18 m, and for pairs - 6.1 m. The grid must be attached to the racks at an altitude of 1.5 m. Its upper part is trimmed by a special white braid. The playground itself consists of 5 zones, in which rivals should fall by a waist to win the game.

Initial position

Basics of technology and the rules of the game in badminton are described in the official BWF Regulation. First, it is indicated how to keep the racket. Not only the force of impact directly depends on this, but also its accuracy. The racket is taken so that her end does not speak from the fist, and the rim was perpendicular to the floor. It is not necessary to handle how much it is necessary to squeeze, it should be freely sprinkled with every volatal strike.

The housing at the main rack should be tilted a bit forward so that the body weight is distributed evenly on both slightly bent legs. At the right of the left stop must be nominated for a few centimeters toward the opponent. It is important that both hands throughout the game bent, but not tense. When moving, the case must maintain its main position.

Badminton (WBF version Rules) requires special skills when serving. During it, it is forbidden to tear down legs from the ground. Also at the time of filing the racket should be at the level of the belt of the beating.

Technique strikes

From single sports, badminton is the easiest to study. The rules of the game include the initial rack, the execution of shocks and the definition of points. The most difficult in training is to beat the feed of the opponent.

In modern badminton there are 4 types of shocks: shortened, flat, long and attackers. The first two are used for fraudulent maneuvers when the opponent is on the edge of his half. The attacking return represents which is directed to a specific place of the enemy zone. As for the long-distance, it is used to force the opponent to move as much as possible.

Also, the blows come on the right and left. The first is considered the main one, and perform its open side of the racket. At the same time, the housing unfolds to the right and slightly bends to the weight of the body to be directed to the supporting leg. The racket is depends on the desired impact force. When chopping on the left, the case and legs turn, respectively, in the same direction. The only difference from the impact on the right is that it is performed by the closed side of the racket. During the scope you only need to look at the Volan.

A shock above the head is a separate view and requires special execution technique. Do not confuse it with the upper feed. During such a strike, the case must be rotated on the half-turn to the right and slightly rejected back, the legs bend. At the time of touching the wave with a racket athlete rises on socks and begged in the lower back. A beating hand should be elongated and move over head forward.

Rules of sports badminton

Before starting the game, the lot is always rushed to determine the party and the first feed right. The debut blow to the flush should be made from below, so that the rocket rim does not rise above the breaking belt. It is worth noting that in this sport (badminton), the rules of the game are allowed to make several false movements to knock off the opponent. The receiving time at this time is obliged to be at its zone, without standing behind the lines.

After the first feed, players can move freely on their site, but the grid touch is strictly prohibited. Account in part is carried out up to 15 points, the exception is women's and children's discharges - up to 11 balls. The meeting ends at that moment when one of the sides won two geimes.

Accrual of points

The definitions of glasses also include the rules of the badminton. Briefly this procedure can be described as follows:

In men's single and paired meetings of the host side during a draw of the result 14:14, it is allowed to choose the continuation of the game to 15 or 17 points. For one missed waist, the opponent is charged a score. In total, the party may consist of 2 or 3 game, depending on the general account.

In women's fights of any discharge, the rule of additional 3 points is allowed only by reaching the result of 10:10. At the end of the Gamis, the parties should be swapped by zones.

In children's competitions allowed to hold parties consisting of one half, up to 21 points.

Game Rules: Errors

1. The loss of feed or points occurs in the event that the Volan did not hit the corresponding rival zone.

2. The penalty kick is assigned for the fact that the player concerns any part of the body or ammunition of the grid.

3. The feed is repeated if the beating did not hit the volant, and proceeds to the opponent if he landed into any barrier.

4. The basic rules of the game (badminton) also includes the definition of violations. Participants of the party are forbidden to intercelace the line of someone else's zone and edge of the field, as well as block the housing of the opponent's blows.

5. WALAN should not touch any part of the player's body. It threatens loss of glasses.

Children's badminton

You can study this type of sports from the very early age. To begin with, it is recommended to show a child a few exercises for acquaintance with a waist, and then separately with a racket. After 5-7 lessons, you can proceed to the interaction of these elements.

In this sport, like badminton, the rules of the game for children and adult lovers are practically no different. In a professional discharge, there is a whole regulation that participants must follow. In childhood, the rule of the game in badminton is briefly described by the following provisions:

Participants are divided into pairs;
- the field is not discharged on the zones, the lines limit the platform only on the sides and rear;
- between the players stretches the mesh (about 0.5 m in height);
- feed and blows are performed in arbitrary form;
- The glasses are counted if the opponent missed the waist on his zone, or he flew out of the field.