Dead space 3 walkthrough of the whole game. Achievement Guide - Main Game. There is an Eaath Gov artifact next to the bookshelf.

We continue to publish a detailed walkthrough of Dead Space 3! Do you want to defeat all the necromorphs without any problems, find all the artifacts, weapons and treasure of Peng? Don't want to miss out on anything important in Isaac Clark's new adventures and find all the audio and text diaries? Read the Dead Space 3 walkthrough! This post contains the walkthrough of story chapters 4 through 7.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 4

First, examine the room you are in. There is another weapon piece here to add to your rifle. And in the part that is under the canopy, there is even an upgrade scheme! Now call the elevator. You will again find yourself in a room with generators. Turn everything on so that huge tentacles attack you. Kill them as soon as they start attacking. As in the previous game Dead Space, bosses have weaknesses. In our case, there is 0 thickening in the middle of the tentacles. Aim there and, by the way, you can stay in the doorway so as not to waste first aid kits!

Be careful, as regular necromorphs will attack you as well. Go down the stairs that you climbed not so long ago. And again into a long tunnel with weightlessness.

This time, the huge blades are spinning, and there are no enemies nearby! Use stasis to slow them down and move on. Climb the stairs and go to the Admiral's room. Open the door by going to the panel next to it. Rotate the circles until they are above the highlighted slots. Press X every time the circles are in the correct position. As a result, you need to fill in all the slots - nothing complicated.

Take the elevator. There will be a short video here, after it ends, go explore the rest of the room. There will be a text log and audio log, as well as an EarthGov artifact.

Now go into the room with the projector, go into the next corridor, which is full of necromorphs. There will be two doors in the room ahead, go to the one on the right. There will be a diagram, as well as a drawing. Now go into the second door - this is the cargo hold. Talk to several people and get new coordinates. Exit the door by the bench. There is a costume upgrade station there: upgrade what you need (and what you can afford). Now keep going forward, a strange conversation awaits you.

When it ends, go through a couple of doors ahead. You will enter space. Hold the right stick to turn on the locator and figure out where to go. Once on the deck of the ship, land and enter. Choose Terra Nova. After landing, enter the ship.

Important tip: the first of the secondary missions is available here. Instead of choosing Terra Nova, choose C.M.S Greely.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 5

Pick up the weapon module and go through several doors to the elevator. Select the second floor with the D-pad. Go to the bridge of the ship. The co-pilot's seat will KSSK artifact as well as a text journal and a weapon upgrade. Go up to the second floor of the bridge and hack the network. After the discussion, open the doors behind the illuminated screen. Further - through another door and down the stairs. A rather sickly bunch of enemies awaits you. When you first enter, turn right to take the hydraulic motor.

Make your way down the hall to a large open area. There you will find your first search bot. Use kinesis to remove the boxes. Keep going forward, there are some more enemies waiting for you. Go through the door on the left, you will find yourself in a room with a workbench. Do not forget about tiny enemies that look like insects, and constantly press X if they attacked you.

Get rid of the necromorphs and craft whatever you need. Yes, and get in the habit of always having a tungsten shaft in stock. It is such a special handle that allows you to open some locked rooms. These rooms, like warehouses, contain a bunch of useful things. Now get your feet out of here! You will stumble upon a station. After killing several enemies here, use it to call the mine cart. It looks like something is going ... Enter the door next to the station. Kill one of the enemies. There will be a strange mini-boss on the right. Keep firing at the tentacles until the Necromorph drops the box of spare parts. Usually these boxes contain spare parts for weapons, blueprints or upgrades.

Now take the elevator up. You will find yourself in a large room. Use the window controls to clear the debris. For the mechanism to work, select the relative position of the two pieces of iron so that they fit together. You need to collect 5 pairs. After that, the trolley will be able to travel further. The necromorphs will attack you again. Going further, you will realize that the elevator is not working. Now you need to go down in the center of the ship. There is an audio log here that you need to listen to, and then go to the unlocked door.

You will be told that you can use kinesis to lift the limbs of enemies and throw them at them. It will definitely come in handy later. After going up the short stairs in the area, look up - there will be another KSSK artifact... Continuing onward, you will proceed into a room or two until you find a large room with a blinking light. Grab boxes of things from afar using kinesis, and then head down the stairs.

Below you need to quickly take your feet. You will be pursued by a recovering unkillable necromorph (remember the last chapter of Dead Space 2?), So make sure your stasis is ready. Freeze him every time he gets too close, shoot his legs and quickly run down the hallway and through the doors. Everything will be very familiar here, since you will again find yourself at the minecart station. Call transport faster. Now is the time to defend yourself. While the car is moving, you are in great danger. Run across the room, constantly freezing the Regenerator Necromorph, while hoping you can freeze a few smaller enemies as well. Be sure to try to rip off the various limbs of the regenerator necromorphs, as this will slow them down even more and help conserve stasis energy.

Keep up the good work until you hear a signal about the approaching carriage. As soon as the trolley appears, run to it and jump. Finally, you are all safe. For a while. Direct the tram to the other end of the line, towards the nose of Terra Nova.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 6

Now that you've reached the station at the end, get off the train and walk towards the elevator. Summon him and prepare to face the regenerative necromorph. Hold him back until the elevator arrives. On it you will reach the shuttle.

The shuttle is in a rather miserable state, so it will have to be repaired. Kill all the necromorphs in this area, then use the platform to reach the other side of the hangar. There is plenty to profit from here, so be sure to explore the area to every nook and cranny. Now use the workbench to assemble the tungsten shaft. Return to the elevator and go downstairs. Go to the closed room you passed by and open the door with this strange device. Here comes the ammunition!

Now take the elevator again. Returning to the shuttle, follow the passage to the freight elevator. Go downstairs, there is also something to profit from. Now go upstairs again and onto the platform - the gondola. Take the freight elevator down this side. There are two parts you will need here.

After collecting all the parts, ride the gondola to the bow of the shuttle to install them. Open the compartment with kinesis, then throw the repeater tug. It looks like the shuttle is out of fuel. It's time to find him. Return to the part with the elevator, take the freight elevator downstairs. Now go to the door.

This is the tail end of the shuttle. Get rid of the stupid necromorphs who think they can beat you, and then go around the shuttle and reach the freight elevator. Climb up. Use the console on the left to start the fuel pump. Walk around the pump and use kinesis to pull it towards the shuttle. While the ship is refueling, you will have to shoot back from enemies. After that, return to the console and turn off the refueling. Then get down on the freight elevator down.

On the way back, get ready for real hell! Cross the bridge behind the engines, timing your movements correctly. After that, try to avoid meeting the regenerating asshole and dive into the stairs in front.

On an average level of difficulty, getting into a fire is not fatal for you, if, of course, you have enough health. So, if you miss, then quickly, quickly heal. This way you don't have to start over.

Downstairs, go to the new room and call the freight elevator on the right. There will be another necromorph regenerator here (fuck them!), So use stasis to slow it down. Run upstairs to the gondola and call it. Again, while she is driving, she will have to deal with the regenerator. When you cross the hangar, it turns out that you need to deal with the gears, which, as happens in emergency situations, are jammed.

Get down on the freight elevator. Go through several doors and go to another elevator. Go upstairs on it. A barrel is stuck in one of the gears. Walk up to the cannon and blow it up! Now get rid of the rest of the enemies with the same cannon, clearing out the gears every time they get stuck.

Here you can finally kill the regenerators. To save charges, blow up barrels more often - this will also help you get rid of enemies.

After some time, you will be thrown into open space.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 7

So, you are back in outer space. After admiring the view of the space dump and Tau Volantis, get down to business. Press the right stick if you are lost. Use kinesis to remove the panels and then the broken engine.

After freeing the engine, fly to another small shuttle and transfer to it. Again, use the right analog stick to find out where to go next. Fly the new shuttle to Roanoke. Now fly up to the three satellites flying around. Get closer to them and grab the OBU. Use the Suit Upgrade Station to buy everything you need. Now go to the workbench to collect the required weapons. Then head back into space and place your newly assembled system in the bow of the shuttle in front of you.

Having installed everything you need, enter the ship through the side hatch. Inside, use kinesis to place the two canisters in the niches and then flip them over. After that, go to the front of the ship and activate it. Get ready for an intense flight. I really liked this episode! Use the left stick to steer the ship while dodging debris and mines while keeping to the course indicated by the blue squares.

Use the fire button to fire the ship's cannons at the mines and detonate them before they detonate you. Halfway through you will have to return to the back of the ship to insert the canisters that have dropped out. Do it the same way as the first time. After that, return to the front of the ship to continue piloting. Naturally, you will not just sit down, you will fall on the planet ahead.

A series of articles "Walkthrough Dead Space 3":
1. ;
(You are reading this article now)
3. ;
4. .

Artifacts: 4
Records: 10
Parts of weapons: 9
Drawings: 2
Chains Retrofit: 10
Chapter 11 begins from the moment we get to " ZONE NX-03". Having got into the room on the right we see the Machine, and on the left there is a long bridge and our path lies along it.
The Diary
Task: Restart heating system
We will not launch a probe into this creature while it is frozen. There must be a heating system somewhere nearby.

If necessary, a shaman with a weapon on the Machine and set off across the bridge to the goal. Before " Boiler room»We get there without adventures or battles. In the "Boiler room", on the left on the table, audio recording « Serrano discusses the first complex". The record is quite interesting, it turns out that the necromorphs are not just rushing about and attacking everything that moves, but someone controls them ...

In the next room on the left, there is a wardrobe with a new suit, and on the right, on the wall, there is a drawer with chain of modernization « +2 Clip -1 Rate of Fire". A new protective suit in Gaderob " Archaeologist", If I'm not mistaken, it does not give any advantages, except for the appearance. Isaac in this suit reminds me of Sam Fisher;)

Having dressed up " Sam Fisher»We go to the elevator and go upstairs. Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, this place was in the video where the bug with " Lifts and Doors».

Our path lies on the opposite side of the building. You can get into it only through the upper passage, where we will find that a battery is needed. We run to the elevator, to the right of it is a panel with batteries. We take the battery and are already in a hurry to us with joyful cries " Jumper" and " Black Buster". The bug with the Elevator works, it is worth taking a few steps back as the necromorphs run around the corner. We deal with everyone, bring the battery and throw it out the window. We run to the stairs, through the top we fall into the closet. We insert the battery and to the left of the ventilation jumps out “ Buster", In the same place near the ventilation on the wall a box with chain of modernization « +2 Rate of Fire -1 Clip". Having collected everything that is bad, we head back.

The Diary
Task: Probe sample and extract data
This planet is getting stranger with every step. The KSSK experiment that we want to repeat - the one that leads to the Machine - is a kind of dissection of a giant frozen creature. Apparently his nerve endings are tuned to the signal of the Machine. If you track them, you can understand where to go next.

The road back is surprisingly calm. Having reached the frozen Creature, we find out that the entire heating system is frozen and it is necessary to blow through the pipes.
The Diary
Task: Adjust the heaters
After 200 years, it's amazing that these systems work at all. But before trying to warm up the creature, you have to tinker with the heat pipe valves.

We activate the panel and turn on the unit, it is necessary to heat up from 10% to 100%. There are two options, correct and incorrect. The first option is incorrect, after activation, we try to untwist the handles with kinesis in order, starting from number 1, then number 2, and then the unit is cut down. You can try endlessly, but you won't be able to start. Option two is correct, after activation, we look at which number is highlighted (usually starts with 4), spin it up with kinesis, see which one the next one lit up, spin it up and so on up to 100%. each untwisted handle gives 10%. When the heat is up to 100%, we approach the panel and turn on the purge.
The Diary
Task: Meet Santos
We can all die on this mission. If not from the hands of Danik's people or the tentacles of the necromorphs, then from disbelief and apathy that gripped our team. I hope that some of us will find a way to restore the Machine. So far, only Santos alone knows what to do. We must find her.

We go to Santos, to the observation deck, you can get to it by elevator near the workbench. Santos gives us a blueprint and a key that will help us get to the warehouse.
The Diary
Task: Collect Probe Parts (0/3)
The KSSK used a probe to map the creature's neural pathways. If I find parts from which a similar device can be assembled, then we will successfully repeat their experiment.

We go to look for a warehouse. Our path lies on the street. While there is no one outside, we go down the elevator down. We find ourselves in the room where we fought with the drill in the previous chapter and observe a strange rite of unitologists. Nobody attacks us, but everyone is dead, it looks like a ritual group suicide, and soon they will bring fresh necromorphs ...

We pass through the room and again go out into the fresh air, now we go straight and turn the corner. Here is a door that requires a key. Inside, at the sight of us, some nimble necromorph breaks down and runs away, which kind of breed could not be discerned. Our path follows him, since there is no other way, the elevator goes to " Lower levels»Blocked. We turn left, opposite the elevator lies text message « Precarious balance»

KSSK-TVA-30915 Work report
From: Srzh-Pk Lumley
To: Gen S. Mahadu
Today in the First Complex there was a serious emergency. As a result of the descent of the glacier, 23 workers were killed, 2 tractors and 3 unfinished buildings were lost.
Initial investigations, as prescribed by the protocol, were carried out using metric probes, but did not reveal unstable ice masses.
The loss of equipment and manpower will have an extremely negative impact on the expedition's schedule.

We take an elevator to the street, next to the elevators, bloody three-toed footprints lead into the unknown and it seems their direction coincides with our route. Better to keep your weapon ready. At the cliff, three new nimble necromorphs eat up the unitologist, then quickly run away into the distance. If we go not after them, but in the other direction through the gorge, we will find ourselves in a clearing where the resource bot must collect a lot of rare resources. On the way, no one will meet, after launching the bot we return to the remains of the unitologist and go further along the locator.

Our three-toed friends were waiting for us at the boxes. It looks like they're attacking in a flock. They move quite quickly, they resemble angry ostriches.

The herd theory failed at the next boxes, they attack one by one with a rather loud cry. According to the description, they fit under " Stalkers».

Shooting ostriches-stalkers, we got to " Delta Barracks", But we are not in a hurry to run inside, let's check the standard jacks at the corners of buildings. On the right is empty, and on the left, behind the ventilation shaft, a couple of boxes with loot and unitologist artifact.

Unitologist Artifact 02
Illumination of the Day: Jacob Danik
I am approached by our brothers and sisters, whose convictions have cracked at the sight of the horrors happening on the liberated sites of the Obelisks. "How can we believe the Obelisks when they bear so much pain and suffering ?!" they ask.
But who built this abomination, these copies, I ask a counter question?
Obelisks are as much a part of nature, like trees, like the blue sky and like the ocean that we have destroyed.
But nature, if accepted, is capable of correcting mistakes. Once we destroy what man has done, the true plan of the Obelisk will bloom again.
Now only one person can stop us - Isaac Clarke. And if the Obelisks did indeed originate here, it is our duty to stop Clark, who is threatening our salvation.

We go inside. There is no one in the room except for a couple of corpses. We go straight, on the shelf lies text message « Memo».
From: General Spencer Mahad
Attention to all personnel: Level 5 situation announced. All air flights have been canceled. Don't try to contact the fleet. Contact your superior officers for further orders. 100% execution is required. These are not teachings.
Lord save the colonies.

To the left of the front door, on the table with plates, there is another text message « Dining Room: Crew Notes»
Dining Room: Crew Notes
I went to the Arsenal to take a pistol and a bullet for each soldier - trembling like an aspen leaf. The supply officer filled out the form and asked if I needed a copy. They laughed. We lit the last cigarette for two and talked about his family back home and the planned vacation. Then he unzipped the body bag and asked if I would like to help him. He apologized for being such an overweight guy, and asked, if possible, to take his body down to everyone else. At first I was overwhelmed. But he calmly sat in the bag, as if it were a sleeping bag, read a short prayer and committed suicide. I packed up his body and took what I came for. My jitters are gone. I think I am no longer afraid of death, and even look forward to it.

Most of all the atmosphere of horror in Dead space 3 it is not the monsters jumping around the corner that catch up, but such notes ...

There is nothing more interesting in the room, except for lockers and a locked door that opens torsion shaft... I always have the shaft with me, so let's go open the door.

Opposite the door in the cabinet on the wall modernization chain « +2 Rate of Fire -1 Damage". Left on the shelf piece of weapon « Modulator"And some loot in the boxes. We leave further along the dark corridors following the directions of the locator.

The corridor turned out to be small and it led to the door leading to the street. There are many boxes on the street and suspicious (or so it seems to me) silence.

Silence was indeed suspicious, as soon as the door closed behind us from behind the boxes they began to look out and squeal " Stalkers". It's good that they attack one by one. The downside is that the door is not a good place for defense, the viewing angle does not cover all the places from where they attack. You have to stand and turn around.

There are quite a few loot boxes scattered around the playground and you will be done with " Stalkers»Let's start collecting resources. Further, our path lies to the locked door and the panel " Electrical engineering interface", Again a puzzle. This time, the puzzle has been made more difficult with diagonal transitions and seems to have shortened the trying time. I managed to get through on the fourth attempt.

We enter " Zone NX-02". In the warehouse, to the right of the door on the wall is a cabinet with chain of modernization « +2 Rate of fire -1 Reload". On the other side of the door, the passage ends, but a couple of boxes lying there can be pulled in with kinesis. Near the stairs leading down there is a large beam with gears that can be turned by kinesis and some kind of cage hangs on the cable. An artifact or text message appears to glitter in the cage. Just in case, we raise these cages, it looks like it will come in handy for us. At the top, there is nothing more to do, we go down. While we are going down, some unhealthy music starts to play ... at the end the grill flies out of the ventilation, but no one is born ...

Below are three possible paths, let's go counterclockwise. On the right is a box with loot and one of parts of the probe - variator... We go to the cage, which we raised, it seems there is not an artifact, but a part of a probe. Yes, there was - probe frame... To the right of the stairs, on the table myself probe and there are several first-aid kits and clips nearby, such generosity usually ends with a non-acidic fight with the necromorphs.

The Diary
Task: Build and equip the probe, then return to the building with the sample
If Santos is right, the creature's neural pathways should point us to the Machine. But, according to the KSSK records, the only way to determine the direction of these channels is to launch probe probes into them. Santos thinks I can reassemble it from parts left at an abandoned excavation site next door.

We get to the street without incident. But on the street he meets a crab-like necromorph - the boss from the previous level. Again you will have to shoot his glowing economy. You shouldn't hide behind the boxes, he crumbles them with ease. We grab the shotgun and cut circles around the central pile of boxes, it looks like they are too tough for him (or claws). Yes, we do not forget to stop and shoot sometimes. When we shoot the last luminous "something", he will howl and shamefully disappear behind the horizon.

After the dialogue on the walkie-talkie, we get bonus mission "Arsenal".

The Diary
Bonus mission: Defend the armory
Danik's squad has arrived on the planet, and when they find the KSSK supply depots, we are finished. They cannot be allowed to make it to the armory.

We go to collect the probe, you can drop into the Arsenal and go with the probe ready, which we will do. We follow the locator. There is no one in the barracks, we go out into the street. A surprise has been prepared for us. Headless Unitologists with " Heads"Governing corpses. The probe is a hellish weapon, it nails everything that moves to the boxes and the ground. We run further. In the next building, while we go down in the elevator, Norton will offer to hijack one of Danik's ships and dump from here. It's a good idea, but Isaac, as usual, is against it.

Before " Excavation areas"We get there without fights. At the drilling site, where the unitologists fought with the drill, " Busters”And a couple of colleagues came to their aid from the ventilation. The probe is a good thing, but it is not convenient for them to shoot limbs.

On the upper platform at " Zone NX-03"Several dead unitologists await with" Heads"And the pair" Blevunov". We clean it, go inside and take the elevator to the observation deck.

I decided to start with the left probe, activate the panel and turn the probe handle with kinesis. So it looks like it's not a probe, but a harpoon that is holding the "Thing". We run to the second harpoon and activate it in the same way. We get a new task.

The Diary
Exercise: Penetrate the body cavity
The creature has been dissected. But I can't do anything from here - I have to climb inside to launch the probe.

We go down into the creature on the elevator.
The Diary
Exercise: Find synapses
The targeting system of the probe is tuned to the bioelectric signals of the creature's synapses. It is necessary to find several such synapses and launch probes into them in order to get a complete map of the nerve channels of this creature.

I went to the left, found nothing, dead end. Let's go to the right of the cage. We find a pair of synapses and launch probes ... Just in case, I run to the cage, some black creatures are running from all sides. Having dealt with them, we continue to hunt for synapses.

Judging by the sound, now you need to go to the central tunnel. Here are the three synapses. I shoot and run to the cage. But nobody comes. There is a signal, but we still need a group of synapses. It looks like you can go in either of the two - the central or right tunnels. The synapses are somewhere inside. A large hall with synapses along the ceiling and walls. We shoot, Isaac is robustly covered.

We run to the cage, apparently now it will be fun. It looks like these creatures are at least a couple of dozen. The limbs are not cut off, it is better to shoot in the head and try not to run them into the cage. It looks like it was necessary to take an assault rifle paired with a probe, it would be much easier, but we can cope with a plasma cutter as well.

Done, go up to the top. Here a surprise awaits us, Norton locked the cage and dumped, to the heap he also jammed the radio signal, we must somehow get out.

The Diary
Exercise: Find your way to the research facility
The results of the study of the creature led to, I hope, the final goal of our wanderings - the research center of the KSSK, which is located high above us. You will have to get there along this cliff. But one wrong step and we are all corpses. We need to find a safer way to lift Santos and Ellie.

With Kinesis we turn the handle on the cockpit panel where Norton was. Door opened. We go downstairs on the elevator. It looks like our path lies through " Boiler room". Only we go outside not through the freight elevator, but through the previously blocked door " External access". There are many loot boxes in the room outside the door. There is a Machine in front of the exit.

On the street we are met by unitologists, Danik and the news that Norton has turned us over to him. Moreover, it was he who brought them here. A firefight begins. Help arrives to Danik, while the necromorph boss appears to deal with them.

As usual, we shoot at everything that shines, includes what he spits out. And don't forget to shoot at the big glowing badge on his chest or neck. When we shot him everything that was possible, strange happened ... He sucked us inside ...

Despite the fact that Ellie and her team are found, your exploration of Roanoke is just beginning. According to a former girlfriend, the admiral possessed some knowledge that could help destroy all obelisks once and for all. To access this information, you need to get to the admiral's cabin.

However, before you go in search, we recommend that you use the machine to improve your weapon, as well as search the room for ammunition and other usefulness.

After that, boldly step into the elevator and go downstairs. It looks like the generator is out of order again. You have to pull those damn coils again. However, this time the passage of the game Dead Space 3 has prepared a surprise for you in the form of a huge necromorph, which entangled the generator. In order to be able to launch the coils, you first have to shoot off the tentacles that entangled them and can quite strongly attach on the head of the protagonist. Smaller necromorphs will interfere with your intentions in every possible way. Having done away with all these brothers and starting the generator, continue on your way.

You will again have to go through a room with large fans and no gravity. True, this time the fan blades will rotate and you need to use stasis in order to freeze them. The further path will be linear and will lead you to the elevator. But in order to use it, you have to solve a small puzzle located on the right.

The Electrical Engineering Interface, as this puzzle is called, is a field with nodes located on it. You need to activate two pieces in a given time, which is indicated by sectors around the node. To do this, you need to combine the activator, indicated by a blue circle with zigzags on the sides, and the desired knot. The problem is that there are two activators, like nodes, and each of them is controlled by a separate set of keys - W, S, A, D and standard control keys. It is immediately evident that this riddle was largely designed for the corporate passage of the game Dead Space 3. Activation of the nodes occurs by pressing the E key. If you can control two activators at once, then great, you can cope with the task pretty quickly. If not, then using the activator, first activate one node, and then engage in another. As soon as a pair of nodes is activated, two more will light up, with which you will have to repeat similar actions and so on until all nodes on the scoreboard are activated.

After solving this problem, the elevator will turn on and you can continue the passage of the game Dead Space 3. The elevator will bring you to the desired floor, a few more turns and you will find yourself in the admiral's headquarters. All the walls are covered with some kind of signs and it looks like they would have boiled Isaac's brain great if Carver hadn't pulled him away from the wall in time.

It looks like the admiral has found the key to control all the obelisks. And, apparently, this key is located on the surface of the planet.

Take the elevator again and move according to the locator information. The path will be familiar to you and after a few rooms and half a dozen necromorphs, you will find yourself in the hall in which the battery was moved to activate the machine. Here you will meet Ellie, who will tell you about the "Tub" - a small ship repair, with which you can move between spaceships. It is to one of them - Terra Nova, which you need to get to.

You can leave the hall through the new activated door. Behind it is the costume shop, where you can not only change your appearance, but also improve the modules of health, stasis and kinesis. Continuing the path, you will need to open the door with the help of kinesis and you will find yourself in the airlock. It looks like the main character will have a walk in outer space

During the passage of the game Dead Space 3, you can use kinesis to pull up air tanks and replenish its supplies. However, now the standard stock is quite enough to get to your target - a repair ship, which is located at a distance from Roanoke.

While you fly to him, you will be told by radio about a strange signal that comes from the CMS "Grilli" ship. This task, as you understand, is optional and optional. Enter the shuttle through the airlock and choose where you want to go - to Terra Nova or Grilli.

Investigate Grills

If you nevertheless decided to distract yourself from the storyline passage of the Dead Space 3 game and explore the warship, then select the appropriate point in the repair ship menu. Arriving at the place, go out into outer space and go to the ship. You can use the locator to find the entrance. The entrance is closed by the already familiar door with a lock, which opens only with the help of kinesis. It will be dark enough inside the ship, so you can use the locator without a twinge of conscience so as not to get lost.

You need to reach a large circular shaft in the floor, which can be accessed by stairs. Most of the ship's compartments are sealed, which, however, will not prevent the local necromorphs from complicating the passage of the game Dead Space 3. One of the doors of the room in which you find yourself requires a torsion shaft to open. It looks like a workaround will have to be found.

Follow the indications of the locator, which will guide you down the gentle stairs. Continuing along the dark corridors, you will reach the generator, which must be started using the kinesis module.

Now that the electricity supply is restored, you can use the elevator. To do this, you will have to walk back, but the corridors will not be so deserted - the appearance of the light has attracted the attention of numerous monsters. Take the elevator to the control room. Troupes in armchairs, blood on the floor, dim rooms - all this makes a depressing impression. But this is not the time to breed nurses. Head towards the electricity control panel. Your task is to balance the supply of electricity between the lights and the central processor so that the processor is in the green zone, and the lights do not go beyond the red. To do this, move the first, second and fourth switches from the top to the right side, and all the others to the left.

After that, the door below will open in front of you. Through it you can get into the central hall, into which the mine and the stairs led you. Kill the evil necromorphs and, using the locator, go to the new open door. The passage of the game Dead Space 3 will lead you to a kind of research laboratory, which, however, will be full of living necromorphic artifacts. After reaching the open elevator, go downstairs to another laboratory. Using the locator, work your way forward gradually. You can use the machine on the way.

When you reach the closed door, turn the handle to the right of it. You will find yourself in a room, the passage in which will be blocked by electrical discharges emanating from the device in the center. Use kinesis to remove the cover from it and turn off the electricity. Now that the passage is clear, you can get to the source of the radio signal, which is located at the far wall. Having received the key located next to the transmitter, do not rush to go back, in the room you can also find a modification for the weapon.

You have to repeat the path to the central hall, shooting necromorphs on the way. Pay special attention to the red glowing panels on the floor - you should not step on them if you do not want the passage of the game Dead Space 3 to start from the last checkpoint. After reaching the central hall, be prepared to meet with mutant explosives, which should not be allowed close to you. Using the key received, open the cabin and use the computer. Congratulations, the task is completed. In addition, you can find several valuables in the cabin itself. Now all that remains is to return to the repair shuttle. The path will be long, but calm. If you get lost, you can always find your way with the right locator.

Chapter 5. "Expected Delays". Crew dock "Terra Nova"

This time, the maintenance shuttle will dock right inside the huge Terra Nova. All that remains for you is to walk to the airlock. Immediately behind him, you will find a dressing room in which you can change the costume of the protagonist and improve his characteristics. To continue the passage of the game Dead Space 3 use the elevator, which will lead you to the captain's bridge. To further explore the ship, you need to pick the lock of the closed door. The control panel is located a few meters in front of the door.

The hacking technique is already well known to fans of the series. You need to rotate the sector in the center of the circle by 8 positions, in search of one in which the circle will be highlighted in blue, after which you need to press the left mouse button. The operation will have to be repeated three times.

After the door is open, continue your way through the dark corridors. In the end, you will be able to reach a large warehouse, which is teeming with necromorphs. There and then you will be taught how to use explosive tanks, which can be thrown with the help of kinesis at the evil Necromorph spawn. After going down one of the stairs, Isaac will find a small search bot.

This small robot will work hard for your benefit, mining useful resources. To do this, you need to take the bot in hand (key 3) and, using its radar, find resource deposits (however, the latter is not necessary). After that, just hold LMB to launch the bot. The little hard worker will independently search for resources, and then take it to the machine, where you will pick it up. But it's time to return to the passage of the game Dead Space 3, and with it to the exploration of the warehouse, which more than once will "please" you with sudden encounters with necromorphs.

After wandering along the corridors and looking along the road to the machine, you can reach the transport station, where a considerable number of monsters are already waiting for you. Remember to use stasis to prevent new holes from appearing in Isaac's body. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use the car yet, as the path is blocked by something. We'll have to solve this problem too, for which leave the station through another door. Climbing the stairs, you will find yourself in dark and dangerous corridors, where, it seems, the spirit of death just hovers. Numerous opponents will soon confirm this guess. Be especially careful with the smallest spherical creatures that will just crave to suck on your back.

But a separate word should be put in for a large necromorph, which stretched out over the entire wall. Do not under any circumstances come close to its tentacles - a certain lethal outcome is guaranteed. Much better to calmly shoot the creature from a distance. The box of spare parts that will drop out of the corpse will significantly replenish your reserves of resources that will help in the passage of the game Dead Space 3. Using the elevator, you will find yourself in the room with the machine. It probably already hosts a search bot that has found few resources. Continuing your exploration of the room, you will find a control panel responsible for the operation of cargo cranes.

In front of you is the left and right side of the load. By pressing the left mouse button you rotate the left part of the weight, by pressing the right - the right one. While holding down the left button, you can try to connect both parts of the weight. If both the right and left sides are in the correct position, then you can collect the load and remove it from the platform. The contents of the last shipping container will delight you especially.

Now that the cargo platform is free, you can use the transport. To do this, return to the elevator and continue playing Dead Space 3.

This time the descent on the elevator will not be so successful and it will be jammed halfway. Get out of it and keep going. On the way, you will find a short video recording from which you will learn about the possibility of using kinesis to kill necromorphs with the limbs of their fellows. In an acute shortage of ammo, this method of killing opponents can save your life.

Continuing along the corridors, you will reach another warehouse. However, its contents will not please you too much. An immortal necromorph will emerge from one of the boxes. Players for whom the passage of Dead Space 3 is not the first acquaintance with the necromorphs are well aware of this most dangerous monster. For new players, a brief description of the species.

Immortal Necroforph is a special subspecies of creatures capable of restoring limbs. It cannot be killed with conventional weapons. So the only way out is to run. But before this creature sees your sparkling heels, it is worth freezing it with stasis and shooting off its legs, as well as one arm - in this form, it will not grow limbs (since one is left) and will be as slow as possible.

So this time, first stasis, then shooting off three limbs, and then running. On the way, you will meet ordinary necromorphs, try to end them as quickly as possible so that the immortal monster does not have time to catch up with you.

Narrow corridors take you to the transport station. When the door closes behind the main character, and one necromorph who lives behind it goes straight to hell, you can take a breath and get ready for the difficult battle that has prepared for you the passage of the game Dead Space 3.

As soon as you call a train from a special console, the room will begin to flood with necromorphs, including a couple of immortal creatures. Your task is to hold out until the train arrives. Use stasis actively to slow down immortals. As soon as the squad arrives on the platform, climb into it - the passage of the next chapter in the game Dead Space 3 will be successfully completed, and the main character will go to the central part of Terra Nova.

Begins Dead Space 3 walkthrough two hundred years before the main events of the game. June 18, 2314, we are moving forward on a snow-covered planet, in order to orient ourselves, press the "B" key and move in the direction indicated by the blue line. Holding down Shift at a certain moment, we make a short run to the crashed spaceship. Before entering the ship there will be boxes lying around, break them by pressing the spacebar and collect the items falling out of them by pressing "E". in order to get inside the ship we shoot at the inscription on the door "break the latch", for this we aim with the right mouse button, and open fire by pressing LMB. To open the door, press "E", after which a man with an ax in his back will come out on us, after which a couple of monsters with the same ax will attack us, after shooting the enemies we pass inside the ship.

We pass along the corridor shooting the monsters crawling out on us, not forgetting to pick up ammunition, if the enemy manages to get so close that he falls on you, throw him back by pressing the "E" key. Having reached the end of the corridor, we go up the stairs, in order to climb the stairs, we approach it and press the "E" key. At the top, we open the door to the cockpit and take away the container from there, after which the ship will begin to fall and our character will fall out, having caught on to the cable. We go down the cable using the movement keys, and in order to jump over the cracks, press Shift. being at the bottom, we dodge the falling wreckage of the ship, after which we watch a small video insert at the end of which our character dies, but this is only the beginning of the passage of the game ...

When viewing Dead Space 3 walkthrough video to switch between videos use the "Playlist" tab at the bottom of the screen.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening

The following events take place 200 years later, in the Lunar Colony. After a short conversation, we take the first-aid kit from the room, use it by pressing "Q", just before leaving the room, you can pick up a record from the bed, which is a kind of bonus. Leaving the corridor, we turn left and go forward to the stairs along which we go down. Having opened the door on the left, we go out into the street, where our partners are already waiting for us. After the gate opens, we run forward about the obstacles behind which you can hide by pressing "X". Your task will be to get to the police car standing on the right, but if you can hunt, you can also shoot at the enemies. Having reached the car, we see how one of the suicide enemies explodes it. The explosion knocks Isaac aside.

Standing on our feet, we move forward, shooting off the appearing enemies, reaching the end of the tunnel, we go up the stairs. Next, you get the task to meet with Norton, we go through the doors, opening them by pressing "E", leaving the room we go forward along the street eliminating enemies along the way. Having reached the road with heavy traffic, we use the stasis module, for this we aim and press "C". After crossing the road we go up the stairs and open the door, having previously eliminated a couple of enemies from below. After passing along the corridor, we open the second door, after which we find ourselves in the EscaCorp Hall, after passing through which we get to the elevator on which we go upstairs.

After watching a short video, we get to our feet and pick up and use the first-aid kit, after which we need to destroy a couple of enemies (this time not ordinary people, but necromorphs). Going to the next room through not blocked the door, we learn that by kicking the corpse, you can knock out useful objects, we do this by pressing the space bar. Having passed into the next room, we kill several more necromorphs and then we find the elevator on which we go down. To the right of the exit from the elevator, we collect the bonus information, then we go forward and turn right through the door we get into the store from which we get out into the street. On the street, having dismembered several necromorphs, we go straight and to the right to the stairs on which you will eliminate a couple more monsters, then we go down and sit down in the elevator.

Having reached the station by elevator, we see a car with fuel standing on the right, and a train on the left. Using kinesis, push the train onto the round platform by aiming and pressing "F", and after turning it, push it into the tunnel. Then, again, with the help of kinesis, we push the pasture with fuel onto the platform, after the platform turns the car around to aim at the train and all you have to do is climb onto it. In the process of the train's movement, we pass into the nose of the locomotive, shooting enemies along the way, having reached the head part, we run ahead and climb onto the flying machine by pressing "E", not without Carver's help.

Chapter 2. By itself

After a short dialogue with Carver at the beginning of this chapter, we leave along the corridor in the direction of the captain's bridge. Arriving at the place, we watch a short video after which, our ship begins to fall apart. After talking with the captain, we turn left and go along the corridor, our task is to get to our suit. While walking along the corridor, gravity will turn off. Having reached the room with the suit, we watch Isaac dress and then he will be thrown into an airless space. Flying forward, we release the module, for this, using kinesis, move the two latches marked with blue arrows, after which we activate the module by flying up to the blue panel and pressing "E". Then we fly after the module, shooting at mines and trying to dodge the debris flying at you, to accelerate press "Shift".

Chapter 3. Abandoned flotilla

We fly by the first valley until entering the gateway, above which there is an inscription UD-24, to stand on the platform at the entrance, press Alt. To open the hatch, we use Kinesis, once inside, after which we go to open the cargo hatch, for this we go through the door in front of which we also open it with Kinesis. Turning to the left, we open the next door behind which there will be a room with a control lever for the cargo hatch, to open the hatch again we use Kinesis. After the container with the survivors gets on board, we pass to it and after a short conversation we go in search of the source of the SOS signal.

Our next task will be to get to the control room, we pass right along the dark corridor leading into the depths of the ship until we stumble upon the gate on the right, which we open with kinesis. After passing to the next gate and opening them we find ourselves in a small room, which at the moment is a dead end. Here, first of all, we activate the assembly machine on the right, for this we grab the battery with kinesis and insert it into the slot with a lightning bolt next to the machine. After examining the device of the machine and creating a weapon, we will unblock the path further, also in this room you can climb the stairs to the second level and collect the loot lying there. Passing forward through a couple of doors, which also open with kinesis, we find ourselves in a corridor where we will meet several necromorphs with whom we will have to deal with. Then we pass along the corridor to the door on the right, filled with boxes, which needs to be moved with kinesis. Having killed all the necromorphs in the next room, we pass up the stairs, and then down to the next door. Once in the next corridor and interrupting the necromorphs in it, we collect first-aid kits with ammunition, there will be an improvement in one of the wall cabinets.

Through the next door we find ourselves in a room with a staircase leading down, after going down and opening the door we get to the technical deck. To fly in zero gravity, press Alt, after which we move along the corridor killing necromorphs. Having reached the opposite end of the tunnel, get up on your feet by pressing Alt and go through the door to the left. In the next room we find a text message after reading which we go up the stairs. Through the next door we get into the room with the main generator that needs to be started. To do this, we go around the generator in a circle, launching three of its parts in turn, lowering the device all the way down, and then activate the valve in the center with kinesis as well, repeat the procedure three times, in parallel fighting off the attacks of the necromorphs. After activating all three parts, we return to the remote control from which we started and turn on the generator. Having killed all the necromorphs, we pass to the elevator on which we rise to the surviving people.

Chapter 4. An echo of history

At the beginning of the passage of this chapter, you can use the machine, after which we pass to the elevator on which we go down. Returning to the room with the generator, we find strange growths on it because of which we will not be able to go further. To clear the way, we again activate the parts of the generator, while trying not to get under the moving processes that will from time to time try to hit Isaac. They can be skipped or cut by shooting at the thickening in the center of the appendix. One way or another, having reached the exit, we open the next door and go down the stairs. Through the next door we find ourselves in a corridor with rotating fans. Press Alt to fly, and to slow down the fan blades, shoot at them from the stasis module. Flying through the corridor, we get up on our feet again and go through the door that leads into the corridor with the disabled elevator. Having cleared the corridor from necromorphs, we approach the panel to the right of the elevator, in order to turn on the power of the elevator, you need to move two circles to the indicated positions, one circle is controlled using the WSAD buttons, the second using the arrows. When both circles are in place, press E. After supplying power, we go upstairs in the elevator.

Leaving the elevator, we pass along the corridor to the left, after a short as-scene, we search the room picking up an artifact and a text entry and then we pass to the elevator and go down on it. Further we pass along the corridors through the hall in which the film will be shown (next to the screen you can find another artifact). After the hall with the projector we find ourselves in the corridor with the necromrphs, having dealt with them, we pass further, eventually returning to the room with the workbench, there Isaac meets Ellie (on the way in one of the rooms you can find a drawing of a shotgun and an improvement). After talking with Ellie we get an additional task to restore the shuttle "Crozier". Then we go through the door to the left of the machine, here we find a "wardrobe" - a device for changing costumes and improving the IKS (if you have saved save on your computer after that, you will have access to the N7 suit). After going further along the corridor and opening the door we get into the airlock through which we go out into open space. Then we fly to the shuttle, and after arriving at the place we climb inside. Next, we choose to go to Terra Nova or to complete the bonus mission on the Grills.

Arriving at the ship "Grills" we fly up to the entrance and get inside. After you destroy the enemy, you will need to restore energy, for this we go down the steps, opening two doors, then down the stairs, after which we start the generator using kinesis. Returning up the stairs and killing enemies, we sit down in the bodice on which we go upstairs. Having opened the door, we pass further until we run into a locked door. in order to unblock it, we find a flap with a fuse, opening which you need to balance the energy, for this move the green lights from right to left. Next, you need to make sure that the CPU scale is in the green area, and the Light scale in white, for this we move the fuses to the right with the number 90 to the left, and to the right the fuses with the values ​​45, 45, 60, 60.

After passing through the door, we move straight, we shoot the appearing necromorphs, after which we pass along the steps to the next door. Having cleared the next room, you can find an artifact, after which we go down with the help of the elevator. Having fought off the next necromorphs we pass through a couple of doors. After destroying the beetles, open the next door using the lever on the wall to the right. Once in the room with the generator, we turn it off with the help of kinesis, then we go to the panel with the inscription "Radio", having activated it, we listen to the message of one of the ship's crew members. Now it remains to return to the room with the machine, having killed all the necromorphs on the way. To the left of the machine there will be a door with a panel by activating which we open the door and take the codes, thereby completing an additional task. You can now return to Terra Nova to continue the main playthrough.

Chapter 5. Expected Delays

Having opened the door with kinesis, we find ourselves in a room with a "wardrobe", in which you can also find an elevator on which we rise to the second level. Leaving the elevator, we turn left and go up the steps to the next door, opening which we find ourselves in a room similar to the bridge of a ship, here we find a shield with which we break open the next door. During hacking, rotate the arrow in a circle until a blue dot appears, by pressing LMB, repeat the action two more times, after which a diagram of the Terra Nova ship will appear. also in this room you can find an improvement and a text entry. Having collected everything we need, we go through the door and along the corridor we pass into a room with a slot machine and a staircase leading down. Going down, we open the next door through which we find ourselves in the next corridor that will lead us into a room filled with containers.

After destroying several necromorphs, go through the compartment with containers in which you can find a bot collecting useful resources for you. Climbing the stairs into the next corridor, we go forward destroying the necromorphs on the way (it's not difficult to do this, the main thing is to aim at the glowing growths), opening the door with the help of kinesis we get into the room with the machine, a new type of enemies will appear here, small spiders that climb into the corpses and then attack you. Having destroyed the next monsters, we select a text entry from the table and go through the door to the next room, further along the corridor, we will get into a room with a trolley control panel, after cleaning the room from various enemies, we activate the remote control, after which a failure occurs.

Our next task will be to unlock the trolley, for this we pass through the door to the left of the control panel. Climbing the stairs up we find ourselves in a corridor, where, in addition to the usual necromorphs, there will be a creature hanging on the wall, you can kill him only by shooting all his limbs, until then you should not approach him (certain death), and if you suddenly come up (as I did the first few times don't worry, the auto-save will be right before it). After passing the corridor we go into the elevator on which we rise into the room with the remote control. Using the remote control, you need to clear the passage for the trolley, this is a kind of puzzle reminiscent of "Tetris" or "Lego", the weights on the left and right need to be combined by rotating them around their axis using LMB and RMB, respectively. Having freed the rails from interfering loads, you automatically exit the control panel.

Now we need to go back to the trolley, interrupting the next batch of necromorphs, we return to the elevator (here you can also use the machine). Going down the elevator, we pass to the destination, orienting ourselves by pressing "B". On the way, we meet a new monster that cannot be destroyed (fans of the series may be familiar with such a creature). Without wasting time, we run past the new monster, stopping it with stasis, our task is to get to the trolley and hold the defense until it arrives, killing ordinary necromorphs and applying stasis on something that constantly regenerates. After waiting for the trolley, we pass inside and go to the station in the center of the ship.

Chapter 6. Repairs before shipment

Arriving at the central station, you can get the bonus mission "Conning tower" for this you need to enter the elevator. And to open the elevator you need a key - a card, you can find it in the room to the left of the elevator, it is also blocked and before you enter you will have to break the door by moving the circles to the indicated places. Having penetrated into the room, we take the key, here you can also use the machine to improve or change the weapon. We return to the elevator and go up to the top for hiring, after leaving the elevator we pass along the corridor to the door, opening which we find ourselves in a small room, going up the stairs to the second level, we try to open the door to the communication room, however, instead of the open door, quarantine will be launched, from all the holes necromorphs will crawl interrupting which we again approach the door and open it by breaking the panel hanging on the left.

After passing the communications cabin, we find ourselves in the room of the door from which it will be blocked off with an electric arc, you can turn it off by shooting at the box hanging on the left wall with a glowing yellow triangle. After you open the door to the next room, necromorphs will again crawl out of all the cracks, interrupting which we turn off the next electric arc, this time the box into which you need to shoot is on the right wall. Climbing the steps, we find on the wall in front of us another box having shot at which turn off the arc to our left. We pass forward and turn off the next door, before going down on the elevator on the left side, we select improvements to the right of the door. Having appeared at the bottom, we repulse the attack of the necromorphs and then we pass directly and to the right to the next door. After killing another necromorph in the next room, open the door and go further.

The further path will be blocked by a fire trap, to turn it off we need to get to the power source, for this we go down the stairs we pass to the next door, here you can also use the machine. In the next room, we go up the stairs and after interrupting all the necromorphs, we turn off the next arc (the box into which you need to shoot is on the wall further along the corridor to the right). After going forward, we go down the stairs, turning off the next arc and killing the necromorph, we pass into the next room through the door on the left. Further along the corridor we find ourselves in the engine room, here, among other things, you can find the KSSK artifact. After we try to call the elevator, quarantine will turn on again and necromorphs will crawl from everywhere, interrupting them, we go down the stairs to the lower part of the room. Here we find a device with six valves that need to be rotated using kinesis and set so that sparks appear between them, this one will cancel the quarantine and unblock the elevator.

Entering the elevator, we go up to the room with the generator, in order to turn it off, we shoot the stasis module into the fan, and then, using kinesis, we remove three batteries from its blades. After we return to the elevator, the path to which was blocked by fire, on this elevator we first go up to the second floor, after collecting useful items, we sit down again in the elevator and go up to the third floor. Here we find a corpse in an armchair and an audio recording that can be listened to, then we go up on the lift and go to the storage room where we will find many useful things, on this bonus mission "Conning tower" will be completed. Now it will remain to the music of country to return to the trolley, interrupting all the necromorphs on the way.

Now you can continue the passage of the main story, we sit down in the trolley and head to the stern of the ship. Arriving at the place, we pass to the elevator, half the call of which a creature that cannot be killed will appear, using rhinestone on the monster or shooting all limbs on it, we go into the elevator on which we go down. Here we will need to assemble the remote start, for this we need to find three parts with which you can assemble the above remote control on the machine. The first part for the remote control can be found here, for this you need to go down on the elevator, taking the part from the rack on the lower level, we shoot from the necromorphs, and then we return to the top on the elevator. Next, we call the mobile platform on which we move to the other side of the shuttle. We go down on the elevator to the lower level, immediately upon leaving the elevator, we find the second part for the remote control, and after going up to the left and the third.

Having interrupted the appeared necromorphs, we return to the elevator on which we rise to the top to the machine. Having assembled the remote start, we again go to the mobile platform on which this time we go to the bow of the shuttle, open the hatch with the help of kinesis and insert the remote control there. Then we return to the side with the machine, where we go down on the elevator, leaving the elevator, we pass through the door on the right and go up the stairs. Then, after repelling the next attack of monsters, we pass to the lift on which we go upstairs to the room where we activate the fuel nozzle, which must be inserted into the neck with the help of kinesis, after which the shuttle will start refueling. While refueling continues, we fight off the advancing necromorphs, and after its completion we return to the room and turn off the fuel nozzle.

After talking with Ellie, you need to return to the shuttle, while trying not to fall under the jets of flame from the engine and stopping the regenerating necromarf with stasis. In order to understand where to move in this house, use the navigation by pressing the "B" button. Having reached the mobile platform, we cross over to the other side along the road, having received a new task - to unlock the mechanism that opens the shuttle parking gate. Having arrived at the place, we go down on the elevator and then to the left to the elevator on which we get into a room with a turret and a mechanism from which you need to clean out the garbage. Rubbish will be red barrels that need to be shot from the turret, and you also need to kill the appearing necromorphs. In the end, Isaac will be thrown into outer space, after which it will be necessary to return to the shuttle with which we move between ships and go to C.M.S. Greely.

Chapter 7. Chaos

Arriving at the place, first of all, we set off in the direction of the engine for the shuttle, having come close, we need to use kinesis to get it out of the wreckage of the hull. First of all, we remove the parts of the case, and then we pull out the engine itself. The next task will be to collect three recorders from the wreckage of the ship similar to satellites with solar panels. The direction of flight is determined by pressing the "B" key, having found the satellites, we take out the recorders from them, while it would be nice to shoot all the mines nearby and kill the necromorphs that will appear from time to time. After collecting all three recorders, we fly into the docking airlock and go in the direction of the room with the assembly machine. Having assembled the flight recorder, we return to open space and install the equipment in the bow of the shuttle, having previously opened the hatch using kinesis.

After the work is completed we go into the ship through the hatch on the left side of the ship. After talking with Ellie, you need to put the fuel pumps in place in the rear of the cab, you need to do this using kinesis, after you insert the pumps into the slots, you need to turn them with the same kinesis, after the work is finished all the pumps should glow green, now it remains go to the panel and start the engines (for the co-op mode there is one more bonus mission on the Brusilov ship, so if you are playing with your partner before leaving you can visit there). Sitting in a chair and starting the engine, we control the shuttle, trying to dodge the debris, keeping the course and shoot mines, and then large debris. The entry into the atmosphere will not be soft, and the fuel pumps will still ignite, you will need to approach them and extinguish the flame by checking all three with kinesis. Returning to the steering wheel, we continue to control the shuttle by shooting at healthy blocks that come across on the way. In the end, the shuttle collapses and crashes to the planet, Isaac was left alone again.

Chapter 8. No connection

After waking up and standing on our feet, we move forward, moving from one fire to another, collecting supplies, the suit is damaged so we will have to bask in the open fire. Our task at this stage of the passage of the game is to find survivors, we go down the slope until we find a healthy piece of the ship and it starts to fall on Isaac. Hanging on the rock, press "E" everything else our character will do himself. We continue to go down the slope until we come across another large piece of the ship in which a corpse is found and a video in which Ellie leaves a message to Isaac. Further, we move along the feather with torches scattered by Ellie Until some healthy monster throws us off the mountain. Next, we pass to the buildings, guided by the lights, we climb the stairs up. Having passed a little forward, we will find a room the door into which opens with the help of kinesis, inside we also start the generator with kinesis by pressing "F" several times. here you can restore temperatures, use the machine, as well as hear unintelligible radio communications from survivors.

Leaving through the door near the machine, we go down on the elevator down, then we pass into a round tunnel at the beginning of which you can pick up an improvement. While moving through the tunnel, a healthy monster will appear again, but not for long, after going down and killing several necromorphs, you can climb the stairs up, where we can find an artifact. Going down, we pass to the following buildings, after killing a couple of necromrphs at the entrance, we go inside by opening the door with kinesis. This room also has a generator that needs to be started, in addition, here you can find a text message and listen to the recording of the "Aloha" station). Going out through the door next to which there was text message again we move along the feather torches, shooting monsters crawling out from under the snow. Having reached the next room, we restore the temperature, but further, unfortunately, the security system will not let us through, saying that a thermal suit is required to go outside. We leave and go back, but a little to the right of the place where we came from, we find a door with the inscription S.C.A.F., next to it you can also see a feather torch. After killing several necromorphs, we go inside where we find Buckle, after a short conversation he dies, having time to tell that the thermal suit can be found in the basement.

Prologue. June 18, 2314 After the introductory video, we begin to move along the snow-covered field. We orient ourselves with a device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the collapsed summer ...

After the introductory video, we begin to move along the snow-covered field. We orient ourselves with a device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the crashed aircraft. We destroy boxes and thereby obtain cartridges for weapons. We shoot on the latch on the main door. Having opened it, enemies are selected from within. The most vulnerable areas are the limbs and the head. Entering the ship, we move to the stairs, simultaneously shooting opponents. We kick corpses for getting ammunition and first-aid kits. We go up to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select the cylindrical device. Suddenly the ship starts to move, and therefore we jump out with a rope to the gorge. We move lower and lower, occasionally jumping over the pits. We pass to the left side so as not to be over the blast wave. We roll from side to side to avoid collisions with debris.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Lunar colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look around in the apartment, after which we go into the corridor, turn left and go outside. We are heading to the soldiers at the gate. After the dialogue, we crouch down behind the cover. We kill a couple of opponents for training and we pass to the car to the right. After the explosion we find ourselves at the bottom. We go straight, destroying enemies. Don't forget to use the shelters. We shoot another suicide before he approaches us. We enter the building, we climb the stairs. After talking with Norton, we look around the room and go out into the alley. Carefully bend around corners and shoot opponents. The never-ending flow of trucks on the highway will not allow you to cross the road. We aim at the stream and slow down one of the machines with stasis. Now the flow is stopped, and we can go to the other side and go upstairs.

Inside the hall, we face a large number of enemies. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be surrounded and to step back in time. Take the elevator to the top floor. We are immediately attacked, but Isaac flees from Danik and his people. We get up, we select first-aid kits, until the enemies burst in. After killing them, we pass further to the next elevator. After rising, we leave to a number of shops. We turn right, we pass through the souvenir shop. We go out into the alley, destroy the enemies. We go down the stairs in the building, take the elevator upstairs. We arrive at the station, where we pull the locomotive to the central platform using kinesis. Then we push it into the tunnel. We connect the fuel train with the head car in the same way. We wait for the last carriage and climb into it from behind. We are moving towards the locomotive, exterminating enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2. By itself.
U.S.M. "Evdora".

After regaining consciousness, we speak with Carver. On the shelf on the right, turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the captain's bridge. The ship makes a jump in space, after which it collides with mines. We leave the bridge, give instructions to the allies, then move forward for the suit. Putting it on, we break into zero gravity and catch up with the last and main element - the helmet.

We reach the cargo and use kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. Pushing them away on different sides, we interact with the control panel. We rush through space, maneuvering between debris and mines.

Chapter 3. Roanoke.

We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. You can't go inside, so we head to the neighboring doors. We open them by aiming the sight at the central locking and applying kinesis. Now press the kinesis button again and scroll through the lock. We pass through the airlock into the corridor, turn left and get into the premises, from where we open the cargo door using kinesis on the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. On the coordinates of Norton we go to the group led by Ellie. Let's go right and collect all the useful items. We pass through the door and get to the room in which all the doors are locked. We grab the battery near the central door with kinesis and install it in the corresponding hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go into the corridor. We destroy the creatures and remove the barricade near the side door using kinesis. We deal with enemies in a room with a de-energized projector. We leave into the corridor, we get to the door on the left side. Having descended, we fly in zero gravity and shoot back from opponents sticking to the walls. Then we go up the stairs and start starting the main generator. For all three mechanisms, we lower the upper parts with kinesis. Next, we grab the locks that have opened from above and hold the kinesis button in order to spin and subsequently supply energy. We turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for the arrival. We rise to Ellie and to other surviving workers.

We return to the generator on the elevator and proceed to destroy the huge necromorph. We lower the upper parts and untwist them, as we did earlier. Tentacles will appear below, with which we shoot in the red areas. Since they are moving too fast, stasis is applied. After going through all the generators, we go down the same way that we arrived. While in zero gravity, we use stasis on the fans. We pass to the opposite side and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, we approach the control panel on the wall. Move the sliders to the selected cells and activate them. Having filled the entire area, an elevator will be available on the left side, on which we go to the upper floor.

Isaac stares at the pictures on the wall. Now we can return to Ellie at the station and go through the passage to the left of the machine. Through the corridor, we will get out into outer space and head to the trolley that will take us to Terra Nova.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Terra Nova Crew Dock.

Arriving at the station, we move through the gateway. Having opened the door, we get to the captain's bridge by elevator. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. Rotate the stick and find three blue zones that need to be fixed. We pass into the corridor and we clean it from opponents. We go down to the storage room, where we also carry out the cleaning. We get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Upon arrival, we are notified of a problem. We go through the door to the left, we climb up. We face the enemy stuck to the wall. We need to shoot all its tentacles and only then we can go to the elevator. On it we go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to free the path from the load. This is done by connecting two weights by the sides corresponding to each other. It is quite easy to pick them up visually. Next, we deal with the appeared enemies and go back to the elevator.

Going downstairs, we head towards the door on the left. We climb up and run to the warehouse. A new enemy appears that cannot be killed. When all limbs are torn off, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After which it regenerates and continues to attack us again. We hastily get to the trolley and call it through the console. We hold the defense until the transport arrives. We actively use stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arrived trolley we get to the central station.

Chapter 6. Repairs before shipment.
The tail section of the C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Having broken it, we go inside and pick up the key from the conning tower. Now we can return to the minecart and go to the tail station. After arriving, we call the elevator and while we wait for it, we cut off the limbs of immortal enemies.

The lift will take us to the shuttle. Let's go through all the levels and collect the necessary modules. Then we go upstairs and call the platform. On it we will cross over to the opposite side and collect the modules in the same way. We use the machine to collect the remote control. Further, on the platform we will cross to the center to the shuttle. Open the lid using kinesis and install the assembled remote control.

The shuttle cannot move without fuel. Let's move to the right side again. Going down on the lift, turn right and go through the unlocked door. We go upstairs, then we go down and up again on the lift. We activate the fuel pump, go to it and push it into the tank with kinesis. While refueling, we while away the time by killing the approaching necromorphs. After finishing refueling, deactivate the pump and ask Ellie to carry out the final stage in preparing the shuttle for flight.

Unexpected overheating will cause a crash. We go down and turn to the right. We are not in a hurry to run headlong, as the fire will constantly block the path. The sign will point you in the right direction. We get to the stairs and go down. We pass to the elevator, calling her, we restrain the immortal necromorph. We go upstairs, we call the platform. Now we are fighting off two opponents at once. We move to the opposite side, follow down on the lift and pass to the left. We go into the building and get to the elevator, on which we go to the upper floor. We are located behind a stationary weapon and destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also, do not forget about the enemies, which over time will be more and more.

The explosion took us into outer space. We get to the station, shooting mines along the way. Their approach is easy to recognize by the frequency of sounds. We use the shuttle to send to the Grills.

Chapter 7. Chaos.
C.M.S. Grills.

Head towards the engine using the pointer. Using kinesis we draw out the shields, then the square devices under them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the Roanoke station. Here you need to get three loggers from three different satellites. The first one can be easily reached with the help of a signpost, but the others can be easily found by the green illumination.

Further, according to the pointer, we find the nearest machine. We connect the found objects in it and return to zero gravity. We fix the module on the shuttle. We dive into the shuttle, where we notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them along the connectors and twist them one hundred and eighty degrees. Now we can hit the road by launching the shuttle through the control panel. We do not deviate from the course, that is, we keep the shuttle within the blue squares. We shoot the marked enemies and do our best to dodge obstacles. We have to go back to the cylinders once again and place them in the correct position again.

Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.

After the crash, we begin to search for the second part of the shuttle. We use fire as a guide. We also replenish the supply of heat with it. We are heading into an open area, and a shuttle crashes from above. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to move, and soon we will find the tail of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, focusing on the red signal checkers. On the slope we are attacked by the enemy, which throws us far ahead.

We find the bridge, follow it until we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb up, turn left and enter a warm room. We start the generator, we find the first message from Ellie. We go out to the snow, going down the lift. We move along the pipe, we go down on the ground. We destroy the appearing enemies and head to the next building. After passing through it, we will continue to go straight until we see a signal checker. We turn left from it and get to the next checker, near which we will find a passage to the building. We communicate with barely living Buckle.

Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.

We pass to the left and we get to the final room. We start the generator, use kinesis to pull the gear on the wall. We deliver it to Buckle's location and insert it into the adjacent axis. We go down the elevator, where we clean the premises from small creatures. They like to attack in large groups, but they die quickly.

We get to the workshop, go up the stairs to the lower level. We install the mechanisms in the correct position according to the types of tips corresponding to each other. When the device starts up, wait a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run after him and we pass into the passage on the far left. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the device with stasis in order to have time to reach the passage and not be pinched. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. Let's change into an arctic suit that protects from the cold.

Using the locator, we get out. We get to the collapsing crane and quickly press the displayed buttons. Above we find Carver, who is actively fighting enemies. We pass into the room on the right side of the lift and start the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will be interrupted by the necromorph, which we have already met earlier. We shoot his permanent tentacles growing on his back. We dodge enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow back, so after several successful attempts the monster will run away. We rise higher and, guided by the locator, we reach the command post.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Excavation Command Headquarters.

The team is waiting for us outside, we go out to them and are immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy the people of Danik. We need to get to the drilling platform, where we start the generator and free the drilling device from the protective holes. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. We move in a circle so as not to be under it. Slow down the burmashin with stasis and shoot the yellow parts in its center. We charge stasis through wall mounts and destroy the necromorphs. Having won the victory, we are heading towards the opened passage.

Chapter 11. Hunting for a signal.
Sample building

We get on the lift to the heaters. After talking with Ellie, we go to the boiler room, and then we go out into the street. There is an energy block on the right. After pulling it out, we deliver it to the building at the other end. Enemies will attack us all the way. We push the block through the window. Returning back, we climb up and run straight to the very building. Going down the stairs, we insert the block into the corresponding hole. We start the boiler manually.

Let's go back to the heaters and adjust the pressure. We activate the center console and use kinesis to rotate the mechanisms above which the number will light up. When the pressure is 100%, it means that we did everything right and can rise to the team. Santos gives us the schematic of the probe. You need to get some parts to create it. We get to the snowy lands, where we face new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which they try to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way is to stand still and wait for them. Having reached the barracks, we pass through it and find ourselves on the auxiliary site. We destroy many opponents, after which we turn left and hack the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated state. We pass to the end on the right side. On the left we notice the winch, pull it with kinesis. Then we go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the last one is in the same cage that we raised.

Let's return to the site and fight with the familiar enemy, who will again hide from us. Let's return to the allies and collect the probe on the machine.

Chapter 12. Autopsy.
Hangar for anatomy.

Having risen, we pass along the side bridges and launch the harpoons. Then we apply kinesis and open the path. Norton will help you go down, for this you need to get into the cage. Once inside the creature, we aim with the probe and catch active signals. Most of the clusters are at the top, but it is impossible to miss them, as they glow brightly. We shoot at them and go to the cage. We restrain the onslaught of enemies, after which we continue to shoot the remaining clusters.

Norton refuses to open the cage, so we do it ourselves. Use the kinesis on the lever in the adjacent cell. We will get out through the boiler room. Having escaped from the clutches of Danik's people, we destroy three and proceed to the battle as a reborn giant. We roll while striking them, we shoot the cocoons before the enemies crawl out of them. We shoot at the weak point in the center. When the enemy literally begins to suck us into himself, we shoot through the yellow areas. After several such attempts, we will find ourselves inside a giant.

We shoot off the limbs of three creatures. We are in motion to evade bodies flying at us. After getting out of the body of the giant, we meet with Norton and Carver. We shoot at the first, after taking aim. To do this, quickly press the indicated button and then the shot button.

Chapter 13. Touch the heavens.
Rocks Volantis.

We meet with the surviving members of the team. The hooks will help you climb up. Periodically we shift it to one side or the other to avoid collisions with boulders flying from above. We restore the stairs with Kinesis, go up higher. We clean the cave from necromorphs and continue moving. Before us is a lift that does not allow us to pass. We grab the upper lever with kinesis and do not release the button until the lift goes down. Enemies will interfere with conquering the next peak. We shoot them and at the same time move by jumping to the sides.

We continue to climb up, this time it is necessary to slow down the huge landslides. We go up on the right side and immediately slow down the landslide. As soon as possible, go to the left. We stop the second landslide and the lift when it is on the right or left. We cross to the right and go upstairs. We destroy opponents, we pass into the cave and climb a little higher. We help the allies go upstairs by starting the generator. When the ascent stops, we go straight and rise higher. We interact with the shield by setting the correct values. We throw the number fifty on the right to the left side, and back - seventy.

Once at the bottom, we head to the open area and proceed to the battle with the necromorph. If you go even further, you can see the generator, which needs to be started as soon as possible. Lasers will appear on the left, we pass through them and wait for the monster. The harpoons will clamp it for a few seconds. During this time, we must go to the console on the right and grab the lever from the back side with kinesis. We actively press the shown button and crush the enemy. We return to the hook, which will help to climb up.

Chapter 14. Everything has its place.
Research Center.

Let's follow the allies up, but we will break down and Ellie will provide another route. We use the locator to get to the biolaboratory. We hack the console and go inside. We destroy small enemies that are able to revive corpses. We clean the room and take the elevator to the upper floor. We communicate with Ellie using kinesis, move the capsule with part of Rosetta's body to the other side and place it inside the lowered chamber. We select the key from the cell and return to the lower floor.

Unlock the door at the other end and move forward, simultaneously shooting creatures on the walls and in the floor. We go down using the lift. We regulate the power supply so that the elevator and the pump are powered at the same time. On the right side we leave the numbers 50, 50 and 70. On the left side - 70, 70, 90. Now we can go back up and enter a small room. We activate the console and wait for disinfection. We run to the center, the elevator is free on the left. Having risen, we pass along the bridge and quickly kill the necromorphs in front of us. We also turn around and deal with opponents.

We arrive at the paleontology building, where we pull out the front panel of the shield and supply power using kinesis. We go to the upper level, destroy the enemies and go down again, but already on the lift. Before us is a three-compartment capsule, inside which is the part we need.

  • We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value to 0 on the left board.
  • We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value on the right board to 0, and in the center - 150.
  • We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value on the left panel to 0, and in the center - 90.
  • We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value to 0 on all displays.

We activate the console and transfer the part to the last compartment. We extract it from the back side and place it in the camera on the right side. We leave the room, we clean the corridor from the infection. We pull out the front panel of the shield and apply power. We immediately return to the small room and carry out decontamination. We go to the central door and go to the next room. On the left is a capsule with a piece of Rosetta to be placed in a cell at the other end of the room on the right. We silently bypass enemies or destroy them.

We go out into the street and return to the biolaboratory. Once again, we will get out of it, get to the lift and go up. On the way to the geology room, we will deal with the necromorphs. We cover the laser installations with the central block. It can be moved freely with kinesis. We take away part of the Rosetta and set it in the camera. Let's return to the laboratory, along the way to deal with the opponents.

The locator will help you get to the next room with a part of Rosetta. Next to her there will be an enemy capable of killing us with one blow. We deal with it from a distance and place the part in the corresponding camera. We return to Ellie and Carver.

Chapter 15. Whims of fate.
Rosetta's laboratory.

We connect the parts into a single whole, focusing on the torn places. Then we activate the console and view the vision. We run away, moving in a zigzag manner, until the gas managed to block the passage. Also, we do not hesitate to continue, as soon as possible we leave the laboratory. We are hiding from the grenade launchers, we will rise higher on the lift. We quickly run to the building, until the enemy ship riddled us. We pass inside and get out from the other side.

We continue to deal with the enemies. Necromorphs also joined ordinary people. We arrive at the next building. Approaching the console, enemies will appear behind us. Let's deal with them first, then with the necromorphs. We break open the console and we pass into the building.

Chapter 16. Hidden below.
Descent into the ground.

We begin to descend, following the freight elevator. We jump over various obstacles and shoot enemies. Also, if possible, we destroy explosive cylinders. Having gone down, we are finished with the people of Danik, who are located opposite. We enter the building, unlock the console and go out into the street. We go down even lower, still shooting annoying enemies. Small creatures have appeared, with which you need to deal with from a distance in the first place. We go down the mine, use the stasis on the fan. Having passed through it, we quickly and often press the demonstrated button.

Chapter 17. Strange city.
Alien Ruins.

After talking with Carver, we start the generator and go on. We interact with the door, watch the movie, and then turn on the screen on which the symbols will appear. We enter them into the "translator" next to the door in the reverse order. After getting out of the room, we will meet with Carver. After talking, let's go down the right side. At the turn, turn right and use kinesis to pull the block from the terminal. We transfer it to the blocked passage and insert it into the connector. We undermine the next two objects in a similar way.

Once at the bottom, we are heading to the translator. At the bottom of the screen, characters will appear that need to be entered into the "translator". We pass further and start the generator. We find ourselves in zero gravity and fly to the next point. We use the "translator" and get out of weightlessness. If you stand on a round platform, the power of kinesis increases dramatically, which allows you to manipulate large objects. We clear the passage and, having reached the generator, we start it. We destroy the enemies descending along the wall, then we use the lift to rise up. Standing on the platform, move the blue spheres inside the four objects. We arrange them in this order - the outermost spheres are in the upper positions, the central ones are in the middle. Then we will approach the appeared mechanism and activate it.

At the bottom, a special portal opened, which took us far ahead. We enter the characters into the "translator" and enter the building. We get to the platform and use it in conjunction with stasis to slow down enemies more "efficiently". Having dealt with the opponents, we similarly use the next platform and destroy large enemies.

Chapter 18. Kill or be killed.
Alien machine.

We use the "translator" and move on. At the fork, turn right and get to the generator. After launching it, let's go back to the fork and go straight. We destroy the enemies in the next room, after which we will unlock the next door and, using the platform, we will move on.

We clean the room from the infection stuck to the floor and walls. We kill all other appeared necromorphs. To do this, it is advisable to step back, otherwise we will not have time to reflect attacks from all sides. We feed the lift from the generator and climb up. Let's walk along all the paths, pick up cartridges and at the same time deal with the tentacles. We use one of the platforms to change the location of the central object by one position. Now we can match all other objects with it. But before that we will deal with all the enemies that have appeared, of which there will be a large number. Therefore, we stand on the passage in which the enemies will not be able to get close from behind. We activate the opened mechanism.

Let's go back to the place where we packaged the blue spheres. This time, it changes their position: the extreme in the middle, the central ones on top. Once again we interact with the mechanism and, having gone down, we move across the platform. We clean the room from mixed enemies. We arrive at the Machine, take out the first element and put it into one of the red connectors. We find a couple more elements. Going first on the right, then on the left. We apply them in the same way on the corresponding connectors. We pass forward and proceed to the rise. We move from side to side so as not to fall into the zone that lights up. There are three of them in total. Stop large gears with stasis.
We get to Carver and go to the last mechanism.

Chapter 19. The End.
Whirlwind of Convergence.

We follow straight, stepping on the ground that has not yet had time to collapse. On the way, we destroy the necromorphs. We use the platform to fly over to the snowy area. We continue to move, also killing enemies. We do not get carried away much, as time is limited. If we delay, then the unknown will catch up with us and literally crush us. The passage is closed, so we destroy the tentacle on the right side. We pass into the closed area, from where we will continue the flight.

We dodge various objects and, after landing, we face the largest creature in the game. We use the platform and grab the obelisk with kinesis. We launch it into the big eye of the enemy. We leave the center for a while and destroy the necromorphs. We transfer a small shake during which you need to be in the center! We shoot in the orange zones in the hands of the enemy. We repeat the actions until the monster consumes Carver. Use kinesis again to pull it out of the opponent's belly. We quickly run to him and actively press the indicated button. Watching the final video.