Dishonored Death of the Outsider black. Miscellanea. How to get into the beauty salon

Before the start of the mission to Billy in a dream, there will be someone else and gives her an eye and hand, as well as three supernatural abilities. Unlike past parts, in Death of the Outsider, you will not have to take care of the safety of Mana - it will be ashamed. All three skills ("similarity", "foresight" and "movement") are available immediately, but it is impossible to improve them.

Talk to Daudom in the next room: just so kill someone else will not work. Fortunately, the knife is kept in the car, which once turned a simple guy in the immortal god. Before stealing relic, you will have to find out where it is kept and how to get it to it, and who stands at the head of the low-chalky sect, guarding the ancient artifact. When will be ready, go to the already familiar carriage in Upper Kiria.

Upper Keery - the area is considerable, which is reflected in the number of bone amulets available in this mission - 18! The first of them is located on the roof of a high green building to the right of the locked gate.

Using "movement", pick up the roof of the crews station, from there - the gate itself - a lamppost - a roof, where the black amulet will lie.

Beauty salon "Red Camellia" and underground shop

Your first goal at the level is the Beauty Salon "Red Camellia", which is located north (see map) from the area with a green house and on the right side of the starting point. The entrance to the institution is closed during the day, so you have to look for a workaround. Civilians do not pay attention to the streets to the heroine, but the guards will be climbed into the fight at the first opportunity, so be careful.

Use the avenue to the right of the front entrance to the salon and proceed by the sleeping wolfges (for a lot of reliability you can use "Movement"). Go to the building from a black stroke and stun / kill the maid inside to get rid of a potential witness and at the same time get the key from the main door.

Submire dexted amuletfrom the concierge rack and go to the back room. On the table there is a book of "Red Camellia" customers, in which two leaders of sectarians are recorded - Local Politician Ivan Jacobi and the famous Shan Shan Yun. In their residence, Billy and have to go to find out about the ceremonial knob in more detail.

Before leaving "Red Camellia", use the tool left unattended to apply tattoos in the next room. This will allow you to freely get into the Spector-belonging club "Spector" and will save the heroine from the need to recognize the code knock for access to the Juni Shansk.

If you do not want to spoil Billy's face, go to a blue building opposite the cabin. In the apartment on the second floor there is a beloved Shan Yuna - Eloin. The girl, apparently, is very confident in herself, as the entrance door did not lock and stands back to the potential danger, listening to the gramophone.

Surride to Eloine from behind and stun her, then read the note "Our secret knock" on the table nearby. Now you can get to the Shan Yuna's house through the front door.

Get out: The path on the left hand will lead you to the mansion of the singer and the club "Spector", however, to begin with, we advise you to take a walk towards the Jacobi office. Return to the front entrance to the "Red Camellia", go to the next building and climb on the top floor, in the apartment of a local dental.

Click the button next to the bookcase in one of the rooms to deal with the next amulet. From here you can also go to the roof, where there is an open, similar to the coffin blue box. Remember this place - it will be useful for the execution of one of the contracts.

Go down to the lower level and, bypassing the building clockwise, move in the direction of the channel until you see a mime and two viewers on the street. As long as you did not receive the appropriate contract, you should not stick to the performer.

Instead of descending along the stairs along the channel, with the help of "moving", pick up the balcony to the left of the water tank. Pass along the narrow strip of the tile along the building - on the left hand there will be a large water tank, and under it - dexted amulet.

Next to the fisherman at the bottom of the channel, a boat was moored - this is your "output" from the mission. Jump into the water next to the vessel and fuse down, to the red valve. Discover the locked gates nearby with it (do not forget to periodically pop up to the surface, so as not to suffocate) and take valuable things from an unlocked chest inside.

Return to the fisherman and turn left, in the passage to the street on which the Jacobi office is located. The territory patrols three guards, so moving here best on the lamppost - "moving" to help you.

On the opposite side of the street from the office of Jacobi, under the stairs, there is an entrance to the black market. Cut contracts from the bulletin board and talk to the merchant: besides the assortment familiar to the underground shop, it has integers available. four amulets. (Two black and two deficiencies), each of which is within 400 coins.

If you want to save, break a warning sign on the floor and with the help of "foresight" climb into a merchant store. On the board next to the locked door will be written code from the castle. Robing the black market, you will not be able to acquire improvements under this mission.

In search of Aivan Jacobi

Having finished with the affairs in the black market, bring on the side of the jacobi office and climb the second floor. It turns out that the office door is closed, and the key and the host on the spot is not - the latter practices his spectrum skills on the Koliberron Plaza Square to the left of the exit from the building. Next to the staircase leading to the square is the guard, so make sure you find yourself out of the field of his vision after teleportation.

Aivan himself, who trains the future speech, standing on stage, guard several guardsmen, so the first thing to mark enemies with the help of "foresight". Next to decide exactly how you want to get the cherished key:

  • Jacobi together with all the retinue can be simply smugging - to do it in a quiet and without harm to the health of opponents is extremely problematic, so we advise you to choose a more peaceful approach.

  • For example, a guard with the help of "similarity" (a security guard is suitable, considering posters on the wall near the staircase to the plaza) - in this case, if you decide to pull the key, no one pays attention to you. Make sure that Billy has enough magical energy stock to move away, for example, in a tent behind the scene - there can be found on the table black amulet.

  • Another option is to descend into the basement under the scene through the building opposite (teleport to the balcony) or with the help of the stairs to the left of it. Once at the bottom, get rid of the only guard and pick up dexted amulet In the room with a searchlight and a hole in the wall. Follow the lever in the room under the scene - Avan falls into the hatch under your feet and will lose consciousness. Remove the key from his body (and, if you want, face) and choose out.

Return to the meter of Jacobi and unlock the door. On the desktop in the far room you will find one of the two keys from the storage with a ceremonial knife inside, as well as a note about a journalist trying to prove the guilt of Aivan in the abduction and murder of people.

Long search the compromising does not have to: move the picture at the table with the owl to detect the bottle with blood. Take a material proof with you and go out on the street - it's time to look at the journalist.

On the way to the mansion of Shan Yuna

To the right of the exit from the house there will be a staircase, next to which the balcony is fenced with sharp tips. Teleport there with "Movement" to become the owner of the next amulet- He will lie on the table next to the chaise lounge.

Using "moving", pick up the apartment above the staircase. From the balcony of these apartments, a beautiful view of the square will open - on the left there will be a passage to the house of Shan Yuna and the club "Spector", right - Bank Dolores Michaels, and between them - the office of the most journalist. To get closer to the office, we advise you to use the "similarity" on the work nearby - the lampposts in the area are too far from each other for "movement".

Climb on the second floor and give the vocabulary to the magazine - in gratitude, he will call you the code from the safe nearby - inside the wallet with money and the silver ingot. From the balcony of the office you can move (not without the help of "moving") closer to the bank - it is impossible to rob it yet, but the contract " Threats at work"There you can perform if you do not mind to sleep your hands with blood.

In the lobby of the bank (beware of the guards at the far end of the premises), a shamelesslessless will annoy the worker. Mark Raciability with the help of "foresight" and follow it along the right side of the location.

Not reaching the gate to the house of Shan Yuna, look into the apartment above the pharmacy - inside you will find picture"Lighted vertex" and black amulet (Split the cabinet door).

Ultimately, lightless will lead you to your partner near the club "Spector". To fulfill the contract you need to finish both.

The purpose of another "murderous" contract is to the left of the entrance to the square with the house of Shan Yuna: this is entertaining two zooak street mime, which could be seen earlier. Do not lag from the artist with conversations (do not be afraid to take coins from him from under the nose) until he scares his own spectators, after which you can already kill him - the contract " Death Mim.»Made.

On the way back to the mansion, you will pass by the store stuffed, which is not as simple as it seems. Looking inside, degrade the hostess and make the key from the basement from her belt. Going down the stairs, detect the trap and free the locked poor fellow - it will tell you that the taxidermist stores the key from the storage room with several bloody amber inside next to the corpse on the table.

Enjoying the store stuffed, return to the entrance to the mansion of Shan Yuna. If you learned the secret knock, you can use the front door, but the maid will not become stranger. Therefore, either try on the face of eloine, or quickly close the door behind you and invent the maid.

Mansion Shan Yuna and Spector Club

On the first floor of the house there is nothing truly worthy, with the exception amuletin a glass flask on the right of the entrance. The bad news is that the sound of the broken glass will attract the guards nearby, so it will be necessary to deal with them.

The first sits in the chair in the room to the right of the entrance and the problems will not deliver. Another periodically looks at the comrades - carefully attach it to yourself to eliminate the quiet. The last guardsman, not moving, stands in the main hall and also suffusion will not resist.

Having understood with the protection and clutch the amulet, get rid of the servants in the kitchen and excuse the key from the room with a kitchen elevator. Climb on it to the second floor and capture the next one amulet. Nearby will hang the generator - until touch it. Open the door of the cheese and wait until it comes to investigate one of the three guardsmen on the floor - stun / kill it.

If you can get an audiogram, without turning off the power of the electrified floor, then get the achievement " Spit Gloriana»

The rest of the guards are outside the zone of your interest, and therefore there is no one to touch them. One of the two doors leading to the gallery is to the right of the exit from the comor. - Immediately there is a showcase with a valuable audiogram inside, but it is impossible to attack the floor: it will fry. Disconnect the genetary in the camork to deraid the floor, and grab the record.

In the left wing of this floor, there is also a staircase leading to the club "Spector", but if you put a tattoo on Billy face, this passage is not useful to you. Recommet the audiogram, return to the kitchen elevator and go up on the third floor. In the room opposite the elevator will lie picture"Impressions about the abyss. # 3.

Shan Yuna's bedroom guard two guardsmen. Wait until one of them turns away from the comrade and wash the latter in the direction where the picture was. By that time, when you return, the detachment will already notice the loss of the fighter. Stay on the remaining guard on top and calmness of the famous singer in the next room, passing out of his belt black amulet. The latter will also hang on the wall in the framework of this mission. picture- "The impressions of the abyss. # 2.

Store the face of Shan Yuna and use the microphone next to the safe if you want to have a little fun and at the same time getting achievement

To open a safe in the Shan Yuna's office, you will need a numerical combination, and a special audiogram is that the most that was in the showcase on the second floor. Insert the card into the audioographer, and the safe will open. Inside you will find amuletand, most importantly, the second key of the cell in the bank's repository.

When you get both keys, you can return to the Dauda, \u200b\u200bhowever, you have two more unfulfilled contracts, the goals of which are located in the club "Spector" - go there. If you do not have a tattoos made in the Salon "Red Camellia", use the secret entrance on the second floor of the mansion. Otherwise, the heroine will be allowed through the main entrance.

First goal - Bartender Club from the contract " Abduction Barmen"- located in the center of the busy guest area. Take from under his rack dexted amulet And climb to the second floor, the bartender will take place at the end. The top level will fit three witches, two of which play cards.

Take a look into the room for three snowless blood enjoying, and stun / kill the sectarian inside. Alberto will lie near the contract " Missing brother" Take the lever next to his bed - all three lackless behind the wall will lose consciousness, and standing next to the guard will go check what happened.

Get rid of it in quiet, after which throw out a staring grenade into a room with two witch players - the second floor is clean. Pay attention to the locked cabinet in the room - you will return to him.

Alberto and Barmen must be taken out of the club and deliver to a certain place. Barman is surrounded by six other people who, although not against your presence, will not get ready to disappear the source of the drink. Therefore, it will have to improvise.

Cut the guard at the entrance and hide his body in the corner next to the door. After you buy in the underground shop of chain mines and install them in the passage next to the stairs to the second floor. Next, you need to carefully draw the attention of several (not all) lightly in the bar.

To do this, throw a bottle with rat tincture in the stairs closest to the stairs (there are a lot of them here - the latter visitors to break their heads will run towards the forced sleep. The remaining guests can be cut down one by one - use electrical charges. When there will be no one in the room, click on the red button under the bar, to deal with several valuable things.

Next to the bar zone, opposite the exit of the club, is also a locked ticket office, inside which lies black amulet. To get inside, jump on the counter - the game will allow you to push the valve on the door from this position. Stun / Kill the woman inside and collect all the valuable, including the contents of the safe, where you will find the key from the locker on the second floor.

It remains to deliver both goals for its intended purpose. Alberto must be attributed to the hut next to the fisherman from the canal, and Barmen - in the sembling a coffin on the roof of the building, in which the office is located. In order not to attract too much attention, moving around the city with a body on the shoulder, use roofs, pipes and lamppost poles.

The main heroine of the passage DISHONORED: Death of the Outsider Billy Lurk arrived at the carnac against the one-sole purpose - to find his former Mentor Dauda, \u200b\u200bwho had seen no one for more than 15 years. It is rumored that in the Baths "Albarka" there is a real fiestie club, which uses black magic and bone amulets. Perhaps he is located there!

In our passage, we will follow the path of low chaos. This means that we will not kill all opponents in a row without parsing, but try to describe alternative options for passing without raising anxiety and detection. Of course, there are several ways to achieve victory in the mission, but we described less obvious tasks.

Entrance to the Bath "Albarka"

In the first episode, Billy will save Dauda. You do not have any abilities in this task, so everything is required of you - cunning and snarling, as well as the search for the necessary items. Move through the tunnel and bribe the guards that will allow you to go further. Lowering in the whisper of rats that can give a few useful tips on passing each task. To complete the task, without any murder, you will need to imperceptibly release Dauda, \u200b\u200bwho himself and will deal with their kidnappers. Daud is located inside the pit in the Baths "Albarka". There is a special mechanism that blocks Daud's connection with a stranger. If you manage to neutralize the device using a switch, closed to the key, then Daud will be released and will figure out with members of the gangster grouping.

Dauda's liberation

To liberate this character, you need to select the wrench of the Jegesthel, which is the leader of the gangster group of lackless. The key is located on the belt of a woman, and it, in turn, is located on the second floor near the cell with dogs. Climb up - already a difficult task! If you are detected by snowless, they immediately attack you.

How to get to the second floor

There are several ways to allow you to get to the second tier. The two best options are changing the shower and an entrance hall. As for the hallway, in the corridor you can detect a locked door. It is right at the inlet to the location. Try to open it, after which you contact one of the guards of lackless and suggest your help for 100 coins. For this amount, the girl will open the door.

In the locker room, on the left side of the jama of Dauda, \u200b\u200bthere are pipes. Climb on them, find the hole that will bring you into the service character zone (at the top). Rotate the valve to turn off the hot air supply, and then follow the hole and find yourself up.

After that, you should approach Jeette. It is located inside an office having a wall with windows. This is at the end of the hall. In the central room there is a wardrobe for workers. There are pipes for which you can go up and arrange an ambush for enemies (or just get past them).

Search Key Jeanett

Move through the hallway and stun a few dogs in a small room. Lay a small hole that is easy to miss. There is one enemy in the corridor. Jaette will surely see how you kill or stun dogs. Try to open the door and wait for the opponents to sit on the chair. You can ride it or use a dart to stun, then finish. Search body Jeanette, take the key.

Escape from location

Go down and apply the key on the rack near the Daud's pit. Click on the switch by allowing Dauda to leave the camera.

Lever to disable installation

Duda will cast all enemies, after which the guards will appear here. You will need to leave the bath, but the only exit is all there at the top. No need to go on the main staircase, because the enemies will notice you. It is best to climb to the second floor, on the balconies, and wait until the enemy leaves the patrols. Then through the rooms where the moonshine is produced, leave the bath. You can get through the guards or stun her. When the guards will understand that there is no one in the house, they will leave the bath at all. Strong on the left side and jump into the railway tunnels. Jump onto the car, and from there - on the pipes. The rest will be linear.

The second mission of passing Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. According to the ink trace

We will not tell you about step-by-step passage, indicate where you need to turn, jump or digest. Instead, our article will indicate the most non-obvious moments, hidden objects, allowing the episode without killing and raising anxiety. There are two people on location, which you need to get out to get a way to get to someone else's. You will have to get to the house of Shan Yun and the Jacobi office.

This is a big mission, and the first of your goal will be penetrated into the beauty salon "Red Camellia". Inside there are documents that will give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat characters you need to visit. In general, you need to find a double blade that allows you to kill someone else's. Looking ahead, we note that it will not work within this mission, but you will learn where it is.

How to get into the beauty salon

Take advantage of teleportation to get to a high balcony, then go to the right side on the stairs. Move to the West, where there is a passage, pass through the fence and go hide the sleeping dogs. Here will be a spare entrance to the beauty salon. Inside there is one person - a cleaner. Stun her or arouse past.

Note. In the far room, you can find the information you need, but along the way there is a tattoo machine on the left there. Use it to make a tattoo of lackless, and thereby get access to a closed club. He will be useful for you to imperceptibly get into the House of Shan Yun, as well as fulfill two contracts.

The desired room in the beauty salon

Go to the distant office and inspect a huge table. Explore the document lying on it, and learn about two characters - Jacobi and Shan Yun. Both NPCs own the necessary information, with which you can find the knife. It is necessary to study the location, find the keys and information about the artifact.

Path to the Jacobi office

First, let's study the Jacobi office. It is simple enough, and the information obtained in the office will simplify your task to penetrate the Shansk Yun. The office is closed to the key, you will need to find it. First, go to the office and inspect the locked door on which there will be a note that Jacobi is rehearsed on the colibron of the plaza. Go there and see a huge number of guards. You have to try to try to steal the Jacobi key and not raise the alarm. We offer two methods that allow it to do. We continue to pass through Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

How to get a Jacobi key?

Go to Square and take advantage of teleportation to get into a small office behind the scene. Follow through the entrance from the right side of the desired character, because no one is watching for this door. Jacobi stands near the tent, find it enough enough. Go down underground, using the stairs on the left side of the scene, then pull the lever, so that Jacobi falls from the scene. Unfortunately, this method leads to the death of Jacobi.

On the other hand, you can take the appearance of the butler using the appropriate skill, then communicate with Jacobi. In a conversation, a man without any suspicion will give you his service key.

Inside the office of Jacobi.

Sense into the Jacobi Office and inspect the table. There are three items you need. Take the key from the table - it will be useful to you in the third mission, when you have to open a bank cell. At the same time, two keys are used there, and the second is at Shan Yun. Examine a note on the table to learn more about the Spector, a journalist, digging under Jacobi. If you collect evidence, you can provide them with the spectrum. Go to the picture and use it to find those very evidence. Behind the painting in the safe there is a bottle with blood. Its you should show a journalist. After all this, your next task is to get to the mansion of Shan Yun.

Mansion Shan Yun.

The mansion is located in front of the spectrum club. These locations are connected to each other, but it is best to go inside through the front door. Go to the room where Shan Yun's girlfriend lives is near the beauty salon. Go to the square with the statue and pay attention to the blue building. Inside the apartment there is a note with a password. Go to the mansion and interact with the door to perform a secret knock and get inside. Go to the kitchen, acting secretly until you find yourself on the upper floors, which can be done with kitchen elevators. You can use teleportation, and you can pretend to the butler. Go to the room on the right side, and in the living room proceed to the kitchen. Need to neutralize the waiter and take the key from him. Either just steal the key, having rear.

Upstairs you will find a locked safe, but in order to open it, you do not need to know the password. To unlock the audiographer Shan Yun. Climb up and pull out the burst from the generator to neutralize the Hall Security System. Inside the hall on one of the showcases is the same audio. It is he who will help unblock the safe - it's enough to connect it to the musical instrument nearby.

After the Shan Yun office is examined, return to the ship where the planning of the Bank's robbery will begin. Before you do, you can, optionally, can perform several new contracts, having received the money necessary for the character's upgrade.

The third passage mission is Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. Bank robbery

This is the longest and difficult mission in the entire game. You will be returned to the same streets as within the framework of the previous quest, but this time you will need to penetrate into a well-protected bank. There are several ways to do this at once, but one of them is special. It is associated with obtaining a magican tincture and the showdown of all employees of the bank.

This is the case when it is easier to say than to do. In addition to ordinary guards in the bank, you will come across robots, which, for quite understandable reasons, can neither destroyed nor satisfied. In the bank there are several options for passing, but only one of them will help you to task without killings, on the "low chaos". Of course, you can neutralize all the guards on the way. This will simplify the task, but in this case you will have to sacrifice one or even two contracts associated with an invisible passage. If you are stunning a goal, then, for quite understandable reasons, everyone becomes aware of your stay in the bank.

Central Yard Bank

The first step you have to do is to find a poppy tincture. To begin with, visit the pharmacy located on the left side of the city gate on the banking square. Pharmacy is closed, but the girl is a pharmacist with you. Talking to her, pick up a note hanging on the door so that the marker appears on the map, pointing to the apartment of the pharmacist daughter. Go there and talk with her. The apartment is located near the Office of Jacobi, next to the river. You can get there with teleportation. Communicate with the girl to learn for the auction, which is going on the square, where you have a key stole the key. The auction sells the pharmacist things, and among them there is the most poppy tincture. We continue to pass through Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

Where to find a poppy tincture?

Move on the square, neutralize the guard and pretend to be any civilian. After that, go to the auction and sit on the chair, interacting with him. At this point, the skill time will suspend, so you can not worry about it. Raise the bet. With the worst scenario, you will have to pay about 500 coins, but in the better case - 350-360 coins. The game chooses the final bet randomly. It will be much cheaper than buying a tincture in the black market for 800-900 coins! Nevertheless, you should know about such an opportunity.

How to apply the poppy tincture?

When at your disposal there will be a magic tincture, it will be necessary to hit the roof and pour it into the ventilation system. You can climb only one way to climb - you need a construction hatch, located on the side of the right building, if you look at the central entrance to the bank. But in order for the cradle to come into motion, you will have to find the tank with burst and place it in the generator.

The tank is in the alley on the left side of the central entrance to the bank. There is also a station for automatic refueling of the tank. Take it to break it, submit it to the generator so that no one notice. It is best to stun the opponents standing on the way. But make sure that no one sees them, and be sure to drag the body to the side. By inserting the tank, hidey, because the guards will escape the noise. After that, on the cradle go upstairs, jump onto the roof of the bank using teleportation and get to the desired opening marker marker. On the way, you may have to stun goals.

How to get to the courtyard?

It has come the hardest part of the task. Inside the bank there are robots that will react to any movements. In addition, you must bypass employees, moving silently and not coming on their bodies - otherwise they can wake up. To complete one of the most difficult contracts, you can not raise anxiety and wake anyone.

Before learning the bank, you must get into the courtyard. From the roof, go down to the office on the third tier, go through it and choose to the balcony. You will see suspended lamps. You can teleport them, but in fact you just need to jump down - it is in this part of the bank will not get. Use the terminal located here to unlock absolutely all doors. Be careful because there are traps that destroy you (rotating electrical installations) in the hallway. To disable them, move along the left wall through the office departments, teleport between the two rooms on the other side and in each of the rooms, turn off the installation, pulling the tanks with burst. We continue to pass through Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

How to get inside shelter?

To hack the storage, you will need to make great efforts. To begin with, apply the poppy tincture to put the bank employees. We wrote about this above. Enter the bank through its roof, we will move to the courtyard, which is done by unlocking the doors and turning off the two traps on the first floor. Here you will see that the path to the elevator and the stairs is blocked by an electric barrier. In addition, the first robot will appear. Sense along the barrier on the right side, go down to a pair of steps down, and enter the room to the right. Interact with a tank to disable the installation that generates the power field.

Move down the steps down to the repository zone. Teleport to the open door to the left, from there - to the long fallen column, where you can turn off the electric field. Lay here the body of the sleeping guard to find the security code from him. On the left side in the room with safes is a captain with the desired codes. Climb the second floor where the locked door is still located. Next to her will be the intercom. Interact with him to inform the security password, then go inside the control room.

There will be a floor covered with electric traps. Here you need to act extremely carefully using teleportation to move along the window spans or doors. Next, turn off the floor and move the storage room to the third floor, to the director's office. A guard will wake up who will wake up everyone else. Notify him by dynamics that simply check the serviceability mechanism. So, the safe is located at the top, in the director's room. Go there on the main staircase and click on the button located on the director's desk. You will open the panel hidden in the picture. Inside it is the key that unlocks the safe. Pull the blade from the repository by applying two keys into two locking wells. Return to the "Fallen Angel" to continue the search for the demigod.

The fourth passage mission is Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. Stolen archive

In the fourth task within the passage of DISHONORED: Death of the Outsider Billy Lurk is sent to the previously unknown location. Although in the royal kunstkamera you should have visited when the second part of the game passed. Here is the abbey of the fight against heretics. They try the witches, burn magic books, and they are not so easy to scare.

View from the shelter Billy Lurk

Next, we will explain how to go through this task without killing anyone in your way. So, there is a secret route leading to the basement of the Royal Kunstkamera. It will be available only if you arrive at the right door, pretending to be a soldier of the abbey (appropriate skill). In addition, you can find a special engraving from the leader of the sisters.

Billy Lurk received a weapon that will allow you to kill someone else's. But now you need to find a way to get into the abyss. The information you need is hidden in the royal kunstkamera.

Where to look for an archive

Before Billy, find the archive, you need to explore the book located on the street, outside the royal kunstkamera. When the guards will not look, then fake a book lying on the table. Take advantage of a special skill that allows you to pretend to be another person. So you will learn that the leader of the sisters, which has the documents you need. The office is located on the top of the Kunstkamera. We continue to pass through Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

How to get to the royal kunstkamera

You can get inside this object in several ways, but we will use the safest. Below the stairs, located on the right side of the central entrance, is the door with the clocks. Apply the ability to pretend to be another person to pass by him. Let's knock the basement door, after which the guard will have to let you. Follow the stairs on the left side of the room where interrogations are interrogated, or move through the basement to the main staircase with a non-working elevator.

Inside the Kunstkamera there will be many soldiers, so try to extend the ability to pretend to be pretended by another person. When you get to the stairs, then climb the third tier and see the sisters.

How to steal the archive

Apply all the same ability to interact with the sister standing near the elevator. So you can get to the office of the curator. All you need is located on the second tier of this office. Go up the stairs where you will see sisters. There is one person who needs to gain access to the archive. Brother Cardozo is located in the room on the left side of the place where you will find yourself after the stairs.

Wait for the sister to go aside, after which it is a neutral brother, applying the ability to take someone else's face. In the role of cardoz, go to the sister you need, talk to her and take the subject. The last goal remains.

The projectors are placed on the map, but you need one that is located in the office with soldiers, near the entrance to the curator room. Go down the stairs, neutralize the guard in the conference room and indoors use the projector to view the film. The guards will be warned, but it will not lead to anxiety raising. Taking a record, go to the garden and get to the lookup of Billy, where you need to interact with the bag to start the last mission, moving towards the lair's log.

The fifth passing mission is Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. In the world zyns hole

This is the most difficult task, since new enemies will appear here, which cannot be killed. They will hunt Billy, as well as to revive the dead cultists. Somewhere nearby is the eye of the Dead God, which allows you to return to the abyss. Inside the abyss you are waiting for someone else who is guarded and the cultists are being learned. Fight with them - like death, so you need to try to leave imperceptibly.

The path in front is clean, and the courtyards patrol the dog sample. There will be several rooms with various objects. Apply the ability of "foresight" to detect these things, and then go through the tunnel in the park with statues. Here you will first see the cultists dressed in white suits. Stun the enemies as they will then be unconscious in the abyss, which you have to go through the new one. The more enemies will be stunned here, the smaller you will meet in the abyss. There are two opponents in the yard, and the gate will be blocked in front. Lay the access code or immediately enter the combination "282". We continue to pass through Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

Peak Schander

Ahead is the main elevator who sends the hero in the mine. It is blocked, but there is another route for which the key is not required. Come to the gate of the garage and apply the foresight to mark the marker of the destroyed window. The door closes quickly. The plant will be even more sectarians. Use the skill to pretend to be another person, which will allow them to pass.

Here you will need to get to the dead eye, which will move Billy to the abyss. The only route passes through the mines inhabited by the cultures. Fuck and follow over the overgrown trollers, which will allow you to get to the mines. Wait when the sectarians leave the thing from the abyss. In the large room, move to the platform on the right side using black pipes. You will fall on the location with a locked door on which the admission is visible. Here you will return later.

Go along the top chamber, skip through the window or door, and then follow the right side. You will find a staircase that leads to a dead end, as well as the hidden way right under it. They use to get to the lecture hall. There is a bridge leading on the other side of the ravine. Go through the abyss to detect the ingredient. You will see two sectarians in a narrow passage to the church with the eye of the Dead God. Interact with the eye to move to the abyss.


You will find yourself in a parallel dimension that partly reflects reality. The abyss is guarded by incomprehensible monsters, which you can not even kill. They can be stunned. If you finish off the sectarian or stun it, then the very monsters will immediately approach you. They kill the main character of one blows, and the ability to pretend to be another person on them does not work.

Leave the labels on the monsters the labels using the "foresight" skill, and follow their movements. Fight in this mode - bad idea! Go around the living basins that you did not stun before. Now you will need to understand why I insisted on their disposal before moving into the abyss.


The game can be completed in two ways - kill someone else's or save it. To begin with, a sewing cultist on the left side and take the key from him. The cultist will be nailed to the wall in the mine. This key will open access to the room with memories of someone else's personal life. Remember that locked door? Go there and explore what is inside the closed box. Enter the code "962" to unlock it, take the book and find out how to free someone else, without killing it.

Visit the venue of the ritual, climb up and sax manually to have the ability to view two endings. Examine someone else's and choose the option without killing. Job with Daudom and confirm several times that you do not want to kill it. So you will see a good ending.

On the other hand, to see a bad ending, without thinking to strangle in someone else's blade. On this passage, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider came to an end.

In Dishonored: Death of the Outsider There are only three black markets where you can buy amulets, ammunition and other useful things. But why just not pick it up with everything for free, instead of spending her with difficulty earned money? As in Dishonored 2, getting inside the market for robbery will not be at all. In our guide, we will tell you exactly how to do it.

How to rob a black market in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider?

In this complement, all black markets are marked on the map, so find them will not be difficult. It costs it immediately upon arrival in location, since it is there all contracts are taken. Since most of them are related to the plot mission, it is more convenient to pass.

Task 2 - Last Fight

The first black market in the game will meet us in the mission 2. Get to him, following the label on the map and go inside. Find there the board with contracts. To the right of it there is an outdoor mark with the inscription Report All theft. Slide it and see a small hole with a wall. Use the foresight to crawl inside. Pour through the ventilation shaft and move forward until you find yourself in a big room. On the board on the right side will be written code. We had it numbers 398, but yours may differ. Use them to open the rear door of the black market and make a robbery.

Task 3 - according to the ink trail

During the mission, we will return again at the same place as in the past task. Only this time the code lock in the usual place will not be. To make this robbery, you will have to run a little and find the wrench first. We can choose it within the framework of the story mission, if we decide to get into the bank through the sewage system. Go on the label of the work area to the noticeable hatch in the left far corner of the inner courtyard of the bank. In the same corner there is a descent to the basement, inside at the entrance to the bucket and lies the subject we need.

After that, go to the black market. If you get out of it, climb on the steps and go through the arc to the left - you will see another staircase. Right under it there is an inconspicuous door. Open it with a wrench and go inside. There, through the window, you can look inside the black market and see there a red button, unlocking the door. Shot in it with something and go to the robbery.

Task 4 - Stolen archive

The last black market will meet us in the mission 4. It is very simple to rob it, it is enough to apply a little smelting. The desired room is located on the top floor, but before you go inside, stop out on the street and look at the facade of the building. You will see the pipes by which you can climb the open balcony door. Make it and find the rats inside the room. Right near them will be a small hole in the wall.

Some secrets are better not to disclose.

To bookmarks

Studio Arkane positions the addition of a full-fledged project and argues that the game will become a point of entry for beginners. We tell how it is.

Alien History

Death of the Outsider is a direct continuation of the general plot of the series. Billy Lurck, familiar players for additions to the first part and by Dishonored 2, intends to put a point in the history of others.

And alas, the events of the new supplement do not give that intrigue for which the previous parts will want to pass. The only thing that in this narrative could be clinging, so it is for the story of others: that this is generally for the universal evil, since it hate him, and others are careful.

But Death of the Outsider deprives the prehistory of the last trumps and outside the context of the entire series looks too weak. The plot is direct and rather reminiscent of fan fiction based on Dishonored, and the livelihood of a powerful stranger turns out to be primitive and even disappointing. The situation saves perhaps the charisma of the main heroine.

Billy Lurck on the background of windy Emily Koldinius turns out to be more interesting and deeper. Even by tired intonations in the voice, it is noticeable that there is a huge life experience behind her shoulders. She constantly comments on the events, expresses his opinion, argues about social injustice, doubts, regrets, sympathizes, set aside with pyphilosophical issues and sometimes it is as if he is trying to break the fourth wall, arguing about the causes of human actions: "Where does the firmware live? In the abyss or in us? "

Tools of retaliation

Billy's abilities for the most part are sharpened for non-flying passage, although now you can break the enemy from the inside, teleporting right in his place. In addition, on the ghost silhouette of the main character at the point of landing, you can see from the side.

However, the movement itself is realized doubtfully. In the previous parts, the player clapped the mouse key, aimed to a balcony or a ledge, pressed the key, and the hero moved. Now you need two quick clics of the mouse.

The game also preserved the creation of amulets, changing the parameters of the heroine: Some allow you to move quieter, others improve the effect of treatment. As before, some of the amulets are "desecrated": increasing one parameter, they reduce the other.

The special skill of Billy is to hear the conversations of rats. According to the idea, rodents suggest secret routes and give tips to the caches. However, the ability was pretty stupid, because the rats are more often complaining about life than help.

Another novelty, now useful, is "similarity." Billy steals his appearance from NPC, and he loses consciousness at the same time. Having received someone else's face, the heroine can stay unrecognized surrounded by the enemy: mana is spent only at the moment when Billy moves (now it is restored automatically, and not with bottles).

Having been well examined by the routes of opponents, you can imperceptibly clean the half of the floor with a minimum of movement. The main thing is not to get across the eyes at the time of the crime and hide the body, well, the wolfeds immediately recognize the stranger in the smell.

The "foresight" stops time and allows you to move on location by marking interest points. So you can "highlight" enemies and detect hidden amulets.

Billy accumulates energy in the blade and the magic wave throws the enemy. However, the waves are enough to strike the enemy only a little damage, which will give time or hide from the eye, or finish. However, when attacking at a very close distance, the enemies sometimes die.

However, aggressive and combined passage styles are quite possible and not yet reborn. At the disposal of Billy, three types of bolts for crossbow, spring mines, grenades and fencing in the near battle are provided. In the chain mines and two modes are at all - lethal and non-fatal. In this regard, Arcane finally managed to combine the factories of cervice and Emily caution in one character.

Non-stated counting

Events Death of the Outsider are partially developing in the carnacker, allowing you to run on one of the old locations, although the memories for nostalgia are too fresh. And in general, there are few new locations.

In addition to the usual optional tasks in the plot, there are contracts that Billy receives on the black market. And some quests can be taken, just talking to people on the streets. Such tasks, however, a little, and most NPCs on the old manner mumble of bored phrases.

Contracts are short and rather similar to the test of the full-fledged system of sidew quests in future games of the series. The integrity of the game does not harm how sometimes it happens in RPG.

So, among contracts, you can find tasks for killing, which for the sake of "clean hands" to do optionally. And it is possible to perform, having spoiled on the consequences for the sake of momentary award. However, the restriction is primarily a personal character and calls for the player's conscience, because the level of "chaos" is no longer in the game, and it does not affect anything.

To call Death of the Outsider to a separate game would be rampant, and the point of entry from it is very dubious. In addition to the failure of the intrigue of someone else's intrigue, the game is constantly spooled by the events of the previous parts, when it was worth the newcomers worth it to be interested in unfamiliar, but mentioned characters.

And the most universe this time did not have enough depth. About the device of the world supplement tells little. In the first part, for example, a lot of attention was paid to the economic device, technical progress, how there is a universe dishonored, which she lives. And in Death of the Outsider, the focus shifted on personal stories, which is designed primarily on knowledgeable ENT.

And here the paragraph for the Robot Playground, which steals content with DTF.

Despite a number of good decisions, such as the rejection of the influence of strict statistics, Death of the Outsider is an old game in a new wrapper, which first of all tries to attract late attention to those who have failed at the start of DISHONORED 2. But it makes it ineptly from hopelessness.
