Divinity 2 Overview of Gaming. Divinity: Original SIN II - Review. Terrible mystery of empty room

Some rats will not listen to common sense. So I, for example, recently met one of the stairs, and she asked me about the danger emanating from such zombies of creatures, crucified nearby. I said they are very dangerous. But for some reason Rodent decided that I want to deceive him, so he ran past them and turned into a small smoking carcass. Oh you! I spoke! I always thought that the opportunity to talk to animals would opened the door to the panels of wisdom, but if Original Sin 2 and teaches us something, this is what the beasts are the same fools as people.

Here for this I love the new adventure of Larian Studios. This is one of the most chagrin RPG recent years. Especially if you love the old isometric Baldur "S Gate, which determined the genre in the 90s. But the role imitation is not an end in itself for Original SIN 2, as well as similar (and also magnificent) Pillars of Eternity from Obsidian. Divinity - Slim work which is spoken in every aspect: in freedom of decision-making, in pleasant battles or small situations like that conversation with the rat, which makes this world and fantastic, and plausible.

Do not think, however, that the whole game is devoted to conversations with rodents. This is a real great adventure in the world of high fantasy, which is no longer to Tolkuin, but to the gray tones of popular universes like Dragon Age and Game of Thrones. Original SIN 2 speaks on the topics of discrimination and marginalization, which are revealed through the situation around the so-called sorcerers of the source, on which special collars are cling to protect others from their unique skills. The beginners are not worth worrying about the fact that they are not aware of the events of the Original Sin 2014 release, because these stories share several centuries.

By itself, the plot very successfully combines serious topics and fun moments, which lacked last game. The script is well written, and all the descriptions of the narrator and the replicas of the characters are completely voiced. As much as high quality, side quests, which differ not only in the level of texts, but also how they are served. Original SIN 2 encourages experiments and search for interesting in the most unexpected places to which no marker will indicate on the map. Let's say, on a ghostly knight, jangle a spear against the wall, you can stumble upon a game of hide and seek with young children.

It will not be superfluous to note that Original SIN 2 graphically does not infer any other isometric game. Each frame testifies in favor of the fact that the developers paid great attention to the details and their thoughtful location, whether it is brown vegetation on the beach or an animation of the ice dragon, thankful for removing the chains from it. Divinity is generally very elegant, for example, in how the situation or NPC tells some story. A conversation with passersby can lead to sad monologues that have nothing to do with the main plot, but still fond. Animals are often talking about what is happening from their point of view, if you, of course, have an appropriate skill that allows you to speak with them. The need to look under each stone or sheet of paper in search of an interesting story is one of the best features of Original SIN 2.

Original SIN 2 stands out against the background of other RPG in that its well-written stories exist in a living world with an impressive level of freedom and flexibility. Here you can not only chat and fight. If you want to bypass a puzzle or an incomplete character, you can apply the teleportation spell. You play for a character who has a power capable of changing the world, but the feeling that this world is created only in order to please your whims, no. Sometimes, for example, an important character for a large side quest can perish in a regular fight, if you too slow. And how would everything change if he stayed alive? Do not recognize until the next passage. Or loading saving.

Only a few modern games are not afraid in a similar way to hide content from us only because we have accepted certain decisions, which makes them more weighty. The most important thing is that inventive solutions and dangerous deeds will never block the way to the final of the main storyline, which makes the honor of Larian, who has provided many options for the development of different situations. Make the world look real is not so easy.

Such freedom of choice can lead to certain difficulties during the cooperative passage of the game in the company with three friends, because they (as in real life) can escape on their affairs, which can affect your plans. Important characters can perish while you sell trash in the city. Different people can find different parts of a set of damn armor that wear well only together. If you can generally agree on who will get this treasure. And sometimes comrades can refuse to risk their heads in a fight, because of what the battle is even more difficult for the normal complexity of the battle.

Among other excellent features of Original Sin 2, I would like to mention the game-master mode, which allows you to create your adventures and play with friends to almost desktop RPG, but for PC, that in the future allows you to return to this divinity even after multiple passages of the main plot. However, it seems to me that the unpredictability of the cooperative passage of the original campaign fully corresponds to the impressions of the desktop RPG: the cooperative is very good, although (as in many other games requiring a coherent teamwork) it is advisable to play with proven people, and not strangers from the Internet.

The infinity of choice in Original SIN 2 makes itself felt on the character of the character of the character. You can play for people, elves, gnomes, open lizards and undead, which can become magicians, warriors, calls or sorcerers that turn enemies into chickens, and their own hands in the tentacle. Sounds weird? In Original Sin 2, you can not stick to the selected class, so you are free to develop the skills that you really need. There is no simple solutions: the features of the races and innate skills of the heroes make each character unique, so it is advisable to make a lot as varied as possible. The NPC elves with a greater hunt will speak with a person who is accompanied by another elf, and the undead can impress the character who would not help you.

You can create any native character, but it seems to me that in Original Sin 2 it is better to play one of 6 heroes, for which larian scripts wrote separate prehistory. Because in the set with them there are unique dialog options (do not forget that each replica NPC is voiced!). Take Sebill: the dangerous elf seeks to take revenge on the shirt, who kept her in slavery, forcing the terrible deeds. She carries out the names of the victims and (like other elves in this world) can eat a dead man's corpse to learn something about his life. Lousie, obsessed with different demons, can throw out some number at the most inopportune moment. But my pet became Faine, which is characterized by age in several centuries and a strange manner of speech. It walks without problems in the gas clouds that kill other characters, and the poisonous puddles are treated. He can open the castles with his own finger, but if it appears on the street without a magic mask or helmet, then important NPC will attack him or escape where the eyes look.

Those five heroes who are not lucky to become your pets can join your squad. But their goals and ambitions do not always coincide, so funny (or frightening) conflict situations are possible. Take, for example, Sebill. A red prince, a lizard who is looking for special "dreams" capable of telling him how to become a monarch finds one of this type on the beach. Sebilla, however, their plans for this character. I allowed her to talk to him and the dialogue ended with the murder of a dream, which was angry with the Red Prince. As it turned out, I could avoid this if he kept her away. Such situations can be dangerous, so I advise you more often. On the other hand, they make thinking about those whom to choose their own partners.

Original SIN 2 is good plot and tasks, but the rich capacious battles in it are also great. The fights are step-by-step here, so you have to think about how to spend invaluable action glasses. Especially important is the moment that the environment is interactively to such an extent, which did not dream of the titans of the genre like BioWare and CD Projekt Red. In this game, you can reject the cobblestone in the robber, and then fiery arrows set fire to the puddle of oil under his legs. And then teleport his comrades in the resulting fire. In this game, the undead can be literally heal to death and freeze the giants that are taken to the puddle towards you. It is convenient to play in the gamepad, and the spectacular combinations make the taste of victory much sweeter than if you were going forward only thanks to the power of weapons. And this fun does not end with the final battle. Original SIN 2 offers to fight with other players on the PVP-arena.

I came across some bugs, but there was nothing serious among them. Mostly it was NPC who did not want to talk to me, or puzzles that did not work without rebooting. Often I did not understand that in front of me: a software error or a situation requiring a inventive approach. And this is perhaps a compliment. In any case, Larian from the very release of the game produces important patches from such a speed, which many developers would envy.


Divinity: Original SIN 2 was developed taking into account the experience of old RPG like Baldur's Gate 2, but reversions towards the classics became only the basis for a multi-faceted game, which was created by Larian. Few Others RPG give so much freedom that combines her with deep battles and a powerful history in a world that seems alive thanks to how he reaches your actions or inaction. This is a rare RPG, in which I want to play again and again, because many interesting and unusual events last time went past me, and after all, the fate of many NPCs (and even rats), to which I was attached to, could be completely different. When it happens, you experience the impressions that you will be remembered for a long time. And Divinity itself: Original Sin 2 will remember us as one of the greatest games.

It was not perfect, but suffered small nonsense for the sake of gorgeous battles and ingenious tasks was not so difficult. It is clear that it was about fresh impressions from rare for the current bird industry: step-by-step isometric RPG with very pretty graphics and solid variability. Therefore, honestly confess, at first disappointed me excessive resemblance to the predecessor. Originality something like it disappeared.

An important innovation in the storyline is the characters with prehistory. Each of them can be chosen as the main character. According to the meaning reminds, for nothing that the latter offered special variants of the prologue, and suggests gigantic quests, the red thread passing through all the narration. For example, I liked the artist Lousie, accompanied by a mysterious voice ... in her head. To whom it belongs, of course, they do not say until time, but the prospect of bringing the Divinity obsessed with an ominous creature lady looked very tempting. A nice bonus is a humorous character, because of which Lousie in the already magnificent dialogues can throw something like.

One who for some reason really wants to miss a significant part of the fun, can fill in the whole detachment of four persons with ordinary statists of different races and classes. In fact, it is better to pay attention to the unique satellites from among the adventurers created six. Sincere conversations between them, alas, do not arise, but at the Lizard planning to become the emperor, and Sebilla's elves can be the case of a completely different kind of one and the same NPC. The mansion is worth the undead, including the grieving brainchild Alellona named Fein, whom the local audience does not feel so much. If something lies in the zone covered with "fog of death", then you need to send it to the walking skeleton. Poisonous puddles are treated, but the usual "therapeutic" spells are crippled.

Many probably remember how in the second half he gradually blurted out, replacing unusual situations of battles, battles and battles, as well as our main task that was irritated rather than intrigued. According to the 7 chapters, the following chapters, and designers - on 4 (it is so many large "sandboxes", connected in a certain order, and each one can investigate how you are pleased with it), interesting events and meetings are uniformly distributed. The final card is a big city, full scandals, intrigues and investigations. As if there are few similarities with, where there are no candidates for gods everywhere, and here it is also not a Baldars Gate, but also spacious and densely populated location with gloomy basements, sewage, stuffed traps, and answers to all questions.

As a rule, pressing problems can be solved in various ways. The main thing is to understand that the dilogy Original SIN. still can not compete in nonlinearity with or: pass the game by the merchant, who in the hands of anything harder did not hold the spoon (as in the first), or a chatterwheel with a spear, from the start to steal steep machine guns and armors (as in the second), not succeed. Nevertheless, you will not be punished if you kill someone "someone," you can do an order before you get it (and this is normal - why go there and go here?!), And in many places you can penetrate From unexpected sides. My favorite example from the time of the first part is a wooden chest or a door that can be unlocked by a key or launder, break the ax or just burn. It is a pity that obstacles are still unsportsfactory ... and protected magic.

Hut burned at Kondrat, and with her Kondrat burned

Another thing is that it is easy to overclock the opposition will not work. Almost any NPC or the monsters there is both magical and physical armor protecting against the corresponding types of damage and special effects (freezing, knockdown, transformation into a stupid bird, etc.). Fighters usually better withstand blows with swords and clubs, and the wizards can stand longer in the fire and do not burn. Because of this feature, the authors of many negative reviews in Steam grumble, they say, forces players to form highly specialized detachments.

At times, the truth is slipped by distortion in the balance: the first half seemed to me noticeably more complicated (in some places - inexpensive) second, and source glasses are often so little that they perform a function of itself Potions from some: we save it to the extreme case, we save, we save ... Dragons will die, the demons will fall, and we all be careful, we save ... And then the game ends. It would not hurt a more delicate approach to such things. However, the number of combinations of skills in the already inspires sincere respect, so hopeless situations with sufficient "pumping" the detachment does not happen here. Nothing prevents an amateur to wait for everyone around to learn the spells of a school transformation - he also has a free score on the development of the main characteristics for each level of the corresponding skill will be given! The tentacle that infects the physical damage and disarming enemies is a wonderful argument in favor of diversity in the party.

The necromancet will shorte on the ladies of the swarm of mosquitoes (they also apply physical damage, and then they also treat their owner), the cilancer will create a small elementary elementary, whose type of damage and ability depend on the surface on which it will appear. Arsenal tricks, often simply missing in other RPG, is truly huge. If you are not enough of this, you can try to combine the textbooks of different skills. To withdraw the "super-winding megalobacco of the universal dying", perhaps, will not give, but something exactly will work out. Hand-to-handers are also not limited to "pumping", and a variety of "spontaneous" grenades from the defeated enemies are not just like that. In terms of tactics, gives so much freedom as you can carry.

The brightest and memorable fights last long. Infinite floods, explosions, rain, hail, demons, defilement puddles and flames, blessings, shooting this damage ... Such a riot of paints, such a high bug price will now rarely meet. As in the first, it deserves applause, at least for the impressive implementation of spectacular and deep step-by-step fights in fantasy entourage.

Terrible mystery of empty room

Despite some straightness, constantly proposes to break her head over a completely unexpected hand. Dilemmas arise constantly: who to play, what satellites choose, stroke the stray dog \u200b\u200bor kick with a boot, on whose side to get up to whom to believe, whether the weak glove with the "sewn" teleportation spell of the new commercial mitten without any magic focuss inside ... is the most difficult - To retain from unnecessary murder, for which certainly awarded experiences! Here even over promises given to the ending scum, sometimes you think about it. True, I often left my sins without attention, because of what I had the impression that it was not so closely following the P (P) of not carefully. Nevertheless, without periodic references to the events of the long-lasting hours, the adventure did not cost.

The most common problem is familiar by: Well, I came where I sent (well, if I sent it all), and then what? "Puzzles" are still represented by all categories of tasks from "Click on this large button" to "And now guess what we came up for you." In the latter case, it is meaninglessly stood by half an hour in a small "empty" room, where it is clearly something must be, because in the adjacent room for the massive door of the mountains of gold, I imagined the smiling smiling Slave winerywho again circled around the finger of the talled player. No problem. In the Rovelona of the Sample 2017, I managed to reveal the set of secrets, however some secrets he still walked. Well ... the more pleasure was from what was still able to deal with.

The inability to immediately explore the world by 100% (after all, at least 2 of the 6 starting characters with their skeletons in the cabinets will be superfluous on your holiday of life) is good not only because it gives a stimulus again. It gives rise to a desire to study every stone, bush, pocket and bookshelf in search of tips and revelations. The feeling that this world is believable - one of the most important advantages that in Sicvel has become even more significant thanks to infinite freedom in making decisions and the close interaction of fate NPC. Not yet level, and the scale is modest, but already close.

The game does not lead us by the handle and does not draw a dotted line of the optimal track to the treasures, but when hiring a character, she asks what class the ward we need. The eternal problem of many RPG is "a interesting person, but why should I need a third paladin in the detachment" - eliminated easily and elegantly. Moreover, almost at any time you can run up to the magic mirror on your personal ship and redistribute points characteristics, skills, etc. On the one hand, this is legalized "Cheaterism". On the other hand, I myself corrected the parameters only once and very glad that such an opportunity was at all.

The developers are pretty indemnified by the interface: when you need an important trinket, the key or money amount, the colleagues automatically transmit them to an active character, all four stuff open on one screen, ascertaining the new clothes conveniently, the useless trash is easily marked as a product for sale ... From the rupties in the backpacks, everything It does not save, although what else to expect from the game in which you can steal most of the active objects and then many of them combine? In fact, there are no incurable diseases. The technical part is worthy: I had only one "departure" already on final credits. There are enough errors of another kind, periodically put in a dead end. Let's say the task log. The order is fulfilled, but not marked performed. Or noted, but hanging among active. Or I reached an important step of its execution, and for some reason NPC does not react to it. Or record in the diary does not correspond to reality. This happens relatively often and spoils not passing, but the mood.

If you suddenly not played in the first part, then you should know that Divinity: Original SIN is RPG, the events of which occur in the universe, very similar to the worlds of Terry Pratchett. Everything is serious here, but all a few idiots, so a peculiar tragicomedy is constantly unfolding.

In Divinity: Original Sin 2 you have to take on the role of the phone's magician - elected by the gods of the champion endowed with considerable forces. The world has changed. The evil broke out in the form of wild monsters, apparently with a single mind. The game begins pretty everyday: you, the prisoner of the magician, are sent to a special island-prison, where the full lawlessness reigns and everyone is provided to themselves. During travel, a giant monster will attack the ship, and with other prisoners will throw ashore. Further do everything you want. The main thing is to get out of the island.

To do this, you will collect the team of natural collections, because others do not hold on the island. Here you and the Red Prince - the Lord of Lizards, whom they want to kill all who are not too lazy. The beast is a dwarf, mixed in some criminal affairs on the continent. And even the girl named Losa, which several demons and spirits are immediately used as a hotel. The most wonderful among this team is the representative of Nezhdi Faine. This is a very erudite and sarcastic skeleton, jokingly tearing away from living faces to use them as masks. With Fane, you can even sleep regardless of your sex - these are the strangest relationship in video games at all. Fasting with skeleton, yeah.

Each race has its own unique skills. Lizards, for example, can breathe fire. Undead restores health with the help of poison, but gets damage from ordinary treatment. You can first not navigate and accidentally kill Faine some poultice. Some quests are connected with these skills. One of the important plot tasks will be much easier to go with the Dem to the team. You can be anyone: a lizard, a dwarf, an elf, a man or a kingdom of any of these races. But it is still better to take one of several available presets. So you will feel deeper than the character. Especially since it is practically nothing to you cost - you can develop a hero as you like.

The game has a cool innovation. In the first conversation with the potential conventians, you can choose his future specialization. No longer need to carry with you another warrior simply because you have no choice.

The backbone of the role-playing system Divinity remained the same. For each level you will receive two points characteristics and one point of specialization. But the so-called "transformation" was added to the old "pyromantias" and "geomans", which will allow you, for example, to grow wings to fly with them. Or horns who give the possibility of Taran. There are very exotic options like a steel heart pumping the hero to the hero, giving armor every move. Also every few levels will be able to get perk, giving considerable advantages, but also adding some disadvantages. Want to beat fire more? Get a vulnerability to water. The most useful of the peaks is the ability to talk with animals. Beasts in Divinity a lot, and almost all of them have, what to tell you. Often it allows you to see the situation from an unexpected angle. Moreover, some animals even give assignments.

In general, in Divinity: Original Sin 2 can be chatted almost with each counter. And this is quite full-fledged dialogues, many of which end up offer to investigate some business. As a result, the local world is not too big, but extremely saturated with events. Each corner may hide something important. An ordinary rooster can be a real phoenix, and after having met a madness with an inseparable speech, you can stumble upon a very tragic story about love and betrayal.

Perhaps the best in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is that it does not cease to amaze to the very end. When, it would seem, the whole world surrounding has already been investigated, a whole underground kingdom with gigantic, hulls in the air "Pirates of the Caribbean" can be found in a nondescript cave.

After two dozen hours spent on the island of prison, you will smeach the sweat from the forehead and click on the "Float" button. It seems that you are already a motley magician or warrior to which any business on the shoulder. It may even be the impression that before the finals are handed to hand, and now you can go to kill Gods with bare hands. At this point, you show a new continent, and you understand that all the adventures are just beginning, and the island is so, the warm-up.

If you go somewhere "not there", as before you will give the face to the ground or erase into powder, even if you play the easiest difficulty level. Most of the late game you feel insignificant in front of the wits, demons and the sealing of darkness. They spit in you with acid, set fire to the ground under your legs and pour the lava to you on the head. You will need to find effective ways to confront them. You, like your opponents, can combine different elements. For example, you can curse for the flame and burn enemies with dead fire. Or vice versa, you can bless it, and you will restore health, running over a bluing flame tongue. Under the end of the fight, the entire field can turn into hell out of a mixture of poison, dirt and ice. And the further into the forest, the more wolves. If there will be some skeletons on the island-prison in the overgrown, then on the continent you can accidentally get under the hot hand of the troll who kills the team of the characters of a rather high level from one strike. However, most similar problems imply alternative solutions. For example, with a powerful opponent, you can agree or weaken it before the fight.

But it is better, of course, still saved every five minutes. We often have a situation when you can trust the boat, and sailing to the goal is already dead. Well, what - no one promised to be honest? And this is very good.

Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2

Prehellers of the game: PC


  • Deep game world.
  • Worked characters.
  • Humor.
  • Huge variability in battles.
  • The atmosphere of the present adventure.


  • Small bugs.


The first part of one of the most successful RPGs of all time came out quite a long time ago, and most likely only the most loyal fans of the universe remember. But with the release of Divinity Original Sin 2 in Russian, the game has acquired a second breathing and recalled himself, immediately hitting the tops of sales in the service of the Digital Distribution Steam. Success? Success, and such that the developers themselves did not expect such an effect.

After several not too successful experiments, the guys from the studio Larian Studios took into account all the mistakes and presented their new creation to the world, which was even better than his most successful predecessor. Classic step-by-step battles, branched drove skills and habitual satire raid - this is what made the first part of the Divinity leader of his genre. However, the second part absorbed and some new items that did not have to see before.

Divinity Original Sin 2 - taste of freedom and variety

Initially, Larian Studios planned to get a certain amount from users to create their project. And the last, reinforcing their decision by the ruble, proved that the genre of classical RPGs is still interesting to them, and the company cheerfully took up the development. The work was very active, literally every step by the authors demonstrated to fans, arguing that the coins do not go to the "left" needs (hello, Star Citizen), and will be used as well as possible.

What is the result? And in the end we saw:

  • A bunch of various tactics of behavior, both in battle and during research in a truly huge gaming world;
  • A large number of variations of dialogs and NPS reactions of characters for the appearance of a player (or player groups) next to them;
  • Due to the characteristics of the characteristics of Divinity Original Sin 2 characters and variations of the character of heroes;
  • Dozens, if not hundreds of various sets of weapons and uniforms;
  • Extremely fascinating travels to dungeons, stuffed traps and obstacles;
  • Interesting quests, both in the main storyline and side tasks.

According to STEAM statistics, in the first days of the release of the game in early access, the number of sales and active players in online ahead of even GTA 5 with its million sales. Isn't that a bright fact that thousands of players want to play in Divinity Original SIN 2 on the network? Accordingly, the project managed and won his army of fans who do not want to give all the laurels honored by Playerunknown`s Battlegrounds.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Passage - here every owner itself

Unexpectedly successful Divinity showed that the main interesting aspect for gamers in such games is freedom of action. And this concerns not only the possibility of different ways to get acquainted with the plot and passing quests, but also expressed in the affordable paths of the character development (or characters). And in Divinity Original Sin 2, we get what you dreamed of - full restraint.

We can safely argue that in Larian Studios heard players, and brought a good plot to continued. If earlier it was somehow strange set of stamps and references to the popular topics, now literally every character in the world of Divinity Original SIN 2 has its own attitude to the main storyline. And you never know who of the local NPS will be a person whose word will affect the development of the further environment.

In general, if we speak in a nutshell, then fans in Divinity Original SIN 2 expect a whole bunch of all nishtyakov, which can be summarized by the following list:

  • Pleasant graphics and atmospheric;
  • Thought out to the little plot;
  • The ability to create your own unique character, no one like;
  • A whole bunch of all kinds of things that can be used as weapons;
  • A variety of abilities, pumped by the system of elements.

Oh yeah, and do not forget that here you can play along with your friends, passing plot or side tasks in a warm company. True, no one is immune from the fact that at any time your friend can turn into an enemy, as he liked that he had a stick-topalkan, which you knocked out of the next monster. But this is the whole "Smak" of the toy represented, right?

The game on the console or for a personal computer has many differences, but, perhaps, one of the most important of these is the existence of such gaming genres, which most often only for some kind of single platform, and not to another. So more relatively recently it was be bold to say that the PC has more opportunities to spend time behind the classic RPG games of the "old school". But at least this fall, such a statement will be quite far from the truth. And the reason for this - role-playing game Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2 - DEFINITIVE EDITION From the developers of Larian Studios, published on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on the last day of last August.

What is classic RPG? In fact, we will not be able to find the unequivocal definition of this concept, in addition to transferring such common features such as the presence of a well-thought-out model for the development of characters, rich in the tactical capabilities of the combat system and so on. The genre itself came to us straight from the world of board games, capturing with him not only a whole palette of interesting features, but also a number of restrictions. And perhaps, many have heard such names as Baldur "S Gate and Icewind Dale., Arcanum: Of SteamWorks and Magick Obscura and Planescape: Torment. other. It is possible to remember the dozens and hundreds of hours spent on the coast of swords and in the world of Arkanum, but it is difficult to imagine that 2018 you can play for something that will be able to give similar emotions, especially on modern consoles. It is difficult, but, as it turned out, perhaps.

Divinity: Original SIN 2 appeared on PS4 and Xone immediately as a Definitive Edition, which is a supplemented and improved edition of the original 2017 game. It should be immediately noted that the project is largely a successor of those ideas in order to be laid by its predecessor - Divinity: Original SIN, and progress and development were made by developers where they really needed something to think and improve.

Genius and evils

The plot in classic role-playing games is often subject to conservative laws of the genre. And even if we start the game with a simple unnamed peasant, almost certainly by the end of the passage of our protagonist to be saved from the world from a truly universal scale, while "chosen" or some demigod. The project from Larian Studios is not lagging behind. So the action in Divinity: Original SIN 2 is happening after a thousand years after the events of the first part: the hope and support of the world of Reevellon - the divine Lucian Merva, his fallen Reception Son Damian is expelled, and in the world of playing the revolutions of the persecution on all who show at least some -This ability to hold magic of source (main magical energy of Reevelon). Lucian's native son, who stood at the head of the sacred Order of the Bishop Alexander, becomes the driving force of the fight against the manifestations of the source and, together with the loyal Master of the Order, creates a prison-reservation for magicians with the mocking name of the Fort Joy (Fort Joy), where they are put on the sentences that block their abilities Collars and conduct inhuman experiences over them, trying to "cure" from the sorrow of the source. Of course, our protagonist and his future satellites are among those "lucky ones" who received a ticket for a ship heading for a prison island. By the way, this tie is a little reminds of the Magician of Spellhold, where they sent all dangerous wizards in the world Baldur "s gate 2And it immediately allows you to relax, feel at home and prepare for an interesting adventure!

Play for bold or why do I have so many cups?

The screen of creating a gaming protagonist meets us the opportunity to choose one of the six so-called "characters with history", which we can observe on the cover with the game, or to fully generate your own hero, manually defining the floor, race and origin. "Characters with history" have a personal storyline and fate, watching which is also interesting, as for the main plot, but if you still prefer to start everything from a clean face, then three "ready-made" characters will be able to join you almost immediately After completing the prologue. Finally, the heroes of both types will need to determine the class, starting qualities (attributes), skills and talents that resemble the famous "peppers" from Fallout..

Why do you need courage in the world of Divinity: Original SIN 2? Isn't it to go to the truly epic adventure, to solve the fate of the world and fight with the most dangerous opponents, which only can be found in the fantasy world of Rivellon? Oh no, everything is much easier. The courage will be needed in order not to get lost in a sufficient big world of the game offering just enormous opportunities for passing! This will especially be relevant for those who have never played big role games. I confess, at one time I could not take for a long time The Elder Scrolls III: MorrowindWhen I saw that I could go anywhere, to endure the inventory of my character with table appliances and candlesticks, barely leaving the first dwelling dwelling, and climb into my pocket to each passion. In the case of Divinity: Original SIN 2 is the case in the same way, but, in fact, you should not be afraid of it. And if you have already created a character (and it can take up to a tent of minutes) and it was necessary to spend an optional training for which you can spend up to several hours of slow passage, then consider that you are taken into the world of Divinity and are now exactly ready for the game!

Elves-Trupoeds, conversations with animals, killing furniture

And yet it is necessary to pay tribute to developers, because we have not seen such a wealth of opportunities in RPG for a long time. Having passed the Prologue and finally on the coast of the island, where the Fort is joy, then we are free to do what we want. But not as in the base "Sandbox", but almost as in life. Our protagonist, and later and its satellites, has a general magazine where all important information about the plot is entered, the details of the main and side tasks and so on. But how we will move to the goals set depends only on our ourselves, our fantasy, and, of course, the features and opportunities of the gameplay, which developers supplied us. A striking example of how it works, serves the very first story quest, requiring from us to escape from the prison fort. Options to accrue about four, and it does not consider that many solutions and plot lines leading to escape can be combined with each other.

In fact, all this will be useful ... someday.

An important element of good role-playing games is usually an interesting combat system, and this project is no exception. All battles occur in step-by-step mode, where the ingrediency of the charts of the characters is determined by their initiative. And, by the way, the available levels of difficulty are very strongly affected by the severity of the battles and the behavior of artificial intelligence, but no matter how serious the enemy, the possibility of a player in battle will be no less rich than and in calmer moments of passage. For example, various combinations of effects from spells and abilities can lead to the most interesting results. It is absolutely not necessary to use all the remedies and fantasy to win: to extinguish the fired allies by the rain spell, creating imperative visibility and steam shooting; Blood enemy to enemy, and then hit the red liquid in the resulting puddle a magic zipper; To teleport a powerful enemy away from my magician and reset it from a height in the flame burning on the battlefield and so on.

My magician caused rain to minimize harm from fiery slugs

Or here is another example of non-standard tactical capabilities: creatures and characters with resistance to any element more than 100% do not receive damage from it, but on the contrary, are treated at its expense. So the undead restores its "health" with the help of poison, but it gets damage when using healing potions and attending magic, which your enemies can safely apply on you. But what should I do if you ended bottles with poison, and your inanimate collearn is about to fall on the battlefield? Just order another member of my detachment to apply a spell with a poisoning effect or explode the barrel found near the barrel with a poisonous mucus, and then blissfully place the resulting puddle. But do not forget that incendiary arrows or fiery magic can be available to the enemy and then your "healing pool" will turn into a flaming hell! Similarly, many other situations can be beaten how to benefit yourself and show inattention and turn to harm - and this is all the charm of the gameplay features of the project.

They wanted to find a treasure, and started a revived dead man, well, with whom it does not happen?

And some moments can also be compared with legal scongy and legal "churches" in the game, but why not, if it acts, and so it was conceived by the developers? And the following situation happened to me: at the very beginning of the passage, I was thinking about how I would quickly and most painlessly get rid of the sleeping guard. As a result, it was decided to put a barrel with a flammable oil next to him and blow it away. I chose the appropriate action, I started moving an explosive object and ... accidentally touched the guard barrel, smashed it and with her head to his enemy. And it happens in the world of Divinity: Original Sin 2!

If you do not want to fight, prefer to solve questions peaceful way or simply met too strong opponents, you can try to speak your teeth and go through the conviction, choosing such a behavior test and answering options that correspond to the most developed attributes of your character who are called here "Qualities." So the thief caught at the crime scene, still can avoid punishment if he succeeds to smash his sacrifice, having branched something about how embarrassing will be ashamed if he gets sick to the search or that there is not a stolen ring in his bag, And a gift for a friend who is very upset if the packaging of surprise is spoiled. Well, if the enemies do not want to talk to you, but there are no obvious ways to around, why not use the teleportation gloves and do not move your character out on that climb on the opposite side of the cleft? Could be so.

And finally, a few more examples seemingly completely incredible opportunities that the world of the game is willing to offer us. How do you, for example, the ability of the elves of Reelylon to eat parts of the dead, after which they happen short vision broadcasting in the head of a witty character's last thoughts and feelings of the deceased? This ability is irreplaceable both during the investigations of the murders and when searching for the caches of rich dead. Another interesting ability allows you to talk with most animals, including some of those who would like others to attack you. And considering that all the dialogues in the game are voiced, imagine what pleasure to listen to the amazing emotional voice acting by the mistress of the hookwow, the arrogant Krabi, which considers himself a great wizard, or a fussy rat, who consists of going to escape from prison. And how do you undead-thief, opening the locks with your bony index finger? True, for this, he will still need the skill "theft", but it does not need a lock. And there are many such examples, and you can talk about infinity about them.

"IT" s dangerous to go alone! "

It is dangerous to go on a big journey alone, right? So the developers from Larian Studios are also considered, and therefore the game supports both online and offline passage in the split screen mode. The project also has an additional independent network mode "Arena", allowing players to choose one or more powerful characters from the world Divinity: Original SIN 2 and fight with each other in a peculiar analog of Death Match. Before the battle, you can set some parameters and basic rules, as well as select one of the cards available to clarify. This mode does not constitute some rich opportunities and great value, but still can become additional entertainment for players.

Tarkin. Must admit that I used to somewhat different

And now we finally got from gameplay impressions to more tangible, but still an important graphic component of the project. For some reason, I suddenly remembered my dual attitude towards the first truly three-dimensional role players. Of course, during the days of Neverwinter Nights there was a completely different schedule and other technical capabilities, which ultimately even scared some players who did not hurry to fall from the artistically drawn pixels of previous games. And today, developers from Larian Studios are completely different conditions, and in the face of Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition, we received a very beautiful RPG, with perfectly looking visual effects from the use of magic, stunning interiors and facades of majestic castles and mysterious ruins. Of course, it can be said that the models of some enemies and characters are imperfect and even in some places are angry, but these are trifles, and they usually have no time to pay attention to them. And one more small minus, I would call some amilateral chaoticness that occurs at the same time on the screen of a large number of effects (fire, steam, acid, and so on) and fighting characters - everyone can see, on the convenience of control it does not affect, but everything is mixed in One bunch and looks not so beautiful, to make a desire to take a snapshot of the screen of this battle. Nevertheless, the project has good performance: we can move along huge spaces, to enter the premises, caves and ruins without loads (with the exception of particularly large locations) and even switch between characters located in completely different places of the game card, and all this happens quickly and without any problems.