Dragon age inquisition best builds. Passage of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Level up the Skillful Hands perk as soon as possible

In this guide, we will present you with some good builds for the mages in the game. Most of them will be based on a specific specialization presented in the game.

It should be noted that magicians in the Dragon Age game series are almost the most interesting class, and there are many reasons for this. Firstly, they have their own storyline associated with the eternal confrontation between magicians and templars. Still, it is much more interesting to watch this confrontation when you have a direct relationship to it. Secondly, the ability to combine different spells to obtain a unique effect. Thirdly, excellent visualization of magic techniques.

In the third part, the developers seriously worked on magicians, for example, they removed all healing abilities from them and provided only eight slots for active skills. At first glance, it may seem to many that this significantly reduces the number of possible builds, but in reality everything is different. The game features three basic well-developed skill branches, each of which can be used to achieve different goals. Plus, there are three more branches of specializations. As a result, you can make a huge number of combinations that can significantly change the fighting style of the magician.

We've covered five different builds in this guide: two of them are based on basic skill trees, and the other three are based on specialization skills. To use the build to the maximum, that is, to open all the necessary skills, your hero must reach the eighteenth level.

Lord of the Underworld

Already from the name you can guess that this combination is based on the skills of the "Necromancer" branch. As a rule, magicians are considered dangerous fighters, capable of greatly harming the enemy with the help of powerful "spells" that hit the area. Necromancers are markedly different from such wizards. The fact is that their offensive spells do damage not immediately, but gradually (a spirit mark or a walking bomb), plus his main skills are based on control, and not on dealing huge damage.

Note: a controller is a character who can influence opponents, reducing their characteristics and controlling each step. For example, mages can scare enemies, hold them in one place, or push them away.

With this build, you will not be able to support your companions, but you can seriously help them by controlling the enemy. For the greatest efficiency, your group should consist of two tanks that will protect you from opponents, and one damage dealer (preferably an archer). Thus, the enemies simply cannot get to you, and in the meantime you will send various curses on them with impunity.

Do not give up the "step into the shadow" spell, which allows you to get out of the battlefield for a long distance. In battle, it is necessary to competently combine the "spells" from the basic branches, capable of inflicting damage on a certain territory with the controlling abilities of the lord of the dead. In this case, you can single-handedly deal with the whole crowd.

Skills used

Branch "Tempest" - we open chain lightning, a barrage of energy, petrel, electrical conductivity and lightning. The first ability is effective against multiple monsters or humans. When cast, the caster releases an electrical charge that damages one enemy and then immediately transfers to others. It deals over two hundred percent of your primary weapon's damage.

Note: as you may have noticed, the damage of spells is not fixed, but directly depends on the characteristics of your weapon, that is, the stronger your staff, the more effective your abilities will be.

Thanks to the petrel, you will be able to protect yourself from opponents who come too close to you, as this "passive" will strike them with lightning. The lightning spell can deal a lot of damage to one enemy. In addition, she is able to paralyze the target for several seconds.

A flurry of energy helps perfectly in battle, damaging your enemies with the elements. Works great against monsters with a weakness for the elements. But for this it will be necessary to change the staves in time. As for electrical conductivity, it increases the damage from all skills, but at the same time spends a certain percentage of mana.

The "Underworld" branch - we take a sacrifice and a flash. The second can inflict considerable damage on the enemy and cause terror in him, and the first deals small damage on the territory. Note that for all spells, eight cells may not be enough, so when more powerful abilities appear, you need to get rid of the old ones. For example, you can turn off the flash.

The "Winter" branch - opens a step into the shadow and an icy grip. For the first ability, you can unlock an additional skill called "freezing gait". With the help of the grip, the magician is able to freeze the enemy, injuring him and preventing him from entering the battle. Particularly effective against fiery rage demons. We have already discussed another ability earlier.

Branch "Necromancer" - all abilities should be opened, plus secondary skills. With the help of "fear" you can force all enemies to scatter in horror (works for six seconds). Thanks to the spirit mark, you can kill a strong enemy, as this "spell" deals huge damage for twelve seconds. Plus, if a fighter dies carrying a mark, then a ghost will move into his body and he will become your ally. According to its principle of action, the walking bomb is similar to the previous skill, just after the death the enemy explodes, and it is better not to ask what happens to his companions in this case.

The rest of the abilities are passive - they can increase the damage from all "spells" for a short period of time after killing the next monster or fighter, make it possible to suck the souls of the dead to raise their health level and reduce the parameters of enemies in a certain area. Using the haste ability, which works on focus, the necromancer can speed up all of his comrades and slow down opponents.

Rift Maker

With the development of a specialization called "Mage of Breaks", the mage has access to incredibly powerful spells that deal damage in a circle of small diameter. With this build, you will not be able to control the behavior of the enemy as well as necromancers do, but you will get the opportunity to destroy large groups of the enemy at a time.

This build mainly combines skills from two branches: the rift mage and the underworld. The second one has excellent abilities that cause great damage in area, and the first one can "boast" of the presence of a spell that pulls all enemies to one place.

But do not forget that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you can meet monsters and people that are resistant to fire attacks, so you should open the barrier and ice grip. Most of the spells operate at a great distance from the target, so it is not necessary to take a step into the shadows.

The main combination will look like this: we cast the attraction of the abyss, pulling all the enemies in one place, then we hit them with a stone fist and a curtain blow to weaken them and knock them down, then we put a fire mine and apply the sacrifice. Only bosses usually survive this attack.

Skills used

The "Underworld" branch - here we take a sacrifice, a flash, a point of ignition, an oncoming fire, pyromancy, a fiery mine and a wall of fire. We have already considered some of the spells earlier, and therefore we will not talk about them again. Let's just note that, as with the necromancer, it will be possible to get rid of some skills at later levels. Decide for yourself what you don't want, but we recommend removing the flash.

If we talk about spells that have not yet been considered, the flashpoint is a good "passive" that can immediately restore an already used ability after your mage deals a critical blow to the enemy. At the initial stages, there will be little benefit from it, since the magician rarely inflicts critical hits on opponents. However, then the probability of inflicting critical hits on the magician will increase significantly, and this skill will be very useful to us. Thanks to pyromancy, the duration of burning and fear will increase by a quarter.

The oncoming fire significantly speeds up the recovery of skills. We open this "passive" as early as possible, because in this case the damage you inflict per minute will increase significantly. But the most useful ability is the fire mine. She deals 1600 percent of weapon damage to opponents, and therefore can kill weak opponents from one time. But this spell does not begin to act immediately, but after a few seconds. Therefore, it should be combined with a fracture of the abyss or a stone fist, which will become enemies (keep them in one place). The wall of fire does not do much damage, but it causes fear in opponents.

The "Winter" branch - we take an ice grip in order to be able to effectively fight monsters that have high resistance to flame. From the "Spirit" branch we open the barrier. This spell is capable of protecting your character from any damage for a short period of time.

Branch "Mage of Breaks" - all "spells" are needed in it. To open them, you will have to sacrifice several skills from the "Underworld" branch: a flash and a wall of fire. We open additional skills for all spells. Veil Strike is capable of weakening enemies and inflicting minor damage on them. Be sure to use it before casting more powerful offensive spells. Thanks to the stone fist, you can make opponents fall to the ground - this will take them out of the battle for a short time and allow you to place a fire mine.

With the help of recharge from the veil and veil numbness, you can restore your mana and strengthen your spells, taking energy from weakened opponents. Choking the Veil and Twisting the Veil reduce the stats of enemies and increase the damage of your magic skills. The attraction of the abyss is considered incredibly useful abilities - it pulls monsters and people into one point, and also weakens them.

Knight Mage

The basis of this build is the Sorcerer Knight specialization. In its name, it is similar to the "Battle Mage" specialization, which was popular with players in the first part of the series. But in essence, they are very different from each other.

In Dragon Age: Origins, the battle mage became practically a warrior, that is, he could wear heavy armor and fight with a sword, not a staff. If we talk about a knight-sorcerer, then he is an ordinary magician who is simply able to fight in the thick of battle and help his allies with supporting spells.

The knight-mage has good offensive skills (spiritual blade or retaliatory blow through the veil) and defensive skills (shadow cloak, shadow shield, knight-protector). However, they are most effective when combined with the skills of the "Spirit" branch. Using an improved barrier and several "passives" you will be able to fight the enemy at close range without dying.

A Concentration Spell is a return to life that can completely turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Skills used

Branch "Spirit" - in it we take the spirit of a protector, a barrier, elegant protection, strength of mind, rebirth and an explosion of reason. The barrier is notable for the fact that it is able to create a special shield around the caster and his comrades, acting in the form of an additional time scale of health. It quickly disappears, so you need to cast it before or during the battle. The secondary skill of this "spell" increases the speed of the barrier recovery. The spirit of the defender automatically activates the shield of the magician who received heavy damage.

An explosion of the mind is a kind of impulse of power that allows you to throw opponents away from you and reduce their aggression towards the wizard. An excellent skill that will often save the life of your mage when fighting a group of enemies. Another useful "ability" is revival. Using this ability, you will instantly raise all your comrades lying on the ground to their feet. The power of the spirits increases the strength of the barrier by half.

Branch "Tempest" - here we open a chain lightning and a barrage of energy. We have already written about them in previous builds, so we will not repeat ourselves. The "Winter" branch - we will need it in it: a step into the shadow and an icy grip. We have already described them.

Branch "Knight-sorcerer" - we take all skills except retaliatory strike through the veil. Most often, you will use a spiritblade and a shadow cloak. The first skill allows you to create magic blades that penetrate the armor and magic shield of the enemy, causing damage directly to health. The second one surrounds the magician with a Veil and makes him invulnerable for a short period of time (two seconds). It helps to break into a group of enemies, inflict maximum damage and quickly retreat (use a step into the shadows). Passive spells like shadow shield and knight guard increase the strength of the barrier. The revive ability, which spends concentration, restores all party members to maximum health and constantly heals them for ten seconds.

Winter protector

As you can see, past builds have relied on the skills of the three specs. However, this does not mean that in Dragon Age: Inquisition it is impossible to pump a good mage without using the skills described above. It just might be less effective in certain situations.

All healing spells have been removed from the game. In the "Spirit" branch, spells are now presented that only support allies, but do not heal them. But with the right combination of these abilities with the skills of the "Winter" branch, you can create such a strong defense in your companions that after each battle none of them will have a scratch.

Plus, you will be able not only to support your allies, but also to inflict considerable damage on the enemy. To do this, you will need to use the blizzard and ice mine spells. They will be most effective against enemies vulnerable to cold.

You also cannot do without the ability to step into the shadows, which allows you to leave the battlefield and help comrades from a safe distance. The main goal is to support satellites with a barrier and revival.

Skills used

Branch "Spirit" - we take a pacifying aura, a barrier, elegant protection, rebirth, dispelling, explosion of the mind, preservation of life, the spirit of the protector, invigorating barrier and strengthening explosion. Some of these skills were discussed by us earlier, and therefore we will begin the description right away with a pacifying aura. This passive skill reduces the enemy's "aggro", making you completely invisible to them, so they immediately switch to your companions. The dispel ability removes all negative and positive effects from enemies or allies. Thanks to the invigorating barrier, your magic shield not only protects your companions, but also increases their rate of recovery of stamina and mana.

The "Winter" branch - we open an ice grip, a step into the shadow, an ice wall, a mine and armor, winter silence, a blizzard and a blizzard. Some of the abilities were studied by us earlier, for this reason, we will proceed directly to the consideration of other skills. Winter Silence speeds up the mage's mana regeneration after standing still for three seconds. In a protracted battle, it can be very useful. With the help of the ice wall, the wizard can create a large enclosure made of ice. This wall is able to protect the magician from enemies. An ice mine is similar in its principle of action to a fiery one. Although it does much less damage, it is able to freeze the enemy, making it incapacitated for a short period of time.

Ice armor halves damage taken. Use when your caster is surrounded by enemies. Using this skill, you can also strengthen the tank, making it almost invulnerable to enemies. But the best "spell" in the "Winter" branch is a blizzard. When used, a real blizzard occurs, slowing down enemies in a certain area and inflicting constant damage on them. A secondary skill strengthens the main spell, after which it not only slows down enemies, but freezes them.

Once you get to level eighteen, you will notice that you start to have free ability points. We recommend that you spend them on the skills of any specialization you are interested in.

Elemental fury

Even without using specialization skills in the game, you can create a powerful mage capable of inflicting monstrous damage on his enemies. This build is useful for those players who do not like to complete absolutely all the quests in the game, but just want to walk through the main storyline. The fact is that in order to obtain a particular specialization, you need to spend a lot of time on performing rather difficult missions.

The Elemental Fury build will help you in battle with almost any kind of enemies, since they are all vulnerable to certain elements. But do not forget that this magician does not have any protective spells, so it will not be superfluous to keep in the party one more magician with a pumped Spirit branch.

Another disadvantage of this combination of abilities is excessive monotony. In battles, you will need to constantly use the same methods and skills in the same sequence. Plus, you have to rely on your comrades in arms (the tank and the support mage) all the time, since you cannot defend yourself on your own.

However, if you use spells wisely and don't get on the rampage, then you can take out large groups of enemies with just a few clicks of buttons. The main thing is to constantly monitor your health bar and keep another caster nearby.

Abilities used

The "Tempest" branch - we open a chain lightning, a barrage of energy, an arc ejection, a static charge, lightning, an explosive lightning, a thunderstorm atmosphere, a petrel and a static cage. We have already talked about many of these spells, so let's go straight to the consideration of static charge. He sends a paralyzing electric charge to a non-attacking enemy. This will give you time to get out of his field of vision and set the tank on him. The thunderous atmosphere will speed up the use of abilities. A static cage allows you to stun opponents in a small area.

The "Underworld" branch - in it you need to take a flash, pyromancy, sacrifice, a fire mine and an ignition point. We talked about all these skills earlier. Branch "Winter" - we take winter silence, ice grip, wall and armor, as well as a blizzard.


Whoever says anything, but - almost completely linear role-playing game with corridor locations, so it will be very difficult to get lost here. Consequently, questions related to “I don’t know where to go” disappear by themselves. The same can be said for dialogues. Conversations in the game are more for show and carry a real load on the plot only in rare cases. The developers were cheating, finally remaking this RPG in the direction of an action-adventure, but oh well.

There are also no problems with the choice of a character and cannot be. No matter how hard you try, you will be offered several classes of absolutely typical heroes, which differ only in appearance. Even if you want to initially develop the hero towards, say, two-handed swords, or a bow, in the early stages of the game you will still find both one-handed and two-handed and shooting and other weapons. So you can try to reshape your character directly in the game.

It's a completely different matter with the transfer of saves from previous parts. This possibility, as such, does not exist. Instead of the traditional transfer to BioWare, they danced a little with a tambourine and offered us Dragon Age Keeper: a service for transferring your completed storyline. At the end of the game, when the totals are drawn, all your past achievements and deeds will be credited to you.

The main character will have to close the green portals. The more you close them, the more influence points you can get. Influence points are a key resource, without which you will not be able to advance in the story. It is noteworthy that the mandatory closure of a couple of portals awaits us only at the early stage of the game. The further we move through history, the less developers will let us down and poke their noses into portals. You have to find everything yourself.

As for the character's karma, this indicator is not critical for passing. It will be possible to pass both a kind and completely evil hero. At the same time, your allies will not get angry and will not leave you, weakening the group. At least, the author of this material did not manage to anger his comrades-in-arms in this way. Instead, the characters around you will react to your actions and your words. The moral scale depends on whether your actions are approved or disapproved. Honestly, the indicator of this scale on the plot, if it does, has an absolutely insignificant effect, so be rude when you think it's necessary and don't adapt to anyone, you will get away with it.

The situation is approximately the same with the sentencing. We remind you that you are the Inquisitor, called upon to save the world. And, from time to time, while you are in the rank of the savior of the world, you will run, collect herbs on behalf of some village pharmacist, you will be brought in various defendants. Their fate depends on you. You can be cruel, or, on the contrary, be the height of humanism: your decisions will not have any consequences, so you can judge by conscience.

At the beginning of the material, we mentioned that the locations in the game are corridor. Not only are the corridor locations, but the world itself is closed. We are only given the illusion of freedom of movement, but this is just an illusion. You will not be allowed to run wherever it comes into your head, this is not The Elder Scrolls, nevertheless, there is space and you will have to move along them. Therefore, as soon as you have the opportunity to get a horse, be sure to do it. With a horse, things will move on much more vigorously.

Now, since we have touched the world and the environment, the following is what should be told. The developers have repeatedly said that the game will be completed in no less than 70-100 hours. Naturally, gamers appreciate those games that can be played longer, having tasted plenty of adventure. However, to prevent some cunning citizen from completing the game in a couple of hours, influence points were introduced into it, which were mentioned earlier. Without these very points, you will not be able to break through further in the story. And, it just so happened that the influence that you will earn in the process of passing the main storyline will not be enough for you. Therefore, you will have to run through the fields and hills, in order to harness the most thankless and dirty work. Simply put: perform primitive quests that are not at all suitable for your status as the head of the Inquisition, and grind, grind, grind.

For this lesson, you just have to run around all the nooks and crannies of Thedas. Locations in the game are divided into corridor-plot and spacious ones. Here in these very open spaces you will need to walk from mark to mark, take and complete tasks. With this maneuver, BioWare killed another rabbit: you have to, if you need to search for adventures that promise points of influence, wander into such remote places that you would not wander unnecessarily in your life. There will be many surprises. So, when traveling in Thedas, you don't always need to go along the road. Drive into nearby bushes and follow winding, untrodden paths.

You also have to periodically visit the headquarters of the Inquisition. This is a fairly useful place, primarily because of the ability to distribute instructions to your subordinates. You won't get much benefit from this, but it certainly won't get any worse. After a while, depending on the complexity of the task, the subordinates will complete the work. The secret is that to speed up this process, you can set the clock on your computer. We saved the game, exited, changed the time, entered, and all your instructions have already been followed. Saving time and effort.

Well, the most important thing in Dragon Age: Inquisition is combat. Humanitarian skills play a minimal role here, however, as in the two previous parts. The main thing is to learn how to fight, and in particular, to learn how to manage a combat team. One of the main skills is the ability to dispose of the advantages that a tactical pause gives you. A pause can be taken both before the fight and during the fight. And if at first such an opportunity may seem to you excessive, unnecessary, then later, when the enemy goes stronger, it will be very bad without a tactical pause. Using pause allows you to see the weaknesses of your enemies. Take a break and assign roles. Let each hero do what he knows best: the archer shoots from afar, the tank takes damage and inflicts sensitive blows, and the magician casts spells.

By the way, about spells. There are no healing spells in Dragon Age: Inquisition. This is, in its own way, a unique situation when in role-playing fantasy, where magicians are present in abundance, you can only heal with potions. This innovation was dictated by the need to make the game more difficult and the battles more dangerous. Now the cost of each mistake increases significantly, and magicians do not become indispensable.

Now for the opponents. In principle, you will not have big problems with getting used to the behavior of enemy mobs. Everything is quite banal, especially since teammates are not a burden, but rather actively help in battles, sometimes even taking the initiative. The exception to this is boss battles. Bosses in Dragon Age: Inquisition are a separate story. The main feature of all bosses is that it is not recommended to approach them close or even close. In this case, the bosses are divided into two parts: those that you can still approach and solve your problems, and those that are completely impossible to approach. In this light, heroes-warriors with melee melee weapons will not look in the best way, who show themselves well in battle, especially when there are a lot of enemies, they surround, and the surrounding scenery rallied and does not allow maneuver. There, armor and a sword will play an excellent service, but distancers are more suitable against bosses.

Let's take three typical bosses as examples: the pride demon, the stone thrower giant, and the dragon.
The demon of pride is the very first boss. He strongly waves his arms and hits with an electric whip, so it is not recommended to come close to him, especially since he is completely invulnerable to blows. At least until you start destroying the rift: a green glowing ball. Energy needs to be pumped out of it. At the same time, your rest of the team should not so much beat the boss as distract while you suck energy out of the ball. By slightly weakening the rift, you will strip the boss of immunity. That's when you need to come close and beat him with all the super hits that are. After half of his lives have passed, he will begin to call for help. Here you again need to disperse to the sides, give the team an order to destroy the aid that arrived in time, while the main character will again weaken the rift. After the demon has a quarter of its lives, it will become available for any blows. Therefore, he again needs to be surrounded and engaged in close combat.

Quite another matter is a giant throwing stones. The giant is pretty immobile and is really better to kill from a distance, however it is quite useful to run up from behind and deliver a few blows to the ankles. The giant will turn for a long time, but when it turns, be prepared for that, he will pick up a stone from the ground and throw it at you. He throws stones very well. To avoid being hit, you need to run as fast as possible, while switching to the hero at which the throw is planned. In general, the giant is the boss who can be defeated in melee and firing from a safe distance, but you need to be prepared for the fact that your safe distance is not so safe.

Well, and the dragon, which breathes with icy breath, definitely needs to be killed only with ranged attacks. If you attack him from behind, you will not have time to do even a couple of blows, as he wags his tail, and you will fly off a good three dozen meters. It is even more difficult to attack him from the front, because the dragon is a dragon, although it is not fire-breathing, but it will not seem a little to you. The dragon is the boss that you need to shoot from afar, while you still have to hide behind obstacles that will be destroyed one by one, so if you drag out the battle, you risk greatly complicating the situation.

And finally, a few tips.

Be sure to hand out tasks to your assistants at the headquarters. A resting helper is useless.

Be sure to collect resources ranging from plants to metals. Closer to the middle of the game, all this will be very useful to you.

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the world is not very interactive. Often there are villages where there is no one to talk to at all, but if you find a talking NPC, then keep up with him until you get everything you can out of him.

Be sure to set up camps. Fast travel between camps is possible. This alone will save you a ton of time.
Be sure to pump up lock picking. In homegrown localization, this skill is called Crafted Hands.

Be sure to equip your mage with three staves: red, blue, and purple. With their help, he will be able to break down magical barriers, behind which there will be a lot of interesting things. The barriers will be of different colors. Choosing staffs to barriers like "stone, scissors, paper" you will significantly expand your own capabilities.

That's all. We hope that our humble Dragon Age: Inquisition guide will help you on your difficult journey through Thedas.

The attributes in the game are still the same six, however, now they cannot be changed independently, that is, the increase occurs automatically and directly depends on the character class. All attributes affect a specific parameter, and it is different for each class. However, the calculations use the same formula, where the value 10 is necessarily subtracted from the attribute. That is, let's say you are playing a warrior whose "strength" attribute is 21, then his bonus to attack will be: 11*0,005 = 0,055 * 100% = 5,5% .

    1) Force- increases the physical abilities of the character. Each point increases the bonus to damage during defense (by 1 percent for a promotion) and the attack rate of warriors (by 0.5 percent for a promotion).

    2) Agility- increases the composure, reaction and agility of the character. Each point increases the critical damage bonus (works for all classes) and the attack rate (by 0.5 percent per increase).

    3) Magic- increases the character's connection with the Shadow and improves the ability to manipulate it. Each point increases the damage bonus for the barrier (by 1 percent for the promotion) and increases the attack rate (by 0.5 percent for the increase).

    4) Cunning- is responsible for the mind and cunning of the character. Each point increases protection against ranged attacks and the probability of a critical strike (by 1 percent per increase).

    5) Strength of will- increases determination and spiritual stamina of the character. Each point increases magic defense and attack indicators (by 0.5 percent per increase).

    6) Body type- is responsible for the stamina and physical strength of the character. Each point increases melee defense and health indicators (for all classes by +5 per promotion).

The magic is automatically increased by magicians after gaining a level, strength - at warriors, and agility - at robbers... For every two levels, the increase is 1 unit. “Not enough,” you say, but you should know that you can increase attributes by developing various abilities, for example, Static Charge, when opened, increases Constitution by 3 units. You can also increase the values ​​of attributes with the help of high-level equipment, which gives a very high bonus to these indicators.

As you might guess from the title of this subheading, the main metric here is attack... This characteristic increases all the damage that the character inflicts on his opponents. It is expressed as a percentage and is added to the total weapon damage. Attack is mainly influenced by the class attribute, but it can also depend on the abilities of the hero and the equipment he is wearing.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Critical Hit Probability(depends on the attribute "cunning") affects the chance of inflicting damage to the enemy, increased by the indicator indicated opposite the Bonus to critical damage (depends on the attribute agility). Critical damage is shown in battle with large bright numbers above the enemy.

An equally important parameter is armor penetration, since each additional percentage ignores one point of the opponent's armor.

Parameter kill cure shows how likely your finishing blow is to return some of your health. Flank Damage Bonus shows the percentage bonus to damage that your character receives when attacking an enemy from behind or from the side.

Bleeding on hit shows how likely your strike is to cause the target to bleed. This debuff lasts for a few seconds. Index stun on hit works the same as the above parameter, but instead of bleeding, it stuns the enemy.

Naturally, the most important parameter here is health, because as soon as it drops to zero, your character will immediately fall without creation and will lose the ability to fight for his life. If all members of the group fall during the battle, then you will have to replay the battle from the very beginning. The fallen hero can be raised again, but for this it is necessary that his companion does not interfere with bringing a seriously wounded comrade to his senses. Unfortunately or fortunately, the health of characters does not automatically regenerate over time. The game provides only four methods of its restoration, namely:

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

    The use of health elixirs (eight are given for the whole group; you can replenish their supply in camps, fortresses and in the Shelter; the maximum number can be increased to twelve);

    Using elixirs of restoration (increases health not immediately, but gradually; each character can have his own supply of recovery potions);

    Throwing bombs healing mist(healing power is less than that of a health potion, but it acts on a certain radius and is capable, after improvement, to raise party members who are not created):

    Visiting camps, fortresses and shelters automatically restores the health of heroes.

The increase in health occurs with an increase in the level of the character and his attribute body type... In addition to the health scale, the hero is saved from fainting by such a spell as barrier(a bar of blue light displayed above the health school) and the parameter defense("Torn" gray strip, highlighted above the health bar).

Only warriors can increase the defense indicator. However, the ability Horn of Valor, for example, can empower non-warrior satellites with defense. Initially, this parameter is zero, but it gradually increases during battles and remains so until someone can fully penetrate it or the group decides to go to a new location using fast travel. The maximum value of this indicator depends on a number of the warrior's abilities. By default, it is a quarter of the maximum health.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Mages are able to impose a barrier on themselves and their comrades in arms. In terms of effectiveness, it is somewhat weaker than defenses ”and becomes less effective over time, so it should be placed immediately before the battle.

Thus, when the heroes are attacked by enemies, then all the damage first takes on the barrier (if one was created), then the defense begins to disappear (again, if there was any) and only then the characters lose health.

Magic protection is a percentage indicator of resistance to damage from elemental and magical attacks. There are also options sustainability to various elements (cold, fire, spirit magic and electricity), expressed as a percentage. These bonuses are given from various equipment and abilities. You can also get a permanent bonus to resilience from different elements by passing new zones in the Solasan temple. If we talk about the parameter stun by getting hit, then it shows how great the chance that the enemy will be stunned after attacking the character.

The main protection parameter is armor level... It reduces the physical damage taken by the character. Armor level before demonstrates how much of the physical damage will be absorbed by the armor when the hero attacks from the front. This indicator is relevant for warriors fighting with a shield. In this case, you can see how much damage the shield is blocking.

Although the previous parameters and attributes have changed in the third part, they are still familiar to many players, which cannot be said about concentration... It is a completely new parameter, which is a special resource that a character acquires when he deals damage to opponents. Even one hero can attack, but the whole party will accumulate concentration. Initially, it is distributed evenly among all members of the group, but with the help of bonuses from equipment, it can be distributed in a slightly different way. The Inquisitor also has a unique passive ability called Coordinated Actions, which makes it possible to increase the accumulation of this indicator when making interclass combinations.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

The concentration parameter comes in three levels, obtained gradually as you progress through the game. The maximum value of the first level is one hundred units. If you pump the organization from Cullen, then this figure can be increased to three hundred units. Surely you are wondering what concentration is for at all. The fact is that each character (or more precisely, all specializations and the Inquisitor) have special abilities that spend concentration. They are incredibly powerful and efficient. Their usefulness will directly depend on the concentration scale. Fast movement around the map or arrival at the Vault does not reset this parameter. Do not forget about the existence of concentration, because in difficult battles it can save your squad's life.

Mana / stamina are necessary for the use of abilities, however, in Dragon Age: Inquisition, these parameters have changed somewhat - from the very beginning of the game it is maximum and is one hundred units. In addition, they are not influenced in any way by willpower. You can increase them using elixirs (temporary effect) or inventory bonuses. They can be improved qualitatively by reducing the cost of abilities and reducing their cooldown.

Level cannot be called an attribute in the traditional sense of the word, but a lot depends on it in the game anyway, so you need to pay special attention to gaining experience. Experience points are given to all party members at once, but each character has its own experience scale, for this reason the heroes will not receive the next levels at the same time. Watch also the level of your opponents. From the game, the developers have completely removed the auto-increase in the level of enemies. All locations in Inquisition are divided into several zones - in the initial ones you will only meet low-level opponents, and in later locations - only high-level ones.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

I do not recommend engaging in combat with enemies that are three levels or more superior to you. Yes, if you win, you will be given a lot of experience, but there is a high probability that your squad will simply be killed, and not even bosses, but ordinary opponents will do it. In addition, you should not expect that you will be able to kill weak enemies in batches, getting a "sea" of experience for this. The fact is that for opponents whose level is three or more lower than yours, the game does not give experience points. The only thing you get from them is mediocre "loot" (equipment).

When you get new levels, you will be given ability points - one point per level. They need to be spent on discovering new skills. You can also get skill points using amulets of power tied to certain characters and given out for completing certain quests.

Tank pumping

Inquisition is a party role-playing game in which each hero must effectively fulfill the role assigned to him, otherwise each battle will be difficult for you (of course, we are talking only about high levels of difficulty). Before considering pumping a tank, I would like to tell you about the main roles in such projects.

    1) Damager(DD) - this is the name of the character that inflicts maximum damage (damage). Almost any class can fill this role. Its main task is to inflict huge damage on the enemy, but in such a way as not to attract the attention of this very enemy, otherwise he may switch from a tank to a damage dealer. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the rogue is best at this role.

    2) Tank- as can be understood from the name, this character must take all the damage from opponents. Its functions include performing two tasks: provoking the enemy and the ability to withstand his attacks. Warriors are best suited for this role.

    3) Controller- is able to have a negative impact on enemies, controlling their behavior. Any class can act as it, but the most effective controllers are obtained from mages, since they have abilities with which you can stun (keep in one place), frighten and repel enemies.

    4) Support(support) - the developers decided to completely cut out healers (magicians who can heal their comrades) from the game, and therefore support magicians came to the fore in Inquisition. Their spells are mainly based on the barrier, which can not only strengthen the protection of comrades in arms, but also give them certain bonuses.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Firstly, as you already know, for each level increase or use of an amulet of power, the character is given one ability point, with which you can unlock new skills for the hero. We advise you to first improve the skills that you already have open... The fact is that the game has a limit on the number of slots intended for abilities. You cannot install more than eight skills in the quick access menu, that is, if you open the ninth, then you will have to either not use it, or replace it with another ability.

Secondly, in Inquisition, the damage from skills is directly dependent on the damage of the weapon you are using. Therefore, if it seems to you that the abilities are not effective enough, then you should create or find a new, stronger weapon.

Thirdly, the game provides an option friendly fire which can greatly influence the choice of skills you unlock. You should be aware that spells that have a radius of action are capable of touching your companions.

Features of the tank

So, as I said earlier, the tank must withstand all the attacks of the opponents and prevent them from attacking its allies. He should always be at the forefront of the group. If the Inquisitor is not a tank, then I advise you to switch to a character of this type when exploring locations, so that the tank is always the first to enter into battle with the enemy.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

During the development of the tank, it is necessary to pay attention to three types of abilities: the first should help to get close to the enemies as quickly as possible; the second is to increase the enemy's aggression; the third is to increase the character's defense.

Usefulness of abilities of the category "Weapons and Shield"
Blind defense- one of the most important skills for a tank equipped with a shield, so its use is mandatory. The warrior places a shield in front of him and blocks all damage at the expense of his stamina. Enemy attacks increase the tank's defense rate. The complement of a solid defense is chevalier gait, which gives a 30% bonus to armor for all satellites within four meters of the tank. I also recommend opening it whenever possible.

Don't say that revenge is a useful ability for a tank, but for a low-level character it can be very useful, since it can be used to push away weak opponents. In addition, without it, we cannot open the arrow deflection skill we need. It is recommended to use revenge against enemies who managed to inflict damage on the character.

Boom deflection- Reduces damage from ranged attacks in front by fifty percent, and also increases constitution by three units. There are many archers in the game, so be sure to take this ability.

Defensive defenses are most effective in conjunction with military determination... This ability restores ten percent of stamina for every 10 percent of the health lost. This allows you to use a blind defense multiple times.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

If you look at the description of the ability bear wolves, then you can see that it does not allow opponents to enter the tank from the flank and reduces the chance that the character will be stunned when attacking from the front. However, no figures are given here, so it is not known exactly by what percentage the probability of getting stunned is reduced.

Dash with crank- this ability can be used to quickly approach the enemy, since when using it, the character makes a strong dash forward and inflicts a powerful blow on the enemy. With it, you can increase the damage done by your tank.

Not a very useful ability for a tank is shield bash... It provides the ability to crush the enemy's defenses, but in no way enhances our own defenses. It is not necessary to open it.

Blade deflection Is an excellent passive ability that increases resistance to front damage by twenty percent. Combines perfectly with the Arrow Deflection skill.

Usefulness of abilities of the category "Two-handed weapon"
I will say right away that a tank with a two-handed weapon in Inquisition is not the best solution. Yet Iron Bull more suitable for the role of a damage dealer. However, you can try to make a tank out of it.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Block and slash represents the main tank-type ability in this category. I recommend taking it at the very beginning. With the help of it, the character reflects the first attack of the enemy and immediately inflicts a powerful counterattack. Additional ability impeccable protection increases defense for each successfully repelled attack.

On opening battle course each critical hit will reduce the recovery rate of the character's abilities. The tank deals few critical hits, but I still recommend taking this ability to unlock the next ability.

With the ability hilt strike you can stun the enemy for a short period of time. This is the best control skill for warriors. In addition, there is a high probability that after stunning the enemy is attacked by a tank with a two-handed arm.

There are no other useful abilities for the tank in this category. If you have nowhere to spend points, you can open shieldbreaker- this ability allows critical hits of the character to penetrate shields and armor, destroying the enemy's armor.

The usefulness of the abilities of the category "Combat Master"
This category is mainly aimed at controlling the battle, or rather, helping its companions and weakening opponents.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

By using hook the warrior drags the opponent to him, thereby distracting him from the battle with another member of the party. Improved option - slap hook- not only makes it possible to bring the enemy to him, but also to punch him well, and with such force that he leaves the battle for three seconds. A very useful ability for a tank, so we definitely take it.

Ability crippling blows weakens enemies - the fact is that each critical attack will reduce the damage of the enemy by fifteen percent. If your equipment is focused on inflicting such attacks, then the skill will be useful in battle, but it seems to me that the tank does not really need it.

Tendon pruning- when attacking from the back, the warrior is able to slow down the enemy by fifty percent. However, the tank rarely comes to someone from behind, so the usefulness of this skill is also questionable. In general, I note that you should open them only in order to get to other abilities in this branch.

Take combat roll I do not recommend it. If you look at the description, you can see that it allows the tank to get out of the thick of the battle and go behind enemy lines. First, the tank, on the contrary, always needs to be in the center of the battle. Secondly, you can get close to the enemy with the help of a dash and crank from the Shield and Sword category.

A blow of mercy- The damage done to stunned or knocked down opponents increases by thirty percent. The tank, in principle, does a little damage, so this ability can only be opened as a pass.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Better take a look at the skill deep reserves increasing the rate of endurance ruling by almost fifty percent. Works great with defensive defenses.

War horn- with it, you can scare all enemies nearby for six seconds. Additional ability scrapping the spirit also reduces the armor of opponents and increases the damage to defense of satellites. Works great with a battle cry, so be sure to grab one if possible.

Ability horn of courage more suitable for a support tank, as it grants a bonus to damage and armor to all of its comrades in arms.

The usefulness of the abilities of the "Vanguard" category
This category contains abilities that help the tank protect its allies on the battlefield. Most of the skills located on the bottom right are aimed at protecting comrades in arms, and on the bottom left - the character himself. Decide for yourself what to open first. However, if you are driving the tank yourself, then it is better to choose the abilities of the right branch. Only the first two upper abilities are required to unlock.

A very useful ability is battle cry... She is able to provoke all opponents in the vicinity, and also increases defense by twenty percent for each "responding" enemy. Additional ability call to arms also increases armor by two hundred percent (lasts ten seconds). True, it takes almost a third of the entire endurance scale, plus it takes more than twenty seconds to recharge. For this reason, it should be applied in such a way as to affect the maximum number of enemies.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

A more economical version of the battle cry is considered challenge to a duel... It acts, of course, at longer distances, but at a time it is capable of covering only one enemy. But it costs less and provokes one hundred percent, plus increases defense by ten percent. I advise you to use it during boss battles.

Mad bull- using this ability, the warrior speeds up his run and crashes into enemies, knocking them down and increasing his defense. But it is worth knowing that the character, when using it, will run until he runs out of all stamina or he runs into some obstacle. You can turn it off manually yourself. Unfortunately, the computer is not able to use this skill effectively, as sometimes the tank simply runs away from the battlefield in an unknown direction. I recommend removing the mad bull in tactics. If you constantly control the tank, then this skill works great together with the battle cry.

In defensive defense, the ability unshakable defense, which increases the maximum defense value by a quarter. It will also not be superfluous to open the ability faith in steel giving a 20% bonus to armor.

An ambiguous ability can be considered payback, which returns to enemies fifteen percent of the damage they dealt. The fact is that the tank is usually equipped with powerful armor, and therefore receives very little damage. However, you still have to unlock this ability if you want to access the toughness skill.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Inflexibility instantly gives the character a 10% bonus to defense for each enemy that is nearby. It costs nothing and takes over thirty seconds to recover. Combines perfectly with the Battlecry ability.

With the ability bodyguard your tank will take all hits directed at your companions, and receive some of the damage from them (fifty percent). The add-on for this ability reduces the damage taken by half.

Choice of specialization

The warrior has three different specializations, but the tank will only be useful Knight, since in the branch of this subclass there are abilities that increase the character's defense and allow him to more effectively distract opponents. Yet The ripper focused more on damage, and therefore will be useful to the damage dealer, and Templar effective only against demons and magicians, therefore it will be ineffective in battle with other enemies. By the way, you can get the Knight from Lord Chancer, the Ripper from Tram, and the Templar from Sera.

Now let's take a look at the Knight's abilities: Line in the sand is a very useless thing, especially if the tank is controlled by a computer. In order for it to work effectively, you need to either stand directly in front of a group of opponents, or be in a narrow corridor. Therefore, it should be opened only for the sake of other abilities.

The next ability is considered to be the only good substitute for deep defense. By using walking fortress you can protect the character not only in front, but also on the sides and back. Its improved version also increases the tank's defense every time the enemy hits it. Its duration is short, but it is able to save the hero during massive battles, when a group of enemies immediately pounces on the tank.

The knight also has good passive abilities - for example, stronghold increases the maximum defense by a quarter, stronghold adds twenty percent to the armor, and tenacity allows you to stun an enemy attacking a tank. There are also intransigence, which allows the character to survive even the most powerful attack.

You can attract the attention of enemies by using counterstrike... She also gains maximum defense for the tank and allows him to constantly conduct counterattacks - this will help to tie enemies to your hero for a long time.

A very risky ability is to death, since if you use it when fighting the boss, you can get huge damage, but the enemy in this case will also be seriously injured. I recommend not to risk it and it is better to use the battle cry in conjunction with the war horn. Yes, it is more expensive, but your tank will remain intact. However, her additional ability is not bad - it increases the tank's defense for each of its attacks on the enemy.

Thus, the Knight is perfect for a tank, so it's safe to say that the best tank in Dragon Age: Inquisition is Blackwall(in addition to the Inquisitor, of course, if he was pumped as a tank). Cassandra(Templar) has a nice bonus to fighting demons and mages, but she only has one passive ability, which gives her a bonus to defense against enemy attacks. Iron Bull with a two-handed weapon, it is better not to use it as a tank at all. In addition, the Ripper will constantly need control, otherwise it will quickly be put on both shoulder blades.

The Dragon Age: Inquisition specialization is a unique player skill, offered from a choice of three. Each class (warrior, mage or rogue) has its own specializations. They will be discussed in the article.


The actions of the third part of Dragon Age are a logical continuation of the events of the previous two parts. The first tells about the invasion of the creatures of darkness, as well as how the magicians of Thedas were oppressed. They were kept in special "circles" in order to prevent the spread of the forbidden doctrine - blood magic, as well as in every possible way to suppress demonic possession.

Those who aroused special suspicion were subject to pacification - a ritual that resulted in the complete deprivation of magical abilities. The protection of the circles of the magicians was provided by the knights-templars.

The second part tells the story of the personal tragedy of the Hawke family, who were, by the will of fate, embroiled in the growing conflict between magicians and templars of the Free Mark. Wizards were more and more persecuted, the templars, in turn, only added fuel to the fire. Especially those who saw blood magic on every corner.

The result was the destruction of the church and the revolt of mages throughout Thedas, which escalated into a civil war.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Rift in the Sky

The third part begins with an attempt to convene representatives of magicians and templars in order to conclude a peace treaty and stop the war. But an explosion occurs, which leads to a rift in the sky, through which demons enter the world of people.

The first half of the game takes place in a leisurely rhythm: the heroes must find a way to close the hole, periodically return to the shelter, healing their wounds. And also the main character, the bearer of a mysterious magical mark in the palm of his hand, is proclaimed the Lord Inquisitor. Only he knows how to close these rifts using his gift.

After, by no coincidence, the hero and his entire team are forced to leave the shelter along with all the civilians, the first specializations for the inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition are opened. The protagonist learns about this thanks to the tips. The ability "Mark of Break" appears, which deals huge damage to the enemy. Requires the accumulation of "concentration" - when the scale is full, the skill will be active.

Dragon Age: Inquisition; classes and specializations in the game.

As mentioned above, there are specializations for each class in the game. You can open them by visiting the command headquarters and completing the task "Specializations of the Inquisitor" on the map. The latter will be available after arriving in Skyhold, when the main character and his entire team will be able to seriously settle in this castle.

After completing the task, three strangers will arrive in Skyhold. These are the teachers who will be able to teach new skills. You can only choose one person, he will issue a quest, after completing which, access to a new specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition will be opened:

  • specializations of the mage: knight sorcerer, necromancer, mage of ruptures.
  • for a warrior: knight, templar, ripper.
  • robber: mechanic, assassin, storm.

Each class should be considered separately for a more detailed consideration of specializations.


One of the most interesting skills in Dragon Age: Inquisition is the Sorcerer Knight specialization. You can get it by completing a quest from Commander Helen - one of the three teachers who arrived in Skyhold. In fact, the tree of abilities allows you to pump the hero into a war mage: it creates a magic blade with which you can fight in close combat. And also the hero can envelop himself in an energy curtain (ability "shadow cloak"), which grants invulnerability and the ability to pass through enemies. By pumping the branch, the hero will be able to resurrect fallen comrades.

The necromancer has a number of abilities that allow you to strike terror into enemies, restore health at the expense of killed opponents, send spirits to enemy targets, and also turn enemy soldiers into walking bombs. There are a couple of abilities that stand out: acceleration (spends "concentration", allows the hero and allies to move faster) and residual image (after the death of the main character, his spirit still fights for a while). This Dragon Age: Inquisition specialization is issued by a man with a strange name Viuus Anaxas, who is a master of the dead - Mortalitasi.

The Tear Mage, on the other hand, is not a very remarkable specialization. It can be obtained from a woman who calls herself “Your Mentor”. Having mastered the specialization, the protagonist will be able to crush enemies with energy fists, send a firestorm or numbness to enemies, and also increase damage to allies.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Rogue is a favorite class for many players. He can be an archer, able to learn skill in both hands, hide, disappear from the battlefield and suddenly attack the enemy with renewed vigor. In this case, several skills will also stand out:

Mechanic. The assignment for this specialization is given by a certain Three-Eyes - a mentor in the Skyhold courtyard. A very interesting ability. Especially useful for archers (the skill "hail of arrows" spends concentration points), those who like to set traps. It also makes it possible to retreat to a safe area, replenishing health, increases crit for yourself and allies.

Murderer. Issued by an elf named Heiress. An extremely useful tree of abilities, the main one of which will allow you to hide the entire squad in the shadow and attack. Moreover, during the attack, stealth will not go anywhere. The rest of the tree skills will be very useful for a rogue with two daggers.

Storm. An extremely unusual specialization granted by the Rogue Khim. Allows the player to use various chemical mixtures that either freeze the enemy, then set fire to, or completely envelop the battlefield with lightning.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, warrior specializations make up for the class's shortcomings. The fact is that this class is rarely played, since the combat mechanics are not worked out quite clearly - BioWare turned out to be too slow a warrior. In addition, tanking is mainly done by either Cassandra or Blackwall. There are also several skills here:

Knight. The tree of abilities, characteristic of the "tank". It helps to increase stamina, strikes back, is able to stand on the battlefield for a long time, protecting weaker allies. A special skill that expends "concentration" - Counterstrike, allows you to fully summon fire on yourself, attack in response, while keeping your feet on your feet for a long time. It is extremely useful when you need to go kill the dragon and distract the cubs who periodically run around the battlefield. The quest is given by Lord Chance de Lyon.

Templar. Specialization Dragon Age: Inquisition, which allows you to resist mages and demons, thanks to the ability to burn spells, inspire allies, increase resistance to various elemental magic, and also cause high resistance to enemy attacks (skill that consumes "concentration"). The task is given by a strange warrior who calls himself Ser.

The Ripper. Skill tree that allows you to turn a war into a berserker. Designed for the player wielding (heavy axes, hammers, two-handed swords). The essence of the skills of this specialization: the more damage the character takes, the more violent his attacks. A special skill - Fury - allows you to replenish health with each attack.

Choice of specialization

It should also be noted that mentors teach those knowledge, skills and abilities that are already present in the game for other characters.

These are possessed by:

  • Solas is the Mage of Tears.
  • Vivien - Knight Sorcerer.
  • Dorian is a Necromancer.
  • Varric is the Mechanic.
  • Sera - Tempest.
  • Cole is the Assassin.
  • Blackwall - Knight.
  • Kassandra - Templar;
  • Iron Bull - Ripper.

Partners can comment on the choice of the protagonist, expressing approval or condemnation. For example, when choosing necromancy, Cole and Blackwall will express condemnation, and Cassandra will simply comment.

Also, the Dragon Age: Inquisition specialization contributes to the fact that the corresponding rumors will circulate about the Lord Inquisitor. For example, many evil tongues will not hesitate to once again reproach the Inquisitor for his passion for necromancy.


It is recommended to use the unique skills of these specializations at the most critical moments, and it is advisable to use them all at once.

For example, when a player decides to hunt a dragon. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, these creatures are not comparable to the dragons of "Skyrim", where they can be knocked down from the sky with a shout, quickly killed and run further. Here it is necessary to carefully consider tactics, choose armor that will resist the dragon's breath (ice, flame or electricity), conduct reconnaissance in battle to find out which element the dragon is most vulnerable to. Then enchant the weapon in the appropriate way and only then go into battle.

In this case, you need to bring down precious unique skills on the enemy in order to knock out the initiative. And then, even in this case, victory is not guaranteed. After all, dragons are not simple creatures. They often call on cubs for help, fly from place to place, and also use wind currents to draw characters to themselves. For partners with weak armor (especially mages), this is certain death.


There are various software that modify some of the components of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Mods can change the appearance of some characters. For example, thanks to the efforts of the craftsmen, a modification appeared that adds a game of hairstyles for Qunari women. Playing as a beautiful horned character has become much more interesting.

Also, these plugins are able to slightly change the appearance of some samples of armor in the game, making it more attractive. There are tons of variations of elven armor that (unfortunately) the developers did not introduce into the Dragon Age: Inquisition game. Mods fix this flaw.

A number of retexture modifications enhance the appearance of grass, flowers, trees and other environmental elements.

Mods are able to fix flaws with tattoos, scars, add new elements when creating a hero (beards, eyebrow shapes, hairstyles and more).


The Dragon Age: Inquisition specialization has been significantly improved with the release of the Outsider and Jaws of Hakkon expansions. There are many additional "thoughts" in the specialization tree.

The first supplement will talk about the arrival of the head of Ben-Hazrat. If in the original version of the game the Iron Bull retained his squad, and the Qunari dreadnought was flooded, then the character will remain loyal to the Inquisitor. If, on the contrary, the Bull will betray the player, because this is what the Kun code of honor tells him to do.

"Jaws of the Hakkon" tells the story of an ancient conspiracy of the Gakkonites to bring their merciless god back to earth.


Dragon Age: Inquisition is the crowning achievement of Bioware's creative fantasy genre. Everyone can find something of their own in the game: the style of play, favorite characters, tactics, favorite places to which you want to return, favorite characters, dialogues with whom you want to listen again and again, romantic lines, which are also integral parts of the gameplay.

The Dragon Age trilogy ended with the death of the Coryphaeus, but spawned many fan projects, comics, mini-games, and also animated series. Who knows if there will be a continuation of the series. Whether it will be the beginning of a new series of events or a continuation of what has already happened. Although, the ending of the third part, in which Solas and Mital (aka Flemeth, a witch from the Wasteland) are present, hint at a clearly impending continuation of the heroic saga, whose name is the Age of the Dragon.

Fans of this game series can only wait.

Not much different from leveling up in various other RPG games. Almost all actions will bring you some kind of experience. This number includes the so-called "Breaks", the implementation of various tasks and of course the classic killing of enemies.

Every time your hero gets a new level, his standard attributes increase. In addition, you also get skill points, which you can spend on taking new skills / skills / abilities.

Having received a new level, you will be able to complete a task that you could not complete before or it was inaccessible, since there are stronger opponents there. Before proceeding with the task, first look at what level is required (minimum) there, then decide for yourself.

The most important thing in the game is pumping your heroes. Of course, this is not a very fast process, even if you do everything that is listed below.

Fissures of the Shadow are what you encounter at the very beginning of the game and fight afterwards. You, as the Inquisitor, can close / seal these Rifts! You can find these "holes" absolutely all over the world! During the training, you will be taught how to do this. In return for closing the "hole" you will receive experience. The experience gained depends on which area of ​​the game you are in, that is, each area gives a different amount of experience.

You can get close to the territory where the enemies are on a level higher than you and try to kill them. Killing such opponents will bring a lot more experience than if you killed an ordinary enemy. But only you need to be prepared for the most difficult situations and have the appropriate equipment. In the worst case, you will simply commit suicide.

There are ten Dragons in total - they are the most dangerous in the entire game! As you kill the dragon, then you will receive just a great reward along with tons of experience.

Usually these places are guarded by high-level enemies, so this is another way to get more experience! If you are not too confident in your combat potential, then try to refrain from what you have undertaken, otherwise the result will be sad.

Sometimes, just exploring the world will allow you to gain experience much faster. Even the smallest tasks, such as setting up camp, hunting game, finding herbs, can bring much more experience. And given that the game can be said to be “crammed” with a variety of documents, secrets, treasure maps and other items / details, collecting experience will not be a problem.

In addition, you can get to know the world around you much better with the help of the Inquisition perk, which is taken from Josephine. You can get much more experience for a variety of finds. Therefore, it is best to postpone reading documents until you learn this skill.

Naturally, the most accessible and obvious item in leveling is. Sometimes you will not be able to move further in the story due to the fact that your level is too low, so it is best to focus on the secondary tasks and tasks of the Inner Circle.