Dragon Age Inquisition Magic Spirit. Character scrolling tips in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Blow from shady

Pumping party (by Darth Swordman)

Actually, a lot more about the pumping of a particular specialization in the game; But I haven't found a mention of the technical approach to the whole party in the game in the game, and therefore I decided to present my opinion on this thing in a small article - it is quite possible to someone who will come in handy. I will immediately note that I will not be attached to specific characters, because one is preferred by the Rogue of Zeevran, others - Leliana (and I personally do not take the robbers with me); From warriors, someone more often pulls with him alistar, and someone - Stan ... Mago and sometimes you can do it at all. Therefore, I will try to simply summarize my considerations on the optimal selection of specializations in the game in the form of a brief, so to speak, Hyda. Of course, it displays solely representing his author about the passage of the game and does not claim to be 100% guarantee of the optimal balance; Although any cameras are welcome. :)
Hyde implies at least the basic knowledge of the mechanics of the game and the ability to work with mods.

So, we will need:
Mosk - 1 piece. No comments.
DAO MODMANAGER - 1 piece. As they say, the game without mods is money for the wind.
Fashion Extra Dog Slot - 1 piece. At the level of complexity above the third cheat, it is difficult to call, and a dog as a full-fledged character seems to be honest, even from the point of view of the RPG canons.
Fashion Character Respec Addon - 1 piece. An extremely useful thing for repairing the stock specialties of the opposingians, makes it possible to redistribute their skills at their discretion.
Lock Bash modes - Returns us to the old Good NWN, where all True Raswicks opened fireball's chests. ^^ at the same time it allows you to do without robbers in the party, if somewhere you need more drums in close. Warning possible comments on the Cheating, I immediately explain that when opening the chests, it is a fairly big chance to split part of the content (and even completely).
The remaining mods, including cosmetic nature, to taste at its discretion.

Actually, about the composition. In my case, after a few not the most successful, let's say, the starts of the game I have chosen the most successful, in my opinion, the composition of the party.

First of all, it definitely proved its utility tank (I have a protagonist, but you can easily pump on this business and another character). Basic specialization, of course, military.
Since its main task is to keep on himself the maximum possible number of mobs and at the same time do not go to bed, first of all, we pump out the branch of weapons with the shield at the maximum. From military skills necessarily power to reduce endurance in heavy armor and provocation - to aggregate mobs. We always wear in the most armored sets, in the weapon it is more expedient to insert the runes on the resistance of magic, hanging accessories from the same series. The main thing is to remember that the purpose of the tank is not damage, but its receipt. Against the magicians and dragons after the passage of Bresilian, the set of jaggernaut with a bunch of resists on all elements.
The tactics of the battle is quite simple - periodically quaste the provocation, get into the deaf defense (the skill of the shield defense is almost useless, since the focus is still for the power, and not to agility; so it will be constantly, but the damage will be less) and actively consume All sorts of tinctures, in order not to give themselves to kill and at the same time give the coords to the opplatignians.
Upon receipt of an additional specialization, there will be a good temper, if there is no other in the party. Firstly, it will give a small mental stability as the corresponding skills take, and secondly, the ability to beat the magicians and dispel the spells, which is sometimes great to help not only the character itself, but also the whole game.
The best friend of the tank at all times is Hieler, AKA spiritual healer. Well, everything is also quite simple here - in mandatory, they download the entire branch of the healer itself, and then at its discretion, something is no less useful. I recommend entropy, since many spells of this school allow you to relax, paralyze and sleep immediately the crowd of enemies without harm for the congent spells in the zone. The fact that the light level of complexity is a real gamemer does not even consider, do not remind? \u003d)
Direct Hielyra control with competently built tactics can not be engaged; It is enough to indicate in the obligatory order to treat the tank and throw "cleansing" for the rest to constantly use skills and spells. Alternatively, you can take a branch of the spirit in which there is a power field; The remaining spells in the branch are also good, but the field can be covered with a tank when there is a crowd of splas, and the treatment is still in a rollback .. well, it does not hurt in the attack on the Hielyra himself (which rarely, but happens) to throw something like onset or horror on the villain, and the tank in the same case to throw provocation once again.

The rest of the free slots are scored directly from DD, Aka Damage Dealers, for especially not advanced - shock power, which is designed to easily and easily demolish enemy HP, as if shopaholics - showcases with a product that operates 90% discount.

The first damager in any RPG is, of course, a magician, the option of pumping which we now consider. First branch definitely recommended to take the ice, and swing the first three spells. Why exactly the ice and only the first three? Because even the creatures with a hazard cutter still fall into the frost (believe me, the Cone of the cold is far from one day will save a bunch of HP, nerve cells and impressions from the game), this time. Two - the last spell in the branch, the "ice storm", despite the decent, it would seem, the parameters, often it was useless. If you throw it on a remote crowd (not counting the crowd of archers who are not moving from the place - and there will be anything in the game in the game, then those whom the spell did not take or quickly released, happily resort to the whole crowd to throw himself offended by their magician, and even a tank Sometimes it is difficult to sall the whole crowd on yourself before the magician falls; If you throw a spell on the square next to your fighters, then according to the law of Murphy, they will more often fall into the freezing. Since the Cous of the cold will use almost constantly, and do not forget about the ice blow either, as soon as I advise you to buy in the "Dicks of the Tedas" in the dwelling of the winter - the staff is perfectly sharpened under the icy branch. But for undead, it is always better to have a spare, because on a direct damage from the staff they have a noticeable resist. Checked by several killed parties ...
I recommend to take the earth with the second branch, also the first three skill. The stone fist is perfect for breaking the frozen sacorant, and the appeal to the stone although it duplicates the essence of the ice blow, but it is often useful as an alternative spell, if a rollback is still coming on ice; Yes, and the level of it is higher, which allows you to immobilize and rivals a higher level.
The third twig is good entropy, and a branch other than Hilera. Most useful with the active use of spontaneous magic, all sorts of damage; Well, the mass paralysis is simply indispensable with a large cluster of enemies on the battlefield.
In general, given the most strong health of the magician, for him, in my opinion, mass debaffes are optimal, and not single impact spells. Five, for example, frozen opponents with a large amount of health of the warriors will be taken out much more efficiently than the three survivors after the fireball and sagen on the magician of active villains.

The remaining slots remain for directly two-fighting warriors, one of them - Mabari, in the star of which everything in principle is linearly, and the second is actually a warrior at your discretion.
Excellent DD is a warrior with a spawn on two-handed weapons. First of all, I download it precisely, then I recommend to take the basic military branch for Silla "Exit from the battle", because the enemies are often drunk from the tank on the one who causes the greatest damage. Weapons at the first opportunity are scored by runes on the gain of damage. Always advise you to carry with you and the sword, and the hammer in order to respond on time to the heverected enemies. Setting the armor is better to select from those that give a bonus to endurance, skills will have to use frequently. We select jewelery on the bonuses to the power of the will (all the same skills) and the resists in the situation. Tactics are simple - rollers of all the closest, finish with minimal health and disable magicians from the attackers.

This is approximately such a settlement, which is currently very successfully proven as it goes. Offers, comments and additions - in Camments. Successful to all pumping ...;)

So, we decided to prepare for you a guide to the passage of the game, thereby arming you with knowledge so that you do not have any serious problems with the game in the future. This manual will be displayed in the form of tips.

In great unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer the conservation from the past games of the series, but this does not mean that all your old merits and awards will simply disappear - nothing was forgotten. The new part will be transferred all the solutions that you once taken in, as well as in. To do this, you will have only to use the service called Dragon Age Keep. With this program, you postpone all the most bright and epic events from the past games of the series, all old parameters will be restored. Thus, any newly adopted solution will be reflected in the new world of the game. And besides this, you have an excellent opportunity to refresh the old memories of past parts.

This will say the "personnel" question and in the game it is almost the most important. The bulk of your travel in this wonderful game you will spend in a nice company, so it is very important to ensure that your team is balanced. You must necessarily have a warrior with a shield, as it will take all the focus of enemies against himself. It is extremely important to also have one robber and MAG. The magician will be able to support your entire group, and not only you, even other of your allies. And the robber will apply the biggest damage - which is very important. Well, the last place gave the one who is more like you. At the very beginning of the game, you will receive a balanced group: here you will have a warrior or how it is used to call "tank" - Cassandra, an interesting magician named Solas, and the old Warrick, known to all as a robber. A little later you can certainly easily change your composition.

We will try to disassemble this advice on the magicians. In your organization you can gain three magicians who can be in your group, they are Vivien, Solas and Dorian. Please note that the heroes should not develop one and the same pattern, that is, to disclaim all the skills glasses in the same pyromanty. Let each of your hero develop in different directions, on the magicians, let it be a school of spirit, lightning, cold and much more. The main thing is that all this is not repeated! Thus, I also go to the warrior and robberies - develop them in different directions! Also choose the oppiators so that the team is unique and not repeated!

While traveling around the world, you will find no one barrier on your way. Such barriers are usually blocking the way to something very valuable and interesting. To destroy these barriers, you will have to shoot them from the staff. But all the difficulty is that there are three types of magical barriers: the first - fiery marked in red; The second is ice, marked with blue, and the third is spiritual, which is indicated by purple. Each barrier can be destroyed only by the corresponding element. More precisely, the opposite: the fire will deactivate the ice barrier and, accordingly, on the contrary, electrical attacks are used against the spiritual barrier. If you strive to miss anything in the game, then we recommend that you do not neglect this advice.

In addition to the game, you develop characters in the game, you will also have to develop the organization itself - the inquisition. Perform tasks that will raise your organization levels and be sure to download special skills / abilities / peppers / passive. First of all, we recommend that you pump "skillful hands", more accurately is "Deft Hands, Fine Tools". It is in the category called "Secrets", in other words "Secrets". This feature will allow absolutely all heroes with a class of a robber to open complex locks, followed by a very valuable prey!

With a properly grouped team and if they still have a very high level, then the bulk of the battles in the game should take place without using this tactical pause. But sometimes you still will come across very heavy battles, in which even second plays a lot. Here and use the mode of this pause itself. When it becomes too hot, then quickly switch to the tactical look and look carefully, mold and distribute orders to your wards. In general, this principle will need to move to the very victorious end. Let it take longer, but much more increases the chances of survival.

First of all, we advise you to visit those locations in which there is an opportunity to break the camp. In this case, you definitely do not regret your time spent. It is worth noting two points: the first item - you can extremely move quickly, thereby helps to perform secondary tasks; The second point - it will be useful to you when the battle's most "peak hour" occurs and you will not have jars with medicinal potions.

The Council of the Eighth - Talk to all who can talk

Any veteran who plays a toy from knows this advice, but if you encounter their games for the first time, then take it to weapons. Let the previous games from these developers had smaller dimensions in all parameters, but here ... here it is necessary to talk absolutely with each. Communication with any creature of this world will help you much more understand this world and learn more and relaxes between a variety of personalities. In addition to this, you can also get a quest. And by the way, your allies will help you to tell much more than any other character. Therefore, we recommend that after each significant quest, talk to your associates. Thus, you definitely do not miss the chance to increase or lower the reputation of this ally, you can also get a very interesting task or to see an interesting picture to - for example, when Cassandra hits Warric.

As the game is passing out, everyone almost always will be stumbled upon a variety of mines / mines or plants. Here you only need to not be lazy and collect this all. This will happen quickly and the benefits will not be small. For example, with the help of the assembled materials you can improve / create an ecupation. Yes, and we will tell you more - resources are necessary for the lifting of your organization! In addition, a couple to perform any quest you will need the same resources. And in the end - you just drag it, we assure you.

While you are shining the dragons there and try to save the world from the catastrophe in the sweat of the person, your advisers will eat their rear places in the fortress. Therefore, so that they do not feel in "chocolate", you need to continuously ship by work. We try to go back to your home and ship them. Indications are issued in the meeting room. For example, your agents will be able to collect Zolotishko in support of your organization, settle political problems, establish very beneficial contracts, even extract equipment for you, but it's not all, much we do not reveal you to be interesting. Each adviser has its own execution times, so everything can occupy both from minute and up to several hours. The counter will move in real time, so we recommend that you give the most difficult and long tasks for them. But when you return, the adviser will be ready to provide you with the report.

As affirmed the developers themselves, it may take as many as 180 hours of the game! Therefore, if you don't like something in a new hero or you did something wrong, then feel free to start playing again. It is best to sacrifice these pitiful couple of hours to in the end, go through the game to the very end.

In your asylum inquisition, on the right side of the entrance there is a small shop - there you can sell a unique subject, with which you can reset all glasses of your hero skills. So you can redistribute them in a new way! , Take advantage of this item to drastically rebuild not a comfortable hero, if of course you don't like the skills.

It will be about asylum of the inquisition, because it is just a huge location where a large number of different and interesting items / objects / things / things are located and so on. After all, the plot of this game is built in such a way that you can easily skip it asylum and go to the new location. We recommend that you do not do this, because you still need to carefully examine the headquarters, talk with all comrades, perform a couple of tasks and carefully examine the range of local artisans.

In addition, you can run operations here, you can also study a variety of items found, which you were able to find during travel. For their study, you will certainly get bonuses - for example, a more enlarged damage against certain enemies. No need to forget about this feature, because it is very useful in passing.

At the very beginning of the game, you will meet the gnome named Warrick, which will be armed with only one crossbow. You can't change the weapon to him, but you can buy a variety of upgrades / improvements! Try not to forget to do it, because Barrick is no weaker than the rest of your team.

In location called "Internal Earths", you need to get to the owner of the horses as soon as possible. This character will be able to give you a horse that will greatly facilitate you a journey in the game.

Still, the horse is not recommended constantly moving around. After all, traveling with riding you will not be able to hunt or collect useful resources, especially to carry out another fight. In the battle you will be in a rather awkward position. We recommend to ride you on already explored locations. And to move for a longer distance, use the best system of local camps that move you instantly to the selected point.

Soon the game will lead you to the place called Val Ruaio - a huge city with a bunch of shopping shops! Carefully study the local assortment - here you can find many useful items for yourself at quite adequate prices. And by the way, we recommend that you hold money to a visit to this city, because at first you can suffer to the visit to Val Ruaino.

It is worth noting that as always in the game are inscribed just perfect! One of your main tasks is the development of the Inquisition and the spread of its influence. For this purpose, a good job will take advantage (any completed task will increase the impact of your inquisition!).

When you open the job magazine - then your eyes will be thrown immediately on plot quests, of course, the idea arises to perform them first. We recommend to do the following: Open your card and choose a route to the stated plot tasks, and on the way to your goal, simply perform additional / side tasks. We assure you that you will get a great pleasure from the passed.

This is not only one solid war / battle / clash / battles, tragedies / pain / sadness - this is love too! Choose the one or the one who you liked the most, take a goal! After that, find out a little about this character, study her / his character carefully, start to succumb and constantly leaving her / his side. Romantic lines here worked just perfect, so just enjoy!

It does not particularly differ from pumping in other different RPG games. Almost all actions will bring you some experience. This number includes the so-called "faults", performing various tasks and of course the classical murder of enemies.

Every time your hero receives a new level, its standard attributes increase. In addition, you also receive points of skills that you can spend on taking new skills / skills / abilities.

After receiving a new level, you can perform a task that before this could not or it was not available, since there are stronger opponents there. Before proceeding with the task, first look at what level it is required (minimum), then decide.

The most important thing in the game is pumping your heroes. Of course, this is not too fast process, even if you fulfill all that is listed slightly lower.

Fault shadows are what you meet at the very beginning of the game and later fight. You, as an inquisitor, can close / seal these faults! Find these "holes" you can absolutely around the world! In the course of training you will be taught how to do it. In return for the closure of the hole you will get experience. The resulting experience depends on what area of \u200b\u200bthe game you are, that is, each area gives a different amount of experience.

You can get to the territory where the enemies are higher than you and try to kill them. The murder of such opponents will bring much more experience than if you killed an ordinary opponent. But only you need to be prepared for the most difficult situations and have appropriate equipment. In a bad version, you simply make suicide.

In total, there are ten dragons in the game - they are the most dangerous in the whole game! How to kill the dragon, then you will get an excellent award along with tons of experience.

Usually such places guard high-level enemies, so this is another way to fill more experience! If you are not too confident in your battle potential, then try to refrain from the started, otherwise the result will be a seal.

Sometimes, a simple study of the world in will allow you to fill the experience more quickly. Even the most minor tasks, it seems: break the camp, Hunt for game, search for herbs - can bring much more experience. And considering the fact that the game can be said "clogged" with a variety of documents, secrets, treasure cards and other objects / details, then the collection of experience will not be a problem.

In addition, it is much better to know the world around you can with the help of the peak of the Inquisition, which is taken from Josephine. You will be able to get experiences much more for a variety of finds. Therefore, it is best to postpone reading documents for later until you learn this skill.

Naturally, the most affordable and obvious point in pumping is. Sometimes you will not be able to move on the story due to the fact that you have too low, so it is best to make focus on secondary tasks and job internal circle.

- A very big game. Only on the passage of the main quest can leave 40 to 60 hours, and if you take secondary tasks into account, it becomes very scary. On the way to the final purpose, difficulties may arise, which will help our passage. Only for the beginning, let's explain something.

. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a nonlinear game. This means that depending on your decisions, as well as on the floor and the race of the Inquisitor, it depends a lot. In the new project from BioWare there is enough development, because of which your story will differ from ours.

. We only tell about the main quest. Yes, in Inquisition a lot of interesting tasks, however, the description of each of them would occupy an indecent amount of time. Therefore, only missions from the "path of the Inquisitor" group.

. Dragon Age: Inquisition cannot be "running fast." In order to move along the plot, you need to earn influence points (POWER). The fastest way to do is to perform several secondary tasks. So even if you are not interested in the personal affairs of the coarse and the quests for the collection of herbs and metals, sometimes it will still have to do.

. The text below contains spoilers. We will try to do without unnecessary plot details, but ... the killer is the butler!

Heavenly Anger / The Wrath Of Heaven

Prologue Dragon Age: Inquisition is absolutely Lineen - even if you want, you still do not get lost. Follow the Cassandra, read the prompts carefully and lie down with weak opponents. There should be no problems with all this. Soon the path will bring to Ellu Solas and Glome Warrik, your new satellites.

After that you will be taught to use the tactical pause. In the future, this regime is more useful, especially at a high level of difficulty, so try to master it as early as possible.

Soon you will come to the rupture - the place from where the demons from the shadow penetrate into the real world. To close the gap between measurements, you must first destroy all opponents around. After the victory over the demons, you need to touch the rupture and wait a few seconds, after which it closes. During the passage of the game you have to close such portals quite often.

After returning to the fortress you will be supplied before the selection: go to the largest discontinuity directly or by an area. In the first case, you will reach the next location faster, in the second - you can save the missing soldiers.

Regardless of the selected path, you will soon find yourself at the ruins of a huge castle. Going down to the rupture, you will start the battle with the first boss - Demon Pride.

There should be no particular difficulties: you will be assisted not only by the opposingists, but also the warriors of the Inquisition. In the first phase, the boss is invulnerable - note that the strip of his health looks different than that of previously met monsters. To make a demon vulnerable, you need to use a break. Let the boss break the allies, and you press the action button next to the portal. After a couple of seconds, the explosion will thunder and the demon will fall on his knees - then Bates. After some time, he will again become impenetrable - how to fix it, you already know. When the lower demons begin to appear on the battlefield, first disperse with them, and then interact with the rupture.

Danger not mined / The Threat Remains

Resting after the battle, go out into the street. Go to the church, following the sign. Go to the command bid and complete the game prologue.

After that, you will have time to get used in the headquarters. Use it to learn for a blacksmith case, talk with satellites, remember the location of the key NPC. Having finished, go back to the church. From here you can go to the next location - internal land (Hinterlands), which in the kingdom of Ferelden. To do this, you can use the bid of the command or map of the world.

In the inner lands, a huge number of quests are waiting - here you can spend up to 12 hours! Therefore, if you do not want to get confused, marked quests in the magazine for you - then a special beacon will suggest where to go. If you plan to move as soon as possible by the main task ("path of the Inquisitor"), then mark it in the quest list.

Follow the sign. Soon you will come across the detachment of the Inquisition, which is fighting off from the rebeling magicians and temples. They will need your help. After that, you will be invited to a large camp - the main reference point of the Inquisition in the inner lands. Here you need to talk to the mother of Gisel, who will send heroes to a new location.

You can stay in the inner lands and make sure the tasks - they are enough to earn a few levels. Otherwise, return to the command of the command and go to Val Ruayo.

Here you will again help the pointer - follow the bearing. In this location, it's quite a bit: getting up to the specified place, look at the video, get to know the temples and then go to the exit. Before departing, the headquarters will speak with you, head of magicians.

Very soon you have to choose between the temples and the magicians. Two quests will be available at the command of the command: In Hushed Whispers ("Secret") and Champions of the Just ("Fair Defenders"). The choice of one of them makes the second fulfillment of the second. To convince the temples to join the Inquisition, execute Champions of the Just, and even more appreciate the help of magicians - in hushed whispers. In our passage, we chose support for wizards, but you are free to do otherwise.

Secret / In Hushed Whispers

Go to internal lands. Here you need to get to the city of Rarcliff, located in the north of the location. Before the city gate there will be another gap - deal with him, and you will be allowed for the walls. In RarCliff, find the tavern, talk with a wizard and follow in a new meeting place - it is quite close.

Here you will meet Doriana, one of the potential satellites. Close the gap, listen to the magician and go to the command bid. Here you have to talk with advisers and finally decide who will be more useful allies - magicians or temples. This is the last chance to change your mind.

If you still plan to be friends with wizards, then return to RarCliff using the command desk. In the party will definitely be Dorian, and the two remaining slots can allocate other heroes.

What happens next, we will not tell you - this is a spoiler. Let's just say that after the rollers you and Dorian will find yourself in the dungeon. As soon as you return control, pump the ability of the magician to help you with spells in battle.

Since you stayed together, move the dogs with caution. The enemies here are a bit, but damage they are decent. It will be easier if you play a warrior "Tank". More difficult - if for a melee robber. Be especially careful if you play an archery or magician.

Following the markers, you will soon reach the fork. Three points will be marked on the map: two of them denote the consences that need to be released from the conclusion, and the third will lead you to the magician Fione. First of all, get to the lost allies - the four of us will be much easier. After a conversation with the Fione, the next part of the task will open - follow the new marker.

To replenish the reserves of potions of health, look for special storage facilities (look like boxes with different bottles). The map will appear new markers that need to be examined. You can freely move within the location and visit the targets in an arbitrary order. Please note that in this zone there are several levels, so that some places can only be reached with the stairs.

Soon you will come across the locked door. To open it, you need to collect five pieces of red Lirima. Their location is marked on the map. As soon as we collect all five, replenish the stocks of potions and get ready for the battle with the boss, Aleksius.

Aleksius uses attacking spells, imposes on the shield and teleports through the room. In general, the battle with him is simple: let the warrior distract the attention of the boss on themselves until the rest of the party's members apply the maximum damage. When he remains half of health, Alexius will disappear, but the gap will appear in the room - what to do with it, you also know. As soon as you close the gap, the boss will return to the battlefield. He will repeat the trick with disappearance at a quarter of health.

Will burn in our hearts ... / in Your Heart Shall Burn

After returning to the database, you can chat with allies, get or even execute several tasks and so on - use this time to complete the case in asylum (Heaven). Note that you will no longer return here.

By activating the next story mission, you will see several rollers. Shortly after you return control over the character, you will meet Cole, another potential conventor. It will appear only if you have chosen the help of magicians. Otherwise, Dorian will be replaced by Dorian, and with Culoma you will get acquainted during the mission for the temples. Depending on the choice of the party, opponents change: you will attack either magicians or temples.

In this case, the tasks will be the same. Go on markers by destroying opponents. You will need to protect one require and capture another. After that, you will be asked to return to the shelter. On the way you can save several characters, which will bring additional experience. Reaching the church, look at the video and return to the battlefield.

Now you need to visit. At the same time, the heroes will interfere with opponents - we advise you to first kill them all and only then take for guidance. At some point, the boss appears - Knight Danam.

To begin with, deal with his retinue - the hammer of the demons. After that, order your "tank" to distract the boss on yourself: the monster has enough powerful attacks that do not leave the chance of the magicians of the squad. Keep vulnerable allies behind the back of the boss to minimize damage on them. At 75, 50 and 25 percent of Health, Danam will discount all negative effects and install a powerful barrier. The battle may be long, but while the "tank" keeps defense, distracts the enemy and drinks potions, nothing to worry about.

After the victory over Danam, they will show a long cat-scene. When you can again manage your hero, follow the signs - the path is absolutely Lineen. Soon you will be taught to use the new ability, and then the hero will be in the snowy desert during the storm. Just go ahead and slightly right.

From ashes from the ashes

This part of the main quest is very short. You will be offered to stroll along the new fortress, explore its main premises and chat with allies. Some Skyhold sections will be blocked - you can visit them with the next visit to the castle.

After a conversation with Josephine and Warrik, two main quest will open: Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts ("Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts") and Here Lies The Abyss ("Lies the abyss"). They can be performed in any order. Before sending to one of them, we strongly recommend to talk with all the oppiators - you will see and learn a lot of interesting things.

There lies the abyss / Here Lies The Abyss

After a conversation with a friend of Warric, you will get access to the new location - Roughwood (Crestwood). Go to a meeting with the informant. Go along the coast until you come across the cave - you go there.

After the conversation, your path lies with another location, the Western limit (Western Approach). Follow the instructions of the marker. In place you will be shown a cat-scene, followed by a battle with a horded demons. Due to the relatively small size of the combat armor, it will be useful to apply the "Rift Tag" spell here (Mark of the Rift). Having finished the fight, come back to Skyhold.

From the command of the command, go to Orel to the continuation of the mission. Before that, we strongly recommend to deal with the part of the party and free the place in the inventory, since in Skyhold you will be sent soon.

The marker will lead you through the battlefield. Soon you will receive an optional task - to help the Inquisition troops in the battle. It is necessary to destroy the three detachments of gray guards who help the demons. For the fulfillment of this purpose you will get access to the chest with valuable prey.

Soon you will come across a big cluster of enemies led by the pride demon. First, disperse with small opponents, and then take for a mini boss. Keep vulnerable heroes away from its electric whips. The fight complicates a huge dragon, which periodically collapses the spell on your batch. Try to disperson the allies by the arena to minimize damage.

The marker will not let go here. We advise you to carefully follow the radar: his glow means that somewhere nearby is the subject of the quest for Fears of The Dreamers ("Fears of Dreams"). In the northern part of the first zone, try to find the skeleton of a person and go to the search mode - so you initiate an additional task. The remaining four objects are located in other location zones. It can only be performed until the end of this game section.

To restore your memories, kill demons and press the action button next to their bodies. To advance in this location, you have to repeat such a trick several times. Episode as a whole Lineen - move forward until you encounter the boss, Nightmare.

Get ready for intense battle. A nightmare has a lot of health and powerful attacks. From time to time, he will call on spiders that need to be quickly destroyed - otherwise they will be given by the number. Let the "tank" holds the attention of the boss until the rest are engaged in his minions. As soon as the feeder from small enemies appears, use the most powerful abilities on the nightmare. On 25 percent of health, the boss will call for strong demons to help - this is the best time to use the ability of Mark of the Rift. After the victory, return to Skyhold.

Evil Eyes and Evil Languages \u200b\u200b/ Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

In this mission, two things have ever been important: the composition of the party and the choice of the right replicas in the dialogues. We advise you to take into a group at least one magician with the ability of the Barrier (Barrier), as health potions will be in short supply. When communicating with you know, try not to say anything sharp or coarse - flatter and agree. And, yes: Before the start of the mission, save the game into a separate slot.

The specificity of this task is that you will need to turn into a secular lion for a while. Good behavior, politeness and minor services for guests raise the ranking of the Inquisitor. Long absence or dubious statements decrease. When it sits down to zero, you will be expelled from the ball, and the mission will be failed. So do not miss the opportunity to raise the rating.

There are locations to do, except the main mission. You can collect statuettes that open access to chests with prey, search for compromising to know and much more. At the very beginning of the location, you can help the lady at the gate, which has lost something. The loss is located at the fountain - use the search mode. Returning it, you will increase your rating - to start it will be enough.

The marker will indicate the path and characters with which you need to talk. After the official presentation, it will be possible to communicate with the allies and explore the situation. Having finished heading to the lobby and proceed to guest rooms. Find the Hall of Heroes (Hall of Heroes), go through it and exit from the west side. Go along the corridor until you reach the fountain. Here you need to climb the second floor with the mesh on the wall.

As soon as you lean from the eyes of the public, your rating will start slowly, so act quickly. The marker will mark the zone that should be seen. Having finished, descend to the library along the stairs and go to the search mode. Finding evidence, come back to the ball. Do not miss the opportunity to raise your rating slightly: go to the ballroom only after the second strike of the bell - know always a little late, right?

You will get the key from the wing of the servants. There you can get through the lower floor of the Heroes Hall. Satellites will join you at the entrance - do not forget to change their front-end equipment for battles. You must have at least 10 rating points: every minute with you will be shot on one point, so do not break and deal with opponents quickly. Go along the following blood and corpses, and soon you will come across the killer. After the battle and the cat scene, come back to the ball.

You will be invited to the Duchess dance. Be the most polite, we advise you to always choose the right answer. After a conversation with the Duchess you will have the last opportunity to pass the compromising Leliana.

Soon you will come to another different, open in the courtyard of the castle. First destroy your enemies, and then deal with demons. The second wave of opponents will be much stronger than the first, so get ready. After that, you will show you a few cat-scenes, will give one important decision, and then go to the battle with the final boss of location, that very duchene.

To start, get rid of her minions. Let the magicians, with the first opportunity, impose a shield on the oppiators. The boss will teleport by the arena - try not to miss her mind. When the health of the Duchess fell up to 50%, she will call assistants - deal with them as quickly as possible. Otherwise, this is a fight without surprises.

Pride Fruits / What Pride Had Wrought

As always, go to the mission through the command bid. In the first part of the task, you only need to go around the markers and fight back from the enemy detachments. Soon you will reach the ancient temple.

Having reached a large locked door, get a task to hold a ritual. This can be done in the statue at the lower level of the hall. You need to walk along special plates so as to light them all. It is impossible to repeat the activated stoves. With the first puzzle problems there should not be - it is quite simple. Opening the door, follow the church deep into the temple.

After the roller you will have a choice: immediately go to the enemies or observe the tradition of elves and fulfill four ritual. In the first case, you will have to fight not only with the minions of the villain, but also with the guards of the temple. In the second case, four puzzles will be offered: deciding them, you will receive support for elves and fight with an alternative location boss.

Having made your choice, mark on the mini-card. If you have completed rituals, you can unite with guards against the invaders. In this case, you will be allocated to the conductor, which will indicate the path through the location to the boss. If you decide to neglect the traditions, then get ready to fight with elves, and with temples. The path through the labyrinth will need to be laid on your own - follow the radar and use the search mode.

Soon you will meet with the boss. Depending on the past choice, it will be either Samson (if you were elected to the allies of magicians), or Calperya (If you prefer the temnels).

Samson attacks only in the near battle. His minions are helping, from which should be rid of immediately. When the boss starts spinning, assigned fighters. Distribute allies on the battlefield so that Samson's attacks do not hurt several heroes at once. Use the tactical pause - the opposing agents do not always have successfully choose the goals, especially at the beginning of the battle.

Calperya often places fiery runes on the floor - you need to run away and take away from allies from there. She loves teleport, invulnerable to stunning, paralysis and fear, and also has a high resistance of fire. Lightning and cold - your best friends in this battle.

Last Act / The Final Piece

Very short mission. Go to the altar through the command bid. If in the last task you allowed the companion to drink from the well of the sadness, then you only have to talk to someone with whom. Otherwise, you are waiting for a battle with a Dragon Boss.

If the "tank" distracts the attention of the monster on himself, and long-run fighters do not climb the monster under their paws and tail, the battle will pass without any problems. We recommend to abandon fire attacks, because they make a very little damage. Cold, on the contrary, is very effective. You need to reduce the health of the dragon to half, after which the cat scene will begin.

Wide with excellence / Doom Upon all the world

It's time for the final battle. We recommend to make a separate conservation before the final mission. You can complete some of the remaining quests and after it, however, some of the content will be unavailable. So if you plan to learn Inquisition along and across, this is your last chance.

Take on the battle with the cornea at least one mage with the "barrier", and better two at once. The boss causes a lot of damage, immune to status effects and is distinguished by a huge reserve of health, so get ready for long battle. In the first phase, the villain will call for demons, move by the arena and attack with powerful spells. The "barrier" and health potions will help keep the party on the legs.

After some time, the Korife moves to the new arena - follow him. On the way, do not forget to replenish the stocks of the potions. The second phase is almost no different from the first. Is that the situation is different.

When the boss remains half of health, it will change a huge luristic dragon. As always, let the warrior with the shield distract the boss until the heroes of long battle do damage him. Focus the fire on the paws of the monster - it will slow down it. Focus on the treatment and protection of the heroes with cold weapons: do not spare the potions and superimpose the "barrier" on them. Let the party disperson in the arena, so that the fiery breath of the dragon was not so dangerous. Do not forget about the tactical pause.

Having finished with a dragon, switch to the Corrolon. In the final stage of the battle, he will teleport much more often. In his arsenal, spells will appear, which cause damage to everything. "Barrier" and healing potions to help you.

Actually, this is the main campaign of Dragon Age: Inquisition ends, congratulations! Last Council: Do not miss the scene after the titles!

The first story quest-fork, after performing which, you are forever deprived yourself of the opportunity to enter into an alliance with the temples.

You can perform the initial part of this quest, even if you are planning a union with the temples. While this mission did not appear on your desk at the command of the command, you did not reach the point of failure.

You get this quest after meeting with the Fiona with your first visit Val Ruaio. She invites you to negotiate with rebellious magicians in the castle Redcliffe. Perhaps you have already discovered the gate to the village of Rarclif during your study of the inner lands, but before inviting the fiodions you will not be allowed there.

Go to the village of Rarclif in the northern part of the card, and you will install a frightened guard. It turns out that the most gate formed another gap. Close it, and you will finally give access to the village. One of the agents of the Inquisition will inform you that for some unclear reasons of Fiona behaves as if it seems to know what kind of invitation does not know about anyone. After that, one of the magicians enhances confusion, declaring that all Magistra Alexius refills everything here, and by no means Fiona. To sort out all this, go to the tavern. You have a long conversation first with a fona, and then with Alexius himself. He will clarify the situation slightly.

Regardless of whether you wish to conclude an alliance with Aleksius or not, your negotiations will be interrupted, and the Master will pay on their personal deeds. You can read the note that you slipped.

Go to the church, where you will see a magician fighting with demons, which are racing from the next break. Help him and close the gap - he will introduce himself and explain what is happening. From this point on, the mission "Teptice whisper" will appear on your desk at the command betting and if you choose it, you can no longer be an alliance with the temples.

When you are ready, go to the command bid and activate the mission. (I recommend to have an excess equipment for the magician in the inventory, since a new satellite will join you in this mission.)

Listen to your advisers and the plan that they eventually work out. Dorian appeared in him contributes to him.

After the end of the conversation, you will automatically find yourself in the castle rakelif. Talk to Alexius. In the process of the conversation, he will declare that your label is "stolen", and also mentions some senior. You will also find out the main motivation of Alexius for the Union with this mysterious senior. At the end of the conversation, Alexius will use magic - with unexpected consequences, thanks to Dorian's intervention - and you will find yourself in a completely different place and without your companions. Only Dorian will remain with you. Do not forget to equip it and scatter his skills of skills when you deal with two Ventor's hostile guards.

After the fight, Dorian will put forward his theory about what happened to you and what you need to do with it. Pick up the key from the camera, which drops one of the guards. If you have not brought with you anything extra for the magician, then in one of the chests nearby are the armor, which are a little better than Dorian's armor.

Open the camera door found by the key and look for an output, appreciating the road very much ... Frightened castle scenery. Come through the bottom and top chambers - and you will find yourself on the similarity of the intersection with three possible roads. He is defended by several Wenatory Guardians.

Your companions are sitting across the cameras at the end of the corridors of this intersection. From them you will learn where exactly - and most importantly - when exactly - you are. After that, they will join you. In one of the cameras you will score on the fion. She will tell you that there is Leliana somewhere here and you should find it before you meet Aleksius.

Already with a complete group, go up the stairs for the quest mark until you reach the intersection, where you have to fight with a few guards. In the barracks of the Guardians nearby you will find a stroke to replenish the supplies. Behind the locked door, you can only open the robber, you will find the Random Lut.

Leliana ... Rather, a very unexpected version of Leliana for this future is located above, in torture cameras. After a small roller, she joins you - although not as a member of the group. Go on. The lattice, behind which the pier is, is hanging a gap. Closing it, open the grille using the lifting wheel and go further.

There is another stroke to replenish the potions if you need it. A couple of shadows walks there. Go through the courtyard where you need to close the next two gaps, in residential chambers. If Connor is alive in your condition of the world, then in one of the rooms you will see what happened to him in this version of the future.

SCORTERS for potions is close to the staircase from the top level of this wing to the bottom. In the first level of the lower level, you will find a big battle with numerous shadows and a Ventor. Here is the entrance to the throne room, but at the moment it is locked with the help of magic, and you need five fragments of the Red Lyrima to open the door. The fragments of Lyrima are in possession of the Ventorist, which in the composition of rather numerous groups (usually at least half a supreme) patrol the upper and lower level of this part of the castle. All of them are marked on the map.

In one of the side rooms there is another potion storium.

After you collect all five fragments of Lyrima, come back and open the throne room. No matter how you will behave in a conversation with Alexius, you will have to fight him. Aleksius endlessly cutting a barrier, and after you drive him a certain number of hits, opens the gap to you even more cheerful. After you repeat this cycle several times, you will finally finally finish it.

While Dorian opens the way to your past, see how your companions are heroically holding away the attackers, buying you time. After that, you jump into the gap and find yourself back in the place, and most importantly - the time - from which you are so unceremoniously pulled.

Aleksius will give up without a fight, and you will have a meeting with a very angry face - or persons - depending on what state of the world you have chosen to kip. During the conversation, you can choose whether you make a full-fledged union with the magicians or make them part of the Inquisition under your complete control. As you can expect, the Union does not like to be equal to those who do not trust free magicians (Cassandra, Vivien), but it will approve of Blackwall, Solas and sulfur. Warric's reaction depends on whose side the Hawk was fought at the end yes 2. If he fought on the side of the magicians, then Warrick will approve a full-fledged union with the magicians - and vice versa.

After that you will automatically be transferred back to the shelter, and this will complete this quest.