Ancient technology. Ancient technology Quest Skyrim. Ancient Technology Quest Skyrim Skyrim Passage Ancient Technology

  • Main article: Quests (Dawnguard)

Ancient technology (Orig. ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY.) - third-party quest fraction of the dawn of dawn in addition The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard.


If Dovakin joined the guard of dawn, Sirin Zhurar periodically will send it into random dormant ruins or asylum gangsters. The quest for the quest is the search for dormant weapons drawings. The desired scheme is always located in the "most important chest" location.

Quest gives six times. Each time the reward is a random enchanted subject, as well as the possibility of manufacturing a new subject:

  1. Improved crossbow;
  2. Exploding steel bolt of fire;
  3. Exploding steel bolt frost;
  4. Exploding steel bolt of electricity;
  5. The dwell crossbow, dormant bolts (both ordinary and enchanted). In addition, Sirin begins to sell such bolts.
  6. Improved bammer crossbow.

In fact, this quest is equilibrated by the quests of Clan Wristicar to receive enhancement character of special items - "Blood Magic Rings" and "Night Force Amulets".


  • These items can be forgotten only in the Fort of Guardians, in the Kuznice of Gunmar.
  • Detailed features of new products are collected in the article "Crossbows and Bolts".
  • After completing each task, the search object appears in Sirin Zhurar.



  • Sometimes the quest marker is absent on the compass, and on the map, in this case, check the calves.
  • If Help Sinchen with all the technologies before it prompts the protagonist, Radiant -Kvest "Help Sorin with its project to improve crossbows" in the section Miscellaneous, it will be impossible to complete.
    • Decision: Dial in the SetObjectIVECOMPLEED DLC1RADIANT 20 1 console.
It is enough to approach any member of the custody of dawn, in order to get a task. You approach and ask: "How can I help?". You are sent to a specific person, and it gives you a task.

Cleansing light.

This task issues Ganmar. He will ask to kill the inhabitant of the cave - a vampire - the host of the night, and will not mind if, also destroy everyone who wants to prevent you. The vampire is in the cave of Heimar, but the location is selected random, so you can have another cave or fort. Having come to the cave, kill the vampires and their Trellov. One vampire died to shout: "Tense!". Well, what can I say?

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn
She quickly lost his head, and could not shout out such words anymore. As a reward for the task, we get the hoop of the Great Magic.

Ancient technology.

This task issues Sirch. She is a master of dwelling technologies and will ask you to find a drawing of an improved branker. The drawing of an improved dormant crossbow is located in a place called the Hungary Rock, but, as I said early, there may be any place. Go to the fortress, pull the chain and go further. In the fortress, the vampires were surprisingly cast, but the soldiers of the silver hand. My heroine immediately flew and grabbed the first enemy for the throat, he suffered not long, yes. Runs further into the fortress, killing enemies. At the end of the fortress there will be a chest, open it and take the drawing from there. Now you can return to Sorch. As a reward, SERINA will give us the hoop and teach the darker crossbows. So it goes.

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn

Strengthening rows.

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn
The task gives Sirch. She will ask for the guard of the dawn of another person - the former priest of Florence, but the problem is that she does not know where the priest is now, but he knows, but Sorin is afraid that the conversation may not take place, so asks for us to talk to Izran and Check the location of the former priest. It turns out that Florence is now in the ranks of the sentotar, and you know how the washed hates them, but still agrees that it will need it. Florence is now in Ravalde on excavations. On the excavations, all the substitutes turned out to be twisen, whose vampire presence. We will have to break through with the battle. Also, the sentries led to Haskov. I killed and cried. Plated and killed. Passing the excavation, I got into the Ravald temple. Inside, I found a vampire, which all subdued, as well as Florence of Basinia. Talking with Florentius, I persuaded him to come to the fortress of dawn. He is also talking to himself.

Preventive blow.

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn
The task issues Ganmar. He asks to kill the vampire, who settled in Orothheim, and surrounded himself with a gang of bandits. Need to hurry, and then suddenly his squad will turn into vampires? The task is very easy: we go into the cave and cut everything, after that we repeat Ganmar on a successfully completed mission. In the award we get the depletion onions. Something else: the award depends on the level, so you can get a daederic bow instead of an elf, or a long onion instead of the orcane.

Lost relic. Rune Hammer and Rune Shield.

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn
The task issues Florence of Basini. He will ask to find the rune hammer of the guards of dawn in the place called Fort Fellammer. Task easy. Come to the fortress and kill all enemies. After that, go inside and kill the leader of the gangsters. Rune hammer guards of dawn will be in the chest. Take it back and return to Florentia Junction. As a reward for the task, we get Rune Hammer Guardian Dawn. Now he is yours, use on health.

Also, Florentine Basinie issues a task to search for a rune shield. He gives you a location, you come, clean the location, take the subject and go back to the base.


Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn

Dawnguard. Passage of side tasks for the guard of dawn
The task issues Ganmar. He will ask to kill a vampire who is hiding among civilians. The vampire is in Aivsteted and he disguised as an adviser. Again, the location is chosen by the random and the position of the vampire in society is also random. And something else, you must kill the vampire imperceptibly, yes, unnoticed, you do not need to harm the reputation of the guards of dawn. Honest citizens, after all, do not know that you will kill the vampire.
After killing a vampire, return to Ganmar. In the award we get the orchard bud.

The rescue.

The task issues Florence. He reports that our friend is abducted by vampires. Go to cut out a friend. It can be any partner with whom you traveled by Skyrim. In my case - Lydia, which is in the torch mine. Together with the release, we need to kill the main vampire. There will be gangsters in the cave, we kill them and pass to the Lydia cage, we kill the jailer and take the keys. After that, we kill the vampire and report Florentia.

Short passage

  1. Find out where the ancient scroll is
  2. Talk with Esburn or with Angeir (optional)
  3. Find an ancient scroll


The action of this mission unfolds in the huge coumented ruins called Alparthades, which are to the black limit for a huge underground cave. There are many additional quests in this cave, which means that the passage can become very long.

The dwell observatory has a small puzzle, which must be solved to obtain an ancient scroll stored inside. The output to the surface will not be difficult, and the place marker will always allow to return to the black limit again.

Search an ancient scroll

After the beginning of this quest, talk to Argeir or Esbal about the possible location of an ancient scroll. Both will send you to the same place: Winterhold College. If before that you did not join it, Faralda will ask you to show the spell by her choice. If you do not know him, then she can sell you a scroll at a reduced price. You can also tell her that you are a dragonborn, demonstrate a cry, and after that you can enter.

In the board, talk to the local librarian, Hurran Gro-Shub, which will give you 2 books about the ancient scroll: the impact of ancient scrolls and reflections on the ancient scrolls. After reading the second book, the Hurrah will tell you that the author who knows a lot about the scrolls, left the board a few years ago. Go to the north, and you will find Segonia Segonia in his post. He will send you to the dormant ruins and give two tasks that will be keys to pass the remaining part of the quest.

Note: This will begin the quest after the trund, the task of the Lord Daendre Hermeus Mora.


This mission takes place in the large dormant ruins of Alftan, in which the entrance point is to the black limit, a huge cave under Skyrim. In the black limit, you can get a lot of additional tasks, which can stretch in time of this mission. Both in Alpotanda, and in the black limit dwell the steam centurions and Falmers, which (without proper training) can greatly impede the purpose of the task.

The easiest way to go through this long quest-thoroughly prepare for battles. First, you must go through Alpartand. This is a large dungeon with a considerable number of battles, but where to go understand immediately. In the end you will reach the door, about which you will meet Falmers (2-4). Kill them and climb the stairs-on the top platform there will be a lever that controls the goal.

After the gate, you will come across a coup centurion, which may be a serious opponent at low \\ middle level. A simple way to kill him-catch per gate and attack from a safe distance.

Climbing the stairs, you will find Sulla Trebatia and Uman, hidden from Centurion. They are hostile to the player, but if they do not interrupt them, the dispute will begin, and then the battle. The player can kill the survivor, or it is imperceptibly sneaked by. Use the sphere given by septimia to open the staircase. Black limit right under you. If you took the key at Centurion, you first you can climb the elevator to the surface, sell production, and then continue the study of the black limit.

Black limit

Do not look into the scroll ...

And finally, you are in the black limit, a huge cave, the path through which a lot of time will take. Your enemies are still dialing machines and Falmers. Follow the crucible road, and you will reach the destination destination, the Mzarkk Tower. Low level players to avoid unnecessary meetings, should go to the buildings (you can try to sail along the river.)

Inside the Mzarkk Tower, go up to the very top, in the hall with pedestals and buttons on them. The duty stand must be used first. Now you need to press the buttons to rewrite the knowledge of the scroll into the dictionary and pick up the scroll. Follow the scheme: Press the third button (1, 2, 3, 4 from left to right), after a few seconds, the second, wait a little more, and click the first. The mechanism will lower the scroll to you. Take the filled dictionary and ancient scroll.

Take a scroll to Parotnaks on the throat of the world to start the next quest.


  • When you try to read the scroll temporarily blinding the player.
  • Clairvoyance spell can help well in navigation in the black limit.
  • It is not necessary to enter the black limit through Alpotten, there is also possible to pass their other dormer ruins, Raldbthara and Mzinteft, using the same sphere to open the mechanisms of the gate.
  • In fact, it is not necessary to start this quest to find a scroll-you can find shelter septimia on your own. It is quite far from the shore, so you have to swim among the ice floes.
  • The safest and fastest way to get to the tower to stick to the right wall of the cave, if you enter the limit through Alparthad. You will meet only a pair of Falmers, and you will achieve a goal in 5 minutes.


  • This quest can conflict with the tasks of the Winterhold College. Hururan Groschuk may not have the options for dialogue to continue the quest ancient knowledge. Completing the tasks of the board should correct the error. Otherwise, PC users can manually change the quest stage an ancient knowledge to 80, entering in the SetStage MQ205 80 console. In addition, you can independently go to the black limit, but in this case there will be no quest marker.
  • If you come to Sulla Trebatiya and Uman secretly, but find yourself noise and make them look for you, they will immediately pounce on each other.
  • If a hurricane grosch refuses to talk to you, on his desk lies the book you need. Read it and then talk to a hurdity again and continue the quest.
  • The completion of the task of Hermeus, the sea can conflict with this quest, as septimia segonia at a certain stage of the quest Prince Dahedron dies. Therefore, you will no longer be able to talk to him relative to the scroll.

Stages Quest

Ancient knowledge (Elder Knowledge) (MQ205) Stage / Index Completing the task entry in the log
10 Elder of the Sedoborov, Dragon Partynaks met with me. He told me that ancient Norde used an ancient scroll to send Aduyune to the future. If I manage to find this ancient scroll, I may be able to learn the scream "Dragon" directly from the ancient heroes.

(Stage): Find out where the ancient scroll is located

20 (Stage): (optional) Talk to Esburn
30 (Stage): (optional) talk to Angeir
50 Elder of the Sedoborov, Dragon Partynaks met with me. He told me that ancient Norde used an ancient scroll to send Aduyune to the future. If I manage to find this ancient scroll, I may be able to learn the scream "Dragon" directly from the ancient heroes. Esburn believes in the College Winterhold someone can know how to find this ancient scroll.

ilo met the elder of the Sedoborochny, Dragon Partlynks. He told me that ancient Norde used an ancient scroll to send Aduyune to the future. If I manage to find this ancient scroll, I may be able to learn the scream "Dragon" directly from the ancient heroes. Argeir believes that in the College Winterhold I will be helped to find this ancient scroll. (Stage): find an ancient scroll

60 Elder of the Sedoborov, Dragon Partynaks met with me. He told me that ancient Norde used an ancient scroll to send Aduyune to the future. If I manage to find this ancient scroll, I may be able to learn the scream "Dragon" directly from the ancient heroes. I became known that a scientist named Septimia Segonius can know where to find it.
100 Elder of the Sedoborov, Dragon Partynaks met with me. He told me that ancient Norde used an ancient scroll to send Aduyune to the future. If I manage to find this ancient scroll, I may be able to learn the scream "Dragon" directly from the ancient heroes.


  • Any text in angular brackets (for example, ) It is a parameter set by the RADIANT QUEST engine to which the value will be assigned when you receive a task.
  • Not all specified entries may appear in the game log: which records appear, and which no - it depends on how the task is executed.
  • Stages are not always indicated in the order of the task. This happens, as a rule, in cases with assignments that have several possible outcomes or where certain tasks can be performed in an arbitrary order.
  • If the entry is marked as "completing a task", this means that the task is excluded from the list of active, but new recordings of the execution stages of this task can continue to be added to the log.
  • When playing a personal computer to promote on the job, you can use the console, entering the SetStage MQ205 Stage command, where Stage is the stage number to which you need to go. However, it is impossible to go to unfulfilled (i.e., missed) stages of the quest. However, using the ResetQuest MQ205 console command you can reset the quest stage.