A hole for creating things with infinite parameters. A hole for creating things with infinite parameters Skyrim potion increasing the skill recovery bug

I like Skyrim for its balance of crafting skills. After going through the game up and down, I tried to create things with maximum characteristics. Alchemy, enchantment and blacksmithing are so organically linked that it is impossible to create super-things. Rather, it did not work until the hole associated with the recovery skill was not found. I will write about this hole in order.

There are no items with an increase in the enchanting skill at all. Potions with + enchantment are weak, and the recursive "enchanting set for alchemy - brewing a potion with + enchanting" ends at + 32% to the skill. With this potion, enchantment is obtained by + 28% to the skill of alchemy.

I play as an archer. With this set, I managed to brew a potion for + 130% for blacksmithing and forge a bow for 250 damage + 4 items for + 47% for archery, for a total of about 600 damage. However, the forums write about 1300. Where from?

A campaign was undertaken for Falmer helmets and with it turned out to be a set for alchemy of 5 items, not 4, but this added quite a bit - potions + 32% to enchantment and + 147% to blacksmithing, set to +29 % alchemy and + 48% archery. That was the end of it.

The desired 1300 did not work, and then the suspicion crept in that some other skill was affecting, which I had not been pumped through. It was found after comparing all parameters. It turned out to be a recovery skill.

Those. recovery skill affects the parameters of enchanted items. Moreover, it affects in a dominant degree and enters into recursion. So after that, pumping becomes uninteresting.

We brew a potion for + to the recovery skill, drink, remove the armor, put it on again (a new bonus is drawn on them), brew the next, and so on. After 3 iterations, I got this potion:

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

With him was brewed such a potion for blacksmithing:

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

And the following items were enchanted:

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

Here is such a hole in the game. Yes, a bug. Not that an obvious mistake as with the ogma infinium (which is literally the skill infinium :)). It's just that the crafting skills were balanced, and the restoration was forgotten, and it can be ufigachi into infinity. By the way, another question is why it affects enchanted items at all.

Skyrim-Balanced Mode: v1.8


* The long-awaited elimination of the cheating hole! Now equipment above the honest "Legendary" level cannot be improved, no matter what potions the player revels in. As planned by the developers: +20 to the cuirass and +10 to everything else - the maximum. The procedure for calculating the required blacksmith skill has been changed: "Quality" - 20, "Excellent" - 40, "Flawless" - 60, "Epic" - 80, "Legendary" - 100. With the appropriate perk in the blacksmith branch. Without a perk, the level of improvement will be 2 times less, with a skill of 100 it is possible to improve only to "Flawless". No potions and enchantments in this case will help to sharpen the thing stronger.
* Potions and enchantments for blacksmithing and alchemy directly increase the skill itself.
* Sorcerers are immune to paralysis and have 25% magic resistance.
* Locks are harder to pick. Perks make hacking a lot easier.
* Perk "Silent spells" does not completely remove the noise from casting spells, but only reduces it by 50%.


* Fixed an innovation for picking locks. Now, if there is a key to the lock, then the lock is opened by it (previously ignored).
* Hacking potions now also increase Hacking skill.
* Fixed disabling fast travel, now it should never be triggered.
* Sorcerers apply paralysis.
* Armor skill has a slightly stronger effect on the armor rating, changing the skill from 1 to 100 increases the rating by 50% (was 40%). This is a small bonus in view of the softening of the defense against perks. This change also affects NPCs, and even more.
* A separate module BalancedModeCraftXP.esp has been created, which contains the accrual of experience in blacksmithing and enchanting, depending on the value of the item (this has been removed from the main module BalancedModeCore.esp).
* Created a separate module BalancedModeNoRespawnClear.esp, in which only a partial limitation of the respawn. In the open world, the respawn will still be, but in those locations that are marked as "Cleared" - the respawn is disabled. (install only one module of your choice)


* Lock picking is skill dependent. If the skill does not match the level of the lock, the lock cannot be broken. For example, for a castle of the "Apprentice" level you need a skill of at least 25, for "Adept" - 50, etc.
* Enchanted items now directly increase the skill. The potions remained as they were, i.e. only make it easier to hack.
* Only two things can be enchanted for hacking - gloves and an amulet. The ring is removed from enchantment, as well as the store rings.
* It is impossible to pick the lock during the battle. While you are poking around with a master key, they will kill you.
* Experience earned for enchanting items depends on the value of the enchanted item.


* Fast travel is completely disabled. Fast travel between cities by carriage is still possible for a fee.
* Potions to restore health, magic and stamina are reduced to the original price (after changing them for long-term effects, their cost has dropped significantly).
* The amount of experience gained for the creation of weapons and armor in the forge depends on the cost of the created item.


* Removed module conflict with other mods. Also, starting a new game is no longer necessary.


BASIC MODULE BalancedModeCore.esp

* Using spells from two hands with the "Shockwave" perk makes the enemy stagger with a 50% chance, and not every cast, as it was.
* You can only enchant items for three different things (it was four). Alchemy and blacksmithing - only two (store items of other types are also removed from the game.). The original scheme of finished (store) enchanted items is used.
* All dragons have become tenacious by 2 times (+ 100% increase in health). Otherwise they were very weak for dragons. (compatible with Deadly Dragons)
* NPCs do much less damage to dragons. Only Dovahkiin is capable of causing them significant harm.
* Dragon armor (light and heavy) better protects from the dragon - both from his breath and he physical damage. Damage reduction bonus 25%. (compatible with mods for any armor)
* After training, teachers do not have the amount of money that the player paid. Now there is no way to steal money back, or even worse - to take it quietly if the teacher is a companion.
* Health does not recover over time. Only the effects of regeneration will allow the wounds to heal. Magic and stamina regeneration reduced by 50%.
* All recovery potions, incl. and homemade, stretched in duration for 10 seconds. Bonus - the total power of potions is doubled. For example, a potion previously restoring 50 units. health instantly, now restores 10 units. within 10 sec. Potion effects do not stack - only the strongest is active at the same time.
* All food is stretched in duration from 5 to 10 seconds. Fried foods are more powerful.
* All potions of the enchanter, blacksmith and trader (including homemade) have an effect duration of 60 seconds. Otherwise, there was a discrepancy. For example, purchased potions from an enchanter or trader had a duration of 60 seconds, while homemade potions had a duration of only 30 seconds. Now you can easily manage to rename the enchanted item.
* Blacksmith's potion is weakened by 2 times. A forced measure due to the reduction in the number of slots for items enchanted for blacksmithing.
* Changed the principle of action of multilevel perks on armor. Now they do not gradually add protection, but increase it immediately by 50%, but for certain types of armor. For example, the first level of perks allows you to more effectively use leather or iron armor, the second - elven or steel, etc. The last level of perks allows you to more effectively use all types of light or heavy armor. This change will affect the gameplay, allowing the player to have higher defense at the initial levels, but subject to the use of lower class armor. As you level up the skill, it will be possible to use more efficient armor of a higher class, while the process will run more smoothly.
* Filled Great Soul Gems have been completely removed from sale. Otherwise, there was no point in looking for them, or souls for them, when they could be safely bought from any merchant. Empty Greater Soul Gems are still available for sale.
* Critical damage for all weapons is doubled. Otherwise, the crit was absolutely scanty in relation to the main damage and there was no point in taking the corresponding perks.
* The effects of quiet movement (silence, muffled steps, etc.), both for perks and spells, are weakened by 2 times. Otherwise, there was an obvious cheat, allowing you to move completely silently in front of enemies. Some quest items of certain factions still have a higher power effect.
* Multilevel power boost perks have been weakened. Now only the first level of the perk increases the effect by 20% (10% for trade, stealth and blocking), the rest only by 10%. Up to 60% with full perk pumping. This change will balance the player's prohibitive power, especially at higher levels.
* Eliminated the hole of "massive" power strikes during the effect of restoring the reserve of forces. The essence of the bug is that during the effect of the effect, the reserve of strength did not fall below zero, allowing you to constantly deliver power strikes. Power strikes are now possible, but the damage from them will be significantly less.
* All quest artifacts are decoupled from the player's level. The player gets the most powerful item. Otherwise, there was insanity - a legacy from Oblivion ...


* Fixed a bug with the inability to sharpen a nightingale blade of the last fifth level.
* Fixed a bug with the amulet of articulation, now it gives an increase to eloquence, as written in the description (there was a price reduction).
* Fixed a bug with some robes of magicians enchanted to increase the regeneration of magic. Disassembling them on the pentagram of souls gave the effect of increasing magic instead of increasing the regeneration of magic. Now it will be as it should.
* Fixed a bug with soups for long regeneration. Previously, the effect of restoring health did not work, now it functions as it should.
* Fixed a bug with the archer skill increase potion. Now the potion increases damage only for the bow, and not for all weapons, as it was.
* Fixed a bug with the "Death Sentence" shout, when the shout reduced the target's armor by 75 units. (50, 25) every second, which ultimately led to a very strong decrease in defense below zero and a multiple increase in physical damage to the target. Now reduces it properly - by 75% (50, 25) for 60 seconds.
* Fixed a bug with a serrated pickaxe, now it gives a bonus to the blacksmith skill.
* Fixed a bug with the influence of perks for enhancing spells in the school of destruction (fire, cold, electricity) on the weapon enchanted for the corresponding damage. This bug manifested itself when enchanting for two types of damage (with the "Additional effect" perk).
* Fixed a bug related to the absorption of their own spells to summon creatures at the time of their casting, if there was the ability to absorb spells.
* Fixed a bug with the ability "Ancient knowledge", now the effect corresponds to the description of the ability, ie a 25% bonus to armor when wearing a full set of Dwemer armor and a 15% acceleration in the growth of a blacksmith's skill (there was a 25% bonus to all armor and 15% to item upgrades).
* Fixed a bug with a potion of increasing the skill of recovery, the use of which led to the possibility of creating an even more powerful potion of recovery and so on in a circle ad infinitum.
* Armor description upgraded to Flawless is now displayed as expected (displayed as Epic).
* Fixed a bug with the Falmer helmet, now it cannot be worn with the diadem.
* Fixed a bug with potions to enhance magic skills, now they do not affect enchanted items.


ADDITIONAL MODULE BalancedModeNoRespawn.esp (optional)

* Completely disabled respawn. Random encounters (quests, mini-quests, dragons, etc.) unchanged, i.e. they will. In the original, the respawn did not happen in the best and stupid way, when the cell was fully restored, as if the player was not there. In addition, this change stimulates the player to move deeper and explore new territories, since Skyrim is a expanse for pumping.


ADDITIONAL. MODULE BalancedModeDifficulty.esp (optional)

* Changes to the difficulty of the game. Increasing or decreasing the difficulty of the game now has a stronger effect on the strength of enemies. Thus, the "Expert" difficulty has replaced the original "Master" difficulty, which in turn has become 2 times more difficult. The same applies to the difficulties below "Adept", but vice versa. "Adept" - no change.


ADDITIONAL MODULE BalancedModeSkillSlow.esp (optional)

* Slowed down the growth rate of all skills by 2 times. Except: pickpocketing, enchantment and blacksmithing, the growth rate of which is reduced by 5, 4 and 3 times, respectively. These skills had a frantic pace of development and imbalanced pumping in general.

There was not much to do on the holidays, played in Skyrim.

Sailing through the vastness of the game world, it was impossible not to philosophize about "what is the power, brother". Which led me to find the ultimate weapon. A weapon that makes battles fleeting and the philosopher's travels serene and safe. :)

The path of the magician

I made my first visit to Skyrim as a magician. The spells of the school of destruction were my main weapon, and the main motto is "your weapon is your mind", which is constantly voiced by one of the NPCs in the school of magic.

For those who want to follow the path of the magician, I can only advise you to create for yourself a set of items that reduce the cost of mana for spells from the school of destruction. It is possible to enchant 4 items (ring, amulet, helmet and cuirass or robe, etc.). With a developed enchantment skill, without additional tweaks, each of the enchanted items (for fortify destruction) gives a reduction in the cost of spells by 25%, which will total 100%. As a result, shooting fireballs and throwing lightning will be completely free. Isn't this the perfect weapon for a magician?

Warrior's path

The warrior's path is more thorny, which makes it more interesting. For myself, I chose the classics - heavy armor and the combination - shield + sword. Other combinations will find their followers, and I will share my own experience.

Weapon damage is determined by its basis, your possession skill and sharpening. Further details.

Weapon base

In the game you find different versions of the same swords (hammers, axes, etc.) differing in the material from which they are made. It is clear that the more expensive the material, the better the weapon. Of the light materials for making weapons, the best is Glass, of the heavy materials - Daedric. To craft you need the appropriate ingredients, the very skill of blacksmithing (for Glass - 70, for Daedric - 90) and a blacksmith specialty for forging the desired material. It is clear that the type of weapon you need can be found on your travels and not be worried about searching for ingredients.


Each intended use of your weapon improves the skill of using it. The skill does not grow very quickly. You will notice, looking into the inventory, that with the growth of the skill, the damage of the corresponding weapon class will increase. Weapon efficiency can be doubled using the appropriate perks. For one-handed, this is the Armsmen perk, two-handed - Barbarian and for the bow - Overdraw.


I have never found a sharpened weapon in the game. And even with a minimal level of blacksmithing, you can sharpen and improve any weapon and armor (to sharpen enchanted equipment, you will need to take the corresponding perk). In addition, the blacksmith specialty for forging a certain material will double the sharpening effect of tools and armor made of this material.

Those. to create an ultimate weapon, we need advanced blacksmithing and weapon skills + a number of perks. Move on.

Blacksmith Blacksmith Strife

Having forged or obtained a weapon, you can sharpen it. The same goes for armor. And the higher the effect, the better the skill of the blacksmith.

You will surely find that it is possible to enchant a set of items to improve the blacksmithing skill. This is again a set of 4 items (ring, amulet, gloves / bracers and armor, etc.). Without additional tweaks, with a developed enchantment skill, we will receive a total of 100% increase in the blacksmith's abilities (This is an increase and not a doubling, since all effects here add up to a common piggy bank, giving an increase to the base value). And if you resort to certain tricks (using alchemy when enchanting), then you can reach the total amount up to 120%.

Alchemy will also be useful - the developed skill of the alchemist allows you to create truly powerful potions. And the alchemist will be helped by the enchanter, who will create a set of "young alchemist" again from 4 items (ring, amulet, helmet or the like and gloves, etc.), giving from 100 to 120% increase in the skill of the alchemist.

Having donned the "young blacksmith" kit, stocked up with the right ingredients and fried a flask with "blacksmith's elixir" we have 30 seconds to sharpen weapons and improve armor. This is how much the created elixir works.

Those. we will need advanced enchantment and alchemy skills.

Let's summarize

The path of the magician, as you can see, is much simpler. You just need to develop enchantment (create a set of "freeloader magician" :)) and delve into the study of the school of destruction magic.

The warrior is not looking for simple ways, we need - alchemy, enchantment, blacksmithing and the very skill of using weapons. Each time you create a set of items (for the alchemist and the blacksmith), do not hesitate to drink the "enchanter's elixir". The effect is not great, but it's a plus. And before the final chord - sharpening - drink the elixir of the blacksmith (you can achieve an effect of more than 120% with just one elixir).

The last step is enchanting a “daily” set of items to improve your primary weapon skills. With a developed skill, the enchanter will improve 4 items (ring, amulet, boots and gloves) by at least 40% each. And on the weapon itself, you can impose the effects of magic damage (I prefer cold and shock damage), but this is already as a bonus, hardly comparable to the main damage.

As a result, I (and I was a little too lazy to admit - I sometimes disdained alchemy, and I still do not own 100% of one-handed weapons) I got such a Daedric sword.

I believe that the limit values ​​will be about 500 units. physical damage and about 60 units of total magic damage. For two-handed weapons, physical damage can be obtained even more, because the base value is higher there.

Little bukaff? Read escho!

Comments to "Ultimate Weapon in Skyrim (TES 5 Skyrim)"

Many comments in "Ultimate Weapon in Skyrim (TES 5 Skyrim)"

    As a result, I made myself an improved Dwemer crossbow that ignores 50% of armor - damage with 100 skill skill and with 4 things that I enchanted myself turned out to be around 650. And this is not the limit, because I still did not complete the bone dragon light armor, sharpened for bows and stealth. I pass the solstheim island because there is an azidal armor that gives a 10% bonus to enchantment (the only item that gives a bonus to enchantment) with which it will be possible to make a set of a young alchemist and then a blacksmith even stronger and, accordingly, sharpen the bow even more and apply stronger enchantments to increase damage from small arms. The crossbow right now hits the area of ​​648 and the dragon bow 638 something like that, plus magic damage, but I don't consider it - I rarely load the crossbow with soul stones - too lazy to go into the inventory. And do not think that I bend everyone with this crossbow. I set the level of difficulty to legendary and all the creatures and NPCs began to bend me and I kill them once with 5 shots, and at the dragons and lurkers you need to shoot 20 arrows before he gets drunk and at the same time they extinguish me the first time like ordinary NPC magicians - two lightning strikes and you are ash. So the game balances your weapon anyway. The only thing wildly helps is triple damage from stealthy attacks - I crawl through caves and ruins on my haunches and kill everyone from afar - they die with a stealthy attack from the first or second time. So this is not the limit. I made such a crossbow without any bugs. If you use a bug with a recovery potion that gives an exponential infinite increase in all enchantments on clothes, whether it is drunk in a naked state - then I made a bow with "-200 ..." damage - that is, the damage there was with a minus sign and did not fit into the window. And he made potions worth 200,000 and with the effect of increasing enchantment 123,000,000 - if you make the potion stronger - that is, the figure goes over a billion then the game crashes - because such a figure cannot be stored in this variable. And it's not interesting to play - you knock out everyone with one blow - the only thing cool is probably to make gloves and a ring with an increase in melee damage and extinguish everyone with your fists))

  1. I didn't want to play for the magician, and I was too lazy to improve the perks for the war, I only pumped heavy armor and one / two-handed sticks, the solution was found suddenly.
    In Solstheim, Krestia Karelia has a quest. Enter the mine near the city at Raven Rock and listen to him. He will need to get information about his father from the depths of the mines that the Eastern Empire Company is hiding from him. After passing it, you will stumble upon draugr-ghosts and other strong undead. Get to the body of your father. Take the diary from him, and most importantly, the Bloodstar sword. Use the sword to open the gate. Return to Krestius and receive 500 gold for the diary. He will not take the sword away from you.
    This sword deals only 19 basic damage, but with a power attack it releases a flying one at a medium discharge, damage of 30. And such discharges it has UNLIMITED, plus it (although this is not indicated in the properties) has a very high chance of finishing blow (when there is a death roller enemy) - can overwhelm the lurker with one power attack if he has 40% hp .. This sword was enough for me somewhere up to level 25. I advise it to beginners, with a 10-15 level of character pumping.

    I will not go into all the subtleties, but I'm afraid that the article was written by a noob.
    For example, enchant weapons with cold and electricity damage to get a small bonus ...
    For a warrior, the most delicious thing is ABSORPTION of the reserve of strength and vitality!
    On the one hand, strong blows now fly like hail, on the other hand, health almost does not fly away at all!
    Here he is, a real warrior!
    And then "cold / electricity" ... At the beginning of the game, it might still decide.

  2. The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.v + 4 DLC without other mods can be improved even more than described here. effectiveness of blacksmithing equipment + potion (137% increases the effect of blacksmithing). To do this, you need to develop the skills of alchemy + blacksmithing + enchantment. Each skill has an individual approach. in other words, you need to increase the effectiveness of three components (potion of alchemy + enchantment skill + blacksmithing + book of Hermaeus Mora on Solstheim (give a bonus to enchantment) + a set of armor, putting on a full set of them, they give another 10% to enchantment) after you collect all this, you will have to sweat, re-enchanting a set of armor to create the most effective potion, after you create a potion, re-enchant armor for alchemy, blacksmithing until you reach the maximum effect. A set of Azidal armor that gives a bonus can be obtained from the quest on Solstyme.