The game to prepare beauty potion for the witch. Magic potion in games for girls. Lunar calendar and other nuances

In one old and ancient forest, a witch lives, who worried people for many years in a row, but once, help turned against her, and she turned into a terrible old woman, a completely unattractive, pimply and toothless. And since then, every day, it tries to mix a variety of elixirs to turn into indescribable beauty. And we offer you to participate in its experiments in the game "Beauty potion".

It is necessary to play with the mouse, picking up a variety of ingredients and mixing them until Zeltsie becomes so strong to help her. Every time you will find out who your brew can turn the heroine. It can be a sign, who knows all the secrets of nature, confident or a secret princess, and many more different girls.

"Beauty potion" is a very exciting flash drive, each time the number of proposed components will increase, and change. Choose those that like and see what will come out. It all depends on your fantasy and faith into the magic drink. Try to accomplish the desire of the heroine, because she dreamed about it for so long.

The game "Beauty potion" is created for girls who do not imagine life with a gray mouse, and are always in the center of attention, attracting those surrounding with their magnificence. Lady of any age can play, because the task is simple - to help the one that needs it. Good luck and inspiration, let your spells last forever, and the beauty will be flawless!

Princess spell factory. Game for girls and girls! What if magic and spells exist? Join our little doll in this new adventure where you will be amazed. Combine the three ingredients and create amazing spells to unlock all twelve princesses. Enjoy!

Elsa Fire Queen. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa from the "Cold Heart" since birth owns a magical ability to create ice and snow and manage these elements. She is an ice queen. But the Ice Queen Elza has another magical ability she still kept secret. It turns out that, under certain circumstances, Elsa may become a fiery queen. Today for this favorable conditions. Since the magic fiery bird flies in the chambers to her magic breath gave impetus to the awakening of the hidden abilities Elsa and even painted her hair in a fiery color. Girls, want the process of turning Elsa to the fiery queen, then drink her magic potion from a red flask. And then release the dragon from the egg and it will help you to change the usual dress on the Fiery red on Elsa. Magic Elekchair from the bottle will change the eye color from the princess. Take the Fier Fire and she will give Elsa Fire Wings. And then the matter is yours. If you do not like the makeup Elsa, the color of her eye, the style of her dress, jewelry and hairstyle - you can adjust. Good luck! Play the mouse.

12 Elsa spells. Game for girls and girls! According to the established tradition, the new year is taken to fall in some fabulous characters. As a rule, for this sew special costumes. But the princess Elsa this task decides in a different way. It makes it using a spell and prepared from three ingredients of potions. There are 12 cells of such variants of spells 12. Today you will prepare a magic potion for her, girls. Good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Magic potion for babes Sue. Game for girls and girls! Baby Sue is still studying magic. Therefore, today with her such a ridiculous incident occurred. Conducting the preparation of magical potion, they did not use those ingredients by mistake. As a result, young beauty turned into a terrible, old witch. So that I could return to the original state, you, girls, you will need to cook the right magic potion for it. You can find the desired ingredients on the shelves. If the potion is not cooked correct, the witch will be able to turn into some miracle. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Heirs: 12 spells for Audrey on Halloween. Game for girls and girls! In the magical country, Disney came out a decree - amnesty for the children of villains, which are in sharpening on the island. They were granted a chance to radically change his biography. For this, the heirs of Zlodeev were sent to School Auradon, where among the heirs of positive heroes studied the daughter of Princess Aurora - Audrey. We do not know who affected by anymore since the representatives of the other side turned out to be together. But the daughter of the Males - Mel and the daughters of the evil queen - Evi Audrey learned to make a magical potion than and decided to take advantage of Halloween. Girls, today she does not need costumes of Halloween characters. Visible with your help the three necessary ingredients, Audrey for the time of Halloween will be able to easily take the appearance of a fantastic character. And such combinations of Audrey 12. To control the game "Heirs: 12 spells for Audrey on Halloween" need a mouse.

Heirs: 12 spells for Audrey to Helle

Disney villain life. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses know the whole world. They are famous not only by their beauty, mind, outfits, but also their good deeds, which will not tell about Disney villains - Malefisent and the evil queen. Envy, malice, revenge is the meaning of their lives. But even in such a life sometimes there is a place for quite natural, noble desires. Tired of his atrocities, Malefistent and the evil queen dream of disconnecting from their black affairs and, turning into a cute princess, at least for a short time to know the happiness to be loved. Girls, today you have a chance to make villains happy. In this case, each villain has three ingredients. Weld the magic potion and send the villains. As a result of Malefistent, the Aurora is transformed into the princess, and the evil queen will become snow white. Now help them choose beautiful outfits, hairstyles and decorations. Of course, in the image of the princesses of the villainage will meet with the princes: Aurora with Philippe, Snow White with Ferdinand. But their happiness will not be long.

Save the little witch Sue. Game for girls and girls! Such babies, like Sue, learn to the witches in the primary class of the School of Wizards. When the babies are perfectly in the art of witchcraft, they will become real witches. In the meantime, there are cases when the crumbs are confused with spells and because of this fall into unpleasant stories. So today, in its own fault or the fault of classmates in the kinc, the baby Sue turned into evil, old, terrible witch. The case would be corrected if someone from teachers would be near or at least from high school students. But they were not there. Girls, save Sue to you. To do this, you will need to prepare the right magic potion. Keep in mind - to correct the ridiculous error you are not so much time. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Fantastic story with princess. Game for girls and girls! In some fabulous country, there is a sign that stands on Halloween Day to make three good deeds, and then the mystical heroes of Halloween will fulfill any of your desire. In this game, the girls, you will make good things to know the princess, the withest turned into a frog. And so, your first thing: save the kitten from a poisonous snake. The second business: Save the bird from the cage. Third business: Return mom's lizard. Then you have to go to the witch, which should fulfill your desire. A cunning witch to fulfill the desire will not refuse, but it will provide you with the preparation of magical potion. And this is fraught with a trick! Well, what, girls, act. And let the princess be lucky. Play the mouse. Good luck!

Revenge of the evil queen. Game for girls and girls! Revenge of the evil queen - an exciting game for girls about princesses, villains, a witch magic potion. The evil queen always considered himself the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. But the meeting with Princess Snow White convinced her in the opposite. As you know from the history of Snow White, the evil queen was ready to get rid of the rival any destiny. However, all her attempts were unsuccessful. Since then, the evil queen has taped an evil not only on Snow White, but also on all other princesses Disney. So today, continuing to revenge the princesses, the evil queen is decided to prepare a witch magic potion for them. You, girls, will be in her assistants. Creating a potion for each princess, you will need to add 4th ingredient to the boiler. As a result, each princess will get some trouble. What exactly - you will see in the final table. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Cooking the magic potion. Game for girls and girls! Girls, switch the game into Russian. Now you will go on a visit to the sorcerer to make a preparation of magical potion, with which you will try to turn the old cargra into an excellent princess. To do this, you will have to throw a 3-ingredient in the magic boiler, mix them and see how successful your occupation will be. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Royal disney villain life. Game for girls and girls! Well, who does not dream of the luxurious life of the royal heiress? Of course, Disney villains of Malefisent and the evil queen among those who would like to be. The villains managed to create a magic potion, with which they were able to turn into a charming princess. The villainage of the Malefisent with the help of spindles, an angel figurine and the golden crown could turn into an excellent princess to Aurora, and the evil queen with a red apple, the figurines of the gnome and a red bow - in the cute princess Snow White. And now that the villains that have turned into princesses could go on dates towards their princes, you, girls, you need to choose beautiful outfits for them, hairstyles, decorations. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Aurora and Malefistent. Spell rival. Game for girls and girls! Girls, Princess Aurora need your help. The evil sorcerer of the Malefisent is preparing for the princess Aurora magic potion, which can deprive her abilities to love. Aurora, which MaleFistent deliberately urged to his assistants, pretends that she did not guess about the goals of the sorcerer. But it is worth the sorcerer for a minute to turn away from the terrible brew, as Avrora hurries to misite his ingredients into it, because of which this vapper changes its properties. Thus, each of the rivals - Malefistent and Aurora - hopes for his secret spell. That's just the time on the manipulation with the Verevian, the Princess Aurora is too small. Girls, do not allow Aurora to lose the sorcerer. If the sorcerer succeeds to finish the preparation of potions, then Aurora then threatens 100-year-old sleep. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Heirs. Book of spells chalk. Game for girls and girls! The book she holds in his hands the heirs of Minds is full of information about different spells. But since she is many years old, then some of her records were asked and therefore it is impossible to read them. Only the princesses did not know about it. In the hope that the chalk chalk will help them, they turned to her for help. And the thing is what. Today the royal palace will take place ball. Three girls are Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White - have long dreamed of getting to the royal ball, but for various reasons their fate has developed so that they all were deprived of such an opportunity. The evil sorceress intervened in the fate of Princess Rapunzel, and the life of the princesses Cinderella and Snow White complicated stepmothers that appeared in their families after the death of mothers. Cinderella, Snow White and Rapunzel asked the sorceress chalk to make the magic potion, turned their miserable outfits into magnificent ballrooms. But the trouble! Mel does not know which ingredients are required in this case, and not read the records in the book. Girls, you need your help! Now only the fate of cute princesses depends on your choice. Choose the 4th proper ingredient, and the princesses will be able to get to the ball. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Cunning potion for the evil queen. Game for girls and girls! The evil queen always considered himself the most beautiful woman in his kingdom. But here the girl appeared in the forest of the queen, who eclipsed her with her beauty. This girl is called Snow White. Running from the angry stepmother, she found shelter at the gnomes living in the territory of the Royal Forest. Girls, Snow White in danger! The queen appeared a cunning plan. It is transformed into the old woman and will offer the princess Snow White poisoned apple. But for this, the queen must first prepare a magic potion of 4 ingredients. Only now the trouble she forgot what the ingredients she should take. Girls, help! Since you also do not know the composition of the potion, then for its preparation you will be given a lot of attempts. And so, mix the 4th ingredient and see what happens. Use the mouse to control the game. And good luck this time we will not want to wish!

Princess Elsa Zombie. Game for girls and girls! The curse of an evil witch turned the cute princess Elza in Zombies. Do not know her. She is terrible and needs urgent help. Girls, you have to remove the curse with Elsa. Take advantage of the game prompts and prepare a magic potion for the princess, which can return her former look. Play the mouse. Good luck!

Magic potion, like a pass to the Valley of Fay. Game for girls and girls! Barbie read a fascinating book about the fairies and then she came to her the idea to visit the Valley of Fay. Girls, if you are ready to help Barbie in the fulfillment of a dream, then you are pleased to visit her. First, pick up Barbie outfit. But at the same time, remember that Bari with his invasion did not break the fragile world of Fay, it is best if its outfits will resemble natural colors of their environment. And then help Barbie to cook the magic potion, which will serve as a pass to the valley of Fay. One problem: Barbie does not know his ingredients and you, girls, they must be guess. Their 4th, but what?! Try to guess ... Good luck! Play the mouse.

Magic potion for Cinderella. Game for girls and girls! Girls, remember who helped Cinderella find his happiness? It was her fairy godfather. And now for some time, imagine that the faces of the godfather did not exist, and the fate of Cinderella is completely in your hands. You will now try to prepare a magic potion for Cinderella, able to turn her into a magnificent beauty that the prince fell in love. To do this, you need to choose the 4th proper ingredient. So little need to do! But now depends on whether to be a happy end in this story. Make the right choice, be Cinderella Princess. Do not guess, she can become a terrible old woman or someone else ... Good luck to you, Girls! Play the mouse.

Ever After High. Love potion for Cupid. Game for girls and girls! Ever After High. Love potion for Caidon - an interesting game for girls about love. Girls, S.A. Cupid, the adoptive daughter of God of Love Eros, needs your help. This sweet, good girl is distinguished by a glorious character and usually helps everyone in love with their heart matters. Today everything is different. Cupid is hopelessly in love with the prince of Dexter Charming, but Dexter Charming is in love with Ravein Queen. And now S.A. Cupid you need help. To win the heart of Dexter Charming Cupid, should make a guidance love potion for him for him. To prepare this magical potion S.A. Cupid should take the 4th proper ingredient. Only this is what is not enough, Cupid has lost his recipe and now, girls, you should help her find the right combination of ingredients included in its composition. Be careful! It is worth mistaken and everything can go wrong. Good luck!

Ever After High. Love potion for sa buy

Cooking the magic potion for a small witch. Game for girls and girls! Girls, for you an interesting game in which you have to make friends with the witch. Meet this cute girl. She is still learn to be a witch. It turns out that this is not a simple lesson. It is necessary not only to have a magical gift, but also be able to use it correctly. And for this, a young witch must learn to find the desired ingredients for the preparation of magical potion. Girls, if you gathered to help the baby in her difficult lesson, be prepared to go to the flight. To do this, you need a mouse. Click it at any place on the game field, and the little witch takes off. Drive the cursor over the game screen and the baby will fly in the direction you specified. And when a small witch has a set of ingredients, sufficient to prepare a magical potion, help her do it. Good luck!

Cooking the magic potion for a small

Monster High spell. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you know the history of the draraculaura. She is a vampire, but from those that do not tolerate blood even in the spirit. In her behavior there are more habits inherent to man. It can be seen so, she did not once come to turn into an ordinary person. Today, Draculaura discovered a spell capable of turning a vampire into a person. This will require a magic potion that needs to be prepared from 4 ingredients. But the trouble, Draculaura does not know from which ingredients it is necessary to prepare this potion, so all her attempts did not lead to the desired result. Girls, try to help the Draculaura. Perhaps you will be able to solve the composition of this potion, and then the dream of draraculaura will become a reality. Good luck!

Princess Anna. Magic potion. Game for girls and girls! An interesting game about Princess Anna from the series of games - Games Cold Heart: Elsa and Anna. Among the large number of applicants on her hand and the heart of Princess Anna has not yet met his true love. As if she wanted to find out who he was this only one who loves her truly. She decides to learn this with the help of a magical potion prepared by an old recipe, the well-known women of her kind for a long time. His cooking Anna trusts you, girls. Choose this is just the 4th ingredient and see what will work out. Good luck to you and especially Anna. Play: Mouse, online, free.

Monster High. Monsters school leaderhood. Game for girls and girls! Fascinating, cool monster High game for girls in Russian about the magical leading potion of the Monsters School. Girls, for sure, you are familiar with the handsome school of Monsters by Dews Gorgon - the son of jellyfish. This is a very sociable and friendly young man. He has many friends at school. Yes, and students of the school look at him. But he was passionate about Cleo de Neil and she does not change. Girls, and would you like to experience his feelings? Then at your service all the ingredients for the manufacture of magic affectionable potion. Together with Cleo, cook the composition and give it to Dusu. I will see the result on his face. Good luck! Play: Mouse.

Monster High. Monster School Monster Potion

Medicine is developing quickly and if we compare what it was a hundred years ago and now, before the methods of cure from terrible ailments were completely different. Numerous potions were used, cooked from herbs and other natural components. Their preparation is directly interconnected with magic and that is why many cause doubt and skepticism.

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Until now, there are many books and teachings on how to make a spell, conspiracy or other witchcraft act with a magic drink. Want to know more about alchemy and potion? Then section with the games of potions will please you and help plunge into a magical and mysterious environment. Do not worry, all the experiences conducted on the computer will not bring any harm to anyone, there will be no accidents.

Lunar calendar and other nuances

In order for the potions to be effective and brought the desired outcome, try to carefully observe not only the recipe, but also other subtleties of "kneading". Then it will be possible to avoid unwanted results, diseases and, of course, deaths. A lot about how to brew a variety of solutions, Druids know and in these games they will also appear.

They know the secrets of the most powerful drugs, since since the 10th century began to collect all the knowledge associated with the potion-liquids. They achieved in this amazing success, so from the 17th century they began to hunt and counted Kudeschnik dangerous for ordinary people. Nevertheless, Zelhevarov respected, because they were subject to much, the witches were afraid and still resorted to their services and advice.

Drugs that improved memory appeared in 1754, they quickly gained popularity. And a little later, "strokes" with a wrapping impact, taking, meaning, are already available, that is, love and death. The cloud of legends walks about all this and in the potions of the potions they also found some display. Welcome to the virtual country of mysteries and fascinating mysticism.

War on android and on the computer

The main characters of the flash drives from this category will be bright and dark sorcerers and magicians, they will show and tell how and what to do, and will help to join the rows of those who understand something in Gelienuk. If such a topic has been manilated for a long time, there is a learned chance to know her, it is enough to start playing and connecting to what is happening a little imagination and imagination.

Most likely, it is for girls on these pages that will be the most relevant games. Here they will be able to find out something about the impudent forces and how easily you can get rid of a cheeky rival, who wants to lead a beautiful prince. Poisoned apples are not the only option. In some flash applications, even the legendary evil babe Yag will appear.

And what about how to try in the game of potions to create a driver who endowed with incredible beauty or eternal youth. From this will definitely get something cool. Girlfriend Garia Potter - Hermione will not give up your support in the preparation of a revolving "treat" for the next adventure event.

By the way, the motion games to some extent refer to cooking, very extravagant, but still. I will never extend your knowledge luggage. Moreover, they are easy to manage, with a cool design and an interesting plot. Therefore, take a mouse and soon it will perform the functions of miracle sticks, proud and other magic items.

Perhaps not everything will last from the first time and the expected effect will not be achieved. But no one prohibits experimenting and take a lot of attempts. Games of potions of any newcomer will turn the real guru in this subtle question. A little patience and will be success.