How to download blacksmithing in skyrim. How to quickly pump blacksmithing in Skyrim? Skyrim: ways to upgrade skills. All possible pumping options

In the forge, you can create new weapons and armor. The higher your blacksmithing skill, the better weapons and armor you can forge. This skill is increased by crafting or upgrading weapons and armor, taking lessons from a teacher, or reading tutorial books.

Creating weapons and armor requires components that are found in this world, such as iron or steel, as well as the knowledge of how to create the appropriate item. To create new types of weapons and armor, choose new abilities in the blacksmithing constellation.


Increases weapon damage. To sharpen a weapon, you need the appropriate material. The level of improvement when sharpening depends on your skill in blacksmithing and special abilities.


Increases armor class. To upgrade armor, you need consumables. The upgrade level depends on your blacksmithing skill and special abilities.

First steps in blacksmithing

It will be possible to find the necessary equipment and get acquainted with the basics of blacksmithing along the main storyline, almost immediately after completing the task “Freedom!”. In Riverwood, talk to Alvor - he will give you a task to create and improve weapons and armor, and all the necessary ingredients for this.

Also, do not forget to buy a pickaxe from him - useful for mining ore.

Ore mining

In your travels, mainly in various dungeons, you will encounter various "veins", for example, "Iron Ore Vein", using this stone, if you have a pickaxe with you, your character will work a little and get some ore, and possibly some gem:

After that, the ore must be smelted in the smelter. One of them can be found in Whiterun, on the right immediately at the entrance to the city:

Also, ore is sold at blacksmiths, and, in smaller quantities, "in all sorts of things."

Upgrade to 100

Blacksmithing is probably the easiest skill to level up to 100. All you need is 10,000-20,000 gold (as opposed to leveling eloquence).

Having the required amount, we go to Whiterun. Why exactly him? Because in Whiterun there are as many as three blacksmiths from whom you can buy the materials we need, these are:

  • Adrianna Avenicci
  • Ulfbert the Furious Bear
  • Jorlund Greymane

We will pump on iron daggers, for crafting you need only 1 ingot of iron and 1 strip of leather.

Iron ingots can be both bought from blacksmiths and smelted from iron ore (which, although in smaller quantities, is also sold by them), after which the ore in the furnace must be smelted into ingots (in Whiterun, all the necessary equipment is available - look).

Leather strips are made from leather, and skins from animal skins. Although leather and strips of leather can also be bought from merchants.

Plan: run around all the blacksmiths, buy the necessary materials, make daggers from them -> sell daggers -> scroll through 48 hours. After two days, the entire assortment of merchants is updated. We run again, buy, craft, etc. up to level 100.

Swings quickly, in an hour it is quite possible to keep within.

Additional prefix when upgraded

When any item is upgraded, "(Good)", or "(Excellent)" is added to it. What does it depend on? From how much this item improves.

In the following tables it is written at what enhancement bonuses which attachments are obtained and the level of blacksmithing (with and without perks) at which it can be obtained. Equip items that improve blacksmithing will lower the blacksmithing level requirements.

* For some reason, for armor, the game will write "(Epic)" at the same numbers. Looks like a translation bug.


One-handed and two-handed weapons

In pumping weapon skills, the main thing to know is that the calculation is not based on the number of hits, but on the amount of damage dealt. Therefore, it is best to pump with weapons with high damage, and on enemies with a lot of HP - trolls, giants, mammoths, etc.

We will start with alchemy, and for this reason: in the game, the buildup of this skill seemed to me
the most consignment due to a number of factors.

1. The first and main factor - You can’t pump much skill with simple potions.

With simple potions, you can pump the skill for a very long time, since in the mechanics of the game, leveling a skill does not depend on quantity, but on quality. Let's say the ability to wear heavy or light armor does not depend on how many times you were kicked, but how much damage this blow inflicted on you.

Banal Magic Regeneration Potion (Salt + Garlic)

after creation, it will increase the existing level of alchemy, well, somewhere by 1-3% of the strip.

While a complex potion that has a bunch of parameters (by the way, both negative and positive)

for one bank can increase the existing level by about 10-15% of the strip.

Another omission in the game is that side effects- unnecessary alchemical effects only increase the cost of the potion. Although, logically, a poison that simultaneously deals damage and heals it is complete nonsense, but this nonsense will cost more than a poison that deals damage and takes away magic, for example.

I think you will immediately see that complex potions are much more expensive than simple potions.
Since the leveling of alchemy directly depends on the quality of the potions, I will immediately answer your question:
- Yes, if you put on things for a bonus to the creation of potions, then the cost of the created potions will increase greatly, but, alas, this will hardly affect the leveling of the skill.

Here is the cost of the crafted potion without items that give a bonus to the power of crafted potions.

And here is the cost of the created potion brewed in things that give a bonus to the strength of the created potions.

2. The second factor, following from the first - to create complex potions, you need to have a lot of different ingredients available.

Therefore, we corny accumulate all the fly agarics that we collect, all the fingers of the giants, all the eggs. We save everything, everything that can be collected, stolen, bought! Yes, buy, so you need to earn sevenths. (Fortunately, this is not a problem in Skyrim)

3. The third factor - with an increase in skill in Alchemy, pumping begins to slow down.

This is expressed as follows, if with an alchemy skill of 25 you make a potion - Magic Regeneration (Salt + Garlic) and you need to make 10 cans to raise from 25 to 26, then to raise from 30 to 31 you already make 13 cans.
In view of what I downloaded alchemy in three stages:
From 1 to 40, you can pump through the creation of simple potions.
From 40 to 70-80 he studied the mind of the mind from Arcadia, in Whiterun. In parallel, he collected, bought, stole tons of ingredients.
Where all the teachers of alchemy live, I don’t remember, and it’s not necessary, just look here.
From 80 to 100 he pumped exclusively by creating complex poisons and potions.

Whoever does not “fumble” in alchemy, I will conduct a master class.
Let's all look here

I'll show you with an example what's what.
See the table here.
We look at what we have in inventory and select an ingredient, say Dragon Tongue. We select on the plate the property we like - Fire Resistance and Skill Up: two-handed weapons.
Now we are looking for an ingredient that has these properties, plus some other positive properties. (possible and negative) Let there be a fly agaric - our potion will have two properties. Now we need to add such an ingredient in order to “open” a couple more properties for the potion. Let's see what properties Amanita has? are Frenzy and Stamina Regeneration.
Again, we are looking for an ingredient in the table that has these two properties ... yeah, this is Mora tapinella.
As a result, we get this potion:

The cost of the potion, as well as its power, will depend on the abilities taken in the Alchemy skill tree at the time the potion was created and on the bonus that enchanted things give us.

Basic Required Abilities in Alchemy

Alchemist 5/5- (Potions and potions are 20% stronger (+20% for each additional ability level) - well, a good potion is a strong potion.
Healer- (Your potions that restore health, magicka or stamina are 25% more effective) - a passable ability to take the next ability.
Pharmacist- (You can create potions that will have 25% more favorable effect)
As you can see, I took only the most necessary abilities to enhance the potions I received.

It is pumped very easily, on the spell "". Just use it and that's it.


Also, do not forget to buy a pickaxe from him - useful for mining ore.

Ore mining
In your travels, mainly in various dungeons, you will encounter various "veins", for example, "Iron Ore Vein", using this stone, if you have a pickaxe with you, your character will work a little and get some ore, and possibly some gem:

After that, the ore must be smelted in the smelter. One of them can be found in Whiterun, on the right immediately at the entrance to the city:

Or a weapon with such an effect.

With such a weapon, our victim should be finished off, inflicting the last or penultimate blow on her.
Then we go to the merchant, we buy soul stones from him, some will already be filled, while we will fill others during the game.
If you don't already have a few thousand septims, then it will be enough to buy the smallest soul stones.
For fastidious players who don't want to trap tiny souls in large soul gems, here's a rough list of soul gem sizes and creatures to fill them with.

Tiny Soul Gem - creatures up to level 4.
A fox
Mud Crab

Lesser Soul Gem - Creatures up to level 16.
Brown Bear
Corus (Chaurus)
Wild boar
Falmer (Falmer)
Goblin Skirmisher
Imp (Imp)
Ice Wraith
Saber-toothed cat (Saber Cat)
Northern Wolf (Ice Wolf)
Timber Wolf
Draugr (Draugr)
Skeleton Guardian

Common soul gem - creatures up to level 28.
Ancient Ghost
Flame Atronach
Cave Bear
Draugr Scourge
Mountain Lion
Faded Wraith
Frost Troll
Goblin Berserker
Wisp (Will-o-the-Wisp)
Headless Zombie
Black Bear
Animated Tree (Spriggan)
Mad Dog (Stray Dog)
Skeleton Hero

Large Soul Gem - creatures up to level 38.
Mother of Wisps (Wispmother)
Draugr Death Overlord
Storm Atronach
Dread Zombie
Goblin Shaman
Frost Atronach
Nether Lich
Ogre (Ogre)
Skeleton Champion
Spider Daedra
Dreugh (Land Dreugh)

Great Soul Gem - creatures from level 38.
Gloom Wraith
Lich (Lich)
Minotaur Lord
Wild Ogre (Savage Ogre)
Goblin Warlord
Giant Slaughterfish

After filling the soul stones, after several hours of cleansing and passing, we need to find somewhere or buy from a merchant a weapon with one of the following effects: Exile, Absorption of health, Scaring away the undead, Fear.

These are some of the most lucrative weapon effects.
For things, the most profitable is " Skill Upgrade: Stealth»
The cost of an enchanted item depends on the effect applied to it.
But! Here it is worth clarifying a couple of nuances that you will encounter when enchanting things:

For things, the effect will depend, first of all, on the size of the stone! When using a tiny stone, the effect will be 3%, and when using a great 30%
The cost of such an item will fluctuate greatly, as it greatly depends on the size of the soul gem you use.
For weapons, the strength of the effect depends only on our level of enchantment skill and the abilities taken. The charge will depend on the size of the stone. The charge slightly affects the final cost of the item.
The effect will play the main role in the cost of weapons.
Above, I have listed the four most profitable weapon enchantment effects.

The most profitable is the enchantment of weapons- even when using tiny soul stones, the cost of the item increases significantly.

Basic Required Abilities in the Enchantment Skill

Enchanter 5/5- (New enchantments are 20% stronger (+20% per additional level))
Skill Enchantment- (Enchant Armor 25% stronger)
Life Enchantment- (Enchant health, mana and stamina on armor 25% stronger)
Additional effect- (You can put two enchantments on one item)


It is pumped when you move around other NPCs in a state of stealth. There is an opinion that the more NPCs in a certain radius, the better it is pumped. The easiest way - in some city, rest against the fence, and put something heavy on the "W" button

  • Remember that the higher your skill, the more powerful opponents you will come across on your travels.

How to upgrade the skill: This skill can be increased by interacting with the forge (used to craft items), the grindstone (used to upgrade weapons), and the workbench (used to upgrade armor). As a rule, you must create and improve items if you want to get points in this skill.

The main purpose of developing this skill is to increase the quality and overall cost of items created using the forge and other accessories.

Available features: 10.

Best Features: Dwemer Armor, Wizard Blacksmith, Dragon Armor.

  • The game allows you to create and upgrade hidden and iron armor without unlocking any skills from this skill tree. You shouldn't be surprised that they are very weak and you can't get too much gold by selling them.
  • You must collect most of the materials needed to create the objects yourself, however, some of them can be created using other workstations. For example, you can get leather from a tanning machine.
  • If you're more interested in crafting light armor, you should focus on unlocking perks on the left side of the constellation, and if you're more interested in crafting heavy armor, you should focus on unlocking perks on the right side of the constellation.
  • All items you have created can be sold or worn by the main character. It's also an interesting idea to enchant them, making them more powerful and valuable.

steel armor

Requirements: Blacksmithing must be upgraded to 20 units.

Description: Ability to craft steel weapons and armor. Opportunity to improve steel weapons and armor twice.

Comments: You must purchase this skill in order to access all the others from this skill tree.

Blacksmith Wizard

Requirements: The skill must be pumped up to 60 units. Should be open steel armor.

Description: Ability to upgrade magical weapons and armor.

Comments: This is an extremely useful perk, especially since you will encounter a lot of magic items and upgrading them can expand the utility for the main character. Upgrading magic items is also a great idea if you want to keep working on them by giving them different spells.

Elven armor

Description: Ability to create elven weapons and armor. The ability to upgrade elven weapons and armor is doubled.

Comments: Elven armor is usually light in color.

Complex types of armor

Requirements: Blacksmithing must be leveled up to 50 points. Elven Armor must be unlocked.

Description: Ability to craft scale and armor. The ability to upgrade scaled and plate armor is twice as large.

Comments: The biggest benefit of this perk is that it unlocks both light armor and heavy armor.

glass armor

Requirements: Blacksmithing must be leveled up to 70 points. Complex Armor Types must be unlocked.

Description: Ability to craft glass weapons and armor. Opportunity to improve glass weapons and armor twice.

Comments: Glass armor is usually light in color.

Dwemer armor

Requirements: Blacksmithing must be leveled up to 30 points. Should be open steel armor.

Description: Ability to craft Dwemer weapons and armor. The ability to improve Dwemer weapons and armor twice.

In Skyrim, blacksmithing is a skill that allows your character to create various items of equipment. It is quite useful, since things forged by one's own hand are much superior to those sold by merchants. The more you pump blacksmithing, the more powerful the weapons you forge will be and the armor will be stronger.

This skill belongs to the production group, which also includes alchemy and enchantment. Usually, warriors are mainly involved in pumping it, and this is understandable, because for this class, high-quality weapons and armor are the key to victory over enemies. However, this does not mean that blacksmithing cannot be done by a magician.

The progress of this profession is increased by touching the Stones of the Warrior and Lover, as well as a special effect called Ancient Knowledge, which speeds up the development of blacksmithing by 15%.

Talented blacksmiths are highly valued in the gaming world of Skyrim, as reliable armor and deadly weapons are in great demand in these places. However, this skill involves the manufacture of not only armor and weapons, but also jewelry, as well as clothing from animal skins, which you can create when you learn how to quickly upgrade blacksmithing in Skyrim. The ideal workplace is a forge, which contains: an anvil, tanning machine, smelter, workbench and grindstone (usually they are located separately in different locations of the game world).

The workbench is needed in order to improve armor and increase its protection; grindstone - to improve weapons and increase the damage inflicted by them; you will need a smelter to smelt ore into ingots; on the anvil you can make new weapons and armor; on a tanning machine, you can dress the skins of animals and cut it into strips. In order to create a new thing, you need to find the necessary ingredients, although some of them can be quite problematic to find. The most sought-after materials, like ore, can be mined in open veins and mines, and skins can be obtained from dead animals.

  • At the very beginning, Orcs, Nords and Redguards are the best at this profession.

  • When making basic jewelry items for sale, it is best to work with rings. The cost of creating them is about the same as that of a necklace, however, when making rings, you will end up with two copies, and only one necklace.

  • We strongly recommend that you take the Heavy Armor perk whether you wear heavy armor or not. Thanks to this perk, you will be able to craft the best weapons in the game and the best armor of all kinds - Daeric.

  • And now let's look at how to pump blacksmithing in Skyrim. The easiest and fastest way is to make steel blades. Level 100 can be reached by traversing Skyrim's forges and buying up all of the iron ingots and leather strips (or leather crafted into strips) and then using these materials to craft blades in large quantities.

  • Thanks to the Advanced Armor perk, you can forge scale and plate armor. The plates are comparable to orcish armor, but slightly heavier, and the scales are comparable to elven armor. Steel can be found much faster than Moonstone or Mercury, so this can be an alternative leveling path if you don't have time to search for rare materials for a long time.

  • To improve the effects, just before making or improving any item, we advise you to put on enchanted equipment and drink potions that increase the blacksmithing skill. For example, if you have the Heavy Armor ability, then using the method described above, you can increase the defense value of the crafted Daedric set by as much as 2000. With this defense indicator, you will no longer need to pump the skill of wearing armor.

So our article came to an end, in which we told you about blacksmithing, described all the main features of this skill, and also told you how to pump in Skyrim

Let's start with alchemy, and for this reason: in the game, the buildup of this skill seemed to me the most expensive due to a number of factors.

1. The first and main factor - You can’t pump much skill with simple potions.

With simple potions, you can pump the skill for a very long time, since in the mechanics of the game, leveling a skill does not depend on quantity, but on quality. Let's say the ability to wear heavy or light armor does not depend on how many times you were kicked, but how much damage this blow inflicted on you.

Banal magic regeneration potion (Salt + Garlic),

Mastercraft guide.

Mastercraft guide.

after creation, it will increase the existing level of alchemy, well, somewhere by 1-3% of the strip.

Mastercraft guide.

Mastercraft guide.

While a complex potion that has a bunch of parameters (by the way, both negative and positive),

Mastercraft guide.

Mastercraft guide.

for one bank can increase the existing level by about 10-15% of the strip.

Mastercraft guide.

Mastercraft guide.

Another omission in the game is that side effects- unnecessary alchemical effects only increase the cost of the potion. Although, logically, a poison that simultaneously deals damage and heals it is complete nonsense, but this nonsense will cost more than a poison that deals damage and takes away magic, for example.

I think you will immediately see that complex potions are much more expensive than simple potions.

Since the leveling of alchemy directly depends on the quality of the potions, I will immediately answer your question:

Yes, if you put on things for a bonus to the creation of potions, then the cost of the created potions will increase greatly, but, alas, this will hardly affect the leveling of the skill.

Here is the cost of the crafted potion without items that give a bonus to the power of crafted potions.

Mastercraft guide.

Mastercraft guide.

And here is the cost of the created potion brewed in things that give a bonus to the strength of the created potions.

Mastercraft guide.

Mastercraft guide.
2. The second factor, following from the first - to create complex potions, you need to have a lot of different ingredients available.

Therefore, we corny accumulate all the fly agarics that we collect, all the fingers of the giants, all the eggs. We save everything, everything that can be collected, stolen, bought! Yes, buy, so you need to earn sevenths. (Fortunately, this is not a problem in Skyrim)

3. The third factor - with an increase in skill in Alchemy, pumping begins to slow down.

This is expressed as follows, if with an alchemy skill of 25 you make a potion - Magic Regeneration (Salt + Garlic) and you need to make 10 cans to raise from 25 to 26, then to raise from 30 to 31 you already make 13 cans.

In view of what I downloaded alchemy in three stages:

From 1 to 40, you can pump through the creation of simple potions.

From 40 to 70-80 he studied the mind of the mind from Arcadia, in Whiterun. In parallel, he collected, bought, stole tons of ingredients.

Where all the teachers of alchemy live, I don’t remember, and it’s not necessary, just look here.

From 80 to 100 he pumped exclusively by creating complex poisons and potions.

Hint for Munchkin sufferers

If you started the game again and suffer from munchkinism, then go immediately to the second or third level in Whiterun. Kill the dragon, collect and sell all the trash that has become "white", because the Jarl has become generous. Now you can take out 90% of the junk from Whiterun and sell it. Having acquired septims, each LVL AP do not forget to learn alchemy, so, without leaving the cash register, you can raise the skill to 70 and at the same time pump the hero up to level 20. (of course, if you have money, or if you use a hole, to return "septims" after training)

Who does not "fumble" in alchemy, I will conduct a master class.

Let's all look here

I'll show you with an example what's what.

We look at what we have in inventory and select an ingredient, say dragon tongue. Select the property you like from the table - fire resistance And Skill Upgrade: Two-Handed Weapons.

Now we are looking for an ingredient that has these properties, plus some other positive properties. (can be negative) Let it be fly agaric- Our potion will have two properties. Now we need to add such an ingredient in order to "open" a couple more properties for the potion. Let's see what fly agaric has properties? - this Rabies And Stamina Regeneration.

Alchemist 5/5(Potions and potions are 20% stronger (+20% for each additional ability level) - well, a good potion is a strong potion.

Healer(Your potions that restore health, magicka or stamina are 25% more effective) - a passable ability to take the next ability.

Pharmacist(You can create potions that will have 25% more favorable effect)

As you can see, I took only the most necessary abilities to enhance the potions I received.