Klondike Gold Fever. Klondikesky Gold Fever fit with unbearable labor

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The authors for decorating this, in essence, the ordinary classic "brazers" applied the entourage of the Times of the Gold Fever. Klondike implies a cumulative result, this word is not suitable for this game. Gold, gold and once again gold. The better you disassemble the solitaire, the more you will be able to earn gold, including.

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The game In the categories of solitaires, cards, logical available is free, around the clock I. without registering With a description in Russian on Min2Win. If the possibilities of the electronic desktop allow you to deploy the plot of the Golden Klondike in full screen and strengthen the effect of the passage of scripts. Many things really make sense to consider more detailed.

On June 26, 1925, exactly 90 years ago, the premiere of the famous Chaplin film "Golden Fever" took place. The picture, shot 29 years after the outbreak of the gold fever on Alaska, in general, recreates the historical phenomenon. For consupportlessness, Chaplin even hired 2500 vagrants, which Mahali Kirk, imitating the work of the prospectors. However, for 95 minutes of screen time it is impossible to reflect all the details of the life of gold miners. Yes, this was not required, because in the filmcoming there is no place for tragedies and crash of the illusions that waited for the prospectors at every step. And the screen Charlie, fabulously got rich and happiness met, was on Klondike the rarest exception.

In 1896, the Golden Fever began on Klondike - perhaps the most famous in history. She proved: to earn money, not necessarily get it. On September 5, 1896, Alaska's Alice Commercial Company wrapped up to the mouth of the Klondike River. On board was a hundred prospectors from the nearest settlements. They walked in the footsteps of George Karmaka. Three weeks earlier, he brought from these places a cover from Winchester, completely packed with golden sand. So the most famous and large-scale gold fever in history began ...

Let's learn the details ...

Went beyond salmon, returned with gold

"Opening" Klondiac was not random. The prospectors were selected to him slowly, but right. Gold on the Pacific Coast of Canada was found before 1896. The first precious metal in local rivers noted missionaries and furser merchants in the 40s of the XIX century, but were silent. The first - because of fear that the swollen of the prospectors shakes the moral foundations of the only faith in the new faith of the Indians. The second is because they considered the trafficking on the fur business more profitable than gold mining.

But still, in the early 50s, the first prospectors appeared in the Fraser River in British Columbia. There were few of them: the fores were not too rich here, and in addition, the gold fever in California was in full swing. But as in California, the reserves were depleted, the migration of the prospectors was intensified. With varying success, they investigated the channels of Canadian rivers, gradually moving to the north, to the border with Alaska.

Even the first cities of the prospectors appeared. First, the Forte Mile is a settlement on the radiation of the same name River and Yukon. When gold found a little north, many prospectors moved to the new village of Serkl-City. Gold was mined here a little, but still managed to equip their life. For a thousand with small inhabitants, two theaters, a music salon and 28 Salunov - that is, on Salun about every 40 people!

George Karmak

Any natural disaster - and the gold fever for the overwhelming majority of its participants was a disaster - it begins by chance, with some trifling. In early August 1896, the three inhabitants of the Canadian state of Yukon, which bordered in the north with Alaska, went in search of the contrasted Kate and Georad Karmakov. After a couple of days, those were found at the mouth of the Klondike River, where they were harvested for the Salmon Winter.

Then these five people were a little wandered in the surrounding area and came across the richest placers of gold, which simply sparkled in the creek, and it could be harvested with bare hands.

On September 5, George Karmak brought a couple of kilograms of golden sand to the village of Serkl City to exchange it on the currency and the necessary goods. Serkl-City, in which about a thousand people lived, instantly empty - everyone rushed at the mouth of Klondiyaka. Exactly the same breath has covered the inhabitants of the whole district. Thus, about three thousand people gathered on the extraction of gold in the place of his richest deposits in the fall of 1896. It was them that they managed to grasp the tail of the bird of happiness. Gold lay literally under his feet, and it was possible to collect it, not meeting the fierce resistance of competitors. In 1896, gold on Klondike grabbed everything.

Such a loaf, these lucky people were obliged to the remoteness of the region from civilization and the absence of transport and information communication during the cold season with large cities that were significantly south. That's exactly these three thousand people, with rare exceptions, gold was laundered for many thousands of dollars. However, not all of them are reasonably ordered by the cost, most of the golden sand flows between the fingers.

To the decent earned one hundred and a half of those who later arrived in the Yukon from other regions of the world, including Australia, should be attached to decently earned. This has already had literally fighting for gold. And tolerate incredible burden because they were not adapted to severe work in the harsh conditions of the North.

We must admit, they were lucky. Winter began, there was no connection with the "Big Earth", no one could come to the Yukon nor leave here, and the wide ranges of the American public found out about the new gold deposits only in the summer of next year. Thousands of prospects got the opportunity to wash gold on the most fertile sites, without worrying about competitors.

The real gold fever began only after, with the beginning of the summer, these prospectors brought their gold to "Greater Earth". On July 14, 1897, a steamer Excelsior came to the port of San Francisco. He made a flight with Alaska. Each passenger has a golden sand in the hands of $ 5 thousand to $ 130 thousand. To understand what it means in modern prices, you can clearly multiply on 20. It will come out that the poorest passenger flight in his pocket was $ 100 thousand.

And three days later, July 17, another steamer, "Portland", went to the port of Seattle. On board "Portland" there were three tons of gold: sand and nuggets in dirty canvas bags, on which they were squeezed, shining a weathered smile of overproprated cheeks, their legal owners. After that, the United States of America (and then the rest of the world, civilized and not very), the chorus was crazy. People threw the work and families, laid the last belongings and rushed to the north. Policemen went with posts, the car trams left trams, pastors - parishes.

Mayor Seattle, who was on a business trip to San Francisco, telegraphed about his resignation and, without returning to Seattle, rushed to Klondike. The honorable thirty-year housewife Mildred Blenkins, the mother of three children, going beyond the shopping, did not return home: picking up the bank with the spouse of savings, she got to Dawson and flashed there in the clogged pants, while talking about resale food and building materials. By the way, the old woman Milli did not lose: in three years she returned to the family, bringing with him as the redemmer gift of golden sand for 190 thousand dollars.

"It is time to go to the country of Klondike, where gold is as much as sawdust," the city newspaper The Seattle Daily Times wrote the next day.

And the chain reaction has come. Dozens of ships went to the north. By September, 10 thousand people went from Seattle to Alaska. Winter put the fever pause, but the next spring along the same route was drove more than 100 thousand hunters for luck.

Of course, few people understood what he was. The easiest route to Klondjaka looked like this: a few thousand kilometers across the ocean to Alaska, then the transition through the tickt pass height of a kilometer, a queue of several thousand people. Yes, it was possible to overcome it only on foot - the fabric animals could not climb the steep slope. Horses and dogs on the slope turned out to be powerless. True, there were Indians who could be hired for carrying at the calculation of the dollar per pound of boot. But such money was found only in eccentric millionaires, who, however, came across the Yukon more often than in Nice restaurants. Additional difficulty: In order to avoid hunger, Canada was not allowed through the pass, if the prospector did not have at least 800 kg of food. Some forty times dangled up and down to drag the cargo. Crawled so tight that, dropping out of the queue, it was possible to wait five to six hours to get into operation again. Frequent avalanches buried under themselves and people and belongings.

The prospectors overcome the chylkut pass

Those who overcome the chylkut cut the forest, built rafts, boats - in short, everything that kept them and stocks, and prepared for the last throw on the Yukon River. In May 1898, as soon as the river freed from ice, flotilla from seven thousand so-called vessels was set in 800-kilometer swimming downstream.

The thresholds and narrow canyons broke the dreams and the lives of many: out of 100 thousand adventurers who discharged in Skaguee, only 30 thousand reached Dawson - at the time of the nondescript Indian village. Of these, the condition in the mined gold was made at best several hundred.

It is not easy to fit

Statistics launched two years of gold fever that covered both the Yukon, and shouted to Alaska, very sad. During this period, about 200 thousand people attempted to find their financial happiness in the northern regions. Happiness found, as mentioned, 4 thousand people. But those who have found death here were much more - in various estimates from 15 to 25 thousand.

Nevzpectors began immediately as soon as good luck catchers each traveled on the ship to Alaska, where it was necessary to overcome the steep chalque, which was not able to mask the pack animals. Here, their Canadian police met, which missed only those who had no less than 800 kilograms of food. Also, the police were restricted into the country of firearms, in order to be in support did not occur with large-scale battles, threatened to spread to Canada located on the south.

Then he followed a crossing through Lindeman Lake, a 70-kilometer road off-road and an 800-kilometer alloy on the thresholds of the Yukon River to Klondike. Not everyone traveled to the government.

At the place of people, a harsh climate was waited with strong (up to 40 degrees) with frosts in winter and exhausting in the summer. People died from hunger, and from diseases, and from accidents during work, and from skirmishes with competitors. The situation was aggravated by the fact that a significant number of "white collar" - clerks, teachers, doctors, unusual problems, or domestic adversities arrived at the extraction of gold. It was caused by the fact that America at that time was experiencing far from the best economic times.

And the work, indeed, was heavy. After quickly gathered gold from the ground, it was necessary to shift the ground. And he was free to freeze most of the year. And he had to warm his bonfires. During the Californian gold fever, the prospectors were much easier.

I decided to try the happiness and novice writer Jack London, who was forced to leave the University of California because of the inability to pay for their studies. In 1897, at 21, he got to the government and stamped the plot with comrades. But gold on it was not. And the future famous writer was forced to sit on a blank defense without hope for enrichment, waiting for spring when it is possible to get out of the edges damned. In the winter, Zinga got sick, frosting, lowered all his cash he had ... And we, readers, were very lucky that he survived, returned to his homeland and wrote great novels and brilliant stories cycles.

It must be said that it was not so much scratched for 2 years of feverish mining in the calculation for each prospector. In a modern price scale, this is 4.4 billion dollars, which should be divided into 200 thousand people. It turns out only 22 thousand dollars.

But John Ladu was one of the most intelligent and inspired entrepreneurs. Within 6 years before the start of the Golden Fever, he founded a shopping post in the north of Canada, providing all the necessary locals, as well as the prospectors who were mined in very modest volumes at that time.

When in September 1896, all the surrounding inhabitants rushed to the mouth of Klondiyaka to the open-owned paints of the placepi, I did not stay aside aside. But he bought not a gold-like plot, but no one who did not need 70 hectares of the Earth. Then the food reserves took on them, built a house, a warehouse and a sawmill, founding the village of Dawson. When in the spring of next year, tens of thousands of lucky lucky catches rushed to the mouth of Klondiyaka, then all residential buildings and infrastructure buildings were built on Earth Frequently, which brought his huge profits. And very soon I became a multimillionaire, and the village rummaged to the size of the city with a 40-thousand population.

Skagayu now: Former boutinal, and now a popular pub

According to the progress with John, it can be compared except for another person. Returning Captain William Moore is ten years before the start of the Golden Fever bought the Earth in Skagway Bay. Former sailor, he noticed that this is the only one for a hundred miles place where the fairway allows you to go to the shore of large courts. Ten years he and his son slowly built a marina, warehouses and sawmill in Skagay. Moore's calculation was simple: the prospectors examine all rivers south, and therefore someday get to these places.

The forecast was justified in full: over two years, more than 100 thousand people were held through Skagway, and Farm William Mura turned into a major city.

It was worse than gold killers, just starting the way to Klondike. on Alaska. Since the spring of 1898, about a thousand prospectors sent to Dawson took place through Skagway. Overpake villas in the south of Alaska turned into a refuge for thousands of men, languishing in anticipation of departure to the north. To entertain this restless public, numerous "Saluns" arose in Skaguye and simply the doors.

"Slipping" Smith (center) in his "Salun". 1898

The king of this shadow world Alaska was a man on the nicknamed "Slipky" (SOAPY). His genuine name was Jefferson Randolph Smith second. By 1884, "slippery" claimed the role of the king of the criminal world in Denver, organizing fictitious lotteries. For excessive claims, competing gangs tried in 1889 to finish smith, but he managed to fight off. It came to the point that Denver City Hall had to reflect the attacks of gangsters using guns. Smith realized that his gang could not resist the artillery, and chose in 1896 to move to Alaska.

"Slipky" ahead of the main wave of gold kits for a year and managed to prepare well for it. He acted in the usual way. In Skague, he first organized a gambling establishment in Salun. Then Smith has established the reception of the telegrams, sitting next to the game of poker, which ended with the almost predicted loss of the telegram sender. Gostly gold detectors and did not occur to the head that it was hundreds of miles to the nearest telegraph pillar. Not everyone understood that they were inflated. And those who understood too hurried to the covenant Klondike to spend time on the complaint.

A year later, Smith had strong competitors. In May 1898, under the guidance of Canadian engineers, the construction of the White Pass & Yukon narrow slave, which was supposed to connect Skagway with the Whitehorse settlement. "Slipky" realized that gold killers, moving without a delay from a lady of the steamer to the train car, would not become his clients, but it was not easy to deal with the railway company. The gold kits themselves are bolder. On the evening of July 8, 1898, a collection of "Vigilantov" (citizens engaged in Samosud) was convened in Skague. The jet smith went to this meeting, but he was not allowed there. A verbal sword began, smoothly switched to a shootout, during which "slippery" was killed. The criminal kingdom in Skaguee came the end.

But nevertheless, the biggest conditions on the Klondike fever robbed those who understood in the trade mechanisms. In the midst of the Golden Boom, the price of goods in Dawson and other diligent villages were not just high, they were confusedly high.

Start with what was worth getting to Dawson. The porter indians in the midst of the fever took $ 15 thousand at the current prices for transferring the ton of cargo through the Chinkuk pass.

For clarity, we will continue to operate today. The boat that allows you to pay 800 miles in the Yukou, it was impossible to buy a cheaper $ 10 thousand. The future writer Jack London, who turned out in the summer of 1897 on the Yukon, earned that he helped hold boats of inexperienced prospectors through river tomos. For the boat, he took the Bobby - about $ 600. And over the summer earned $ 75 thousand for comparison: before leaving for Klondike, London worked on a jute factory and received $ 2.5 in terms of work. This is $ 170 per week and 2300 for three months. That is, thirty times less than at the Suson's torus.

As soldiers in the war, residents of Dawson lived in real. Mistress Kankana Gehhi diagrant tooth (the entertaining business walked so well that she was so inacked for himself) accurately outlined the situation: "These unfortunate it's just it all itchs to pull the money quickly, - so they are afraid to give the soul to God before you dig everything there still left. " Pain, despair and zelaled corpses in the frozen huts converted with chansonnets, who were in the ankle in nuggets on the Monta-Carlo scene. Wilder prospectors spent the state for the right to dance with the sisters of Jacqueline and Rosalinda, known under the nicknames of Vaseline and Glycerin.

Of course, prices can be explained by the challenges in God forgotten areas. But, of course, greed and monopoly played their role. So, the supply of products to Dawson almost completely controlled one person - Canadian Alex McDonald on nicknamed Big Alex. A year after the start of the gold fever, the state of the Big Alex was estimated at $ 5 million, and he himself received the title of King Klondiyaka. He not only bought up dozens of "applications", but also hired broken prospectors to work on their fores. As a result, McDonald earned $ 5 million and received the unofficial title of King Klondiyaka. True, the finale of the buyer of real estate turned out to be sad. Focusing in his hands huge land plots, McDonald did not want to part with them in time. As a result, the price of mountains and forests with exhausted deposits fell, and the King Klondjayka went bankrupt.

Belinda Malluni

Was in Dawson and their Queen - Belinda Malluni. She began with a speculation of clothes - brought the clothes of 5 thousand dollars, which was sold for 30 thousand dollars, and then switched to whiskey and shoes, selling rubber boots for $ 100 per pair. And also became a millionaire. Having learned about the opening of gold in the area of \u200b\u200bNome, "Queen" Klondiyak immediately moved to Alaska. She was still inventive and enterprising. The Throne "Queen" Belinda did not receive, but she managed to marry a French swell, who announced himself with a graph. Mallunion money was invested in a European shipping company. "Queen Klondjay" lived in London, without refusing to nothing, right up to 1914, when the war led to the collapse of shipping and the ruin of many companies. Belinda Malluni died in poverty.

And these people were not pioneers. About how to make money on a gold fever, enterprising people knew for a long time. A few decades earlier, when the fever covered California, the first millionaire was by no means a guy with a pickaxe and a shovel, and the one who was selling these shovels. He called him Samuel Brennan, and he found himself at the right time in the right place.

Samuel Brennan

Two, an adventurer, an alcoholic, and the head of the Mormon San Francisco community, Samuel Brennan, among other things, "became famous" by the phrase: "I will give you the money of the Lord, when you send me a receipt for his signature."

And it was so. In the height of the gold fever in California there many Mormons arrived. Religion obliges them to give God the tenth earned. The tithe from the scrambled gold, Mormon prospectors brought precisely Samuel. And he was obliged to transfer it to the Utah, at the headquarters of the Church. But no parcels with gold sand from California did not come. When from Utah, Brennan hinted to assign the money of God is not good, he answered that the most phrase about the receipt.

By that time, Brennan could afford such arrogance. He did not depend on anyone. And all because once to him - then a modest shepherd and the owner of a small store - the Californian gold depth of California Gold James Marshall. He found gold a couple of months before, but kept his secret. However, remaining without money, somehow paid in the store Brennan with golden sand. And in order to prove that Gold real, admitted where he found it.

Pastor used the situation for himself. In the next few days, he bought all shovels and other economic utensils around the district. And then in his newspaper printed a note that gold found on the River River. From this notes and began the California gold fever. The calculation of Brennan was simple: his store is the only way on the road from San Francisco to the schisphem, and therefore the prospectors will pay as much as he requests. And the calculation worked: it was already very soon he sold for $ 500 shovels, bored for $ 10. For the sieve, which cost him $ 4, he asked $ 200. For three months, Samuel earned his first million. A few more years have passed, and he is no longer just the richest man in California, but also one of the "Pods of the Company", owner of newspapers, banks and steamers, Senator of California.

However, the end of Samuel was sad. Apparently, the Lord, heighting himself to send him a receipt for Tith, found another way to remind of justice. Several risky financial operations and the scandalous divorce went bankrupt the first millionaire California. He met old age at night in the rear rooms of local salons.

Approximately finished their lives and most of the prospectors. Even laundering millions on the rivers of the Yukon, they could not cope with their passions. Saluns, boring, casino - the sphere of services knew how to pull out money from their pockets. Writer Bret Harth, famous for the description of life of prospectors, talks about a person who benefits from selling his site, loses in the San Francisco Casino half a million dollars. Witnesses of the Golden Fever in Australia in their memoirs were shared by the memories of the characters, which in local kabaks were signed by tubes from five-fingered bills (this is like a five-thousandth in our reality) and paid cabishes to the grinding of golden sand.

The queue for gifts for gold mining.

Tent town on the shore of Lake Bennet. In this place, the gold killers built or bought boats to go further to the clock on the water.

Another, already a more capital settlement of gold miners.

The shortest, but the most difficult route to Klondike went through the tilkut pass height more than 1,200 meters. The most gambling and hurried overcame this pass even in winter, and at first there were many such.

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Mining went all year round. In winter, Merzlu Ground dreded the kirk or heated fires.

Artel gold miners at work.

A group of prospectors on the way to Klondike.

Perhaps the only one who is really and fabulously rich in the "Golden Fever", there were dealers, which were cheaply buying precious metal from prospectors. A solid gentleman sitting on the left, posing with gold bags purchased by him for the previous half months. In the chests, maybe too gold. Of course, the guard with a revolver with such a still life is far from extra.

On the left, the cover of the magazine "Klondike News" for April 1898 with an optimistic outlook, which this year is expected to produce gold for $ 40 million.
And the right drawing from the English magazine "Panch" for the same year, as it were, warns adventurers, which actually expects most of them on Klondike.

I got acquainted with her in the fall of 2012, I accidentally stumbled upon the application section. Klondike dragged me from the first seconds of the game. At the first entrance, the user tells the background that you go to search for your father, continue his business, get gold and at the same time to master the earth. This game is for lovers of economic strategies. Reminds the previously famous previously happy farmer, but much more interesting in the plot. The meaning of the game is not only in the cultivation of vegetables, but in the passage of quests, clearing new locations, earning coins.

Klondike is a whole world, about everything that is there is impossible to tell. I will try to describe the most important.

At the beginning of the player accompany the prompts, and, thanks to easy quests, it is easy to reach about 15 levels. Further becomes more and more difficult.

Quests are a lot: Some are tied to home stations, others to different locations. Often, developers launch the temporary line of quests that are confined to holidays or just like that. At the same time, they have their own history, their items and special prizes - decor and utility. Such quests have a timer. Often, in such cases, temporary locations are created, which disappear after the end of the quest.

For example, Location to Halloween:

There are also constant locations, some can be turned into settlements. Periodically add new, it is almost impossible to clear.

I'll show my home station.

Unfortunately, I can't show how the location looks like at the very beginning, since I have almost 70 levels, and I removed all the trees and stones, built dwellings and plants.

This part becomes available from the very beginning and need to be cleaned from trees and vegetation to build its buildings on it. For clearing, you can use your energy, and you can build a sawmill and a quarry, since some items may not be on the teeth. Here I have a merchant, dwellings, beds, barns, plane and sleigh on which you can get on other locations, roulettes, which give birthday games every year or for the fulfillment of quests. They can only win different useful pieces.

This part of the territory opens after the construction of the bridge. Here I have a factory.

This is the gold plateau of my home station after clearing the dying. Here I placed bakeries, dwellings, estate, trees and animals. She is on her mine Leonsy.

In the abandoned mine Leonysia (at the home station she is on the gold plateau, where you can get, disassembled the collar) there was a mini-game that everyone knows as a "saper". At the moment, 4 leagues are open - sandy (mine at home station), wooden (village Ukhta), cloud (village Poland-Side), Flower (Hanbulat) and on the approach of thunderstorm (Sunrise).

And this can be bought for 70 emeralds. I have acquired it quite recently, I react at this time.

Klondike can be contacted with other players.They can be your friends who have installed the game, and also, from recently, it became possible to add neighbors - they do not have to be among friends. It is useful to share resources and daily gifts with them, as well as go to visit them and look for golden veins.

About energy.She is spent on planting seeds and removal of trees, stones, bushes and grass. It restores one division once every 3 minutes. You can also buy it for Emeralds:

and you can use energy:

They are received as a gift for the fulfillment of quests, for excavations on other locations, as well as prepare in a bakery, which is bought for Emeralds. Another way to get energy is to dig on the locations of the neighbors. It falls, if you dig under the tent, barrier, a cart with flowers, a fountain and some other objects. Thus, you can get energy for large objects. In addition, energy and energy fall out during the excavation of coal, large stones, trees and some bushes on other locations, as well as from the caches at the home station.

The energy scale without the use of power engineers has a maximum, further which it is not independently added, as well, when it cannot be used, the energy sector besides honey. Honey can be mined in the hive, which is bought for Emeralds. It can be used in any value of the energy scale. It is as convenient for the excavation of large objects.

The maximum level of replenished energy increases at the following levels:

Coins - The main gaming currency, less valuable than emeralds. And you can earn, selling the gold found, harvest and materials, passing quests, getting a new level, a little when excavations from friends, and also exchanging some collections. For them are purchased animals, seeds, many scenery, buildings.


Emeralds are a valuable gaming currency, with which you can open up in advance buildings, scenery, plants and clothing, buy various extensions, some buildings, materials, scenery, as well as energy. Emeralds allow you to skip the tasks without performing them. One emerald is given every time achieving a new level in the game.

They do not have to buy for real money. The administration of the game is generous. Emeralds are given as a gift when receiving a new level, the passage of many quests, they fall out of special festive buildings, come across roulettes. I bought a little a couple of times on a small amount of money, but rather with the purpose of supporting developers. It can be seen that they are trying that these are talented people who put the soul in their business.

A pleasant bonus is a daily roulette.

So for which I love Klondike.

Beautiful and original animation

The design is thought out to the smallest detail

Regular interesting quests with good prizes

Don't necessarily invest real money

Play easily, quickly delays if such a genre is interesting

Can be deployed

Comfortable and understandable navigation

I do not like:

No confirmation of shopping for emerald

Banners often pop up with a proposal to buy Emerald improvements

There are still some small shortcomings with which it is quite possible to accept. Klondiyak has fan sites and an official group of VKontakte, and which you can find neighbors, exchange resources, get tips, as well as write to developers questions and suggestions for improving the game. In Klondike, you can play not only in VC, as well as on Male Ru and in classmates. I only play VKontakte.

In general, the game is high-quality and interesting. I recommend fans of economic strategies.