When there are 3 episodes of Sally Face. Who is Sally Face? History and detailed analysis of the plot. History Jim Johnson

Sally Face is a logic, adventure and horror genre, developed by Steve Gabry for the PC platform. The environment in the game refers to the fiction stirring, and you can select features: adventure game, indie, psychological horror, deep plot, horror, atmosphere, excellent soundtrack, 2D, Point Amp Click, mystery and others. You will be available such game modes as "for one player."

All over the world, the Sally Face game is distributed by the model one-time purchase by the PORTABLE MOOSE publisher. At the moment, the stage of the game is launched, and the date of its output is 12/14/2016. Free download Sally Face, including torrent, it is impossible, since the game applies to a single purchase model. The game supports Russian.

MMO13 has not made a Sally Face rating. The game extends to the Steam store, whose users estimate this game with their reviews by 9.6 points out of 10.

The official description of the game says:

"Immerse yourself in the gloomy adventure of a boy with a prosthesis on your face and a heavy past. Rail the sinister secret of Sally's story to find the truth, the hidden curtain of darkness. "

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Passage of the game - Page 1

Passage relevant for all versions of the game

Features of the gameplay

Control Character is carried out by S. keyboard .

Menu Opens by pressing a key ESC.

Inventory opens key Q.. Objects from inventory are used automatically.

Preservation The current state of the game is automatically. Only one save is given to save ( SallyFaceGamesave_0.sAV.), Which is located at: Disk C → Users → User. Name → APPDATA →. Local Low → Steve. Gabry → Sally. Face.. It is recommended to make a separate folder and reset the saves for a comfortable passage of the game in case of difficulties, due to bugs, including.

Note. To increase the screenshot, click on it in the passage text. To view additional pop-up screenshots, click on active references allocated in the text of passing dark red.

Sally Fisher sees nightmares. In one, he experiences the minutes of the tragedy that happened to him when he, being small, gets terrible wounds on the face, who changed all his further life. In another nightmare, he, taking place Larry, see Mrs. Sanderson's murder. He meets with Charlie, and sees that under the mask of an innocent collector hides a red demon.

Friend Sally, Larry Johnson, skeptical about the stories about Salley's nightmares, but he turns him his grief: he is hard to experience his father's disappearance, and does not believe that he threw them with her mother.

Sally wants to introduce a friend with the ghost Megan, with which he met in the apartment number 504, but Megan does not come to contact. Then Larry advises to seek help to his classmate, Todd Morrison, engaged in the study of paranormal phenomena. In the apartment Todda Sally, get acquainted with Ashley Campbell, which will soon become his close friend. Todd improves the console of Sally is a device for detecting anomalous zones, and friends spend the test in the bathroom Todd, where the challenge is answered by Gregory Montagus. Gregory blame himself in the death of Megan and her moms, Stacy.

Todd begins to study the history of "Apartments Eddison", and Sally goes to study the house. He finds hidden symbols, says Jim Johnson's ghost, Father Larry.

Returning with the reports to Todd, Sally finds out that the police who arrested Charlie were not registered at the police database, and the arrested Charlie Mansfield was not like that they knew. Todd also evokes the history of the death of Holmes family and Megan himself.

Having found cross Megan, the same as in the photo in the fact that Todd took out, Sally, along with Larry, go to the bathroom apartment No. 504. This time, Megan appears, and Larry is convinced of the reality of what is happening.

After receiving a scrap of David, the tenant apartment number 202, Sally takes off the boards, which the door to the bedroom was skipped in the apartment number 504. Here he discovers the ghost of Stacy Holmes, pinned to the mattress, and the corpse of the hanging hatch Holmes, her husband. Luke resets the skin, and Sally sees a red-eyed demon under it. Larry comes to help a friend.

The episode ends with the death of Dr. Otkina, who, fulfilling Sally request, rides a house on a tree and meets with the ghost Larry Johnson.


Sally is in the room with white light. The ghost of Jim Johnson, whom he already met in a tree house in the second episode of the game. The ghost pronounces part of the phrases "Back Welcome". He reportsthat the only person who believed Sally, Dr. Otkin, dead andoffers find it in the "White Room", and also advises Sally to run, because Right to Sally rushing monster .

  • Achievement "Caution"

Note. Plasticine will be needed to pass the storyline or to obtain in the future the achievement of "Blub!".

We go to the right, speak with Todd.

Todd reports that Ashley went to the pantry of the cleaner to bring some ingredients and had to return.

The goal "Check how Todda is achieved".

Purpose: Help Ashley

Let's leave the office, moving to the right. Find Ashley Standing at the pantry cleaner.

We find out that she tried to open the castle with a barn, but that was stuck.

    For receiving B. further reaching "Blub"Do not give Ashley Plaine. You can also pay plasticine to reach the goal, and then start the game again. But it is not fundamentally.

Wonderful game! There is everything to sit and quarrel with friends.
1. Actuation of such graphs as in GTA V, does not prevent this game to be a masterpiece.
2. Next number of dialogs does not interfere either.
3. He strongly loads brains, a large number of confused.
4. The fact of the main character, also some plus.
5. The game itself is mysterious, what to say about her heroes.
This edition has everything you need for recreation and entertainment.

Having experienced a terrible tragedy, a boy in a hockey mask moves to the old mansion of Mr. Atkins. The presence of the facial attribute does not prevent him from finding the company of adolescents and together with them to investigate the gloomy secrets of an ancient building. Creepy cassettes, strange games, a gloomy temple in the basement, ghosts and a cruel cult, only a small part with what will have to face. All this red thread is interpreted by the present, in which Sally is accused of severely crime and waiting for the sentence. Sally Face surprisingly came out excellent and non-trivial quest, there are plenty of interesting moments in it and unusual puzzles. But on the highest league, it still does not pull, wines everything oddly enough episodic of the game, American Steve Gabry releases them not so often and many plot lines simply disappear in the process, and some arise literally from nowhere, especially this is noticeable in the second part. Yes, and the twisted intrigue becomes more and more predictable and could well be completed in the 4th part. Also, in my opinion the game does not have the most pleasant rice. And yet, I recommend to get acquainted, the advantages of the history of Sally much more. 7.0

Specially registered to leave feedback.
Unusual game. I liked the psychedelic atmosphere and the plot, which, although sometimes a banal, but not perceived as something ordinary and boring. The author also managed to exceed that
the atmosphere of adolescent friendship between Sally and his friends, when they are not particularly bothering, came to a person home on the advice of his mom, met, and now you are still a mutter together. And then you hang each other easily and easily. In short, the author managed to create exactly the images of adolescents and it's great. Heroes turned out alive, despite the cryption rice (which, by the way, gives a special charm game). Well, it is impossible not to note the main character. Sally, you are just charm: 3

I really liked the game although I have not played yet, but I saw on the Internet. Ricovka can be said to an amateur, but it does not prevent her from being so entertaining and interesting. Makes to think: about life, about the game, about everything! Whether the continuation will be very interesting. So then there was nothing about it on the Internet or I still misfortune. : 3.

In fact, I want to say, it is amazing. I long focused on the game, I was offered her friends, familiar, but the girl made it all the same and my God. I do not like Point-and-Click, as they are bad gameplay, but just such games all my life I passed in one breath. I do not remember this since the "endless summer". You just play and how it happens, you do not feel like a left uncle with a bunch of trunks or a bored scientist, everything is closer here. You feel this Sally, more precisely, you are Sally, and Sally is you. As already mentioned here, good graphics are not required for immersion, as well as the gameplay; The story that delays, that's what is great. I was sitting in the game until I have passed (it happens about very rarely) and all the feelings that I experienced, Wow! True, I feel hypocritical, but this game, like the author (who did everything alone: \u200b\u200bthe soundtrack, graphics, the program I wrote all myself) deserve higher estimates. That's how she! Happy New Year and the Fifth Episode !!!

So, this summer in our group In contact with We collected questions that subscribers would like to ask the developer of Sally Face, Steve Gamba. Moreover, we managed to even agree with Steve on the podcast, which all the suffering can also look. After the "basic" questions, we voiced some of those asked in the chat during the broadcast.

For your convenience, the whole thing after it was comprized, therefore we present a text version of this interview.

How did the game community perceived this game? There was no such feeling that the next day after the release woke up famous?
Community Sally Face full of beautiful people. All exhibit incredible support. It took this for several months, but when large jutters began to play in SF, the audience began to grow. I have never had the feeling that I woke up famous. But this is nothing terrible, because my goal is to do what I like, and share my creativity with you. If I can continue to do it, it will make me happy.

What country community fans game Sally Face is the biggest? And in which country is the most exotic? People play SF worldwide, whose arts and fan fiction most of all of you surprised?
I think Communication in Russia is the biggest, but the best game is best for sale in the States. I do not think I can choose the most exotic country, for me many places are such. I really like to look at cool arts from all over the world. I think most of all I was surprised by the very first fan arts, which began to appear on the Internet. I first did not expect this at all, so I was amazed and terribly glad that my game was so smelled to people in the soul.

Are you going to embody the idea with an animation film after completing the release of all chapters? If not, why?
I do not think that someday I will make an animated film. I simply not enough for this. But if in the future it will change, I will not becomemark this idea, if there is enough demand for it.

Will the sketchbook be published on your game about how did you draw and create characters and locations?
I was thinking about to release something like a collection, in which I can turn on the details that did not get into the game itself, as well as sketches and art. But yet I do not know where to enter it. It would be cool to release such a collection in the printed version, but it can fly to a penny, so that everything depends on the success of the game. If the seal does not work, then maybe I will add something to the game itself and releases with 5 episode.

Were there any moments when you wanted to throw everything? Creative crisis or something like that?
Yes, moments when I wanted to quit everything, were. But, I think it is normal to work on such a long and demanding project as creating a game. But I also had a lot of all personal during the development of the first two episodes, and because of this I was covered by depression. But despite this, I did not give up. I am too stubborn and targeted to surrender. And the work on the game, on the point, helped me cope with the most difficult moments.

Already have any definite plans for the following games after sf, specific ideas?
I have too much plans. I constantly come into my head, but I write them only if they truly cling to me. I, probably, to death I will play games.

Do you come to Russia to meet with your fans?
I would really like to come to Russia! I hope someday I will succeed.

Who did you want to become in childhood?
In my youth, I did not particularly understand what I want to do with my life. It seems for some time I wanted to work on cartoons. In high school classes, when I started playing the guitar and get involved in musical groups, I wanted to become a rock star. But I also always liked to write, and for some time I considered the idea to write a novel.

Your favorite character in the game / What character seems to you the most successful and interesting?
I think the pet is still Sally. Still, I founded the whole story on it. He seems to me the most interesting, because he is surrounded by the veil of mysters, but at the same time with him you can find something in common and it causes respect and sympathy. There was a lot of pain in his life, but he still looks at the world positive and manifests kindness to others.

Once on Twitter, you answered the question of which voice from Sala. And what are Larry and breath?
If this is about the time when I said that Salley's voice, like Gottfried Gylbert, then it was just a joke. I imagine what my voice, but I can't call a specific person. Sala has a calm, hoarse voice, slightly muted by his prosthesis. Larry's voice near Kiana Rivza in the "incredible adventures of Bill and Teda", but not such a Pzhonsky. And the voice of the smell is a little similar to the Höffer's voice from the "New Life Rocco".

Does anyone from characters have mental disorders?
Sal suffers from depression and permanent nightmares. And in fact, I also passed through the like that, and it was one of the things that inspired me to create this character. Papa Sala, Henry, also fights deep depression and addiction.

What will Sal do if his teeth get sick? That is, how does he belong to to shoot the prosthesis in front of an unfamiliar man, if the situation requires?
He is very awkward to remove the mask before other people. She to some extent became his real face, so in public he would take it only in an emergency case. In most cases, he goes to the toilet or simply regains his hand under mask. When Sal eats, it can unbuck the lower clasps and bring food under the mask, while not opening anything superfluous.

How does Sal make a photo on documents? And how do people identify him when you need to check?
So far, he did not have to be photographed on any documents. And in the future he will have to take off his prosthesis to make such photos. Identify it will be the same as everyone.

What year the events of the game occur?
The main events occur in the middle of the nineties, the events of the future - at the beginning of the two thousandths.

In which state is Eddison apartments?
I imagine exactly where they are located, but I do not specifically call a specific staff. I am accompanied by the idea that players are not particularly informed, where exactly the action takes place. Makes to include imagination.

What kind of music, in addition to metal, loves sal? Which groups listens or would he listen?
Yes, Salu likes everything bit. Although the preference he gives the Rock and Metal. He would like Nirvana, Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Korn, Tool, Rage Against The Machine ...

Is there any romantic line in the future planned?
I would not like to disclose such details about the plot. But if the romantic line is, it will basically stay in the background.

Favorite Fruit Sally and Larry?
I think Sally would like the apple puree, because it is just there, without removing the mask. Larry more arrogant, but he would, I think, preferred watermelons.

What signs of the zodiac from Larry and Sally?
Sal - Sagittarius, and Larry - Lion.

What are the dreams of Larry and Sally?
Larry does not particularly think about the future, he enjoys the present. But sometimes he dreams of becoming a rock star or famous artist. Sal really wants to achieve something, but he has no certain plans yet. Basically, he just wants to be happy and to be happy to be people around, especially those whom he loves.

Was Larry ever in love?

Will we ever see the parents of the breath?
Maybe. It is likely that they do not play a special role in the plot.

We know that Larry is passionate about drawing, is there any hobby from Sally?
Sal plays the guitar, and still loves movies and video games.

At the time of the second episode, did Larry Sala have seen without prostheses and will know how he received them?
Yes, Larry saw the face of Sala and knows what exactly happened.

Are there harmful (or wrong) habits of Ashley?
She gnaws his nails when she is bored or when she is nervous.

Whoasted a dewid and mannequin?
David is a very interesting character. His marriage is not very legal or real, so there was no ceremony, he just hired a photographer to take pictures.

Is Larry complex because of his nose?
No, Larry is very confident. In everything yourself.

Will the guy rains, which fills the machine with snacks?
In fact, I was planned by a side quest, in which you had to help the guy with snacks fill the machine. But in the end, he somehow did not fit into the episode, and did not cost the spent time, so I cut it out. So forgive, puff, but, apparently, you will never wait for it.

Next are the questions specified during the podcast.
Please tell me at least a little about the new game, in creating which you participate(approx. Per. - We are talking about the game Immure, Alpha trailer can be viewed).
With Studios is a company that I created 7 years ago. And I still continue to work there, but at the moment is fully focused on the development of Sally Face, so I am doing Immure in my free time. We already do it for 2 years, and while the game at the prototype stage. This is a horror based on riddles, and there will be a mysticism. The main character is stuck in the mansion, he does not remember anything, it does not get out of there, and every door is another dimension, behind which the hero finds the creations, which it can free or kill.

Is it satisfied with his own rice rice? Is it upgrading? How much time does he have time to rice one character?
I tried to draw the characters differently, I tried different approaches. But even at the initial stages, I did not want the Sal to be a "ideal" character, everything was thinking so that he was not perfect. Sometimes it came out to draw any character from the first time and did not need to redo anything. Usually I look at my sketches after a couple of days, "fresh look." It also happens that the "polished" goes about a week.

How much time did the project from the idea / scenariorelease and what technical difficulties with originated in the process of creating?
In fact, this idea came to me in the head for a long time. I then studied in college, it was about 2007. And the idea at the same time was similar to what happened, and was different. Initially, it was supposed to be a cartoon, something like a web comics, and even there was a couple of people who was going to help me, but did not come around. No one had time, so the idea just stayed with me until I returned to her ... 2015, it seems. I worked on Sally Face in my free time.
As for technical difficulties, nothing serious. There were only certain limitations due to the fact that I am not a programmer. In general, it was most difficult, to honestly, place the game in Steam and make it to achieve it. I do not really understand the programming, so it was difficult for me, although for someone who understands it, everything would be much easier.

Can you tell any fact about any of the characters regarding his character who was present at the development stage, but did not enter the final version?
I think these facts were enough, but it is rather some "background" moments, my ideas about the events that occurred with the heroes, in particular, this concerns Sala and his past. Perhaps something from this I will add in future episodes, but mostly it is just some facts that form characters in my mind.
As for concrete examples, the death of Mother Sala has greatly influenced his relationship with his father. To some extent, it rises in the first episode, in particular, what kind of method I chose a sala's father to combat the grief - alcohol abuse. It was very affected by Sale. I'm not yet sure if it will somehow open further along the plot, but it certainly influenced the formation of the character of Sala.

It was always interesting, can we ever see the participants of the Sanity Fall group?
I came to mind about this. And I think I can include it in the game. Some trifle like the poster. It depends on whether time and place will be time for that, but I would like to do it.

Cittle Gizmo took because Mother Sally died or was he in the family before this event? What kind of breed is?
No, he got into the family not because of the death of Mother Sally, but yes, it happened after. Probably, at first, Father Sala did not really come to delight from the new family member, but gradually got used to. As for the breed, it is Maine Coon.

What a strange question are you asked?
If we talk about questions in general, it is most surprising for how some questions are ... specific. But that I was postponed in my memory, this is the question that I once asked on Twitter: about who, with a big hunt, a manual ferreac - Sally or Larry. This question seemed to me ... to a strange specific. And, in fact, the animals like both of them, but it seems to me that Larry would be more likely to start ferret.

Which country / State / Mainland would like to get Sal and Larry? What dishes and sweets would these guys prefer?
I think Larry would like to go to Spain, because his family is from there. Surely since childhood he loved to listen to the history of his mother about this country.
As for food ... I think Larry loves pizza, Pepperoni is a simple classic.
Sally ... I think he is one of those who dream of visiting everywhere and see as much as possible. As for food: Sal is just used to eat what is more accessible to him and easier, but, perhaps, I will say again that this is a pizza. This is something that he can enjoy alone without worrying about other people.

Did you think about doing the voice acting in the game?
Yes, wondered. I even had several proposals from different people to do this. But at the moment, the main problem is that the episodes of the game are long enough, and I would not like to be in a situation where the part of the game is already announced, and then someone refuses his role due to a lack of time or something like that . I would not want to change the votes of characters along the game. So if I do it, then at the end of the game, so that everything is at the level. In general, I would like to do this, but to say whether, alas, it is impossible.

Have you tried to rip the mask in the old school? And in general, did it go to him?
Yes, of course, Sally came across a bad attitude towards himself at school. In the first episode, this was mentioned, at the first acquaintance of Sala and Larry. He was teased due to masks and, I think, at first he had to be very difficult because of this, but over time he learned not to pay attention to such attacks. However, it was very difficult to cope with it, considering that he had just left the depression caused by the death of the mother. It seems to me that this is exactly what it made it stronger.
It is exactly the mask ... yes, someone probably tried to do it, but I don't think I would have allowed it to happen.

How ready 3 episode?
Work over 3 episode is moving very cheerfully. He is ready for about 50%. I would also like to add that some aspects of work occupy more time than others. So that the episode is ready for 50%, does not mean that the second half of the work will take the same time - it may turn out to be somewhat longer.

Do Sally and Larry believe in God?
As for Sala - can be considered by its agnostic. He does not follow some particular religion and does not believe in a specific God, but believes that there is some kind of higher force, something exceeding human understanding. And this is largely due to the strange events that happened to him. He can say a little on the veil into the world of supernatural.
And Larry is more like a skeptic, which can be seen by how he initially denied the existence of ghosts, despite the fact that he saw them with his own eyes. He himself does not know exactly what believes, but the world is a skeptic. And the events of the game make him think about their beliefs.

Do we know what happened to Mom Sally?
Yes, by the end of the game it will be pretty obvious.

What inspired you to create "Sally Face"?
There are several such things. On the idea itself, the cartoons from the 90s were pushed. Such as Hey, Arnold!, Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Invader Zim ... I tried to save a similar aesthetics and ... In such cartoons, a very strong plot, which, it seems to me, is not enough modern cartoons. Well, of course, nostalgia played here. However, I wanted my work to be somewhat gloomy and aimed at a more adult audience. Many plot parts were based on my personal vital experience. I took some minor details from my life and pushed out from it. It seems to me that this particularly helped me in the incarnation of characters.

Perhaps there was already information, but nevertheless, will the second season of the game be after the release of all 5 episodes?
Specific plans on this score at the moment I do not have. There are a couple of ideas, but it seems to me that the story of Sally Face will be completed this season. If I still decide to do something, it will be more independent project. I do not want to promise anything now. It will depend on how this season will be accepted. I do not think that I will immediately figure out to do the continuation of the Sally Face universe, even just because I don't really want to spend so many years on one project.

Was Larry or Sally desire to somehow change their appearance? Repaint or cut the hair, for example?
Yes of course. The very, probably, the obvious - Sal began to wear tails, and he did not always do it. Just the situation in which he wanted to change his appearance and, in fact, changed. And, I think, with age, he would also like to somehow change his appearance to try different things, like many people. And Larry had short hair before, but then he stood them and, having done it, decided to leave it.

Sally Face - How much in this sound for the heart of the fan was merged! The game acquired the inspired fanbaza, and what happens inside the main plot even after the release most of the episodes is still exciting the minds of the players. That is why we decided once and forever put all the points over it and tell about Sally Face - what it is and with what it is eaten.

The plot in Sally Face is a ball of thin threads-stories that we gradually unravel. What is the most important thing, we will not be able to understand the whole story and cover the whole picture with a look, if before that, one of the "threads" remained untouched.

In order to facilitate understanding of what is happening in the game, this article was written. Be careful, for it contains a sufficient number of spoilers, so read on your own risk, especially if you are not familiar with the world of Sally Face or have not passed all available episodes.

And start with the beginning of all I started - with a person, in the mind of which the idea was born.

History of creation

Steve Gebry is an unusual man, and the games are different from many others with their own stylistics and elaboration. Favorite Character Sally-Gromsali, as himself recognized Steve in his blog, arose quite by chance. Then the yard was 2007.

Steve was thinking about his new hero for a very long time, he did not leave various thoughts, it seems that Sally lives, that he has or her for the soul, which is generally the identity of Sally-Gromsali. These reflections pushed Steve to an unusual image: his new character is a boy who sewed a female face, and he lives in an apartment building with strange eccentric neighbors and is friends with a lazy metalworker. This is how Sally and Larry's images were born, which at that time looked like that.

A few months later, the image of Sally-Gromsali became more specific, and at that stage Steve discarded the idea with an attached face, replacing it with a prosthesis. At the same time, Salley had his own background, and the world around him continued to line up in a small pieces, absorbing more and more characters, places and stories that could well meet the framework of this universe.

Steve is a big cartoon fan from the NickToons channel like "Hey, Arnold", "New Life Rocco", "show Rena and Stamp", thanks to which they moved the desire to create something similar, but more gloomy, frightening and completely not intended for children. Then Steve slowly began to master 3D modeling and embody his idea into life.

Soon Steve collected several of his friends who were talented animators and artists, and told them about their idea. Increased, the guys were ready to start creating a full-fledged game, but impatient work and studies quickly turned the sweet anticipation of the burden, which was decided to postpone into the longest box. In connection with the new circumstances, Steve Gebry switched to other projects, and Sally-Gromsali fell in Anabiosis for seven years.

In 2014, after the release of the Crowman & Wolfboy mobile project, which Steve worked on, because of the inability to realize his numerous ideas, he remembered the existence of Sally. It was then that Steve realized that it was time to return to the "roots" and to make Sally "alive." Thus, he rewrote the initial plot and divided it into five episodes, immediately starting working on the first.

Character design has repeatedly tolerated various kinds of changes, because in the process of creating the first chapter of Steve, there were some problems with work (if one to be accurate, he fell under the reduction), although in such a situation he found his plus. Thanks to his dismissal, he has more time for Sally. It was February 2016.

So far, Steve devoted himself exclusively to this work, then it has problems in life arose in life: financial and personal. As he himself admits, in many respects, thanks to the rapidly growing popularity of Sally Face, he was able to get out of his pool despair and return to normal life, as well as not to know the problems with the monetary side of the issue. The first episode of the game - "strange neighbors" - appeared at Steam Platquin in December 2016. And although for two years that came out episodes, Steve had difficulty, one way or another preventing the development of Sally Face, he found the strength and support from its fans not to stop there.

Steve Gebry himself admits that he does not want to do something else and, most likely, he will do games while they do not bring him to the grave. By the way, now he collaborates with Studio Wither, where he once worked, and helps them in creating the game Immure.

"C" means "Sally"

The full name of our hero is Sally Fisher.

Sally was brought up by Henry's father and Mother Diana, until an accident occurred, because of which the boy lost his mother. Comparing the facts from the available episodes, it can be said with confidence that a mad dog was attacked on Sally, and Diana, risking his life, rushed to help her son, because of which he died. The boy got lost forever with a mutilated face. It was after the death of Mother's death at Sally a prosthesis appeared, which he further will wear his whole life, until death.

Rail a child alone and even in a place where any little thing resembles the late spouse, it was hard. For this reason, Henry Fisher decided to take the Son and leave New Jersey, where they lived in the threesome, in the NOCFEL. In his plans, it was to start life from a pure sheet, not looking at the past, which so inexorably pursued them from Sally.

Artist: Ponyk.

Sally Fisher himself, despite what happened in childhood (presumably, he was then studying at elementary school), grew up a kind, brought up, in something even a compassionate boy. The only thing that was reflected on it is the case - these are periodic nightmares and persistent fear of dogs.

In the "Adedison Apartments" Sally appeared when he was fifteen years old. At first, accommodation in this place was not different from the usual measured life anywhere else, but quite soon everything turned upside down on the head, and Sally realized that he was not quite ordinary teen ...

Down and Out trouble started

Henry and Sally Fishera settled in the 402nd Room in Eddison Apartments. After his arrival, without losing time, Sally decided to get acquainted with the neighbors and in principle to study the new place of residence. So, he met the avid lovers of Havi-Metal Larry Johnson, as well as with his mother Liza Garcia, who worked here a cleaning woman.

Sally and Larry quickly found a common language and soon became good friends. Trusting your new friend and wanting to divide the burden of secrecy with him, Larry told about the recent murder of Mrs. Sanderson - a young cheerful woman. Larry believed that Sullie neighbor was noticed in a crime - Charlie Mansfield, a big amateur and a toy collector. The evidence across such thoughts was obscured in the form of a stolen toy stolen, which later discovered in Charlie's apartment. Having invented the action plan to steal the main evidence from under the nose of the alleged killer, Sally everything turns out, and very soon Charlie Mansfield turns out to be in prison.

Author Art: Mado

While Sally implemented a plan for neutralization of C. Mansfield, he met the ghost of once deceased here girls Megan Holmes. At the first meeting, she said that "his father prohibits her to speak with alive," because of which he quickly disappears, almost nothing clarify. And here it begins the most interesting.

Sally Fisher quickly delves into the essence of what is happening and understands that in this place for many years a certain cult has been operating, the main goal of which is the worship of a cruel red-eyed demon, whose origin, despite the speaking name, is shrouded in secret. Despite the word "demon" in its designation, there is a version that this is a new one with another planet who has sufficient power to control people and inspire fear in them. But more on that later.

History of Cults

It is difficult to say how the cult began. It is known that the temple near the apartments is rather ancient, presumably he was on this earth long before Miss Rosenberg appeared, which we will talk in more detail.

Ellison Rosenberg, which, for incomprehensible reasons, the apartments are called Rose, once a long time ago, being young (and, as you know, at the time of the fourth episode, she was about two hundred years old) wanted to join the so-called cult of the "servants of the Lord." To do this, she needed to find a "book forgotten the truth" and bring a cult. After fulfilling his mission, Ellison became a full-fledged member of this secret society. Further, it is not entirely clear how "servants of the Lord" changed the focus of their activities, but it is safe to say that Miss Rosenberg largely supported both a light part of the history of the cult and dark. This is evidenced by its loyalty to the secret society, "darkness in the eyes", which Jim Johnson spoke about (information about it is presented in the section below), and the desire to help Sally Fisher, as well as the salvation of it in the moment the battle with the final boss of the game is infinite.

One of the important characters in understanding the history of the cult is Gregory Montagus, although his history and personality practically do not disclose. If you follow the plot of games from the Gear Boy console, you can find out that Gregory came across the cult and decided to confront him only because of love for Stacy Holmes, who, in turn, was his wife Luke Holmes, an old adherent of secret society.

Stacy did not share her husband's views and was very afraid of their daughter, Megan, whose ghost Sally Fisher meets in the first episode. And it was not at all by chance, because the cult wanted to call the demon to the world and, apparently, to subjugate his will. For these purposes, the ritual was preparing and fair will notice that Luke Holmes was literally obsessed with this idea that, undoubtedly, could not not scare his family.

At some point, Miss Rosenberg literally adopted the troubled moods of Stacy Holmes and joins her to prevent the completion of the ritual, but they had nothing left and the red-eyed demon was in our world.

The history of the Holmes family ends on a tragic note. Being further an obsessed ideas of a cult, Luke decides to give his body a demon and become a vessel for him. We will not forget, demons are not homemade animals, but dangerous creatures of a different world. Being under the influence of red-eyed, the hatch kills his family, and then cums the life of suicide, thereby allowing the demon to get out of the body.

It is important to say that far from all members of this secret society understood the focus of its activities. Many of them have enough, realizing the scale of the impending trouble, tried to prevent the appearance of red-eyed, but soon they were all killed. Mrs. Sanders and her husband belong to their number. According to the plot, Herman Sanders wife wanted to help him and paint a certain book, presumably the most that Miss Rosenberg once brought. However, soon after the committed crime, Mrs. Sunders was killed Charlie Mansfield, who, in turn, was obsessed with a demon.

If we talk about the cult, as a certain secret organization, then the goal is not completely clear. Formally, they act in a limited area, so they are unlikely to be interested in world domination or a change in old orders. Even Jim Johnson writes in his diary that they "honor the traditions of ancient society" and some strange magic is involved in this. Indeed, everything that happens is rather a certain tribute to the traditions and conditional reflex in the spirit "in two o'clock in the afternoon I sit down to dine." At the same time, through the whole game, the theme of the fate and the inevitability of some actions passes through the red thread, so that it is possible that the motivation of the cult is not as important in the context of the history of the Sally against the antagonist of the Red-eyed Demon and his followers. "

Also, a significant impact of secret society is easily felt on the world around. For example, in the third episode of Sally and his friends find out that Mrs. Pakerton uses human meat in his sandwiches, and she gets him from missing people. No matter how difficult it is to guess, the police, under the influence of the cult, notice all the traces of crimes and there are no mention of disappearances in newspapers, on radio or television.

Another good example will be an episode with the advent of Dr. Otkina in court. As you know, before making sentence and hearing the case of Sally Fisher, an accident happened to the doctor, and he died, but the cult was clearly unprofitable, so that Sally would be released and still could stop them. It was for this reason that they found the "submarine" Otkina and presented it in court.

History Jim Johnson

Jim Johnson is a representative of extraterrestrial civilization. He arrived at Earth with his sister Evelyn, when their native planet attacked the shadows and, later, destroyed. Jim quickly recreed at the Apartment Eddison, where Rosenberg was met on the threshold, which he said that he was no coincidence. In the housing complex, Jim got acquainted with Liza Gracia. Subsequently, they had a rapid novel, and after six months they got married.

Throughout his life on Earth, Jim noted that people are in many ways similar to his race - physiology and traditions. In many ways, because of this similarity, it was easily bred in a new place, but for quite a long time Jim could not forget about his sister, until the emergence of nightmares with her participation.

The fate of Evelin was many times more tragic than her brother. An unhappy girl with a landing to the ground died and got along the other side of the reality, where only ghosts dwell. In the last episode of the game, you can find several cassettes on which an unknown woman asks for help and tells what happens to her. Presumably, this woman is Evelyn, since Jim repeatedly mentioned, as if he saw her sister in the walls of the apartment and Evelyn herself also talks about a kind of man who was important for her. Together with these facts, its imprisonment inside the complex is due to death at all next to this place. According to the laws of this universe, the ghost remains tied to the place of their death, and Evelyn died on Enddison Earth.

From the very beginning, Jim felt something bad in this place, but could not fully understand his feelings. Anyway, he was not very interested in the disclosure of local secrets and more devoted himself to the family. By the time Jim and Lisa had a son Larry, who will later become the best friend of Sally Fisher, and his father he will be considered a traitor for supposedly him and mother.

Jim continued to torment the nightmares and Miss Rosenberg with their conversations about fate, however, a man always believed that there was no fate, and people were just too supersed.

After some time, Jim and Lisa had to be born daughter, but, alas, the child was born dead. From the moment Lisa closed in himself, and Jim felt interference with Jim tirelessly. After this incident, the conversations of Ellison Rosenberg became more specific - the woman offered Jim to join their cult, then his family will not suffer. The man did not have anything except to give consent.

Artist: Sowa.

For Jim, as a representative of a more advanced form of life, was a strange reverence of traditions of some secret ancient society. He did not quite understand the goal of the cult, however, knew for sure - these people are dangerous and what they do will not bring to good.

Subsequently, a man was looking for a way to hide from a cult and found him - he escaped into some space called the white room. Further on the game will be mentioned this place several times, and you can also get into the dark room. From the titles and history of Jim, it is easy to understand that the white room personifies the metaphysical safe place of light and good, and the dark place is evil, in which, by the way, you can find Miss Rosenberg. Reminds Wigwam from Twin Pix, isn't it?

Artist: Frozen-Snowdrop

Becoming a certain spirit or ghost, Jim found a way to contact Sally Fisher, but everything in the game indicates the fact that only Sally and no one else can interact with Jim. Why is it so unknown.

By the way, in my diary, the man mentioned Sally and even assigned him the role of a certain Messiah, Favorites, who is the only one can stop the cult and save this place from Darkness.

Speaking about darkness, it is important to go back to the time of the similarity of Jim as creatures from another planet, and people from the ground. There is a possibility that during his escape from the native planet, Jim captured with him one of the shadows, which subsequently settled in the apartment. In this case, it turns out that the shadows of the apartments, which obey the infinite, were only stronger with the advent of Jim.


It is impossible to bypass the side of the infinite, which, undoubtedly, plays an important role in understanding what is happening. Together with him, we will also go through the history of the Eddison family.

It is not known when this land began to belong to the family of Eddison, however, we can say that they bought this plot from Ellison Rosenberg. Subsequently, she regretted it, as they testify some of her replicas.

And although the family of a family itself can tell or find out about the family itself, the most disclosed representative for us will be Terrens Eddison - the current owner of the apartments.

Terrens - closed, very secretious and timid young man. It does not fundamentally leave his room, preferring to talk with the inhabitants through the postal opening of the door. Presumably, the young Eddison became such an uncommunicative after the accident that happened to his family. From that moment on, the story joins the endless.

If you compare already known facts, the following is obtained: the endless is an immense monster, which controls and subjugates the shadows. Darkness, absorbing the souls of the apartments, began with him. And our antagonist acted through the owners of this place - the family of Eddison.

Presumably when Terrence was quite young, endlessly absorbed his family and his own. In favor of the second, a meeting with a young terrents in the White Room after the victory over the Monster, as well as the remains of people in the body of the infinite one. At the same time, it was in his youth that young Eddison closed in himself and never went out of his room again.

Terrence was a big lover of tea, and it was an endless thing on his hand - it was through tea that the residents of the apartments called "relaxing and delicious", the monster spread the so-called soul, darkness, slowly the absorbed souls of everyone who drank offered by Terrence Drink. This is evidenced by empty cups in a dark bunch in the corner of the room - it is such a clocks players could see on the residents of the apartment, playing Larry in the fourth episode.

Also, at the beginning of the last episode, in the dark room, you can go into one of the premises and listen to the monologue of the Terrence. He says how at one moment the darkness took possession of his mind, and he did terrible things that regret. However, there are moments when the young man becomes itself - this is the moments of the conversation with guests. It was then that the clear state of mind is briefly returning to him, but quickly fades under the force of infinite.

Do not trust anyone here

Surely for many players, the death of Larry Johnson was a shock and a real surprise (the author of the article is not an exception). However, when emotions retreated a little, a sufficient amount of fans began to invent various kinds of theory and ask questions regarding Larry, his death and in general this situation. Why did he do that? Where is his body? How did he die? Is it really Larry? We will try to answer these questions.

Closer to the end of the last episode of Sally Fisher, the phone comes sms from his friend Larry, who writes that "his time came" and "it became too late." Later, Sally comes to the house on the tree and detects a suicide note from his best friend, and a few scenes show us the ghost of youth, who remained tied to his place of death, that is, a house on a tree.

First of all, it is not known where the body is Larry Johnson. Presumably he died from the overdose of drugs and alcohol. In favor of this, there are several references to the fact that Larry used psychotropic substances, as well as in a tree house, you can find an empty bottle of alcoholic beverage. Judging by the absence of any traces, the young man died without extra suffering, but this still does not explain the absence of a corpse. There is an assumption that his body was taken by members of the cult, who knew about the effect of shadows on the mind of Larry, but this theory is not reinforced and remains guessed.

Why did the best friend of Sally made it with me - the question is simpler. First of all, Larry considered himself a damn, it is possible to learn about it from his mother Lisa Garcia and the young man himself mentioned a couple of times. Also, Larry was much sharperly worried about the situation in Eddison Apartments, rather than Sally, - this is evidenced by the text of his suicide note. However, finding out the causes of his death is not as interesting as one theory according to which Larry is a member of the cult, and the whole game Sally Face is built on references to biblical plots. But first things first.

First of all, we will continue the conversation about Larry.

According to one theory, Larry Johnson personifies Lucifer or Velzevul, who, by the way, we can meet in a dark room.

Let's start in order. From the diary of Jim Johnson, it is known that he and Lisa lived in one of the available rooms in the apartment, and only after the disappearance of Jim's his wife and Son, Lisa and Larry, moved to the ground floor. If we remember the history of Lucifer for a second, you can immediately see similarities: like the prince of darkness, Larry was forced to leave the top of the floor, "heaven", and settle down below the level of land, in "hell".

Also worthy of mentioning the external similarity of Velzevulu and the matured Larry - they are both muscular and high.

For another "kinship" with the devil indicates one of the posters in the young man's room. If you carefully look at the man depicted on it reminds the outbound crucifix, which is a symbol of satanism.

In addition to Larry Johnson himself, the biblical stories refers time in the last nightmare of Sally Fisher - three hours and thirty three minutes. According to some studies, Jesus Christ emptied the spirit on the cross of the third April thirty-third. According to this theory, Sally personifies good in the form of Jesus, and Larry, respectively, evil in the form of a devil.

Stories about betrayals, although they may seem banal, still sometimes capture the spirit, and if there really have references to the Bible in the game, then maybe in the final episode, the history of friendship will end as tragic as the history of Jew sisterot Jesus. The truth is not fully clear that in the case of Larry Johnson will be silver. Perhaps this will be information about his father - the cult really has some information about him. However, this we can learn only in the final episode.

Questions without answers

The last episode has the appearance of some questions that cannot be sane or decent answers at the moment.

For example, it is not clear why Ashley Campbell decided to take a picture of the ghost of Larry Johnson as proof of Sally Fisher's innocence in the mass murder perfect. Based on the well-known laws of this universe, it will be logical to assume that the girl either no one would believe, or the cultists were tritely damaged to her psychiatric hospital or even far away so that she could not upset their plans.

Continuing the theme of Ashley and a house on a tree, attentive players could have been noticed by one interesting detail during the passage of the last episode. When the girl appears in this place, we can see in the right corner the stack of Pictures of Larry, which he painted during his lifetime - they could be noted in previous episodes. Of all the works of youth, the most questions give rise to a picture of a male face, so strangely resembling Jim Johnson. Where did Larry take this image? On the one hand, Sally could tell her friend about a conversation with his father in all details, but it happened after the picture was completed.

The role of Todd Morrison is also not quite clear - one of the friends of Sally Fisher. While massacre in the apartment, we can find it on the first floor. The young man is clearly in a state of shock, and a large scratch gaps on his breast, presumably from the knife. It is not known for certain, whether Todd was wounded by Sally himself, or he himself inflicted injury. However, you can probably say - at that time a red-eyed demon was concluded in his body. This is evidenced by the unhealthy color of his eye, which never returned to normal until the end of the storyline.

The situation with the very execution of Sally Fisher remains unclear. Among a sufficient number of players, there is a theory that allegedly Salley survived, and the person who died on an electric chair is another passing "someone" from the cult. However, this theory is easy to destroy two arguments: no one has seen the faces of Sally Fisher, so it is impossible to say it or not, as well as a cult just unprofitable to leave him alive. Of course, more emphasis is on the second thesis. However, the author of the article strongly recommends anything to make anything and simply wait for the release of the last episode, which perhaps everything will depart into its place.


Despite the small scale of the game, Sally Face can offer its players and fans of the well-thought-out universe, as well as several interesting stories inside on, which are perfectly complemented by various kinds of theories.

In this article we tried to state the story so detail how much this makes the main story, secondary characters, diaries, notes, tapes and some theories in the game. However, it is very important to remember that everything written above is not the truth in the last instance, since in Sally Face there are ambiguous moments that are interpreted in different players.