The College of Bards Skyrim Walkthrough. College of Bards of Skyrim. Keeping an eye on the Flame

For those whose creative soul is eager to go out, the Bards College in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is perfect. This guild of bards is located in Solitude, and its masters will teach you how to sing, dance and have fun, and at the same time they will ask you to complete several quests.

The guild is run by Viarmo and can be found in the college building itself, which is hard to miss. By the way, next to it there is one that you can buy.

I will tell you how to join the College of Bards and the adventures of all their quests. First, we go into the building and immediately meet Viarmo.

After a short conversation with whom, we get the task for the introduction.

Keeping an eye on the Flame

In the quest " Keeping an eye on the Flame(Tending the Flames) we have to retrieve the long-lost part of the forgotten verse about the one-eyed King Olaf. This should convince the jarl to authorize the annual festival, during which the effigy of this king is burned. It was canceled due to the death of her husband, the king.

To do this, we need to go to the Dead Man’s Respite, which is located west of Morthal.

At the very beginning, we meet the mysterious ghost of the bard, who waves to us and runs away. We take the Ruby Claw, deal with the draugrs and go after this ghost. In a small labyrinth you need to find a ring that opens the door further.

Then we jump into the hatch, deal with the draugrs, go through the cheerful bridge with axes and find ourselves near the altar for, opposite which there is a door closed by a magic barrier. By the way, there are many different things scattered everywhere - you can replenish stocks quite well.

We pass by her (there is a closed door with a chest) and find ourselves in a room where draugrs climb on us from all sides. We fight back, pull the ring, go down and find this ghost next to the verse we need. We take away the book and the ghost disappears.

We return and again we stumble upon a ghost near a closed door, which he opens to us and with a sword is carried away into the distance.

Well, well, we follow him and we stumble upon the familiar door for the Ruby Claw, which lay at the beginning. We look at the sequence of images on the claw in the inventory and open the door.

We find ourselves in a spacious hall, where we, together with the ghost, will have to arrange a good mess, fighting off the horde of draugrs. At the end, the one-eyed king Olaf himself will rise, killing him we take the key to the treasury. Watch out for the wall behind the Screaming Dash shout behind his grave.

We unlock the door on the left with the key, pull the lever and find ourselves at the entrance to the Rest. We leave and return with the book back to the college of bards.

But Viarmo is upset that some of the text is lost forever, and that what is left cannot be read by the royal family. We invite him to invent the missing lines and together with him we compose a new verse about King Olaf. Then we go to the castle and watch Viarmo read it.

As a result, the jarl allowed the festival of the burning of King Olaf to be held. And we are on assignment to go to Jorn (Jorn) to finish all preparations for the beginning of the festival. We speak with him after 9 pm and go to the ceremony.

After burning the effigy, Viarmo takes us to the College of Bards. In principle, this is all, no more quests and guitar lessons are expected, unfortunately.

Only three small quests from college teachers to find lost musical instruments become available.

To join this guild, you need to get to Solitude. Find a house called "The College of Bards", and there talk to a man named Viarmo. He will inform you that the College accepts only those who fulfill their task. That is, you must prove that you will be useful to the bards.

Set it on fire!

The passage of the Skyrim game will continue with this task. It turns out that bards have long had a holiday, during which a stuffed king named Olaf is burned. However, in the current times, the government has decided to cancel the celebration. To prevent this, you need to find the old "Song of King Olaf". Its location, a kind of dungeon, will be shown on the map. And head there. There you need to clear the premises and solve the placed riddles. Also beware of traps. For the passage of the game Skyrim, do not miss the levers in the walls, because with their help you will be able to open the gratings (they are doors) and, thus, go forward. For example, one lever there pushes the grate on the floor. You will have to jump into the resulting hole.

Use the beacon to find the closed room and click on the lever on the left side. Then the "door" will open, behind which is the "Song of King Olaf". Take it and go after the ghost, which should open the locked magic door. And behind it, the passage of the Skyrim game has prepared a riddle for you. It consists in the correct arrangement of the rings on the door. By the way, just outside the entrance to the dungeon, you saw a claw and had to take it. Place the rings according to the picture below, then use the claw and open the door

And then you will be attacked by many Draugr enemies, along with their commander Olaf One-Eyed. Destroy everyone, take the one-handed sword from ebony and the key, then leave the dungeon. Dig into the Royal Treasure Chest on your way outside. And on the wall, read and remember the new word of the dragon - "Rage. Rapid dash". Now go to a meeting with Viarmo and give him the book. However, he will notice some damaged places in it, so you suggest that he finish the book. Then visit the singing song and find Jorn. Inform him that the holiday will be and it is necessary to complete the creation of the stuffed animal. Then you need to find a place marked with a beacon and observe the burning of this scarecrow. Chat with Viarmo again and be glad to be a bard! Take your well-deserved 1000 coins and this will complete the current task. To complete other missions in Skyrim, you need to talk to the Bards College with three professors.

Inge Six Fingers will ask us to find Finn on the lute

Head towards the cave called Stone Creek. Move along the stream upward. Be careful and watch the road - don't fall into traps. Deal with several robbers and go to the right at the first corner. Ahead you will see a chest containing a lute.

A certain alchemist Marauder is the guard at the chest. By the way, you can take the heart of the Daedra from him. If you follow the stream forward, you will come to the place where the moonstone is mined. Now you can return to Inge and receive a reward for your work. This time you will be taught Alchemy, Hacking, Stealth, Pocket Stealing, Light Armor and Speech. Passing the game Skyrim will allow these skills to increase one point up

Panthea Ateya wants to return the stolen flute

The necromancers bought the flute because, according to stories, it is able to bring people back from the dead. You need to go and find her in the Hoba cave. You will pass through the ice corridors, where you will meet a couple of skeletons and necromancers. Kill them all and reach the small room that contains a locked passage. Pull the chain (to the right of the aisle). By the way, on the left side on the shelf you can find the heart of Daedra. There is an easy trap ahead of you. She can hit "frostbite".

Further you will see the columns, from which you need to draw out the soul stones. Also, you will see a staircase on the rise, necromancers and, finally, a chest on top and a flute on it. After picking it up, jump off the ledge and get to the entrance. Come back for a reward. For completing this task in Skyrim, Panthea will allow you to improve skills such as Witchcraft, Destruction, Illusion, Enchantment, Change by one point.

Giraud Jiman Needs Rjorn's Drum

You must get to Cairn Kholdir. In the cave you will see a mystical pillar with energy and corpses. There is a diary on top of the pedestal in front. In it you can read the life story of unhappy robbers. Take the key to the crypt near the diary. Go there and expect to see draugrs and skeletons. Click on the lever in the locked passage (right behind the stone chair).

There is a room ahead of you, the door to which is made of stone again. Be careful, the lever here will activate a trap. On the walls there are pictures of animals on a couple of plates. You will also see stones on the opposite side of them. To complete the Skyrim game, they need to be positioned so that the picture with the animal on the stone is identical to the image on the wall.

If you enumerate it according to the clockwise direction, starting from the entrance, it should be like this - an eagle, then a snake and, finally, a fish. Click on the lever and go forward. Meet the Holdir, who turns out to be a ghost that possesses the draugr.

Destroy it and take the expensive staff, as well as the drum in the chest. Open the hatch, jump to the entrance. Return to the College of Bards to be rewarded with new skills: Two-handed and One-handed weapons, Blacksmithing, Shooting, Heavy Armor, Blocking.

One of the most notable places of Haafingar's possession is College of Bards of Solitude... Bards are wandering warrior storytellers, minstrels, and rogue adventurers. They are a kind of chroniclers of the history of Tamriel, spreading news of justice and heroism, treachery and treason even to the most remote provincial cities.

However, over the decades of history, the lives of bards have changed. In the College, students are more focused on making music and versification than on wandering and looking for adventure. The apotheosis of the image of the 4E bard is Panthea Ateya, a famous singer who performs exclusively in front of jarls or influential people.

The hero learns about the College from the replicas of the bards in taverns. Each minstrel graduated from the College in due time, where he was educated in one of three specialties - the class of lute, drum or flute.

The College Building is located on the road from Castle Gloom to Blue Palace, adjacent to the High Spire Estate. It has an extensive courtyard where folk festivals and classes for future bards are held.

Unfortunately, even after entering the College, Dovahkiin will not be able to play musical instruments.

Characters (edit)

  • Viarmo- is the director of the College of Bards.
  • Giraud Gimant- Dean of History.
  • Panthea Ateya- Professor.
  • Ataf- student.
  • Inge Six Fingers- dean of lute players
  • Jorn- student.
  • Ayia Arria- pupil.
  • Ildi- pupil.
  • Bendt- Cook.

Bards College Quests

  • Set fire!- introductory quest for the Bards.
  • Deans' Quests- Each faculty of the College (classes of drum, lute, flute) is headed by a dean. After the hero joins the College, the deans will ask to return them some things directly related to their activities in the College. Deans' quests are noted in the "Miscellaneous" section of the magazine and are based on a single principle - clearing the dungeon / returning an item.
    • Find Finn's Lute- Return the lute back to the College of Bards.
    • Find the Panthea flute- Find the missing flute.

To join the ranks of the bards, go to Solitude, find the "Bard Collection" building there and talk to Viarmo. He will say that not everyone is accepted, and in order to prove their benefits for the collegium, you need to complete one task ...

The quest is taken in Solitude, in the Clelegium of the Bards, from Viarmo.

Viarmo will tell you that bards have had a holiday since time immemorial - the burning of an effigy of King Olaf. But now the holiday is under threat of cancellation, and in order to persuade the authorities to leave the holiday, you need to find the ancient "Song of King Olaf"

A dungeon will be marked on the map, into which we will go:

Get ready to clear a large dungeon with a couple of riddles and traps. The first tip is to be more careful with the levers on the wall, they open doors / gratings, to go further, for example, this lever on the wall opens the grate in the floor, where you need to jump:

We find the locked room on the marker, use the lever on the left, the "door" opens where the "Song of King Olaf" lies. After you take it - follow the ghost.

He will open a sealed magic door, after which there will be a riddle - a door with rings that need to be turned in the right direction (by the way, at the beginning of the dungeon, there was a claw on the table - I hope you took it?). We turn the rings as shown in the pictures, use the claw, and the door opens:

Next is a battle with a huge number of Draugs, led by King Olaf One-Eyed. We kill them all, take a key and an ebony one-handed sword from the body - and get out. Do not forget to open the king's treasure chest on the way to the exit. And also go to the wall to learn a new dragon word:

We return to Viarmo, we return the book. He will say that some of the pages are ruined, for which we suggest that he finish the book himself. I always chose the first options. After that, we have to be present at the performance of the song, then find Jorn and say that the holiday will take place, and we need to finish the scarecrow, then come to the place indicated by the marker, see how the stuffed animal of King Olaf will be set on fire.

In the same place we speak with Viarmo again - now you are a bard! We get 1000 gold, the task is completed.

To take other tasks - talk to three professors in the bards guild.

Inge Six Fingers will ask us to find Finn on the lute

To do this, we go to the "Stone Stream" cave.

We go upstream, look under our feet for traps, kill several bandits. The first turn to the right will lead us to a chest with a lute.

It is guarded by one Marauder alchemist (I got the heart of a Daedra). If you go further along the stream, there will be a place for the extraction of moonstone. We return to Inga, she pays for our labors with training - Alchemy, Light Armor, Hacking, Pickpocketing, Stealth and Speech are increased by one point.

Panthea Ateya wants to return the stolen flute

The flute was sold to necromancers because supposedly can revive the dead. We leave for her in the Hoba Cave. Making our way along the icy corridors, we kill several necromancers and skeletons. Having reached the small hall, we see a closed passage, we pull the chain to the right of it.

(Here on the shelf on the left, in the pharmacist's bag, I came across the heart of a Daedra)

We take out the soul stones from each column and we pass. Ahead we see a rise with a ladder and several necromancers, at the top in the chest there will be a flute.

Jumping off the ledge, we find ourselves at the entrance and go back for a reward. Panthea will increase Alteration, Illusion, Conjuration, Restoration, Destruction and Enchantment by one point.

Giraud Jiman Needs Rjorn's Drum

Our path lies in Cairn Kholdir. Entering the cave, we see a mysterious column of energy and several corpses. On the pedestal is a diary from which you can learn about the fate of unsuccessful bandits. Next we take the key to the crypt and go into it. Ghosts and draugrs will meet inside us. Having reached the closed passage, we pull the lever - it is located behind the stone chair.

Next, there will be a room with a stone door on the left, do not rush to activate the lever - a trap will work. On the walls we see a couple of plates with an animal image. Opposite each pair there is a stone that must be turned so that the image coincides with the tablets.

Clockwise from the entrance, it is an eagle, a snake, a fish. Now, pulling the lever, we pass further and meet with the Holdir. He himself is a ghost, but will inhabit the bodies of the draugr.

Having defeated him, we take a staff and a drum from the chest, not bad for the price.

We open the hatch and jump down to the entrance. We return to the college of bards. Our reward is an increase in skills: Blocking, Shooting, One-handed weapons, Two-handed weapons, Heavy armor, Blacksmithing.

Descriptions of the next tasks will be added later.

The College of Bards is a music school located in Solitude next to the Blue Palace, which is supposed to train the best professional bards in Skyrim.

In order to start the quest to join the College of Bards, it is advisable for us to talk to any bard in the game (they are in many taverns) and find out about the location of the College of Bards, and after that it will be indicated by a marker on the map and we can easily find it.

After we find the College of Bards, we should find Viarmo, who is the director of the College of Bards of Solitude. Viarmo is inside the building and will come up to us if we go inside, and then ask how he can help us, and we will answer that we want to enter the College. Before starting the quest, I advise you to look at the section "Why is it needed at all?".

Quest line

The line of quests in the College of Bards is very peculiar, considering that there is only one main quest, it is the whole plot of the college, and after it there are three more side quests, the main task of which is to search for various musical instruments, but which are quite interesting, i.e. To. passing them, we find ourselves in very interesting locations and learn interesting stories.

Set it on fire!

Viarmo tells us that there are a lot of people who want to enter the college, so he asks us to fulfill an assignment for the college, which is going through hard times, since the Earl of Solitude Elsif banned the ancient festival of bards "Burning the effigy of King Olaf" due to the recent death of her husband. We need to find The Song of King Olaf, a part of the Edda in which every bard leaves his mark for life. First, let's talk to the historian of the bards Giraud Jiman, who can be found in the college, in order to find out the location of King Olaf's "Rest". We leave for the "Rest" and go inside. We pass a little forward and see the ghost of the bard, and in front of the table lies a ruby ​​dragon claw.

We take the ruby ​​dragon claw, and after that the draugrs attack us. We kill the draugrs and follow the bard into the passage that opened after taking the claw. We reach a dead end and activate the lever, which is located on the left on the wall, after which we go forward, then we kill the spiders and go left. The location itself is a certain labyrinth with several levers, by activating which, we close the old parts of the location and open new ones.

Near the place where we first killed the spiders, there is a piece of the wall that is walled up with cobwebs, and if we cut the cobwebs, we get access to the glass hammer. From the place where we have the opportunity to find the glass hammer and next to which the spiders were killed, there are two passages, either forward or to the left, we need to go left, but in front of us there will be a chest of the "student" level, as well as several potions, which are also walled up with cobwebs. So, we go to the left, activate the lever, after which the location changes, we fight with the draugrs and examine the new opened rooms, and among them there are also two passages to the left and forward.

Ahead of us will be a ram trap, as well as the book "The Game of Trade" and a couple of potions. We need to go to the left, and then go downstairs, passing the corpse of the dead draugr and bypassing the fire trap. In the next room, a battle with frosty spiders awaits us and nothing more remarkable, besides two iron bars on the floor and a lever on the wall, which is illuminated by wall candlesticks. We pull the lever and jump into the opened passage in the floor. We will have to swim a little, and then go into a small passage overgrown with roots.

After passing along the passage, we find ourselves in a location where spiteful rats and draugrs attack us. We kill opponents and go up the wooden stairs, open the gate and thereby activate a dangerous trap. We need to go through the trap and be on the other side, and there we can pull the chain, and the trap is deactivated. We rise up the wooden stairs, open the iron door, go forward and again see the ghost of the bard. This location contains a pentagram of souls and a sealed door, which means that we will return here later. We pass forward along the location, kill the draugr warlord and his minions.

To the left of the slain draugr there is a room where we can find the "Circle of Protection" scroll, which can then be sold. We go to the right of the draugrs, there we will need to go down the stairs to the next location, but before that we can open the door of the "Expert" level, behind which there will be a chest of the "Master" level, from which good loot usually drops.

In the location, a fight with draugrs awaits us, after which we should pull the chain located in the wall in the center of the room. After we pulled the chain, the grate on the floor opens, after which we need to go down the spiral staircase to the dead end, which must be bypassed by activating the handle to the left of the dead end.

The opened room is the burial place of the bard Svaknir and his ghost, body, but most importantly - "The Song of King Olaf" is also located here. We take the song, the ghost disappears, and we return back to the location with the locked door, there Svaknir will meet us and open the door, follow him, and in front of us there will be a puzzle door, into which we need to insert a ruby ​​dragon claw. The correct sequence of rings on the door is: Wolf, Hawk, Wolf, Ruby Claw.

Opening the door, we find ourselves in the tomb of King Olaf. Svaknir will shout: "Olaf, it's time!" and after that we will have a battle with King Olaf One-eyed himself, who will shout: "Insolent bard, die!" and his strongest draugr.

Isn't he cute? Only it is not clear why One-Eyed, for both eyes work for the draugr. We kill King Olaf, pick up the key from his body, and also study the word of power "Rage, Rapid Dash", which is located behind his coffin, and exit through the door of the "Master" level, using the key raised from Olaf's body. We pull the lever and we pass along the already familiar path to the exit from the tomb, and then we return to the College of Bards in Solitude. Returning to the College, we learn that the Song is no good, and we invite Viarmo to finish writing it. Depending on which answers we choose, our reward will vary.

We can get the highest reward by choosing the answers where you need to convince Viarmo. The reward also varies from level to level.

After rewriting the song, we go to Viarmo in the Blue Palace. We need to demonstrate the "Song of King Olaf" to the Earl of Solitude, go upstairs and listen to Viarmo reading the Song of Elsif. Depending on the choice made, the jarl's reaction will also be, but in any case, she will allow us to hold the holiday and will issue a college prize, which (the prize) will go to us in the future. After the presentation of the song, Viarmo refers us to Jorn, who should be told that the celebration will take place. Jorn will tell us that the holiday will take place when it gets dark outside, so we wait until 20 o'clock and talk to him again. And so the holiday begins, we leave the college and the first thing we can do is take two bottles of spiced wine from Yvette Sun and free sweets that are on the table next to Bendt. After we have had enough fun, we go to the backyard of the College, it is there that the effigy of King Olaf will be burned.

We approach Viarmo, Viarmo makes a speech, sets fire to the scarecrow, and then turns to us and makes us a bard, and also informs that now the holiday will be held every week! This is the completion of the quest.

Find the Panthea flute

This is one of three non-main quests for finding musical instruments. We need to find Panthea Ateya in Solitude and talk to her. Panthea will say that the necromancers took the flute from her relative, tk. a relative told the necromancers that using the flute, you can revive the dead. We have a long way to go, because Hoba Cave, where the flute is hidden, is located between Dawnstar and Winterhold. We find and go inside the Khoba cave. Hoba Cave is an ice cave that is the base of the necromancers. Inside, our enemies will be undead and necromancers, respectively.

We go forward, turn to the left, kill the skeleton, then in a small location of the necromancer-apprentice, go down below and kill the skeleton and the necromancer-adept, then we rise higher, we pass along the suspension bridge to the other side of the location, kill the necromancer-apprentice, skeleton and necromancer-novice ...
We pass a little forward, here we again have a battle with skeletons and necromancers, and we also find ourselves in a location with a pentagram of souls, from which we can go further by activating the lever hanging to the right of the fence. We don't need to go there yet, unless of course we want to fully explore the location, find the stone of Barenziah and kill the necromancer-adept, and for this we must go back a little, to the beginning of the location with the pentagram of souls and find a small passage, which is on the left, a little before reaching the location with the pentagram.

We pass along the aisle, kill skeletons, go downstairs, kill the necromancer-adept, find the stone of Barenziah, which lies on the closet next to the beds, and also read the book "Exodus", which lies on the table and increases the skill "Recovery", return and continue moving forward along the main location (remember, we will need to pull the lever in order to lower the obstacle). Further along the way, we will find a trap made of soul stones, which can either be bypassed or destroyed by knocking down soul stones from the pedestals, and then we will face the final battle with the necromancers and a sad spectacle - Larina, because of whom the flute was stolen, is dead.

There is a black soul gem next to Larina's body, which is valuable for characters who love enchanted items, because with the help of the black soul stone, you can steal the souls of people.

After all our adventures in the Hoba cave, we take the Panthea flute from the chest marked with a marker, and we can also take loot from it. After that, we go to the end of the room, jump off the ledge and return back to Panthea Athea, who will be extremely happy that we have found her flute and will not pay absolutely any attention to the fact that Larina was killed by necromancers, but will teach us all magical skills + 1.

Find Finn's Lute

In Solitude, we have to find Inge Six Fingers, who is usually in the College of Bards. Inge is saddened that thieves robbed the College of Bards more than a year ago and stole Finn's first eight-choir lute, which now has no price. Recently, Inge found out where the thieves and the lute are now, and they are in the Stone Creek cave, which is located far north of Riften. We leave for the Stone Creek cave.

Kamenny Brook Cave is a cave located in the bay of a small lake, which is part of a large underground lake system. It looks pretty impressive. Going inside, we will see a wonderful picture, namely, a Breton hanging on a beam. From the water comes a small wooden path that leads us to an overgrown passage. From the passage flows a small waterfall, above which the Breton hangs. We go into this passage, kill several bandits along the way, and then we meet a fork, one passage leads forward, and the other to the right, we need to go right, but in front there is a bandit and two veins of the moonstone. We go to the right, go up, then go upstairs and kill the marauder.

From the marauder's body we can pick up Treasure Map X


Location of the treasure: you need to get to the Lady's Stone and if you look from the face of the stone to the east, you will see an old mystical fort located in the Illinata River. After reaching the fort, look at the available map and swim to the place, which is indicated as an X in the circle, there will be a treasure.)

In the alchemy laboratory in the Stone Creek cave, we can find on one of the tables in the future a valuable stone of Barenziah, as well as the book "Talara's Secret Part 4", which increases the skill of Illusion, and many different useful ingredients. After we pick up valuable things, let's not forget about the lute, which is in the chest marked with a marker along with various loot. After we pick up the lute, we carry it to Inga Six Fingers. Inge will be grateful to us and will teach us what she knows herself, namely +1 to all skills of a thief.

Find Rjorn's Drum

In the College of Bards of Solitude, we should find Giraud Jiman, who will happily inform us that they have found the legendary Drum of the warrior-bard of the Second Era Rjorn, but in fact they found only the place of death of the legendary Rjorn, and with him, according to legend, his drum rests. Giraud, in a very persistent manner, asks us to bring him a drum. After a conversation with Giraud, the location of Rjorn's death will be indicated on the map, and this is Kholdir's cairn, located west of Falkreath. We leave for Kholdir's cairn, we go inside.

Inside, we see an extremely interesting sight: a column of incredible energy that springs upwards into a special passage in the ceiling. First of all, we need to find the key to the tomb of Kholdir and the diary, which are on a pedestal, opposite the sleeping bags and the pillar of energy itself (the location of things is shown in the screenshot). Taking the key, open the door of the "Adept" level and go inside. We go up the spiral staircase, go to the iron door, simultaneously killing the ghosts attacking us, open the door and go further.

Kill the ghosts behind the door, go to the left, and then forward, kill the ghosts and the draugr and go to the throne on which the draugr sits, kill the draugrs, and then activate the lever that is located behind the throne. Next, a dead-end puzzle room awaits us, which is extremely simple to open. There are three columns in the room, which are quite easy to find, and also opposite the columns on the walls there are paired signs, namely the sign of a hawk, a snake, a fish. We must arrange the signs on the columns so that they are identical to those shown opposite the column, that is, if snakes are depicted, then there must be a snake on the column, but that's not all. After we correctly line up the signs, we will need to pull the lever, which is located opposite the secret dead-end door.

After going a little further to a mysterious source, the hero will stumble upon ghostly draugrs and Kholdir himself. Our task is to kill all the appearing ghostly draugrs and Kholdir, thereby freeing the souls that fed the source. After we do this, we take the loot and the coveted drum of Rjorn from the chest marked with a marker, which in no case should be sold, because the reward for the task is much higher than the cost of the drum.

After the hero took the drum, we can very quickly go outside and return to Giraud Jiman if we open the grate, which is located in the middle of the location in which we killed Kholdir, and there, after jumping off, we will quickly go outside. Upon returning to the College of Bards, Giraud Jiman will teach us blocking +1, two-handed weapons +1, one-handed weapons +1, blacksmithing +1, heavy armor +1, shooting +1.

A worthy reward for our adventures, better than gold, right?

Why do we need this at all?

A question that initially comes into the head of every reader of this passage, and it climbs quite persistently. This section is both an epilogue and a prologue of this passage at the same time, since will be of interest to both those who start their passage from this section, and those who finish their passage from this section.

But really, why do we need all this at all? After all, even becoming a bard, we will never be able to learn how to play musical instruments, which is a huge omission of the game developers. We will not be able to move up the career ladder of this faction, not to mention the fact that we will not be able to banally spend the night in the College even after we have been accepted as a bard. In general, if you say that the College of Bards is not a fraction, then you will be right, albeit not absolutely, because the faction still has quite large advantages.

Am I drunk, you ask, and I will answer you that yes, because during the passage of the quests of the College of Bards, I enjoyed the elaboration of interesting locations in which we have to visit during the passage, and I was intoxicated by their originality. In general, the faction has practically no plot, except for the "Set fire!" But after completing this quest, we will have access to three more fully-fledged, albeit far from the most twisted, side quests, after passing which, the player will increase almost all his skills by +1 unit (magician, warrior, thief), as well as enjoy extremely interesting locations and new, albeit insignificant stories.

The faction will add about three hours of gameplay to us, and maybe all five, because the faction has four full-fledged quests, albeit loosely related to each other. Each quest counts as helping the residents of Haafingar, which means that this passage can significantly bring your becoming a Tan of Solitude closer, which is a plus. In addition, if you collect Barenziah stones, then know that in the two locations, which are the setting for two faction quests, there are two Barenziah stones + treasure map X. In addition, Giraud Gimand is a master of eloquence and can teach this gift to the player.

List of utilities:

  1. Lots of gold.
  2. Two stones of Barenziah.
  3. Four quests.
  4. Treasure map X.
  5. Memorable locations.
  6. Quests count towards helping the residents of Haafingar.
  7. Increases almost all skills by +1.
  8. The Burning of the King Olaf effigy in Solitude.
  9. Access to the master of eloquence and other teachers.
  10. Free SWEET ROLLS at the Solitude holidays.

Here are ten pluses for you, among which there are, both significant and not so.