Synopsis "Mordovian folk games! Card file" Games of the peoples of the Volga region National Mordovian game rooster

Oksana Maltseva

Russia is a multinational state, therefore, already from preschool age, it is necessary to familiarize children not only with the culture of their own people but also to a respectful, kind attitude towards representatives of other cultures, their customs and mores.

The game in any form is the leading activity of preschoolers and therefore a lot can be achieved through the game. And most of all, children love, of course, mobile games and by offering them games of various nations, we thereby develop interest in people of different nationalities.

I live in a beautiful Republic Mordovia. Indigenous people of my land - Mordovians(Erzyans and Mokshans) At Mordovians, like others peoples, have their own national games which have centuries-old traditions. They have survived and come down to our days from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation.

National Mordovian games closely related to the songs, folk aphorisms and catchphrases.

I offer you colleagues descriptions of several Mordovian national games. Perhaps you will be interested in them and offer them for games for children in kindergarten. Data games recommended for older preschool children by the program "We are in we live in Mordovia»

"Into the Keys"

("Panjomnese"- erz., "Pantemas"- moksh.)

Five people playing. A square is drawn on the ground, four players sit in the corners of the house, and the fifth one stands in the middle. He approaches one of the seated players and asks:

Uncle (aunt, do you have the keys?

He answers by pointing to neighbor:

Out with uncle (aunts) ask.

So the driver bypasses all four. Last to him advises:

Look in the middle!

The driver moves to the middle, and at this time the rest jump up and change places. The driver tries to quickly take someone's place, the fifth player is again left without a place. And the game starts again.

rules games. You can change places only when the leader moves to the middle. The corner is occupied by the one who first got there. If someone does not change place, then he becomes the driver.

"In chickens"

("Saraskese"- erz., "Saraskax"- moksh.)

The players are divided into two groups. Children - chickens, sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each chicken is a player - the owner of the chicken. The driver walks in a circle and decides who to take the chicken from. He approaches one of them and touches her head. Immediately, the driver and the owner of the chicken start running in a race in a circle. Whoever comes running first becomes the owner, and the remaining one becomes the leader. The game continues.

rules games. You can not interfere with those running around the players. The owner will be the one who first takes the place. You can run a race only after the driver touches the chicken with his hand.


("Kunsema Ball"- erz., "Topsa Nalkhksema"- moksh.)

The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree on who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, distributed evenly, try to hit the ball in those in the circle. If anyone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, he leaves the circle. When the ball hits all the children, the players change places.

rules games. The ball can only be caught from the air, from the ground - it does not count. The rest leave the circle. A child who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle.

"Paradise - Paradise"

For games choose two children - the gate; the rest of the players are a mother with children. The gate children raise their clasped hands up and they say:

Paradise - paradise. I miss

I leave the last one.

The mother herself will pass

And he will lead the children.

At this time, the children, having become a train, follow their mother through the gate. The gate children, lowering their hands, separate the last child and ask him in a whisper for two words - the password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The respondent chooses one of these words and joins the team with the child whose password he named. When the mother is left alone, the gate asks her loudly: a shield or an arrow? The mother answers and stands in one of the teams. Gate children stand facing each other, holding hands. The remaining members of each team cling to their half of the gate in a string. The resulting two teams pull each other. The winning team is considered the winner.

rules games: Children should not eavesdrop or give out the password.

Anastasia Osipova
Card file of Mordovian folk outdoor games

"In handkerchiefs"

Rutsianyas (moksha)

Pacinese (erzya)

"In handkerchiefs" little girls and boys played in huts in winter. This game can be played both in a group and in the hall. Players can be recruited up to 10 people so that the driver can remember their names. Children call themselves different names: "bells", "flower", bunny ", etc. and aloud call their names to the driver. Then they blindfold his eyes with a handkerchief so that he could not see anything. The one, after pronouncing some sentence or counting rhyme, says that he will go to play, begins to catch the players. When he catches, he must recognize him - to name the name chosen by the player. Then the one whose name is guessed leads.

Rules of the game:

If the driver cannot catch someone for a long time, then the players must give him a voice. Players should not hide behind each other and not run away beyond the agreed boundaries.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"In chickens"

Saraskas (moksha)

Sarazkinese (erzya)

"In chickens" played by boys and girls in spring and summer. Older children were seated on the lawn in a circle of small children who were considered "hens". Each player has their own "hen", only one does not. He walks in circles and decides who to take "chicken". Then he comes up to someone and touches his head "chicken".

"Master" and the one who seeks "chicken", immediately races start running in a circle. Which one of them comes running first, then it becomes "master" "hens", and the rest leads.

Rules of the game. The driver runs in the inner circle, and "master" "hens"- on the outside, but you need to stop just for the chicken.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"In Bunnies"

"Numolniasa" (moksha)

"Numolkinese" (erzya)

"In Bunnies" boys and girls play together in spring, summer and autumn. One player becomes "doggy", the rest. - "bunnies". "Dog" moves aside beyond the agreed line, and "bunnies" scatter all over the place. "Dog" starts catching "bunnies", and at her approach they squat down. Bye "bunnies" sitting, they can not be caught. Once they start running "dog" rushes after them. Whom "dog" catches, he also starts to catch "bunnies". When all "hares" will be caught, the game will start over.

Rules of the game. So that children do not confuse "dogs" And "hares", need a child who has become "doggy" shout: "I'm a dog too". Or the driver says that this or that steel "dogs".

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the Wolves"

"Vrgazks"(moksha, "vergiznese" (erzya)

In the summer, five or six little boys and girls will gather in the street and they say: “Come on vrgazks nalhksema!”(Let's in "wolves" play!"). For example, Petya He speaks: “Min Vasya marhta karmatma vrgazks, and

tin - lomatt "(Vasya and I will "wolves-mi" and you are human."

Vasya and Petya step aside and lie down behind a bush, while the rest choose a place for "Houses".

Choose a place, take "sickles" and go to the field "reap". Everyone is walking side by side in the meadow, bending over and waving their arms - "reap". Approached "wolves". "The wolves jump out from behind "bush" and throw themselves at "reapers" (catch them). "Reapers" from cries: "Wai, vrgast, vrgast!" (Oh, wolves, wolves) run home.

"Wolves" catch only one. After a little re-experiencing, "people" come out again "reap", "wolves" start chasing them again.

They play until "wolves" won't catch everyone "reapers".

Rules of the game. "Wolves" must hide in one place.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the Keys"

"Panjemasa" (moksha)

"Panjomnese" (erzya)

The game can only accept 5 people. Children sit in the corners of the room

or on the ground of a drawn square, and the fifth stands in the middle. He approaches one of the seated players and asks:

Shchakay, (puppy, panzhematne tone kyadsot? (Uncle, (aunt, you have the keys)

He answers, points to neighbor:

Schakazen (puppy) kizeftk. (Uncle, ask aunt.

So the driver bypasses all four. Last to him advises:

Kunchkas weventt. (Look in the middle).

The one walking moves to the middle, and at this time the rest jump up and change places. The driver tries to take someone's place. Someone again remains without a place, and the game resumes.

You can run to any corner. If the child is in the role of a driver for a long time, then he can touch one player and stand in his place. This player will look for "keys" from the house.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"In circles"

"Krugs" (moksha)

"Krugso" (erzya)

A game "In circles" looks like a game "To the blind old woman". Children hold hands, form a circle, walk and sentence.

Get in a circle

And soon someone

Touch with your wand.

Answer quickly

Hurry up to guess.

These words are addressed to a tightly blindfolded player standing in the center of the circle. When the children finish saying, they stop walking, and the driver approaches them and feels them. heads: by headdress, hair length and other signs, he must recognize the player standing in front of him. The one whose name is guessed becomes the leader. If the player is not recognized, he becomes in a circle, and the game continues.

Rules of the game. After each recognition of the player, the children again become in a circle, the game starts again.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the Crow"

"Varsiniaks" (moksha)

"Varax" (erzya)

Selected "Crow", "hen", the rest - "chickens". "Chickens" walk in the meadow "hen" holding on to each other's hem. A crow comes out to meet them" and He speaks:

Narvay, and Narvay,

Give teine ​​fkya lefkskjatsen.

Wai, varsi af maksan, af maksan!

Well, mon sembe lefkskatnen salsesaine!

Mother hen, and mother hen,

Give me one chicken.

Oh, crow, I won't give it, I won't give it!

Well, I'll drag all your chickens!

And starts catching "chickens". "The mother hen", arms outstretched, trying to prevent her from reaching "chickens". "Crow", making circles, catches everything "chickens" and takes them aside. When everyone is caught, the game starts again.

Rules of the game. "Crow" should catch those chickens that are at the end or in the middle "queues" but don't knock "hen" and do not put your hands under her wings.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"In pots"

"Syakanyasa" (moksha)

"Chakshines" (erzya)

This game is played by children of all ages. Each player chooses "pot"- a little boy or girl. They put the children in a circle, and they themselves stand behind their backs. One player, the one who remains without "pot"(there is an odd number of children in the game, approaches one of the standing children and asks: "Misak shakanyatsen?" ("Selling a pot?". That answers: "Misan" ("Sell"). After that, they both touch with their hands to "pot" and run around in circles. Who will be the first to reach "pot" and touch his head, he becomes his "master". The player left without "pot" starts to drive.

Rules of the game. Both players run on the outside of the circle. Those who run must definitely stand behind their backs. "pot".

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"To the radish"

"Shaparyakssa" (moksha)

"Kshumannese" ezrzya)

One of the players is chosen or appointed "old man" who sowed a radish, and all the rest, with the exception of one, sit on his knees one after another. Only one remains standing. He approaches "old man" And He speaks:

Atyai, and atyai give fkya shaparyakstsen.

Don't you see me?

Perese ash.

Well, targak fkya.

Grandpa, grandpa, give me one radish.

Why didn't you sow?

There is no fence.

Well, take one out.

The driver takes one player (of those seated) and takes it aside. Then he goes back to "old man" And He speaks:

Isyak maxsen, kov tiit.

Steine, nardaine, putyne shrat langs, sas bayaron pines - salaz!

Well, targak fkya.

Yesterday gave, where are you going?

Well, take one out.

"old man" And He speaks:

Atyai, and atyai, give fkya shaparyakstsen.

The maxsen has dried up, the maxsen has sloshed, kov tiit.

Stein, nardaine, putyne shrat langs, sas bayaron pines and salaze!

Well, targak fkya.

Grandpa, grandpa, give me one radish.

Yesterday he gave, the day before yesterday he gave, where are you going?

He washed it, wiped it off, put it on the table, the boyar dog came running - he stole it!

Well, take one out.

He pulls out another player, takes him aside and again goes to "old man" and asks to pull one "radish". And so on until on my knees "old man" there will be only one child, who usually manages to be released with great difficulty.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the geese and the wolf"

"Maciniaks and vrgazks" (moksha)

"Galynese and Vergizeks" (erzya)

Children choose "master" And "wolf", and the rest become "geese". "Wolf" hiding under "mountain"- goes aside. "Geese" from "master" are "Houses" and then go to "field" or at "meadow" pluck grass. "Wolf" notices "geese" and starts sneaking up on them. "Master" at that time screaming:

Matsinyat, kudu garden. Vrgazs aschi pandonyat ala. (Geese-swans, home, gray wolf under the mountain).

"Geese" he is asked:

Mesendi tosa vrgazs? (What is the wolf doing there)

The owner is responsible:

Tol kryastsya, tin yoratyadyaz ryastams. Vrgazt ezda laskoda es spicy vanftoda! (The fire is lit, they are going to fry you. Run away as you wish, but take care of yourself.)

Thereafter "geese" run "home", but "Wolf" starts chasing them. When he catches all the geese, the game starts over.

Rules of the game. When the game continues "wolf" becomes or first caught "goose", or the last one, as the players agree.

More on the topic

Tyushti Games

The world today is striving for globalization, economic systems are merging in financial ecstasy, and borders between countries are blurring. And this process is inexorable. But the main task of any nation is not to lose its face in this international foundry, to preserve the language and richness of traditions, customs and rituals, the system of values ​​and social ties, and to pass on to the next generation all the splendor of the national culture. After all, the world is beautiful when it is painted with different colors.


Director of the club "Revival of the Finno-Ugric military games "Tyushtya" Pavel MIGUNOV told the VS journalist why it is so important today to reconstruct the Mordovian national wrestling and Finno-Ugric competitive traditions.

Revive Mordovian games

Tyushtya is the hero of the Mordovian epic, somewhat reminiscent of the ancient Greek Hercules, says Pavel Migunov. - Tyushtya taught the Mordovians many crafts, founded the state. When it was time to defend against enemies, he gathered people and taught them martial arts. For all men, he conducted the first tests: those who run after him to a high mountain will become ushmans, that is, warriors. Competitions were held among the warriors, and those who won them were appointed ushmandey - military leaders. After the victory over the enemy, games were organized (in Mordovian “nalkhksemat”), in which young guys competed in wrestling and mastery of weapons, measured their strength and prepared themselves for future battles. These were "Tyushtyan nalkhksemat" - the games of Tyushti.

Previously, Mordovian games took place a week after the Trinity. The women danced, the men competed. Inside the holiday, there was a fistfight, wrestling or wall-to-wall fight, that is, all skills were periodically practiced, and each person was a warrior in parallel with his main specialty. And now it needs to be the same. If we do not propagate this, the nation will slowly die out. These are the games I try to arrange in Mordovian villages during some holidays. After all, before there were no spectators at the holidays, everyone participated in the event. Now the opposite is true: the artist performs, people stand and watch. In a folk festival, the main thing is to express yourself emotionally, no matter how well you sing or dance. In this case, an adult will receive a lot of impressions. In the memory of the child, the concept of folk traditions will be deposited as a bright image. This, I believe, is the best way to preserve folk traditions. Even the study of the native language, which sometimes goes under pressure, in my opinion, does not play such a role as the observance of traditions. People should enjoy folk holidays, touching on traditions, then everything will be fine.

We need a single national holiday

Each nation has its own traditional set of competitions. For example, running with yokes is included in the Tatar “Sabantuy”, but this does not mean that other peoples did not have such competitions, it just became a tradition for the Tatars, but not for other peoples. By the way, “Sabantuy” is an all-Russian holiday. But the Mordovians, who are scattered throughout Russia, do not have a single national holiday. It is necessary to make a single Mordovian national holiday. If it enters people's lives and is somehow advertised, then, most likely, people will come here from different regions, maybe they will bring something national into their clothes. It is necessary to start with chamber events, but that they be in every district. For example, in the Ardatovsky district, where Urusovo, do, for example, the Day of the felt boot. Let people run, fight in felt boots, etc. On the one hand, this will support the craft, on the other hand, it will become the highlight of the area, attract guests, and be social advertising. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

There would be a single national holiday - guests would come to us, competitions and events would be held. This would move the national culture forward, would not let it fade away. In general, the more events are held, the more interest people have. I'll give you an example. This year we have had a very fruitful work with the Mordovian Society of the Deaf. It turned out that they are very organized people, they listen to their curators. In the summer, when there was a swimming championship among the deaf, athletes from different countries took part in the Mordovian national games. They shot from a bow, threw a knife, an ax, a spear, pulled a stick, lifted a log ... Everything took place in Podlesnaya Tavla, where the house-museum of Romashkin is. It is very beautiful there, especially since you can taste dishes of national cuisine. Everyone was very pleased. This is the promotion of the Mordovia brand.

Pavel Migunov

Physical education lessons - in ethnic style

Now every general education institution has a so-called baby school, where children are prepared for the 1st grade, they are taught to write, read, and count. I think it would be possible to do another physical education lesson at every little school, based on national traditions. It would be a good, full-fledged preparation for school. In addition, it is good for health. Previously, all the children played in the street, ran around, came home only with the onset of the evening, when it was getting dark. And now children are sitting at the computer more. This is wrong. Children should move, then there will be no excess weight, and there will be much less health problems.

At the moment, a teaching methodology has also been developed. A good direction is a physical education lesson in ethnic style. So far, for example, in the 19th gymnasium, I give master classes. Everyone sees that the equipment for classes is the simplest: a board, a stick, a rope. Large investments are not required. Children respond very well to such classes, later the school management will decide whether they need such lessons.

Develop the habit of sports

Now I work with small children - I have a group of preschoolers and a group consisting of younger students, grades 1-2. We give strong guys the opportunity to realize themselves, and weak ones better prepare for school. Classes are held at Khimmash, in FOK. Everyone can come to us, first see what it is, and then decide whether it is worth doing it. Preschoolers study twice a week, schoolchildren - three. Studying folk principles, I came to the conclusion: the presence of parents in the classroom relieves unnecessary stress. Usually parents are expelled - at school, kindergarten, gym, and I, on the contrary, bring them. We train as a family. As a result, children become both physically and psychologically strong.

Any child can join the activity, it is clear that someone is stronger, someone is weaker. That's life. Let's say a group of small children comes to me, from 3 to 6 years old. One won a couple of fights - he rejoices, then he lost - and then there are such tears! Woe! But it's normal that in a duel a person can win and lose. This is the school of life. Every event is worth taking advantage of. Won - rejoice, lost - think about what you need to do to win next time. So in the end it turns out that there is no one to lose. After all, we prepare the child in this way for school, for life. Losing is an occasion for reflection and further action. Any negative event should be treated in the same way.

In addition, then the child can play any sport - basketball, volleyball, football or martial arts. Our methodology allows you to work with preschoolers, develop them, and by grades 1-2, most children can choose a specialization. Others may just come to practice. The main thing is to develop the habit of playing sports. In my opinion, every child, especially younger ones, should spend 1-2 hours a day in the gym. Children will get used to playing sports and enjoying the movement. At an older age, it is difficult to start playing sports, children are already getting used to a sedentary lifestyle, and especially to a computer.

Complex of competitions for folk holidays

For the holidays there is a certain set of competitions. All of them are available and do not leave anyone indifferent.

1. Throwing a knife, ax, spear at the target for accuracy.

2. Archery for accuracy.

These competitions are a reconstruction. Knife, axe, spear and bow were the main set of weapons of the Finno-Ugric warriors and hunters. The competition for accuracy allows you to instill an interest in history among the younger generation.

3. Pulling the stick.

4. Pulling with a grip on the hand or finger, standing on the stumps.

Competitions, due to their simplicity and excitement, allow them to be held on any site and at any time without preparation for any age groups.

5. Raising the log by the amount.

6. Throwing a wooden ball or weight at a distance.

7. Throwing a log at a distance.

These competitions were held between strong men and were popular, as they allowed men to show their strength and look worthy among their peers and fellow villagers.

8. Running uphill for speed.

This type of competition is taken from the Mordovian national epic "Mastorava". The epic prince Tyushtya recruited warriors, forcing men to run up a high mountain.

9. Fight with bags.

Such fights were held among the smallest and were a preliminary stage for subsequent participation in fights at an older age.

10. Mordovian national wrestling "Tyushtyan Prison".

This type of wrestling is an amalgamation of traditional types of fights in various areas of the Mordovians. The basis for the creation of unified martial arts was such traditional competitions as fisticuffs in the Belinsky district of the Penza region, belt wrestling at the Aksha Kelu festival in the Zubovo-Polyansky district, freestyle wrestling at the Games festival in the Bolsheignatovsky district, hand-to-hand combat traditions in Dubensky region of Mordovia.

Mordovian wrestling is a fight in a Mordovian shirt. Now it is, of course, stylized, but adapted for wrestling, made of strong material. This is a capture, it involves a certain set of tricks. The grip allows you to make a breakthrough, that is, apply sambo and judo techniques. But the difference is that the folk wrestling has never been fought in a prone position: as soon as a throw or a fall occurs, the wrestling stops. The winner is determined as follows: whoever is on top, he won - this is a feature. It doesn't matter in what position the person is below - on the back, on the side, on the stomach. It is necessary to put the enemy well and do it twice.

11. Ball game.

Team game. The team consists of 5 to 10 people. Mordovian ball game resembles "handball" or "rugby". Purpose of the game: to score the ball into the goal (height 1 meter, width 1.5 meters). The peculiarity of the game is the power struggle of all participants.

Additional photo source: Mordovian cultural center

Lesson #1 Topic: Introduction
Lesson #1 Topic: Introduction
Topic: Mordovian folk game "Cauldron", "Circular".

Goals: To form knowledge and ideas, students about the rules

mobile games;

To acquaint with the features of the Mordovian folk games;

Develop speed of reaction, speed, cultivate attentiveness,

The ability to respect the opinion of colleagues.

Equipment: smooth stick 50-60 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter,

Little balls.

Course progress.

I. Org. moment.

III. Learning games.

  1. Introduction by the teacher.
- Mordovia is located in the center of the East European Plain. The indigenous people are Mordvins (Erzya and Moksha). Mordovian culture is directly related to peasant labor. Mordovian games, as an integral part of its culture, were a kind of reflection of this work with the help of a special pictorial language. This included pantomime, rhythmic songs, dramatic dialogue. Child's play is simple. The child in a playful way depicted the work of adults. A large place in the games was occupied by images of birds and animals (“In chickens”, “In cranes”, “In squirrels”, etc.)

2. The game "Kotel" (Kotelso nalksema)

Description: A hole is dug in the ground (diameter-50 cm). Small dimples of 10-12 pieces are dug around it, which can be closed with a foot or heel. In the hands of the players on a round, smooth stick 50-60 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter. The leader from a distance of 2-3 meters throws a small ball into the pit-cauldron. The players must knock the ball out of there. The ball that has flown out of the cauldron is taken by the leader and thrown into the cauldron again. The players prevent the ball from getting into the pit with sticks. If the ball hit the cauldron, then the players must make the transition from one small hole to another, while the leader tries to take the hole. Whoever did not get the hole, he drives. The game continues.

Rules of the game: players kick the ball without leaving the spot. You can move from hole to hole only when the ball hit the pot.

Children repeat the game 3-4 times.

  1. The game "Circular" (Kunsema ball)
Description: the players draw a large circle, divide into 2 teams and agree on who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, evenly distributed, try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If anyone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child outside the circle with it. If he succeeded, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, he leaves the circle. When the ball hits all the children, the players change places.

Rules of the game: The ball can only be caught from the air. The children touched by the ball leave the circle. A child who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle.

Children play 3-5 times.

IV. Summarizing.

Breathing exercises. Repetition of favorite sedentary games.

Lesson #18

Lesson topic: North Ossetian folk game "Fight for flags".

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the rules of the game, learn the game "Fight for flags", develop speed, dexterity. Build team players.

Equipment: flags.

During the classes.

I. Organization of students.

II. Exit to the site.

III. Warm up.

Remember how the clock ticks. (Children make tilts to the sides, saying: tick-tock, tick-tock).

And now we are lumberjacks. (Children clasp their hands in the lock, make inclinations, saying: wow, wow).

We are pilots. (Students put their hands to the sides and, making rotational movements, say oo-oo-oo-oo).

IV. Learning the game "Fight for flags."

A. Introductory talk.

Today we will get acquainted with the games of a wonderful people: strong, proud, hardworking. These are the people of North Ossetia. Ossetians live in the mountains and are engaged in cattle breeding. They are excellent shepherds. (Shepherd - sheep shepherd). Shepherds walk a lot, because. they need to follow a flock of sheep. They need very strong and strong legs. Our game will help strengthen your legs.

B. Presentation of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will learn the game "Fight for flags".

B. Acquaintance with the rules of the game.

The game is played by two teams. The number of players can be any, but equal in both teams. Each team has a flag, which is placed in a prominent place and guarded by one of the players. The remaining members of the team are divided into defenders and attackers. The goal of the game is to capture the opponent's flag while keeping your own. During the game, it is allowed to pass the flag to another player, to run away with the flag.

Rules of the game. It is necessary to start the game on a signal, in the struggle for the flag one should not allow rude actions.

D. Repetition of the rules of the game. Learning the game, correcting, correcting errors.

E. Playing the game 2-3 times.

V. Outdoor outdoor games at the choice of children.

VI. Lesson summary. Homework: learn the rules of the game "Fight for flags".

Lesson #19

Lesson topic: Chuvash folk game "Fishermen".

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the rules of the game, repeat the game "Fight for flags", develop speed, agility, accuracy. Cultivate friendship.

During the classes.

I. Organization of students.

II. Exit to the site.

III. Warm-up with hand claps.

one). 1-2. Rising on toes, arms outward, clap overhead

3-4- Starting position.

2). 1- tilt to the left, arms up, clap with the right hand on the left leg,

2- starting position.

3).1. Tilt forward, hands back, clap under the knee

2. Starting position.

4). Jumps with clapping of the palms in front and behind.

IV. Learning the game "Fishermen".

A. The message of the topic of the lesson.

What season is it now? (Winter) Today we will play a game that is desirable to play in winter when there is a lot of snow. This is the fisherman game. Chuvash people call it "Pula".

B. Introductory talk.

What are the fishermen doing? What should they be? What kind of fish are caught in the northern seas?

On the site, two lines are trampled in the snow at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other. According to the counting rhyme, the driver is selected - a shark. The remaining players are divided into two teams and face each other behind opposite lines. On a signal, the players run from one side to the other. At this time, the shark salutes those who cross. The score of the tagged from each team is announced.

Rules of the game. The run begins on a signal. The team that has the agreed number of players, for example, five, loses. Salted ones are not out of the game.

D. Repetition of the rules of the game. Playing the game 2-3 times. Correction of errors, correction of the rules of the game.

V. Repetition of the North Ossetian folk game "Fishermen".

VI. Lesson summary. Did you like the game? What does this game develop? What does she teach us?

VII. Homework: tell the rules of the game to friends, learn the game.

Lesson #20

Lesson topic: Games of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. "Icicles, wind and frost."

The purpose of the lesson: To introduce students to the games of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, to learn the game "Ice, wind and frost", to develop speed of reaction, dexterity. Cultivate collectivism.

During the classes.

I. Organization of students.

II. Exit to the site.

III. Warm up.

Complex number 1.

The first exercise "Pulling".

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, palms behind the head, elbows forward.

1-2 - Take your elbows back, straighten your torso. 3- 4- Return to starting position.

The second exercise is "Bows".

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back. 1- Turn the body to the left. 2- The same to the right without stopping at and. P.

The third exercise is "Doll".

I. p. - the main stand. 1-4 turn 360 degrees over the left shoulder, stepping with straight legs. 5-8- The same over the left shoulder.

The fourth exercise is "The wind shakes the Christmas tree."

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Hands to the side. 1-2 - Tilts to the left. 3-4- The same to the right, without stopping at and. P.

Fifth exercise - "Big birds fly."

I. p. - the main rack. 1- Hands up, rise on toes. 2 - Return to the starting position.

The sixth exercise is "Jumping Sparrows".

I. p. - hands on the belt. Jumping in place on two legs with the transition to walking.

IV. Learning the game "Ice, wind and frost."

A. The message of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with the games of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. Let's learn the game "Ice, wind and frost",

B. Introductory talk.

Siberia and the Far East, the northern regions of our country. The climate in those places is harsh, the winters are cold. Therefore, in the name of the game there are winter words.

B. Introduction to the rules of the game.

The players stand facing each other with their hands, saying:

cold icicles,

transparent ice cubes,

They sparkle, they ring

ding, ding...

They clap for each word, first in their palms, then in the palms of a friend. They clap their hands and say ding, ding, until they hear the signal "Wind". Ice children scatter in different directions and agree on who will build a circle with whom - a big ice floe. At the signal "Frost", everyone lines up in a circle and holds hands.

Rules of the game. The kids with the most players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who and with whom will build a large piece of ice. Those who agree join hands. You can change movements only at the signal "Wind" or "Frost". It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, easy running, side gallop.

D. Playing the game 2-3 times. Clarification of the rules of the game.

V. Free games in the air.

VI. Lesson summary. Homework: repeat the rules of the game "Ice, wind and frost."

Lesson #30

Topic: Relay "Call numbers"

Goals: teach dribbling, quickly respond to signals, education

Responsibility to the team.

Inventory: skittles, balls.

Course progress.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

III. Relay "Call numbers"

Content: Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team is calculated in turn and becomes a column. 5-6 pins are placed in front of the column at a distance of 1m. one from the other. The driver selectively calls the numbers, and the called players begin to dribble, circling the pin in a zigzag. The last pin should be run around and come back in the same way.

Rules: the team that drops the fewest pins wins.

WMD: dribbling is possible with the right and left hand.

The relay race is held 2-3 times, using all the numbers.

IV. Game "Fun Starts"

  • Passing the ball overhead

  • Passing the ball under the feet

V. Summing up.

Lesson #31

Topic: Relay in a circle.


Inventory: gymnastic hoops.

Course progress.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. Outdoor switchgear No. 3 (with a hoop)

  • I.p. - the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor. 1 - sit down, spread your arms, take a hoop; 2 - stand up, lift the hoop up, stretch; 3 - sit down and put the hoop on the floor; 4 - return to I.p. squatting to exhale, getting up - inhale.

  • I.p. - stand legs together, hoop over head. 1 - putting the right foot on the toe to the side, tilt to the right; 2 - return to I.p.; 3-4 - the same to the left side.

  • I.p. - leg stand apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1 - turn the body to the left; 2 - return to I.p.; 3-4 - the same to the right. Do not move your feet, do not lift your heels off the floor.

  • I.p. - sit your legs apart, hooking the hoop with your toes and holding it with straight arms in an inclined position. Roll onto back and roll into I.p.

  • I.p. - stand with legs together. Jumping from foot to foot through the hoop, rotating it back and forth.
III. Relay in a circle "Tunnel with zigzags"

Content: the participants of each team, with the exception of the first numbers, hold their own hoop with one hand, and the neighbor's hoop with the other hand, forming a large circle. The first numbers, standing next to the second, begin to zigzag through all the hoops (from the outside - from the inside). After passing the circle, they take the place of the second numbers. Which repeat the same, then replacing the third player, etc.

Rules: the team that completes the task first wins.

IV. Game "Fun Starts"

  • Passing the ball overhead

  • Passing the ball under the feet

  • Carrying the ball to the finish line and back

  • Jumping with the ball between the legs

  • Dribbling the ball to the finish line and back with your feet.

  • Throwing the ball to each other while running.
V. Debriefing

Lesson #32

Topic: Relay in a circle.

Goals: development of dexterity, speed of reaction, endurance, ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team.

Inventory: gymnastic hoops, balls.

Course progress.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. Outdoor switchgear No. 1 (without items).

  • I.p. - main stand. 1-2 - hands up, rise on toes and stretch (inhale); 3-4 - return to the starting position (exhale).

  • I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - torso turns to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - return to I.p.; 3-4 - also in the other direction. Do not move your legs, breathing is uniform.

  • I.p. - a rack with closed socks. 1-2 - deep squat, knees together, hands forward (exhale); 3-4 - stand up hands down (inhale). The squat is performed on the entire foot.

  • I.p. - main stand. 1 - hands up, clap above the head (inhale); 2 - hands down and tilt forward clap behind the legs (exhale). Legs are straight.

  • I.p. - emphasis, kneeling. 1 - right hand to the side-up, turning the torso and head (inhale); 2 - return to I.p. (exhalation); the same to the left side. Do not take your knees off the floor.

  • I.p. - stand legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - jump legs apart; 2 - jump legs together. Jump gently, on your toes, keeping your balance.

III. Relay in a circle "Don't drop the ball"

Rules: the team that finishes the relay first wins.

IV. Game "Fun Starts"

  • Passing the ball overhead

  • Passing the ball under the feet

  • Carrying the ball to the finish line and back

  • Jumping with the ball between the legs

  • Dribbling the ball to the finish line and back with your feet.

  • Throwing the ball to each other while running.

V. Summing up.

Attention game "What is superfluous?". Winner's reward ceremony.

Lesson #33

Topic: Relay with a hoop.

Goals: development of dexterity, speed and accuracy of movements; improve

hoop technique; cultivate a feeling

Inventory: gymnastic hoops, basketballs.

Course progress.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. Outdoor switchgear No. 2 (with a big ball)

  • I.p. - stand legs apart, the ball in the hands below. 1-2 - lifting the ball up, rise on your toes and stretch (inhale); 3-4 - return to I.p. (exhalation). Movements are performed with straight arms, look at the ball.

  • I.p. - stand legs apart, the ball in the hands below. Raising the ball forward and turning the body to the right, hit the ball on the floor behind the right heel (exhale) and, catching it, return to I.p. (inhale); the same on the other side. The exercise is performed alternately to the right and left.

  • I.p. - sitting on the heels with a slight inclination forward, the ball behind the head. 1- straightening the right leg to the side on the toe, arms up and tilt to the right (inhale); 2 - return to I.p. (exhale); 3-4 - the same to the left side.

  • I.p. - stand with legs together, ball on the chest. Throw the ball up and catch it. The throw is performed strictly vertically, fully extending the arms.

  • I.p. - hands on the belt, the ball between the feet. Jumping in place, holding the ball between the legs. Jump on toes. Finish walking.

III. Relay with a hoop "Crossing in hoops"

Content: each team is built in 2 columns, one behind the starting line. In the hands of the leaders - gymnastic hoops. At the signal of the teacher, the first participants of each team put on a hoop and run 15-20 meters to the finish line. The first player remains behind the finish line, and the second, without removing the hoop, returns and repeats the task with the third player. The second player also remains behind the finish line, and the third participant performs the crossing.

Rules: the team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

WMD: the hoop at the time of the game should be at the waist.

IV. Game "Fun Starts"

  • Running in pairs in a hoop

V. Debriefing

Breathing exercises. Summing up the results of the relay race and the game.

Lesson #34

Topic: Relay with a hoop.

Goals: development of agility, jumping ability, speed and accuracy of movements;

Improve the technique of using the hoop; cultivate a feeling

Collectivism, responsibility for oneself and the team.

Inventory: gymnastic hoops, stuffed balls, basketballs.

Course progress.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. Outdoor switchgear No. 1 (without items).

  • I.p. - main stand. 1-2 - hands up, rise on toes and stretch (inhale); 3-4 - return to the starting position (exhale).

  • I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - torso turns to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - return to I.p.; 3-4 - also in the other direction. Do not move your legs, breathing is uniform.

  • I.p. - a rack with closed socks. 1-2 - deep squat, knees together, hands forward (exhale); 3-4 - stand up hands down (inhale). The squat is performed on the entire foot.

  • I.p. - main stand. 1 - hands up, clap above the head (inhale); 2 - hands down and tilt forward clap behind the legs (exhale). Legs are straight.

  • I.p. - emphasis, kneeling. 1 - right hand to the side-up, turning the torso and head (inhale); 2 - return to I.p. (exhalation); the same to the left side. Do not take your knees off the floor.

  • I.p. - stand legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - jump legs apart; 2 - jump legs together. Jump gently, on your toes, keeping your balance.

III. Relay with a hoop "Dragonfly and Ant"

Content: each team is built in a column one by one, in the hands of the leader - a gymnastic hoop. On the opposite side of the court, in a circle drawn in chalk, there are 3-5 stuffed balls. The distance from the starting line to the balls is 15-20 meters. At the signal of the teacher, the first participant jumps through the rotating hoop towards the balls, puts the hoop on the circle, picks up the balls and runs back, passing them to the next player. The second participant carries the balls into the circle by running, takes the hoop and jumps back through it, passing the hoop to the third participant, etc.

rules: The first team to finish the relay wins.

WMD: the number of jumps through the hoop is negotiated taking into account the distance.

IV. Game "Fun Starts"

  • Jumping through the hoop to the finish line and back

  • Running in pairs in a hoop

  • Running through a rolling hoop

  • Spinning the hoop at the waist while running

  • Running around a lying hoop with a ball, hitting the ball on the ground

V. Debriefing

Breathing exercises. Summing up the results of the relay race and the game.

Mobile game "Into the Crow"

Characters: Raven. Klushka. Chickens.

Klushka is walking with her Chickens in the meadow. Raven comes out to meet her.

Crow. Kushka, but kushka, give Teyna lefkszen! (Kick, ho, give me a chicken!)

Klushka. Af maxa, warsi, af maxa! (I won't give it, raven, I won't give it!)

Crow. Mon ton shabatnen salasayne! (I'll steal all your children!)

And he starts to catch the chickens one by one.

Hedgehog (protecting the chickens). Wark! Wark!

Raven (catching chickens). Beer! Beer!

When all the chickens have been caught, the game ends.

The mobile game "Rutsyanyas" ("In handkerchiefs")

Characters: Grandmother, Grandfather, Handkerchiefs.

The participants in the game choose Grandma and Grandpa. Grandmother determines the children in Kerchiefs, coloring each in a certain color (calls the color in her ear). Handkerchiefs sit on the floor. Grandfather comes and a dialogue takes place:

Grandfather: Shumbrat, babakai. (Be healthy, grandma!)

Grandmother: Ozak, dad! (Sit down, father!)

Grandfather: Maryaine, rutsyatne to kill? (I heard you have handkerchiefs?)

Grandmother: Uliht, yes af ramaviht teit. (Yes, but do not buy them for you).

Grandfather: Mon cafta chest yarmakone. (I have two chests of money.)

Grandmother: Ramaite! (Buy!)

Grandfather buys handkerchiefs, i.e. Guess what color handkerchiefs. As soon as he names the color of the handkerchief correctly, the handkerchief immediately runs away from him. If Grandfather catches up with him, he takes him for himself. Sometimes the handkerchief runs and runs, Grandpa will not be able to catch him. Grandmother will immediately “paint” it in a different color. Grandpa is again trying to find out the color of the handkerchief. They play until all the handkerchiefs are bought.

Mobile game "Sale of bast shoes"

(its other names: "Theft of hats", "Into the fish") For the game, you need to take old, heavily worn bast shoes (this is a fish). Instead of them, galoshes, torn hats can be used. Tie a long rope to the peg. With the help of a rope, like a compass, draw a circle - a “shopping row”, along the perimeter of which goods are laid out, that is, old bast shoes, galoshes and so on brought from home.

A fish seller is selected. The seller holds a bream in one hand - a soft worn bast shoe (atyakar), with the other hand he takes the end of the rope. Walking around in a circle, he invites buyers to the “shopping malls”: “Mishendewiht kalht! Missendeviht kalht! Come - fly in, do not be stingy - ramak! ("Fish for sale! Fish for sale! Come up - fly in, don't be stingy - buy!"). Players from different sides approach the "shopping row". Everyone aims to take some thing. The seller seeks to overtake him and "coax" with a bast shoe on the back. "Entaled" becomes his place, and the game starts again. Buyers seek by all means not to get hit, use deceptive moves, divert attention from other players. The seller can hit the buyer only at the moment when he leans over the fish.

mobile game « Keys to the castle»

Four sit down at the corners of a house or a square drawn on the ground. The fifth is in the middle. Approaches one, asks: “Uncle (or aunt), do you have the keys?” He points to a neighbor: "Go ahead and ask your uncle (or aunt"). So he will bypass all four. The latter replies: “Look in the middle!” The driver retreats to the middle. At this time, everyone jumps to their feet and change places. The driver tends to get up faster instead of someone. Whoever is left without a place becomes a seeker of "keys". The game continues on.

In Cranes (Karginyasa)

From among the players, "crane" and "old woman" are selected. The "old woman" sits aside on the meadow and begins to dig the meadow. "Crane" is gaining "cranes". These "cranes" take each other and with shouts: "Tour-lur, tour-lur" walk across the meadow. They walk and walk and approach the "old woman". "Crane" asks her:

Babai, and babai, meze tiyat? - Grandma, Grandma, what are you doing?

Shuvan tray. -I'm digging a hole.

Lotk mezendi? - Why the hole?

Yarmak Veshendians. - I'm looking for money.

Yarmakt mezendi? - Why money?

Salmox raman. - I'll buy a needle.

Salmokst mezendi? - Needle for what?

Keskav flock. - I'll sew a bag.

Keskavt mezendi? - What's the bag for?

Kevnyanyas pyashkods. - I'll fill it with pebbles.

Kevnyatnen mezendi? What are the pebbles for?

Tony Shabbat is spinning. - On your children's heads.

Saying the last words, the "old woman" rises and begins to catch the "cranes". "Crane", raising his hands and running in front of the "old woman", defends himself. "Cranes" shout: "Tour-lur, tour-lur". When the "old woman" catches all the "cranes", the game starts again.

Rules of the game: "Crane" does not repel the "old woman", but only tries to stand in front of her, not to give a move in this direction.

Game "Carousel"

Develops rhythmic movements and mindfulness.

Children stand in a circle, while holding on to a hoop or cord with tied ends. The task of children is to make the correct movements corresponding to the words of the song that the adult reads:

Barely - barely, barely - barely, 1. Savor, Savor, Savorne,

Carousels spinning, Balls, balls, make noise

And then, then, then, Mele, mele, sitnasta,

Everyone run, run, run. Balls, balls, ball.

Hush, hush, do not rush, 2. Sate, set favour,

Stop the carousel, Lotkak, lotkak, sharomnya.

One-two, one-two, Fkya-kafta, fkya-kafta,

Here the game is over. Lotkas sharoms sharoma.

3. Fkya, cafta, colma, nile,

Meki balls, shamble.

Sate, sate, sweetness,

Lotkak, tray, sharomnya.

Fkya, cafta, kolma, nile

And she got herself nalxxemas.

After running 2 - 3 circles, you can change direction and gradually slow down the movement, end the game

Mobile game " In chickens"

The players (owners) put kids (chickens) in a circle. Each owner has his own chicken, only the buyer does not have it. The latter walks in a circle and decides whose chicken to take. Then he approaches the owner of the chicken he has chosen, touches the head of this chicken with his hand and quickly starts running in a circle. The owner of the chicken also runs in a circle, only in the opposite direction. Whoever comes running to the place first becomes the owner, and the remaining one becomes the buyer.

mobile game « Circle ball"

The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree on who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, distributed evenly, try to hit the ball in those who are in the circle.

If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any player outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, he leaves the circle. When the ball hits all the players inside the circle, the players change places.

Basic rules of the game: the ball can only be caught from the air, it does not count from the ground. The salted ones leave the circle. A player who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle at