Space pirates and zombies 2 guide

· Published 02.02.2018 · Updated 02.02.2018

Space Pirates and Zombies 2 (SPAZ 2.) - Space sandbox in the genre of the shooter, where you will know a rather interesting story in which you want to directly participate. Here the subject of the relationship of the Earth and Man is fully disclosed. You fall into the future, where humanity has so neglected his relative planet that it turned into one solid dump. This led to the fact that people are forced to go for exploration in a distant cosmos to master the new planet. You will become one of the colonists who will go looking for a suitable land. The main stocks of the main resource for which there is a brutal struggle is located in the center of the huge universe. You have to stand on the side of the piracy and collect your own team to get rapid earnings. Go to the study of the scale of the cosmic universe, get useful resources and improve your team. More than thirty different types of ships are available on your choice, as well as more than a hundred modules that will be useful to you in passage. The world is open to tests and accomplishments, and you are also waiting for enchanting battles, since the battle system is perfectly worked out here.

Information about the game Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Action, adventure games, indie, role-playing, simulators, strategies
Developer: Minmax Games Ltd.
Version: V1.1 Full (last)
Interface language: English, russian
Tablet: Present

Space Pirates and Zombies 2 can be called a full-fledged sequel. The game exceeds the original in everything, but, as it traditionally happens with a mass of continuations, gets less warm feedback from the players and in general has a lower threshold of being in the game.

The differences in the first and second part in the visual plan and the mechanics of the game are obvious, but it turns out, and I am not one such innovation, these innovations have not become a tangible jump for the series. In fact, in SPAZ2 there is no depth and it is against the background of what space is filled with several hundreds of "living" captains that build their world on a par with us. An indication that the player is not elected too obsessive. This is demonstrated by direct actions. You want to move in the game, go to the portions - that is, to laugh to attack the captain of you (characteristics and the vessel) is equivalent to a fatal sentence. Kneak yourself slowly and sooner or later shoot up to their level. To be sure. It is not long, but monotonous.

One or two fights in third-person mode look very fascinating, but there are no special battle strategies, as developers describe. The microenet of the vessel is not the level so that the nuances strongly affected the outcome of the battles. Fights in space resemble battles in the sea, but all epichetic disappears somewhere and everything comes down to the fact that they first fly away from everyone away and try to endure one by one. Otherwise, you turn out to be in the focus of the battle and hysterically you turn the camera in all directions. I tried to experiment with the guns and modulation of the ship, but the victorious tactic was always reduced to about one. Well helped with pumping battles together with other captains. It seems that they earn a reputation and on the other hand you have help in the form of a fairly intended AI.

However, SPAZ2 is not only battles, but rather just a small part of them. It will also be more precisely that the developers thought so so. Here is the cosmos, here is the bition, in the sense of resource, and it is limited in every sense. Your task, like the rest of the smart blanks in the game, will be able to master and keep as many resources as possible. To do this, you can capture territories and create associations. In other words, we build our own state and hope that someone else will build it. Disassembly, whose state is worse, will still end with cosmic stabbing.

The question from a completely different opera. Will the player do all this? Low probably within the arriving quests and a little bit outside the framework. Maybe due to the fact that the plot part is short enough and boring, maybe due to the fact that there is no higher goal from the construction of its state - all this is moving into a secondary plan and some reluctant, the conquest of cosmos continues, which is about to attack old good zombies .

Many players praised the assembly system and customization of the ship. From the point of view of the interest of saturation, it is really interesting and informative. That is, thoughtless inhapping modules and competent approach will give a striking result on the exhaust. However, as I have already written above, the micromemage is not at the level to play with tactics. It doesn't matter how you will collect the ship - you will not become almost impenetrable tank and over the octic fighter too.

What I liked personally, so this is a collection of information about Lore games. We do not just collect a certain date scattered through space, but we systematize the library of events of the past and present. And I really like the stylish system of filing this information. Literally creates a certain data center with data and reveals the spiritual depth of the world, which is not so obvious about the look at the other aspects of the game.

Minmax Games is a tiny, consisting of only two people Canadian play studio. For three years it was necessary to developers to roll out the audience's first, inspired by the "Space Rangers" project - Space Action / RPG. To work on Sixel, Space Pirates and Zombies 2, left for six years.

Space Pirates and Zombies 2

Genre role-playing game, space
Platform Windows, MacOS, Linux, Oculus, HTC Vive
Developers Minmax Games Ltd.
Publisher Minmax Games Ltd.
Sites, Steam

The same, there. The plot of Space Pirates and Zombies 2 begins almost immediately after the end of the first part of the game. The dark essence is defeated, but Elsa Young and her team are still growing in the galaxy, exposing the last foci of infection. The "gear" is destroyed, the ship is similar to a rusty trough, and the team is at a gathering of madness. So everyone will have to start first. Collect the next reliever, build muscles, acquire connections, look for your own place in the galaxy. And, by itself, Zombies will still return, where without them.

SPAZ 2 chip is the reputation system of your hero in the world of the game. The SPAZ 2 galaxy generated before the start of the game is randomly populated by two hundred characters divided by fractions or preferring to remain free. Depending on each of your action, the surroundings change their opinion about you. They helped someone in battle - improved their reputation with this particular captain and its faction. They destroyed someone's combat raid - upset his owner and the corresponding fraction, but it was pleased that this raid was sent to whose territory. Store someone else's cut (the main resource in the game) - get a minus in karma. Destroyed the pirate on the territory of another fraction - plus in the relationship. Etc. etc. Since sitting still in this game will not work, each your battle will change the attitude towards you from other captains. And while you do not belong to any fraction, you can try to drop all, but as soon as you begin to build your own cosmic empire - friction with neighbors not avoid.

If the first part of Space Pirates and Zombies resembled a mixture of "Space Rangers" and Star Control with a pause, then SPAZ 2 is more like some. The game moved to 3D and lost to the top-down camera. Now it is maneuvering in conditionally three-dimensional space, although in fact the third dimension does not affect the combat tactics. No pause - we catch the enemy in the crosshairs, give orders to escort fighters, waiting for painfully slow reloading batteries, follow the shields and try to turn to the enemy with an intact board. In some battles, several ships of different fractions take part, not counting fighters, in others you will have to deal with the enemy, for example, with a heavy enemy base, alone.

And here on the forecloser comes out the second important feature of Space Pirates and Zombies 2 - designer of ships. From those gained in battle or purchased building blocks you need to collect your own megasnolek. Each cube, like a weapon or armor in some traditional Action / RPG, has its own parameters, special bonuses, specified attachment points, etc. In many blocks there are armaments, and the most detailed destination - long-range torpedoes, near-radius lasers, anti-aircraft guns, ionic rockets against shields, attracting rays, etc. etc. Believe me, the variety is that I will envy. Plus, in the game, a good selection of the ships of the auxiliary fleet, which can seriously affect the outcome of the battle. In short, the assembly and preparation for the battle of your own ship is not less fascinating than the equipment of your hero in some fantasy Action / RPG. And considering that you yourself choose and the external form of your starship, also creative.

As the experience set and pumping the hero, you get the ability to combine more and more building blocks, open the blocks of medium and large sizes that require multiple attachment points. In addition, with an increase in the level you can raise one of the three randomly proposed parameters - cut the body, armor, shields, reduce battery recharging time, etc. etc. Here we pay attention to such a parameter of captains as command glasses, allowing to carry and use more powerful fighters in battle.

The first ten hours of the Space Pirates and Zombies 2 - in essence, one large, too tightened training mission. By the time you gain some independence and begin to build your own empire, preparing for a fatal confrontation with a new Ord of Zombies, you will already be ordered from monotonous fights. The problem is that there are no side quests, and in general, there are no traditional quests in SPAZ 2 (Educational tasks are not counting). And there is a big sandbox in which you are free to entertain yourself. Hunting pirates, passing battle-simulations on combat arenas of other people's stations, build their own stations and develop their economy, "order" other captains and try to fight off from those who want to get a reward appointed by someone for your head. No, formally there is a plot in the game, but he, let's say so insane, that many will prefer to immediately forget him and the characters of the game, like a terrible dream.

The visual component of Space Pirates and Zombies 2 is the most sore place of the project. The first part of the game, with all its eccentricity, looked in 2D even cute, something reminding the classic Star Control and the games of the 90s. SPAZ 2 in 3D looks ... as a Christmas tree, dressed in a patient of a mental hospital. Each battle is a 80-x color-music show. It seems that someone suspected a mirror ball in the center of the battlefield and wipes in it from hundreds of laser pointers of different colors. Too bright, too grotesque, too poisonous. At the same time, the map of the world, moving on it the ship icons, on the contrary, is made in a very restrained manner. This contrast is a little confused. It is unpleasant to the portraits of the heroes used during the plot inserts, to look at them sometimes just unpleasant.

Space Pirates and Zombies 2 - a game with interesting mechanics and impressive freedom of action. This is probably the closest in spirit to the "Space Rangers" from modern space Action / RPG. If you are ready to put up with, to put it mildly, an unusual visual style of the game and a somewhat monotonous gameplay, you can hang up here for more than a dozen hours. If not ... Well, "Space Rangers" and now they are quite well played.

Site rating

Pros: Ships designer; large selection of components and weapons; The relationship between pilots and coalitions

Minuses: Too long training; visual style on an amateur; Monotonous battles and tasks

Output: The closest to "Space Rangers" modern Action / RPG

-1 1

In 2017 Strategy SPAZ 2, you must survive in the developing post-apocalyptic galaxy. The threat of zombies is defeated, the infrastructure collapsed, the fuel is not enough, and the survival means the battle.

Initially, the galaxy contains hundreds of fleets, each of which is trying to survive. Captains AI do everything that can. The player is not special and is not the center of the Galaxy.

Since the lack of resources becomes critical, the ships enter the conflict only to survive. Fractions can be formed to protect or split due to hunger. Old friends can become prey.

The stronger fractions create and protect the territory, create resource centers and installed star bases. Weak fractions can resort to banditism. Each captain is unique, persistent and forms the universe.

When fractions are found, the battle is usually its result. While the strategic side of the SPAZ-2 game concerns intelligence, territorial control and construction of factions, the fighting party SPAZ-2 concerns shipbuilding, tactics and salvation.

The battle creates damaged ships and a dead team, but also provides new spare parts. All items on SPAZ 2 are modular and generated randomly. If you see something that you like, take it from your enemy, take it off with a beam and connect it to your ship. Construction of ships can be conducted live during the battles, although sometimes the beating of the enemy to death with a broken wing is also funny.

Returning to the star card, the battle will attract other captains seeking salvation. Take new spare parts and run. Upgrade, repair and prepare for the battle when darker threats appear.

Key features:

Two hundred permanent captains capable of doing everything possible, including the formation of dynamic factions, build bases, control the territory and go to war.

A real living galaxy, non-player-oriented. It will be formed differently every game through the interaction of bots.

Create your fraction from nothing.

Arbitrarily generated modular parts. Build a ship that matches your game style, on the fly, in seconds. Each part has its own unique ability. Each part is the integrity of the case and the state of damage. Each part is a real, worker, component of the ship.

Strategic shipbuilding.

Mass, location and form of details - everything matters. If the part blocks the tower, it does not work. If the ship is too long, it slowly rotates. Too many engines will mean too little energy for weapons. Each design selection is important.

Fully physically founded 3D-environment, where everything collapses, gets damage damage, can be captured and even thrown on enemies with a tractor beam.

Natural movement and control.

Movement is located on the 2nd plane, and the screen is relatively like FPS. The fight is felt like huge pirate ships fighting in the ocean. Focus on tactical positioning and system power management to arrange an opponent hell at the right moment.

, Egypt, Pirates, West, Future,
Dark centuries. Beach, Caves, City, Neon,
Swamp, present.

3 day. Tombstones appear on the field. They serve fixed shields for zombies. For the victory we get a plating Bloomrang.

4 day. Playing a mini game where plants can be placed on the conveyor belt on the left. For the victory we get access to bonus forces: the power of the snow, the power of the throw and the power of lightning. All of them are very expensive, to use them only in extreme cases.

5 day. We kill all zombies with the help of bonus forces. For the victory we get a plant frosty cabbage.

6 day. There are zombies among the enemies with camel signs, destroy them using fertilizers on a pea stroke. For the victory, we get a new costume for frosty cabbage (he does not give anything, only changes the appearance). Access to Zen Garden is available.

7 day. Mini game "Memori." We need to turn the names of camels and memorize characters. Opening two identical symbols, we will destroy these signs. So you need to destroy all the zombies, not letting them go to the left edge.

10 day. Zombies appear - builders of tombstones. We destroy them first.

11 day. You need to play the already selected set of plants. We put the same double sunflowers, from the first zombies defended by mines. With such tactics it will be difficult at the beginning, but easier at the end of the level. For the victory we get a ninja suit for potato mines.

12 day. Zombie Pharaoh appears. For its destruction, we put three combat plants on the same line. For victory, we receive Pyramid of Doom - access to an infinite mode in Egypt.

13 day. (Conditions: Do not place plants on two left rows). From combat plants, we use only cabbage. For the victory, we get a plant of cabbage broccoli.

14 day. We put the boxing cabbage to the left behind nuts. Behind everything planted with cabbage columns.

15 day. (Condition: Do not destroy three sunflowers in the center of the field). Before sunflowers, we put the boxing cabbage and nuts. To destroy the pharaohs on time using fertilizers on boxers. If it does not work, before starting the level, you can turn on the strengthening of nuts for the collected pot or for crystals. Thus, nuts will protect the sunflowers three times longer. For the victory we will teach the hippie outfit for blomoned.

16 day. Mini game "Memori." It is necessary to act very quickly.

17 day. (Condition: It is impossible to plant more than 14 plants). (Limit of plants is indicated in the upper left corner of the screen, to the right of solar energy). Sadim is only three sunflowers. Ahead put a linen of five battle cabbage and five nuts. TOTAL - 13 plants. From time to time, put a frosty cabbage to put out torches. For the victory, we get an increase in the maximum number of bonus fertilizer.

18 day. It is necessary to place all plants at the very beginning, click the "Let's Rock" button, only after that the zombies will begin to attack. Sadim a row of cabbage, a row of boxers and a row of nuts. The remaining energy spend on landing new nuts instead of beaten.

19 day. (Conditions: 1 - it is impossible to plant more than 12 plants, 2 - not to place plants on two left rows). Sadim five sunflowers. We start to plant a row of boxers and a row of nuts. In the process of filling, gradually dig the sunflowers to not exceed the limit of 12 plants. Before using frosty cabbage, do not forget to dig up an excess plant. To stop the last wave, the two-top lines of the Sadim are additionally cabbage, and below, when the enemies are suitable, we use fertilizer on the fourth boxer so that it destroys everyone on the three lower lines. For the victory, we get a pea perter.

20 day. (Condition: Protect sunflowers in the center of the field). We recommend to use the improvement of nuts before the level.

21 day. You need to play the already selected set of plants. We put double sunflowers, enemies stop freezing, gradually put the cornopult and cabbage. A number of double sunflowers will allow us to accumulate on the watermelonopult. Using the fertilizer bonus, always give it to the watermelonopult. For the victory we get the initial stock of 25 energy at the beginning of each level.

22 day. (Conditions: 1 - do not place plants on two left rows, 2-impressing more than 15 plants). We put a row of sunflowers, a series of boxers, a row of nuts. Sunflowers are gradually digging and replaced by cabbage.

23 day. Mini game "Memori." It is necessary to act very quickly. For the victory we get a random suit.

24 day. It is necessary to place all plants at the very beginning, click the "Let's Rock" button, only after that the zombies will begin to attack. We put a row of blumerans, a series of boxers, a row of nuts. For the victory we get a plant double sunflower.

2 day. On the second day, all the same.

3 day. We need to press coconut guns in time to knock down as much as possible. The explosion of the coconut projectile hurts the neighboring zombies, so aims in the central birds in the pack. By typing 5000 points, we defeat and get a plant dragonolist.

4 day. We put dragonolists in the forefront, but for nuts. For victory we get Dead Man's Booty - access to an infinite mode in the pirate seas.

5 day. You need to play the already selected set of plants. Singing the whole field with corn-consoles, rear - sunflowers, ahead - nuts. Corn will quickly shoot down the flocks of the chap. For the victory we get a firefighter suit for a dragonolist.

6 day. Nothing unusual. For the victory we get a spike plant.

7 day. We put the spikes right in front of the barrels so that they do not set the plants.

10 day. Enemies appear ship guns. We put on the cells before the water of the beans, they will act like springs and throw off the zombies into the water. Cannon needs to be destroyed with corn-consoles.

11 day. We shoot from guns in seagulls. You need to dial 30000 points. For victory we will get a plant coconut gun.

12 day. Nothing unusual. We receive Shovel Bonus for the victory - after digging the plant, 25% of its cost is returned.

13 day. (Condition: It is necessary to produce 3000 energies). Take into the kit double sunflowers, thanks to them we can put several coconut cannons.

14 day. It is necessary to place all plants at the very beginning, click the "Let's Rock" button, only after that the zombies will begin to attack. At the bridge, we put dragonrolists, nuts, spikes. At the edge of the ship put the beans springs. In the rear - cornplates and pea perters. For the victory we get the plant triple pea stroke.

15 day. (Condition: Do not give zombies to step on line of colors). Ahead you need to quickly build rows of boxers and nuts. Then in the rear it is necessary to gradually replace ordinary plants on triple pea peales. If there are few of them, the plants will not be able to shoot guns on time, and the guns will throw us with immuts that can immediately step on the line of colors immediately after landing. (You can also use double sunflowers and plant your guns, but then it will be more difficult to fight back at the beginning of the level).

16 day. (Condition: Do not destroy two bob in the center of the field). The first time the beans themselves will defend themselves - dump single enemies into the water. At this time, Sadim double sunflowers, spent energy. In front of the beans Sadim Dragonolists and nuts. In the rear, set many pea peales. For the victory we get a suit - sunglasses for double sunflowers.

17 day. (Condition: Kill 20 zombies in 30 seconds). We put dragonolists on the bridge, in the rear - powerful peales. At the very end, when there will be many enemies on the bridge, we use fertilizer on a dragonolist. At the same time, we use fertilizer on two peales from above, so that they destroyed the guns of the zombies, so we will perform the task.

18 day. (Condition: You need to play the already selected set of plants). Very complex level, since there are no sunflowers in the kit. For the passage of 18 levels of pirate seas, we recommend purchasing frosty cabbage before starting level (it will take to grow a bonus in a zen garden or spend crystals). We constantly put on the field all new and new reinforced frosty cabbage, from this enemies will be sipped for a few seconds. So we will win a lot of time. On the right edge, gradually put nuts, we put ordinary pea in the rear. For the victory we get a plating stone spikes.

19 day. (Conditions: 1 - produce 1750 energies, 2 - Do not give zombies to step on line of colors). We put two rows of sunflowers. Gradually plant nuts before flowers. (You can play in the levels of the wild West and earn a plants of Chile Bob there. It will greatly facilitate the passage of subsequent pirate levels).

20 day. Mini game shooting of cannons for seagulls.

21 day. (Conditions: 1 - destroy 5 zombies in 5 seconds, 2 - produce 3250 energies). Sadim double sunflowers, from the first enemies fought by frosty cabbage and beans-springs. Gradually add dragonolists and powerful peales. During the last wave, we use the fertilizer to the dragonolist, so that it will burn 5 zombies at once. For the victory we get +1 cell for seeds.

22 day. (Condition: You need to put all plants at the very beginning, press the "Let's Rock" button, only after that the zombies will begin to attack). We will need to fight back only from pirates and guns and guns. We put a number of coconut cannons, a row of nuts, a row of spikes. On time shoot coconuts to destroy enemy guns.

23 day. (Conditions: 1 - kill 8 zombies in 10 seconds, 2 - do not give zombies to come on flowers). Sadim double sunflowers. There are dragonrolists and nuts ahead. In the middle, gradually landing powerful peales. We use fertilizer on a dragonolist to burn 8 zombies at once. For the victory we get 1 free power of snow.

24 day. (Conditions: Protect beans in the center of the field). We repeat the tactics of the previous level. Powerful peales will destroy enemy guns in time, and the Imps will not have time to eat beans. During the latter wave, we use three fertilizers at the peoples to protect all the beans. For the victory we get a plant cherry bomb.

25 day. Boss: Zombot walking on the deck. We place all emerging plants. On time feather the coconut guns to apply the boss maximum damage.

Achievement "Honorary reader Site",
Levels: 1. Egypt, 2. Pirates, 3. West, 4. Future, 5. Dark Century,
6. Beach, 7. Caves, 8. City, 9. Neon, 10. Boloto, 11. Present.
Achievements . Questions - Answers.