The best games about Ancient Greece. Big games of ancient Greece. Famous people of ancient Greece and other states that have become winners in the ancient Olympiads

"Citius, Altius, Fortius" - The motto of the Olympic Games, meaning translated from Latin "Faster, above, stronger." It is this spirit of honest competition since ancient times attracted attention to sports games that saved the love of people from all over the world. Fighting in sports instead of wars - this is what the advantage of sports competitions. Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece back in the eighth century BC. Of course, those competitions in their form differ significantly from modern, but the spirit of sports rivalry remained exactly the same.

Greece has been subjected to permanent enemy raids since a long time, so much attention was paid to the sports form of the ancient Greeks. Athletes became real national heroes, and sports workouts with so-called gymnasiums are part of everyday life.

There are several different versions about the emergence of the Olympic Games. One of them connects these competitions with the name of Pelops who won in the chariot competitions and founding regular, conducted every 4 years, sports competitions.

Another version states that sports competitions were first conducted by Hercules, Zeus's son. After he, after the king of Avgy, did not accept the results of the cleaning of his stables, shook the treacherous ruler, arranged a nationwide festival and athletics, deciding them regular.

Of course, there are other versions of sports contests. One of the most popular talks about the agreement reached between the ruler of Sparta Ligourg and the king of Ellala Iphit on the truce at the time of sports competitions. At the same time, a decision was made about the place of playing the town of Olympia near the Kronos Mountain. The natural relief of this area served as a convenient tribune for numerous audience. A whole architectural complex was built, which, in addition to the stadium and the hippodrome, there was several sports grounds for the struggle, sports games with a sword, throwing a disc, also in the sports complex included several gym and bath.

At that time, only men were allowed to the Olympic Games: and as participants and as audience. The main direction of the competition was running short distances, afterwards the types of competition added struggle, fisthead, horse racing, pentathlon, running long distance and other sports. Initially, participating in games could only athletes from Peloponess.Later, athletes from Sparta, Corinth and other countries joined them. In 5-4 centuries BC. Sports games in Olympia have become so popular that athletes even from Africa, Asia, Italy, Sicily and more distant regions began to arrive at these competitions.

After the Roman power was established in Greece, and Christianity received the status of state religion, sports games in the Olympia were prohibited. Total for this time (by 394 AD) 293 Olympic Games were held. For long centuries, these sports facilities were forgotten.

Olympic games today

"I remembered" about the Olympics only in the second half of the 18th century, when during archaeological excavations in the Olympia area, structures were discovered, clearly belonging to sports. At the end of the 19th century, the idea that it simply needs to revive the former majesty of sports, a rapid pace was spread over Europe, starting in France. Pierre de Cubert Indenen, French Baron, explained the defeat of the French in the Franco-Prussian war just a weak physical condition of the French army. In addition, in sports, he saw the opportunity for a peaceful settlement of disputes through competitions, a kind of way to a peaceful settlement, to mutual understanding of various peoples. The revival of the Olympic Games seemed the best option. And as a result of his speech at Congress in Sorbonne (France), it was decided to start holding regular Olympic Games again, the first of which were to pass in 1896, of course, in Greece, in Athens. At the same time, IOC was founded - the International Olympic Committee, whose chairman was the Greek by Demetrius Vikelace.

Despite the fact that the first Olympic games of 1896 were represented by only 14 participating countries and 241 athletes, their success was truly grand. Greek authorities were very pleased with the results of the competition held, and a proposal was made that the Olympic Games would continue only in Greece, in the homeland of these competitions. But the Olympic Committee decided otherwise: each time Olympiad Must change the country for rotation between states.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Olympic Games had to experience some crisis on themselves, firstly, because the game was combined over time with international exhibitions, and secondly, because to participate in the games in St. Louis (USA), most participants need It was to cross the Atlantic Ocean, and at that time it was pretty difficult. But the fourth Olympic GamesStarted again in Greece in 1906, again gathered a large audience and became successful. Later these games were excluded from the Olympic list, as they were held ahead of schedule. The numbering of games is carried out, starting from the first games in Athens, conducted in 1896. At the Winter Olympics, its independent numbering.

At the homeland of the Olympics - in Greece - the summer Olympic Games held twice: in Athens in 1896 - the first and in 2004 - the 28th games.

Olympic Games. Energy Rules for the Olympic Games

The principles of the Olympic Games are based on the honesty and equality of all participants and judges. They were fixed in the Charter of the Games of the Olympics in 1894. Symbol of Olympic Games - Five clutched rings of five colors that symbolize five parts of light (Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia) and friendly relations between them. Also, the Olympiad has its own flag and anthem.

During all Olympic games, special rituals are held, the main of which are the following:

At the opening ceremony of the Olympics ignites olympic fire. Each time in Olympia, fire from sun rays in the antique temple of Apollo is lit, and after that the fire is delivered by the relay in the city where the Olympic Games are organized. The right to light the Olympic fire at the main stadium of the city-organizer of the Olympiad is the most honorable.

On behalf of all the participants of the Olympiad, one of the most prominent athletes of the organizing country pronounces the Olympic oath.

On behalf of all the judges, it utters an oath that the refereeing will be honest and impartially, the representative of the Olympic Games organizer.

The winners of the Olympic Games are awarded medals, and in honor of the winners of every competition, the anthem of the country is played, whose representative was the athlete who took the first place.

Bright and colorful opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games.

In the city, where the Olympics is planned, the Olympic Village is being built - this is a complex of buildings and structures for adopting athletes, guests from other countries participating in the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games became an essential sporting event at the international level, and the title of Olympic champion is the most prestigious for athletes, especially in individual sports.

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The content of the article

Olympic Games of Ancient Greece- The largest sports competitions of antiquity. Originated as part of the religious cult and were carried out from 776 BC. 394 AN. (A total of 293 Olympics were held) in Olympia, which was considered from the Greeks sacred place. The name of the games occurred from Olympia. The Olympic Games were meaningful for all ancient Greece an event, which beyond the scope of a sporty event. The victory at the Olympics was considered extremely honored for athlete, and for the policy that he represented.

From 6 c. BC. With the example of the Olympic Games, other utility athletes began to be held: Pythi Games, Easty Games and Nemoy Games, also dedicated to various ancient Greek gods. But the Olympiads were the most prestigious among these contests. The Olympic Games are mentioned in the works of Plutarch, Herodotus, Pindara, Lukian, Pavania, Simonide, and others. Antique authors.

At the end of the 19th century The Olympic Games were revived at the initiative of Pierre de Couberten.

Olympic games from nucleation before decline.

There are a lot of legends about the emergence of the Olympic Games. All of them are associated with the ancient Greek gods and heroes.

The most famous legend says, like the king of Eldid Iphit, seeing that his people were tired of endless wars, went to Delphi, where Apollon's priestess handed him the commandment of the Gods: to arrange the total athletic festivities. After that, Iphit, the Spartan legislator Likurg and the Athenian legislator and the reformer Kliosfen established the procedure for conducting such games and concluded the Holy Union. Olympia, where it was supposed to spend this festival, declared a sacred place, and anyone who will enjoy the limits armed, the criminal.

According to another myth, the son of Zeus Hercules brought the sacred olive branch to Olympia and established the games of the athletes to commemorate the victory of Zeus over his fierce father of the crown.

Also, the legend is also known that Hercules, having organized the Olympic Games, perpetuated the memory of Pelop (Pelopse), which won in the race on the chariots of a cruel king Enonaya. And the name of Pelopa was given by Peloponnese region, where the "capital" of the ancient Olympic Games was located.

A mandatory part of the ancient Olympic Games were religious ceremonies. According to the established custom, the first day of the games was assigned to sacrifices: the athletes spent this day in the altars and the altars of their patrone gowns. A similar rite was repeated in the final day of the Olympic Games, when the winners were awarded.

At the time of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece, wars were stopped and a truce was Eger, and representatives of the hostile policies were conducted in Olympia peace negotiations in order to settle conflicts. The corresponding item was recorded on the Bronze Disk of Impitis in the Temple of Gera Bronze disk with the rules of the Olympic Games. "The text of the Iphite written the text of the truce, which Eleitsa declare during the Olympic Games; It is written not by straight lines, but the words go on a circle disk "(PAVSANI, Description Ellala).

From the Olympic Games 776 BC (The earliest games, the mention of which came to us - according to some specialists, the Olympic Games began to be held at all over the years earlier) the Greeks had a consideration of a special "Olympic Souls" introduced by the historian Timem. The Olympic holiday was celebrated in the "Holy Month", starting with the first full moon after the summer solstice. He had to be repeated every 1417 days who were the Olympics - the Greek "Olympic" year.

Started as local competitions, the Olympic Games have become an event of a ungreational scale. A lot of people moved to the game not only from Greece itself, but also from its cities-colonies from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea.

The games continued and then Ellada fell into submission to Rome (in the middle of 2 V to AD), as a result of which one of the fundamental Olympic principles was broken, which allowed the participation in the Olympic Games exclusively Greek citizens, and even some of the winners were Roman emperors (including Nero, "winning" racing on the chariots harvested ten horses). Affected the Olympic Games and began in the 4th century BC. The general decline of Greek culture: they gradually lost their former importance and the essence, turning from a sports competition and a significant public event in a purely entertainment event, which participated predominantly professionals.

And in 394 AD The Olympic Games were forbidden - as a "relic of paganism" - the Roman Emperor Feodosius I, forcibly implanted Christianity.


Located in the northwestern part of the Peloponess Peninsula. There was Altis (Altis) - the legendary sacred grove of Zeus and the temple-cult complex, which finally formed about 6 in. BC. In the territory of the sanctuary, relocated buildings, monuments, sports facilities and houses were located, where athletes and guests lived during the comment. The Olympic sanctuary remained a focus of Greek art up to 4 V. BC.

Shortly after the ban on the Olympic Games, all these structures were burned on the orders of Emperor Feodosia II (in 426 AD), and the century later was completely destroyed and buried by strong earthquakes and river spills.

As a result of the 19th century held in Olympia. Archaeological excavations managed to detect the ruins of some buildings, including sports, such as the Pestratera, gym and the stadium. Built in 3 c. BC. PESTERTER - Surrounded by a portion, where fighters, boxers and jumpers were trained. Gymnasiums built in 3-2 centuries. BC, - the largest building of Olympia, it was used for workouts of sprinters. The gymnasium also stored a list of winners and the list of Olympiads, stood statues of athletes. The stadium (a length of 212.5 m and a width of 28.5 m) with the stands and places for judges was built in 330-320 BC. It could accommodate about 45,000 spectators.

Organization of games.

All freebious Greek citizens were allowed to participate in the Olympic Games (according to some sources, men who could speak Greek). Slaves and barbarians, i.e. Persons of eraine origin, could not participate in the Olympics. "When Alexander wished to take part in the competition and for this arrived in Olympia, then Ellina, participants in the competition, demanded its exceptions. These competitions, they said, for Ellinov, and not for barbarians. Alexander proved that he was an Argos, and the judges recognized His Hellenic origin. He took part in a running contest and came to the goal at the same time as the winner "(Herodotus. History).

The organization of the ancient Olympic Games envisaged control not only behind the moves of the games themselves, but also for the preparation of athletes to them. Control was carried out by emaldles, or GELLANDIKI, the most authoritative citizens. Within 10-12 months before the start of the game, the athletes were intensive training, after which they gave a kind of exam commission of ELLANODIKS. After the execution of the Olympic Standard, the future participants of the Olympic Games were still preparing for a special program - already under the leadership of Elans.

The fundamental principle of the competition was the honesty of participants. Before the beginning of the competition, they gave an oath to comply with the rules. Allanodics had the right to deprive the title champion, if he defeated fraudulently, the arrogant athlete was also a fine and bodily punishment. Before entering the stadium in the Olympia, they stood in the edification of the participants - the copper statues of Zeus, cast for money obtained in the form of fines from athletes who violated the rules of the competition (the ancient Greek writer PAsanii indicates that the first six such statues were settled in the 98th Olympiad, when The Fessenian Eupol bribed the three fighters speaking with him). In addition, the participation of the Games did not allow persons who are surrendered to the crime or in confusion.

The entrance to the competition was free. But only men could visit them, women under the fear of death penalty were forbidden to appear in Olympia during the entire festival (according to some sources, this ban was distributed only to married women). An exception was made only for the priestess of the goddess Demeter: for her at the stadium, a special marble throne was built at the very honorable place.

Antique Olympic Games Program.

The first time in the program of the Olympic Games was only an old stage - jogging for one stages (192.27 m), then the number of Olympic disciplines has grown. Note some fundamental changes in the program:

- on the 14 Olympic Games (724 BC) in the program included diaulos - running at 2 stage, and 4 years later - a fairing (running to exposure), the distance of which was from 7 to 24 stages;

- on the 18 Olympic Games (708 BC) for the first time, competitions in combating and pentatlon (pentathlon) were held, which included, in addition to the struggle and stadium, jumping, as well as throwing a spear and disk;

- on the 23 Olympic Games (688 BC) in the program of the competition entered a fist fight,

- On the 25 Olympic Games (680 BC) Added races on chariots (harvested by four adult horses, over time, this type of program has expanded, in 5-4 centners. BC. Because the chariot racing harvested by a pair of adult horses , young horses or mules);

- on the 33 Olympic Games (648 BC) in the Games program there were horse racing jumps (in Ser. 3 in. BC. BC began to be held on the foals) and Pankration - martial art that combined elements in itself and a fist with minimal restrictions on "prohibited techniques" and largely reminiscent of modern battles without rules.

Greek gods and mythological characters are involved in the appearance of not only the Olympic Games in general, but also separate disciplines. For example, it was believed that running for one stages introduced Hercules himself, who personally measured this distance in Olympia (1 stages was equal to the length of the 600 feet of Zeus Priest), and Pankration dates back to the legendary chasa fight with a minotaur.

Some of the disciplines of the ancient Olympic Games, familiar to us in modern competitions, differ markedly from their current analogues. Greek athletes jumped in length not from running out, but from the place - moreover with stones (later with dumbbells) in their hands. At the end of the jump athlete discarded the stones abruptly back: it was believed that this allows him to jump further. Such a jumping technique required good coordination. Spear and disk throwing (over time, instead of stone athletes began to throw the iron disk) was made with a slight elevation. At the same time, the spear is metal not at the distance, and for accuracy: the athle should have hit a special target. In the fight and boxing there was no division of participants in the weight categories, and the boxing match was continued until one of the opponents recognized himself defeated or was unable to continue the fight. There were very peculiar varieties and running disciplines: running in full service (i.e. in a helmet, with a shield and weapon), Running gerlors and trumpeters, alternated jogging and chariot race.

With 37 games (632 BC) in competitions began to participate and young men under 20 years old. At first, the competition in this age category included only jogging and struggle, in time fiveborne, fist and pankration, were added to them.

In addition to athletic competitions, the Olympic Games held a competition of arts, from 84 games (444 BC), which became the official part of the program.

Initially, the Olympic Games occupied one day, then (with the expansion of the program) - five days (it was so much the game continued during the period of their heyday in 6-4 centners. BC) and, in the end, "stretched" for a whole month.


The winner of the Olympic Games received together with an olive wreath (this tradition went from 752 BC) and magenta tapes universal recognition. He became one of the most respected people in his city (for the residents of whom the victory of the countryman at the Olympics was also a great honor), he was often freed from state duties, they gave other privileges. Olympionics were rewarded at home and posthumous honors. And according to the 6 V administered. BC. Practice, the three-time winner of the games could put his statue in Altis.

The first of the Olympionics known to us became the Koron from Elida, who defeated one stages in 776 BC.

The most famous - and the only one in the history of the ancient Olympic games at the athlete, who defeated 6 Olympiads, was "the strongest among the strong", the fighter of Milon from Croton. The native of the Greek city-colony Crotone (south of modern Italy) and, according to some data, a student of Pythagora, he won his first victory in the 60th Olympiad (540 BC) in competitions among young men. From 532 BC 516 BC He won another 5 Olympic titles - already among adult athletes. In 512 BC Mylon, who was over 40 years old, tried to win his seventh title, but lost to a younger opponent. Olympionics Milon also has also been a repeated winner of the Pythi, Easty, Unay Games and many local competitions. The mention of it can be found in the works of Pausania, Cicero and others. Authors.

Another outstanding athlete - Leonid from Rhodes - on four Olympiads in a row (164 BC - 152 BC) defeated in three "cross-country" disciplines: in running on one and two stage, as well as in a weapon run.

Astil from Croton entered the history of the ancient Olympic Games not only as one of the recordsmen in terms of the number of victories (6 - in running on one and two stage at games from 488 BC. 480 BC). If at the first of his Olympiad Astil spoke for Croton, then on the two following - for Syracuse. Former fellow countrymen revenge for betrayal: the statue of the champion in Crotone was demolished, and his former house was turned into prison.

In the history of the ancient Greek Olympic games, there are entire Olympic dynasties. Thus, the grandfather of the champion's battle of Poseidor from Rhodes Diagora, as well as his native uncle Akusilai and Damaget, too, were Olympionics. Diagore, whose exclusive durability and honesty in boxing fights won him a huge respect of the audience and there were vanity in Pindara, became an eyellinity of the Olympic victories of his sons - respectively, in Boxing and Pankration. (According to legend, when the grateful sons watered his champion's champion's wreaths on the head and raised him on the shoulders, someone from the hands-up spectators exclaimed: "Umci, Diagora, die! Melci, because you have nothing more to desire from life!" And excited Diagore Immediately died in her hands in sons.)

Many olympionics were distinguished by exceptional physical data. For example, the champion in running into two stage (404 BC) Lasphen from the victory is attributed to the victory in an unusual competition with a horse, and Age from Argos, which won the long distance (328 BC), after that without making a single stop in the way, overcame the distance from Olympia to his native city to quickly bring joyful messages to countrymen. Victory sought and due to peculiar technology. So, an extremely endless and movable boxer melancom from Karya, the winner of the Olympic Games 49 AD, during the fight he constantly kept his hands stretched forward, due to which he left the opponent's blows, and at the same time it was extremely rarely assumed The end, exhausted physically and emotionally the opponent recognized his defeat. And about the winner of the Olympic Games 460 BC. In the promotion of Ladas from Argos, they said that it runs so easily that he does not even leave traces on Earth.

Among the participants and winners of the Olympic Games there were such well-known scientists and thinkers as Demosphen, Democritis, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, Hippocrat. And they competed not only in elegant arts. For example, Pythagoras was a champion in a caming battle, and Plato - in Pankration.

Maria Ischenko

The Olympic Games of Ancient Greece - the largest sports competitions of antiquity, originated as part of a religious cult. The Olympic Games were held in the Holy Place of Olympia (from where the name of the games) from 776 BC 394 AN. Once every four years. A total of 293 Olympics were held. The games were attached so much importance that the war stopped on the eve of the Olympics and the sacred truce was declared, so that the athletes and the audience could freely get from their cities to the place of games.

Competitions in Olympia, the northwestern part of Peloponnese were held. There was a sanctuary of Zeus with his statue, which is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. (True, nothing but mentions in the literature from this temple has not remained). The sanctuary was a huge temple that was in a height of 18 meters, and a length of 66 meters. It was in it that was located a statue made from ivory. Her height was 12 meters.

Competitions themselves were held at the Olympic Stadium. In the V century BC e. He was expanded, modernized, and he began to accommodate 40 thousand spectators. Its sports field reached a length of 212 meters, and in a 32 meter width. There was also a hippodrome with a length of 700 meters and a width of 300 meters. The winners on the heads were pinned wreaths from olive leaves, and the games themselves had extremely important political importance. Thanks to their entertainment and popularity, Hellenistic culture spread throughout the Mediterranean.

From 6 c. BC. With the example of the Olympic Games, other utility athletes began to be held: Pythi Games, Easty Games and Nemoy Games, also dedicated to various ancient Greek gods. But the Olympiads were the most prestigious among these contests. The Olympic Games are mentioned in the works of Plutarch, Herodotus, Pindara, Lukian, Pavania, Simonide, and others. Antique authors.

Organization of the Olympic Games

All free-born Greek citizens were allowed to participate in the Olympic Games. Slaves and barbarians, i.e. Persons of eraine origin, could not participate in the Olympics. "When Alexander wished to take part in the competition and for this arrived in Olympia, then Ellina, participants in the competition, demanded its exceptions. These competitions, they said, for Ellinov, and not for barbarians. Alexander proved that he was an Argos, and the judges recognized His Hellenic origin. He took part in a running contest and came to the goal at the same time as the winner "(Herodot. History).

The organization of the ancient Olympic Games envisaged control not only behind the moves of the games themselves, but also for the preparation of athletes to them. Control was carried out by emaldles, or GELLANDIKI, the most authoritative citizens. Within 10-12 months before the start of the game, the athletes were intensive training, after which they gave a kind of exam commission of ELLANODIKS. After the execution of the Olympic Standard, the future participants of the Olympic Games were still preparing for a special program - already under the leadership of Elans.

Principle of Olympic Games

The fundamental principle of the competition was the honesty of participants. Before the beginning of the competition, they gave an oath to comply with the rules. Allanodics had the right to deprive the title champion, if he defeated fraudulently, the arrogant athlete was also a fine and bodily punishment. Before entering the stadium in the Olympia, they stood in the edification of the participants - the copper statues of Zeus, cast for money obtained in the form of fines from athletes who violated the rules of the competition (the ancient Greek writer PAsanii indicates that the first six such statues were settled in the 98th Olympiad, when The Fessenian Eupol bribed the three fighters speaking with him). In addition, the participation of the Games did not allow persons who are surrendered to the crime or in confusion.

The entrance to the competition was free. But only men could visit them, women under the fear of death penalty were forbidden to appear in Olympia during the entire festival (according to some sources, this ban was distributed only to married women). An exception was made only for the priestess of the goddess Demeter: for her at the stadium, a special marble throne was built at the very honorable place.

Antique Olympic Games Program

The first time (with the 1st to the 13th Olympiad) in the program of the Olympic Games was only one sport: the stadium - jogging for one stages (192.27 m). Then the number of Olympic disciplines has grown. Note some fundamental changes in the program:

- On the 14th Olympic Games (724 BC) in the program included Diallos - running on the 2 stage. The runners fled one stages - a pillar was installed there -, defeated it and returned back to the start.

- at 15 Olympiad (720 BC) - was additionally included with a prominence (jogging), the distance of which was from 7 to 24 stages (1344 - 4608 m).

- On the 18 Olympic Games (708 BC) for the first time, competitions in combating and pentatlon (pentathlon) were held. The rules of struggle forbidden strikes, but the shocks were permitted. The struggle was divided into two main positions: in the rack and on Earth, or rather, soft ground, grated sand.

Pentatlon included running on the stage, throwing the disc, throwing a spear, long jump and fight. All types were carried out in one day in a certain order, starting with jumps. The jumping technique was distinguished by the uniqueness: the athlete used dumbbells in the hands to increase the distance of the jump. The maximum distance of the jump on ancient authors reached 15 m. It is unknown, it was an exaggeration of authors or a jump consisted of several stages, like a modern triple jump. As modern researchers are believed to images on the ancient Greek vases, the athlete jumped without running out of place.

- On 23 Olympic Games (688 BC), a fisting battle was added to the competition program. Fighters who managed to win, without having hitting the opponent, used in particular respect. The fighters wrapped with brushes with leather belts. The rules in a fistboard were banned by the capture of the opponent, the steps and kicks, nevertheless, this type of competition was considered the most dangerous and death of the athlete in the duel was not solely exceptional. If the boxers are tired, the break was allowed to rest. If, after the rest, the winner was not detected, the boxers exchanged a specified number of shocks without defending. The duel was completed by the passing of the opponent: the defeated hand raised when it was unable to resist.

- On the 25 Olympic Games (680 BC) Added races on chariots (harvested by four adult horses, over time this type of program has expanded, in 5-4 centners , young horses or mules).

- On the 33 Olympic Games (648 BC) in the Games program there were horse races (in Ser. 3 in. BC. BC began to be held on the foals) and Pankration - a hand-to-hand fight in which strikes were connected Hands and legs and fighters. "Pankration" occurred from the Greek words "Pan" and "Short", that is, means approximately the "whole force". The stroke was allowed, biting and squeezing eyes are prohibited. This type of competition was introduced into the Olympic Games in honor of the mythical founder of Herakla Games, who managed to overcome a huge lion, strangling it with bare hands, because the lion's skin was invulnerable to weapons. Largely reminds modern "fights without rules."

- On the 65th Olympiad (520 BC. E) was added to the goplitodrome - running in full arms or running of goplites. The athletes fled two stages in the helmet, lay down and with a shield.
Later from weapons left only the shield. Athletes compete with nude, as in other Olympic species, with the exception of racing. Running goplites of the game ended.

- On 84 Olympics (444 BC), in addition to the athletic competition, the art competition was held for the first time, which became the official part of the program.

- On the 96th Olympiad (396 BC), competitions were added to the game program between trumpets and Gerolds, as a logical consequence of the combination of sports and aesthetic pleasure in the views of Ellin. It is known that during the Olympic Games, writers and poets read their creations out loud, artists put their works on Agora.

* Some of the disciplines of the ancient Olympic Games, familiar to us in modern competitions, differ markedly from their current analogues. Greek athletes jumped in length not from running out, but from the place - moreover with stones (later with dumbbells) in their hands. At the end of the jump athlete discarded the stones abruptly back: it was believed that this allows him to jump further. Such a jumping technique required good coordination.

* Throwing a spear and disk (over time, instead of stone athletes began to throw the iron disk) was made with a slight elevation. At the same time, the spear is metal not at the distance, and for accuracy: the athle should have hit a special target. In the fight and boxing there was no division of participants in the weight categories, and the boxing match was continued until one of the opponents recognized himself defeated or was unable to continue the fight. There were very peculiar varieties and running disciplines: running in full service (i.e. in a helmet, with a shield and weapon), Running gerlors and trumpeters, alternated jogging and chariot race.

* With 37 games (632 BC) in competitions began to participate and young men under the age of 20. At first, the competition in this age category included only jogging and struggle, in time fiveborne, fist and pankration, were added to them.

* Initially, the Olympic Games occupied one day, then (with the expansion of the program) - five days (it was so much the game continued during the period of their heyday in 6-4 centners. BC) and, in the end, stretched for a whole month.


The winner of the Olympic Games (Olympionics) received together with an olive wreath (this tradition went from 752 BC) and purple ribbons to universal recognition. He became one of the most respected people in his city (for the residents of whom the victory of the countryman at the Olympics was also a great honor), he was often freed from state duties, they gave other privileges. Olympionics were rewarded at home and posthumous honors. And according to the 6 V administered. BC. Practice, the three-time winner of the games could put his statue in Altis.

The first of the Olympionics known to us became the Koron from Elida, who defeated one stages in 776 BC.

The most famous - and the only one in the history of the ancient Olympic games at the athlete, who defeated 6 Olympiads, was "the strongest among the strong", the fighter of Milon from Croton. The native of the Greek city-colony Crotone (south of modern Italy) and, according to some data, a student of Pythagora, he won his first victory in the 60th Olympiad (540 BC) in competitions among young men. From 532 BC 516 BC He won another 5 Olympic titles - already among adult athletes. In 512 BC Mylon, who was over 40 years old, tried to win his seventh title, but lost to a younger opponent. Olympionics Milon also has also been a repeated winner of the Pythi, Easty, Unay Games and many local competitions. The mention of it can be found in the works of Pausania, Cicero and others. Authors.

Another outstanding athlete - Leonid from Rhodes - on four Olympiads in a row (164 BC - 152 BC) defeated in three "cross-country" disciplines: in running on one and two stage, as well as in a weapon run.

Astil from Croton entered the history of the ancient Olympic Games not only as one of the recordsmen in terms of the number of victories (6 - in running on one and two stage at games from 488 BC. 480 BC). If at the first of his Olympiad Astil spoke for Croton, then on the two following - for Syracuse. Former fellow countrymen revenge for betrayal: the statue of the champion in Crotone was demolished, and his former house was turned into prison.

In the history of the ancient Greek Olympic games, there are entire Olympic dynasties. Thus, the grandfather of the champion's battle of Poseidor from Rhodes Diagora, as well as his native uncle Akusilai and Damaget, too, were Olympionics. Diagore, whose exclusive durability and honesty in boxing fights won him a huge respect of the audience and there were vanity in Pindara, became an eyellinity of the Olympic victories of his sons - respectively, in Boxing and Pankration. (According to legend, when the grateful sons watered his champion's champion's wreaths on the head and raised him on the shoulders, someone from the hands-up spectators exclaimed: "Umci, Diagora, die! Melci, because you have nothing more to desire from life!" And excited Diagore Immediately died in her hands in sons.)

Many olympionics were distinguished by exceptional physical data. For example, the champion in running into two stage (404 BC) Lasphen from the victory is attributed to the victory in an unusual competition with a horse, and Age from Argos, which won the long distance (328 BC), after that without making a single stop in the way, overcame the distance from Olympia to his native city to quickly bring joyful messages to countrymen. Victory sought and due to peculiar technology. So, extremely hardy and movable boxer melancom from Karya, the winner of the Olympic Games 49 AD. During the fight, he constantly held his hands stretched forward, at the expense of which he left the strikes of the enemy, and at the same time it was extremely rarely assumed by response strikes, - in the end, the exhausted physically and emotionally the opponent recognized his defeat. And about the winner of the Olympic Games 460 BC. In the promotion of Ladas from Argos, they said that it runs so easily that he does not even leave traces on Earth.

Among the participants and winners of the Olympic Games there were such well-known scientists and thinkers as Demosphen, Democritis, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, Hippocrat. And they competed not only in elegant arts. For example, Pythagoras was a champion in a caming battle, and Plato - in Pankration.

History of Olympic Games

According to the oldest legend, the Olympic Games arose during the times of the Kronos, in honor of Idea Hercules. According to the myth, Reia handed over the newborn Zeus idea dactils (Krechetam). Five of them came from Cretan Ida to Olympia, where the temple was already erected in honor of the Kronos. Hercules, the eldest of the brothers, defeated everyone in Run and was awarded for winning a wreath of Wild Olya. At the same time, Hercules set the competitions that were to occur in 5 years, according to the number of arriving in the Olympia of the idea brothers.

There were other legends on the emergence of the Olympic Games, timed them to that, then to another mythical era. For example, the inclusion of races on chariots in the Olympic Games program Some ancient authors are associated with a myth who won the race on the chariot over the cruel king of the city of Pisov Enomam. However, if you consider that Pelops then killed his assistant Mitil, the son of Hermes, which caused the anger not only Hermes, but also the other Olympic gods, it is unlikely that the races on the chariots have entered the Olympic Games in honor of Pelops.

The first historical fact associated with the Olympic Games is the renewal of their king of Elida Ifit and the legislator of Sparta Likurg, whose names were drawn on the disk stored in the Gera Temple in Olympia during the time of PAsania (II century). From that time (according to one given this year, the renewal of the Games is 728 BC. Er, according to another - 828 BC. Er) The gap between two consistent celebrations was four years or an Olympiad; But as the chronological era in the history of Greece was accepted from 776 BC. er

Resumeing Olympic Games, Iphit established the sacred truce at the time of their celebration, which was announced by special herolders first in the elident, then in the rest of Greece. At that time, it was impossible to wage war not only in ELIDE, but also in other parts of ELDA. Using the same motive of the holiness of the place, the Eleets have achieved the consent from the Peloponnese states to consider Elida the country against which wars could not be guided.

The Olympic Games were banned in the 1st year of the 293rd Olympics (394 years) by the Christian Emperor Feodosia as pagan. Restored in 1896.

Revival of the Olympic Games

In 1896, after a long break, the Olympic Games conducted in Athens on the initiative of Pierre de Couberten. Significantly expanded the range of sports.

History of Olympic Fire

Olympic flame is one of the most exciting modern symbols of the Olympic Games. This fire is lit in the city of the game during their opening, and it burns continuously before their end. The tradition of healing the Olympic fire began to emerge when holding the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam. The fire burned and at the Los Angeles games stadium in 1932.

However, the relay of the Olympic Fire was first held during the Summer Olympic Games of 1936 in Berlin. More than 3,000 runners participated in the delivery of a torch from Olympia to Berlin.

On the Winter Olympics, the fire was lit in 1936, and in 1948, but the relay was first spent in 1952 before the winter Olympic games in Oslo, and it took the beginning not in Olympia, but in Morgedale.

The Olympic relay has repeatedly served as an attack with the aim of attracting attention to various problems, including those who are not related to the Olympic movement. Therefore, the International Olympic Committee decided to terminate the international stages of the Olympic Fire relay, and the restriction of its only the territory of the country hosting the Olympics.

The idea of \u200b\u200bholding the Olympic Fire relay was offered Karl Dim (Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, 1936). The basis of the idea was the ancient Greek ritual - Lampadromia - an ancient Greek ritual competition in running with burning torches. It was conducted in a number of cities of ancient Greece. The greatest number of information about this ritual relate to Athens. There the Torchs have formed several rival teams whose runners transferred to each other.

Release date: 2000

Genre:town planning simulator

Zeus: Lord of Olympus He is a quest in which you are invited to make a journey and become a urban planner in Antique Greece - the country of Heracle and Achilles, Homer and Ezop, Aristotle and Archimedes. You are given the opportunity to be at the head of the metropolis, similar to the legendary Athena or Valiant Sparta. As in any other game of such a genre, the player must build a city on an empty plot of land and with a certain set of available resources.

You have to build temples and grow olives, urge the heroes to help conquering foreign countries, fight the battles with the monster and bring victims in the name of the gods. Your path in the game "Zeus: Lord of Olympus" will be long and difficult, but the reward for it is truly great - memory in centuries, living in the hearts of people.

Age of Mythology and Age of Mythology: The Titans

Release date: 2003

Genre: real-time strategy

Epoch mythologies- A strategic game that transfers the player to the ancient time when the heroes fought with mythological monsters. The game is based on the myths and the legends of the ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and Scandinavian Vikings. To achieve the best results and early victory over the enemy, players can choose not only the historical path of development of these three great civilizations (Greeks, Egyptians and Scandinavians), but also available mythical creatures, for example, such as minotaves, centaurs, phoenixes and Valkyrie.

Like many other RTS, the game is based on the construction of cities, the use of resources, the creation of armies and the destruction of enemy armies and cities. The player must hold his tribe through several "epochs": archaic, classical, heroic and mythical era. To go to each new era, you must pay a number of resources in the main building - the city center. With the transition to the next era, new combat units and buildings are opening.

Will Rock.

Release date:2003

Will Rock. - Computer game in the genre of the first-person shooter. A strong landslide opened the gate to the lost Olympus, the mythological empire of the ancient Greeks. Local students quickly hire american archaeologist named Villford Rockwell with Dr. Hedststrong and his daughter Emma, \u200b\u200bso that those opened the door to the lost Olympus. Nothing suspected company agreed. They did not know that these students belong to the cult, which seeks to revive the ancient gods.

There are 10 levels in the game for passing in solitary or sharing. Many reviewers celebrated a huge number of enemies on them. At some points of the game, the player can be attacked from different sides by various enemies at the same time. Almost all enemies (with the exception of flying) always appear suddenly. It looks very noisy and suddenly, which can easily scare and confuse. In the game there are a lot of doors leading from one level of the level to another, sometimes you have to move under water.

Release date: 2004

Legion III: Troy Gate A hiking historical strategy from the developers of the "History of Empires" and "Legion" dedicated to the Trojan War. Five sides of the gameplay: trade, diplomacy, research, construction and fighting. Nine game scenarios: Trojan War, Ionian uprising, "hot gate", Greek colonization, prehistoric period, a large campaign with the participation of Rome and Persia I.T.D. Five levels of difficulty. 19 of the heroes of the Trojan war as commander, including Paris, Achilles and Menel. 62 types of combat detachments, 8 troops. The outcome of the battles is determined by the selected tactics, experience and alignment of forces.

Random and historical events. More than 100 nations, 19 ethnic groups. More than 150 types of buildings, 9 types of resources. Improved artificial opponent intelligence. Improved interface: two scales of display of the main game card. Updated system of diplomacy, the possibility of vassalization of another state diplomatic means. More than 60 types of diplomatic instructions. Territory - Ancient Greece and Small Asia, the time of action - 1500-400. BC.

Battle for Troy

Release date: 2004

Genre: real-time strategy

Troy - The game is devoted to the mythical event described by Homer for many years before our era. Dedicated to events by half the mythical Trojan war. Battle for Troy will provide an opportunity to participate in the storming of the famous smallness city, undertaken in the name of the liberation of Spartan Prisoner Elena.

The game includes two campaigns for Trojans and Spartans, 8 missions in each. 9 types of antique sample units with the ability to pump units (over time, everyone gains experience and become more efficient fighters.

Alexander: The Heroes Hour

Release date: 2005

Genre: Real Time Strategy, RPG

Alexander: Epoch Heroes - The game, which is a stunning mixture of real-time strategy and tactical action-RPG. You have to be transferred to ancient Greece and participate in the heroic acts of the great Alexander Macedonian. Come with the detachment of your heroes along the amazingly across three-dimensional landscapes of Greece, communicating with the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Persamami ...

Improve the skills of your fighters and fascinating tasks, fight in the epic battles of Greece and small skirmishes on the walls of the ancient cities. 4 nations: Greece, Persia, Egypt and India. Manage the marine and ground forces. Observe on the screen up to 8,000 combat units in all of their 3D magnificence. The game is replete with additional missions and big content.

Game series GOD OF WAR

Release date: 2005-2013

Genre: Slasher, action from a third party

ATTENTION GAME ONLY FOR CONSOLES PS, but you can find repars for PC

Gods of war - A series of console games, the action of which is based on its own variation of ancient Greek mythology. The main character of all the games of the series is a short, Spartan general who challenged the gods. The main weapon of the brief is the chaos blades that can be used for a variety of different types of attacks, are two wide short swords with jar, on long chains in the forearm of the main character.

In addition to hand-to-hand fights in the game there are simple puzzles, which are moving the drawers, the use of levers and so on. The game has elements of the platformer associated with the fact that the shortcomings can cling to the depressions and protrusions, as well as to use chaos swords as a hook, allowing him to overcome large abyss. Most game opponents are borrowed from Greek mythology, including Gorgon's Medusa, Minotaur, Hydra and others.

Titan Quest

Release date: 2006

Genre: Action, RPG, "Ruby and Modes"

Titan Quest - The game in the genre "Ruby and Dir" as a place of action is the mythical world of ancient Greece and Egypt. We are promised to reconstruct all the sights of the ancient world. In addition, players have to fight with such legendary monsters as cyclops, centaurs and them like creatures. The game also has a multiplayer regime, in which heroes, wandering on the map, find out the relationship not only with monsters, but also among themselves. The game is also included in the list.

The player pursuing through the obstacles of the ancient world is necessary to find a way to sharpen titans. Traveling through legendary places, such as Parfenon, Knos Labyrinth, Great Pyramids and Hanging Gardens of Semiramides, the hero will fight with the hordes of monsters and mythical monsters. A branched classes system guarantees almost an infinite number of options for the development of your character. Numerous skills and skills can be combined in a variety of options and will never be completely useless.

Rise and Fall: Civilizations at war

Release date:2006

Genre: real-time strategy

Riseand.Fall: Civilizations War - an impressive historical strategy in which players will witness the opposition of the four great ancient civilizations (Greece, Rome, Egypt and Persia) during their military heyday. Using reliably recreated an ancient weapon and embodying the tactics of his victory, the player will rewrite the great history of mankind.

The direct character management mode will allow at the crucial moment to take control of one of the great heroes of antiquity (Alexander Macedonsky, Cleopatra, Caesar, etc.) and take part in the battle. Excellent detailing of damage and behavior of combat units turns each battle into an exciting show: Movie elephants are divided by trees and spread enemy soldiers, and the trapped ship is worked out and goes to the bottom.

Loki: Heroes of Mythology

Release date: 2007

Genre: RPG, Slachener

Loki: Heroes of mythology - The game is not quite about Greece, the plot, the atmosphere, locations and enemies are taken by Isattesk, Egyptian, Greek, and Scandinavian mythologies. A player can choose one of the four characters, each symbolizes one of mythologies, depending on the hero selected, the order of the game levels differs. In the course of the plot, the player participates in such mythological and historical events as a drop in Troy, the conquest of America, Ragnarök and will meet the mythical heroes of Achilles, Torah and real people: Cortes, Ehnaton.

A single game mode allows you to immerse yourself in adventure by choosing one of the four heroes. With this hero you have to go through four chapters of the game. The game has three levels of difficulty. Levels are generated randomly, so you do not have to pass several times on the same path. Moreover, if you want to learn the end of the whole story, your hero should fight in the last battle, and for this he should have enough experience, he must have a complete set of skills and be dressed in the best gear that you will only be able to find.


Release date: 2007

Genre: arcade

Asterix at the Olympic Games- Arcade computer game created based on the same comedy film. This game is about the travels of Asterix and Obelix to Greece. Westerns will lead friends to the Olympic Games, where they will have to compete with the best athletes of the Roman Empire. The brave galls will take part in a multitude of sports, so that in the final to defeat the brother - the Roman champion and reserved scoundrel.

Julius Caesar - the Eternal Headache of Asterix - will interfere in every way to friends and will do everything possible so that the heroes are defeated. Ugright the nose Caesar! Prove that galls can also be Olympic champions! Spromed humor in the style of Asterix and Obelix! Great animation of game characters.

Rise of the Argonauts

Release date: 2008

Genre: RPG, action, adventure

Argonauts: Golden Fleece - based on the myth on the search for the Golden Rune of Jason and Argonauts. Young ruler Iolak Jason announced the coming wedding. That's just at the solemn ceremony, the bride was killed by a poisoned arrow! Out of herself from grief, Jason decided to go on a journey, which was not yet in the world, and get the golden fleece. With the help of the magic artifact, he expects to return his beloved from the gloomy kingdom of shadows.

The whole game consists of a large number of dialogs and battles against enemies. As a weapon, you can use the sword, a spear and a heavy mace. Each of them has its own special purpose. For each fight, you need to choose the most efficient weapon and change its choice depending on the situation. There is also an opportunity to buy and pump the skills and skills of the hero. The game contains four Tree skills: Ares, Hermes, Apollo and Athens. Purchase glasses are given for the passage of tasks. Immerse yourself in the very heart of cruel battles, following the familiar plot of myths of ancient Greece!

Numen: Contest of Heroes

Release date: 2010

Genre: action, rpg.

Numen.: Time heroes- Action-RPG, the action of which occurs in mythical Greece. You will start the game in the role of a young guy or a girl (depending on your choice) living on Leros Island with his sister. After the time, the sister dies from the bite of Scorpion, and the protagonist refers her to the Mountain Parnas to bury. During the ceremony, the messenger of the gods is associated with it to become a follower of one of them. After a few years of training, you have to go in search of a powerful artifact, Cronos Sickle.

In the game you will find an interesting game world, a fascinating plot, an exciting combat system and much more. At the beginning of the game you need to choose one of the three classes: Warrior, Hunter and Mag, and then decide on the patron god (three God for each class). From your choice will depend so much - the talents of the character, his abilities, and even the style of the game itself, quests and secret locations.

HEGEMONY GOLD: Wars Of Ancient Greece

Release date: 2012

Casual Tower Defense strategy in fantasy network. The world of the game is an ancient Greece, the development of which has come to steam machines and creating robots. The player must build long defensive lines so as not to let go of enemy machines.

The game presents a good selection of protective structures, towers, traps and catapults that can be improved and pumping. The player must rationally build a line of defense, otherwise the enemy will be able to get into the city. The project has several game regimes, bonus missions, as well as the choice of complexity.

Sparta: Empire War

Release date: 2016

Genre: Economic Strategy, Town Planning Simulator

Browser multiplayer strategy propagating from the Free-to-Play model. The project is made in the historical network of ancient Greece. The player acts as the leader of a small town to develop, defend and create a powerful army in it to capture territories and increasing its own influence.


At the very beginning of the gameplay, the player must perform training tasks for which the starting capital will be accrued. Then, when a small city is received, the player will be able to invest in development and improvement. Further actions will depend on the decisions of the player himself - either he collects the army and captures the neighbors, or is studying a trading case and becomes a peaceful power of traders and manufacturers, which consists in union of warlike cities.

Olympic Games - the most significant in the world sport competitions. They are held every four years. Every athlete dreams of victory in these competitions. The origin of the Olympic Games belongs to the ancient times. They were held in the seventh century BC. Why did antique Olympic Games called the World Holidays? In which country they were held for the first time?

Myth about the emergence of the Olympic Games

In ancient times, these were the greatest national festivals. Who is the founder of the ancient Olympic Games is unknown. In the public and cultural life of the ancient Greeks, the myths and legends played a considerable role. Ellina believed that the origin of the Olympic Games was among the times of Kronos - the son of the first god of uranium. In the competition between the mythical heroes, Hercules won the run, for which he was awarded a wreath from Oliva. Subsequently, the winner insisted that sports competitions were held every five years. Such a legend. There are, of course, other legends about the emergence of the Olympic Games.

Historical sources confirming these festivities in ancient Greece belongs to Homer's oriad. In this book, the chariot race is mentioned, which the residents of Elida were satisfied - the area on Peloponnese, where Olympia was located.

Sacred truce

Simple mortal who played a significant role in the development of the ancient Greek Olympic Games, was the king of Iphit. During his reign, the gap between the holding was formed for four years. Resumeing the holding of the Olympic Games, Iphit declare the sacred truce. That is, during these festivities it was impossible to wage war. And not only in ELIDE, but also in other parts of Ellad.

Elide was considered a sacred place. It was impossible to lead war with her. True, later the Eleets themselves invaded the neighboring areas repeatedly. Why did antique Olympic Games called the World Holidays? First, the holding of these competitions was associated with names of the gods whom Extremely revered the ancient Greeks. Secondly, the aforementioned truce was announced for the month, which had a special name - ἱερομηνία.

About sports in the Olympic Games held by Helinam, scientists have not yet come to a common opinion. It is believed that initial athletes competed only in running. Later to sports in the Olympic Games added the fight and racing on chariots.


Among the citizens in ancient Greece were those who were subjected to public dishonor and contempt of others, that is, Atimia. They could not become participants in competitions. Only dear Hellen. In the ancient Olympic Games, of course, the barbarians who could only be the audience were not involved. The exception was made only in favor of the Romans. On the ancient Greek Olympics, a woman had no right to even attend if she was not the priestess of the goddess Demeter.

The number and audience, and participants were huge. If, at the first Olympic Games in ancient Greece (776 BC), competitions were held only in running, then other sports appeared later. And in time, the poets and artists have received the opportunity to compete in their skills. During the festivities with each other, even deputies in the abundance of offering of the mythical deities were rolled.

From the history of the emergence of the Olympic Games, it is known that these events had a rather important public and cultural significance. Transactions between merchants, artists and poets acquainted the audience with their creations.

Competitions were held in the first full moon after the summer solstice. Lasted five days. A certain part of the time was assigned to rites with sacrifice and public pirus.

Types of contest

The history of the emergence of the Olympic Games, as already mentioned, full of legends and legends. However, relative to species exist reliable information. At the first Olympic Games in ancient Greece, athletes competed in running. This sport was submitted by the following varieties:

  • Running at the distance.
  • Double running.
  • Long run.
  • Running in full service.

The first fist fight took place on the 23rd Olympiad. Later, the ancient Greeks added such types of martial arts as Pankration, struggle. Above it was said that women did not have the right to participate in competitions. However, in 688 BC, special contests were created for the most purpose Residents in ancient Greece. The only one sport in which They could compete, there were horse runs.

In the fourth century BC, the competition between trumpets and Gerolds added to the Olympic Games program - Ellina believed that aesthetic pleasure and sport had a logical connection. Artists exhibited their works on a market square. Poets and writers, as mentioned above, read their writings. Sculptors sometimes after the completion of the games, ordered the statues of the winners, lyrics in honor of the strongest and dextricular songs.


What the judges called, who observed the progress of the competition and awarded the award winners. Elandonons were appointed using the lot. The judges not only handed the award, but also headed the device of the whole event. At the first Olympics there were only two of them, then nine, even later than ten. Starting from 368 to our era of Elandonov was twelve. True, later the number of judges declined. ELLANDONES wore special clothing of purple color.

Where did the competition begins? The athletes argued the audience and judges that the previous months were devoted exclusively to preliminary training. They gave an oath before the statue of the main ancient Greek God - Zeus. Relatives of those who want to compete - fathers and brothers - also gave an oath. A month before the competition athletes demonstrated their skills to the judges in the Olympic gymnasium.

The order of the competition was established by lot. Then Herwood announced the name of the emerging to the contest. Where were the Olympic Games?

The sanctuary of ancient Greece

Where the Olympic Games passed, it is clear from the name. Olympia is located in the northwestern part in the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Here once was located temple-cultural Complex and sacred grove of Zeus. In the territory of the ancient Greek sanctuary there were cult buildings, monuments, sports facilities and houses in which participants and guests lived. This place was the center of Greek art until the fourth century BC. Later were burned on the orders of Feodosia II.

The Olympic stadium was built gradually. He became the first in ancient Greece. In the fifth century BC, this stadium took about forty thousand spectators. For training, the gymnasium was used - the construction, the treadmill of which was equal to the length of the one that was on the stadium itself. Another place for preliminary preparation - Palestra. It was a square building with the courtyard. Here they trained mainly athletes who competed in the struggle and caming battle.

Leonidoyon, who performed the functions was built in the fifth century BC, on the project known in the ancient Greece of the architect. A huge building consisted of a courtyard surrounded by columns, and included a variety of rooms. The Olympic Games played an important role in the religious life of Ellin. Therefore, here the locals erected several temples and sanctuations. The facilities decline after the earthquake that occurred in the sixth century. Finally, the hippodrome was destroyed during the flood.

The last Olympic Games in ancient Greece took place in 394. Forbidden by the emperor Feodosius. In the Christian era, these events were regarded as pagan. The revival of the Olympic Games occurred after two millennia. Although already in the XVII century, the competition, resembling the Olympic, was carried out repeatedly in England, France and Greece.

Revival of ancient Greek traditions

The predecessors of the modern Olympic Games were "Olympia", held in the middle of the XIX century. But they, of course, were not so large-scale and had little in common with competitions, which in our time is accomplished once every four years. A significant role in the revival of the Olympic Games was played by French Pierre de Coubert. Why suddenly the Europeans remembered the traditions of the ancient Greeks?

In the middle of the XVII century, archaeological studies were conducted in Olympia, as a result of which scientists discovered the remains of temple structures. Works continued for more than ten years. At this time, everything that related to antiquity was becoming popular in Europe. The desire to revive the Olympic traditions have infected many public and cultural figures. At the same time, the most important interest in the culture of sports competitions in ancient Greece showed the French, although the archaeological discoveries belonged to the Germans. This can be easily explained.

In 1871, the French army suffered a defeat, which significantly undermined the patriotic spirit in society. Pierre de Cubenets believed that the reason was in a weak physical training of soldiers. He did not try to inspire his compatriots to fight Germany and other European powers. The French public figure spoke a lot about the need to improve physical culture, but also spoke to overcoming national egoism and the establishment of international understanding.

First Olympic Games: New Time

In June 1894, the Congress was held in Sorbonne, on which Couterreta presented his thoughts about the need to revive the ancient Greek traditions. His ideas were supported. On the last day of the Congress, it was decided to hold the Olympic Games in two years. They should have taken place in Athens. The Committee on International Competitions was headed by Demetrius Vikelas. Pierre de Coubertin took the position of Secretary General.

The Olympic Games of 1896 became the largest sporting event. Greece state figures put forward a proposal for the holding of the Olympic Games solely with their homeland. However, the Committee decided otherwise. The place of the game is changing.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Olympic movement was not widely popular. This is partly due to the fact that at that time a worldwide exhibition was held in Paris. Some historians believe that the Olympic ideas were able to save thanks to the intermediate games of 1906, spent again in Athens.

Differences of modern games from ancient Greek

The competition was resumed by the sample of antique sports competitions. Modern Olympic Games unite athletes of all states, in relation to individuals, discrimination on religious, racial, political reasons is not allowed. This, perhaps, is the main difference between modern games from the ancient Greek.

What borrowed modern Olympic games from the ancient Greek? First of all, the name itself. The frequency of comments was borrowed. One of the destinations of the modern Olympic Games is the ministry of the world, the establishment of mutual understanding between countries. It is consonant with the ideas of the ancient Greeks on temporary truce in the days of the competition. Olympic flame and torch - symbols of the Olympiad, which arose, of course, in antiquity. The ancient Greeks also borrowed some terms and rules for conducting competitions.

There are, of course, several significant differences between modern games and antique. Ancient Greeks conducted sports exclusively in Olympia. Today, games are organized every time in another city. In ancient Greece, there was no such thing as the "Winter Olympic Games". Yes, and the contests were different. In antiquity in the Olympic Games participated not only athletes, but also poets.


About how the symbol of the Olympic Games looks like, is known to everyone. Five bonded rings of black, blue, red, yellow and green. However, few know that these elements do not apply to any particular continent. Sounds in Latin, translated into Russian means "faster, above, stronger." The flag is a white cloth with a rings. It rises at all games since 1920.

And the discovery, and the closure of games is accompanied by a grandiose, colorful ceremony. The best organizers of mass events are involved in the script development. This spectacle seek to participate famous actors, singers. The broadcast of this international event attracts tens of millions of viewers around the world to television screens.

If the ancient Greeks believed that in honor of the Olympic Games it is worth suspending any hostilities, then in the twentieth century, the opposite happened. Sports contests were canceled due to armed conflicts. The games were not conducted in 1916, 1940, 1944th. In Russia, the Olympics passed twice. In 1980 in Moscow and in 2014 in Sochi.