Top MMORPG for all platforms. MMORPG MMORPG Games Games Where Drain Hands

Blade and Soul - purchases almost do not affect the balance

Regarding the MMORPG Blade & Soul, it is possible to say unequivocally - experience and hands from the right place will quite replace even very decent amounts of real money. The fact is that there are simply no items that could not be mined in the game store. There is also a premium account, but it is created for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on the game and slightly accelerates some processes.

Aion - a game with minimal investments

Despite the fact that in Ayon, it is possible to buy some things influencing the characteristics of the character, this MMORPG is definitely not referring to the discharge of expensive. But the most important thing is that it is impossible to simply invest money and win everyone. There are resources that you do not buy any money. Therefore, the most important thing in Aion is regular activity and skill players.

Black Desert - Donat does not decide

In MMORPG Black Desert You can buy a premium account, pets, giving buffs, and much more. It will accelerate the farm, creating things or gaining experience. But if you, as they say, "straight hands", then there will be no problems with all this and without investments. The ampful and attentive player will feel comfortable and is unlikely to lose the "realcher" in the arms race.

Revelation - you can play without real

Revelier Project is relatively new, therefore disputes on the forums about the influence of Donate on the balance sheet do not subside. Nevertheless, practice shows that skillful players, correctly disputing priorities, do not feel weak and defenseless. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out in the game for 20 hours per day. Although if you want to be the best on the server, it is possible and will have.

The question of Donate in online games has always been the subject of hot discussion. Whole generations of gamers broke and continue to break the spears on the forums, in game chats and in ordinary conversations. For MMORPG, in which a lot of character from the character and its equipment depends, this is relevant as any other genre. After all, if someone can just buy a sword, for which you in a cooperative with other players passed 5 hours the hardest dungeon or craft and knocked out resources during the week, it clearly gets a big advantage. So many gamers are looking for projects in which Donat does not greatly affect the balance.

About the feasibility of in-game purchases as such can not be arguing - in the century of free-to-play MMOs of another way to make money at studios simply not. So it is hardly in this world there are still games without real. But there are projects in which the difference between the player who paid real money, and there is no active and skill gamer. It is these MMORPG that we collected in this list. In the above projects, donat unobtrusive and does not give an unequivocal advantage. Most of the purchased items and improvements can be mined or buy at auction for in-game currency. There is also a MMORPG, where for Donat and you can buy only cosmetic changes like clothing, decorations or interfaces.

In conclusion, I would like to write here about what: there is an opinion that the impulse game is the one in which the user at domestic acts at least will not lag in the star from the player who buys everything for Real. But it is necessary to understand: there will always be the one who will be ready to pay for the entertainment and at the same time play a challenge. So we are honest - if you want to become the best, then in most online games you need to be prepared for waste.

If you are interested first of all gameplay and great gaming opportunities, and you do not want to be in the game where everything solve money, and not the skill, then welcome to this section - Top MMORPG without donat.

MMORPG Games - Perhaps the most famous variety of online games. Create your character and go to the adventure meeting in the company of other players, on the way you will be waiting for brutal battles and launched dungeons with hardcore bosses.

Top Moorpg PC Games

Our catalog contains a list of the best games, free MMORPG projects, promising innovations and bestsellers, designed as famous and needle, and those who are just starting their way in this direction. Top MMO is compiled by classification, you can easily find and download exactly the project that fully meets preferences and wishes.

Free online rpg games on pc

Here are collected unique client online RPG games for PC, enjoy excellent quality and colorful graphics, a fascinating plot and a lot of opportunities, thanks to which the game process MMO becomes spectacular and large-scale.

Characteristic features for this genre is:

  • Detailed character appearance editor
  • Mass PVP battlefields with many players
  • Huge open world
  • Kraft armor, potions and cooking

Best MMORPG Online Games Top download in Russian Online RPG for PC, among which MMO 2019 new releases are completely free.

Each man is a warrior, a conqueror, leader. It is laid deep at the genetic level, and in modern games, this thrust for war finds its full reflection. In this review, we present to our readers the best PVP MMORPG.that will help reset the tension after a difficult day and get your adrenaline dose.

In space, the winner belongs all the trophies

The best PVP MMORPG is games that do not correspond to the generally accepted canon. So even online is difficult to call a typical project. Unusual cosmic seats, skills that are pumped without the participation of the player, and the industry that the capsulers themselves are built - all these features highlight the game against the background of typical fantasy projects.

However, the real "trump card" EVE Online is a PVP system. Key features of the game that make the game one of the leaders in the genre, as follows:

  • PvP with a full melt. Equipment and cargo that survived after the crash, become the prey of the winner.
  • Battle with the simultaneous participation of several thousand players is a reality! Want to participate? Start playing today!
  • More expensive, big, powerful - does not mean better. Each type of ships has its own tactical niche, and their advantages over the rest.
  • Teamwork plays an important role. The player cannot be universal. Logists, tilers, charters, control ships - In addition to the familiar Damage Dealers, other specialists should be in the fleet.

Your chances of success are also directly related to the creative approach to the ship's equipment - each vessel is a platform that can be "collected" at its own discretion. In addition to the usual protection and attack parameters, the capsulers need to be taken into account the navigation characteristics, the possibility of "flipping" modules, as well as the requirements of each individual module to the computing power of the on-board computer, power power and energy consumption.

Best PVP MMORPG Recent years

Among the best PVP MMORPG, recently seen the light, it is worth selecting Archeage separately. The project attracted the fans of a developed social system, the possibility for each player to own its own estate and thoughtful combat system

Why PVP in Archeage costs?

  • Sea battles using ship tools and aborted. Water transport is an important part of the gameplay - for the transportation of goods between the regions, players earn one of the types of currency;
  • All High Level locations are located on a separate island with Free PVP mode. Players build their settlements and fight for control over the territories. Behind the place under the sun must be struggling!
  • Each character has 3 different classes + variety adds the possibility of redistribution of perks (bonus branches, as in World of Warcraft).

Best Non Target PVP MMORPG

The confrontation between the players should be intense. The best PVP games of the MMORPG genre give the player's emission of adrenaline, is constantly kept in voltage. One of the most significant innovations of recent years aimed at developing a dynamic gameplay is a full-fledged non target system that makes a "sight" with a full-fledged element of the interface.

From projects in which a new high-level system has already been implemented, it is worth highlighting:

  • Tera Online;
  • Continent of the Ninth (C9);
  • Blade and Soul.

Archers, spells and blows now need to fall, and you can dodge. The skill of the player is not only in the competent rotation of chains of skills, but also requires a solid hand. This direction is the most promising in the modern gaming industry.

Recommends are always in demand on any fronts! Sign up to EVE Online and boldly ask for a combat corporations of Russian-speaking alliances. You will always be supported, will study and will not be offended.

At best, indulgent. While a person visits a kindergarten and, according to the majority, nothing is particularly busy, the game is a way to know the world. With the advent of social responsibilities, it seems to be visited by school, she suddenly becomes something inappropriate, returning episodically to the university in psychology and (if you are lucky) at corporate events, just the youngest frames are capable of playing games there.

Meanwhile, regardless of your age, the game remains an excellent form of obtaining experience. While your world is strongly limited by a circle of communication and work, computer games reveal a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities to expand its borders. A special place among them is MMORPG - massive multiplayer role-playing online games (eng. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), which differ in the presence of an extensive gaming world existing regardless of your presence in it. The world, where objectively does not matter your age, the floor, appearance, the presence of influential relatives, is an excellent platform for training your abilities, and only you depends on how you use this feature.

1. Teamwork

No matter how tempting the role of a single hero in a multiplayer game, most of the actions for successful completion or a pleasant continuation require the help of other characters. Just as in real life, to achieve its goals is much easier for those who have more social connections.

The team played in the MMO is usually a few players, each of which operates its role and conducts a significant part of the time with the team. Whatever this role, you should know how your partner behaves in a specific situation and what you can support it or strengthen, to whom to help in the first place, and who can do on their own. And, of course, you must be sure that your character will not remain with the enemy one on one. All this requires long workouts, discussions, disputes, the ability to make compromises.

2. Punctuality

Time is the only irreplaceable resource. In the game world, where other people depend on you, as in real life.

Your inability to be prepared for the raid at the marked time often puts at risk plans of several dozen people, especially if your role in this raid is one of the key. Perhaps you will be waiting for, swearing and losing the precious minutes, while a more organized group takes a prey, but one day you can simply replace you.

It is mistaken to think that the bulk of the players is schoolchildren who have not done lessons.

People play with you who have found time in the intervals between work, family leisure and mandatory sleep, to relax (or rejected it from the designated categories). Less than all they want to wait until you gather. Therefore, the rules are simple: prepare the necessary resources in advance, do not be distracted before an important meeting and « exit » 10 minutes earlier.

3. Development of leadership qualities

The success of any gaming community directly depends on its leader. If you decide to create a guild to meet your political ambitions, the game will require a huge emotional voltage from you.

It is not by chance that the Multi-user game EVE Online entered the seven points of the recipe for an increase in the level of intelligence, for which more than one and a half thousand users of the Quora service voted.

6. Decision making

The game constantly provides you with a choice. Depending on the position in the online world, this choice can only be significant for you or for all players. Can you spend the whole game accumulated for a half a year old currency on a unique weapon? Is it worth starting to play a new class, resetting almost all your achievements in order to help your team? What a union will lead to the strengthening of your community, and what will make the habitual political map for the fragments already?

After many months or even years old, it may be a solution to stop the game, but it will have to take it if there is no more place in your life for MMO or you no longer have a worthy game goal.

Of course, game successes cannot replace you with the joy of real victories, but they can make these victories sweeter. Perhaps once in your life will begin to occur something more interesting and significant. Throw games without regret and immerse yourself in a new experience! And now learn to respect your choice and use it for yourself.

What do I want to say in a brief preface? His detailed majesty launched his greedy thumbs there, where for another ten years ago no one, and could not imagine.

Even an invincible monster of the game world "WOW" is walking under his onslaught and declares that changes in the store, then about microtranscations, then on the revision of politics.

Most of the paid games fell under the press of F2P projects, only units remain. Therefore, remember - the prefix "without donata" means:

  1. Either the last of the Mogican.
  2. Or a game where minimal advantages or cosmetic effects are not broke.

1. Planetside 2 - Online Planetary Scale Shooter

Planetside 2 is one of those things where even crab, with experience in the game half an hour, can remove the folder with a crazy shot.

A small increase in glasses from premium, resources for machinery and aviation, and more cosmetics does not solve anything.

Video: Planetside 2 gameplay

During the terrible meat grinder with hundreds of infantry, which is absolutely no matter the caliber of your cannons, users, users, users of the tanks and platforms of shot down aircraft.

Yes, no one will argue - with a premium regime is more comfortable and easier, but even the branch of the noobs with voice and communication will be born to the limit of injected fans of fast pumping.

2. EVE Online - MMO with a science fiction story

"EVE Online" is a typical example of sabzh. Here if you are not a crucial amputant with a disadvantage of cerebral cells, you can already pay a maximum of two months in two months.

Explain how we will not - not within this article. Everything else in the market is purchased for labor, brains and then mined funds.

Video: gameplay eve online

If you want to make Mamkina money coming from breakfasts, guys in Noli, even twice the worst ship, tear you as a rag. For the reflexes and mind are powered here, and not insanity with a bunch of money.

Even famous pilots fall into traps, trust incomprehensible banks, remain without a penny and begin again and again, becoming the rulers of the sectors, and in six months by the homeless. And it is right, comrades!


"Elder Scrolls Online" is a harsh gloomy world of Skyrima and Oblivion waiting for you, however, it will have to lay out a round price for the client and time card. And even Russification, even in the foreseeable future, is simply not considered.

But the true fans of the topic and honest game does not stop. After all, what is 60-70 dollars Compared to such a block.

Video: Gameplay Elder Scrolls Online

Recently, this quality of content, Pve and PVP were not observed, but, despite all the flaws, the developers continue to make a candy from the project.

4. Path of Exile - Hack and Slash game

  • Magnificent assaults of the imperial city,
  • Excellent production skills,
  • Cooking,
  • Gambling
  • Mixtures of classes, without reference (get a blow and swing armor, get out of the bow and become an archer).

And, most basic, no hidden payments and advantages. Want to know what is a truly hardcore and free game? Then scold in "Path Of Exile".

A similar payment system, promotion and complexity has not been long.

Video: Gameplay Path Of Exile

Very similar to "Diablo 3", but with greater variability, the flexibility of the role-playing part and randomly created rooms, where every time you have to go back, configuring the complexity manually.

And let the isometry do not frighten anyone, even gramporn-born - the severity of the passage and the gloomy of the picture with the classroom combat system compensate for visual "disadvantages".

  • Thousands of killed monsters,
  • Rocky duels,
  • Final death increasing from the growth of skills
  • Complex weave skills.

Cool toy. And in it can enter your dungeon and kill you. As in Dark Souls, only forever. Nya!

5. World of Warcraft - MMORPG from Blizzard Entertainment

"WORLD OF WARCRAFT" so that there is not shouting Haters and Oldfagi is still the best. And let all haters be shut down - the game is really the best, which was happening with the MMO genre.

"Vovka" acquired a new update, can afford to block a hundred with a penny of thousands of people and contains the largest audience in the world. And you can even sell a little gold for cash to pay a subscription.

Video: WORLD OF WARCRAFT gameplay

Just play, getting pleasure. Although it is a drug, but high-quality and most suitable. "Cocainum" in the world of MMORPG. And, most importantly, no don.