International Million Map of the World. Territory of the USSR. Interactive World Map Topographic Maps Scale 1 1000000

"World Map" (ADC WorldMap) is the most complete, accurate and consistency map of 1: 1,000,000 for the whole world. When it is created, the following spatial data sources were used: National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) Operational Navigational Charts (OnCs), onc Print Scale IS 1: 1,000,000, Contains All of the DCW and Portions of Vmap0, Nima Digital Aeronautical Flight Information Files (DAFIF ), NASA's Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (Avhrr) Satellite Imagery, Gisdata, Ltd. And Allm Systems & Marketing.

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Delivery forms:

  • "Map of Russia and Europe of the generalographic" 1: 1 000 000 (1 CD ROM)
  • "Map of the world of general design with relief" 1: 1 000 000 (4 CD ROM)
  • "World Map Local Design without Relief" 1: 1 000 000 (1 CD ROM)

Information about the absolute planning and high-altitude accuracy of the card sheets is contained in the Data Quality table. Values \u200b\u200bvary depending on the availability of the area. Most of the planet has a card accuracy of less than 1 kilometer in terms of and from 150 to 300 meters in a high-rise position. Relative accuracy, i.e. The accuracy of the relative position of the next objects is significantly higher than absolute. It should be recalled that the card was created mainly on sources of scale 1: 1000000, and, therefore, the accuracy of application of objects on a digital map corresponds to digitization restrictions. Therefore, it is recommended to use a map in the range of 1: 500,000 to 1: 2000000.

The contents of the map are represented on five CDs, each of which contains about 600 MB of information presented by region.

  • CD1 - North America
  • CD2 - Europe and North Asia
  • CD3 - South America, Africa, Middle East
  • CD4 - Asia, Australia
  • CD5 - the whole world

International Map of the World (Other Names: International Map of the World On The Millionth Scale, Imw, Carte International Du Monde) Scale 1: 1000000 Entering the whole world. The site presents a collection made from sheets through the territory of the current Russia and the nearest countries, excluding a little western part and the northern part. The card has a second, unofficial name: "Million Card", because of its scale.

The collection includes publishing sheets of 1957, 1964 and 1975. The state of the terrain varies from the sheet to the sheet, depending on the source cards used to compile a millionth card. The earliest initial maps refer to the twentieth years of the XX century, the latest to the sixties.

This "international world map of 1: 100,000,000" has a very long and difficult fate with an unsuccessful end.

History of creation and work on the millionth world map

The project project began to be born at international geographical congresses held at the very end of the XIX century. For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a global card was expressed in the 1860s Sir Henry James, head of the English topographic department. And already in 1891, on the fifth of the Congress, the German geographer Albrecht Penk (1858-1945) proposed a project to create a world map by the general efforts of all interested countries. According to the Penka Project, the card was to consist of 2500 sheets scale in 1 cm. 10 km.

In 1895, Penk spoke to a specially established commission, and announced the list of rules on which a millionth card will be created. Also, a multifaceted projection of the card was finally agreed, and the separation of sheets is 6 ° in longitude and 4 ° in latitude.

England, France and Germany were the first to begin to create a card sheets since 1899, without waiting until the final rules were developed. In particular, the French geographical service of the army amounted to and issued 57 sheets in 1899-1909 for Europe, Turkey, Northern Iran, Afghanistan, Turkestan, China and America, the truth with the initial meridian from Paris. England created sheets in Africa, with a zero longitude of Greenwich, but indicating heights in feet. Germans have a sheet score from 2 ° north latitude, not from the equator.

At the International Congress of 1904 in the United States, Congress has already approved the idea of \u200b\u200bthis card 4 times 4 times, and encouraged to participate in the work on the project a host country event. The work on the map was connected to the US Geological Service, which conducted topographic studies at eleven states, and made a test list of cards on 1: 760320 and with measurements in feet.

On the ninth of the Congress in 1908, it was decided to collect all the best of the cards created earlier in different styles for the development of final rules and conditional signs. From Russia to the commission this year Yu.M Shokalsky.

In 1913, at the International Conference, the Albrecht Penka project was finally standardized. For example, they decided that the roads will be all painted in red, topographic features of the relief will be indicated by brown lines, cities and railways will be handled in black.

Name of settlements on the map decided to write with Latin, having translining the local sound of the titles. Legend to the map was written in English and French.

During the first and, then, World War II, the work on the map was actually frozen. Only the United States continued to actively work on the project, conducting research from the territory of Central and South America. Despite the serious global situation by 1930, 405 sheets of cards were prepared. But during the bombings to the second world war, the office in England was significantly injured, the so-called "Central World Card Bureau" (Central Bureau of the Map of the World in London), where the data was flocked and where the archives were stored.

Performance of the work on the map after the war In 1953, the United Nations was already undertaken. The work on the map was monitored by the UN until 1980. By this time, interest in this "Long-General" was missing, and in 1987 the project was finally stopped.

Unfortunately, this grandiose international project, in which all countries should be involved in one extent and was not completed. Of the 2500 planned sheets, only about 850 were created.

Our alternative "Karta Mira 1: 2500000"

Countries such as the USSR, Hungary, GDR, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania immediately after the end of World War II realized the failure of this project and created joint efforts to their own world map on a scale of 1: 2500000 (1 cm. 25 km.).

Creating scheduled 262 sheets of cards was divided between the geodetic services of the participating countries. The first sets of sheets saw the light in 1964, and finally the first edition saw the light in 1975 in full. The project was completed. The second edition was published in 1989.

Our world map has become for the Western world of nominal, like Matryoshka, Sputnik and Balalayka. Start typing in Google: Karta Mira, and he will not offer you to translate this name on Latin in the world map, and add "Karta Mira 1: 2500000 Scale". In this case, this card is almost unknown in our country, and in other countries of it created. At the time of writing this note, you can find an article in Wikipedia only in English and German.

Legend to Million Card

For the last 15 ... 20 years as a result of numerous experimental studies using the test cases discussed above, extensive data on the behavior of soils are obtained with a complex intense state. Since now in ...

  • Elasticoplastic deformation of the medium and the surface of loading

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      Since in all the tasks considered in this chapter, the soil is considered to be in the limit stress state, then all the results of calculations correspond to the case when the reserve coefficient K3 \u003d 1. For ...

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    Announces that its cartographic product database "Digital Map of the Russian Federation scale 1: 1000000" He became accessible to all categories of consumers. There are two types of licenses: for internal corporate use and for publication on the Internet. In both cases, the Customer also receives a complete package of permits for the selected method of using cartographic information.

    BD "Digital Map of the Russian Federation scale 1: 100,000,000" is a single (non-locking) digital topographic map covering the entire territory of the Russian Federation. This database is fully ready for use in ArcGIS, which has become an actual standard when creating integrated GIS in the state structures and the commercial sector. ArcGIS allows the customer to impose any additional information to the card, the character of which is determined by its main activity. For example: data on the placement and results of the work of territorial offices and production sites, soil card or forest cover, information on environmental pollution or mineral reserves, changing the placement of transport, etc. At the same time, the sources of "superimposed" information may be databases of different formats , Various business applications, as well as Web services that are functioning within the enterprise or on the Internet.

    This development "Data +" is already applied in many largest state structures and commercial organizations in the country. In particular, Rosreestr uses it on his portal As a "substrate" for applying cadastral and other information on it. At the same time, this product "Data +" is needed a much wider range of customers. This is due to the rapid growth of interest in GIS in the public sector and various sectors of the Russian economy in 2009-2010. At the same time, the tasks go to first place, where GIS becomes one of the main infrastructure elements of the information system of the organization, the industry cluster, region, the federal district, the whole country.

    This product of Data + is intended primarily for organizations whose activities covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation or its significant part. Among them: the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cargo transporters and telecommunication operators, railway and motor vehicles, mail, commercial services of fast delivery and many others. Another target group makes enterprises with large production facilities: plants, pipelines, deposits, road network, etc. As part of a single GIS, these consumers can share this database (as a review card), and larger scales cards - for a detailed display of their own production facilities and their surroundings.

    DB "Digital Map of the Russian Federation Scale 1: 100,000,000" prepared on the basis of sheet topographic maps of the same scale obtained from the State Cardographic Fund of the Russian Federation. Translation of these cards from the Exchange format GIS "Panorama" in the format of ArcGIS demanded, in particular, "crosslinking" sheets, separation of the layers and a number of other transformations. In addition, Data + experts conducted a set of work necessary to prepare maps to publication on the Internet, including generalization, generation, cache construction and other. All this made this development "DATA +" the most accurate and convenient All-Russian computer card of a given scale available on the Russian market.

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    The state located in Eurasia (Eastern Europe and Asia). Consists of 46 regions, 22 republics, 1 autonomous region, 9 edges, 4 autonomous districts and 3 cities of federal significance. Russia is the largest country of the world (17,125,407 km² (1/9) of the entire land sushi, or (1/8) of the sushi-populated man). From north to south, the country stretches for more than 4000 km, and from the west to east almost 10,000 km.

    Interesting maps of Russia can be found in our articles:

    Russia borders with 18 countries - this is the largest indicator in the world, of which, on land with the following states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea; Only by sea borders with Japan and the United States.

    The population of the country is 146,267,288 people (for 2015)

    Russia has the world's largest reserves of mineral and energy resources. It also possesses the world's largest stocks of fresh water, Russian lakes contain approximately one quarter from the world's reserves of unparalleled fresh water.

    Capital of Russia - Hero city Moscow.

    Map of population density