Mikhailovsky passage House 5 Labyrinth. Action "Labyrinth" Dungeon ". Labyrinth - game beyond your emotions

More than a year ago

If it was necessary to describe in one word Impressions about visiting the game "Dungeon", all four participants of our team would say: disappointment! Having an experience in the experience of several dozen quests, perfects and other types of entertainment, we unambiguously can say that this is the worst and uninteresting game of all. The beginning was impressive: a steep descent, entourage, the atmosphere, a well-zone, even the beginning of the quest - everything hinted on the enchanting continuation. Unfortunately, we were late for 5-7 minutes, and the team that played with us (6 people) was launched forward. The labyrinth is really huge, built of iron sheets, for the sensations of a meter 2.5 in height - here, we must pay tribute, we saw what we expected. But on this, it seems that the fantasy of developers dried up. For the first 20 minutes, we just went through the labyrinth in search of quest artifacts, first it was interesting, but in the absence of any inhabitants of the labyrinth, we quickly bored. We just went in the dark, "for some reason we initially thought that the caches would be somewhere in the wall, it would be difficult to get to them and need to recognize. In general, the quest and arcade component expected. Absoluto in vain - the chests are just standing on the floor, and the players simply go to the labyrinth, to finally find them. Apparently, having rested and drunk a widow of tea, the actors still deigned to appear in the middle of the game. There was a couple of frightening moments when the actors in rubber masks were thrown along the walls and appeared from the darkness, but it was a feeling that it was not particularly interesting for them, and they quickly hid from the species. In the end, when we already found the last cache, "the inhabitant" appeared and drove us to the exit. At first they thought that this is part of the game, but coming out, he said that everything was the game ended, leaving us in complete bewilderment. The beginning of the game was scheduled for 17.30, that is, it should have ended at 18.30, but on the clock it was 18.15 ... to the question, how so, the actor replied that all questions to the administration. At the very beginning of the game, the presenter warned that we will have three beeps - after 15 minutes, after half an hour and 15 minutes before the end of the game. Those., Somehow logically suggests that the game goes an hour, and the actor knows about it. But on our question - and that then with the sound signal, the actor said something small about some neutral record, which was not turned on, or on the contrary, did not turn off - shorter, the signal about which was warned at the beginning nothing means, and Generally, go with questions to the administration! The administrator in turn also could not answer anything clearly, said that the game lasts 50 minutes, and 10 goes on briefing. Well, well, at 17.30 briefing, at 17.40 the game begins, we get the ending to all the same 18.30. Why did you withdraw from 18.15? We could not explain anything really could explain, but they promised to correct the game time from 60 minutes to 50. Of course, no one will do it, because you can continue to mislead people! We have not received apologies nor explanations - "We will definitely inform the owners of the quest." Even if the administrator and inform, - in what we have no confidence, then why should the owners change something? Why, - the people and so go! Additionally, I note that even give us to do this 10 minutes - they would not save the game anyway. Players (in quantity, I remind, - 10 people!) It is necessary or to walk for each other by the Guska, which is absolutely meaningless and uninteresting, or simply dismissed on an empty maze and throughout the time it is accidentally joined in a maze, hoping to find quests. I will not spoil - but the plot is such that each player must find every item. In a huge empty maze. Well, everyone appreciated the "Interest" game, right? All delighted reviews on the site - especially recently left - caused only bewilderment from our team: what is it? Posted comments, or inexperienced players? I want to believe that the second ... In general, the time spent in vain, money, spoiled evening and mood. If this is your first quest, or you are 10-15 years old, perhaps he will "come." Otherwise, it is better to choose something else. PS. Separate bewilderment causes the levels of fear and complexity (a pair of loud sharp sounds, and the sudden appearance of the "creature" from the darkness is the whole fear. About the level of complexity - just nothing to say.

Have you ever wandered at a truly magnitude of a real magnitude? I personally have always had such a desire, I immediately remember some frame from the film, where the heroes are pluding in a natural maze.

Alas, we did not find the labyrinth, the walls of which are all vegetation, but they discovered, to their surprise, labyrinth of more than 600 sq.m. and longer than a kilometer.

Well, this is an interesting alternative to certain scenarios. Here you fall into the situation where you need to go ahead and look for a way out.

In this entertainment, you can simplify a couple with a friend or with friends, but not more than 15 people. Want - in the light of the day, you want - during the moonlight of the night, but this option is suitable only for people with steel nerves.

This is not just a labyrinth, but present adventure where inside you are waiting for deadlocks, traps and surprises.

Stormy emotions of visitors speak for themselves! Someone compares this journey with hitting a thriller, and someone simply shake his knees at the exit.

Let's just say, it's hard to compare with something, and analogues, at least in Moscow, we do not know.

For new sensations, adrenaline and unforgettable pastime, the place is quite suitable. This game needs to be survived, and it is quite difficult to describe it.

Unusual entertainment - find a way out of the labyrinth

What else is waiting for you in the maze? Darkness, incomprehensible sounds, doors that need to be found, people living in a labyrinth, and even your friends who fell into traps!

You have only an hour to save your friends, find a way out and answers to all riddles. Let's say straight, not everyone can cope with this, but the cool impressions will get everything. This is an excellent way to get adrenaline, without experiencing yourself for strength in extreme sports. The sophisticated Muscovites the labyrinth will like to taste. Unusual entertainment on weekends.

Yes, by the way, I almost forgot about the price. From Monday to Thursday during the daytime - 500 rubles per person, but the minimum cost of the game is 3000 rubles. After 19.30, the minimum cost will be 5,000 rubles. From Friday to Sunday there is also 500 rubles / person, the minimum cost of the game is 5000 rubles. As for the night games: 800 rubles / person, the minimum cost of the game is 5000 rubles.

Children allowed for the game, but accompanied by adults. If you wish, you can refuse frightening effects.

Where is the labyrinth? Not far from the metro station Volgograd Prospekt on the territory of the Moskvich plant. When you book a visit, the staff will meet you at the entrance, so that you do not get lost before you get to the labyrinth.

Address: Mikhailovsky passage, D.5.

Did you try all the entertainment of Moscow? Then you definitely try to find a way out of the labyrinth.

If you love quests, see what he prepared for you!

The quest game for the team from 2 to 20 people, which takes place in the present labyrinth with an area of \u200b\u200b1000 square meters, located underground, at a depth of 14 meters. The labyrinth is built of steel and concrete.

The game passes with dim lighting, and in some places in complete darkness. The Keepers actors who can appear unexpectedly take part in Quest than can raise the level of adrenaline in the participants.

"Labyrinth. The dungeon is suitable for both adults and children from 6 years (accompanied by adults). If the child is not afraid of darkness, he will cope with the tasks on a par with adults.

This is a real adventure for seekers of new impressions! An exciting, terribly unusual and frighteningly interesting project in the drawrs of the dark labyrinth ...


Children's age:

group size:

How is the quest

At the same time, up to 3 teams can take part in the game.

One game lasts 70 minutes.

During this time, the participants team runs 6 different locations (game zones).

Each location is a minikvest for 10-20 minutes.

The team will have 3 real labyrinths, different on principles and designs, and 3 active team games.

The common goal of the game is to earn or find as many coins as possible, for which you need to "buy out" the output.

Conditions of participation in Quest

The number of participants must be determined at the time of booking.

Special conditions for participation in Quest

People under the influence of alcoholic, narcotic or any other intoxication into the labyrinth are not allowed. The use of alcohol, any drug and even tobacco on the territory of the labyrinth is prohibited!

We pay your special attention! The game contains elements of frightening surprises that can cause fright or fear. In the presence of chronic diseases (cardiac, mental, pulmonary, epilepsy, claustrophobia, etc.), you must inform the labyrinth employees before the game start!

If there are pregnant women in the team, the level of frightening surprises is down to a minimum. The game in normal mode can be dangerous for their health! Be sure to inform the manager when booking tickets!

Command ". Dungeon "- an interesting lesson for children with a guarantee of high quality service. Only on the INLARNO website you can order a command ". Dungeon "and. Also pay attention to the offered,

Very interesting quest, I am a very big lover of such entertainment, the main thing is to be interesting to play. A mirror maze is generally something new, it might becomes scary and eventually lost a bit, but it only adds sparks, walking with friends to see each other. And very cool feeling when you find a way out. I liked it, I want more!


I will rarely surprise me, but the organizers of this quest - it was definitely possible. Went for the company with his friends. They were two, and to be more fun and more interesting, called me. Just started the quest, I had some confusion in my head, it's not clear what to do? Where to go, how to do everything? Then he began to understand a little and here the most buzz began. I entered the image, more beautiful scenery. I saw the faces of friends, they were also in confusion. Began to invent something together. In general, very cool and unusual. As a result, they coped with the task. It's nice. I like it. Now we think, what else to go


If you think you are stress resistant - I advise you to check yourself! Perhaps everything will be completely wrong! We went with my husband together - discussions then for a whole week. How Quest lovers are authoritatively declared in the basement the best! Pluses: no cons: no


For a long time, they were not solved with friends to go to the quest and eventually went! It was our first quest. It was four-way, pairwise, that is, I am with my MCH and girlfriend as well. The atmosphere, of course, to horror, and I am generally a coward! Hung there on any rustle, and there were enough them there! Friends were also delighted with all that was happening and encouraged me so that I was not so afraid. The lead, which was watching us, controlled how we go through tasks and if we were asked, I gave us tips, but not explicitly, but still to think about the right answer. This goal will be remembered for a long time! I want to visit other similar quests! Pluses: We did not have enough time. Minuses: we did not have enough time


Quest was a gift to a teenage son for a birthday. It was our first quest experience with him, so our emotions simply shook. It's terribly and great at the same time, the nerve tickles and the brains are not heated for a joke - time is ticking, and it is impossible to succumb to a panic, you need to make a decision and do it quickly. Feelings of the plague just - for lovers of the roots for the style of Horror, I recommend unambiguously! Pluses: did not notice any minuses: they did not notice those


We went to the foursome to tickle my nerves. And it was possible. Forget that you are in the game, completely distract from the real reality. Many logical tasks, they had to work pretty over some. Bloody walls, gloomy inscriptions, growing tasks, a lot of interesting things. It was chosen about 55 minutes, sometimes hope to get out of the labyrinth left us :) If you want to get completely intimidated at night and without a strong male shoulder)) the entourage is done worthy, no complaints. It is very natural and a little frightening. The organizers, of course, tried! Pluses: No Cows: No


m. Volgograd Prospekt, ul. Talalichina, d. 41, p. 66 (show map)

Show phone

Login / entry to the territory at the address: Pr-d Mikhailovsky, d. 5

The service is provided by IP Vitkovsky Platon Vitalyevich (TIN: 771865183780)

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"Jries" - a large team game using an authentic props made of steel.
You are waiting from 6 to 7 team tests for agility, logic, memory, and even good luck in the format of the Fort Boyard TV show with an important difference: all tests are based on teamwork and active interaction between participants.

Age restrictions: 16+ (from 6 years accompanied by adults)


Previously, the quest was called "Jries".

Gaming space of 1000 square meters. m with a 9-meter ceiling.

Guardian actors accompany each team.

Attention! Prefabricated games are held. At the same time can take part from 1 to 4 teams. The team may be from 4 to 12 people.

If you want to play without other teams, you need to book 48 tickets, but payment will be at a discount, which depends on the actual number of participants.


The cost of the game for one player - 1500 rubles

We do not take the commission Booking games on the site with players. If you informed you in Quest, please email us

  • Reviews of the action game "Jries XL"

    Average rating: 4.4 (8 reviews)

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    62 %
    13 %
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    Q-master 13 %
    • 3 month ago

      I love to visit various quests and a lot where it was already. I want to say that the quests from Moslambirinth are one of the coolest. I was and in the labyrinth itself, it is very croouutoo and 07.01 We were on the game "Jries", the tests were able to pass, not all at once, but at all the impressions of the game very good, it was interesting and 1.5 hours flew unnoticed for me and my Teams. We had a great lead leader-unfortunately I forgot his name, but the organization of the game is excellent and guys greatly well done! Thank you for the game and for positive emotions that you give people! 🙂

      Oksana Kashina. (amateur)
    • 11 months ago

      In general, it is interesting and fun, the organizers are fun. But at the price / quality ratio, it is. Any top punch will leave much more emotions, and if you consider the action of the game, then they are far from [...]. Well, this is a purely opinion of my team. [Reviewed by the team of "World Quests" due to: Mention of third-party quest]

      Vlad Aleksandrov (guru)
    • almost a year ago

      Visited 28.03 2019 Moslabirint. Take part in the ECC-game "Jries". Were the first time. I liked it very much. Young guys created a friendly atmosphere. Design of premises, costumes, music created a setting of something mysterious, otherworked. Despite the fact that children in the teams were different ages, everything turned out very well. On the one hand, the task is simple, but sometimes it was necessary to show the smelting, dexterity, knowledge, patience. He felt the team spirit, everyone tried to help each other. And completely unfamiliar children, in five minutes, united in achieving the goal. Our team took the first place, the children went with a good mood. You can come here with friends, families, classes. This wonderful game will help everyone to liberate, unite and spend your time. Thanks to the organizers for a good mood.

      Yulia (beginner)
    • About a year ago

      All Supper 10 points

      Shako Kabosnidze (beginner)
    • More than a year ago

      Visited the quest together with a huge group: We were 6 teams of 7-10 players approximately. Probably, it is this amount there and it is interesting to compete, an excitement arises. I am writing a review about the Zheleshki project, because in the reviews a lot about the project "Labyrinth" (everything was mixed ...). Excellent travel time for corporate events, childhood days, for those cases when you need to combine different people. The tasks are quite simple and easily fulfilled - the main coherence in the team (that is why it is good for those who need to unite the diverse people). For a team that has passed many quests - it will be too simple. Guardians - Mentors guys teams - perfectly perform their task, thank you, you are well done !!! In general, a curious and interesting project with the possibility of the participation of a large number of people. With the right setting of even two three teams, the game can become more gambling and emotional - there will be a lot of and from you))

      Natalia Akimova (amateur) Quest master
    • More than a year ago

      Not bad quest, but I could not fully immerse yourself in the game, as many people on the site and often customized.

      Victoria Sergeeva (amateur)