Board game “Sketches. Didactic game "Make a portrait or sketch" material (senior group) Board game presentation

Tell me honestly, have you ever wondered how good your visual memory is? Will you be able, in the event of an unpleasant episode or, God forbid, an attack, to be so attentive that then not only can you recognize the criminal or intruder, but also draw up a thorough composite of him in order to facilitate the work of the servants of order? After all, not only the fate of the villain, but also the lives of many completely innocent people similar to him depends on how believable the portrait you make. In order to train your attention and visual memory, Sketch-Composite games have been created that will help you test your strength and find out how much you can trust your perception. Almost all online Sketchbook games work on the flash platform, which is very convenient for fans of so-called office games. All Sketchbook flash games do not require special installation, they start immediately and can be closed very quickly. The only condition for Flash Sketch of the game to run on your PC is the presence of a flash player, which can be downloaded and installed additionally. Most of the free Composite robot games offer you to cooperate with the police of different countries, allowing you to see the criminal for a few moments, and then offering to describe him. For this, the Composite image of the game offers a standard set of elements necessary in order to draw an approximate portrait of a person. While playing the Composite image games, do not forget to pay attention to various small details that will help you in the process of passing the game: the color and shape of the eyes, eyebrows, the size of the nose and its bend, special signs of the villain (moles, warts, scars). Such little things in the course of playing the free Composite image of the game will help you save the time required to complete the next level, and, therefore, will give you additional bonuses in game currency. This is all related to the characteristics of the classic Composite Robot game. However, there are a huge number of variations on this topic on the network, from which you can always choose the option that suits you best. Fans of robotics, for example, will be able to play the Sketched robot flash games that allow you to create a robot in the truest sense of the word. Instead of the usual human body parts, you will be offered a metal construction set, from which you can assemble a unique machine that can walk and talk. Those who like to joke on their friends and colleagues can be advised free Composite games, which offer to create hilarious cartoons. Thanks to the rich set of cliparts, you can create a comic portrait of your friend or boss, and then laugh at him (portrait) with your friends. Children's audiences will surely enjoy free Sketchbook games that allow you to create a doll (princess, child, fairy, beauty) of your dreams. Unlike classic dress-up style toys, these Sketch Sketch Flash games allow you to give your character not only new clothes, but also hair color, lip shape and even skin tone. Such games will keep your child busy for a long time, giving him the opportunity to create and create a hero exclusively according to his own taste. By the way, the finished result can be printed and kept as a keepsake. Or use the resulting drawing as a composite of a future gift. There are also Composite games that allow you to create not only new images of people, but also use elements of fairy-tale characters. These online Sketch Composite games will help you create a bloodthirsty vampire or a cute witch, a creepy monster or a charming old magician. The main thing that you need in such toys is not to shut your mouth to the voice of your imagination and let your hands do whatever they want. And the resulting image can be simply saved as a keepsake, or you can use it as a unique avatar that reflects your true essence.

Explanatory note for the game

Name of the game: board game "Sketches"

Purpose of the game: development of ideas about emotional states and ways of expressing them.

Objectives of the game:

1. Learn to distinguish, recognize and name emotional states in the image and in reality.

2. Learn to imitate emotional states, accompanying them with appropriate facial expressions and pantomime.

3. Develop coherent speech of children

4. Promote the development of imagination, empathy.

Lecture hall:pupils of 1-4 grades of special educational schools for children with visual impairments

Thing: correctional course social orientation

Topic: Culture of behavior

Board game presentation

The resource used to create the game: images from

images are cut into 3 parts

Number of players: from 2 to 8 (the maximum number depends on the offered cards of emotional states)

Game progress

Option 1 "Make a composite sketch"

Each player is dealt the top of the cut image. The rest of the cards are shuffled and added to the "general data bank". Next, the sequence of the move is determined with the help of a counting reader. The first player takes a card from the "databank", if it matches his image, then he keeps it for himself, if not, then returns it back to the "databank". Then the move is passed to the next player in turn, until one of the players is the first to make his own "composite".

Option 2 "Wanted ... emotion"

Several sketches of faces are laid out. The winner or presenter describes in detail the composite chosen by him. The rest of the participants must guess who they are talking about. The winner is the one who has learned the most of the described sketches.

Option 3 "Guess what I'll show"

Composite cards are laid out in front of the players. One of the players shows the facial expressions (pantomime) of the character he has chosen. The rest of the players have to guess what kind of sketch this corresponds to. The winner is the one who knows the demonstrated emotions of the characters the most.

Option 4 "Incident"

Participants choose a certain composite and compose a story-version of what could have caused the corresponding emotional state of the character. The author of the best story, according to the players, is chosen as the winner.

Didactic game "Make a portrait or a composite sketch"

Julia Sukhova.

Didactic game “Make a portrait or a composite sketch.

This game is very well used when introducing children to such a genre of painting as a portrait. The guys are very fond of experimenting, creating, and this game gives them the opportunity. It is well used in independent activities.

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the constituent parts of the face and their spatial location.

Activate the children's dictionary;

To develop speech activity, thinking of children;

Material: cards with options for images of different parts of the face: forehead with eyebrows, eyes, lips, chin, hairstyle

Tasks (options):

Option 1: invite the child to compose his own “portrait” in front of the mirror: “What color are your eyes? What are the largest? (large, small) What are their features? (eg, squinting) What is the forehead: high, wide, narrow? What are the eyebrows: color, shape? What are the lips: narrow, plump, tightly compressed? What hairstyle? How long is your hair, what color? " etc.,

Option 2: invite the child to compose a "portrait" of a peer.

Option 3: the teacher makes a portrait of the child in the group, the rest of the children guess.

Option 4: the child makes a portrait of a peer, the rest of the children guess.

Option 5: children, according to their own design, collect a portrait from different parts of the face.

Manufacturing sequence:

First I downloaded pictures from Maama Pictures, then printed them on a color printer and laminated them. Children are very happy with this game.

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