Neverwinter Nights 2 relationships with satellites. Influence on satellites. Detailed instructions. Mine precious stones

Create Temko, because there has already been a lot of topics and I met links where all possible points are described where, for whom and how to earn an impact, but all links are broken, to whom it is not difficult, Skint pliz. It is very interesting where and who can affect ((((:

Influence throughout the game !!!

Before you start your battle with brothers Mossfield, Wil Mossfield will offer you to bet on your battle with him. You will receive + 5 points of influence on Bevyla, if you refuse, motivating this by the fact that rates on the fight against the rules. If you agree to bet, then lose the influence on the Bevil (-5 points).

Hotel "Watching Iva".
When receiving a quest "Attack" from the gera, you can get + 1 point of influence with Kelgar, if you immediately agree to help her, and -1 point, if you refuse to help it.

Cave on swamps.
After you saved Galen from the attack of lizard people, ask his bodyguards "are you really afraid of?", And after they start to insult you, offer "to find out right now" to get + 1 point of influence on Kelgar.

Fort Lok.
Upon receipt of quests "ransom for bandits", "Holy Symbol of Torah" or "Award for Bandits" (depending on which of these quests you get the first) Nishka will joyfully declare that there are certainly fully valuable things in the bandit camp that you can Assign yourself. You will receive + 1 point of influence with it and -1 point of influence with Kelgar, if you agree to rob the camp. If you say that you are not going to do this, then lose 1 point of influence on the niche.

Ambush near Fort Lock.
At your first outlet of the Fort Lock, if you are heading on the cemetery or to the robbers camp, you will wait for a gangster ambush. If you are able to dissuade the gangsters from the fight, then get the +1 point of influence with Kelgar, if you say "you still have a lot of opportunities to fight - they just didn't cost our attention" and -1 point, if you say that you are the one who takes decision.

Bandit camp.
After you have freed hostages (only if you freed them with a fight), tell me a nishka that you are grateful to her for the help - it will give you + 1 point of influence. If you say that "if you're already thirsty, you will get it" or that "if I hadn't, no one would think to help these people," then lose 1 point of influence with her. If you tell her to be silent and follow you, it will cost you a loss of 2 points of influence.

Cemetery (oriental crypt.)
When performing the quest "Lost Patrol" (only if at the same time in your group there will be no Tanna commander) you will find a corpse of one of the members of the patrol. Tell me that "the dead is just a dead man" for receiving + 1 points of influence with a niche and - 1 point with a kelgar or "it is better to die with honor" to obtain + 1 points of influence with Kelgar and -1 points with a niche.

Road on Haikliff.

After you agree to take Elany into your group and say Nishka "If she wanted to harm us ..." Or "she goes with us, because I decided so ..." You lose 1 point of influence with a niche. If you say that you do not believe Elani, but you need it in this situation, then lose 1 point of influence with Elany. (This rapter option occurs only when playing a man's hero.)

After Elanny asks, why are you going to the wrongness, tell her about a silver fragment (+ 1 point of influence with Elany) or declare, Cho is not her business (- 1 point of influence).

Polyana Virgin.
After arriving at the Polyana, tell me that Eridis sounds like an ILLEFARN name (to get this option in a conversation you must have several points in the skill of the history of history / Lore) to get + 1 point of influence with Elany.

After fighting with wolves after arriving at the Polyana, tell me that you will prefer to kill all animals (+ 1 point of influence with Kelgar and -1 point with Elany), slip the furtively (+ 1 point of influence with a niche and -1 point with Elany) or what You want to avoid bloodshed (+ 1 point of influence with Elany).

After you find the corpses of killed wolves, decide to investigate what is happening in the meadow to get + 1 point of influence with Elanya or tell me that you are able to immediately proceed to Haikliff, which will cost you - 1 points of influence with Elany and give + 1 point of influence on the niche.

Drunk sailors are clinging to you on Haikliff Street. If you say that you do not want to fight, it will bring you + 1 point of influence with Elany and - 1 point of influence with Kelgar. If you say you want to teach them a lesson, it will bring you + 2 points of influence with Kelgar and - 1 point of influence with Elany. If you declare that you just wish to deal with them, it will give you + 1 point of influence with Kelgar and - 1 point with Elany.

After receiving the quest "missing children" from the ger and Zakhan, tell me that you are most interested in the award, and you will receive + 1 point of influence with a nishka and -1 point with Elany. If you say that you just want to help, it will bring you + 1 point of influence with Elany and - 1 point with a niche.

Neverwinter (arrival).

With your very first conversation with Dankan in his tavern, tell me that you will prefer to join the city guard (for obtaining 1 points of influence with the kolegar and loss 1 points of the effect with a niche). If you say that you can prefer to join the thieves, then lose 1 point of influence with the Kelgar and get 1 point of influence with a niche.

Near the building of the city guarantee you will pull up on Benon, the old acquaintance of the niche (only if the niche itself is in your group). When talking with Benon, tell me that if he has some scores with a niche, then he will have to deal with you for obtaining 1 points of influence with a niche and loss of 1 point with Elany. Or tell me nishka so that it will be made from his trouble itself to obtain + 1 points of influence with Elany and loss 1 point of effect with a nicke. After you defeat Benon, tell me nishka that you protect it (+ 2 points of influence with a niche, - 1 point with Elany) or that it should understand in their problems with Leland (- 2 points of influence with a niche, + 1 Point of influence with Elany).

When you find a wounded wolf (only if there is Elany in your group), ask Elany, whether it can be treated for receiving 1 points of influence, follow, without curing a wolf (1 point of influence) or kill it (- 5 influence points) . You will also lose 1 point of influence with Elany if during a conversation with a wolf prefer not to mention when it is about silver fragments.

After you met Quar, talk to her about clay and hit. If you say "while you know, when you use your strength, it is enough for me," it will bring you 3 points of influence with quaros. If you say that it must learn to control its strength, then lose 3 points of influence.

When conversing with a quart about her teachers at the Academy, tell me that "the best mentors - experience and instinct" to obtain 3 points of influence on it or say that her teachers just tried to teach it right to use her gift for the loss of 3 influence points.

After a meeting with PRAVEN, ask the Quar about him or either either approve of her attack on students (which will bring you 3 points of influence on it), or chine it (- 3 points of influence).

After meeting with Jokris, tell me that if he pursue a kvaar, he will pay for this or that "cruelty is the best teacher for the weak" to produce 3 points of influence on the quarus or insist on a peaceful solution to the problem (- 3 points of influence).

After a conversation between Quarpa and Sand in his shop, support Kvar in her negative opinion about Sanda (+1 point of influence) or not agree with it (- 1 point of influence).

Shopping district.
At the entrance to the shopping district, you will Stretch Trememel (only if you have already met with Benon), another old familiar niche. After you figure it out if you say Nishka, what "calm down ....", then lose 1 point of influence on it. After the niche suggests you your plan for stealing the coins from the home of Leldon, agree with it to obtain 1 points of influence or object that it will cost you -1 point of influence with a niche.
If, when meeting with Tremmel, there was Elany in your group, then a small dispute arises between it and a nicke. You lose 1 point of influence with Elany, if you support the niche in the course of this dispute.

In the institution "Mail Stone Mask" Tell the offal, that if Leldon threatens a nishke, he will pay for this, to receive 2 points of influence on the niche, or that you want to protect the niche (+ 1 point of influence). If you say that you just want to deal with the Lelandon, then lose 1 point of influence with a niche.

In the "Mask of the Lunar Stone" between Elany and the dancer, a small dispute arise (only if you play a male hero and only if Elany was in your group when you first started talking with Tila). Tell the Tile "Elani - my friend ..." to obtain 2 points of influence with Elany. If you say "both, you are enough!", I will lose 1 point of influence from Elany, and if they declare that "you still could not earn it to life," it will cost you a loss of 2 points of influence.

In the house of Lelandon (if he found you in the process of theft of coins) or in the park (where the Lelandon invites you to a meeting after theft) tell him "Turning her, and you are dead!" To obtain 1 points effect with a niche. If you choose another answer, then lose 1 point of influence with it.

Side alley.
When you scroll into a large group of custody, Quar / Nishka / Elany will offer you to arrange a fire to distract the attention of the guards.
If you select Elany for arson and thank it after that, then you will get + 1 point of influence with it. If, after arson, you will choose another answer option, then lose 1 point of influence.
If you choose a niche for arson, then get 1 point of influence on it.
If you choose a quarus for arson, then get 1 point of Vlinins on it and one more point, if after that you say "next time I ghgs all that you want ..." (any other option will cost you a loss of 1 point of influence).

If you decide not to arrange a fire, and attack the guards in the forehead, you will get +1 points of influence on Kelgar and +1 point of influence on the quarus (a rare case, when the same solution will bring you an impact on more than one NPC).

Only for those who chose the journey:
In the middle of the alley, after you figure it out with the most group of guards and thieves, where they had the option to distract the guards with fire, Kelgar and Nishka will start a small dispute. You will receive + 1 point of influence with Kelgar, if you say "Gold is not a reason to violate the law." If you say that "you do everything you can to survive", then get + 1 point of influence with a niche.
Note: It seems that this conversation option occurs only if you are keelgar and a niche at the same time.

When you reach carts with smuggling weapons at the end of the alley, the niche will suggest to be seized to assign the most valuable things to themselves. If you agree with it, it will bring you + 1 point of influence on the niche and - 1 point of influence with Kelgar. (And, accordingly, on the contrary, if you refuse.)

Contacadist warehouse.
(only for those who chose the path of the guard)
If when you meet with Trenton Venta, you fail the savings when you try to apply your diplomatic skills to persuade him to go to the house, you will fit the guard to you, and you will have the opportunity to arrest Trenton. If you do this (the first and second option of the dialogue is leading to his arrest), then lose 1 point of influence with a niche and elany, and get 1 point of influence with Kelgar, if you choose any option dialogue except "Let's go from here ..." after that Elany Comes to the fact that the rules of life in the city are incomprehensible to her. If you say "this is just another set of rules ...", then get + 1 point of influence with Elany. If you say that the urban resident, to be in the forest, would also feel not in its plate, then get + 2 points of influence with Elany.
Pretty strange, but when choosing the option "If you don't like it, go" In version 1.10, you also get + 2 points of influence with Elany, although it would be more logical on the contrary (bug?).

When scrolling the smugglers warehouse after you find the necessary documents, the niche will offer to be seen a warehouse for additional production. Allow it to do it (+ 1 point of influence) or refuse (- 1 point of influence).

If you allowed a nishke to rob the warehouse, Kelgar will insert a few comments that Tifling is some solid troubles. If you answer him in a rough form, then lose 1 point of influence with him. If you say "you're right ... And I will try to keep it away from troubles," then you will get 1 point of influence with Kelgar.

If after the niche returns with the prey, you ask her if she did not find anything else, and fail the savings to diplomacy, then lose 2 points of influence with her.

Scouts of the gnomes and the fortress of the Ironfishers.

After meeting with Kulmaroma Ironfist and his scouts, tell me that you will help them for receiving + 3 points of influence with the kelgar or refuse the Dwarfs in help (- 3 points of influence with the Kelgar).

If, after finding the Dwarma's corpse, you select the answer options in which you say that Kelgar would not have managed to do anything or change if I went with scouts, then lose 1 point of influence on it.

After you free the Cayar from the captivity of the Bagbers and he will say that the clan of the Ironfishers will always accept you with honor, you will tell him "it is a great honor", then get 1 point of Vliniyia with Kelgar - or call him a fool (-1 point of influence with Kelgar).
In the subsequent conversation with Kelgar, tell me that he left his clan for the sake of personal gain (it doesn't matter, you express it in a rough form or try to be delicate) and you lose 1 point of influence with him.

When you reach a locked door inside the fortress, say that "all the treasures now belong to you" to get + 1 point of influence with a niche and -1 point of influence with Kelgar. If you say "we are not robbers", then lose 1 point of influence with Nishkra and acquire 1 point of influence with Kelgar.

After the Gombnar opens a locked door in the fortress using the details you found, thank it to receive + 1 points of influence or tell me "to" speak less and quickly stirred the next time "for losing 1 point of influence.

After finding the gloves of the Ironfishers, give them to Kelgar (+ 4 points of influence) or leave yourself (- 4 points of influence, if you are disrespectful to the gift of Kelgar).

The lair eggs is a horse.
After meeting with the false flange in the egg cave, insist on spending it to the incorrecter - and he will eventually agree and get hoped to your group. Nishka will declare that she does not trust him (she will tell it only if the false flange will join you). If you say that you will look after him, then get 1 point of influence on it. If you ignore its warning, then lose 1 point of influence.

The lair was okodral.
When meeting with white wolves, tell me that you do not want to hurt them (+ 1 point of influence with Elany) or kill them (- 1 point of influence). After a conversation with the wolves release them with the world (+ 2 points of influence with Elany) or decide still kill them (- 3 points of influence with Elany).

After you find a group of wounded orcs at the first level of the cave, kill them (- 1 point of influence with Casavir and Elany) or pour them. If you spare them, you will get:
+ 1 Point of influence with Kelgar;
+ 1 point of influence with Elany, if Kelgar is not in your group;
+ 1 Point of influence with Casavir, if there is neither Elany or Kelgar in your group.

When you find the corpses at the entrance to the third level of the caves, say that "they deserve the burial fire" to receive 2 points of influence with Casavir or decide to search the corpses for additional production (- 2 points of influence with Casavir). In the subsequent conversation, tell me what you want to find out what happens here (+ 2 points of influence with Casavir) or tell me that you intend to leave the cave as soon as possible (- 2 points of influence).

When the nishka says that she does not like this place (all the same conversation at the corpses), tell me that you trust it with instincts (+ 1 point of influence) or ignore its warning (- 1 point of influence).

If you have a kvaar in your group, then when you meet with the shady priest, tell him that you will protect the quarre (+ 1 point of influence on it) or tell me that he can take it if he wants (- 1 point of influence on the quarus).

If the kvaars are not in your group, then the priest shade will speak with Casavir. Tell the priest that you intend to stop his ecperiments (+ 1 point of influence with Casavir) or tell Paladin to disassemble himself (- 1 point of influence on Casavir).

When meeting with the Messenger of Issian, tell me that you are "here to help" (+ 2 points of influence with Casavir) or be a rude with him (- 2 points of influence with Casavir).

Well of an old owl.
When talking between Callum and Casavir (only after you release the Messenger of Issian), stand on the side of Casavir (+ 1 point of influence) or tell me that it does not concern you (- 1 point of influence).
All in the same conversation say that you are supported by Casavir and, if necessary, protect it (+ 1 point of influence) or reiterate that this is not your business (- 1 point of influence).

Neverwinter is a return.

Archives of Neverwinter.
When meeting with the archive caretaker, truthfully swear to guard the secrets of the incorrencer to obtain 1 point of influence with Casavir or Lengit (+ 1 point of influence with a niche). If you are threatened with a caretaker, then lose 1 point of influence with Casavir, and if you kill the caretaker, then lose 3 points of influence with the paladin.

If you are on the first attempt to correctly answer the question about the ILLEFARN code, then get 1 point of influence with the gravist.

If you are on the first attempt to correctly answer questions about the death of the sailor and the theory of flat Fairun, then you can get 1 point of influence with the Coffnar for each answer. But this does not always happen - it depends on what kind of question you caught (for example, the answer to the question about who managed to intervene into the stream, the influence on the grombanar does not bring). Saving before you open the book, and reboot if you caught a question "without influence."

At the entrance to the Ember Bishop will notice that there is something wrong. If you have a well-developed skill "notice" / spot, then you will have an additional answer option "You are right - I do not see any residents of the village, nor their animals ..." And if you choose it, then get + 2 points of influence on Bishop.
If you say that "do not see any inhabitants," then get + 1 point of influence on the bishop.
If you declare that you do not care, then lose 1 point of influence with Bishop.

In the subsequent conversation, decide to wait and find out what is the case - it will bring you + 1 point of influence with Bishop (and - 1 point of influence with quaros). If you decide to go ahead, without lingering, you will get 1 point of influence with quaros and lose 1 point of influence with bishop.

If after that. How do you beat the attack of Gityanki, you say that "if it was all that they are capable of, then we are not threatened with us ...", it will bring you + 1 point of influence with quaros.

If your GG has good wisdom, then in a conversation after the attack of Gitaniki, you will have an additional answer "If they divided their strength, it's good, but on the other hand ..." And if you choose it, then get + 1 point of influence on Bishop.

In a conversation after the attack, offer to stay to make sure that the villagers are all right (- 1 point of influence with Bishop, + 1 point of influence with Casavir). If in the subsequent conversation you will object to Bishop that the villagers are not guilty of anything (or that you do not like to kill), then lose another 1 point of influence with him.

If in conversation with Elaine you will be rude with her, then get + 1 point of influence with bishop and - 1 point of influence with Casavir. (And on the contrary, if you are polite and when Bishop is offended by Elaine, tell him to silence.)

If, after talking with Marcus, you will order Bishop to pay the knife to Marcus and do not promise a reward in return, then you lose 3 points of influence with him.

The cave of Gitaniki.
When entering the cave, tell me what you want to find Shandra only to find a shelter of Amon Jerro or that you are not averse to kill a couple of Guityanki - this will bring you 1 point of influence on Bishop. (This conversation occurs only when the game is a male hero and only if Elany is in your group).)

When you detect Zacsis at the second level of the cave, tell me that at first you want to talk to him - and you lose 1 point of influence on Kelgar.

When talking with mefasm, thank the niche for the warning about the deils of devils (+ 2 points of influence) or ignore its warning (- 2 points of influence).

When talking with mefasm, tell me that his speeches suggest boredom (+ 1 point of influence with a niche).

When talking with mefasm, tell me that "if you touch the barrier object from another dimension, it will disappear" (for the appearance of this option in a conversation you need to have a high intelligence or high knowledge of magic / spellcraft) to get + 1 point of influence on the gravar.

When talking with Zarey, tell me that she will pay for the abduction of the Shandra - and you will get + 1 point of influence on Shandra - or tell me that the fate of the Shandra does not care (- 1 point of influence on Shandra).

When conversation with Zarey, we successfully apply a bluff to make her "lose face" among other Gitaniki - it will bring you + 1 point of influence on the bishop.

When conversation with Zarey, offer her silver fragments in exchange for freedom for your associates and Shanders (- 1 point of influence on Bishop, + 1 point of influence with Shandy).

After you defeat Zarey, kill it in the course of your last conversation (+ 1 point of influence with bishop).


If, when talking with a bishop, you ask his opinion about the upcoming court and fail the savings on diplomacy when you say "if I did all the time all that others told me ...", then lose 1 point of influence with Bishop. If your savings will succeed, then you will acquire 1 point of influence on it.

In the same conversation, agree with Bishop that the best way out of the situation would be killed by the Laskan ambassador Torio Claeven - and you will receive 1 point of influence on it - and minus 1 point if you do not agree.

In the same conversation, Bishop will offer you to escape from the incorrepter and go along with him to forest expanses for a couple of years. You will receive + 1 point of influence with him, if you agree and -1 point of influence, if you refuse. (This conversation option is only available to the GG of the female.)

At the first conversation with Casavir, ask him why he looks alarmed lately, and Paladin will share with your doubts about Bishop. Thank it for care (+ 1 point of influence) or tell me not to interfere with the wrong thing (- 1 point of influence). (This conversation option is only available to the GG of the female.)

When talking with Bishop, he will ask you what you need from him that you cannot get from Casavir. If you say in the process of the conversation that you are not indifferent to the paladin, then lose 1 point of influence with Bishop and get 1 point of influence with Casavir even if it does not happen in your group at the moment (he is overhearding behind the door, or what?). If you hand over the bishop that you do not care about the paladin, you will get + 1 point of influence with bishop and - 1 point of influence with Casavir. (This conversation option is available only to the GG of the female and only if you have a very high effect with Casavir and very low - with Bishop.)

When talking with Shandy, select the option "You look a little confused ..." and in the process of the conversation, complete it that you do not doubt her abilities (+ 1 point of influence) or that you do not care (- 1 point of influence).

When you talk with Shandly, select the option "You look a little confused again ..." And she apologizes for the fact that there was cutting with you before. If you politely accept her apologies, then you will get + 1 point of influence with it, and if you are sad, then 1 point of influence.

When talking with Shandy, ask her about her family and in response to tell her that Duncan before was an adventure crawler (+ 3 points of influence), and in response to her further questions, tell us that the mother was lost early (+ 3 influence points).

After a conversation with Tasha, when Nishka declares his intention to the collector, agree with it (+ 2 points of influence) or try to dissuade it (- 2 points of influence).

Shopping district.

If you talk to the Olya, the owner of the Moon Stone mask, about Torio Claeven and her accusation against you, the hypiela will not have any doubts that Sand can provide you with great help. Agree with it (+ 1 point of influence on Sanda) or obje (-1 point of influence on Sanda).


When meeting with the artist Peppin Polo, he will suggest writing a portrait of a shandry. If you offer to buy a portrait, then lose 1 point of influence with a niche and elany (at the same time). If you offer the artist 500 gold for the picture, then lose another 1 point of influence on the niche. If you offer to buy a picture for 150 gold, then lose 1 point of influence on Shandra, and if you declare that it was all a waste of time, it will cost you a loss of 2 points of influence on it.
If you play a man's GG, then at the end of the conversation get + 4 points of influence on Shandra, if you offer to buy her portrait for 500 gold and + 2 points, if you buy it for 300. If you play the heroine, then get only + 2 points Influence with Shandy, regardless of whether you pay the artist 300 or 500 gold .. You can also avoid loss of influence with Elany and nishka, if you do not offer to buy a picture right away, and first ask how much it will cost you. (But if you pay for a picture of 500 gold, then lose 1 point of influence with a niche in any case.)

If when meeting with Kylie Bruce in your group will be Elany, offer to go to the crypt and find her sister, and then tell me "Do not worry, Kylie ..." And you get + 1 point of influence with Elany. If there is no Elany in your group, then you will receive + 1 point of influence on Shandra.

When meeting with Kylie Bruce, tell her that "Lizbeth Volina act as it will do it ..." - and you will get + 1 point of influence on the niche. If you say that Lizbeth needs discipline, then lose 1 point of influence on the niche.

When you talk to Lisbet in the Buses crying, tell me that she "was ready to give the soul for a couple of beautiful words and kisses" - it will bring you + 1 point of influence with Bishop and - 1 point of influence with Elany.

During the bard competition, ask the grain to play with you for a couple - it will bring you + 3 points of influence on it.

During the bard competition, ask a kvaar to arrange fireworks on stage - it will bring you + 1 point of influence on the kvaar.

During the bard competition, ask Sanda to make fun of Cayne - it will bring you + 1 point of influence on Sanda.
Note: During the bard competition, you can ask you to help you only one associate, so choose whose influence is more important to you.

If at a meeting with Jenks in your group will be a kvaar, he recognizes it and starts to make fun. You will get + 1 point of influence on the kvaar, if you say "Loggy him, I'll cover you ..." And - 1 point of influence on the kvaar, if instead of entering for her, you will begin to defend the honor of the "sunken bottle." ("Hey! Sunken bottle - no hole!")

When meeting with Jenks, tell me that the best way to handle animals is kindness, and you will get + 1 point of influence with Elany. (This conversation option is available only if the kvaars are not in your group.)

Polyana consolation.

When Shandra speaks with you during your rite, thank her for your care or tell me that you do not want to involve it in trouble (+ 1 point of influence with Shandy). If you say that she sat quietly and did not interfere with her feet, then lose 1 point of influence.

After contractions with the cabs, thank Shandra for the help (+ 2 points of influence) or tell me that it has already caused you enough trouble. (- 2 points of influence).

Port llast.

If at the entrance to the port llast you will tell Sanda that we are happy to have it in our ranks, then get + 2 points of influence with it. If you order him to be silent, then you lose 2 points of influence.

If when meeting with Elaine you will be rude with it, then lose 1 point of influence on Shandra, and if you choose it that you just want to help, then you will get 1 point of influence.

If, after talking with Elaine, you decide to leave it alone, then get + 1 point of influence with Shandy and - 1 point of influence with sand. If you decide to use it in your own interests, it will cost you a loss of 1 points of influence with Shandy.

When talking with Malin in the tavern, tell her "if you have any problems with Bishop, forget about them ..." (+ 1 point of influence with bishop) or tell Bishop to hold the language (- 1 point of influence).

When talking with Malin, tell Bishop "It's good that you are with me, and not she ..." To obtain 1 points of influence. If you tell him to choose words, then lose 1 point of influence.

Upon receipt of the award among Niii, tell me that you keep it amulet to get + 2 points of influence with Elany (for Men's GG) or + 2 points of influence with Casavir (for female GG). You will also lose 2 points of influence with bishop. If you wonder how much you can get for an amulet, it will cost you a loss of 2 points of influence on Elany / Casavir and you will acquire + 2 points of influence with a bishop. If you say that you do not care, then lose 1 point of influence with Elany / Casavir and get + 1 point of influence on the bishop.
Note: The conversation option with the possibility of obtaining influence occurs only if Elany / Casavir is in your group.

When the Sand finds a strange corpse, praise it for observation (+ 1 point of influence) or do not give the values \u200b\u200bof its find (- 1 point of influence).

Daskwood forest.

At the entrance to Daskwood, offer to explore the forest problem and, if possible, resolve it - and you will receive + 3 points of influence with Elany. If you say that you are afraid of Elany's health and offer to return, it will bring you + 1 point of influence with it. If you disable off from the War of Elany, then you will lose 3 points of influence with it.

When the Sand announces that there is no magic here, if there is a quarry in your group, then there will be a dispute between her and Sanda, in which you can support Quar (+ 2 points of influence with quaros - 2 points of influence with sand) or Sanda (2 points of influence with sandm, - 2 points of influence with quaros). If you try to settle the case of the world ("no one wanted to hurt anyone ..."), then you will acquire + 2 points of influence with sand and lose 2 points of influence with quaros. If you threaten both of them, then, accordingly, lose influence with both (- 2 points of influence with sand and quaros at the same time).
If the kvaars are not in your group, then you can either thank Sanda for a warning (or ask the details of this phenomenon), and you will receive + 2 points of influence with it. If you accuse him that he did not warn you earlier, then you lose 2 points of influence.

When talking with dwarfs from the cave, tell the combner that you would prefer him to stay with you - and you will get + 1 point of influence on it. If you say that I would prefer that he leaves, then lose 1 point of influence.

If, when meeting with Dryad Lissa, you will pretend to be Larous, then lose 1 point of influence with Casavir. If you declare that you are not Lorn, then lose 1 point of influence with Sandom and get + 1 point of influence with Casavir.

If your bluff is successful and you will get a magic powder, you will get 1 point of influence with sand.
If you agree to the offer of DRIADA to steal the magic stone of goblins, then get 1 point of influence with sand. If you refuse a transaction with Lissa, then lose 1 point of influence with sand.

Cave goblins.

After you twist the spider collection of insects and invite it with you, say that you will always be glad to allies that nature sends, and you will get + 1 point of influence with Elany. If you complain that we intend to use spider solely for personal purposes, then lose 1 point of influence on it.

If you are applying a guardian gobline shining stone that they intend to pick it up, then lose 3 points of influence with Elany.

Castle Nevers - before the court.

If, when receiving a quest "suspicious links" from Sir Nevva, you will tell you that your debt is to serve as an incorrecter, you will get:
+ 1 point of influence with Casavir,
- 1 point of influence with bishop,
- 1 point of influence with Sanda (if there is no bishop in your group).

If you refuse the task of the novel, you will get + 1 point of influence with bishop and + 1 point of influence with sand (at the same time).

Castle Nevers - court.

If you say Sanda, as you are not lucky to have it with your lawyer, you will lose 1 point of influence with him.

If you ask the Sanda Council, how to behave during the process, and after his answer you will call his advice useless, then lose 1 point of influence with Sand.

If you thank Sanda for agreed to submit your interests in court, then get + 1 point of influence with Sand.

If before the start of the hearing you successfully apply your diplomatic abilities to derive Torio, then get + 1 point of influence with sand. You lose 1 point of influence with him if your attempt fails.

If during your own interrogation you successfully apply your diplomatic abilities to force the listeners to believe in the dishonest intentions of the lascans, then get + 1 point of influence with Sandom (- 1 point, if your attempt is unsuccessful).

Temple of Tire - Before the fight.

When Kelgar suggests you as a replacement for the fight with Lorna, agree (+ 3 points of influence with the Kelgar) or tell me that you need one who will not be in the battle to rely on instinct (- 3 points of influence). If you tell the Kelgar leave the temple, then lose 3 points of influence.

When Sand will offer you potions as help in a duel with Lorna, accept them (+ 1 point of influence with sand) or refuse (- 1 point of influence).

When Kwar suggests you as a replacement for the fight with Lorna, you will agree (+ 1 point of influence) or refuse (- 1 point of influence, even if you are very and very polite).

When the niche appears in the Temple of the Tire, tell me that you are glad to her society (+ 1 point of influence) or tell her (- 1 point of influence).

When the niche will present you your plan for the sparrel of Armor and Mike Lorna, agree with its idea (+ 2 points of influence) or tell me that you prefer to beat honest way (- 1 point of influence).

Ask Shandry, whether she really worried about you because of your fight with Largon and either thank her for care (+ 1 point of influence with Shandy), or tell me that it is not necessary for her participation (- 1 point of influence with Shandy).

Nevel Castle - after the trial.

When conversing with Lord Intor and Sydney, Natal insist that Lascan recognize his responsibility for what happened in the Ember (+ 4 points of influence with Shandy Jerro) or agree to leave it in the past (- 4 points of influence with Shadra Jerro).

Mansion Tavorik.

Tell me that you are going to use the explosive balls found by your home defense - it will bring you + 1 point of influence with the gravestone. If there is no grabnar in your group, then you will get + 1 point of influence on Sanda.

If you decide to open a barrel with balls at your own peril and risk, it will bring you + 2 points of influence with a grain.

If you tell your satellites not to touch the barrels, then lose 1 point of influence with the gromba.

Castle Crossrod (fortress at the intersection). First visit.

The field next to the lock you will see the corpse of the peasant.
If you say that this is all another dead, you will get + 2 points of influence on a bishop and - 2 points of influence with Shadra. If you tell Bishop to show respect for the dead man, then you lose 2 points of influence with it and get + 2 points of influence on Shandra.
If you offer to betray the body of a peasant burial, then get + 2 points of influence with Shandy. (This conversation option is only available if there is no bishop in your group.)

After Garius begins his ritual, tell Vale, so that he does not get confused under your feet, and it will bring you + 1 point of influence with Bishop.

Castle Crossrod. After joining the possession.

When Potin starts talking about leaving, threatened it to force it to stay (+ 1 point of influence with Bishop, if your attempt is a successful) or kill it (+ 2 points of influence with bishop, - 2 points effect with Casavir). If you declare that he owes you money and successfully pull out the debt out of it, it will bring you + 1 point of influence on Sanda.

When the Gombunar suggests the use of the Book of Iltecar to fix the golem, you will agree with him and praise for the idea (+ 1 point of influence with the gravist) or tell me not to dig in the golem (- 1 point of influence with the grain).

When the Gobnar finishes the mining of the golem, praise it for the works (+ 2 points of influence with the grain) or tell me that it looks like a golem as it is about to fall apart (- 2 points of influence with the gravar).

If you decide to improve your golem, but fail the savings to Alchemy, Sand will offer to do it for you. If you agree, then get + 1 point of influence with Sanda, and if you tell him not to touch the golem, then lose 1 point of influence.

Arvaan ruins.

If you successfully apply diplomacy in a conversation with UATKOM ("I did not know that Lograve was your brother ....), then get + 1 point of influence on Sanda.

If you choose a threat / intimidate option in a conversation with UATKOM ("Litographed, because it was weak ..."), it will bring you + 1 point of influence with Kelgar.

Castle Rivergard.

If, when you meet with Gella, you will be polite and say "Greetings you ...", it will give you + 1 point of influence on Sanda and - 1 point of influence with Kelgar.

If you agree to the offer gella to kill the bean, then get + 1 point of influence with bishop.

If you agree to the offer Gella to kill Witank, and the Casavir will be located as part of your group, he will try to dissuade you from helping Gella. If you say that this is your decision or that the death of Utanka will end with orcs in a given locality, then lose 1 point of influence with Casavir. If you declare that Utank is just a savage, then lose 1 point of influence with the paladin and acquire 1 point of influence with Bishop. If you agree with Casavir, then get 1 point of influence with it and lose 2 points effect on the bishop.

If you ask the ribolom to break the door for you, followed by the ILLEFARN statue and let it break her until he dies from damage, then get (at the same time):
+ 1 point of influence with bishop;
- 1 point of influence with Shandy;
- 1 point of influence with Casavir.

If you ask the riboloma to break the door, but stop it after it starts to get damage, motivating it by the fact that it can die, it will bring you (at the same time):
+ 1 point of influence with Casavir;
+ 1 point of influence with Shandy;
- 1 point of influence with bishop.

If you yourself break the door to get to the statue, then you will get + 2 points of influence with moayv.

Mine precious stones.

When talking with Master Aizim about the guard, tell me that you consider His sacrifice noble (+ 2 points of influence with Casavir, - 2 points of influence with bishop). If you say that you think patriotism is stupid or that no people are worth such a victim, you will get + 2 points of influence with a bishop and - 2 points of influence with Casavir.

Temple of the time of the year.

When Casavir will start a conversation with you near the statue, tell me that you see the nobility in it or that simple inhabitants of the wrongwinter make noble acts every day - and you will get + 2 points of influence with him. If you tell him to silence or say that his doubts do not interest you, then lose 2 points of influence with the paladin.

Destroyed West Harbor.

In a conversation with Shandy, tell me that you left the West Harbor to protect the inhabitants of the village, and you will get + 3 points of influence with her. If you say that you could not tolerate your village and its inhabitants, it will cost you a loss of 2 points of influence with Shandy.

If after Shandra gives you his condolences, you tell her not to be distracted or to silence, you will lose 2 points of influence with her.

In the same conversation with Shandy, tell me that she can become famous in the future (+ 1 point of influence with Shandy).

In a subsequent conversation with Shandy about West Harbor, tell me that you hope that your actions prevent more troubles than they cause them (+ 1 point of influence with Shandy) or tell me that you hope to cause more damage in the future (- 1 point of influence).

Asylum Ammon Jerro - approach to the fortress.

If, when approaching the game, you tell me that the strange smell is Sulfur, then get + 1 point of influence with Elany. (This option will be available only with high intelligence).

If when you try to dial water from the geyser, you do not fail the savings to agility / evasion, then get + 2 points of influence with a niche.

If you decide not to kill the shaman of the barbarians and say that it seems to you unfair, it will bring you
+ 2 points of influence with Casavir;
+ 2 points of influence with Shandy;
- 1 point of influence with bishop.

If you say Shaman "the easier it will be to kill you," it will bring you:
- 2 points of influence with Casavir;
- 1 point of influence with Shandy;
+ 2 points of influence with bishop.

The answer "I have no choice ..." will bring you + 1 point of influence on the bishop.

After the golem at the entrance takes the blood of Jerro, tell Shandre to fulfill her demand only if she wishes himself (+ 1 point of influence with Shandy) or threaten that you do it yourself if it doesn't hurry (- 1 Point of influence).

Asylum Ammon Jerro - inside the fortress.

When the niche is in a dispute with a Baamlbiz, tell her "wrapping ..." or "you should listen to your own advice ...", and you lose 2 points of influence with a niche. If you say "My girlfriend right ..." or "a few threats will be completely to the place ...", then get + 2 points of influence with tifling.

If you play a male hero, you will get the opportunity to offer a barbiz to clearly demonstrate your belonging to the strong half of humanity. If you select this option, the niche will try to support you before the demon. If you tell her to silence, then you lose 2 points of influence with tifling. If you declare Baamlbiz "Nishka Volina to say everything that wants ...", then get + 2 points of influence with a niche.

When the niche will make fun of Zacsis, tell her to silence or tell me that her speech will not help you (- 2 points of influence). If you say that Zaksis is worth listening to a nishke or that it does everything just wonderful, then get + 2 points of influence with a niche.

After you find out the true name of Zacsis, tell him to stop talking about himself in the third face, and it will bring you + 1 point of influence on the niche.

After you agree to the deal with Sukububa Blanden, Casavir will express his distrust of the Demonsession. If you agree with him (or thank for a warning), then get + 3 points effect on the paladin. If you declare that the commander is here you, then lose 3 points of influence with it.

If you play a male hero, Bloen will try to charm you ("Gods, what a magnificent copy ..."), and Elanya - to prevent this charm with all the might ("don't even try to manipulate them, Sukkub .."). If you declare Elanen, which does not need to protect or that you are able to stand up for yourself, then lose 3 points of influence with her. If you answer Blanden "Elany Rights - do not waste your charms on me ...", then you will get + 3 points of influence with Elany.

If, after Blanden declares that your conversation begins to bring boredom to it, you apply the diplomacy option and say that it is one of the most beautiful women you have ever seen, then lose 3 points of influence with Elany. (Only for male heroes.)

When Bloen asks you to entertain her, select the option "Something interesting" answer, and then - "You are very unbalanced," and the Gombunar interferes with your conversation and ask for permission to fulfill the song that your conversation reminded him with Sukkuba. If you agree to listen to the song of the Grass, it will bring you + 3 points of influence on it. If you tell him to silence, then you lose 3 points of influence with the grain.

After you fulfill the condition of Hezel and open it the true name of the Matrona of the family of Baalbizan, Casavir will say that he would not trust Erinia. If you agree with him or just thank for a warning, it will bring you + 3 points of influence. If you declare that they did not ask his opinions, then lose 3 points of influence with the paladin.

Tavern Castle Crossrod upon returning from asylum Jerro.

If in a conversation with Ammon Jerro, you will try to apply a bluff, saying that you wish to protect the inhabitants of the wrongwinter, then lose 1 point of influence on Ammon., If you fail the savings.

Ask Ammonn Jerro why he wants to defeat the king of shadows. If you agree with its principles, then get a +1 point of influence on Ammon, and if you try to argue, then lose 1 point of influence with him.

Ask Ammona about his past and why he fought with you instead of trying to combine your efforts. If you successfully apply diplomacy to defend your point of view, then get + 3 points of influence on ammona. If you fail the savings or choose any other answer option except "probably you're right ...", then lose 3 points of influence with him.

After you ask Ammon, why he does not like Zheii, he accuses her in blind fanaticism. You can agree with him or say that Zayivi is only useful to you - just like Ammon (+ 1 point of influence on Ammon) or stand up for the defense of the moai (- 1 point of influence).

Explain to Ammon why Hitcerai cannot interfere in your battle with the king of the shadows, and you will receive + 1 point of influence on Ammon. (This conversation option will only arise if you have already talked about it with Zhaevi.)

When Ammonic is very ironic in the same conversation about the wisdom of Hit Serai, who do not interfere with the conflict, tell me that you do not agree with the Gitzerai policies (+ 1 point of influence with Ammon) or admit that they are right (- 1 point of influence).

Castle Crossod

If you say in a conversation with a grabnar about Sandra, you say that the main thing is that you yourself are alive, and the rest is little worried, then you lose 3 points of influence with the gravestone. If you say "You don't have to think about it ...", then lose 1 point of influence with the gravestone, and if you admit that they are upset by the death of Shandra, then you will get 2 points of influence with dwarf.

In a conversation with a grabnar, when the dwarf will try to prove to you the existence of Wendersnavenov, tell me that he convinced you, and you will get + 1 point of influence with the gravist. You lose 1 point of influence with him, if you call the gravester fool.

When talking with Bishop about WesternaVeen, tell me that you do not believe in their existence (+ 1 point of influence with bishop, - 1 point of influence with a grain - even if it is currently not in your group.) If you say that believers, believe, That will lose 1 point of influence with Bishop and acquire 1 point of influence with the Gobnar - again, even if it is not in your group.

When you get closer to the circle of calling in the basement of your castle and Ammon will warn you, tell me that next to him you can hardly stand something to fear - and you will get 1 point of influence with Ammon. If you tell him to leave you alone, then lose 1 point of influence with Ammona.

If you enclose 3 transactions with measurement, then get + 1 point of influence on ammona.

When Dedagun appears in the courtyard of your castle with news about the druids of the Topi circle for Elany, tell me that you will not allow him to involve Elany on a dangerous mission, as he did it with you - and you will receive + 1 point of influence with Elany. If you ask Dedagun "So you came here because of her?" You will lose 1 point of influence with Elany.

After you listen to Dedagun news, agree to go to search for Druids of the Topi Circle, motivating this by the fact that they may be in danger or that they can be strong allies (+ 1 point of influence with Elany). If you ask Elany "Do you do it for me or for yourself?" Or say that you do not want to do this now, then lose 1 point of influence with Elany.

When conversing with Elany about Dagun, describe it in flattering expressions (+ 1 point of influence with Elany) or a bad respond about it (- 1 point of influence).

Fortress of Ironfishers

If when you enter the renovated fortress, in a conversation with Cayer, you admire the work of the gnomes, then get + 1 point of influence with the kelgar. If you say that you expected more or that you have no time to admire the buildings of the Dwarfs, then lose 1 point of influence with Kelgar.

Agree with Kulmarom when he suggests you to find a belt of the ionfishers (+ 1 point of influence with the Kelgar) or refuse (- 1 point of influence with Kelgar).

After you commit the tissue of the Ironfishers and Kelgar will say that he is going to raise the hammer of the Ironfishers, tell him that "if someone and worthy to raise the hammer, then that's you ..." (+ 1 point of influence with Kelgar) or tell me "Too late ..." (- 1 point of influence with Kelgar).

Mount Galadrim

At the entrance, when Kelgar starts a conversation about his ancestors and their exploits in this place, tell me that you will return the belt or that you will force the giants to regret the deed (+ 1 point of influence with Kelgar). If you offer to first talk to the giants or say that you will have to climb a mountain for a long time, then lose 1 point of influence with the gnome.

When you find prisoners in the camp of giants, insist that they told you who they are, and in the end they admit that they are caresses. If you release them, then get + 1 point of influence with Casavir, and if you leave them in captivity, then lose 1 point of influence with Casavir and acquire 1 point of influence with bishop.

When talking with the king of fiery giants, stand up for the protection of the Ironfishers, when he accuses the gnomes in cowardice ("the Ironfishers do not deserve that they laughed at them ...") And you get + 1 point of influence with Kelgar. If you say that you are not doing before parsing between dwarves and giants, then lose 1 point of influence with it.

In the same conversation, tell the king "Pretty conversations ..." and you will get + 1 point of influence with Kelgar. If you say Kelgar "Do not pay attention to his words ...", then lose 1 point of influence with Kelgar.

Note: If you say "Pretty conversations ..." Immediately after the king of giants begin to mock the ionfishers, he will immediately begin a deal, and you will miss most of the dialogue and another opportunity to get a point of influence on Kelgar.

After you commit the tissue of the Ironfishers, tell Kelgar that it will have a chance to fix everything or that he is not Lodra, and you will get + 1 point of influence with Kelgar. If you tell him to stop the nagging, then lose 1 point of influence with the gnome.

If you start talking with giants after you kill Tolapsix, then at the end of the conversation you can tell Kelgar "I'm with you, Kelgar" (1 point of influence with Kelgar) or declare "We lost this battle ..." (- 1 point of influence with Kelgar).

Polyana Wendersnevenov

When the Gombunar finds an invisible tool, tell me that you believe that you find Westernavenov in one beautiful day, and you will get + 3 points of influence with a grain. If you say that with you quite all this nonsense, then lose 3 points of influence with dwarf.

Circle top

When your Vashnia accuse Elany in neglecting her duties, tell me "I am sure (a), Elanya did not want to harm the circle ..." (+ 1 point of influence with Elany) or tell me that it happens with careless (- 1 point of influence with Elany ).

After your will offer Elany to leave your group, select the answer version of "your right in one ...". If after that you say "the circle is infected with shadows and must be cleared ..." Or "You should not have anything in a circle, there are no more rusties ...", then lose 1 point of influence with Elany. If you say "you feel the Earth better than they - you hear her pain, they are blind to her ...", then get + 1 point of influence with Elany.
If after the phrase "your right in one ..." you choose the option "Elany, I know how you treat me ...", and then "You think I made a mistake ..." And finally, Elany, Believe With your feelings, as I believe you ... ", then get 1 point of influence with Elany.

If you attack Elany when she decides not to stay with you due to insufficient influence on it, you will get:

5 points of influence with bishop;
+ 5 points of influence with quarrel;
+ 2 points of influence with moayv;
+ 2 points effect with nishka;

And lose:

7 points of influence with Casavir;
- 5 points of influence with Kelgar;
- 5 points of influence with Sanda;
- 2 points of influence with a grain.


If in a conversation with the old-fashioned may, you will tell you that they are ready to fight with the whole army of lizards, if necessary, you will get + 1 point of influence on Kelgar.
If you have a conversation with an old-fashioned may, you say that you will not leave the village until its residents are safe, then you will get + 1 point of influence on Casavir and lose 1 point of influence on the bishop (you lose an effect on the Bishop only if you are on your Groups will be Casavir).
If you say the older "You are useless ...", then get + 1 point of influence on the bishop and lose 1 point of influence with Casavir.

If, when talking with an old-fashioned Mayone about the captive lizard, you say that you are going to negotiate with him peacefully, it will bring you + 1 point of influence with Casavir and - 1 point of influence with Bishop. If you declare your intention to get out of that information by force, then lose 1 point of influence with Casavir and acquire 1 point of influence with Bishop.

If you cure the prisoner Lizard of the Prosska from pure noble motives, then get + 1 point of influence with Casavir and Elany (at the same time) and lose 1 point of influence with bishop.

If you say that the health status of the wounded lizard does not care or what you cure it only for the time that it is able to undergo interrogation, then lose 1 point of influence with Elany.

At the meeting with Sydney Natal

If in a conversation with Sydney you will say "I moved away my gangster, while I did not allow the quarry to use it instead of a target ...", then get + 1 point of influence on the quarus, and if we declare that you find Jalbon funny, then lose one point of influence on her.

Castle Crossrod - After receiving the list of true names

When Ammon Jerro needs to show him a list of true names of shadow killers, tell me what will be better if the list remains in Zhaii or that their dispute about some blocks of paper looks just ridiculous, and you lose 1 point of influence with Ammon. If you tell Layavy to give the ammon list, then lose 1 point of influence with Hitzera and get 1 point of influence on ammona. If you declare that you need to trust each other, then get + 1 point of influence on ammona.

After you first apply the true name and destroy the shadow killer, Zayivi will say that you have gathered enough fragments, but it does not know how it is necessary to restore a silver sword. If you ask Ammon's opinion on this issue ("Ammon, there are any ideas ..."), then get + 1 point of influence on Ammon, and if you ask the Zhayi "Zhayi, you probably know something ... ", Then get + 1 point of influence with Gitzerai.

In the same conversation, Ammon will first mention the smallest. If you ask him "And you talk about it just now?", Loss 1 point of influence on Ammon.

If you say "So let's get the benefit of this enemy of the King of Shadows ...", then get + 1 point of influence on Ammon.

In the same conversation, Zhaii will express his suspicions about the fact that Ammon did not mention the altitude earlier. If you agree with it, then get + 1 point of influence with Gitzerai and - 1 point of influence with ammones. If you declare that they should both share information or that Ammon did not know that information about the emptiness would be useful to you, then get + 1 point of influence with Ammon and lose 1 point of influence with the moai.

Road from Haikliff to Crossrod

After the battle with the shadow killer, tell the invaders that Callum fell a decent death, winning time for you - and you will receive + 1 point of influence with Casavir and lose 1 point of influence with bishop.

Castle Crossod - after the death of Callum

If you decide to leave Ammonn Jerro alone and not looking for him when Alandanon informs about its disappearance, after some time the Warlock will return himself and refuses to answer your question where he was and what he did. If you declare "keep up the good work, and your next journey will travel to your grave ...", then lose 1 point of influence on Ammon.
If you say "For victory over the king of the shadows, we need both ..." Or "You are here, because I need you, the killer ...", then you will acquire 1 point of influence with Ammon.

Farm Shandra Jerro

When Ammon Jerro asks you, why did you come here, answer that you can't afford to lose the part of the ritual, which he owns (+ 1 point of influence with Ammon). If you say that he thought he needed help or that he did not cause you anything other than trouble, then would lose 1 point of influence with Ammon.
Ask Ammon, why he returned to Shandry's farm. If after his answer you will say "good plan ...", then get + 1 point of influence on Ammon, and your conversation will be completed. If you continue the conversation and turn it to Shandra, you will eventually get the option to use your influence with Shandy to tell her story ammon Jerro. If your sacking on the influence of the Shandra can succeed, you will get + 10 points of influence on ammona.

Castle Crossrod, preparation for the battle

Before the first battle with the army of Garius, when you need to choose two colleagues for the bridges on the bridges, you will receive:

1 Point of influence on Kelgar, if you choose it first and say that I would not want to have a different gnome next to you.
- 1 point of influence with Kelgar, if you say that you have chosen it because of his fighting qualities, and so that he distract the enemies.

1 point of influence with a niche if you choose it and after she declares that there will be a glad of your company, you will say, that and you, in turn, will be glad to her society.
- 1 point of influence with a niche, if you declare "do not slander yourself, I just need a thief ..."

1 point of influence with quarrels and - 1 point of influence with Sanda, if you choose a quarus after Sanda and say that it does not restrain in their destructive spells.
- 1 point of influence with quarrel and + 1 point of influence with Sanda, if, choosing a quarre after Sanda, you tell her to control her forces.
+ 1 Point of influence with quarrels and - 1 point of influence with Sanda, if you select Sand after Quary and tell him to stay behind you.
- 1 point of influence with quarrel and + 1 point of influence with Sanda, if you recommend a square to listen to the Sand.

1 point of influence with Casavir if you choose it. (The only exception is if you choose it after Bishop, you will not get any influence.)
+ 1 Point of influence with Casavir, if you say "I need your faithful sword ...".
- 2 points of influence with Casavir, if you say that you take it with you only for the time that he distracted the undead for himself.
+ 1 point of influence with Casavir and - 1 point of influence with Bishop, if you choose a bishop after Casavir and say that it goes with you only for the fact that Casavir could look after it.
- 1 point of influence with Casavir and + 1 point of influence with Bishop, if you choose a bishop after Casavir and say "I need one who can beat without any moral principles ..."
+ 1 Point of influence with bishop, if you choose it and say you need a good scout.
- 1 point of influence with Bishop, if you say you hope that he will die in a fight.

1 point of influence with the gravist, if you choose it and say you believe in his ability to arrange chaos.
- 1 point of influence with a grain, if after you choose it, you will say "just not too encouraging ...".

1 point of influence with zayivi if you select it.
+ 1 Point of influence with Zhaii, if you select Ammon after Zhaevi and tell him "her name is Zhaii ...".
- 1 point of influence on the store, if you choose Ammon after Zayiva and say that you need someone with real force.
+ 1 Point of influence on Ammona, if by choosing it, you say that you need it, because if you lose this battle, all his efforts will be wasted.
- 1 point of influence on Ammon, if choosing it, you say that you need moral support or tell him to silence.
- 1 point of influence on Ammona, if you choose it after Zhaevi.

Interlude on a fortress wall

For men's heroes:
If after Elany is recognized to you in their feelings, you will be with her rude, then lose 10 points of influence with Elany.
If you answer the confession of Elany counterclaim, then you will gain 10 points of influence with it.

Castle Crossrod, Battle of Army Garius

After the destruction of the bridges you will be ruined with a message about the attack and you will need to choose two associates to go with you on the fortress wall. When you choose your companions, you will get:

1 point of influence on Kelgar, if, choosing it, you will say "Your fighting qualities - that's what we need now ...".
- 1 point of influence on Kelgar, if you say what you want, so that he does not fight, but tried to find a weak point in enemy towers.

1 point of influence with a niche if you tell her that you need someone who will cover your back and throw daggers in your backs of your enemies.
- 1 point of influence with a niche if you say that you take it with you, because you are not so great.

1 point of influence with quaros, if you tell her not to restrain.
- 1 point of influence with quaros if you recommend to keep it in your hands.
- 1 point of influence with quaros, if you select Sand after it and tell her to follow it.

1 point of influence with Sanda, if you choose it after Kvary and say "Let Kvara have enough space for spells ..."

1 point of influence with a grabnar, if after the words of Bishop "it is not an honor, a boyfriend .." You will say that it (Gombnar) you need.
- 1 point of influence with the Gobnar, if you agree with Bishop.

1 point of influence with Casavir, if you say that you consider it to participate in the battle of honor for yourself.
- 1 point of influence with Casavir, if you say that it is just "convenient to you" because of his abilities to beat with the undead.

1 point of influence with Bishop, if you say that you need someone with greedy eyes and a faithful sight.
- 1 point of influence with Bishop, if in response to his sarcastic "from such an honor and stop not long ..." You will answer "only if we are lucky ..."
- 1 point of influence with bishop, if you choose it after Casavir and say "I wish to keep you in sight" or "I need a person who is able to take a difficult decision ...."

1 point of influence with Zhaii if you choose it.
+ 1 Point of influence on the store and - 1 point of influence on Ammon Jerro, if you choose Ammona after Zayvi and say "At least, I can trust ..."
- 1 point of influence with Ammon Jerro, if you choose it after zayvi and say "I need both you need."

Valley of Merdelin

When Kwar accuses Alandon in incompetence, and the book of Iltecara is in uselessness, tell me that your teleportation in the valley has passed so successfully as it was possible (- 3 points of influence with quaros). If you say that I would prefer to go to Merdekin on foot, then lose 3 points of influence with sand.

When Casavir tells that you still hear about Bishop, answer that Bishop pays for its betrayal (+ 1 point of influence with Casavir) or tell me that you do not believe that Bishop deliberately betrayed you (- 1 point of influence with Casavir).

When Garius tries to take a niche under control, tell me "Nishka, you need me ..." To obtain 2 points of influence with a niche or tell me that it has certain obligations towards you (- 2 points of influence with a niche).

During adventures in Neverwinter Nights 2, the main character will meet 12 satellitesSuppose to cope with various difficulties and solve the tasks. From the level of influence on satellites, relationships depend on the group, trust, dedication and many trifles. Loyal satellites More willingly share information and provide support. Influence Formed in the course of the game due to decisions. It should be remembered that the satellites have different characters, so it will not work at the same time. The detachment should be made with a light-up on the nature of satellites, then the chances will increase the fact that the decision made will not be too affected by the relationship and will not go into incision with their life principles. If the effect on some satellites by the end of the game will be too low, they can leave the detachment and at the crucial moment to travel to the side of the king of the shadows (refers to nature with an evil and chaotic worldview).

With some characters, it is possible to establish a closer relationship: the male floor - Elany Elf, female - Casavir. The only correct way to constantly keep influence at the proper level is not, since most of the decisions made in dialogues are still reflected on some satellites. You can travel to Neverwinter Nights 2 both alone and a whole group of three-four satellites. The places for everyone immediately in the detachment is not enough, the remaining will be waiting for either at the uncle in the hotel of docks of Neverwinter or in. You can communicate with satellites through the right-hand order menu by holding the right mouse button on the satellite icon in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting the "Conversation" option.

Satellites in Neverwinter Nights 2:

  1. / Khelgar Ironfist (Dwarf, Warrior / Monk, neutral-good) - Hotel "Watching Iva".
  2. Niche / Neeshka (Tifling, Plut, Neutral) - Before entering the Fort Lock.
  3. Elany / Elanee (Forest Elf, Druid, neutral-good) - on the way to Haikliff.
  4. Ka / Qara (man, sorcerer, chaotic-neutral) - near the Duncan's tavern at around bypass guard posts.
  5. Gombnar / Grobnar (rocky dwarf, bard, chaotic-kind) - along the way to Spring of Old Filin.
  6. Casavir / Casavir (man, paladin, ordered-kind) - after leaving the Logova of Kostogryza in the spring of Old Filin.
  7. Bishop / Bishop (man, Ranger, chaotic-angry) - after kidnapping Shanders at the end of the first chapter.
  8. Charara Jerro / Shandra Jerro (man, warrior, neutral-good) - the beginning of the second chapter, later dies.
  9. Sand / SAND (lunar elf, wizard, ordered-neutral) - the beginning of the second chapter.
  10. Zezhev / Zhjaeve (Hitzer, priest, ordered-neutral) - after battle with black Garius in the fortress.
  11. Ammon Jerro / Ammon Jerro (man, warlock, neutral angry) - after the battle in the shelter.
  12. / CONSTRUCT (warrior, neutral) - after finding all components and restoration of the gravist.
Directly see indicators of influence on satellite It is impossible to use a special command introduced into the console. The console is called the [~] key (Tilde, the keyboard layout must be English). We enter the command DebugMode 1. and rS KR_INFLUENCE, Press the key. In the dialog box that appears, you can view the indicators of influence, as well as change them in the direction of improvement or deterioration of relationships. Having learned the importance of influence, the command should be entered into the console DebugMode 0. And press the key. Part of the teams depend on the case of letters, that is, it is necessary to enter them as indicated above. A detailed scheme of distribution of points of influence on satellites in dialogs can be viewed

NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2: STORM OF ZEHIR (NWN2: SOZ) - developed and published; for . The game received the NX2 code name from the developers. The action takes place on the shore of the swords and the peninsula Chultan of the World. Supplement is similar to and, including complete party configuration, sweeping of dungeons and freedom of study of the nonlinear world of the game through the Overland Map. The game is also associated with the upcoming changes in the new, fourth edition of the D & D Rules.


The campaign is designed for about 20-30 hours of the game. The gameplay in general is reminiscent of the original game, but some radical changes are made to it. So, in Storm of Zehir, the player creates not one character, but a batch (from 1 to 4 characters). The team can be replenished up to 5 (or 6 when filite "Leadership") compatiences along the game, choosing from 11 characters different races and classes. The game added 2 races, 1 basic class and 2 prestige class. A global card with random meetings and hidden locations appeared. The game was brought more tangible elements of the economic strategy.

Global Card.

Global Card. Storm of Zehir..

Full-featured global card - one of the most significant innovations in the series Neverwinter Nights.. Before Storm of Zehir. There was no such official game or add-on.

When moving the map takes into account the terrain on which the party (forest, plain, road) moves, on the basis of which, as well as skill Survival The leader of the detachment, the speed of movement is calculated. The map constantly contains many creatures, guards, trading caravans. Meetings between them often end with a fight, while the hero has the opportunity to help them. Skill secrecy Allows the detachment to pass by the enemy unnoticed, and skills hearing and search Help when searching for hidden locations and items. From time to time, random meetings occur, the result of which a new task or interesting information can be.

System of dialogs

The system of dialogues in Storm of Zehir has been changed to match the game group more, and not one character. Now the player has the ability to switch from one character to another (including attached satellites) using their strengths. This makes it possible not to create a separate diplomat character, but to distribute the development of spoken skills for all party characters. However, in comparison with the original NWN2 campaign, all the dialogues between satellites are simply absent - now they have no individuality, their own history associated with them of quests, etc.

Trade system

An important change in gameplay in Storm of Zehir. Steel trading system. The player entrusted to the management of the trading company, at first a small one. There are three types of basic goods: ore, wood and leather. Trading them, you can earn trading bars (the main "corporate" currency), which can be either exchanged for money or put into circulation. Over time, you can open trading factors in all neighboring cities, to establish movement and guard of caravans, start trading more rare and valuable resources. The player can also join one of the three trading unions, each of which provides its task rule.

New races

  • Gray Orc (subrace orc)
  • Purebred yuan

New classes

Basic classes:

  • Lovkach (SwashBuckler)

Prestige classes:

  • Conductor of fate (Doomguide)
  • Warlock of hello flame (Hellfire Warlock)


Unlike the original game, other additions and modifications, in the "storm" you yourself create a detachment. Initially, it may consist of 4 satellites (including leader), but you can increase this amount up to 6 using the "Leadership" skill (skill must take the leader, you can get at level 6). In addition, there are 11 new characters in the game that you can recruit.

Inshul Sar Masha "Perhaps you will meet you first, you will find it on the Bazaar Square of Samagory, near her sister will stand, a buyer of trophies, it is possible to recruit a bald female trail, just paying 300 gold coins.

Umoja "Druid, which can be found in Sameagorl, after a conversation with his faithful companion dinosaur smoothly solve completely free to join you.

Chir Dark Flame (Dark Flame) - This Gnome Gnome with a rather original voicing you will find on the Black Market Ander Mark. It can be recruited only if you destroy the entire "personnel" of the market. You will find it among the slaves, and if you have a place in the team, you can already recruit it in place. If there is no place, the chir will be removed, but then it will be possible to find it in the tavern of the "Truck Leira" located in SAMORAL.

Lasty - With this companion you will meet before everyone (get acquainted, but do not complete). To recruit half a scoring, you need to perform two quests. First you will need to free it from Lap Batiri (story quest). Then Lastri will give you a quest to save the second assistant; If you successfully complete it, Lastri for free will join you. The ending of Lastries will depend on your choice during one of the quests associated with the port of Llast. If you kill Ambrella's priestess, then she will stay in the guard of the wrongwinter, if you part with the priestess of the world, then Lastries will buy a new ship and will fight the sea and oceans.

Kororel - Polude, who fanatically worshiped Ammon Jerro. Kororel - a retreating character; When you find it, it will be a 10-level warlock 10 + Helk-Flame Strike 1 level. You can recruit it only if you kill dragons that are deposited by the Western Harbor (West Harbor).

Septimund - The most interesting, as well as the most difficult recruitable character. Septimund is a man, Calemvora priest, and later a conductor of death. Septimund once was a beloved Research Institute (merchant in the port of Llast, who was previously encountered in the main campaign of Neverwinter Nights 2). You will definitely stop at septimund sooner or later, it will be in the port of Llast and try to fight with all the might of the undead appeared (it will later find out that this undead is sent to cleanse the city from Luskansev). Septimunda can be recruited only if you have settled the problems with the undead, and also suggested him to enter the detachment. In absolutely all other cases, you will not be able to recruit it.

Rebol - Remember the crazy monk from the original version? So, here it can be recruited, and completely free. All you need is to find Shauran on a world map in the world map (near the city of Neverwinter) and rescue it from the chamber. Along the way, you can kill everyone Shaaran and collect everything useful. Rebrla is very useful when you need to delay the enemy or cause it a big damage at the price of just one soldier.

Grikk bannamers "This surprisingly formed by half-night will meet you in the tavern of the wrongwinter, it will join the good character for free, to the neutral of 2000 gold coins, and the evil cannot recruit it at all. In the class of funkk - Paladin.

Finch - Satellite-Bard, to recruit that easier than everyone, you will meet it in all the taverns of the coast of swords, except for the wrongness and port of Llast. He will only ask you to persuade Sir Nivala to let him go to the city (because of one incident Finch was not allowed to be in an incorrecent). It will be quite easy. As soon as you fulfill the quest, you can go to any other tavern and pass it, after that Finch will wait for you at the headquarters of your trading company and ask permission to join the detachment.

Coming Endraund - Solar Elf-chosen, she will mostly meet you in the fortress on the intersection. Will a trigger that God punished her to help you, and she absolutely for free joins the party.

Baluet calm - Aasimar Plut. Whatever it was strange, but it is an evil worldview. You will meet her in the Church of the Neverwinter, its services will cost you 3000 gold (2000, if you achieve a discount).

Unfortunately, the characters do not have any individuality, in addition to special replicas in various dialogues. Conversations with them are small, two options: "Goodbye, come out of the detachment" and just "goodbye". But each character at the recruitment has its own unique thing in the inventory.


Like in other games series Neverwinter Nights.The action of the game unfolds on the continent of the planet. The main places of action - the coast of the swords and the peninsula Chult. By time, the campaign event occurs a little later campaign of the first addition -.


Four main characters accept the proposal of an unsolicited writer Voltampa Geddarma and are on the ship "Vigilanny", which suffers shipwreck on the southern bank of Chulta, from the city of Samargol, which is in the kingdom of Samara. Batiri (local goblins) meets by wild matriarchal tribes of Batiri (local goblins), they leave the Jungle's thickets, where they are immediately arrested by Samargola patrols for "cooperation with". Yuan-Ti - Snake relatives, but some of them, as you know, can take the appearance of people and implement in the policies of states, so that the actions of the Samarai Guardians and the constant suspicion of local residents are fully justified.

In order not to be executed, the main characters take assistance from the Sa'san cleaner, and over time they become her right hand. Later it turns out that the shipwreck was adjusted, and one of the members of the team was just a yuan, who committed a coup for some mysterious God. Since suspicion of suspicion of the Supreme Fad (the governments of Samargola) are becoming more and more, Ca'san's trader, along with the main characters, be expelled from the city. Those go to the shore of swords using the portal in the Lantanan Dwarf camp.

The coast of swords

On the coast, Sa'sani swords and her assistants revive the local economy, declining after the war with the king of the shadows. You can observe how the coast has changed since the original campaign. So, for example, Lazzlo Beckman becomes the mayozer of the Western Harbor, and the attack of two blacks is being prepared. The port of Llast is captured by the Luskanians, and an ancient curse comes into force, because of which the undead rises from the grave, which strikes only in the Lusk soldiers. Kelgar Isronfist, in the absence of a knight-captain, becomes one of the nails of the wrongness, and commands the fortress-on-intersection. In the incorrecter, trade organizations are formed, namely: a circle of friends, forgotten lords from deep water and the wind of fate (which, as expected, in the past had connections with Zentarim). The main characters are proposed to join one of these organizations.

Later, at one of the meetings, the ruler of the winds of fate reports: " A new time came, where they will rule only strong, and the weak will be destroyed. We were recognized as weak, and we accept it. However, he comes soon. Zehir. And then the coast of swords will be a new ruler" After these words, the leader of the winds of fate takes the poison, and the crowds of the serpentine yuan are broken into the meeting room. Later on the whole coast of swords, the yuan attacks occur, who previously pretended by merchants. Moreover, the SA'SAN trader also turned out to be a yuan. Killing a servant in the fortress on the intersection, she went through the portal back in Samara.

The final

The main characters are sent for Sa'sani. Sa'sani justifies that she is from the house of Sauringar, while the wind of fate was from the house of Sejsegen. Sejsegen betrayed the goddess of the sest, the patroness of the yuan, in the name of the new mysterious God of Zehir. Also Sa'Sani says that if Sejsegen does not stop in time, they will capture the entire Samarah and the coast of swords, for the Gear of the World Zehir himself will come to the temple of the world lizard. It offers a plan: Sa'Sani heads the army of the Sauring House, and distracts the Yuan-Sejsegen, while the main characters penetrate the temple of the world lizard.

Penetrating the inside and passing through the set of halls, settlement of the serpentine yuan, rapets and reptipe-like servants, the main characters come to the place of the ritual. They see two shimmering eyes - the eyes of Zehir himself, as well as the Lord of the house of Sejsegen, together with a huge snake-shaped creation - Herold Zehir. From heaven comes the voice of Zehir, turning to the yuan: " What are you talking about the world power of your clan when you can't deal with simple strangers?"Yuan-Ti decide to correct their mistake, but the main characters will win him and Herold Zehira. After that, Zehir gives a calm voice to the heroes that he underestimated them, but their victory is nothing compared to the rest of the goats arranged by him, Zehir. After that, the eyes of Zehira disappear. At the end, Sa'sani comes and declares that he still intends to rule trade on the coast of swords. Heroes can kill it, and can allow the Board with the condition that Sa'sani promises that its actions will be directed only for the benefit.

In the taverns of the coast of the shore, swords can be found two bards: Shimon and Skarbunkel (sending to the famous Duet 60), if the bards are present in the tavern, the ordinary melody is replaced with a melody with a vocal party.

Ammon Jerro / Ammon Jerro

- You! But you died in the battle of Western harbor!
- Withdrawn, rather. My prison was extremely unpleasant. But "died"?

Dialogue between Dalrene and Ammon Jerro.


Place of birth: Neverwinter
Race: Man, Illuskan
Age at 1374 LD: Unknown
Condition: Love
Class: Warlock
Worldview: neutral angry
Divine: absent
Languages:General, chondan, infernal, abyss, duplicate language

Ammon was born in an incorrecent in the noble family of Jerro. The talent for infernal magic has manifested itself in childhood, and afterwards he became a courteous magician of an incorrecter, gradually accumulating experience and power. Familiar with Ammoni noted his modesty and restraint, but in fact, Amonmon tried to occupy a not too prominent position, which allowed access to all libraries, archives and repository documents of the Neverwinter, and also gave him the right to vote into difficult times for the city. Ammon had several teachers at one time, including from Waterdip, Tay and the Mystery Brotherhood of Luskana. Even the demons and devils were listed in Ammon's teachers. As a result, Ammon paid his role to the jester at the courtyard of the Neverwinter in order to distract attention from itself and its significant abilities.

Ammonis studies have led him to knowing the ancient threat known as the King of Shadows. He tried to warn the power of the Neverwinter, but those were so mired in politics that they didn't even listen to him, and then a saddled ammon began to look for other allies - demons and devils. From the enemy of the King of Shadows, the Dragon of Nalota, he learned that only legendary silver swords of Git could harm the king of shadows.

In order to get such a sword, Jerro descended into the depths of the nine terms of hell, where Git disappeared. His adviser was the Archivoywalle Levist (Prince of Island, the fifth layer of the Baatorator), who sent Ammona by the right path in his search and, by virtue of the contract, who granted him to the devil of Methasm. Having received a silver sword, but not finding traces of Git itself, Ammon returns to Prime and begins preparation for war. There, he last appeals for help to the ruler of the Neverwinter.

Under the command of Ammon, over a few decades up to the year of thunderstorm storms, the forces of the Neverwinter entered the dedicated darkness of the land of the Dead. Ammon Nastig King of Shadows on the border of the settlement Western harbor and drove him to a dead end, but in battle he was bothering to a sudden creek of the baby, giving the king of shadows the advantage that took advantage. Ultimately, the Sword of Git was destroyed, driving the king of the shadows back into the shadow plan.

However, Ammon did not have the opportunity to enjoy the victory: the forces of the Devil's treaty were tightened by the Warlock in nine circles of hell, where he was imprisoned for decades. Due to the disappeared Jerro considered the dead. And later even taken for the king of shadows because of ties with events and people of that time.

Ammon remained trapped until he was freed by Black Harrius, the head of the secret brotherhood. Harrius requested information about the King of Shadows, however, an experienced warlock with ease escaped him and began to restore his strength. He enslaved the powerful Tanar'ri (Bloen, Baalbisan, Zacsis) and Baatsea (corporate, Methasm, Hezebel) in his asylum in the mountains of swords, and they gained huge power through them.

Starting the search for fragments of the Meian Git, Ammon collided with competition from both the Giotius and the carrier of the fragment. Having killed four nobles who have kept fragments, he caused the isolation of the Black Lake area for a while. In addition to the search for fragments, Ammon worked on obtaining knowledge of the ritual of the abolition of binding - a powerful rite, created by Illefarn, who could expel or at least weaken the king of the shadows.

Despite the efforts of both Ammon and the carrier of the fragment, none of them were unable to fulfill his task without the help of another, and they inevitably eventually went towards each other, for the first time silent in the shelter of Ammonn Jerro. Subsequently, the Warlock joins the carrier of a fragment in his war against the King of Shadows, carrying the burden of guilt from the murder of his own granddaughter. Together, reaching the fortress of the shadows, they will crush their hated enemy.

Further fate

During the crash of the fortress of the shadows of the heroes, one way or another was separated from each other, and in Chaos, Gargulians, servants of the red magician Necris, managed to kidnap the carrier of the fragment. Avon who believed in Knight-captain, rushed to save his ally, but was neutralized by Netrophis itself, which, undoubtedly, remembered him from the time of study. Ammon was taken to the Academy, where his soul was separated from the body and was at the disposal of two batences, servants of the Academy. In such a deplorable state, it was discovered by a carrier of a fragment. If I regain ammon the soul, he agreed to follow his ally, but his fate after the events of the addition of the mask of the traitor unknown.


The character who received the voice of the actor Murphy Guyer was injured from the remote control of the content of the content. One example is the return of the Western Harbor, from which it clearly follows that Ammon did not destroy the village, and the next day the residents told each other about their strange dreams last night, with a predominance of visions on fire and sulfur.

Interesting the fact that Ammon is one of the most powerful characters encountered in the game. He was called a sorcerer and a wizard, but the fact of possessing power over such creatures, as Batseau and Tanar'ri, speaks of his incredible power lying far beyond the limits of the forces of ordinary secret caskarters. And initially his dark forces were not the consequence of an agreement with an infernal (or some other) essence, but for nothing from the ancestors.

Bishop / Bishop.

« I doubt you will survive. Unlike me - because I always on the side of the winners
Bishop about loyalty.

Place of birth: Dosor Redfallow
Race: Man, Illuskan
Age at 1374 LD: 28 years
Condition: died
Class: Pathfinder
Worldview: chaotic evil
Divine: absent
Owing languages: Common, Chondan


Bishop was born and increased in the dosor of Redfalllow, a small village near Neverwinter. How much he knew himself, Bishop hated his native village, and as soon as he had the opportunity to leave - he took advantage of it. Some time after the care, the tracker joined the armed forces in the north of Luskana and served there for several years.

For a while, before the second war, the Shadows Bishop returned to the Dosor Redfallow. However, it was not a tribute to the house or nostalgic traction - he returned to destroy his native village and thereby passing a dedication to the detachment of the Luskan killers. Nevertheless, Bishop intended to leave the villagers alive, and use it as a trap to eliminate their Luskanian employers.

Events, however, did not work out as originally thought the tracker. And although he tried to warn people about the danger, he did not pay attention to his words - as a result, Dosor Redfalllow, along with all its inhabitants, as well as with the Luskan killers died in fire. Before his death, the Luskanians still tried to stop the bishop, he was seriously injured and left to die. Filled with hatred and sense of guilt, Bishop wanted death as a deliverance, but Duncan Farlong saved him - a traveler who accidentally turned out at the site of events. Duncan realized what happened on that day, and in some way blackmailing Bishop with these knowledge, giving it to understand that he was indebted. Therefore, Bishop donkey in the "sunken flask" - the tavern of Neverwinter, which belonged to Duncan.

The tracker would not bring a lot of benefit, drinking and dumbling in the "sunken flask," until once there was a squad of Giithia, pursuing Shandra Jerro. Bishop helped defend the tavern and was forced to assist the carrier of a fragment, surrendered to Duncan's pressure.

Although the tracker proved its utility in many adventures with the carrier of a fragment, his black heart did not allow him to prove his loyalty - at some point he entered into collusion with Black Harrius and betrayed the carrier of the fragment. He deceived the combner (forcing him to convey Bishop information on the management of the construction), damaged the mechanism of the gate of the fortress-embedded and, allowing Black Harrius to enter the fortress, disappeared.

Further fate

During the attack on the fortress of shadows, the fragment carrier finds black harrus - and with him and Bishop. Traitor-tracker either fights on the side of Harrus and dies from the hand of the fragment carrier, or evades the battle and dies during the collapse of the fortress of the shadows.

Representing Keemvor in terms of Fugu, Bishop was sentenced to imprisonment in the wall of unbelievers. There he finds a carrier of a fragment during the visions caused by the dormant sabb. Bishop took his fate and even leaned over how the former satellite observes his agony in the wall of unbelievers. Perhaps initially, the fragment carrier did not believe this vision, but later the Kelemvor himself confirmed the fate of Bishop.


Bishop voiced ASA Seigel in the official campaign and Dave Walsh in the traitor mask. Much indicates that this character was planned much more role than that that is in the game. For example, possible loving interest for the GG-Woman, the implementation of his proposal to escape from the court after the charge of the carrier of the fragment in the destruction of Ambeger.

By the way about sad: Bishop is the most popular character in the female part of the community. The rapid girl's minds produce tons of oxytocin only from one thought that there will be a "bad guy" nearby, the lonely nights dreaming about the same in real life - the heartless and rudeness of the backyard. Vaaau, it's so brutally and a prayer, girls!

We will continue about the game. A rather strange fact is the absence of a patron deity, which is unacceptable for investigative in the editorial office of DND 3.5, even taking into account that Bishop could be traced without witchcraft from DND 3.5 Complete Warrior (however, he has a spell in the game). This is probably done from plot reasons, given the fate of Bishop in the traitor mask. At the moment, with the release of DND 4.0, it is no longer so relevant, because in the new edition, the tracks are no longer creating spells.

In one carved from the game dialogue, Bishop says that the resort Redfalllow is one of the villages in the tops. Elany mentions that the Dosor Redfalllow is also called the "swamp absorbed". To all of the time, the resort of Redfalllow is a place where he was dedicated to the Knights Sir Nival. In the final dialogue, Bishop utters: "For each hero from Western Harbor there are thousands of such as me." As it turned out, Bishop was scheduled as the opposite of the fragment carrier, because it indirectly associates much, but at the same time both opposites. The hero is the villain, the faithful friend is a traitor, etc.

Grobnar Gnome Hands / Grobnar Gnomehands

« - You just think! Gnomine's hands and the liberation of the clan of the Ironfishers with all their engineering wonders - this story will have to taste in any tavern, any man, woman and child!
- Who is this gnome?
- Our bait for arrows ... Let's talk about it later. "
Kelgar Isronfiste about the grain.

Place of birth: Unknown
Race: Rock Dwarf

Condition: Unknown
Class: Bard
Worldview: chaotic-good
Deity: Garl Zlatolklesk
Owing languages: General, Dwarf


About the early period of life of the grain is known very little. Apparently, he is from the long kind of bards, and the Gombnar himself said that "all the gnome hands are the masters to tell the stories, with the exception of those who hung in Luskan." Who are these "those" and who his relatives, the gnome did not tell.

Gombnar Big fan of Cobald Dickin in general and his works on Andrtyrentide and the Underground in particular. In his adventures, together with the carrier of a fragment, the Gombnar can meet Dickin - surprisingly warmly, given the hostility between the gnomes and Koboldami.

Constantly who are in search of some Wynderswenenenev, the Combanar seems to be somewhat torn off from reality - and this is manifested in everything that he does. Too naive and carefree, it sometimes is so busy with his affairs, which completely forgets about the dangers around him. Nevertheless, from time to time, the Gombnar manifests itself a resourceful clever and a sly, which can be admired - solution of puzzles, activation of the construct. Even when Bishop took possession of the knowledge of the construct, the Gombunar covered information about his other path from him, guessing the unclean thoughts of the trafficking. Perhaps it was one of his key and very important roles in the fortress on the intersection: it provided the "loyalty" of the construct with the carrier of the fragment, and not Hribus. And then the latter used Bishop to take possession of the necessary information.

Gombnar travels with a carrier of a fragment by doing the fact that he is best obtained. Together, they were found to Wynderswenenenev (although the satellites of the grass reacted to this statement too skeptical), but the dwarf and did not think to stop at what was achieved, accompanying the carrier of the fragment to the very fortress of the shadows.

Further fate

After the defeat of the King of Shadows, the fortress in which the final battle took place, begins to collapse. The construct that cleared the path to the group, was in danger to be crushed fragments. Wishing to save their brainchild Gombnar rushed on the construct in a vain attempt to hide the golem - which witnessed Ammon Jerro, later told this by the carrier of the fragment.

However, a year later, in many taverns of the shore, people began to talk about extremely talented gnome-bard, with incredible success using a strange invisible musical instrument. Are Wairdersweight saved a grain from an imminent death?


Gombnar voiced the actor Andrew Pang. In German, the name "Grobnar" consists of two parts: grob. - "Nevous", "Grubian", and narr. - "Fool", "fool". Was it a joke on the side of the developers or this is a random pun - unknown.

Zhjaeve / Zhjaeve.

« Know that not one generation will change the other as long as I read you at least one of the annals of our people«.
Zoodle about his people.

Place of birth: Lamb
Race: Gitzerai, Woman
Age at 1374 LD: several thousand years
Condition: Unknown
Class: Priest
Worldview: ordered-neutral
Divine: absent
Owing languages: General, the language of the underdem


About the early life of Zapzhev knows a little, but it looks like a very ancient being. Perhaps she knew Zimimonon, the founder of the branch of Hitzerai, and one of this fact enshrines several thousand years of existence behind it.
During the second war, Zepzhev shadows investigated the activity of Giotius on the primer associated with Kalak-Cha; The investigation led it to the hidden base of the Black Harrus in the ruins of the fortress on the intersection. There she fell into a trap and, together with Alandon, a sage from Neverwinter, was enclosed by Harrius, who wish to gain knowledge of the king of shadows and silver swords of Giiya.

During the attack on the fortress-on-crossroads, Zatyaev mistakenly considered the spy of Giatius, but she insisted at a meeting with a fragment carrier, and subsequently joined him, arguing that her knowledge of the king of shadows and silver swords of the Giotius would be of paramount importance for a fragment carrier in upcoming battles. Among the first revelations was the meaning of the name "Kalak-Cha", which meant the "fragment carrier" on the dialect of the Language of the Labor.

Throughout the journey, Zepzhev opened the carrier of a fragment and other secrets: the value of the purification ritual, how to "control" a silver git with a silver sword, the origin of the king of the shadows as the construct of ILLEFARN, is known as "guard", the causes of the war between Giotia and Guardian. To all of the time in the fortress, she also assisted, reading the true names of the shadows of the Eaters along with Ammon Jerro.

Further fate

What happened to Zavzhev unknown. When the fragment carrier finds Ammona Jerro in Tee, he cannot confirm that Hitzerai survived, because he did not see it during his attempt to save the carrier of a fragment from the founder.


Zdzzhav voiced the actress Lisa Emery. Unlike most characters, no scenes with the character from the final version of the game are not removed.

Zezhev - priest, however, in the description of the character there is no deity. It may cause her strength from psionic skills, usual for Hitzera.

The small part of the community believes that Zezhev is the Git itself, which disappeared more than a thousand years ago while traveling to nine circles of hell.

Woile Zdzzhav can be removed using third-party mods, while finding that she has an elderly wrinkled face, combining the features of both Hitzera and Giotius. Perhaps she is a representative of the original people and witnessed its division into two races.

Kara / Qara.

« My problem is that everyone constantly indicate me what to do. I'm already terribly tired of this
Kara about his relationship with others.

Place of birth: Neverwinter
Race: Man, Illuskan
Age at 1374 LD: 19 years
Condition: died
Class: sorcerer
Worldview: chaotic-neutral
Deity: Kossout
Owing languages: Common, Chondan


Kara - the daughter of a powerful magician who founded the Academy of Mages in Neverwinter. At a certain moment of life, she was enrolled in the Academy (and even claimed a high position, as a father was ready to help), but there she, to put it mildly, did not like it. The rest converged that Kara remains at the Academy only thanks to the Father. Her innate talent for magic became the result of a mocking (and sometimes sharply negative) attitude towards her fellow students who argued that she was too unmanaged and even dangerous in order to use magic. As it turned out, it was not just an assumption when Kara once set fire to the academy stable. This led to even greater ridicule of students and culmination was the conscious decision of the punishment to leave the Academy ... following its official deductions.

Kara meets a fragment carrier shortly after leaving the Academy, he / she helps her resolve a dispute with two female students, one of whom was a daughter of Jokris, Master of the Academy. The angry father decided to reduce the scores with Karray and consisted from Sydney Natalie from the Vladyk tower, promising her open access to the Academy of Mages of the Neverwinter in exchange for the liquidation of the punishment.

Uncontrolled and harmful car, nevertheless, really mighty sorcerer. Unlike the cynical and relaxing mage of Sanda, the girl seeks to show its strength and significance, even offering a fragment carrier (with high influence) to exit instead of fighting with Lorna. Kara travels with a carrier of a fragment to the fortress of shadows, where, in front of the final battle, her conflict with Sand reaches an extreme point: one of them remains faithful to the carrier of the fragment, and the other joins the Black Harrius, betraying the rest.

Further fate

Regardless of whether the car carrier betrayed or remained in the group, as a result she dies. When, by defeating the king of the shadows, the heroes fled from the shadow-shared fortress, Kara (if he was not killed in battle between the group and Harrius) died first, not being quite prepared for such chaos.


Kara voiced the actress Jenna Lamia. Based on the game files and several NPCs that utter her name, the correct pronunciation is "Kar-Ah" (Rus. Pronounced "Car-A"), which corresponds to the standard English pronunciation of the hard "Q". However, almost all NPCs out loud "QWOR-AH" (Rus. Pronounced "Kora-A") is likely due to the fact that several words in English are really pronounced in such a style, instead of pronouncing the "soft Q" (for example, As in the word "Queen").

From the game, a lot of interesting scenes belonging to the character are cut out. So, in one of the scenes, Prévien and Ashny are discussed in the "lunar mask" of new satellites of Kara, deciding to track and kill them separately, for together those are too dangerous, for which Preiven notices that it would not mind to "track" forest elf, Having in mind Elany.

The largest part of the cut scenes belongs to complex cavities with a sndra. For example, in one of the scenes, it is explained why Sand frankly dislikes the young sorcerer. It turns out that he lost his position of an instructor at the Mages Academy because of the father of the girl, and hid the offense on both of them.

Casavir / Casavir.

« In Neverwinter, there are not so many of those who I can call my friends, and even for them their service in the first place
Casavir about friendship.

Place of birth: Neverwinter
Race: Man, Illuskan
Age at 1374 LD: 39 years
Condition: Love
Class: Paladin
Worldview: an orderly kind
Owing languages: Common, Chondan


Being a family of incorrence, Casavir once picked up a weapon in the service of the pearl of the North. The noble knight, Casavir served himself with honor, like his friend the dock of Collum, subsequently became a member of the nine of the Neverwinter. However, due to certain circumstances, Casavir subsequently left the incorrector with disgrace. The reasons for this he never opened, but Bishop suggested that this is because of the woman (as it turned out, this is true). Many in the incorrecter found his departure by betrayal, and he himself looked at himself in a mirror with shame in several months followed by the incident.

After leaving the incorrencer Casavir travels to the south to the outpost of the Spring of the Old Filin. Having spent some time there, he discovers that with each day of the onslaught of orcs and the frequency of raids on settlements increases (due to the merger of the mountain tribes, as he learns later).

The determination to protect the ardor from hitting the enemy and people from the bloody massacre with orcs, Casavir, without waiting for help from the wrongness, takes the protection of the outpost into their hands, believing that one person can change everything.

Over the next few years, Casavir conducts multiple blows on the positions of the orcs, first one, then with the help of several soldiers and mercenaries, including Sergeant Catriona. Casavir's attacks were so successful that the orcs began to be afraid of the Paladin and his people, giving him a nickname "Catalmank", meaning the warrior distraught from the rage, who lost control over himself. Ultimately, Casavir learns that the leader of the Orcs of Latographer is standing behind these attacks and begins to plan its actions accordingly.

Although I didn't wait for help from Neverwinter Casavir, the orcs managed to attract the attention of the city when the messenger disappeared from Waterdip, which was part of the Black Harrus conspiracy. Finding the activity of the orcs in the mountains of swords and their direct participation in the abduction, Nashier sends an expedition led by a collum to resolve the situation. Assistance in this expedition was the carrier of a fragment. It was in the mountains of swords of Casavir first met him.

Initially, uniting with the carrier of a fragment for the defeat of the dazzler's log, Casavir subsequently decides to go along with him to Neverwinter as an ally, along the way, hoping to somehow correct my previous errors. Traveling with the carrier of the fragment, Casavir becomes a close friend of the hero and goes to him to the end, in the fortress of shadows.

Further fate

According to Ammon Jerro, during the destruction of the fortress of Shadows, Casavir held on himself the shaved ceiling, allowing his surviving allies to be saved, but at the same time disappeared under the rubble.

However, despite serious injuries, Casavir did not die. He was found secret ministers of Luskana, captured and delivered to the city of sails in chains. Apparently, there he was judged for the murder and imprisoned.


Casavir is voiced by the actor Paul Schoeffler, and he is the only character that is a love interest for the GG-Woman. Casavir Character was also deprived of some game scenes. For example, the quest removed, which was to shed light to care Casavir from Neverwinter. As it turned out, he was the lover of Xladlastorn's hyandards, but, choosing between love for her and his duty of the Paladin, he stopped at the last. Everything ended with the fact that in the duel Casavir killed his rival, who also sought off, and he turned out to be the son of a noble Lord. In the final version of the game, Bishop hints, which knows about the causes of Casavir's departure, and when they both seek the hands and hearts of the GG-Woman, the tracker is noticed that Casavir goes on the same path again.

Kelgar Ironfist / Khelgar Ironfist

« Crazy dwarf? Heh, perhaps me very often beat on my head, but I'm already enough. So, let you prove it?»
Kelgar Isronfist about himself.

Place of birth: Mountains of swords, clan ionfist
Race: Show Dvorn
Age at 1374 LD: Unknown
Condition: Love
Class: Warrior, subsequently possible monk
Worldview: neutral-kind, subsequently possible ordered-kind
Divine: Klansheddin Silver-resistant, subsequently possible TIR


Born in the fortress Aronfist deep inside the mountains of swords, the young warrior Kelgar wanted adventures and glory, like others blessed by thunder. Nevertheless, Soklanians did not support his aspirations, and in the end Kelgar left his clan with some shame, although he does not consider his care in such a world.

Becoming the traveler of the shore of Swords, Kelgar sought to improve his military skills and wished to gain fame in battle, deliberately provoking fights with other visitors to Taverns. In the end, such an outstanding way Kelgar gained the purpose of his life. Once in the tavern, he was offended by the fact that the "grooves in robes" drink water, and not El, without showing out due respect to others, and tried (as it did a huge number of times) to provoke them to a fight. When he was ignored, Kelgar in rage attacked strangers himself, but it was brutally beaten. As he later discovered, the monks of Tira were gasts. In front of such combat skills, Kelgar decided to go straight to the wrongness and to become a monk himself. Stopping in the tavern "Watching Iva", Kelgar and met the carrier of the fragment.

Kelgar will be held with the carrier of a fragment all his way, maybe it will really become a monk. During the collapse of the Kelgar Shadow's fortress survive and follows Gargulia, employees, nephris, however, it is not necessary to achieve the shadow plan and save the carrier of the fragment.

Further fate

Shocked and angry, after returning, he went straight to Nasser with the requirements of sending search engines behind the knight-captain. Without finding the necessary resources, Nashier offered Kelgar himself to take the title Knight-captain and head the fortress on the intersection. Refusing to the title (for for him there was the only knight-captain), Kelgar still accepted the post of the manager until his friend returns, and also became one of the nails of the incorrencer.

After the events with the spirit of the Spirit, the fragment carrier returned to the shore of the swords and was restored to the rank of Knight-captain, which Kelgar, who had already begun to mourn his missing friend, was incredibly happy.


Kelgar Aronfist (like the chief villain, Black Harrius) was voiced by the ADAM Sietz actor, and is one of the few characters that were not injured from scene-cut in the final version.
In 2006, Kelgar's simpatyaga received from GameSpy award "Best Character".

Design / Construct.

« Well, he will not kill anyone if he just says: "Hey, you, kill someone" ... ah, construct, what! Stop waving blades!»
Gombnar on the management of the context.

Place of creation: ILLEFARN
Race: Mechanism, Wedge Golem
Existence time to 1374 LD: A few centuries
Condition: destroyed
Class: Warrior
Worldview: neutral
Divine: absent
Owing languages: General (understands teams)


Except that the construct was created in ILLEFARN, it is impossible to say anything definite about it. Shortly before the second war of the shadows overwhelmed the coast of swords, the construct was restored by the servant of the King of Shadows, Black Harrius, and then used them against the carrier of the fragment. At the next meeting with the carrier of the fragment, the construct was neutral, and the hero, realizing the entire value, took it. Later, after the restoration of the fortress on the intersection, the Gombanar took her hands to work on the activation of the golem.

Nishka / Neeshka.

« Usually they are called "thief", "damned", "Demonic Girl", "Rat", "Goat" - and so on. You might think that "niche" - such a complex name
Nishka about himself.

Place of birth: Neverwinter
Race: Tifling (Devil's Blood)
Age at 1374 LD: 23 years old

Class: Plut
Worldview: neutral
Divine: Timor
Owing languages: General, chondan, infernal (understands a little)


Nishka was born in an incorrece, but his parents do not know. When she was very small, Helma's priests were taken to her upbringing, but under the "upbringing" were understood by constant sermons and attempts to make her "good", which annoyed Tifling. Their efforts were not crowned with success, and the niche is still a matter of trouble. Ultimately, she decided to save the priests from the burden in the form of themselves ... and in the form of gold from the repository for donations.

Years later, the niche proven himself a professional thief of the Neverwinter, working on Leldon and his gang. During one particularly profitable robbery, Nishka solely bypassed all patrols and neutralized all traps at approaches to the treasury. Subsequently, however, Lelandon demanded a lot of stake, allegedly due to the fact that he planned a robbery. Nishka, of course, refused, and Lelandon decided to pick up money by force. Without having another way out, Nishke had to give everything, but it was not her last word: before leaving the gang, the Tifling snovered into the repository and took all the looted. The furious Lelandon offered a reward for the head of the niche, and the girl ran away from the gangsters before she was found. By the time she wondered over his position again, there was a carrier of a fragment.

Nishka followed the carrier of the fragment almost from the very beginning of his adventure, providing help with "innate skills," as she signed his abilities herself. The carrier of the fragment was one of those few who did not belong to Tiflong biased because of her origin - and the girl was pretty comfortable in his company. Later, having passed together many roads and stopping in the fortress of shadows, the niche was abducted by Black Harrius, who was trying to turn her to his side under torture, using magic, effective against her devilish blood. Depending on how closely the carrier of the fragment and nishka nearertes, it either worked or not.

Further fate

Black Harrius and the King of Shadows were defeated, and if in the final battle, the niche fought on the side of the fragment carrier, then she survived the shadows of the fortress, afterwards to Kelgar in search of the missing knight-captain. Like Kelgar, Nishka was happy to return the carrier of the fragment after the events with the Spirit Eater.


Initially, the character voiced by Naomi Peters, and several passages of the gameplay with this voice acting can still be found among the foresomy media system. However, at a certain stage of developing the game, Obsidian Entertainment took a number of changes regarding this character, and Robyn Kramer became a voice in all the works on a refusal character. This caused some confusion and led to the fact that Naomi Peters is mistakenly in the voice of the niche in some sources.

The developers admitted that the niche was conceived as a love interest for the male character - and this is confirmed by both the extremely jealous behavior of Nishka to Sandre and Elany and its rare pseudo-flower with the tendency to demand the answers. Unfortunately, it was carved from the final version of the game due to the lack of time to refine. The most delivering moment, however, did not cut out of the game: if the main character is a man, then in the asylum of Ammon Jerro (in a dialogue with one of the demons), the niche comments on the length of his childbearing organ.

From other interesting examples of cut-out content on the character, you can note the reduction of quests. So, in addition to Benon and Tremmela, the niche was to meet the third threshing psychopath named Rins, who threatened to cut off the tail of the tail and strangle them a poor girl.

The prestige class of the Helf Fire Warlock, which appeared in Storm of Zehir, makes it possible to encourage Batuez from nine circles of hell. One of the urgent creatures is a niche. However, the character of the spell is contrary to the essence of the ability (for nishka Tifling with an admixture of devilish blood, and not a purebred batenceau), and the calling niche is no more than an easter, which does not have any relationship.

There is a lot of assumptions about the origin of the niche and its abilities associated with this. It is known that in a nishke only a quarter of the sacchade of hell, and that the beginning of the kind put her grandfather. Carefully having studied the data cut from the game, you can find a lot of reference to the fact that the infernal blood of the niche carries in itself a huge power - it was because of this torture Harrus had an effect even on her "diluted" blood.

In the shelter of Ammon, Jerro, one of the demons indicates that Batseau stinks from the niche. The other notes that her relative may be trapped inside asylum. Of all hellish creatures, an open interest in Nishka shows only Mefasm, and next to him the girl feels uncomfortable - as well as next to Casavir. The in-game files suggest that the "creation" of the nihi is somehow involved, Methasm is involved - and this is confirmed by the developers. Unfortunately, we will never know the mystery of the origin of the niche.

Sand / Sand.

« Oh gods, Sand! You are so high upright your nose that I am surprised why you don't wear a hat on it!»
Shandra Jerro about Sande.

Place of birth: Luskan
Race: Lunar Elf
Age at 1374 LD: Unknown
Condition: Alive / died (depending on player actions)
Class: Wizard (transmutation)
Worldview: ordered-neutral
Deity: Mistra
Owing languages: Common, Elfi, Illuskansky


It seems that Sand was born directly in Luskan, but all his already evasive answers on this occasion are completely vague. Despite this, Luskan is exactly the place where Sand began his career and for the first time declared himself.
For some time, he consisted in the secret brotherhood, the purpose of which was the real power in Luskan into the bypass of the highest captains. Sand well showed himself in the Tower of Vladyk and received access to the numerous artifacts of the secret fraternity than and attracted the attention of black harrus - the future enemy. Nevertheless, even such a cynic, like Sand, eventually began to disturb orders from the dark fraternity. Once he donated from the direct execution of one of the orders, and this led to the fact that he was "crossed out of the list." Saving his life, Sand fled from the city, afterwards finding refuge in the walls of Neverwinter - the main enemy of Luskana.
In an incorrectrineer, his career was not too remarkable - only an instructor at the Academy of Mages Yes, the owner of the store in the area of \u200b\u200bthe market, and then in the docks. In fact, Sand was a spy of Nivalle and mined for nine incorrectrineer of various kinds of information.

While still the owner of the store in the market area, about twenty years before the second War of Shadows, Sanda found two adventure - Daigun and Duncan Farlong, who came to him immediately after the battle with the king of the shadows with a request to study two unusual silver fragments. Sand satisfied their request, but did not find anything in the subjects, except for weak magic aura. The interest in the secret of these magic items subsequently became one of the key reasons for his move to the dock area - closer to the "sunken flask", Duncan Hotel.

Neighboring for many years, Sand and Duncan learned each other well, starting complex relationships based simultaneously on mutual trust and mutual contempt. And now, it is worth talking to them with each other, these two are constantly exchanged by insults - albeit quite trivial.

However, Sand's connection with fragments was not lost, although he had long forgotten about them. A generation later, fragments again found an elf, when Daigun's reception child came to an incorrecter with the same purpose as his father 20 years ago. Sand again tried to explore the items, however, surprisingly those present, the fragments responded with a powerful resonant wave. Expanding the assumption that fragments rose in force, for some time Sand was content with this explanation, but he understood that not everything is so simple. Only Duncan knew that the fragments were already three at that time ...
Until some time, Sand will not play a special role in the travels of the fragment carrier, remaining the invisible agent of Nivalial in the docks. However, when the carrier of a fragment accuses to destroy Ambeger, Sand on the instructions of Nival will be attached to him as an investigator and a lawyer. However, Sanda was interested not only to the assistance of the Duncan's nephew, and the ability to undermine the authority of Luskana, to carry out his little revenge and defend what he considers just.

High-resistant and excessive self-confidence played with a slander, when Torio Clewen, the prosecutor from Luskana, on the trial over the carrier of the fragment, publicly announced the truth about the origin of the elf as a leaving of the dark fraternity. Despite this Sand strike, as a defender, continued to give advice to the carrier of a fragment - however, how good the latter followed his instructions after heard it was unclear. Ultimately, after the trial and testing, Sand, experiencing a certain sympathy, decided to join the carrier of the fragment in his adventures.

Further fate

If in the final battle of Sand will fight next to the carrier of a fragment against the king of the shadows, then later, when the fortress is crashes, surviving. Ammon Jerro will tell about this carrier of the fragment, explaining that Sand used a shape change spell to be resistant to incident stones. Considering the fact that the school of transmutation is the elected Sand's Magic School, and his skill in it is very high, it is possible to assert with complete confidence that the elf survived.


Sanda voiced the Fred Berman actor. The character gained enormous popularity in the women's audience, but was not conceived as love interest.

Like many other characters, Sand suffered from the contents carved from the game, a lot of it concerned his skirmish with the car. For example, a scene is removed from the game where Sand once again tells the kara about the danger of her magical strength, and the girl in rage sets up a few nearby items and changes his human guys a little. After that, the Sand is finally convinced that in the future Kara can be a very dangerous being - both for himself and for others.

In another carved scene, the veil opens the mystery over animus - elemental, which called on Sydney Natalie to destroy the punishment. For the punishment there were two ways to cope with elemental - to show restraint in magic and "disable" animus from its power source (the idea of \u200b\u200bSanda, who wants to teach the punishment), or release all his magical power and die against him.

Shandra Jerro / Shandra Jerro

« I do not need to protect me, I myself can protect yourself! Sometimes, when there are no people lizards nearby, or Giotia ...»
Shandra about their forces.

Place of birth: Unknown, House - Haikliff
Race: Man, Illuskan
Age at 1374 LD: 25 years
Condition: died
Class: Warrior

Divine: Sharty
Owing languages: Common, Illuskansky


Shandra was born shortly before the destruction of Western harbor in the first attempt to king shadows to destroy the shore of swords. During the previous battles, many of her family were killed, so many that her grandfather, Ammon Jerro, the main enemy of the King of Shadows, believed that the Jerro family came the end. However, Shandra with his parents fled from the destruction caused by the king of the shadows and his servants, and subsequently assieved in Haikliff.

Mother alone raised Shandra as an ordinary farmer, because the father of the girl died when she was quite young. Hardworking and goodha Shandra, with age, taking more and more responsibility, eventually became the head of the family. A pleasant addition to the lessons of work, which Charane received from his mother, were the stories about the powerful sorcerer Ammon Jerro, grandfather Shandry. And sometimes Mom told her daughter about a terrible place, a santa refuge filled with "fatal traps and thousands of spiders from the abyss" and greedy to the blood of the Jerro family. Sometimes fantasy shenders about asylum were so terrible that it took her many years to grow from these nightmares.

A few years before the second War of Shadows, Shandra's mother fell ill with a swamp fever, and the girl had to take on all the work in the house and on the farm, and even take care of the mother. Some time later, Shandra had already mourned her mother and stayed on her farm quite alone, rarely leaving the port of Llast and Amber, living selling grain.

Lonely life brought up stubbornness and independence in Sandre - that's why she ignored heikliff manager when he asked her to hide in the city from the attacks of people-lizards; Shandra did not think to leave the farm and stay without livelihood. At that time, she first met the carrier of the fragment, allowing him to distract himself with a conversation with him and miss the lizards, who, catching the moment, set fire to her shed. After a brief conversation, Shanda clearly gave to understand that she would never want to see the carrier of the fragment - and he left the girl. Only then to return to Shandra once again, a little later.

Amazing coincidences forced the Shandra to join the carrier of the fragment and make, probably the most important and tragic contribution to his story. Shandra helped the carrier of the fragment during the attempt by the killers of the circle of blades and at the court, in his missions on behalf of the Neverwinter and in search of invisible enemies of the city. In the end, her help led the carrier of a fragment to Zoodle, knowledge about the King of Shadows, in the ruins of Arvan ... and in the shelter of Ammon Jerro, where Shandra gave her life to save the carrier of a fragment and his satellites.

Further fate

The death of Shandry shook both - and the carrier of the fragment, and Ammona Jerro, having a significant impact on their relationship. One of the key points was a conversation on the farm of Shandra, where the fragment carrier used the degree of influence on Shandra to tell about her Ammon, who did not happen to talk to his granddaughter. Thus, Charara indirectly influenced both and in some way helped them even after death.
The grateful inhabitants of Haikliff remember Shandra a great hero who fell in the fight against the king of the shadows, and worshiped it in each crop assembly period.


The character was less damaged from the carved from the game content. From the details that were not included in the final part of the game, you should pay attention to the dialogue, in which Shanda mentions that during the disease Mother studied in the temple. There she studied the prayers of healing and discovered the possession of some miraculous forces.

In one of the conversations Shandra speaks about Ammon, which he does not know who he had to - grandfather, Praded, or Praparen. However, Ammon is one years with Aldanon and Dalure. In this regard, it is safe to argue that Shandra was the granddaughter of Ammon and that the battle in Western Harbor took place approximately twenty years before the year of thunderstorm storms.

Elaney / Elanee.

« I do not need names and titles - they talk about the customs of cities and fortresses. But if you need you, then call me Elany from the Tower, where the dead, although it is already in the past
Elany about themselves.

Place of birth: Topi Dead
Race: Forest Elf
Age: 204
Condition: Live / died (depending on the actions of the player)
Class: Druid.
Worldview: neutral-good
Divine: Silvan.
Owing languages: Common, Elfi, Advanced Druids


Elany was born in the tops of the Dead, and orphaned when the orcs came and pushed her people, dwarves and people in the depths of the wind, where they were lit in the fogs. There, her crying attracted the attention of the circle of the Tower, who sheltered the girl and taught the Secret for Nature. For more than a hundred years, she lived under the leadership of a circle, watching prosperous settlements, such as Western harbor, and for decadencies, like a dosor Redfalllow. As the last test of the circle, she was asked to live near the Western harbor and watch how the carrier of the fragment grows. Regarding this task between the elders of the circle were certain disagreements about whether Elany is ready for such or not. In the end, it was recognized in it a real druid, and after the battle, which almost destroyed the Western Harbor, the circle showed an increased interest in the surviving child with a fragment of a git's sword in his chest. Before Elany, the task was approved to keep track of the carrier of the fragment, and for decades she watched the child grew.

Gradually, Elany's interest became more personal, and to such an extent that it caused some unrest in a circle. Elany, leaning away from the rest of his duties, watched the child for months, protecting him when he dared to go out into the swamps. In recent years, the circle reluctantly gave Elany instructions, believing that the experience gained was negatively affected.

When the sidier of the Giiya Tyanka detected the location of the fragments, then immediately organized an attack on the Western Harbor. Elany begged the circle to intervene, but they ignored her request. Everything that she remained is indifferent to watch the bloody roaring in the village.

Leaving the circle, Elany continued to watch the carrier of the fragment and once decided to join him and help on the journey. Ultimately, Elany again cross himself with a circle, this time affected by the sore king of the shadows, and what will happen will be the basis of its further fate.

Further fate

If Elany betrayed the carrier of the fragment after the battle with the circle of driers, it will either die from his hand, or it will take to restore the rust. If it remains true to the carrier of the fragment and will subsequently take part in the battle with the king of the shadows, it will inevitably die in the rushing fortress.


Elany, called the Actress Ursula Abbott, the only character representing love interest for the GG-Men. Although she did not affect directly on the main character, but there was almost all his conscious life with him nearby - which, undoubtedly, makes it very close to the carrier of the fragment. Like many others, this character also suffered from scenes carved from the game, such as a quest, where Elany was gained by the support of Navan in the arrangement of a fortress-intersection.

The stronger the game is its characters. Incredibly bright and memorable characters, each of which is perceived as a holistic person and causes living genuine emotions.

NEESHKA & KHELGAR couple - Tifling Thief and Gnome Fighter - incredibly pleased the whole first part of the game. Love-Hate familiar to everyone relations, constant renovation and trenches, nascent confidence .. Unfortunately, as soon as Kelgar acknowledged that the girl's unclean on his hand could be a good friend, a couple completely abandoned. From the second half of the game, they roll to the subsistence minimum of dialogs and more and less pay attention to each other. It is very sorry, because the clarification of their relationship was very revived by life and the potential here is clearly not all.

If there was once in the games something most reminiscent of all the stages of the formation of a sincere and strong friendship, then this is Sharra Jerro. Maybe due to the constant location near the GG and the plot binding to her heritage, and maybe the developers simply were generous to the dialogues in relation to Shandra, but we were quenched with her constantly. About the house, childhood, about parents, aspirations and purposes in life. We wonderfully coincided with the worldview and the influence of my Shandra increased not only by unhappy units, but also by +2, +4. An incredibly balanced, a little mockery (not a poisonous dullness, like Sanda, and not jokes bordering insults, like Kvary), she was just the perfect conventians. And for male characters - I will not be the first who noticed - it would be just the perfect romansing invert. And even the finale of the second act only made this novel piercing and deeper. There, when Charara speaks about friendship, you really believe - you were friendly.

Voice - without any no complaints. Just wonderful. Santa niche, ulcer Sand, clumsy Kelgar - Actors Filigree transmit characters and emotions. The poisonous, the awesome voice of Bishop is just a fairy tale for "bad" girls who are playing the romance with him (more precisely, his plaguing in OC. Roman himself was cut out in front of the release in the best traditions).

And yes yes. Novels. Comrades Obsidianovtsy, well, you finally finally have BioWare!
In NWN2 novels .. A whole Odin - for m and g, respectively. Moreover, the unfortunate positive protagonists were provided with such a good one ... well, just the cheekbones reduce what. For some reason, the "female" novels and Bioware had never been particularly bright - they were very standard Valen, Sky, anomane (the latter, at least there was amazing self-conceit .. For which his Lyuto hated the male part of the players), but obsidian Beats all records .. From his "challenged" shaking. Noble exile, Paladin with a dark past ... and with Basa Shalyapin. It would be nailed if I allowed.
With my Romancing Interest Casavir actually there was one-only (last) sane lovetalk. All the rest of the time he suffered with his unauthorized departure from the wrongness. How someone was not made at the AG forum on the forum "if it were not for posts and it would not realize that with Casavir Roman, he only talk about the well."
In the old Baldur for one Shadows of AMN (without tob) Romancing Guide held 107 (one hundred seven !!!) pages of tenth font! The abyss of branched dialogs, unique saidquests and events, cross-novels and jealousness of other characters .. The novels were monstrously hard to play the first time without the help of this Talmuda (I mean Romancing Guide), because many lovetalks were tied to certain events or surroundings ( For example, be sure to spend the night of the city), and miss one thing - and the novel disappeared. But delight from the depth and sincerity of the relationship was simply stunning.

System of a set of influence glasses - genius. In the first NWN, when in the end of the game of your friends who passed the fire and water, * so * easily and not thinking about Mephistofel simply because the hero did not have the skill of Diplomacy - it looked wild. In NWN2, everything is honest, you are taking pets with you and if your worldview coincides, you become for them a significant figure.

I really liked the inclusion in the option of dialogue of highly specialized "chips". Lore Now not only the second items, but also helps the character suggest the depths of knowledge in a conversation. Spellcraft, Hide, Tumble, Appraise and many others have gained the second life in the dialogs.
Armor, raincoat and various kinds of hats are now visible not only on the "doll" of characters, but also on their portraits. Helmets, however, only on the GG, and that I edited the corresponding file and removed their mapping, since the appearance they spoiled pretty. Although the gold hoop in the portrait of the character looked very winned))

The game is very beautiful. Pre-ordered rays of the sun, golden clothes, ripples on water .. smooth, natural characters. And a variety of - when I gave my terty's long sword in my hands, she slowly stepped, throwing him on his shoulder, and rushed into battle, intercepting handle with both hands. Facial animation .. no. Tell me thanks that the heroes are moving with lips. The music also disappointed - half of the top NWN, half is simply incomprehensible.

Innovation - Tamagotchi "Build your castle". Mini-strategy in a role-playing game. We remove the walls and towers of Stronghold Keep, hire the Kuznetsov and Rudokopov, gain volunteers in our troops, we find ore to improve their weapons and armor, bring order in adjacent lands. In general, it is brilliant, although to understand the influence of your actions to the moral troops and the defense capability of the castle is not always possible at once. Plus, I was very strained by a strange binding time to exit / entry into the castle; If it did not look for "Stronghold Guide", it would hardly have guessed immediately.
The defense of Stronghold Keep is good - we have already seen it in the first NWN, there is an obsidian on the way BioWare, but does it well. Missions are diverse, and the battle itself is well played.

Just a cry of the soul: this is not a game, but one solid bug! The game began with the fact that he cut down my five-channel sound and ended after her MEDIA Player Classic was not launched. In the interval followed countless glitches and departures + monstrous control. Why, well, why was it to invent a bicycle if BioWare already up to them in the original NWN licked everything and brought to perfection. In NWN, I did not think about the control, so everything was convenient and logical .. in NWN2 I fought for a few days before setting up more or less on myself ..
Until the end of the game, I managed to face the Light of Heavens who did not react to me, which did not sell to me by Dickin, who did not even even be a fighter Kelgar (even if the influence on the hero shrinks - a clear bug), not seeing in my hand Holy Avenger monk, from - For what part of the quests remained unfulfilled.
The number of small bugs, which I did not pay attention is not amenable to description. For example, in the plot should pick up a magical book from the defeated villain. Tome of ILTKAZAR. I take * two *. The magician who demanded this book does not see anyone. Sidkvest, also associated with this volume, generally passes by the party.
Sword of Gith. Powerful weapon for the main character. Unique, with a bunch of specialists. At some point in time, I discover the second same in the investment. I'm trying to suck Casaviru (not to disappear). I took it, but the sword was confused by all my unique properties. Well, yes, I am the heart of the sword. Sorry, sorry ..
Act III Vale of Merdelain. We teleport to the whole party and * in theory * should open the selection window of four satellites. But - the next glitch - and the window does not open. No, I'm not going to the depth of the dungeon alone. For me dragged * all *. ... at all companions, and magicians also have families and creatures have been typical (which periodically started among themselves and gnawing with the parties). From such a stupid, I fell into an insoluble precipitate and all the catacombs feudded between the corpses of unlucky adventure, who found the last peace here, until all of my orals with Waire and the Ulüllucan challenged the dungeons of unfortunate mummies, skeletons and shadows.

Well, and as a result. On the one hand, NWN2 is very worthy: to move me to writing such a root, the game should be very impressed. But individual ingenious ideas still did not give a feeling of that all-consuming delight, which does not leave me in games from BioWare. And do not overshadow the feelings of disappointment from the ending (fare, you will like it .. But the final game is just amazing "empty", devoid of any emotions, except for easy amazement: "And it's * all * that they were able to say that they were able to say about the characters with whom We spent so many months of real life? "Truly, obsidian does not want to learn from his mistakes.). I will go to finish MotB, although on it reviews are even cooler. And wait for Dragon Age.

Krasotko with golden eyes is me, the Terry of Venenze. Always played exclusively people, but in the third edition of D & D just fell in love with Aasimarov. Which in general there are people .. with a small admixture of heavenly blood.

How young we were. Very young, inexperienced Teria and the first traveler, Dwarf Kelgar. We save the niche from the gangsters in military uniform. By the end of the game, the pumped niche with the swords in each hand, the full twig of the Dual Fighting / Dual Defence and a bunch of delicious thieves, can solely put the army of such warriors.

Favorite occupation of the niche and Kelgar - exhausting languages \u200b\u200bon each other. Kvaar gladly shows unprofessionals, * as * need to be called upon.

Saled Druid Elani This scene will not end with bloodshed. Captured wolves can not only let go, but also persuade to fight on their side.

"Questions, Questions - GO Ahead, I" M All Horns ". The quotes of the nichet are luxurious, like her voice acting - especially when she teases Kelgar :) In the screenshot just one of these moments.

Shandra will be held with us all the way from the farmer to a professional warrior and will open our asylum gates to Ammon Jerro.

Kistrel The Spider. One of the beings that can be bait and take with you to the fortress on the intersection. Pay attention to the commentary sample: "IT DOESN" T SEEM TO BE ATTACKING .. BUT WHAT I WOULDN "T GIVE FOR A HUGE BOOK TO CRUCH IT FLAT RIGHT NOW." With humor in NWN2, everything is in order.

We were granted Crossroad Keep.

Duel with Light of Heavens. Two paladin, two aasimar - a rare sight! And how I, it turns out, is good in the mail .. ghm. : D.

NOLALOTH THE DRAGON. More precisely will say, Nolath The Dead Dragon. Luxurious conversation scene with the spirit of the dragon.

Siege Crossroad Keep. From the Military Council as part of the entire party to the breakthrough of enemy troops to the courtyard of the fortress.

The sculptural group "I, Nishka and Casavir" goes to recalculate the bones of skeletons and other undead. Nishka, though, hinted that behind the walls of the castle it is much more comfortable. In my hands, I have a strongest weapon for killing Glavagada, Silver Sword of Gith. Yes, yes, with such parameters, it in me, perhaps, does not need any.

Wonderful mini-game "Current coffin with a vampire". Creatures, with screaming burning light, are they, bloodshots.

Warm meeting at the end of the way. For vampires, what are you offended?

That is the most romantic scene with Casavir on the background of the rebuilt Crossroad Keep. You can not imagine how my hand twitched to choose the third answer option!

An hour of insight for the hero. Hour of truth for his comrades. Who will betray, who will go to the side, and who will remain .. will remain with you even under enemy spell.