Crafts for money from coins with your own hands. Picture of money from coins with his own hands with video. Cooking materials for painting

Money tree painting is one of the most sought-after works made by their own hands. Such a picture is a solid gift for any holiday and just on the joy of close people. The money tree is remarkably suitable for any interior, as it has a neutral color without energetic colors.

There are various techniques for performing such images. It is believed that the film "Money Tree" with a crown of coins presents welfare in the financial sector to its owners.

Nuances of Technology Collage

What we need in work:

  • base for wood, burlap or any other;
  • napkins or toilet paper;
  • paints acrylic gold, black, silver color;
  • ordinary water;
  • coins of any dignity;
  • foam sponge;
  • pencil and scissors;
  • cosmetic shine;
  • without textured damage, the frame from the picture or for photos with plywood;
  • quick-drying glue and plow glue.

A tissue base for the future canvas is cut out of the prepared material. It must be placed on the plywood from the rear of the photo frame or any other picture. The fabric is cut exactly according to the size of the lined used and is fixed with glue. When the tissue base is no longer lipped and dry, a draft sketch of the tree is depicted.

Diluted in the tank of the average size of PVA and ordinary water. Diluted quantity should go 1: 1. Paper napkins of any color are cut into the flaps 2 and 3 cm wide. Ready-made billets on one weakly loose in containers with diluted glue.

On a note! You should not dare using glue on paper, as it can sprawling.

The resulting strips are carefully and tightly twisted in the form of tubes. The skilled strips of different widths will be used for different parts of the tree, thickening - for the crown, the fond - for the twigs. Therefore, when twisting, pay attention to this and not confuse. When a sufficient amount of flavors are ready, leave them until complete drying.

On a tissue basis at the location of the sketch of a tree, a glue is applied to the place of formation of the crown in a small amount. On the layer of glue, the paper harnesses are laid out, forming roots, branches, crown. The work is left until complete drying.

After preparation of the tree, you can enjoy gluing coins. Coins must be pre-cleaned and degreased with alcohol tinctures or by any detergent. For reliable mounting coins, it is better to use quick-drying glue. Monetary signs to glue at their request, but necessarily closing all the end of the branches. Tree is ready.

The next step is the design of the type of picture, that is, its painting. To do this, use the aerosol paint of black, sprayed throughout the exposure.

A wonderful combination has a gold paint covered with the upper layer. Mandatory for each stacked layer of paint, it is necessary to dry out time.

To impart light radiance, it is necessary throughout the entire exposure to walk the foam sponge with the acrylic paint of the silver shade, but not painting, but only fooling work. Withstand the time for drying, the final touch is performed - the decisive of acrylic gold paint, but only on coins. For shine, it is possible on top of all work, to its incomplete drying, apply a cosmetic shine. The product is ready, it remains until complete drying.

The finished tissue blank is already with a fully finished tree of coins to fix in the frame, and you can enjoy your individual work.

We try to create a panel

It will take:

  1. Dense base from plywood;
  2. Putty and spatula;
  3. Malyary Scotch;
  4. Paper napkins of any color;
  5. Item for crossing pattern;
  6. Glue "moment";
  7. Acrylic paints of black and gold color;
  8. Thorough sponge.

On a prepared basis, a sketch of the tree trunk and pebbles on Earth is depicted. The drawn image lines are stuck with a painted scotch, sliced \u200b\u200bon narrow and short strips.

To perform the following action, a putty and spatula are required. Putty with the tool is applied to pebbles and on the trunk of the future tree. The material is applied neatly, without bending the malarious tape.

After 20 minutes, until the putty dried completely, the strips of the painting tape are dug away. Work stands to complete drying, it is about two more hours.

When the work is completely dried, the top layer must be carefully passing the object for the Okurization.

The next step in the work is to stick coins in any order, but preferably at a weathered distance from each other.

Diluted in a small capacity of PVA and ordinary water, diluted quantity should go 1: 1. Napkins of any color are cut into flaps up to 2 cm wide. Ready-made chopped blanks on one weakly dipped into a container with diluted glue, you should not remake with the use of glue on paper, as it can sprawle. The resulting strips are gently and tightly twisted with palms in the form of tubes. Finished harnesses are pasted on one between coins.

After sticking flashes, you can put on top of the coins, which will create the effect of the volume.

After complete drying of the glue over the picture, black acrylic paint is applied. When the paint dries, with the help of a foam sponge and acrylic gold paint, a trunk of a tree, pebbles and coins are covered.

The contour of the tree trunk and stones can be highlighted with a tassel with gold paint.

At the discretion of the wizard you can add additional items. Panel "Money Tree" is ready!

Video on the topic

View also videos that show the stages of manufacturing a pattern of coins.

The art of Feng Shui teaches us: in order to become rich, you must have a money tree, because it precises as a magnet of material benefits and wealth. In souvenir shops, a wide selection of such talismans for every taste, but if you make a money tree with your own hands and put a piece of soul into it, it will increase its action several times. We bring to your attention a few options for the manufacture of a homemade treary, which does not lose any beauty or magical abilities.

Topicia from coins

Starting to the manufacture of topiary from coins (decorative trees with a figured round crown), the rules should be followed:

  1. The main emphasis is Crohn, and its diameter should be more pot in which the tree grows.
  2. The maximum size of the pot is equal to the crown width, but it is better to take a less volumetric pot so that it does not delay attention.
  3. The total height of the souvenir trees will be about three diameters of the crown itself.
  4. The trunk must be thin, but stable.
  5. So that the tree does not fall, the base-pot must be filled with heavy filler.

One of the most simple variants of the coin money is to use as a basis for the crown of a round ball of foam. Some craftsmen crawling it out of newspapers, tightly folding them and gluing them, but this option is not the best because it is very difficult to achieve a smooth rounded form. So that Krona turned out to be perfect, it is better to choose a foam ball. Its size depends on the desire and number of coins available, but it is worth considering that there must be a lot of them, because the ball is completely covered.

The ball should be prelayed with paper napkins - so it will not be slippery and the coins are better.

So, to make a money tree-topiary with your own hands, you need to pick up small coins of the same nominal, for example, in 10 rubles. It is possible to mount them either by the thermopystole or PVA glue (the first option is preferable, since it will provide good bunch). Forming the crown should be in the form of scales, namely:

A small portion of the ball should remain empty - the trunk will "grow" from here.

A tree trunk can be made from an ordinary stick for sushi and then it will be smooth or from a piece of thick cable from aluminum, bizarrely bent it. A golden effect of a wooden trunk will give painting, the cable must be wrapped with a ribbon or paper of a similar color.

It remains to assemble and "plant" money tree, namely:

  1. Secure the trunk in the left hole on the ball-crown, if necessary, using glue.
  2. A plastic glass of a small volume or a conventional cup to fill in a plaster and set a tree.
  3. When plaster freezes, "soil" in a glass to stick with coins, paint gold paint or float with sparkles.
  4. Decorate the pot with paint or plane beautiful lace.

If you wish, you can attach leaves or bows to the stem, and put a butterfly on the crown - it all depends only from the fancy of the wizard.

Elegant money tree with branches

A very gentle cash tres can be made with their own hands from coins and wires: a beautiful falling crown with golden leaves-coins will be the main decoration of the house. Make the mascot is easy to do this:

Coins can also be combined with beads, and trunk to attach different shapes.

Picture of coins

It looks implicitly not only a bulk tree, but also posted in the form of a picture on canvas or paper. This work can be performed with children, because nothing is difficult in how to make a money tree in the picture, no. The craft itself is as follows:

  1. On canvas draw contour (barrel and crown).
  2. From the paper napkins twisted in the flagella flagella.
  3. From the coins to lay out the crown.
  4. Color all gold paint.
  5. Insert a picture into the frame.

What does the money tree symbolize?

With a monetary tree, there will be a lot of money. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the main task of this talisman is to attract financial well-being and wealth to its owner, but the effect will be only if the tree put on the right place, namely in the zone of wealth. For this, the southeastern side of the premises is responsible for this, and to enhance the action of the money tree, the fountain is recommended.

The Chinese female shui experts assure that the decorative tank-talismans must have 10 branches on which exactly 100 coins are located - this combination has a maximum magical effect.

If you are shaking such a tree and produce with coins with leaves, soon we should expect material benefits. True, this or not - this is to solve you.

As for the living money tree (Tolstanka), the plant also saves his symbolism if it is necessary to care for him. In this case, that the flower affects the material state in a positive way, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaflets, not allowing the formation of dust on them - it will lead to the opposite effect (spending and loss of money). The drying of the bush also foreshadows an unplanned waste.

To activate the action of Money Tolstanka, the bottom of the Vason should put a coin and annually on the eve of Christmas rinse it under running water.

Summing up, I want to say: if the house there are reserves of the little things, including old coins, be sure to try to make a mascot of them. Money tree made with love with your own hands, not only decorate the house, but will also become an original gift for friends and acquaintances.

Making a money tree from bead - video

A selection of master classes on how to make a monetary tree (Topiary) from coins, bills and beads with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and video tutorials.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Complexity: 5/10

  • shell from under pistachios;
  • coins, souvenir bills;
  • beads;
  • bath salt;
  • plastic plates;
  • motor wire;
  • building gypsum;
  • gold paint;
  • small flower pot;
  • drill;
  • FUM tape or thread;
  • glue.

A tree that brings happiness. Who will refuse such a gift? We offer to make this magic village do it yourself.

Money Tree (Topiary) Gold Color

We will need:

How to make money

Step 1

We do holes in shells from pistachios. To do this, we use our drill

Step 2.

In order to make a leaf for wood, we will use wire and shells with done holes.

Cut off 15-20 cm wire and tie to shells

Step 3.

We twist the wire spiral

Step 4.

To get a small twig, twist a few leaves with each other

Step 5.

For a whole twig you need to connect 2 - 3 small. We try to repeat the structure of the real tree

Step 6.

We connect a few whole twigs among themselves - we get a small tree (so that it is natural, the structure is sampled with living trees)

Step 7.

So that the trunk was durable, wind by its thread or fuma ribbon

Step 8.

Apply a golden paint

Step 9.

While the paint will dry, take the pot of small size and stuff it with plaster. We sat down a tree and wait for frozen

Step 10.

Pain the pot

Cash Money Tree

We need:

  • Coins
  • Drill or drilling machine
  • Gold paint
  • Newspaper
  • Copper wire
  • Aluminum wire
  • Disposable plastic plates (deep and small) or pot
  • Glue (PVA and instant)
  • A rock
  • Gouache
  • Bath salt
  • Zelenka (if there is no gouache green)
  • Figurine toad with a coin in the mouth (optional)

Step 1

We take coins of the same size and do holes in them. To do this, use a drill or machine for drilling holes

Step 2.

In place where we will paint coins, we will drag the newspaper, so as not to get dirty everything around. We lay out coins and put the paint of gold color. Do not forget that they need to be painted on both sides

Step 3.

Making little twigs. To do this, fasten 3 coins copper wire

Step 4.

Making big twigs. We fasten 3 small twigs in one big

Step 5.

From aluminum wire, make a sign of the American dollar (you can do any other, which more like it :))

Step 6.

Connect the copper wire

Step 7.

Now we attach large twigs to the dollar icon. To do this, use copper wire

Step 8.

We make a pot for money. To do this, we will need deep and small plastic plates, PVA glue diluted with water 1 to 1, which must be mixed with plaster. We pour a deep plate with a mixture, insert the shallow into it and fill everything again (tree trunk too). On top put stone, for beauty and weighting design

Step 9.

Take gouache and paint the trunk and a pot of brown paint

* We applied on top of the gold paint, you can not do it

Step 10.

For glitter, cover our lacquer tree

Step 11.

This is not all, go to the decoration of the tree. To do this, use a bath salt mixed with a greenfoot or gouache. Its glue around the tree, using the moment or any other instant glue

This master class is almost completed. For decoration, we added toad with a coin in your mouth, you can not do it.

We need:

  • Clay pot
  • Paralyon cone
  • Wooden sticks (you can use wands for sushi)
  • Money
  • Pins
  • Toothpick
  • Paper
  • Scissors

How to make a money tree from bills

Step 1

Cut the part of the cone and put in a pot

Step 2.

On wooden sticks on the cone and put in a pot.

Step 3.

With the help of pins, fasten the bent money to the cone. We do it gradually, in the ranks, starting from the bottom.

Step 4.

After you feel the whole cone, we consider the tree from all sides so that there are no gaps

Step 5.

Cut out of paper with an asterisk and glue it to the toothpick

Step 6.

Wear an asterisk to the top of the cone

You can decorate a tree from dollars with festive ribbons and bright labels.

Based Money Tree (Bonsai)

We need:

  • Green beads
  • Copper wire (fat and thin)
  • Old plate
  • Foil
  • PVA glue
  • Building plaster
  • Gouache

How to make a monetary tree from bead (bonsai) with your own hands.

Step 1

We take thin wire and ride 9 beads - we get 1 small leaf. We make such 5 things and connect them. It turns out a small twig

Step 2.

Click all 5 twigs to form a "bunch"

Step 3.

From such twigs, make full branches. It all depends on your imagination and creative ability. They can do an unlimited number

Step 4.

Let's get a thick wire and make a frame for wood (we note again, it is not necessary to do as we, experiment). Thumb rods connect thin wire

Step 5.

Put on a plate (pre-wrapped in foil), see how it will look

Step 6.

Lubricate the skeleton with a mixture (recipe: weighing glue and water 1 to 1 and add construction gypsum). Do not forget to smear the bottom of the frame, it will be a kind of stand

Step 7.

Using thin wire, screw the sprigs to the frame

The money tree can be different: flower bills "grow" on one, and on the other - coins. And that and other options are good, the matter is performed. Nevertheless, Topiaria from coins look more convincing, and somehow more associated with the theme of wealth and financial plans.

Money tree is not just a souvenir. This is a toopiary, which in any sense of the word has the value also because there are often new ten-membrane coins for its manufacture. Why new? Because you do not have to get them with your own hands to the brilliance or somehow decorate - they themselves look good.

To create topiary from coins you will need:

  • Foam ball for the base;
  • Ten-mela coins (new or souvenir);
  • Thermopystole;
  • PVA glue;
  • Aluminum cable;
  • Pot or plastic cup;
  • Decorative trifles - sparkles, rhinestones, tape, braid;
  • Acrylic paints.

The master class begins with the fact that you will have to glue the ball. The ball is or a billet from the foam, or the base for the crown, which will have to do with your own hands. It can be a design of papier-mâché, or filled with mounting foam slightly inflated balloon. Clear coins can be on children's little balls.

To glue coins well, the ball surface should not be slippery. Place it with paper or napkins. Clear coins are needed by a thermopystole. If you glue the swamp, the tree will not have a beautiful crown.

The coins are glued:

  • First glue one coin, and two more two above it. These two must be fixed so that the first coin is under them, in the middle, and they have laid on it on the principle of scales.
  • Then the island of these three coins are placed on all sides. And then gradually scaly gluhable coins.
  • In one of the places of the ball, leave a small plot for the hole in which the barrel will enter.

The money tree should have a beautiful crown, so the alternateness of gluing coins is so important.

Topiary from coins (video)

Topicia from coins with their own hands: We take a step by step

Actually, Crohn is the most difficult thing that you have to do with your own hands, if we consider specifically this master class. If you are afraid that the coins are not sticking as needed, orient to the photo. If it turns out to make the same row as in the photo, go on.

And now what the trunk should have a monetary tree. This master class suggests it from an aluminum cable. You can bend the cable as you need, and then it is perfectly fixed on the glue in the hole-crown hole. You can decorate the trunk, simply wrapped it with a fine golden ribbon.

Next, see how the trunk looks like with the crown. If you want some other decoration, then rhinestones are on the coins, not everything, of course. Another option is bulk stickers. These are the same beads and rhinestones on a sticky basis, which can often be bought in the department for children's creativity.

Money tree: ideas (video)

Topicia from coins: decorate the pot with your own hands

The next thing that says to make this master class is a pot. It is difficult to find a vazonchik, which is ideal for souvenir. It is clear that it should be the same on the decor, that is, - golden.

How to make a beautiful potty do it yourself:

  • This mini master class consists of simple steps. Take an ordinary plastic cup, preferably - wide. Declaring it and paint a beautiful golden acrylic paint.
  • Just paint will not be enough. You can use sequins, color salt, small rhinestones and painted butchers. Dedovsky way, when sparkles are made with their own hands with flourishing Christmas tree toys, will also fit. In general, the photo gallery is shedding, perhaps something will want to repeat what to do in its own way.
  • Next, you need to fill in plasterAnd so far the plaster is not frozen, stick the table in it, making sure that he fastened firmly. The top layer of plaster must be decorated, otherwise Topiaria from the coins will be a space in this place. The easiest option is to throw the same coins or just pour a sparkle.

Do not forget to make a photo - if the tree turned out to be beautiful and elegant, it will not be superfluous to boast. And you can remove the photo master class.

Topicia from coins with their own hands (video master class)

Topicia of coffee and coins

And another tree from coins can also be coffee. Coffee Topiary is good with its aroma and perfection of coffee beans. How to combine coins and coffee?

Master class - Coffee Topicia with coins:

  • The most popular Topiary of this type, which you can create your own hands, is a coffee wallet. Such a tree has its own highlight, and it lies in the fact that the crown you are caught by the grains of coffee, leaving the triangles for coins. This triangle is distinguished by a zippecker, where coins are visible. The complexity is only that everything needs to be fixed very neatly, and coffee, and coins.
  • Often, the topiary of coffee and coins is performed in the form of a packing cup. The main thing, with your own hands to build a durable frame in the form of a jet of coins and coffee. It is he who fastens the design. Coffee grains can be on a plate where the jet is presumably poured.
  • Sometimes coffee is painted under the color of coins. Then it turns out a beautiful golden design that does not lose its raisin, and this, of course, coffee fragrance.

And sometimes the topiary from coffee is complemented by a pair of coins in a pot, as if beat the topic of money tree.

Specificity of the coffee decor (video master class)

Topiaria - exquisite interior trees, by the number of various photos one can judge how popular is the creativity today. Try and you create your topiciary from the brilliant moment, and let him help fulfill your desires and be the keeper of finance in your home.

Topiary from coins (photo)

From the coin looks more attractive than from the bill. Make it enough simply if you follow the instructions. Coins can be used different: old and new, large and small, silver, gold and painted paint.

What materials will be required for work

For the manufacture of said items, the following materials will be required:

  • foam ball for the base;
  • coins of any nominal and species;
  • aluminum thick wire, branches, sushi sticks - for the trunk;
  • tape for decorating the trunk;
  • stand;
  • gypsum;
  • paints;
  • glue;
  • thermopystole;
  • decorative elements;

Topicia from coins with their own hands (video)

Variants of Topiaria

Topiary from coins will be an excellent decoration of the desktop. The souvenir not only looks attractive, but also, according to Feng Shui, attracts wealth.

Simple Topiary

  1. First you need to pick up the basis. As it, a ball of foam or foam rubber is usually taken, a diameter of about 8 cm.
  2. Coins are attached to the ball with glue. First one coin is glued, and then four on the sides (at the same time they should slightly enter the first coin). The base is not fully inserted: you need to leave a place to put it on the trunk. So that the coins are glittered and did not lose attractiveness, they are covered with varnish.
  3. The barrel is inserted into the ball, and the place of their connections for reliable fixation is treated with glue. Then this area can be reapged with ribbon or corrugated paper.
  4. The trunk is decorated with a beautiful ribbon.
  5. Additional decorative elements are glued onto the ball, such as a bows.
  6. The tree is installed in a pot, partially filled with plaster. The pot can be made independently of a plastic cup, and you can purchase in the store.
  7. The inner part of the pot is decorated, for example coins or artificial grass.

Topicia from coins and coffee

At the same time, the product will not only look nice, but also tasty smell. It is best for such an option as a "coffee wallet". It is preparing simply: the ball base is covered with coffee grains, and in one part it is left a triangle for fixing coins.

You can also do "". Coins in this case are fixed on a solid wire, depicting a jet, pouring out of a cup in a saucer. Coffee grains are glued on the saucer (if you paint them under the color of coins, the toopiary will look as smart as possible and rich). And you can only make an easy hint of money themes, adding in just a couple of coins.

Tree from small coins

If you want to make a topiary that will be like a real tree, you will need the following materials:

  • coins;
  • gypsum;
  • drill;
  • a rock;
  • paints;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • newspaper;
  • glue;
  • pot;
  • wire;
  • cash figurine Feng Shui.

Tree makes as follows:

  1. With the help of a drill in coins drill holes.
  2. Coins are laid out on the newspaper and paint in golden color on both sides.
  3. Form small twigs, fastening the wire three coins, and then combine them into large branches.
  4. The barrel makes the barrel and attach the branches to it.
  5. Prepare a stand: Gypsum is poured into the plastic plate and placed in the middle of the stone.
  6. Barrel and stand paint brown paint.
  7. The whole design is covered with varnish.
  8. The crown of the tree and the stand decorate the sea salt of any color placed on the glue.
  9. The Feng Shui figurine is glued to the stand, for example, monetary toad.

Other cash trees

Excellent from the Korelus branch, which is sold in any flower shop. You can decorate the leg of the money tree and bent coins: the work is painstaking, but such a trunk looks very effectively. For one Topiaria in this case, about 200 coins will need. Fasten them on hot glue. Also to create a barrel use foil and wire, plastic sticks from a flower store, wooden bases for brushes.

On the crown, together with coins, rolled and planted on the toothpicks of bills, folding them with pounders, tubes, harmonica and fan.

As a basis for Topiaria, you can take a ready-made artificial tree, the green foliage of which will be perfectly combined with paper banknotes and silver coins.

The crown is sometimes decorated with beads or pistachio shell: They give the craft ease and grace.

As a stand for money trees, a variety of tanks are used: beautiful boxes, floral porridges, cute cups or mugs, and for small topiaries - even seashells. Stands are decorated with burlap and twine, decorated by beads, cloth, rhinestones, lace. Sometimes approves or ornament.

How to make topiary from coffee and coins (video)

Creating Topiaria from coins is a creative and exciting process. The art object made with their own hands is able to become a decoration of any room, be it an apartment or office.