Health benefits from playing badminton. Influence of badminton on health What qualities is developing badminton game

In this article, we will tell about everything you need to know the parents who decided to give their child to badminton. Do you learn: how old is it best to start classes? What are medical contraindications? How much will the workout cost? And how to choose a badminton section?

Badminton takes its origins in the ancient game in the Waic, which originated before our era. In Europe, he came from India only in 1873 due to the duke bofort. By the way, in honor of his English estate, badminton house is this game and received such a name. In 1934, the International Badminton Federation appeared, and in 1992 he was introduced to the Olympic Games Program.

Badminton is played by one or pairs. The main task of the player or a pair to reflect the racket of the waist, so that he returned to the opponent's field and fell to the ground, and would not be reflected again.

From what age

Badminton is a fairly vigorous game, while it is small-acting. During the class of badminton, children develop such qualities as agility, endurance, flexibility, high-speed-power indicators.

In the Badminton Section, children are most often taken from 8 years. In some cases, classes start from 10-12 years in the preparatory group.

Usually, the training program includes practical and theoretical classes. In addition to exercises, which are aimed at the development of general physical training, children perform special exercises, also in the training program there are mobile games.

It is worth saying that the children of preschool age comprehend the basics of badminton more difficult than schoolchildren. Therefore, it is not worth a hurry, at an early age, a child can be attached to family games in badminton, if, of course, you play it. But serious, regular classes are best started at school.

Medical contraindications

All sports have their own contraindications. Badminton is no exception. Before sending a child to a section, pay attention to the absence of the following health problems:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, problems with knee joints);
  • chronic diseases in the stages of exacerbation;
  • respiratory diseases.

Before the start of the classes, badminton will definitely consult with a pediatrician and get a certificate from him, allowing this sport sessions.

Girls and boys

Badminton is equally suitable for girls and boys. In this sport during the competition men and women can play together.

Classes will have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional development of representatives of both sexes. As a result, the girls and boys will receive a tightened figure, a clever, strong and hardy body. At the same time, it is not necessary to worry that the shoulders of the girls will become too broad, such a problem is not characteristic of badmintonists.

In addition, son or daughter will develop analytical, logical thinking and intuition. No wonder badminton is called "chess with a racket." The fact is that the Volan needs not only to repel, but also to predict the actions of the opponent, consider such a flight trajectory, at which he will not be able to get on it a racket. These qualities will undoubtedly use a boy or girl in school.

Badminton has many other advantages, they will tell about them in the next section.


According to the researchers of the Vienna University, Badminton takes 13 position among the most useful, safe and effective sports. Indeed, badminton has a lot of advantages. Among them:

  • Improved vision. Unfortunately, the current trend is such that the vision in children begins to deteriorate at an early age: 3 - 4 years. Badminton is the sport that will help keep your eyesight your child. After all, during the game there is a permanent eye training: it is necessary to continuously monitor the waist, which moves at different speeds. Due to this, the blood circulation of the organs of vision is improved.
  • Development of purposefulness. Badminton game, which will teach a child to achieve large and small goals. He learned to get along the war and this can be considered a small goal, then throw it through the grid and seeks the enemy to beat off the feed. The achievement of each of these goals is undoubtedly brings the young badmintonist joy and teaches not to be afraid to put in front of him in the life of the goal of varying degrees of complexity.
  • Posseably affects psycho-emotional state and nervous system. It is noted that during the game in badminton, a nervous system is involved in the work, even more than in case of strength sports. The result is a good prevention of diseases associated with personality disorder. In addition, children who are engaged in such a moving and energetic sport are less than others are affected by a bad mood.
  • Healing the body. Badminton favorably affects the heart, vessels and respiratory organs. As a result of workouts, the volume of lungs increases. There are cases when asthmatics went out into the stage of long remission, engaged in badminton.
  • Tighted body. During the game in Badminton, the muscles of the legs, press and hands work. Regular training makes them stronger and relief.
  • Training dexterity and endurance. With each new training, your child will be more and more and more developing these skills. He will learn to reflect the Volan, who flies at a great speed, and for this, it is just the same with adequity and endurance.
  • Safe sport. Unlike contact sports, badminton is considered to be small. Due to the fact that there is no direct interaction between players, injuries are rare.


Despite a large number of advantages, badminton has a pair of minuses:

How much less classes are

Badminton can be engaged in both the group, and individually with the coach. The cost of one group children's training in the metropolitan sports complexes begins from 350 rubles. Subscription for 12 classes will cost 2500 - 4500 rubles for a month. Individual training will cost 2000 - 4000 rubles.

More budget and at the same time no less promising option.

In addition to paying training, it is necessary to prepare for spending on competitions, fees, inventory and equipment. The list of your purchases will include:

  • Racket. In sports stores, a badminton children's racket costs 2000 rubles. By the way, the racket should be carefully chosen. It is necessary to carefully look at its length, weight, material. Beginner athletes are best to choose a racket with average length and weight indicators. When it is clear what kind of game style is inherent in badmintonist (aggressive or dynamic), then you can buy a racket that suits its individuality. For example, a long racket provides a stronger blow compared to short. Heavy allows you to make a blow, which will be difficult to accept, but also efforts will need more than when using a light racket.
  • Volan: 700 - 2000 rubles. The main projectile in badminton is worth choosing no less carefully. For training, you can use plastic waist, on competitions - feathers. The characteristics of their flight are slightly different. No less important and weight of the volat. What he is harder, the faster flies.
  • Sneakers for Badminton classes can be bought for 2500 - 5,000 rubles.
  • Tenniska costs 2000 - 3000 rubles.
  • Skirt or shorts have a mid-price of 2 500 rubles.

How to choose a section

When choosing a badminton section for children, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Proximity to home. Badminton training takes a lot of strength. This sport is one of the most energy-intensive. Take care of the child and try to choose the most convenient location of the section. The easier it will be reached to the house, the higher the likelihood that the young athlete will remain for the fulfillment of homework. Agree, this is no less important than a successful training.
  • Trainer. The choice of coach depends on your goals. Want big heights, choose the appropriate coach. His approach to children, the ability to establish contact, the title, personal achievements in this sport and the achievements of pupils are important. Are you afraid to make a mistake with the choice of a badminton coach? Look on the Internet reviews or find out from friends whose children are already going to his section.
  • Cost of classes. This criterion directly depends on your financial capabilities. Be sure to take into account them so that the classes brought as much pleasure as possible.

Badminton in terms of medicine

Badminton is one of the most complex sports requiring high physical fitness. Badminton is an effective tool that increases the overall tone, removes the voltage, develops various physical qualities, such as dexterity, speed, endurance, and others. It should also be noted that the game of badminton affects the speed of thinking. Badminton is also called "chess with a racket", because In the process of the game, the badmintonist must very quickly calculate the "moves" - a different likelihood of how the enemy respond to his blow, and how he himself will answer the opponent's blow. There are several impact options at once. To calculate it, a great speed of thinking is needed, which develops in the process of training and competition. In the process of the game, the participants have to follow the trajectory of the volan flight, which is a useful gymnastics for the eyes, as well as perform many slopes, short runs, jumps and extensions. Badminton helps not only strengthen the physical condition, but also improve the emotional state of the playing. Badminton enters the top three most energy consumption. Intensive movements on the site help players keep their body in great shape, prevent excess weight. Jumping in the process of playing badminton stimulate the strengthening of bones and ligaments. But at the same time, the jumping technique movements in badminton does not have a negative effect on the spine, because From the very first training, players learn to move with soft jumps, practically not landing on the heels (when landing on the heels there is a shock load on the spine), thereby reducing the burden from the spine. In the process of regular training, coordination abilities are developing, high-speed qualities, strength, flexibility, agility, endurance, there is a beneficial effect on the development of nervous and cardioresis systems. But the most important useful influence of badminton, according to specialists, is an impact on organs of vision.

Badminton and vision

Elena Tarutta, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholts told how badminton classes are reflected in children: "Badminton is a acceleration training. In addition, badminton replaces massage. Children are less likely to ill, including ORZ, strengthens the general state of health, "says Elena Tarutta. - In addition, there is deep ventilation of the lungs. All these factors are together in the form of the game. Children are now very tense at school, and the game of badminton shoots stress. Vision in children is beginning to deteriorate now in early childhood, in three or four years. Badminton will help preserve vision. " In ophthalmology under accommodation (from lat. Accomodatio - adaptation) understand the adaptive mechanism of the organ of vision, providing a clear vision of various subjects under consideration at various distances from the eye. When there are two subjects ahead at various distances, it is clearly visible either one or another item, but it is impossible to see clearly both items at the same time. It depends on the fact that the optical system of our eye gives a distinct image on the retina only in relation to one distance of any distance, and it is precisely where the subject is currently located at the moment; The items that are closer or fixed are allowed on the retina blurry images and therefore visible in unclearly. To switch when viewed by objects from one distance to another, we must accommodate: however, the refractive conditions in the eye change in such this way that each time on the retina it turns out a distinct image of a fixed object. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe accommodation mechanism was for the first time most successfully formulated by Helmholz. According to his theory, the tension of zinc ligaments of the lens weakens with the reduction of the ciliar muscle, and the latter, by virtue of its elasticity, seeks to take a more spheroid form. When accommodation, some changes occur in the front of the eye: the pupil is narrowed, the depth of the anterior chamber decreases, the crystal is lowered by a few books. The narrowing of the pupil at accommodation is due to the peculiarities of the innervation of the ciliary muscle, which, like the sphincter of the pupil, is innervated by a sprig of the glasses. The excitation of the glasses, associated with accommodation, is reflexively transmitted to the pupil sphincter. The highest stress of accommodation is characterized by the position of the nearest point of clear view (PUNCTUM PROXIMUM - P), i.e. The very short distance, on which the eye can still clearly see the item. Knowing the situation of the further and nearest points of view, you can obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe strip of space, within which clear vision is possible, i.e. Accommodation area. The refractive increase required to translate the installation of the eye with a further point of clear visibility to the nearest, is called the amount of accommodation.

Under the accumulation of accommodation, they understand more or less long and excessive voltage, continuing and after the eyes stopped fixing the close item. Spasm usually occurs in children and young people as a result of long-term load on the eyes, long-term stress of accommodation, as well as in injuries, action to the eye is very bright light. Accommodation spasm can impress myopia. Now the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the blood goes worse to the head, including the eye, the nutrition of the visual nerve, the retina of the eye is disturbed. When people whose work is associated with seating the position of the body and with large loads on the eyes, it seems that vision begins to fall, and the examination does not confirm this, most likely the reason in asthenopia - the fatigue of the eye muscles. It develops due to overwork of the glasses and accommodative eye muscles. In the course of deregional research, specialists concluded that badminton is the best sport that improves blood circulation of organs of vision, since WALAN, which is approaching the eye, is removed from it, the glasses work very well. The badminton federation conducted research and found out that badminton removes many vision problems, because There is a constant muscle training that is responsible for the focus of view, these muscles become strong, workers, many diseases do not develop, the vision is improving. During the workouts and matches of badminton, all groups of muscles are involved, including the muscles of the eyes and the collar zone. Tracking the waist in the game of the game is similar to the exercises that are recommended ophthalmologists as gymnastics for the eyes. There are also special computer programs that work on the same principle of tracking the eyes of approximation and removal of the subject. Such exercises act as follows. It is necessary to focus on close subject, then translate it to the subject in the distance, to make the rotational movements of pupils and so on. That is, a person sits 10 minutes a day, trains eyes. But it turned out that the entire exercise complex was involuntarily applied during training and games in badminton. And the leading eyepieces confirmed these observations. The height of the standard hall is 12 meters, the platform width is 6 meters, length -13. And for the hour of training the eye, tracking the flight of the wave up and down, right-left, that is, watching all sorts of spatial movements, get the load needed for them, the training of the eye muscle occurs, thereby decreases the accompliance spasm and the vision is reduced. Similar exercises prescribe ophthalmologists to children with poor eyesight. But make a restless child to perform this exercise is quite difficult. Playing in badminton, the child does all these exercises in the game form, plus gets a load in motion. The heart drives blood into the vessels, there is blood supply to the cortex of the brain, all organs, and as a result, it turns out active training in a comfortable for eye. This is a scientifically proven fact. As for adults, the following is the following - vision at least does not deteriorate. In children, it is seriously improved by training weakened eye muscles.

Badminton not only for young and healthy

As experience shows, badminton is useful not only to children and people in full bloom with good health. Some badminton clubs offer special health groups for the elderly, as well as for people with health problems or restored after injuries and operations. Badminton classes allow people of secondary and older age not only to improve the figure, but also to build up muscle tissue, strengthen the cardiovascular system and the overall state of health. In addition, special exercises based on a badminton game help reduce body mass index and fat deposits, including in the abdomen, improve the posture and mobility of the joints. All this leads to the fact that the elderly people engaged in badminton live longer and lead a more active lifestyle. Exercises that are given in Badminton training are especially useful for tachycardia and other heart problems. In systematic classes, the heart muscle increases, the amount of blood sugar is reduced during diabetes. In addition, constantly watching the flying waist, the muscles of the eye are trained, which is also very important in adulthood when the vision is rapidly deteriorating. When problems with respiratory authorities, badminton also has a positive effect. There are cases when people with asthma completely got rid of this ailment, thanks to Badminton classes. Separately, I would like to note that badminton is called a "longevity game." The advantages of the game in badminton are especially evident in age sports. Rarely in which sport in competitions officially there are age categories 65+ and 70+ years. European and world championships in badminton among veterans became an ordinary event. They collect thousands of participants and tens of thousands of spectators.

Badminton in terms of psychology

How is badminton connected with psychology? First, badminton, almost the only game in volume. Almost all the other game sports (hockey, tennis, football) are plane games, where the projectile moves in the plane (some approximation to the bulk of basketball, volleyball, but these are team sports). Volan flies with a large amplitude up and down, as well as in width and deep, approaching and removing. Accordingly, having the bulk of badminton, as well as a small, quickly moving projectile, we get a very good tool for neuropsychological development of spatial thinking, coordinate coordinates with space, the development of physiological and psychological vision. If you carry out the parallels of badminton and psychology, the concept of "purpose" becomes one of the most important concepts. If you carefully look at the flow of life, we will see that our whole life consists of goals - small and large, easily achievable and completely not achievable (in our opinion, although this look can be erroneous). So in badminton - there are goals. It can be said that a small goal is to get along the war, and Big - win the Championship or Olympics.

But such a small goal, like getting along the war, for a small child becomes a big goal. He still does not know anything about the championships or Olympiad. For him to get along the volan - it is a big goal. It is enough to see the enthusiastic eyes of the child who first came across the volan. They are so much joy, surprise and pride, how much can only be from the first step! How many times he could not take this naughty Volan, how many times scared, and now - success, got! The goal is achieved! And this is only the first goal. The next goal will be shifted by a flock of a waist through the grid. By the way, what is the grid? This is an obstacle. An obstacle to achieving the goal. After all, in life, too. When there is a goal in life, then there are also obstacles to its achievement. And this obstacle must be overcome. So for the young badmintonist. It is necessary to overcome the obstacle - the grid, in order to achieve a new goal - so that the Volan flew over the opponent's side. This will also be difficult first and will require several stubborn workouts. But this goal will be achieved, and again will be joy! The child will already be consolidated by the fact that the achievement of goals first really, secondly, he will know that it will bring a lot of positive emotions. He will want to strive to put new goals, because it will not be afraid of them. So, with small chambers and, most importantly, in a game form, a strong volitional person will be brought up, which, by going to a great place, will achieve great success, regardless of whether this small athlete will grow champion or not. For adult players of any level of the game, there are also goals in each game, as well as each game becomes the goal. By the way, it was noticed that those who were engaged in badminton in childhood, one way or another connect their further life with this sport. Even those who threw it for some reason, then returned to badminton. The second concept that binds badminton with psychology is the concept of "self-expression". If you think about this word, then self-expression is what our life is. A person expresses himself, manifests, and that he lives. If a person does not show himself, he's no matter how. If a person has insufficient self-expression, he feels that something is wrong in his life. Everyone is different here, from light discontent with their lives to deep depression. The game in badminton allows a person to express themselves, and, by virtue of its abilities and the level of the game. In clubs, where they are playing badminton, there are always players of different levels and a person always has a choice with whom to play. All self-expression manifests itself in life in different ways: at work, in the family, in creativity. If a person in these spheres of life lacks self-expression, he is looking for him in those areas that allow him to self-expanded the body. After all, a person is primarily the body. The simplest and most affordable place where the body gets a job is a sport. But what kind of sport is available to a person who did not do with childhood sports? It is difficult to come to such a person in gymnastics, for example, or in team sports, where you need to find at least 2 team players of their level, and this is not easy. And in Badminton, it is enough to find only one person of its level of the game and start playing, start managing yourself in the game and get the joy of self-expression from this.

Thus, playing a badminton, a person gets an occupation, an interesting and fascinating, gets a scheme to overcome himself, learns and improves possession of his own body. This gives an increase in self-confidence, faith in his strength, which will definitely affect all the spheres of his life. A person becomes psychologically sustainable to all the difficulties that are found in life. The solution to any psychological problem requires solving problems related to self-confidence, with overcoming yourself, with work on oneself. Like any sports contest, badminton makes it possible to realize its aggression, overcoming uncertainty, removal of stress, etc. Badminton is available to professionals and beginners, as well as psychological literature, in a rare sports competition, you can go out, there is little knowing about this sport, and after the first classes to fight on equals with other newcomers of your level and enjoy the game. At the same time, the Badminton Equipment is one of the most inexpensive in sports, you can play in a regular T-shirt and shorts, and the possibility of self-improvement is limitless. Gradually, we approached the third concept connecting badminton and psychology - the concept of "self-improvement". There are no borders in Badminton here. Having learned the elementary shocks, the technique of these blows continues. And since the blows in badminton are a lot, and combinations of shocks and more, then it is possible to work in this direction to infinity. Even the masters of sports work on the improvement of shocks, bringing them to the filigree accuracy. And, if we talk about lovers, then they have the possibilities of self-improvement are truly limitless, it is necessary to work on shocks, and over the movement on the site. And here, as well as in achieving the goal, a person acquires confidence when he sees progress in mastering the game. And the progress will always be! Because in badminton there is a moment - if a person regularly plays a badminton, he will improve himself with himself. The secret here is that a person will seek to work in the direction of improving the game, and no one will force him. Is there a lot of moments in the life when a person wants to work and worry himself, and not because it is necessary? Thus, you can say, playing, a person will improve his body, his own spirit, and will improve the general psychological state. A person will be confident in life, will radiate joy and positive energy. It is very difficult to find durable and sad people among badmintonists. It is possible as a hypothesis, to note another moment affecting the psychological health of those who play badminton.

Remember how in childhood a little man builds himself houses from the primary means, thus limiting the world around him. What is the child doing this? In order to limit ourselves to the outside world and create your own world. This own world, limited by the framework, carries security and predictability. This is a world in which the child himself decides, light there or dark. This is a world where the child feels the owner, where he himself decides who to let the world in this, and whom not to let. When a person plays on the court, he also falls into such a world limited by the framework (platform lines). And this world is as safe and predictable, the relative of the big world, which surrounds us in everyday life. Coming to the club after work, a person playing badminton, pays off all the problems and fatigue from the working day. It turns out that it falls into a kind of "relax zone". Also, remember that childhood is the game time, time free from worries. Therefore, when a person is immersed in the game, he frees herself from worries. This is especially pronounced in those who played badminton in childhood. Entering the game, the effect of the "time machine" is triggered, a person is transferred to his childhood, where he lived easily and carelessly. Psychologists note that many relaxing and, switching consciousness, technicians (for example, yoga, respiratory techniques, etc.) are directed precisely to return a person in the state in which he was in childhood. This is done so that the person finds new resources in this state for life and switched its consciousness. Thus, it can be said that while playing badminton, a person gets at the same time an explosion of emotions from the game and, at the same time, relaxation, rest, distraction from everyday worries. And since Badminton is available to everyone, then this switching its psychological state is also available to everyone. After all, most often our life monotonna - "House-work-house-work", and for psychological health it is simply necessary for switching to another rhythm. I also want to note that badminton helps to overcome loneliness. Recently, badminton's popularity is growing rapidly, primarily due to its availability. Many cities create a lot of badminton lovers. There are a community of people who are passionate about this game, and a person visiting badminton courts may feel its significance for others, integrity with the society of badminton lovers, belonging to a significant group. He may feel that he is waiting for him. It is also convenient that you do not need to collect large companies, like in football, hockey, volleyball, and just take a racket and come to the nearest club, where there is always to play with whom.

Badminton is not a dangerous viewsport From the point of view of injury to each other (like in hockey, boxing, football). The badminton is usually played in a strictly defined time on each court, which creates the effect of a limited period of time, as in psychotherapy (waiting, borders). And most importantly, the badminton is often played in a pair (it is difficult to remember another such amateur sport except beach volleyball). And the game in the pair allows you to learn to communicate with the other, with a significant one, teaches to be attentive not only to yourself, but also to the partner, teaches communicating the language of the body and displacements by the court. The player learns to trust the partner to help him and, in turn, wait for confidence and help from a partner. It often happens that it is from partners that players learn something new, and thus improve their level of the game. People in badminton clubs are very friendly, often help each other and suggest during the game. It can be said that among badmintonists more friendship than competitive struggle. Women and men are played together to amateur badminton, which allows you to start a pleasant and useful dating.

Badminton is very similar to tennis, but with the smallest energy and financial costs. If you are going to go with friends for the city, be sure to take a racket and a waist. Participants of the exciting match can be two, and maybe four. Next, we will tell you why play badminton is useful for health.

Good alternative to crosses

When you play badminton, your body is all the time in motion, making attacks, slopes and swelling. On average, badminton sessions are burned to 450 calories per hour. This kind of training can be found to the category of cardion loads and is an excellent alternative to cross-country cross.

Improving coordination of movements

Training with a racket perfectly stimulate the coordination of movements, increase the reaction rate and improve reflexes. In addition, during the party, players are trying to predict the actions of the opponent, which helps to develop thinking.

Muscular tone

When playing badminton, you will use quadriceps, caviar, buttocks and popliteal tendons. In addition, the muscles of the hands and backs are actively involved in the party.

Psychological advantages

The benefits of the game with a waist and racket affects not only physical aspects. The game helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and also increases the level of endorphins. These neurotiators are responsible for improving mood and strong sleep.

Social Health

It is impossible to play in badminton to play alone, you will need at least one opponent. Social interactions increase overeating and affect the feeling of happiness.

Prevent disease

Like all forms of intense exercise, badminton eliminates the risk of increasing blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Volan and racket in your hands help reduce the level of poor cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Flexibility and muscular power

The more you move, the more flexible your body becomes. When playing badminton, you can never predict any movements next second. And the more often you will play with your buddies, the more chances you have to increase muscle strength and endurance.


When people are aging, their mobility begins to be limited. However, sports helps prevent the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Badminton makes your charters produce lubricant, which prevents the development of arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Weight loss

Volan and the racket are well coped with an increase in the rate of flow of metabolic processes in the body. In combination with the right nutrition, badminton gives you the opportunity to maintain weight in the norm.

Reducing the level of sugar

This sport is able to reduce the amount of blood sugar. This discovery was made by scientists who conducted a study on the prevention program of diabetes. Surprisingly, badminton reduces the risk of developing the disease even more efficiently than drugs.

Badminton trains strength, endurance, dexterity, thinking. Taking a badminton, a person is always in excellent physical form, since this game will use almost all the main muscles of the body. However, in badminton there is an unpleasant feature - one-sided development of muscles. At this point it is worth paying attention, especially if the badminton becomes part of life. How to prevent the development of a similar phenomenon and what should I do if this happened?

What is badminton and how did it come?

Badminton is known since antiquity. The essence of her game is that two (four) players stand opposite each other and throw over the grid to each other, chopping it with special rackets. It is necessary to beat the waist in such a way that the opponent cannot make a response.

In the XIX century, the game in Badminton gained popularity in the UK thanks to the officers who were in the service in India and borrowed the game locals. The interest in the game began to rise and in the 20th century badminton became so popular that he overtook the relatives of Tennis and Squash.

Badminton benefits

When a person plays badminton, he is constantly in motion. During the game, the main muscles of the legs, the press, the upper shoulder belt are involved. In addition, badminton has several advantages:

  • normalizes cardiac activity;
  • stimulates coordination of movements;
  • increases the rate of reaction, body flexibility;
  • develops thinking;
  • struggles with stress;
  • increases endorphins;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • eliminates the risk of improving blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of diabetes.

Causes of one-sided muscle development

Against the background of so many advantages, one-bed development goes to the background and many do not pay special attention to it. But one-sided muscle development is a great disadvantage of all games with one hand: volleyball, throwing, tennis. This problem is not manifested immediately, after several years of systematic training. First of all, the muscles of the shoulder belt suffer. Playing badminton, only one hand is involved. It is a worker, which means that the load on it is more. To prevent such a phenomenon, it is necessary to try to use badminton from the very beginning to use the second hand. For example, during training, try to beat off the failure of hand.

One-sided muscle development spoils not only the appearance of a person, but also worsens the quality of his games to badminton. So that such a phenomenon did not find you surprise, it is necessary to pay special attention to him.

How to prevent one-sided muscle development with exercises?

One-sided muscle development can not be allowed to reduce its manifestation to a minimum if you use the correct method of classes. To do this, it is necessary to develop the muscles of the shoulder belt at the same time. This can help a complex of exercise.

Muscles of the shoulder belt are very significant for a person. Together with the blades and clavicle they provide support and movements of the upper limbs. The development of the shoulder belt must be comprehensive:

  • warm-up;
  • exercises;
  • stretching.

Muscles must be pre-prepared by spending:

  • rotation shoulders;
  • lifts shoulders;
  • mahi hands.

Now you can start the exercises. To tighten these muscles, you need to make them make familiar exercises with a lot of weight than the racket and greater intensity. To perform these exercises, it is necessary to use the weights or dumbbells, as well as the horizontal bar.

Try to develop every bunch of muscles separately:

  1. Hand rise with cargo forward. Choose not very heavy dumbbells (2-4 kg), which will be convenient to lift in front of them, otherwise the execution technique may violate. You can make simultaneous and alternate maughs.
  2. Hands of dumbbells up and breeding them on the parties. Raising dumbbells up or aside. Keep elbows a little bent under a lightweight angle, which will be comfortable for hands.
  3. Pulling up to the horizontal bar of the breast neutral grip. Movements should be smooth: bend your hands in the elbows and raise the body up, without swaying it.

After the exercises, try to perform a stretching to restore the structure of muscle tissue and saturate with its oxygen.

Badminton is very similar to tennis, but with the smallest energy and financial costs. If you are going to go with friends for the city, be sure to take a racket and a waist. Participants of the exciting match can be two, and maybe four. Next, we will tell you why play badminton is useful for health.

Good alternative to crosses

When you play badminton, your body is all the time in motion, making attacks, slopes and swelling. On average, badminton sessions are burned to 450 calories per hour. This kind of training can be found to the category of cardion loads and is an excellent alternative to cross-country cross.

Improving coordination of movements

Training with a racket perfectly stimulate the coordination of movements, increase the reaction rate and improve reflexes. In addition, during the party, players are trying to predict the actions of the opponent, which helps to develop thinking.

Muscular tone

When playing badminton, you will use quadriceps, caviar, buttocks and popliteal tendons. In addition, the muscles of the hands and backs are actively involved in the party.

Psychological advantages

The benefits of the game with a waist and racket affects not only physical aspects. The game helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and also increases the level of endorphins. These neurotiators are responsible for improving mood and strong sleep.

Social Health

It is impossible to play in badminton to play alone, you will need at least one opponent. Social interactions increase overeating and affect the feeling of happiness.

Prevent disease

Like all forms of intense exercise, badminton eliminates the risk of increasing blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Volan and racket in your hands help reduce the level of poor cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Flexibility and muscular power

The more you move, the more flexible your body becomes. When playing badminton, you can never predict any movements next second. And the more often you will play with your buddies, the more chances you have to increase muscle strength and endurance.


When people are aging, their mobility begins to be limited. However, sports helps prevent the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Badminton makes your charters produce lubricant, which prevents the development of arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Weight loss

Volan and the racket are well coped with an increase in the rate of flow of metabolic processes in the body. In combination with the right nutrition, badminton gives you the opportunity to maintain weight in the norm.

Reducing the level of sugar

This sport is able to reduce the amount of blood sugar. This discovery was made by scientists who conducted a study on the prevention program of diabetes. Surprisingly, badminton reduces the risk of developing the disease even more efficiently than drugs.

In this article, we will tell about everything you need to know the parents who decided to give their child to badminton. Do you learn: how old is it best to start classes? What are medical contraindications? How much will the workout cost? And how to choose a badminton section?

Badminton takes its origins in the ancient game in the Waic, which originated before our era. In Europe, he came from India only in 1873 due to the duke bofort. By the way, in honor of his English estate, badminton house is this game and received such a name. In 1934, the International Badminton Federation appeared, and in 1992 he was introduced to the Olympic Games Program.

Badminton is played by one or pairs. The main task of the player or a pair to reflect the racket of the waist, so that he returned to the opponent's field and fell to the ground, and would not be reflected again.

From what age?

Badminton for children

Badminton is a fairly vigorous game, while it is small-acting. During the class of badminton, children develop such qualities as agility, endurance, flexibility, high-speed-power indicators.

In the Badminton Section, children are most often taken from 8 years. In some cases, classes start from 10-12 years in the preparatory group.

Usually, the training program includes practical and theoretical classes. In addition to exercises, which are aimed at the development of general physical training, children perform special exercises, also in the training program there are mobile games.

It is worth saying that the children of preschool age comprehend the basics of badminton more difficult than schoolchildren. Therefore, it is not worth a hurry, at an early age, a child can be attached to family games in badminton, if, of course, you play it. But serious, regular classes are best started at school.

Medical contraindications

All sports have their own contraindications. Badminton is no exception. Before sending a child to a section, pay attention to the absence of the following health problems:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, problems with knee joints);
  • chronic diseases in the stages of exacerbation;
  • respiratory diseases.

Before the start of the classes, badminton will definitely consult with a pediatrician and get a certificate from him, allowing this sport sessions.

Girls and boys

Badminton training training

Badminton is equally suitable for girls and boys. In this sport during the competition men and women can play together.

Classes will have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional development of representatives of both sexes. As a result, the girls and boys will receive a tightened figure, a clever, strong and hardy body. At the same time, it is not necessary to worry that the shoulders of the girls will become too broad, such a problem is not characteristic of badmintonists.

In addition, son or daughter will develop analytical, logical thinking and intuition. No wonder badminton is called "chess with a racket." The fact is that the Volan needs not only to repel, but also to predict the actions of the opponent, consider such a flight trajectory, at which he will not be able to get on it a racket. These qualities will undoubtedly use a boy or girl in school.

Badminton has many other advantages, they will tell about them in the next section.


According to the researchers of the Vienna University, Badminton takes 13 position among the most useful, safe and effective sports. Indeed, badminton has a lot of advantages. Among them:

  • Improved vision. Unfortunately, the current trend is such that the vision in children begins to deteriorate at an early age: 3 - 4 years. Badminton is the sport that will help keep your eyesight your child. After all, during the game there is a permanent eye training: it is necessary to continuously monitor the waist, which moves at different speeds. Due to this, the blood circulation of the organs of vision is improved.
  • Development of purposefulness. Badminton game, which will teach a child to achieve large and small goals. He learned to get along the war and this can be considered a small goal, then throw it through the grid and seeks the enemy to beat off the feed. The achievement of each of these goals is undoubtedly brings the young badmintonist joy and teaches not to be afraid to put in front of him in the life of the goal of varying degrees of complexity.
  • Posseably affects psycho-emotional state and nervous system. It is noted that during the game in badminton, a nervous system is involved in the work, even more than in case of strength sports. The result is a good prevention of diseases associated with personality disorder. In addition, children who are engaged in such a moving and energetic sport are less than others are affected by a bad mood.
  • Healing the body. Badminton favorably affects the heart, vessels and respiratory organs. As a result of workouts, the volume of lungs increases. There are cases when asthmatics went out into the stage of long remission, engaged in badminton.
  • Tighted body. During the game in Badminton, the muscles of the legs, press and hands work. Regular training makes them stronger and relief.
  • Training dexterity and endurance. With each new training, your child will be more and more and more developing these skills. He will learn to reflect the Volan, who flies at a great speed, and for this, it is just the same with adequity and endurance.
  • Safe sport. Unlike contact sports, badminton is considered to be small. Due to the fact that there is no direct interaction between players, injuries are rare.


Despite a large number of advantages, badminton has a pair of minuses:

  • Cons Badminton for children Badminton for children can turn into problems with knee joints, because They experience a tremendous load. In order to avoid the consequences, you must adhere to the advice of the coach, comply with the equipment and train in special shoes.

  • Spine skew. Since one hand is more involved in badminton, then the spine under the action of asymmetric voltage can have a bias in one direction. This problem most often concerns professional athletes if you do not have a goal to grow from the Badminton Olympic Champion of the Olympic champion, then you can hardly worry about this.

How much less classes are?

Badminton can be engaged in both the group, and individually with the coach. The cost of one group children's training in the metropolitan sports complexes begins from 350 rubles. Subscription for 12 classes will cost 2500 - 4500 rubles for a month. Individual training will cost 2000 - 4000 rubles.

The school of the Olympic reserve is more budget and at the same time no less promising option.

In addition to paying training, it is necessary to prepare for spending on competitions, fees, inventory and equipment. The list of your purchases will include:

  • Racket. In sports stores, a badminton children's racket costs 2000 rubles. By the way, the racket should be carefully chosen. It is necessary to carefully look at its length, weight, material. Beginner athletes are best to choose a racket with average length and weight indicators. When it is clear what kind of game style is inherent in badmintonist (aggressive or dynamic), then you can buy a racket that suits its individuality. For example, a long racket provides a stronger blow compared to short. Heavy allows you to make a blow, which will be difficult to accept, but also efforts will need more than when using a light racket.
  • Shuttlecock: 700 - 2000 rubles. The main projectile in badminton is worth choosing no less carefully. For training, you can use plastic waist, on competitions - feathers. The characteristics of their flight are slightly different. No less important and weight of the volat. What he is harder, the faster flies.
  • Sneakers For Badminton classes, you can buy for 2500 - 5,000 rubles.
  • Tenniska costs 2000 - 3000 rubles.
  • Skirt or Shorts They have an average price of 2 500 rubles.

How to choose a section?

When choosing a badminton section for children, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Proximity to home. Badminton training takes a lot of strength. This sport is one of the most energy-intensive. Take care of the child and try to choose the most convenient location of the section. The easier it will be reached to the house, the higher the likelihood that the young athlete will remain for the fulfillment of homework. Agree, this is no less important than a successful training.
  • Trainer. The choice of coach depends on your goals. Want big heights, choose the appropriate coach. His approach to children, the ability to establish contact, the title, personal achievements in this sport and the achievements of pupils are important. Are you afraid to make a mistake with the choice of a badminton coach? Look on the Internet reviews or find out from friends whose children are already going to his section.
  • Cost of classes. This criterion directly depends on your financial capabilities. Be sure to take into account them so that the classes brought as much pleasure as possible.


Badminton - movable, energetic, intellectual sport. He brings a lot of pleasure to those who do am lovers or professionally. It will help to grow a child decisive, developed and strong. But remember that the last word should always be behind the son or daughter. Listen to their opinion. After all, if there is one's own motivation, the chances of success will be much more.

Badminton as a sport is not very common in our country and the section on this sport is found not often. But as a game for outdoor recreation, badminton is very popular, because the rules of the game are simple, special equipment is not required - you need two special rackets and a valench, who, by the way, stand quite inexpensive, the big team is not necessary to collect either, because they play this game together. It is also not difficult to find a place for the game, any smooth area will suit. This game, at the expense of his simplicity, love both adults and children. But badminton is not only simple and interesting, but also very good for health.

Rules of the game in badminton:
Badminton (as a sport) - a sports game, passing on a special rectangular platform, a separated grid. Two or four participate in the game (play in pairs) players who roll through the waist grid, chopping it with special rackets. Men game goes up to 15 points, in women up to 10.
Badminton, as an active view of the rest (it is also called the "beach" badminton) does not require strict execution of the rules. Most often, people play without a grid, simply by throwing each other a vannel, and do not keep an account. The pace of the game depends on the age and physical condition of the players.

Badminton benefits:

  • Like most types of physical activity, badminton contributes to the general strengthening of the body and the increase in resistance to various diseases.
  • Badminton increases the endurance of the body.
  • Like many outdoor games, it has a hardware impact.
  • Badminton is useful for the cardiovascular system, helps reduce the risk of many diseases, including infarction, stroke and hypertension.
  • It has a positive effect on the respiratory system.
  • Improves the operation of the vestibular apparatus.
  • A variety of movements, slopes, jogging and jumping during the game, help to strengthen almost all groups of muscles and bones.
  • Badminton is useful and for sight, since during the game you have to follow the valancer, and this is a very good gymnastics for the eyes.
  • Regular badminton classes help to cope with overweight. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that for weight loss and maintenance, in addition to physical activity, it is necessary to adhere to healthy eating.
  • Badminton contributes to the development of rapid thinking.
  • Helps relieve tension, cope with stress and depression.

Badminton contraindications:
In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system or other serious diseases of internal organs and systems, before starting classes, badminton must be consulted with a doctor.

Play badminton with pleasure and be healthy!

Most of the types of leisure for children and adults now does not imply active movement. Badminton game is a pleasant exception to this rule. On the one hand, this is a very serious sport included since 1992 to the Olympic Games Program, and on the other - more fun and relatively simple entertainment for the whole family. Today, good players even give badminton lessons, so everyone can learn this game.

Such a different game ...

The classic rules of the game in badminton provide a platform of 13.4 x 5.8 meters, in the middle of which is a mesh with a slightly more than 1.5 meters. In such a game there are all competitive elements: accrual of glasses, the possibility of winning and penalty measures.

Amateur (beach) badminton is usually a leisurely crossing of the volana from one player to another, not constrained by the grid and the limits of the playing area. The only thing that must be considered when choosing a place is a more or less smooth terrain and the lack of serious interference for the game (low branches of trees, nearby roofs, where the volanchik can be placed, etc.).

In the amateur version of the game, success depends rather from the reaction and the dexterity of the player than from the speed of its movement. You can play it without restrictions to anyone who can keep the racket and move around the site - children and older people, women and men. But those who deal with this game are seriously evaluating the load during the party as very high, comparable to large tennis or football.

What is badminton health?

The first and most obvious benefit from playing badminton at the amateur level is an increase in the total tone of the body, improving appetite and a great mood. In essence, the badminton is the complete opposite of everyday activity, thereby affecting the entire body. It is especially useful for such organs and systems:

the cardiovascular system. Amateur game level allows you to independently adjust the level of cardion. Strengthened during the classes of the heart muscle, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, the blood pressure is normalized.

lungs - During physical exertion in the fresh air, it is much more intense, oxygen actively enters blood, stimulating metabolic processes.

muscular corset and bones.Movement in the game provides almost all muscle groups, which provides them with intensive training. In addition, during the dice, enhanced nutrition is obtained, thanks to the prevention of osteoporosis.

vision and coordination. The ability to quickly evaluate the speed and direction of the flight of the Volacchik gives an excellent eye, and the ability to quickly manage its body can be useful in various domestic situations. In addition, monitoring the moving waist allows you to relieve eye fatigue arising because of the staticness of the vision and the hidden flashing of the monitor.

Active movement provides excellent mood, strong sleep and increases the resistance to infections.

Badminton for weight loss

According to the body burning calorie, amateur badminton almost does not lag behind the running of the coward and strength exercises in the gym. Surprisingly, the usual summer crossing with a magician with short movements and jumps for 40-60 minutes by energy intensity is comparable with a run by 5-7 kilometers!

Those who think about more intense weight loss, worth searching the club on sports badminton. The load is significantly higher there, therefore it is worth paying attention to contraindications (all categories for which the cardionships, shocks and jumps are limited).