Walkthrough of Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon. Walkthrough of Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Broken sword Shadow of the Templars extended edition

Explosion in a cafe and the first physical evidence

Having climbed out from under the umbrella and dusted yourself off, take a quick look at the scene of the incident. By the way, pay attention to the crumpled newspaper that is lying near the lantern. At the bottom of the page it says Salah-eh-dinn 1345...

Look into a cafe damaged by a clown bomb and shake the waitress. The poor girl decided that she had drunk too much the day before and that this gave her such a headache, “not a drop more!” - she moans. Find out from her everything she remembers about the clown and the elderly man with a suitcase.

Examine the dead man (unfortunately, he has nothing interesting) and leave the cafe. Walk towards the worker who is diligently swinging a pickaxe. This is where you will be detained. We will have to meet with Inspector Rosso more than once, but for now we will have to answer his tricky questions. Was Stobbart nearby when the explosion occurred? Did you notice anything suspicious? You can lie as much as you like: the inspector will not catch you at anything, not to mention his crazy assistant Sergeant Mu, who orders the corpse to “stop holding your breath now.”

Take the inspector's business card and go outside. A French woman in a purple skirt paces in front of the cafe, photographing the scene. Hey girl! This is Nicole Collard, a journalist from liberte. It turns out that she had an appointment with a now deceased elderly gentleman. Plantard (that was his name) called Nicole and promised to tell an extremely interesting story related to two mysterious murders: in the first case, the killer was dressed as a snowman, and in the second, as a king penguin. Now Plantard himself died from the harmonica of the red-nosed clown...

At first the journalist refuses to accept Stobbart's help - why would you get involved, stupid American? - however, in the end, George manages to persuade her. Nicole leaves him a phone number and leaves.

It's time to start investigating. First of all, let's chat with the mustachioed worker. As befits a real rude proletarian, he will be rude to you and will not tell you anything interesting, but when you show him the newspaper... It turns out that Salah-eh-dinn is the name of a horse from the local hippodrome, and our hard worker is a passionate fan of horse racing. As soon as he reads the inscription on the newspaper, all thoughts about work and a piece of bread will disappear by themselves and the proletarian will leave, asking you to look after his toolbox and telephone. Do so. In the drawer lies a mysterious T-shaped tool. Take it, return to the cafe and turn into the courtyard under the arch.

And now you find yourself in a real Parisian garbage dump. There are many useless objects lying around, and among them is a green sewer hatch. What can I use to hook him? Arm yourself with the stolen tool, move the hatch and go down into the sewer. You can see something red in the corner. Wow! Yes, that's a clown nose! So the killer was here too!

Walking further along the canal, you will find a scarf stained with some kind of rubbish and a green rag. Collect evidence and get out of the next hatch. "Hands up, sewer rat! You've trespassed!" You were caught by the concierge - a seasoned veteran and retiree. He demands to know how you got into his yard. If you want the old man to respect you, show him Inspector Rosso's business card: let him think that you are a policeman.

Now the warrior will honestly tell everything he knows. Show him a green scrap, and he will admit that he recently found a torn jacket made of the same material. Obviously, the item belonged to the killer, but it’s a pity that you can’t look at it: the concierge sent the jacket to be repaired. But he remembers the name and telephone number of the tailor indicated on the label...

Leave the courtyard and use the phone of the escaped digger. Call Nicole and report on the work done. Wow! The girl invites you to her apartment for a confidential conversation. Forward!

Rue Jarry

An elderly flower girl on Zhari Street will explain how to open the entrance door. Go to Nicole's room, chat about this and that and take the photo of the killer from her. Show her the red clown nose. An astute journalist will immediately notice the inscription on the inside of the plastic product. This is the address of a theater supply store. Go there.

La Rissee Du Monde

Show the shop owner a photograph of the killer and a dirty handkerchief. Of course he remembers! This man's name is Kan. This morning he bought two costumes: a clown and an elf, as well as a couple of cans of makeup... Take the gift - an electric shock, and go back to Nicole.

Rue Jarry

When Nicole learns that the killer bought an elf costume, she perks up: now we know he's planning his next murder, and we can beat him to it! While you were away, Nicole unearthed an interesting fact: it turns out that all three victims of the disguised killer recently visited Paris at the same time. It’s not without reason, oh, it’s not without reason! Use Nicole's phone to call the tailor whose number the concierge gave you. Todrick will tell you that he took Monsieur Kahn's suit to the Ubu Hotel: second floor, second door on the right...

Hotel Ubu

Two suspicious characters are hanging around the entrance to the hotel. One is thin, the other is thick. Both are obvious criminals. After making sure that all the doors on the second floor are locked, let's go down to the hall. A grandmother with hair the color of an unripe thorn is playing the piano, an uncle in pince-nez a la Chekhov is reading a newspaper while sitting on the sofa, and the imposing clerk behind the counter sharpens his nails with a file. Good company! Let's talk to the lady first.

This is Lady Piermont, a real English aristocrat. Fortunately, she likes good-looking men, so George made a very favorable impression on her. Talk to the woman and let her tell you how cruelly she was deceived by a stranger named Merlin. Only yesterday he won her heart with politeness, graceful manners, tight pants... Only yesterday, and today he already ran away - and broke this heart. Lady Piermont promises to kill him if she ever meets him... Just in case, show her a photograph of Kahn. What luck, this is the same deceiver Merlin! Now the deceived aristocrat will wholeheartedly contribute to your investigation!

It turns out that the killer only left the hotel an hour ago, handing over a package to the clerk. Let's talk to the guy behind the counter. Of course, he won't reveal what Merlin left in the safe. He also prohibits you from taking the key to room 21. I'll have to complain to the lady. The noble lady is ready to help: while she distracts the clerk, you will have the opportunity to steal the key.

Now you can go up to the second floor and unlock number 21 (the first door on the right). By opening the window, you can make your way along the ledge into the killer's room. There is nothing interesting here - clean linen on the bed, an empty suitcase by the bed, pants in the closet... However, when you try to leave...

Here he is, Kahn himself! Hurry up and hide in the closet and pray that he doesn’t notice you! Now the killer opens the closet door, now he peers into the darkness... Then he takes his pants off the hanger, changes his clothes and goes out.

Phew, you can come out of hiding and search the clothes you took off. What a luck! In the pocket of his trousers, which Kahn left on the bed, there is an empty matchbox and an identity card. The plastic card reads: "Thomas Merlin, Gruber Electronics Corporation."

Let's return to the hall and shake the ID in front of the sleepy clerk's face. Unfortunately, this will not work on him: he remembers Monsieur Merlin, and you will not deceive him so easily. We will have to once again resort to the help of the Honorable Lady Piermont. Tell her about your find. What a lady, what a bomb! The broken clerk will bring you what Kahn left behind - a small parchment scroll.

Now the most important thing is not to go outside. Remember those khanigs who were on duty at the entrance to the hotel? These guys will search you, and if they find the scroll, they will kill you. They are placed there specifically for this purpose. So it’s better to go back up to the second floor, go into the room, get out onto the ledge and throw the scroll into the courtyard! Now you can go out the front door. Let the bandits search you, and when they don't find anything, go into the arch and take the scroll.

Rue Jarry

Returning to Nicole, you can carefully examine the find. An enlightened journalist will explain to you that this scroll is related to the Templars - a medieval religious order. Look at the images on the scroll: a tripod, a bull's head, a woman with a mirror... You won't be able to figure it out without a specialist! Nicole advises consulting her friend, the historian Andre Labino, who always hangs out at the Krun Museum. Maybe he will tell you something interesting about the scroll?

Musee Crune

Unfortunately, right now Labino is not in the museum. You will find only one caretaker here. Of course, the guy knows nothing about the Templars. Throughout his entire life, the poor worker managed to learn only a few letters of the French alphabet... Well, let's look at the exhibits. Statues, stones, paintings... There is a tripod in the middle of the hall. Doesn't he remind you of anything? Certainly! The same tripod is depicted on the scroll! The exhibit was found in Ireland, in the town of Lochmarn. Go George!


And now you have arrived in an Irish village. The car was last seen here about two years ago, and the local police cannot share the only bicycle available. Talk to McQuire, the guy leaning against the wall at the entrance to the pub. Ask him about the local castle. By the way, you can give him an electric shock. The poor kid is the only one who will fall for your stupid joke.

Several regulars are sitting at the bar. Chat with them. Mr. O'Brien, the fat man in the far corner by the window, will tell you that the tripod was found in the castle by the famous archaeologist, Professor Pigram. Recently Pigram came to Lochmarn again, this time in search of some kind of precious stone, but this morning he suddenly disappeared. Rumor has it that he found a stone and decided to give it a go. It’s okay, this guy won’t be missed in Lochmarn!

How to get a nervous Sean

In the middle of the pub, a young man with glasses sits at a table. He looks at his watch with concern, taps his fingers on the table, as if he is waiting for someone. His name is Sean Fitzgerald. When you ask about the castle, he says that he hasn't been there since he was a child, since one of the boys fell off the wall and broke his neck. He knows almost nothing about Pigram's excavations.

Okay, let's go outside to McQuire and ask him about the archaeologist. Yes, of course, he saw Pigram. Of the locals, only Fitzgerald worked at his excavations... It turns out to be an inconsistency! Let's try talking to the guy with glasses again. Fitzgerald flatly refuses everything: McQuire is a hooligan and an inventor, he cannot be trusted!

Okay, let's talk to the regulars. Doyle, the man in the blue shirt who sits at the bar next to O'Brien, is ready to tell you something if you buy him a beer. Having received a glass of dark beer, he will remember that he saw Fitzgerald at the dig. And still the guy with glasses is still denies! McQuier, in his opinion, is an inventor, Doyle is a scoundrel and an idiot. Talk to McQuier again, and he will tell you that he saw Fitzgerald with Peagram only last night. Moreover, he noticed how the professor conveyed that "It's time for Fitzgerald to take this guy down! Backed into a corner, Fitzgerald admits that he received a package from Peagram, which he must now give to a man named Jacques Marquet. If he doesn't do this, he will be killed!

Poor Fitzgerald! He is so nervous that when you try to put a little pressure on him, he breaks down and runs headlong out of the bar. There is the sound of brakes and a thud in the street... McQuire witnessed the incident. Fitzgerald was hit by a red sports car. The driver, dressed as an elf, dragged Sean into the car and drove away.

How to break a pump and fix a dishwasher

As the Ferrari turned around, it knocked the lid off a box on the wall next to the bar's entrance. When Stobbart tries to turn the small lever on the device under the cover, the part breaks off. Well, the main thing is that no one saw it!

Return to the diner and ask the bartender for a glass of beer. Oops! The pump is faulty. There will be no beer today! (It’s not for nothing that you broke off the lever.) Now the owner will have to look for a qualified specialist. He won’t let just anyone into his basement! Show him Merlin's ID, which you found at the Ubu Hotel, and let him choke! Electrician? What luck! He just needs an electrician!

Before allowing you to touch the priceless pumps, the owner will check what kind of craftsman you are. Come on, fix the dishwasher! No problem! Do you see the old man with a cold at the table on the right? Grandfather makes snares for hares. He lays out the wire, sneezes, takes a sip from the glass... Come closer and, while he is not looking, steal the workpiece! Insert the wire into the dishwasher plug. Done, Mr. Lieri!

Now you will be invited to go down to the basement. They say you can find an electric flashlight there. Fathers, what darkness! The lever on the wall is barely visible. Let's feel our way and turn it. Now you can go outside and lift the grate on the pavement.

At this moment, someone taps Stobbart on the shoulder. Killer Kahn came to see if anyone had noticed the small package that Fitzgerald had dropped. No, George didn't see anything! And the boy didn’t see it! When Kahn leaves, take a breath, return to the basement and pick up the gem from the floor.


The gate to the castle is locked. There is a cart with a huge haystack against the wall. A man immediately collapsed with a book in his hand. No matter how much you ask, he will not allow you to climb into the hay. Worried about your health! Better tell him what happened to Fitzgerald.

It turns out that this man is Sean's uncle. He would be glad to go in search of his nephew (after having had a dozen drinks at the bar), but he is afraid that while he is gone, some idiot will climb into the hay and break his bones. Assure him that you will look after the "dangerous agricultural structure" and he will leave. Well, thank God, this is not the first time I’ve lied to you. Climb up and insert the gizmo for opening sewer hatches into the gap between the stones. By standing on it, you can climb over the wall.


The entrance to the dungeon is guarded by a nasty old goat. As soon as you approach the stairs, he lunges forward and knocks you down. What a demon! Okay, there are worse animals. Let's deceive the scoundrel. When he butts you again, get up quickly, run to the left, grab the rusty part from the plow and drag it. Having rushed at you, the horned one will catch on a piece of iron with a rope. Now the path to the dungeon is clear!


Let's go down the wooden stairs into a small room and look around. The stone door, which apparently leads to the dungeon, does not budge. Next to the step on the floor is a figurine with five pins on the back. Obviously, it used to hang on the wall near the door: there are five holes left there that exactly correspond to these pins. Try sticking your fingers into the holes. Fantastic! No result!

It will not be possible to lift the figurine onto the wall: it is heavy. When George tries to do this, she falls to the floor. But, having put it in place, he sees that there are holes left in the sand from the pins. Take a handful of plaster from the bag on the table and fill the holes in the floor. So what did we get? Nothing yet. We need to get water! Return to the bar and pull the green towel out from under Doyle's arm. Go down to the basement and wet a towel under the faucet. Now quickly run back to the dungeon entrance. If you yawn along the way, the rag will dry out and you will have to do it all over again!

Squeeze the towel onto the plaster, remove the resulting frozen form and insert it into the holes in the wall. Ready! The stone door slides aside and you descend into the darkness of the dungeon. Below on the wall you will see the inscription Monfacon and the image of a hanged man...

Rue Jarry and Musee Crune

George spent the rest of the day and the next night in a bar with his new acquaintances, and in the morning he returned to Paris. Nicole learned from the newspapers that Professor Pigram had quit his job at his university and went to another excavation in Ireland. Okay, for now we have things to do in Paris. Let's go to the Krün Museum, maybe this time we will be able to catch Labino?

That's right, the young professor hung over the display case with exhibits. Chat with him. It turns out that Montfaçon is the place in Paris where thousands of Templars were executed. Ask Labino about the knights. This bookworm has a lot of interesting things to say! After finding out everything you can from the professor, visit Inspector Rosso.

Poste de Police

Sergeant Mu works behind the counter at the police station. Writes something in a notebook. From him you will learn important news: Marche, the man to whom Fitzgerald was supposed to give the gem, is in the hospital. Call Inspector Rosso and talk to him. It turns out that the inspector was removed from the investigation of the explosion. He washed his hands of it and doesn’t want to know anything about either Plantard or Kahn. Okay, it's time to visit the patient.


The hospital hall looks a lot like a greenhouse. There are plants in pots all around, and trees at the entrance. The nurse at the registration desk is fiddling around on the computer. When you ask permission to visit Marche, she flatly refuses you. Only relatives or close friends, no strangers allowed! Show her your electrician's ID, maybe the green card will help out again. This is true. The patient shouted the name Merlin in his sleep and wanted to see you. (Oh, if only she knew why he shouted that name!)

Marche was recently transferred to Nurse Grandle on ward J2. The girl from the reception desk speaks unflatteringly about her: she supposedly treats the sick like a plantation owner treats slaves, and even treats every man in the clinic. Okay, we don't care about their showdowns. Find out from the girl how to get to ward J2, and after listening to a long, confusing explanation, go to the left corridor.

Around the bend, a guy in blue pajamas is cleaning the floor with a huge cleaning machine. This is a crazy man, he calls the car Mr. Shiny and considers it his friend. Ask him how to get to Nurse Grendle's room.

The nurse is really strict. Visits are only on Thursdays, and even then once a month. It doesn’t matter that you came from California itself, today no one will let you see the patient. Well, you'll have to become a doctor. Remember the red door to the left of where the crazy guy with the cleaning machine is standing? Behind the door is a utility room. To get into it, you need to distract the cleaner.

Do the worst thing: turn off Mr. Shiny's power (the outlet is located at the water dispenser). The crazy guy will go see what's going on, and in the meantime you open the utility room and pull out the white robe. Stobbart, you are a real doctor!

Return to room J2. Nurse Grendle will ask you to examine the patients and give you a device to measure blood pressure. In general, it turns out that all patients are like people: one loses consciousness from time to time, the other has already died... Only the patient from bed N3 will give you trouble. The fat man suspected that you were not a real doctor. He wants his blood pressure taken, but Stobbart, unfortunately, does not know how to do this. As soon as George heads towards Marche's room, the scoundrel waves his hands: hey, doctor, you didn't take my blood pressure!

You'll have to go back to the reception and turn to the owner of the clinic, Felix Heginmire, who stands with an important look in the middle of the hall. Luckily for you, the scientific luminary will mistake Stobbart for a new doctor and instruct him to find something for his nephew Bunny to do. The boy just graduated from medical school and can't wait to be allowed to look at real suffering and get his hands dirty with blood.

Take the young man to room J2, give him the blood pressure monitor and ask him to take care of the grumpy patient. Now it's time to visit Marche! The poor thing is really bad! He wheezes and suffocates. Seeing that someone came, he almost died. He begs to quickly “do what you came for.” That is, finish him off. Hey guy, relax! Where do these sentiments come from?

Marche decided that you are a member of a sect of Muslim killers (assassins), who must deal with him for something. Hearing about the precious stone, he is once again mistaken and takes you for one of his own: “Ah, so you were sent to Lochmarn instead of me!”

An interesting picture emerges. Marche says that he found “that same” tripod in Paris and that two bandits he hired will soon take care of it: Flap and Guido (remember the guys who searched George at the Ubu Hotel?). Marche asks to take the gem to some Great Master in England. In addition, he mentions a certain Klausner, who left for Syria in search of... The old man does not have time to finish: the doctor enters the room and drives George away.

Stobbart had no idea that he was not the only fake medical worker at Heginmeier's clinic. But the doctor who escorted him out of the room came to kill Marche! Having turned off the life support system, the criminal jumped out the window and was gone.

Musee Crune. Stealing the Tripod

After sharing your impressions with Nicole, head to the Krün Museum. Chat with Labino, ask him about the Muslim sect and Philip the Fair. Now look around. Somehow we need to hide here in order to get ahead of the bandits who will come for the tripod. To the right of the eerie pyramid with a bird's head stands a sarcophagus. Maybe hide in it? It's a cozy place, but the guard is watching all the time. Nothing. For those who have a head on their shoulders, a security guard is not a problem!

One of the windows in the museum opens, and the caretaker's duty, as you know, is to ensure that the windows are closed. Take advantage of this. Open the window and, while the uncle is busy, quickly climb into the sarcophagus.

Great, no one noticed you. Soon the museum will be closed, and you will be left alone in the darkness of the stuffy sarcophagus. What are these scary sounds? Could it be that the bandits, Flap and Guido, have come for the antique tripod? Let's get out and see. This is true. They step carefully, illuminating museum rarities with flashlights, and approach the display case...

Now you have one chance. As they say, it’s either hit or miss. If you take the wrong step, you will not save the tripod, and you will destroy yourself. Quickly jump behind the pyramid with the bird's head, swing it and bring it down on the intruders! Having accomplished this remarkable feat, George will lose consciousness (you will see why), and the rest of the operation will be performed by Nicole, who arrives in time.

How to drive a gendarme out of Montfacon Square

Once upon a time, a bunch of people hung out on Place Montfaçon, but now fat, peaceful tourists stand there and watch the juggler perform. A relaxed elderly gendarme is sipping cognac at a table. We need to spoil this company's mood. Ask the artist how he manages to handle the balls so deftly. George has never tried juggling himself, but he thinks it's easier than a steamed turnip. If an idiot in a stupid cap and bell-bottom pants can do it, then he can do it even better! Bang-bang-bang - the balls hit Stobbart on the top of his head. Yes, it's not that simple!

Approach the gendarme and show him the red plastic nose. Ah, Monsieur the clown! Why didn’t he immediately put on his nose, then his performance would have made the proper impression! Ah, that's what it's all about! Fine. Let's take the balls from the juggler and make another try. So George puts on a red nose, makes a stupid face and repeats his shameful act. The public is delighted! The offended juggler collects the balls and leaves. Now the gendarme has nothing to do here. Putting on his cap, he goes to regulate traffic. Well done Stobbart! You know how to break people's buzz!

Wow, finally you can climb into the sewer! We take the invaluable tool, open the hatch and go down.

Secret gatherings

Yes, this is not a sewer, but a real underground Venice! Galleries stretching into the distance, pointed arches, the dark water of the canal... Cross the bridge to the opposite bank and carefully examine the three slabs under the arches. Something is not very legibly written about the Templars.

Okay, enough staring, it's time to use brute force. Tap the universal opener on the right slab. Ha-ha, there’s emptiness behind it! Push harder to break out a piece of stone. In the gap you will see a mechanism: several gears and a lever. When you turn the lever, the door opens slightly, but then one of the gears falls out and the mechanism jams.

You will have to use the boat lift. Attach the hook to the gears behind the slab and pull the chain... Hurray, the historical monument has been destroyed! Go into the opened cave and look through the window on the left. An amazing sight awaits you. A whole gathering of powerful men and women who call themselves the successors of the Templars and discuss strategies for establishing a new world order. Real maniacs! Among the sectarians you will see two acquaintances: the Nobel laureate from the Ubu hotel and the fake doctor who killed Marche.

When the company boards the boat and leaves in an unknown direction, go down the stairs and examine the cult circle. Note the stone pillar in the center. Without wasting time on unnecessary thoughts, let’s place the tripod on the pillar and place the precious stone on it. It must be like in the movies! The light hits the stone and splits into several rays, which are captured on the inside of the circle by the letters: M.A.R.I.B.

Rue Jarry

From Nicole, George learns that Marib is the name of a town in Syria. It is no coincidence that first Marche and then the New Templars mentioned a certain Klausner, who went to Syria in search of a mysterious lens. Georges has been staying too long in Paris, it’s time to travel!

The scorching sun, houses with cracked walls, mountains of fruit on the shelves... Hello, Syria! Hello Marib! Of the several people you will see in the market square, only three speak English. And even then two of them are American tourists.

The most educated person in Marib (and perhaps in all of Syria) is Nijo, a boy of about twelve who stands at the counter with small goods. Chat with this smart and progressive young man! Nijo’s harmonious nature is also confirmed by the fact that he adores the round shape more than anything else. Any ball causes him ecstasy. We have yet to take advantage of this prodigy’s predilection, but for now show him the ball forgotten by the juggler on Place Montfaçon. Oh, round miracle, oh, spherical pleasure, oh, spherical delight!.. Yes, all geniuses are a little crazy!

After talking with the miracle child, you can approach the Americans, although they won’t tell you anything valuable yet. Wander around the market and climb the stairs next to the kebab vendor's table.

Club Alamat

On the upper platform you will find a tent with carpets. Tell me, does the carpet in the middle remind you of anything? If not, take a look at the matchbox you found in Kahn's pants. What a similar ornament! Show the box to the taciturn Arab and proceed to the Alamat club. Besides the owner, you will meet only one person in the club. This is Ulthar, the local taxi driver and big talker. He invites everyone to take a ride in his army truck. The owner, unlike him, doesn’t speak at all (he broke someone’s tongue).

Talk to the driver and show him Kahn's photo. Ulthar knows him! Kahn was here just yesterday and asked about some Stobby (the killer had already identified George!), and then went after Klausner, whom Ulthar had taken to Bull's Head Mountain a week before.

The taxi driver is ready to take you there (only 10-60 miles from the city!), but you will have to pay 50 greenbacks for it. Stobbart has no money, so you have to figure out where to get such a significant amount.

Returning the brush to its rightful owner

Let's take a break from this important problem for a while and go to the club toilet. It's a shame! The door to the restroom is locked and there is a sign on it in an incomprehensible Arabic language. Ask the taxi driver, he will translate for you: “The toilet will be closed until the brush returns to its place!” What does it mean?

It turns out that the owner of the club bought a new brush for his toilet, and on the very first day someone stole it. The hot-tempered debater advised visitors to be patient and locked the restroom. Gee! It seems that Stobbart has nothing more to do here. Leave the club and go down to the market square.

Take another look at the kebab vendor. Lord, what does he use to brush the flies off his stinking cooking? This is a toilet brush! Try talking to the thief. Useless! All he can say is: "Kebab, kebab! Buy a kebab!"

It would be necessary to somehow quietly take away the club property from him. But how? Let's turn to Nijo for advice. In exchange for a juggling ball, the prodigy will advise how to deceive the seller. It is enough to simply say one single phrase: “Il akl qalb.” That's all! The kebab man will be so flattered that he will fulfill any of our requests!

Well, let's try. As soon as Stobbart utters the mysterious words, the merchant is transformed. He grabs a huge knife and lunges at George. The American barely manages to escape! Let's go deal with the little scoundrel. It was necessary to set us up like that! Hey miracle child! Are you crazy? In response to your scolding, Nijo holds out a toilet brush. The end justifies the means, sir!

Okay, don't kill him! All that remains is to go to Alamat and return the valuable item to the owner. Having taken the keys from the grateful owner, we go to the restroom. A small defeat for our good deeds. First, let's unlock the box on the wall at the entrance and take out the towel. Amazing. Now, just in case, let's remove the chain to drain the water. Great.

Fake figurine

You can go back to the market square and see what Nijo is doing. How touching! A boy plays with a ball: he throws it against the door and catches it, throws it and catches it. This is not the first time for George to disturb the idyll. See the skinned cat on the counter? Pet her. When the animal jumps onto the shelf with small goods, press the bell in the left corner of the counter.

The door opens to reveal Nijo's father's head. The ball flies onto the shelf, the cat jumps to the side and hits the plaster figurine. The figurine falls and its arms break off. Excellent combination!

Now you can bring the statuette to the Americans! No, wait. No one will give you $50 for a cast. First, the thing must be brought into proper shape. Take a rag stained with makeup and rub the work of art! Now it’s ready: the figurine looks like stone. Show it to the photographer in the yellow shirt and get fifty dollars. You earned it honestly!

Fan belt

Now you can go in search of Klausner. Go up to the club, give Ulthar the money and follow him to the car. What a misfortune, the fan belt of an army truck fell off! Thank God we stocked up on a towel. Give it to the driver and he will quickly make a belt.

Bull head

And now you have arrived at the place. There is little left: to descend to the plateau without crashing. We break off a branch from the tree, tie a towel to it and strengthen the resulting device in the crack at the edge of the rock. Now you can slowly climb down. On the left on the plateau you will find a poorly disguised stone door, and next to it - a small niche, inside of which you can feel a ring.

After going into the opened cave, you will find Klausner's corpse. I wonder why he died? Suddenly there is the sound of a door closing. Ah, it’s clear why...

What can George do now? Just search the dead man! Let's hold our nose and carefully take the lens out of his pocket. Great, that's what we came for! Now I wish I could go back! Let's examine the place of our detention. To the left of the corpse is a slab with an inscription in Latin. On the right is a stone head with three disgusting faces.

Look at everything (including Klausner) and you will hear the door to the cave open again. George was scared half to death. It was Ulthar who came after him! Now he too will fall into the trap! No such luck, Jorge! A man in a lilac suit stands on the threshold with a pistol in his hand. Are you Kan?!

Now you have to demonstrate your masculinity. If you behave like a coward or are stupid, you will not escape death! Talk to Kahn politely but with dignity. Don’t lie too much when they offer you to die - you will agree with dignity. Out of respect for this behavior, the killer will want to shake George's hand. At this moment you will have a wonderful chance to save your own skin. Quickly take the electric shock in your hand and, when Kan falls, jump off the plateau into Ulthar's truck.

Musee Crune

While you were in Syria, Labino came to Nicole to look at the parchment scroll. Head to the Crune Museum and find out what the young professor thinks about your find. The only thing Andre is sure of is that the knight depicted on the scroll is Spanish. By the coat of arms, he even recognized the family to which the warrior belonged: de Vasconcelos. Well, no sooner had George returned from Syria than he had to leave for Spain. What a life!

Villa de Vasconcellos

The gardener watering the lawn at the mansion of the elderly countess (the last representative of the de Vasconcelos family) is the most intractable guy Stobbart has ever met. The old man refuses to answer any questions and promises to feed you to the dogs if you cross the threshold of the house. How tired George is of these threats!

How to enter the Countess's chambers

Go to the extension from which the watering hose comes out and attach a pressure measuring device to the base of the hose. Every thing has its place! When the gardener goes into the house to check why the water has stopped flowing, follow him. If you immediately rush up the stairs, the old man will definitely catch you, so first turn into the passage with the bars (there live the dogs that they promised to feed you). When the dogs bark, hide behind the knight's armor. The gardener will walk past you into the nursery, and you can go up to the countess.

Family secrets

Deep in thought, an old woman sits at a chess set. Seeing Stobbart, she jumps up in amazement. What does it mean? How dare you!.. George quickly explains what’s going on: a series of murders, the Templars, a scroll that mentions de Vasconcelos... There must be some kind of hidden thing in the estate
important secret! Finally the Countess allows him to sit down.

It is necessary to find something medieval that could be related to the order. Medieval? Please, at least this chess set, which is missing one piece... A curious set, but the Countess has something more interesting. Thirteenth-century crypt with tombs of Templars from the Vasconcelos family!

An open Bible lies on the lectern. Under it you will find a surface made of square pieces of glass, reminiscent of a chessboard... Share your guess with the Countess. Look how the old woman has changed! Still would! Since childhood she had looked at this board and these chess sets, and it never once occurred to her that this was an ordinary puzzle! Lopez! Drop the hose! Now bring the old chess here! While the gardener is carrying out the mistress's instructions, ask the countess about the disappearance of Don Carlos (the sixth Templar of the de Vasconcelos family) and his children.

Chess puzzle

The white pieces should be positioned so that they are not threatened by the red ones: the king should stand between two red knights (the fourth square from the top), the tour on the first square, and the knight on the third. And now the problem is solved. A niche opens in the wall, in the depths of which a mysterious tureen can be seen. Isn't it the Holy Grail?! No, just a communion cup! Having promised the Countess to find Don Carlos's grave and taking the cup with him, George returns to Paris.

Where are you, Don Carlos?

Drag into the temple on Place Montfaçon. The priest, quiet as a child, is industriously polishing a candlestick. Give him the cup, let him rub it, and in the meantime, examine the statue of the knight opposite the stained glass window. Like through a spyglass, look through the scroll in the knight's hand. Cute picture. Now insert the lens into the scroll. Instead of a benevolent young man, a Templar burning at the stake appeared in front of you. Wow!

The priest managed to recognize the coat of arms on the bowl. He saw the same pegasus on the tomb in the far corner of the church, near the window. Let's see... Exactly! On the tomb is the coat of arms of the de Vasconcelos family. This is where the body of Don Carlos lies!

Musee Crune

Check out the museum. Labino has great news for you. During the reconstruction of the building of one of the Parisian technical institutes, a statue of Baphomet was found. (Remember the stone head with three faces in Syria?). Baphomet is a deity that the Inquisition accused the Templars of worshiping. So the cult exists!

Site de Baphomet

Another representative of the glorious Parisian proletariat is lounging at the gates of the institute. A wonderful person, a true philosopher. Conversations with him will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Go through the gate and go down the stairs. The entrance to the excavation site is blocked by a brave guard in an eggplant-colored uniform. We'll have to resort to all sorts of tricks again. On the right at the end of the corridor there is a door labeled "toilet". Try opening it. Damn, that's a familiar feeling! There are only closed toilets all around!

Contact the security guard and plead your need. No problem. A kind person gives you a bunch of keys. Go to the toilet and look for a bar of soap in the sink. You have one more creative task to complete. Take the key and press it into the soap. Fill the resulting form with plaster, wet it and dry it. What did you get? White, rough and unlike anything else, a plaster key! Let's continue the experiment.

Leave the restroom, give the set of keys to the guard and go outside. Try dipping a piece of plaster into a bucket of paint that hangs next to the worker. Of course, he won’t share the paint with you, but it’s important to try!

Return to the basement and call Nicole. Having initiated her into your cunning plan, go get the worker and call him to the phone. The slacker will go away to chat with your beloved, and meanwhile the bucket will remain unattended.

Ask permission to use the facilities again, go to the restroom and change the key on the ring. Left a little. The only problem is that the new key still feels like plaster to the touch. No problem, we'll fix that too.

Note the thermostat located above the radiator in the hallway. Talk to the guard about it, and then turn off the heat. It won't take long to freeze! When the guard puts on his gloves, give him the ring with the fake key.

Now all that remains is to expel the strangers from the premises. Call Nicole again and arrange for her to call back and ask for a worker to answer the phone. The security guard will pick up the phone and he will have to go outside. Forward, the way is clear!

And here is the statue of Baphomet, the same as in the cave on the plateau. On the floor next to the statue is a mosaic pattern converging at one point. Just for fun, try putting a bowl in this place. Well well! The vessel reflects the image of the church!

Villa de Vasconcellos

As an honest man, George must return the cup to the Countess. By the way, Lopez now treats him completely differently: with respect and love. Tell the Countess about the Bible verse references you discovered on Don Carlos's tomb. We should see what kind of poetry this is. Unfortunately, the Bible is not at hand, so you will have to go to the crypt for it. On the way, grab the mirror from the room at the bottom of the stairs.

Stone Key

Another important task awaits you in the crypt: you need to melt the candle hanging from the ceiling. First, use a pole to close the window so that it doesn’t blow too much, then tie a dirty
handkerchief, light it with a small candle and light the candle under the ceiling. Made from some unknown material, the candle will completely burn out in a couple of minutes and a stone object resembling a key in shape will fall out of it.

Return to the Countess and read the Bible verses that interested you. The text talks about some kind of well, and also about a lion and a unicorn. As for the well, it’s better to ask Lopez about that...

Children of Don Carlos

Show the old woman the stone key, and then go to the gardener. Lopez, unfortunately, does not know where the well may be nearby, but he knows how to find an underground source with the help of a hazel spear.

The hazel tree grows on the estate, but the one that Lopez will show you does not have a single horn. We'll have to look elsewhere. Go to the corner of the house. There is another tree growing next to the outbuilding, and on it is just the kind of spear you need. Show your find to the gardener and he will teach you how to use this device.

After a while you will find... a tin can filled with water. When Lopez throws away the useless item, a very strange sound is heard, as if the can had fallen deep, deep...

After going down into the well, go to the stone head of a lion with an open mouth and turn one of the fangs. As soon as you hear the roar of falling stones, quickly jump back. Now, in order to examine the opened wall, you will have to shine a mirror on the opposite side of the well. Yes, this is not a wall, but a door! Opening it with a stone key, you will find a room with the skeletons of Don Carlos' children and a lost chess piece.

Rue Jarry

In Nicole's apartment you will meet your erudite opponent - Andre Labino. But still, you can’t live without a professor! See how quickly you used it to figure out the purpose of the next expedition. Having compared the available facts (a quotation from Caesar found on a slab in Syria, the reflection of the church in the de Vasconcelos cup, etc.), the company decided to go to Bonnekburn. Let's go on our last journey!


Friends find themselves in the same compartment with a sweet elderly woman. Talk to her and Nicole, and then try to go out into the corridor. The cantankerous journalist will detain you: why can’t you sit still, George! While you are explaining to the girl that you need to take a walk, the controller will enter the compartment. The controller's face seems familiar to Stobbart, but he cannot remember where he saw him before... Leave the compartment and go to the next car along the train. Oh, old friend! Bandit Guido!

Suddenly, George remembers where he met the controller. This is the fake doctor who killed Marche! Returning to your compartment, you discover that you are late: neither Nicole nor the old lady are here anymore.

Go to the neighbors on the left and tell your troubles to the man in the striped T-shirt. No problem, he and his friend are veterans! If anything happens, they will help!.. Open the window and get out onto the roof. Don't go left towards the arcs! Go right, go down the stairs and open the lattice door...

Wow, you are in the thick of things! Flap is fighting with Kahn (the "grandmother" from your compartment), the fake controller is waving a pistol, and Nicole is tied to the fire shield. A moment later, Kahn manages to throw the fat man out the open door. Marche's killer shoots him.

Now it's your turn to act. Quickly pull the stop valve next to the door. The train slowed down, the “controller” was hit on the top of the head with a box and lost consciousness. Talk to Kan, your former enemy, and now friend and brother. He also tried to thwart the plans of the New Templars, which means you were playing on the same team! When Kahn dies, try to go out the door on the left. Nicole will remind you to untie her.

Destruction of Baphomet

Along the road leading through the cemetery, you will reach a dilapidated church. Go inside and, while Nicole looks at the writing on the door, rummage through the pile of garbage. First you will find a slightly damaged clay pipe, then a coin that has turned green with age, then a gear, and finally the most useless item: a plastic cap. In the far corner is part of the lifting mechanism. Turn the handle on it. When it breaks off, remove another gear from the mechanism. Now perform an incredibly savage action: insert gears into the eyes of the demon statue at the door and stick a handle into his mouth. Turn...

Go to the church and watch the New Templars. (By the way, among the monks you will recognize your old friend - Inspector Rosso). When you have such an opportunity, remove the torch from the wall and throw it on the pile of gunpowder left in the church from God knows what war. Look, what a “bang!” it worked!

Magazine "VideoGames", 1998.

May occur in a different order, not only as indicated in walkthroughs of Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars- that is, you can first visit Syria and then Spain. This has absolutely no effect on the main course of the game.

Chapter 1: Paris

You are alone, and you are near a completely destroyed cafe. Look at the ground and you will see a newspaper. Pick her up. Then enter the cafe. Approach the woman and talk to her. When answering the questions she asks you, you can tell her whatever you want, it’s not that important. After talking with the woman, pay attention to the dead man (to your right on the screen). Look in his pockets: you won't find anything there.

Then exit the cafe and head deeper into the gaming space, to where you will notice a person working. There you will be stopped by a policeman who will force you to return to the cafe.

As soon as you finish talking with the policeman, leave the cafe. Talk to the woman you meet at the cafe. You learn that her name is Nicole Collar and that she is a journalist. She had seen the victim shortly before the incident. She will tell you that the deceased's name is Plantard. Then she will leave you her phone number and leave.

You will go right, in the direction where the clown disappeared. You will see a hatch there, but you will not be able to open it. Return to the cafe and go to where you noticed the worker. Talk to him and give him the newspaper you picked up at the cafe. After this, the worker will leave. Choose from his tools something that you can use to open the hatch. Return to the hatch and open it. Going down through the hatch hole, you will see a dirty handkerchief lying on the ground, a clown nose and a piece of fabric hanging on the grate. Get out on the other side. A person will be waiting for you at the Exit. Show him your inspector's ID and the piece of fabric you found among the drainpipes. Talk to him and wait for him to leave you his phone number. Leave the yard and use the telephone, which you will see not far from the excavated area where a worker is doing excavation work. Dial Nicole Collard's phone number. She will give you her address. Go right (on screen). Once you see the map, click on Jarry Street.

Rue Jarry: at Nicole's

Try to open the door. The door is closed. Go to the flower shop across the street. Talk to the florist about Nicole. The florist will tell you that you need to press the lock a little. Now go through the door that opens in front of you. Talk to Nicole and show her the clown's nose. Nicole will tell you the way to the store “La Risee du Monde” (“Make the whole world laugh”). Show her also a scrap of fabric. She will give you a photo. Leave Nicole's house and go to "La Risee du Monde", which will appear on the map by this point.

"La Risee du Monde"

Talk to the seller. Show him a dirty handkerchief, then a photo, and he'll tell you the man's name: Kan. At the end of the conversation, he will give you a vibration transducer. Now you need to find the phone. To do this, go to the police station. Go to the phone that is there and call Todrick. Talk to him about the photo and he will tell you the name of the hotel - Hotel Ubu (Hotel Absurd). Go to this hotel.

Ubu Hotel

Talk to the woman who plays the piano. Discuss everything you know with her and show her all the items you found. Then go to the administrator. Try to take the key that is hanging on the stand on the far wall near the reception desk. The administrator will prevent you from doing this. Talk to him then about the key. Go back to the woman playing the piano and ask her for advice about the key, she should help you. As soon as the administrator leaves, take the key. Go up the stairs and use the key to open the first door on your right. Go through the room, exit through the window and climb into the room again, but through the adjacent window. When you try to leave the room, someone unfamiliar will appear through the door. You will need to hide in the wardrobe. As soon as the stranger leaves, rummage through the pockets of his trousers that he left on the bed. There you will find a map and a matchbox. Leave the room through the door and go down the stairs. Talk to the administrator about the box and show him the card you just found. Then go to Lady Piermont and show her the map - then she will help you again. As soon as you receive a copy, return to the room (the same one, the first door on the right), and leave it through the window. Throw a copy in the alley where the window of the room faces. Leave the hotel and turn into the alley on your left.


When you return to Niko, she will tell you to go to the Crune Museum.

Crune Museum

Enter the museum. Pay attention to the display case in the center of the museum. From what he saw, George will conclude that he needs to go to Ireland. Go back to the map and click on the airport.

Chapter 2: Ireland

Talk about everything you know with the waiter at the cafe (McGuir), then go inside. Talk to O'Brian sitting at the bar (the man at the back of the room. Then take the napkin that is under Doyle's elbow (the man sitting next to O'Brian) when he raises his hand. Then go talk to the man who sneezes. When you finish talking to him, you will see that he put a loop (a piece of black thread) on the table. When he sneezes, quietly take this loop.

Now go to Fitzgerald, the man sitting in the middle of the room. Talk to him about the excavations. Then return to Doyle. Talk to him about everything and pay for his beer. Exit the cafe and talk to Maguire about Fitzgerald. Continue the conversation until he decides to leave. Then you will hear squealing tires, and Maguire will return to the cafe to say that something happened to Fitzgerald. Leave the cafe and Maguire will tell you everything he saw. Below, to the right of the entrance to the cafe, you will see a small box. Click the switch. Return to the cafe and order a beer from the bartender. The pump will not work. Show the bartender the card you took from the Ubu Hotel. Go behind the bar and place a loop of black thread around the lever on the dishwasher. Go down to the cellar and flip the switch. Return to the main entrance of the cafe and lift the grate in the sidewalk. The person who will be next to you at this moment is called Kan. He will talk to you. Return to the cellar and take the gem there. Then exit the bar.

When you leave the bar area, turn right and follow the path. Talk to the farmer standing by the haystacks about Fitzgerald. Once the farmer leaves, climb up onto the haystack. On top of it, place a tool with which you can widen the gap in the wall to get into the middle. A goat will appear on your way and will try to jump out through the hole in the wall, it will prevent you from getting through the hole in the wall. Try to get through the opening, avoiding the goat on the right. The goat will throw you up with a sharp blow. Once you are on the ground, click on the plow icon on the left of the screen to close the goat. Get through the hole in the wall. Take the plaster in the bag on the table. Drop the statue on the ground, then pick it up again. Place the pieces of plaster into the resulting depression in the ground. Return to the bar's cellar, turn on the tap and dip a napkin in the water twice. Quickly return to the place of your “excavation work” in the castle and cover with a damp cloth the plaster that you placed in the hole in the ground. Take the cast thus obtained and place it in the wall opening instead of the statue. Enter the room.

Chapter 3: Back in Paris


Exit Niko's apartment. Then go to the police station. Talk to policeman De Marche, he will tell you how to get to the hospital. Go there. Go to the hospital and talk about everything with the administrator. Show him your ID, and then ask him about Nurse Grendel several times. Go along the corridor to the left. You will approach the person who is cleaning. Unplug the electric floor polisher he is using. Then quickly go to the cabinet, next to which there is an electric polisher, and open the cabinet. Take out the robe. Return to the hospital lobby. Talk to the doctor, who is standing in the middle of the room at this moment. He will tell you that he is Benoir, a young medical specialist. Look around when you are near the cleaner. Go through the door that will be on your left. Talk to the nurse. She will give you a blood pressure monitor. Talk to the two patients who are in the ward. Then try to go to the right (on the screen), but then the patient will call out to you. Talk to Benoir and give him the tonometer, and then tell him to take care of the second patient. Then go right to the front door. Finally, after talking to Niko, head back to the museum.

At the Crune Museum

Discuss all your questions with Lobino. Then open the window to your right. When the guard approaches to close the window, hide in the sarcophagus to your right and wait. Once you can control George again, click on the large totem icon next to him to make the totem fall. Then return to the museum again and talk to Lobino. Return to the map, click on the airport and travel to Spain.

Chapter 4: Spain

Try to get into the house. The gardener will disturb you. Turn left (on the screen) and put your tonometer on the watering hose exposed in the window. As soon as the gardener goes into the house, you head to the far room to the right of the stairs, and when the dogs bark, quickly hide behind the armor. When the gardener leaves, go up the stairs.

Talk to the Duchess. In the mausoleum, take the bible and pay attention to the chess that is under it. Return to talk to the Duchess about the chessboard and the pieces. Do this with the board: before going down, place the bishop in the first square, the knight in the third, and the king in the fourth.

Returning to Paris

Once you leave Niko's house, return to the map and click on the new sign that appears there: Montfacon.

Chapter 5: Montfacon

Talk to the juggler. Then talk to the policeman who is sitting on the terrace of the cafe. Talk to him about the juggler and show him the red nose of the clown. Finally, return to the juggler, and when the policeman leaves, use the tool to open the hatch and go down into it.

Under the hatch

Walk past the small bridge and pay attention to the first wall on your right. Use the tool to open the hatch in this wall and reveal a hole behind it. Click on the image of the hole in the wall and click again to open a secret passage. Go to the boat and use the manipulator to unwind the chain. Then grab the chain and pass it through the hole you just made. Go through the secret passage. Don't go down the stairs, get closer to the hole in the wall in the back, and look into it. When you can control George again, look through the hole in the wall again, but don't go down yet. Once the meeting downstairs is over, go down the stairs and place a tripod on the raised platform in the center of the room. Then place the jewelry on the tripod. After you leave Niko's house, return to the map, go to the airport and head to Syria.

Chapter 6: Syria

Talk to Neho, the young man to your right. Show him the red ball. Go right, go through the small door and go up the stairs. When you go upstairs, give the matchbox you have to the carpet merchant and he will allow you to enter. Talk to the person sitting in the room. This is Ultar. Show him the photo. Go to the door to the toilet room and pay attention to the inscription above the door. Return to Ulthar to talk to him about this inscription. Exit the club and go down the steps. Talk to the merchant standing to the left of the small door you entered through. Later, by right-clicking on this character, you will see that he stole the brush from the toilet. Return to Neho to talk to him about this. Give him the ball. Go and say the right phrase to the merchant, and then come back to talk to Neho again. He will give you a brush. Go up to the Alamut club and give the brush to the bartender. Go into the toilet room, opening the door with the key, and take the chain from the cistern there. Use your key to open the towel closet and take a towel. Exit the restroom and go downstairs again.

Pet the cat sitting on the table next to Neho, and then ring the bell, which is also on the table. Pick up the figurine that fell to the floor from the table. Wipe it with a dirty handkerchief. Offer the figurine to Duan (an overweight man with a camera, an American tourist), and he will buy it from you for $50. Return to the Alamut Club to see Ulthar again, and tell him about the bull's head, and that you are going to go after it when you go down and can control George's character again.

Bull head

Take a twig from a bush. Attach the towel you have with you to the branch. Use the branch with the towel when you cross the ravine to your right to be able to climb down. When you go down, there will be an opening in the wall to your right. Look into it and you will see a car. Launch it and a secret grotto will open. Go down to the grotto. Examine it to find and take the lens with you. Then look at the two statues. Soon Kahn will appear and force you to leave the grotto. His questions should be answered in this order: demon, angel, demon, human. When he gets ready to shake your hand, use the vibration transducer and hurry to the left side of the screen, into the void.

Chapter 7: Returning to Paris

When you leave Niko's house, go to the map and then to Montfaucon.


Go up the steps to the church. Talk to the priest and give him the cup so he can clean it. Pay attention to the statue, and then use the magnifying glass to read the parchment she is holding. Take your cup back from the priest. Examine the grave, which is located in the depths of the church hall, against the wall on the right. Exit the church and head towards the museum.

In the museum

Talk to Lobino and he will tell you where Baphomet is. Return to the map and head to Baphomet.

In Baphomet

Go down the steps. Try to enter the doors to the right of the guard. Then talk to the guard and ask him for the keys to the restroom. Go into the toilet room by opening the doors with the key.

When you find yourself in the restroom, take the soap. Place the key on the soap, then remove the key and use plaster of Paris, placing it on the soap to form an impression of the key. Then rinse off the soap under the tap. Exit the restroom, return the keys to the guard and go upstairs again. Try using a fake key to get the paint can from the worker, but he still won't let you do it. Go down and call Niko. Go up again to see the worker. When he leaves, use the keys to get the paint can. Go down again. Ask the guard for the keys again. Return to the restroom and replace the fake key with a real one. Exit the restroom. Pay attention to the thermostat, which is located to your left. Talk to the guard about the heating system. Head to the thermostat and lower the temperature. When the guard puts on his gloves, give him the fake keys. Call Nicole again. When you can control George again, go upstairs again and open the door, which is guarded by a guard with keys. Once you are inside the room, place the bowl on the drawing on the floor.

When you leave Niko's house, go to the map, and then to Spain.

Chapter 8: Back in Spain

Go to the mausoleum. Take the bible. Use a large pole to close the window. Attach your handkerchief to a stick. Hold the stick over a small lit candle. Then, using a burning stick, light a large candle suspended from the ceiling. Take the item you see in the grave. Exit the mausoleum and go talk to the Duchess. Give her the bible. Go down and take the mirror hanging on the wall in the small room to the left of the stairs. Go out and ask the gardener about the well. Then go, turning left all the time, and pick a branch from the tree growing against the wall, under the window. Show the branch to Lopez, the gardener.


When you go down into the well, pay attention to the lion's head and start the mechanism. Then quickly go left so that you are not crushed by the rapidly descending door. Use the mirror and the beam of light falling on it to find the lock. Then open the lock with the object that fell from the candle. Sign in.

Chapter 9: Corsica


Try to get out of the compartment. As soon as the controller passes by and is out of sight, exit the compartment. Turn left and walk until you spot Guido. Turn right and enter your compartment. There you will find that Niko and the other passenger have disappeared. Exit your compartment and go into the next one, the one to the left of yours. Talk to Nicole's compartment neighbor. Open the compartment window and climb onto the roof of the train. Go right (be sure not to touch the gear line to the left of the train), and then go down the stairs to climb into the carriage. When you can control George again, turn on the alarm and leave the train through the door to your left.


Dig through the pile of plaster pieces several times until you find something in it. Use the gear you pick up there to get rid of the statue. Take the gear and the crankshaft with a handle from the wheel and use them against the statue. Then go inside and go deeper into the room. You will find yourself at the ceremony. Once the ceremony is over, and as soon as you can control George again, pick up the torch that you see on the wall. After this there will be a strong explosion.

“Broken Sword 3: Sleeping Dragon”- the third part of the game about the adventures of the American lawyer George Stobbart and the French journalist Nico Collard. Like the two previous parts, this is an incredible story where ancient mystical secrets and science, detective investigation and archeology, heroism and betrayal, humor and pathos are mixed. Having strung it all, like colored beads, on the thread of a whimsically twisting intricate plot, Revolution received a fascinating story, alternately taking place on the streets of Paris and in the jungles of the Congo, in dear old England and the tombs of ancient Egypt.

Revolution decided to completely change the idea of ​​the quest genre. The main idea was to drive into the coffin the point-and-click system with pixel-by-pixel combing and rummaging of each screen. The experiment was a success. Despite the absence of the usual mouse, the controls are convenient and can be mastered instantly. And quest items are easily found with the help of silver glare-stars, similar to those we saw in “ In Cold Blood."

The game is completely three-dimensional. Polygons were not spared either for landscapes and interiors, or for heroes. In addition, you will find countless animated videos, scenes, skits. Moreover, this is not a reward for overcoming the next stage of the journey, but an everyday and very pleasing reality. Thank you Revolution for your generosity!

The animation and facial expressions in the game are excellent: here Niko is jumping up and down the steps, here she is rounding or squinting her eyes, opening her mouth in amazement or pursing her lips in displeasure.

You won’t find details carved by Papa Carla, such as the three-fingered, rigid forelimbs that plague half of the 3D adventure games. Moreover, situations have been worked out that in other games cause nervous laughter among players: how many times since “ Legends of King Arthur" you had to watch how, having reached the wall and resting his nose against the corner, the hero (or, even more cheerfully, his horse), as if nothing had happened, continued to playfully move his feet in place. If George or Niko run into a wall, everything will be just like in life - arms outstretched and a quiet “Oh!”

The details are well done. Thus, a Lockheed Electra is recognizable at first glance in a flying plane, and the tail of the plane that will bring George to England at the end of the game is striped. A connoisseur will instantly recognize that this is former US Navy property.

And finally, the game is generously seasoned with humor, the trademark humor of Charles Cecil, without which none of the Broken Sword"ov did not become a hit that will be remembered for years. Some situations are comical to the extreme. So George stole a hefty iron thing from a worker - a sewer wrench, and immediately used it to open a manhole nearby. A concerned worker, seeing a familiar thing on George, asks : “Is this by any chance my sewer key?”

“No, it’s mine,” Stobbart lies cheerfully.

“What, do you always carry sewer keys with you?” - the worker asks.

“Don’t others do this?” - Stobbart is sincerely surprised.

And so all the way...

The puzzles are mostly simpler than in previous games. But the logic of what is happening is pleasing. For example, who can know the code to a safe if not the beloved girl of its owner?

Of course, there weren't any sun spots at all. You can poke your finger at the wing of the mill, which in the lower part of the trajectory easily passes through the wall. And blame George, who, like Indiana Jones, storms steep cliffs, but gets confused in three chairs if they accidentally get in his way in a cramped room. Or criticize the incomprehensible passion of the game creators for dragging boxes/stones/blocks with Stobbart as the draft force. Starting from the first scene on the plane with a lonely box in it and ending with the last episode with the construction of a three-story pyramid from the same boxes, we will encounter a game of cubes 10-15 times per game.

This game will remind you that the world is not gray, it is colorful. If I were writing a review, I would give it 11 points out of 10 with a pure soul. But I’m a keen person, so my rating: excellent, minus a small adjustment for my dislike of playing with cubes.

This concludes the general part and begins to describe the passage of the game.

Nico and George broke up several years ago. George practices law in Idaho, and Nico continues her career as a journalist in Paris. But, as you know, fate plays with a person... And who would have imagined that an ordinary case of filing a patent for an invention and an ordinary interview would bring them together again.



As usual, the game begins with a colorful introductory video.

Scene one. A thunderstorm is raging over Paris. In a gloomy cathedral, the master of a religious order instructs two novices: “It has begun. The energy is growing. You know the task. The price of a mistake could be Armageddon.” Pay attention to the drawing on the floor - a broken sword and a strange symbol.

Episode two. Africa. Under the wings of a flying airplane lies the green sea of ​​the Congo jungle. Two people are flying in the cockpit of a decommissioned military vehicle: our old friend, American lawyer George Stobbart, is chatting with pilot Harry. Suddenly a thunderstorm comes. Another lightning strikes directly at the engine on the wing - now disaster is inevitable. Soft landing, George!

Third scene. In a dimly lit apartment, hacker Vernon Blier watches the computer. A knock on the door pulls him away from the news bulletin listing natural disasters. The hacker is nervous and asks Niko Collard (as the visitor introduced herself) to quickly enter the apartment. Vernon says that he managed to decipher the manuscript, that the whole world is in danger, and he is also in danger of death, because now he knows too much. Instead of answering, the girl puts a gun to his head.

Well, now you are aware of what is happening and you can start playing.

Congo - George after the plane crash

George comes to his senses. The first thing to do is to free yourself by unfastening your seat belt. Press S. Stand up. Look at the window nearby (D). A smoking engine is visible on the wing. Try to open the window (S). Does not exceed. Try to go to the back of the plane and open the door. Does not work. Pick up from the floor beer bottle. An unconscious pilot can be seen sitting in the cockpit ahead. Try to approach him. Oops! - it turns out that the plane is balancing on the edge of a cliff, and the slightest shift of weight forward can lead to a fall. You need to shift your center of gravity back. A large box is visible on the side. Before you start moving it, you need to release the stopper on the wall that locks the weight in place. Do it. Then go to the box on the right, and, holding down the S + right arrow keys at the same time, move it to the center of the plane. Now pull the load towards you, and then go in front and push it towards the rear of the cabin (S + down arrow). When the box is against the wall, the work is completed. Now you can go into the cabin.

In the cabin, look at the broken window. On the floor in front of him stands fire extinguisher. Using PgUp, PgDn, switch from the window to the fire extinguisher, and then use the balloon to hit the window. It’s just that you won’t be able to climb out - the balance the plane has acquired is too fragile. Additional counterweight is needed. Perhaps the passed out pilot Harry would be perfect for this role. But first you need to wake him up. We approach Harry and, using the “lens” icon, take it from him bottle opener. In the luggage, select a bottle of beer and an opener, and click the icon with two objects with an arrow between them (connect things). The bottle is open. Approach Harry and shove the bottle under his nose. The life-giving smell will immediately bring him to his senses. Now talk to him (open mouth icon). Choose a plane crash as the topic of conversation, after which Harry will willingly go to the rear of the cabin to create additional counterweight.

Climb out the cabin window. When Harry follows George, the balance is disrupted and the airplane crashes into the abyss. And George and Harry will find themselves sitting on the ledges of a giant cliff.

Jump to the ledge to the right and climb to the ledge above to join Harry. Talk to him about your mission: George was brought to the Congo in search of a scientist named Cholmondely, who is working on creating a source of limitless energy, and who wanted to patent his invention. It seems that this scientist lives somewhere nearby.

Save the game and start walking along the cliff. Calculate the distance for jumps with pixel accuracy, as it was in “ Indiana Jones", you will not have to. It is enough to stand on the right place on each of the ledges and select one of the proposed icons: jump forward, climb up, press against the wall or hang by your hands. Your job is to find the right path. True, at the beginning of the path you will have to hurry: the right end of the ledge, where George and Harry stand, is covered with cracks, and will begin to collapse as soon as George steps on it. And the ledge following it also collapses. If you hesitate, fly after the airplane.

Go right to the waterfall. At the waterfall, go down a couple of ledges until you see a path leading around the flow of water. Follow it and make your way to the right to the end of the cliff. In one place you will need to hang on your hands and use the left and right arrows to overcome a narrow cornice. At the edge of the cliff, climb up until you can turn left. This road will lead you to the cave entrance, where George will witness the murder of the scientist Cholmondeley by two unknown mafia-type types.

Niko in Paris. Murder of Vernon Blier

Having received an assignment from the editor, George's journalist friend Nico goes to meet with hacker Vernon Blier. Here are the stairs, the door of the desired apartment... the action begins.

Outside the apartment door, Niko will hear shots. Trying to knock or open the door will not bring any results. You need to look for another way into the apartment, but first look around. Pinned to a notice board on the wall pen- take it. Then go to the balcony door nearby and go outside. There is a large birdbath next to Niko. Pull it to the far (left) side of the balcony. Then climb onto it, jump off the side of the door and push the bathhouse into the far corner until it stops. Climb onto it again and grab onto the drainpipe that runs along the ledge. Press W and left arrow to move to the middle balcony. There, go to the door leading to the hacker's apartment. You can't go in - the door is locked. But Nico will be able to see a dead body on the floor. Go to the third, far balcony. Climb over the fence bars, move left, climb over the bars again. This balcony also has the entrance to Vernon's apartment. They say a journalist's pass opens all doors. You can also try. Go to the door, press the spacebar to call up your luggage and swipe the plastic card in the door. You can come in.

The bedroom is dark and quiet. Look around. Go through the door into the next room. Pay attention to the painting hanging on the wall next to the door and remember the name of its author. Examine the body lying on the floor. Take it from him business card(use the magnifying glass icon). Alas, judging by the documents, this is still warm Vernon Blier, and you will no longer be destined to interview him. Continue exploring the room. Pay attention to the broken computer: someone tore out the hard drive from it. Pick it up from the floor sleeve- To understand the murder, we need all the evidence.

Go through the arch to the kitchen. As soon as Niko crosses the threshold, the floorboard under her foot will creak, and a cutscene will start: the killer hiding behind the refrigerator will jump out and point a gun at Niko. It seems that the girl, who is two peas in a pod like Niko, has the most bloodthirsty intentions. At gunpoint, Niko retreats deeper into the kitchen. As soon as control buttons appear on the screen, you need to act quickly. Press S and left arrow. Niko will grab the frying pan and hit the killer, and then shield himself from the bullet with the frying pan. The action will continue at the refrigerator. Press S and Niko will hit the attacker with the door. The gun will fire into the air and is now unloaded. The killer runs away. Jump out onto the balcony behind her to hear the sound of a car driving away.

Return to the kitchen to collect as much evidence of the murder as possible. The green light of the phone is on the table. Look at it (they will show you the number), then listen to three messages from the answering machine: Vernon’s mother called, Niko herself and the hacker’s girlfriend Beatrice. The latter is going to meet him in the garden. Finally, use the phone to make two calls: the first to the newspaper, the second to ask your old friend Andre Lobinlau for advice. There is a trash can in the corner. Look into it to find an extract from bank account: Looks like Vernon was having money problems. Apparently, that’s why he decided to sell his story to the newspaper. Finally, there is a mat at the entrance to the kitchen. Pick her up. It turns out that there is a safe hidden under one of the floorboards. You can try to open it using your phone number and bank account number instead of the code. But the attempt will fail.

Now go out onto the balcony again and go down the fire escape to the street. Go to the trash cans at the dead end of the alley. Lying on the asphalt newspaper- pick it up. The newspaper is full of reports of natural disasters. Go to the wall on the left and climb up it, then jump into the small park. There is something lying next to the bench opposite. This black wig. Having taken it, open the luggage and look at the wig in more detail - there will be blond hair on it. Climb over the wall to end up in the alley again.

Walk around the house and talk to the woman cleaning the street. In addition to funny information about her past at the Moulin Rouge, she will tell you that she saw a blonde getting into a sports car.

Now talk to the skateboarder wandering nearby. The guy is interested in sports cars and will tell you more about the sports Jaguar he saw. It will also give a tip that you can try to find out about the “Yaga” number from the traffic inspector on duty at the end of the street.

Before talking to the female inspector, go to the square where Vernon’s girlfriend Beatrice is waiting on a bench. Talk to her.

You should start a conversation with the policewoman by showing her the cartridge case. It turns out that she is a real specialist in firearms. She will determine the caliber by eye - 12 mm - and will tell you that they fired from the new magnum with cartridges made in Prague. Looks like it was a professional murder. She would describe the blonde, down to her shoe size and the fact that she was a foreigner. And besides, the Jaguar was parked in the wrong place, and the inspector wrote down its number - 451 SAS 75. The policewoman noticed a strange mask on the passenger seat.

When the conversation ends, a video will play. Policemen will get out of the approaching car and arrest Niko. She will be escorted to Vernon's apartment to be identified by a neighbor. Talk to the police inspector leading the investigation on all possible topics. But, despite the evidence Niko has collected, he will leave her under arrest.

George in the Congo. Cave

Go inside the cave and talk to the dying scientist Cholmondeley. Before his death, he will say only a couple of words: “Danger... The world is in danger... Susarro...”. Examine the body and take the name card from it.

Consider the door shaped like a giant omega letter. Notice the slot in the center.

Go to the table in the back of the room. Take it from him magnifying glass And postcard from the town of Glastonbury in England. Read the postcard. It is signed by Bruno and mentions Suzarro.

To the right of the cabinets there is another door, but there is no handle on it. It will open when you stand on the square slab on the floor in the corner. To fix the door in the open position, you need to put something heavy on the stove. A black box nearby will do just fine. Move it. When the door opens, go into the laboratory.

Note the slot with a hole in the wall. You can probably use it to secure the door.

The center of the laboratory is occupied by an incomprehensible unit resembling a giant Van der Graaff generator. Lightning bolts of electrical discharges snake around. First press the buttons on the remote control on the left, then pull the handle on the right. The unit, unable to withstand incompetent handling, will explode. And from a distance you will hear screams - what is happening has attracted someone's attention. Perhaps it's time for George to leave here.

Pick up what's lying on the floor lever arm. Its diameter exactly matches the diameter of the hole in the slot next to the door. Paste. Go to the first room, move the box from the slab on the floor and push it into the laboratory. There, high in the wall, you can see an opening - you can leave through it. Place the box against the wall. Before you leave, remove the lever from the hole; you will need it later.

Interesting: are Madame Zaza and her black sister by profession from Monkey Island sisters?

Climb onto the box and pull yourself up into the opening at the top. Pay attention to bird's Nest high on the ledge. Use the lever to remove it and take it with you. Familiar tricks await you ahead: you need to walk along the ledge, pressing against the wall, and then pull yourself up with your hands along the ledge. This will take you to the exit of the cave. Go forward to a large statue located near the cliff - a bull's head with a niche for fire inside. This is probably some kind of native deity.

Below you can see Harry sitting in a jeep, but it is impossible to get to him because of the three bandits guarding below. We have to deceive them somehow. Place a bird's nest in the niche in the statue, and then use a magnifying glass to set it on fire with a sunbeam. Seeing the statue breathing out fire, two natives with machine guns will run away screaming in horror, leaving only Suzarro. While trying to get around the statue, George slides off a cliff. A video is playing - Suzarro calls the security back. As soon as the control keys become available, press Left Shift along with the directional arrows to run up to the jeep. When you get there, press S to jump into the car.

Waving his hand to the disappointed Suzarro, George wonders what to do next. It looks like we need to go to England to look for the mysterious Bruno.

George at Glastonbury

Looking around the landscape of this rural town, you begin to understand why the British are so proud of their country. But this is true, by the way. Our task is to find Bruno.

Glastonbury is a historical place. It was here, according to legend, that King Arthur's sword was buried and it was here that the saint slayed the dragon. In short, all business here is aimed at tourists.

Walk along the street until you see a sign for a small store called “Cosmic Faerie” on the left side. Come in. Look at the postcards on display - among them there is one exactly like the one that George found in the Congo. This means we are on the right track. Look at the book of poetry lying in front of the counter with three silver coins on the cover. Read it. Talk to the seller - middle-aged hippie Tristram (Tristram Hillage). Ask him about the postcard, and then ask him several times if he knows Bruno. Tristram will unlock the door, but every time the steps will creak at the top. It looks like there is someone in the house. Tristram will say that the old building creaks on its own, but then there will be the sound of water flushing in the toilet... Hm.

Try climbing the ladder at the back of the shop. But this is a private property, buyers are not allowed to enter there. After that, return to the street.

A prominent gentleman is walking up and down the street. Talk to him. Colonel Butley will tell you about the problems with his daughter Melissa, and at the same time it will turn out that he is the owner of the building in which Tristram lives. The colonel saw how the light was burning there in the absence of the owner. It looks like someone is hiding in the house.

Continue down the street until you see a sign for Zazie's Kiosk on the left side. Talk to this exotic lady about everything, and especially about the postcard from Bruno. She is ready to try to read the information on the energy remaining on the postcard, but her gift requires silver. Neither credit cards nor euros are suitable. A book of poetry seen in a shop comes to mind.

Leave Zaza's and talk to Eamon O'Mara, a BBC TV presenter who is hanging out here waiting for the bar to open. You will find him on the bench opposite Zaza's salon.

Return to “Space Fairies”. Even earlier, you learned that Tristram writes poetry and publishes it himself, but he’s having difficulty selling it. Tell him that the famous O'Mara is nearby. Don't miss this chance for free advertising! This will give you a book of coins. Now combine a book and an iron rod in your luggage, and you can go to the fortune teller.

Give the fortune teller a coin and she will try to read about Bruno from the postcard. Unfortunately, there are many more traces of other people, including those of Stobbart himself, on the postcard. Therefore, the information that Bruno is hiding from someone seems clearly insufficient. Save the game - you can spend the second coin and give the fortune teller the pass of the late Cholmondeley to admire Suzarro close up. The fortune teller will be horrified by him and call him “a man without a soul” and “the face of death.” Then reboot. The fact is that by the end of this part of the game you need to keep one coin. You will need it much later, in Prague.

Then leave the salon and go to Eamon to show him Tristram's book of poems. This is where it turns out that Tristram is a plagiarist who, without hesitation, borrows poetry from the now deceased classics, starting with the famous Tennessee. Outraged by the violation of copyright, O’Mara will go to sort things out with the owner of “Space Fairies”. Follow along to witness a funny conversation. It’s interesting that the name of the missing colonel’s daughter, Melissa, will suddenly come up in the dispute. As soon as the controls become available, go to the stairs at the back of the shop and go upstairs. There George will have the pleasure of meeting Melissa, and at the same time he will learn that Bruno occupied this room in front of her. Go downstairs. Now you can threaten Tristram that you will tell the warlike colonel about his affair with Melissa. He will break down and reveal everything he knows about Bruno. And he will give you the only thing Bruno forgot - boxing underpants.

We go to Madame Zaza with our underpants and give the surprised woman a battle trophy and a silver coin. A terrible vision appears before her: dragon fire, a dragon seeking the death of this man. Zaza loses consciousness.


Leaving Zaza, George sees a column of smoke above the pub opposite. A fire started. Go to the building and try to enter the door in the alley to the left of Eamon. Screams are heard from behind the door, but it is locked. Quickly approach Eamon and ask for help. Together you easily manage to open the door.

Inside the courtyard you can see a burning barn, and standing nearby is the arsonist - a figure in a blue robe. As George approaches, the devilish monk disappears.

We need to get into the burning barn. There is a window in front, but it is too high. There are four boxes in front of the window. Move two single boxes so as to form a bridge to the wall of the barn, and then push the box on top along this bridge. You will get a ladder. Climb from it out the window. There you will find Bruno. Untie him and climb back out the window.

Once safe, Bruno will tell his story. It turns out that Stobbart had met him before, during his fight against the neo-Templars (the first game in the “Broken Sword” series). Bruno left the order a long time ago, but he knows a lot about what is happening. After the death of the old master, Suzarro took power into his own hands. Now the organization is called the “Order of the Dragon”, and the source of its power is geomantic energy. It is the focused natural energy of the earth that flows along ley lines. The Chinese call them Dragon lines. Every 12,000 years the energy rises to its maximum, and now the next peak is coming. Suzarro activated the sources of this energy to use it for his own purposes. Working with her made him sick, but by mastering her, he can become immortal. It is he who is responsible for earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters that hit the Earth. Access to this power can only be obtained at special points on the planet, and Bruno does not know where exactly Suzarro works.

Before you leave the town of Glastonbury, you will witness a showdown between the angry colonel and Tristram. Yes, from the great to the ridiculous...

Niko in Paris. Continued investigation into Vernon's death

We find Niko in her Paris apartment not in the best mood - after all, due to the stupidity of the police, Niko lost two whole days! First listen to the phone message. Then call Andre. Tell him about Vernon's safe. He will advise you to start by searching for the code to the safe. Walk around the apartment, look at George's photo, at the clown's nose on the table, at the paintings on the wall. Go to the toilet.

Then leave the house to go to Vernon's home. In the alley you will see two people talking: the cleaning lady we know and Vernon’s neighbor, who accused Niko of murder. Talk to your neighbor. Niko will not be able to convince her of her innocence, but when she leaves, the cleaning lady will remember that Vernon spoke about growing energy and an old manuscript.

Incredible! Before you is the energy machine of the ancients.

Try entering the house from the front entrance. The doors to the apartment and to the balcony are locked. Get out and go to the fire escape in the alley behind the house. Climb up. The door to the kitchen is closed. To open it, Niko uses an old trick: first he slips a newspaper under the door, and then uses a pencil to push the key out of the lock. Pulling the newspaper back, we get key from the door. Open the door.

In the kitchen, take the paper from the table napkin. Go into the room. At the door to the bedroom you will hear sobs. Come in. Sitting on the bed, Beatrice is crying excitedly. At first she will refuse to talk to Niko. Give her a napkin. Beatrice wipes away her tears and reveals that Vernon feared for his life. Six months ago, someone asked him to decipher an ancient manuscript (you can read more about this document by referring to the main menu of the game). Vernon did it because he was a genius. And then he realized that everything that was said in the manuscript was true... Unfortunately, Beatrice does not know the code to the safe, but she thinks that it should be simple. After all, her brilliant friend’s memory was useless. For example, he endlessly asked her when her birthday was (October 23).

Say goodbye to Beatrice and go to the safe. Indeed: Beatrice's birthday is the desired combination. Inside lie DVD and strange diagram.

Go down the fire escape into the alley. When you exit the alley, a cutscene will play. The red sports car will try to hit Niko. To avoid death, press S + right arrow.

Return to Niko's apartment. Insert the disc into the DVD and listen to the recording: Vernon will tell you that he deciphered the mysterious Voynich Manuscript. He will talk about the lines of the Dragon, along which gigantic energy flows. His customers want to subjugate it to themselves. It is because of them that there are so many earthquakes and other disasters in the world now. Two things will help solve the mystery: the Key of Solomon and an incomprehensible phrase: “Devils and Witches dance with cows on the Sabbath.”

There are too many unknowns. Call Andre and ask him to come and listen to the recording. Andre will say that he is not sure about cows (Ile St. Louis - Cow Island - cow island?), but he knows for sure about Solomon's Key - this is such a book. Call the newspaper on the phone and talk about the mask from the car. There they will tell you about the closed theater, which is located on cow island. We leave Andre and go to look for the theater.

When Niko approaches the apartment door, a call will ring from the editor. He wants Niko to leave Vernon Blier's death alone and move on to something else. Niko protests. The editor insists, and Niko announces his resignation.

Paris. Niko in the old theater

The massive building seems to have been abandoned for a long time, it is dark. Try the door. Useless. Start walking around the building to the right. Along the way, try the door handles - everything is locked. Turn into the alley behind the theater. There, at the height of the second floor, a fire escape is visible. Alas, it is out of reach. Go to the end of the alley. Around the corner, Niko will realize that she has taken the right path - a red car is parked there. Come and look at the strange mask lying on the passenger seat.

Cross the street. The neighboring house is dressed in woods. Walk back along the scaffolding until you find an area where there is no fence. You can climb up there. There is also a staircase leading to the second level.

Go around the corner, at the very end you can jump to the third and then to the fourth level. Go around the corner again, when the scaffolding ends, go down, and then climb all the way up again. Consider a large vertical billboard attached to the scaffolding. Maybe it can be used to make a bridge to the other side of the street, to the theater? It’s just that you can’t do anything at this end of the sign; you need to go down to the end that is attached below. Make your way back. Go down and jump through the gap where you went up one floor on the stairs. When you reach the box, move it so that you can climb from it to the next level. Finally, when you reach the bottom end of the sign, unpin bracket. The sign will fall, forming a shaky bridge over the street. As soon as Niko walks across it, the sign will fall. Now there is no turning back.

Climb up onto the roof, go along the ramp to the left, where you will find a fire escape down. It will lead to a balcony with an unlocked door. Enter and continue down, through a room with old soffits, then up the stairs until you reach the red foyer of the theater. Look around. When Niko gets closer to the door, she hears a noise: someone is coming. Niko hides behind the locker room counter, and Suzarro enters the room, accompanied by a blonde assassin and a bodyguard. Niko gets so excited that she doesn’t notice how she puts her hand on a plastic cup, it starts to crack... and Niko is discovered and captured. Well, but now she knows that the blonde’s name is Petra, and the security guard’s name is Flick.

George in Paris

Having left Glastonbury with Bruno, Stobbart returns to Paris, where, according to Bruno, one of the places where energy comes to the surface of the earth is located. Where exactly - the cunning locator that Bruno has should show. The locator leads to an old building. Talk to Bruno. George goes on alone; Bruno, who has been through too much lately, does not want to take risks again.

Walk along the building to the right until an arch appears. Go under it and turn left into the courtyard. There is a large container with the letter “R” on it. Go to the dead end between the wall of the house and the container. It seems that if George were a little taller, he would be able to lower the lid of the container. Get out and look around. There is a box nearby that you can push into a corner and then climb onto it. Close the lid of the container, stand on it and open the broken window. You are in a book depository.

Naturally, it's dark here. You can flip the switch next to the door - it doesn't work. Go through the door into the central hall. Walk around the shelves listening to Stobbart's funny comments. On the right there is a door leading to another warehouse. Go there. Inside, there are drawers near the door, and behind them on the wall you can see a switch. To get to it, you need to move the top drawer. To do this: 1) move a single drawer close to the two at the door; 2) in the far corner, find another single box and place it third in a row; 3) climb up and pull the top drawer towards you. Now go down and turn on the light. In the light, deep scratches on the floor near the middle drawer become clearly visible. Move the boxes from this place and you will find a hatch leading to a tunnel. Follow it, then go up the two stairs. As a result, George will find himself in the auditorium of the old theater, where Niko is interrogated on the Perth stage. At first, George takes it all in jest, but when Suzarro appears, it becomes clear: Niko needs to be saved!

Now we know exactly why he died.

Go around the auditorium on the left side and go through the door leading backstage. Immediately behind the door you will come across a fire escape. Climb onto the grate. Walk along the walkway along the right hand. Part of the flooring has been destroyed. Pull the rope nearby, and a farm with spotlights mounted on it will lower down to you. Hang on it by your hands and move to the other side of the gap. Go further to two sandbags. Throw one bag down. Ambal Flick will come over to find out what's going on. Immediately throw the second bag, which will fall right on the bandit's head. Now the stunned Flick rests on the floor, and George can go down to Niko.

Friends who meet exchange their stories. Different threads led them to the same person - Suzarro. It looks like they will have to save the world together again.

Paris. Nico and George are back together

Talk to Niko. Examine the guard's body. Leave the stage to the right, go down one set of stairs and continue down the next set of stairs. You are on the ground floor. Turn right into the room with the elevator. Here on one of the boxes George will notice theatrical makeup(theatrical grease paint). Take a tube. Exit through the door next to the box and turn left and then right. The first door on the right along the corridor leads to the costume room. Among the dusty things, a brand new safe standing under the table stands out - remember this.

After leaving the room, go down the corridor until you reach a turn with a door behind it. The door opens onto the stairs. Go down to the basement. As soon as you get there, there will be screams and someone will start firing a gun from behind the door. You shouldn't expose yourself to bullets. Continue on your way.

Directly before the stairs, the first door along the corridor is a room located under the wardrobe room with a safe. The floor sank under the weight of the safe, and to prevent it from falling through, a support was placed underneath. Try to push her out. It doesn't work, the pressure is too great. Needs lubrication. Would a tube of makeup work? But the makeup has dried out and doesn’t help. Need to get it liquid lubricant.

It turns out that making this very lubricant is a terribly troublesome task, and you will have to run around the entire theater to cope with the task. First, go back up to the auditorium and out into the red foyer. Choose the one glass, which revealed Niko's presence. Now put makeup in it. You will receive a glass with makeup inside. Go to the auditorium and go up to the stage. There is a shell-shaped prompter's booth at the edge of the stage, glowing hot from the spotlight directed at it. Put a glass in there and you'll get melted makeup(melted grease paint).

With the liquid lubricant ready, go down to the basement to the support. Lubricate it. Push the support. It turns out that George alone does not have enough strength to move it. Open the list of things (space) and select the Niko icon from the menu. Now she will help you. So, the support was knocked out, the floor was broken, the safe fell down and opened. Let us add that it was a miracle that he did not break George’s head. There were two things in the safe: pass(security swipe key card) and wonderful view artifact with crystal(crystal covered artifact).

Get out and move down the corridor until, around the bend, you come to a dead end with a large metal door. A well-roasted corpse lies nearby. Examine it - there is nothing on it except the pass slot.

Insert the pass from the safe into the device next to the door, it will open. Get into the elevator. There is not much choice - the elevator goes in one direction: down. Go. At the bottom you will find yourself in a long tunnel that will lead you to a huge cave with a mystical device in the center. Surrounded by three giant snake heads, a column of pure energy rises, and a strange object floats within it. Lightning snakes across the hall. A narrow rock ledge leads to the energy altar.

Get closer to the pedestal with the energy pillar. George can get his hand inside, but Nico can't. Take a strange object - it is a stone in the shape of the letter “omega”. George saw a very similar symbol in the Congo caves. When you walk along the rock ledge back to the tunnel, the difficult part of the game will begin, where cutscenes will be mixed with pieces of action, control will be transferred to you for a short time and you will need to act very quickly. If you make a mistake, George will die, and you will restart the scene from the very beginning.

The first stage of solving the problem of “assembling an energy cannon”.

So, you approach the tunnel. At this time, a figure in a blue robe appears below and attacks the guards. The noise of the elevator rising is heard from below - it’s Suzarro and his assistant Petra. Once control returns to you, press Shift + Down Arrow and then A. George will run to the edge of the ledge and hang onto it by his hands, thus becoming invisible to Suzarro and Petra. Then move closer to Niko, who is similarly hovering near the entrance to the tunnel.

Now pull yourself up. Suzarro will immediately notice you and set Petra on. You need to have time to escape from her through the tunnel (Shift + up arrow). The tunnel turns, so you have to adjust the course all the time. As soon as you get into the elevator, it will go up, leaving Petra at the bottom.

After exiting the elevator, you need to take care to stop the chase. Now you can take your time - there is time. Nico holds the elevator door open while George jams it shut with a bottle opener.

Go to the stairs and go up to the next level. There is no point in continuing up the stairs: they are waiting for you. Go into the room where you saw the elevator. Next to it is the control panel. Press the button and watch as the hatch at the top opens and a platform rises up there. Lower it back, climb onto it (the steps in front of the elevator) and press the button again. You are on stage. Approach the edge and jump down. Then go to the hatch with the fire escape in the far corner of the hall, through which George entered the building.

When George climbs out of the window of the library storage room, he will be attacked by a bandit with a knife. He will steal an artifact with a crystal, but when he runs away, he will leave something in return. Niko will pick you up from the ground stone cylinder(stone cylinder).

The next scene takes place in Nico's apartment, where George comes to his senses. Niko, Bruno and Andre gathered around him. Now is the time to exchange the information you have collected. Talk to everyone about everything. Bruno will talk about the energy machine of the Order of the Dragon called Armillary. The next step gradually crystallizes: you need to return to the Congo to reveal the secret of the stone in the form of the letter “Omega”.

Finally, you will be shown Suzarro, who discovers that his safe has been broken into and the contents stolen. Petra vows to kill Nico and George.

Nico and George in the Congo Caves

Cheerful Harry, who drives a jeep with no less pleasure than an airplane, will take George and Nico straight to the entrance to the caves. They would have to go inside, and he would stand guard outside.

Come to the door. There is a brand new castle on it - Suzarro did his best! Take a metal rod from your luggage and try to break the lock. But the gap is too narrow, nothing comes out. Then from the luggage screen, talk to Niko and ask her to pull the door towards herself. After that, don’t hesitate - the girl is not a horse, she can’t strain herself for long. As soon as Niko pulls back the door, take the rod again. Now he will crawl through the crack and George will be able to break the lock. Enter Cholmondeley's laboratory. In the corner there is a unit that we broke on our last visit. Go through the door into the hall where the Omega-shaped gate is located. When you enter, the earth will shake. Perhaps this is a harbinger of an earthquake.

Place the stone found in Paris into the slot on the door. The key fits and the door opens. There is a tunnel ahead, and George wisely suggests that you need to be prepared to encounter the traps that the builders have probably set.

Walk until you reach a sunlit, narrow courtyard with a dead body in the middle. I wonder why the poor fellow died? - a step forward - and Nico barely has time to pull George away from under the slab studded with nails. Yeah, now it’s clear why. The trap is triggered when a load is placed on the yard slabs.

To George's left, a narrow cornice runs along the courtyard. Hang on it by your hands and move to the far end of the courtyard. Under George's weight, part of the cornice will collapse, and this path will be closed to Niko. In order for it to pass, it is necessary to neutralize three rows of slabs studded with nails. We look around and see two square stone blocks lying nearby. Move the first one until the nearest trap is triggered. Then move the second one, leaving one square of space between the blocks for George. Now we do this: the width of the trap is three cells. We move the first block one cell forward. Then we pull up the second block (also one cell). We repeat. This way you will be able to jam both the first and second row of slabs. Climb over the first block to approach the body and search it. You will find piece of cloth in the form of an ancient scarf with strange designs on it. Examine the fabric you took. Hiding inside metal plate with a lightning bolt (metal plate) depicted on it.

Return to the far end of the courtyard. Large gears protrude from the wall. It seems that they are the ones who set the traps in motion. Place a metal rod there and Niko will be able to run to George.

The next room is again fraught with a trap. It is paved with slabs with several different designs. If you stand on the wrong slab, you will be crushed by the ceiling. Plates without a pattern are safety islands. At the entrance to the hall there are four separate slabs with drawings of a fish, a bird, a scorpion and a snake. They are connected to similar slabs in the hall. If you place a weight on the slab, her sisters in the hall will become safe.

To get through, please help Niko. General principle: the girl, at George’s request, will stand on the desired control plate, and George will move around the hall. When he is standing on clean slabs, Niko can change position.

The path winds, first going to the left wall, then returning through the center, then leading to the right wall. Be careful and take small steps. George constantly strives to go beyond the boundaries of the slabs, and retribution comes immediately. You can't save yourself in the middle of the journey. So, Niko must stand on the slabs in the following sequence: Fish, Scorpio, Snake, Fish, Bird, Scorpio, Snake (the path branches here, go back), Bird, Fish, Scorpio, Snake.

After this, George will be able to pull himself up to the ledge on the other side of the hall. Niko will have to stay alone for now.

There is a gap in the floor of the next corridor. Go to the bottom of the screen and jump onto the ledge below. Jump from it to the next ledge. Then hang by your hands and move to the right until you can jump down. Two more steps and you are in the passage below. Notice the glowing crystal growing from the stone.

Go ahead. There is a huge cave ahead. Two exits are visible - through the tunnel on the right side of the screen and the opening in the wall above.

Try to climb the steps from the large stone blocks on the left to the platform leading to the right exit. It turns out that he is balancing on top of a stalagmite. When George reaches the edge, the platform will tilt and throw Stobbart down. A counterweight is needed to secure it.

Among the stone blocks of the staircase, three stand out by color. These darker clumps can be dragged around. Notice that they are located on three different levels. This is how it should remain: George can push and pull them, but he is not able to lift such a weight upward. The counterweight will be the distant block. The other two serve as movable walkways for moving the upper block. The task is not difficult. After George pushes the top block onto the edge of the bridge, you can go forward and jump over to the cave exit.

The next cave is a huge machine room filled with ancient mechanisms. The machine consists of four parts. The one closest to you (and to the passage to the next room) is motionless. The other three can be moved. The task is to assemble a single mechanism from all four to direct a beam of energy to the next room.


Inspect the crystals and protrusions on the three parts. They must fit together. Now go to the control panel at the bottom of the hall. The arrows to the right and left change the direction of the energy flow or rotate that part of the mechanism that is currently located in the center, the gears (S) make the device from which the energy flow is currently flowing move. Assembly order: right part, then left part, then bottom part. Each part moves along the flow of energy in two stages: first it moves to the center, then docks with the main mechanism. When it is in the center, use the rotation arrows to orient it as desired. Please note that rotation may change the flow direction. When the problem is solved, a beam of energy will shoot out from a large crystal at the front of the machine.

Follow the beam through the arch into the next room.

There are several crystals mounted on rotating stands. A ray hits the first of them, and, refracted, rests against the wall.

The racks rotate discretely, 90 degrees, which greatly simplifies the task.

First, rotate the first rack so that the beam hits the crystal on the rack in the depths to the left. Turn this second rack so that the beam passes through the crystal in the adjacent (lower) rack. From there, aim the beam at the crystal to the right. The next one will be a crystal deep in the center of the room. And the energy from it needs to be directed to a bulky device that blocks the passage to a certain control panel and to the stairs. Under energy pressure, the massive unit will move deeper.

The next stage is this. Go to the third crystal in the chain and turn it around so that the beam goes further to the left, where there are more stands with crystals in the niche. From the crystal in the niche, direct the beam to the crystal below nearby (it is partially hidden by the structures), from it to the right, and finally, from the last crystal, direct the beam back to the car.

Now return to the first machine room to the mechanism assembled from four parts. A panel on the front changes the direction of energy flow. Touch it so that the energy flows to you. And again, go to the far hall to see how the massive structure, attracted by the beam, moves away from the wall, freeing up access to the second remote control.

Go up the stairs. Through the door at the top you will find yourself in the hall where Niko is waiting for you. Together, go to the consoles below. Ask Niko (from the list of things) to stand at the first console, go to the second one yourself. Press the button together. A circle with a lightning bolt emblem will light up above the door in the back of the hall, and the door itself will open.

Ahead is a small passageway, with a locked door at the far end. It doesn't open normally. Examine the left wall of the hall. There is a slot there that fits exactly the metal circle with lightning found on the dead body. Place it on the recess and the door will move up. But you won’t be able to hold it in this position: the circle will instantly become hot. Try again. After applying the circle, quickly remove the fabric and use it as an insulating material. Now all that remains is to ask Niko to hold the door open. George himself will go further.

Ahead lies a grandiose spectacle: a hall filled with mystical light and pierced by snakes of lightning, similar to the one you saw in Paris. Go to the altar in the center and take artifact Alpha(Alpha artifact). Now you can return to Niko.

As soon as you leave the hall, a bloodthirsty Petra will appear. At the same moment, an earthquake will begin. Get off your feet. And very quickly. Otherwise you will be shot. There will be a short break around the bend, then the road ahead will begin to crumble. You have literally a second to run to the edge and jump over the gap (S key). If you don't have time, they'll shoot you. After the jump, watch the video: George and Nico retreat in Harry's jeep, followed by the curses of the disappointed Petra.

Niko in Paris. Bruno's kidnapping. Old theater again

When George and Nico return to Paris, an unpleasant surprise awaits them. Niko's apartment is raided, Andre is beaten, and Bruno is kidnapped. True, at first Niko will be most frantic not from this news, but from the sight of the inspector who kept her in prison for two days. But now the policeman is ready to cooperate. He will tell you that information about Niko was stolen from police computers. Bruno, it seems, has been taken to Prague.

Dedicated to Indiana Jones: an episode with a journey through the cornices of a castle in Prague.

In the midst of the conversation, Vernon's girlfriend Petra arrives. Watch Petra and Andre - very funny. Tell her about those responsible for the death of her friend and about the Templars. When Petra finds out that Niko's apartment is unsafe, she offers help and Vernon's apartment.

We need to somehow find and save Bruno. To find information, Niko will go to the old theater. From the doors, go right to the auditorium. Remember the stairs down to the left of the stage? You should go there. Go into the costume room - look at the hole from the safe in the floor: you can jump down through it. Once in the basement, go to the room where last time someone fired a pistol and screamed. The door is open. Behind this is a beautifully appointed office space. Pay attention to the papers on the chest of drawers. They have a lot of things, but nothing about Prague.

Go through the open door into the second room. Get ready for action (S key). As soon as you step on the threshold, Niko Flick, who is lying in wait, will try to break her neck. Grab the vase standing nearby and hit him on the head. The path is clear. In the next room, look at the map on the wall and at the postcard from Prague with a photo of some medieval castle with dragons. Now you can get ready for Prague.

Niko and George in Prague

The old Trabant in which Niko and George are riding has been given a long life right in front of the castle. Go out, discuss all possible topics with Niko, and then try to use the intercom at the gate. A watchman will come out with a Berdanka and in clear English will clearly explain to you that this is private property and that you are not at all welcome here.

Try using Niko's charm. Ask her to use the speaking tube, while you hide in the shadows near the left wall (Ctrl + direction arrow). The security guard, seeing a lonely, lovely young lady who is having difficulties with her car, will leave his post, leaving the gate open. Sneak there.

But the problems have only just begun: the internal security of the castle is much more serious, they are more numerous and are accompanied by dogs. Climb up the left wall. Jump over to the kindergarten. You can track the movement of guards. If the right guard stands still, rooted to the spot, then the left one wanders in circles. Cross the garden and climb the wall again. Jump to the other side. You are at a dead end. At the top of the screen you can see steps that allow you to go to another part of the courtyard. Wait until the guard moves away and go there. Once up, immediately turn left. Do not cross the courtyard - the other side is illuminated by a spotlight, and being caught in the beam means death. Follow the shadow area along the wall to the trash cans. You can rummage through four tanks, finding various junk (some of it is not used at all in the game). Walking past the bins will make George richer by a piece ropes(string), half-gnawed hamburger(burger), aluminum foil(aluminum foil). Go around the courtyard. You need to go past the windows and the locked door. Don't waste time looking out the windows - you still can't see anything, but it's easy to lose seconds and get caught in the spotlight. Dive into the niche ahead where there are several boxes.

Three drawers can be moved. The task is to build steps to climb onto the wall from. To do this, move the two lower drawers sequentially in the desired direction, and then push the upper one from one to the other. Just. Climb the wall. Go down the screen to a dead end. From here you can climb onto the cornice (right in front of you) that encircles the building. Go right. Go around the corner. You are in the central courtyard where George's journey began, and there are guards with dogs wandering below. Climb over the fence onto the balcony above the castle entrance and look out the window. What he saw does not add optimism - there are even more guards inside than outside. Climb to the other side of the balcony and continue on your way.

Around the corner the cornice ends. The only option is to jump down. When George jumps off, the nearest dog will growl. Carefully walk into the garden nearby, where a large tree grows. There is an exit from the garden through an arch. A soldier walks behind her, and on the other side the arch is again visible. You should go there. Wait until the soldier has his nose in the corner and sneak through the courtyard. You will find yourself in a courtyard where there are many boxes. Four of them are small. They are surrounded by many big ones. The task is to pull away the three inner drawers to clear the passage to the one closer to the fence. Then move the fourth box to the fence and climb onto the wall from it.

Jump off to the other side. A large container separates you from the guard, but the dog locked behind the fence begins to growl. Come closer to her, and when you see a star on the screen, take the hamburger out of your luggage. George throws a hamburger, the dog runs after him and falls silent. Go around the container on the side farthest from the dog and sneak past the guard standing with his back through the gate on the right side of the screen.

Once in a large courtyard, start moving down and walk around the perimeter of the courtyard. After the turn, you will reach a gate where Niko is waiting for you.

Talk to her. Niko will turn your attention to Suzarro's helicopter. A locked gate prevents her from joining George - she needs to find a way to open it. Walk around the yard on your right hand: past the trucks, past the fence with the gate. The gate opens when you press a button nearby, but immediately slams shut again. Remember. This way you will reach a jeep, under which you can see a red jack. Take from the car control panel and return to Niko. Operate the remote control on the gate and it will open. Movement will attract the attention of security, so run behind the large metal container.

Go to the fence that the button opens. This is followed by the usual: “Hey Niko! Would you like to hold the button while I take a walk?”

Inside George will pick up piece of coal from the ground (for luck) and iron handle(car jack handle) which he will pull out of the door bolt. Get out and go to the jeep. Along the way, you can admire the helicopter and look into the backyard with many boxes. Pull the winch out from under the jeep using the handle. Then try pushing the car against the wall. Stands rooted to the spot. Let us remember that there is such a thing as a handbrake. We look into the cabin and remove the car from the handbrake. Now the jeep will easily roll to the wall, becoming a springboard from which you can climb to the terrace above. Nico follows George. Then George suggests continuing along the drainpipe. Niko politely but firmly refuses the honor of going there first. George is climbing. The pipe breaks, George ends up on the ledge a couple of floors above, and Nico is left alone.

Niko in Prague Castle

Pick up from the floor bracket, which was used to attach the pipe broken by George to the wall. The way up is closed, and Niko goes down. Get down to the jeep and go to the second of the limousines standing against the wall. Get on it. Through the slightly open window the room is visible. This is a small warehouse. Use the bracket to open the window.

Get inside. Look at the pair of large barrels on the floor and the rusty armor. There is nothing more to do here, go up the stairs into the corridor. Go right. When entering the large hall, listen to the conversation between the two guards regarding Petra. No one wants to contact her, and no one has seen her at close range. Interesting.

Return to the stairs (it starts next to the room where you climbed through the window) and go upstairs. Go through the short corridor. From there, Niko finds herself on the balcony of the hall, in which she overheard the conversation of the guards.

The floor creaks, the guards rise to check that everything is alright, and Niko hides in a dark corner. When the guards leave, go around the balcony until you see a passage into a wide corridor with a red carpet. There are doors on the right and left. They are locked, except for one of the very last ones. Open it and go into Petra's room.

Look around. There is a chest at the foot of the bed. Open it and take it from there hair dryer(hairdryer). To switch to the desired thing, use PgUp and PgDn. Then go behind the screen in the corner. There is another chest there. Open and you will find dark wig(brown wig). Look at the chest again. It seems smaller inside than outside. It looks like it has a double bottom. And the secret compartment opens with a button. You just can’t press it with your finger - the hole is too small. Use the pencil from the luggage and a set of knives will appear in front of Niko. Looks like Petra doesn't just like to shoot. She is a generalist. Niko's knives are unnecessary, but grindstone(grindstone) might come in handy.

Exit Petra's room. Go back to the room through which you entered the castle, past it into the hall, and further along the right hand along the wall until you reach the door to the kitchen. There, the frantic cook prepares a meal for fifty castle guards, as well as food for Petra and Suzarro. Try to take vegetables from the table - the cook will swing a knife at Niko. A little further on the wall shelf stands bleach(bleach), try to pick up the bottle. The cook won't allow it. Talk to him. The cook will begin to resent the hardships of working in a kitchen with equipment from the Stone Age, but when Niko offers him a whetstone, he will immediately forget about the hardships and get to work on the knives. While he's turned away, take the bleach and return to Petra's room.

Go to the bathroom. Place a dark wig in the sink. Douse it with bleach. Finally, blow dry. A satisfied Niko will wear the result on her head. Now she is blonde. Petra pretended to be Niko, now Niko will answer her in kind!

Return to the balcony, where Niko will be stopped by a guard.

George at Prague Castle

While Niko is working on his appearance, George is alone getting wet in the rain a couple of floors above. Go ahead. Note the uneven wall - there were lower flights of stairs here, but they are gone now. But there is a box further away. Push and pull it until you place it like a step under a collapsed staircase. You can climb up from the box. Go up to the end of the stairs. The door in front of you is locked. Climb over the side and follow the ledge to the right. At the corner, a dilapidated gargoyle statue will block your path. Throw it down (S button). Continue around the building. Where the cornice narrows, press your back against the wall to overcome the dangerous area. Around the next turn a balcony will appear. Jump on it. To the right of the balcony there is a pipe on the wall. Pull yourself up and move to the right. This way you can bridge the distance between the two lock bodies. When the pipe ends, jump down. An open window can be seen next to George. We're finally getting somewhere!

Get inside. This is another warehouse. There is a lamp hanging on the wall. Try twisting it. The only result will be fuel dripping onto the floor. Remember. At the back of the room there are several crates on a ramp. They are blocking the window. We habitually take on the push-pull work, and after a minute the path is clear. Climb out onto the battlement, and go right and down the long stairs. She will lead you to a garden with two large trees. Behind them, a grate is visible against the wall, and under it a window into the castle can be seen. But I can’t lift the grate; it’s too rusty.

Return to the beginning of the stairs and turn right. There is an old drainpipe attached to the wall. Look at her (D). The top of the pipe is covered cup(tin cap). Take it and return to the room with boxes and an old lamp hanging on the wall. Twist the peg on the lamp and place the cup under the stream of oil. Now we have excellent lubrication. Go back to the grate in the garden. Pour oil over the grate. Now she will rise. Get inside.

Prague Castle. Niko as Petra

The first fear passed, Niko entered into the role of Petra and began to enjoy what was happening. Demand a report from the guards standing in the hall on both sides of the stairs. Then go to the door next to the sitting sergeant. Examine it: there is no handle, only an ID card slot. Approach the sergeant sitting next to him at the desk. Ask him about the door and where the prisoner is being kept. Bruno Oswald is locked in Suzarro's office under the constant guard of two soldiers. And you can enter the door using a card. Did Madame Petra talk to the security sergeant? No? He's somewhere in the yard, walking around the posts. And he has a card for her.

We go out through the double door outside. Talk to the guards with dogs. Yes, dogs have funny names! Go right (to where George was hiding in the park with the lonely tree). Talk to the guard and go through the narrow dark passage forward. Or you can follow George's path through a courtyard with boxes and a wall climb. Your goal is to go to the arch, under which the desired sergeant stands.

Without doubting for a second that this is the real Petra, the sergeant will hand Niko non-activated pass(unvalidated security card).

Go back to the hall. Check the pass by inserting it into the slot on the door next to the seated sergeant. Does not work. Go to the other side of the room. On the same wall as the door to the kitchen is the entrance to the computer room. A female technician works there. Unfortunately, she has received strict instructions to only report directly to Suzarro, and all Nico learns is that the woman is working on creating the Armillary. Ask about the pass. “Yes, it can be activated. Here, take it".

With a working pass, we go to the door in the hall. Now it opens and Niko begins his journey through the basement corridors. We pass by the empty cell and move further until the turn. And then a shadow appears around the bend. Niko grabs a nearby fire extinguisher to use in the fight.

Prague Castle. George in the basement

Judging by the baskets of laundry standing around, George was in the laundry room. We try to leave - the door is locked. We notice an old washing machine standing in the corner and a wheeled cart not far from the door. We drag the car onto a cart, and then ram the door with a running start. The door flies open with a crash.

Go down the corridor. He will turn right, then branches will begin. You need the second turn to the right (there is nothing interesting after the first one). You will see a modern door with a magnetic card slot. Continue past the door along the corridor to get a fire extinguisher in the stomach from Niko's beloved friend at the turn. Once you come to your senses and find out who is who, return to the door. Ask Niko to do something with the lock. Petra's card will open it. Inside, closets line the walls. The nearest one is open. In it, George will find a security guard's uniform, which he will immediately change into. Leave the room. Go to the corner with the fire extinguisher where you met Niko and take the left corridor. It will lead you to a hall with a locked door at the end and a guard sitting behind glass. He will come out to find out what's going on. Niko will hiss at him like an angry cat, so that if he doesn’t want any trouble, he should immediately open the door! Petra's reputation is known to all security - the door is unlocked immediately.

The terrible Anubis is the ancient Egyptian deity of the dead.

Go ahead. On the left along the corridor is a door that can be unlocked either using a digital combination or from the inside. She is not available yet. Move on. A little ahead there is an empty cell. Look around. How many drawers are of the usual type and, interestingly, the ventilation grille is high on the wall. Build steps from the boxes and climb up to the grate. Listen. Behind bars is Suzarro's office, and in the chair we see the exhausted Bruno. He is very happy about the appearance of Niko with George, since he has already lost hope of salvation. He was tortured to find out where Solomon's key was. But Bruno couldn’t say anything because he doesn’t know himself.

Here Suzarr appears first, followed by Petra. Petra reports that Stobbart and Nico have slipped away again. Flick enters. Around his neck is a scarf with mysterious symbols found on a corpse in the Congo. Niko defended him in the old theater when she hit Flick on the head with a vase. Suzarro gazes at the symbols - he thinks he has found a clue, and now he knows where the key of Solomon is - in the chapel of St. Stefan Chapter of the Knights Templar. You need to look for them in Paris. Suzarro goes to Paris to get the key, and Petra, along with Bruno, must go to Egypt to see Armillary. The whole company leaves the room through a secret door in the closet. Now the office is empty.

Pull the grille again. It is secured with screws. Take the silver coin from the book of poems and use it instead of a screwdriver. After this, the grille can be removed.

Large George's attempt to crawl through the narrow window will not be successful. But graceful Niko should easily cope with this. Ask her about it (star on the window, talk to Niko from the luggage menu). The girl will slide into the opening and open the office door from the inside.

There are many curious things in the office: a book on the table, a shield on the wall. Pay special attention to the world map, where the Dragon's energy lines are marked. Several lines intersect in one place - in Egypt. That's where you need to look for Armillary. Then examine the top of Suzarro's desk. Below it there is a secret button, pressing which will open a secret door in the closet. Climb up to witness Bruno's helicopter take off. Your business in Prague is finished.


Paris. George at Place Montfaçon

After returning to Paris, you find Andre and Beatrice together. It looks like they managed to become friends. Discuss the situation. It turns out that Andre can tell a lot about St. Stephen, his journey with the holy relic from Israel to France and about the order named after him. George should check out the Templar meeting place at Place Montfaçon. Niko will not accompany him. She and Andre must work on figuring out the exact location of Armillary in Egypt.

Andre goes to the square, familiar to him from past adventures. Repair work is underway there - earthquakes have reached Paris. Look around. There is a house in the woods nearby, and to the left of it there is an outdoor toilet. A caretaker sits nearby. Pay attention to the rope hanging on the second tier of scaffolding. Let's try to get to her. Enter from the right side, cling to the first tier of scaffolding, climb up the stairs, go and jump over the gap... and then your acrobatic exercises will end. Once you get to the point where you can see the urinals in all their glory, the caretaker will start screaming that George is a pervert and she's going to call the police! We need to distract her. Go to her, start a conversation and fool her until she goes to inspect her precious equipment. Without wasting time, climb again to the upper tier of the scaffolding and jump from the left edge to the tier below. There remove from the handrails rope(rope). Go down to the square.

There is a truck on the other side of the street. The driver sleeps in it, who is not at all bothered by the noise of the compressor operating nearby. The second worker is hammering the asphalt with a jackhammer. A sewer hatch is visible behind the truck. This is exactly where we need to go. But the hatch is tight, and George cannot move it. Need a tool.

A worker's bag with a jackhammer is standing very close. Try to get in there. But the worker is looking right at you and he will stop George. How can I distract him? Walk around the truck. The driver is asleep and no one bothers George to turn off the compressor. The hammer stops working. The worker goes to see what happened. While he's busy, let's take it sewer key(sewer key). We insert it into the hatch cover. Alas, George does not have enough strength. In the luggage we connect the rope with the sewer key. We insert the key into the hatch and tie the rope to the rear bumper of the truck. Now we need to get the car moving. Go and try to wake up the driver. Hm. We wish we had such a dream! Go to the worker with the jackhammer and start a conversation. In addition to the pleasant emotions from a funny conversation, you will receive information that the driver is terrified of earthquakes. Everything is clear: we approach the sleeping man and shout: “Earthquake! Earthquake! The truck takes off, dragging a sewer hatch behind it. The path is clear.

George in Paris. Templar Dungeons

As soon as you go down the stairs, cross to the other side of the canal along the log. Follow the left hand, turn and continue until you reach a door with a skull. George will notice that the skull's mouth is disproportionately large. Insert the stone cylinder there and the door will open. Go inside. Follow the corridor straight ahead (along the left wall) until you reach a large double door to the chapel. Take a look inside - two young men from Suzarro’s guard are guarding there and they have a dog with them. You can't get through here. Turn back until you reach a fork in the corridor.

In the side corridor you will come across a pool of fresh blood. Follow the bloody trail (turn right at the fork) to a place where two doorways are visible to the right and left of the corridor. Go into the right room. Corpses, mutilated corpses of the Templars... Suzarro knows no mercy. Take it from the body near the door rusty key(rusty key). Notice the microwave in the corner. The panel is broken, but the timer still works. It is stuck at the 10 second position.

Leave the room and look into the room opposite. There is nobody there. Continue along the corridor until you see a sitting guard. You can't get past him. We need to find a way to neutralize it to clear the way.

The plan of action is as follows: lure the guard into the room with the corpses and lock the door from the outside, fortunately we have the key. The task requires quick action, so prepare in advance. Place the rusty key in the center slot on the items list. Now go back to the microwave. Press the button, and as soon as you can move, run out of the room and hide in the room opposite. If you don't have time to run, you will be shot. When the guard enters the room and begins to look for the source of the sound, quickly approach the door. First you need to slam it, and only then lock it. The path is clear.

Go to the refectory, where the bandit was on duty.

Go through the refectory into the side tunnel and follow it until you reach the wine cellar. Follow the bloody trail forward. The footprints will reach a wine rack with five bottles and disappear into the wall. Look at the bottles: they are all from different places. Remember, Andre talked about the journey of St. Stephen, who was carrying a relic from Israel to France? To refresh your memory, take your notebook out of your luggage and read the place names written there. Bring out one bottle at a time, symbolizing Stefan's journey. First, get a bottle of green wine from Israel. Behind her is the left red one with Italian wine. Then I have a second red one with wine from Germany. Then it will be the turn of white Reims champagne. And the last one will be a blue bottle of French wine.

To select the desired bottle, use PgUp and PgDn. Once the bottles are pulled out in the correct order, the wall will move away, revealing a secret passage. Follow it and you will see a dying Templar. He will ask you to take care of Solomon's Key, but will die before he can tell you where the key is hidden. The last words will be: “The statue hides...”.

Go forward and go up the steps. You will be taken to a dressing room. Look at the clock lying on the floor. The hands stopped at 3 hours 42 minutes. Exit the dressing room through the door on the right.

You find yourself in a temple. In the center of the hall there is a guard with a dog. Another guard patrols the area near the altar. You must cross the temple unnoticed to get to the door on the other side. This is not too difficult, the main thing is not to catch the eye of the soldier at the altar. Immediately hold down left Ctrl (by default - sneak) and control Stobbard using the arrows. Pressing against the wall, go right - up, then sneak behind the screen behind the altar, from there to the upper left corner, and steer along the wall to the exit. Along the way, notice the pulpit with an open book in it. Wow! Let's go out.

George found himself in a beautiful office, along one of the walls of which there are statues of warriors in niches. The average statue is different from its monolithic counterparts. This is a statue of St. Stephen himself, and at its base there is a tablet that mentions a certain revelation (revelation). On the other side of the room, there is a non-working clock on a pedestal. Why are they here? Maybe they are connected to the statue? Come and look at them. From the list of things, select a clock face and try different combinations that come to mind: the year of St. Stephen and the time from the broken clock. All in vain. Go to the statue again and re-read the tablet. Yes, this is a verse from the Bible! But where can I get the Bible to check it? It is clear where - in the church, where the book lies on the pulpit.

We sneak past the guard again, hiding behind the altar. We approach the pulpit and climb inside. Reading a book. Finding the quotation in revelations, we find chapter and verse: 1:03. We again set out on the dangerous path to the office. If after reading the Bible you are killed, do not be upset. When you reboot, you will find yourself right in front of the door to the office.

Enter the combination on the clock and the statue will turn, revealing a dark tunnel. Go there and you will find yourself in the apartments of the Preceptor of St. Stefan’s Chapter of the Templars. The mentor is waiting for George, for his appearance was predicted. He will tell you that Solomon's key fell into the hands of Suzarro. Suzarro, with the help of Armillary, wants to create a huge release of energy that will lead to a catastrophe on a planetary scale. George must prevent this. The mentor has an ancient stone that will help determine the location of Armillary. There are three stones, and the priest does not know where the other two are. But we know: we already have them!

Sending George to battle the devil, the priest finally knights him. Still, there is something in this ritual with a sword!

Returning back to Vernon's apartment, George talks about the results of his search. And about knighthood. Now he is called only Lord Stobbart of Idaho. Niko immediately receives free advice from his friends: “Marry him, you’ll be a lady!” .

After finishing the general conversation, talk to Niko. Go through all the topics, and Niko will offer to look for a clue to the location of Armillary using maps. While George wandered through the dungeons, Niko found a DVD with satellite maps of Egypt. Let's go to the computer. When the map loads, select three stones in sequence from the list of things. First comes the psi-stone, because its shape resembles the Nile Delta. The map will become larger. And a river bend will appear on it, similar to an “omega”. The map will enlarge again, and numerous ruins located on the peninsula will become visible. The last stone - alpha - will tell us which stones we need. You can go to Egypt.

Nico and George in Egypt

The entrance to the ruins is guarded by two guards with a dog. Suzarro's helicopter is visible nearby. Nico and George hid behind the columns. Niko runs along the left side to a new shelter. At the same time, the column touched by it falls, and the guards become wary.

George needs to find a way to follow Nico.

One guard stands still. Another patrols the area from the entrance to the collapsed corner-shaped wall. Go from cover to cover to the left so as not to be in the guard's field of view. When the guard turns from the corner-shaped ruins back towards the entrance, stand behind the left wall of these ruins. The dog may growl. Don't pay attention and she will run after her owner. When the guard's back is to you, quickly run behind the hill, going around it to the left. There you will meet Niko. Talk to her.

A little further down the road, in the hillside, you can see a stone block shaped like a door. Come and look at it. This is really the entrance. On it you can see images of alpha, psi and omega. But the door opens with the help of purely physical force: it is enough to use the crowbar that George has been carrying with him since the days of Prague.

When you step inside, a cutscene will play showing Bruno, with Suzarro looming over him, using Solomon's Key to launch the Armillary.

It's dark inside. Very dark. Listen to a funny conversation between Nico and George. And here comes the light again. In front of you is a sand-covered hall with skeletons in the corners. A massive door is visible at the other end. As soon as George tries to walk forward, something strange begins... the ancient god of the underworld, Anubis, materializes out of thin air in front of him. Blue-black, with a huge ax and a booming voice, he will warn that only those who have the right to do so can go further. Anubis disappears. Materialistic George immediately assumes it was a hologram. But there is one strange thing: George heard English spoken, but Niko was addressed in pure French. Hm. You don't know what to think. Be that as it may, come to the door and present your credentials - alpha, omega and psi stones. They approach the recesses in the door, and it lets you into the next room.

Before you have time to look around, Anubis stands in front of you again. The next task is that you must prove your wisdom by solving the problem given by him. As a preface, he will tell the story of Horus, who, in order to carry out justice, had to transport three people to the other side of the river: the killer, the brother of the murdered man, and the witness to the murder. Horus could only take one person with him at a time. And you cannot leave a murderer with a witness and a murderer with the brother of the murdered man on the shore together. Horus managed it in seven walks. You are asked to find a solution to this problem. If you fail, there will be no second chance.

I must say, the mystery is not new. We have known exactly the same one for a long time, only it features a man who was carrying a wolf, a goat and cabbage across the river...

When Anubis disappears, go to the pool. On the right is the control panel. Three figures stand nearby - a killer, a brother and a witness. In the pool stands the figure of the ferryman X orus. Grab the control panel. When choosing one of the three figures, Horus takes it in his hands. When the panel button is selected, Horus crosses the river.

Step one. Select the killer icon from the menu. Then select the control panel. Horus crosses the river for the first time, carrying the assassin to the far side.

Step two. Choose a control panel. Horus returns empty-handed.

Step three. Select your brother, then the control panel. The brother finds himself on the other side.

Step four. Choose a killer and a panel. Horus brings the assassin back to the near shore.

Step five. You take a witness to the far shore.

Step six. Bringing Horus back empty-handed.

Step seven. Take the killer and transport him. The problem is solved.

After this, the door opens leading to Armillary. Walk forward, the door opens slightly, and Niko and George see Suzarro, Bruno and Flick standing at the Armillary. The video will start. The heroes sneak forward, the door slams behind them, attracting Suzarro's attention. He immediately gives the order to Flick to kill you. As soon as the control menu appears on the screen, press S! George will jump on Flick and knock the gun away from him. Suzarro will rush for the gun. Press S again. A fight will begin. Niko will jump on Suzarro's back, George will punch him in the teeth - in short, enjoy the spectacle.

When a break comes, save the game, because there is still a lot of good and different things ahead. Talk to Bruno. He will explain that as long as no one touches Armillary, everything will be fine.

Please note - there is a tattoo of a dragon on Petra's side. And she will be faithful to him until death.

And then Petra appears from around the corner on the right with a pistol. And at the top appears (incredibly!) the Grand Master of the Templar Order, who was considered long dead. It turns out that Petra serves him, not Suzarro. The Grandmaster kills Suzarro, and then he and Petra disappear.

After they leave, first remove key of Solomon from the Armillary control panel. Then go to the other side of the hall and go up the stairs. Turn left and go to the break in the wall, where you will find the Grandmaster's parting gift - a bunch of dynamite. The video will start. As soon as possible, press S, because when George approaches, the bomb explodes, and he must have time to jump away from it.

We come to our senses on the floor of the hall. There are debris all around. We need to find a way out.

Inspect the area around the control panel. A deep ditch runs next to it. In the ditch there is a pink square stone block that can be moved. A similar second block lies a little further beyond the ditch. The ditch goes to the edge of the hall, and near the wall there is a rectangular pinkish stone, twice the height of a man. If you attach a step to it, you can climb up.

The operation of dragging blocks is carried out in two stages. First, use the block in the ditch instead of a bridge to drag the top stone to the side where the control panel is located. Second, push the top rock around the console (past Niko) and then towards the far end of the ditch. Then move the stone below to the far end of the ditch. It will serve as a bridge again. A little more, and the upper block becomes a step next to a rectangular slab. Get on it. Jump to the balcony above. Bring others along with you.

Before leaving the hall, Niko will notice that the focus of the ley lines on the huge globe in the center of the hall has moved to England. Glastonbury awaits us again.

The road leads through the hall with the pool, where we solved the riddle of Horus. Anubis stands in the foreground. He began retelling Horus' story again. We need to get out of the room somehow. George can't think of anything better to do than try to grab one of the tok statues by the pool in the hopes that it will get them kicked out of the sanctuary. But Niko stops him. And then Bruno, feeling guilty for what is happening and for his help to the Grandmaster, takes the blow upon himself. He takes the figurine and bears the wrath of Anubis. The only thing he asks is that his friends be allowed to leave alive. Poor Bruno Oswald!

Glastonbury. Fight with the dragon

It is necessary to get to England as quickly as possible, and George asks the pilot Harry for help. He managed to acquire a new plane, and, understanding the importance of what is happening, is ready to urgently take George and Niko to Glastonbury. The city is unrecognizable. It is flooded and the sea laps along the main street.

The colonel meets you, and then his daughter, blonde Melissa, comes out. It seems she has something to talk to Harry about. George and Niko waste no time in heading up the street. However, it is not possible to reach the hills. The road is blocked with barbed wire.

Enter the courtyard to the right of the road. There are a lot of boxes there, and high in the wall above you can see a stile. The task is to build a three-story staircase to reach the stile and overcome the wall. The matter is quite troublesome, but by this point you should have such experience in box combinatorics that it will not be difficult.

When George and Niko find themselves on the hill, Perta blocks their way. Niko tells George that she can handle it herself, and George's task is to stop the Grandmaster.

George runs to the top of the hill. But he was late. Energy surges through the ground, and the Grandmaster standing in focus begins to change. Before our eyes he turns into a dragon. The ground around it cracks, and George falls into one of the crevices.

George ended up under the hill in King Arthur's tomb. The famous sword Excalibur rests nearby, stuck into a stone. A layer of t is visible at the base of the stone. Go up and insert the Key of Solomon there. Look at the stone - an upward beam of energy began to shoot out of it. And a light flickered on the hilt of the sword. Now you can take the sword in your hands and go to battle with the dragon.

Be ready to immediately take control to dodge the burning spit of the giant living flamethrower. Once you are on the surface, run to the right to hide behind the ruins from the dragon fire. The fiery volley will hit the girls at the foot of the hill. The dragon can breathe out flames three times in a row without resting. Then there is a short pause. This means you can lean out from behind the ruins (to the left), provoke him to fire a volley, and hide again. Then again. And then you can run across to the ruins closer and to the left. Or, with a little luck, during the pause you can run up to the dragon with a sword in your hands. As soon as a silver star flickers on the monster’s chest, press S. George will pierce the beast’s head with his sword, and then cut its neck.

Now you can enjoy the final video. The dragon turns to stone and explodes, the slightly smoked Niko is alive, and Petra is burned. In short, harmony reigns in the world again. George throws the broken sword into the lake.

Congratulations! You have completed the game.

P.S: If you wait until the end of the final song and subtitles, you can see a short video: plunging into the lake, Excalibur becomes whole again. So the adventure continues?


After installing and loading the game, the main menu appears on the screen. From here you can: start a new game, load a saved game, access settings, get a summary of the two previous parts of “Broken Sword” and finally exit the game.

Settings include: a list of control keys, adjusting sound, turning subtitles on or off, and changing graphics settings.

The controls in the game are purely keyboard-based: you can simply forget about the mouse or take it by the long tail and hang it out the window - let it walk for a while. The default control keys are as follows:

Run - left Shift

Creep - left Ctrl

Move to next object - PgUp

Go to previous object - PgDn

Pause and call the game menu - Esc

List of things - Spacebar. Pressing the spacebar a second time closes the hero's luggage. To combine items in your luggage (such as a closed beer bottle and a bottle opener), place the items you want in the center slot and next to each other, then select the button with two items and an arrow between them. Don’t forget to look in the diary that each of the heroes has in their luggage. Sometimes you can find tips there that will help you get out of another difficult situation.

Moving around the screen occurs when you press arrow “up” - “down” - “right” - “left”. When approaching an object that can be manipulated, a glare of light begins to play on the object (this happened in In Cold Blood), and in the four round slots in the lower right corner of the screen icons appear showing what exactly can be done with this thing. For example, eye means “look at an object,” and gears mean action. The PgUp and PgDn keys allow you to cyclically switch between objects if there are several active objects in your field of view at once.

1 2 3 4 All

Complete walkthrough of the game Throughout the game, you control the American tourist George Stobbart, whose curiosity knows no bounds and therefore he is not lazy to talk to everyone and ask about every detail. Paris (part 1) Take the newspaper and go into the cafe, after talking with the waitress, get out and go right along the street. After the interrogation in the cafe, meet the French woman Nico (the girl with the camera) on the street. Talk to her about the clown and his victim until she gives you her phone number. Go to the worker and give him the newspaper. Take the tool for opening hatches from his box under the awning. Returning back to the square in front of the cafe, go right under the arch, open the manhole cover with the tool and go down. Find 3 items in the sewer: a clown's nose, a rag and a green scrap. Climb outside through another hatch. Show Inspector Rosso's business card to the concierge. Show him the scrap and ask about the jacket. Say goodbye and go outside through the gate. Under the worker's tent, find the phone and call Niko. Follow the street further to the right and the screen will change to a map of Paris. Select "Rue Jarry". Talk to the flower seller to find out Niko's address. If the door doesn't budge, talk to the flower girl again. Go to Niko's apartment. Show the scrap to the girl and take the photo. Show her the clown nose, talk about it. After leaving the apartment, go left along the street. Select "Risee du Monde". In the store, show the costume dealer a photo, ask about the clown, and when leaving the store, take an electric shock as a gift. Call tailor Todrick and ask about the jacket and Han (use the photo icon). Head to Ubu Hotel. At the hotel, talk to the old lady playing the piano and show her the photo. Try stealing the concierge's key. Ask the lady about the key. When the concierge leaves to hide the jewelry in the safe, take the key. Go upstairs and open the first room on the right with the key. Open the window in it and climb out of the window onto the cornice. Make your way along the ledge to the window on the right. If you don't find anything interesting in the next room, try to exit through the door. Hide in the closet. When Khan leaves, search and take the ID card and matchbook from the trousers left on the bed. Go downstairs to the hall and ask the concierge about what Khan left in the safe, and show him the ID card. Then show the old lady your ID card (she will help you). Return to the first room, climb out onto the ledge again and throw the manuscript down. Leave the hotel (Flap and Guido will search you). Go through the arch into the back courtyard of the hotel and pick up the manuscript. You will automatically find yourself in Niko's apartment. Talk to her about the manuscript. Leave the apartment. Select "Museum" on the map. Go to the museum. Examine the tripod in the glass display case. Return to Niko's apartment and tell her that you are going to Ireland. Select “Airport” on the map, then “Ireland”. Ireland (part 2) Talk to the boy at the pub about Professor Peagram and the excavations. Go to the bar. Talk to the bitter drunkard in the corner, say goodbye to him. Wait until he starts making a rabbit trap out of wire and leaves it on the table. QUICKLY grab it while he is sneezing. Talk to the strange, nervous Fitzgerald, sitting at a round table with a small box in front of him. Talk to the pub regulars about Dig, Pigram, Fitzgerald until you run out of topics. Buy them beer at your own expense. While one of them is drinking, pull the green towel from under his elbow. Ask Fitzgerald about the dig again. Go outside and ask the boy about Fitzgerald. Return to the bar and continue interrogating Fitzgerald, demand the diamond. After Fitzgerald runs away and the boy runs into the bar, go outside. The energy switch next to the bar door opened (the lid came off after the accident), turn it and thus turn off the beer pump. When you return to the pub and finish your beer, order another. Show the pub owner your ID card. Start fixing the washer: remove the plug from the socket, wrap it with wire, and plug it back in. Go through the door behind the counter, go down to the basement, feel for the lever in the dark and turn it. Go outside, open the square hatch, go down through the bar again into the basement and find a diamond and a flashlight. Wet a towel under running water. Leave the pub and go right towards the castle. Tell the farmer about the incident with Fitzgerald, when he leaves, climb up the haystack, insert the hatch opener into the crack in the wall, climb onto the castle wall. To distract the goat, go to the hole leading into the dungeon (to the right), then QUICKLY jump to your feet and operate the plowshare on the left. Go down into the dungeon and find the plaster. Drop the stone idol, then pick it up and examine the prints in the sand. Pour plaster into the holes, place a wet towel on top (if the towel is dry, go back to the bar and wet it again). Remove the plaster replica from the sand and apply it to the holes in the wall. Enter the secret room. Paris (part 3) Show Niko the diamond. After leaving her apartment, go to the Police Station. Ask Sergeant Mu about the book of matches, about Mark. Go to Hospital. At the hospital, ask the girl at the reception about Mark, show her the ID card. In the hallway, unplug the polisher from the socket, after the employee is distracted, go to the door next to the polisher and take the white coat. Go into the room and talk to Nurse Grendel. She will give you a device to measure your blood pressure. Return to the waiting room and talk to the doctor, return to the room. Talk to the patient on the right, then with your assistant Benoir. Give Benoir the device and tell him to measure the pressure (right icon with the patient's face). Go right to Marche's room and talk to him. After all the adventures and conversations with Niko, go to the museum. At the museum, talk to Lobino about the manuscript and everything until he tells you about Spain. When the guard is not looking in your direction, pull the chain and open the window. While he is closing it, QUICKLY hide in the mummy's sarcophagus. At night, when the robbers hear you, hide behind the totem pole and push it. Select "Montfaucon" on the map. Approach the juggler in the square and offer to juggle. Then talk to the gendarme and show him the clown nose. Go back to the juggler again and offer to juggle while wearing a red nose. When the gendarme and the juggler leave, use the tool to open the hatch and go down into the dungeons. Examine the three walled-up arches in the wall next to the boat. Using the tool, pick out the plaster on the far right, hitting it several times with the tool will break the mechanism and go inside. (There is another way: examine the mechanism, go onto the boat and, turning the winch, release the chain, go ashore, take the hook at the end of the chain and connect it to the mechanism, go back onto the boat and turn the winch). Go through the secret door and go to the gap in the wall, look through the hole at the secret meeting, look through the hole again to make sure everyone has left. Go down to the hall, place the tripod in the center of the circle, place the diamond on it. After talking with Niko, go to Spain. Spain Use a pressure gauge at the base of the gardener's hose (near the window). Enter the house. Hide behind the knight's armor. Go up the stairs and talk to the Countess about everything. In the crypt, take the Bible from the lectern, examine it, talk to the Countess about it. Talk to the Countess while Lopez goes to get the chess. Solve the puzzle: the bishop (bishop) should be at the top, the knight (horse) in the middle, the king at the bottom. Take the bowl. After returning to Paris and speaking with Niko, head to Syria. Syria Go to the small archway to the right of the kebab seller, go up the stairs and show the carpet seller the matchbook. Go up to the Alamut club and try to go to the toilet. Try to read the sign on the door. Ask taxi driver Ulthar about the sign on the door and show him Khan's photo. Go back outside and look and talk to the kebab seller. Talk to the boy Nijo from the junk shop about the kebab seller. Offer the boy a red ball and say “yes” while talking about it. Talk to the seller again, tell him the “magic phrase”. Go back outside and talk to the boy. Return to the club and give the brush to the mute owner. Open the toilet with one key, and the towel cabinet with the other. Take the towel. Return to the junk shop. The boy must play with the ball. Pet the cat and quickly ring the bell on the table. Pick up the broken figurine and wrap it with a cloth. Sell ​​this figurine to an American tourist. Return to the club and offer the taxi driver $50. Help fix the truck with a towel. When you arrive at Bull's Head, break off a twig from a bush, connect it to a towel and place it on the edge of the break, go down the towel. Explore the gap in the rock until you find a ring and pull it. Enter the rock temple, examine Klausner's body, the image of Baphomet and the Latin inscription. Don't lie to Khan (choose the angel icon all the time). Say what you want, to die as a human being. When he offers to shake his hand, QUICKLY take the stun gun and QUICKLY jump off the cliff (left). Paris After talking with Niko, go to the Montfaucon church. Go into the church and show the cup to the priest. While he is cleaning it, explore all the graves (you should find the sixth Templar). Look at the scroll in the hands of the statue, put lenses in the ends of the scroll, look at the stained glass. Talk to the priest again and take the cup. Go to the museum and talk to Lobino about Baphomet. Go to the excavations of the Temple of Baphomet at Istitute Nerval. Go down to the lobby, try to go into the right door, ask the security guard for the keys. In the toilet, take the soap and make an imprint of the key by connecting it to a bar of soap. Place some plaster and place a bar of soap under running water, then under the dryer. Return the keys to the security guard in the lobby. Once outside, try painting a fake key in a paint bucket. Go down again and call Niko. Return to the painter and call him to the phone. In its absence, paint the fake key. In the lobby, examine the thermostat on the left wall, ask the guard about it. Switch the thermostat, it will get cold, the guard will put on gloves. Take the keys from him again and go into the toilet. Replace one key with a fake one. Give the keys to the security guard (he won't sense the tampering since he's wearing gloves). Call Niko again, leaving the guard with the painter outside, go down to the lobby, open the left door, go down to the mosaic floor and place the bowl near the idol in the place of converging patterns. After talking with Niko, go to Spain. Spain Take the mirror from the service room. Talk to the Countess. In the crypt, look at the candlestick under the ceiling. Use the pole to close the window. Tie a rag to the end of the pole and light it from the flame of the left candle. Light the large candle and you will receive a stone key. Take the Bible. Return to the house and give it to the Countess. Talk to her about the inscriptions on the grave of the sixth Templar. In the garden, talk to Lopez about the well and how to find it. Break off a branch from the tree next to the outbuilding (where you pinched the hose earlier) and show it to Lopez. Dig a well. Go down and look at the lion's head, click on the mouth. Jump away IMMEDIATELY (by clicking on the left side of the screen). Explore the opened doorway. Go out into the light and use a mirror to send a ray of sunlight into the dark opening. Approach it again, find the hole for the key by touch, then use the stone key from the candlestick. Enter the secret room. After returning to Paris, George must travel to Scotland with Nico. Train Try to get out of the compartment. After the controller's visit, try leaving the compartment again. Go left until you come across Guido. Return to the compartment. Go into the next compartment and talk to the fat man. Open the window and get out onto the roof. Walk along the roofs of the cars to the right and go down the stairs into the baggage car. When Guido is thrown from the train, QUICKLY pull the stop valve to your left. After talking with Han, then with Niko, exit the carriage through the door. Scotland Enter the dilapidated church, turn the handle on the mechanism wheel. You will break it and you will be able to collect several items: 2 gears (one in the mechanism, the other in a pile of garbage), an axle, a handle, etc. Insert both gears into the eyes of the demon, the handle into its mouth and spin it. Enter the chapel and go to the far exit. Once between Gido and the Grand Master, QUICKLY grab the torch from the wall and throw it at the distant pile of gunpowder. Anton Polevoy

ACT 1: PARISACT 1: PARIS1. Take a newspaper.
2. Go up.
3. Talk to everyone and leave the cafe.
4. Talk to Nicole (the photographer) until she gives you her phone number.
5. Go up, talk to the worker and give him the newspaper.
6. Take the tool from the box.
7. Go down and then into the passage on the upper right.
8. Open the hatch with a tool and go down into it.
9. There, take the clown nose and go up.
10. Take a scarf and a piece of cloth there.
11. Go up the stairs.
12. Show the doorman Rosso's business card.
13. Show him a piece of fabric.
14. Talk to him.
15. After this, say goodbye to him.
16. Call Nicole at her work phone and find out her address.
17. Go right.
18. Go to Rue Jarry.
19. Talk to the flower seller.
20. Go to Nicole's apartment.
21. Talk to her.
22. Show her the fabric and take the photo.
23. Show her the clown's nose.
24. Go to the store and show the seller the photo.
25. Talk to him.
26. Leave the store (the seller will give you an electric shock).
27. Call Todrick and ask him about Han (use photo).
28. Go to the Yubu Hotel.
29. Talk to the pianist and show her the photo.
30. Try to take the key on the left.
31. Talk to the pianist about the key.
32. Follow her.
33. When the clerk leaves, take the key.
34. Go upstairs and open the bottom door with the key.
35. Open the window and climb into it.
36. Go to the right window.
37. Open the closet and try to leave the room through the door.
38. After the cartoon, search your pants pockets and take a business card and a matchbox.
39. Leave the room through the door.
40. Talk to the clerk and show him your business card.
41. Show the pianist the business card, talk to her and take the manuscript.
42. Return to the room, climb through the window and throw the manuscript down.
43. Leave the hotel.
44. Go to where the manuscript fell and take it.
45. Talk to Nicole.
46. ​​Go to a museum.
47. Look at the tripod in the center of the hall.
48. Go to Nicole and talk to her.
49. Travel to the airport and then to Ireland.


1. Talk to the boy.
2. Go to a bar.
3. Talk to the priest.
4. Wait until he places the wire on the table and then quickly pick it up.
5. Talk to Fitzgerald.
6. Talk to Doyle and order him a beer.
7. Talk to him again.
8. When he drinks, take the towel from under his hands.
9. Talk to Fitzgerald again.
10. Leave the bar and talk to the boy.
11. Enter the bar and talk to Fitzgerald.
12. He will leave the bar.
13. After he leaves, leave the bar and talk to the boy.
14. Watch a cartoon.
15. Talk to the bartender.
16. Show him your business card.
17. Use wire on wires.
18. Go down to the basement and pull the lever.
19. Go outside and open the hatch.
20. Go back to the basement and take the gem.
21. Turn on the water in the sink and wet the towel.
22. Leave the bar and go left.
23. Talk to the farmer.
24. Climb a haystack.
25. Insert the tool into the hole in the wall and climb behind the wall.
26. Try to go down the stairs (the goat will hit you).
27. Then, use the log on the left as soon as possible.
28. Go down the stairs.
29. Take some plaster.
30. Drop the stone idol and then pick it up (the idol will make holes in the wall).
31. Use plaster of Paris on the holes.
32. Use a towel on the cast on the floor (if the towel is dry, wet it again).
33. Take a plaster figurine and insert it into the holes on the wall.
34. Enter the secret passage.


1. Show Nicole the gem.
2. Go to the police station.
3. Talk to the policeman.
4. Go to the hospital.
5. Talk to the attendant.
6. Show her your business card.
7. Talk to her again.
8. Go to the left corridor.
9. Talk to the cleaner and remove the plug from the socket.
10. When he leaves, open the door on the left and take the medical gown.
11. Return to the duty room and talk to the man, and then to the young doctor.
12. Go to the left corridor.
13. Then go through the far door on the left.
14. Talk to the nanny and all the patients, then try to go to the right.
15. Talk to the young doctor and give him a device to measure blood pressure.
16. Then go right and go through the door. Talk to the patient.
17. Go to the museum and talk to Lobinau.
18. When the guard is not looking at you, open the window, and then when he closes it, climb into the sarcophagus.
19. Use a pillar.


1. Go to the church and talk to the policeman and the jungler there.
2. Talk to the policeman again and show him the clown nose.
3. Talk to the jungler again.
4. When the policeman and jungler leave, open the hatch using the tool and go down there.
5. Click on the lower arch.
6. Use the tool on it.
7. Click on the lower arch again.
8. Click on the lever on the boat.
9. Take the chain.
10. Attach it to the arch.
11. Click on the lever on the boat again.
12. Enter the passage.
13. Look twice through the hole in the wall.
14. Go downstairs.
15. Place the tripod in the middle of the circle.
16. Place the gem on the tripod.


1. Travel to Spain, talk to the gardener there and use the hose pressure gauge (left).
2. Enter the house.
3. Go up the corridor.
4. When the dogs start barking, hide behind the knight's armor.
5. Go up the stairs.
6. Talk to Countes there.
7. Take a Bible.
8. Click in the same place on the chessboard.
9. Talk to Countes twice.
10. Solve the puzzle.
11. It should be like this: bishop at the top, knight in the middle, king at the bottom.
12. If you do everything correctly, a secret door will open and you will take the bowl.


1. Talk to everyone and go left.
2. Show the carpet seller the matchbox.
3. Go up to the club.
4. Try going to the toilet.
5. Read the note on the door.
6. Talk to Ulthar.
7. Return to the main street.
8. Right-click on the kebab seller.
9. Talk to the sales boy.
10. Give him the ball that the juggler dropped.
11. Talk to the kebab seller.
12. Go back and talk to the sales boy (he will give you a brush).
13. Return to the club and give the brush to the owner of the establishment.
14. Go to the toilet, open the drawer with a towel and take it.
15. Return to the sales boy.
16. Scare the cat and press the bell on the table.
17. Take the statue.
18. Use the scarf on the statue.
19. Talk to Duane and sell him the statue for $50.
20. Go to the club and show Ultur the photo.
21. Talk to him and give him $50.
22. Go to Ultur and give him a towel.
23. Break a stick from a tree, use it on a towel and then use it on a crack in the rock.
24. Use the hole in the rock twice and enter the passage.
25. Search the professor's body there and read all the inscriptions on the walls (Khan will come).
26. Don't lie to him.
27. Tell him that you want to die as a human.
28. And when he extends his hand to you, use electric shock.
29. Jump down from a cliff.


1. Talk to the priest and show him the cup.
2. Use the right hand of the statue.
3. Look through the pipe near the statue.
4. Use the lens on the statue's pipe and look into the pipe.
5. Talk to the priest and look at the coffin on the right by the wall.
6. Go to the museum and talk to Lobinau.
7. Go to the excavations.


1. Go downstairs.
2. Try to open the door (to the toilet).
3. Talk to the guard and take the keys from him.
4. Open the door with them.
5. In the toilet, take the soap from the sink.
6. Use keys on soap.
7. Use plaster of Paris on soap.
8. Use soap on the sink (get a key impression).
9. Exit the toilet and give the keys to the guard.
10. Go outside, use the key cast on the paint bucket and talk to the molar.
11. Go downstairs and call Nicole.
12. Go outside and talk with a molar.
13. Use the key cast on the paint bucket.
14. Go down and right-click on the thermostat (it's on the left wall).
15. Talk to the guard.
16. Right-click on the thermostat again.
17. Ask the security guard for the keys.
18. Use a fake key for real keys.
19. Give the keys to the guard.
20. Try to open the left door.
21. Call Nicole.
22. After that, go downstairs and open the left door with the key.
23. Use the bowl on the floor below.
24. Travel to Spain.


1. Talk to the gardener, enter the house and take the mirror from the wall there (on the left).
2. Talk to Countes.
3. Go to the mausoleum and click on the candle on the ceiling.
4. Using a stick, close the window.
5. Use the handkerchief on the stick and then on the burning candle.
6. Use the burning stick on the candle on the ceiling and take the key.
7. Take a Bible.
8. Give it to Countes and talk to her.
9. Talk to the gardener.
10. Pick a branch from the tree (left) and give it to the gardener.
11. Click on the lion's head.
12. Move a little to the left.
13. Inspect the passage.
14. Use a mirror in sunlight.
15. Insert the key into the hole in the passage.
16. Travel to Scotland.


1. Talk to everyone and try to leave.
2. Go out into the corridor.
3. Go left as far as possible.
4. After this, talk to the alcoholic and return to your compartment.
5. Talk to the alcoholic again.
6. Open the window and climb in.
7. Go right.
8. Enter the baggage car.
9. Press the stop valve (left).
10. Try to leave the carriage.
11. After talking with Nicole, leave the carriage.


1. Go into the tower and pull the lever of the mechanism there to break it.
2. Take the handle and gear.
3. Dig through the trash heap until you find a six-wheel.
4. Use both gears on the statue and then the crank on it.
5. Enter the passage and go deeper.
6. After the cartoon, take a torch and throw it on the gunpowder