Passage Super Mario Brothers. Secrets Super Mario See Secrets Games Brutal Mario 8 Stage

The passage of the game - Super Mario Bros 3 on Nintendo - revealed the secret of the magic flute. How much I did not think and could not find any serious shortcomings from this game. This is one of the best games on DendyI just met. Unlike many others, it is not reserved at the end and it is quite realistic to pass. With humor, made graphics and sound also does not reduce its advantages. And by the number of different secrets and secret places, this game is at all one of the first in its genre. In general, this game can be recommended to everyone who has not lost wishes to run, jump and brand with funny opponents.

First, watch the video passage of the game Super Mario Bros. 3:

Start. - On the menu: Run the game with the selected number of players. In the game: Pause.
SELECT - On the menu: Select the item.
UP - In the game: Cramber on the vine is up. On the map: Movement up, scrolling the list of prizes.
DOWN - In the game: Descent on the vine down, squat. On the map: movement down, scrolling the list of prizes.
Left - In the game: moving to the left. On the map: Left movement, Prize Selection.
Right - In the game: Moving to the right. On the map: Movement to the right, the choice of prize.
button BUT - In the game: a jump (the longer hold down the button, the higher and then you can fly away), take off. On the map: Location in Location, using the selected prize.
button IN - In the game: shot, punch with tail, taking and throwing an object. On the map: Opening a panel with prizes.
Left or Right + IN - In the game: Run.

There are only two items in the menu:
1 Player Game."- a game for one player.
2 Player Game."- a game for two players.
Choose the button " SELECT"The option you need and click" Start."To launch the game.

Objects and laws of the game world
After pressing the button " Start."You will get on the first world map. With the panel at the bottom of the screen it is not difficult to figure it out. I note only two not quite understandable images: the strip of triangles is a speedometer. The longer you run, the more the triangles are painted. When they grab everything, you can take a blind, if you are dressed in a suitable costume (look next about it). The second is not quite understandable image - three rectangles on the right. The prizes that you collect at the end of almost every level are entered here. Having gathered there three pictures, you will get an extra life. If the pictures are the same, there will be more lives.
If you press the button " IN", Being on the map, the panel will turn over, and all prizes will appear in front of you, what you managed to dial in different good places (see more about these places). You can choose one of the prizes using the control buttons and apply it by pressing the button " BUT". Press the button " IN"Returns the information panel back.
On the map itself there are a lot of different places. These are mainly the steps that need to pass, but there are squares with images. Attend everything in a row, and over time you will deal with what kind of cell that gives. It is in such places that you receive prizes that can be used between levels, and not immediately. Separately only about the door blocking the passages. So that it disappears, you must pass the fortress and defeat the guard. Some stages on the map are not necessary - just one of the two for the fork is enough (it concerns higher levels than the first).

Description of prizes and characters
Light green amanita - valuable prize. Taking it, you will get an extra life.
Ordinary torm - You increase in size. Now you do not pushing the blocks, but break them. You will have to squat to avoid some dangers, or climb in a narrow place.
Flower - Allows you to shoot enemies. You will allow fiery balls that join the ground and move forward. They are effective against most enemies.
Star - This prize makes you temporarily not vulnerable. You will flicker and capable of neutralize your enemies at this time, just touching them. However, if you fall into the abyss or in Lava, this protection will not help you.
Sheet "You get a raccoon costume (your tail and sticking ears appear). Now you can fly if you can dial enough speed to take off. About how to fly, described in detail in the section of your abilities. In addition, you can beat your enemies tail.
Suit frog - You get a frog costume (with very funny appearance). Now you are pretty badly moving on land, but under water you like at home. The same suit allows you to swim against the current, which is sometimes very useful.
Tanooki costume - You turn into Tanooki. (in fact it is the same raccoon, only Tanooki. - This is his Japanese name in the English description). You will look like a raccoon, but brown. In addition to color, you get the ability to turn into a statue, which is useful when destroying some enemies.
Suit hammerman - In this costume you will get the opportunity to throw in the enemies of a hammer that can neutralize almost any enemy from one strike. In addition, you get the ability to protect against fire, which produce some enemies (for this you need to sit down). You will look pretty beautiful - almost all in black - just like a robot of some kind.
Wings - Wings with the letter " R"In the middle. Now you are raccoon, but with a stunning opportunity to take off right away without running (as a helicopter). In addition, the flight time is not limited. Thus, this is an indispensable prize for the passage of some very complex stages - you just fly over it until the very end.
The remaining prizes are not used when passing steps, but directly on the map.
Cloud - With it, you can power any stage without going into it. The cloud after that disappears. Keep in mind that if you perish at another stage, you will return backwards, and you will have to pass the stage that tried to slip.
Hammer - With this prize, you can break the boulders, which sometimes blocked you the road. Thus, sometimes it is possible to skip some stage or find a passage to a secret place.
Music Box - Not the most useful subject, but often found. If you use it, then all the guards of the passages will fall asleep, and you will pass by them without a fight.
Anchor - This prize holds a flying ship in one place when you go on it.
Whistle - With it, you will fall into a special place from which you can move to another world.

Your abilities and some game techniques
About how to walk and run is written in the "Management" section. But you are able to perform a lot of different actions.
Big jump - Spread, holding the direction button ( Left or Right) and button " IN". When the speedometer (the same strip from the triangles, at the bottom of the screen) completely turns and the characteristic sound will be heard, click " BUT". You make a much longer jump than usual. If you have a raccoon costume or Tanooki., after such actions, you do not jump, but take off. Retire-quickly press the button " BUT"And you will swing the tail, gain a height. At the same time, you can change the flight direction at your request. Since the flight time is not infinite (exception - the prize "wings"), sooner or later you will start falling. Press button " BUT"You will swing the tail that will significantly slow down the fall rate.
Slip - Run in the desired side. When typing some speed, release the movement button and press DOWN. You will come down, but you will continue to move forward on the inertia. This useful ability to need you when you will be big and you will need to crawl into a narrow slit.
Topging - This is Mario's branded action. That is how it is painted with his numerous enemies in all parts of the series. Jump on the enemy from above, and you melt it. So you can cope with many (although not with all) enemies. If during the landing on the enemy you will hold the "A" button, then you will hang out from it and jump high upwards.
Breaking - Another way to break the way up or deal with the enemy. Stand up under the block and jump. The block splits into pieces, and the enemy (if it was on this block) will be neutralized. This maneuver is available only if you are big. Small Mario. Maybe pushing blocks and so neutralize enemies, but it cannot break the block. Similarly, you can minimize prizes and coins from blocks. Note that some prizes (for example, life) begin to move aside after they knock them out. So, the direction of movement is not accidentally selected. The prize will move to the side opposite to the one with which you hit the block. That is, if the block pushed closer to the left edge, the prize will move to the right, and vice versa.
Roll - standing on the slope of the slide, click DOWN. You will eat from a slide, knocking all enemies on your way. This reception does not work with some enemies, but there are not many such.
Punch tail - This action can be performed only if you have a tail (raccoon costume or Tanooki.). Just click " IN". Turning sharply, you hit the enemy tail. So you can not only get rid of enemies, but also break blocks.
Swimming - Pushing the button " BUT"You will pop up. Holding the button of the desired direction, you can move in the right direction. To get out of the water to land, hold UPby clicking " BUT". It is much easier to swim under water if you are in a frog suit. You simply press the desired direction and float there. If you hold the button " BUT", I sail you will be much faster.
Transformation into a statue - click " IN"And without letting it, the button DOWN. You will turn on a few seconds to the statue. While you are in such a state, the enemies do not notice you and pass by. If you are able to turn into a statue in the air and land right on the enemy, you can thus won some enemies that you can simply become soaked like that.
Inputs in pipes and doors - To get into the pipe that sticks out from the ground, stand up on it in the middle and press the button. DOWN. To enter the sidebow, just go to it. To get on the pipe hanging on top, stand up and jump while holding down the button UP. To enter the door, stand up opposite it and click UP.
Taking and throwing subjects - Prizes you just pick up, and that's it. But besides them, you can take, wear and throw some other items (beetles and turtle shells, special "silver" blocks, walking bombs). To do this, approach the subject with the "button IN". You take it in hand and incur. At the same time you can jump and even fly if you can. Release the button " IN"You will leave the subject to the same side where they walked. So you can smash blocks or break the prizes from blocks lying right on Earth. Just keep in mind that the silver block simply disappears after some time after you take it in your hands, and the enemies are activated (that is, the turtle gets out of the shell, the bomb explodes, etc.). You can take a silver block, even just standing on it. Click the button " IN", And find yourself in his place, and he will be in your hands.

Not all enemies are listed here, but only those that represent a serious threat or have some abilities.
Flying mushroom - flies and throws down micro mushrooms.
Micro Mushroom "They can't harm you very much, but they cling to you and interfere quickly walk or jump normally." We jump as often as possible to shock them with yourself. They can hide in gold blocks and jump on you. At the level of 5-3, they are hidden in a large shoe, but it's not difficult to get rid of them.
Turtle Skeleton - Such turtles are found in almost every fortress. If you jump on it, it will crush in the dust, but after some time it will restore and crawl on. Such a turtle can not beaten the tail. At the time when she lies on Earth and does not show signs of life, you can run past it.
Jonglera - These small plants go there and sit or sit in the pipe. They are engaged in throwing a small spike ball into the air. Wait until the ball will fly higher, and jump through the plant or vice versa, jump through them, the ball will be at the bottom. Do not try to run them.
Rostock - These little plants are sitting in one place or roam there and here. When you jump through them, they jump up to bite you. They cannot be trammed, but it is not very difficult to avoid meeting them.
Small cannibals - They are stationary, but prefer to dwell in difficult places. They cannot be trampled and it is useless to shoot them. The only way to get rid of them is to throw the shell or block in them, or hit the tail.
Ghost "He lives only in the fortress and flies to you when you stand back to him, and freezes when you look at him." Very often it can be used for your own purposes. The ghost is almost invulnerable, it is necessary to just run away from it.
Ogonek - Flame of a candle that scores down and pursues you. Like a ghost, he freezes, if you look at him. Like a ghost, he is almost invulnerable - run away from him. What distinguishes him from the ghost, so this is not the ability to overcome even a low obstacle. The light can not fly or jump, so it's not difficult to run away from it.
Barabash - Ghost, who lives in special white blocks. He is a little tightened from them so that its contours are visible. On the white blocs themselves, you can walk calmly, but the drums should be avoided.
Guardian - fast, rather dangerous opponent who protects all the fortresses Bowser'A. It can have wings and fly or just jump and fall on you from above. I am a little more deleted in its description, because there is a very simple way to neutralize it (it takes up a maximum of 10 seconds). To quickly divide with guard, you need to jump on it three times. After you do this for the first time, immediately jump on one place as usual. The guard will make a little a little, then turn into a snap-in ball, and then again will become myself. Just at this point, you land on it, hitting the second time. Just jump and repeat everything. Reaches a little, you can do it very easily. After winning the guard, pick up a prize that will remain from it.
Walking bomb - Mechanical bomb, which sometimes crashes out of the guns instead of a core or just wanders on the ground. If you jump on it, she will stop walking and will explode after some time. It can be kick, take and throw in enemies (after stunning), but during the explosion it is better to stay away from it.
Fire worm - Worm made of fire. Hit his tail to neutralize, or avoid contact if there is no tail.
Evil sunshine - He is not glad to see you at all. It rarely appears, but constantly spinning around you and its attacks can be very dangerous. With it, nothing can be done.
Mechanics - This is the service staff of warships and tanks of Bowser. Instead of repairing repair, they are torn out of the hatches and throw wrench keys in you. They can be trampled, you can even stand (when only the crown looks out of the hatch) and they can be shot when they learn.
Bomber - Very unpleasant enemy. It flies on the cloud and drops down the cooked cocoons covered with spikes, of which hidden beetles are hatched (only from red cocoons). Nobody hatches from green, they just roll on the ground in your direction. Cockons can not touch. The bomber can be knocked down if you jump on it from above (there is still somehow necessary to climb there), but it is almost useless - a new one will soon appear and everything will begin first.
Comet - Flying Fire Beesting, having a fiery tail (for which he received its name). Let's shoot it or jump on it from above to neutralize. Do not touch her tail - jump straight on the ball. After it freezes all its stocks of fire (they are not very much - four or five), it is self-destructed.
Chain ball - This ball is chained to a wooden block. It can not be trampled and it is useless to shoot it, so just avoid it. If it is very long to stand near the chain ball, he, in the end, will bloom the chain and rushes into your direction.
Guards passs - These creatures protect the passages between the stages, but they can occur at the stages themselves. They look like a turtle that are inserted on the hind legs. Everyone has any weapon that they will flush in you. It can be hammers, boomerangi or fire. There is a big turtle with hammers, if it rins up and land, you will be overwhelmed for a few seconds. Any of these opponents can be shot, if there is something.
Bosses Levels "They are very similar in their chants, and to overcome them is not very difficult - any of them is enough to knock on the head.

In the description of each stage, only hidden and intricate places are indicated, with the passage of which there may be problems. In addition to them, at each level, as a rule, full of prizes and coins hiding in blocks. Look for them yourself.
The game has different blocks with which you can contact differently:
In question blocks (with a question mark), prizes or coins can be hidden and cannot be broken. An empty golden block can be broken if you are big. If something is hidden in the gold block, then knocking it out, you will not be able to smash it. Also in gold blocks there are special p-switches. They look like a convex button with the letter " R"Inside. If you press such a switch, then somewhere for a while there may be a passage. Always after pressing such a switch, all gold blocks turn into a coin, and coins, on the contrary, in blocks. After some time, everything again becomes, as it was. In some gold blocks, not alone is hidden, but several coins. The more often you beat it, the more coins you will be able to sculpt. In silver blocks, nothing is never hidden, but they can be chosen and throw into enemies. In music blocks (with the image of the note), the prize can be hidden, in addition, they push you up when you jump on them. If you jump on time, then you can jump much higher than usual blocks. From the wooden block, too, you can also knock the prize if you push it on the side. Be prepared for the fact that he, in turn, will push you out. Falling blocks - they are not square, but similar to curves bagels. From their name and so everything is clear - years you get up for such a block, it begins to tremble and falls down after a while. If it is constantly bouncing on it, it will not fall.

World 1. GRASS LAND / Herbal Earth
Stage 1.. Return from the first abyss of the back, to the block lying on the ground, get rid and take off right and up to find coins and life.
Spread on a long cloud and fly to the right to a high pipe. Observing in it, you will find coins.
Stage 2.. If you can flood nine or more mushrooms dropping out of the T-shaped pipe, and at the same time do not touch the land, then get life.
Up to reach numerous coins hanging in the air, do not take them. In the left block under the pipe hidden a p-switch. Press it and take the blocks to the pipe. Cancel inside and collect coins. Selecting outward, press the P-switch again, pick up the pipe and jump into it right-up to knock out your life from the invisible block.
Stage 3.. In a large group of blocks, there are a lot of good things. Stop the skuffing armor to the left, and it will break the move. Break all blocks in a row in search of coins. Tighten on the right of the left question block to find an invisible note block. By bouncing on it, you will fall on the sky. Collect coins and take off after the third group to get more coins and life. Get rid of the Turtle on the White Plate, press down and wait a few seconds. You will fall through it down. As a result, you will get "for the scene", that is, you will run behind the objects. Finish the level, and instead of the usual final, you will get to the little man, which will allow you to pick up a prize from the chest - whistle.
Fortress. Here you can get a second whistle, provided you fly. Having reached to the end, run the turtle-skeleton, get rid of the door to the left and take off. Fly up, beyond the screen, and then right. When to the right to move in any way, click UPAnd enter through the door to the room. The whistle hidden in the chest.
Stage 5.. On the fork, go to the upper way and jump along the left wall, where the corridor turns up to find a pink musical block. By jumping on it, get on the sky.
Stage 6.. Where there is one narrow gap in the court, it is not necessary to fall into it. You can run away from the edge of the previous platform, jump on this, disperse further and take off (if you can). Collecting in the air coins, you rent until the exit.
Palace. Nothing complicated or secret. Get to the pipe, and get through it to the boss.

World 2. Deser Land / Desert Earth
If overpowering the guards of the passage, then from one of them get a hammer. Using it, you can split the body in the upper left corner of the card (just stand up next to the roller and use the hammer). Then you can go further, another screen.
Stage 1.. Passing through the pipe, run back to the left and take off. Tear through the blocks and climb into the pipe so that you will get more coins using the P-switch. Climb the latter before going out the pipe and quickly collect coins.
Stage 2.. If you fall into the eyelid sand, then jump as often as possible and keep the button UP - You still have a chance to dig.
By passing the turtle, sway and, driving under the gold blocks, hit both. Click the P-switch, jump back to the platform and collect all the coins that you can.
Almost immediately after the switch, passed by the first four coins (or block, if you pressed it) and another cell, there will be an invisible block with life in the air.
Stage 3.. If you can fly, then enhancing three pyramids, go back to the left edge of the third pyramid, run to the right and take off. Fly diagonally to the right and up until you reach the blocks hanging high in the air. Low on the bottom and knock on your head P-switch. Click it, fall down and collect a bunch of coins and life that is hidden in one of the pyramid blocks.
Desert. Nothing difficult. When the sun will start flying around you, throw in it inherent shell, and it will lag. Tornado need to jump, otherwise he will drag you back.
Stage 4.. This stage can be passed two different ways. If you can't fly, then go to bottom.
To get a prize from a block hanging very low, you need to scare a turtle on the right post and kick her shelter. He will hit the wall, bounce, will hit the block and the prize will pop up out of it. Until the very end, there will be nothing complicated or hidden.
If you can fly, then knocking the coin from the first block, run back to the left and fly to the upper left corner. Flying through several blocks, you will be upstairs. In the third left block of the right half of the bridge, the p-switch is hidden.
Stage 5.. Where several gold blocks lie at the very bottom, it is necessary to kick the skinny shelter left, and he will choose a vine. Close on it and jump around the grounds. Reaching the pipe, take it into it. In the central block of the lower row, the p-switch is hidden. Click it without collecting coins below to collect everything that appears. When the switch is running out, collect what remains.
Pyramid. If you need a raccoon costume, select a prize from the question block, and exit the pyramid. Just enter inside - the block recovered. This is a small labyrinth and finding out is not difficult in it. Pour to the right of the strip of wooden blocks, next to the pipe hanging from above, and find an invisible block. Close to it to the pipe, and get into the hidden room. In a separate block, the P-switch is hidden. Over the fifth right, life is hidden by the upper row.
Palace. No secrets. Reaching the pipe, get through it to the boss.

World 3. Water Land / Island Earth
In fact, the name of this world is translated a little differently, but the "Water Earth" is somehow wrong. From one of the guards you can knock out hammer. Using it, you can break the way to the boat (on the right side of the map) and get to the island on it, on which there are a lot of different houses.
Stage 1.. Lower along the left edge of the screen down to get a prize. You can climb along the right edge of the wooden blocks and jump onto them. Passing to the left, you can get a prize.
Stage 2.. On the site of the gold blocks, in the third left, the block, hidden the p-switch, but it is better not to press, because it will become more difficult to get to the exit.
If you can fly, then choosing from the pipe, fly to the left to collect coins and find an invisible life. It is located at the very top of the screen, to the right of the left rod, which supports the site below. Mentally put two blocks to the right of the upper end of this rod. In the place where the second block will turn out, just the invisibility.
Stage 3.. In the first long strip of gold blocks, in the second right, the p-switch is hidden. On the playground after the rotating platform, in the left block, is hidden one more. By pressing it, you can quickly run around the grounds to the right and get to the exit.
Fortress. Here a bunch of doors, but you need the fifth from the beginning (you can knock out life) and the sixth (it leads to the guard). You can enter the latest door to get coins (jump there above the door to find an invisible block, the second block is located above and the right of this). If mistakenly enter another door, swim left - there is a way out.
Stage 4.. To jump onto a high cliff, you need to run around the mountain, holding the button " IN", And jump at the last moment. In the left block under the coin pipe, and in the right P-switch, which makes the multiple coins appear.
Stage 5.. If you pass this stage in a frog suit, you can swim in the second protrusion pipe and get three lives. Selecting from there, go back a little back and swim against the current to the pipe on the left. Stay at the same time, and choose life from the invisible block.
Stage 6.. On the playground with three gold blocks, throw one block to the right to knock out the P-switch. Select life from the block upstairs, press the switch and take life together with coins.
Stage 7.. In a rectangle from gold blocks, in the upper block of the second left column, the life is hidden. From the upper left block of the block of blocks, in the form of a bracket, you can knock out the vine. Having climbed on it on the sky, run to the left. In the gold block hid the p-switch. If you press it and fall down, you can collect coins that have turned the blocks of that rectangle from which you took life. If you go back to the right and jump from the wooden block to the right, then you will fall on the empty pad. Stand in the middle, select the invisible notable block and jump on the sky.
Stage 8.. It is best to have a tail at this stage, then you can get life from one of the blocks lying on Earth.
Stage 9.. There is nothing complicated and broken.
Second fortress. There are no secrets or difficulties at this stage.
Palace. Nothing difficult - get to the pipe and get to the boss.

World 4. Giant Land / Giants Land
Stage 1.. If you can fly, then run away from the waterfall itself to the left and take off. Fly and up to get to the reservoir, from which the waterfall flows. Swim left, past the predatory flower, and take into a pipe to get life.
Stage 2.. There is nothing exorbitant at this stage. To overcome shooting flowers, stand near the question block, wait until the flower is shot and hiding into the pipe. Sink yourself with all my might and jump right. You will turn the second shooting flower and land on wooden blocks.
Stage 3.. After a small island, which hangs a question block with a prize, get rid of a siplast and ordinary beetle, get rid from the left edge and take off. The top is a ledge with coins.
Fortress. Reaching pipes, take into the middle (it is from both ends of the third in a row) to go through this stage easier by. To get upstairs after the range of the question blocks, find two invisible blocks.
Stage 4.. If you have a frog costume, then dress it, and you can climb into the second pipe and gain coins there.
Stage 5.. From the gold block over the gun you can knock out a vine. Close up on it (in order to get on it, repel from the shells), and you can get a suit of Tanooki and coins.
Stage 6.. In two places at this level there are doors. If you enter one of them, the enemies will turn from huge in ordinary, and some prizes will appear or disappear. If you still enter the door. That everything will be, as it was at first. Above the first pipe there is a platform with coins, but it must be seal. If your enemies have a regular size, then you can get life.
In an interviewal block located behind the second pipe, there will be a prize if the enemies are large, and the coin, if the enemies are ordinary.
Strip of gold blocks next to a wooden column. If you have big enemies, then from the third left block you can knock out several coins. Between two pipes, where the turtle is crawling, there are three invisible blocks. If the enemies are large, then in all blocks it will be on a coin. If the enemies are small, then there will be life in the left.
Second fortress. Having received a p-switch and pressing it, you will see the door invisible earlier. Come in H6ee.
The elevator with the arrow always rises up. The elevator with a light bulb can change the direction of movement, if you jump on it. If you fit to the ceiling, when you are standing on the elevator, it will disappear.
Reaching the top, take into the pipe. Stand on the left edge of the pipe and jump to knock out the coin from the invisible block. Roll into it and, put on the very edge left, jump up to knock out another one. Rise to the top block and jump back from the left edge again. From the block that is behind the screen will take life. Take it out and climb into the pipe. If you can fly, flush into the left corner to get coins.
Palace. Very light flying ship. Paint the flamethos until you reach the pipe that leads to the boss.

World 5. Sky Land / Heavenly Earth
Stage 1.. I strongly recommend using wings before entering this stage. You will be able to gain lives, get a prize and do not experience any problems with its passage. Immediately after the start of the stage, take off the up, fly a little forward and take into the pipe. Go down to the leakage down and look at the pipe again.
Having selected in a new place, fly up and a little right. Spread the average gold block and select the P-switch from the left block. Press it and collect numerous coins that appeared at the bottom. Chill life from a strip of gold blocks, which is located to the right of the pipe (next to wooden blocks). Collect all, fly to the right and up. Sell \u200b\u200ba vertical post from blocks to climb upstairs, and fly to the left, by the beginning of the stage.
Again, take into the same pipe as the first time. You need to crawl down to get a music box and complete the stage.
Stage 2.. Climbing into the pipe, you will start falling down. Do not move, and fall to the new block. From here there are two ways: up and down. The top path is simpler and coins there are more. Cancel upstairs into the first oncoming pipe to get three lives. Downstairs there is nothing useful or complex.
Stage 3.. If you can hit the bottom on the block on which the mushroom has a mushroom in the shoe, then take this shoe. You can walk on plants and pick up coins and life in one of the blocks over them.
Fortress. If you use the wings here, you can get the best lives. Sell \u200b\u200bblocks that closes the way upstairs, fly to the pipe and take it into it. Three invisible blocks with lives are hidden in the room. The first block is located above the place where the arrow is indicated from the coins. The second unit is high at the top to the left of the left coin. The third block on the right of the right coin itself. To go through the last press, go out to the left edge of the island (but do not fall on the ledge), click " IN"And run to the right. Not jumping, you will fall on a small island, over which the press hangs. Before he falls on you, jump further.
Tower. If you really need an extra life, you can sacrifice the wings and you can get it (however, in my opinion, it is not profitable). When you reach deadlock with a pipe, when you first find yourself on the street, fly the wall and fly to the right to find a block with life. Having risen through the vine and climbing into the pipe, you will find yourself in the second half of the card - in the sky. Do not climb into that pipe from which they got out, otherwise you will have to go to the tower again.
Stage 4.. Before going here, be sure to use something to become big. Taking the prize from the block, you can fly. Spread on the left cloud and fly to the right, as far as it turns out, continuing to plan until the latter. You land right on the pipe leading from this stage.
Stage 5.. You will need a tail again to easily go through this stage. Slide the blocks over the second pipe and take it into it to get the Tanooki costume. To collect coins under the falling blocks, fall along with them and jump at the last moment.
Stage 6.. In the long strip of gold blocks, in the second right, the block is hidden a p-switch. Click it and you will be somewhat easier to reach the pipe leading to the outlet from here.
Stage 7.. Pipe with a plant in the cavity. In the gold block, located to the left of the question mark hid life. You can climb into the pipe and get to the lower tier of this stage. Downstairs more coins, so it is better to fall there. If you can fly, it is not necessary to go through the pipe to the right. Go to the end to the left, run, take off and break the blocks high at the top. Repeat this action until you can get on one of the blocks. Jump even higher and run to the right, jumping over the slots. Sitting around the blue wall, you will start falling down and can be planted directly on the final prize.
Note: Somewhere in the mass of these blocks there is a P-switch, which will turn blocks into a coin, but its search and collection of coins must be performed using wings, which is not very practical, although real.
Stage 8.. At this stage there are no secrets - just run forward, dodging the cocoons.
Stage 9.. Nothing complicated - jump around the courts until you reach the pipe.
Palace. One of the most complex volatile ships. The essence is still the same - run forward and dodge from shells, but here the number of these shells is very impressive.
The boss is quite dangerous because it can jump, and at the time of landing paralyzes you.

World 6. Ice Land / Ice Land
Stage 1.. Before entering this stage, you must have a large size. Without shooting and tail, it becomes almost unrealistic, but if you can, at least somehow attack enemies, it turns into a simple walk.
Sink from the first pipe to the right, take off, and find the door. Come in it and make your way to the upper path to the P-switch. Click it and how quickly you return back to collect coins below.
Stage 2.. At this stage, you can get life, but it is difficult. It is located in a gold block, which is located in a wooden corner near the exit. If you act quickly, you can have time to jump and knock it out.
Stage 3.. After the ice wall there will be a turtle. Scare it, take the shell and throw in a lonely gold block that hangs on the right. From it will be started to grow. Locker on it and take into the pipe. Taking Tanooki costume, take off in the left corner to get coins. Falling back, take off, quickly climb into the pipe and fly to the exit.
Fortress. If you can fly and are ready to risk a tail for the sake of getting a life, then as soon as you go through, disks after the door, run away from the speaker itself and take off up. Life is hidden in the gold block.
Stage 4.. Jump onto the rail area and immediately jump on to the right. For a moment before it moves out of the blocks, on which you stand, fall down, and immediately jump along the ice block, on which they were stood to find an invisible note block. By bouncing on it, you will fall upstairs, where many coins and no difficulties.
Stage 5.. Close into the holes in the ceiling to find coins and life. To leave this stage, you must scare a turtle, take her shell with you and fly into the hole, which is located a little more of the place where the turtle crashes. Throw the shell in the plants there - he will knock them and free your passage to the pipe. To get a raccoon costume, pick up the first pipe that will meet at this stage. Choose a prize from the block and pick up. Repeat so until you get the desired suit.
Stage 6.. When you enter the water, move along the ceiling, which will soon begin to rise. Pouring in a dead end, stop the non-report from the right wall and pop up - you will be bugged into an invisible block from which life will pop up.
Stage 7.. After several gold blocks and one question mark, there will be a place where two falling blocks are located near the icy wall. Tightened on the right block, and life will appear from the invisibility - it will fall from above, so do not sink it.
Before the release of the stage, you will meet the coins, freeze in ice. To free them, it is necessary to shoot in blocks.
Second fortress. There are no secrets here, there are no very sophisticated places, but it is only necessary to run carefully because Ice around.
Stage 8.. If you want to get a lot of coins, use wings before entering this stage. Above the right stick of the design, similar to the letter "H", assembled from silver blocks, is an invisible block in which life is hidden.
Not far from the exit, in the gold block, which is located over silver, hidden a p-switch. Press it and fly up, there have appeared a lot of coins.
Stage 9.. If you want, you can spend the wings and slip this stage without difficulty - just flipping the ice wall to the right, takes my life along the way. If you have a frog costume before entering the stage, then, swim in one of the pipes, you can get three lives and coins. If you complete the stage in the raccoon costume, fly to the right before going out to get life.
Stage 10.. When we grow a vine (from the right block of the pair, which is located on silver blocks), you can climb on it, press the P-switch and collect coins. If you can shoot, do otherwise. Clear the path to the pipe on the right, shooting the ice. Click the P-switch, run to the pipe, collecting coins in which the plants have turned, and climb into the pipe to get a hammer suit.
Third fortress. If you can fly, then run away from the very beginning and fly up and right. At the site high at the top you will find a gold block from which you can knock your life. You can fly to the site over the first press and get there coins from blocks. A rather difficult place will be shortly before the exit. Two platforms with drums and discs between them. Jump to the most edge of white sites so that the drum will not take you. From the left edge of the second platform to the right one must jump, holding the "B" button, and immediately jump further to slip spikes.
Entering the door, fall down and immediately run away to the right, and then deploy and watch left so that the ghosts do not have a chance to get to you. Wait until the door goes on top, and go into it.
Palace. There is nothing particularly difficult. After the pipe, as usual, get to the boss.

World 7. Pipe Land / Pipe Earth
Stage 1.. Selecting from one of the pipes near the start, you will see three blocks over your head. Each of them is hidden on a coin. If you are able to jump through the slot to these blocks, then bouncing near the right wall, select life from the invisible block.
Hanging from a music sign on the pipe, you can get a coin from the gold blocks. To the right of them there is an invisible block in which life is hidden.
Rise into a narrow passage between the pipes, knock the turtle. If you know how to fly, then stand on the right edge of the left pipe and run. Sitting through the edge, you will appear on the right. Run to the gap, take off and fly left. Shooting a bit among the pipes, you will have to get into the one that hangs on top. Selecting from the other end, you can collect a lot of coins.
Next to the last pipe flies the turtle. Throw off it to jump up vertically, and choose your life from the invisible block.
Stage 2.. Absolutely simple stage, especially if you can shoot. Through those pipes that do not rest in the ground, but go down, over the edge of the screen, you can go down to the lower tier of this stage. When you find a place where the appearing block blocks are bought upstairs, passing over them from above, jump on the seventh on the left side to knock out the life from the invisible block. Having reached to the end, take into a pipe that goes down to leave this stage.
Stage 3.. You have to beat asterisks and running forward under their cover. If the action of the sprocket is over before you have time to knock out the next, instead of an asterisk you will get a coin, but the stage will be almost unreal. Any blocks with other contents (including the R-switch) must be ignored to have time for the next asterisk.
Stage 4.. If you use wings, you can fly a high wall at the very beginning of the stage and knock out two lives from gold blocks. There is nothing to say about the stage. Just fuse with the screen, avoiding enemies.
Stage 5.. One of the most confusing stages. It is not very difficult to go through if you remember the road in labyrinths. You will constantly have to move through the pipes up and down to move forward, then the point, stuck in the invisible blocks that cover you the road. We jump as often as possible so as not to miss any block that will come in handy later. The only invisible block with life is located from the pipe, in a dead end, for which you need to go down. It is located between the pipe and the right wall - near the wall.
Fortress. This is an abandoned fortress in which there are no enemies (almost no). After the start of the stage, go a little ahead, then count the four columns of gold blocks to the right and start bouncing from two gray blocks. From the highest block, you select the P-switch. He turns all the blocks into the coin (I do not even know how much they are here). At the same time, the door will appear on the gray platform by entering which you can get Tanooki.. Click the P-switch, collect so many coins as you have time, go to the door to the right and exit back. Everything recovered - you can again knock the R-switch and go to the door behind the prize.
Taking a suit Tanooki., and climbing into the pipe, you will need to move to the left lower corner, to the door. Once in the new room, take off under the ceiling and fly there until you find the pipe done in the ceiling - you need to get into it to get to the guard.
Stage 6.. Nothing complicated and no invisible blocks. Just climb on elevators up.
Cannon plants. You need to go right and climb into the pipe to get wings. There is absolutely nothing to describe, I do not go to this stage (it's difficult to pass, but not necessarily).
Stage 7.. You will have to run on plants under the cover of asterisks. If you are small, then go through this stage will be easier, because you do not have to squat to slip under the walls.
Stage 8.. Heavy stage, especially if you can't fly.
Sink from the very beginning and fly to the right and up until you reach several question blocks located in a row. Spread on them and plan as far as possible to the right. You land somewhere around a long row of gold blocks. In the fourth, life is hidden. A little further jump on the right of a hanging pipe to find a pink muscle block. Jump on it to get on the sky.
Stage 9.. You must find the exit in the labyrinth of the pipes. A full description of the route would take too much space, so looking for yourself, but know that it is not outside the labyrinth, but inside. Invisible is not there, just a lot of coins.
Second fortress. One of the most complex stages in the whole game. If you can not shoot, it is better to skip it at all with the help of the cloud. With shooting (or hammers) to go in real, but not easy.
SECOND FEDERATES. There is nothing to describe - just move right until you reach the exit.
Palace. About the fly ship as usual to write nothing. The ship itself is easy, but the boss is quite difficult - he can paralyze you when landing after the jump.

World 8. Dark Land / Dark Earth
Tanks. Just move to the right, avoiding numerous shells flying in all directions.
Warships. Although everything looks even worse than before, there is good news - jump into the water after the very first ship and float under water until the very end. You can see you, but this is normal. The main thing - as often as possible, press the button " BUT"And don't let go UP.
Giant hands. When you run on the map by a strip of five squares, on the first, third or fifth, you can grab a giant hand and drag on a small additional stage. Nothing difficult, but you have to go through. After overcoming all obstacles at the stage, take into the pipe and get a prize - sheet. To facilitate life, use the flower before passing this place - in the first trap you will have to fight with the guards of the passages.
flying ship. At this stage, you will learn what real speed is. Everything rushes past you, and you must jump from the site to the site. Just use wings, and reprove this stage - it is easier and safer.
Stage 1.. If you have wings, the passage of this stage is stopped from an almost impossible task in a simple flight from place to place. In addition, having wings, you can get a bunch of extra coins and three lives.
Take off and fly up to find the P-switch. Click it and collect so many coins as you have time before all will disappear. Take up to the top of the fifth on the pipe account, it goes high up, and pick up it to get three lives. As soon as you leave the tube below, take off higher and calmly fly until the end of the stage. If you have no wings, you'd better miss this stage with the cloud.
Stage 2.. A difficult stage, if you go astray. However, it is possible to cut the distance very much. Do not jump over the first pit with Szyma sand and let me pull yourself down. You will fall into the room, in the left and right corners of which will be pipes. If you get into the left tube, you can knock the prize from the Golden Block (I strongly recommend this path if you cannot fly, but you have a big size). If you climb into the right tube, you can fall down, dial a decent amount of coins. In any case, you will get out of the pipe near the exit from the stage.
Getting out of the pipe and passing the plant, run away from the slide and take off, being below. Fly as it turns out, to the right and land near the exit from the stage. If you can not fly, then typing the maximum speed, jump from the very edge of the abyss, and safely jump over it.
Fortress. Tangled labyrinth of doors and obstacles. Better immediately spend a cloud on it and do not be inside. If they are still climbed, then the tricks on yourself.
Paint the right to the big letter " N.", Assembled from gold blocks. In the upper block of the right stick is hidden a p-switch. To press it, enter the invisible block near the wall. By pressing the switch, immediately enter the door under the crossbar.
Jump from a fixed conveyor to the right (it is fixed while the P-switch is valid) and go to the door (it is also visible only during the parameter action). Tighure over the door and knock out your life from the coin and go back to the door.
Jump on the next protrusion and go to the door. Go to the right and, passing four presses, go to the door.
The conveyor will drag you to the left, but this is normal. Press and hold the button " IN". As soon as you fall down, run forward on the conveyor and jump onto the pad with the door. From this site jump even further.
Now you have a choice of the way. If you have a tail, then I recommend this option. With a split, jump over the failure and break the entire wall of gold blocks. Now select the star from the question block so that it flew to the right. While she gets out, stand up so to run in front of her. Do not touch her, but stay closer. When you confront the conveyor, you will drive around it until they are tranquil into the question block (do not attempt to climb it, in it just a coin). Now grab the asterisk and run forward, knocking on everyone on your way, until you get to the right wall, where the press is moving down at the bottom (try it too). Left have two gold blocks. Select from the right P-switch and scatter left to get up. Click the P-switch and run right. Skip the first door, jump from the conveyor to the procee and go to the door that appeared on it.
If you do not have the tail, you will not be able to smash the wall. Then fall into the failure and jump near the right edge to knock out life from the invisible block. Wait until it falls to you, pick it up and jump back to get several coins from other invisible blocks that are blocked up. Knocking everything, go to the door. You must get into another door, which is right. Come in it, squat and rolling on the conveyor under spikes. As soon as spikes end, run forward and jump from the very edge through the failure. Now make your way up and right until you give up the press moving downstairs. You must slip past him to the left, knock out and press the p-switch and get into the door on the ledge on the right. Wait until the conveyor moves, drive under the spikes, and rolling straight to the guard. After the fortress, go on the map on the track to the fork, and then left, and take into the pipe.
Second tanks. Again, you must make your way to the right, avoiding shells.
Castle Bowser'a. Statues can shoot - run them at maximum speed.
Climb the elevator up and go to the right. Fall down with the converging block and move to the right to get away from it as soon as the passage appears.
Rising up past the discs, do not get down immediately on the other side. Stand on the top leaf right and jump to knock your life from the invisible block. Then go down and go to the right.
After moving through the huge lake of Lava, you can get into one of the four corridors located one over the other. To get to K. Bowser'uYou must pass the most upper or third corridor from above. The route will be different and the upper way is easier, but they both do not differ with excessive difficulty.
How to overcome Bowser'A. If you are able to come to him in a hammer suit, it is enough to throw five hammers into it.
If you can shoot, you need to shoot it thirty times.
If you can't attack it, you have to wait.
Bowser shoots in you fire, which is quite easy to jump. He also jumps from time to time and tries to stop you. It is in this who lies his weak spot. Falling, Bowser splits several blocks under it. Run away from his shots and wait. When he will continue the entire floor through, it will fly away to the hole that appears, where it will break. The main thing, they themselves do not fall into the hole, which he struck.
After the victory of NAD Bowser'om Come on the door. You will get into the room where without your participation Mario. Meet the princess.

Video Speed \u200b\u200bPassage Super Mario Bros. 3:

You can download the game here\u003droms&cat\u003dnes&act\u003dcomment&id\u003d1548
There is also an emulator.

On this page, we suggest you watch super fast passage of the cultric surgery Super Mario Brothers in just five minutes!
More precisely, the user Devil spent 5:35 on it. Impossible? Although! The next video confirms this. All lovers of super Mario worth seeing this passage.

The most interesting cheats and secrets in Super Mario

  • in the world of 1-2 at the end of the level, you can crawl over the ceiling, and find three pots, each of which is teleport in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th worlds, respectively;
  • every hundred collected kopecks give one life Mario;
  • in the world of 4-1 at the end before the checkbox, it is a brick from which you can fill a lot of coins;
  • at the end of the levels with flags (these are the first levels of each new world) before the jump, you can accelerate and follow this checkbox above, thereby firing more points;
  • in the world 4-2 after falling steps from the first level, you can knock out a plant that will raise you into a secret room. To get to the plant, jump under the top three cubes. There will be an invisible brick, which you can climb.
  • at the end of the secret room in the world 4-2, you will find three more teleport, in levels 6-8;
  • in the world of 8-1, small holes can run in the ground, clinging b, and pressing "forward", similar to the usual acceleration. Practice, useful skill.
  • if when you jump on the checkbox at the end of the level, you will pick up a large number of points, then a small salute will be given to your honor;
  • some pipes can be closed. They are located secret rooms with bonuses.

Of course, these are not all secrets and super mario cheats, but also this part is enough to try to beat the record for the rapid passage of this wonderful toy.

Something else…

We also have, dedicated to this wonderful game. Here you can not only download the original version, but also find out even more secrets and cheats.

As well as…

You can play the online version of this popular masterpiece!

And you know what it means - you will finally experience the emotions of glorious, but long-lasting days, right on their iPhone. And let me declare you right now - Super Mario Run is a really exciting game.

If you have not started playing, then at first read our guide for beginners with respect to this game and then you can already start the game. If you have already started playing, but you want to achieve more, then this article will be just for you.

Mode "World Tour"

  1. Right jump at the right time

Let Nintendo experts think how to make a game of complex and interesting, into which you can play only one finger. While everything you can do during the game is just clicking on the screen to make the character of the game jump, but there is a huge number of different ways to press, which means the existence of different types of jumps.

Pressing and retaining leads to a higher jump. Pressing and retention and secondary pressing makes you rotate. Pressing and retaining and swipe left returns you a little back.

It is important to use the right jump at the right time. It's good that you will be waiting for the next jump all the time. But do not worry if not everything turns out the first time. It is quite clear that Super Mario Run is designed to play it again and again. And this is the only way with which you will be able to earn all important bonuses at each level.

  1. Make a rebound from the wall

This is really a good way to try to get just missed coins. When you jump, try to face a wall or brick above your head. It will make Mario make a jump in another direction. The perfect way to collect coins that are above or behind you.

  1. Try to hit a few blocks at the same time

If you plan your jump correctly, then you can jump into the center of two blocks and thus earn two bonuses, and not just one.

  1. Play again and again, choosing different roads every time

Each level has different paths that you can choose. Each level has its various sublevels if you want. In order to collect all the coins, you must play at the same level several times, choosing different paths all the time (remember what arrow you follow).

  1. Always look for special coins

Special coins are those that at the beginning of pink bring extra points. It is thanks to these exclusive coins, you will be able to boast of how good you are in this game. After you manage to collect 5 pink coins, they will be replaced with purple coins. And then on black, after a while.

  1. Choose always the path to which the arrow indicates

Whenever you encounter an arrow, follow her. This will allow you to earn unexpected bonuses. Blast coins, hidden pink coin and much more.

  1. Grab the flag with rotation in the air

As you know, bounce and grab the flag at the end of the flagpole is not so simple. When you jump, choose a long jump - press and hold the screen. At the end of the jump, click on the screen again to make spinning in the air - it means that you just stay longer in the flight forward instead of falling down - thus increasing the chances of capturing the flag.

  1. How to hang in the air and return a little back

I found it by chance, but it can be a really useful reception if you apply it at the right moment. Press and hold the screen to perform a height jump, and then make swipe left. This will allow you to hang in the air and will drop you a little back.

  1. Reasonable use of pauses

When you land on a brick with a pause button, the game stops. This is a great moment to look around and understand what is happening, and develop a decision before moving forward.

  1. Using bubbles in your own interests

When your character dies, it usually can be resurrected thanks to bubbles with additional energy. It will return you a little back. Click on the bubble to free up the character at the right time and use this chance to play better at the next attempt.

  1. Win the boss using their weaknesses

You will deal with the boss every 3 level. The way to defeat them is to find their weakness. Also note the environment around them and use these factors against them. To defeat Bauer, for example, you need to throw an ax on the bridge when it will be on it.

  1. Always reserve additional energy before going into battle

Before going into battle with the boss, make sure you have a full energy level. Because during the struggle, you will lose your energy with each blow.

Nintendo Account

During registration, you will be prompted to create your Nintendo account. And since you do not wait to get to the game, then your natural instinct can be the decision to skip this stage and start the game. But do not do it. It takes just a couple of minutes, to start your account - it is easy, you can connect via Google, Twitter and Facebook. If you missed this step, then go to the settings to create and tie your Nintendo account.

Nintendo account gives you access to the exclusive content of the game, Tad Rally tickets and much more.

The creation of your Nintendo account is the only way to easily unlock the TAD character. On the kingdom screen, click on the "My Nintendo" button, click on the "Exchange" button below the "TAD".

Then go back to the "Kingdom" screen and click on the "Gift", where and get a new game character.

Right next to the "Awards" tab in the "My Nintendo" section there is a Mission tab. Here you can collect points from Nintendo for the mission performed. For things like a game in Tad rally 3 times a day and more. When the button is on red, click on "Collect Points".

  1. Receive rewards

In the Awards section there are many other things other than the character "Tada". You can use earned points for exchange for anything more interesting - for example, get 1000 coins in Super Mario Run and much more.

"Rally with Tadami"

In Tad Rally, you play against the character and if you win it, it will be added to your kingdom. When you start the game, you will see 5 different opponents that differ in color. You need to buy all the characters to build your kingdom. So do not play against the character of the same color again and again.

  1. Do not use already acquired Tada

If during the game you use meanings, then you will actually lose them in your kingdom. So choose who you compete with.

It is really important to remain active during the collection of coins in the TAD rally mode. And the best way to do it is to jump. Jump in various ways, use all the combined combinations. But make sure you collect coins during jumps.

Mode "Construction of the Kingdom"

At the very beginning, you should focus on the construction of houses, and not on jewelry. This is the only way with which you can unlock 3 really funny characters - Luigi, Yoshi and Tajead.

  1. Check the availability of the bonus game

The first house, which is called "at the expense of the institution" is a bonus game. You can play it once every 8 hours. So, you should check the availability of a bonus game, at least once a day to play and earn more coins.

Click the "Menu" button and select "Settings". Then click on "Parameters". Here, set the option "Low" in the "Render Quality" settings and "Graphic Quality" settings. It will help you save the battery charge while playing Super Mario Run.

Many of you must remember the unhuck computer toy about the brave plumber Mario. It was published for many consoles, types of computers and even mobile phones. With her fascination and simplicity, it can be good with bestsellers like Tetris I want to tell you some interesting facts about this game, many of whom I did not know.

In most editions, Super Mario graphic images of clouds and bushes are the same, only their color differs.

The game has a negative world. This, apparently, the defect in the program, which leads a player in several game locations with negative sequence numbers. At the end of the room 2-1, you can pass through the hard wall and get into the so-called. "WORLD -1", which is a distorted version of the room 1-3. The actions in it occur under water, there you can meet several interesting characters, like a tanker or princess-urching.

Perhaps his name is Mario - the game character was received thanks to the host of the building in America, where the local development team was located. In the 1980s, the American office of the company experienced difficult times, and at that time the owner of the building, Mario Sigel came to them, to the question of paying the next amount of money for renting premises. After a short negotiation, an agreement was reached on the extension of the lease term, and Mario was called Mario as compensation for the hero. Before this character was called Jumpman (Jumper).

Between Mario and the work of Carolla "Alice in Wonderland" there is a lot in common. When the designer of the game Shigeru Miamoto with colleagues developed the concept of the game, they came to the fact that the hero should move through jumps, and the background will serve the blue sky. After that, we suggested that it should increase and decrease. How? And here the idea of \u200b\u200busing mushrooms came to mind, after which they remembered Alice

Contrary to popular belief, Mario breaks blocks suspended above it, not head and fist.

The Super Mario Bros game in Japan was released on Friday, 13 numbers

Mario carries a headdress due to the fact that his creator - Shigeru Miamoto - considered that it would be difficult to draw hair taking into account the capacities of the game console and his artistic abilities. Musta Mario received because in the eight-bit chart they look better than the mouth.

There are many versions of the game, including very rare all Night Super Mario Bros, whose characters are taken from the Japanese show All Night Nippon. This version was distributed only on this show in 1986 and was intended for the game system Famicom Disk System. In the game, the characters were similar to the musicians and other famous Japanese in Japan.

Mario is dressed in a jumpsuit to make a more visual animation in the process of his movement. Without this workwear, the image would have merged, and it would be difficult to disassemble the movements of the brave plumber. So the reason is not in beauty, but exclusively in convenience for animation.

Who else can add your discoveries in the piggy bank of the secrets of this game?

PS. For those who want to play - here is the game

Warning: This news is taken from here .. when used specify

  • Many of you must remember the unhuck computer toy about the brave plumber Mario. It was published for many consoles, types of computers and even mobile phones. With her fascination and simplicity, it can be good with bestsellers like Tetris I want to tell you some interesting facts about this game, many of whom I did not know.
  • In most editions, Super Mario graphic images of clouds and bushes are the same, only their color differs.
  • The game has a negative world. This, apparently, the defect in the program, which leads a player in several game locations with negative sequence numbers. At the end of the room 2-1, you can pass through the hard wall and get into the so-called. "WORLD -1", which is a distorted version of the room 1-3. The actions in it occur under water, there you can meet several interesting characters, like a tanker or princess-urching.
  • Perhaps his name is Mario - the game character was received thanks to the host of the building in America, where the local development team was located. In the 1980s, the American office of the company experienced difficult times, and at that time the owner of the building, Mario Sigel came to them, to the question of paying the next amount of money for renting premises. After a short negotiation, an agreement was reached on the extension of the lease term, and Mario was called Mario as compensation for the hero. Before this character was called Jumpman (Jumper).
  • Between Mario and the work of Carolla "Alice in Wonderland" there is a lot in common. When the designer of the game Shigeru Miamoto with colleagues developed the concept of the game, they came to the fact that the hero should move through jumps, and the background will serve the blue sky. After that, we suggested that it should increase and decrease. How? And here the idea of \u200b\u200busing mushrooms came to mind, after which they remembered Alice
  • Contrary to popular belief, Mario breaks blocks suspended above it, not head and fist.
  • The Super Mario Bros game in Japan was released on Friday, 13 numbers.
  • Mario carries a headdress due to the fact that his creator - Shigeru Miamoto - considered that it would be difficult to draw hair taking into account the capacities of the game console and his artistic abilities. Musta Mario received because in the eight-bit chart they look better than the mouth.
  • Rare Japanese version of Mario
  • There are many versions of the game, including very rare all Night Super Mario Bros, whose characters are taken from the Japanese show All Night Nippon. This version was distributed only on this show in 1986 and was intended for the game system Famicom Disk System. In the game, the characters were similar to the musicians and other famous Japanese in Japan.

  • Mario is dressed in a jumpsuit to make a more visual animation in the process of his movement. Without this workwear, the image would have merged, and it would be difficult to disassemble the movements of the brave plumber. So the reason is not in beauty, but exclusively in convenience for animation.

Who else can add your discoveries in the piggy bank of the secrets of this game?

For those who wish to play -