Checkers Russian game theories. Debut in a checkered party: the main mistakes of the players and the traps used. How to start a party to quickly defeat

1. G3-F4 F6-E5 2. H2-G3.
F. Kaulen was considered one of the strongest chairs in pre-revolutionary Russia.
One of the debut systems, which F. Kaulen developed and often used in various competitions, is named after it.

Educational example

1. G3-F4 F6-E5 2. H2-G3 E5-D4 3. C3: E5 H6-G5 4. F4: H6 D6: H2 5. A3-B4 G7-F6 6. B4-A5 F6-E5 7. B2-SZ H8-G7 8. C3-B4 G7-F6 9. A1-B2 E5-F4 10. E3: G5 F6: H4 11. D2-E3 B6-C5 12. B4: D6 C7: E5 13. B2 SZ E5-F4 14. E3: G5 H4: F6 15. C3-D4 A7-B6 16. A5: C7 D8: B6? (This course loses the party. It is necessary to beat 16 ... B8: D6, and the position of black protecting.) (Chart 1.)

17. C1-D2! (After this turn in black, the only continuation of 17 ... B6-A5. On 17 ... E7-D6 White will carry out a combination of 18. F2-G3 H2: F4 19. D4-E5 F6: D4 20. D2-YE and will remain With an extra checker. It does not save 17 ... B8-A7 (or 17 ... B8-C7), then after 18. F2-G3 H2: F4 19. D4-C5 B6: D4 20. D2-Yez White falls At the pre-commission field and again won a party.) 17 ... B6-A5 18. D4-C5! F6-E5 19. D2-C3 E5-F4 20. E1-D2 E7-F6 21. C3-D4 F6-G5 22. F2-G3 F4-E3 23. D4: F2 H2: F4 24. F2-G3 F4: H2 25. H6: F4 F8-E7 26. F4-E5 B8-C7 27. D2-SZ, and white won. (Part B. Gerzzonzz - F. Semenov.)

Filippov game

1. E3-D4 D6-E5 2. A3-B4H6-G5.
The beginning was developed at the end of the XIX century by the famous St. Petersburg Shashist Vasily Grigorievich Filippov. "Teacher" - so called it many lovers of a checkered game. He often applied it with great success in parties with strong opponents. Unexpected strikes, imperceptible combinations and a complex positional game brought more popularity to this closed start.

Educational example

1. E3-D4 D6-E5 2. A3-B4 H6-G5 3. G4 -H4 B6-A5 4. B2-AZ E7-D6 5. F2-G3 F8-E7 6.B4-C5 D6: B4 7. A3: C5 C7-D6? (As tempting to attack and try to win a checker C5. But the white turned out to be fading: a two-wave combination was followed. Black followed 7 ... G5-F4, while maintaining a symmetrical position.) (Chart 2.)

8. SZ-B4 !! E5: SZ (loses 8 ... A5: SZ due to 9. D4: B2 D6: B4 10. G3-F4, and wherever black is neither beat, white to remove four checkers or five checkers and break into the ladies) 9. A1-B2! C3: A1 10. D2-E3 A5: SZ 11. C1-B2 D6: B4
12. B2: D4 A1: E5 13. G3-F4 E5: G3 14. H2: A3 with a complete defeat of black.
We met with some checkered debuts. This is only a small part of the beginning, existing in gaming practice. Debuts are devoted to individual books in which numerous variants arising after certain moves. In the future, you will get acquainted on books with a multifaceted theory begins and able to apply it in practice.
Most of our training examples ended with a simple or complex combination. But along with combinations at the beginning of the party, after an enemy error, you can see the victory with the help of a positional game. We give a few examples.
In the "City Party" afterces: 1. C3-D4 D6-C5 2. B2-SZ F6-G5 3. C3-B4 G5-H4 4. B4: D6 E7: C5 5. D2-C3 H6-G5? Position white (only after one erroneous stroke of black) becomes positionally won. Next, 6. G3-F4 G7-H6 7. F4-E5. (Diagram 3.)

White deprived black interactions between left and right flanks. Now, as if black, he played, defeats them can not be avoided. Consider all possible continues.
I. 7 ... B6-A5 8. D4: B6 A7: C5 9. E3-F4 G5: E3 10. F2: B6, and if black wanted to play a chamber of 10 ... B8-A7 then follows 11. C1 -D2! A7: C5 12. C3-B4 A5: SZ 13. D2: B8 Winning.
II. 7 ... D8-E7 8. E5-D6 C7: E5 9. D4: A5X.
III. 7 ... F8-E7 8. C3 -B4 E7-D6 9. E5-F6 G5-E7 10. D4-E5 D6: D2 11. B4: F8X.
IV. 7 ... F8-G7 8. C3-B4 B6-A5 9. B4: D6 G7-F6 10. E5: G7 H6: F8 (if 10 ... C7: SZ, then solves 11. G7-F8, and At 10 ... H8: F6 wins 11. D6-E7)
11. H2-G3 C7: C3 12. G3-F4 (I first won the defenseless checker G5, and then the same fate will comprehend the black checker of the SZ. Excellent checker will bring a white victory.)
V. 7 ... H8-G7 8. AZ-B4! C5: Az 9. E5-D6 C7: E5 10. D4: H8 with winnings.
This is an example, where one erroneous move in the debut immediately leads to the loss.
In the "reverse urban" afterces: 1. C3-B4 F6-E5 2. YEZ-F4 G7-F6 3. B2-SZ B6-C5 4. D2-YE F6-G5? Defeats are black without avoiding. (Properly continue 4 ... A7-B6 or 4 ... F8-G7.) 5. G3-H4 E5: G3 6. H4: F6 E7: G5 7. F2: F6. (Chart 4.)

Now in black two possible continuations.
First: 7 ... F8-E7.
Second: 7 ... F8-G7. Consider them.
I. 7 ... F8-E7 8. H2-G3! E7: G5 9. G3-F4 H8-G7 10. B4-A5 G7-F6
11. A1-B2 G5-H4 12. C3-D4 F6-G5 (12 ... A7-B6 does not save, then 13. B2-SZ F6-G5 14. E1-F2 D8-E7 15. D4-E5 Winning) 13. D4: B6 A7: C5 14.B2-SZ, and white must win.
II. 7 ... F8-G7 8. C1-D2! G7: E5 9. E3-F4 E5: G3 10. H2: F4 H8-G7 11. D2-E3 G7-F6 12. B4-A5 F6-G5 13. A1-B2 G5-H4 14. C3-D4, and White presented victory.
In the "Filippov" game, the second move of black leads to the loss. 1. Yez-D4 D6-E5 2. A3-B4 B6-A5? 3. F2-Yez. This move was turned off from the game checkers left flank black. Now they can play only rags of the right flank. Black has four possible continuations.
First: 3 ... A7-B6.
Second: 3 ... C7-B6.
Third: 3 ... C7-D6.
Fourth: 3 ... E7-D6. We will analyze them. (Diagram 5.)

I. 3 ... A7-B6 4.B4-C5! B8-A7 5. YEZ-F4 C7-D6 6. B2-AZ D6: B4 7. AZ: C5, and white wins.
II. 3 ... C7-B6 4.B4-C5! B8-C7 (or 4 ... D8-C7) 5. E3-F4 C7-D6 6. B2-AZ
D6: B4 7. AZ: C5 with winning.
III. 3 ... C7-D6 4. B2-AZ B8-C7 (or 4 ... D8-C7) 5. E3-F4 C7-B6 6.B4-C5 D6: B4 7. AZ: C5, and again white win.
IV. 3 ... E7-D6 4. B2-AZ C7-B6 (if 4 ... D8-E7, then 5. Yaz-F4 C7-B6 6.B4-C5 D6: B4 7. AZ: C5X) 5. B4-C5 D6: B4 6. AZ: C5, and blacks should lose.
We showed you the receptions of the position winning in three debuts after the erroneous strokes of black. Much depends on the debut. If the beginning of the party is played correctly, then in the middle of its playing will have at least equal position, and maybe even the advantage that will affect the end.

Program Edyon Simulator in Russian Classic Debuts It is a training module for players in checkers to explore the classic debuts and building a personal debut repertoire for white and for black.
Using the extensive library of classic debuts on Russian checkers, the program allows you to create a variety of tests and control their solution.

About the library debutov
The program simulator in Russian classic debuts works with 51 debutcollected in the library. This debut library consists of 7 levels:
· Grandmaster : Plans games in 20 or more moves
· Master of Sport : Plans of the game in 15-20 moves
· Candidate of Masters : Plans of the game in 10-14 moves
· 1 adult discharge : Plans game 8-10 moves
· 2 adult: Plans in 6-8 or more moves
· one youthful: Plans in 4-6 moves
· Youth discharge : Plans games in 2-4 stroke
In addition, the library has a built-in mechanism that allows you to use debuts from other databases created using the Combi program editor.

In the "About Program" window, you can see the number of options in all debuts in each level of the library.

In the window " About the program»It is possible:
- find out the version of the program (1) .
- Get information about the declaration of debut library (2) , as well as connect a new library.
- When buying a program to create registration taxes (3) .
- Go to the site of the program or write an email to the authors.
- Read the license agreement.
- Install administrator password (4) . With this password, you can access the data of any player. For this, enough, when requesting a password, instead of the player name, select the "Administrator" and enter the appropriate password. Because Initially (after installing the program), the administrator does not have a password, each can take advantage of administration.
- Get help to the program (5) .

Where to begin?

Edyon Trainer Debutov Multiplayer program, i.e. With this program, several players can train without affecting the settings and results of others. Therefore, when you first start the program, the program will offer to enter the name and password of the new player. The password field can be left blank. In this case, the program will not ask the password when entering the player.
When starting, the program shows the window " List of players" By choosing a player in this list, click Finish.
If you note the field " Do not show this window when starting programss, then the next time the program will immediately download the player tests, which the program used the program.
In the same window, you can add or delete players ("+" buttons, "\u003d", "-"), view test results or change settings, as well as receive information about the program.
After selecting the player, the main program window appears with an unfinished test. If there is no test or it is already passed, the program will propose to configure a new test.

The main program window can be divided into 2 parts: left - the task, right - answer. On the left board there is another debut. Under it is the buttons to go to the next-previous debuts and the button with which you can browse the answer, playing the solution.
Opposite items " Player"And" Test"There are squares by clicking on which you can change the player or set up a new test. You can also click directly to the specified items and select the desired action in the menu that appears.
Depending on the test setting, the solution can be given the moves on the left chalkboard or the alignment of the final position on the right. To verify the solution to click " Ready».
For more information, see the help points devoted to the relevant items.

Testing is carried out in the main program window. On the left board, the next debut is set to solve. The answer can be given by the left board or the alignment of the final position on the right board. If the test is provided to give a response only by travel or alignment, the program will allow only one of these methods to act.
The moves on the left board are carried out using the mouse pointer. At the same time there are several ways to make a move:
- We press and do not let go of the left mouse button (with a pointer over a walking chass) and move the pointer to the target cell;
- Press and let go of the left mouse button over the walking geaching and then - over the target cell;
- Press and let go of the left mouse key over the target cell and if there is one move into this cell, it will be made;
- If settings are set " Ticket"And the selected checker has only one move, it will be made immediately after choosing checkers;
- If settings are set " Cobbed", If there is a single fight, it will be committed without a player actions;
- If in the settings are simultaneously set " Ticket"And" Cobbed", If there is a single stroke, it will be made automatically;
- If settings are set " Fairy in black checkers", Then with the right moves of the player, the program will make responses for black, using the answer.
Position alignment on the left board is performed using the mouse pointer. The method of arrangement depends on the settings made.
To check the answer, click the " Ready" (four). After that, the right of the button will be written the result and the program will offer to go to the next debut.

Use the button (1) You can play the decision of one of the debut options. At the same time, if in the settings it is worth "to show secondary moves when the solution is displayed", then, if there are secondary moves, the program will show all possible solutions options, returning when showing to previous positions.
If you press the button (1) without giving an answer, the program will understand that you have spied the solution and notice the decision of this debut accordingly.
Buttons (2) and (3) The transition to the previous and next debut is carried out. Between the buttons (1) and (2) the number of the next debut and the total number of them is depicted. Pressing the slider area located below, you can move to the debuts not in order.
After pressing the button " Ready» (4) The answer will be checked, and "Next" appears on the button. This means that the second click on this button will pave the following task on the left board. If all tasks are passed, instead of "further" the word "test" appears on the button. In this case, pressing the button will lead to the selection of a new test.
To watch the solution in the form of the end location, click the button (5) . If there are several correct answers, the program will choose one of them.
If the debut has comments, they are written in the field (6) .
Line " Player» (7) Contains the name of the current player. To change the player, click the button (9) which will call the "List of Players". If you press the word "player" itself, the menu will appear offering additional steps.
Line " Test» (8) Contains the type of current test. To change the test, click the button (10) which will call the test selection window. If you press the word "test" itself, then the menu will appear, the first line of which (test configuration) will cause a test selection window, and the second will propose to test for discharge. Also in this menu are saved test settings.
In the table " results» (11) The results of the current testing are entered - the number of correct, erroneous and spied responses, as well as the accumulated point. If debut is viewed, but it does not answer it, then it is considered missed. You can return to it using the buttons. (2) and (3) .
If testing comes with time, then all debuts, the answer to which was not obtained in the allotted period of time, are considered to be an erroneous answer. It should be borne in mind that if the debut was shown, then, when testing for a while, the stopwatch, counting the time to solve this debut, will not stop.
Lines " Common score"And" Player level»Show the player-typed score for all the time of use of the program and the level achieved.
During testing between buttons (3) and (4) Writing time. Moreover, in the case of testing, taking into account the time, the clock goes in the reverse order, showing the time remaining for thinking.
Between buttons (3) and (4) There is an arrow, pressing which removes or shows the lower part of the window.
Circle (digit 12) Allows you to turn the board and train the debut repertoire for black. The program will make moves for whites. In order to return the move back, you need to right-click on any white board field.

Test configuration
A new test is created using the test selection window. By setting the required parameters and pressing the "ready" player enters the main window and starts testing.

Press the button (1) In the menu that appears, you can select a discharge test or upload previously saved settings.
If the player has several preferred settings, then they can be saved by clicking "Save" (8) . Then, instead of filling the fields, it will be enough to press the button. (1) And choose the desired test.
Level (2) Shows what library debuts will be drawn up test.
In field (3) The amount of debuts in the test is set. This amount cannot exceed the number of combinations in the relevant library. Therefore, by entering into this field too much and leaving it, the player will see the maximum possible amount that corresponds to the volume of the library.
Answers in the test can be given in terms of the final position on the right chalkboard or moves on the left.
In field ( 4) You should specify a way to make a solution. It should be borne in mind that if it is selected by "arrangement", then on the left field, during the decision, you can move, but the answer will be accepted only from the right field. If when testing cannot be done, you should choose the item "arrange without walking".
Select combinations (5) From the library can be randomly or in order - a given amount of debuts, starting with the specified one.
With the field marked "Time to think about" (6) A limited time will be allocated to solve one debut (if "one task") or the entire test (if "for all tasks") is selected.
Time in the field is entered in the form of hours: minutes: seconds.
With the help of item (7) You can disable the ability to spy the answer. If the time test, you can set the ability to see the correct answer only after the end time is completed.

Testing on the discharge has the following settings:
- The level corresponds to the level of discharge.
- The number of debuts is 30.
- The solution can be given in any way.
- Debuts are chosen randomly by 10 pieces from each third of the library and are ordered from simple to complex. It is understood that the complexity of debuts in the library goes in an increasing.
- For the entire test allocated 30 minutes.
- It is possible to high after the end of testing.

List of players
The Edyon Program The debuts simulator can use several players or one player can have several names. Player management is performed in the "List of Players" window.

The choice of players is carried out in the table (1) . If a player wants to immediately proceed to testing, then it should be pressing the "Finish" button or double-click your name in the table.
Use the button (2) You can view the test results of the selected player.
Button "Settings" (3) Allows you to change the settings for working with the program. At the same time, the settings change only at the selected player without affecting the settings of other players.
Set of buttons (4) Used to add and remove players. When adding a player, the program will ask new name and password. If you don't enter the password, then any user can work as such a player with the program.
The "+" button adds a player with default settings, and the "\u003d" button will create a new player with the settings of the selected one.
The "Player List" window appears each time the program starts, offering to specify which player will use the program. If there is no need to choose a player each time, then you can mark item (5) . After that, the program will immediately load the main window with the player, which last used the program.

Window with results contains test history. To find out the results, you need to select the test in the table located at the top of the window.
The settings establishes the storage time of the results. After the expiration of time, the results are automatically deleted.
If any debut has not been shown in the test, it will not affect the response. Therefore, it is possible to continue the selected test. To do this, click the right mouse button on the selected test and specify in the "Continue" menu. With the help of the same menu, you can remove the not necessary test.

General settings
Field Player»Used to change the name and password of the player. The results of its testing and settings do not change.
« Show comments"- If the item is not noted, then the existing comments on the combinations will not be shown.
« Measure a password"- If the item is noted, the program will request a password only once, otherwise - every time it is required.
« Show Time"- If testing goes without taking into account the checkbox, this parameter is removed, the program will not show the time spent on the solution.
« Show the tests in a circle"- If this item is noted, then from the last debut, the program will switch to the first and vice versa when you click on the transition button to the next-previous tests.
Test historywhich can be viewed in the window with the results, the specified number of days will be stored.

Using the window " Appearance»Obviously, the type of blackboard, font and colors are installed.

Charges of Shackles
« Time to move"- Delay between moves when the solution is displayed.
« Pitch time"- delay before each movement of checkers during walking.
« Ticket"- If the checkers have only one move, it will be made immediately after choosing the checkers.
« Cobbed"- If there is a single fight, it will be committed without player actions.
If the points "hobs" and "automobiles" are not marked, then the corresponding movements of the checkers are performed manually. If both items are noted, then all the only moves are performed automatically.
« Fairy in black checkers"- With the correct moves of the player, the program will make responses for black, using the answer.
« Highlight the path of the last move"- If the item is noted, the path of the last move remains on the board before the start of a new course.
« Highlight the way during the course"- If the item is noted, then the path of the checkers is manifested on the board.
« Show minor moves when showing solutions"- in the presence of secondary moves, the program will show all possible solutions, returning when showing to previous positions.

Collecting Shackles
There are several ways of placeing checkers on the board. Choosing a method number, you can read it description and check on the probe, as it acts.
If it is noted "ready - by pressing on a white cell", then instead of pressing the "Finish" button, you can click on a white cell. Caution! When the answer is an answer, you can accidentally get into the white cell and the program counts the error.

About registration
Registration data are required when buying a debut library.
Using the name and code, we create the key and send it to you. In this case, the code can be tied to a hard or flash drive. To do this, in the Disc field, you should specify the letter of the corresponding disk.
Algorithm for creating a data file to register the program and library debuts:
1. Run the program.
2. Choose in the main window or in the player list window item "On Program".
3. In the window that opens, create registration data, i.e. Enter any name and specify the binding disk.
4. Save the logging data in the file and came to us this file. Instead of a file with registration data, you can tell us the name and code.
After that, we compile debut biblip purchases purchased by you and send you. To see this library to see this library, select the item in the "About Program" window To plug"And specify this library.

This list describes debuts in the game in Russian checkers. The debut may be included in this list if there are authoritative sources confirming its name and existence.

attack checkers G5. village

miscending Beginning

  • "Village" 1. CD4 DE5. 2. GF4.
  • "False Beginning" 1. CD4 Fe5 2. D: F6 G: E5 3. AB4!
  • "City Party" 1.CD4 DC5 2.BC3 (or 2.DC3) 2 ... FG5 3.CB4
  • "Double Game Bajansky" 1.Ab4 HG5 2. GH4 GF4 3. D: G5. BC5.
  • "Double count" 1.CD4 BA5 2. DC5 D: B4 3. A: C5 fG5 4. BS3 GF6 5. GH4 GF4 6. E: G5 H: F4. Possible shifting 1.CB4 BA5 2.BC5 D: B4 3.A: C5
  • "Victim Cukuyev" (Synonym: Gambit Cukuyev) 1.CD4 (or 1.CB4) 1 ... FG5 2.DC5 DB4 3.AC5 BD4 4.EC5 GF4 5.GE5 CB6
  • "Mazurka's victim" 1.CD4 DC5 2.GF4 CD6 3.DE5 and F: E5.
  • "Sacrifice Schoshina - Haryanova" (Synonym: Gambit Shoshina - Haryanova) 1.GH4 Fe5 2.ED4 EF6 3.DE3 HG5. 4.ED2 BA5. 5.FG3.
  • "Saint Protection - Korshunova"
  • "Game of the Blinder" 1.CB4 FG5 2. 2.DC3
  • "Game Bobrov" 1.EF4 FG5 2. DE3
  • "Game Bognossky" 1.Ab4 BA5 2.BA3.
  • "Game Dyachkova" (Synonym: Dyachkov Protection) 1.CD4 FG5 2.BC3 GF6 3.CB4 B: C5 4.D: B6
  • "Caululen Game" 1.GF4 FE5 2. HG3
  • "Kogan Game" 1.CD4 FG5 2.BC3 GH4 3.CB4 DE5 4.D: F6 G: E5
  • "The game of Matasova - Petrov" 1. EF4 FG5 2.FE5 D: F4 3.G: E5.
  • "Game Medkov" 1.CD4 FG5 2.BC3 GF6 3.AB2 DC5 4.GH4.
  • "Petrova game" 1.GH4 BA5.
  • "Ramma game - Zucherynik" 1.CD4 FG5 2.GF4 GF6 3.BC3 GH4 4.FG5
  • "Romainic game" L.CD4 FE5
  • "The game of Philippov - Floder" 1.CB4 FG5 2. ED4 DC5 3. B: D6 E: E3 4. F: D4
  • "Schmulyan game" 1.EF4 FG5 2.CB4
  • "Kiev Protection" 1.CD4 FG5 2.BC3 GH4 3.CB4 HG5.
  • Kyivsky Pake (Synonym: "Novokyevskaya Protection" 1.CD4 FG5 2.BC3 GH4 3.CB4 HG5 4.BC5 D: B4 5.A: C5 CD6.)
  • "Count": 1. CD4 BA5 2.DC5
  • "COLO - DOAL"
  • "Swab of Perelman" 1.CB4 FG5 2.GF4 GF6 3.BC3 BC5 4.BA5 GH4 5.CB4 FG5
  • Sargin Jamb 1.CB4 BC5 2.BC3 FG5 3.CD4 GF6 4.DB6 AC5
  • "SELEZNEYA CONSTRUE" (synonym: "Jack of chrome") 1.CB4 FG5 2.GF4 GF6 3.BC3 BC5 4.BA5 CB4 5.AC5 DB4
  • "Jacket with a change in G5" 1.CB4 FG5 2.GF4 GF6 3.BC3 GH4 4.FG5 HF4 5.HF4
  • Leningrad Protection 1.CD4 FG5 2.BC3 GF6 3.CB4 BA5 4.DC5
  • "Start Ivashko" 1.CD4 FG5 2.DC3 (with shifting: 1.ED4 FG5 2.DE3)
  • "Beginning of Cooperman"
  • "New Beginning" (synonym: "Cookerman's Protection") 1.CD4 BC5 2.D: B6 A: C5
  • Novoleningrad Protection 1.CD4 FG5 2.BC3 GH4 3.SB4 GF6 4.DC5
  • "Reverse fork" 1.GF4 FE5 2.CD4
  • "Return count" 1.CB4 FE5 2.GH4 EF4 3.e: G5 H: F4
  • "Reverse Count - Call"
  • "Reverse Jacket" 1.CB4 FG5 2.GF4 GF6 3.BC3 Fe5 4.AB2, or 4.BA5
  • "Reverse Warts"
  • "Reverse Crossroads" 1.CD4 DE5 2.BC3 ED6 3.GH4
  • "Reverse Bag" 1.CB4 FG5 2.BC3 GF4
  • "Refused game of the Blinder"
  • "Refused game of Bognossky" 1.AB4 with black reply 1 ... Fe5, or 1 ... HG5, or 1 ... BC5.
  • "The refused game of Caul" 1.GF4 C response 1 ... DC5 or 1 ... BA5.
  • "The refused game of Petrov" 1.GH4 with the answer 1 ... Fe5, or 1 ... FG5, or 1 ... BC5.
  • "The refused game of Filippov" 1.ED4 with the answer 1 ... BC5, or 1 ... Fe5, or 1 ... FG5.
  • "Refused Reverse City Party" 1.CB4 FE5 2.EF4 BA5
  • "Refused Bodianssic Reverse Game" 1.CD4 HG5 2.BC3, or 2.GF4, or 2.BC3, or 2.GF4
  • "Refused cant of the panconder"
  • "Refused joint Sargin"
  • "Refused joint of Sokova"
  • "Refused inverse count"
  • "Refused reverse crossroads"
  • "Refused Fighting" 1.CD4 DC5 2.BC3 CD6 3.CB4 FE5 4.D: F6 G: E5
  • "Refused Fighting Ivanova" 1.CD4 DC5 2.BC3 CD6 3.CB4 FE5 4.D: F6 G: E55.BA5 HG7 6.A: C7 D: B6
  • "Refused crossroads"
  • "Ways" 1.CD4 DC5 2.BC3 CD6 3.CB4 BA5 4.D: B6 A: C7. Fighting with 2.dc3: 1.CD4 DC5 2.DC3.

Wuffed with 3.ab2: 1.CD4 DC5 2.BC3 CD6 3.AB2. Wuffed with 3.GF4: 1.CD4 DC5 2.BC3 CD6 3.GF4. Fighting Sokova with 2.Gh4: 1.CD4 DC5 2.GH4

  • "Blind party" Blind party C 1 ... Fe5: 1.CB4 FE5 2.EF4 EF6 3.BA5 FG5 4.FE3 GH4 5.GF2. Blind party C 1 ... DE5: 1.CB4 DE5 2.BA5 BC5 3.EF4 ED6 4.BC3 FG5 5.Fe3 GH4 6.GF2
  • "Bag" 1.CB4 FG5 2. BS5
  • "Kharkiv beginning"
  • "Central Party" 1. CD4 FG5 2.GF4 GF6 3.BC3 HG7
  • "Chelyabinsk Jamb" (Synonym: "Konak V. Belousova - Kolodyazhnaya")


1. Lisenko V. K. First Book of Shashist. Debit Course and Position Principles: Guide for beginners. - L.: Science and School, 1926. - 196 s, Il., 1 l. Portrait. - 5000 copies.

2. Rousseau V.N., Pel A. N. Shahne Debut "Crossroads". - m.; L.: Gosizdat, 1930. - 62 p. - 4000 copies.

3. Potapov L. S., Ramm L. M. Debutov Debutov: Guide to the study of Shashchenh. games. - M.: Fis, 1938. - 167 p. - 5000 copies.

4. Cooperman I. I. New theory of checkered debuts. - m.; L.: FIS, 1949. - 64 p. - 10000 copies.

5. Cooperman I. I. The beginning of the parties in the checkers / preface. L. A. Rubinstein. - M.: Fis, 1950. - 163 p. - 20,000 copies.

6. Ramm L. M. The coherent course began: a guide to the study of the game. - M.: FIS, 1953. - 348 p. - 15000 copies.

7. Cooperman I. I., Kaplan V. M. Beginning and the middle of the game in the checkers / preface. I. Kavernikov. - M.: FIS, 1957. - 366 p. - 20,000 copies.

8. Abaulin V.I. began in a checkered party. - M.: FIS, 1965. - 72 ° C (library Scheshist). - 47000 copies.

9. Abaulin V.I. Beginning in a checkered party. - Chisinau: Cartay Moldovenya, 1982. - 80 s. - on Mold. Yaz. - 5000 copies. Per. with rus. ed. 1965

10. Adamovich V. K. Shashka: Individual debut repertoire. - Riga: Avotz, 1982. - 109 p. - to Latvian. Yaz. - 8000 copies.

11. Head I. A. Debut traps and combinations in Russian checkers. - Kiev: Health, 1983. - 80 s. - in the Ukrainian Yaz. - 55,000 copies.

12. Litvinovich V.S., Negro N. N. Course of coarse debuts. - Minsk: Half, 1985. - 255 p. - 33000 copies.

13. Zuchernik E. G. Russian checkers. Theory debuts. - Riga: Iljus, 1996. - 238 p. - Circulation is not specified.

14. Svanders J. APGRIEZTA PILSETAS ATKLATRE (reverse city batch) Metodiskais Materialas. - Latvias PSR Ministru Padomes Fisikas Kulturas Un Sporta Komiteja / Zinatsniski - Metodiska Padome. - Riga, 1970. - 49 p. - 2000 copies.

15. Wigman V. and Schwarders Yu. "Jamb" and "refused joint." Toolkit. Part I. - Committee on Physical Culture and Sport at the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR. Scientific - Methodical Council. - Riga, 1971 (1972). - 44 s. - 1100 copies.

16. Wigman V. And Schwarders Yu. "Jamb" and "refused joint." Toolkit. Part II. - Committee on Physical Culture and Sport at the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR. Scientific - Methodical Council. - Riga, 1971 (1972). - 58 p. - 1100 copies.

17. Litvinovich V. S. and Schwarders Yu. "Gambit Kuukuyev", "Reverse Jamb". Toolkit. Part I and II. - Committee on Physical Culture and Sport at the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR. Scientific - Methodical Council. - Riga, 1971 (1972). - 50 s. - 1100 copies.

18.Litvinovich V. S. and Schwarders Yu. "Gambit Kukuev", "Reverse Canya". Toolkit. Part III and IV. - Committee on Physical Culture and Sport at the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR. Scientific - Methodical Council. - Riga, 1972. - 57 p. - 1100 copies.

19.Litvinovich V.S., Schwarders Yu. "Reverse Col." Lectoring. - Federation of Shackles of the Latvian SSR. - Riga, 1973-1974. - 35 s. - Circulation is not specified.

20. Arustamov Yu. A. Shahshcheny debut "The game of Filippov" / Methodological manual / - Republican - a checked club. - Baku, 1973. - 30 s. - Circulation is not specified.

21. Gabrielyan V. R. and Zlobinsky A. Skesh Debuts "Leningrad Protection" / in 4-parts /, "Dyachkov game". - Republican-checked club. - Baku, 1975. - 69 p. - Circulation is not specified.

22. Litvinovich V. S. Basic Systems of the Debut "Count". Released in the formation of "Saskes". Informacinis Laiskas. - Vilnius - 1975. (Checkers. Information letter, 1974, July. - Committee on Physical Culture and Sports at the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR. Lithuanian chess-checked club. - 62 C - Circulation is not specified.

23. Wigman V. and Schwarders Yu. "Filippov game". Lectoring. - Federation of Shackles of the Latvian SSR. - Riga, 1975. - 64 p. - Circulation is not specified.

24. Wigman V. and Schwarders Yu. "Game Bajansky". Lectoring. - Federation of Shackles of the Latvian SSR. - Riga, 1975. - 58 p. - Circulation is not specified.

25. Wigman V. And Schwarders Yu. "Refused Game Bajansky." Lectoring. - Federation of Shackles of the Latvian SSR. - Riga, 1975. - 25 p. - Circulation is not specified.

26. Zlobinsky A. D. (under the general edition of Gabrielyan V. R.) "Reverse Game Bajansky". - Educational and methodological manual for checkers. DPO "YYDA" of the Estonian SSR. - (Tallinn), 1975. - 70 p. - Circulation is not specified.

27. Zlobinsky A. D. (under the general editorship of Gabrielyan V. R.) Shahnician debut "Crossroads". - Republican-checked club. - Baku, 1976. - 52 p. - 200 copies.

28. Zlobinsky A. D. "Game Kaululen", "Refused Caul Game." - Do "Yud" of the Estonian SSR. - Tallinn, 1975. - 59 p. - Circulation is not specified.

29. Litvinovich V. S., Schwarders Y. "Put". Licority - DPO "YYDA" of the Estonian SSR. - Tallinn, 1976. - 70 s. - circulation is not specified

30. Abatsiev N. V. To help playing checkers. Part I. Gambit Kukuev. Toolkit. - Orders of the October Revolution and Red Star Central House of Soviet Army named after M. V. Frunze. Central Chess Club of the Armed Forces of the USSR. - M., 1976. - 27 C - the circulation is not specified.

31. Abatsiev N. V. To help playing checkers. Part II. Jamb. Toolkit. - Orders of the October Revolution and Red Star Central House of Soviet Army named after M. V. Frunze. Central Chess Club of the Armed Forces of the USSR. - M., 1980. - 58 C - the circulation is not specified.

32. Chernopyschuk A. S., Gorin A. P., Vysotsky V. M. Debut "Jamb". Part one. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 105 C - 1000 copies.

33. Rykhek P. Shahny Debut "Reverse Canya". Part I. Methodical guidelines for the game of checkers. - Simferopol Cooperative "Physical Education and Health" - (Simferopol), 1989. - 89 C - 100 copies.

34. Rykhek P. Shepherd Debut "Reverse Sanya". Part II. Methodical recommendations for teaching checkers. - Simferopol Cooperative "Physical Education and Health" - (Simferopol), 1989. - 87 C - 100 copies.

35. Mursalov E. N. Debut "Count". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 109 C - 1000 copies.

36. Mursalov E. N. Debut "Gambit Kukuev". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 101 C - 1500 copies.

37. Kustarev Yu. S. Debut "City Party". Part 1. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 137 C - 500 copies.

38. Kustarev Yu. S. Debut "City Party". Part 2. Methodical manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 58 C - 500 copies.

39. Gabrielyan V. R. Debut "Crossroads". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 66 C - the circulation is not specified.

40. Gabrielyan V. R. "Encyclopedia Debuts with selective lots (part of the first). Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR in physical culture and sports, cooperative" Leisure ". - Baku, 1989. - 68 C - 1000 Ex.

41. Kosenko A. A. Debut "Leningrad Protection". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 97 C - 1000 copies.

42. Chernopyschuk A. S., Gorin A. P., Vysotsky V. M. Debut "Jamb". Part two. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1989. - 106 C - without circulation.

43. Micherin I. I. Shahny Debut "Refused Pake" and "Double Count". Methodical recommendations for teaching checkers. - Simferopol Cooperative "Physical Education and Health" - (Simferopol), 1990. - 54 C - the circulation is not specified.

44. Micherin I. I. Debuts: "Reverse Pake" and "Refused Pake." Methodological allowance for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1990. - 68 C - 1000 copies.

45. Chernopyschuk A. S., Vysotsky V. M. Debuti: "Reverse Crossroads", "refused reverse crossroads". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - State Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on Physical Culture and Sport, Cooperative "Leisure". - Baku, 1990. - 75 C - 1000 copies.

46. \u200b\u200bReyak P. Debut "Reverse Col.". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Cooperative "Kaisa". - Tallinn, 1991. - 65 C - the circulation is not specified.

47. Akimov R. F. Village. - Federation of Shashek of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Trade - Tourist Firm "Rating - Plus". - Yakutsk, 1998. - 48 C - 1000 copies.

48. Makovenko V. Ya. Russian checkers (new debut strategy, playing white). - M., 1998. - 104 C - 700 copies.

49. Chernopyschuk A. S., Gorin A. P., Vysotsky V. M. Debut "Jamb". Part 3. (Coast Seleznev). Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Central Moscow Skeleton Club. - M., 1999. - 48 C - 90 copies.

50. Vysotsky V. M. "Sanya Sargin". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Central Moscow Skeleton Club. - M., 1999. - 36 C - 90 copies.

51. Bodrov I. M., Vysotsky V. M. "Central Party." Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Central Moscow Skeleton Club. - M., 1999. - 44 C - 90 copies.

52. Sergeev F. V. "Reverse Game Bajansky". Part 1. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2000. - 48 C - 90 copies.

53. Zlobinsky A. D. Debut "Count". Part 1. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2000. - 52 C - 100 copies.

54. Zlobinsky A. D. Debut "Count". Part 2. Methodical manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2000. - 52 C - 100 copies.

55. Zlobinsky A. D. Debut "Reverse Col.". Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2001. - 56 C - 100 copies.

56. Zlobinsky A. D. Debut "Reverse Game Bajansky". Part 1. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2001. - 52 C - 100 copies.

57. Zlobinsky A. D. Debut "Reverse Game Bajansky". Part 2. Methodical manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2001. - 52 C - 100 copies

58. Aron Zlobinsky. Debut "Reverse Game Bajansky". Part 3. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2001. - 32 C - 100 Ex

59. Fedoruk A. A., Bodrov I. M. Systems with 1. E3 - F4. "The game Matasova - Petrov" and Unnamed Debuts. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2001. - 32 C - 90 copies.

60. Bodrov I. M., Vysotsky V. M. "Game Bobrov. Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2001. - 20 C - 100 copies.

61. Katzov F. E., Vysotsky V. M. "Refused Game Caululen." Methodological manual for Russian checkers. - Club lovers of a checkered game. - M., 2001. - 20 C - 100 copies.

62. (Zlobinsky A. D.) Kiev Protection. Checkers. Debut theory. - (Baku, 1976). - 79 C - without circulation.

63. Zlobinsky A. D. Kievsk. - (Baku), 1976. - 36 C - without circulation.

64. Viktor Litvinovich "Game A. Petrov" and other systems with 1. GH4. March - 1976. - 90 C - without circulation.

65. (Zlobinsky A. D.) Shashless debut "Victim Kukuyev". - (Tallinn, 1976). - 98 C - without circulation.

66. Herzzonzz B. M. Shahsky Debuts "Refused Crossroads", "Reverse Crossroads", "Villach", "Crossroads" - (Leningrad), 1976. - 37 C - without circulation.

67. Spanzilli N. P. Reverse Game Bajansky. Methodological manual on the theory of checkered debuts. - 1976 - 69 C - without circulation.

68. (Adamovic V., Subbotin a) Centrala Partuja (Central Party). - (Riga, 1980) - 18 C - without circulation.

69. Ivashko E. V. New in Russian checkers. Part 1. C3 - D4 - F6 - G5 2. D2 - C3. - Dnepropetrovsk, 1997 - 16 C - 1000 copies.


71. Mainland S. N. Village. Methodological manual - Kiev, 2000 - 46 C - without circulation.

72. The mainland S. N. The game Ramma - Zucernik. Methodological manual - Kiev, 2000 - 46 C - without circulation.

73. Mainland S. N. Attack Checkers G5. Methodological manual - Kiev, 2000 - 39 C - without circulation.

74. Mainland S. N. New beginning. Methodological manual - Kiev, 2000 - 34 C - without circulation.

75. Petrova L. V. On debut misses in Russian checkers. Collection of debut traps ending with combinations (Russian checkers). - S.- PB., 2001 - 90 C - without circulation.

76. V. Adamovics Un A. Subbotins Akla Partija (blind batch). - 7 C - without circulation.

77. Kiievi Kaitse. (Kiev protection). - 62 C - without circulation.

78. (Svanders. J.) Teoretiskais Biletens. APGRIEZTA PILSETAS ATKLATNE (reverse city party). - (Riga, 1976) - 29 C - without circulation.

79. Scheglov N. I. "Game Schmulyan." Krasnoarmeysky chess club. - 47 C - without circulation.

81. Leningrad Protection. - 70 C - without circulation.

82. Kustarev Yu. S. Debut "Reverse Game P. Bajansky" - 50 C - without circulation.

83. "Refused joint" - 62 C - without circulation.

84. "Protection S.Dyachkov" - 38 C - without circulation.

85. "Classic Jamb with 5 ... FG5" - 107 C - without circulation.

86. Encyclopedia Debuts with selective lots. 1.CD4 - 38 C - without circulation.

87. Encyclopedia Debuts with selective lots. 1.CF4 - 29 C - without circulation.

Publications in journals

Dambread Dambere

1. KLLIS - count // Damrete. 1971. g. - Nr. 12

2. Pilsetas ATKLATNE - City Party // Damrete. 1971. g. - Nr. 3, 4.

3. KUKUJEVA GAMBITS - Gambit Kukuev (victim) // Damrete. 1971. g. - Nr. 4, 5.

4. Ramis - Jamb // Damrete. 1971. g. - Nr. 5, 6, 7

5. APGRIEZTAIS RAMIS - reverse cant // Damrete. 1971.G. - Nr.8.

6. Centrala Partija - Central Party // Damrete. 1971. g. - Nr. nine

7. APGRIEZTAIS KLLIS - reverse count // Damrete. 1971. g. - Nr. 10

8. Veca Partija - Old Party // Damrete. 1971. g. - Nr. 11, 12.

9. APGRIEZTA BODJANSKA SPELE - Reverse Game Bognossky // Damrete. 1971, - Nr. 12, // Damrete. 1972 - NR.1, 2, 3

10. Kogana Aizsardzlba - Kogan Protection // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. 3, 4.

11. Sokova Aizsardzlba - Sokooth protection // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. 4, 5.

12. MEDKOVA SPELE - GAME MEDKO // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. five

13. ATSITE - wage // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. 6, 7.

15. Atraidita Bodjanska Spele - the refused game of Bajansky // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. nine

16. Uzbrukums Kaulinam G5 - Attack of checkers G5 // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. 10

17. BEZNOSAUKUMA ATKLATNE (1. CD4FG5 2. BC3 GF6 3. CB2) // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. 10

18. APGRIEZTA DURE AR 1. CD4 - reverse stack with 1. CD4 // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. eleven

19. Akla Partija - blind party // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. eleven

20. APGRIEZTA VECA PARTIJA - Reverse Old Party // Damrete. 1972. g. - Nr. 12

21. APGRIEZTA PILSETAS ATKLATNE AR 3. ... BS5 Reverse city batch with 3 ... BS5. // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. one

APGRIEZTA PILSETAS ATKLATNE AR 3. ... FG5 Reverse City Party with 3 ... FG5 // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. 12

22. Ieningradiesu Aizsardzlba - Leningrad Protection // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. 3, 4.

23. DURE - Vomble // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. 5, 6.

24. RETA ATKLATNE - rare start // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. 7.

25. Bobrova Spele - Bobrov game // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. 7, 8.

26. Krustojums - Crossroads // Damrete. 1973. g. - NR 8, 9, 10

27. APGRIEZTAIS KRUSTOJUMS - reverse intersection // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. 10, 12.

28. Daksina - Village // Damrete. 1973. g. - Nr. 2.

29. ATRAIDITA APGRIEZTA PILSETAS ATKLATNE - Refused Reverse City Party // Damrete. 1974. g. - Nr. 12

30. JAUNA ATKLATNE - a new start // Damrete. 1974. g. - Nr. 3, 4.

31. Romaniceva Spele - Romanycheva // Damrete game. 1974. g. - Nr. 5, 6.

32. DJACKOVA SPELE - Dyachkova // Damrete game. 1974. g. - Nr. 7, 8.

33. Kijeviesu Aizsardzlba - Kiev Protection // Damrete. 1974. g. - Nr. 9, 10.

34. Kijeviesu Kllis - Kiev count // Damrete. 1974. g. - Nr. 10, 11, 12

35. FILIPOVA SPELE - Filipova // Damrete game. 1975. g. - Nr. one

36. ATRAIDITA FIJIPOVA SPELE - Filipov refused game // Damrete. 1975. g. - Nr. 2, 3.

37. Kaulena Spele is a game of Caul // Damrete. 1975. g. - Nr. 3.

38. Sosina - Harjanova Gambits - Gambit Shoshina - Haryanova // Damrete. 1975. g. - Nr. four

39. Petrova Spele - Petrova game // Damrete. 1975. g. - Nr. 4, 5.

40. Atteikta Petrova Spele - the refused game of Petrova // Damrete. 1975. g. - MR, 5

41. Pilsetas atklatne arm 3 .... BA5 - Execution City Party // Damrete. 1977. g. - Nr. 10, 11, 12

1. APGRIEZTA AKLA Partija - Reverse Blind Party

2. KLLA SISTEMA - Cola System

3. ATRAIDITA "KLLA" SISTEMA - a refused system "Cola"

We continue the subject of possible errors and traps in debut Shower party.

The fate of the checkered party is very often solved in the debut stage of the game. It is enough to make only one careless and impected move, and the opponent can take advantage of this, ensuring his victory.

This article is intended for those who are still familiar with the receptions and features of playing the debut in Russian checkers. As a demonstration examples, not only charts with checkered notation, but also videos, do not miss!

In fact, a variety of tricks in the debut of a checkered party are a lot: from the simplest (for beginner players) to rather complex and invisible, which "work" and in the parties of qualified chairs.

This is especially true for such species of rigorous competitions as "Blitz" (lightning game), as well as "fast checkers" when little time is given to the whole game, and rivals play the debut very quickly. Most online tournaments on the Internet also pass in conditions of limited time to think about the moves.

What kind of benefit can be removed from the rival's debut error?

  1. First, you can win one or more checkers, the material advantage will ensure the final victory in the party.
  2. Secondly, a prematurely open lady field or the lattice location of the rival checkers can allow a combination blow to the debut, which will immediately lead to a win.
  3. Thirdly, even one incorrect move of the opponent can be used to achieve a decisive position of a convener, which allows you to quickly win (for example, link the forces of the opponent or take the dominant position on the checkered board with its checkers).

Each shashist arrest always has such traps in his debut arsenal, and the higher the chashist's qualifications, the more he is ready to take advantage of the opponent's mistakes at the beginning of the party.

Complex traps require a separate serious study and are often prepared by experienced shirls individually, we will consider only some simple examples of using errors in the debut to play Russian checkers.

Here is a common example in practice an example of an error in the debut leading to the loss of checkers.

1.CB4 FE5 2.EF4 GF6 3.BA5 BC5 4.BC3 CB4 5.A: C5 D: B4 6.F: D6 E: C5?

(It was necessary to shoot down the checker in a different way: 6 ... C: E5, etc.)

white move

7.CD4! C: E3 8.A: C3! And after the next progress, the white is an excess checker.

1.AB4 BA5 2.BA3 CB6 3.AB2 DC5 4.B: D6 E: C5 5.GF4

black stroke

Here black should continue 5 ... FG5! with approximately equal game

And here is not 5 ... Fe7? Nor 5 ... bc7? It is impossible for the same reason:

6.CB4! A1 7.Fe5 f: D4 8.CB2 and white pass in the ladies and won a batch.

SHASHSTERS-arrested are of course familiar with such receptions of the game, and beginners useful to see the following examples combinations and traps in debut In video format:

Playing black can also be climbing the opponent on an error at the very beginning of the party. Here is an example of a simple mistake in the debut:

1.CB4 BA5 2.EF4 A: C3 3.D: B4 FG5 4.GH4?

black stroke

White are not looking at raznosts of checkers, without assessing the situation that will be after this exchange 4 ... G: E3 5.F: D4

And as a result: 5 ... HG5! 6.H: F6 G: A5 and, having two checkers less, it is impossible to count on white.

Another illustration on the topic of mistakes in the debut:

1.GH4 FE5 2.EF4 E: G3 3.H: F4 GF6 4.De3 BC5 5.ED2 AB6 6.CD4?

black stroke

Just the sixth stroke of the coaster party, but the white made a mistake. Make what will happen next, you will not regret!

6 ... HG5! 7.F: H6 FG7 8.H: F8 FE5 9.d: F6 E: G5 10.H: F6 DE7 11.F: D8 DE5 12.F: B4 EF4 13.E: G5 BA5 14.d: B6 This Position deserves a separate diagram:

Ferris wheel

Black simple, knocking up the simple and ladies of the opponent, returns to the same field from which her movement began. Such a final shot was called "Damn Wheel". 14 ... A: A5Beable victory! The combination lasted longer than the strokes previously preceding it from the beginning!

In the next video clip - three examples of errors in the debut that can be used, playing black

This is just a very small part of examples of how to complete the party in Russian checkers in their favor already in the debut. How to win after several moves, as well as how to prevent a rough mistake in the debut, will help learn.

One of these books is a newly published excellent collection E.N. Kontdachchenko, entirely dedicated. In this collection, almost a thousand ways to achieve victory are already at the very beginning of the checkered party!

The more Shashist knows debut traps, the more chances of success. How to remember the maximum large number of game options in the debut? Training your memory! To do this, there are various ways, here is one of the methods that received good feedback: audio training for memory development.

During the party, you should not forget that the maneuver wins at first glance may be a cunning trap of the opponent. You can read about one inventive and actually worked grocery west. The topic of traps at the beginning of the party will be continued.

Of course to know traps in debut IMPORTANT AND CONCLUSIVE PICTURE RIDNER is nice, but at the same time Shashist should also strive to avoid their own mistakes in the debut stage of the party. In addition, it is useful to develop not only the ability to play debuts, but also to learn to play well in other stages of the party: the middle of the game and end.

Each sport isted out of victories and lesions. Defeat - the result of admitted athlete's errors. The reasons for missions may be a lot of: poor mood, insufficient level of preparation, psychophysical state, lack of experience, etc.

In a coaster duel, if both partners lead the right game, avoiding serious omissions, it ends with a draw. Accordingly, you can win in the presence of misses of the opponent.

In order to avoid their own errors, while increasing the level of its skill, it is necessary to study and analyze others.

Daughters that allow players in the fights can be attributed to two categories: psychological and technical.

Psychological nestos are caused by a violation of the psychophysical state of the player as a result of large loads during the match and preparation for it.

Technical misses are not related to the emotional or physical condition of the participant. They are allowed as a result of not enough qualifying level of shashist, lack of experience, poor preparation for the match, etc.

Errors and traps in the debate debut

Studying the basins of the checkered game, the newcomer does not necessarily remember the separate options for possible steps. It is much more important to understand the essence of the techniques used, thinking not by single steps, and combinations, be able to determine the strongest course.

When the player already has some experience, you can start learning the match. First of all, it is necessary to exclude rough views and learn not to come across the simplest combinations of the opponent. When the opponent admits a mistake, you can not lose a chance, you must use this point. Often, before each combination of opponent is a trap. In the debut of the game there are situations when, it would seem, a perspective move later leads to defeat. Getting trapped in the opponent - this means to incur losses in the form of checkers or lose the position.

The result of the match is very often solved at the beginning of the game. Believe me, enough of the only rapid step so that your opponent ensure his victory in the party. Different tricks and tricks applied by chairs in the debut is enough: from the simplest, fastened with newcomers, to complex applicable already experienced shirts. These traps are most appropriate in such varieties of fun, like blitz or fast checkers, also in Internet checkers, where there are time limitations. In general, wherever the opponents have no time over long inflatable over the course, and the debut needs to be played very quickly.

If your opponent made an oversight at the beginning of the fight, be sure to use it. This will allow to obtain material superiority over the enemy (one or more checkers) that at the end of the party can significantly affect the final result of the battle. A prematurely open cell for the lady or lattice accommodation of the opponent's figures can allow such a combination that will already at the beginning decide the outcome of the match in your favor. Even one imperfect enemy step can lead to your decisive advantage. For example, block the enemy's checkers or take a favorable position on the playing field.

Each professional player has a sleeve of this kind of trap. And the higher the level of the gamer, the factory it uses the opponent's misses.

How to start a party to quickly defeat

Interestingly, what is the minimum number of steps to make the participant to win the battle? One move, of course, not to win. But after the second step, you can easily count on a positive result for yourself at the end of the party. Of course, it will not be possible to get on the lady field in such a short period of time, and there are no many figures of the opponent, but to win 1-2 figures of the opponent is quite possible.

It is worth noting that, having a superiority even in one figure in the debut of the fight, you have a good chance of winning, since without the help of your mistakes, the enemy is unlikely to compensate for this checker at the beginning of the match. And in this position it simply should be concentrated, not allowing views, bring the duel to a victorious end.

It should be known that in order to win, you need to notice and apply the simplest tactical strikes in the game. This skill will eliminate their mistakes and will not give the enemy to knock out your figures using combinations. During the use of traps, as well as during the whole battle, the main thing is to be focused on the game and notice the opponent's response intentions in time.

Traps in the debut of the match - this is one of the ways to win the game, very popular among beginner shashists.

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