Football simulation. As virtual game developers earn four times more than FIFA. Seven ways to scatter opponent on online FIFA FIFA 14 how to simulate violation

D - Stretch
A - Song
C - cause imagine
S - PAS bottom
E - Change Players
Z - combo chip (at penalties)
E - standing on site Ball Ball Case
A + q - a high canopy on the head (for those who want to score head and does not know how)
Q + D - punch bottom (with penalties), raised the bottom at the corner
Shift - Spun

Goalkeeper game:

W - game at the exit (hold)
Shift + "arrows" - movement / aiming, control of goalkeeper when blowing s - emissions of the ball (hold the ball to the far player) S + S - a false throw (when determining the strength of the blow)
A / D - Drop-Kik
W - Reset the ball to Gazan
W - Taking the ball
A - Podcast
C - Sleep the defender

Suppose you managed to bring the player to Randevo with the goalkeeper or before you the last defender. With the defender best to deal with Fint. If he is behind, it's not a problem at all. So, there are several options. However, you need to try to get close to the most with the goalkeeper (2 and a half meters) and then there are several options:

1) Stop (c), catch the goalkeeper on a pause and on the situation or to break through into the distant corner, or wait for the maximum rapprochement and sharply go to the side (E + C). Then he will just score into an empty gate.

2) give a pass to a raid teammate, if he is in a more advantageous position.

3) try to beat the goalkeeper on the fintee ("swing" perfectly suit you for this) and break through the empty gate.

4) Not caustically cut, reduce the distance to the critical (one and a half meters) and break through.

5) try to transfer goalkeeper (Q + D).

Act about the situation. Inexperienced players should use options for 2.4. For more experienced and rapid hands, options 1 and 3. 5 options are equally good and simple, however, less effective.


D - Normal accurate blow from the go, hit head
Z + D is a tricky blow to the attached trajectory. It is harder to apply it, however, when hitting the target, it is often effective.
Q + D - "parachute".

Passes and canopies:

S - Short Password head. Pascence strength and its length depends on the time to hold the button
A - Long pass manually / hit manually (hold to determine the strength of the blow)
A - (for special performers) - Robin canopy. There are 2 conditions of execution: you need to go on the flan from which you can only be mounted on a weak foot. Before the strike, the player must put a weak leg forward. There are 3 main performers - Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and John Terry. They are coming most often. There are no combinations, it is that the type of impact scissors - does when you choose.
A (fast pressing) - sniff
Q + W - penetrating PAS riding (hold to determine the strength of the blow). If used with the mind, you can withdraw a player 1 to 1 with a goalkeeper
Q + WX2 - Strike
Q + A - Early back (from outside the penalty)
Q + A (double strict pressing) - Early straightforwards (from outside the penalty area)
Q + S + S - game in the "wall"
W - PAS PACK / RUIDE (Hold to determine the strength of the blow). It is convenient to bring the player to the shock position or sharpen the attack.

Playing in defense:

S - Choosing rock
Arrows - selection of a receiving pass player
D - Pressing (hold)
S - Connecting the second defender (hold) C - Fight for the ball (hold) Q + D - Double Pressing
A - Podcast
D - I will release the ball outside the field (on my half)

Types of keeping the ball:

Arrows - Normal Keeping
Q + Arrows - Increased Control
C + arrows - maximum control
E + arrows - Running (small control)
SHIFT + E + arrows - forward ball (minimum control)

Corner and penalties:

A - Feed / Canopy
D is a powerful striking or hit (hold to increase the strength of the strike). Covering the ball - the "left" arrows, "right" (hold to increase the blow strength)
Q + D - ragged bottom (hold to increase the blow strength)
Q + A - soft canopy
E - Changing the beating
C - Call the second player
C + D - blow by the second player
Z + D - jogging and blowing the second player
C + S + D - kickback


D - powerful blow
Q + D - "parachute"
Z + D - Technical Punch
W - Dick (goalkeeper)
A, d + arrows - game goalkeeper: throw (penalty)
SHIFT + "arrows" - distracting movements with hands (goalkeeper)
Arrows "Right", "Left" - Moving Wlol Lines at Penalti (goalkeeper)
Down arrow - squat (goalkeeper)
Arrows "Right" + "Left" - Jumping in place (goalkeeper)
The arrows indicate the direction of impact or sailing. The blow strength is configured intuitively.

Receivers and fishes:

A + S, D + S - False Zamakh
Z + D - Accuracy
D + Q - Parachyuk (Golucker's Switch)
S + Q - Wall
W + Q - Far Pass
A + a - sniffing
Fint Zidan: SHIFT + Left, Down, Right or Shift + Left, Up, Right (without releasing SHIFT Press the arrows in turn)
Ronaldinho Fints: SHIFT + UP + Up; Shift + Down + Down; Shift + Up + Down
Robina canopy: SHIFT + A (sometimes it turns out)
Fint K.Realda: SHIFT + DOWN + Left + Left (Shift + Back + Left + Left)

SHIFT + "Arrow of the Welcome from the direction of the player's movement" - Flip Flap (only Ronaldinio)
SHIFT + "Arrow in one side" + "Arrow to another" - Double care to the side
Shift + "Arrow of the Welcome from the direction of the player's movement" X2 - Flip Flap (Only Ronaldinho) or swing Ronaldo (C.Ronaldo current)
SHIFTX2 - Skipping through the ball
SHIFT + "Arrow in One Boke" + "Arrow to Other" - Double Care aside or False Care aside
SHIFT + "Arrow Back" + "Arrow of the Block" (after acceleration) - Ronaldo steps
SHIFT + "Arrow Where to watch a player" + "Arrow of the Walk" - Care aside
SHIFT + arrows on the "second floor" - game body (pushing) when taking a canopy
SHIFT + "Arrow Back" + "Arrow of Welcome" + "Arrow Forward" - A la Zidane
SHIFT + "Arrow left from directed. Player's movements "+" Back "+" Right from the direction. Motion. " + "Forward" - transfers the heel through itself. Make only some individuals whose parameter above 85
SHIFT + "Arrow Back" + "Arrow Forward" - "Harakiri" (Glowing the ball through the enemy) V SHIFT + "Arrow Back" + "Arrow of the Block" - Double Popper (Ball for yourself and to the side)
SHIFT + E + "Arrow Back" + "Rift Arrow" - Arrow of the ball with a heel for itself

In order to donate from it during the subframe (take the ball between the legs and jump), press the sharp shift (condition: the podcast should be filled in front).

Hot Game Keys

Before the start of the match:

C and Z - Change formation on the formation screen
Q and E - Left and Right
ENTER - choice
ESC - Return to Previous Menu

During the match, the following hotkeys are available:

F2 - Camera
F3 - Dynamic Camera
F4 - broadcast
F5 - Gate View
F6 - side line view
F7 - camera camera
F8 - Wide Screen
F9 - Field Scheme Show
ESC - Pause menu
The main menu also apply the following hotkeys using which you can quickly access one or another features of the game:

B - Professionals: Season
C - task mode
K - Start: Team
M - Career Mode
O - Internet game mode
S - Settings Menu
T - Championship
C, D, Spare - Quick Match


  • D / RB - Normal accurate blow from the go, hit head
  • Z + D / RB + B - a tricky blow to the attached path. It is harder to apply it, however, when hitting the target, it is often effective.
  • Q + D / LB + B - "parachute".

Passes and canopies

  • S / A - short pass / head head. Pascence strength and its length depends on the time to hold the button
  • A / x - long pass manually (hold to determine the strength of the strike)
  • A + a + a / x + x + x - straightforwards
  • Q + W / LB + Y is a penetrating pass (hold to determine the strength of the blow). If used with the mind, you can withdraw a player 1 to 1 with a goalkeeper
  • Q + W * 2 / LB + Y * 2 - Stretching
  • Q + A / LB + X - Early back (from outside the penalty area)
  • Q + A * 2 / LB + X * 2 - Early straightforwards (from outside the penalty area)
  • Q + S + S / LB + A * 2 - game in the "wall"
  • W / Y - PAS PACK / RUIDE (Hold to determine the strength of the blow). It is convenient to bring the player to the shock position or sharpen the attack.

Playing in defense

  • Q / LB - Player Selection
  • D / A - Pressing (hold)
  • Z / RB - Connecting the second defender (hold)
  • C / LT - Fight for the ball (hold "at the top")
  • S + Z / A + RB - Double Pressing
  • A / X - Podcast
  • D / B - Emission the ball outside the field (on its half)
  • E / RT - standing in place block ball hull

Types of maintenance of the ball

  • Arrows / Left Stick - Normal Keeping
  • Q + Arrows / LB + Left Stick - Increased Control
  • C + Arrows / LT + Left Stick - Maximum Control
  • E + Arrows / RT + Left Stick - Running (Small Control)
  • Right digital part / Right Stick - Problem Ball (minimum control

Game goalkeeper

  • W / Y - Output game (hold)
  • Q / LB - Position Selection
  • S / A - emission of the ball (hold for the transfer of the ball to the long-round player)
  • S + S / A + A- false throw (when determining the force of impact)
  • A / D / X / B-Drop-Kik
  • W / Y- Relieve the ball on the lawn
  • W / Y-Taking the ball
  • A / X - Podcast
  • C / LT- Sleep the defender

Implementation of outputs 1 on 1

Suppose you managed to bring the player to Randevo with the goalkeeper or before you the last defender. With the defender best to deal with Fint. If he is behind, it's not a problem at all. So, there are several options. However, you need to try to get close to the most with the goalkeeper (2 and a half meters) and then there are several options:

  1. Stop (C / LT), catch the goalkeeper on a pause and in terms of situations or break through the distant corner, or wait for the maximum rapprochement and sharply go to the side (E + C / LT + RT). Then he will just score into an empty gate.
  2. Let me give a pass on a teammate, if he is in a more advantageous position.
  3. Try to beat the goalkeeper on the FINTE ("swing" perfectly suit you for this) and break through the empty gate.
  4. Not causing custody, cut the distance to a critical (one and a half meters) and break through.
  5. Try to transfer goalkeeper (Q + D / LB + B).

Corner and penalty

  • A / X-feed / canopy
  • D / B - Punch (hold to increase the strength of the strike). Covering the ball - the "left" arrows, "right" (hold to increase the blow strength)
  • A + a + a / x + x + x - ragged bottom (hold to increase the blow strength)
  • Q + A / LB + X - soft canopy
  • E / RT-shifting
  • C / LT- Calling the Second Player
  • C + D / LT + B - blow by the second player
  • C + S / LT + A - kickback
  • Z / rb - to suggest the 3rd player (at penalties)
  • Q + d / lb + b - bottom punch (at penalties)


  • D / B - Powerful Blow
  • Q + D / LB + B - "Parachut"
  • Z + D / RB + B - Technical Punch
  • Right Digital Part / Right Stick - Dick (Goalkeeper)
  • Arrows "Right", "Left" / Left Stick - Move along a penalty line (goalkeeper)
  • The arrows indicate the direction of impact or sailing. The blow strength is configured intuitively.


  • A + s, d + s / x + a, b + a- false zamakh
  • Fint Zidan: SHIFT + Left, Down, Right or Shift + Left, Up, Right (without releasing SHIFT Press the arrows in turn)
  • Ronaldinho Fints: SHIFT + UP + Up; Shift + Down + Down; Shift + Up + Down
  • So that during the subframe to evaporate from it (take the ball between the legs and jump), press the sharp shift (condition: the podcast should be filtered)
  • Shift + "Arrow where the player is watching" + "Arrow of the Welcome" / Lt + "direction where the player looks at" + "Direction of the Block" - care to the side (it takes not so often, you need to perform a sufficient level with football players, but most often the reception passes automatically)
  • SHIFT + arrows on the "second floor" / lt + direction on the "second floor" - the game of the housing (pushing) when taking a canopy

Similarly, as a household soap: Study the training, train the fins, memorize the management, take up the tactics of opponents, get used to the actions of the computer, and now you are ready to conquer vertices in any mode. But this most conquest may be much easier if you know about some tricks present in the game. They are not apparent, and the system will not reveal them to you, but their development will noticeably facilitate your football career.

Cunning number 1. Make a double team.

90% of all gamers gather one team, and only play it. This is not the most effective way. Some collect two different teams, for example, one of Italy, another from France. Cons of similar tactics are full. First, play only one team - trite boring. Secondly, you will be doomed to work not only on contracts, but also on the cards of the physical form: individual or collective. The same applies to players with clubs from different leagues. A way to get around the need to spend half of the earnings on the form cards is to create two teams in one club, with such a calculation to have two full-fledged composition when players from one composition were sitting on replacements and in the reserve in another, and vice versa. To do this, you will need to spend money on the purchase of candidates for the second team, but the one-time spending will later pay off. When baggage in 100 games, you will save 30-40 card shape cards +30. According to PC prices, this will be somewhere 40-50 thousand. And one hundred games will fly much faster than you think.

Cunning number 2. Go to the "last transfers".

When you are in FUT mode, you open the window with the selling footballers, then you are shown to those who will be removed from sale in seconds. In these parts, there is little interesting, just because everyone who wanted has already made their bets, and the cards that have gained to the end of the trading cards have already passed hundreds of gazes. The trick is to open the shuttle window, and start flipping at the very end. In those edges, where newly exhibited players appear. There, sometimes, completely wonderful things happen, starting from the exhibited expensive players at minimal prices, and ending with just very profitable offers made by those who really need coins. There are footballers and mistaken on the transfers, so that they are very profitable there. But do not abuse, because in EA Sports sometimes banned for that.

Look for cards that have been exposed for a few seconds ago.

Cunning number 3. Morning transfers.

If you want more money - there is no save, and you want to quickly, in addition to earnings in the games yourself, you need to make money on the sale of football players. And how Matroskin's cat used to sell, something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. Well, you need to buy when you do not buy others. Those. There is a minimum of competition. Sales go on separate servers. The Germans traded and play separately, the Turks separately, the Russians separately. Therefore, you need to buy when your compatriots do not buy, namely, early in the morning. Trade comes around the clock. Someone at 16:00 will put on the sale of a player for 12 hours, so the auction will end at 4 in the morning. Who will buy at this time? Only one who specifically turns on the computer and will catch advantageous offers. The same applies to the weekend days. You can stubbornly all week, something to sell unsuccessfully, but you can sell only on Saturday-Sunday, when the main player's inflation will happen.

Cunning number 4. Purchases for experience points.

Many people do not understand that in FIFA 17 you can shop not only for FIFA Coins and Fifa Points, but also for experience experience. Mainly the menu on the right will be a small button. Press it (on the keyboard - th) and falls into a special store where you can buy purchases from earned experience points - the only cumulative mass that moves from one part of the FIFA to another. The first thing you need to do is to activate one by one coupon with bonus earnings of coins. If the experience is enough, then in the first 20-40 games, you can earn a decent club +82, because the coins after the games will be earned much faster. Similarly, you can take football players for rent, buy new balls, shape, and, especially valuable - contracts +99 for your particularly valuable footballers, which you intend to keep forever in the starting lineup.

Wash the experience points. This is a very effective way to save and earn

Cunning number 5. Identify the cheaters by the creation date.

In FUT mode, as it approaches the first division, you will be increasingly and more often on the cheaters, which can be either memorized, and subsequently disagree to the game with them, or try to calculate. The problem of meeting with the Cheater is that he will quickly come out of the game, and you will stay with -1 in contracts for all players. It would be possible to pay attention to this, but the problem is that another, third, etc. will go behind this cheater. And in the end, in the evening, if you play in 1-2 divisions, you lose -10 games for each player who has published in the main composition. This is very bad. Therefore, when you hit the menu with the connection quality indicator, see the date of creating an opponent's account. If she is less than 1-2 months, most likely, before you cheat. There are, of course, exceptions, but, as a rule, if you have a young club, it is most likely to play to play with a cheater, so it's better to turn off immediately.

Cunning number 6. Take players for rent.

Starting a single, coaching career mode, many young club managers are becoming a matter of personnel gain. If there is a lot of money, you can just spend millions, and buy someone you think. There are no problems at all. If the money is smaller, then you can go as follows: buy young and promising, grow your own youth, lease, and also hire free agents. In FIFA 17 free agents, finally, became normal players that can be sold. Only the complexity is that they require a high salary. Cancel them with such a calculation to sell in the next transfer window. And for yourself, take a lease of a promising young with the right of redemption. If this is not arsenal and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen the salary of such players will be small, and their characteristics are high. In the end, you can, almost free to replenish the composition, and pull the first one - the most difficult season. Earn money, and then think about real purchases. And, yes, be sure to go to the manager settings, and move the budget slider, highlighting the main part of the salary, and leaving the minimum for purchases.

Follow the fate of real players and draw conclusions

Cunning number 7. Follow the fate of real players.

A little cynical and cruel, but, but effectively. If you like football simulators, then love and real football. Consequently, follow the football news as a whole, and for the fate of football players in particular. So, know that in the event of a certain real player, or, for example, his disqualification, including the landing in prison, its cards in FUT mode will take off to heaven. And all because the administration will be withdrawn and issue compensation for them. In FIFA 16, for example, a similar story was with the midfielder of the England team Adam Johnson, who sat down. He cost 500-600 coins, after sentencing the court sentence and the announcement of EA on the future of the removal of cards with this player, their cost jumped to 8-10 thousand. As a result, those who managed to buy them, including at the maximum rates, received compensation in the form of "multicolored" cards with steep football players with a rating for 85.

Cunning number 8. Do not adhere to teamwork.

In EA Sports, from year to year, love to tell you that teamwork on something affects. Like, collect teams so that they are played. But as long as they do not do as in football managers, where the football player lost 10, 20, 50 percent of its potential, no one will run for teamwork. As practice shows, the guys are perfectly taking the first divisions, with the right protector on the left flank, and left on the right. And others are not at all worried about, some kind of misconceptions, and collect the team with the world on the thread, which, with a teamwork of 60% takes any height. So, if you do not want to overpay, do not overpay, because the teamwork does not affect your efficiency.

Who is your local hero among friends? Of course, the one who best plays in. It is indisputable that there are people who are endowed with the best reaction, cunning and good memory, but each new part of the franchise from EA gives you the opportunity to start everything from a clean leaf. Today we will try to tell you about the most important aspects of the game that will allow you to get the most last start.

This year, FIFA acquired a set of new tricks, some of them are useful, and others are made for ordinary pathos. Some aspects of the game were completely redesigned, plus, new attacking fins were added (including jewelry PAS Russe, hit head with rebound and so on).

If you listen to our advice, it will begin to use much more movements soon. Here are ten things you could not know about FIFA 17, as well as key combinations necessary for their execution.

10. Powerful strike

Hold B. or A circle to charge a blow, click again to fulfill it

Since the goalkeepers in FIFA 17 got a strong plus to the characteristics, then you will have to diversify your blows in order to drive the ball into the grid. The best way for this is a powerful blow that will send the ball straight to the goal, while it will be pressed against the ground. This will significantly increase the chances for your player to climb the final table, especially if it has just purchased. In addition, this blow practically negates the protection of the nearest rod.

9. Holding the ball

Hold Lt. or L2. as soon as the ball appears at the player's legs

As you probably have already heard, in FIFA 17, everything is tied to physical aspects. The size and strength of the players are now important than ever before, and the retention of the ball opens a whole set of tactical techniques. Successful performance of this movement will allow your attackers to cope with attacking and piercing the defense of the enemy.

8. Jewelry PAS Russe

Hold RB. or R1 during the execution of the pass ( Y. or Triangle)

One of the most unpleasant moments in the FIFA Game series is when your striker makes a jerk forward through the hole in the defense, it is preparing to get out one on one with the goalkeeper and your superbly sent ball beats about his shin. To prevent such situations there is a special reception. PAS Russed - an extremely useful tool in the arsenal of any player in FIFA, which, with successful execution, can bring you to delight, and otherwise makes hate all his players. This year PAS Russex allows you to get excellent accuracy with a small twist.

7. Punch head with rebound

Click B. or A circle twice as the ball will be flown; hold longer for the first time for greater impact

Stunches from the head in FIFA have already made some kind of imbalance and, unfortunately, this year was no exception, so we advise you as quickly as possible to learn how to get superiority in the air. Blow head with a rebound is a new feature that gives you even more chances for scoring moments from distant distances, so try to inspire the ball whenever you receive at least a little free place to attack.

6. Penalties from the most sides of the foot

Like a little bit outside, use the right stick to align the player behind the ball and shift the left stick at 45 degrees up

New FIFA brought us a new type of penalty kicks. This technique includes a blow with a twist, with the result that the ball flies on the trajectory curve. If we successfully master this method, then you will not leave the goalkeeper a single chance.

5. Powerful shots from the gate

Hold RB. or R1 and press either the throw button or hit

Now the goalkeepers got a little additional accuracy and skills, and all thanks to a new reception, which allows them to remove the ball in the field on a very large distance. It is best to use this technique during a counterattack, but be careful because the ball can always be intercepted.

4. Deceleration

H. or Square in the direction of the player - decking and A. or X. For whom we throw

Fooling unconditionally useful reception if you want to win at least a little time and space for your attacking players.

3. Rollback of the ball back

While the football player is worth it (you can stop his false crash), clamp RT. or R2, Perform false shuffles, and then move the movement of the left stip Up / Left or Up / Right

Rollback of the ball back one of the most useful tricks to deceive the enemy. Your player starts movement in one direction, and after sharply changes it. If you adapt to this ability, then lift your skill in FIFA very much.

2. Fint Neimara

While the football player is standing, hold the right stick to the right or left and move the left stick in the direction of movement to send your player ahead

Pretty light for execution skill, but it does not make it useless. This phint is particularly effective against live players. However, when playing against the computer, do not wear it hard, since they are less susceptible to deception

1. Dance elbows

After the goal scored, hold RB. or R2 and press Y. or Triangle twice

Today's article we will finish on a fun note, namely on celebrations. The undisputed king of 2016 was the dance of elbows or DEB. We perfectly understand that everyone has their tastes, but at least once you have to try to fulfill it!

Virtual football leads a full-scale attack on real. The number of players who chase football players on computer consoles, while even less than people who are able to hit the real ball. But virtual football matches are already collecting millions of viewers, and companies - game developers earn billions of dollars and are not going to stop. In the days when the whole world is crazy in anticipation of the new release of the most famous football simulator, the weekly "Football" will ask himself and answers the questions as it happens that the real game is valued less than the virtual.

1. Who makes FIFA?

Trip Hawkins worked for Apple's advertising service when he was illuminated by the idea to get involved in the sphere of computer games. He saw the grandiose perspective in the early 1980s. At the same time, ELECTRONIC ARTS (EA) was created. The initial purpose was the sale of computer games, and production began only ten years later. At the moment, the cost of one share of the company is approximately 70 dollars. And the price of the entire enterprise is more than $ 15 billion. The EA Sports branch was created in 1991, and later he was renamed EA Games with headquarters in Canada.

2. Where are they located?

EA studios are scattered around the world. For example, in Russia there are three representative offices at once - in Moscow, St. Petersburg and for some reason in Taganrog. But the main office is located in Canadian Bernabi - Vancouver suburb.

This is a huge complex. It employs nearly 2000 people, for the convenience of which gyms, cinemas and cafes were built on the territory.

It is also located here for the production of sports simulators: three large studios, 14 shooting sites, recording studios and production. With the top players, EA Games works individually - special brigades with all equipment are traveled to Messi and his comrades. But most of the virtual football players are "created" directly in place.

3. How much EA earns on FIFA?

In the financial statement for last year, EA indicated a net income of 4.145 billion dollars. For example, the most real FIFA is the one that the International Federation of Football, - at the 2014 World Championships earned the same 4 billion. That's just a Blatter's department receives such an income every four years.

In Russia, the cost of FIFA 16 version ranges from 2000 to 4,000 rubles for a digital PC version, depending on the revolution of the publication. It is important that after purchasing the game, the spending of the user does not end. For more money, he can acquire the coins required in the Ultimate Team online mode. In the current version, this mode exists with the "FIFA 13" version, and then he brought EA 200 million dollars of income. Since then, the amount grows almost in geometric progression.

4. Why is all this called FIFA?

The acquisition of exclusive licensed rights to use the most recognizable brands almost immediately became the "chip" of sports simulators from EA. NBA, NHL, FIFA are the largest organizations that the company managed to negotiate. The right to call their games "FIFA" Americans purchased 1993, and the current contract is valid until 2022. Later, the right to the "FIFA World Cup" brand was purchased separately for individual games based on the World Championships.

5. Why does the Russian national team can't win the world championship?

In fact, it is possible, but in separate versions. The inclusion of the World Championship regime in the game would be too irrational from the point of view of profit. It turned out much more profitable in the year of the World Championships to publish an add-on "FIFA World Cup". It is not too popular with respect to the basic version, but allows you to play on the overall rise of the interest of the public to football.

6. Why on the cover of a disk with the game is always a photo Messi?

Argentine was not always facial "FIFA" games, but FIFA 16 will be the fourth in a row part with it on the cover, although the long-term contract with Leo is not reported. Competitors from PES at one time were attracted to Cristiano Ronaldo for their cover, but in the new version, the main character was another player "Barcelona" - Neymar. How much all such agreements cost, of course, they do not say. But Golfer Tiger Woods, according to rumors, for 15 years of cooperation with EA Sports received 771 million euros.

Russian players appeared on the covers "FIFA" only twice: in the version "FIFA 11" in the new capacity, Sergey Semak debuted in a new capacity, and in a year I was changed by Vasily Berezutsky. After that, EA preferred to include Russia into the list of regions, where the "global" cover is received. Explained that one Messi is more recognizable than in the company with any Russian player. So it was in 2012, and since then the situation has not changed.

7. Why do FIFA fans consider themselves the cooler of PES lovers, and they disagree with them?

In fact, it's all about licenses. This is the only moment that can be considered objective in the dispute of PES fans (another simulator) and "FIFA". When the Japanese company Konami launched his football simulator, the "FIFA" had the right to almost all top competition, and often it was about exclusive agreements.

Asians could compete with EA in almost everything that concerned the technical and visual part. But the players came to the championship of England and instead of the usual emblems and names saw it is not clear there. Over time, PES deprived competitors of an exclusive to most leagues. And he was even able to respond to an individual agreement with UEFA to the right to use the Champions League tournament in the game, "Europa League" and "UEFA Super Cup". But in England, Konami still play FC London or Liverpool Rad.

8. How do they all sell it to us?

For a long time, much attention was paid to the clips before the game itself. To participate in them was invited to top players, this also increased the interest of the audience. Now the vector has changed somewhat. Canadians refused the idea of \u200b\u200ba simple beautiful video in favor of demonstrations of how "FIFA" is created. Frames from the process of creating the game are replaced by cutting moments from the resulting product. The user inspires that there are less differences between real and virtual football, and as an example, all the same world stars lead.

9. How do they do all this?

Sharp kulbit computer technologies led to the fact that terrible angular model classes were to find a person. At first they were created according to the template, making only remotely similar: black in the life player in the game could not get European face. The problem of physiognomy solved the users themselves. For versions on personal computers, large patches were produced, adding missing elements to the game. This is especially true for the PES, but also "FIFA" in the past passed a custom adjustment.

Now the face for FIFA digitizes the exit team of computerists - The Capture Lab, and the show is also made. Tottenham's footballers photographed on the London train station. The waiting time players were spent on the game on the console.

Now EA Sports concludes contracts with individual clubs. In the new part, for example, the exclusive content will be at Real and PSG. Such teams receive more scanned players, authentic animations. Cristiano Ronaldo will look silently even on the screen.

As for the creation of individual behaviors on the field, it is used for this already mentioned complex in Canada. Players are dressed in black clothes and shoes with white markers, after which they are removed to 140 chambers at the same time. The markers reflect the light of the lamps fixed around the chambers, the reflection is captured, and a model appears on the director monitor. The process takes quite a long time: the execution of the penalty can be removed until half an hour.

10. Who and how to evaluate the strength and characteristics of football players?

Digitize football players - one, the other - to register the players faithful characteristics. Gamers argue on numbers from each version. Though "FIFA", even pes. EA Sports and Konami have analytical departments that collect data on players. However, in the final ratings there are oddities like a rather low indicator of the same Thomas Muller or presence among the best José Calonone or Vyacheslav Malafeev.

For statistics you need to go to Football Manager. Analytical data of this game is trusted even by television company like Sky Sports, which are on FM figures represent players. The scale of the company SPORTS INTERACTIVE, which is the author of the game, colorfully illustrates the announcement. This summer Sports Interactive gained researchers for the following clubs: "Braintree Town", "Coventry", "Dartford", "Hartlpool", "Hyde", "Newcastle", "Oxford", "West Ham" and "Woking". It is in the Football Manager database that professional and not very scouts are looking for future stars.

11. Who is the voice of "FIFA"?

The famous Slogan EA Sports, It's In The Game ("EA Sports." In the game ") know all over the world. His author Andrew Anthony even recorded a special Lifehak on how to pronounce one sentence so that millions loved him.

In addition, the voices of the game are and commentators who started talking from the FIFA 97, when the matches were accompanied by the comments of the British Andy Graya and John Misson. Russian commentators had to wait more than 10 years: two Vasily appeared in the game - Utkin and Solovyov. A completely unfamiliar football fan of Vasily Solovyov managed to arise in the company with Yuri Rozanov. Only in the new version, the duet commentators completely changed. We will play under the emotions of Konstantin Genica and George Cherdanesev.

12. Why in EA dislike Russia?

The views of the mass Russian consumer and EA Sports on the question of the preparation of the content are straightened. While the Americans are trying to get the maximum profit for their products, the resourceful resident of Russia is confident in their right to receive them for free. The situation is gradually changing, but extremely slow. It is believed that this is the main reason for the long absence in the game of RFPL. And now, despite the presence of the league, only the units of players have "their" faces. The rest are content with standard images.

13. Who earns this except EA?

Regarding other computer games, "FIFA" tournaments have not been caused by a large rush and a serious prize fund. The biggest is the "FIFA Interactive World Cup", which is supported by the real FIFA, and the winner is given the opportunity to visit the Golden Ball Ceremony.

However, the game more and more goes into the virtual space. It turned out that people are interested not only to play themselves, but also to look like others do. Troika has the most popular video blocks of the country playing "FIFA" - Kefir, Acool'a and PandaFX - in the amount of about 750 thousand subscribers on YouTube.

Introduction to the game coins made it possible to start earning them not only EA Games. If you have to do everything honestly, then for the acquisition of Conditional Cristiano, Ronaldo will have to spend either the darkness of time behind the prefix (earning currency through games) or the darkness of money. Or you can go to unofficial dealers: they will sell virtual coins cheaper, but they will earn themselves. EA Games are actively struggling against such activities, but it is unlikely to be eradicated in the near future.

14. What will it turn in a few years?

The main plus "FIFA" for developers - minimum trouble with the plot. It is in principle no. New modes also appear extremely rarely, and often all changes are reduced to interference in the gameplay, graphics and team formulations. The most important PR-move was made now. Introduction of women's teams - exotic for one part of the public and the long-awaited innovation for another. Even those who have already ignored new parts of the game for several years, are now thinking about buying "FIFA 16" exclusively due to the presence of female teams.

EA Games have enough conservative people in order not to spend the resources that have not yet become massive technical phenomena. Therefore, until the virtual reality helmets appear in each second house, FIFA will become better only in terms of compositions and pictures.

Text: Vyacheslav O.

Pakhin, Pavel Puchkov

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