Compatible PS4 and PS3 joysticks. What fits where? Life is in motion! PlayStation Move controller review Connecting ps move to ps4

Russian engineer Anton Mikhailov, a Sony employee and one of the creators of the PlayStation Move, told "Gambling addiction" how he works in America, how Wii spoiled the players, why you should never get rid of the buttons and why Sony, having developed Move in 2001, released it only nine years later

[Gambling addiction:] It is not often that we are given the opportunity to talk with someone who develops something himself, and does not promote other people's development. Anton, what do you do at Sony?

[Anton:] I work in the Research & Design department - this is the smallest division of the company, about a hundred people. We do development and research, my group is User interface technology. We design devices and control interfaces. We have been working on PlayStation Move since 2007, now, when it is already on sale, we are making all sorts of techno demos for it - so that the studios understand what can be done with it in the game.

[Gambling addiction:] Did Sony specially dismiss you from Russia to work in R&D?

[Anton:] No, no one wrote me out: I have been living in the States since I was ten. I flew here with my parents in 1995, learned English, found a job ...

[Gambling addiction:] Right off the bat - at Sony? Just out of college - and already for the flagship product?

[Anton:] Well, yes, the professor recommended me. There is a very developed system of internships, when companies hire intern students. At first I did some of my little ones ... projects for EyeToy, year in 2007. Maybe remember, there was such a thing: you draw something on the screen, and the camera recognizes the drawing and makes an object out of it in the game. So - that was my intern project. And then they took me to the state.

[Gambling addiction:] Can you say you settled down well?

[Anton:] It's not such a dizzying career in the States. This is Silicon Valley - it's easy for an engineer to find a job here. Moreover, I'm not picky, I came from Russia, and there engineers work differently, I know. (laughs) Any technical work there is work. And we make games. I was specifically looking for such a job - to combine it with a hobby.

The main thing here is to understand in which area you are better ... trained... What you know better - hardware or software. If in hardware, then you need to go to Intel or NVIDIA. If in software, then Facebook, Google or Amazon.

[Gambling addiction:] Amazon?

[Anton:] Sure. In America, this is a very serious company. Maybe they look like a simple online store, but in fact, all statistics, recommendations are very complex calculations. Everything is very ... very intelligently made. There programmers face interesting software problems.

[Gambling addiction:] And what are you trained in?

[Anton:] I attended the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science course, that is, I electron ... box and computer ... box.

[Gambling addiction:] Have you ever thought of going to work at Google? We have this dream of almost every second talented programmer - come to work as much as you want, eat there as much as you want, play tennis right in the office, and even pay money ...

[Anton:] And I worked at Google. Not for long. Everything is exactly like this - open space, soft colored chairs, billiards, you can play volleyball at any time, come, leave at any time ... But it’s not that it adds to productivity.

After all, if you work eight hours a day (this is a standard American working day), then where can you find time to play volleyball too? Of course, you can have lunch for two hours, and then play for another hour, and you most likely will not be fired, but this will not make the company any better.

In our department there were people who were in the office a lot, but worked six hours a day - and no one fired or scolded them for this. At Google, everyone wants to work because there is no pressure there. But this, perhaps, is so urgent for Russia ... In Silicon Valley, in principle, there is such a culture - no one examines anyone. I come to work at eleven, leave at seven or eight - and that's okay.

[Gambling addiction:] Exactly, in Russia a good social package is a rarity. Therefore, in a company like Google, Gazprom or MTS, where there is insurance, active corporate parties, and cafeterias in the office, there is always a queue.

[Anton:] Maybe, but for me it is unreasonable. On Google, I heard from everyone: "What a blessing, we have such great food!" - you know, Google always has its own restaurants in the office. Well, maybe. Beautiful. Your cook. But ultimately it all comes out of yours pay-check... Of course, no one writes that 12 thousand dollars a year are deducted from your salary for food. But in fact it is so.

[Gambling addiction:] Was it difficult to get a job? We are preparing for interviews and tests at Google like for the Olympic Games.

[Anton:] When I was working, no. This was before Google went public and you just had to go through an interview. It is now there tests, multi-stage selection ... Although - why not? If they want to go to work for you, then choose, take the smartest.

But in America, competition is high not only among job seekers, but also among employers. The same Google is squabbling over these engineers with Facebook and Microsoft.

But this is all important for a person who is looking for money. People were important to me and projects.


[Gambling addiction:] And so you got to Sony and joined the development of the PlayStation Move. They had been working on it for five years already, right?

[Anton:] More! In general, Sony has returned to Move several times.

The very idea to make a controller that would clearly determine the location of the hand in space appeared in 1999 - at the same time as the EyeToy. I've seen tapes showing the first prototypes of the Move in 2001, before the EyeToy was launched.

At that time, Richard Marks, an aeronautical engineer, worked at Sony, he used to write algorithms for robots. Back in 2000-2001, he experimented with a luminous ball on a stick. The camera tracked the ball and transmitted data about its movement to the game - and that, for example, displayed a witch on a broomstick, which flew along the trajectory that you brought out with the ball. We already knew how to track hand movements.

But it was a very, very crude prototype. The camera had a small resolution, so the ball was about the size of a grapefruit. I would call the whole structure a mini-proto-Move for Playstation 2... We understood the algorithm, but it was impossible to make some kind of commercial device using it.

[Gambling addiction:] Why?

[Anton:] There were several problems, but the main one was that people have different lights in their homes. Our camera could track the ball under certain lighting conditions. As soon as he changed, everything stopped working. And people do not have laboratory conditions at home, they will not cover the windows with blankets in order to play on the console.

[Gambling addiction:] And you put the project on the shelf.

[Anton:] Yes, until 2004. Then engineer Eric Larsen appeared at Sony, who made another prototype of the Move - a glowing ping-pong ball on a stick. It was never shown in public, but it was already a working technology. Now there was only one unresolved problem - the price. Eric used an LED in the bulb, and they were terribly expensive back then. It would only cost $ 30-40 to make such a controller - imagine what a retail price would be for it!

[Gambling addiction:] And you put the project on the shelf again.

[Anton:] Well yes. And in 2007, when I was doing my project with EyeToy, it came up again. Here I must say that Sony is working very closely with development studios, listening to the wishes. And at that moment we were just asked to somehow expand the functionality of EyeToy, so developments like Move were very relevant.

I began to think about how to reduce the cost of the device ... and then the LEDs just dropped in price. Moreover, LEDs appeared that could change color. This automatically solved the second problem - with special lighting in the room. Now we could just change the color of the ball - and continue to track it whenever and wherever the person plays. And then we just brought Move to mind.

[Gambling addiction:] Three years - despite the fact that you had a fully working technology on your hands?

[Anton:] And it's good that there are only three! We had the technology seven years before the advent of LEDs. But usually the development is like a joke about beer lovers. Do you know about the fact that 80% of all beer is drunk by only 20% of beer lovers? So here's the same thing. You spend 20% of your time not coming up with a technology - as a rule, there is no problem with that. And 80% of your time is spent making the technology work perfectly. And this is not always possible.

As I said before, doing something in the laboratory is not at all the same as doing something at home. At home there is a cat, a dog, a coffee table, a ficus in the background - all these simple objects can confuse the algorithm.


[Anton:] We could have released the Move before the Wii, but it would have been a completely different product. You know, with all these prompts at the bottom of the screen: "Please turn on the light", "Please stand closer." No, we didn't want that. We waited because we, our studios, and the players themselves were not ready for such a product. Remember how few EyeToy games were? This is because the developers did not understand how it could be used.

EyeToy produces a completely unusual data type. This is not just an unambiguous signal that the developers are used to: the button is pressed - "Yes", not pressed - "No". These are some kind of ragged movements, a chaotic flow. When developing for EyeToy, you have to filter the data very hard to select the right one. It's the same with Move.

[Gambling:] But before you, developers who make games for the Wii have already encountered this.

[Anton:] Collided, but they did not solve it, but bypassed.

[Gambling addiction:] Did you count? (smiling)

[Anton:] You can say so. Before the Wii, all game actions were controlled by buttons. Jump is one button, turn left is another, shooting is third. If games were done smartly, then the motion controller would be used contextually. For example, they would need to lead to the left in order for the character to turn to the left. This is logical, right? And at first it was so. But then the developers, not knowing how else to use the Wii Remote, began to hang context-oriented actions on it. For example, make the player describe a circle with the controller to open the door, or draw a zigzag to make the character jump. That is, the buttons were simply replaced with movements.

By the way, we are very glad that our studios did not go this way. It only overcomplicates and spoils the games, not propels them forward. Using motion to replace a button is wrong. You need to hang on the motion controller those things that cannot be done with a mouse or a gamepad. For example, drawing.

So, back to the Wii Remote. At first, people liked the controller because it was new. They tried, played, jumped with might and main with him. Then they got tired of it: really, it's stupid to wave your arms and jump when you can just press a button. And they stopped trying, reduced the range of motion, began to play sluggishly.

Have you seen them running with the Wii? Do you think they run? They just stand still and move the controller up and down - and the console thinks it's a run. And try to retrain them now! People have forgotten that they used to want to do context-oriented actions, wanted to move, wanted the console to understand their actions, recognize their body position.

[Gambling:] So did the Wii teach them how to play it wrong?

[Anton:] The Wii just had dishonest marketing. People were promised then, five years ago, that the Wii would do what is only now possible with the Move. I don't mind Wii at all. Nintendo released its system when it was impossible to release Move. This is a bold move. Wii brought new players. People enjoyed it. No, the Wii was an undoubted breakthrough, a success. It's just that the Wii and the Move have a different philosophy.


[Anton:] When Nintendo designed the Wii, it wanted an intuitive controller. So that anyone can pick it up and play. Don't you understand what a mouse and a keyboard are? Take the Wii Remote - and point them like a finger.

Move has a different philosophy. This is not a finger, not a pointer - this is a peripheral device. We looked at Move as a mouse, as a data source. It is, of course, intuitive, but this is not the main thing, the main thing is that it is hardcore, it has a lot of uses. For example, it allows you to transfer games from PC to PS3 - entire genres previously not available on consoles. Like strategies, for example.

[Gambling addiction:] Listen! Last March, the following story flashed across the Web. They say that Sony engineer Anton Mikhailov "with the help of certain manipulations was able to connect Move to a PC and play StarCraft 2 with it." Naturally, everyone had a question: if Sony engineer Anton Mikhailov could do the same, can an ordinary user do the same?

[Anton:] Connecting Move to PC directly - no, and for various reasons. Many PCs simply don't have the power to handle the entire data stream that Move generates. In addition, we simply do not have enough resources to support Move on all operating systems - Windows, Macintosh, Linux ...

But we want people to be able to write their apps for Move, so we have now launched a special system, Move.Me... It allows you to connect your PC to a PS3 with Move over a network. The PC will perceive the PS3 and Move bundle as ordinary peripherals, the PS3 will perform all data processing. In this case, Move will work like a mouse, the buttons on it will simulate a keyboard. The PC won't even guess that a console controller is connected to it.

Thanks to Move.Me, developers of Move applications will be able to use just a computer - any, even a laptop. All calculations will be performed by the PS3, and the computer will be completely unloaded to work with programs.

[Gambling:] Is that how you played StarCraft 2?

[Anton:] Yes, and I did well. Did you know that skill in StarCraft is measured by actions per minute - APM, actions per minure? So, professional players have APM - 300-400. Trained amateurs like me have 110-120. Normal players have 40-60. I started playing with the Move and in five days of training I raised my APM to 80. That is, I lost about 20% of my speed. In my opinion, a good result.

In general, I played a lot of PC games on Move before we had prototypes of games written specifically for Move. I wanted to see if the controller's precision was enough for traditional hardcore genres - RTS, FPS, flight simulators ... I even played such complex games as Descent.

The interface for interacting with your brains

[Gambling:] What about the Move price? Do you think it ended up being affordable?

[Anton:] More or less. At least significantly more accessible than it could. You know, technically we had the opportunity to release a set that would consist of a Move controller and a camera like Kinect... But it would have cost $ 250 - almost like a console - and would definitely fail in retail.

Then we got together with the developers of our main studios and asked: what is more important for you, more or less accurate tracking of the position of the whole body or very accurate positioning of the hand. They said that the latter was more important to them - the position of the body was already allowed to be tracked by the EyeToy camera, and for many that was enough.

[Gambling addiction:] And nothing that when Kinect came out, no one remembered about EyeToy?

[Anton:] I was very offended, by the way. The first Kinect ad I saw was like an EyeToy ad, but nobody noticed! But the principle of operation is similar, the games are similar: the camera sees the skeleton, which jumps and waves its arms, and separates it from the wall.

Another conversation that Microsoft did everything very efficiently. I am amazed that the Kinect does not require lengthy calibration. Tall or not, fat or thin, you can just stand in front of her and play - I can imagine how difficult it was to do technologically!

You know, there is such an anecdote: they say, in the 70s, a professor, going on vacation, gave his student a task: to teach a computer to distinguish a person from a dog, and a dog from a chair. The professor thought that the student would solve it over the summer. But when the professor returned from vacation, the student did not make any progress. And we are still all together trying to solve the problem of this student - to teach a computer to distinguish a person from a dog. Microsoft has somehow succeeded in this.

[Gambling:] You and Microsoft are now moving in the same direction - towards motion gaming, towards abandoning buttons, right?

[Anton:] No no! You can't refuse buttons! This is our fundamental disagreement with Microsoft! Buttons are needed! Here are three compelling reasons for their defense.

First, buttons are a gaming experience. Buttons are needed not only for positioning accuracy, but also for being pressed. Take the pistol. Do you want to shoot an air gun? Well, no, no! You want to pull the trigger. You want to turn the steering wheel, not just swing your hands in the air. The click of the gearbox, the recoil of the trigger - all this is part of the gaming experience, without which it will not be so interesting to play. The Kinect style is impressive, it's new, but I don't think that's the future. People are fetishists, they need accessories, and buttons are one of them.

Secondly, we perceive and process tactile sensations much faster than any other. The muscles on the fingers are some of the most accurate. The delay between the time you felt something with your fingers and your reaction to the stimulus is only 5-10 milliseconds. For hearing it is 20 milliseconds, for vision - 80-100. No other interface will give such a controversial reaction. You feel that you have finished pressing a button and you are already reaching for the next one, almost without delay.

Thirdly, sometimes you just want to have a button that allows you to give a command, just lying on the couch. Try jumping on the couch - if the Kinect requires it! Kinect is not good for games like Mario or Assassin's Creed... After all, you cannot jump like Mario, or run along the walls like Ezio!

In general, in the near future we will not give up the buttons. The button is the fastest way from the brain to the screen.

Although, whenever I talk about this, there is someone who raises his hand and says: in the future we will not need buttons, we will pick up a signal directly from the brain. Let it be so! But the problem is that in the brain the nerve impulse "I think to jump" does not differ from the impulse "Come on, I will jump!" There is no difference between physical movement and thinking about it. Imagine if your avatar does whatever you think about while you play?

In a word, Microsoft is doing great with its Kinect, but to say that Kinect is the future of all interfaces is wrong.

[Gambling addiction:] That is, buttons are needed as an interface for interacting with our brains?

[Anton:] Well yes. They just speed up the game.

Game noise

[Gambling:] Did you lean towards a particular game genre when developing Move? Did you do it, for example, with an emphasis on shooters or strategy?

[Anton:] No, this is the task of game developers. And our task is to offer them a working tool that gives the exact position of the hand in space. Move is your hand in the virtual world. Move can be any object that a person holds in his hand - a knife, fork, pistol, shovel.

We divided these tools into three categories: a magic wand (arbitrary passes in the air), a sword (sharp movements, sports games, something like the Wii Remote), a pistol (precise aiming, shooting range). And the developers have already determined for themselves which approach is closer to them.

[Gambling:] Aren't you offended that Move is called just a more accurate version of the Wii?

[Anton:] No. We made Move for our own purposes, without looking at the Wii. We were more interested in the experience people get from playing on the EyeToy than on the Wii. But with the Wii players, we still have a hard time.

[Gambling addiction:] Why?

[Anton:] I already mentioned that the Wii spoiled the players, emasculated their excitement. They are accustomed to the fact that you can play tennis and win by moving only your hand, without jumping, without making a swing. A stereotype of playing with a motion controller has formed in their minds. And when they began to transfer this behavior from the Wii to the Move, Move simply did not perceive them. I rejected their flickering as a noise, I thought that they were warming up - but they didn’t play in any way.

And we had to explain to people by video training that it’s not interesting to play like that, it’s not right. And people did not understand this! It never occurred to them that they could play badly - they thought that our device was bad.

[Gambling addiction:] That is, in a person's head, the process is already sewn up the wrong one, right?

[Anton:] Yes exactly! People just didn't realize how much control and simulation is on the Move. She's fantastic! But this is also extreme. The console could figure out who was playing well and who was bad, and as a result, we all played badly. When we tested games - bowling, for example - out of six people, five simply could not roll the ball to the end of the track, because they threw it incorrectly.

Once I brought home a frisbee simulator. So none of us could throw this frisbee! The only one who succeeded was a person who professionally plays Frisbee. So he was pleased: he went all evening and told everyone what a great game we made. But we understood that this the game is not great!

Do exactly the game for Move is much more difficult than just a simulator. The developer needs to be very attentive to the complexity, gradually increase it in small steps. Teach a person. Let the console forgive him for mistakes on the bronze level, on the silver level it helps a little with the wind, and on the platinum level it requires him to have perfect playing technique. If a person is not an athlete, he simply cannot play otherwise. This gradual progression was just what the Wii lacked. There people quickly learned to win, reached the maximum level - and soon they got tired of playing, because there was nowhere to improve further.

In a word, here we must not fall into one extreme. If the game gives everyone one star, everyone will consider themselves losers and give up. If the game succumbs, that will also be a problem. At the same time, some things cannot be simplified. You cannot simplify a pencil: if you are not good at drawing, there is no getting away from it.

[Gambling addiction:] Testing in the head: as a person from a console company, tell me, will the PC die and should it die?

[Anton:] Not worth it! I grew up on PC and I don't want him to die. But at the same time, I do not think that MS is the driving force behind the industry. In terms of innovation, yes, PC can make very high-tech games that consoles never dreamed of. But the claim that only MS drives progress is not true.

You need to be very careful about listening to the voice of the PC market. Not everyone has dual-slot video cards and Core i-7 processors. Those who sit on forums and fight for fps are hardcore. This is an important, but not the target audience for games. There are only a few thousand of them, from whether they buy the disc or not, nothing will change. The real power is the owners of mediocre computers and the owners of more than a hundred million consoles of the current generation. Many millions are just gamers versus a handful of avid gamers. MS doesn't solve anything - but it's definitely good that it is.

Today we will tell Will PS4 joysticks fit PS3... Similar questions often arise among those who are planning a couple of evenings to play with friends on their new console, but it is not possible to buy a second DualShock 4 due to its high price.

If you are interested in PS4 and PS3 compatibility, this article will come in handy.

Joystick from PS4 to PS3

Sony is directly interested in implementing new DualShock 4 gamepads so she made it to be fully usable on PS3. In addition, it is to some extent beneficial for the owners of the old console, because they will have the opportunity to buy the original controller, which will remain with them when they switch to a new generation platform.

To connect a joystick from PS4 to PS3, you only need:

  1. Open Bluetooth settings;
  2. Register a new device;
  3. Start scanning, and then simultaneously hold down on the gamepad PS and Share;
  4. Wait until the inscription Wireless Controller appears and proceed to using the controller.

Besides, DualShock 4 can be wired, for example, if it is discharged, and you are eager to continue the game.

Joystick from PS3 to PS4

Now consider the reverse situation when you want connect joystick from PS3 to PS4... And in this regard, everything does not look as rosy as we would like.

Our workshops produce repair PlayStation 4... You can safely trust the many years of experience of our specialists. Call and sign up!

Sony didn’t go out of its way to support older devices with the new console. If you buy old gamepads, the sales of new ones will decrease, which means that the company will lose part of its revenue.

In addition, Sony is well aware that using the old gamepad, the player will not get the emotions that he should experience with the DualShock 4. The new controller has a lot of "gadgets" like a touchpad and built-in speaker, with which you will get new sensations from the game.

Of course, there are several ways to translate your plans into reality, but you need either optional equipment- converter, - or great luck if the console can recognize the old gamepad.

In some cases, the PS3 joystick is suitable for the PS4, but it makes little sense. You will not be able to use all the game mechanics that involve using features that are not available in the DualShock 3, and the controller itself will work. not in all games.

Frequently asked questions

We figured out the gamepads, and now we will briefly answer some questions that arise when using other peripherals of Sony consoles.

  • Q: Will PS3 Camera Fit PS4?
  • A: The PlayStation Eye from PS3 is not compatible with the PS4 system, as stated on the official Sony website. This also works in the opposite direction, that is, the camera from PS4 to PS3 will not work. PS Camera is only used on PlayStation 4, and PS Eye is only used on PlayStation 3.
  • Q: Is Move from PS3 to PS4 suitable?
  • A: Yes, in order to use the Moves, you need to register them on the PS4 system. To do this, the device is connected to the console with a special USB cable.
  • Q: How do I transfer my account from PS3 to PS4?
  • A: You just need to enter data from your account on the new console by creating a new user. All games purchased for PS3 will remain on it, but they will not be available for launch on PS4.

Hello everyone, now it's time to write an FAQ for buying such a wonderful thing as the Playstation Move. Traditionally, the FAQ is built on a question-and-answer basis.

What is PS Move and why is it needed?

PS Move is a motion controller that is quite obviously meant for games.

How does PS Move work?

I can’t say exactly what principles it works on, I’m not a creator. But PS Move works due to the fact that the PS Eye camera reads the movements of the controller, which is in the player's hands by a luminous ball at the end. By the way, the PS Eye camera can also read the movements of the player himself, of course, if the developers have added such an opportunity.

What configuration can I buy the PS Move?

In Russia, they are officially sold:
1) Bundle PS3 + Move Starter Pack
2) Move Starter Pack
3) Move stand alone
The Starter Pack includes:
1) PS Eye motion capture camera
2) PS Move controller
3) Controller strap
4) Disk with demo versions of games with Move support
5) Instructions for use

Do I need to buy additional peripherals, batteries, accumulators?

The only thing that PS move necessarily requires is a PS Eye camera. All other additional devices do not require a mandatory purchase. By the way, the PS Move, like the DualShock 3 (PS3 gamepad), has built-in batteries that can be charged from the console using a regular Mini USB.

What additional devices can I add to my PS Move?

There are a number of devices available for the PS Move to make it easier to use, but these are optional.
1) Navigation Controller - a special controller that has a stick, rst, L1, L2, cross and circle. This controller replaces the gamepad in games such as MAG, it is still not very convenient to hold the gamepad and Move at the same time. It also has built-in batteries with the ability to charge n
2) Charge kit - a special stand for simultaneous charging of 2 Move or Move + Navigation Controller
3) Gun Attachment - a special handle in the form of a pistol, it is designed to increase convenience while playing MAG, The Shoot, Killzone 3, etc.

What games does and will support PS Move? Will there be any big titles for the Core audience among them?

The list of games is very wide, I will not describe casual games, you can read about them on the Playstation website. I'll focus on games for the Core audience. Yes, Move will support major titles such as: MAG, Killzone 3, Tron Evolution, LittleBig Planet 2, GranTurismo 5, InFamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resident Evil 5. From the list, you can try out the full version of MAG, the Heavy Rain demo is uploaded on PSN. which will appear with Move support in November, just like Resident Evil 5.

Is it difficult to connect PS Move to PS3 system?

No, not at all difficult. For this you need:
1) Connect the PS Eye camera via USB
2) Switch it to blue indicator
3) Connect PS Move via mini USB to the console so that it picks up the controller
4) Turn on the PS Move controller, then optionally disconnect it from USB

I saw that some games are played with two PS Moves, do I have to buy a second one for a comfortable game?

No, not required. You can play with two PS Moves only in Sports Champions, but this is not necessary, a comfortable game is provided by one controller. The second is only needed to increase the familiarity with the game. You can wear it comfortably even with the 1 PS Move

What is calibration and why does it happen every time you start the game? Can I do it again?

Calibration is a process that will help you determine the best user experience for your PS Move controller. All players are different in height and build. Calibration helps to make it convenient for all players, without exception. Of course, calibration can be done at any time during the game.

Does the controller ball light up with only one color? Can I choose colors?

The PS Move controller can glow in several colors, depending on which color the developers chose, unfortunately I have not seen games in which it was possible to customize the controller color.

Stock up on patience and breadcrumbs. The lecture will be long

Love for Mario, or curse Nintendo for being servile to bored housewives, cannot underestimate its impact on the industry. It was Nintendo in this generation of consoles that put innovative control rather than graphics technology in the first place. It was she who introduced the fashion for intuitive controllers, whose principle of operation is understandable even to Martians, who for the first time took in their hands the notorious "vimot" and "nunchuck" for the Wii console. It was she who ensured the birth of a new genre of games - authentic sports - and returned shooting galleries with a light gun to the big screens. And it is she who are now trying to imitate other members of the "big three": Sony and Microsoft.

There is a shield in one hand, a sword in the other (although the characters have different weapons in their hands, in fact they behave the same). Full control. We block blows, try to penetrate the enemy's defense with deceptive movements, meet his swing on our blade, parry and make a sharp lunge forward. The shield is also used - to push, stun the enemy, then hook his legs, knock him to the ground and nail him, jumping from above.

Maneuvering, bouncing back, sharp sideways movements are performed with buttons, only they are responsible for the character's movement. Jump - jerk Move up sharply. Roll to the side - shake the controller from side to side. The character on the screen accurately and without delay repeats the slightest movements of the melee weapon. Therefore, "Gladiator fights" are the most exhausting type of competition in a physical sense. Hands will be guaranteed to ache, and the shirt will have to be squeezed out of sweat. Especially when it comes to meeting the boss.

Beach Volleyball is as fun and relaxing as its real-life counterpart. Net, two players on each side. If there is no real partner, intelligent AI will take over his role. We beat off, pass, cut from above in a jump with powerful blows, put blocks and throw ourselves belly on the hot sand to catch the falling ball. The last action is performed by a sharp thrust of the controller in the appropriate direction. The rest - as it should. By the way, thanks to this sport, we were convinced that a chandelier and volleyball in the living room are incompatible things. Swinging with your hand accidentally and there is no lighting fixture. Therefore, we recommend that you take care of this problem in advance, turn the TV with the camera to the side if there is something hanging over your head.

"Bocce" is something like a strange hybrid of bowling, curling and billiards. One player throws a small ball (pallino) somewhere in the area of ​​the rectangular field. And then both begin to throw large stone balls (bocce) in that direction. The goal is to get as many of your balls as possible near the pallino.

It takes a lot of precision, focus and a little tactical planning. Once you get used to it, you learn to push the competitor's balls out of the zone, block his passage with your bocce, so that he himself moves you to victory. A very interesting game, completely unpopular in our latitudes.

And the idol of millions is table tennis. An open demonstration of the phenomenal accuracy and responsiveness of Move. The racket flies over the table, repeating the slightest movement. We cut "candles", send "twisted" ones, exchange quick series of blows in anticipation of the fatal error of the opponent. By turning the brush, we adjust the slope of the racket, moving forward we catch a low feed near the net itself, we deviate to catch the bounce from the very edge of the table.

It’s strange at first. Even the first serve is difficult at first. However, then you get used to the eccentric physics of the game and you start to get genuine pleasure from the process. If you don't have the opportunity to play real tennis at hand, but you really want to, then you can't find a better alternative.

All in all, a great set of games that take advantage of the Move in different ways. An excellent demonstration of the advantages of the controller over similar competing technologies. The first step is to ensure that the phrase "sports game" is not associated with a casual swing with lazy Mii "shocks, but is perceived as a sport - a test of accuracy, dexterity, tactics and endurance (in some sports you have to really save strength within a round, Exhaustion), where only skill wins.Well, and a wonderful excuse to stretch, shake up, skip going to the gym in bad weather and burn extra calories in a gladiatorial duel.

Difficulty levels grow, victory is given more and more difficult. The initial nuts turn into granite stones, it is no longer so easy to crack. Costumes for heroes are unlocked, new sports equipment and specific bosses of fantastic appearance appear. All this will be enough for a long time. By the way, despite the fact that in half of sports it is recommended to use two controllers, you can easily get by with one. For example, in Gladiator Battles, Move is a sword. But if you press the "trigger", then the control of the shield is intercepted.

  • Necessary: one Move (two are recommended for some sports)
  • Using the controller: allows you to get a new gaming experience not available on any other modern gaming console
  • Flaws: calibration is carried out not only before the start of the game, but also before the launch of each individual sport

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

Another installment of the famous EA Sports golf simulator this time has full Move support. The controls are as intuitive as possible. You literally take the "stick", make a wide swing ... Blow! Past. Or the land was plowed up.

Oh, the initial workout will eat up a lot of nerves. If it seems to you that it is enough here, as in "golf" on the Wii, just chatting the controller back and forth, then you are unlikely to make even one successful hit. We tried to play with one hand - it didn't work out. Things started to work out only when they got down to business, as expected: they stood sideways to the screen, slightly bent their knees, pulled the club by the shoulders and with a sharp blow sent their first ball flying.

Despite the fact that in this game the delay of the movements of the virtual Tiger to our actions is clearly visible, their accuracy is calculated thoroughly. With certain conventions, of course. It will not work to launch the club at the audience or hit yourself on the forehead with it. In a game with pre-defined motion animations, such liberties are unacceptable.

Note that the gamepad is better to control. There, only the ability to calculate trajectories and press buttons is taken into account. With Move, the player's skill comes first.

For example, we have never played real golf, so the first round was uselessly chasing the ball across the field from one edge to the other. We repeated the training several times, and in the end we managed to drive the ball into the hole from the third hit. Yes, it is more difficult than on a gamepad, but the pleasure is immeasurably greater.

  • Necessary: one Move
  • Using the controller: allows you to get a new gaming experience; adds authentic control
  • Flaws: the apparent delay in the reaction of the virtual character to the player's actions


Sony's experiment with launching a new controller is a success. This is an ultra-precise tool for influencing three-dimensional virtual worlds, which can turn into anything, even a pickaxe for mining, even a pistol for shooting unreasonable heads, even a pin for pricking moths fluttering in the air.

The collection of games presented at the moment allows you to evaluate Move in different guises. Sony's projects are mostly experimental and demonstration. They show how versatile the controller turned out to be, what different functions it can perform, how much more perfect it is than "vimot" and "nunchaku".

Third-party projects from independent publishers don't shine yet. Formal binding of the new controller to existing genres with obvious control errors. It's strange, of course, to see how differently Move behaves in games. Somewhere everything is perfect, as shown in the videos. And somewhere the obvious inertness of the cursor and insufficient sensitivity are visible. However, Rome was not built right away, they will learn to calibrate.

If the Move controller itself does not raise any questions, we got exactly what we were promised, then the future of games with its use is still uncertain. It all depends on what strategy Sony will choose to promote its innovative device.

The problem with Move is that it came out too late, four years after the Wii. The market has already recovered from sensory fever, independent publishers have bumped up on mistakes and have chosen a win-win tactic: rivet cheap, casual crap. Only a madman is going to do a high-budget, exclusive project for PS3 today using the full functionality of Move. Here's to screw the controller support into the released games - that's it. It is possible to release small games for PSN. But this is a road to nowhere. Just an “alternative way of controlling”. The proverbial hammering of nails with a microscope.

Sony itself is also engaged in careful probing of the market. Shooting ranges are coming soon, and a number of shooters will receive Move support. Sports simulators and casual collections are already on the shelves. PSN sells small games that introduce us to new types of game mechanics. A number of budget projects based on innovative management have been announced. But so far there is not even a ghostly hint of a "big" game justifying the purchase of an expensive device.

And it is exactly expensive. Do not be confused by the moderate cost of the Starter Pack. One Move and an Eye camera will allow you to play all the games that have been released with the support of a controller. And the desire to have fun with friends and some sports will force you to run after the second Move.Add the cost of at least a couple of games (the good SCEE put only demo versions of projects in the European Starter Pack), and you get an impressive amount, commensurate with the cost of the PS3 itself. Fortunately, all this stuff can be bought not immediately, but in parts.

Sony is afraid to take risks, and is following the Nintendo path of offering games with titles similar to Wii bestsellers. It will be very disappointing if such a technologically advanced controller will face the fate of a simple "laser pointer" or "magic wand" for parties. As the Move gains traction in popularity, its potential can easily be flattened by the heel of social preference.

So we are waiting for the next year and the placement of points over the future Move at E3 2011. In the meantime, we enjoy the new gaming experience, sweat in port competitions, have fun in shooters, build turrets from cubes and hope that the developers will find something to surprise us with.

Fans have done a tremendous job of analyzing all the information on Sony's creation -. We could not pass by this FAQ and translated it into Russian. The amount of information unexpectedly turned out to be like 2 anime episodes, so I had to try.

So, the competitor of the Nintendo Wii gamepad and a similar Microsoft project - Kinect for capturing the player's movements, claims to be the "best".

Please welcome!

PlayStation Move: The Basics

Q: What isPlaystationMoveand what do I need to try it?
A: PlayStation Move brings movement to your gameplay. For your PS 3 also needed: controller PlayStation Move and PlayStation Eye Camera , which will catch your every move, and transfer them to the game.

Q: Can I use PlaystationMovesomewhere else besides PS 3?

O: No. PlayStation Move is only for PS 3 and works with any such consoles.

Q: Will there bePlaystationMoveto work with my Sonya?

O: Yes. PlayStation Move will work with any console PS 3 from the earliest released to the latest scaled-down models.

Q: When will PlayStation Move be released in the US?
A: PlayStation Move and games for it will be available on September 19, 2010 in the US, but some unscrupulous sellers may start distributing it earlier.

Q: Do I have to purchase everything separately?
O:As you wish. You can buy all together or separately.


· PlayStation Move Controller - $ 49.99

· PlayStation Eye Camera - $ 39.99

Navigational PlayStation Move controller - $ 29.99

· Charging station PlayStation Move - $ 29.99

· Shooting app PlayStation Move - $ 19.99


· – $99.99

Includes PlayStation Move motion controller, PlayStation Eye, Sports Champions Blu-ra game, and PlayStation Move game demo disc

· – $399.99

Includes PlayStation 3 320GB HDD, PlayStation Move motion controller, PlayStation Eye, Sports Champions Blu-ray game, DUALSHOCK 3 controller, and PlayStation Move game demo disc

Q: What players is it for PlaystationMove?

A: Whether you're a seasoned gamer or not, PlayStation Move has a wide range of games: sports, arcade, co-op, family, and shooters. Games for playing in a company like and perfect for the whole family, while key titles like, and will be of interest to advanced players. See the ratings to see which games are right for young gamers. ESRB in the lower left corner of each game box for age requirements and contents.

Q: How much will the games cost for PlaystationMove?

A: PlayStation Move games will be distributed on Blu - Ray discs, and their price will start at $ 39.99, but the price will depend on the specific game. Opening games like, and will be available for $ 39.99; Killzone 3 and SOCOM 4 will cost $ 59.99 and will be released in 2011.

PlayStation Move: Controller

Q: Why are the balls on the controller PlaystationMovehave different colors? What does color mean?

A: Balls on top of the controller Playstation move let the camera Playstation eye it is better to determine the position of the controller in space. Some games can change the color of the ball depending on the gameplay, allowing you to visually experience it. Ball can take absolutely any color. It uses the full 24-bit RGB palette. There is no standard color. The system can independently select the color during the device calibration process. If you see the ball changing colors quickly, it means the device is being calibrated. Please note that the balloon will not burn when you are in XrossMediabar.

Q: Do I need to stand to use PlaystationMove? Or can you sit?

A: No, you don't have to stand. If the camera clearly sees you and the controllerPlaystationMovethen you can play standing, sitting, squatting or reclining.

Q: How many controllers PlaystationMoveI will need?

A: Most games only need one controller. But some games support 2 controllers for single playthrough (like and some places in ) or multiplayer.

Q: How many players can use at the same time PlaystationMove?

A: The number of players depends on the specific game. PlayStation Move games support 1 to 4 players with a variety of gameplay variations including solo, co-op and co-op modes. PS 3 supports up to 7 devices, 4 of which can be PlayStation Move controllers.

Q: Is there any vibration in the controller PlaystationMove?

A: Yes, the PlayStation Move controller has a vibration function.

Q: What are all the buttons on the controller for? PlaystationMove?

A: PlayStation Move controller all buttons from the usual Dual Shock 3 gamepads (Cross, Circle, Square, Triangle, Start, Select and PlayStation Button ), but in addition there are two more buttons: a T-shaped button and a drive button.The movement button is commonly used to select menu items in games. The pressure-sensitive T-shaped button is used in many games and has various functions. Users need to read the manuals to know the purpose of the buttons.

Q: How can I connect the controller PlaystationMoveto myPS 3?

A: The connection is pretty simple and familiar to users PS 3. First of all, insert the PlayStation Move controller into PS 3 to USB port. Then press the button Playstation ... The controller is now connected to your PS 3.

IN:PlaystationMoveuses AA or AAA batteries?

A: No, PlayStation Move has a built-in lithium-ion battery that can be recharged via the mini USB port or, if you prefer, with the PlayStation Move charging station.

Q: How to charge the controller?

A: Both controllers Playstation move have the ability to charge via mini USB port. The lithium-ion battery can be charged by plugging the controllers into PS 3? using mini cable USB ... If desired, you can charge them with the PlayStation Move Charging Station (sold separately).

Q: How long does it take to fully charge the controller? And how long will a full charge last?

A: It takes about 5 hours to fully charge (or 4 hours using the charging station). When fully charged, you can expect to run for up to 10 hours.

Q: Is the battery replaceable?

Oh no.

Q: Can I use a controller PlaystationMoveto customize the game or need a controller for this DualShock 3?

A: Settings in games for PlayStation Move can be made without a controller Dual Shock 3. The menu can be perfectly controlled with both PlayStation Move controllers.

Q: How do I select menu items using the controller PlaystationMove?

A: Hold the T-button and press the direction keys. Press the motion button to select an item. Remember that the ball on the controller will not light up at this point.

Q: Will there bePlaystationMoveAny safety accessories included?

A: Yes, the PlayStation Move will fit on your arm. Be sure to do this to prevent accidents.

Q: Can I somehow customize Playstation Move ?

A: PlayStation Move set up permanently for all positions and directions. Data from external sensors are sent to the camera at high speed Playstation eye , allowing you to recognize any type of movement, be it the smallest movements or huge swings.

Q: How accurate are the actions captured PlaystationMove? Will there be a delay between my movement and displaying it on the screen?

A: The delay when using the PlayStation Move is the same as the controller Dual Shock 3 - For most PlayStation Move games, it is 22 milliseconds. However, it depends on the game. However, in modern HD TVs it will be somewhere between 60-160 milliseconds. If your TV has a "game mode", then be sure to activate it.

Q: Is it possible to somehow adjust the sensitivity PlaystationMove?

A: Yes, some games provide this opportunity. For example, supports change sensitivity aiming.

PlayStation Move and PlayStation Eye camera

Q: How the camera interacts PlaystationEyeand controllerPlaystationMove?

A: PlayStation Eye tracks the ball on the controller to determine your location and which direction you are heading. It also captures the position of your torso and translates that into play. This allows the character on the screen to move the way you actually move.

Q: Why do I need to calibrate the controller?

A: Calibration is necessary so that the system can determine how far from the screen you are, as well as the proportions of your body. Each game usually requires its own setup, but all of them will definitely require you to point the controller at the camera and perform the actions indicated on the screen.

Q: Do I need to adjust the controller every time I change the game?

A: Yes, because PlayStation Move technology allows you to achieve the utmost accuracy unparalleled in other systems, and a quick set-up before each game gives you the most accurate position data.

Q: Where should I install the camera ?

A: Best camera Playstation eye will be centered above or below your TV (where it will be closer to your shoulder) and facing the same direction as the TV screen. Then set your camera to wide view mode by moving the lenses towards the blue dot. There is no need to point the camera up or down unless required for a particular game.

Q: Are there any minimum requirements for the height at which the camera is located?

A: There are no requirements for height, but it will be best if the camera is looking at the player. Camera Playstation eye should be located as close to the player's shoulder as possible, since for her the player is just a “square”.

Q: What is the best way to hold the controller PlaystationMovein front of the camera?

A: Players will need to calibrate the device in the position where they intend to play. The working distance is 60 cm to 3 meters, but it is recommended to be about 1.5 meters or slightly more from the camera. It depends on the specific game.

Q: Does the lighting in the room affect work PlaystationMove?

A: The system works in different lighting conditions, but it is important to keep in mind some things that can affect the game. The room does not need to be dark to play properly, but it is important that direct or sunlight does not hit the camera or controller. It is especially necessary to avoid the light behind the player, especially if he will be taking turns (for example, another working TV). Finally, if the camera is placed on a brightly lit surface, various glare and reflections can interfere with the game.

Q: What else can affect the game with PlaystationMove?

A: Any objects or people in front of the camera Playstation eye can interfere with motion capture, thereby disrupting the game. However, if a person just walks in front of the camera, it will not affect anything.

Q: Will there bePlaystationMovework while playing on a projector? Where is the best place to position the camera PlaystationEyewhen using a projector?

A: You can play. Just make sure that the projector beam is not hitting the camera. The camera in this case should be positioned in front of the player, just above his shoulders.

Q: Can I use PlaystationMoveleft-handed?

A: Yes, many games allow you to select whether you are left-handed or right-handed during device calibration so that PlayStation Move can track your actions correctly. For games where this choice is not available, the controller can be held in either hand.

Navigation controller and other accessories

Q: What is this navigation controller PlaystationMove?

A: This is an add-on controller for the PlayStation Move. It is compatible with select PlayStation Move games to control in-game objects. However, Dual Shock 3 and wireless controller SIXAXIS can be used instead of a navigation controller. Like all other wireless controllers for PS 3, this controller is equipped with a lithium-ion battery and works using technology Bluetooth so that data can be transferred without using a cable.

This controller acts as an analog stick and directional buttons, allowing you to easily control your game character. For most PlayStation Move games, a regular controller and camera are enough Playstation eye ... Therefore, each PlayStation Move game box will have icons on the box to show you what accessories you might need.

Q: Navigation controller is required for all games PlaystationMove? Why is it needed?

A: No, this controller is not needed for all games. The PlayStation Move navigation controller is an optional peripheral that allows the player to use the analog stick and directional keys in games like Heavy Rain and Killzone 3, where you can control your character. But if you want you can use Dual Shock 3 or SIXAXIS.

Q: What buttons are there on the navigation controller?

О: Circle, Cross, L 1, L 2, L 3, left analog stick, direction keys and button PlayStation.

Q: Does the navigation controller support vibration?

Oh no

Q: Does the navigation controller support the movement function like SIXAXIS?

A: No, the navigation controller does not support the functions of the old SIXAXIS.

Q: How long is the battery of the navigation controller?

A: The battery lasts for about 30 hours, but it depends on use and environment.

Q: Do I need to somehow connect the navigation controller to PlaystationMove? Do I need to connect it with a cable?

A: Data about pressed buttons from the navigation controller is transmitted directly to PS 3 via Bluetooth so you don't need to connect a controller. You only need the cable to charge the controller battery.

Q: Do I need to buy any more controllers?

A: For most games Playstation move just one main PlayStation Move controller is enough motion controller ... However, you can buy a second controller like this to play with your family.

Q: How can I find out what I need for a particular game?

A: Each PlayStation Move game box will have icons showing what hardware is required to play and what hardware is compatible with it. You must have what you need to play in order to play the game, and what is compatible gives you an extra gaming experience.

Q: So how many controllers do I need to play most games?

A: For most games you only need one PlayStation Move motion controller ... For some games, you may need two such controllers, like - one for each hand - to better convey the effect of presence.

Q: Is there a charger for PlaystationMoveand controllers?

A: Yes, it's available for $ 29.99 as a PlayStation Move charging station and allows you to charge up to two controllers at the same time.

Q: Is there such a device so that you can charge the controller PlaystationMoveandDualShock 3?

A: For this there is which is compatible with any PlayStation Move controllers and Dual Shock 3.

PlayStation Move games

Q: Will it ship with PlaystationMovesome demo disc with games?

A: Yes, a demo disc is included in the kits ($ 99.99) and ($399.99). In addition, both bundles include the full game. Sports Champions , where you will find 6 different sports designed for single player and multiplayer.

Q: Do I have to update my games to be able to play with PlaystationMove? If so, is it free?

A: Most PlayStation Move games will be developed specifically for this system, but some games may be updated to support PlayStation Move. and Are two notable examples of games that will support the PlayStation Move. To do this, you will need to download the update via ... Whether or not there is a charge will depend on the policies of the particular publisher.

Q: Can I play "regular" games for PS3 usingPlaystationMove?

A: No, you will not be able to operate normally in games created specifically for Dual Shock 3 controllers. Only games specially designed for PlayStation Move will support it. In addition, some older games will support updates to activate PlayStation Move support.

Q: Will all games be supported in the future PlaystationMove?

A: No, some games only support PlayStation Move, some only Dual Shock , and some - both types of controllers. The decision to support the PlayStation Move game is at the discretion of the game developers. Many games will continue to support Dual Shock 3.

Q: Will it be used PlaystationMovein first person shooters? And from the third?

O: Sure. Shooters of all kinds are being developed for the PlayStation Move and will support the use of this technology in different ways. Is an upcoming first-person shooter with PlayStation Move support. - a military third-person shooter is also preparing for release. Same many more upcoming shooters will support PlayStation Move. Sports Champions,,, Tumble, and others specially for PlayStation Move.Some other games will support as standard controller Dual Shock 3 and a PlayStation Move controller, giving you the flexibility to choose the type of control that's right for you.

Other questions

Q: Can I use the microphone built into the camera PlaystationEyefor voice communication in online games without using PlaystationMove?

A: Yes, the microphone built in Playstation eye can be used as a wireless headset in online games. In addition, it supports echo cancellation to improve audibility.

IN:PlaystationMovecaptures one-to-one movements?

A: Yes, PlayStation Move completely captures all your movements and as a result reproduces them in games that support such accurate capture. The functionality of each PlayStation Move controller will depend on the developers - some games may not support one-on-one capture, depending on the game and the intentions of the developers.

Q: What is the difference between SIXAXISandPlaystationMove?

A: SIXAXIS Controller supports only a small recognition of actions, while the PlayStation Move allows you to fully reproduce your movements, making the gameplay more comfortable.

Q: How many colors can the ball be painted on the controller PlaystationMove?

A: The ball on top of the PlayStation Move controller can be painted in any color of the full 24-bit palette RGB ... It can display over a million colors to match your current gaming environment.

Q: Why bother with this glowing ball? Can I take it off?

A: The glowing ball is required for the PlayStation Move to work, as its position is tracked by the camera Playstation eye ... This allows you to accurately track the position of the controller in 3D space. The color of the ball depends on a specific moment in the game, giving a visual sense of what is happening. Capturing the ball disables the motion capture functionality of the PlayStation Move.

Q: If I remove the ball from the controller, will it be difficult to put it back in place?

O: No, it won't work. The controller will need to be rebuilt to get the ball back in place. In addition, you need to try hard to remove it altogether.

Q: Can the ball of the controller break PlaystationMove? Is it a threat to children?

A: No, the color-changing ball is made of soft flexible material and cannot split into pieces.

Q: How durable PlaystationMove? Can I give it to my child?

A: The PlayStation Move controller has passed all tests similar to Dual Shock 3 (falls, pressure). In addition, the ball on the controller is made of soft silicone, just like baby food bottles.

IN:How Playstation move better Kinect or Wii?

A: PlayStation Move Is the most powerful, accurate and easy-to-use controller ever made. It combines all the features of a conventional controller - buttons and vibration - with the flexibility to control movements with unmatched precision. Playstation move can also track the exact position of the controller in space. In addition, a camera is used Playstation eye for tracking your head and body position, photo and video capabilities, online video chat and much more. Together with incomparable power and HD PS capabilities 3 PlayStation Move delivers the most authentic on-the-move gaming experience.

Q: Will there be a cursor PlaystationMovebounce around the screen and shake like other controllers on the market?

A: No, PlayStation Move uses a variety of sensors - gyroscopes, accelerometers, z - tracking , visual tracking through the camera Playstation eye and a color-changing ball - to quickly intercept controller movements with perfect one-to-one precision. If you place your PlayStation Move controller correctly, you will notice that it is much more flexible and comfortable than other such controllers.

Q: I saw technical demos PlaystationMovein the Internet. Will I be able to download them myself?

A: The PlayStation Move technical demos are currently not available for download.