Exercise EEG Basic Option. Ege in mathematics

The collection contains 30 typical options for examination work, compiled in accordance with the demonstration option and the 2015 specification.
Some of the options are based on the options used on the exam in 2015. The exam structure in 2016 will not undergo changes compared to last year.
In order to effectively use the collection, you must first determine your own goal for the exam in mathematics.
There is no formal division at the level of difficulty in the basic exam. However, it is necessary to understand that the tasks are mainly located to increase the level of complexity. Thus, the tasks 1-9 are the simplest, 10-16 - mid-level, and the tasks 17-20 can be considered more laborious than the others. At the same time, someone, the task 20 may seem elementary and obvious, and task 3 cause complexity.

The cost of a travel ticket for a month is 690 rubles, and the cost of one trip is 26 rubles. Anya bought a pass and made 35 trips for a month. How many rubles would she have spent more if you bought one trip tickets?

6 athletes from Great Britain, 3 athletes from France, 6 athletes from Germany and 10 from Italy participate in the nucleus interpretation competitions. The order in which the athletes perform is determined by the lot. Find the likelihood that the athlete acting as the latter will be from France.

During the construction of the house, the company uses one of the types of foundation: concrete or foam block. For the foundation from foam blocks, it is necessary 3 cubic meters of foam blocks and 3 cement bags. For concrete foundation, 6 tons of rubble and 15 cement bags are necessary. The cubic meter of foam blocks costs 2700 rubles, crushed stone costs 800 rubles per ton, and cement bag costs 280 rubles. How many rubles will cost the material if you choose the most cheapest option?

Instructions for the implementation of examination work
Exercise options
Option 1
Option 2.
Option 3.
Option 4.
Option 5.
Option 6.
Option 7.
Option 8.
Option 9.
Option 10.
Option 11.
Option 12.
Option 13.
Option 14.
Option 15.
Option 16.
Option 17.
Option 18.
Option 19.
Option 20.
Option 21.
Option 22.
Option 23.
Option 24.
Option 25.
Option 26.
Option 27.
Option 28.
Option 29.
Option 30.
Reference materials.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, see and read:
Download the book EEE 2016, Mathematics, 30 options, Basic level, Yashchenko I.V. - FilesKachat.com, fast and free download.

  • I will pass the exam, mathematics, the course of self-preparation, technology solving technology, profile level, part 3, geometry, Yashchenko I.V., Shestakov S.A., 2018
  • I will pass the exam, mathematics, the course of self-preparation, the technology of solving tasks, profile level, part 2, algebra and beginning of mathematical analysis, Yashchenko I.V., Shestakov S.A., 2018
  • I will pass the exam, mathematics, a course of self-preparation, technology solving tasks, base level, part 3, geometry, Yashchenko I.V., Shestakov S.A., 2018


3 hours (180 minutes).

20 tasks with a brief answer and practical skills.


But it is possible make Circul Calculators On the exam not used.

passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with myself water (in a transparent bottle) and food

On the performance of work is given 3 hours (180 minutes).

Examination work consists of one part comprising 20 tasks with a brief answer Basic level of complexity. All tasks are directed to checking the development of basic skills and practical skills applications of mathematical knowledge in everyday situations.

Answer to each of the tasks 1-20 is an integer or final decimal fraction, or a sequence of numbers. The task with a short response is considered to be executed if the correct answer is recorded in the answer form No. 1 in the form provided by the instructions for performing the task.

When performing work, you can take advantage of the main formulas of the math rate issued with the work. It is allowed to use only a ruler, but you can make Circul do it yourself. It is forbidden to use tools with reference materials on them. Calculators On the exam not used.

On the exam, with you, you need to have a document certifying personality ( passport), pass and capillary or gel handle with black ink! Allowed to take with myself water (in a transparent bottle) and food (Fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but may ask to leave in the corridor.

As in previous years, the separation of exams on the basic and profile levels remains. But in contrast to the previous three years, both exams will not be taken in one session, you will have to decide on the choice of level in advance. The results of the Basic Level EG are recognized by educational organizations of secondary general education and educational organizations of secondary vocational education as the results of state-state certification, i.e. Allow a full-fledged secondary education document. The tasks of the basic option are very simple, however basic option Designed for certification of graduates who do not plan to continue education in professions imposing special requirements for the level mathematical training. Graduates who gave this type of exam will not be able to enter universities in the training programs in which there are certain accurate sciences. And such universities, to put it mildly, quite a few.
In my opinion, in front of the graduates of the average level of progress, it is not an easy task - to risk and try to pass the exam profile level of complexity or dwell on the base, but to limit yourself in the future choice of profession only in a purely humanitarian sphere. Well, those who have already defined exactly with their talents and inclinations. And what to do the rest?

I believe that in the coming year, the competition for natural science and technical specialties will continue to grow. Therefore, I recommend, having started preparing from the baseline, make sure that if necessary, you will handle this option. And then during the school year, increase your abilities in this case, you will limit yourself in choosing a future profession only with your own inclinations, and not fear of complex exams.

The basic layer option contains 20 tasks designed for 3 hours of operation and intended to verify the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice, the development of logical thinking, the ability to work with information. As in the past year, the examination work of the basic level will contain a section reference materials.

I propose to get acquainted with the demonstration option in interactive form to
1) check out your capabilities and decide on the preparation mode: to which level you will prepare during the school year;
2) Start preparation now and continue it at any time convenient for you.
For this, first decide the task yourselfCheck the answer, then look a possible solution.

The answer to each task is the final decimal fraction, an integer or sequence of numbers. If the answer is the sequence of numbers, then enter this sequence in the response field without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Units of measurements do not need to write. Also do not put spaces at the beginning and at the end of the line.

Demonstration option with solutions.
Mathematics. Grade 11. EGE 2020. Basic level.

The taskComments and Links for Preparation
1A.Find the value of the expression (6.7 - 3.2) · 2.4. When working with ordinary fractions remember simple rules:
1) The fractions lead to a common denominator when adding and subtracting.
2) To multiply the 2-way ordinary fractions, a rather numerator multiplied to the numerator, and the denominator to the denominator.
3) divided into fraction - the same thing that is multiplied to the inverted one.

If the calculations contain decimal fractions, carefully follow the comma position.

Attention, ©. mathematichka.. Direct copying of materials on other sites is prohibited.

The book contains 10 options for sets of typical test tasks in mathematics compiled, taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam for Mathematics Basic Level in 2016.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers information about the structure and content of control measuring materials in mathematics, the degree of difficulty of tasks.
Authors benefits - leading experts who are directly involved in developing methodological materials To prepare for the implementation of control measuring materials of the EGE.
In the collection there are answers to all test options.
In addition, samples of the forms used on the exam for recording answers and solutions are given.
The manual can be used by teachers to prepare students for the exam in mathematics in the form of an exam, as well as high school students - for self-preparation and self-control.

When Mathematics teacher Ivan Petrovich leads a lesson, he necessarily disables his phone.
Select the statements that are true under the condition given.
1) If the phone Ivan Petrovich is turned on, it means that it does not lead a lesson.
2) If Ivan Petrovich's phone is turned on, it means that it leads a lesson.
3) If Ivan Petrovich conducts control work on mathematics, then his phone is turned off.
4) If Ivan Petrovich leads a lesson to mathematics, then his phone is included.
In response, specify the numbers of selected statements without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

In the exchange station, you can make one of two operations:
For 5 gold coins get 6 silver and one copper;
For 8. silver coins Get 6 gold and one copper.
Nicholas had only silver coins. After the metabolic point of silver coins, it became less, the gold did not appear, but 55 copper appeared. How much did the amount of silver coins decreased in Nicholas?

Free download e-book in a convenient format, see and read:
Download the Book of EEE 2016, Mathematics, Basic Level, 10 Variants of Typical Tests, Yashchenko I.V., Antropov A.V., Zabelin A.V. - FilesKachat.com, fast and free download.

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