The evening of fun games and contests. Funny contests for parties. With closed eyes

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: The presence of a scarf or a scarf that will be convenient to tie

Rules: Rules are simple to disgrace. The one who drives, tie their eyes and is summarized alternately to all those present. The task of playing is to guess which guest in front of it is.

For removal of the eye, guests can wear additional garments, make their height above / lower. The main thing is to be silent, so that you are not calculated by voice :).

Game "Phanti"

Difficulty level:low

Preparation:deep basket, pack or hat

Rules: Each of those present puts its subject to the basket. It may be clock, earrings, lighter, or any other personal item.

The presenter chooses a partner for the game to whom the eyes tie. Pulling the lead the lead asks "What makes this phanta?" , and the partner comes up with any task at its discretion, without seeing what guests belongged to the

Billets:and this phanta ...

  1. Should drink a cup of champagne with coffee spoon
  2. Spelling "The Christmas tree was born in the forest" in the style of heavy metal
  3. Tell why he didn't wear underwear today
  4. Will make a group photo, speaking by the author of the original idea
  5. Pictures Napoleon with a pillow on the head

Andersen game

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: Harvested on cardboard names to all famous fairy tales

Rules: Each of those who wanted pulls out the cardboard with the name of the fairy tale. The goal of the game is to tell the old fairy tale on a new way in a certain literary genre - thriller, horrors, detective. Best narrator gets a prize 🙂

Game "Vacuum Cleaner"

Difficulty level:low

Preparation: one playing card, preferably plastic

Rules: Playing become a circle and transmit to each other map. It is necessary to do it without hands, with the help of your mouth, which you will pull the air. I missed the card - loses and dropping out :).

Game "dickery"

Difficulty level:low

Preparation: Colored hair gums for small size

Rules: The presenter announces that today we will increase the population of the dickery. Each girl chooses a partner for himself and for a certain time gap makes the maximum number of small tails, imitating raised spines of the dickery. Whose partner will be the striking, the lady and won :).

You can find such competitions on the Internet. However, you can also take advantage of unusual ideas and make fun contests for a party also unforgettable for your company.

For example, you can find treasure or play a crime of the century. It is worth only to show a little fantasy and create something extraordinary.

The game "In Search for Adventures"

Difficulty level: middle

Preparation: local map". It can be both the river bank, Polyana, and your apartment. Riddles for various destinations, contests or rebuses.

Rules: The rules set you yourself. It may be a story about the ancient treasure, where you can smash all those present on the pirates of various ships. Each of them receives a map with an indication of the points where it is necessary to sail.

At the points each team receives its tasks:

  1. Collect Rubik Cube.
  2. Sold out a small crossword, set of children's mysteries.
  3. Compose a pirated song.
  4. Show card focus.
  5. Half your head over a puzzle or rus.
  6. Spray from the floor 17 times.
  7. To learn Pushkin's poem.

As you can see, the conditions for passing each stage are a great set. The team, the first new one who came to the finish gets the main treasure. It can be symbolic souvenirs to each player or one common surprise - a cake and a bottle of Roma 🙂

Mafia game

Difficulty level:middle

Preparation: Special cards for the game, which you can find on our website in the article ""

rules: You can also familiarize yourself with the expanded rules in this article. Although you can change the rules depending on your own wishes and preferences :).

"Crime" game

Difficulty level: tall

Preparation: You need to create a murder atmosphere, distribute the cards with the names of roles, one of which is a killer. You can create additional roles and circumstances. You can also create cards with alleged murder and evidence.

rules: In the course of reflection and clarifying who and where was at the time of the murder, the participants of the game calculate potential suspects, arrange cross-interrogations and try to catch a killer in lies. Use the tactics of the game "Mafia" and you will spend an unforgettable evening in the circle of friends.

And what cool contests at parties do you use? Share them in the comments!

Games and fun. True, with age, our games are changing, entertainment and toys become different and in all - different. That's the games for holiday programs each chooses to your taste.

Here games are collected, which are especially good in the friendly drunk company. These are games for those who love on holidays to think, run in huge shorts or flops who love to laugh at themselves and over others.

Offered Funny contests for a close company- And to play them or not, you decide.

1. Cool contest "Captains".

Competition is funny for viewers, but somewhat is traumatic for participants. We need two men. They are dressing up in everything related to the maritime subject: Cooks, swimming glasses, inflatable children's circles, flippers, life jackets, binoculars and so on - this will be captains of long-range sailing.

Then we plant "captains" in plastic tases and give two vents in hand - they will be oars. The task of "sailing" from the start to the finish, as quickly as possible. To straight from the place, the players are allowed to repel and their hands, and the legs are literally from all that they will fall on the way.

Or an option without basins - then the task in the flippers and with binoculars to go through the barrier of obstacles.

2. Competition - drawing "River or Parent".

it . On the wallpaper strip, we draw a stream, that is, many, many winding blue lines and different fish. We call 3 participants and suggest it to move the streams with tied eyes, but so that no fish is crushed. The presenter constantly reminds girls about the fish, asks to be careful and widerly spread his feet - the girls, of course, obediently follow his instructions. When the girls pass "Rouhs", leading is not in a hurry to unleash their eyes, distracting them with comments on how they were "distance", at this time the man is stacked by the man face up or at all a video operator with a camera.

When the girls take off the bandage, and they look at the "streams" - the first reaction, at the sight of a lying man - embarrassment and shock, the leading should be explained after a while. Sometimes girls do not wait for clarifications, and just try to break the camera or the nose of the lead, be alert.

3. "Dedka for Rack" for a friendly company.

For a diversity, a cool game on a garden theme. The presenter invites couples that have a garden, cottage, etc.

From men we make a "bed": we offer them to sit on the floor, folding the legs in Turkish, and hiding the hands behind the back. Ladies will be "repanks". They sit down in the space between male legs and pull hands up like tails at repka. The role of grandfather - Michurinz, first plays a leading.

To sleep vigilance "Michurinets", passing through an improvised garden, begins to "rub" about the timely watering of the turnips and suddenly it is unexpectedly enough of one of the closest "repro" for the "tail" and pulls it on himself. If a man - "Grokeka" did not keep his "repankment", then the man becomes "grandfather", and the woman returns to the hall. Now this "grandfather" must improve the moment and pull out the "repankment" from someone else's "Circling".

Couple wins: "Girling" and "Rack", which will not be able to separate Michurinets.

4. "Recall the gold childhood"

This is a fun entertainment from the series - to an amateur. For him, you need to prepare a few "family" cowards of a huge size, pots, for the completeness of the picture you can and children's capes.

You put on this "beauty" on players who still sounds music - just dance. As soon as the melody silences, players must quickly sit on the pots in advance over the entire hall and screaming very loudly: "Mom, I'm all!".

Then award is awarded the audience of visual sympathies for the best reaction.

Sometimes from this joke, they arrange a team relay, the meaning of which is as follows: the first player of each team (dressed in large panties) runs in the opposite side of the hall, where pots are worth. Runs up, removes the panties, sits on a pot and shouts: "Mom, I'm all!". Then quickly puts on panties and runs to his team. There she takes off the panties and transmits the second player, that they put on and quickly do the same as the first player. Wins the most agile and fast team.

5. "Eastern Martial Arts".

Competition from the same series as the previous one, only in the style of the struggle of SUMO, and for him will need diapers for adults (more size) and balloons.

We invite two men, ready to undress to the belt. We eat them in diapers, and on the stomach with the help of bilateral Scotch Krepim one large or two small balls. In the process of struggle, they must burst these balls, pressing her belly to each other. Naturally - without hands. It is possible and limit the circle for them to fight (it is correctly called doha), over the border of which they will try to squeeze each other.

To improve interest, you can arrange several rounds and even take bets from the guests - fans. Of course, he wins, of course, one who will give up his balls faster or pouches the opponent with Doha.

6. "Running in shorts."

For this competition, except for two - three teams, you will need huge family panties. Each member of the team puts them on the start, comes to the finish line, it removes the panties and returns to the start line with the cowards in the hands. Thus, this wonderful part of the wardrobe turns into a relay wand.

The fastest team wins, whose participants will overtake rivals.

You can complicate the game and add the second round to it: first we do everything, as described above, and the second race occurs together in some shorts. Ran back and forth together? Add the third. In this case, the team should be no more than five people, but the panties will have to sew more.

The game on the "amateur": on the one hand, it is more fun of all to spend on the audured public, on the other - it may be unsafe for them.

7. "Sorry his teeth!"

A couple participate in the game, to begin with, they need to make the neck scarves to each other. Then we put the pair to each other face and offer with the help of the teeth alone to unleash these handkerchiefs. Who is faster, he won!

8. "Karapubuz"

This cheerful relay for men. Three - four volunteers are called from the hall. They are dressed in cape, breastphings, hang on the neck of the pacifiers and give a bottle with juice. Task: While the music sounds, they can drink juice through the nipple, as soon as the music is silent, "Karapubuza" should take a pawrant in the mouth and say loudly: "Nam-Yam!" repeatedly. The most important thing is that music and pauses alternate very quickly and were different in duration.

The winner is announced by one who will quickly drink juice. He is the main prize - a bottle of beer, the rest of the comforting prizes of rattles.

For greater comic and in his company, you can arrange this contest, for example, with eating porridge from children's pots

9. "Explosion" of emotions.

If there is a desire to shout loudly, then the presenter can spend such a funny game. The first pronounces very quietly word "g ...". The next should say a little louder, and so - on the increasing, while the last in the chain of participants does not have to yell from all over the power.

For more fun, you can have each incoming to meet the phrase; "Hello, and we waited for you" and again choir your favorite word. However, this game can be held with any sophisticated word, the main thing is that emotions grow with each pronouncing.

10. "Cheerful Football".

For this cool team competition, we get plastic bottles with a liter - a half and a half and fill them with two-quarters with water. We really do not recommend using glass dishes, so it can hurt the player and seriously injure.

So, you dial two teams with the same number of players. It can be mixed or only men's and only women's teams.

Tie the above-mentioned bottles to the belts of the participants so that the centimeters remained twenty - twenty-five to the floor. We give a soccer ball and denote the chairs of the gate on both sides of the room or hall. What do you need to do players? With the help of bottles, score the goal of the opponent's team. Moreover, strictly-setting is prohibited to kick the ball with your feet - only bottles go to the move (they need to use almost like a stick).

Arrange two half minutes of three - four. Be sure to appoint penalties - they will become additional comic moments. The result of the game is supplied as in ordinary football.

11. "Fighting in the chicken coop."

At any solemn event, guests want to have fun. What games for adult parties come up with the invited to do not have time to get bored after the feast? Options are quite a lot and all of them are not similar. There are contests for a large number of participants, funny games for adults and entertainment for a couple of players. They allow us to create atmosphere atmosphere at the celebration and make friendly communication close and open. What fun fun will help turn a banal feast in a really fun and interesting holiday?

Playing on a home celebration

Most of the significant events of people used to celebrate at home. If a large company is going at the table, then the spaces for moving fun are often missing. What games at the party for adults to offer active and restless guests?

Bottle in new

Glass containers and notes, where tasks will be written for players, for example: "show the dance of small ducks", "execute the favorite song of the celebration of the celebration", "Make a compliment of a lady sitting on the right", etc.

Verbal games for adults

For a holiday conducted in a small room, it is better to choose entertainment that do not require too much free space. The optimal option is intelligent adult games with words. A boring evening can be turned into a real verbal battle with symbolic awards for winners. What to play adults?


One player calls the word, the second is another word associated with the main thing. Thus, a chain of all participants is built, and the man of its closing should guess the word, called at the very beginning.

Guess the character

For the competition should prepare leaves, handles and a hat. The props is issued to every player, there are 10-15 words written on paper, characterizing a predetermined character. Then the sheets are folded into the hat and take turns in turn leading. Who gues more heroes in description, he won.

Secret Thoughts

The organizer of the celebration should prepare cardboard cards in advance on which various phrases will be pasted or written: do not eat on the night, it's time to grow your beard, find a rich sponsor, etc. Then the lead will ask questions to the participants of the action, and they pull the cards from the shared handhelter and read the answers. The funniest coincidences will be assessed with a loud laugh.

Games for adults with words are never boring. Invite your guests to play "spoiled phone" or "cities", they will not refuse! Another great solution is board games for adult parties. "Erudite", "Monopoly", "Sea battle" and all sorts of "ferroings" - suitable means to combat boredom.

Miscellaneous in nature

Moving games for adults are appropriate in the fresh air. The main thing is to warn guests about the upcoming entertainment so that they wear comfortable clothes and shoes. What fun is suitable for fun in nature?


This children's fun will benefit and adult unusek and teresten. "Cat" tie a scarf eye, and mice supply with bells. Listening to the ringing, "cat" should transfer everyone "mice".

Command Games for Adults - Quests

It is very interesting and exciting! Quests - the best games for adults for the holiday! Their participants are offered, acting on tips, unravel the complex moves and at the end to find the artifact hidden by leading artifact. The team, coping the first, becomes the winner.

Unusual football

Men even on the holiday will not refuse to drive the ball. Offer them to play not quite standard football - active games for adults will be perceived with predictable joy. Divide the gathered for 2 teams with an even number of players, and then each of the pair tie over one leg to another. Score the ball will not be easy, but universal fun is guaranteed.

Entertainment with alcohol

Games on holidays adults differ from children's fun. Adult guys and girls will not refuse to take part in entertainment competitions, where you need to consume a small amount of alcoholic beverages. This only raises the degree of fun celebrations and relaxes players. The main thing is not to abuse alcohol, otherwise the end of the evening can not remember the next morning. What games with adults can be spent on the holiday?

Double punch

The participant turns away from the table, where the presenter fills 3 stacks - 2 water and 1 vodka. Then the player turns and has to drink one gland and put it out another, without looking at and not silent their contents.

Alcohol Roulette

Cheerful adult games are inherent in the share of excitement. To discharge the atmosphere at the celebration, offer the gathered to play roulette. For this fun, ready-made sets with the necessary props are sold in stores. Fill the glasses or glasses, follow the task that dropped on the field, and transmit the move in a circle.

Successful throw

Players sit nearby. In front of them on the table, a number of all kinds of bottles with alcoholic beverages and juices are built. The first participant pours a small amount of any liquid into the stack and throws the coin. If a penny falls an eagle up - a person drinks the contents of a glass if the rush passes the container to the following. He again fills the container and makes the same manipulations with a coin. You can play indefinitely!

Game all ages are submissive

If a party is present at the party, entertainment must comply with their interests. Holiday games for children and adults can be associated with creativity, logic, pantomime. What can you play a multi-year company?

Who am I

The list of participants is attached to the card, where the subject, an animal or word is depicted. The player must guess who he, asking the rest of the playing leading questions, to which you can answer "yes" or "no". It is more interesting to play for a while.

Dress banana

The bananas distribute the participating in the fun. On the table, there are various decorations, multicolored markers, stickers and other decorative attributes. By teammate, all players begin to dress up their fruit. Wins the one whose banana will be the most beautiful. Entertainment is completed by friendly eating tropical fruits.


Old kind game, loved by several generations. Guests are divided into teams. Players in turns must gestures show any animal, profession, the phenomenon specified by the members of another group. If the guys guess - they count one point if there is no - the score leaves the opponent team.

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Understand what is drawn

Number of players: anyone. Additionally: Pre-prepared cards with tasks, handles, paper. The essence of the game is to portray the drawing of a given word (or a group of words), and the quality of the picture does not play any value, here the main thing is to try to convey the meaning of your "creation" as soon as possible.

Players are divided into two teams. The presenter invites in turns of representatives from each team. They pull the card at random cards with tasks and at the lead signal draw what they got, without saying not the words. The team tries to guess what the "artist" depicts. It is forbidden to write words and numbers, you can only draw. The team wins, which guessed more words.

You can cook sets of tasks on various topics:

  • homemade household objects (mirror, TV, coffee pot, painting ...)
  • food Products (Pizza, Banana, Ice Cream, Cutlet ...)
  • fabulous characters (inch, kikimora, fairy, nightingale-robber ...)
  • sports (Boxing, Figure Skating, Hockey, Basketball ...)
  • professions (accountant, janitor, fireman, teacher ...)

More complex options -

pail using emotion and feeling pictures:

  • delight
  • sadness
  • surprise
  • anger
  • pride, etc.

picture abstract concepts using drawings:

  • victory
  • wealth
  • education
  • poetry and others.

pail with drawings a short note addressed to a friend:

  • Call me tomorrow at 6 o'clock
  • Let's go in the evening to play football
  • Give me a birthday kitten
  • I got sick (a), I will not go to the cinema, etc.

pail with the help of the drawings the proverb (saying):

  • Work is not a wolf, the forest will not run away
  • According to clothes, they meet, and DR.

As you can see, you can think of a lot of tasks for drawing. Try, and you will definitely enjoy this creative game!

Guess, about whom I say

Number of players: even. Additionally: Leads for entries, knobs (pencils), box (hat).

This is a simple and fairly fascinating competition for associative thinking and smelting, you can spend it at the festive table. The presenter distributes small leaves and handles to all guests. They need to write on these sheets the names of various famous personalities, characters fairy tales, cartoons, etc. - 10-20 words. No one spies each other. The leaflets are folded and placed in a box (hat or something else) and mixed. Then players are divided into pairs and participate in turn.

The presenter of the stopwatch flows 1 minute, the player of the first couple pulls out of the box on one piece of paper and explains the personality of his partner that he got. The larger in 1 minute a person can explain the words of the characters, and his partner guess them, the better for their pair.

You can explain as you like, any words, most importantly - not to call out the name of the character himself; If accidentally spoke - the point is not counted. If a player cannot pick up the right wording or his partner cannot guess, they have the right to get the next task.

What to do if the same name comes across (and will it probably be)? Discuss in advance how to be in this case: can I repeat the description or not.

In the end, the results of the players who have the largest number of guessed characters are awarded.

Example. Suppose the player got the following characters: Pushkin, Alla Pugacheva, Piglet, Koschey Immortal. How to quickly explain to the team? For example, so: he wrote the novel "Eugene Onegin" (Pushkin); Primateonna of the Russian pop (Alla Pugacheva), a friend of Winnie Pooh (Piglet), a bony hero of fairy tales (blasting immortal).

Try it, this game is very gambling, she usually likes everyone very much.

Secret Thies

In advance you need to cook cards with glittered cuts from newspapers and magazines. Phrases may be as follows: "Why go for the night?", Or "It's time to look for a rich sponsor." What they will be witty, the better. During the game, leading with the words "And what does Elena think about Olga?", "What will Olga say to the retail one?", "And what is hesitated to say Natalia Tatiana?" Invites girls to pull at random card and read what is written there.

Remember and retelling

This is a more difficult version of the famous "spoiled phone" game.

The game involves one leading and 5-8 players (the more, the more fun), the rest of the guests are the audience. Players go out the door. The presenter causes the first one and expressively, not too quickly reads him in the presence of the audience a pre-prepared small story, consisting of 10-13 sentences. The task of the first player is to try to remember this text and retell it to the next player, who before that was behind the door. The second player, in turn, retells the third that he managed to remember. Etc. As a result, the last participant retells the ultimate interpretation to the audience. Usually (if, of course, this is not a meeting of the shorterkinds), the story varies very much to the end, so it turns out very fun!


The owner (mistress) of the party distributes opaque bags or envelopes to all guests, where small items (beads, coins, small buttons, beans, etc.) are placed in advance.), 15-20 pieces each. Then the game begins. Her essence: each participant walks around the room and offers rivals to guess the number of items in his fist, asking the question: "Even something?". If the opponent guess right, then takes the items located in the player's hand. Otherwise, he gives the same number of items from his envelope. If the player does not have items left, he drops out of the game. The game lasts 10-15 minutes, then the counting starts. The most successful "merchant" is wins - the player who has had the largest number of items.

Exactly the same

A pair is invited to participate in the game (the players of the couple are conventionally divided into "1" and "2"). Player "2" Assistant leader withdrawing the door and tie him a bandage to his eyes. At this time, the "1" player comes up with some unusual pose (you can stand, sitting on a chair and even lying). When he is ready, it is frozen in this position. Enter player "2". His task - blindfolded, to the touch to determine the posture that the player "1" accepted and copy it, i.e. Pictulate yourself. When he is ready, he opens his eyes. All compare the result. The game can be done as a competition between couples - who can better cope with the task.


One of the participants of the game comes out of the room, at this time all the rest are broken down on 3-4 groups according to any sign, for example, by age, in color of the eye, in detail of clothing, etc. The task of the returned player is to guess the sign that combines groups.

Detective in search of hidden words

The game begins with the choice of "Detective", then he is asked for some time to leave the room. At this time, the remaining players make a well-known proverb, a saying or a line from a famous poem (line from the song). Suppose the proverb "True's Trucks". This text needs to be divided into three parts: "True", "Eyes", "Coles, Cold." "Detective" returns, and he is told that "hidden" (riddled) the proverb and that, starting to find, he can ask three any questions to three any participants in the game.

The "detective" should guess that the text of the proverb is divided into three parts and that the first to whom he will appeal to the question should insert the beginning of the specified text into the response phrase, the second is a continuation, the third is the last part. Questions and answers can be anywhere, humor and originality are welcomed!

Possible questions and answers: "How many months a year?" - "say on truth I did not count"; "Your favorite hobby?" - "I love to consider eyes movie stars "; "What do elephants eat?" - "What Elephants eat, I don't know, but the squirrel knows how prick nuts. "

Only two weeks left before all your favorite holiday. There is an incredibly important time - preparation for the coming new year. What will be your holiday? It is not too late to do so that he brought a lot of joy and fun. That night we, adults, turn into children, and wait for something unusual, magical, fabulous, fabulous. We start believing in miracles and are ready to play different games with Azart and participate in comic competitions. "Peace 24" can not gare to each New Year's miracle, but we can create a festive mood for the whole company! "Peace 24" has prepared a selection of fun competitions and games for the New Year's party. Choose what is suitable for you.

Games for which it is not necessary to leave the table

Adults, even in high spirits, are not always ready to respond to the call to get up and move. They are shy, they do not want to be lazy, finally. Therefore, to stir the company, it is worth starting with games in which you can play, staying at the table.

Long live translator!

For this game, quizzes need to spend an hour or two to preliminary training. Have you ever tried to translate the words with the help of Google-translator to all the familiar song or poem on some exotic language, and then back? It turns out, of course, an unimproved phrase, but so unexpected that the Spirit captures!

For example, guess what it is? "The blizzard fell off for her song, fish red sleep, buy-sell, snowless snow, non-freeze" ... This is translated into Vietnamese and back the phrase "The blizzard sang a song:" Sleep, Christmas tree, Bai-Bai, "frost Snezhki wrapped : "Look, do not freeze!".

Try to experiment, and you will find such options that everyone will be continuously laughing! Prepare a dozen one and a half such translations, and then read them. He who gues what it was, receives a prize. You can, of course, right at the table all this in the smartphone to arrive, but then there is a danger that the rest will be climbing in their gadgets.

New Year's filmcenery

In this game, all participants write a comic New Year's story together. You can even without breaking from the feast. This is done so. Participants agree that they are writing: the scenario of an isgeful militant, the magical New Year's fairy tales, tragicomedia or melodramas. The first author writes the introductory line and transmits the second. That below adds the continuation, and the leaf is worst so that only its line remains open. Each subsequent player does the same thing, all the time wrapping a piece of leaf. It turns out that everyone attributes its part, without seeing the entire previous heartbreaking work. You can even agree that each player is trying to turn the plot into an unexpected direction. Finally, the leaf is written. We deploy him and with the expression we read our New Year's filmcenery. It is better not all right away, and then you can get tired of laughter. Purd the intellectual lesson with raising glasses.

Like- i do not like

When everyone was already jerked, then "with a bang" is a game for which it is better that guests sat alternating: the young man is a girl. Everyone calls what he likes, and what does not like in the neighbor on the right (or left, or there, and there - as he wants a lead). For example, you like ears, do not like the top. When everyone reported their preferences, the presenter suggests kiss what I like and bite what I don't like. A few minutes of squeal, squeak, coming and laughter at the table are provided!

Photo: Elizabeth Shagalova, "World 24"


This is a psychological, somewhere even a sophisticated game - for contrast with the previous one. Selects the leading, which is coming out of the room for a moment. The rest are "thinking" by some of those present in the company of people. Next, the player enters the room and tries to guess who chose. For this, he asks leading questions. The question must be built by type: "Masha, if it was a chair, what would he be?" "Sasha, if it were a musical work (tree, house, flower, weather, curtains, book, dog ...) What? Players think weighed their associations with those who were melded, and respond. For example, "it would be an elegant chair on cast-iron twisted legs." "It would be a classic medieval minuet." The pleasure receives the one about which all this is said, and all who listen to the answers. The game goes until the presenter farts (it is better that he has no more than five minutes). Then his place is sent to the one who was made.

Relatively mobile games

When everyone has already been pretty climbed and strained their creative in the process of drinking games, you can get out of the table. At this stage, everyone has already been liberated, which means that the games in which you need to pump out your acting skills are perfectly suitable.

Directorial finds

Choose the reader. We discuss the text of a short-lived fairy tale in his hands (you can take the most toddler, like "repka", "Teremka", "Kolobka", or specially written, New Year). From the text on the leaves we write all the characters of the fairy tale, and they include inanimate objects (teremok, breeze, streams, drafts and even it ...). Then we fold the leaves, the actors blindly pull themselves the role, puzzled in the back of the head and invent how to play it. Leading slowly, reads text with an expression. Actors come to life ...

Live sculptures

Remember the children's game "Sea is worried"? This is its logical continuation. All players get into a circle, and one of them comes to the middle. He takes a certain pose, born in one of him a famous role. The expression of the player's face, all the facial expressions and the view must correspond to this role. To speak and laugh at him and the rest of the emerging in the circle "Sculptures" is impossible. In this form, the first player freezes. The rest are trying to understand what it would mean. Then they come out one by one, completing the sculptural composition. At the same time, each subsequent player is trying to destroy the idea of \u200b\u200bthe previous one, to invest in the sculptural group a new one, unexpected meaning. This is a very dynamic and vivid act, causing the audience of the explosions of laughter. The main thing is not to reflect too long. Ideally, the next player should be accurate every ten seconds. After about a minute, one and a half times, when there are several players in the center and the rest are in no hurry to hold the composition, the presenter stops the game and offers participants to tell what they imagined and how they were completed by the plot. A teenagers and uncle for forty are playing this game with the same excitement, there would be a desire to show themselves.

Crocodile, or understand me

All guests are divided into two teams. The first comes the word or expression - how to agree. It is better to make something well-known, for example, proverbs, sayings, or winged phrases from Soviet films. For example, associated with the New Year and in winter. The phrase speaks into the Ushko the messenger from the second team. And that without words, exclusively gestures and facial expressions should explain this expression so that his friends understand and guess to the phrase. Teams make a queue.

Photo: Maxim Kulachkov, "World 24"


This is a very popular game of Ghadike. The hat is folded with paper written on them. For the new year, you can start the game from words associated with it, with winter, or with fairy tales. The center comes to the first pair of players. One of them pulls the note and tries to explain the second read the second. At the same time, it does not use single-handed words and translations into foreign languages. The second must guess. The rest are observed and also trying to understand what it is, but silently. The game's chip is that it should be very dynamic. On the round is only half a minute, or a minute - how to agree. Then the next pair comes out. The highest pilot is achieved when the gay begins to take 10 seconds and even less. Time flies unnoticed and fun.

Games with erotic component

If the company is familiar and liberated, then play something frivolous and frivolous is not a problem. Yes, at some point, any slightly adjustable company becomes quite suitable for such games, unless you meet the new year with parents and grandparents.

Forgetting Pratochka

Several pairs are invited to the center of the room. Each participant of the game tie their eyes. Couples get up against each other, and leading (and better than several master's helpers) attach 5-6 linen clothespins to different parts of the players' clothing. Then the music is turned on and the leading players must remove all clothespins from each other. (Spectators should not suggest where to look for them). The couple that will cope with the task faster wins the competition. To increase the degree of discharge, you can attach five clothespins, and to say that there were six there. And let them seek!

Sweet woman

Couples are selected again. The girls lay back on the horizontal surface (on the carpet, or composed of the chairs). It gently lay down small cookies, or grapes, or mandarin slices. Young people offer to gather their lips to romantic or erotic music without help. Further success of the competition depends on the artistism of the performers and the Soviets, which will give the audience. Excitation and explosions of laughter are provided!

the Forbidden fruit

The beginning of the game is the same. The girls lay back on the horizontal surface (legs together, hands on the seams). We take the apple and put their girls as close to the feet. The task of partners is that the nose, without touching his hands to nor to the girl, nor to the apple, roll the forbidden fetus before the chin dying with the laughter of the participants. If at a stage, the apple went out, we start everything from the beginning (we take a new, clean apple). It turns out very fun, since immediately after the start of the competition, players appear many advisers, strategies to overcome obstacles and so on. Whoever managed to do the whole way, he won. At the end of the game, you can add a final trick: a man must take an apple in his teeth and give a girl to bite him off. During the game, partners do not have the right to touch each other.


Participants are divided into two teams with the same number of players. Each team is built into the chain, alternating: the young man and so on. Now the first player in each chain takes an orange and keeps him, pressed his chin to the clavicle. The task of the team - as quickly as possible to transfer the orange to each other along the chain to the most recent player, without using the hands and does not drop on the floor.

Photo: Alan Katsiev, "World 24"

Another option of the same game is to transfer the ball, clamping. Also it turns out fun.

Princess on the Pea

In this competition, girls who should determine to the touch are in front of them. More precisely, behind them, since they are "feeling" to a soft place. There are two options for the game. The first: girls put back to the chair, tie their eyes and put a small object on the chair (bump, apple, tangle thread, etc.). Gently and sensitive to him, they listen to their feelings and determine what it is. Of course, it is impossible to use hands.

Touching competition

The second version of the previous game: on the chairs, with the back to which men are sitting, men sit down, and girls sitting down, must determine who kneeling them were. It is better to include music to keep the sounds and rustles that produce players replanting, facilitated the task.

Sea fight in an adult

The next game is cheerful and gambling with fighting and kisses. You will need cards with numbers and cards with letters. Young people get cards with numbers, and girls - cards with letters. It is impossible to show their each other.

The game happens on the carpet. All players sit down in the circle. And the leading falls in the center on the back. He calls the BYKV and DVP-percussion combination. Happing: B2, or D6. If there is a pap, then the girl under Biykva b should have time to run up to a lot and kiss, and Pentel with a number 2 should prevent her to do it, and kiss the girl himself. Obviously, if a girl is lying, then everything repeats up to the opposite. That of the players who did not have time to fulfill their mission falls on the floor and it all starts first. You can extend the rules of the game. For example, to introduce a rule that you can kiss where you get out. It turns out even more fun.

Merry, active and non-piece new year to you!

Tatyana Rublev