The meaning of the proverb game is not worth the candle. The game is not worth the candle - the value. Watch what is "game is not worth a candle" in other dictionaries

Currently, the expression "game is not worth the candle" is very common. Only few people wondered what exactly it means.

Etymology of expression

In the 21st century, electricity is widespread, therefore there are no problems with lighting, which cannot be said about 19-, 18-, 17 -, ...- mens. Previously, enjoyed in the evening and night with candles.

But earlier, gambling were widespread:

  1. aZO (card game using a deck in 28 cards),
  2. azar is an ancient game in the bone,
  3. basset - a card game with special cards was invented in Italy in the 15th century,
  4. poker - a card game, has many varieties. The first mention of the game was more than 500 years ago in Italy.
  5. There were also various lotteries and a huge set of other gambling.

The most convenient time after a hard work day for lovers to play money was evening and night. Gambling occurred with candlelight. The result was different - there were huge winnings or losses, and it happened that the result was almost zero. Because of the meager income, there would be no money even for the purchase of new candles, instead of those burned. From there, an expression appeared, which in our time is relevant. The meaning is the outcome of the outcome of the funds spent.

4 Over the centuries, expressions and phrases come to Russian, today those considered obsolete. However, due to the fact that they are quite actively used so far, many are interested in learn their true meaning and even the origin .. Be sure to "put" us in bookmarks so that this site is always at your hand. Today it will be about a fairly mysterious phrase, this It is not worth itwhose value you will learn just below.
However, before I continue to decipher, I would like to draw your attention to another couple of popular news on the subject of phraseologism. For example, what does it mean to sharpen lasya; how to understand in the whole Ivanovo; What does man mean a wolf man; What is Pandora's drawer, etc.
So, will continue what does the game costs the game?

It is not worth it - means that spent on anything or efforts are not justified by the result

The game is worth the candle- it means that the deal justifies itself, and the funds spent on it

Let us try to disassemble this expression in more detail, find out all its remittant it all. In Russian, the word " candle", There are several values, for example, it is used to measure the lighting force, this is also a special technical device with a spark, and used in internal combustion engines. Therefore, it's not entirely clear what kind of candles are about the conversation.

If you shine deeper, it turns out that during the time when people were styled without electricity and warm closets, all lighting in the house was produced using candles. It was the most simple and cheap way, although he had alternatives at that time.

People, have their own vices, and try to distract from everyday problems, dealing with various useful and not very affairs. Some preferred their hobbies to make the game card, and they played after work, in the dark, and covered this game exclusively candles.
Although these "lighting devices" were not very expensive, but they still cost money, and when the game was "smaller," people won small amounts that did not even pay off the candles. It was then that the expression was born "the game is not worth a candle", that is, the money on the conversion was less than the entire cumulative value of the candles burned down during this time.

Today, this phrase "entered" in our language, that we use it without thinking. Many use this saying on a par with a similar one - " do not dress the dressing", and to them like. All of them have almost identical meaning that the conceived business is not worth their efforts or will not pay for it.

Some researchers argue that this saying was borrowed from French " Le Jeu Ne Vaut Pas Is Chandelle", and most likely they are right. After all, in the last century, most of our elite are vigorously" papalo "on Western, or rather into French values. This French turnover came to us not only to us, but also in many European languages.

True, now about the origin "The game is not worth the candle" no one argues, since this proverb is still very obsolete.

After reading this small publication, you learned The game is not worth the candle phraseologism, and now not fall aspass when they hear this strange phrase again.

The game is not worth the candle express. Estimated for anything, efforts are not justified by the result. - Maybe send it to Lazare to Spiritov? - offered firs. - For the protection, you will have to appoint four soldiers and two gendarmes. The game, as they say, is not worth the candle, Mr. Colonel, "Rothmist explained. - Your business, shrugged by fours (A. Stepanov. Family of stares). - Overhead: Winning is so small that does not pay off the cost of candles burned during the card game. Translation of French expression: Le Jeu N'en Vaut Pas La Chandelle. Lit.: Mikhelson M. I. Russian thought and speech ... - St. Petersburg., 1912. - T. 1. - P. 357.

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


Watch what such a "game is not worth a candle" in other dictionaries:

    it is not worth it - Unprofitable, no sense, it does not make sense, unprofitable, the heater is not worth it, shapeless, it is not worth it, there is no calculation, it is impractical, meaningless dictionary of Russian synonyms. The game is not worth the candle., Number of synonyms: 11 shallow ... Synonym dictionary

    It is not worth it - game, shy, mn. Games, games, games, g. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    it is not worth it - Estimated efforts do not justify themselves. It is understood that the result does not exceed the funds spent in order to achieve it. Speaks with disapproval. ✦ The game is not worth the candle. The game, as they say, is not worth the candle, Mr. Colonel ...

    It is not worth it - The game is not worth the bike (inloom.) On empty dѣ. Sheepskin is not worth it. Cf. Many, buying the outstanding bonds, unfortunately, do not want to figure out that the game is not worth it. D. D. Minaev. Cf. Le Jeu, Comme On Dit, N'en Vaut Pas La Chandelle. ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    it is not worth it - (Austice) about the empty case of the sheepskin is not worth it. Cf. Many, buying wedding candles, unfortunately, do not want to figure out that the game of the candle is not worth it. DD Minaev. Cf. Le Jeu, Comme On Dit, N En Vaut Pas La Chandelle. Corneille. Le Menteur. eleven.… … Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    It is not worth it - Review. About not justifying themselves business, classes. FSER, 178; BTS, 1271; ZS 1996, 103; Yanin 2003, 126; DP, 123, 468 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    it is not worth it - About the case, lesson, which does not justify the efforts spent. The expression from the speech of gamrupters, tracing with french. Originally stated about a very small winnie, which does not pay off the cost of candles burned during the game ... Directory of phraseology

    it is not worth it - On a disadvantage, not justifying spent effort, funds ... Dictionary of many expressions

    This game is not worth the candle. - This horse is not worth the stern. This game is not worth the candle. See the sense of saint ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    The game is worth the candle - Estimated efforts justify themselves. It is understood that to achieve the desired result, you need to go on serious costs. It is understood that this result exceeds the funds spent in order to achieve it. Says ... ... Russian Language Phrase


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