American tanks World of Tanks. Changes in the light tanks branch: USA American heavy tanks branch

Development branch of American tanks video

The American development branch in World of Tanks is the most universal in terms of the combat use of tanks. In this branch there are a wide variety of representatives of steel monsters, namely, you can find fast light tanks, and a super heavy anti-tank installation, and powerful heavy tanks, and the most destructive self-propelled guns, and even tanks that have a loading drum like the French representatives of combat vehicles. In general, I would like to say that American technology is quite an interesting specimen for combat, but taking into account all the positive aspects, this technology has also acquired noticeable disadvantages, which relate to both the design of the tank and its technical indicators.

First of all, I would like to note that playing for this nation is quite comfortable, but without knowing all the intricacies of the game, it is not recommended to immediately begin your journey into the world of tanks.

American vehicles are famous for their destructive power of guns, the highest visibility in the game, as well as all-absorbing tracks, which many players use as a shield. That is, they very rarely miss damage from an enemy shot, which gives a lot of opportunities in terms of choosing battle tactics. I would also like to answer that the USA is the only nation that has equipment, namely tank destroyers, which have a turret. This allows them to act like heavy tanks, but still pack a devastating punch thanks to their high damage output.

If we talk about the popularity of tanks, then in this development branch you can find a lot of tanks that have become legends in the hands of players. It was these tanks that made it possible to decide the outcome of the battle and make an invaluable combat contribution to the battle. One of these tanks is the T71, not to say that it is actively used in random games; most often it is rolled out for more serious battles between companies of players. This unique tank has a loading drum, has a fairly low silhouette, its gun has an impressive indicator of both penetration and damage, plus it perfectly plays the role of a firefly. The players managed, even in the most difficult situations, to come out victorious or to give the enemy a good beating, this became the reason for the high levels of combat effectiveness of the tank, even despite the fact that it is now rarely seen in battles due to the abundance of various equipment, almost every player speaks of it is positive.

As for the real situation in terms of the popularity of tanks, the first place, by a large margin, is occupied by an American heavy tank called T57 Heavy Tank, which occupies level 10 in the development branch. This universal tank was able to accommodate all the strongest aspects of combat vehicles. It has an excellent loading drum that has a fast reload, decent armor that can withstand a barrage of projectiles, and decent damage and speed. This tank is actively used by all players, because due to its uniqueness, it can be used for any purpose (well, excluding the role of a firefly). Thanks to this tank, you become a key figure on the battlefield, enemies begin to fear you, and allies begin to rely on you. Therefore, when taking this tank into battle, be prepared to fulfill its mission to the fullest.

The second most popular tank is the Tier 10 M48A1 Patton medium tank. This unique tank is ideal for the role of a sniper in the game. Having excellent visibility and an accurate weapon, it is capable of hitting any target at a distance of up to 600 meters.

Third place goes to the Tier 10 anti-tank gun T110E4. Having excellent armor performance and an excellent combination of damage and reload. This representative of American technology serves as an excellent attack aircraft on the battlefield.

Review of American tanks World of Tanks

Well, fourth place is occupied by a premium representative of the USA, a tank called T34. Despite all the negative reviews, it is perfectly used in random games for gaining credits. This representative of the heavy class has the most powerful weapon among all premium vehicles in the game. Thanks to this power, it turns out that you can take excellent credit results with you after the battle.

The rest of the technology is absolutely all used chaotically and not very often. Why is the representative of the 10th level of the 2nd development path not affected? T110E5 became not very relevant after the appearance of a rival of its own nation, which has a drum. These two tanks are very different in comparison, so the drum representative outperforms the T110E5 in all respects. Otherwise, representatives of other levels and classes have a balanced popularity, and none of them takes the lead in application. But among all of them there is one more representative of great recognition, this is a Tier 2 tank with the classification of tank destroyer, which is called T18. This little monster has a terrifyingly powerful sandbox weapon and excellent frontal armor. This allows you to feel much more comfortable in battle than other tanks. Only the AT-1 tank, a representative of the USSR, can withstand the American tank destroyer.

What to download? Tips for choosing equipment. American TT branch

If we compare the technology of this nation with other representatives, then American technology is quite capricious to master. Having highly armored tank turrets, this vehicle has a very weak hull, which allows almost any combat unit to deal critical damage to a tank. It is also worth noting the terrible accuracy of most of the combat units of this nation; even with full aim, you can manage to miss a standing tank. In addition to this, it is worth prescribing the not very high speed of American technology. But no one can replace the power and caliber of the guns; excellent combat power allows them to greatly damage enemy tanks from the first minutes of the battle. Separately, it is worth noting the vertical aiming angles, they are the best in the game, so playing from the tower from behind the hill is the favorite technique of all amers. Otherwise, American combat vehicles do not forgive mistakes in battle; they require the most accurate and confident play. Therefore, it is best to start pumping up the American development branch somewhere 3 in a row or the next one in line.

Since the release of the worldoftanks game, there have been a lot of changes in it, which concern such things as gameplay, graphics, tank physics, changes in the battle and hangar interface, the addition of many game modes, etc. However, the main change since the release of the game for each player is the change of combat vehicles and the process of modernizing the tank development branch itself. Those who have been playing World of Tanks since the very beginning have already seen a lot. More than once, combat vehicles were replaced by others, and a complete rebalancing of equipment also took place. And this applies not only to any particular type of equipment, but we are talking about a complete change in the characteristics of each machine. There probably isn't a single car affected that hasn't been modified during this period. So, the main question that interests many players now is the tank development tree in worldoftanks.

At the time of the release of game update, the vehicle development tree consists of eight nations. Each nation will delight players with a wide variety of cars from the first to the tenth level. Vehicles from the following nations are available in the game:

The development branch of the USSR in world of tanks is the most attractive and developed;

The development branch of German tanks that appeared immediately after the USSR;

The American branch of tank development is also considered one of the very first and best;

A little later, a development branch for French technology appears;

Following it proudly are British tanks, which have good performance, but speed often lets them down;

The branch of Chinese tanks is still at the stage of active development;

Well, and the very new tanks of Japan, which not everyone has gotten used to yet, but they are easy enough to remember, because they are all in the same way;

The most recent development branch added a branch of Czechoslovak tanks.

Soviet development branch of World of Tanks.

The technology of this nation is considered the most beloved among players, and all for the simple reason that it was the very first branch in this game and therefore has existed the longest. It has many good and worthy vehicles for the game, which will delight you with their high penetration, acceptable vehicle armor and fast gun reloading. In addition, many players justify their choice by the fact that the technology of the Soviet nation is unique, and it can be played not only using any style of play, but also the level of skills. Each vehicle adapts not only to the battle map, but also adapts to the specific player, which gives more self-confidence and significantly helps during the battle. In this branch there are techniques of all four types, and they are very diverse. In this regard, choosing the right car for yourself from USSR equipment will be as easy as shelling pears. There are many good heavy tanks here, the armor of which will allow you to tank, along with them there are also light tanks. You can ride them like a breeze and just have fun. Medium tanks will not let you down either, as they perfectly combine the characteristics of light tanks with high speed, and have inherited good armor and ricochet angles from heavy vehicles. There are also formidable anti-tank self-propelled artillery units, perfect for players who like to punish other vehicles. This will allow you to achieve not only the highest penetration of guns, but also damage for each shot. For special gourmets to play, there is also artillery, which will allow you to punish all types of tanks without any effort.

German development branch of World of Tanks.

The German development branch will delight you with its high accuracy in the world of tanks game. It is this branch that is considered one of the best branches, in which the machines have increased accuracy compared to the technology of all other nations. Just like in the previous development branch, here you can find many vehicles of various types, from light tanks to artillery. In addition to their accuracy, German tanks also stand out for their high strength. Their armor is very good and the higher the level of the tank, the more noticeable this becomes. It can be very difficult to penetrate an enemy vehicle, especially if you take such heavy tanks as the E-75 and VK4502B. Skillful play on such a technique will make your opponent rage and tremble, because every time he will hear the banal phrase “didn’t hit” or “ricochet”.

American development branch of World of Tanks.

Third in order, but not in terms of quality of tanks, is the American development branch in the world of tanks game. It perfectly combines such qualities as good armor, speed, gun power and damage. Of course, this development branch has its own unique tanks, unlike the others and on which you can focus your attention, but these are only isolated cases. In general, the cars are very good and at each level you can easily identify favorites and say with confidence that this is one of the best cars of its level.

French development branch of World of Tanks.

Unfortunately, this branch of tank development cannot boast of its own armor, since all the tanks of this nation simply do not have it, however, it differs from others in that it was the first in whose arsenal there were drum guns of good accuracy. These guns punished the equipment of other nations for a very long time precisely because of the large number of shells in the drum. It is very difficult to resist a car that comes at you, and it has 6 shells loaded at once instead of one, and in most cases it ends with the player who entered the battle with such a tank being defeated.

British development branch of World of Tanks.

This development branch is practically no different from the others; it has a little of everything from each. Some cars have armor, but no speed, while others have the opposite. The calibers of the guns are not very large, which very often brings unpleasant surprises, which are accompanied by the phrases “the armor is not penetrated” and “ricochet”.

Chinese and Japanese branches of World of Tanks development.

These two branches are still very little developed to judge them, but already now, we can say that Chinese technology is practically analogous to Soviet technology with slightly better performance, although their armor is weaker. As for Japanese tanks, there is no armor or good guns, everything is at a very low level, so there is no reason to like this type of equipment yet.

Czechoslovakian development branch of World of Tanks.

The tanks of this nation appeared with the release of this update, and differ only in much better armor and larger sizes. Due to these characteristics, speed suffered, so the tanks received a low maximum speed.


Peculiar branch of American tanks in attracts more and more fans from different parts of the world. But in order to achieve certain success in this field, you need to study classes of combat vehicles.

Review of American tanks in WoT

It is important to focus on heavy tanks; it is known that at the 5th and 6th levels there are T1 Heavy and M6, they are truly passable vehicles. There are not many disadvantages, but there are also few outstanding features. The difference is considered to be sufficient mobility, a noticeable silhouette, armor and rapid-fire weapons. One-time T1 damage is only 115 points, so it is important to constantly maintain fire contact with your opponent. It turns out that we are talking about standard support vehicles, on which it is rational to stay on the 2nd line and never get into trouble.

Features of heavy tanks.

Among the American heavy tanks in the world of tanks, it is important to highlight the T29, a vehicle at level 7, clearly different from its analogues, it has an almost impenetrable turret, it can cause unprecedented damage. Due to a decent aiming angle, you will be able to actively attack enemies, but at the same time it is better to drive up a hill. Thus, it will be easier to resist opponents if artillery does not cover. The good news is that it has a 198 mm projectile, which can inflict 320 damage at a time. Among the disadvantages are low mobility, large size and a cardboard base, which is easily penetrated by the enemy.

Medium tanks in the game.

Considering the American medium tanks World of Tanks, it should be said about the M48A1, but this direction is not as popular as it seems. The model at level 10 is considered the worst medium tank, quite large, and also with cardboard armor. But be that as it may, there are decent cars in the branch. For example, the M4 tank, it has a high speed, about 48 km per hour, there is practically no armor, and there are problems with accuracy. But the weapon is so fast-firing that it easily penetrates the enemy, drops 12 degrees, from level 5 you will be able to familiarize yourself with the concept of such machines, but it is important to take into account their dynamics, visibility and vertical aiming.

American light tanks World of Tanks.

Video review of M24 Chaffee

When playing LT, pay attention to Chaffee, this is a relic from a bygone era that was previously at the peak of popularity. It has not only excellent dynamics, but also rigid stabilization on the move. It is present in some tier 10 medium tanks. Naturally, the weapon of a light tank is not powerful; a classic shell can penetrate 137 mm of armor, causing 115 units of damage, but the rate of fire is pleasing. You can resist machines from levels 5-7, thus Chaffee will show a unique result, many players earn points on it and enjoy the experience gained for the battle.

IN American development branch in World of tanks All classes of equipment are represented. By choosing this branch of upgrade, at the top, you can get a medium tank M48 Patton, a heavy one - T110E5, tank destroyers T110E3 and T110E5, art. installation of T-92. The T-57 Heavy crowns the development branch of tanks with a drum loading mechanism and an oscillating turret. Various modifications of the famous Sherman tank are also represented in the American development branch.

Among the tank destroyers present in World of tanks there are both vehicles with a rotating turret and those without it. The PT SAU 95 is one of the brightest vehicles in World of Tanks; it has very thick armor, a good gun and the speed of a snail, which has given rise to many jokes.

A distinctive feature of most US tanks in WoT are good elevation angles and a thick gun mantlet. If you learn to shoot at the enemy showing only the gun mask, you can achieve success on American tanks in WoT.

US development tree in World of Tanks

The development tree of American tanks in World of tanks is shown in the figure. To enlarge, left-click on the picture.

Should US WoT tanks be upgraded?

Good guns and the absence of frankly bad cars make the American branch one of the most attractive when choosing a development path new to World of tanks. The development branch of US tanks includes all classes of equipment, which is also a positive side.

Experienced players will also find a lot of useful things in American vehicles; skillful use of good elevation angles combined with good turret armor will allow them to achieve excellent results.

There are not many American tanks in World of Tanks, for example, German or Soviet vehicles

Heavy tanks

So, let's start with the heavy tanks branch. On the fifth and sixth levels are T1 Heavy And M6, which are, in general, pass-through machines. You still can’t call them bad, but they aren’t outstanding either. They are distinguished by good mobility, a tall silhouette, mediocre armor for their class, and fast-firing guns. The one-time damage of T1 is only 115 units, which forces you to constantly maintain fire contact with the enemy. In general, these are classic support vehicles, in which you have to stay somewhere on the second line and not push too far forward.

T29, which is on the seventh level, is radically different from them. He has an almost impenetrable turret, which can tank a huge amount of damage. And good vertical aiming angles (-10 and +15) allow you to successfully use hills. Behind some hill you can easily hold back superior enemy forces, unless you are covered by artillery. Also pleasing is the gun, which has a penetration rate of 198 mm with a regular shell and a one-time damage of 320 units. You have to pay for such advantages with poor mobility, large size and a cardboard body, which can be penetrated by the enemy without any problems.

On the eighth level is T32, which inherited a gun from its predecessor, good elevation angles and an impenetrable turret forehead. Although tank destroyers of the tenth level can penetrate T32 directly into the mask, he rarely encounters them. A penetration of 198 mm is frankly not enough for the eighth level. It is also worth noting the vulnerable observation devices (in the T29 they are located in the rear of the turret, they are more difficult to target), which are shot at by experienced opponents. The dynamics have improved significantly when compared with its predecessor. The T32 accelerates well, but, unfortunately, it loses a lot of speed when cornering. On soft soils, the dynamics deteriorate greatly; its chassis cross-country ability is one of the lowest.

M103, about which players respond rather controversially. Some praise it for its good dynamics (15 hp per ton) and penetrating gun (258 mm penetration with a conventional projectile and 340 mm cumulative), others criticize it for its low one-time damage (400 units) and rather weak armor for its class. Firstly, the thickness of the sides is only 45 mm, so it is better not to use a diamond. Secondly, although there are strong places in the forehead (the gun mantlet, most of the upper frontal part), there are also places that can be penetrated by literally everyone (the lower frontal part, large observation devices). The “cheeks” of the turret are quite good at breaking through; many tank destroyers sew M103 directly into the upper frontal part (the area directly under the turret is especially vulnerable). You can play it “from armor”, but for this you need to constantly move and make it difficult for the enemy to aim.

Finally, the crown of the branch is T110E5, which is similar in many ways to the M103. It has the same weapon (naturally, with an increased rate of fire and aiming speed), similar dynamics. The armor is better, but it is still greatly spoiled by large surveillance devices that penetrate everyone. One of the noticeable advantages of the T110E5 is its small size for its class. Combined with good dynamics, this allows you to avoid many shots. Some players consider it almost the best heavy tank of the tenth level, but it is probably only suitable for experienced players. Still, weak armor can make playing on it simply unbearable for a beginner.


Medium tanks

The medium tank branch is not very popular. For example, the M48A1, which is at level ten, is perhaps one of the worst medium tanks: its large size and cardboard armor make the game very difficult. Nevertheless, there are also decent cars in the branch (even the majority of them), but first things first. We will not consider the second and third levels, since they are completed in literally a few battles. And on the fourth is the infamous M3 Lee, it does not have a turret, but it does have surveillance devices that will stick out from behind a small mound if you hide the body. This is not to say that the tank is unbalanced: for example, it has a good weapon with high one-time damage and acceptable damage per minute. But for beginners, the lack of a tower is a serious disadvantage.

On the fifth level is M4. It does not have a high maximum speed (48 km/h), it has virtually no armor, and its accuracy leaves much to be desired (0.43). But the gun is quick-firing and very penetrating for its level, and it lowers by as much as 12 degrees! From the fifth level you will begin to get acquainted with the concept of American medium tanks: mediocre dynamics and weak armor are compensated by good vertical aiming angles and excellent visibility.

At the sixth level there are two medium tanks: M4A3E8 And M4A3E2. Their guns are identical, but the armor is radically different. The M4A3E8 is a continuation of the M4, that is, it is virtually devoid of armor, while the M4A3E2 in this regard is the complete opposite: in the front of the hull it has 100 mm at a good angle, the turret is even thicker (150 mm). This allows you to confidently tank most single-tier tanks. But, naturally, you have to sacrifice dynamics; the M4A3E2 is in many ways similar to a heavy tank.

Unfortunately, M4A3E2 did not receive a further continuation in the game; it is located at the seventh level T20, which is characterized by an almost complete absence of armor. Its dynamics, unfortunately, also cannot be called outstanding. This is compensated by good vertical aiming angles, a field of view of 390 meters and a powerful gun with a penetration of 160 mm by a conventional projectile and a one-time damage of 240 units. The gold sub-caliber penetrates 243 mm, which allows you to hit most tanks, even the ninth level, directly in the forehead.

On the eighth level is M26 Pershing. One-time damage also remained 240 units, but penetration by a conventional projectile increased to 180 mm (a sub-caliber projectile penetrates 268 mm in general). Good vertical aiming angles remained unchanged, both damage per minute and size increased. How is the latter compensated? The Pershing has an extremely strong gun mantlet, which is often not penetrated even by the T-54's cumulative guns. Unfortunately, the remaining areas of the tower's forehead do not withstand impact at all.

M26 Pershing

Located on the ninth level M46 Patton. Don't be fooled by the name; it looks very similar to Pershing. Unfortunately, the gun mantlet has become noticeably smaller, so it is much easier to hit Patton in the front of the turret than a tank at a lower level. But the one-time damage increased to 390 units, while the damage per minute remained quite decent. The M46 Patton was given a good upgrade in patch 9.2: accuracy was added (previously it was generally 0.42, now it has improved to 0.4). The result is a good tank that can deal damage from a distance and show good results in close combat.

M46 Patton

But with the tenth level everything is noticeably worse. М48А1 It is simply huge for a medium tank in size, with the only really strong point being the gun mantlet. But it’s rare to tank with it, since everyone immediately aims the observation devices, which are all called “caps” because of their shape. Wide tracks sometimes allow for good reverse diamond tanking, but this is where the advantages of the M48A1 actually end. But when it was introduced, this vehicle was a real hitch, largely due to the excellent stabilization of the gun, but several nerfs did their job, and now the M48A1 is significantly inferior to Soviet medium tanks in this parameter.

Tank destroyer

The American nation has two branches of tank destroyers (the division occurs at the fourth level). But it's not all surprises: many cars have a turret! Although it rotates slowly and often not 360 degrees. But first it’s worth talking about T18, which is only on the second level. This is a generally recognized weapon of its level, which has, firstly, excellent frontal armor, and secondly, good dynamics for a tank destroyer. But its biggest advantage is the choice of two magnificent weapons: you can install a “high explosive”, which often sends opponents to the hangar with one hit, and a rapid-fire “hole punch”, which pierces almost any enemy at any point.

On the third level there is a completely passable machine, and on the fourth there is a division into two branches. T40 is a strong middle peasant, but М8А1 a tower appears. This vehicle also has excellent dynamics from a light tank, which allows you to change position extremely quickly. You have to pay for this with an almost complete lack of armor. The logical continuation is T49: excellent dynamics, miniature size, turret rotating 360 degrees, completely cardboard armor. A landmine can easily send you into a hangar with one hit. The T49 is one of the best vehicles at tier 5, but only if you know how to play from disguise. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the gun does not allow it to effectively hit targets from long distances, but the T49 does not need this. In another branch on the fifth level there is M10 Wolverine. Overall, this is a good vehicle (the M10 also has a turret and some armor in the front), but it is inferior to the T49 in all respects. In modern gaming realities, good dynamics allow you to show better results than good armor.

The same can be said about the sixth level. After T49 there is M18 Hellcat, one of the most impressive cars of the sixth level. It has no armor (for example, there is only 13 mm in the forehead of the body!), but the mask can withstand a blow quite well. The dynamics are simply magnificent, as is the weapon, which is similar to the one on T20. Only on the M18 it also converges faster, although the stabilization is noticeably worse. The M36 is located in another branch. Its dynamics are noticeably worse compared to the M18, but the front of the body is 114 mm. But here the situation is the same as at the fifth level: armor rarely saves, but the lack of dynamics is a critical drawback in most battles.

But at the seventh level everything changes. The continuation of M18 is T25/2(“T25 in half”), the penetration of a conventional shell for this tank destroyer is only 10 mm more than that of the sixth level (170 mm). The dynamics are noticeably worse, but the 360-degree rotating tower has not gone away. But the analogue from another branch of the T25 AT is noticeably better. Overall, this is a fairly standard tank destroyer without a turret. The armor leaves much to be desired, but the powerful weapon is pleasing, a typical projectile of which penetrates an average of 198 mm and deals 320 units of damage.

At the eighth level, the concept of American tank destroyers completely changes. If previously these were mostly fast vehicles or with weak armor, or with the virtual absence of it, then from the eighth level there are real assault tank destroyers, which in some situations can tank well. After T25 AT coming T28: a slow and clumsy vehicle without a turret, but there is good armor in the forehead, which allows you to often repel shells from tanks of the same level. One-time damage is 400 units, which is not enough for an eighth-level vehicle, but the high damage per minute (2600 units) is pleasing. The aiming is very fast (2.1 seconds), although the accuracy of 0.38 is not enough for long-range shootings.

An analogue from another branch is T28 Prototype, which is equipped with a tower. It does not rotate 360 ​​degrees, but the angle of rotation is enough to shoot from around the corner. This tank destroyer has 203 mm in the forehead at a mediocre angle, so you can tank tanks of your level quite well. Unfortunately, the “cheeks” of the tower are easily penetrated, and the sides are extremely vulnerable. The T28 Prototype is a good combination of a heavy tank and a tank destroyer. If you are at the top of the list, then sometimes you can even lead the attack, but if you are thrown to the ninth and tenth levels, then you should play the role of a classic tank destroyer. The penetration of a conventional 248 mm projectile is enough to defeat almost any enemy. In general, American tank destroyers of the eighth level, although they are assault vehicles, also have a low silhouette, which means a high stealth coefficient.

T28 Prototype

At the ninth level after T28 there is the infamous T95. There is as much as 300 mm in the forehead of this car, even the sides can withstand impacts quite well, but you have to pay for it at simply terribly low speed (13 km/h). Unfortunately, surveillance devices are easily penetrated, so in close combat a thick forehead is of little value. Although in medium-range firefights the T95 is capable of repelling most projectiles from even level ten vehicles. An analogue from another branch is the T30, which has a turret with full rotation and a strong forehead (like the heavy tanks of this nation). Unfortunately, all other zones are penetrated without any problems. Another disadvantage of the T30 is the long convergence and poor stabilization on the move. The one-time damage of both vehicles is 750 units when penetrated by a conventional 276 mm projectile.

At the tenth level after T95 comes T110E3. In many ways, this is an underrated machine that most players simply don’t get to the level of because of the T28 and T95. T110E3 has a simply impenetrable forehead. If the T95 has vulnerable surveillance devices (and there are several of them), then the “cap” of a level ten vehicle has a front thickness of 300 mm. Most tanks, even with premium shells, have difficulty penetrating the lower frontal part, let alone the T110E3 wheelhouse. This tank destroyer allows you to push through the flanks, but you need to make sure that no one comes in from the flank, since the sides can easily be penetrated even by low-level vehicles.


T110E4, the top tank destroyer of another branch, has a turret with incomplete rotation (90 degrees in each direction), but this comes at the cost of weakened armor compared to the T110E3. The observation devices, the lower frontal part, and even the “cheeks” of the turret, which are not covered by the gun mantlet, are also vulnerable. The T110E4 reminds many of a heavy tank, at least the presence of a turret greatly simplifies firefights from behind cover.


Light tanks

It is worth mentioning separately Chaffee(M24 Chaffee), which is a light tank of the fifth level. As we said at the beginning, this is a “relic” of a bygone era, when the top fireflies were three light vehicles of the fifth level. But the T-50-2 was removed due to being too “motorcycle-like” (as one of the developers put it), the Leopard was noticeably nerfed and raised to a higher level. But Chaffee remained unchanged: 400 meters of visibility, not the best dynamics for its class and simply excellent stabilization on the move. Only some medium tanks of the tenth level have such stabilization! You can hit an enemy on the move from 100 meters without any problems. Of course, the light tank’s gun, to put it mildly, is not the most powerful (a typical shell penetrates an average of 137 mm of armor and deals 115 units of damage), but it is fast-firing. In battles with machines from the fifth to the seventh level, Chaffee is capable of showing simply amazing results; many players have the maximum result in terms of experience gained during the battle.

M24 Chaffee

Branch self-propelled guns We will not describe it in detail, because the gameplay on this class of equipment is not very different at all, if we consider different nations. It is only worth noting that most American self-propelled guns represent the “golden mean” in terms of accuracy, aiming speed, rate of fire and one-time damage. Only gets knocked out a lot T92, which is on the tenth level. Its gun has a simply huge dispersion (0.92!), but a single blast damage of 2250 units with a penetration of 120 mm with a direct hit very often sends it to the hangar. But, unfortunately, for one such hit there are several misses, but even covering with a splash often removes 500-700 points of safety from weakly armored targets.

Finally, we got to the drum branch, which was introduced relatively recently, although newcomers to World of Tanks did not catch this moment. This is a rather strange thread. On the fourth level is M5 Stuart, from which, by the way, Chaffee opens. M5 is a good fourth level firefly, on which you can put a landmine. It works just fine against weakly armored enemies of the fourth and fifth levels.

Further (fifth level) goes M7, which is a medium tank. This vehicle is often called a “cactus” due to its poor accuracy (0.43) and complete lack of armor. Moreover, the ammunition rack is located in the front, so if it is penetrated in the forehead, it will often be damaged. But the M7 has a good rate of fire and simply remarkable maneuverability. This tank is a pleasure to spin around clumsy opponents and shoot them at their vulnerable sides. But this can be difficult to do, so the tank as a whole is not for nothing considered a “cactus”. It requires a special approach.

On the sixth level is T21, which is a light tank. That is, first in the branch there is a light car (M5), then a medium one (M7), and then again a light one. This cannot be called logical, but nothing can be done. T21 is a lightweight version of T20, which is in the medium tanks branch. The T21 has better dynamics, but worse armor (although the T20 actually doesn’t have it) and a worse gun. Perhaps the main drawback of the T21 is its dynamics: compared to the T20, it, of course, goes noticeably faster, but it does not reach other light tanks.

Finally, on the seventh level T71 a drum appears. In general, the appearance of American drums made some French tanks simply unnecessary, and this fully applies to the T71. It is better than the French tank in dynamics and visibility (400 meters). The drum holds six projectiles with a penetration of 175 mm for sub-caliber (this is the basic one for the T71) and one-time damage of 150 units. Thus, the damage from the drum is 900 units. Only the size of the light Frenchman is better, but this cannot be called a decisive advantage.

Next comes T69, who at one time was a real eighth-level imba. Then its cumulative shells penetrated 300 mm, and this was even before the mechanics of their action were changed (they did not work on screens). Now the T69 is a well-balanced machine. The top gun penetrates 173 mm with a regular shell (this is the lowest among medium tanks of this tier), but is equipped with a loading drum for 4 shells. The one-time damage is 240 units, so the damage from the entire reel is 960 units. HEAT shells penetrate 250 mm, but do not forget that any screen reduces their effectiveness to almost zero. It is worth noting that the drum reloads quite quickly (27 seconds) and the short time between shots inside the drum (2 seconds), so four shots can be fired in 6 seconds, which is almost 1000 damage.

At the ninth level there is a medium tank T54E1, which is a logical continuation of T69. Penetration by a conventional projectile has increased to 210 mm, but for the ninth level this is frankly not enough. Much more noticeable is the increase in one-time damage to 390 units. Instead of cumulative shells, sub-caliber shells with a penetration of 255 mm are now available. The reload time inside the drum is still 2 seconds, which is a big advantage. The T54E1 is a tier 9 medium tank that can deal almost 1600 damage in 6 seconds.