Analysis of the work of the "peak lady" (A. Pushkin). Peak lady: read the captain's daughter peak lady

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Peak lady

Peak lady means a secret ill-gratefulness.

The newest courted book

And in rainy days

They were going

Gone - God forgive them! -

From fifty

And won

And unsubscribed

So, in rainy days

They were engaged

Once he played cards at the Connogvardeysman Nimsov. Long winter night passed unnoticed; They sat down to dinner in the fifth hour of the morning. Those who remained winning, ate with a big appetite; Others, in the abutation, sat before empty with its devices. But champagne appeared, the conversation was revived, and everyone took part in it.

- What did you do, Surin? - asked the owner.

- Lost, as usual. It is necessary to admit that I'm unhappy: I play Mirandolem, I will never be hot, you can't tell me anything, but I am playing everything!

- And you never seduced? never put on ruthe? .. Your hardness is amazing for me.

- And what is Hermann! Said one of the guests, pointing to a young engineer, "he did not take the card in his hands, the father did not have a single passwords, and he sits with us to five hours and looks at our game!

"The game occupies me strongly," Hermann said, "but I am not able to sacrifice it necessary in the hope of acquiring excessive."

- German German: He is calculating, that's all! - noticed Tomsk. - And if someone is incomprehensible to me, so this is my grandmother, Countess Anna Fedotna.

- How? what? - Guests shouted.

"I can't comprehend," continued Tomsky, "how my grandmother doesn't pont!"

- Yes, what is amazing, "said Narimov, - that the in the midst of the old woman does not pont?

- So you do not know anything about it?

- Not! Right, nothing!

- Oh, listen so:

It is necessary to know that my grandmother, sixty years ago, went to Paris and was there in a big fashion. The people ran for her to see La Vénus Moscovite; Richelieu was dragging for her, and the grandmother assures that he was almost shot from her cruelty.

At that time, the ladies played in Pharaoh. Once upon the courtyard, she lost to the word Duke Orleans, something very much. Having arrived home, grandmother, releasing the flies from the face and untying the fithma, declared her grandfather about his loss and ordered to pay.

The late grandfather, how much I remember, was the genus Babushkina of the Butler. He was afraid of her like a fire; However, having heard about such a terrible loss, he went out of himself, brought the score, proved to her that in half a year they kept half a million that they had neither near Moscow, nor the Saratov village, and it was completely refused to pay. Grandmother gave him a slap and lay down alone, as a sign of his disjoint.

Another day she ordered to call her husband, hoping that his home punishment had worn over him, but found him unshakable. For the first time in life, she reached the reasoning and explanation with him; I thought to put it out, condescendingly proving that the debt's debt is robbed and that there is a difference between the prince and Karetnik. - Where to! Grandfather Bunning. No, yes and only! Grandma did not know what to do.

With her, a very wonderful man was briefly familiar. You have heard about the column of Saint-Germain, which is told so much wonderful. You know that he gave himself for the eternal Jew for the inventor of the life elixir and philosophical stone, and so on. They laughed at him as over a charlatan, and Casanova in their notes says that he was a spy; However, Saint-Germain, despite his mystery, had a very accurate appearance and was a very kind person in society. Grandma still loves him without memory and angry if they talk about him with disrespect. Grandma knew that Saint-Germain could have big money. She decided to resort to him. He wrote to him a note and asked to come to her immediately.

The old crank appeared immediately and found in a terrible grief. She described the barbarism of her husband with the black paints and finally said that his friendship and courtesy believes all his hope.

Saint-Germain thought.

"I can serve you this sum," he said, "but I know that you will not be calm while I don't pay with me, but I would not want to enter you into new troubles. There is another tool: you can play out. " "But, a kind of graph," answered the grandmother, "I tell you that we have no money." "" The money is not needed here, "Saint-Germain objected:" Excuse me to listen. " Here he opened her the mystery for which everyone would be expensive for ...

Young players doubled. Tomsky lit the tube, dragged and continued.

In the same evening, grandmother appeared in Versaille, Au Jeu De La Reine. Duke Orleans Metal; The grandmother slightly apologized that he did not bring his debt, in justification a little story was splinled and began to poning against him. She chose three cards, put them alone for each other: all three won her Sonic, and the grandmother had played completely.

- case! Said one of the guests.

- Story! - noted German.

- Maybe powder cards? - picked up the third.

"I don't think," Tomsk answered.

- How! - said Narimov, - You have a grandmother, which guess three cards, and you still have not adopted her kabalisters from her?

- Yes, the trait with two! - Tomsk answered - she had four sons, including my father: all four desperate players, and she did not open her secrecy; Although it would not be bad for them and even for me. But that's what Uncle told me, Count Ivan Ilyich, and what he assured me honor. The late Chappetsky, the one who died in a poverty, giving millions, once in his youth lost it - I remember Zorich - about three hundred thousand. He was desperate. Grandmother, which has always been a stronger to the shadows of young people, somehow squeezed over Chaplitsky. She gave him three cards, so that he put them alone for another, and took the honest word from him to never play. Chappetsky appeared to his winner: they sat down to play. Chappetsky put on the first card fifty thousand and won the Sonic; Passing passwords, passwords, - played out and stayed in the win ...

However, it's time to sleep: already a quarter to six.

In fact, already dawned: young people finished their glasses and drove.


- Que voulez-vous, inadame? ELLES Sont Plus Fraîches.

Sky conversation

The old Countess *** was sitting in his restroom in front of the mirror. Three girls surrounded her. One kept the bank of the Rumyan, the other box with the studs, the third high precipitant with fiery ribbons. The Countess did not have the slightest claim for the beauty, which had long been faded, but kept all the habits of his youth, strictly followed the mods of the seventies and dressed as long as long as he diligently, like sixty years ago. The window was sitting at the heads of the lady, her pupil.

Peak lady means a secret ill-gratefulness.

The newest gadetan book.


And in rainy days
They were going
Gone - God forgive them! -
From fifty
On a hundred
And won
And unsubscribed
So, in rainy days
They were engaged

Once he played cards at the Connogvardeysman Nimsov. Long winter night passed unnoticed; They sat down to dinner in the fifth hour of the morning. Those who remained winning, ate with a big appetite; Others, in the abutation, sat in front of their devices. But champagne appeared, the conversation was revived, and everyone took part in it.
- What did you do, Surin? - asked the owner.
- Lost, as usual. - It is necessary to admit that I'm unhappy: I play Mirandole, I will never be hot, you can not beat me with anything, but I am playing everything!
- And you have never been seduced? Never put on the root? .. Your hardness is amazing for me.
- And what is Hermann! Said one of the guests, pointing to a young engineer, "he did not take the card in his hands, the father did not have a single passwords, and he sits with us to five hours and looks at our game!
"The game occupies me strongly," Hermann said, "but I am not able to sacrifice it necessary in the hope of acquiring excessive."
- German German: He is calculating, that's all! - noticed Tomsk. - And if someone is incomprehensible to me, so this is my grandmother, Countess Anna Fedotna.
- How? what? - Guests shouted.
"I can't comprehend," continued Tomsky, "how my grandmother doesn't pont!"
- Yes, what is amazing, "said Narimov, - that the in the midst of the old woman does not pont?
- So you don't know anything about it?
- Not! Right, nothing!
- Oh, listen so:
It is necessary to know that my grandmother, sixty years ago, went to Paris and was there in a big fashion. The people ran for her to see La Venus Moscovite; Richelieu was dragging for her, and his grandmother assures that he almost shot himself from her cruelty.
At that time, the ladies played in Pharaoh. Once upon the courtyard, she lost to the word Duke Orleans, something very much. Having arrived home, grandmother, releasing the flies from the face and untying the fithma, declared her grandfather about his loss and ordered to pay.
The late grandfather, how much I remember, was the genus of the grandmother's butler. He was afraid of her like fire; However, having heard about such a terrible loss, he went out of himself, brought the accounts, proved to her that in half a year they kept half a million, that they had neither near Moscow, nor the Saratov village, and did not give up the payment. Grandmother gave him a slap and lay down alone, as a sign of his disjoint.
Another day she ordered to call her husband, hoping that his home punishment had worn over him, but found him unshakable. For the first time in life she reached him to reasoning and explanations; I thought to put it out, condescendingly proving that the debt's debt is robbed and that there is a difference between the prince and Karetnik. - Where to! Grandfather Bunning. No, yes and only! Grandma did not know what to do.
With her, a very wonderful man was briefly familiar. You have heard about the column of Saint-Germain, which is told so much wonderful. You know that he gave himself for the eternal Jew for the inventor of the life elixir and philosophical stone, and so on. They laughed at him as over a charlatan, and Casanova in their notes says that he was a spy; However, Saint-Germain, despite his mystery, had a very accurate appearance and was a very kind person in society. Grandma still loves him without memory and angry if they say about him with disrespect. Grandma knew that Saint-Germain could have big money. She decided to resort to him. He wrote to him a note and asked to come to her immediately.
The old crank appeared immediately and found in a terrible grief. She described the barbarism of her husband with the black paints and finally said that his friendship and courtesy believes all his hope.
Saint-Germain thought.
"I can help you this sum," he said, "but I know that you will not be calm while they don't pay with me, but I would not want to enter you into new troubles. There is another tool: you can play out. " "But, a kind of graph," grandma answered, "I tell you that we have no money." "Money is needed," Saint-Germain objected: "Let me listen to me." Here he opened her the mystery for which everyone would be expensive for ...
Young players doubled. Tomsky lit the tube, dragged and continued.
In the same evening, grandmother appeared in Versailles, Au Jeu de La Reine. Duke Orleans Metal; The grandmother slightly apologized that he did not bring his debt, in justification a little story was splinled and began to poning against him. She chose three cards, put them alone for each other: all three won her Sonic, and the grandmother had played completely.
- case! Said one of the guests.
- Story! - noted German.
- Maybe powder cards? - picked up the third.
"I don't think," Tomsk answered.
- How! - said Narimov, - You have a grandmother, which guess three cards, and you still have not adopted her kabalistic for her?
- Yes, Chort with two! - answered Tomsk, "she had four sons, including my father: all four desperate players, and she did not open her secrecy; Although it would not be bad for them and even for me. But what a uncle told me, Count Ivan Ilyich, and what he assured me honor. The late Chappetsky, the one who died in a poverty, giving millions, once in his youth lost it - I remember Zorich - about three hundred thousand. He was desperate. Grandmother, which has always been a stronger to the shadows of young people, somehow squeezed over Chaplitsky. She gave him three cards, so that he put them alone for another, and took the honest word from him to never play. Chappetsky appeared to his winner: they sat down to play. Chappetsky put on the first card fifty thousand and won the Sonic; Passing passwords, passwords, - played and stayed in the win ...
- However, it's time to sleep: already a quarter to six.
In fact, already dawned: young people finished their glasses and drove.


- II PARAIT QUE MONSIEUR EST Decidement Pourles Suivantes.
- Que Voulez-Vus, Madame? Elles Sont Plus Fraiches.

Secular conversation.

The old Countess *** was sitting in his restroom in front of the mirror. Three girls surrounded her. One kept the bank of the Rumyan, the other box with the studs, the third high precipitant with fiery ribbons. The Countess did not have the slightest claim for the beauty, which had long been faded, but kept all the habits of his youth, strictly followed the mods of the seventies and dressed as long as long as he diligently, like sixty years ago. The window was sitting at the heads of the lady, her pupil.
- Hello, Grand'maman, - said, entered a young officer. - BON JOUR, MADEMOISELLE LISE. Grand'maman, I am with a request.
- What is, Paul?
- Let me present one of my buddies and bring it to you on Friday to the ball.
- Bring it right to me right on the ball, and here I will present it. Was you yesterday ***?
- How! Very fun; Dancing up to five hours. How good was Yeletskaya!
- And my cute! What is good in it? Such was her grandmother, the princess of Daria Petrovna? \u200b\u200b.. By the way: I am tea, she really fell, princess Daria Petrovna?
- How, has come? - answered absently Tomsk, - she died seven years. The lady raised her head and made a sign of a young man. He remembered that from the old
Countess Taired the death of her peers, and bit her lip. But the Countess heard the news, for her a new one, with great indifference.
- Died! She said, "and I didn't know! We were comparable to Freilins together, and when we introduced themselves, then the sovereign ...
And the Countess for the hundredth time told his anecdote's grandchildren.
"Well, Paul," she said later, "Help me now." Lisanka, where is my tobackerka?
And the Countess with his girls went on the screen to edit your toilet. Tomsk remained with the lady.
- Who do you want to imagine? - quietly asked Lizaveta Ivanovna.
- Nimorova. You know him?
- Not! Is he Military or Stat?
- Military.
- Engineer?
- Not! Cavalist. Why did you think he is an engineer? The young lady noticed and did not answer a word.
- Paul! - screamed the Countess because of Shirms, - came to me, some new novel, please not from the current one.
- How is it, Grand'maman?
- That is, such a novel, where the hero did not give any father, nor mother and wherever had recessed bodies. I'm terribly afraid of drowns!
- There are no such novels now. Do you want Russian?
- Is there Russian novels? .. came, father, please came!
- Sorry, Grand'maman: I'm hurry ... Sorry, Lizaveta Ivanovna! Why do you think NOTS engineer?
- And Tomsk came out of the restroom.
Lizaveta Ivanovna remained alone: \u200b\u200bshe left the job and began to look out the window. Soon on one side of the street because of the coal house, a young officer appeared. The blush covered her cheeks: she began to work again and tilted her head over the kingdom itself. At that time, the Countess entered, completely dressed.
"Orders, Lisanka," she said, "the carriage lay, and go to walk. Lisanka got up from behind the hoops and began to remove her work.
- What are you, my mother! Deaf, or something! - screamed the Countess. - Were easier to lay the carriage.
- Now! - answered quiet young lady and ran to the front. The servant entered and filed a book from Prince Paul Alexandrovich.
- Okay! Thank, - said the Countess. - Lisanka, Lisanka! yes where do you run?
- Dress up.
- Have time, Mother. Sit here. Cutting first volume; Read out loud ... The young lady took the book and read several lines.
- louder! - said the Countess. - What's with you, my mother? I slept with voice, or what? .. Wait ... I move me a bench closer ... well!
Lizaveta Ivanovna read two more pages. Countess yawned.
"Throw this book," she said. - What kind of nonsense! They moved it to the prince Paul and wondered ... so what is the coach?
"The carriage is ready," said Ivanovna Lizaveta, looking at the street.
- What are you not dressed? - said the Countess, - always wait for you! It, Mother, loyalty.
Lisa ran to his room. Two minutes did not pass, the Countess began to call from all over urine. Three girls ran into one door, and the valet to another.
- What do you not do you? - Told the Countess. - Tell Ivanovna Lizawa, that I am waiting for her.
Lizaveta Ivanovna entered the hood and in the hat.
- Finally, my mother! - said the Countess. - What kind of outfits! Why is it? .. Who can choose? .. And what is the weather? - It seems the wind.
- No, no, s, your clay! Very quiet! - answered Campner.
- You always say Naobum! Take the window. So there is: wind! And prompt! Put carriage! Lisanka, we will not go: there was nothing to dress up.
"And here is my life!" - thought Lizaveta Ivanovna.
In fact, Lizaveta Ivanovna was a precious creation. Gork someone else's bread, tells Dante, and heavy steps of someone else's porch, and to whom and know the bitterness of dependence, as not a poor pupil of a noble old woman? Countess ***, of course, did not have an evil soul; But it was a wayward, as a woman spoiled by light, stingy and immersed in cold egoism, like all the old people who fell off in their age and alien to the real. She participated in all the vigor of great light, dragged on the balls, where it was sitting in the corner, devastated and dressed in an old fashion, as the ugly and necessary decoration of the ballroom hall; It was approached to her with low bows, visiting guests, as the established rite, and then no one did it. She took the whole city, watching strict etiquette and not recognizing anyone in the face. Her numerous jelly, hearing and sowing in her front and girlish, did what she wanted, handing the dying old woman. Lizaveta Ivanovna was homemade martyr. She poured tea and received reprimands for the extra consumption of sugar; She read aloud the novels and was to blame for all the author's mistakes; She accompanied the Countess in her walks and was responsible for the weather and for the bridge. She was appointed a salary, which was never paid; Meanwhile, they demanded that she was dressed, like everyone else, that is, as very few. In the light, she played the most miserable role. Everyone knew her and no one noticed; On the balas she danced only when there was not enough Vis-a-Vis, and the ladies took her on hand whenever they needed to go into the restroom to correct something in their outfit. She was a proud, alone felt his position and looked around himself, - looking forward to the delightful; But young people, crushed in the windy of their vanity, did not receive her attention, although the Lizaveta Ivanovna was a hundred times the niece of arrogance and cold brides, about whom they were seen. How many times, leaving quietly boring and magnificent living room, she went to cry in the poor room, where the screen was covered with wallpaper, chest of drawers, a mirror and a painted bed and where a silent candle was dark burned in Cottle Shandar!
One day, it happened two days after the evening, described at the beginning of this story, and for the week in front of the scene on which we stopped, - once Lizaveta Ivanovna, sitting under the window at the chambers of the chambers, was inadvertently looked at the street and saw a young engineer standing motionless And asked her eyes to her window. She lowered his head and took up work again; After five minutes I looked again, - a young officer stood in the same place. Without habits to koxes with passersby officers, she stopped looking into the street and sewed about two hours without raising his heads. Served dining. She got up, began to remove her hoops and, looking inadvertently on the street, saw an officer again. It seemed rather strange to her. After lunch, she approached the window with a feeling of some anxiety, but there was no officer, - and she forgot about him ...
Two days later, leaving the countess to sit in the carriage, she saw him again. He stood at the very porch, closing his face with a beaver collar: Black eyes sparkled from under the hats. Lizaveta Ivanovna was frightened, herself not knowing what, and sat in a carriage with a thrill inevitable.
Returning home, she ran up to the window, "the officer stood in his own place, fixing his eyes: she moved, suffering curiosity and worried about feeling, completely new.
Since that time, it did not take place, so that the young man, in a famous hour, was not under the windows of their houses. There were unconscious intercourse between them and it. Sitting in his place at work, she felt his approach, "raised her head, looked at him with each day more and more. The young man seemed to be grateful for her: she saw a sharp look of youth, as a rapid blush covered his pale cheeks whenever their eyes met. A week later she smiled at him ...
When Tomsky asked the permission to present the Countess of his buddy, the heart of the poor girl was hammered. But learning that Naumov is not an engineer, but a Connogwarder, she regretted that the mighty Tomsk was expressed in the immodest question.
Hermann was the son of the Russified German, who left him small capital. Being firmly convinced of the need to strengthen its independence, Germans did not touch and interest, lived with one salary, did not allow himself the slightest whim. However, he was hidden and ambitious, and his comrades rarely had the case to laugh at his excessive thrift. He had strong passion and fiery imagination, but hardness saved him from ordinary misconceptions of youth. So, for example, being in the soul player, he never took the cards in his hands, for it calculated that his condition did not allow him (as he said) to sacrifice it in the hope of acquiring excessive, - while all nights sat down at the card tables and followed With feverish trepidation for various revolutions of the game.
Anecdote about three maps strongly affected his imagination and did not come out of his head all night. "What if," he thought on the other day in the evening, wandering around St. Petersburg, "that if the old Countess will open me his secret!" - or will appoint me these three faithful maps! Why don't you try happiness? .. I will introduce myself to get down in her mercy, it is perhaps to deal with her lover, but it takes time - and she has eighty-seven years old, "she can die in a week," Yes two days! .. And the most anecdote? .. Is it possible to believe it? .. No! Calculation, moderation and hard work: Here are my three faithful cards, this is what the triples will be ascertained by my capital and gives me peace and independence! "
Arguing in this way, he found himself in one of the main streets of St. Petersburg, an overseas architecture. The street was made by the crews, the carriage one over the other rolled towards the illuminated entrance. From the carriage, the slender leg was pulled out, then a young beauties, then rattitude, then a striped stocking and a diplomatic shoe. Fur coats and raincoats flashed past the majestic doorman. Hermann stopped.
- Whose is this house? He asked the corner boat.
- Countess ***, - answered the Budechnoye.
Hermann fluttered. An amazing anecdote was again introduced by his imagination. He began to walk around the house, thinking about his hostess and about his wonderful ability. He wore a smyster corner late; For a long time he could not fall asleep, and when the dream was mastered, he was seized by cards, a green table, appliances and piles of Chervonsev. He put the card for the map, hen the corners decisively, won indifferent, and rushed to himself gold, and put the assignment in his pocket. Waking up late, he sighed about the loss of his fantastic wealth, went again to wander around the city and again found himself by the announcement of the Countess ***. The unknown force seemed to attracted him to him. He stopped and began to look at the windows. In one he saw a black-haired head, inclined, probably over a book or over work. Head ledated. Hermann saw her face and black eyes. This minute decided his fate.


Vous M'ECRIVEZ, MON ANGE, DES Lettres de Quatre Pages Puis Vite Que Je Ne Puis Les Lire.


Only Lizaveta Ivanovna managed to remove the hood and a hat, as the Countess was already sent for her and ordered again to serve the carriage. They went to sit down. At that time, as two lakes raised an old woman and looked at the door, Lizaveta Ivanovna at the wheel he saw her engineer; He grabbed her hand; She could not come to his senses to fright, the young man disappeared: the letter remained in her hand. She hid him for the glove and did not hear anything and did not see anything. The countess used to commemorate the questions in the carriage: who met with us? - What is this bridge? - What is written there on a signboard? Lizaveta Ivanovna This time answered Naobum and the Nefple and angry the Countess.
- What you got with you, my mother! Tetanus found you, or what? You or do not hear me or do not understand? .. Thank God, I'm not a kartavel and I haven't survived my mind!
Lizaveta Ivanovna did not listen to her. Returning home, she ran into his room, took out a letter from behind the glove: it was not sealed. Lizaveta Ivanovna read it. The letter contained recognition in love: it was gentle, respectfully and the word in the Word taken from the German novel. But Lizaveta Ivanovna was not able to go in German and was very pleased.
However, the letter adopted by it bothered it extremely. She was first included in secret, close intercourse with a young man. His keenness was terrified her. She reproached himself in careless behavior and did not know what to do: stop sitting at the window and the inattention cooled in a young officer hunt for further persecution? - Does he send him a letter?
- Is it possible to answer cold and decisively? She was not able to consult with whom she had no girlfriend, nor a mentor. Lizaveta Ivanovna decided to answer.
She sat for a written table, took the feather, paper - and thought. She started his letter several times, - and rushed him: the expressions seemed to her too indulgent, then too cruel. Finally, she managed to write several lines with which she was satisfied. "I'm sure - she wrote, - that you have honest intentions and that you did not want to insult me \u200b\u200bto be a rampant act; But our acquaintance should not have started in this way. I return your letter yours and hope that I will not continue to have the reasons to complain about undeserved disrespect. "
Another day, seeing the walking Germans, Lizaveta Ivanovna got up from behind the chambers, went out into the hall, opened the window and threw a letter to the street, hoping for the agility of a young officer. Hermann ran up, raised him and entered the confectionery shop. Souring the seal, he found his letter and answer Lizaveta Ivanovna. He expected and returned home, very busy with his intrigue.
Three days after Ivanovna are lying in Ivanovna, Mamzel's speed-eyed brought a note from the fashionable shop. Lizaveta Ivanovna opened it with anxiety, providing money demands, and suddenly he learned the hand of Hermann.
"You, doubt, made a mistake," she said, "this note is not for me."
- No, accurately to you! - answered a bold girl, without hiding a shower smile. - Excuse me!
Lizaveta Ivanovna ran a note. Hermann demanded a date.
- Can not be! - said Lizaveta Ivanovna, frightened and hasty demands and a method, which was used. - It is written right not to me! - And broke the letter to small pieces.
- If the letter is not for you, why did you break it? - Mamzel said, "I would have returned it to someone who sent him."
- Please donate! - said Lizaveta Ivanovna, flashed from her remark, - do not wear notes forward to me. And to the one who sent you, tell me that he should be ashamed ...
But Hermann did not hurt. Lizaveta Ivanovna received letters from him every day, then the other way. They were no longer translated from German. Hermann wrote them, inspired by passion, and spoke by the language, he was peculiar to him: he was also expressed and the inflexibility of his desires and the disorder of the unbridled imagination. Lizaveta Ivanovna no longer thought to send them: she drove them; I began to answer them, - and her notes an hour from the hour became longer and more tender. Finally, she threw him into the window the following letter:
"Today I *** Messenger's ball. Countess will be there. We will stay at two hours. So you have a case to see me alone. How soon the Countess will leave, her people are likely to disperse, the Swiss will remain in the Seine, but he usually goes to his camork. Come at half the twelfth. Go straight on the stairs. If you will find someone in the front, then you ask, at home if the Countess. You will say no, - and nothing to do. You will need to grind. But probably you will not meet anyone. Girls are sitting at home, everything is in the same room. From the front, go to the left, go all right to the random bedroom. In the bedroom behind the shirms you will see two small doors: to the right in the office, where the countess never enters; To the left in the corridor, and immediately the narrow twisted staircase: it leads to my room. "
Hermann trepalal, as a tiger, waiting for the appointed time. At ten o'clock in the evening he was standing in front of the house of the Countess. The weather was terrible: the wind fell, wet snow fell with flakes; Lights shone dimly; Streets were empty. Occasionally, Vanka stretched on the skinny whirlpool, looking out for a late session. "Hermann stood in one surtuk, without feeling neither the wind or snow." Finally, the crate of the carriage filed. Hermann saw the lackeys carried under his hands a born old woman, looked into a sable fur coat, and how old herself, in a cold raincoat, with his head, cleaned with fresh flowers, his pupil flashed. Doors slammed. The carriage was seriously rolled along loose snow. Doorman door locker. The windows have fed. Hermann began to walk near the empty house: he came to the lantern, looked at the clock, - it was twenty minutes twelve. Hermann stepped on the porch filler and climbed into the brightly illuminated Songs. The dowger was not. Herman ran around the stairs, challenged the doors to the front and saw a servant sleeping under the lamp, in ancient, blurred chairs. Easy and hard step Hermann passed by him. The hall and the living room were dark. The lamp weakly covered them from the front. Hermann entered the bedroom. A golden lamp was warm in front of the nipples filled with old images. Pillish talls and sofas with down pillows, with gilding, stood in sad symmetry near the walls, upholstered by Chinese wallpaper. On the wall hung two portraits written in Paris M-me Lebrun. One of them portrayed a man of forty, ruddy and complete, in light green uniform and star; Another is a young beauty with an eagle nose, with tested temples and with rose in a powder hair. In all corners, porcelain shepherds were sticking out, the dining room of the work of nice Gego, boxes, roulettes, fans and various ladies toys, invented at the end of last century, together with Mongolfier Ball and Mesmerian magnetism. Hermann went for Shirma. Behind them stood a small iron bed; On the right there was a door leading to the office; On the left, the other is in the corridor. Hermann challenged her, saw a narrow, twisted staircase, which led to the room of the poor pupil ... But he has grown and entered the dark office.
Time went slowly. Everything was quiet. In the living room pierced twelve; For all rooms, the clock alone was informed twelve - and everything was silent again. Hermann stood leaning against a cold stove. He was calm; His heart beat smoothly, like a person who decided on something dangerous, but necessary. The clock struck the first and second hour of the morning, - and he heard the distant knock of the carriage. The unwitting excitement took possession. The carriage arrived and stopped. He heard the knock of the downstream. In the house they knew. People ran, the voices rang out and the house was lit. Three old maids were run in the bedroom, and the Countess, a little live, entered and sank in the hotel's volterov. Hermann looked into the cloth: Ivanovna Lizaveta passed by him. Hermann heard her hurry steps along the steps of the stairs. In his heart, he was withdrawn something similar to a remorse of conscience and again silent. He petrified.
The countess began to undress in front of the mirror. Complete with her sheps, decorated with roses; Removed a frown wig with her gray and tightly cripped head. Pins rainfall near her. Yellow dress shied by silver, fell to her swollen legs. Hermann witnessed the disgusting sacraments of her toilet; Finally, the Countess remained in the sleeping jacket and nightcuts: in this outfit, more characteristic of her old age, it seemed less terrible and disturbed.
Like all old people in general, the Countess suffered from insompery. Understanding, she sat down by the window in the Voltaire chairs and sent the maids. The candles were delivered, the room was again lit by one lampado. The countess sat all the yellow, stamped with shielded lips, swinging to the right and left. In muddy eyes, she portrayed a perfect lack of thought; Looking at it, it would be possible to think that the swing of a terrible old woman did not happen from her will, but on the action of hidden galvanism.
Suddenly, this dead face has changed ineximal. The lips stopped moving, the eyes were revived: before the countess stood an unfamiliar man.
- Do not be scared, for God's sake, do not be scared! He said to a clear and quiet voice. - I do not have intention to harm you; I came to begging you about one grace.
The old woman silently looked at him and seemed to hear him. Hermann imagined that she was deaf, and, leaning over her ear, repeated her the same. The old woman was still silent.
- You can, - German has continued, - make the happiness of my life, and it will not be worth it for you: I know that you can guess three cards sort ...
Hermann stopped. Countess seemed to understand what they demanded from her; It seemed she was looking for words for his answer.
It was a joke, "she finally said," I swear! it was a joke!
It is nothing to joke, "Hermann angrily objected. - Remember Chippartsky, who helped you will recoup.
Countess apparently embarrassed. The features were depicted a strong movement of the soul, but she soon fell into the former insensitiousness.
- Can you, - continued German, - to appoint me these three faithful cards? Countess was silent; Herman continued:
- Who do you take care of your secret? For grandchildren? They are rich and without: they do not know the prices of money. Motion will not help your three cards. Who does not know how to take care of her father's legacy, he will still die in poverty, no matter what demonstration efforts. I am not an ILO; I know the price of money. Your three cards will not disappear for me. Well!..
He stopped and with a thrill I expected her answer. Countess was silent; Hermann became knees.
- If someday, he said, - Your heart knew a sense of love if you remember her enthusiasm if you smiled at least once when I was crying a newborn son, if something human knees ever in your breast, then I beg you feelings Spouses, mistresses, mother, - to all that neither is the saint in life, - do not refuse me in my request! - Discover me your secret! - What do you need in her? .. Maybe it is conjugate with a terrible sin, with a pug of eternal bliss, with the Devil's contract ... Think: you are olders; To live for a long time, - I am ready to take your sin to your soul. Open me only your secrecy. Think that the happiness of a person is in your hands; What is not only me, but also my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will bless your memory and will honor her like a shrine ...
The old woman did not answer a word. Hermann got up.
- Old witch! "He said, grieved his teeth," So I will make you answer you ... With this word, he took out a pistol out of his pocket. "
At the sight of the pistol, the Countess was a strong feeling for the second time. She threw her head and raised his hand, as if leaving from the shot ... Then she rolled back ... and left the immovable.
"Stop the child," Hermann said, taking her hand. - I ask for the last time: Do you want to appoint your three cards to me? - Yes or no?
Countess did not answer. Herman saw she died.


7 MAI 18 **. Homme Sams MCeurs et Sans Religion!


Lizaveta Ivanovna was sitting in his room, even in his balnal outfit, immersed in deep reflections. Having arrived home, she hurried to send a stayed girl, reluctantly offering her her service, "she said that he herself was temporarily, and with trembling he entered her, hoping to find hermann and wanting him to find him. At first glance, she made sure in his absence and thanked the fate for the obstacle that was prevented by their dating. She sat down, not undressing, and began to remember all the circumstances, at such a short time and so far her brutal. Three weeks have not passed since she saw a young man in the window for the first time, "and she was already with him in the correspondence," and he managed to demand a night date from her! She knew his name because they were signed some of his letters; Never spoke to him, did not hear his voices, never heard about him ... until at night. Strange affair! In the very day, on the ball, Tomsk, swaying on the young princess Polina ***, who, against the usual, did not want to revenge, I wanted to revenge, putting indifference: he called Lizaven Ivanovna and danced with her endless Mazurka. After all the time he joked above her addiction to engineering officers, assured that he knows much more than it could be assumed to her, and some of his jokes were so successfully directed that Lizaveta Ivanovna thought several times that her mystery was known to him.
- From whom you know all this? She asked, laughing.
- From the friend known to you, - answered Tomsk, - a very wonderful person!
- Who is this wonderful man?
- His name is Hermann.
Lizaveta Ivanovna did not answer anything, but her arms and legs boarded ...
"This German," continued Tomsk, "the face is truly romantic: he has a Napoleon's profile, and Mephistopel's soul. I think that at least three villains at its conscience. How did you pale! ..
My head hurts ... What did Hermann tell you, - or how do you mean? ..
Hermann is very displeased with his friend: he says that in his place he would do quite differently ... I even believe that Hermann himself has views for you, at least he is very not indifferent to the lovers of the exclamation of his friend.
- But where did he see me?
- In the church, maybe - on the walk! .. God knows him! Maybe in your room, during your sleep: it will be ...
Three ladies approached them with questions - Oubli Ou Regret? - the conversation was interrupted, which became painfully curious for Lizabeth Ivanovna.
The lady selected by Tomsk was the princess ***. She managed to explain with him, having fallen out the excess circle and once again turning in front of his chair. - Tomsk, returning to his place, no longer thought about her Hermann, nor about Lizawn Ivanovna. She certainly wanted to resume interrupted conversation; But the Mazurka ended, and soon after the old Countess left.
Tomsk's words were nothing more than a mouse chatter, but they deeply jerked into the soul of a young dreamer. The portrait, sketched Tomsk, was represented with the image compiled by her Samo, and, thanks to the newest novels, it was already a vulgar person scarecrow and captured her imagination. She was sitting, starving his bare hands, tilting on the open chest head, still cleaned with flowers ... Suddenly the door turned away, and Hermann entered. She fluttered ...
- Where were you? She asked frightened whisper.
"In the bedroom at the old Countess," Hermann answered, "I am now from her." Countess died.
- My God!. What do you say? ..
"And it seems," German continued, "I can't have the cause of her death."
Lizaveta Ivanovna looked at him and the words of Tomsk ran away from her in the soul: this person has at least three evils in the soul! Hermann sat on her window or told everything.
Lizaveta Ivanovna listened to him with horror. So, these passionate letters, these fiery requirements, is a bold, stubborn persecution, all this was not love! Money - this is what the alkalie his soul! I could not quench his desire and make him happy! The poor pupil was nothing but the blind assistant of the robber, the killer of her benefactor! .. Gorkyly cried it in late, painful his repentance. Hermann looked at her silently: his heart was also tormented, but neither tears of a poor girl nor an amazing charm of her sorry was disturbed by the harsh soul. He did not feel remorse of conscience at the thought of the dead old woman. One horrified him: the irrevocable loss of the mystery, from which he expected enrichment.
- You are a monster! - finally said Lizaveta Ivanovna.
"I didn't want her death," Hermann answered, "my pistol is not charged." They silenced.
Morning has come. Lizaveta Ivanovna redeemed a burning candle: the pale light illuminated her room. She walked the crying eyes and raised them to German: he was sitting on the window, folded up and frowned. In this position, he was surprisingly reminded by a portrait of Napoleon. This similarity struck even Lizaven Ivanovna.
How do you get out of the house? - finally said Lizaveta Ivanovna. "I thought to spend you on a hidden staircase, but it's necessary to go past a bedroom, and I'm afraid."
- Tell me how to find this hidden staircase; I'll go out.
Lizaveta Ivanovna got up, took out the key from the chest, handed it to Hermann and gave him a detailed instruction. Hermann shook her cold unrequited hand, kissed her tilt head and came out.
He descended down his twisted staircase and entered the Bedroom to the Countess. The dead old woman was sitting Ocalev; Her face expressed deep calm. Hermann stopped before her, did not watch her for a long time, as if whaling to make sure the terrible truth; Finally, he entered the office, talked the door behind the wallpaper and began to go on a dark staircase, worried about strange feelings. On this very stairs, he thought, maybe, sixty years ago, in this very bedroom, at the same hour, in Schit Kaftan, hairstyled A l'Oiseau Royal, pressing a triangular hat to the heart, a young lucky man was shifted, long ago The grave, and the heart of the elderly his mistress stopped to fight ...
Under the staircase, Germans found the door, which was dismissed by the same key, and found himself in a through corridor, giving him to the street.


This night came to me the late Baroness background in ***. She was all in white and told me: "Hello, Mr. Advisor!"


Three days after the fateful night, at nine o'clock in the morning, Germans went to *** the monastery, where the body of the deceased countess was talked. Without feeling repentance, he could not but completely drown out the voice of the conscience, told him: You're a killer old woman! Having a little true faith, he had many prejudices. He believed that the dead countess could have a harmful effect on his life, and decided to appear on her funeral to ask her for forgiveness.
The church was full. Hermann Nasil could spawn through the crowd of the people. The coffin stood on a rich catather under velvet canopy. The deceased lay in it with hands, folded on the chest, in a lace ca and in a white satin dress. It was home to her home: servants in black caftanis with coat of arms on the shoulder and with candles in their hands; Relatives in deep traw, - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Nobody cried; Tears would be uneffectation. The countess was as old that the death of her could not hit anyone and that her relatives had long been looking at her, as a talked. The young bishop pronounced the tombstone. In ordinary and touching expressions, he presented the peaceful assumption of the righteousness, which for many years was a quiet, desicitative progress to the Christian death. "The Angel of Death found her," said Orator, - the wakeful in the disturbances of good and waiting for the groom semidious. " The service was accomplished with sad decency. Relatives were the first to say goodbye to the body. Then they moved and numerous guests who came to worship the one, which has long been a participant in their vanishing passions. After them and all home. Finally, the old Barskaya Barsman was approaching, the peer of the Poklyanta. Two young girls led her under his arms. She could not bow to the earth, - and one shed a few tears, kissed the cold hand of Mrs.. After her, Hermann decided to approach the coffin. He bowed to the ground and was lying on the cold floor for a few minutes, snapped. Finally raised, pale as the deceased herself, climbed the stage of the catatal and leaned ...
At this moment it seemed to him that the dead mockingly looked at him, squinting with one eye. Hermann hastily filed back, stumbled and squeezed on the ground. His raised. At the same time, Lizaven Ivanovna was fainted to rest. This episode was outraged by a few minutes solemnity of the gloomy rite. Between the visitors rose a deaf ropot, and a thin chamber, a close relative of the deceased, whispered on his ear to his Englishman, that a young officer of her side son, what the Englishman answered cold: Oh?
All day Germans were extremely upset. Having lunch in a secluded restaurant, he, against the wont, drank a lot, in the hope of drowning inner excitement. But wine is even more hot enough imagination. Returning home, he rushed, not undressing, fell asleep on the bed.
He woke up at night: the moon was illuminated by his room. He looked at the clock: it was a quarter to three. His sleep has passed; He sat on the bed and thought about the funeral of the old Countess.
At this time, someone from the street looked at him in the window, and immediately departed. Hermann did not pay any attention to that. Along a minute he heard that they unlocked the door in the front room. Hermann thought that his bunker, drunk, as usual, returned from a nightlown. But he heard an unfamiliar gait: someone went, quiet shoe shoes. The door opened, a woman entered in a white dress. Hermann accepted her for his old crumline and was surprised that he could bring it in this time. But the white woman, sliding, found himself suddenly before him, - and Germans found out the Countess!
"I came to you against my will," she said to a hard voice, "but I ordered to fulfill your request." Troika, Semyon and Ace will win you in the rock, "but so that you don't put one more than one card for a day and so that all my life I have not played. I forgive you my death, so that you get married in my pupil Lizawn Ivanovna ...
With this word, she turned quietly, went to the doors and disappeared, shoe shoes. Hermann heard the door slapped in the Seine, and saw that someone looked at him again into the window.
Hermann could not come to his senses for a long time. He went to another room. The day slept on the floor; Hermann Nasil him appeared. The ringer was drunk as usual: it was impossible to achieve any sense. The door in the Song was locked. Hermann returned to his room, lit up there a candle and recorded his vision.


How did you dare to tell me at Atan?
Your Excellency, I said Atanka-C!

Two fixed ideas cannot exist together in moral nature, as well as two bodies cannot occupy the same place in the physical world. Troika, Sejoy, Ace - soon departed in the imagination of Hermann image of the dead old woman. Troika, Semyon, Ace - did not come out of his head and moved on his lips. Seeing a young girl, he said: "As she is slight! .. Truka Chervonna." He was asked: "What an hour," he answered: "Five minutes of seven". Any pushed man reminded him of ace. Troika, seven, ace - pursued him in a dream, taking all possible types: Troika bloomed in front of him in the image of the lush grandflower, the seven was seemed by the Gothic gates, ace with a huge spider. All thoughts merged into one, - to use the secret, which was expensive to him. He began to think about resigning and about the journey. He wanted to force the treasure of the placed fortune in the open Mingard houses of Paris. The case saved him from the hassle.
In Moscow, a society of rich players was compiled, chaired by the glorious Chekalinsky, who spent the entire age of cards and who had had no time for millions, winning bills and losing net money. Long-term experiences earned him the power of attorney comrades, and the open house, a glorious cook, affectionateness and cheerfulness gained respect for the public. He came to St. Petersburg. The youth flew to him, forgetting balls for cards and preferring the temptations of the pharaoh of the semissions of the fiberism. Narimov brings Hermann to him.
They passed a number of magnificent rooms filled with courteous waiters. Several generals and secret advisers played Vista; Young people were sitting, broken down on the tall sofas, ate ice cream and smoked tubes. In the living room behind a long table, near which a man was crowded twenty players, the owner was sitting and metal. He was a man of sixty, the most honorable outfit; The head covered was silver Sedino; Full and fresh face depicted good nature; The eyes brightened, lively awesome smile. Narimov presented to him Hermann. Chekaliny friendly shook his hand, asked not to ceremony and continued to throw.
Talah lasted long. There was more than thirty cards on the table. Chekalinsky stopped after each laying, to give the time to dispose of the time, recorded the loss, the courteously listened to their demands, even tagging the extra corner, bending the abyss. Finally Talawe is over. Chekalinsky stacked the card and prepared to throw another.
"Let me put a map," said Germans, stretching his hand because of a fat Mr., immediately pontoving. Chekaliny smiled and bowed, silently, in the sign of submissive consent. Narims, laughing congratulated Germans with a resolution of a long-term post and wished him a happy start.
- go! Said Hermann, making chalk Kush over his potatoes.
- How much? - asked, squinting, the onset, - Sorry, s, I will not see.
"Forty-seven thousand," Hermann answered.
With these words, all heads turned instantly, and all their eyes rushed to German. - He was crazy! - Thought varnishes.
"Let me notice to you," said Chekalinsky with the same smile, "that your game is strong: no one more than two hundred seventy-five sceners have not yet set here.
- Well? - Hermann objected, - Do you beat my card or not? Chekalinsky bowed over the view of the same humble consent.
"I wanted to report only to you," he said, - that, being awarded the power of attorney comrades, I can't throw anything otherwise how to clean money. From my part, I'm of course sure that a pretty word, but for the order of the game and accounts I ask you to put money on the card.
Hermann took out a bank ticket from his pocket and submitted it to Chekalinsky, who, briefly looking at him, put it on her Hermann card.
He began to throw. The right went to the nine, to the left Troika.
- Won! - said Hermann, showing his card.
There was a whisper between the players. Chekalinsky frowned, but the smile immediately returned to his face.
- Find you to get? He asked Hermann.
- Make a favor.
Chekalinsky took out several banking tickets from his pocket and immediately determined. Hermann accepted his money and moved away from the table. Narimov could not come to his senses. Hermann drank a glass of lemonade and went home.
On the other day, he came again at Chekalinsky. Metal owner. Hermann approached the table; Putters immediately gave him a place. Chekalinsky affectionately bowed him.
Hermann waited for a new Talia, left the map, putting his forty-seater on her and yesterday's winnings.
Chekalinsky began to throw. Vallets fell right, Seed to left.
Hermann opened a seven.
All ashung. Chekalinsky apparently embarrassed. He counted ninety-four thousand and handed over to Hermann. Hermann accepted them with a comprehensive and retired at the same moment.
The next evening, Hermann appeared again at the table. All it was expected. Generals and secret advisors left their wist to see the game, such an extraordinary one. Young officers jumped off sofas; All waiters gathered in the living room. Everyone was surrounded by Hermann. Other players did not put their cards, look forward to what he will end. Hermann stood at the table, preparing one to pontow a pale, but all smiling Chekalinsky. Everyone printed a deck of cards. Chekalinsky stasal. Hermann removed and put his card by covering it with boiled banking tickets. It looked like a duel. Deep silence reigned around.
Chekalinsky began to throw, his hands were shaking. To the right of the lady, to the left Ace.
- TUZ won! Said Hermann and opened his card.
"The lady is killed," said Laskovo Chekalinsky.
Hermann flinched: In fact, instead of the ace, he had a peak lady. He did not believe his eyes, not understanding how he could do.
At that moment it seemed to him that the peak lady squinted and grinned. Unusual similarity struck him ...
- Old woman! He shouted in horror.
Chekalinsky pulled the lost tickets to himself. Hermann stood motionless. When he departed from the table, a noisy talk was risen. - Sponsored nice! - The players said. - Chekalinsky again stained the cards: the game went to his man.


Hermann went crazy. He sits in the Obukhov Hospital in the 17th Numer, does not respond to any questions and murms unusually soon: "Troika, Sejoy, ace! Troika, Seed, Lady! .. "
Lizaveta Ivanovna married a very kind young man; He serves somewhere and has a decent state: he is the son of a former governor at the old Countess. Lizaveta Ivanovna is brought up poor relative.
Tomsk was produced into the Rothmisters and marries the princess Polina.

About the work

The story of Pushkin "Peak Lady" is one of the few in the work of Pushkin, which has a mystical color and that is unexpected and interesting. The plot of the works of Pushkina suggested by the young prince Golitsyn, who lost once in the fluff and dust managed to return everything lost thanks to the advice of his grandmother. She called him three cards for which it was necessary to put.

The story was written in Boldino in 1833, but the draft was not preserved. She was published in the second reading library number for 1834 and was incredibly popular. Pushkin gave readers what was waiting for him. In April 1834, he wrote in his diary:

"My" peak lady "in great fashion. Players pont for a triple, seven, ace. "

High rating the story received and critics. For example, A.A. Kraevsky wrote: "In the" peak lady "hero of the story of the creation of true original, the fruit of deep observation and knowledge of the heart of human; He is furnished with persons pempped in society<…>; The story is simple, distinguished with elegance. "

The "peak lady" produced when he appeared in 1834 universal talk and reread, from lush draws to modest housing, with the same pleasure. The overall success of this light and fantastic story is particularly explained by the fact that in the story of Pushkin there are features of modern morals, which are indicated, according to it, is extremely subtle and clear. " (P. P. Annenkov).

The famous French novelist Proster Merim translated the "peak lady" into Russian. On this work, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote an amazing Opera eponymous. The story sustained several shields. The latter saw the light in 2016. This is the film Pavel Lungin "Lady Peak".

Peak lady means a secret ill-gratefulness.

The newest gadetan book.


And in rainy days
They were going
Gone - God forgive them! -
From fifty
On a hundred
And won
And unsubscribed
So, in rainy days
They were engaged

Once he played cards at the Connogvardeysman Nimsov. Long winter night passed unnoticed; They sat down to dinner in the fifth hour of the morning. Those who remained in winning, ate with a big appetite, others, in the abutation, were sitting before empty to their devices. But champagne appeared, the conversation was revived, and everyone took part in it. - What did you do, Surin? - asked the owner. - Lost, as usual. It is necessary to admit that I am unhappy: I play Mirandolem, I will never be hot, you can't tell me anything, but everyone is playing! - And you never seduced? never put on ruthe? .. Your hardness is amazing for me. - And what is Hermann! Said one of the guests, pointing to a young engineer, "he did not take the card in his hands, the father did not have a single passwords, and he sits with us to five hours and looks at our game! "The game occupies me strongly," Hermann said, "but I am not able to sacrifice it necessary in the hope of acquiring excessive." - German German: He is calculating, that's all! - noticed Tomsk. - And if someone is incomprehensible to me, so this is my grandmother, Countess Anna Fedotna. - How? what? - Guests shouted. "I can't comprehend," continued Tomsky, "how my grandmother doesn't pont!" - Yes, what is amazing, "said Narimov, - that the in the midst of the old woman does not pont? - So you do not know anything about it? - No! Right, nothing! - Oh, listen so: It is necessary to know that my grandmother, sixty years ago, went to Paris and was there in a big fashion. The people ran for her to see La Vénus Moscovite; Richelieu was dragging for her, and the grandmother assures that he was almost shot from her cruelty. At that time, the ladies played in Pharaoh. Once upon the courtyard, she lost to the word Duke Orleans, something very much. Having arrived home, grandmother, releasing the flies from the face and untying the fithma, declared her grandfather about his loss and ordered to pay. The late grandfather, how much I remember, was the genus Babushkina of the Butler. He was afraid of her like a fire; However, having heard about such a terrible loss, he went out of himself, brought the score, proved to her that in half a year they kept half a million that they had neither near Moscow, nor the Saratov village, and it was completely refused to pay. Grandmother gave him a slap and lay down alone, as a sign of his disjoint. Another day she ordered to call her husband, hoping that his home punishment had worn over him, but found him unshakable. For the first time in life, she reached the reasoning and explanation with him; I thought to put it out, condescendingly proving that the debt's debt is robbed and that there is a difference between the prince and Karetnik. - Where! Grandfather Bunning. No, yes and only! Grandma did not know what to do. With her, a very wonderful man was briefly familiar. You heard O. count Saint-Germain which is told so much wonderful. You know that he gave himself for the eternal Jew for the inventor of the life elixir and philosophical stone, and so on. Above him laughed like over a charlatan, and Kazanova In his notes, he said that he was a spy; However, Saint-Germain, despite his mystery, had a very accurate appearance and was a very kind person in society. Grandma still loves him without memory and angry if they talk about him with disrespect. Grandma knew that Saint-Germain could have big money. She decided to resort to him. He wrote to him a note and asked to come to her immediately. The old crank appeared immediately and found in a terrible grief. She described the barbarism of her husband with the black paints and finally said that his friendship and courtesy believes all his hope. Saint-Germain thought. "I can serve you this sum," he said, "but I know that you will not be calm while I don't pay with me, but I would not want to enter you into new troubles. There is another tool: you can play out. " "But, a kind of graph," answered the grandmother, "I tell you that we have no money." "" The money is not needed here, "Saint-Germain objected:" Excuse me to listen. " Here he opened her the mystery for which everyone would be expensive for ... Young players doubled. Tomsky lit the tube, dragged and continued. In the same evening, grandmother appeared in the versals, Au Jeu De La Reine. Duke Orleans Metal; The grandmother slightly apologized that he did not bring his debt, in justification a little story was splinled and began to poning against him. She chose three cards, put them alone for each other: all three won her Sonic, and the grandmother had played completely. - case! Said one of the guests. - Tale! - noted German. - Maybe powder cards? - picked up the third. "I don't think," Tomsk answered. - how! - said Narimov, - You have a grandmother, which guess three cards, and you still have not adopted her kabalisters from her? - Yes, the trait with two! - answered Tomsk, "she had four sons, including my father: all four desperate players, and she did not open her secrecy; Although it would not be bad for them and even for me. But that's what Uncle told me, Count Ivan Ilyich, and what he assured me honor. The late Chippetsky, the one who died in a poverty, giving millions, once in his youth lost - I remember

"Peak lady"

The "Copper Horseman", which, as we see, are put on the St. Petersburg legends and legends, was written in 1833. In the next, 1834 in the aristocratic and literary salons were told about the "peak lady", the story of the deep St. Petersburg not only in spirit, but also on the urban folklore - he not only preceded her birth, but also accompanied after a noisy appearance in the press.

The literary news expediently failed to large intrigues and small "family" scandals of St. Petersburg society. The image of the ugly ancient old woman, the happy owner of the mystical mystery of three cards, caused completely specific, unequivocal associations, and the mysterious epigraph, prepixed by Pushkin to the story: "Peak lady means a secret illness", and even with reference to the "new assurance book", heated the heated curiosity .

Who hid after the Pushkin Countess, or, how suspiciously often stipulates Pushkin himself, princess? There were no two opinions on this subject in the then society. This confirms the author himself, the author of the fair story. On April 7, 1834, he enters a short record in the diary: "At the courtyard, they found the similarity between the old Countess and Princess Natalia Petrovna."

Since then, in St. Petersburg, Princess Natalia Petrovna Golitsyn is different as the "peak lady" was not called.

Princess Golitsyn occurred from the kind of so-called new people, in an excess of appeared at the beginning of the XVIII century surrounded by Peter the Great. According to official documents, she was the daughter of the eldest son of the Spiritka Peter I, Peter Chernysheva, who in fact, if, of course, to believe in one little-known legend, he heard the son of the self-dealer. Thus, according to urban folklore, Natalia Petrovna was the granddaughter of the first Russian emperor and the founder of St. Petersburg. In any case, in her manner to hold on to the strong world of this, in the style of its despotic and at the same time independent behavior in everyday life, much spoke in favor of this allegation, and she herself tried more than once to hint at its legendary origin. So, when her emperor was visited or any other members of the monarch of the name, dinner was served on silver, allegedly presented by Peter I one of her ancestors.

N. P. Golitsyn

Many honored her dinners for honor, and her son - the famous Moscow Governor General V. D. Golitsyn - did not even dare to sit in the presence of her mother without her permission. Proud and independent nature of the princess manifested itself in everything. Once she decided to submit a military minister, Count Chernyshev, who headed the investigative commission in the case of the Decembrists. He was a favorite of Nicholas I, and in front of him all went. "I only know that Chernyshev, who is exiled to Siberia," unexpectedly rudely blown off the princess presentation. It was about the namesake of the column - Decembrist Zakhare Grigorievich Chernyshev, convicted of a lifetime link.

Golitsyn's father served as a diplomat, and in his youth Natalia Petrovna lived abroad. Her with pleasure was taken in many monators. But they also knew it because she was a passionate fan of the game of cards. In France, she was a permanent partner of Queen Mary Antoinette's cards. She retained a passion for cards to deep old age and played even when he saw nothing. On the recommendation of the educational house, the card factory especially for her even released a large format cards.

In his youth, Natalia Petrovna walked the beauty, although, according to many, did not differ in particular beauty, and with age he overtook a mustache and beard, for which the "Princess Osataya" was called in St. Petersburg, or more delicately, in French, "Princess Mustache "(from French Moustache - mustache). It is this image that the old old woman who possessed repulsive, unattractive appearance in combination with an acute mind and royal finance, and arose in the imagination of the first readers of the "peak lady".

The plot canvas of Pushkin Tale did not really imagine anything unusual for the Supreme Petersburg Society. Gambling cards were at that time almost the most fashionable and widespread fun metropolitan "golden youth". As we already know, Pushkin himself was a passionate and unbridled gambler, and many of his close friends. If you believe the legends, the epigraph to the first chapter of the story: "And in the rainy days they were going to often" Pushkin composed while playing cards and recorded it on the sleeve of his acquaintance, the famous gambler, the grandson of Natalia Petrovna, Sergey Grigorievich, on the nickname "Firs" . In the eyes of the poet, the most incredible stories took place, each of them could become a plot of the literary work. Because of the unexpected losers, people were deprived of vast states, shot and went crazy.

And here in our narration literally bursts the unsolicited Graph Saint-Germain, one of the most mysterious personalities of France XVIII century. Recall briefly his biography. A greatness adventurer, mystic, inventor of life electric and philosophical stone, Count Saint-Germain for some assumptions was a portuguese and wore a genuine, as he himself claimed, the name of Joseph Rakoki, Prince Transylvanian. At the same time in for different years I willingly grate myself for the Tsarosh count, then for the Marquis of Monfe, then Benelmore, Count Saltykof and many others.

There are many Saint-Germa biographies, each incredibility exceeds another. According to some of them, he lived in the XVI century, in the days of the French king of Francis I. According to another, later, he worked with the famous Russian writer Elena Blavatskaya, she, by the way, was born only three years before the events described by us, in 1831. Saint-Germain himself argued that he was two thousand years old, and told the details of the wedding in Cana Galilee, where he almost gave advice to Jesus himself.

Count Saint-Germain died in London, where he fled after the French revolution of 1783. According to one sources, he lived 75 years old, according to another - 88, on the third - 93. But even 30 years after his death, "there were people who had just seen Saint-Germa and talked to him."

Graf Saint-Germain left a more or less noticeable trace in St. Petersburg folklore. According to one of the legends, on the eve of the so-called "revolution of 1762" under the name of the Count Saltykoff, he secretly came to Russia, he agreed with conspirators and "had some kind of help" in the service of the overthrow of Emperor Peter III and the Even on the throne of Catherine II.

According to one of the legends, Count Saint-Germain was directly related to the plot of the story of Pushkin "Peak Lady". According to the legend, the grandson of Natalia Petrovna Golitsyna, it was completely lost to the card, in despair rushed to a grandmother with a plenty of help. Golitsyn at that time was in Paris. She applied for advice to his French friend Count Saint-Germain. The Count alone responded to a request for help and told Natalia Petrovna the secret of three cards - Troika, Seven and ace. If you believe Folklore, her grandson immediately played.

Soon, all this adventurous story reached St. Petersburg and, of course, became known to Pushkin, she took advantage and successfully. He himself hints at the first chapter of the "peak lady". Remember how Tomsky talks about his grandmother, "Moscow Venus", which "sixty years ago traveled to Paris and was there in big fashion"? True, in Pushkin, the old woman itself was played out into the cards, without giving the secret of three cards communicated to it by Saint-Germain. But this is an artistic work, and the author is free to change the plot of the history heard. We will remind readers that in the second chapter of the story of Pushkin already from its own, that is, the author's face reports that it was just a "joke (allocated by us - N. S.) about three cards ", which" has strongly affected him (Hermann - N. S.) Imagination. "

However, according to another version, Pushkin, when working on a "peak lady", it was not necessary for the needs so far to pay their own gaze. He had his own, his own, personal biographical legend about the appearance of a story. And even if we assume that this legend had no actual confirmation, that is, it arose to empty placeIt is still impossible to exclude it from the life of the poet, because it was born in the circles of numerous Moscow and St. Petersburg Golitsyn about it from morning to evening. The legend lived to this day and is carefully kept in the family stories of modern descendants of an old kind.

According to this legend, Pushkin once invited to buy in the house of Natalia Petrovna. For several days he lived in Princess and, having a hot African temperament, could not refuse himself the pleasure to turn around all the young inhabitants of the hospitable house. For some time, the princess tried to cover his eyes to the tactless tricks of a young honey, but finally did not suffer and, perturbed by the amazemonious and causing behavior of the guest, with a shame kicked him out of the house. Having hoped offense, Pushkin as if he had ever swore to take revenge on the evil old woman and allegedly came up with the whole story.

It is difficult to say whether "terrible revenge." Princess in her more than old age was, apparently, all this is deeply indifferent. However, forever glorify Natalia Petrovna Pushkin managed. In the year of writing, the story of Golitsyn turned 94 years. She died at the age of 97 in December 1837, he was briefly survived by the desimal poet. And house number 10 in a small sea street, where she lived, in the history of the city forever remained the "house of the peak lady."

In fairness I must say that two houses are widely known in St. Petersburg, which the urban folklore traditionally binds with the heroine of the famous story A. S. Pushkin. The second appropriate for the title of "Peak Lady House" is located on Foundry Prospect, No. 42. This is a famous mansion of Zinaida Yusupova. According to some legends, the Princess Yusupov, who was called in his youth for the extraordinary beauty of the "Moscow Venus", in old age became the prototype of the heroine of Pushkin Tale. Incorrigible fantasies even assure that if long and carefully pepper in the window of the second, the Lord's floor mansion on the foundry, then a slender old woman can be seen against the background of ancient window bindings, she will certainly meet with you a look, and those who will not believe in its existence, considerably Cabinet finger. And believed. In any case, St. Petersburg poet Nikolai Agnivetsev, the author of the "Brilliant St. Petersburg", was dreaming in emigration:

On the foundry, straight, straight,

Near the third corner

Where there is a peak lady

According to legend lived!

At the same time, it is known that the mansion of Princess Zinaida Ivanovna Yusupova, nee Sumaroko-Elston on the casting avenue was built by architect L. L. Bonstedt only in 1858, more than 20 years after the death of Pushkin. Princess did a brutal part of life abroad, and the mansion most often empty. In 1908, his premises rented a well-known theater of satire and parodies "Curve Mirror". During the First World War, a military hospital is located in the building, then in the 1930s, there was a house of political visiting, on the basis of which in 1949 opened the central lecture hall of the Society "Knowledge", his lectures and concerts used in Leningrad success.

This text is a familiarization fragment.